Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 22, 1873, Image 2
Sunburn -Slincviciun B. MASSER, W1LVERT. EdltorJ. SUXl'UllY, MAtlClI 22, 1873. The legislatures of Illiuois and Ohio linve passed resolutions of censure on tlio Members of Congress from those Stales, re spectively, who voted for the extra Con gressional pay. Dr. "W'm. M. Rutherford, tlio oldest physician in llarrisburg, nnd n gentleman of high standing In his profession, died, on Thursday morning, week aged IW years. Tlio wife of lion. J. Lawrence Get died in I'cidintr, on Sunday. Schuyler Colfax arrived at South Bend, Ind., on Saturday, lie proceeded in a carriage to the Court House, followed by an escort '"consisting of carriages and wagons as far as the eye could reach." After an address of welcome by Mayor Miller, Mr. Colfax made a lengthy (speech in answer to the charges against him in connection with the Credit Mobllier busi ness. At the conclusion of his speech Col. Humphreys presented him with a letter having l.")00 signatures." attached, express ing the siguers confidence in the ex-Vice-l'resident. A resolution to the same ef fect was also unanimously adopted by (hose present. Till I'resideut defers indefinitely his trip j South, but iutimatcs that at sonic future 1 time he will make the round among several prominent southern cities. Whilo ho is undoubtedly compelled, by the pressure of: public business, to defer this visit, it is j very desirable that it should be made at. the earliest opportunity. It would give I him a clear insight into tho condition of the South, and bring about an era of good i r....i; ;,..,......... .ii...,t.v i feelmg in every way dcsirab.c. j . Oakes Ames' neighbors give lmn n pnb-! lie dinner on his return home. They secin . to adinito his sharp Yankee tricks. Tho Itemvseiitativrs. io nenrlv nil ,.. nm no ! ' worse than the people whom they repre sent. Public honesty is not likely to bo very bad unless private virtue is at a dis count. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, on ! Monday, in Philadelphia, ntllrmed the Con-1 stitulionality of tho Local Option law in a j case brought up from the Twenty-second ward of Philadelphia. We will publish the opions of tho Supreme Judges iu our next issue. Geo. S. Boutwcll, Secretary of the Trea sury, was elected to the U. S. Senafc, by 1 the Massachusetts Legislature, on Wednes-: day of last week. The vote stood : Bout- ! well, 252 ; Dawes, 115 5 Geo. B. Loring, ; 2 ; aud six others scattering. He took his i scat iu tho Senate on Tuesday last. j Mrs. Catharine Cloak was murdered in ! her bed, in Philadelphia, on Friday night, 1 by blows from an axe. Her husband, who 1 is a machinist by trade, and a manofiu-i temperate habits, has been nrrested for the : crime, and the evidence against him leaves scarcely a doubt of his guilt. ' AITOBTIOET HIM.. The following bill arranging the Con-; gressional districts has been reported from . the committee of the House of KcpresenU- i tives : 1 1st district. Tlio 1st, 2d, 7th and 20th wards of the city of Philadelphia. I 2cl. The mi, mil, 10th, loth, 14th nnd UHlh wards of tho said city, and all that portion of the 17th ward lying west of Second street, iu said city. :td. The 3d, 4th 5th, tith, 11th, 12th and loth wards of said city. 4th. Thol5lh, 21st, 24th, 27th, 2Sth ami 2'.'th ward of said city. oth. The ISth, UHli, 22d, 23d and 25th wards of the said city, and all that portbu of the 17lh ward ly iug east of Second street, in said city. v tith. The counties of Chester nnd Dela ware. 7th. The county of Lancaster. SJh. The county of Herts. .'in. ine county 01 .Montgomery and 1 all that portion of Bucks county not inelud-1 eil in the Tenth district. I loth. The counties of Northampton and Lehigh and the townships of Durham, Miltord, Springfield. Richland, Tinicum, and thu borough of tuakcrtown, in the county of Bucks. lllh. The counties of Pike. Monroe. Carbon and wayne, and the townships of Buck. Bear Creek, Blakely, Carbondalc, i Covington, Jefferson. Madison, Roaring ' 1. rook, bpring ttrook. the boroughs of Blakely. Dunmny?, tioldsborough's, Gib sonburg, tho city of Carbondalo nnd tho Twelfth ward of tho city of Seranlon, in the county of iAKerne. 12th. All that part of Luzerne not included in the 11th district. county I Jin- iho counties of Lebanon nnd Schuylkill. Hill. The con. ties of Dauohin, North umberland, Perry and Juniata, 15th. The counties of Bradford. Sus quhanna, Sullivan, Columbia and Wyom iug. 10th. Tho counties of Tioga, Potter, M'Kean, Cameron, Lycoming aud Mon lour. 17tli. Tho counties of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset. lrttli. The counties of Snyder, Mifiliu, Huntington, Blair and Cambria. lath. 1 ho counties of Vork, Adams and Cumberland. 2utb. Tho counties of Union, Centre, Clinton, Clearfield, Elk ami Forest. 21st. The counties ot Westmoreland, Greene nnd Fayette. 22d. The city of Pittsburg and the towu ships of Chartiers, Union, Scott, Stowe, Itobinsou, Upper 'and Lower St. Clair, Baldwin, Snowden, Milllin and Jefferson, and thu boroughs of Mansliuld, Chartiers nnd West Elizabeth, iu the couuty of Alle gheny. 23d. All that portion, of Allegheny county not included in tho Twenty-second district. 24th. Tho countie. of Washington, Beaver and Butler. 25th, Tho counties of Clarion, Arm- rj; lvst strong, Indiana and Jefibrson. 20ih. Tho counties of Lawrence, Mer cer and Crawford. 27th. The couutieskof Erie, Warren and and Veuango. Hon-. (;ko. S. 1?ch:twell, Secretary of the Treasury, was elected to tho Uuited States (Senate, by the Legislature of Mas sachusetts, on Wednesday, to fill the va cancy occasioned by therMgaioootVtr PreMih iit Wil.on. COT,. H. B. Death forwarded us a circu lar embodying tho conclusions of a com roittco of the Urand Army of tho Republic, relative to tho establishment of Industrial schools for the benefit of soldiers' orphans. It will be remembered thai Gov. Hartranft adverted to this subject In his annual mes sage. The committee referred to, after giv ing the subject mature consideration, re port against tho formation of industrial schools, assigning ns reasons that but n few industrial branches, aud those of the plainest kind, could bo taught, whilo the children would feel that they wero on a par with those of tho reform school. What is proposed, is embraced in the following paragraph of the General Order issued: "Wo propose that this Idea bo so extend ed that scholars, who desire it and are qual ilicd therefor, may be sent to the .School of Design for Women, the Agricultural Col lego or Normal Schools, and, further, that boys and girte incliued to learn any of tho mechanic or high arts that could not bo learned at their homes, or in Muall villages and interior towns, shall be provided, through the aid of tho members of tho Grand Army, with places in machine shops or elsewhere, nnd also with homes where they would be under proper inlluenees.and that the Stato should make up the deficien cy between tho amount earned by them nnd that required for their support during tho first year or two. Many girls who now have to struggle along as seamstresses, could earn a livelihood ns photographers, book-keepers, &c. Many boys with a nat ural talcut for engineering or ninehinery, could learn these professions, obtain good salaries and occupy a higher place in the community than "under existing circum stances." Thirty thousand dollars will be asked of the Legislature to carry this plan into ef fect. It is proposed to place this sum in the nanus ot Govcrncv llartrnoft and Su- pcrtnteiidenfc Wickeisham. It is a worthy measure and deserves suoccsi YJIKI'O.STAI. LAW. Slow it 1'hniigr Letter Itntcn T KxelMiior.vwiinier! -The Wonro I)1)t llt 80rry t(, fllu,t as wc lmVe clone by inquiring at the l'ost Office Department, that the proposition to reduce ltlu'r postage, together with other chauges in postal matter proposed by tha House Committee, failed in the Senate. Believ- ing that the change proposed was not called fr, and that it would very materially diminish tho resources of the Post Ollico Department at time when it is incurring lrge expenditures, to facilitate the prompt (i lot ri hilt. inti niwl 1 pa iiRni iwinti nl mml mnf. ter on postal cars, and to improve tlio ser vice generally, we took occasion to dis sent from the recommendations of the com ! mittec at the time they were made. Our I belief, as then expressed, was, and is still, tliat in view ot the much higher prices paid for mail transportation in this coutitry, thu wiutj uitiusiDii o: man laeilities over a ter ritory so much greater than that of ling land, which has been our model, we have reduced the rates of postage to tho lowest point attainable without involving the ne cessity of large appropriations by Congress. Three cent postage here, considering the service rendered, is quite as cheap as penny postage in England. It had been the aim and desire of Con gress and tho Department to bring the lat ter to a self-sustaining condition. This will be ultimately dono if wo are not com pelled to pay too heavily for railroad ser vice. The postal car system has very largely iucreased tho burdens of tho De partment, but it has wonderfully facilitated distribution nnd celerity of transmission, especially at stations on the great thorough fares. Tho clerical force required for this service is large and expensive nnd constant ly increasing 11s postal cars multiplied. The roads exact increased pay at an alarm ing rate. At such a time, therefore, wo caunot wisely attempt a further reduction of letter postage. Three cents for carrviii!' '. a letter from Boston to San Fraucisco, Low ' er California, or Oregon, is a pretty small figure. Vet, having once established a ! uniform rate we can not gel the consent of ' the Pacific States to pay more for a letter . than is charged for carrying it five miles. : The provisions requiring the prepayment ' of newspaper postage also failed. This . failure included the proposed change iu I rates on daily papers which will, as ucre 1 tofore, continue to pay thirty (.euts quar ' tcrly ; weekly papers five cents, j There was attached to the postal appro I piiation bill tho following clause : I I'rovidcd, That all laws and parts of laws i permitting the transmission by mail of any ; free matter whatever be, and the same are '. hereby repealed from utul after June 30, i 17;'. j This sweeping clause cuts oil' free ex changes, and also the distribution of week- ; ly papers free in the counties wlieru print ed. Subscribers to such weeklies will, therefore, after Juuu 3d, have to pay post- : hl'c on their papers, and editors will be charged with postage on all I he exchanges they receive Washinulon Chronicle. Vtli tW. . . Aitoix tmknts of the Central Pennsyl vania Conference of the Methodist Epis copal church, hcid at Chambcrsburg. Fa., March 5lh, lbl'.i : WILLI AMSJ'OItT IMSTKICT. James 1 N llh.a," V,y' . . James Curns, Presiding Elder. illiauisport, 1'iue street, J. M'L. Ret- Pavis, sup : Mulberry street. K. llinkle, J. B. Polsgrove, sup ; Price Chan el, J. H. M'tiarrah ; Third street, B. F. Steveus ; Newberry, T. Sherlock ; Wil liamsport Circuit, D. B. M'CIoskey, W. S. Wilson ; Susquehanna. S. V. Rotliroek, sup; Montoursville, J. A. DeMoyer ; Muucy, M. L. Drum; llughesville, F. tiearhart ; Muncy Creek, C. W. Burnley; W atsontown, J. W. Olewiue ; Elimsport, Z. S. Rhone ; Milton, S. V. Swallow ; Lcwisburg, F. llodgsou ; MiiUiulmrg, J. A. Woodcock; Salladasburg. J. T. Wil- sou; Cogan alley, E. M. Chilcoat : Lib erty Valley, .1. F. Craig, W.M'K. Reiley ; Jersey Shore, G. Warren : Pino Creek, T. S. Faus ; Great Island, E. Butler, Lock Haven, B. Krohn, J. R. King, sup.; Saloua, J. R. Cuddy, W. A, Carver', 11. E. Kelly, sup.; Hyuer, E. T. Swarlz ; Reno vo, A. M. Creijhton ; Leidy, J. Y. Belt ; Siuneiuahoniug, A. E. Taylor, H. F. Cares : Emporium, A. B. llooveu ; Cale donia, L. G. Heck ; Wharton, supplied by P. Bird. W. L. Spootswood, President Williunis port Dickinson Seminary ; 11. A. Curran, Professor in Keystone Norinul School, Knrtatown, Pa. ; Irvin II. Torrenco, Cor nspoudiug Secretary Peunsylvauia Bible Society, members of Mulberry Street (Quar terly Conference. J. I'. Bubb, Protcssor in Pennington Suuaiuary, New Jersey, member of Salladasburg (Quarterly Confer ence. DANVILLE DISTRICT. Samuel Barnes, President Elder. Danville, St. Paul's, S. Creightou ; Trin ity, A. W. Guyer ; Riverside, A. S. Bowu man; N'orthuinbcrlaud, James Hunter; Washingtonvillu, H. S. Meudenhall ; Bloouieburg, N. S Buckingham ; Espy uud Light street, M. P, Croslhwite ; Oruuge ville, F. E. Ciever, N. B. Smith ; Beuton, A. C Crosthwaite, I. Edwards, sup., G. M. Iirued ; Berwick, W. W. Evans ; Berwick Circuit. J. Stine, T. H. Tubbs ; Bloomiugdale, Henry Wilson, ouo to bo supplied ; Muhlenbury, W. W. Kaese ; Sbiekshluny, J. A.Gere, Wlilte Haven, J. B. Akers; Hickory Ruu, C. L. Bensco ter ; Weatherly, J p. Moore ; HuzWion, E. H. Yocum ; Jeansville, Alem Brittaiu ; Conyngham, .1. F. Brown, J. B. Mooro, J. Black; Catawissa, B. P. King ; Klys burg, T. O. Clecs ; Shamokin, J. C. Clark Ocntralin, A. II. Mcnch ; Excelsior, F. A, C. Clark , Mount Carmel, S. W. Sears ; Ashlnnd, W. A. Houek ; Trevorton, G. II. Day; Snvdertown, N. W. Colburn ; Sunbury, G. lx l'enepackcr J Kelinsgrove, .Tohu Moo: hen d. Wkstwakd. Wo learn from official reports that during 1872 over ten millions seven hundred thousand acres passed from the dominon of tho government into prl vato hands. This would make ncnrly seventy thousand farms of one hundred and sixty acres each, equivalent to three States the size of Massachusets. In Kan sas nnd Nebraska nlono. over fifteen en tries were made withiu tho year under tho homestead law. These entries represent a population of fifty thousand added to these two .States on lands freely prcsculed :by the government, besides a large number who acquired their homes by purchase. COIMIESPONDEXCE. Letter from I'liilHdelphlii. rJULADELrniA, March 1H, 1873. Friend WiiKcrt: 'Tis a pleasant, spring-like day that makes ono wish to bo iu the country to hear the blue birds sing one of those charming days that you can almost hear the grass prow 1 It has so far bwn a very peculiar March, very little real March weather, Biich as we usually anticipate hav ing this mouth. It has been very dry nnd blustery, as a consequence soon dried up the' mud. nnd now sends it in one's eyes in clouds of dust. Old weather prophets pre dict three months of dry weather, which, if so, will niutui iiilly nllt'Ct tlie price, of buy, and bo apt to cause a scarcity iu the sup ply for the next year. This year, how ever, the springs are well filled, nnd wo will not have a repilition of last year's trouble dry, hot weather nnd a scarcity ot water. I St. Patrick's Day greeted us with fine i weather, the opposite of what usually is j the case. The wind was high, and hats ) were ol'lener (lying through the nir or along 1 the pavements than upou the heads of thu owners. For some time our Irish citizens of Roman Catholic belief had been prepar- ; iug to celebrate the day of Ireland's Patron j Saint with more than usual earnestness, i As a consequence, yesterday, from early 1 dawn till late iu the evening, tho streets 1 were crowded with neople in every deseri bablo style of green badges, green uniforms, j &o. About 11 o'clock the procession ; moved, nnd, with many others, 1 was j greatly astonished at its fiue appearance, I aud what a line looking set of men they j were in most cases. Where usually we ex- ' peet to see, in fact I may say have seen, a ' rough, swaggering, staggering crowd, here was a well dressed, orderly, sober body of men. It was, as I said, a great astonish- : nient, and frei-ly expressed as such upon j the sidewalks, aud was a wonderment to many who knew not the cause. It is, wn nil know, a second nature for an Irishman to love whiskey. It has been their bane, and had well nigh ruined them as a people, , and rendering, day by day, the hopes for their restoration ns a nation futile aud im-! possible; and wc may well ask the qucs- lion, "What has caused the change?" for j change there has been, evidently. It is : simply again the old story of their devo- : tion more justly might bn called oppres- j siou, except in this case where the result ! was good to the dictates of their religious 1 faith as expounded by their priests. To ono of them be tho honor, as it is certainly due for a great good done. Father Burke, ! ns your readers well know, came over from j Ireland last year, and seeing the danger to his countrymen from the demon Drink, j told them plainly aud forcibly whither-; their steps were tending. And his noble words iu behalf of Temperance seem to have been productive of much good. Many of the organizations he started then wero ; yesterday in the procession, 50, liM) and ttOd strong, and the greater part of the i whole parade was composed of the Total Abstineueo Beneficial Societies connected with thu various Catholic Churches. A gentleman remarked to me that in one ' ward ol the city alone he had been sur- prised to find tho influence so great as to compel the closing of over sixty of those pests of morality, the low groggeries, from want of custom. To my mind it explained j the fact I had noticed of so many such ; places being advertised daily in the col- j umns of the Ledger for sale cheap. May . it continue is thu anxious wish of us all, 1 j have no doubt ! The day ended without , any disturbance and without being fol- ! lowed by a niht made hideous by drunken brawls, and so mote it be after nil such oc casions 1 No doubt many a poor Proles-1 tant went with a cold dinner, or without ; any, aud madam had to do without her j ride, as coachmen, cooks and horses were all in tho procession or upon tho sidewalk, I and all business was more or less stopped. Our city seems to be about receiving its ; just dues from the government. As you know, a commission sometime ago chose a location at Ninth and Chestnut, extending to Market street, iu all a half square, with fronts 00 three principal streets, viz: Mar ket, Ninth and Chestnut, for the site of ai new Postolllce and United Slates Court ' Rooms, and through tho exertions of our : Congressmen an appropriation inado to ! coiuineuee the same. To obtain it we bad 1 to fight the balance of the country, though j the need was pressing and acknowledged, j far more so than iu many other sections long ago furnished therewith. It, together : with the Public Buildings, Academy of 1 Fine Arts, Girard Avenue Bridge, N. Y. I Mutual Life Building, at Tenth and Chest nut streets, aud another Trust Com- pany. tho name of which I have forgotten, but know the efficient Superintendent of, Adams Express Company, E. Coleman, to be one of the Board of Directors, are about building up in fine style the present site of iho Adams Express office, on Chestnut be tween Third nnd Fourth streets, nil these with others not now iu my mind, will rx poi.d nu immense amount of money among us, which will benefit nil, more particular ly builders uud dealers in building mer chandize. Tho Masonic Temple is about completed and is a grand work massive, elegant, improving and growing in beauty tho more one looks at it. It was built without fatal accident, except in one case, and that of a man who was shoveling snow oil' the roof during tho past winter, falling to tho ground nnd being instantly killed. Yours, OCCASIONAL. REPORT Of the Auditor of the FiiiunrcH of or(liuuitf rluutl County, 3 EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS of North. uiiiberlaiid County from the 1st day of Jan uary A. D. 1S72, to thu 31st day of December of the same year, both days inclusive. .Vo. oOidirt. EXPENDITURES. 17 Assessment aud Registration Ex penses, $1085 70 1 Agricultural Bocluty for 1871, 100 00 1 " 1873, loo 00 63 Bridge building-and repairing, 4573 84 1 Balance In full puid J. Fitller, for merly Trcasmer, 030 01 63 Commonwealth and Justices' feci iu Couiinouweultb cases, 577 88 78 " witues fooa, Ciuo 77 18 Couiiuiseloucrs' pay, Stepp, 597 50 Huu.icker, 697 6J Vu.Uuc, 351 20 ' Durham, 65 00 VI Coronor snl JuM tees' Inquisi tions, 191 15 131 90 am 00 m vh 153 00 r.".n 00 47.-. 00 HH9 43 135 07 117 00 501 03 3041 33 11 Court House Jiinltor'i pny, 3 County Attorney'! Fees, 'J County Auditors' pny, 15 Commissioners' Clerk's pay, Fnrnswortli, Srlnrartz, 30 Court lloiion Itcpslrs, 1 Cm r puts and Oil Cloths for Court ll01t!K, 1 County inslltulo, it Fuel for Court Ilonse anil Jail, Bt TMierul nnd Spring Elertlons, 4 Fees of Diinlcl Heckley, formerly Shcjiffof NortliuiiibuYliiiiilCoun- ty, 3 Has Fixtmts nt Court Hnnsv, 12 (Jus for Court Bouse, 20 Interest on oiitstamllugOrclers anj borrowed money, 1 Indexing Administrator' Ac- cotintH by Jiirob Lelsenrlug, 1 Insurance, on Court floma 33 Jurors' pay nml C'oiistsKteV Re turns to Court, 1 Keeping Hannah flnvldij'e nnd Ja coh UrasH nt Hospital, 0 Morehandlze for Court I tt.iisc and Jnll, 3 Medical nltendanec nt Jail, 58 Postage, Biunk BookiunJStntion- ery, 1!) Prison expenses, 1 Penitentiary expenses, 3 Prisoners taken to Penitentiary, a Proseenl lug Attorney's fees, SI l'ny of Jury Commissioners and tlieir eleiks, lfi Printing nnd Adeertlsinp. 4Srt Premiums on Scalps Skunks, Foxes, -Minks, 1 Prothonotnry Maupl's tit, 8:1 Hnad Damages, 4!) Rond nnd brldgn Viewers pay, It Refunding overpaid tuxes. 3 Statu tax puiii out of enmity lunds 1 Stntn tax, tmlanee duo t late as : per last audit, paid 1 Taxes aiidlc.ipls nu sontc l iui.l un seated I, ouls sold to Commis sioners, 5 Transerlhine old doeket, ,te., by S. K. Knowles and Jaeob Leien rini;. 2" Tipslav!'s pav, 1 Taking Charles tVliito to the Su- preine Crnrt ami back. 0 Tiavelling expenses by the Coin missiomTs, Outstanding Order pi!d. Treasurer eoniniissinti en fo.tOl 23 nt 2la per eenl., 2373 lit ilflS 70 273 40 2027 48 200 00 44.5 00 .W8 50 S4 10 fifl 8!) 74 70 32 08 7 01 170fl 20 4U.1 03 410 00 242 5fi li6S 34 1401 (15 !il 35 154 05 12118 48 .i3:ai 07 442 00 20(1 S5 5C37 70 3087 04 1 15 26 ! 049 50 383 U0 07 20 142 61 3417 37 1377 53 Total, $56,198 02 , Excess of expenditure above receipts I f S18 (14. : RECEIPTS. ' C'nsli received from Collectors of ! county taxes for 172, nnd pre- : vlous years, $ 48,721 81 ' Cash received from collectors of , State taxes fur 1S72, and pre vious years, 2104 84 Cash received from collectors of ' Bank Tax for the year 1 72, 760 95 Cash received from court fines ju ry fuud. Ac, f05 00 Cash received from Lower Augusta township for keeping Hannah j Savidge, 50 00 . Cusli received on judgment agniabt Kate Christ 35 00 ' Cash received from Commonwealth costs, 59 38 ' Cash received as redempton money I for seated and unbdited lands, 28 60 I Cash received from Jacob Shell fur ! holding inquest on bitdv of his wire, ' 22 35 Cash received lor flues on cruelty to animals, 5 00 Cash received from Sunbury Band for (las used, 5 00 Cash received from extra taxes, 4 04 Amount of comity tax received from unseated lauds. Amount of counly tax received from seated Inuds, ExecBs of expeuditurcf of above re ceipts, 2130 618 810 69 00 04 Total, $56,198 03 Vli.l'ltltlt .HI I.l.ll.t l., -.., IOI llltri 1II .ISIIICI Ml j Northumberland County, In account with the s.imc. DR. ! To balance due county as per list I Auditors' Report, " $ 7910 62 I To ninount of cash received per State taxes not charged iu hist report ( see pages 13 and 191 in State tax Book.) 35 G6 j .......... tf,.,-. ...... T-... e. p..-......- r Total, $7910 2 ' CH. By nniount of County aud State tr.xes from collectors' paid to A. Cad wallader, and charged to McRliete lu error, (see page 207 of county tux book, and page 190 of State tax book,) Baiauco due county, Total, M4 7331 $791(1 28 John F. Fioi.eii, Esq., formerly Ticiu'r of North umberland county, iu account with llic tame. . DR. To amount of an Order granted and paid 111 nt , t'X.'.O 61 CH. By nmonnt due h'.m on settlement as per last Auditor' liepoit, $'.30 61 Al.tir.iiT CAiiWAl.LCDr.u, Esq.. Treasurer of North umberland County in account wild the sauio from the 1st day of January A. D. 1872 to the 31l day of December of the same year, both days inclusive, respecting County and State taxes, Ac. DR. To nmonnt of outstaeditig county taxes for the year 1S71, and previ ous year, $45364 27 Amount otdnpllcate for the year 173 51210 55 Amount orouistanding8i:ite tuxes for the year 1 171 and previous your 3 "50 55 Amount of State Duplicate for the year 1873, 1010 07 Cask received from collectors of State tax on bank slock, 760 95 Cash received from Court fines, Jury funds, Ac., 505 00 Cash received from Lower Augusta township fur keeping Hannah 8a vidge, 50 00 Cash received on judgment against Kale Chriot, 35 00 Cash received from Commonwealth costs, 59 38 Cush received ns redemption for eat- ed and unseated lanus, 2 CO Cash received from Jacob Shell for holding Inquest on bu ly uf huwifc 23 35 Cash received on fine for cruelty to HiilmaU, 5 00 Cash received from Sunbury Band for Gas used, 500 Caidi received from extra taxes, 4 64 Amount received from liunk und sun dry persons us loans to County, . 4575 00 Amount of county tax from unseuted lands. 2130 69 Amount of counly tax from seated lands, 648 06 Total, $110,865 IT CR. By amount of outstanding couuty taxe on the 1st day of Jauuary, A. D., 1873, Amount of exonerations allowed col lectors, Amount of commission allowed col lectors, Amount of outstanding taxe ou tha 1st day of Jaunary, 1873, Amount of exonerations allowed col lectors, Amount of comiuisslou allowed col lectors, Amount of countyOrder paid lu 1873, Treasurer's coiinnUtiou of 21. per cl. on $55,101 3 Balaucu lu hands of Treasurer, $41447 75 2761 93 8648 84 5470 10 428 89 167 20 66,101 S3 1377 63 8477 63 Total, $110,805 17 Ai.beut Ca n wali A ns it , Esq. ,Tresu rer of North uuiburland county, in aceuuut with the tame, respecting State tax on personal property for the year 1K73, and pinions years, settled In his aecouut respecting county and Stale taxes, DR. To aruonnt of outstanding Stats tax for 1871, and previous years, $3660 55 pn Amount of State, tm Duplicate for 1872, 1910 07 Totnl, t54A0 02 (2470 10 428 8 157 20 2404 84 CIt. v By amount of State tnx outstanding on the let day of Jnnunry, 1873, Exonerations allowed collectors for 1872 and previous yuars, Commission allowed collectors for 1873, nnd previous years. Balance received by Treasurer, Total, ' if t.V70 C3 Amirht Cadwai.lahkr, Esq., Treasurer of North umberland Counly, In account with the same respecting Stnte tux on Natlonnl Bank Slock for tho year 1873, settled In his nccoutit re specting couuty and State taxes, Ac. DR. To amount of Duplicates for the year 1872, $1258 85 CR. ! By Amount of outstanding tux on the 1st day of January, 1873, $457 85 Amount of Commission allowed coir lectors 40 05 Balance received by Treasurer, ' ' 760 05 Totnl, $1258 35 Ai-ABHTCADWAixilvua, Esq., Troosurcrof North umberland county, in account v.ith the Militia Fund of the same for the your 1873. 1R. To amount of militia taxes for the vear 1870 and 18T1 ontstnndlng on the 1st day of January, 1872. 224 45 To of Duplicates for the venr ' 1872; - 1,505 26 Total, t37R3 71 CH. By amount of militia tax outstand ing on the 1st day of January, 173 $l82fl 80 Exonerations allowed collectors, 786 43 Commission allowed collectors. 59 30 Cash paid militia ollieers by order of Military Board, ns per receipts, 880 00 One per cent commission on $8so, R 80 Balance in Treasurer's hnuifs, 189 29 Total, ?37.-3 71, E5q.,Ti-eamrerof North umberland county in account with the Trea surer of School Boards, Supervisors of roads, Overseers of I'oor, etc., of townships and bo roughs, respecting taxes on unseated and seat ed lands for the year 1S70 and 171. 1)11. To amount received for Road, School, Borough. Bounty and Poor taxes, Irom the several township and dorouglis, as follow : Tax. Ml. Carmel township, road. $1716 S5 ' " M-hool. 2625 KS " " poor, 1423 M $5760 47 Coal township road, 2154 20 school, 2333 17 bounty, 173 69 $4901 04 $1568 67 Zerbc township, mad 51 1 67 " sellout 1057 0(1 Washington township road 13 31 school 1 05 $14 36 $98 69 $12 50 $14 40 $321 03 $218 36 $68 09 ?6 38 1 72 Little Mnhnnoy tp., road 39 OS school 59 Ct Lower Augusta tp., road 0 37 school U 13 Chiliiqunque tp., road " school 7 30 7 10 Cameron township, road 93 80 " school, 227 17 t'pper Mahanov twp, road, (16 48 " " school, 151 8 Bhamoklu township, road, $28 55 " ' school, 39 54 Lower Mahanoy twp., road, 2 8S " " fchool, 3 50 Jackson township, road, 1 Tl 1'pper Augusta twp., rorrd, 70 ' " nhnol, 1 00 " " bonutt, 70 1 " pour, 90 I $S 90 : Jordan township, ' " school, j " ' bounty 97 ! Point township, road, 31 I " " school 2 71 SO 89 4 87 40 02 45 3D $93 87 $5 3; Shamokin borough, school 293 7 I " " bounty, id ! " " borough, 65 75 $435 69 ' Mt. Carmel borough, Echool, 317 S3 1 " " borough, 70 30 ! $424 12 Sunbury borough, road, 21 25 ' school, 33 50 ! " " poor, 9 6t " " borough 19 25 $2 64 Total, $14,177 CH. By amounts paid to Supervisors of Roads, Treasurers of School Hoards, Overseer of Poor, etc., (as per re ceipts.) $12.13 20 By 5 per et. commission on $14,177 85 708 87 by amount paid as clerk's fees to Jno. Farnsworth 490 05 Balance in Treasurer" hand, 73 33 Total, $14,177 33 Outstanding Taxes for Ys Names. '65 Wiihington Lake, 08 John l.vttch " Philip Frank '69 Philip Winterstelu " Thomns Miller " John Krissinger, '70 Aaron Troxel, " .1. B. Knlss, " Tuomas T. Burke, "Joseph Kbclv, 71 Aarou Troxci " Henry D. Mowery " lsnae lUllister, " i A. R. Treon, Districts. ... Shamokin borough .... Coal township, Upper Augusta twp.,.. ; Wntsomowit, , Point township .... Jordan township, Chitlisqtlaque twp Upper Augusta twp.,.. 'Coal township, Smibnry borough, ..... Chlllisquaqiie twp...... .... : Delaware township ..... Mt. Carmel borough,.. Washington twp., Cameron township, .... 1 Zerbe i Upper Augusta ; Lower Augusta, Chlliisquuquc, , . ... ;Coal township,..., Camerou, Delaware 'Jackson township, .... IJordan, 'Lewis, Little Mahanoy twp.,.. 'Lower Mahanoy, i Upper Mahanoy Mllton borough iMeEweusvtlle, IMt. Carmel borough,.. Mt. Carmel twp.,.. Northumberland bor.,. .... Point township, 1 Riverside borough, I Rush, Sunbury borough, Shamokin borough Shamokin township,... ..... TnrbotTtll Turbut township Walsontown Washington .... Zerbe township H C harles K. Weikel, ' Michael Downey, 73 Martin K. On " Isaac Marts, , " olohn Troxel, " Patrick Ready, " Jjacob Wagner " iSinion Melzgar " 1. O. Billinan ' iNonk Kloek, " Anthony Bailer, " 'Abraham Reliz, iEliaa Byerly " jtieorgo V. Hornberger. " ! John Musgrove, " George Long, " IE. B. Stillwaguer, " lAndrew Martin " I Thomas London, " iJolin Lesher " Samuel K. Hile, Edward Grady Joseph Eisely, Harrison Henry, George J. Hnrtlino I'eUir Wagner . " Charle Artumn " William Cooucr, " Ijoseph Coble, " ,11. Z. Raker, Those marked with a () have sines paid. We, the undersigned Auditor of Northumber land County, State of Peunsylvauia, do certify that lu pursuance of the 17th section of the Act, entitled "an Act regulating countie and towu thips," Ac., passed on the 15th day of April, A. D. 1834, we met at the Commissioner' oltlce. In the borough of Sunbury, on Ike 6th day of Jan uary, A. 1). 1873, and adjourned from tlm lo time, and did audit, ad)ust and settle tbe everal accounts required of us by law, agreeably to the several Acts of Assembly aud Supplement there to, sccsrding lo the best of our judgment and Albsrt CADWAt.LADKR, Ksq., Trcasnw, In ac count with Northumberland comity, for tho yenr 1872: , . - DR. - - . r . To balance ini on County Stats' and National Bank Uses, $3,471 63 cn. By balance In his hands, $3,477 62 Statement bf tho Finnnccs of Northumberland county on the first day of Jauuary, 1873; DH. To amount of ontstnnrllng orders of ' ' '" the year 1871. nnd previous yours, 117,10 61 To amount of outstanding orders of the yenr 1872, ' 2,704 26 To amount of an outstanding bounty -' order Issued in 18C3, . ' . T25 60 Excess of County assets above Indebt edness $34,474 20 Total, $55,184 18 CR. By nmonnt of outstanding county taxes for the year 1871, and pre vious years, , , - $7,538 19 By ninount of ontstnndlng comity taxes for the year 1872, 83,909 68 By amount of outstanding Statetnxen for thu year 1871, and previous years (for the use of the couuty), 037 64 By amount of outstanding State taxes for the year 1872 (for tho use of the county), 1,832 56 By amount of outstanding bank stock tax for the year 1873 (lor the use of the county), 437 35 By amount In the hands of Comity Treasurer on settlement, 8,477 62 By amount due from (ieo. Mclulccc, late Treasurer, 7,331 31 Total, $55,184 13 Amifkt C'AiiwAi.i.ADi-.u.Esq., Treasurer of North umberland County, In nceouni with tho Com monwealth nf Pennsylvania respecting licenses, from the 1st day of January, A. 1). 1873, to the 81t day of December of the same year, both days Inclusive! DR. To amount received from tavcru li censes for the year 1872, $3,320 00 To amount received from restaurant licenses for the year 1872, 700 00 To amount received from liquor store licenses for the year 1872, 250 00 To amount received from retailers of merchandise, coal and lumber yards. Ac., ns per Mercantile Ap praiser's list for the year 1S72, 3,803 00 To amount received from billiard ta bles, 240 00 To amount received from brewers, 18 00 To amount rccelTcd from extra li censes on billiard tables, brewers and retailers, f,6 70 To 30 copies of Pamphlet laws, 30 00 Total, $7,424 76 CH. By 5 per cent , com mission on $1,000, 1 per cent, on' $1,000, nnd 'j per cent, on $320, By State Treasurer's receipt of July 2, 172, on tavern licenses, By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 173, on tavern licenses, By 5 per cent, commission on $700, By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 17.1, on restaurant licenses. By 5 per cent, commission on $'.50, By Slate. Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 1873, on liquor store licenses. By 6 per cent, commission on ?l.O0l, 1 percent, on $1,000, and per cent on $17 95, By State '! reasurer's receipt of Sept. 10, 1872, on retailers' licenses. By State Treasurer's receipt of Nov. 12. 1872, on retailers' licenses. By amount paid lor publishing re tailers' list. By exonerations aTlowod II. U. Mas ter by Auditor General, By Stale Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 1873, on retailers' licenses. By 5 per cent, commission on $20(1, By exoneration allowed Albert Haas by Auditor General, By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 1873, on billiard tables, By 5 per cent, commission on $10. fly Slate Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 1873, on brewers, By 5 per cent, commission on $60 76, By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 173, on extra license. By 5 per cent, commission on $30, By Stale Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 4, 1873, on Pamphlet laws, $01 60 1.000 00 1,358 40 35 00 665 00 12 50 237 50 f.S 97 910 40 1,000 00 c9 00 7 CO 1.726 03 10 00 40 00 190 00 80 15 20 3 33 63 43 50 88 50 Total, 87,424 70 Northumberland County hi account with the Commonwealth of Pumisvlvania, ru-pectiug State nnd National Bank Stock, Tax, ec, lor the year 1873. DR. To balance due Commonwealth on settlement for the year 1872, $3087 04 Amount of taxes on personal proper ty, 1 mill tax and Interest aeci tied as lixed by the board of revenue commissioners for the year lv72, af ter deducting collectors' uud Trea surer's commissions, kc, $45X3 21 To amount of State tax on National rlauk stock as fixed by the board ot Revenue Couiiiiiiiouors, cominU sloil deducted, 1104 49 35 i Total, $S725 34 $577 80 2509 84 4533 21 1104 49 $8725 84 CR. By State Treasurer's Receipts of April 17, 18T2,ant included In county Or ders. State Treasurer's receipt of April 20, 1873, Included in couuty Orders, Slat Treasurer' receipt of August 20, 1872, Included ill county Orders State Treasurer' receipt of January 23, 1873, included in couuty Order Total, 1872 and previous years. Couuty. State. Militia. 1 41 55' 169 27 63 98 371 90 100 00 10 00 36(1 61 128 99 28tiS 30 49 30; 1183 17 1049 39 i 478 i8. 9 Krt, 231 18' 458 00' 1110 33: 1O03 17, 2852 63 2079 50 2W 74 8t5tKV ' 499 93 9-llV 2(1. 2178 asj 57 63 1 1520 08, 414 54 133 99 40 M, 670 T2. 4'.I4 CO 23:M1 50 1774 Oil, 54 55! 15111 24. 1210 63 1585 32 1097 97, 349 09 2004 59; 595 96 ; 5C9 RO 409 00; 12 45, I 27 22, 89 83: I 3u"00 45 13 'as 90, ' 2115 uo 1 109 84' 161 51 . 23 49 .........I 27 02 37 50 75 31 ; 113 01. 117 9 50 SS 27 8S 154 40 40 96 68 50, 110 60; 29 95' 1W 71 80 89' 54 231 9 4tti IU 331 23 99' 64 S3: 50 431 6 10, 81 01, 50 50 3 81 lt5 92. 15 33 149 59 93 66 39 29' 33 31 31 53 63 "22 31 47 77 31 36 38 73 83 33 41 16 54 41 85 11 53 1 85 55 11 46 61 135 77 15 64 19 34 43 $41,447 75 $3,470 10 $1,829 abilities, and we do further certify that upon due examination of the excuse book we find that : the Indebtedness of thu county lu uiiimid counly order Is $19,9S4 87, and the amount of an out standing Hon lily order issued lu 1803, i $725 00, in all $30,709 87. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we do hereunto et our hand and seal, at the otliea aforesaid, , silt day olfeDrunry, a. 11. 173. J. M. FOI.LMEU, IL. P.l . JUOB E. MUENClll (L. 8 1 v AimiMsTUATon & saLi:. t 1 Will he sold nt milillp nln .1 v. v,.,,. the late Albert Hans, trttrth street, Stir.hnrv nn ' SATURDAV. MIVU.II 9 'int.. 7t"" The following personal property, to will FIVKr tHARKB or stock In tho Snnfniff Xlutual Trust and Buihlmx Association, TWO ri)LMAItl TA BLES, nmd nil the fixtures, with tbe use. of Iho Room for five yenrs, a lot of Confectioneries. Nuts, Ac. ONE BF.D-ROOM SET, one Morn! lue Glorv Dealer. Chairs. Tl,u rar..... - j tminy other article not mentioned. Bale to commence a r 10 o clock A. M., of said aid dny, when terms will be made known bv mbl5-2w DANIEL IIEIM, Adm'r. G A. IIOTMORF, T AttorneV'iit.-Lnw, OEOROETOWN, Nortfitiniberland Co., f etinn. Can be consulted in tho English aud Gorman languages. Collection attended to lb Norlh nmbcrland and adjoining counties. mhis ii Ait u .ii x sl J BARGAINS enn bo hnd nt T. S. Shnnnoti'g Jewelrv Store. In Sllvvr.W.nn tv,.ii. 1 t . .. - ... . ,, ,,,k.i:p ituu Jewelry. All goods wilt be fold nt cost nmt: April 1-t, 1873. Bunhury, March 15, 1873. AtlininiislrHtor'M Xotlee "VOTICF. is hereby given that Letters of Ad- Al ininistratioli hnve hnnn trra,,i.,.l n .. dersigned, on the estate of Wm. W. Denney, lato ui nii: noroiigii 01 cunnnry, .orthuniberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, nnd those having ciaims lo present them duly authenticated for srttlrmeut. Mjis. CATHARINE DENNEY, Administratrix. Sunbury, March 15, 1873.-6t-pd. t'At'iivrY a ci Ritit r i.isi SUNBURY ACADEMY. Classics nnd Mathematics, 1'ltoF. N. FOSTER BROWNE. French I.unguage mid Literiture, Mns. H. M. BROWNE. fierman Language, PnoF. DAVID REIMER. Teacher of English Branches, Mr. C. D. OBF.RDORF. Advanced English Course. Puor. N. FOSTER BROWNE, Assisted by Max. H. M. BROWNE. Primary Department, Mk.H. M. BROWNE. s.Isted by Mil. C. D. OBKRDORF. Instrumental M uric, Puor. DAVID REIMER. Vocal Music l'i;nr. N. FOSTKit J1R(WNF. For Catalogue or nnv other luformutioii, a.' dress N. l'OSTI'.R BROWNE, Principal .111, 1 l'r.u lietor. Or to Mns. II. M. Hui.wxr., Lady Principal. Sunbury, March 15, 1873. -2 1110s. IllII.AnEI.PHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD CO , Office 227 South Fourth t., Pitir.Aiini fun, March s, A Special meeting of the jStoeMmhlei of Ih : PHILADELPHIA AND READlMi RAILROAD COMPANV will be held at the olUcc of said ni pany. in tin-city of Philadelphia, ivi WEDNES DAY, the second day of April, 1H73, al twe ve o'clock M., w hen and where the Joint agreement entered into by the Boar,', of Managers of the Philadelphia and'Reading Railroad Comp.niv, and the Hoard of Direct ors of the est Reading Railroad Company, for the consolidation of tlio said two Companies, and the meiger of the said Wel Reading Railroad Company into the Phila delphia aud Reading Railroad Coinpunv, win R submitted to I lie Stockholders, and a vote by bal lot , in person or by ptoxy, taken, for the adop tion or rejection of the same. Uihl5 2iv DAVID J. BROWN', See'y. Tp II. It. HAS!'., Atlornev at Law, Sl'S S BURY, PA. Office in'Marli.t luare., (adjoining the olliee of W. I. (ireci.oiigh. !'- 1..) I'rolessional bu-iui'ss in this and adjuiuing coun tie promptly attended to. Sunbury. .March 16, INTJ.-ly. ; E . ... '" E f C s. i -5 - "S K ? W 2 ?. t- 'B. It. - " J . 5 W If? C3 C . It A i'l' 1 1 OK ItKOTlll'.ltS' TRADE MARK. 00 00 50 00 50 00 (H) .50 (HI 20 0O (HI 00 50 50 00 00 50 10 50 00 SO 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 01 00 60 00 -at - 3? ii 11 c h Cigars, NOW Itelter llmii fevr r ltiutltt hy (houi. See that the boxes are branded ltXl I.IAK II. II. 1'1' Vt II. Wholesalo Depot 330 XOltTII TIIIK1) STUKKT, Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch 837 Cbc&tuut St., (Opposite "CON'TfNENTAL.") riIIJ.ADKI.riHA. March 1, 1873. Omos. To the l itizeuH or htinburj. THE undersigned has made arrairjrments to attend the Tuesday and Saturday Markets, with Fresh Butter, Eggs, Lard, Potatoes nnd Apples, w hich w ill be sold as low us con he had else" here. Call at the Market stand near Fourth nnd Mar streets, aoiith sh)e. After murket hours any of the above articles can be had by calling at his store on Spruce sOKuet between Second und Tbir, where the best brand of the celebrated Lochlel Flour Is kept eonsttimly on hand, di led Fruit, Oiler, Vinegar, dec. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, February lTij 172. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Western District Penu'a. Iu Uuukrulcy. The undersigned hereby give uotiee of Ms ap pointment a r.islgnoo of Win. Wolverine, of the borough of Sunbury, in the county o North umberland, State of Pennsylvania, willilis saiil District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt up on hi owu petition, by tbe District I on it 4 aid Distrirt. To the Creditor of said Bankrui f. . P. it. MouliE, Atsignt. Pioihurv, Feb. II. h73. 89 litis iu