Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 05, 1873, Image 3

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    SUNBtJRY, APRIL 6, 1873.
ltallrosd rim Thl 1 . i p
N. C. K. W.. South.
Frio Mail, 19 .150 a ra
Erie Express, 9.40 ? '
Mall, 1105 "
Nlag. Express 8.00 p m
P. & E. R. R. West.
Mall, 6.30 am
Nlag. fc'spressliMO pm
Klmlra Mull 4.80 '
Erie Express, 7.01 "
Leave Bunfeiry for Lefftttown at 7.46 ft. 4.,
nod S'lD p. .' i. -.' x
Arrlvofat Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.50
au J 7.45 p. m. ' ; .
M&koknc btTisron, . c. i.
Sunbury at 5.49 a, in
" 13.36 p m
4.40 p in
At Banbury t 0.25 a in
" 8.55 pm
6.00 p m
IMlimLLK, XtAZLETON Wljri4BAftHt K. R. '
Kcurular passenger tsan .leaves fSnnbnry for
Dnnvllle, Cuttawlssn, Har.lctbn nnd Intermediate
stations, t 6.45 n. m. . . Returning leave Haile
ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive nt 4.00 p. ni.
Leave Northumberland nt tf.40 it. m. and 4.60
Arrive t Northumberland at 10.85 a. m. nnd
6.05 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of
J. bhlpman, Ticket Agent,' ut the Depot.
i Harness
Sirwtxo Machines an& Cottaos Oroans.
Mis Caroline Dnllus is tlic agent for the sale of
the best Bewing Machines In existence, viz : 'The
Improved Grover & Baker," and 'Domestic.'
which are constantly kept on hand, nnd sold at
reasonable prices. She is nlso ngent for the sale
of the celebrated 'Silver T ongne Organs, ' and the
'Ray Htntc Oririns.' and for the sale of thp
Frantz & Pnpa Knitting Machine. Call and see
them. Office ou Market iftreet, cnil df'lhe railroad.
Tun Improved Grover & Bakek Sewino Ma
chine. These celebrated machines arc olfcri'rt
ut the most reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to ' 0. G. KL'TZ, Airent,
Keb.32,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
TIorsE ANTi Lot por Salk. A now House nnd
, Lot, located on Spruce Snnbury, Is offered
for sale ou easy terms. Apply to
John Wu.ver.
A Biniooe R. R. AOOiDsrr. A irlons colli
sion of two freight trains occurred on the N. C.
Railway, at Buchanan Station, opposite Liver
pool, on Friday evening last,.4)etwec oight and
nine o'clock.; ,Tbe tralna were coming In oppo
site directions on the same track, arid wero run
ulna; at the rate of about eighteen miles an hour.
Iu coming around a short carve they met, when
a terrible collision took.plnso. Both engines
were shattered,4 and the cars came crashing Into
one another In a general wreck. Fire was coin
mimicked td'f.he tu1ns,'aUd In a short time some
twenty . ers, with' thelf contents, Including
spirits and, other combustibles, wure wrapped .in
flamss and entirely consumed. The fireman,
Char. : Ashland, was burned to a erbp, and ano.
ther mull li was itoaMug hls wly, Vus slob
killed. The wreck, As was staled in Us by d I ire
rent railroad men, was the worst the'? "had evoi
seen. The fireman' was a elngft fuun from Dnn-,
cannon, Pa. . The collision occurred under the
following clrcnmstances. The liinplrp freight,
conductor Kline, going south, drawn by engine
No. 115, was runulug on time, and conductor
Young, of the Express freight ho'rth, drawn by
engine No. 12d, running by rule, mistook a train
which' hud Just before left Mtltersburg for the
Emplr6 freight, dud went ahead.' Upon teach
ing the polut nboVe named, the two trains collid
ed, causing the horrible wreck. ". . ..
Wc are acquainted 'with both ennductors on
the unfortunate trains, and we know them to be
noted for their strictly temperate hublts, aiid for
their industry in working for the interests of
their employers.. We state this, fact on account
of the runtof n plteulntlon of bcth: conductors
being lutcxtcated', hd lliul the collision was the
result-of carelessness! '
SpniNo. Forasmuch as yo season is now
for change of raymcnt, this Is to Inform nil per
sons that S. Mcrzfnldor, on the 8. W. corner of
Market & Third streots, has Just opened a splen
did assortment of fashionable spring clothing, so
if anybody wishes to pick from not a few styles
the like of which was never ween before, they nro
all Invited to call and examine for themselves.
We direct attention to the advertisement of the
King ISarber Shop, in another column.
Tub best place to Invent money profitably is at
lite Excelsior Boot & Slum Store of Win. II. Mil
ler. His line of goods lire of the best, nnd many
a doctor bill will be saved tytuylng Yfic best
made Shoes fc Hoots In market. Miller has a
lurgo assortment which he is seTllriJr at the lowest
prices, and a few dollars invested in liis stock
may save hundreds in bills for medicine. .
The New Spring Styles of Goods are already
displayed at the windows of W. R. F. Weimer's
Cash Store, on Market ft reel. They ure of the
choicest, and are admired by every one. lie sells
nt his usual low prices. Every article usually
found In stores can bo had ut his establishment.
lie directs particular attention to his line of
fresh groceries.
.. Monkt I Monet! For saio at cost, three
Biers Sewing Machines, new and guaranteed lii
Perfect order Warranted for three years. Terms
cash or short credit. Applv Inside of ten days
lo J. D. JAMES, Ageni.
Mar. 2'2-2l.
A Fine Locati: Lmt roil Sai.k.A tine build
ing lot located in Cak.i's Addition, rear the P.
&'E. Railroad shops, is ollered for sale on rea
sonable terms Apply to
Te22-2m j W. J. Bi.Ain, Suhliury, Ta.
Ren Men Chart. Peter F. Ilower has bctL
appointed agent for the sale of charts for mem
bers of the I. O. ofR. M., which are got up in
a handsome stylo. Every member of the order
should have one, which can be procured cheap
on application to Mr. Ilower.
The constant supply of the best of Hats liiauu
fjctured Is causing the large number of orders
from all p.itts of the country at S. Faust's Hat
Store, on Market street. Every style can he pro
cured there. Ills stock Is immense, and pnrcha
kus can be made ut lower ratrs than in the city.
Am. persons wanting good and rlieap pictures
should call at R. C. Smlck's Gfin Gallery, where
they cm tet nine good pictures for 50 cents,
lluinperly's old stand, Sunbiuy, Pa. Inhl-tf
ifotal Affairs.
Ai'inL Fuol. As we had cxpuctcd to take in
several thousand dollars on the 1st of April, und
have been sadly 'disappointed by not receiving
nnjihiiu;, we acknowledge that wa have beeu
ilctlmizcd aecordiug to custom, inasmuch as we
have been April looted. We hope, however, that
all who know themselves ludebted on subscrip
tion und job work, will shortly surprise us by
paying their bills, ns wc arc In ncd of the mouey
to pay our ludebtednn-s.
Lkcti'rk! Lecture! Wm. M. Breslin, editor
of the Lebanon .4dui'(ir, will deliver a lecture
In the Court House on Thursday eveulug, April
17, 1S70, for the benefit of the German Reformed
Church. Subject "Before the Mast t Facts and
fancies of a three years' cruise aboard au Ameri- 1
can Mau-of-War on the West const of Africa and
iu t lie Mediterranean Sea.''
Evkkt business ttmu should be supplied with
neatly printed bill-beads, letter-beads, cards and
envelopes. We are prepared to print these arti
cles in the best style, ut low rates.
We also keepou hand Blank Deeds, Mortgages,
Bonds, Leases, nnd all kinds of Justices' Blanks'
Ut the lowest rates.
DnsrarCtfio'N TnorenTr at th fenAMoktN
Dam. Tho washing away of the embankment,
below the Shamokln dnm, caused by tlicWnk In
the dam has continued since the rise of the river
commenced. The bank has already washed uwny
sonic 60 feet In width, and about 200 yards 'fii
length.' The public road In front of the Sliauio
kiu Hotel, hss been entirely washed away, nid
ut this writing, Thursday, there are bnt about 8
feet from the break of the bunk to the building,
"vlilch is gradually giving away. On Monday
night a largo force were engaged in hauling
brush, timber and siones which wcro thrown in
to preveut further damage, hut the water con
tinued to rise during tbe whole- ii'lght, nnd if it
should continue, tho completo ilcstructon of
the rcsldcnrt 'of ftr. Charles Garlnger will be
unavoidable. Mr. Qiifiiigcr's 'resiflcn'cc was ono
of the tlnest along the river, nnd niiicn, sympa-'
thy is expressed for the heavy loss he will stis
tuin. He und his family havo been incessant In
their labors to stop the washing away of the em
bankment, but thus far their efforts have proved
vain. The Canal Company has now a largo
number of teams nnd men employed to u'id iu
cheeking the further destruction of property
which it is hoped they will speedily succeed iu
Firemen Elected. At a meeting of Siinbnrv
Steam Fire Co, No. 1, held at their hull oil,. 'Fri
day evening. March 28th, the following oncers
were elected for the cusulug vcar : President.
John M. Cadwallader; Vico President, Peter
Zimmerman j Treasurer', Geo. W. Smith j Secre
tary, Geo. E. Hoffman j Assist. Sccretarj, Nor
uiau Engloj Foreman, George B. Cadwallader j
Assist. Foreman, W. C. Pucker Chief Engineer,
Harvey Goodrich Assist. Engineers, E. Masser
Buchcr, Wm. II. Bulr, aid TV. II. Buelier; 1st,
Fireman, F. iioughtou 2d, R. Krohn 3d,
Rheynell Mantz lib, F. Muckcrl ; Chief Pipes
Wan, Frank Miller; Assist. Pipesman Red
Hose--I. N. Hendricks, Samuel Ray, and TV. j
Martin j Assist. Pipesmon Blue Hose Uhurles
Mantz, C. J. H air und Geo. Gibson.
The above officers are ull young men In every
way worthy to fill thu position. Tho company is
well organized, und with the officers just elected
they can not help becoming as good aud efficient
a company as any in the State, und our citizens
can well pride themselves on having u first class
Fire Company.
Djsgracektl. On Sunday evening last, about
(5 o'clock, two young men nnd a young woman,
came driving dowu the river road in a buggy at
a very rapid lute. As they passed, hundreds of
persons who wero prominading on Front; street
noticed that the woman was in a beastly slnto of
iutoxication, raving like a maniac. Ou inquiry
it was uscerialned that she us one of the "soiled
doves" of tho town, woo had bceu with her jrl
lows" on tbo "drive," and who indulged too free
ly in benziuc. Where kh'cy obtained tho Jiiiuor
will no doubt remain a sucrct, but it is evident
that it had the effect of making the woman in
sune for n lime, as she booh after her return
home made nn attempt to commit suicide by
plunging into the river, and was only prevented
from doing so by two peutlemcn who happened
to be prescut on thu bank, aud who dragged tier
out of the water. Whether the young men In
company with the woman gave her the liquor,
or whether some one else, did it, they should suf
fer (or it, for had she accomplished her design, they
would undoubtedly have been, guilty of one of the
highest crimes on record. Although this is per
haps tbe first disgraceful scene of tbe kiud wit
nessed In our town for many years, we hope that
our officers will keep a sharp look out aud pre-
vent a repetlttou.
Wsi notice that since a rebvemertt has been
started to organlso the tjnion Park nnd Agricul
tural Assoclutloh lb this place, that tUejcpJct
Is growing' la ninch favor with the peoplo c bot h
sides of levehTp'qople of the lower mio,
particularly, fee! taittfch. Vntcctd In f eg ird to Its
sncceB'l V-&"g poltloa aro ready to join ut
once to make it o-jo'of the Hft paying lnistl(u
116ns In th contyii' "We see no reason why fairs
In this eouuty should yleliT as AutW tj Vljt
stockhblder as they Ao.ji'i other eonuttesP vVi
"are satisfied that IflmpAftiaT rfpuortiuilty Is nlTct'-
cd ti) the cltlzojn of. the lower, end that the. fttlri
of this assochuton the A-oiahag season sr lit not bsr
sui )ssod by any lit ITki Rtnte, nd all lb a I IS fft-
quired IS lo unHe'Ufid tliooe 'officers wtid Rr
thorough business men, nun In whom the people
can place confl lcnca Iti rcgur4' to raanageinouU
VVe were lately Informed by one Interested, In tbo
Upper Dauphin Fair at Sllllorbburg, that a divi
dend nft4tn each share of st6ck was declared
after having paid all til expenses of tho build
ings, premiums nnd other expenses; Thcie Is her
rcasou why tho same rnnnot bs done heif. we
Have many advantages over Millcrsburg, in iho
loeiitton, Ac. : We would ndvlse our agricultural
friends In the lowej- end, to ut once connect them
Bclvcs with this'associntlon for their own benefit,
and iiulp to solicit tho officers with a view to
makliuf it a success1. Wo lhrpc to sec thfc people
thrc.rybt'Uf the county. Interest thomsulves, so
"that a full turn out on Monday next may be hud.
Below we give the proceedings of a meeting
held on Thursday evening of last week. 1.' y:
' Union Pauk and AonictJLTf rai. AssociATtott,
at Si'NOL'RT." All persons Interested fu the Im
provement of sti ck and the dctelopmeiit of the-
agricultural interests oi mo county, ore. request
ed to meet nt'tjic Court House, in Suiionry", oh
Mondayr April 7, 1878, for the purposo of oigan
izlng the above-named association.'. , .
At a meeting held In the F.nglne House, pur
suant to a resolution passed ut a meeting on
Monday, March 24, the following iini'iied persons
we're appointed a committee to meet in tho Arbi
tration Room, at tho Court House, on Monday,
April 7, 1S73, at eleven o'clock, to prepare a list
of candidates for the various offices of the Union
Turk and Aerieultural Association for tho pre
sent year. . Said officers to bo voted forat one o'
clock of the samo day, nnd at tin Same place;
Snnbury, Eatt Ward Geo. W. Smith anrtC
J. Bruner. ''' ' ' '
Sunhtiry, West Ward John Yqungmau aud
Col. NelT. . ...
Wnlsontown Jacob Pointer.
Point township Farnsworth Reed. . J
Northumberland Amos Kapp.
Upper Augusta Isaac Ciitiipbcll.
Lower Augusta Lemuel Sl'itpman.
Georgetown A. Wald. k,
Shamokln towuship Soloiuou Murtz.
Rush Ed. Orady.
Upper Mahanoy Jos. Mowely. ' ' '
Shamakln borough Wm. Weaver.
Trevorton Lyinnn Weaver.
Jivtohtt, That the above resolution be publish
ed In our, locul papers, nnd that a copy of the
Sunbury Daily ba sent by mail to each member of
said committee. ,y
," Dr. JOS. EYPTEtt, Prcs't.
Geo. B, Cadwallader, Soc'y.
Snow. We arc Indebted to Mr. Israel Thurs
ton of Lower Augusta towuship, for the follow
ing record kept by him of the fall of snow during
the past 'winter: . . - ; '
The correspondent "Observer" of the Millo
nfan, gives that paper tho following Item which
will no, doubt be Interesting to many who are ut
pi rsent connected with' Lodge No. K03, 1.'O. of
O, F. at this placet '.-.,..
8unbury Lodge, "No. SOI, f. O. of O. P., dates
Its organisation nt November,)), 1810. It had for
Its petitioners, 8. D. 'ordnn, W. L. Dcwart, J.
B. Masser, J. V.InHln and Tho. A. Billing! on.
Of these, Mr. Jordan Is now Cashier ot n Milton
Bank. MaJ. Dewarl Is an Ex. M. C, and Thos
A.' BUlbigton was Sheriff of the county, but now
doad, while onr friend Masser in ono of the most
successful medial rartttlonors In the county.
Of tbe first mem liars there were amoug them, C.
J. Uruuer, l I). passer, Samuel Hunter, G. M.
Torks," Charles tlB'in, T Trltcs, C. W.
Heglns, B..Musscr, (if p. Touiigmun, J. W,
Pesl, J. W, Filling, Iia T. Clement, Francis Bu
oher, J.Kuns, J. U., Parker nnd Scbastiau Houpt.
Many of thesu men have passed away. Several
of them still survlvo, and are still members of tho
Lodge. It holds lis prosperity and prestige for
usefulness In the community, und numbers over
one hundred uud lift y nu mhi rs.
Samijf.i, Staiii.necRKK, EKiii, a well known cl
ttsen of the upper end of I he eotmty, nnd some
ten years ngo county eninmissioner, died on the
20th lt., oged 07 yenHf,'B tnnnlhv and S days.
SltNHUiY Lodof. No. I. O. O. F. At nn
election of tho suld Lodge ou Satnrdary night
lust, the following officois were elected i N. (.,
James Lyons j ,V.G., J. O. Dugan ( Secretary,
A. N Brico'i Asst. Scerutary, V. Hummel
Treasury, Valentino Dcltz.
. Tho numerous friends of W. F. Kitchen, will bo
glad to that he has taken the United States
Hotel at Miomokln, where he will be happy to
serve the traveling public with the best accom
modations. Sec curd in another column.
The Great Couucil, . O. R. M., will meet in
Titusvllle, Crawford county, on May 6, and con
tinue in session four days.
- - - s- - . ,. . , ,
The tax-payers of this eouuty, w iU be glad lo
learn that tho Act allowing a premium on pole
cut scalps, has been repealed. This will suvo
tbe comity some fourteen lnined dollars per
uuuum. Another avenue of unnecessary expense
closed. Won't the editor of tbe Watsontown He
rald growl against this innovation which couflicts
with the Interests of his petal
'. ' -'. : Q0 f
$25,000 in SPUING and SUMMER GOODS now open for iiispwiion itn.l
consiBtinsr ol
utthe ST A li STORK,
1872, Nowiubcr 10, 1 inches.
S3 .. '
4 4 a 4
4 December 7 1 4
4 4 10 2 4
4 4 17 ' 2 S' 4 '
4 ' ' U 6 " 4
4 27 8 4
4 80 1 '
JtJ73, January 4 1M '
4 15 1 . -
4 v n 2 '
SO i?i '
4 4, 2i :
4 4 23 fi
24 a 4
4 27 ... 10 4
' February t i
4 11 1 4
4 4 12 1 4
4 4 16 .' '
4 21 7 4
r 4 27 " X 4
' March 2 S . 4
4 3 1 4
4 4 : 10 1 4
"'.. : 20 5 4
4 24 :. i 4
4 4 . , - 20 8 4
Total, ' 87 7 a 3
Of it Representatives, Messrs. Dewitt & Am
merman, both voted for the (1,500 salary. Tbcy
were also In favor of Hurdle's Mlnnequa County
Bill. Hon' is this!
A Goon Oi'Esiso you a Physician. We are
requested to state by prominent citizens of
(Jeorgetowu, this county, thnt a good physician
Is much needed Iu that vicinity. Auy physician
who cuu come well recommended, will tiud that
place an eligible opening for the practice of med
icine, In au excellent -community, and a thickly
settled agricultural district.'- ' '
Sign Painting. We notice a number of our
prominent business men are having their wlu
iiows lettered, to ttfuke their business known to
Jiassers by. Mr. Henry Keen of Cake's addition,
lias beeu engaged In doing the work, which is
done very handsomely, Mr. Keea Isonsof the
I'c'rft sign painters la the county, and appears to
understand the business to pcrfectlou. The
large' number of shins nnd lettering done by him
is n s lire evidence thnt bis work is highly appre
ciated. Wo are happy to note this fact, at he Is a
first class artist, and a worthy citizen, deserving
of patronage a
Hion Watkh. During Saturday -tho river
commenced rising, aud contluued to rise gradu
ally until Mouduy morning. Tbo water rose to
nearly bank full, aud submerged many of the is
lands below this place. During Saturday night
the West Brunch boom gave way by a heavy
gorge of ice striking be timbers, and swept away
a number of scattering logs. Ou Sunday hun
dreds of persous visited tbe Shamokln dam to wltr
noss tbe effect of the water on tbe break at the
abutment. The scene of the rushing waters
through the broken part' was wild and grand.
The damsge doue to the embankment below the
dam, will require at least five or six thousand
dollars to repair it. The Caual Company hod
placed a lot of bfuefi and some heavy t.nib'erS la
the river, which prevented tbe washing consider
ably, yet during the whole day on Sguday, the
embankment kept falling In, and was washed
Quito a large amount of drift wood passed
down the stream, and a large number of persous
were engaged in catchlug ths floating timber's.
On Mouday the water commenced falllug, and
fours of a high freshet were abandoned. , i
Samuel Knowles, Est;., Deputy in the Fro
thouotary's office for several years past, retired
from that oRlee on Monday last. Mr. Knowles
was, pcihaps, tbe most efficient Deputy that ever
bad charge of the office in thut capacity, aud
while a citizen of this count;, made a host of
friends by his obliging and clever disposition.
Although he was hot-beaded on Democracy, be
carries with hlin the best wishes for his future
busluess success, of the most promlutut wen
in the county, Irrespective of politics. Socially,
Samuel has but fw who excoll him in Joilallity
and kind heartedness, which has won for blm
the esteem of friends which will be lasllug for
all lime to come, aud who will always bs glad to
wiome him to our town.
Remotht. Jerr? Snyder, Esq., has moved his
Law aud Justice of the Peace office to the build
ing formerly occupied by 8. Msllck, Esq., on :
'f irk-i! , prrM-e t)t CTjjr Tlotel. ;
Rows. Sometime during Sunday last, a bruto
til human shape, bavjnf Jthblbcd loo much ben
ziue, uttempted to whip his wife, on Front street)
but falling down in tho attempt to strike her, ho
was unable to regain his fool hold, and he had to
relinqaiFU,hi dosjuei We would advise the
wife, if repeated, to give tho husband a good
alitt'ng, aud iufoiia us of thu fad, so that we
can hold Win' up lu his true light through tho
newspuper ', . yv .
Ou Mouday Iasl; Prank Pyers, on Church
struct, having moved too miich towards a ei tuin
bottle of benzln, was overcome from its effects,
when be attempted to whip his wife, and made
leperata threats of a more violent character.
Policeman Dirhl got wind of the affair, went af
ter the lad, and eaptnred him, but not before he
got a ducking lu the basin. He was taken to
jail to reflect oVer his bad conduct.
John E. Rathbun, Esq., of Trevorton, this
county, who hits lately disposed of his interests
In the coal business In that place with tbe inten
tion of making New York his future place of re
sidence, wns the recipient of a handsome, gold
headed enrc from his friends and former employ
ees, on Wednesday tst lut weeii. The presenta
tion speech was made by Dr. J. B. Newbaker,
arid responded-, to i;t Mr. Ruthbun's happiest
manner. Xfter tbe presentation the party par
ty partook or an elegant supper at tbe public
house of Thomas Foulds. Jr. Tbe Seven Points
Brass Band was present, and enlivened the occa
sion with excellent music; -' In. the' departure of
Mr. Ratbbuii',, Trevorton Ipse one of feer-- most
enterprisiug Vfllisens, who carries wtiu blm the
best wishes for hia future success of a host of
warm friends throughout the eouuty. Mat pros
perity attend all his future enterprises.
Fjrs at NoRTHOMBf RLANj Qu Weduesdsy
evening, between eight and nlue o'clock, a fire
broke out in the tool shop of the Canal Company
at .Northumberland, near the railroad bridge,
aud was entirely destroyed. A large number of
tools, tar und rosin were consumed with the
building. On clearing away the dubris.the char
red remains of Mr. John Hamel, of Williams
port, were found. Hamel had becu working for
tbe Company, aud it supposed to have beeu
smoking and fell anleep, sjid that the fire from
bis pipe Ignited (he building. There was a high
wiud durlug the conflagration, and much uuea
loess was felt for the railroad bridge which, for
tunately, was prevented from taking fire.
' Wm. C. Goodrich, eouditoio on Uie Prlpher's
Freight Hue for a number of jeari, flu's teodi red
bis resignation, aud moved to Loci' Haven, where
be will engage in the grocery busluess wrhf Mr,
Geo. Good, fy the removal of Mr. Goodrich,
Lock Haven will be tbe gainer of one of our best
cltlsens. A good business man honorable, In-
Council Proceedinos. Council met April lsf .
iii7;l. Members prcsant (. B. Cadwallader, J.
M. Cnilwnllai'er, .Tared C. Irwin, Chns. Sensen
h.ich, Jacob Kohrbach, D. C. Dissieger, Win. II.
Miller, Wm. L. Dewait, John Clark, Valentine
Dieiz, J. A. Cuke, and Chief Burgess Malick in
I tin- ciiair.
I On motion, That reading of minutes of last
'meeting he postponed, unless clerk should come
'lielore adjournment. Adopted.
On motion, J. A. Cake was appointed sccrclu-
I ry p" teni.
Chief liurjjpss appointed the following stand
imr comuiitteus, to-wlt ; , ,
Finance Committee Win. L. Dcwart', Chair
man i Geo. B. Cadwallader, J. A. Cake.
Pavements nnd Sidewalks J. C. Irwiu, Chair
man i Chas. Suusenbnch, John Clark.
btreets und Alleys Valentine Dietat, Chair
man ; Geo.,W. Smith, J. C. Irwiu.
River Bank Onirics Sensenbiich. Chairman)
Valentine Dietz, D. C. DJssingcr.
Grave Yard W. f. Grccnoiigh, Chairman ;
Valentine Diets, Win.. L. Dewart.
Bridges and Highways J. M. Cadwallader,
Chairman , Geo. W. Smith. Jacob Kohrbach.
Borough Charter J. A. Cake, Chairman i W.
I. ireenough; Wui. H. MHler. . .
'Public Park Wm. L. Dewart, Chairman j W.
n. Miller, Geo. B. CodwaUader, John Clark, J.
1. UJKC. " . I
Town Clock W. I. Grcenough, Chairman ; I
Wm. L. Dewart. , 1
Gas I). C. Dlssinger, Chairman j Valentine
Dletz, Chas. Sensenbach, W. I. Grecnou"h, Geo.
W. Smith.
Engine House and Public Property, acting in
conjunction with Eire Company John Clark,
Chairman j J. O. Irwin, Vul. Diets.
On motion of Win. L. Dcwart. Resolved. That
DmiIcI Berkley bo employed lo take care uf the
town clock, at $4.50 per month.
. On motion of Win. L. Dewait, It Ivcd, That
the Chief liurgfSH he Instructed to write Dr.
Dewitt to have the borouuli bill, dividing it into
four wards, passed j that a copy of the hill lie
furnished the Council forthwith. ' Passed uuan-
j Imously.
nesoiven, i nai me justices oi t tic l'eace oi tiie
borough be required to report bow much. If any,
money they have received t dim the borough, us
Uucs, costs und forfeiture. '
Report of Thos. M. Purse!, J. P., read and
Resolved, That tho Street Committee examine
luto ull wells standing In the streets or tidewulks,
aud report at next mcet'iinr.-
On motion, un Order for Fire Company was
granted. . .
Adjourned. '
liRsjalt'r) IogN.
Hiuh up lu my chamber window,
Floating on the midnight air,
Come, the strains of dulcet music
While I'm sweetly dieaming tliero j
- While my soul is upwards lifting
Upwards to the sku-s above
Like l lie muic of l lie fiois .
Comes up tliuli of li isslei's dogs
Fills the circumambient air, .
While I'm sweetly dreamiug thois.
Willie my weary head i6 pillowed,
Free from every anxious caro, ,
Softly in my window stealing
Soltly on the midnight ulr
Like music from u thousand frogs
Comes up thut uf Basslcr's dogs.
In spring time, alien the Sabbath eve'
Bulls break the silence of the day, i
In thoughtful mood I then my chamber's
Silence seek, but cannot say
How soon, like music of the frogs,' ,, .
Will cheer my soul from Bustler's )ogs.
City Hotel, (3d story.) Suubury, Apill j, 1873.
The iinest HtOck of Ladies' Ilri'sn Goods! in tliia soft ion, at very low prices.
Mm' PJnvfifi Trimmiiiirs Mawls ffljntt Mrni
llllll ' 111! llllllllllllll. ffllllHftl
"White and Lace (toodn, Cartri in great-variety and price, from 25 eta, upward, () Cloths, Window lilindn
A fall ttitl complete -Assortment of GROCERIES.
Merchant Tailoring, THOMtS G. HOTT, Champion Cutter.
"SVc have added Mcachuiit Taiibrinff to our business with THOMAS (1. NOTT as Cutter, and will guarantee
completo eatisfaetion in this as well as in every other department.
We keep on hand constantly, best Imported Skwlnu Machisk kedlks, and will lonvarJ
it casli price Singer ail Kiwis, and urover & j-aser,
S AAt. Ai AA-t H li t,
(i)" V to anv address post paid on rceeipt of
50 cts. oer dozen, all other kinds, 00 cts. tier dozen. Mil o BeMorest's l'atteriis lur
Sunbury, Pa., April 5, 1873.
A KK.M AltKAItM: I Vn.Tl.
One of the most important improvements cvsr
perfected in musical Instruments lias lately
been introduced by Oko. Wonns & Co.. iu their
improved l'arlor Organs, it consists of a piano
of exquisite quality uf tones which will never rc
Hiiire timing.
The UDstrument was lately Introduced at a
Jiiuslcal soiree in Baltimore und received the cor
dial applause aul euloisement of the many emi
nent professionals present. See advertisement
in another column.
March Sti, 1S73. 0w.
ui:u. wuoii'S - os., oitG txs.
Tho Piano A beautifully toned piano, w hich
w ill never I equir timing. The Vox Humana
A tiaiitoue solo uol Ian or tremolo. 1 lie -r. J
llne delicate so'j tr breathing slop. Bee adver
tisement In another column!
Maich 20, 1ST;!. 8vr!
Tasteless, Durable, F.fliclent and
Cheap. The best rump lor the
least iiiouor. Attention is es
pecially luvlted to Blnlchlcy's
Patent Iiniioved Bracket and
New Drop Check Valve, which
can be withdrawn without re
moving tiie l'uinp or disturbinc
tho joints. Also, the Copper
Chamber, which never cracks or
scales, and will outlast any other. For sule by
Dealers everywhere. rVml lop, Catalogue and
Price List. , CHAS. O. BLATCHLEV, Manu
facturer, 506 Cmiimerce St., I'hilad'a. ra. S14,ly
e9 w
4lYot'No America" for April fullllls the pro
mise of its past. It is an exec. lent Juvenile
Magazine, bright, live and instructive, as well as
entertaining ; lull of amusement for the little
I)emork6t's Monthly. The April number of
this popular periodical conies to us fresh as a
Spring daisy. It Is very much enlarged, and
every way Improved, and we guess the ladies uio
riKht when they say it contains as much genuine
Information us nil the othir Fushlou Muguziuo
put together.
O 6 W "
s ;
o. u.
- f -S
C "S i !
S & S
K 2 5
2 2 -' 1 &
Fingers Sawed Orr. On Wednesday morn
ing last, Mr. Andrew Ileckert, of Georgetown,
this county, had two Augers sawed off by a cir
cular saw on the steam saw mill of I. II. Mess
ier, of that place., The wound was dressed by
Doctors Bachns, of Boyder eounf y, and Reed of , duslrlous, and sober, aud vested with an agree
Vulontowu, Dauphin comity. able congenial disposition.'
On tho 30th ull., at the resldcuce of the brides
father, by A. N. ttrlce, 1. P., Mr. Lawhbnck
Io rF and Mrs. Mahia Jamb Fuamk, both of Up
per Augusta towuship.
At the Central Hotel this place, a the 2d
Inst., by the Kev. S. J. Milliken, Mr. F. C. Con
LKY.of Kalbtoii, Lycoming rouutv,aud Miss it. L.
CiiKsswKLL, of Pitiuter, MirBin L'ounty.'
52 s
p. B
- Li
This) Npiici' H lfi'A'rnd Tor the
Marki f St., Suubury , lu.
1 3
- a
H1 k? c
(4 s
C3 o-
To the Cillzt'iii of Suuburj.
TIIK uiiilersiL'ned has made arrantrcnienU to
nttend the Tuesday and Saturday Markets, with
Fri-sh Butter, Kirgs, Lard, t'otutocs una Appus,
which wll be sold us low as can he had elsewhere.
Call at the Market stand near Fpurlli uud Mar
strertH, south side. After pinrkct. .fconrs auy of
the above articles rail be had bv culliuir at liis
On March 2Hth.,' at liis residence, In TJpler
Paxton township, Mr. JAMKS MARTIN, aged
fiQ lO inmilk. anil 2H H.ivh
J ' w - ... .... o I.... ......... .....I T1.I...I
March 2th, in Bunbury, Wm. II., son of John ' ' ' . l!?
C. Miller, aged 6 years and 10 mouths.
where tuf. tiest brands ot the
Flour Is kci't, constantly ou baud, dried Fruit,
Cider, Vinegar,' A'e.
8uubury, February 15, 1ST3.
BAlUiAlNScau be had at T. S. Shumioii's
Jewelry Slorc, lu bilvui'-Waiv, Watches uud
Jewelrv. All goods will be sold nl cost until
April lt. 1S73.
Sunbury, March lh, 1!7H.
by Abboti. New Kdillon, with uriwunts of tiie
Trnskluu War, anil the lust hours cf the Linpi.
ror j making an elegant octavo of 700 pacs.
The limes and the theme render It the most pop
ular work of ihu day. Kxdusive territory with
no competition. . Addles ut oucc,
tJuaker'CIt' Publishing Co.,
4w , MIT uud '.'W Qulnce-st., l'hlludelpliia.
March 1, 187a.
BtlVHllKV iuiihi;tn.
1 Flour stud (raia Mtskti
Eitra Family 119.00 Red Wheuf.'p. bu.,$3.00
Unokwheat, p. vi., 5.00 Rye,'
Corn Meal, 60 Corn,"
Wheal Brail, p. bu. 1.5U1 Buckwheat
6horts, . J.OO Oals, 83 lbs.'
Corn 4 Oats Chop, 8.00 Flaxseed,'
Timothy Seed, p. b. t W '
t ' Produce MarfceC.'
Potatoes, ', ,
Eggs, per dos.,
P utter, per ll.,'
Lord, "
7,1 Hams,
At Tallow,
$5 Country Soap,
12 DrleU Apples,
fu " Reaches,
11873 SPRING 1878
NEW PAISLEY SlUWf-S.. 1 ) A H K A F 1? KJTS F I N E S 1 1 A W LS .
KW HHPS VUlJl.'i Ul'fcS.
1 . it. J.YUiS IJJ.AL'K ML. Iv a II flTCUiir iviiriiuic.
Hj Maich !.-, lK7;i-flw
j, . N. a-LYO.SJ BLACK 1
$5 lo $20,
per day I Agents Wanted!. All
classes ol' working people, of cither
sex, young or old, mat) more uiouey nt work
f.v hi. ta lli.'lp aimrM m.inii'iilH. nr nil tlx' (iin.l
ILaa at aoytuing else, t'uriieulars rite. r
AUitlUr, ll. llBl.l .V IU. .
'.i I . i'oi tlnt Maine.