183. NEW aBD 1878. Just opened at Popular Clothing Store. large a READY-MADE for Men and Boys, of the latest styles, suitable for enily spring Wssaf. . SPRIHG OVERCOATS, $r2-tf&9 13?niffMi Sell! ill fr VI VlSkl JQu . MKMrBamSxM IMMENSE SHIRTS, wtjlto and ooloroil dress Shirts of nil styles. Agency for tbe Qnnker City "perfect fit ting Shirts," every one of which is guaranteed to tit. 2s o better Shut in the market. HATS & C A. P S of the In test styles, tor Men and Boys, a large line of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Fancy Jewelry, &c., &c. Buying only for ensh nnd in lare qunutities, I am enabled to offer better inducements than nDy of my competitors, here or eUewhero. The small regaining stock of Winter Goods on hand will be offered nt greatly re ductxl prices. KCtV GOODS SOW RECEIVED DAILY. Call and to uouvinced tlmt the cheapest place to "buy is at 8 Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Banbury, Pa., February fci, 1873. $ftaiid Opening of AT NewOentralYariety Store, No. IOC, Market Streut, Somti Bide, East of (he Raiiroad, Dress Goods of all Kinds, butt, tt1k Poplin, Alpacas, Latter Alpaca, DcLaloe, Ptnds, Oprs, Flannels, Tickiugi, Ladle Cloaking. NOTIONS. LA DTy and GUSTS' FUT.NIS1IINO GOODS, HosUry, Glove, Koort. Cap, Gormeiitwn Wool, LadU,' luirulltition Ualr Goods In new aud beautiful Btyle. SHAW X, S . Otlotuoo Crow 9, CUuidou Double nil Wool, Platl Shawls, Breakfast Sbswls. ftcarfs, .. JEWELRY. LmIUs Piatsd aud Jet Opera CUu'.ue, Ladles' "I'luted and Jet Feu, btayes, Sleeve Button, Groceries. Iieta Groceries, Wood uud Willow Ware, Floor, Tubie auj Blair Oil Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Finney's for the Greatest Variety of Goods. Good arrivicg'Duily. V. B. It Is tho sotversal verdUit of lb trade tluit my goods are sold tbe lowest la this market. D. A. FINNEY, Noromber 0, 1973, No. 106, Marcel Street, Sunbury, Pa. VAX BF.IIN 11 WHISKEY. $-1 per Gallon or (til porCiisc of 13 LARGE BOTTLES. I Tills lilakey Is Puro Rye, four years old uud very mellow. VAN BEIL'S "YELLO'iV SEAL" SI1ERRB. 11 ptr Oitso of Twelve Bottles. This Wlurj wo offer tn our Mends, knowing it lobs perfectly pure and always uniform lu qua lity. Ask your Grocer for TAN UEIL-S 81 WIIISKET. Ask your I)rus;ist for TAX REIL'SSl WillSKKY. Tell your Grocer you wuut TAN.BEIL-S "YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Tell your Druggist you want TAN BEIL'S '-YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Or, sad your order to ii. at a. c. tax unr. THE WINE MERCIIAXT8, Xo. 1310, CUUSTXCT ST., Philadelphia. Importers of all fins Brandies, Gins. Rums and Wines, and dealers In the ben qualities of Rye and Bourbon WbUkles by the barrel, demijohn cr ease. CHAMPAIGN'ES. Feb. 8, 1872,-1 yr. 1307. RIGHTER&GASKILl, 1307. DEALERS IX American auj Frencli Winflow Glass, Crystal fclioet, Rough Plate, Colored, EnaueUd and Oruamental disss, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1873 ly. BUTCHERY! BUTCHERY I Messrs. KKFFEW at BOWER, Talis Btr eet, opposite Central Hotel, 6VNBURT, PA., K EEP roasSantly on band the vtry choicest or res 11 ItEEF, Ml'TTO AKO VEAL, whieh Is sold at the lowest prices. Meat s be had at all boors ilnrlnjf the day. tnnhnry, Pn.,Jue , S'2. of invoice VARIETY. fflcrzfelder, Finger Kit,,-, Eur Rlage, LlllVOK NTOKE1 CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Conrt House, BUN. III RY, PA liespeetfully invites the attention or Retailers and others, that be has ou bund, und, will con- slant Iv keep all kiuds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Ctuisirtini; of Fure Brandies: Coguiac, Cherry, Ginger, Kucbclle and Oturd. WhUkies: Pure Rye Copper-Hlstilled, Mo""ii guheliv, Apple and Neetur. I'URE HOLLAND GIN 1 TVlnes: Champagne Wiuc, Bhcrry, I'ort and Claret. Crub Cider, Champagne Cldir, N. F.. Ruin, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. bTOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors whieh can be found in the city maikvts, which will bo sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every urliele guaranteed ns represented. Also, a lari;e lot of DEMIJOHNS aud BOTTLES, always on hand. feeT Urdeis promptly attended to, and yublic palionaue rcspecli'ully solicited C NV.FF. Sunbury, July ISill). 1y. J. W. WASHINGTON'S GKiM) IIAKltlClt KIIOI. In Mies Dnllius' Buiidinu', Muiket street, east of the itailroad, north kid", hUNHLRY, Pa. The old peruiancnl aliop of the town. We decline the boa ft. but at tho sume lime consider that the mighty truth inaybe seasona lity spoken w uuout maniicitiui; an uucomtorta- ble amount of vanity and ambition. Just twenty years hi;o I bt'tran my business career In this place half inv lllVtiiue thus fur spent, have I stood upon the floor of our shop Uuy alter day, and nit'iit after nli;lit, and applied the sharp blue clcauilug steel, and within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of thut eventful period have I shaved uearly every body In the coumry (In common parlance) aud to omiL'o t lie puouc lutereet we herein publicly announce In our patrons old aud new that we ire ready to shavo tbein all again three hundred tboutaud times or more. Come when you pliafe, jii.f in timt Is tbe max un we are always ready to work, loienoou or afternoon, to thuv you, hair cut von, shampoo you. wiilfker dye you, or perfume, comb and nr I range the hair with artistic skill, iu the "water fall" or water raise style to suit the customer. We work to please, not please to work. Hop, don t co past our shop to eel shaved on ths basis of sbiiity because we do It as well as it can be done or ever could be. A chnuce is all that we demand To give the proof ws bold in hand. Oct. 1, 1S73. KSTRAY KIIEEI. Cams to the premises of the undersigned, In t'Pper Augusta township, orthuiuberiand Co. on or about the 3uth of Noveiutier last. Ave sheen, all while. The owner or owners are requested to corns forward, prove properly pav r ha rues, and take thein away, or else tbey will be disposed of aeooruiUK i taw, BACHFL CAMPBELL. Jan. 4th, leTS. t mos. fjifattllrmxvxiz. . WIKIIAKT'N PINE TREE TAU (OK DIAL. NATURES GREAT REMEDY ron rtitt THROAT AND LUNGS. It In frrntlfjlng to u to Inform the public tlmt Dr. I.. Q. C. Wishnrt's Pine Trco Tar Cordial, for Throat nnd Lnng Discus?, tins gained en en viable reputation from tho Atlantic to the Paci fic coast, and from thenco to tome of the first families of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons throughout the States actually benefitted and cured ill his cfllco. While he pnb- lishes less, so say our reporters, he Is uuuble to supply the demand. It gains and holds Its repu tation First. Not by stopping rough, but by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the un healthy matter collected about the throat and brouchtal tudes. which causes Irritation. Second. It removes the cause of irritation (which produces cough) of the mitcuon mem brane and bronchial tubes, nssbt tho lungs to act and throw off the uuhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia, Ipccas and opium, of which most throat and luug re medies are composed, which allay conga only, and disorganize the stomach. It lias a soothing effect on the stomach, acts on the liver and kid neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every pint of the system, and In Its Invigorating and purifying effects it has gained a reputation which It must hold above all others In the tnntkrt. NOTICE. THE PISE THEE TAU CORDIAL, Great Ainct-U-ari Dyspepsia rill WORM SUGAR DROPS Being under my immediate direction, they sbull not loose tbeir curative qualities by the us of cheap nad Impure articles. II EMIT K . WINII.1BT, PhoWiivtuk. l'UEE OF CHARGE, I)r, 1.. Q. C. Wishuri's Olllce Parlor are open ou Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 A. M-, to b P. M-, for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are associated two con sulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity is not ottered by any Institution la the city. All letters mnit bo tad d reused to E. Q. C. WISI1AHT, 91. D., NO. 32, N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. November 18, 1S78- 6 mos. CEXTER OF ATT It ACTION. F.vcrvbody Is Invited to como aud buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame bnildinir, adtoinlnr Moore A Disslngpr'a liulldiusr, THIRD BTRKF.T, bUNHLKT, i'A. Just opened a freth supply of Confeotiontrie of every description. TOYS OF A 1. 1, KIX1I conHnutlv on hand. The het RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SHCES, frcsb Bread, Bun a & Cukes, every moruitig. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I Having fitted up a room expressly for scrviufj np Oymers In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves In market, at all hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, ne lb desirable, at the very lowest prices. Cu!i and fee my exccllcut assortment of foods and ascertain the prices. B. F-NEV1K. Dec. 1C, 1ST1. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BniiEt Silnrj, Pa. DR. C, M. MARTIN & CO. are now opening au entirely new stock IT of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, nd are prepared to supply any article in our line that may be called for, we have also a full stock of all the leadlus Patent Medicines. Fine Perfu mery and Toilet Articles a speciality, u full as sortment or li.iii', loom, all, Mioo aud other Brnsliee, Dressing uud other Combs lu great variety. FIXE TOILET KOAPN, a full line Cookini; Extracts, French Mustaid, Choice hpires. Pepper whole or ground, Castile and Laundry Soap, Lamp Chimneys aud Lump Goods Cfiierally. Bird Seed in large or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fill stock Fluid nnd Solid Extracts, Elixers and Pills of L'. fcJ- P., Sueur Coatee", Btrciiirthenluc, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's and other Plasters, Aycr's, Wright's, bcheuk's Mandrake, Mcl.ane's Liver and other Pills, our stock embraces every thing found in a well conducted Druir fctore. Country Pbysieians will tlnd our stock full and complete, and we puaruntec to sell as low as the same n nicies can ne bought In rhiludelphia, choict Wiues, Vliiskey aud Braudy for Medicin al purpose. October 5, 187a. Manhood I How Lost, Uow, Iteator. Just published, a new edition of Dr. LL LV KKH ELL'S C ELEBRATED EfcSAY on the radical cure f without medicinel of SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, involuntary cicmiual Uisses, IMrOTENCi , Mental and fliysieal Incup.icitr. Impediiiicnts to Marriage, etc. i also, Consumption, Epilepsy, ana rus, mnucca uy scii-tudulgeucu or sexual extrnvuirance. Price, iu s sealed envelope, only 0 eeiKs, The celebrated author, In this admlruble es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' suceessiui pruciice, lual tnu alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dyt(terous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife j polntlnjr out s mode of cure at once Blinple, certain, and effee tual, by means of which eery sutlerer. no mut ter what his condition may be, may cure himself cneamy, privately and radleulls. IjJ Ibis Loiure should hs in the bands of every youin aud evory man Iu the laud. Bent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 60 cents. Address the Publishers, CIIAB. J. C. KLINE ft CO.. P. O. Box, 4,f. 137 Bowsry, Nsw Vork pru 3,, J"T. fllbccllanrotts (TMs Cat KMnrtM IDs mn4 titbg if Jim. flEROB'B Tonntahi Nasal Injector, OB DOUCHE This Instrument Is especially designed for tbe pes fKt application of j DR. BACK'S CATARRH RKMBDY. It la the only form of Instrument yet Invented sttth which fluid medicine can be carried high up and perfectly applUU to all parts of the affected nasal pas sages, and the chamber or eavitlee communicating tnerewiin, in wuicn sore ana ulcers ire and from which the catarrhal discharge J therewith. In which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal discharge renerallv rro- eeeds. The want of snccee s In treating Catarrh here- tofore km arisen larolr from the impossibility St applying rameaies vo tnose caviun ana cnunnn b any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle la the way of effecting cares is entirely overcome by the luvcntlon of the Donche. Ia aslna this Instrument, the FluH Is esrrietf by Hs own welsht) SO snuffing, forc ing or pumping being required.) np one nostril is s full Loiilly flowing stream to the highest portion of the) tiaaal passages, passes Into and thoroughly cleanses all the tnbes and cearabees connected therewith, and laws out ol the opposite nostril. Jte use Is pleasant and simple that a child -can understand it. rail and explicit direction accompany each lustrnmrnt. When used with this instrument. Sr. Haze's Catarrh Remedy cure recent attacks of "Void In the Head "by few applications. Hymptome of Catarrh. Frequent head ache, discharge falling into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mncas, purulent, offensive, Ac. Ia otharo a dryness, dry, watery, weak or inflamed eyes, stopping up or obstruction of nasal passaeea, ringing In ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear throat, ulcerations, aeabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twaag, offensive breath, Impaired ot total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, loss of appetite. Indiges tion, eulnrgod tonsils, tiokling cough, dc. Only a fow of these symptoms are likely to be present ia any ease at one time. Dr. Sajro'a Catarrh Remedy, wtiea used with Dr. s?le rce's N asal Do ticks, and accom panied with the constitutional treatment which ia recommended In tho pamphlet that wraps each hot tie of the Remedy, is a perfect specific for tills loath some disease, and the proprietor offers, in good faith. JISOO reward for a case he can not cure. The Remedy is mild and pleasant to use, containing no strong or canstte drags or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is sold at 50 cents, Donche at CO cents, by all Drnsjsrlsta, or either will be mailed by pro prietor on receipt of 60 ccnta. B. V. PIERCrV W. D., ola Proprietor. BlTTAia K. X. May4, 1S7J- NEW DISCOVERY In Ckamlcal and medical Science. Dr. OAUVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. lr. tiARVI'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Catnrrli. Dr. GAR VI VS TAR IlimEDIES Cnro ANthmo. Dr.CARTIVS TaR REMEDIES Cure nrttrt Discnsr. Dr. CiARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Cuit) Skin Diic:iiCft. Dr. ;ARVI'S TA1C REMEDIES Regulate the Eivrr. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Regulate the Stoinnrli ami Bowels Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure all I'emnlc Vo;ikncsr. Dr. GAIiVIX'S TAR REMEDIES r-urifT tho Blood. Dr. GAISV1'S TAR REMEDIES Curo Diwonso of lh Throat. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure BroiicliitiH. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Curo4,Rose Cold,"or"IIayFever", Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Curo Luna: Disease. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Halt Rbcum. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure aiidncy Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES' TV-vent Cholera & Yellow Fever. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES- Trcvcnt Malarious Fevers. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Breast. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Remove I'aill in the Side or Back. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Appetite. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cuuso the Food to Di;est. I Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. L.F. HYDE & CO., BOLE PBOFBIETOBS. 19S Seventh Ave., New York, December 21, 1873. ly GET THE BEST. Webster' ruabrUltted llclltury. 1 0,000 Wonk and Utaniugt not in oiur tketion arit. 3000 Eiicraviues 1840 Paces Quarto. Price $13. WHCUCIVI Wl ,V UUUIIII DIUVI UI.IIUlll.llll. I consult it. Schuyler Colfax. IT' very scholar knows Its value. Ii W. II. Preseot tho llialorlau. 1 Been one of my daily companions. John L. Motley, the Historian, So far as 1 know, best detiulnK Dictionary. Horace Mann. flhe best guide of students of our Language. 1 Jcbn (i. Wliiuier. ITieels all others In deflnins; scietrt'fle terms. U Presider Hitchcock. J KemarksblerompeDdinni of human knowledge W. e. Clark, Pres'l Ag. College. A necessity for every Intelligent family, stu dent, teacher and professional man. What LU brary Is complete without ths best English Die tlonary. ALSO Wehsteb's NstionIl PirroaiAL Diottonabt. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravlugs. Pries f 5. Ths work Is really s gsm of a Dictionary, Just the thing for tbs million. American educational MontSly. Published by O. A 0. MEKRIAH. Bprlegfleld, v r. rlJ I Mass. eoia sy an Beokssiics. Fts R R RADWAY S READY RELIEF (litF.- TUB WOHHT PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes, NOT ONE HOUR Itficr rcatHnr tM :i'Wcrtlmpnt tif any sjn HlIV'rKlt WITH JAKN. rXAiiY HKLIEK U A CURB T0B KVF.HY I'AIK. It wat I bo lint nnd In Tlio Only l'nln Itcmocly WvX Ifi-dnntlf Plnftsi ttisj rnnai f toriiclriMtt patnr. aJtayt fa fl kinmsttioii, ftii'l mrrn 'HrrMlniifl, whrihrof lh Luncs, u.iiuu'li, Uowulft, or oUicr uluiidt or urgnm, by out plic Uoit, FHOM ONE TO TWt5TT M1WCTES. Xr mmtl Ih.w rlolMit or iertrlailti tho jmln th KnKu tATK', m-ii-rlfliicn, Intlnn, 'rhp.tl, eNtivoud, Kturaa, tr iirtHtlrTHfd wttb tlitriMM Oiuy ti(T?rt FJADWAY'8 READY RELIEF nt.w AFKonn instant ebk. INFLAMMATION OK T11K KIHNKTi. I.N'KLAMMATION OK THS C LADDER. INFLAMMATION OK TMK IIOWKI.S. t'ONtiKSTIosI OF TTIE LCN0S. ell(K JllliiVAl, 1'iriii ri.i itnr.A imrtu. I'ALI'lTATIOn tip TI tivaTEnrcs. rnonr. difhtiikhi a. iiiK taiAiiT. CATAllKU, IKFLCEJIIA. r.EADAcm;, ToornArnr. NKI ltAI.OIA, RnKUUATlSIL fot.n cmt.T.s, Afirn chills. Tlx ari'lic itiuii i.f tlio ltenily ttellrf to the psrt or yui wIktu tbo pula 4M- dULvuliy eaMa will afi'ura saso asa butuffirt, 'J'wsMr Arnm In l.nlf a tiiinl.lsr nt wstrr will In a few ri.mi,l turn CKAMI'S, M'ASMS, SOUH HTOMACir, llYSKNtKISY. COI.II', IViNU IN Tilt D0WKL8, tut nil INTKll.NAL rAINi. Tnivi'Ur. .lianl.l ahvan rnrry a bonis sf Railway's Ri-aily Ri-llef with thorn. A few tlrnps lu water lll i.rtt,, u skDn-. or p:ihi. fri.in rhanirff if wster. ItlsbslUir ituu Krcudi It::iti.lv nr rtltlvr a. u stimulant. rrcvrcn ami ac;i e. FEVER AM) All I K curi..l f..r fifty eriits. Tlmrs hi f a rrinttlt:.! fti-.'iit III thin wnrlit tli.it wtil rnro Kovt and Ajok1. aim nil tmvr l:iiarlnt4, ihmiiih. h.nrs t, Tvpnoiit, Yrllnw, mill .lln r Krvfmclil.il ly 41 AIIW A Y tl PIL imuifi, LLSS BO quick IU liAlin AT'Ft i;i..vur liLXltl-. .itWi1c. fcyl.l by liugUt.. fifty ceu is HEALTH ! BEAUTY!) nrtovu a vi rrnn nirn m.oon-isr'iiEASR of KLKSII AND WKKIIIT-CI.rAK PKISi AND AV TIKI' I. t'O.MrLt.MO.N bEUUUEL) TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAM M ADR Till? 5IOST ASTfWKIIIVO rrilEf): PO OIMCK. 8( ltAI'( AUK TUB CIIAMIIlS fllR lV-DY VMKHi;o-S, I NI-V.it TUB INKLlTENrB i'V TUIA TUVLY WONDEIU'L'aU MllC12iE. THAT Every TJay on Incroaso In Flesh nnd Weight i Seen ond Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every 1kj if Hit ft A HH A I'A K A V ItKSOI.VKX'f nm'Hilit-J tliTtiijli t!t !tln!t. (s.c:tl I'rhu. It:t-I filli. l I'ntdMimil Jul cvti oi' tii iicin vitjiT t.f l-f f"T H re'i i tiitj w-Antr T l!o liotW wllh ti -tv fc.'! i.ui it inH. rl:l. IScrof'il.L J i hi! ('tiis:tnitt's'i, Ithiiuiular (lirfi" I "lot In Uio Tlir-..;t, MaiiIIi, Tuhmhh, N-hUii It tic l, nua m4 rthir parNi'f tin vMsni. S tr. !'ir, Mrmioim I L-linrc fmm tin Kir, mill tii. wur-t rininnf hi tl!v:is". Km; tlosm F'-vt S .nn, h..iM IIpti.1. Uin Virnt, h.slt Khvtitn, IvMtKlst, Achp. llliick Stfiii. Wormsj in thf ! l.h. T':i.,oi Cmuei-si t tlic Wninli. nn1 ntl wertiiti.irt isn't vltifiil 1!t C'ltui . Stjlit !w-nt-s. i4i vt St nn, un4 n n-tMc t ft ) l.Tst iiriniils, i tv wiiiiiit Dili ruMtivs? i.ti-n t.f ti,li vninlf tif .M -li-rii Oi'"..iHr,1 ami A fe rtr.vsi' n-i. wMI t ruve to any ftcntou n-in-; it iT-r r.tUvr vt tlii-sw fwims ,t tll;uite ii4 potent pnvir In cttrr t cn . If t!i ivtktt. ilil'r hi-fi'iilti? T?dncf'. r the wrt nr& t1-t'vnii.iMti.tai th;t U riiTiiM: I'y iTOirri'sjutnaf, nuoeffi.tt la nrrcstlinK the.' v..nr, h'iI r?p:i.rs t l r i.umf w 'h nvw m:itrr 1 J tirs't-. fro.n ).,- HUv M...a-Ms.a litis lUti FAhbArAlUJU LI VN W ttml iJt'ft fiir. Nt inh' di's Hi fm.rmittA?f Ttwit.TMf fxl b'J VtiMWti rtiMHti.tl hiri ( It 11 ni i if I'tuvn.e, H4r:fiittin, i-s1 it utni.! uud bkir. iibi.,rj ; lul U In Hit; ou)y positive turs- ft r EihSury cr tlhuUccr romplaintn, ttin.irr, n'ul Vmnh 1s,is-j, C-(vrl, Il:iiirtr, T)pf tt'sip'Y' WhIst, InrmiUiiriii' ff lrln, JtrU'lit i I)icra- .lVtiuiliiiirl.t. uil in ii'ltwii l. r 1 lirsj bis l.rlrhdut tie j rnli", r t!ir w:si4-r Is thick, t i U tniii-i villi unbmancfi IlXj tiiowii.14 rf f 11 . ec, wr tlirvrk.! llsj tvhlts ullt. or tlicro In rt)trl.iit, ihrk. l.Hu.ui njiMsumnr. rtn-1 Mlilte biis- il'int Ulr.!is. mid hfn tlnr 1 j 'ii-Lttir, tttir-iltn n.-nsatlr-a v iwti xt--1ric wtifrr. nnd Tuiln U lite tiujiU tf tli Dut fcrnl fcU.iK: ft l-"'1", I'rWe, 1.00. WORMS.-Tli oLiy ttiown ud inro Htaedy for TTsW 'n i'ni, J'upt tic. Tieinor of 12 Yearn GrowHi Cured by IIatvn)'t i:clvr:;t. tit TBT4J r, M i , Jny t, JR3. Pn. Rwvt f frsirsj (Vmrinii Tunmr in t'.t enH-i r4 rs-. All th lsnct.-rt m 4 thtra sa iis ii r)r!;.f t It." I bissl tl.lnc llitsl mi r. (im'iiriflr1 ; brt n- tlnt ir rc-l'-tt TP. I tfts r K s -Ksnt, sir -I lbtsiCl.t I um11 try it ; til hnrl nt f it tn tl. Varsitis I ha.il infTVrifJ t-r I w-'iri, I it A t.x InftlM tt Y ItssiveaiL 1 ii bni of lts-ly I'.ls, n t ttvo Isblitv cf rrurr Usi-I ltvHf; sttiel thfrsi Ii st l ti of liifn.r bt ttn rr'fvH, "d ( frs-l Itcttrr, utrisr. n.l t.ji'tirr 1 h mi I lnt- f.tf twrlc Tar. Til ,.rl td'IKT It Ml 1-1 it lh IsuWrls, Sjfr 1'if writ i'iU U vvu fuftsis) LiuisitsV tuber. Vn rin rnMiari It If , ri.H,4. hi A NN Al 1 I'. KNAfP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, fTftVlly t:ttrs, rlojrjtntlT' rOiit -1Mi (wrrt pim. r"r(t trtlittir, inirifv. t'fltists. nn I ntn-nrtinti, i::idy' lilim f. r thr eurc of sM i1irttl'n i f th Nijinvh, 'I Jvr, llowrlm Kidtirvsi, IVd(Kr, Ntv''i l)i!-siw, llulticliff. 'oruit Ir rt- toTi, C'Miivi-H s-t, linHttun, lKT(iPt-il, 1tliioUtHf!. Pit Imw Kt'-r, t'lHittntinitissu 4'1 tf liowt-'w. 1'klfK, ttud nil D nt'issrimTitss of Ui Intcrtivl Vli'ia. Warrsiits-d to fffcrt n rmrtiilvc cnr?. Pnrs-lv Vf'rttuU', toIilALultij lift mercury4 iBii-.i'r-, Ar dflffi fi'tsi drni:. 0'iivi-th f H. -) ii. n s;t.,Dii nttihlri; from Di v .irm of Utu lii;it Oifiuna: tVvnsttttvfi, msi-4 I'd, fiillpf. tf rV t'dst Ifl tin .Ond Ari4:tr of ih.- Kumtvli. ii(s, HtnriJ-tim. Pkinistof fo".. Kulr m nr Wr'irte li tV K' sni.fh. h,-nr KrDctAiinnt. f mlLlnfr m Hntti-t l.'f at ittr n tsf Wr Biu'h, v nj.tr'rp the I lefts, I turrlrd tot it'fVitt !!- t lit ne, I hi twiu nt I'i tlMnrt, Ijok i sst "r PutTuratiDf iNsisMlious, ntit-b III ft ) vi; Postitrsi, )tmnr t-f Vlilnn. lints) r ifr. t'.ut H.jl t, t smn.J Pull l'..o In il.t IIfmJ. P.CtteB.y ( trtilmtti-it V!l ' ns t' e tfc.n r Kr. fain tn ' f '.W. IWi, LuiU, suid suJJ. 1 IvtLsM tf llli liisra.ts.f tn ih A I"--.- d v- rf T.ATVtVAT'f TH-I Q !U ihr f- i' i V- I'w.-nitr-. Vt,k-t i'rul lt-r fy'f.'t T V M-M--:., !;!. v.v.ay ' .v. am' rcrr." h-t.a tut vtts?r ,p U lAi'M.i V . ?s-. f' M'(!-n Inns, KiiW-VuisV. ! i'a .nt..i.i . , i' i" -Hri'ti..: v,U ; ivi.i yuu. March 30,ri9T3.-Ty. agfeItSd!"cals"c VINEGAE BITTERS Hundrerto cf Thousar-da '.Voacr- THT.T ARE NOT A VIL2 FANCY DRINK P.n.n ua take these Bitter aroirS. Ins to directions, and remain long; unwell, provided their bone are not destroyed by mineral poison or other meant, anS the vital organs waited beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or lnMeallou. Headache, l'ala in tiie Shoulders. Conalis, 1 ifliuiew of the Chen, piist nees. Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of th Heart, In Sainmation of the Lungs Pain in the resells of the Kid neys, and a hundred oilier painful symptoms, art the on aprinrs of Dysiesla. In tbtie complaints it has n equal, and one bonis will prove a Letter (uaraute of ua tuei an than a lenjslhy advertisement. For Female Complaint, in younn r old. mar ried or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the tuna or life, these I onic Hitters display to decided an lunueucs that a marked improvement it toon perceptible. For luOauiuialory and Clnoule Rhetl-. auattatn and Gout, Hiliout, Remittent aud Intermit, lent Ktvert, Disease! of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitlers have no equal. Such Diseases art caused by Vitiated B'ood. wh.ch it cent rally produced by derangement of the DiijeMive Organs. They an n Uentle Furaltv as well m Tonic, possetiug also the peculiar merit of acting at a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or InSammaiion ol iht Liver and Visrmal Oigant. aud in Dilrmti Diseases. For Skill UiHrases, Eruptions, Teller, Sail Rheum, Blotches, Soolo, Pimplet, Putluiea, Bmls, Car buncles, Ring-worms. S-ald-Head, Sort Eyes, Krysinelaa, Itch, Scurfs, Discolor.. lions ol the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of Iht Sam. of wliatcver name ar nature, art lit erally dug up and canted out of iht system ia a short lime by die use of llie.t llitteri. The propertle of Da. Walks' Vinicab Bitts an Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laaarive, Diarctic, Sedative, Cuuuler Irri tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bihout. tiraltfwl Tssostaaticl ptoclaim Vision Bit ts iht most wosdcilul lnvigorani that ever tuttaiBcd iht sinking system. j. WALKER, Prtpr. B.H.MeDOMALDACO, Druggists and Oea. Agta, Saa Francisco, Cal., and corner of Washington aud Charlton Sis., Ntw York SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. NEIVTOHACCO AND HEGAIt, AXD JiRUSII STORE. Sooth side of Market street between S4 sod 4th SUNBURY, FA. Jnst opened, an entire nsw stock ef all kinds of TOBACCO AND BEGARfl. Begars of every grads. Tohaccs of every varls'y. Pipes, both plal and fancy. BBUSnES! BRUBBES 1 1 BRUBHES I ! t A large assortment of Brashes direct fiom the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His tins of brushes are a specialty and many new kinds never be for introduced into this market. Alto. Paper Collars and Cuff In treat variety. A isrge assortment of sll ths popular Bong; of ths duv. Call and aismlus my roods and get a list of . 4fOr i.iiiTionT i in r UHwCf- ,1 w Co ful (.Uli.UvC l.U.CiS. Ir ij WHAT ARE THEY?f el: mWm FH ti0"m IIS M WW Hi .. . . . . . . . : Sif rice. HENRI PBTERT. November 3, 1IT3. ly i , - . t.. - r I Puuttfadnrcrs. I- I .....c, I OKO. KVANS. . O. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia, TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Bund k Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Ours being the leading ho.se on Military work, we feel that we can offer Inducements which can. uot be attained anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1872. M'MU KY .M i It It I.F. YAltO, Fon rtli Mreot below Market, SUNBURY, rEKN'A. rrTIE unilersigned has returned from the Ver. L mot't Marble Quarries with 541 Tons of Jlarble lor Monanicuf a, tirave-Ntouen, ITc has bought nt such figures tlmt will allow him to sell better stone, lor less money, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls Marble, which is better thnn Italian. Rutland Is now sold ne low us the Manchester. Those who need anvthing lu the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will tlnd It to their interest to cull and examine this large stock, ns bcMer bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done lu the neatest and nioi-t Ituproteil stvlc. W. M. DAUCHERTY. Etiubtiry, Jan. 1 1, ISTii. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES XIAIHL, Riepcctfiilly Informs tlic citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he bus opened a TAILOR SHOP, on Fouith Street, below Market. In tbe Mullen Ini llil in tr. nnd that be is prepared to muke up nil kinds of tiEXTS' A. IfOY'ft Nl'ITM, In the Intent stvies. Ilnvlng had much exper ience iu tlic business be dwircs the.public to give bim a trinl. nothing will be nmdc up in the latest Pails anil American Fashions iu the most satisfactory nmnner. Ang.lTj'TS.-tfj. CHARLES M AIHI.. 3IA4 Itlt; SHOP AM I It ON rorxoitY. GEO. ROIIHBACII & HONS, Kunbnry, Priin'n, INFORM the public tlmt thty arc prepared vo do all kinds of CASTINGS, nnd having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, end have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Pinning mil Boring Machines, Willi the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mtchanics, lucv are enabled to execute nil orders or NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given tbein, in a satisfactory man ner. (rate) to milt any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or othrr build ings, of all si.es. 15RAtS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Tencing FOR GUAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR TARIM AT REMDF.NCKS, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already .celebrated for their su periority, have been still further lurproved, and will alwuvs lie kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. bunhnry, May 20, stiiil. MJIIIKK AMI PI.tMMJ Ml M.S. TliScJ Wrect, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. Ft., two Squares North of tlic Central Hotel, SCNBCUY, pa. IRA T. CLEMEXT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lnra brr required by the demands of the public Having all the latent Improved niitebinerv for mHuiifaetu'ing Luii! en, li noWTeady to till or ders nf all kiuds of FLOOUINU, SIDING, DOOMS B1IUTTEKS, cAbll, BLINDS MOCLDINtlS, VE KANDAS, HUACKETS, and all kiuds of Ornamental Ferowl Work. Turn lug til everjr description promptly executed. Also, a ijikoe atwonTMKNT nr I5ILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and FINE. Also, Shingles, Ticket, Lathe, Ar. Orders promptly fillvd, and shipped hv Railroad or otlK-rwihi;. IRA T. CLEMENT. decl'.l-08:ly KTOVE't TlX Eff Alil.lMIMF.Xt. MAKKKT STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor, Uirftssou to smith 4 &rTiii;it. J HAVING purchased the nbovc well known es lablishuicnt, Mr. Krausc would respectful ly itilorm the public that he uow has eu Laud a huge assortment of (JflUKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving lop, I oinbiiuitiiiii, IMii-qufiiuima and others, wliielt are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and lire warranted to perforin satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING bit ES of dillticiii kinds at very low prices. Tlitvturr tf Every IrNcritic:i kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at snort notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil n i Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware ol a .nl... Store opposite Couley'a hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAI St. apl24-ly V. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGUST, AND ORNAMENTAL FAINTER, BUN BURY, PENN'A. Decorating and Ptiier Uangirg don lu tbe luteal itiiproved style. Order solicited, wkieti will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Purdytown, Emerick't building, butiriurv. May 11, ISTli.-tl. A. M. MEIXELL, PKALBH IX Atarlaa and Kuropeou WATCH EN. FINE JEWELRY sad SILVERWARE Perfected Spectacle) and Eye CilaMet). GOLD HEADED CANES. Watchss so Jswelry neatly rspatrsd and war rsnted. Msrkst sViasrs, BTJNBCRT, Pa. Teb. t. JIT9.-tf. Ik UAUCIIET st 0OJI COL.47Tf. Rook Canvasser, enn And no more frssb and attrnctlve volums for sprlug sales than the "New Housekeeper's Manual," by Yliss C. B. ucccncr airs. 11. w. Biowe a cyclopedia of Uo mestlc Economy A a complete Cookery Book tn one volume. Hend for clrcnUirs to J. B. FORO CO., New Tot k.noston'hlougo, or Snn rran-eo- mhlMw "I'liVi'lioraAVcV, urNonl t hnrni. Ing." How either sex may faclnate aud gain the love affection of any person they choose In stantly. This simple menial Requirement all oau possess, free, by r-.all, for 85o.. together with a mmrlage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Drssms.Dlnts to Ladles, Woilding Night Bblrt, Ae. A qneer book. Address T. Williams A Co., Pnbs.,Phlla. J A 31 I II O R I N R , Paint Paint Paint Tho great discovery for the relief of pain and a suie and Immediate cure for rheumatism, chronic and acute,sprulns, Ac. It has a pleasant nnd refreshing odor, and will not stalo or grease the most dcllcnts fabrlo, which makes it a luxury In every family. Prlc. 25 cents per bottle. For sale bv all druggists. REUBEN HOYT, Prop'r, New York. mh5 sw To the Working C'las)., male oe fcmnle, $00 a week guaranteed. Respectable em ployment nt home, day or evening) no capital required ) full instructions nnd n valunbls peck age of goods to start with sent free by mnll. Ad dress, with 8 cent return stamp, M. YOCNO A CO., 10 Courtlandt-st., New-York. J. 11, 4w. A Brnvc Book. "WHAT WOMAN (tllOt'LI) KXOW." A Woman's Book About Women, By a Woman, (MRS. E. B. DUFFY.) The only worn of the kind ever written by a woman, Is a necessity in every household, its en tire novelty and eminent practicalness will crcato nn immense demhud. Notwithstanding the deli cate subjects necessarily treated, It is written in such brave, pure style, us will not offend the moft fastidious. Lady agents never have hud Tilt h au opportunity to make money nnd do good. Terms nnd sample sheets mailed free oa Imme diate application. 0..M. Stoddaht A Co., Pliila. ItEAtTY AT TI1K FlltESincI Unabated success of CRUMBS OF COMFORT. Elegant ! Gorgeous I Brlllintit I Crumb, or Com Tort, tlic greutest suc cess of i he age. Crumbs of Comfort, the prido of tho kitchen nnd parlor. Thousands of ladies attest its worth, and unhesltutingly pronounce it the Queen of Lustres. The press universally praise It aud proclaim it woman's every day friend. Economical, Lnsliug, Unapproaehnble. Price lO cents. Ladies will find Crumbs of Comfort for sale by all first-class grocers, hard ware dealers, country store keeper,Ac.,lh ouuh out tho United Slates aud Cnmtdus. II. A.Baiit lett A Co., Manufacturers Bartlett's Blacking, Pearl Blue, Ac.. Ac, 113, 115, 117 No. Front St., Philadelphia. 14 Chambers St., New York, ii Broad St., Boeton. mlilSfliv The Best Time for the Least Money. . W A Ii T 31 A 51 W A T V H K H . C. O. 1. C. O. I. Wc will send to any pait of the United States, by express, bill to be collected on delivery, Hfter examination, Wnllham Chronometer, in 2 r.r. Coin Silver, or 14 nnd 18 kurut Gold Hjuting Canes, at the following prices: 2-orci !n 14 tit IS kt silver, gold. gold. No. 4, "Wm. Ellery" Chron. til 165 7.'i No. S, "P.S.B rtlcit" Chron. l!3 7J t;i No. , "Wnltham Watch Co." Cr.yj 7" S No.ll, "Appletou TrncyACo."Cr.40 b5 V.i No.l2S, "Crescent ft."or R.R. Cbr.f.2 "3 IVi No.l2',lf siem-windlug. tlSextr.i. t extra icr oz. fr silver cases, $1 pr dwt.H kt., f 1.25 per d t. IS kt. Engraved gold case', f5 extra. All express, charge to be puid by purchaser. " FULLER A CO., Depot for single Watches, 2S Bond st.. New York City. mlil5-4w ACir.vr.lI X" "Rsirt7"Cliis'iiei I Wo will pay nil ngents f4') per week in cath, wlut will engage with us at ones. Everything furnish ed and expenses paid. Ad -.Ires, fS,4w- A Co i' lt Ell A Co., Charlotte, Mich. "r.SPKCIAI. ATTENTIONS innurac turers who have become dihgnsted w.th Ibeoilot of Parafline Oils and their ill etfrrts upon mnchi nerv, is Invhed to E. 11. Kellogg Sperm Engine Oil i.'i0 ) cnl E. H. Kellogg' Sperm SpindleOil (i l.irgul E. H. Kellogg Tallow F.nftine Oil f.J 1 10 V gal E. II. Kellogg's Tallow Spindle Oil tl.05Pgat Mannfai tun-d onlv by f3.4w. E. II. Kkixoik-.. No. 17 Ccdat st., N. T. rustPicnlra I ia.Izsi.lB71 Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet, broi! ing Door, ) cuder Guard, numping Hnd shakign Grate, Dire?l Draft. FULLER, WARhEN A CO.. -'liO Water Street, NJfor JbS I'V Agrtitn wnutril 1'ur Itvblud lb Sernes In tl hhIi tngton. Tbe r'iiekrst selling book of tlic day. It tells all uboiit t lie great Credit Mobil irr Scan. lei. Sen atorial Bribeues, C.aitresKinen. Itiniri, Lobbie, and the Wonder lul Sights of t!:e National Capi tal. The demand for it Is Immense. AgeuM making early application will secure choice ter ritory. Send for circular, and see our terms and a full description of the work. Address, Continental Publishing Co., 4 Bond st., New York. 4w. March 1, 1873. W u among all classes. Old people, the mid- u dleaged, those who are Just entering life, jj and youth of both sexes buy and read with tke greatest profit. -) Mr Jot i.t Fhiesd's Sechkt, S DIO LEWIS' last nnd best book. It Is metitiu. with tilH crrtiitesl stlepess and there's Money in it. bend for our circulars, ets., wntcti arc sent free Nl,4w. GEO. MACLEAN, Phila. IIOX'T be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat. hoarseness and bronchial cliluciltli , use only WellM Carbolic TnbletM, Worthies imitations arc on the mnrkot, but the only scleutillc preparation of Cnrhoiic Aeid for Lung diseases I when eheniirally coinbiaed w ith other well know n tcmedies, us in these Ta blets, and all parties sre cuutioued ugaiiibl uiug any other. In till rases of irritation ot t no mucous inom- liraue these Tablet should be freeley ueJ, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. Bu warned, never tit gleet a cold, It is eam'y cured in it incipient slate, when it become chronic the cure is exceedingly ditUcult, use Well.' Ciubollc Tablets its a specitlr. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Pliill St.. New York, N'.l.tw. Sole Agent for United Slates. Price So cents a bos:. Send for Circular. CiNVASSiNQ Books Sent Frxk fob Prot. l-OWI.Elt'S GltKAT ltOltK On Manhood, Womanhood and their Mutual Inter-relations ; Love, Its Laws, Power, etc. Agents are selling from 20 to StO copies of tliib worst a day, end we send s canvassing book free to any book ugent. Address, stating expe rience', etc., National Publishing Co., Philadel phia, Pu. 4w. March 1, 1S78; Mason & Ilumlla Cabinet Organs. The Ouljr American Musical Ins! ruinents of sncb rxtraotdiuary aud recognized eveelience a to command a wide sale in Europe, notwiih staniling competition there with product of Cheap luoor. Always awarded highest premiums, Includ ing the Medal at the Paris Exposition. Of hun dred cf industrial Exhibition, there have tint been six In all w here any ether organ have been preferred to these. Cult entail recommended by eminent mu sician as possessing excellencies not attained lu any others. (See opinions of one thousand, lu Testimonial Circular. Exclusively employing several Important Inventions aud embracing svety real improve merit. The snout t'.lteuslve and complete fac tories iu tbe world, producing better work at let cost than otherwise possible. Price) Fixed and a low as consistent Range with scrupulous employment of only bctt mute, rial and workmanship. Illustrated Catalogue, and Testimonial Circu lar, with liuportaut Information about Organs which may savs purchasers from disappointment 1st purchase of Inferior or worthies iuslrumenl or payment of High price, sent free. MASIX AND IIAMLIX ORGAN CO., 1M Trcmomt St., Bostoh, 85 Ckiow Eqisss, Nrtr Yosts t 80 a 89 Adams tr., OmruGo. t March 1, D7i.