Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 22, 1873, Image 4
rr fftatmfactums. alItoas. NEW flB 187. Just opened it 8. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. a large READY-MADE for Men and Boys, of the latest styles, suitable for early spring wear. rent5 Fsirfliisliing (floods, IMMENSE VARIETY. EC I Jri T , irbiU nod ookirod dress Shirts of nil stylts. Agency for tlie Qunker City "perfect fit ting Kbirts," every one of which is guaranteed to fit. No belter Shirt in the market. EI A. T S Sr. CA.P of tho la toe t styles, lor Men and Boys, a large line of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Fancy Jewelry, &c7 &c. BoyiDg only for cash and in large quantities, I am enabled tooi&r better induoemente than any of my competitors, here or elsewhere. Tho small remaining stock of Winter Goods on Land will be ottered at gretttly re duced prices. IEW UOODS SOW KECEITED DAILY. Call and be eonvlneod that tin cheapest place to buy is at - Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Bunbury, Pa., February 22, 1973. FJkTLnlM WIMTEE AT FINNEY'S NewCentral Variety Store, No. KM, Market Street, South Bide, Hast of tin Railroad, Dress G-oods of all Kinds, xHlKsrtlk Poplins, Alpaas, Luttcr Alpacas, DcLatnes, Plads, Opnt Flannels, TUkiag, Ladle Clouting. NOTIONS, LADTBS' nod OENTS' FURNISHING U00D6, indict imtuttatloa ualr Goods in new una tieanlllul etylet. SHAWLS. -iUtemoir Orcwu, Oltaiaou Double all Wool, Plnd Shawls, Bcsakfutt Sh&wls. Iarf, r. JEWELRY. .Ltnti' Jiatol and Jet Opera Chains. Ladle.' Stayes, biueve buttons', Groceries. Grottrlcs, Wood auJ Willow Wars, Flipr, Table uud Slulr ClI Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Fluuey's fur the Greatest Variety of Good. Goods arrivle'Dully. K. D. It it tb universal verdict of (lit trad tbut my goods are sold the lowest lu tlile market. D. A. FINNEY, Moveoiber 9, 1873, VAX BEIL'S rVl UIIISHEY. 94 per Gallon or 11 perCjtsto of lit LARGE BOTTLES. This Whlakey is Puro Rye, four years old and very mellow. TAN BEIL'S "YELLOW SEAL" SIIEUHli til per Case of Twelve Bottles. This Wine wo offer to our friends, knowing It to be perfectly pure and alwavs uniform In qua lity. Abk your Grocer for TAN BEIL'S SI AVI1ISKET. Ask your Dtuygibt for TAN BEIL'S $4 "WIIISKET. Tell your Grocer you waut TAN BEIL'S "YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Tell your Drugsist you want TAN BEIL'S 'YELT.OW SEAL" snERHV. Or, seod your order to n.AA.r.vtx hi:ii., THE WINE MERCHANTS, No. 13111. CHESTNUT bT., I'hiladelpUia. Importers of all fine Brandies, Glut. Itutut aud Witiet, und dealers In the bebt qun'.ltiis of liye and Bourbon Wlilakles ty the barrel, detnljoka ur cace. C1IAMPA1GNES. Feb. 8, 1872,-1 yr. 1307. RIGHTER &. GASK1LL, 1307. DEALERS IX American ail French, winflov Glass, Uryttal Sheet, KouU 1'latc, Colored, Enamcltd and Oruaoieutal Ultat, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1873. ly. ItUTCHKltY! IJUTCHEltY! MMra. KKFFEW A BOUi'.lt, Third Street, opposite Central Hotel, EUNBURY, PA., Kr.fl1 fiitistwitly ou haud the very cboWnt ot frtaU itr.r.r, MtTToai ajsd veal. whloh Is f ild at the lowest prloee. Neat an bo bad at nil hours during the ditv. Punbury.Pa., Juus 8, 1T3. of invoice Clothing, Merzfelder. 9 Of & Hosiery, Gloves, Hood, Cap, Grmantwn 'Wool, Plated and Jet Setts, linger Hlcf, Ear Rings, No. ldC, Muicet Street, Sunbury, Pa. 1. 1 4( l' O It NTUIIL1 CriKISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court Ilonee, BUN BURY, l'A., Rcbpcctfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has ou bund, aud will con stants keep nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMK8TIC LIQUORS, CousUtinc of Puro Rrundles: Coguiac, Cherry, Glnirer, Kochellcand Otnrd. Whiekies: I'ttrc Rye Coppcr-Pistillvd, Mo"n gabela, Apple nnd Neetur. PUKE HOLLAND GIN I "Vines: Champagne Wine, bherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Chnnipaene Cider, N. E. Ruru, Browu fctont and heoti lt Ale. STOMACH AND BAH BITTKRS, And all-others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article cunriinteeil represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, alwuys on bund. t-vf" Ordets promptly uttended to, aod yubllc patronage respcrituiiy toiiciiej C. NFFF Bunhnry, July 3, 18U. ly. J. W. WASHINGTON'S ;km it a it it i: it Kiior. In MUh Dnilius' bulIilliiL', Matlet street, entt of llm Rnilroiid, north aide, SUNBURY, V lbs old permanent tbop of the towu We decline the hoatt, tint at tho B:ime lime consider that the mighty truth tnuyjbe teuhonn bly kjiokeu without inuii!lentlus an uncoinfoitu Lie amount of vunlty aud ambition Just twenty years ago I began my basinets enretr iu this place hulf my lifetime lliut fur speut, nave j etooa upon the uoor of our shot; day after day, and night nftcr ulghl, nnd uiiplied the sharp blue gleaming tteol, and within that elapse of time embraced l.y the inlchty folds o: that eveulful iienod havo I .hnved cearlv everv body in the country (in common purluuee) und to oblige the public iuterest we herulu publicly announce tw our patrons ola and new luul w ire ready to shave them all ugaiu thrue huudred tlouand times or more. Come wueu you i!eaie. hat in timi Is the mux lm we are ulwuys ready to work, forenoon or afternoon, to huve you, hair cut vou. ahuinuoo you, wntfKer uye you, or pertutue, comb and ur t rntiL'e tbe hair with artUtic skill, in the "water rait" or water raise strlo to suit the customer we work to please, not please to work. Stop, dou'l go past our sbop to irct shaved on the basis of ability because we do it as well us It cau be doue or ever could be. A chuneo it all that wo demand To five the proof we hold in haud, Oct. 1, 1S7S. E.NTHAY OIIF.EI. Came to the premisca of the undersigned, in I oner Augusta township. Northumberland Co, on or about llu'-StHh of N'lTeutber last, flee sheen. all while. 1 be onr or owners are requested to emits lorward. prove property pay clianii-a, and take them away, or else they will be deposed of aocuruiug i mw. RACHEL CAMPBELL. Jan. lib, 1W3. S mo. WtsklART'N PINK TREE TAR I , CORDIAL. NATURE'S 0 It EAT REMSD 2 for m 8 THROAT AisD LUNGS. R I gmUMug to o to Inform the pnbllo that tr. L. q. C. Wlshart' Plue Treo Tar Cordial, for Throat and Long Disease, lini gained an en viable reputation from the Atlantic to the Paci fic const, b.nd from thence to some of the first families of Enropc, toot through the props alone, but by person! throughout the States actually benefitted and enred ftl his office. While he pub lishes Ices, so say our reporters, he Is nunblo to supply the demand. It gains and holds Its repu tation I First. Not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the un healthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tudes. which causes Irritation. Pecond. It removes the cause of Irritation (which produces cough) of the mucuous mem brane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act nnd throw off the unhealthy secretions, and parities the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia, Ipccns and opium, of which most throat and lung re medies are composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts on the liver and kid neys, and lymphutie and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and In Its invigorating ta prlfinK .awt. It h g.ln.d reputation which it m nst bold above all others lu the market. KOTICE. THE PINE TKE12 TAB CORDIAL, Great American Djupcpsla Pills) WORM SUGAR DROPS Being under my Immediate direction, they shall not loose their curative qualities by the use of cheap and Impure article. II EN BY R. WISH ART, FuornicTOB. FF.EH OF CHARGE. I)r, L. Q. C. Wlshart' Office Parlors are opou on Moudaye, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 A. M., to 6 P. M., for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are associated two con sulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity Is not offered by any Institution In the city. AU letters) luuttt be addressed to L. Q. V. WISHART, M. NO. 32, N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. November 10, 1872. 8 moe. tESTtlt OF ATTRACTION. Everybarfy Is Invited to come and buy of the hAudeouio assortment of TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES ut SAMUEL P. KEVIN'S STOEE, In franie bnildlng, adjoininrr Moore lilsningcr'a building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, l'A. Just opened a ftCBk supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYN OF ALL HI Ml conntantlv on hand. The bet RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PUKE ttIO COFFEE, TEA & SriCES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cukes, every morning. FANCY' CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, tc. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS! Ilavinir titled np a room expressly for nerving np Oyxlers in every style, Ladies and Gentlemen til be accommodated wttn t tie oesi tnvuivcs in market, nt nil hoars during the day and evening. Families will be supplied ut their residence with tbe best Shell or Canned Oy6tvrs, us is desirable, at the very lowest prices. l ull and see my excellent assortment or goods end usccrtuiu tbe prices. cc. It), 1871. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clut House EfliliiL Sitoy, Fa. i m. C. M. MARTIN & CO. IITE rc now opening an entirely new stoefc of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and aro prepared to supply any nrticleln our lino that may be railed for, we havealoa full stock of nil the leading Patent Medicines. Fine Perfu mery and ioiltt Articles a speciality, a run as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other Brushes, Draetiug aud other Combs lu great vurietv. FIXE TOILET NO A PH. a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice fcpices, 1'eppcr whole or ground, luslile und Laundry Sonim, I.nmp Chimneys aud Lump Good Kenerully. Bird Seed lu large or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fill stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Ellxers and Pills of t'. 8' P., Sui;nr Coated, strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Mutt's und oilier Plasters, AVer's, Wr'nrht's, Schenk't Mandrake, MeLittie's Liver and oilier Pills, our stock embraces every thing found lu a well conducted Drut; Store. Couutry Physieiuns w ill llnd our stock full aud complete, nud wo guarantee to sell as low us the same articles cau be nought lu f ulladelphlu, choke Wines, Whiskey aud Brandy for Medicin al purposes. Octobers, 173. Sluuboud t How Lottt, Uow Realtor ed t Jiit published, a new edition of Dr. CULVER WELL'S CFLEBKATLD F.tSAY ou the ruilicnl cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Invuluiitury Seminal Losses, IM POTENCY, Mental and Pliysical Inenpacitv, lmtiedlmeuts to Marrlnco, etc. ; alto, Consumjition, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-lndulgeucu or sexual extrnvaiiauce. l-if Price, in a sealed envelope, only 8 cents. The celebrated author, In this admirnble es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' ueeesst'trt pruetiee, that the alariniuif conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dyi'gerous use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife i pointing out a mode ol cure at once simple, certain, and effec tual, by means of which every stiUertr, no mat ter what bis condition may be, muy cure himself cliff) !lv. privately and radtcalls. t-rf this Lcoture should be in the hauds of every youth and evory ruan In the land. 6ent, under seal, lu a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six eettts, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Murrltige Guide," price 60 cents. Address the Publishers, CilAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., P n ttnr 1 KM 1V Km.,. Vu Vnrt- l April 87, lVrS. PELLETS Or Sagar-Coated, Concentrated, Rest and Herbal Jnlee, AnU-Bllloae Ornnnle. THE "LITHE GIANT' CATHARTIC, or Nuliam In, Par to Phyalc .' The novelty of modern Medlctn. Chemlenl and Phae. mscentlcal Bciouce. JSu use of any longer takinp tbe larfre, repulsive and nnnseonM plU, com poentl of ehonp. criule, and bulky Ingredient, whenVe un br, a direful application of ehriulrnl u lcnoc. extrnrt all' the r.thartie and oiliw molkinol nrupertl.s from the mo t vslnshle root, and herb, and concentrate llicmi tntos minuu Orannle.acaretily lnrtor Ihnu a nnatitrit aoed, that can bo rrsilily .wallmvrd by tltOK of the umrt Mn.lttv stamncli. and Inxtldioue tauten. Eneli little Paraatlve PellrtnprrfeDts, In a mot eocpr.cntnitoU mock cathartic power U einhndk il in any of the Isrga pills finuid lr rale tn the drug ruup.. From their wouderlul catbsrtie linwei. lu proportion to their else, peonlo who havo nnt trictt tlieiu nr. apt to Fitpnote that they are nur.b, or riraxtic in rllVct, hut such it nut at all the cako, the different artive nieillcinal principle, of whielitli.yare rnmpnoed do inrr rn bannonixed aud mndllHtd, one by thenthnr., ni to protluno n moat annrrlH lift aim ihornttlt, yet gently aud hlJitliy vK-rt tiiiH athartle. $500 Bewsnl ir hereby nfTVrnd br tbe pmprto tor nf Uit'ee I'cllrtu, to axy eheiniiit wnn, ttjion an alyflU. will flud hi them any (Jnlomel ur otlwr luriua ul mureary or any otbur mineral polxun. Ilctntr ontlrrly voenlnbln, no partluiuir enTe ia roqulrod while u.iliK Uienl. 1'tiey oportt. without distnrbanes to the vonrtltntlon. itat. or re enpatioa. For Jililudko, llrail:iIie. foil tlpuilon, Impure Itlouil. fniit lu t;io kiiouldrra, XiKhliirKiior thos tn.t, Vn ciuou.Suiir llroctaitoii of tiir Sijiu ncli, Bad taate iu iiiouih, ttliiuun an not. , I'm I u tn r-prtu oil Hidnvya, Interim! Fever, Itlaiilril fcelluu luui MujihcIi, Itush of it loud tn Hriwl,Mli:h Colurd I rlnc, I naorlabijity unit Oloumy F.ireborliim", tnke lr. Plerc'e Pleaaant Purnatlvu prlletK. In cxibitiif Don of the ruuieilial puwer of my funmtlve J'rlloti over po ftrcnt a variety of diffaff, 1 wuh to nay Uutt Ihclr nt'tlon upon llio nulmal (conn, iny la iinivcirnal, not n ptlniul or tlwne nacanlnir their auiuallvo liunrra. Are doe. not impair them; tkuir su)W-ciumi; and bcSnjj neloted in triads boules ureMjrva their virtue, unim paired fur any leneth of fimo. tn any cllrsate, to Hint they are aln ay rrth and reluible, which la not the care with the pill, tonnd in the drug f lure, put np in caaas wood 01 uatte-bnard boxes, KncolUirt that for tn wliero a Laxnilve, Alterative or Pnrgativo ia indicnu-il, the. little Pulkts wlU trive the mutt perfect sadsftction to all whoum theta. Tlivr ara sold by all rntcrprlslug Itrugtrleta at lit cents a bottle. J Do sot allow any drupfift to induce you te tithe aaytiiini; else that pe may My is Ju.t a. good n my hellat. bemnte Be maaet a Urc-T profit ou that which he recommend.. II your dixrcl't rauut tupply Uiem, endute SS cents aud receive tbciu ty return em, ei aUlMi nl r. riEttcs, if. v., vo;v, T. Muy 4, 18T2- NEW ofsC-OVERY la Chemiral and JVedlcal Science. Dr.GAIlVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Curo Incipient Ooninmption. Ir. CJAUVI'S Till ItE.TIEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. CAltVIVS TAU ICEIEDIES Curo Asthma. lr. GAISX'S Tin REMEDIES " Curo Ill-art Dlwaso. r. GliniX'S TAR REimDIES Curo Shin Disease. Dr. GAKVIX'S TAR KE.TIEDIE8 Rerrulute Oio Eivrr. Dr. GAICVI'S TAR REMEDIES KcpuUto the Stoinach and Bowels Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure all Frmnlo Wcakncssos, Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Tniifv tho BlOOd. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Dicne of the Throat. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Bronchitis. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo "Rose Cold," or "Ray Fever", Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo I.nnff Diseases. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Salt Khrnm, Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES rrcvetnt Malarious Fevers. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Itomovo Pain in the Breast. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Boetore the Appetite. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr.GAIlVIVS TAR REMEDIES IUatoro the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Yonr System. L. T. HYDE ds CO., 80LX FBOPBIBTOBft, 19S Seventh Ave., New York, December 21, 1872. ly GET THE DEST. Webster's I'mtbridged Diction.rjr. 10,000 irord. aasj .Vaafni not in othir Diction arim. S000 Eni;raviugs t 1810 Facs Quarto. Price (13. "IT f hcoever I with to obtain ciucl derlnltioits. T I consult it. Itvhuyler Coltux. J.-iTcry rcaoiar hiiowi at value, li IW. II. Tretcot tbe IllstorUa.l Been one of my dally companions. I John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac Do far at I know, best denning Dictionary. O Horace Mann. rpbe best guide of ttudcrjts of our l.ant;ua)e. L Jehn G. Wblltier. Ticels all others Indeflnlnir scieut'.tlc terms. lu Prentdent nilchcock.J Keutaikableenmpendluni ofbuman knowledge f W. . Clark, Pret't Ag. College. A necesilty for every intelligent family, ttti. ileut, teacher and professional man. What LU brary is complete without tbe best English llo tiouary. . iLBO Wra.Tra's National PifToaitL DtoTiomar. 1040 Pages Oclatro. 400 Engravings. Prte 15. The work Is really a gem of a Dictionary, Just the thing for th niUlloa..air4oa ihtduinal Monthly. Published byG. AC. MERRIAH, Bprlngflcld, Mais, toll by all Baoktellett. PELLETS.YV O U U V-V n gC ? 2 ioe uih-i$ fit tCJ VJL r--,fl I t ' " R ' H Rst RADWAY S READY 'RELIEF CIKEH THK WOUUT PAINS tn from One to Twenty Minutes, NOT ONE HOUR nrtornilintf OiU n'lvfrti'tmut sreil soy ens SfiFKfclt W 1TII 1'AIX. RADtt-AVS BEtriV KUIKf U A CUBJt TOR Tt wns the find Mid U Tlio Only J'nm ltcmody tiiftt iwauttf (ttopn tliti mont rsorttclailnf prnnt). allHVt In fl-uuntfitttiiiH, niil curt l'4iiwtlmii, wlifttxr of th LuntS Kixtuiuii, iMiwelg, or vthcr mIiuiiIi or orgsu, by ODt ftpplUisV IUni IX PROM 0E TO TWRXTY MtNtTES. ?To tfatttT Itww violent opfTCnitlrttitif the puln UieKI1K0 1ATl(J, Hiil-rldrlr, lnflnn, ClmtlUtorvouil Kvunslgit ur jjruiriUc(l with tlkwinM Dmy nuffer, , RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFOItO INSTANT EAK. i INTLAMMATION OK THE KlIlNKTK. 1NKI.AMMATIUN OF THE BLADDtwft lNKKAMJlAfW OF THE DOWELS. I'ONOF.SI ION OK TI1E LCNQS. BOItE TIinOAT, MKFICULT ftllEATHlNO. ' I'ALI tTATtON OK Til YlEART. 1ITSTEUICS, CR0U1', Ull'lITIIEKIA. '. CATAKKIt, 1SFLUESZA. r..i)AciiE, ToornArnK . COt.D CniTXH. AOrE (1111,1.8. Tl: npi'ltuiiioii of tin Kcmly Itcllcf tn th. rwrt or jri. wliar. tb. jiftla r dubvuliy uut. U1 aflbrU mm tad tuirtfurt. Twenty Aror In Imlf a tumbler ef water will tn a few mnmcnU euro CKAMfS, M'ASMH, OOUH BTOMAU1I, IIKAKTIIirRN-, HICK llKAIiACIIE. DIAHItllEA. KVSENtEltt.', Vi-SD IS TUJ BOW tUi, tuA .11 INTF.ll.1A), I'AINH. - Truvelep, utioiiltt tlwuvt CaTTT a botit. f Rnnwav's Rrady Itrlicf vitb tl.etD. A frw drop. In Ur tll trit-veii' sli.iir. or pnliis fnuii chuite of waur. It 1. beiUr liuu yrviidi Draiutv nr Ititlvrt t slluiulouU FF.VKH AND AGIU. FFVETt AMI AO UK cureit rur flay ccnla. Thor. It D4 a rniitcsltul .Kent lo till, world ttmt will cure Fever and Alfiie, nud all oilier SlntartiHiL ttlltous, Scnrlrt, Tvrhotd, Vsllow.ulid itbir Fever, (jil.M l.v KADWAltS PlLLS) M C'ltA iu lt tnVAV S UkADl' UltLiti'. filly cwta nrLutUtt. Suld Ly iimts'kt-s. HEALTH I BEAUTY 1 1 and rrriB men m.oon-ixcRKASE ov YlXMl A.NO WKItillT-rj.EAIt BKIN ANU BEAU Tlkl'L LOiU'LtilON sEcuuiO) 10 ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS M Alt IE THE MOST ASTONISHING CUKE8 : BO Iji'K'K. KAIMli AKK THK rilAN(iKS TUB 1UIKV VNDFKOOK4, UNPEH T11K INF1jI7F,N('B cK TUiA IlXl-i' WO.NDaUU'IL MLUlCLNii, Til AT Evory Day an Ineroaoo In Fle9h and Weight Is Soon and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drip t,f tlit SAU-i.Vt'AiUI.LIAX KKSOLVKNT tWniiuiniritlM llirt.iirlt the 11!m1, Bviftt, 1'rinc, timl ntlirf rltiiilAiUid 1uk'- of Uw pvsjU mi tho viur if :f. fur 11 r-;tir the wftii- cf tlia Itotly iih iii- urtJ mstrriaT. K-rofiiJ.v Hvpttlliit, Cuumi'iiptloii, (jlniiluhir d!MMif, I'lo-m i'l tho Tliru:it, Motil!i, TuiuOiH. N tJcn l tlic H'timl ru j ether part 4 i if tho KViticin, hnt nyttn. Strimutu I 1-clinritr frtttn tnt Kii. nml I'm vii -it furir; nf K til diflt-'itit.'!. Kni. tiims. Tt-vrr r4-r. Hp.h1, rt t-jf Worm. faU li!n'itnit Kry-Irla, Aeiif, r.Uck ir'i, Wurnts hi ilia K1wJi. Tuninr-, t'wufrr In Die WirinS, ftntl it 1 1 vvtMkk'i.ittti Mil Vili'ful tti cWC'-K. fU!it SWt;it. Ijosi i.f SptTUl, ntij nil W;t-lt t ttiC in iiiLipI", t ro wi; uiri Dm cnrntivc rniijro vf till wotnlur tif Mtnlt-m ( hi'iiiltry, aul n rinvst' will jiruve lo Ciuv ihio. U-hij( It l'r rithtr tf tl.t-M fo.urf tlit.-4tM l Ietit (kpwit lu cnr-" tlirm. If th itl.'ht, il illy i'ml:' rff!wv! hy Uip wntf nl V-coDitil!l'iii tlint It O'Htiitiii.My iTircMiiue, rmr-ct-t-ilt la fen-Mtlit tlirit.t vitnlfii, ;rnl ri-:ilr t!ii himh- with new mater I tl v'.'W itoiu ) I'l'.U iiuU liiU Urt r-Ala'.M'AKlL-1J AN wtM an.l r,'tnv. Aot nfy ti'Mj 0: hAiiArAHjr.ttK l?rM.vrsT 'l .nown int'(litl nTUt In lit t .1 tf C'hiii;c STot'ul'i("( jtr for Ti1nruv, iv. rl V"fii t'.i"-nn-, Cffvcl, IMiilifti'it, Troyf H. 'lii'u'' of Witt r. lnfHtin-Hi of L rir, ltrlslit's liimsi'tN AIMiuntitiria, r.n.1 In hi njM n lu-ro 1 m e In kl: tins! 1o- I-ewJiA, r ilu wnU r 1 tli Irk. Hftiiilv, nifd iih mil'nUiTiCPd k: Ui? w tt it Ml i-n c, r t lir-l-t 1K vliltt nlk. or llicro tit mitrltitl, tlnrk, UHl'-nsj nppfairnnrf, nu- whit Lti-if rtn iftKtsIl!!. nit'i ivi-n tlit-rw H prUkltir, Ittirnltijr wnt-atlnn Ufii p.wiKrf utr, itml ?min l:i LShulII 4f t!0 l'acll hud ui.'-. tin. l.-ii'm. J'rfo i.oj, WORMS. Tim 01. J y lown nnd t'irc Kcmedj- tVr II iy"r. i'ttt, i'apf-t tie. Tumor of 12 Vcnrs1 CSrowth Cured by Kadwn) ISeKoIvcnt. P-jrmt v. M ., Joly 1. 1FC9. Jn. KwiT-f hyrt hit Oftnao Tit"r li Ihe t n Mk All the) K.'xM-r tii I bert- wa n ht 1. f-r If." I Iri-J very llilir Uinl rtu rm'iit'ftril l'lliliic lii'l-wrl ft'. I taw .Hir !- lvti, ntJ i'i"nrM 1 wuiiH try It ; lnt h t4 ni f nth tn it. lenvc I bs-4 mtWt fr w-l ytnrs. 1 trok I I txitlta f th l:M.iJttt. J nnn b of Itrni way's I'llle, M lu tottki of ytnr llMlv Klif; Kiid thr to -t '( ttnn .r It 1 M-rn '.(- i r4 f frl lJitr, atnvlrr. mn )nvitur tSi I Int. fi-r t!rt yrr. 'i ! wont tutior mmt ti tli lfl ne wf lit. Ik.wHs, ev,f h rn'la. 1 vrlU tf. wti iut Um WmLI vf trtLtr. Vftl mil T"tM!ah HI ; HANNAH PA.NAI'P. DR. RADWAY'S PcBFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, pTlVetly t!i!tf1nMf rlt-irniillT ftmUM wltb w?ri fim, pnr. rc'il.T, inuifV, cntiM1. nnt Mrfnrt)t-n. IU'Uv'pi j'll'fc frtli cure of k!I tlituinU'n nf the Slnnitirh. I.lvcr. Iliwclfc Kuluovtt, H'ttdder, Nsrvmn DI" lltiltrh, I'tinnth'V t'ti, I'.rUir-ji.--. I'l'liifMuin. lvepta, H.liuiicfivt.i. Bil tiM Frvi--, Iiiiatiur.iiliwii ct t'' tiowtl. , hrnl all fie ruii.''tisiitt of th" Iul?nt:il Vivtm. Vhrnotlttl to effect r..tive rnr. I'urfK' Vtvtuliv. coCtail-u- bo luvrcury, Uil'i'-nlt, ir lU-lMcrmin tlnijia!, ipr" ( fnv tin- P. I low in,: nym.toini rcwulttrx from I)t c'lwiirtf Un; ljj;otJu Oriinit: fnli)siin, townnl IMIi, rTt-i ef iVe I'l4 In the !!.! Ac' 'in. f in Ktoi.i.vh, Kftitft, Hrwrtl-Tirv, lUrnt f Fonrl. rnlr ran or Vri;tit in r"nn-li, K. nr KriM-tifnt Miiklur r'httUr iiif t lilt 1'it H..J - Qwh. S,f ot ltt Ifrmt, llitrvt-H 4 ' T'tUl -till ltr-eitrTit I )n rii.y mi Hi llt-urt, Clickii r r f tfli-tif f r-i.iiwn. tiluii In 1 int! IV luf, T'ivine i YWIcn. hu of W'.sw K-irr lint S ;V-t, '.Vrai'il lu!l fun In lb-' Hrfcl. 1 VIkWo. f ef )Wi'!ritini, Wlk'MU'e. l rLin on.l r'w, P.iin tn th i i. i..ii.1t, uj tiilJ. 1 bin f Ilor.t, In to l4. A IV-. t f of nMVAY'SrTI.lfl will frrt It trm t u. hi! H.f i , . n; til .,..t. ,,!!.. l'lic, vfUld IhT lJU Hil i NY I'!tr.-:.T?.TS. I K: ' A sK aMi i nr." e.-r.-l 1irrU"P a ItAl'A.AY A (tl.. M MtW-ti 1 une, V,r. ; fa-if. -j, T..., k ,.t in sjLt jo Match 30, 1ST2.-Iy. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Er. WAI-EXZi'S C.'IIPDSXIA VINEGAR BITTERS Ilundrcds cf TTiourauds TREY AKB XOT A VILE FANCY DRINK Kn p.n,. mb take these Bitters accord- bir to direction., and remain Iran unwell, provided kune. arc n.l deitroyed bv mineral ponon or other meant, ana the vital organ, watud bevond tlic point of r.iiair. or ludlgetliost. Head.achc t'aia in the Sbouldere. Coughs. '1 iRhtneM of the Clie.t. Dimi D.u, Sour Eraclalion. f the Stomach, Bad 1 asie in III. Mouth, BUiou. Allackt, Palpitation of th. Heart, In lammation of th. Lung, Pain in Ihe remen. of 111. B.y and s hundred other painful .yniptoma, are tlie otf sprinit of Dy.iiia. In ihei. complaint, il ha. no equal, and on. bonis will prove a letter cuaraatce of it menu than s lengthy advertiKmenl. For Female CoiuplHtnts, in young sr old. mar ried or tingle, at the dawn erf wemanliood, or the turn of life, theae Tonic Bitten diplay M itadci an infiuenca that t marked improvement it non periibl. For Iuaarniniatorr and Cnroiale Rhn. tnatlsm and Gout, bilious. Remittent and Intermit tent Fevers, Disease, of the Blood, Liver, Kidney, and iii.jj.. .v.... Ititir. h.v. no Mual. Such Diseases tit caused by Vitiated Blood, which it generally produced by of the Digestive Organ.. Th.y are s Gentle Purtr.tlve as well a Tonle, po sussing alt the peculiar mem of acting at a powerful tgent in relieving Congestion or luuammauon othe Liver and Visrwal Organs, and in Biboua Diseases. For skin Pluftsu, Emntiont, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Blotches, boots. Pimple Fusiules Hon., Lar- bunclev Ring worm.. Sald-Head, Sore tyei, trysaielas. i.k c... 1 si. ..... tJ th. Kk,n. of whatever nam. or nature, art lit liscolor.tioilt Ol in. a.m. nunior. .uu ui. erally dug up and carried out of the tytiem in s short time by ill. us. of thet. Itinera. Tho properties of Da. Walkss's Vinkgab Bitths ara Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Kutrinout, Laaafive, Diuretic, Sedative, Countw-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Biliout. Grateful Thousands proclaim ViNiaaa Bit Tt.s th. niott wontu-.W luvigorinl that ever sustained th. tinlung tytteni 1. WALKER, Prop r. K.H. MeDOWAl-D V CO., Druggists and Gea. Agta, San Francisco, Cal., and corner of Waalungtoa aud Charlton Sta., New ork SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. SEW TOBACCO AXD MEG A It, AND BRUSH STORE. South tide of Market street between 8d and 4th BUNBURY, PA. Just opened, an eutlre new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND 6EGARP. Begart of every grade. Tobacco of every varle'y. Pipes, both plain and fancy. BRUSHES I BRUSHES 1 1 BRUSHES ! 1 1 1 - Ecar t'"8f1mony tothi-tr oiider- H p. v to,. S I 5 g fl jj WHAT ARE THEY?f5 sf S t Ml - a i si! fjw ni ' P -3 off THEY AI-.B XUT A VILE 8 s 1 c A A large assortment of Bruthes direct ftom the manufacturer at greatly reduced price. His line of brushes are a specialty aud many new kinds never before introduced Into this market. Alto, Paper Collar and Cuffs in great variety. A targe assortment of all tbe popular Kongs of th day. . Call and ismlne my good and get a list of price. HENRI 1'ETERY. Norembtr 9, 1872. ly OEO. EVAN8. K, O. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, rbiladolnhifi. TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band k Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Ours being the leading bouso on Military work, ws feel tbat we oan offer Inducements which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1873. Sl.MlinY MAKItLE YAR1, Fourth Ml root below Market, SUNBUIIY, PEUN'A. rpiIE undemiened has returned from the Ver -L. mont Marble Quarries with 50 Tons of Marble for Nonmiients, Ornrc-Stouen, &C, &.C. Tie lias bouiilit at such (liritres Hint will allow him to sell butter stntie, for lets money, tbnu heretofore. Tbe best Sutherland Fulls Marble, which Is better than Itnllnn. Rutlnud Is now sold as low ns tho Manchester. Those who need anything In the Marble line, for Monuments, Grnvo-Stoncs, or other, will Und it to their interest to cull nnd examine tills large stock, as better liiirtrnins can bo secur ed thHii buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done In the ncntcst and niott Improved stvle. W. M. PATJGHERTT. r?uuhtiry, Jan. 11, TS73. J. F. LERCH'S CARRIAGEAIHD WAGON MAKINGcgW, ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., SUNBURY, PA. Vehicles of all Rimis macb to Ohder. The liiteft styles nttiltho best wnrkinnn.lilp. Samples may be seen ut tbe tbop. Give him cull. Bunbary, Dec. 7, lbT'J. ly. Tailoring! Tailoring:! I CnAELES 1MAIHL, Respectfully Informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that be bus opened a TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Markot, in tbe Mullen btiililiut:, and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of GF.XTS' A.D IIOY'W Nl'lTM, In the lutof-t styles. Having had much exper ience in the business lie desires the public to give him it' trial. Clothing will be made up In tbe latest Paris and Americun Fnthlotis iu tbe mont salLfactory manner. Aui;.17,,72.-tf. C1IARLF.8 MAllIL. si lt iiixi: nuoi an it:o. FOlMKY. GEO. ROIIRUACII & POX5, Kuubtiry, I'cnu'n, INFORM the public that thev are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added n new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing nud linring Machines, with the I lte-t improvements. With the aid of .kill fill mechanic!, they arc enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be girn them, in a tullffaciory man ner. .rntcN to suit nttj- Ntovo. IRON COLUMN!, for churches or other build lugs, of nil EP.AS CASTINGS, Ac Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GR.WT. TAKD LOTS j VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will uhvavs be kept on hand. Aiso, THRESHING MACHINES. Suiibiiry, May SO, 1S71. I.I'M It KK Al ri,AM(l .MIL I.N. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. Jt Erie R. II., two Square North nf the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every descript Ion of lum ber re'itiired by the demuuds of the public Having all the fittest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunlicr, he is now ready to till or ders f till kitulS l)f FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, BAell, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, aud all kinds of Ornamental Serow 1 Work. Turn ing of every detcripliuii promptly executed. Alto, A I.AltCR ASSOIITMKST OF HILL L LT M liEIi, HEMLOCK ami PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, .Ve. Orders promptly tilled, nnd shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. diflO-tW:ly STOVK A tlx i:T.tlIl.ISII.Mi;XT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFKED KHAUSE, Proprietor. i:fCP.SOll TO KM1TII A OENTUCK. j nAVING purehased the above well known es tnbliKhinent, Mr. Krniise would re.pectfttl ly ittlorm the public that be now has on hand a lurgc assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spcer's Conk Anti-Dust, Retrulator or Revolving Tup, Combiuntiou, SUHitieliaiina and otlmrs, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, und ure warranted to perform talinfjictni I ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to bent one or more ramus. HEATING STt'YES of dillcrcul kinds at Very low prices. Tiuvt are or Kvcry IeMcrition kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Siuuliug with the best material, doue at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil aud Lamp constantly on haud. Japan ware of a a.udj. Store opposite Conlcy't hardware store. Give tue a call. A. KltAt'bK. tapl24-U ; r W. H. Blanks, house, siaisr, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decorating aud Paper Hanglrg done In the latent Improved ttyle. Orders tolicited, which will receive prompt fat ten Hon. Residence In Turdytown, Emerlck't building. Suubury, May 11, 1873.-tf. ANTED-Responsible men as Local Agents to sell Fruit and ornamental tree lu neighborhood where they reside. To the right parties very liberal terms and an opportu nity to establish safe and profitable buaiues. Addrets The Dlngee ct Conrad Co., Wholesale Nnreerymen, West Grove, Ouster Co.. Pit. Nov. 80,1673 lu. READING RAILROAD. WINT.ER ARRANQEMSVT8, MonBAT, DEcrcnnn and, 187a. Trains leare Harrlsburs for New Tort. .. lows i at 6.30 and 8.10, a. m., and 9.00. n. to . connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Raul road, and arrivlnft at Wew lork al 1183, 3M and 9.45 p. m., respectively. Retuminlng i Lcatre New Tork at 9 00 a. m. 13.60 and B.80 p. m., Phlladelpklu at 7.80. S.46 III., I.UU V.Wf IU. Leave Hnrrlsbnrg for Readlnir. pnii.iii. Tamaqua, Minersvillo, Ashland, Bbnmokin, All lentown and Pblladclohla at 6.80 and 8.10 a m. 9.00 and 4.05 p. m., ttopplng at LctMton ani principal way stations j the 4.06 p. m., train eott- nucniin loy ruiiiiaeipnin. roitsviiie and Uolnoi bia only. For Pottsvllle. Bchnylklll Haven w& Aubnrn, via Schuylkill and Snsquehanna Ball road leave Harritburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad tralnt leave read ing for Ailentown, Easton and New York nt 7.30 and 10.85 a. m., nnd 4.00 p. m. Rotnrulmr. leave New York at 6.00 a. m., 18.50 and 5.80 1. m., and Allentewn at 7.80 a. m., 19.95, 9.10, 4.81 and 8. 65 p. nt. 'hy pB8eDKer Train leaves Phlladelphln At 7.30 a.m., connecting at Reading with train on East rennn. Railroad, returning leaves Potts vlllo at 4.85 p. nt., stopping at al) stations. ;rlnPoU6TUJ,e M 8 00' 8 05 and 9.10 a. tn., and 9.80 p. in., nerndon at 10.00 a. ., Bhamo kin nt O.OO and 11.09 a. m., Ashland it 7.18 a. tn., and 13.90 p. in., Mabanoy City at 7.58 and 12.54 p. m., Ta Jiaqua at 8.86 a. m., aud 9.10 p. m., for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Har (tsbnrg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Sosqne hnnna Railroad at 8.05 a. in., for Hnrrlsburjf , and 11.45 a. m., for Pinegrovo and Tremont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle at 6.00 a. m., 'passes Rending at 7.40 a. m., arriving nt Philadelphia tit 10.15 a. in. Return ing iui i-niinueipliu at 4.48 p. m., pnsse Reading at 7.15 p. m., arriving ut Pottsvllle at 9.00 p. m. Pultstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottt town nt 6. 45 a. tn., returning, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green.) at 4.30 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at 7.30 a. nr, nud 6.15 p. ni., for Epbrneta, Lit;i, Lancaster, Columbia, Jfcc. i returning leave Lan caster nt.20 a. in., and 3.S0p. tu., and Colum bia nt 8.15 a. m., and 3.20 p. m. Perkiomcn Railroad trains leave Pcrklnmcn Juticlion nt 7.S5 nnd 9.00 a. m., 2.55 aud 0.40 p. m. ; returning, leave Gr;ep Lune at 6.15 a. m., 12. 85 und 4.20 p. in., .connecting with trains ou Rending Railroad. I t'lcKcrliig Valley Railroad trains leave Plirn 1 nixville nt 0.10 a. m.. 8. 10 and 5.50 p. m. s r turu i lug, lenve Byers ut C.S5 a. m., 12.45 ami 4.2y p ut., connecting with trains on Reading Kuilroud. Colebrookdalc Railroad trains leave I'oltstown att.40 a. tu. and 1.S0. 6.25 and 7.15 p. m., re turning leaVe Mount Pleasnut at C.00, 6.00 and 11.25 a. m.ond 3.00 p. in., connecting a Uh tritius en Readiug Rnllrond. Chester Vullcy Railrsad trains lenve Krid (re port at 8.30 a. m. 2.40 and 5.33 p. in., returning, leave Downlngtown at fl.55 a. m., 12.30 nd 6.4; p. in., couucctitig with traiHS ou Rending Rail, load, On Sundays i lenvo New Tork nt 5. 80 p.m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. ro. and 8.15 p. m., (the fl.OOn. ni. train running ouly to Reading,) leave Pottsvllle ut 8.00 a. nr., leave llnrrl.-bui if rt 5.30 a. in. and 2.00 p. m. t leave Allvutown at 8.55 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. and 10.15 p. ut. for Hnrrli-burg, at 7.30 a. in. for New York, aud at 9.4t)a. in. and 4.15p. m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to aud from all points, hI re duced rat?. Baggage checked throngb ) 100 pounds a!!owo4 each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, AstUt. Sunt. A K-ny. AliuVry. P.EAD150, Pa., DeceinUir 2, 1S72. KorUieru (enteral Railcuy . '"INTER ARRANGEMENT. ON ano aaor Oct. 27, 18 at ' "iwt : 2 train, will rua NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbary at 18.43 p. ni., for Niagara Falls Mail arrives ut Sunbury at 4.10 p. m., arrive nt Willianitport ti.20 nnd F.lmlr.t 10.30 p. m. FuH Line arrives at Sunbury al 6.50 p. m., arrive at Willianitport 8.35 p. is. Erie Mull leaves Sunlniry at 6.30 a m WU llanispnrt al 8.40 a m, and arrives ut Etulra al 12.40 p in. SOUTHWARD. Mall leaves Sunbury at 11.05 a. m., arrive tt Uarrisburg 1.45 p. tn., Baltimore 6.80 p. m. Erie Express leaves fsnnburv at 0.40 a. nt., ar rive at Ilurrisburg 11.30 a. iu., lialtlinore. 8.U0 p. in. .Mnll lenve bunbury at 12.50 a. in., arrive nt Harrisburg 2.45 n. m., Baltimore 8.4 a. tn. Niagara Express leaves Sanbuiy al 8 (0 p m, Harri.btira at 10.40 p in,arrivos ut liuliiuiure 2.15 a m. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EAbTWAKI). Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. m., Rrrlve at Bhnmo kin 5.50 p. m., Mt. Curmel t.M p. in. Leave Sunbury (Aeeommo.l.itloii,) at 12 35 p. ni., arrive t Shutnokin 1.35 p. in. WK.1WAR1I. Leave Mt. Carniel at 7.4J a. m., bli.tmoklu 8.20 a. tn., arrive at Siinbttvy 9.25 a. m. LcaTe Bhamokiu (Ac-rmmodatlou,) at 3.45 p. m., arrive at Sunbury 'i.L'j p. m. Express leaves daily. All other trains leave dullv, excej t S"tid.iv. A. R. FlMtR. " En. e. Yot no", teu'l. Sup't., Ceu'l Tassen'r Asr't., Harrinbur);, Pa. Ualiniore, M l rhilndelphiu and I s le Ruilioud. BUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sttniav, Oct. 27th. 1972, the Tralusonthe Philadelphia it Erie Hail Road will run as follows i W EST W AUD. Mall Trnlu leaves Philadelphia, " ' " Bunbury, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunburv, ' " an at Erie, Elinlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr nt Lock Haven. 1140 p tu 6. SO a tr 7. f5 p ti 12 40 p iu 7.01 p m 7.45 a m 8. CO a nt 4.IM p in 7.45 p in 7.o a ra Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, Butjbtiry, " " arr at ltcnovo, 12.40 p m 4. do a tu EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Eric, " " " Sunbury, " " arrnt Phlladulphia, Eric Express leaves F.ric, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr at Philadelphia, Elinlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Suiibtiry, ' " arr nt Philadi-lpUla, Niagara Express leave Renovu, " " " Sniilmrv, " " air at Philadelphia. U.S5 a m 12.45 a m 6.55 a ui Vf.115 p m 9 l5 a 111 3. B0 p nt 7.45 a m 11.00 u in 6.00 p m 8.25 p m v.fta p m 2.80 a ut Mail East couueets cast and wrl al Erie with L. S. it M. S. R. W. aud at Irviuclou with Oil Creek aud Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Kxoress and Erie Express East, and Erie Mail, Nlugara Express und Elmira Mail West, connect nt Wllliatu.port wlih trams going north on the Elinlra and Cauatulaigua division of tbe N. C. R. K. Catswista passenger trains will be run east and west from Wlllinnisporton Elinlra Mail. ft M. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Danville. IlttxlotAii V W i'.krkbarre It. It. IVuutt. It. It. Co. I.t aer, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger trains on tb D., H. k W. R. It. will run a lollowt : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. X.KAVK. New York, Philadelphia, Eatton, Bethlehem, A.M.' LEAVE. 6:00 Sunbury, tj:00 DuiivilU, 0i25 Cuttawissa, 10:05 Hazletou, A. M. 0:20 H'i 7:28 0:08 . r. m, 12:10 Vi:l 2:15 p. M.: Hazletoa, 1:00 Rethlehem, Cuttawitsa, 2:40K.aslou, Danville, . 8:20 Philadelphia, Sunbury, arrive 3:57, New York, arr. 8:50 Traiu West arriving at Banbury 8:57 p.m., makes close connections with traiu. ou Philadel phia Erie R. R. lor Milton, Williniiispoit, Lock Haven aud all points West, Elmira aud all poiuts North, also with Northern Central Kail way, for Harrisburg and Baltimore. kef" New and elegant coaches run through l tween Bunbury aud Kaston. FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. D. 11. ct W. R. R. Srrr'a Orrna. WiixiAusraiT, Pa. rrr'a Orrira, WiixiAainrcsjiT, May 1, lTT