Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 05, 1873, Image 2

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imK'd to-
.iivbnvri "mcvicaiu:
(. W1LVIRT. """
Ton" .IoiiN.--ilr."Autcn, of the Wnt
acmtown Record, nppenrs to bo nRRi icvud
in liia last issue la coimcqucnco ofhis not
having received from the Commissioners of
tlio oounty, the Auditors' Report for pub
lication. John has been very unfortunate
in his tiitrc. John hns in numerous in
Mtancuft failed iu his political aspirations.
Johu having failed in his very early careef
as nn office seeker by reason of a want of
coufidence ou the pait of his party, and by
reason of ehagriu In consequ;nco thorebf
be bus embarked in the newapaper 'busi
ness for the purpose of paying back some
of his parllsanWftiffa to whom he supposes
himstlf Indebted Jdlin was once blind
folded, and in Hint wise 'U d to disappoint
ment, in the case of a certain agreement.
This occurrence took place at the lime his
youthful aspirations prompted him to mo
destly oik ibr the office or Deputy Sheriif,
and the circumstance seems to have soured
John's temper ever since. He Is now try
ing,since hh efforts ut vengeance against his
blinfoldcrs.'hao proved abortive, to push
himself into the good graces of his old parti
tions, by endeavoring to mislead those
who do not examine our comity matters
as close 'as they should, and to prevcut
the evtf ' effects of this little deception, we
will answer his matterof last week.
The editor says that we stated several
years ago, "that the county was 94,000 in
debt." The editor knows this to be Incor
rect. We stated that the King had Vie use
of $04,000 nunually, which they wero ex
pending, and a large amount left in tire
hands of tlie collectots upon which they
were tijKCuluting, which should be collected,
and .paid on the indebtedness of the county,
the interest of which alone lait year, was
e-.'OJT 43; (see Auditor's Report.) AVe de
nounced the extravagant expenditure
of these 894,000. We had reference to
the exorbitant prices paid on bridge con
tracts, on road views, clerk hire, fuel the
general management about the Court
House, and the amount paid to a lot of
loungers who frequented the offices daily,
waiting to secure a fctt crumbs, which the
editor knows was correct, as ho was one
who solicited small jobs, which were
charged as incidental expeuscs, or miscel
laneous items. The editor says he expect
ed to discover some "astouuding develop
ments." No doubt of it. There was no
oue who was better acquainted with the
operations of the ''King" thau he was, and
that is just what many are afraid of now
that some of their transactions will be dis
covered and exposed. Every one kuows
that the present board of Commissioners
had but a small share in the transactions re
corded in the late report, as the board was
only organized two month's previous to the
closing of the report. Wo can assure the
editor too, that more was accomplished iu
these two mou'.hs towards collecting iu the
outstanding taxes, and towards abolishing
the evils that have existed, by cutting down
expenses, than was done for five years pre
vious. Through the excellent manage
ment of the present board, we have now
every prospect of having the indebtedness
of the county reduced instead of increas
ed, hereafter. All the ili 111 runt avenues of
extravagance which have been draining
our treasury have been closed. Where it
required two or three clerks to do the busi
ness of the Commissioners, theie is but one
who does all the business, and finds suffi
cient time besides to clean up the office,
which was found iu a very disorderly con
dition ; he has placed matters in a bctte r
shape.' Nor do we see any hangers on
about the offices. The printing of political
-documents for distribution in the county,
Ac, which the people paid for, has also
been discontinued. We can assure our
friend of the Jitnird that if he will visit thu
Commissioners1 office now, he will find an
entirely different a'.mosphcre from what it
was heretofore, aud that business is trans
acted by the officer themselves instead of a
group who formerly managed the board of
Connninbiouers, so that each got an acre to
farm whereon a livelihood was obtained at
the expense of the tax-payers. .
As to the Auditor's lleport, if our friend
John will glance ut it again, he will find
tjmt his Democratic frieuds last year were
not far behind those of previous years. lie
will notice that several accounts of former
officers nre well put ou ns well ns the ex
penses of other officers. As 'ulhecxpcusesof
the present Commissioners during the com
ing yenr, wc have reason U believe they
will be much less thau Arnncrly, as they
economize in every department. We
know that iu oue item, lately, they saved
the county some itiuu hundred dollars.
I Jist year the Cwiimiesioucrt were advised
to have a docket transcribed which cost
them tf'.t.'iO, aud tho job given to two
other officials. Lately the Commissioners
were advised to have another transcribed,
but believing that the price was too high,
they had the document rebound for $'J
which is now as good as the oue transcrib
ed at an expense of jf'JOO, thus having that
amount on a siugle item. There arc other
items of th same character, which, when
the uext report appear, will bo considera
bly reduced. So we would adviscour frieud
to be patient, for if there is any chance to
get ut the records of the past, the "astouish
ing developments" may prove greater for
him than he auticipates.
An Exikmsivh Veto. (iov. Hartranft
sent to the House of Keprtsenta'.ivca, on
Tuesday morning a mesago vttoiug a bill
which had passed the Legislature, entitled,
'An Act extending the time for tin pay
ment of the enrollment on certain acts
heretofore passed." Had the Governor
signed this bill, no lrsn than Sixteen hun
dred and Twenty-two bill would have been
brought into cxislcuce. The action of the
(i over nor in refusing to givo his assent to
u ;h nu immense utmiW'i of btlb, will uicct
v I jl. Approval of thf. public at I ir.
. Wli notice our frieud An ten of the Wat-t-Vm
town Fevrd, is petting our friend of tho
6'aicffe, with n view oftcUinj aid and com
fort from him. - Tho editor of the liecord
will find his labor In vain, us wo know
Youngman is loo'blU n politician to bo do
e'eivod hy Ahandfttl of chaff, and cannot ac
cept n recognition of bo small An amouut
to inducftjilui' to turn to another parly at
tho solicitation of no small an adjunct of
any party.
HfeVfch Hundred Llrea I-ostt.
All nil Womkn aud Cbildhem Duowpcd .
Halifax, N. S.', April 1. This after
boon a report was circulated that a steamer
had been wrecked on the coast, aud seve
ral lives lost. It was at tlrst regarded as
a cruel April fool hoax, but to-night the
Cunard agent here received news that it
was all true, and only a little of the truth
had been told, the fact being that tho W Into
Star atpamer Allan tic. Captain Willams,
from Liverpool for New York, while com.
In; to this port for coal, struck on Mea
gher's Hock, near Prospect, twenty-two
miles west of Halifax, aud became a 'total
wreck. Of about .oue thousand souls on
board upward of seven hundred wcredrown
ed. Third Officer Hrady arrived here to
night, and says tjio Atlantic left Liverpool
on Mareh 20, with Upwards nf nine hun
dred steerage and about 'fifty cabin .paasen
She experienced rough weather during
the passage, but all went well until noon
on Mouday, March 31, when her supply
of coal became exhausted. Thu capt iiu
determined to put into Halifax, and the
captain and third officer were on deck un
til midnight. Her position was then fudg
ed to be Sambro light bearing N. N. W-.
thirty- nine miles.
Thc'captuin went wto his chart room,
leaving orders to be called if there was anV
change in the ship's position. lirady went
to bed about thu same 'lime as tboHjaptuin.
The next thing he remembers is that he
was thrown out of bis buuk, and felt thu
ship strike several times. lie then rushed ,
on deck, and found the captain and officers
there, and the deck full of passengers.
He got an nxo and commenced to clear
away the boats. The captain and other
officers were busy doing the same thing.
Hrady got his boat out, and put two wo
men in it. A number of men attempted to
get iuto it, and about a dozen succeeded.
Just ut that moment the steamer fell over
ou her beam ends and sank.
Only one boat had teen got out and that
wasafricd down by the steamer, and all
in It lost. Brady scrambled iuto the ruiz
zen rigging, which was above the water,
and seeing tic 'could do nothing there, went
forward and unwove the halyards, beiug
assisted by Quurtermasters pcakman aud
He then took the halyards tfnd all three
swam to the rock. The line was hauled
ashore and a number of passengers landed
by it. A number had got ou it, but as tho
tido was rising, their situatio n was no bet
ter than on the vessel.
Just then fishermen ou shore camo out
in boats and rescued those on the rock aud
a large number from the riggiug. Brady
remained at the scene until noon to-day,
when all who were alive ou board had been
saved, except Chief Officer Mr. Firth, who
was in the rigging shouting for help.
l!ra.y he tried to get a crew to go
to Firth's rescue, hut the sea was so heavy
that nobody would volunteer. Altogther
about 250 ttcvbous were saved, including
Captain AN illtums, also Fourth Officer
Brown, the doctor aud several of the en
gineers aud sailors
Nut a single woman or child was saved.
Most of them, as well as hundreds of men,
were drowned iu their berths. The ship
struck about two A. M., the weather at
the time being dark but not thick, with a
rough sea.
Steamers are goiug dowu to-night to
render what assistance they possibly can.
All the pei.ple saved from the wreck, ex
cept Brady, are still at Prospect, where the
lisliermeu are giving them all possible at
tention. New York, April 1. Among the cabin
passengers lost on the Atlantic, the only
ones kuowu are William II. Merrilt aud
wife of New York, Miss Merritt his sister,
The State Appropriation to tho
The bill making the appropriation of
$250,000 to the Centennial, leaving the
ballance of the million dollars to be col
lected from the street railroad companies
of Philadelphia, is too long for publication,
and wc therefore content ourselves with
giving the following synopsis :
The bill appropriates oue milliou dollars
for a payment building to be erected iu
Fairmouut Park : aud prescribes the
sou fees from whence the money shall be
derived, and the limes aud conditions un
der which it shall be paid. The revenue is
to be collected by a lax of three per cent,
on the gross receipts of every street pas
senger railway ; commencing July instant
aud contiuuiii" to the first day of 1877.
Aud iu the event that this tax tails to pro
duce the whole sum i it is stipulated that
the State Treasury shall Hot be liable for
nunc than one-quarter uf the total. The
railway companies are compensated by a
stipulation that their fares shall uot bo 're
duced by legislation so long as Ibis tax
ruus, uor shall any penalties be inflicted
for previous violations of charters. The
building for which the appropriation is
made is to be erecled by the Centennial
Commission, who may draw any sum less
thau the a; gr -gate receipts from the tax
the current year, and less than 300.000
annually thu two following years, the re
sidue being payable July 4, 1S70. But be
fore auy Million of the Slato appropriation
can be demanded, it must be known that
oue million dollars have beeu subscribed
by thu citizens of Philadelphia to the
stock of the Commission, and half that
sum appropriated by the city, and that a
contract has been made for a permanent
fireproof building in Fairmouut Park, that
shall cost ut least $1,500,01)0. It is further
stipulated that this building shall always
remain ojicu for the exposition of the art,
iudustry, mechanism, products of the soil
and wines of the State, aud lor the enjoy
ment of the people under such regulations
as may be prescribed by the proper autho
rities tho Fairmouut Park Commission
ers, the Stales Centeuuial Sunerviaora and
repveseniauves oi the city. Tue contribu
tions of olhcr States aud of foreigu countries
are also to be admitted without unfriendly
discrimination. The building itself will be
in charge of the United Slates Centennial
Supervisors during the Exposition, exclu
sively. Uutii completed, Die control vests
iu tho Board of State Centennial Supei vi
sors. The function of this body, of whom
Aloxander Henry, J. GUliugbssi Fell and
John Q. James are the members, is to ex
amine the plans, approve and certify the
! contracts to the Governor. The Governor
is directed to draw his warrent for $50,000
whenever tho expenditure readies twice
that sum, and for the whole rrsidae of the
Appropriation 'when the onlay ts thus
Hmui to b.tvo been t,i(no nun.
and Mies Soreymner, his s1ntrr-1n
list of tho passengers cau be ubt
lai number ol ihtsoiis In the l .-in ted states 1 1 wir jsa janitor's pay,
who were assessed for Income during the s ' -1 Attorney's Fcc,
icrV nrk'
Hi, (
yearsi H" . under the act of July 141
were 1 1, i iu and ( 4.3.(7 reset-lively.
We give below extracts from the Vhitatlcl
phia 1'rctM, on tho national finances by the
government :
We repeat at this juncture whal we have
often declared before, that the business
wants of the country demand nn enlarged
paper circulation, fjiilil the next Congress
meets the business of fixing the legal ten
der issue is in the hands of Secretary Rich
ardson. If he should follow out strictly
the policy pursued by Mr. Boutwell the
country will so Her, perhaps, to a disastrous
extent before Congress can relievo it.
The dullness of general trade, the diffi
culty experienced by even some of our
richest houses iu meeting their financial
obligations, and the evident ioverly ot our
banks in the matter of reserves, all point
to the fact that something must be done to
save the country from what may yet drift
into a mouey pauio uot a mere Third or
Wall slreet disturbance, butu genuine busi
ness crisis, which will damage the enter
prises, check the growth of the country to
an extent that would be ruinous, and assail
eve'i'y working interest which might lie in
progress from Maine to California.
While there are no indications at present
of such a eondition of affairs being likely to
be soon witnessed, we cannot ignore the ;
fact that thu causes for it exist. A little
further tampering with the gold and money
markets, and a little more straining on thu
part of our merchants and the slender
thread of men tie conlidenco will snap.
The banks have done their utmost, and in
this country no power but the government
can now check the machinations of Wall
street raiders, seem to be preparing for a
fresh demonstration.
The banks are helpless, but the Treasury
contains the means to defeat conspiracy
atid assist legitimate enterprise, and we
hope for the sake of a long-sulfering people,
thst Mr. Hicliatdsou will turn a deaf car
to those who shriek out "inflation" because
he issues to the nation that medium of
trade which is just now so accessary.
There can bo no iuflatioii unless the sum
is beyond our necessities, and certainly the
fourty-four millions now in the Treasury, if
issued, would barely meet tho absolute
wants of our business men. Prompt and
decided aetion is necessary. If a govern
ment cannot or dare not protect its people
against the glgautic conspiracies of lawless
speculators, the sooner it is supplanted by
oue 8ufficieully vigorous the belter.
Tub Philadelphia Lcdyir has been look
iug up the law as to the seizind of the goods
of tenants for the payment of taxes on real
estate and can find no acts of the legisla
ture ; and it further asserts that where ie
;al resistance is made, the Collectors ftbau
dou their attempt to make such seizure.
It further stales, however, that where a
collector makes a demai d for taxes upon
a tenant, the tenant can make the payment
and deduct the same from rent due, and
the owner can make no resistance to such
deduction. It would consequently seem
to be good policy to make the payment
whenever the demand is ruadc to avoid
trottbrc wilh the collector.
The Danville Strike. The men of
the Danville mills have bccti nn a slrike
for a long lime. The UloouVsburg Colum
bian states thu position as follows : All'.tirs
iu Danville are rapidly assuming a bad
complexion, au-d much anxiety is felt in
consqueuce. The men who are out of em
ployment seem to be growing reckless, and
acts of violence are reported, which, if true,
will inevitably turn the current of public
sympathy against Ham. Two or three
casca of assault are reported, the victims
being men who desire to work. We are in -formed
thai the mill of Waterman &
Beaver was set on lire on Sunday morning
last, but fortunately the flames were ex
tinguished with a loss of about 200.
Waterman & Beaver have eudeavored to
effect a compromise by offeriug their strik
ing puddlers SO per ton. This the men re
fuse, aud demand $15.50 per ton. Mr. Fow
ler last week was compelled to blow out his
furnaces on account of the opposition of
his men. This unfortuuatu state of affairs
is much to be regretted, as it effects the
the material iulerests of the town, the lul
terests of ihe Workinguich and the inter
cats of the employers.
The long-threatened civil war in north
ern Snaiu seems to have fully commenced.
j and with a Car list victory. The followers
j of IHhi Carlos have been collecting amount
I the Pyrenees for some time, and now claim
! an irtipoHvnt victory, followed by the cap
ture if the army, of the government.
Barcelona and Tarragona, where tumults
; aud fighting are said to havo occurred, nre
I on (he Mediterranean coast of ('a alouia,
j and uU remote from the mountains.
j t;ooi uoitu
Wc can confidently recommend the Pain
Killer. 7roto Jlaptist.
It is the most effectual remedy we kuow
of for Aches, Pains, flesh wounds, &C.
St. John Xtw$, I'. Lj.
We ndvise that every family should have
so effectual aud speedy a Pain-Killcr.
Amlitrsl A. 8. (iazctte.
Our own exR'ricucu is that a bottle of
Pain-Killer is thubeslPhysiciuna traveller
can have. Hamilton Spectator.
For Itolh iuterual and external applica
tion have found it of great value. Chris.
A mcdiciue no family should bo without.
Montreal TruHxcript.
Could hardly keep house without it. Ud
Should be kept in every house, in readi
ness for suddeu attacks of sickness. C'hris.
No article ever obtained such unbounded
popularity. Salem Obntrver.
One of the must reliable specifics of the
age. Old 2?urth Siatc.
Its power is wonderful and unequated in
relieving the most sevcro pain. Burling
ton Sentinel,
An ipdirmsable article in the medicine
chest. AT. Examiner.
It will recommend itself to ull who use
it. (horyia Enttrjirise.
Is extensively used aud sought after as a
really useful medicine. Journal St. Jotm.
No Medicine has acquired such a repu
tation ; it has real merit. Newiort Daily
One of the most useful medicines ; have
used it and disposed it for the past twenty
years. Hcv. H'h. H unt, Antmu.
Tlie most valuiiblo medicine now Iu use.
Jewii. Orgun.
It is really a valuable medicine, and used
by many physicians. Boston IVavtlUr.
We always keep it where we can put our
bauds ou it in the dark, if ueed be. ltev,
C. lhbbaid, Lurmuh,
Oue ut the few articles that are just what
they pretend to be. VAnsti ick ieletraiJt.
in my mountain travels no medicine is
of so universal application as I'alu-Killer.
llev. M. 11. Bixby, Burltttut,
130 High St., IWideuce, It. I.
Ill Sycamore St., Ciuciunati, O.
.'177 St. Paul St., Montreal, Canada.
17 Southampton, How, London, Eng.
March '.!. (7T 1m.
$70 .. .units. Auditors' i
. r r- . t 1 . . u
farirfwarui, f i
SeliwaVU, , I
.1' t .iiin null1!; i.'mirF
lai w
81S 00
127 'IS
i53 00
Kl ri'UKN, Proprietor. Oppnito (tie De
pot SIIAMOKIN, VA. Every iilti-nMoii jtlvrii to
traveller. Mini the best iiecoiiimodutluin ctreo.
April R, i:;i. tf
Nntkw l heri'li gWett, Hint letters TeMnmcti
tnry on the estate" of Philip Haul, lute of I'pper
AutfiiMa tmriirlilp, Norttiiimtii:rliihd county. Ph.,
(leeeaKed Imvn Ix-eir eninted to the rtnriVrnliHieil.
All iwrsqii Kjitiwlmt thcmtrlVea Indetlted to the
Mlrt tsjulr ar.,'tcliif4tflrl (ij Wake Immediate
paynielit, 'lind tlloec tuiS'lli'cluiriis Will present
Ibem Id , i
, . . CiF.OItHR GAUL, Executor. .'
or J. R. DAVIS, Jr., Attorney at fiw.
April ft, 1K78. rtw. -
M'ltlXU OPK.M.
Cloths. Cuarimercf. Culicot, and everything In
the Dry Uood Hon.
Queenswurr, Hlnsswnrc, an 1 Wood und Willow
ware. j ,
A l.irire assortment Just opened, whieh eonslnU
of Ten, Coffee, Siliritr, MoIhskuh, 8plons, Meal,
Fifh, itc. The Celebnited Alleiuown Imnd mude
11O0T8 AXD fitlUF.!.
Warranted to plvo satUfnetlnn. In fnc-t a full
nssortineut of over,vtl:hi kept in u Urst-cluits store,
run be liucl nt trruutly
for rash, (.'all and oe iho Hue selection of ner
goods, and be convinced ttint
F. J. ltVUOD'.N,
near the Luthern Church, iu Hiinbury, Is the best
and cheapest plneo to buy ull kiiida of store
goo Is. No trouble to show goods.
April 6, 1X7H. lv.
' I Curcti add Oil Cluttis for Court
House, S ''
,1 CountT Imtltutn, 'v
ty;r ( - i n " , -ftitf
TixliliH nt Colitt ItoUse, for Court House,
Till; KlXtS 8IIOI
8 THE SHOP OK Till: TOWN - ,,4 lone I Orders paid
bus been nsk history and she will tell you J Treasurers commission o
II Vuet fortrtrt llonse nnd Jiill.
f1 (letiernl nhd Spring Elections,
4 Fees, uf Daniel Hcckley,.formerly.
Whnln cf Npnreatnbcrlanduoun-
SO Interest on otrtstandlogOrders and
borrowed .money, . ...
1 Indexing Administrators' Ac-'
counts by Jacob Lrienrltnrr. - r
1 Insurance on Court Housa
3ft Jurors' pay and Constables' Rc
k turns to Court, :.
1 Keeplne Hannah Snrldge. and Jn-
coh Urass at Honpltul, "
5 Merchandise for Court Home nnd
Jl; , ' ,
3 Medical attendance, nt Jalt. '
28 Postage, fSlnrik Books nndStatlon
ery, 19 PrUon expenses, '
1 Penitentiary expenses,
3 Prisoners take u to Penffentlary,
i ProsccultiiR Attorney's fees,
21 Pay of Jury Comml'sloneT 'Knd
thstrrlerks, '
18 Prliittnit and Advertfslnj;. -
4S0 Premiums on Scalps,
- Foxes,
1 Prothnnotary Hnupl's foes,
8;) Road Damages,
49 Koiid nnd bridge Viewers pay,
V Refunding overpaid taxes,
'i State tax paid out of county funds
1 Stale tax, balance due flute as
per lust audit, paid
1 Taxes nndjeosts on seated and un
pi'at'cd lands sold to Commis
sioners, . ',
5 Tninncrlbintt oltf ddekets, &e., by
8. K. Knowlcs und Jacob Lelsen
rinjf, ; -
25 Tlpstavo's pay,
1 Taklug Churlc Wbito to the 8ii
premo Court and back,
6 Travelling expenses by the Com-
' l5 00"
4a 1 By amount efStste tax outstatidiuir
u ins in amy oi January, 10(J, , Jiu iu
i-.xoncrntiout snowed collectors for
1872 and previous years.
Commission allowed collectors
1872, und previous rears,
Balance received by Treasurer,
; m 07
I 117 l0
B01 0i
3041 82
MMi "hiiVC 'foWn '61d in our patrotmjje
oaoies on iiiev. moiners' nreast
nt j per cent.,
on .-.5,101 23
S273 UK
38 70
. 272 40
3047 48
200 00
'45 00
343 10
74 70
382 08
U7 01
17M 20
4 02
4lt OO
: 243 S6
008 84
831 as
154 05
V.'3S 4S
33t 7
442 00
200 85
5637 70
S0S7 04
145 2G
940 60
382 00
S7 90
143 "M
3417 B7
xsfSu-nrsrBix "tr npTT3iis'7or
. Total, .
1910 07
S5400 t'i
428 8tf
157 29
2404 84
5470 82
II 258 S5
Al.T C'AnwAt.t.mia, Esq., Treasurer orjforth
. umberland Connly, in account with the same
rescctiug Btate tax tm National BanK Stock
for the yesr 1872, settled Iu his scconnt rt
spectlur county and Hint? taxes, Ac.
: DR.' ;.-.,'',
To nmonnt of Duplicates for tbu
.'yearly,- '
- CR. :
By amount of ontstandinif tax on the
1st day or January, 1873,
Amount of Commission allowed col
lectors Balance rccelrtd by Tr.iurcr,'
1407 35
40 05
700 B5
ALBtnr CAtrWALLitwa, Xt.,,rrMneerl to tb
i count ' .Nortbumbsriaad eounty, foraa
jtt,r,1873i ,') j-, .'; hit. , .....
To a Dnfnnce' Sue on County, Stats
and National Bank taxes, 3,477 03
' ' :;cu. ' : , "
By balance lu'Ms haads, '. . ,.13,477 62
Statement of tits Finance! of Worthumtierlaiiil
oonnty on the first tfsy of Jnonarr, 1873;
' ' Dll.
To amount of outstanding orders of '
the year 1871, and previous years, 1 17,190 01
To amount ef outstanding orders of
- the year 1872, 8,794 20
To amount of an outstanding bounty
order Issued In 1802, 725 00
Excess of Couuty assets above Indebt
edness $34,474 0
155,184 18
t!258 85
Ai.iERTCiDWAp.ii'F.R, Esq., TreaCT bf Xorth.
nraberlsnd county, in account y.lth ttib Militia
Fund of the same for the year 1372. .
To amount of miiltlli ,'tnxes for the
. vear 1870 aud 1S71 outstsudlug on
tbe 1st day or January, 1872. 'J24S 45
To amount of Duplicates for the year
18T2 1,505 28
Uy amount of militia tax outstnnd
'ing on the 1st day of January, 1873
Exonerations allowed collectors,
Commission allowed collectors,
Cnth paid mllltla officers by order of
Military board) as per receipts.
One per ccut commission on $880,
Balance in Treasurer's bauds,
1377 53 ' T"l,,l
37Si 71
91829 89-
780 43
53 30
880 00
8 80
133 29
$3753 71
By amount of outstanding county
taxes for the year 1871, und pie- . ,
vlous years, $7,638 19
By amount of ontstandlng comity
taxes for the year 1873, 83,909 60
By amount of outstanding Stats taxes
for the yenr 1871. and previous
years (for the use or Ihe county). 037 54
By nmonnt of outstanding State taxes
for the year 1872 (Tor the use of the
county), . . 1,838 50
Uy amouut of outstanding bank stock
tax for the yenr 1972 (for tho use of
the county), 457 Sf,
By amount in the hands of County
Treasurer on settlement, 3,477 C2
By amount duo from Geo. McEiiucc,
late Treusurar, 7.3S1 31
$55,14 13
To bonncliiL' bovs nt plaV
And youths by maidens fair caressed, '
To stalwart men with cares oppressed, '
And old meu silver ruy. I
And among the honored and lahtlng linpres. J
slnns of time, and the crush of revolutions in I
ciicunistuuces, we stand a living inonuineo'tM
memento of the Ingenuity nnd perse.verunee ap
pertaining to tbe identity of progression, plying
our vocation wilh the highest style of art nnd
perfection, nud aspiring to achieve the highest
reward of merit attainable til our humble capaci
ty, nnd the sentiment or respect aud approbation
which the presence of superior appliances uud es
tablishment are always wont to inspire.
Always to please
We shave with ease
Cut nnd comb with taste the hair ;
Shampoo the bead with soothing ease,
Aud Tolor the wkbikcrs black or brown,
To sn?t the fceopts a'bout the town.
TVn allow fr.e Milely request you to stop.
Aud Ciot go part tiiVr from around our shop.
To get shaved Ofi the bAsis of ability nor as
some nave done for our use or the ballot for prin
ciplesacred and right nor under tho common
secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex
ion for the cut of u man's coat, or the color of
his skin, ought not to atfeet his usefulness nor
his qiinlilicullons. A fair chance Is nil that we
demand, to give th proof to all the land.
Suubury, April 5, 1373 ; No. 91, Market st.
48,721 81
Total, $50,198 03 I
Kxcess or erpemlrlurcs above receipts
$81 04.
Cash Yc'eclved from Collectors of
county taxes for ISTi, aud pre
vious years, $
Cash received frorn collectors of
Rate taxes T'lr 1872, und pre
vious years.
Cash received from 'collectors of
Batik Tax for the year 1872,
Cash received from court Tines ju
ry funds, &.,
Cash received from Lower Augusta
township for keeping Haunah
Cash received on Judgment nea'mt
Kate. Chrit
Cash received from Co'mri'6'uw'calth
costs, ...
Cah received ns redempton money
for seated nnd unseated lands,
Cash received from Jacob Shell for
lioMin luqucst ou body of his
Cash received for Ones on cruelly to
Cash received from Sunbury Band for
Has Used,
(.'ash received from extra taxes,
Amount of county tux received from
linsenttd lands,
Amount of county tux received IVoiu
seated lauds.
Excess of expenditure vt nove receipts,
I Ai.bkktCidwai.hiiek, Esq., Trcasurerof North
umberland county in account wllh the trea
surer or School Hoard', Supervisors or roads,
Overseers 6f Poor, etc., of townships aud bo
toughs, respecting taxed on unseated and seat
ed lauds for the year 1870 and
j DR.
81 I To amount received for Road, School, Tf Wongh.
lloiiutv nud Poor taxes. Iron) thu Veveral
00 95
Albek't CAnWALLADEM. Esq. .Treasurer of North
umberland Couuty, in account wilh the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania respecting licenses,
from the,lst day of January, A. I). 1872. to
the 31st day or December ol the same year,
both duys inclusive:
To amount received from tavern li
censes for the year 1872,
To amonnt received Trorn restaurant
licenses for tbe year 1872,
To amount received rrqm liquor store
licenses Tor tho yenr 18T3,
To amount received from Vc'.nlters of
merchandise, coal and lumber
yards, itc., as per Mcrianiite Ap
praiser's list for the year 1872,
To amount received from billiard lii-
i To amount received from brewers,
j To amount receded from extra li
censes on billiard tables, brewers
I and retailers.
To 30 copies of Pamphlet laws,
505 00 !
'50 00
S5 00 I
69 83 '
28 CO
23 35
townships nud doroughs, as folio Wf
Tax. Ml. Carmel township, road, $1710 85
school, 2625 88
" poor, 1423 74
Waithington townhir Tend
$3?S20 0U
700 00
250 00
3,803 00
240 00
10 00
06 70
30 00
?7,42 70
$01 CO
1,000 00
1,2-IS 40
3.i OO
5 00 , Liltle Mahanoy tp.,
5 00
4 04
2130 C9 j
CIS 00 j
810 C4
$50,198 02
Groiiok McCl'ikc k, Etq., former Treasurer of
Northumberland County, in account with the
To balance due county ns per lust
Auditors' Report, 7VI0 62
To amount of cash received per State
tuxes not charged In lust report
(see pages 18 and 191 In Srate lux
Con veyanclug.tho collections of claiins,n ritings,
aud ull kinds of Legal business will be attended
to carefully nud with despatch. Can be consult
ed Iu the English nud Ueiman language. Office
formerly occupied by Solomon Mallck. Esq., op
posite City Hotel, Sunburv, Pa.
March 2t, 1873. ly.
are now acknowledged by all musicians who
have examined then to be far iu advance of any
other. I heir
Eoline, Vox Humarla and Piano,
(the latter being a Flnnd Of exquisite quality of I Jons- F. Fidleii. formerlv Ticas'r of NortR.
tone, which will never require tuulng, give U : uiaberlahd county, Iu account with the same.
innni n u-nnnnri in Aan-io tv inr
By 5 per cent, commission on $1,000.
1 per cent, ou $1,000, nnd )i pel
cent, on $320,
Rv Kr.ifi. Trf.:iaH ri-r'a rrcplnt nf .Tulv
toiiS 47 1S72. on tavern licenses,
Coal township Toad, 2451 20 By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4,
school, 17 lBiH, on tavern licenses,
bounty, 173 t v By per cent, commission on 7(i,
4Wi 0? liv Mate treasurers receipt ol reti.4,
I Zeibe township, road 511 07 I 1873, on retauriinl licenses. GG5 00
school lUSi OO . ny o per rent, commission nn fK:0, 13 00
$1508 C7 By Slate Treasurer's receiptor Feb. 4
13 31 ' 1873, on liquor store llecuses, 237 5J
105 I By 5 per cent, commission on $1,000,
$14 3 ' 1 per cent, on J1,0(KJ, nnd per
fd'ad 39 OS . cent on $17 95,
sch'cTol 59 01 I llv State "I rcasnrcr's receipt of Sept.
$US C9 "10, 1872, on retailers' licenses,
rqid -, 0 37 Bv Stnti" Treasurer's receipt of Nov.
scdoBl ; 0 13 12, 1S72, on retailers' licenses.
." f 13 50 1 By amount paid Tor publibhing re-
road T 30 ' - ' ta'lcrs' list,
school 7 10 '' By exonerations allowed H. H. Mas-
$14 40 se'r ly Auditor (ieneral.
road 93 80 Hy S'tate Treasurer's receipt or Feb. 4,
school, 227 17 1873, on retailers' licenses,
$321 03 Bv 5 per cent, commission on 8200,
road, 60 48 I By exoneration allowed Albert Uaas
school, 151 8S - by Auditor General,
i fsis 3T) uv Male i reasurrri receipt oi reo. i,
$28 55 i 1S73, on billiard tatlcs, l'.l'J (to
;i',l 54 I Hy 5 per rent, commission on $10, 80
$GS 09 By Slate Treasurer's receipt ol' l-'i-b. 4,
2 88' I '1S73, on brewers, . 15 20
a ,'iO " I By 5 per rent, commission on $00 70, 3 33
$0 3S By Slate Treasurer s receipt or Feb. 4,
. 173, on extra lireiise.
$1 72 I By 5 per cent, commission on $30.
I By Slate Treasurer's receiptor Feb. 4,
1 on Pamphlet laws,
Lower Augusta tp.,
, v
Chllisqunque tp.,
Camerou township,
I'pper Mahnnoy twp,
Shamokiu township, road,
Lower Muhauoy twp., road,
" school,
CS 97
910 40
1,000 00
f9 00
72f. o::
10 1)0
40 00
: Jai kson township, road,
35 CO j ;
t V pprr Augusta twp., road,
I " scuool,
" bounty;
I " "' poor,
while their extraordinary power, beamy of de
sign and thorouuliness of construction nre sur
prising to nil who are unacquainted w ith the de-
grea of perfection these instruments huventtain-
ed. Wm. Knochc nf Iturrisliurt' has secured the
agency for them, and will be pleased to exhibit
hem to all interested iu music.
April 5, 1873. fiw.
By amount ofConnty and State taxes
from collectors' paid to A: C'ad
wallader, arid charged to McF.liesu
in error, (see page 207 of county
tx book, and pngc 190 of Stutc tax
Bala n eu due county,
To amount of an Order granted nnd
pal l him,
Hy amount due him on settlement as
pei lust Auditors' Report,
014 97
7331 81
$7940 28
$9.10 r.
Jordsu township, roed
,l " bdunfy
Point township, road. io 03
school 45 3D
Shamokin borough, school 293 78
" " bounty, 70 10
" borough, 05 7fl
$3 90
$93 87
$85 32
1 5i)
2S 5o
$7,424 70
Mt. Cnrmcl borough, school, 347 83
borongh, 70 30
i $4afl CO
$080 61
Sliiihnry borouu'li, road,
,; school,
" poor;
" " boroiigh
21 ?5
32 50
.V 64
19 25
$ti 12
$82 04
March 29, 1873. ly.
To their immense Stock of
Foreign aad Anierlran WtstclieN,
8n.vaa and 8n vek-PlatrB Wame,
Clocks, 11 r on ics und Fancy Oonds. Forming an
Philadelphia, March 82, 1878.-lyr.
Ol the Aridttoraor the Fiuisurra ol
orthuuilorlisiii Couuty.
umberland County from the 1st day of Jun
uuiy A. D. 1872, to the 31st day of December of
the. same year, both duys iacliuive.
.Vo. of Ordtrt. EXPENDITURES.
17 Asstwsiueut and Reglstrution Ex
pense", . $1085 10
1 Agricultural Society for 1871, loO 00
1 " ' 1873, 100 00
62 Bridge building aud repslriDg, 4578 84
1 balance lu full paid J, Fuller, for
merly Treasurer, 030 til
63 Commonwealth und Justices' feci
lu Commouweultb eases,
win..... r..a.
I Ai.bkut CAiw!.f.APi:n, Eq., Treasurer of North
I uiuberliind Coumy in ucrouut with the same
! from the 1st day of January A. D. 1872 to the
31.-1 day of Dcucanber of the same year, both
duys Inclusive, rctptctiuj; Couuty ud Slute
tuxes, Ac.
To uniount or outstiiudiiiK county
ous vear, $45304 27 !
Amouutotdoplicate (heyer 1872 51210 55
Amount of outstanding State ta xes fur
thu yeur iTl und previous years 3550 55
Amouut of Slato Duplicate for the
year i872, 1910 07
Cash received from collectors of State
tux on Hank stock, 7G0 05
Cusi) reerlved from Court fines, Jury
funds, Ad:, 505 00
Cush received rrom Lower Augnsta
township for keeping Hannah S;i-
tldge. 50 00
CdU received ou Judgment ngulnst
Kate Christ, . 35 00
Cush received from Commonwealth
costs, 69 38
Cash received ns redemption for seat- -
ed and unsealed lauas, 24 66
Cush received from Jacob Shell for
holding Inquest nn body of his wife 23 85
Cush received on lino for cruelty to
animals, 5 00
Cush received from Sunbury Bund for
(as used, 500
Cush received from extra taxes, 4 64
Amount received from dunk and sun
dry persons us loans to County, 4675 00
Amount of comity tax from unseated
lauds. : 2130 69
Amount of county tax from seated
lunds, 048 06
Total, $14,177 35
By airiouiits paid to Supervisors of
Riads,Treusurers of School Boards;
Overseers of Poor, etc., (as per re-' '
ceipts.) -'. . $12,169 20
By 6 per et. commission nn $14,177 35 708 87
By amount paid as clerk's rec loJutf;
Furnsworlh . . . 49C 95
Balance la Treasurer's hands, 782 33
$14,177 35
13 Coniiurssloucri' pay, Sfeup.
Durh, i
12 Corouor'f and Juslloi-1 Imiuisl.
577 88
8390 77
5U7 50
697 60
361 80
05 00
$110,803 17
By amount of outstanding county
luxes on the 1st day of January,
A. D., 1873, $1117 75
Amouut of exonerations allowed col
lectors, 2701 92
Amount of commission allowed col
lectors, . 3613 34
Amouut of outstundlug State taxes
ou the 1st day of January, 1873, , . 2470 10
Amouut of exonerations allowed col- '
lectors, 428 S9
Amouut of totmoUslon allowed, col- '. '
lectors, 157 29
Amount of couuty Order paid lu 1872, 65,101 23
Treasurer's commission pf Stf yef CV.
on $56,101 23 , "1377 58
Balance to bands of Treasurer, ' , 3477 03
110,865 17
AiaiarCADWAU.A-DXa, Esq. , Treasurer ef North
nmberland eottnty, ta accouut with the saics,
respecting Scale tax on personal property for
' the year 1874, and previous year, settled la
hi account respecting conn'y and State taxes,
. Ac.
To amount of outstanding Stat tax
for, 171, and previous years,
Northumberland County in account with t'ie
Cominonwculih of Pennsylvania, respecting
State aud Naliouul Bank block, Tax, ecc, for
the year 1872.
To balance due CominonwealtTj on
settlement for the year 1871, $3087 G4
Amount of taxes ou personal proper
ty, ': mill tax und lnlerel tic. rurd
us fixed by the board of revenue
commissioners Tor the year 1S72, lif
ter deducting collectors' and Trea
surer's commissions, Ac, $4533 21
To amount of State tux on National
Bank stock as fixed by the board nt
Revenue Commissioners, eomm'is-
tiou deducted, 1104 4;
By Stale Treasurer'. Rercit .f April
17, 1872,nm included in county Or
ders. State Treasurer's receipt of April 20,
1S72. included iu county Orders,
State Treasurer's reeeit M AuL'io-t
20, 1873, included In county Onleis
State Treasurer's receipt of January
23, 1873, included iu couuty Orders
$S725 34
$-.77 SO
2.V 9 S4
4533 21
1104 4!)
$S7-.'.j 34
Outstanding Taxes for 1872 and previous years.
Ya NartH'l.
05 Whhinirton Lake
'US John Lvuch,
" iPliilip FriiBk,....
'69 Philip Winterstein,
" iThnmas Miller
" 'Johu Krissiuger,..
70l Aaron Troxel,
J. II. rjulsa,
" ITnomas T; Buikv,...
'71 Joseph Eiscly......
" I Aaron Troxel,...'
" iHeury D. Mowery
.Isaac nlllster
" IA. R. Treon
" IChurlc K. Weikel ,
44 iMichuel Downey,
'73 Marliu R. liass
" j Isaac Murtx,
" I John Troxel,
" j Patrick "Ready,
' iJacob Watoer, ....... .........
' ISiinon MetagarjA..'..'..;
" (1. O. Billmau......
" iNoak Klock,.....-...,
" lAnlhouy Barter,
" I Abraham Relts,...
' lEIias llverlv :'.
George W. Iloruberger,...,
John Musgrove,.
(eorge l.oue,
E. B. bUilwgncr,.'...
Andrew Marl in,.... .........
Tlinmas London,
John Lesher
Samuel K. UU, ...............
Edwurd (.rady
Joseph Eisely,.. ...,..,
Harrison Henry, ,
George J. Hurtliuc
Peter Wagner,
Charles Annuo,,,
vvillium Coousr.
Joseph Coble,,
1UZ. Kuker,
...... Shamokio borough
Coal township,
....... I' pper Augusta twp.,
Point township,
Jordan township,
Chlllltquaque twp.,
Upper Augusta twp.,
Coal township,
Sunbury borough,
.. Cbllllsqunque twp
Delaware towuship,
Ml. Carmel borough
'Washington twp.,
Cameron township
Upper Augusta,
Lower Augusta,
Coal township
, Cameron,
Jackson towuship,. v
Ltwls, ..v
.. Little Mahanoy twp.,
..-..v.-.-. 1 Lower Mahanoy
Upper Mahanoy,
; Millon boroutfh,
, McEwensvllle,
j.Mt.'artaol borough
Ml. Carmel twp.,
'Northumberland uor
Point township,
, . .... Riverside borough,
, Rush
buubury borough,.,.,
Bliamokln borough,
.. Shamokin towusliip,
, iTurbui t'owoship,
t Wa.hii.f toiiy
I Zerbu towuship,
169 27
03 Us.
371 90
100 00
10 00
lifill 01
128 99
28ti8 80
49 30
118-2 17
1049 39
478 58
9 hti,
231 18
458 no
1110 33
10ti3 17
'.'8.')2 B3
2079 50
209 74
8150 6o
499 92
940 2IT'
2178 25
57 63-
1520 08
414 54
i8i;-. an'
4r 88'
(V76 T2
494 00
2336 50
1774 90
5M 55'
15M 24!
State. Militia.
41 55
12 45,
27 22
30 83
J0 00
28 90 205 OO
45 13
1210 3
v ir,8i 32
1(7 97
849 09
2004 59
509 80
409 60
lull 84
101 51
Si 49
27 02
' 37 50
75 31
11 J Of
117 r.9
so as'
27 38 .
154 40
" 46 96
H 50
110 50
2tt 95
T14 71'
SO 89 1
84 23
9 40 '
16 33
23 99
04 S2
50 43'
6 101
H 1
50 50
SS 31
15 92
15 83
149 59,
93 H
39 29, .
38 VI"
34 00
62 00
62 50
22 'i0
31 50
47 00
77. OO'
81 50
30 0O
38 20
72 00
' 83 0O'
83 00
41 50
111 50
84 00
41 00
35 50
11 Uf
52 50
U' 00
85 50
88 50
11 00
40 00
' CI 00
J85 00
77 00
15 50
54 0
19 00'
34 50
43 t'O
These inaikcd aUb, a () hvesluce paid.i
$41,447 75f2,470 10 11,829 9
' We, tbe undersigned Auditors of Northumber-.abilities, and we de further1 certify that upon due'
land County, Stall of Pennsylvania, do certify examination' of tho cxn-ui!c bboks we tlnd that
that In oursuauee of lb 17Ui aeetlou of the Act. the Indebtedness af the ennrrty In uuputd county
entitled "an Act regulutiug counties and loan- orders la $19,$3f ST, sniff hs liniount of nn out."
ships," Ac., passed oo lb 5tb day of At t, A. (lauding Bounty order IssrVcd iu 1802, Is $723 00,
D. 1834, we met at th CpinmUaloQer' oltlce, to if (11 $20,709 87.'
lb borough f Sunbury, on the 6lh' day of Jan- INJ WfTNEbS WHEREOF we do hereunto set
nary, A. D. 1873, and adjoaraed front time to'. 6f iWi klitl sAnl., al the (Mnee aforesaid, this'
tlms, and did audit, adjust sad setll th several aSh'dW AT February A. 1. 17:1.
accouut required of u by law, greeahly to the j ' ' JOSEPH TJft LV, f L. 8
stvsial Act of Assembly ud SqppUmimt tbs-re- i ,' J, MV T Ol.tAfER. JL. S.
$1650 $5 ' to, according to the best ol'our '.Kirlnoias and ' ' - . VCOVT t. M r rC W ,' I.. . y