Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 29, 1873, Image 3

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    SUNBUlt Y, M A UCII 20," 1873.
ItuliroiMl Time Tablr.
N. C It. W.. South.
Erie Mali, 13.50a ra
Erie Express, .40
Mull, 1105 "
Nlag. Express 8.00 p ra
P. & E. R. R. Went.
Mull, fl.Wam
Nluir. Express14.40 put
F.lmlra Mull 4.80 "
Erie Express, T.01 "
thrive Bunbury for Lewlstown at 7.45 a. m.,
and 8-10 p. M.
Arrive ft Stitibury from Lewistown at 1.60
and 7.45 p. tn.
Buubury at fi.45 a m
' ia.S5 p m
' 4.40 p m
At Sunbury It. 2,1 a m
' .6S p m
44 6.00 p tn
Reirulnr pnssenijor tsaln leaves Bunbury for
Panvillo, Cattiiwlssa, Ilit.lcton and intermediate
stations, Ht 0.45 a. m. Returning leave Hazle
tou Ht 1.00 p. in. Arrive at 4.00 p. in.
Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. ni. and 4.50
p. m.
Arrive at Northumberland at 10.35 u. in. and
6.05 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets cn be bad of
J. Shlpmnn, Ticket Agent, ut the Depot.
!J -
ushtess jocaIs.
Skwino Machines and Cottaob Organs.
Miss Caroline Dullus in the agent for the nle Of
th best Sewing: Machine In existence. vl ; 'The
Improved Grovcr & Biker,' and 'Domestic,'
which nre constantly kept on hand, and, sold at
reasonable prices. She Is also agent for the sale
of the celebrated 'Silver Toniruu Organs,' and tlio
'Bay State Ortrans,' nnd for the sale of the
Frautz ct Pope Knitting Machine. Call nnd see
thern Office oa Market street, enst of the rail
road. The Improved Ohovkr & Bakrh Sewino Ma
chine. These celebrated machines nre offered
nt the most reasonable rate. For part'rulars
apply to I). . KUTZ. Aircnt.
Fcb.23,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
Horse and Lot for Sale. A new House and
Lot, located on Spruce st re it. Sunbury, is offered
for sale on easy terms. Apply to
Money ! Mosf.t ! For salo at cost, three
Wee Sewinir Machines, new and guaranteed In
pjifeet order Warranted forthrceye'irs. Terms
cash or short credit. Apply Inside of ten days
to J. D. JAMES, Agent.
Mar. C-3-21.
Tun Public Schools will clow next week. Prof.
E. Schneider In forms the public that he will open
a Summer school, assisted by his daughter Miss
Alice Schneider, to commence on Monday, April
7th, in the upper room of tlio N. East Ward
school huildin;, near tho coruer of 4th and Arch
streets. 15-4t.
A Fine Lo.vtro Lot fou Silk. "t fine build
inillot located in Cake's Addition, pear the P.
fc E. Railroad shops, Is offered tor sale ou rea
sonable terms Apply to
fc23-2in$ W. .1. IIlair, Sunbury, Pa.
Red Mas Chart. Peter F. Howcr has been
appointed ajjent for the sale of charts for mem
bers of the I. O. of R. M., which are got tip in
a handsome style. Every member of the order
should linjje one, which can be procured .cheap
ou application to Mr. Howcr.
The Star Store and Clothing establishment of
Clement and Disslngcr, on Market street, this
place, will soon rank with Wanamakerci Hiown's
establishment, if the goods eontluile to arrive as
they have been doing during the past week. Wo
examined part of their stock which has just been
opened, and Us variety ns well as quality and
quantity is not surpassed outside of the city. The
selections arc splendid, nnd mnst please the most
faetideous. Their stock of store goods Is Im
mense, and ulfords thousands to select from.
Ladies will also be glad to kuow thut they keep
constantly ou hand Mdllo Deinorusl'S patterns
for Indie, so that everything necessary to make
tip dresses can be procured at this magulflccut
x Prices Redlcbu. The Immense variety of
furniture at the i-torc of A. L. Raudenbusli, ii: the
M atonic buildings, is uow offered ut greatly re
duced prices, ns t lie stock will be closed out.
Now is the lime to purchase cheap, and in alto a
good selection, ns the assortment is the most ex
tensive of any outside the city. Call aud exam
ine the low prices.
W. M. Dai oheutv, at his new place on Fourth
street, Is us "busy as a nailer" in finishing quite
u lot of grave stones to set when spring opens.
Those lu need of anything In his line would do
well to leave their ordcis early. He also takes
orders for Scotch und American Granite Monu
ments, and Fells marble li tin ruujh ut wholesale
Philadelphia prices.
Boots .fe Snors ur tub Million. Win. H.
Miller of the Excelsior Boot & Shoe Store, keeps
his rooms tilled with all styles and qualities of
Ladies' Shoes and Gaiters, Gcntlcmens' Boots
and Shoes, nnd Children' Shoes. The best make
iu the country is kept there, and sold ut the low
est price. Gum Shoes of all sizes aud styles al
ways kept on hand.
W. R. F. Wbimek'b Cash Store, takes the lead
In nil the fine goods. Every stylo of Ladies'
Dress Goods, Cloths, Gasximeres, and a general
variety of Groceries, Queensware, fcc, are kept
nnd sold ut the lowest cash prices. Everybody buys is astonished nt the low prices. Call
und see the splendid assort ment of goods.
The constant supply of the best of Hats manu
factured is causing the large number of Orders
from all parts of the country ut S. Faust's Hat
Store, on Market street. Every style can be pro
cured there. His stock is immense, and purcha
ses can be made at lower rates than iu the city.
All persons wanting good and cheap pictures
should call nt R- C. Smirk's Gem Gallery, where
.hey can get nine good pictures for 50 cents,
llempeily's old staud, Sunbury, Pa. nihl-tf
0c;tl ITiiirs.
Tub Supreme Court reversed the decision of
the Court below la the Church case of Lower
Tub billiard suloou of Albert Huas, deceased,
was purchased by George Reun for tl.SOO ou
Saturday last.
Since the above purchase Mr. Lewis Derurt has
become the bwtier of the establishment.
Mk. Harhy Mii.i.ek, uu engineer on the P. &
E. R., curoed two hundred and twelve dollars
during the luonfa of February.
A donation party met ut the residence of Rev.
Mr. Hemperly, pastor of Hie Lutheruu church, In
this place, on Thursday evening of last week, and
enjoyed a pleasant time. The pastor was the re
cipient of many good things, besides a purse con
taining "Greenbacks."
JtHtMiAU Snvleh, has received his commis
sion us Justice of the Peace Iu the East Ward.
He can be found lu S. Haunts' buUdtpj'cyy.
ket street, where he will riteod to 'ill' "
Sea curd iu another column.
A w safe has lately been pr. iu.U.s oi.
UeJ building by our efficient, po' 'istst. for the
sale keeping 'of raluuble, papcrjv,!,2 through
the post-office. With the new safe, and It over
grown brute of a "dorjf k a watch at eight, tbe
n"f!!cc will be cii'r.
As spring opens our citizens will find an enor
mous amount of work to do In the way of clean
ing away ash heaps like TonntC pyramids, which
grace the back doors, nnd In many places we no
lied them nt the front duors. Although there Is
an ordlnnnco prohibiting Alio accumulation ot
dirt la the gutters and streets, It looks as
though the high constable had sadly neglected
bis duly. Market street particularly looks none
of the most Inviting to promenndcrs. The benps
of oyster shells adorning It emit a stench promo
tive of disease, nnd whon "Old 8nl" asserts
his power, which be will hot delay much longer,
per force the laws of natur e, we will be severely
punished for neglecting the laws of health and
the ordinance of the borough council. We have
Indications of this already. We hope the bor
ough fathers will bo aroused to a sense of their
duty ut an early dato, by the bad odor pervad
ing Market street.
HionwAT RoniiERV. On Tuesday last, two
men giving their names as Peter McCabe and
James Curtis, who allege Hint they hull from
t'hlladolphla, were committed to prison by Jos.
Dielfenbach, Esq., of Northumberland, for high
way robbery. The prosecutor, It appears, had
hecome Intoxicated after receiving his pay from
the canal company, nnd was then robbed of his
money by the two Individuals as above stated.
Some thirty-three dollars and a revolver wero
found npon their persons when arrested.
Sluce writing the above we learn that the par
ties wero taken back to Northumberland, wheu
the prosecutor stated that he had tost uo money,
and thut tho parties arrested were Innocent of
the charge he had preferred against them. They
were then discharged by Squire Dleffenbach.
A YOnva man named Isaao Wetzel of Jordan
township, was committed to prlsou last week
charged with an attempt to commit rape. Wet
zel is only about 'iS years of age, and has alrea
dy served a term of 6 years aud 6 months in the
penitentiary. He is reported ns a desperate cha
racter. It is feared that an nttcmpt will be mnda
by his comrades to effect his escape. The olll
cers should keep a close watch over biin and pre
vent his escape from Justice.
Frank Thompson, lute superintendent of the
Easteru Division of the P. & E. R. R., now Su
perintendent or motive power of the Pennsylva
nia road, was the iccipleiit lust week of a hand
some White Chajicl Dug Cnrt und .bay team,
blankets und whip complete, costing IU50, from
the employees of tho road ou the Eastern Divi
sion, as a token of their appreciation of him as a
man nnd an officer. The presentation took place
In front of the Ilerdlc House, Williumsport, nnd
it took the Superintendent by much surprise.
This handsome present could uot have been be
stowed upon a mure worthy man and citizen
than Mr. Thompson.
Snow. The month of March, tints far, will
long be remembered for Its changeable weather.
One day we are reminded of Spring with all its
pleasant sunshine, and the next day of bleru
winter with its snowy mantle, and the thermom
eter below zero. Tho Alio weather on Sunday
last, brought huudreds of persons upon the
streets to enjoy the spring's advent, but ou Tues
day there came another change, aud we were
once more reminded of Vvinter. On Wednesday
morning the "beautiful snow" begun to descend
and by night old mother earth had again a cov
ering of some six or eight inches, and tho merry
sleigh bells were agalu heard lu our streets witu
the occasional crack of thu whip from a Jehu
driving a cutter.
Slkden Death. Mr. Elijah Bycrly, a highly
respected citizen of Lower Mahanoy township,
died suddenly on Monday a week from n stroke
ofuppoplexy. Mr. Bycrly wus well knowu In
the lower end of this county and Dauphin, and
was highly esteemed as an honorable aud up
right man. In politics he was a Democrat, aud
for a number of years took an active part for his
parly, aud wielded n great Influence in his neigh
borhood. He wus uged about C5 years.
Ol k neighbor of the Guzettt attempts to teach
ns the law regarding the publishing of the town
ship audit reports, and strongly defends the "pa
tent outside" of his paper. He also insists upon
it thut the GazetU has tho' Inrgest circulation of
any other paper in the county. A friend ut our
elbow thinks that ho might have also stated
"that it U also probably less read thau any other
paper in the county." We are uot ut all desirous
of taking away any of our neighbor's laurels,
and feel happy that he bus such au exulted opin
ion of himself, us it makes some men feel good
when they believe themselves belter thau their
Rather Larue. Blair couuty has a trial list
of sixty-five criminal cases for the next regular
term of Cour t. I'xchangt.
A Judge Rockefeller Is needed Id that regiou.
Tub break In the Shamokiu Dum at the abut
ment on this side of the river, lust week created
great excitement, and ou Sunday the place wus
vUlled by hundreds of persous. The break is
about 30 feet iu width, und the wuter is rushing
through it with great force. Considerable of Ihe
embankment below tho dum is washed away,
which is belug rapidly filled up again by the em
employees of the Peunsylvanlu Canal Company.
Spotted Fever. Within a few weeks past se
veral of Cerebro Spinal Meningitis or spot
ted fever, occurred In this place, which proved
fatal. On Tuesday last two young men died
suddenly from its effects. In the morning Frank
Bessenger, aged ubout 10 years, died very sud
denly, and lu the eveniug G. Welser Snrlek, of
ubout the same age, son tit the lata Jno. E.
Smick, died of the same disease. These make
four cases within about four weeks. We notice iu
our exchanges that the,discuse prevails to a much
more alarming extent lu some of our neighbor
ing towns.
A Narrow Escape. Ou Wednesday morning
as the passenger train from 8hamokln was np.
prouchiug the crossing at the turnpike, about a
mile east of this place, a htlcltslor from Uniou
county, named Samuel Rclchenbach, attempted
to cross the railroad before the locomotive came
up. But he had not calculated upon the srrpo.
riority of the speed of steam over thut of horses,
nnd the result was the complete wreck of his wa
gon, anff a slight injury to himself". The horses
escaped unharmed, and the man made a most
miraculous escape with his life.
David Kkimkk, teacher of music, will move to
this place ou Monday next, when he will give In
structions ou the Piuno. Persons desiring to
take lessons will leave notice with Prof. N. F.
Brown, at tbe Sunbury Academy, or at bis resi
dence, on the coruer of Race and Third streets,
opposite the depot.
F.J. Bthod Is now lu tho city selecting his
spring stock of store goods, which will be opened
uext week, at his 6tore near the Lutheran church
Ladies' Sprino Hats. A large assortment of
most beautiful Spring Hats.have Just Been receiv.
fd at Miss Lou Shlssler's Millnery Store, ou
Market street. Ladies deslriug a fashionable ar
ticle for head dress, will flud something to suit
hem at tho above place.
W. W. HoHMNo of Lower Augusta, has dls
posed of his farm, aud removed to tbis place. Ha
will devote bis time in the futura to railroading.
. Tin Fessler Hotel baa been purchased by Jack
Walla, of thu Arm fit H,-l,rK A. nr.,.. ir
. -si. r, ' J 10 Will
rmi possession on Moidsy Best.
AourcrxTviiAL MEFTiNo.-Purmiant to a call
for a meeting, the citizens of Sunbury, aud the
lower end of tho county, assembled In the engine
room on Monday evening, 94th Inst., and were
called to order by electing Dr. Eyster President,
nnd E. C. Oobln Secretary. Col. Cndwoltndcr
stated the object of the meeting In a few brief re
marks. On motion it was
Jetnlvcd, That the title of the now organiza
tion be Incorporated, nnd to be known as the
"Uulou Park and Agricultural Association.'
On motion, It was
Jieiolrtil, That a committee of live ho appoint
ed, composed of the following named persons 1
8. Mallck, Jat. K. Davis, jr., C; Neir, James
Vankyke and John Bartholomew, to draft a con
stitution nnd by-laws by which the organization
shall bo goverucd and Incorporated.
On motion of C. B. Cndwuilnder, It was
Jitiolvtd, That a Cointnitte of three bo ap
pointed to tuke chiirgo of the lumber, buildings,
Ac, now on the Fair Grounds, being t lie proper
ty of the citizens of Sunbury, by articles of
agreenuiit betweeu said citizens und the North
umberland County Agricultural Society.
Messrs. John Smith, II. K. Fegelcy and T. M.
Cooper were appointed the committee.
On motion, It was
JlftuUtit, That n committee of six bo appoint
ed to consult and ascertain from the authorities
of tlie N. C. Railway Company, whether or not
the grounds formerly occupied by the Northum
berland County Agricultural Society can be ob
tained for the L'liloa Park aud Agricultural As
sociation. Messrs. E. Wi'lvert, J. K. Davis, Jr., Col. Geo.
Wagenseller, Dr. J. Eyster, Phil. II. Moore, nnd
Johu Cmlwiilliidcr wer; appointed the committee,
to report at the next meeting.
Ou motion, It was
Jlttolvcd, That a committee of three be ap
pointed to consult Willi tlio Augusta Horticultu
ral Society of Northumberland County, to ar
range a union of the two Societies, aud that they
be instructed to report ut the next regular meet
lug. The Chair appointed G. B. Cudwnllader, Wm.
W. Hornlug aud Lemuel Shlpman as the com
mittee. On motion adjourned to meet In the Arbitra
tion Room, ou the Tth of April, ut 10 o'clock a.m.
Joa. Evstkk, PrcMdeut.
E. C. Gouin, Secretary.
Licenses Granted. The following licenses
were granted by the Court :
Nathan Liiidunslcgcr, Jacks o i old stand
John Albert '
J. O. Billmau '
J. O. Smith '
Charles (iai inger, Sunbury
Henry Haas '
Christian Nelf ' '
J. II. Jeffries '
Samuel Weaver '
E. T. Drumhelicr '
Jacob She-ts ' '
Dr. Jos. Eyster '
Henry H. Ilopp, Sunbury . bid s taud
A. Wall, Lower Mahanoy
Daniel J. Keene, ' '
Abraham Roihcrmel '
Josinh Bycrly ' '
Franklin Surge
Jacob Writer, Jordan
Elias Shaetrer ' '
W. W. Shartle. ' !
Emannol Gelst, Cpper Mahanoy
Joseph Mawrcr '
lVter McDonald, Ml. Caruiut
John Scott '
Thomas Tobln '
Edward Muldooney '
James Uiitfeity '
A. GiiUlth '
Thonlas Scott ' i
Domialek Otis
Frank McCarly ' j
Daniel E. Kehres, Washington I
II. I'. Fisher ' 1
A. II. BergcstrcssL'Mt. Curmel borough '
Joseph Heppiri '
Michael Graham ' 4
Joseph Mellugh '
K. C. Herb
F. W. Welsh 4
William McAudrow, Shamokiu borough '
John 1. in kins ' '
Jareil llowarter, '
Ilanison Heim ' '
Thomas Gillespie ' '
Michael Schlader ' '
W. M. ,t J. A. Weaver ' '
Ma rv Tim ines '
W. i Koth
Jacob Mow rer, Shamokiu tor. old staud.
I inanuel K. Cures
Ileurvlinch 4
Alfred Kinney 4
John Curtis ' 4
Henry Simrnonds 4
Elizabeth Kiikham 4 4
William Haze 4 4
C. H. Uoyer, Cameron township, old stand
Joseph U. Becker, Camerou old stand.
Iteniamiii Knouse, Zetbo
Thomas Fonlds ' '
Henry B. Weaver ' 4
Michael J. Downey 4 4
Thomas Fonlds, Snr. 4 4
Jacob LclscnriUg, Shamokin
Michael Haley Cual 4
John Downey 4 4
William Farrow, Snvdertown. 4
J. D. Kelt, Little Mahanoy, old stand.
Joel Bitterman, Cpper Augusta, 4
Jerry Yordy Northumberland old staud.
George hckert, .Northumberland 4
Julia Ann Johnson 4 4
Thorn is Loiran '
J. C. Lloyd & J. II. Jenkins, North'd 4
I lioinas J. Mamm, North d 4
D. H. Dreisbuch, Turbiitville. boromzh.
Charles Hartmau, Moutmdoii 4
s. A. snyiier, Lewis
Wm. Fisher, Milton old stand.
Johu M. H ii If, Milton old stuud.
Francis O'Donel, Milton borough 4
H. E. Lutz ' 4
L. G, Sticker 4 4
If. J. Reader, McEwensvllle
Johu Conner, Wutsontowu, 4
John II. Foresman 4 4
F. G. Chrlstman, Dewsrt old stand
Johu Pearson Point
Anthony Cultou, Slianiokiu borough
Thomas Rosser, Shaiuokiii borough
Edward Das son Mt. Curmel 4
Lewis Lebe, Zerhe
Christiana Bahner, Zerhe
Margaret Burke, Ml. Curmel
Alexander Long 4
C. W. Stlckef
Jacob Klymer 4
Frederick Wolf 4
Jacob Kreltzer 4
Mlehnel Klley, Mt. Carmel
Jacob W. Bright, Sunbury
John F. Lone;, Cameron
old stand,
new Mn nd .
new stuud.
old stuud
old stand,
new stand.
T. II. Schweitzer, Watsontown
W. A. Fisher 4
Removal. The popular merchant tailor, Jno;
F. Echuffer, removed from his former place of
business, Into loom No. 8, iu Miller's Block, on
Third street, below Murkct. Mr. 6chaffer's pre
sent location is an admirable one, aud will ena.
ble him to increase his business. His many
friends will be glad to learu that he intends to
continue to manufacture the very best of clot hi ug,
und that he Is prepared to receive orders for
spring suits of the very latest styles.
Ot'u frliud Juhu Arnold, the popular landlord
of the Verry Hotel, on the opposite side of the
river, boasts of a porker weighing 1000 pounds.
He measured 8 feel 4 Inches In length 6 feet 6
inches round, 3 fuel arouid the ueck I ears 17
lucbes long aud 13 inches wide.
Tun Sunbury Daily of Monday Inst lias the fbi
lowing notice of a neut piece of Mechaillsui I
We were shown yesterday a piece of mechan
ism lu tbe shape of a stationery engine built by
a boy thirteen years of ago, son or 8. A. Alexan
der, foreman of tlio N. C. shbps at tbis ptuce.
It was constructed entirely by the youug boy,
without any outside Instructions, n 1 a mas
terpiece of workman. Ulp. The cylinder Is two
lucbes In diameter, wiib a four inch stroke. aa4
everything connected with U works with splendor.
Ingeuuilr of this kind ii seldom displayed by odi
J so younj.
Complimentary. Wo find the following com
pllmcutary notice of A. A. Phlsslcr, Ksq., lute
President of the Republican Association ol
Wnshlnglon, In "Th Cnpfful," a Dcraocrutla pa
per, published In thut city t
Tub Pennsylvania Association hilds nn elec
tion of officers to-morrow night, nnd the Key.
stone Brend and Butter Brigade nre expected to
be on hand. We regret thut our friend Slilsslcr
Is not a candidate for re-election. While we it
not take any stork i State associations, we do
like a irood "fellow, nitd our big, hearted friend is
a Jolly good fellow, thrtniih a littlo plir-hcaded In
politics. We sincerely dope this endorsement
will cause hlin to run onni more, so that we can,
nt least have oue gentleman nt the head of thu or
ganization. Lboislative. An Act has been liitrnineed In
the Stnto Seunte, authorising the construction of
a dam In the West Branch nenr Milton.
An Act has been read In tho House, authorizing
the borough of Sunbury to borrow money.
An Act to varnto a portion of Mt. Carmcl
avenue in the borough of Mount t nrmel.
An Act tn authorize the School Board of tho
township of Zerhe, In tho county of Northum
bcrluud, to borrow money.
An Act to e'qtinlizi) the repayment of bounty
monies In tho township of Lower Augusta in the
county of Northumberland.
An Act to authorizo 0. J. Conrud, Trnsten. to
sell certain school real estate iu Lower Augusta
township, North'd county.
An Act to authorize the Burgess nnd Council
of the borough of Shamokiu to borrow $00.1)00.
An Act toexteud tho provision of An Act re
Intlve to livery stable kee.er8 in the couuty of
Allegheny, &c., to Nortii'd enmity.
An Act to Incorporate tho Sunbury Water
An Act to au'thoifzs the Supervisor of Wash
ington township to levy and collect a pcrcupita
tax of 11, for road purposes.
Tbe following deeds for property sold by Sheriff
Rothermel wcte acknowledged in Court last week!
Chas. J. llelnkh, for lot in Helfeustine Levi
Shoop, for lot In Shamokiu Johu Malikmosr,
for lot In shamokln George W. Zclglor, for
twenty acres and some perches In Littlo Maha
noy ( N. F. John, for lot In Trevorton, and Hugh
Mc Williams, for lot In Shamokln Enoch Evo
rltt, for twenty acres of Innd In Delaware town
shipt Hiram Drlcsbnch, for lot of ground In
Shamokiu borough; A. J. tjiiiTy, for lot of ground
In Watsontown i 8. K. & Hiram Driesbnch, 'or
lot of ground in Sunbury Ira T. Clement, for
lot of ground in Mt. Cnrnicl bnrbhgh.
The editor of tho 1tifoiifoien Heeord thinks ho
has secured a house lu which to move ou the first
of April.
Tiin Farmers' and Horticulturists' Association
aro requested to meet at the house of Ellas Em
crlek', iu Lower Augusta, on Saturday April 5lh,
at '2 p. m., for the transaction of business, nnd
the distribution of seeds received from thu De
partment at Washington. By order of
JOHN STERNER, President.
J.u)nU. t'LiKK, bre'ry.
Trksknts to tbe amount of about one hundred
dollars were given to John Hopper w ho had his
foot tukeu oil a few weeks ago, on Thursday of
last week, by his friends and neighbors.
Peter Smellzer, who has been unfortunate, re.
ceivud ubout the same amount during last week.
Tho roof of two spans of the West Branch
bridiro at Northumberland, were blown off by the
wiud on S iudav a week.
l'tlilor'N Table.
The Ladv's Fkirmi roil March. The March
nnmbei of tlrfs charming Magazine opens with
two handsome engravings nun called "In the
Spring Woods," expressly designed for fills Mag
azine by Heugoll, nnd the other "The Castio of
Wurtburg." Altera number of engravings of
the latest Fashions, there Is a piece of ilnisic,"
"Tired," by Miss Helen Hnrnsido. Atnoni; thu
literary matter wo find "Dorothea," by I'
Hodgson j "I'na and her Prince," by A. L. Muz
zy ; "Three Pictures," by Mr. M." F. Ames;
"Rebecca Hinds's Career," by Elln Rodman
Church; 4Tbo Fo.tcrlng of Asians," hv Helen
A. Slriw ; "The Master of Grev!am!s,"'l,v Mrs.
Henry W.xxl, author of "East Lynne ," "Cor
lotte Bronte," by Vista, .cc, Ac. Send for n
sample number. Price. if'J.UO a year, or f'J.5i)
with tho Premium Chromo," Littlo Samuel."
Four Copies 0.00. Eight copies (and one gratis)
;--.i)0. "The Ladv's Friend" (J.oo) and "The
Saturday Evening Post" (fXOJ for 4 5.1. Tin
Premium Chromo or a Steel Engraving is nl-o
given to lire sender of every club. Single num
bers (for sale by all Newsdealers) price ;'.) cents.
Published bv Deco:; & PzrEHSoN, ul'J Walnut
St ., Philadelphia.
At Mt. Curmel, March 85th, ANNA MARIA,
wil'eofS. A. Bcrgstresser,Esq., aged about S5yrs.
The deceased was a daughter of Mr. Joseph Rob
Ins, of Elyshurg, and was a most estimable lady.
She was beloved by nil who formed her acquain
tance for her many Christian virtues. Her death
will cast the mantle of sorrow upon a host of
friends who mouru her dauth. Ed.
In Chillisquaque township, MARY H., daugh
ter of Joseph and l.ydi.i Bly, uged.O years aud 10
In Point township, March 11th, SAMUEL
THATCHER, uged ubout 00 years.
Iu Point township. March '.'Oth, Mrs. JANE
WOLYEUTON, aged Vi years, 10 months and
14 days.
March 21th, in lliis place. ANNIE M., onlv
daughter of B. F. und Mary Dielil, aged 8 month's
and 1 wwt.
' Flour ii nd 4. ruin 'ifut-livt .
Extra Family (fl'j.00 Red Wheat, p. bu. ,$2.(10
Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.0 ) live, 80
Corn Meal, 44 2.50 Corn, 44 70
Wheal Uruu, p. bu. 1.5:1 Buckwheat 4' 1.00
Short", 2.110 Oats. 32 lbs. 50
Corn it Oat Chop, 3 00 Flaxseed, 3.M
Timothy Seed. p. b. H.00.
l'rotliifu Market.
Pet iitocs, 15 Hams, 18
Kggs, per iloz., n.l Tallow, 10
Hatter, per lb., 35 Conuti r 8oap, S
Lard, " l'J Dried Apples, Yi
bides, lu,. Peaches, Hi
t Shoulders. 14
3? u n c h. Cigars,
Keller thau any ever made by Ibeui.
See that the boxes are branded
ret 1 11 a it ii. it. n t ii.
Wholesale Depot
liruuchd North lid St., Braucli 8u7ChestuUtSt.,
(Opposite "CONTINENTAL ")
March 1, 1873. tjmos.
To (be tillmeusl or Nuubury.
THE undersigned lias made arrangements tn
nttcud the Tuesday and S.ituidaV Maikcts, with
Fresh Butter, Eggs, Lard, P.-t.itoc und Apples,
whir II will be sold as low as fan I e had elsewhere.
Cull at the Market stanJ near Fourth and Mar
streels, south side. Alter market hours any ol
the above articles pan be had by calUug ul ' hl
store on Spruce street between Second ud Third
whera tbe best brands of the celebrated Lochlel
Flour Is kepi constantly on hand, dried Fruit,
Cldsr, Vluegar, Ac.
Suubury, February 15, Mil,
Ta Attornevnt-Irfiw,
Northumberland Co., Pennn.
Can be consulted In tho English nnd German
liintrunges. Collections nlteeiled to ill North
umberland and adjoining counties. tub 15
JAKGMS8cii?i be had nt T. S. (shannon's
y Jewelry Store, lu Silver-Ware, Watches nnd
Jewelry. All goods will bo sold at cost tin 1 11
April lt, ltj?:i.
JHunhiiry, March 15, 14?:t.
AUmliilwlrator'rt Notice,
"VTOTICE Is hereby given that" Letters of Ad
ministration have been grunted to the un
dersigned, on flic estate of Win. W. Denney, lute
of thu borough of Sunbury, Northumberland
county, I'll., deceased. All persons Indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, nnd those having claims to present tP.m
duly authenticated for settlement.
Rtinfniry, March IB, !S73.-Ul-prI.
I'.mIuIc of Nit in tt r I Tlinlelier, slec'il.
NOTICE- Is bmehy L'lvrn that Letters of Ad
mltihtr.iiion having been granted tn the un
dersigned, on the estate, of Samuel Thatcher, late
of Point township, Northumberland ct nnty. Pa.,
ilecu iseri. All persons Indebted lo said estate
nr.; icitiesfed to make immediate! payment, nnd
tuoe having claim? to present them for settle
ment. WILLIAM HEED, Adm'r.
Point township, March 22, 1S70. Ct.
We will give Men nml Womeu
from $4 'to. f 8 per day. cuu be pursued In your
own tleiirlitiorhood t it Is u rare chance for those
cut of employment or having leisure time irirls
nnd boVs frciiucntlv do as well ns men. Portl
cuhira rreo'. Address J. LATHAM A: CO.,
ZV'i Washington St., Uostou, Muss.
Mar. '!'!.-('.t.
K.iH ifiiTxitiuTri.V.u
Classics and Mathematics,
French Language and Literature,
Mrs. H. M. BROWNE.
German Language,
Teacher of English Branches,
' Advanced Enclish Course,
Assisted by Mutt. H. M. BROWNE.
Primary Department,
Mrs.1I. M. BROWNE,
y ssisted by Mu. C. D. OUERDORF.
Instrumental Music,
Vocal M'usfo
For Catalogue or nnv other Information, ad
Principal and Proprietor.
Or to Mhn. H. M. Brow se,
Lady Principal.
Sunbury. March 15, 1S73.-1 mos.
rp II. II. K ASK. Attorney at Law, SUN
1.9 lil'UY, PA. Olllcc ill Market fc(Hnrp,
(adjoining the otliee of W. I. Grceuniiah, Esq..)
Professional business lu this and adjoining coun
ties promptly attended to.
Suiiliury, March lti, l7i!.-1y.
koii tiik
MIX) I'ugew, 25(1 KiiKi'iuiiiK.
A htartiing expose of Medical Humbugs of Ihe
past and present. It ventilates (Ju.ick, Impos
tors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Medicine Ven
ders. Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and
Meoiiiins, und gives Interesting uceouuts of Not
ed Plivsieiiu.s, und Narratives of their lives. It
reveals startling secrets, and Instructs all how to .
avoid the Ills which flesh is heir to. We give ex- !
elusive territory nud liberal commission. For.
circulars and terms addtcss the publishers, j
Hartford, Connecticut, or Chicago, Illinois. .
I'ueivilixei! Itaeesi ot'Meu I
In all Countries of the World, j
Being a comprehensive account of their manneis j
und customs, and of their physical, soeiul, '
mental, moral and religious cliaracterl.-iics.
Jly Aei. J. G. WvOD, M. A.t F. L S. I
500 Engravings, ISOO Super Itojal
Oetavo I'Hges).
In two Volumes, or two Volumes In one.
Agents nre making over f 100 per w eek In sell
ing this work. An early applcatinn will secure a
choice of territory. For terms address Ihe pub
lishers, J. B. BURR & HYDE,
Hartford, Cum)., or Chicago, HI.
March 33, D73 -Ot.
2 - a
2 S -
- s
i 5 o
a j: a
51 o
K.eent ri' Notice.
bury boroaith, N'orlhumberlaiid county, dee'd.
All 1tk)iis indebted to said enlute art) requested
to make imiiiedlate payment, ami those having
legal idulms iig.iinut the same, will present the in
without delay, iri proper order for selllemeut, to
11. Y. Krvlin;; or to
Sunbury, Feb. Si, 1STU. tit Evecutrix.
for Kale.
TKKMI MILCH COWS are offered ut
private sale, on reasonable terms. For particu
lars call on the subscriber, lu Upper Augusta
township, on tho farm kuowu us the James
Campbell Farm.
1873 . SPKrNTG1 1873
G O O IS S .
SFHlXtr DRY (i(XH)S. kpijivi: Tinv r.i yiic . '
March 15, 175
Till Nuce Is) Itesierved Tor tho
Aiivi:iitisi:mkt OF
II A il 1) W A 11 E S T O li E
Market St., Suubury, I'u.
full aud M Inter Mjlen
WlII'lixqtt Qqq&s.
Crapes, Silks, Satins, Turquoise, Crape aud Lac
Trimming; of every Description
from New Yoik and l'hiladelidila. lust onerird
and fur 'ale at 'innsiially low prices. Call aud
examine und be convinced.
MnrMH Square, Kouth side, Suubury, t'a
Bunhury; Oct. (J, lTV
LKS lPtiDtinf IturahU.
if i ii i iifH mi i i n i' LBWi r4oav
i'fiu .bbciliifiiKiifo
0 'V
1872. 1812.
at the Store of . .
lteed Brother A Sr:sihl t,
(successors to P. O. liecd X I'm. )
of every dneeriptlon nnd Ynrictf such bs IVnwa
GminV, Mfiiixos, CAliMi:Mr.H,SAi ins, Alpa
ca.'. Pwi.insj, &( ., Pi. ,ts FiiriiKu (ioous,
Suawiji and Ckjt.i, HosirtiY. nnd a
. Full Assoutmlnt op XtrnoNS,
which nre being sold at the lowot ( as!: Pileea.
Also, Guocekiks and Piiovimiuns,
1 pnro nnd fresh.
Ati WlLLtW WAItK, r'
Nicest UrniiJa of Flour consUuiUj on and.
" ' A yery largo
both gliirod nnd cmninoi), alwayr ou l.i.ud.
l from the celebrated lisnd ma le Boot and Shoo
Manufactory of Wut-ontown, for
UK A 1) V-MA1H2 uriOTWXfJ,
of all oi'cs and of the lutes; sty! js.
F L O U It .
A constant supplj of Western white wheat fl.vr
a iieclalil.r.
Tlie putjllcarc Invited, to rail and examine our
Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "yulck
bales and Small Proflls." and to please all.
Tbe highest prices will be paid for ail kinds of
country produce.
By strict attention to business und keeping nt
nil times the most complete Mock, and selling nt
the lowest prices, wu hope to merit a f -ill uhurc of
Sunbury, Nov. !i, lStt.-ly.
.L1V VOA DS t N Fy t-OOUS I !
Juttt Opcitd. ,
Informs ilie citizens of Sunburv uti l vicinitv
j that he has received his Inrge assortment of
I Pry GoOils and selling them cheap for
cash at his store room, corner 'I bird
nnd Church streets, '
j Ills stock comprises
I Fry (Jooil n:il irioerf ck.
The DryGoodl department Is lotnph.te, having a
g-neral assort ment of
Clotlis, CMshiierea, Calicos, DcLaing,
and everything In thu Dry Goods Hue. Tbo
;ito i.Kit:t
aro all fic.-Ii, nnd consists of Tea, ColTec, Sugar,
Molhisscs, Spices, Meat, Fish, &c.
M'lllotv-Wure und lalaws-Wurc,
a (jei.erul assortment. Iu fact everytliing kept
in a nrsi-ciass store, can he liuil nt tliu
I most reasonable prices for cash,
j . Having located in Sunbury for the" purpose of
I becoming one of its citizens, 1 hope that by fair
dealin" and strict utientp.u u business to merit
j a share of the public, My motto is
j "Small Prolits and (juick Sales."
; All are cordially invited to rull und examine
: my goods, us no charges will be made for show.
lug them.
Sunbury, Oct. 19, ISTJ. '
VV:iin.i i'j or all Vimi mait to Oniri;.
The latent styles and the hi . -t wur'Kini.n'hip.
Samples uinv be. seen a' the shop, (iivi Llru
Sunbury, Dec. 7, 1ST-.'. Jr.
Druggist and Apothecary,
(S'iccessor to Vr. . W. Jloocy,)
At the old established s.nnd on .
Market iuartf, StMiir.V, PA.
Keeps coustautly ou hand a full slock of well
Druggists Faory Goods,
I liitusiitfj;
i IT.RFUMrii'.T.
! GLASS, l'l'TTV,
, la fa. t everything usually kept iu a wc.ll con
j lfXJGr STOP.E.
j rarticnlar iit'trn'.l n paid to compounding Pliy
sleiaus prescriptions u.. .1 family receipts by tin
I 1'ropriator himself.
! Sunbury, l'.i., Juue 1ST?.
Is uuciiiale(i by any known rciiedv. 'It'will vra
die. ile, extirpate aud thoroughly deshry !ljol
sor.oiis substanees in the Blood aud will etr.stu
nlly dispel all predisposition to bilioas dcrauge
1 thcie want of action in your Liver and .
Spleen 1 Unless relieved the blood becomes Im
pure by ilelcrious secretions, producing. sro!'n- .
lous or skin discpses, blotches, FelouS, l'js:ule. .
Clinker, Pimples, die, oce. - -r
Have you a dyspeptic SUnua'cii I t'ul-s J!;:c8
tiou is prouipllv aided the tvstein Is ileliilitatcd .
villi poverty of tlie Blood, 'Dropsical Uiuleuey,
general '.vejiltijesy and Inertia.
Have you weakness ol the lulellne I You,
nre iu ibiiW-r of Chronic D'uirbeea or Inllauim;
lion of the bov.els.
Have you v.eiikni ft of the Ulrtrine or Uiinar)
Organs I Ynu are exposed lo suflerini; iu Ra .
most aKi'Ai;ted lorm.
Are ymi delevlej, drowsy, (Jn'.l, s'.i:ri:i.h X " di4
pre.sed iu spirits, Hh heail rue. h ieu io.i.i;, .oat
rdloii'uo uud bad tasting mouth f
For a certain remedy for all of llie-ie disease.
Weaknesses nnd trouble j for cleau-inx and pu
riiyinglhe vlated blood and Impnrtlii vi-.-or !
nil tin vital force for building up and I'sulor
lug rl(e weaki ned conniluilon l.'Slv
J lr 11 L 11 E Ji A
which is pronounced by the tend'nj.' lycdlia: an
t hoi it ic of l ouden amll'urlr "the in.t jwKer- .
ful ionic uud alteratitc known to tbe
world." This U po new and untiied discove-y
but has been lo:ij Used by the lea.ii'n ph.iieUn
oi otnor counuita ah wondcrfiti retiiu llul le
sulls. '
Don't w-ikfn aud Pnpnlr tlie .I'ie.-1 oivans
by catb ii'. ic und physics, i,Le; iie only teiiiiio
rary l llel Ind (iesiicii, II illleucv and dyspep
sia with piles nud kiu;;d diseases ui , sure u
follow their use.
Keep the blood lure an-1 liealtbx U uiturel
JOHN g. KF.Ll.Oiiti, l'J I'laii St., S. Y.
," ' Sole Airetil for the I'lilic! Mules,
rrlcc, 1 per Itottle. Send lor Circular. Marl iw
WU'R-Awakf It'iok AarNT.s Wantku rou
i.ifi: of vtroi.!'o nf
by Atiboli. New Editlou, with accounis of ilu
Trusla War, and tlie !at hours, bf U'syoiJt- ,
wi i iimsiut au neuaiil octavo ol . .w panes.
Tbe times and Ihe tliemr n tieVr it the tuost pop
u'.arworkof thodav. livelin-lve lerriuiy alit
no eompeiitioii. Addrc ut ouee, .
Quaker Ciiy l'ubllkhli' Co.,
iw J17 stn.l Or.irv e it., rhil.U,-! l
.M.ircu i,