Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 12, 1873, Image 3

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. SUNBUHY, APRIL 12, 1873.
It all road Tim Table.
N. C. R. W.. South.
Brio Mull, 13.fi0ara
Erie Kinross, 9.40 "
Mail, 11.05 "
' Ntag. Express 8.00 p m
P. & E. R. R. West.
Mall, .30 a m
NIbi . Expressl3.40 p m
Klmlra Mull 4.80 "
Erio Express, 7.01 "
Leave Sunhury for Lewlstown at 7.45 a. m.,
and 8-10 p. M.
Arrive fat Suubttry frorh Lcwistown at 1.50
aud 7.45 p. m.
At Sunbur 0.85 a in
U.os pm
Bunbury at 5.45 a ro
13.85 pm
4.40 p m
6.00 p m
, Rcirular pnssoniror t?nln leiivcs Suubury for
Danville, Cnttawlssn, llnzlctqn nud Intermediate
stations, nt 0.43 a. m. Returning lcavo lluilo
ton at 1.00 p.-tu. Arrive at 4.00 p. m.
Leave Northumberland at 0.'40 a. m. and 4.50
p.m. ' .
Arrive av orioumocriuuu ai ju.oj u, in.
6.05 p. m
Acoldentnl lusurnnco Tickets eaa be Bad of
J. glilpmau, Ticket Agent, ut tho Depot.
i, . ffgT-fgg"
justness ocals.
8kwino Machines and Cottaor Ohoans.
, Kiss Caroline tlic agent for tlic sulc of
the best Serving Machines in existence, viz : 'The
Improved Grorer & Baker,' and 'Domestic, '
which are constantly kept on hand, and sold at
reasonable prices. She Is also agent for the sale
of the celebrated 8ilver Toimue Organs,' nud tho
'Bay Slate Organs,' and for th salo of tho
Frautz ,fc Pope Knitting Machine. Call and sco
them. Office on Market street, caBt of the rail
road. Tub Improvkd Gkover fc Baker Bhwinu Ma
i'Hink. These celebrated machines nro offered
at the most reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to l. G. KUTZ, Aircnt,
Feb.2V73.-ly. t'pper Augusta township.
Housr. and Lot por Sale. A new House and
. Lot, located on Spruce street, Suubury, Is otfered
for sale on oasy terms. Apply to
John Wii.vkk.
Tin: best placo to Invest money profitably is nt
the Excelsior Boot it Shoo 8tore of Wm. II. Mil
ler. His line of goods are of the best, aud many Unilk. Tho child was asleep when found, and
a doctor bill will be saved by buying the best
made Shoes & Roots in market. Miller lias a
large assortment which lie Is selling at the lowest
prices, and u few dollars invested in his stock
may sava hundreds In bills for niedlcluc.
Thb recent flood In tbe Susquehanna caused
many to feat that the great amount of snow In
the forest would canse an overflow of tbe banks
of tbo fftver. Fortunately tbe river, though amis
uay1iijTu did no damage We, except the wash
ing of the baolc belowlhe Sbamokln dam, caused
by the break lu the dam, which throws a strong
current of nitet against tbe bank. "6n fen tnrduy
a second Tiio , took placo, but the water was not
within four 'foot at high as H wis' fa 18TJ5. Tho
boom at ttirden, above 'Wlllla'msport, " having
broke, alM'ut'llve millions of feet of logs escaped.
Most of these were caught m the Suubury boom,
though many pnssed under, and on Monday ev
ening large numbers of logs floated down 'the
stream past this place, a hnmber of which were
captured by Individuals, water had washed
a pail of the embankment of the Huzlcton rail
road, abovo this place, and tbo cars for that
place did not leave on Tuesday morning, but
were delayed until 4 p. m. Tho boom above this
place Is capable of holding one hundred million
of feet of logs, and has saved a large amount of
lumber, nud will contain this season about eigh
teen millions of foot.
Broke Jaii.. On Wednesday afternoon, be
tween one and' two o'clock, two prlsonors named
Frank Galloway and Isaac Wetzel, scaled tho
wall of the jail yard, at this place, and made their
escape. The Sheriff at dinner time In examining
tho rooms found nothing uunsual going on.
About one o'clock he went to his office at the
Court House. Between two and three o'clock
ho wt.s notiflod that the prlsonors had left, and
on examination fouud they had taken tho grate
from a stove which they broke In pieces, and used
the bars as steps by forcing them into the wall,
by this means gaining the top. A step ladder
was suspended on tho outside from the lop down,
made out of the bed ticking, which extended to
within about ten feet of the ground, upon which
they descended. Though In the busiest purt of
the day, they maunged to scale tho wall without
being secu. Sheriff Rot hcrmel offered a reward
of ?35 for each prisoner.
W'c are informed this (Friday) morning that
both prisoners have been re-captured aud brought
back on Thursday cvonlng.
j A Bahy Left on a Dooh Step. On Tuesday
I morning last, a valisu was fouud on the door
j step of Mrs. Garvlck, widow lady residing oh
i Fourth street abovo Market, aud ou examination
! it was found lo contain a female child apparent
ly about Ihrco weeks old, neatly wrapped In
Found Drad.A yonng man named William
Crawford, from near Washlogtonvllle, was found
dead this morning (April 8d) In the barn of Mr.
Sheets, on what was recently called Mrs. Priest
ley's farm, near Northumberland. Justice Dlcf
fenbach hold an Inquest over the remnlus, and It
appeared that while he was ussisliug Mr. Sheets
to move lust taight, tho latter noticed him reeling
in his seat while driving one of the wagons. M r.
Sheets took the lints supposing Wllllum was
somewhat nnder the Influence of liquor, and ad
vised the latter to lay down on tho bags of grain.
He did so and soon after was seen to vomit. On
their arrival at home, at 9 p. m., ho was found
to be In a condition of deop sleep, nud they cover
ed him with blankets. This morning ha was
found dead and stiff, having died during the night
without a struggle, his eyes being closed as In
sleep. Dr. McCoy esamlued the body and gavo
the Jury his reasons for believiug he came to his
death from appoplexy. They reported in accord
ance with this view of the case. Ho was nbou1
80 years of ngc, aud unmarried. Snld to bo a ve
ry worthy young uinn, by several witnesses.
Xurtltwtiberlaml Veil.
Somr chap complains through the Phil
adelphia JlnlWlin, ut Hotel accommodations In
the Interior towns of tho Stale. The hotel tic'
coinmodatlons In Sunhury arc not surpassed by
any In the Interior of the Slate, and will lie found
better than somo In the city. It win, no doubt,
bis first trip lu bumming through the country In
pursuit of customers for some third rate estab
lishment, and expected when ho left his home of
scanty meals, that he would feast entirely upon
milk and honey. The poor Devil 1
lV Hie legislative proceedings of last week, we
find tho following. The parties arc well known
lu this place :
The bill annulling tha marriage contract be
tween Joseph F. Kirby and Mary, his wife, was
read. Also, an Affidavit setting forth that the
parties were married on the condition that the
latter should renounce her religions faith, she be
ing n Roman Catholic and Kirby a Protestant;
that she adhered lo her church, went to confes
sion, had her baby christened by a Catholic
priest against bis will j that It: consequence of
disagreement the parlies separated several times ;
and attempted again to live together, but finally i
Aorioui.turai. Mrrtino. At a meeting called
at the Arbitration Room on Ktonday, April 7,
1873," tho following officers were chosen to pre.
side i President,. 0 i. Brunor) Vlec-Prosldont,
C. Ncff) Secretary, Johtr f ohngman.
The following oflloors and members of tho Ex
ecutive Committee were chosen for theycar :
President Sol. Mallck.
VoePreldeiit-"saad Campbell. v .. .
Treasurer Geo. B. Cadwalladeri .
Recordljfg pccrcTary Philip It. Moore.
Corresponding Soorctary Lem. Shlpman.
Librarian Win. A. Sober.
EXECfTivB coMMirrrer.
Lewis John McFarland.
Delaware Joseph Nicely, Jr.
McEwcnsvlllo Wm. McNinch.
Turbutvlllo D. II. Drclsbaeh.
Wntsontown J. M. Follmcr,
Turbul Wm. Waldron.
Milton J. II. McCoririick.P. L. Hnckcnburg.
Chlllls'quaque Win. Forscinnn.
rolnt Famsworth Reod.
Nortln.nburlaud A. E. Kapp.Jr.
Rush Edward Grady.
Riverside David ditto.
Upper Augusta V. J. Oherdurf.
Suamokiu twp Sol. Martz.
Lower Augusta Ellas Emmcrick.
Zerbe Lyman 8. Weaver.
Cameron Cbus. B. Boyor.
Little Mtthanoy n. II. Dorusife.
Upper Mahauoy Joseph R. Muurer.
Jacksou J. Galen Smith. .,
Jordan Ellas Shcafcr.
Lower Mahauoy Augustus Wald.
Coal John Downey.
Shaniokln bor. (.apt. A. Caldwell, Win. F
Roth. Ml. Carinul twp. 7ubh McEliece.
Mt. Carmcl bor. J. S. McWilliaius.
Washington Henry C. Fisher.
Suydcrtown John Moore.
I Sunbuiv C. Nelf, J. M. Bartholomew.
On motion, It was
JUtoUtd, That all the officers and members of
the Association be requested to procure nil tho
htockhclderft to the Association pomlble, and re-
! Mirt the same to the Secretary and Treasurer of
the Association.
I j i j ,fi i iff ill HI li iH . ll 1 1 1 .li n
X Fink LooiTKn L'T pou Sale. A fine build
ing lot located in Cake's Addition, near the 1".
-t E. Railroad shops, is ottered for sale ou rca
Mumble terms Apply to
fei-J-'-'mj W.-J. lti.A in, Suubury, Pa.
Rni Mrs Chart. Peter F. Hower has been
appointed agent fur tho sale of charts for mem
bers or tho I. O. ofR. M., which are got up lu
a handsome style. Every member of tho order
should have one, which can be procured cheap
.Sii application to Mr. Hower.
Tin: constant supply of thelicst of Hats manu
factured Is causing the large number of orders
. from ull parts of the country ut S. Faust's Hat
.Store, on Market street. Every style cun be pro
cured there. His stock Is immense, and purcha
ses ran be tnado nt lower rates than in the city.
shawl, two dresses for tho child, and a bottlu of I morning the planing mill of flyers A Shaffer, sit
Am. persons wanting good and cheap pictures
. should call at U. C. Sniiek's Gem Gallci y.whero
they can gel nine good pictures fcr 50 cents,
lleuiperiy's old stand, Sunhury, Pu. mlil-tf
Evi'.uy business man should be supplied with
neatly printed bill-heads, letter-heads, cards and
envelopes. We are prepared to print these arti
cles in the best style, ut low rates.
Wc also keep on Blank Deeds, Mortgages,
Bonds, Leases, and all kinds of Justices' Blanks
at .he lowest rates.
It is astonishing what a largo assortment of
gentlemen's furnishing goods have been put in
the tailoring establishment of Mr. Ch.irl Maihl,
ou Fourth street. Him spring stock suipases
everything in regard to quality aud beauty. His
cloth und cassimeres are beautiful, and sold at
the most reasonable prices.
Moke Fi uMTHiE. Another large lot of new
f aruiture bus just been received at the Masonic
buildings. Thcro is an endless variety to select
from. "Small Profits and Quick Sules" is tho
motto. The excellent and well made furniture
has become known everywhere, and hence new
supplies ni'u constantly received and sold at the
most reasonable rates.
could uot have been there any length of time.
Mrs. Garvlck leceived the little stranger kindly,
and as tbo news spread through tho neighbor
hood a general Interest was manifested for the
welfare of the little waif. The unnatural mother
Is ol course unknown. A strungu woman was
seen during Ihc evening about thedepot'cafrylng
a baby and valise and it is supposed that Vhe is
the guilty purty. She left In one of the morning
trains lor other partB. The child has had a large
number of female visitors, who nro much per
plexed ns to whether tbo little "popty-vopjy"
resembles its Pa or lis unnatural Ma the most.
It is receiving the kindest attention from the la
dies lu that neighborhood until urrubgeincnts
nro made by its god-father, Geu. N. F. Martz,
the obliging nud tcuder-hearted overseer of (liu
'roor in tho East Ward, for a homo where it will
receive treatment stilling Its. tender existence,
from a kinder mother than tho one who deserted
her helpless offspring.
Union Park and Aohici'Lti'Ral Association.
The meeting of the Uulon Park and Agrlcul.
tural Association on Monday last, was of tho
most unanimous character. A large number of
farmers were present who Invested In stock and
many expressed their willingness to increaso
the list. Flfty-clght shares were subscrib
ed and paid for at five dollnrs per shaie. A large
number'of farmers scud word to tbe officers to
reserve stock for them as they were unable to ut
tend. which will swell up tho number of shares
Ou motion, it was
Mary left tolling v.l-.h her n child und refused to , f , ialkllmi Agricultural Association.
elected on Monday, April 7, uro requested to
meet in the Arbitration Room at the Court
House, in Suubury, on f-aturday, April 19, at 11
! o'clock a. m., for the transaction of bufiuess of
j iuipoi taucu connected with tbe organization.
C. J. BKUXER, Pres't.
Jonst Yocnoman, Scc'ty.
return. The hill passed yens S-S, nays 2S.
STRfcK uv l.iiiinNiNu. -.-About II o'clock this
Uated on the canal above die lock, near the largo i
Iron foundry. In Lock Haven, was discovered to
be on fire, and In a short time was entire'. y dc
I stroyed. The buildini: Is supposed to have been
! struck by lightning, us n thunder storm, aceoni
I panled by vivid flashes of lightning, was prcvail
I lug at the lime. The tire department was out in
double quick time, but the. llamcs had allied
I such headway that nothing could be done to stay
J their progress. The loss, it is thought, will not
fall far below Ji(),0(X, on which there was an in
( suranec of only H,Otl0. tn.'d'diiyiwi Uazettt atul
j Death op Major John O'mmimis. Maj. Jno.
I Cumnilngs, of Selinsgrove, Snyder county,
j well knowu throughout the State as a Demncratin
1 politician, 'died of uppoplexy on Sunday after
noon last. Tbe Major was generous hearted, a
! kind neighbor, od highly respected v bere'rer
j Tin: CiKCis i Comino. Our amusement lov-
I lug citizens will be pleased to lenru that Mont- I
gomcry Queen's great Mastodou Menngerlu und
gigantic Ulrcus will visit our place on Tucauay,
April 2-M, and will exhibit ut the old show
grounds. This Circus Is said lo be one of the
best now traveling. One great feature of this
show In tie renowned All lien Abdullah troupe
of genuine Bedouin Arabs, or Sons' of tho Desert,
fourteen lu number, who are acknowledged by
I the press both in Europe and America as the
j most startling, rare and wonderful gymnasts
Children suffer terribly from eaiaohc, when
there is a simple aud generally certain remedy.
Take u piece of fat salt polk, aiiil make a plug
half an inch long In such a shape that one end
will fit in the ear like a cork, the other end large
enough to keep It from slipping In.
Blttekmii.k Ci'hepor S.mai.i. Pox. A corres
pondent of tho West Chester Local y:m, states
that he knew of a case of the most virulent small
pox to be cured by tbo use of buttermilk. The
patient was bathed with milk, which was ulso
I udministercd inwardly. Thb skin was rubbed
j occasionally with sweet oil. The relief obtained
I by this mode of treatment Is said to hnvo bceu a'.
j most Instantaneous. It is a cheap remedy aud
l cue easily obtained by all.
$23,000 in SPRING and SUMMER (iOODS now open for inaction ami sale at tb- STA R STORE,
fonsisting of
The finest tock of LaiiU's' Dross (JooJs in thio section, ut very low prices,
n ucu. w Nik 3t w m
Hosiery, Gloves, Triiis, Shaw Is, B
alefs, ,
to several hundred. Bv -proseut Indications u i mat ever app.reu ueiorc ine puunc. ror lur
thousnnd shares will be taken, and the Associa- ; l,U!r particulars, see udverti-ement in unother
lion be at once put upon n permanent basis, aud
: its exhibitions will be made, a grand success. The
; officers selected, us far as our kuowledge of the
! men goes, are among the very best business men
I4'!!: popular caterer of ihe't't. F.lmo House,
of this place, Lieut. Win. Reese, has taken
chat''? of the Harris House In llurrisbllre1.
in tho county, aud lu whom tho people have the j where he wm b(J u , IiU flit,ml am,
cuter for them lu the future. The Harris House
has been refitted, ami ranks as "lis of the first
1U:aiy Maie Clothing. We direct attention
to the advertiseiuent.of 8. Ilerzfulder, who open
ed a large assortment of ready made clothing,
and furnishing goods tor men aud boys of ull
n.-os. His stock consists of the best made In the
market, and tnado up of the best material. Cull
und examine his stock.
utmost coutldcucc. Tbu larger proportion of
them arc experienced agriculturists, and under
stand how to get up u good fair, and make It a
paying business to the stockholders.
Those who wish to take stock can do so by ap
plying to the Secretary und Treasurer at Sunhu
ry at any time.
class c.aiing houses in Hariisbuig. There Is
none who will keep up its reputation belter than
Mr. Hcesc and ladv.
The St. Charles Restaurant, in the basement
story nf tho Moore & Dissingtr building, ou the
corner of Market and Third,, streets, Is now open
ta the public. Meals at ull hours will be served,
and the best of malt liquors kept ou draught.
Mr. P. liulcii, the proprietor, Is determined to
make it a first clast! resort, w hich all will find by
giving him tbuir patronage.
Miss L. Weiser, is Just opening a lurge stock
of millinery goods for spring .trade, which she
se'.cHed from the principal establishments In
New York and Philadelphia. Call and see
Dr. at it ntuM Fnii.HT. During tlic tlnmJer
storm ou Saturday night last, a little daughter
of Charles Lincosh, residing al liuruside Collie
ry, became so frightened ut a vivid Hash ef light
ning that she died iu a few hours uflcrwards.
She was nged about 5y.ais. This, we learu, is
the seeoud death which has o. eiirred iu this fa
mily from the same cause, the other being that
of u hnv of about the siiliie net. Hume n'o.
county, and verifies an old saying that "large ( suwlokili m A
A Lauce Tiieh. We were informed last week
by the popular lundlord, Simon Opp, of Turbul
ville,'thst a White Oak tree was cut down ou Iho
farm of Michael Reed In Lewis township, this
county, which measured seven feet across tho
stump, aud cut Ofteeu cords of wood. This 1s
tho largest tree we 1mA yet heard of in this
Wi visited tbe Clothing Depar(meut Of Cleni
cut bi Dlssiuger's store, a few days, ago, where
we fouud our old friend T. G. Nott bnsyt in 'cut
ting garment-! out of the tinest aud handsomest
cloths and cassimeres ever seen In Suubury. The
good aro handsomely displayed, and. the only
trouble v.o could see was how one can. make a
satisfactory selottiou from snch a lurge assort
ment, us every piece looks se hundsoma that all
.must be udinlied. The Clothing Department of
this establishment Is uotr oue of tbe finest in this
jjluee, uud tho neat looking garments turned out
by Mr. Nott, sustain his former reputation as oue
of the best workmen In the country.
- - . . .. , - J
Accidents. Ou Saturday night, Thomas
Bolt, breakmau ou the P. & E. R. R., was
caught between the bumpers of the cars and lu
Jured luterstily.v. lie is attended by Dr. Clark,
the. company's olciau. On Sunday morning
John Cool had . Vis thumb and index finger
mashed while 'coi'.uliijg pars iu tbe lower yard.
The wound was dresr.edhy Dr. Clark.
Special Court corarcuueed in this place ou
Monday last, Judge Kllwcll presldlug, and cou
tinued until Wedui.Uy.. .The case of C. P.
Zininieiuian vs. Couuty o Northumberland, bet
ter kuowu as the spo ial police caja, was ou trlaj
for several days, and resulted !a ajerdict lu fa
vor of ihe plalntitr for 100 Oi. We ui give
lull proceedings next week.
W. K. Taylor, Eso.., of Northumberland, has
associated himself with C. W. Gutuliuus lu (tie
publication of the JW,c Prut at that place. Ms,
Taylor Is an active young man, aad with the aid
jf his 1'iirtiier, will v 'ke Ihe 7"f a permanent
iiMil ill ion of that ton i
trees from little ncorns grow."
Peusonal. We hud a visit to our sanctum ou
Saturday last from Geu. R. Beuth, at prescut
Surveyor General of the State, who paid our
towu a Hying Visit on some private business. The
Gsuc'ral looks hearty, aud we aro happy to statu
gives gcueral satisfaction in his new position.
He wus a valiant soldier during the war, and wc
predict that his civil career as a public officer will
not be less brilliant than his military record has
Tobacco and Ski; a us. The tobacco storo of
Lewis lloupt bus lately been removed into tho
room formerly kept by C. J. Fox, in Miller's
block off Third street. Mr. Haupt has Just open
ed a huge stock of all kinds of tobacco and se
gues, pipes, etc. His stock U of the finest brands,
und U sold ut reasoable prices.
Lxctuhb ! Lectuhb! Wm. X. Bresiin, Esq.,
editor of the Lebanon .tilwrtim', will deliver a
lecture in the Court House, on Thursday evening,
17th lust., for tbe benefit of the Reformed
Church. Subject "Before the Must Facts and
Fancies of three years' cruise aboard an Ameri
cas Mau of War ou the west coast of Africa,
aud lu the Mediterranean Sea."
Mr. Bresliu has met with great success as a
lecturer, and comes highly recommended by the
press. We bespeak for him a crowded bouse on
Thursday eveulng. From the many flutlcrlug
notices which ho has received, we recall the fol
lowing taken from a Philadelphia paper i
'Last evening a large and appreciative audi
euee assembled at Green street M. K. tihurch, lo
btuir the taleuled lecturer, Wm. M. Bresliu, Esq.,
editor of the Lebanon Adititiier. His subject,
i'ttcfore tho Must," was handled with hi usual
ability, aud frequently elicited tbe plaudits of his
hearers. His vivid and thrilling descriptions of
life ou the occuu ; bis touching references loathe
terrible privations nud perilous udventures, toge
ther with the mora pleasuut rcmlulsceuees cou
uected with a life ou ocean, were eagerly listened
lo, aud fully appreclalsd by those prescut."
Tun Town Clock as a Time .Keepkh. The
uew clock In tbotowerofthe Court House, proves
to bo an admirable time keeper. Mr. Beckley,
who has charge of tbe clock, says it has now been
ruuulug about four mouths without being set or
regulated, uud has varied durlug that time ouly
oue 4iid a half uiiuutes,.or au average of 22 se
eoud per.monlli, fioai the true time, as received
daily ly teiegiaph from Philadelphia.
Wi RpticA -tJnuiur young Irleud' Ferd. Hill,
Esq., son . , Wt, JIU1. Esq., of this place,
who loii,.i,.ieiiHJ't, ill., sellout a year. ago,
has hue-j fUlciJusc. of,,jje.Paco t that
place. i.inU U wrt .ide,nj thaf Feiiuaod U
fist ga: frknde hj iljj Jiqutb. XhU com
pUnicLt ttulii ai hn.rn ''e x urion n more wor.
th vomi't n-s'
Ji'bivioi'H Aovkhtisinu. 1 lie following sen
sible remarks from ihe Nhv.
Commerce are coinmeuded lo thu careful consid
eration of business : People who sit nervously iu
A Very Inteiiestino Work. Wc have jusi
received from tlic National Publishing Co., of
Philadelphia, a copy of Prof. O. 8. Fowler's
great work, on Manhood. Womanhood, and
their Mutual lulerelaliou ; Love, Its Laws,
Power, etc. We hail its advent with undisguis
ed satisfaction, nud cordially commend it to the
perusal of all classes of our community, loi ty
years experience ns a tencber and lecturer on
science, und a long life devoted to consultations
and advice in connection with subjects concern
ing which men und women hesitate to confide
even in their physicians have enabled Professor
Fowler to give lo the world tho most remarkable
and useful volume of the day, and one which
should find Its way into the hands of every con
scientious man and woiimii.
As its title indicates. It is devoted tour, cxpla-
nation of the laws which govern Iho sexes in
their relations to each oilier j the ignorance of
which causes so much sorrow und suffering in
the world. Thousands will thank the author
for his disclosures, und we predict that the book
j will mark the beginning of a clearer unilerstand
! ing of the subjects whereof it treats. .Men will
I be arrested iu their heedless coin se,, uud made to
I think of the misery they are entailing upon their
I families and themselves through ignorance,
j Wives will find in this volume a sine nud safe
i road to the accomplishment of every true wife's
desires. Women who wish to letaiu their health
and beauty in maturo life, will be taught lu this
j volume the secret of doing so, and will lea in
, here the true meaus of keeping tbeir husbands
; lajtbful.
There would be fewer firesides made desolate
' by ihe loss of u loved wife ; fewer rendered un
I happy by a prematurely old, broken aud en-
!feeliled wife, if the laws ol "Soxual Scicuee,"
which are laid down nud explained iu Ibis book
were bcucr understood and more geuerully act
ed upon. The best guarantee of its excellence is
! the fact that its suggestions aud remedies meet
I the approval of every Intelligent physician in the
country. It exposes quacks and patent medi
cines uiiihercil'ullv. and by Its coiiimor.-sense-I
views will save maiiv a dollar for those who ful-
York Journal of low " instructions, as well as put thcin on tho
sure road to health It will show how mothers
can avoid much of their stillerlng, aud ho they
can raise duughters tit to be wives and mothers.
White and Lace CJoodrt, CarputH in groat variety aiid jrieo, from 23 jtn, upwards, Oii Cloth, ."Window jlhida.
A full and complete assortment of GROCERIES.
Merchant Tailoring, THOMftS G. HQTT, Champion Cutter.
Wo have added Mcicliant Tailorinp ; to our luisinosa with THOMAS C XOTT as Cutter, and will guarantee
roniplute satisfaction in this as well a in every other department r
! ...a Wekwpon hand constantly, best Imported Skvin; MaCii ink Xi-, and will forward
mV Uv lUHt to any address post paid on receipt of .cash price Singer all kinds, and Grover & Baker,
utTcts. per dozen, all other kinds, 00 cts. per dozen. Mile DoMorest's i'atterns for sale.
Sunhury, Pa., April o, 1873. finios.
1373. 1Q73.
Enormous SioGli,
reaf est WzL&i&iv?
Lowest Pi?erG2;.
Just opened at
m . ii. a i
uiommg mv$,
tho htrso&l stock of
cm s .
1 "i-d
ZZ .
count iii''-liuuses or beliiiid their crouds, wuit liiir : It mill show uieu bow to develop their ni.tnlv v
or, una women now lo irouioiu ine Krowlii tt
those charms which them so attractive M
men. ll will show bow happiness may be leaje
to reiuu supreme In the domestic circle, un I
bow it ui.iy bu liiouulit buck lo lliose fnni whom
it has tied, .Tbo book appeals to every. cliiss,
uiul to pcole of nil UL'es, mles, uiul luibits, mil
we hope it will be read by every man unit woman
in our broail la ml. Thu author addresbeS him
self with cepeciul force to those, coiiteinplaliiii;
marriage, and we most cordially commend his
book to ull such. It is pure nud elevated in tone
aud abounds in the most useful information con
cerning the sexes. Its low pries brings it within
Ihe reach of all, and the informal Ion it coin tins
is beyond value. Us eireululiou will be a benefit
to socio! X;
The LoeU is sold by subscription only, and the
publishers wunt agents iu every county.
I for men to take them by storm, und making no ,
i effort to let the world know Ihe bargulus tin y
j have to offer, will Uud the seasons very unpropi
j tious. Many of those who have pcut lure sums
( Iu hiring drummeis, uud paying for other well-
known appliances of trade, have effected Iutltc
sale, but swallowed up too large a share of the
receipts iu such enormous utteiiJnut expenses.
Tbe best remuneration bus been found by those
who have returned to tbe more legitimate, old
fashioned methods of pushiug their business. We
say It, uot simply because we are interested iu
this line of expenditure, but as our best, udvlec to
nil who wish to be enterprising, or to secure a
larger custom, there is nollilng usw n efTeciivu
to this cin as judicious advertising. Wc do uot
believe that any who bave vuluab'.c service or de
sirable property to offer, cun fall of a rich har
vest by cuiitiuuous advertising ou u lurjjo scale.
Calling u boy out of bud iu tho morning can
bardly bo classed uuder the head of "pustlmus,"
especially If tho boy is fond of exercise the day
before. And It is a little singular that tho next
hardest thing to gelilug a bey out of bed is get
ting him into it. There is rarely a mother who
Is n success al rousing a boy. AW mothers
kuowlhis; so do their boys. And yet thu mother
taeius to go at it in tho right way. She opens
the stair door and insinuatingly observes;
''Johnvy."r. There is uo response. Johnny.'j
Still no response. Then there is a short, sharp
"John," followed a moment later by a long aud
cmphutic "Johu Heury." A gruut from the up
per regious signifies tbut au luipressioo bas been
made, aud the luolhei is encouraged to add,
"Yoi'd better be geltlug dowu hero to your
breakfast, young man, before looms up theie,
un give, you somethiug you'll fool." This so
Hurtles the young man that ho Immediately goes
to sleep again. And the operation has to be re
peated several limes. A father knows nothing
about the trouble, lie merely tipcus bis mouth
as a soda bottle ejects its cork, aud the "Johu
lieui)'.' thft cleaves the air of that stairway goes
iuto that boy like electricity, aud pierces the
deepest rocestes of his uaturs Ajid he pops out
of that bed aud iulohis clothes, and down the
stairs, w lib a promptness that U coruiueuaable.
It is rarely boy allows himself to disregard the
paternal summons. About oncea year U believ
ed to bes often as is consistent with the rules
of health, 'lie saves his father a greut many
steps and considerable trouble by his thought fulness.
ever oilcred in this town
1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, 1500 I'.ttits, 00 Hoy's ami C'laUli-uu'ij Suits, 10UU llatsaud Caps .
lor iiu:u ana ooys,
In llil pHee'on Tucsduy nioriilnf last, MAltV
GObLKK, relict of iho late cSaiuuel dossier,
aged about C'J years.
Tbe deceased was a consistent member of the
Lutheran Church for upwards of fifty years, and
was lu life uu exeuiplilicutiou of all the virtues
which adorn tho truo Chrlstiau character. I'u
assumlug aud inoffensive in her social Inter
course, she left no enemies behlud, but larc
circle of friends wilt inouru her dentil. Her
departure creates a vacuum iu the Church which
will never be tilled. En.
On the 3d Inst., SAMUEL EDWARD, sou ot
A. 1. aud Harriet S. Walters, ucd t mouths uud
1U days. , ..
In this place, April Ull, ANNIE, daughter of
Win. and I'uuule Qabriug, agcd.ubo.ut 4 years.
At LcwisUurg, April 8d, THKODORE, sou of
Reuben Rolbermel, aged 11 years.
Sits of all
Rfispnnt nil's i
i i ii ii i iiiiii
PS "
w tt S
Flour aad drain Markrt.
Extra Family 13.00 Red Wheat, p. bu., 3.00
uuckwneul, p. el.,- s.uu rtyo,
Corn Meal, " S.W Cora,
Wheat bran, p. bu. 1.51) Uuckwbeut
Shorts, S. 00 Hats, 3J lbs.
Com t Oats Chop, 2.00 Flaxseed,
'timothy Beed, p. o. n.oo ,
l'roduce Msxjrkefi
Pututoes, 75 llama, 18
Eggs, per doz., 20 Tallow , 10
11 utter, per lb., K6 Couulry doap, 8
Lard, " 13 Dried Apples, 13
bides.. 10 I'uaeho, 1
Miniilders. it
.. 60
5000 Liueti and Tuper Collars, 1000 Pair I.incn and Paper Cutis, lOOti T
Quarts, loO Hozun hocks, JO uillerent styles (uspeuuers,
200 OVERALLS M Olllffi,
Gauzo and Merino Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises,
Jewelry, Walking' Canes, &c.
Everybody is respectfully invited t call and examine lliis most niaguilu-eut assort-,
.'o Goods misreprusculud, uo trouble to show Goods or to give information.
Tlio whole will be offered at
Extraordinary Low Prices,
4j o y
I'ics, 15ows and i ' 1
tnd batisfaetion guaranteed iu every way.
r 4 5l
Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. '
Sviubury, Ta., April 173. '
- . . '- - . -. .. " " rJ r '
1873 SIPnilSG-. 1878 W
SK'J: fcr CP U 23 & .
N..b.-LVONS ULACK HLKS-- W,;-an'.el VvuibU:
M.i:h 15. I Sin 6 v.-
CJ! 4n C!9f P" dtt? 1 Ak'cuw WaiiUd I All
(pu IU V.vU clases of woi -kiuif people, of either
sex, youug or old, rusks more money ut work
for u la their spare moments, or nil tho lime'
thau at aiivlhluj; else. l'nrHe'i'ir 'r..
j flyiurri, u. Cll.l'.l Rill,
M4 l. '..fihn.t. Msuif