Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 15, 1873, Image 3
ft) rur;jw..ii.i3j.-.rTrrM SUN HUlt Y, MAUCII IS? 1873. ' L 1 f 1,1 j i Itntlron.l Tim TitblcV M!PA1ITtrHR O TnAtNUJ ATSUjiltFtiV. AHUIVAI, AWD N. C. n. W.. South. KrlnMall, lS.oOam Erio Express, .40 '! Mall, 1105 " Nluir. Express 8.00 pin r. a E. r. n. Wct. Mall, .. ..10ara Niag. Expross1:l.t0 m Klmlrn Mall . W " Krio Express, 7.01 -n't . SCNW'nT AND LEWtSTOWW It. 'I '' ve Punhury for' Lewls,tojrn lit1 t.iS iti. 1 B1(ln. U . i ....... . ..'.' Arrive ;t ' Sunbury from Iwjftof if' at, 1W id 7.45 p. m. - . ;, . .', y and CtUMOKIN ITII, ft. H !.1B M LKAVB , Sunbury at 5.45 a m " . . 10.85 p m l ABBITI1 .. I'll . At Bunbury : .35 a tn , ,;"'!.. ' - B.55pn .. iA .1 :6.U0pm 4.40 p m DANYW.1.1!. HAIXF.TO & WaKWOAItlrf 111 ti (110 Regular passenger tsnln leaves StirVbttry for Danville, Cnttnwlssa, Hazlcton'nnd Intermediate station, nt 0.45 a. m. Returning leave . Hoilc tou nt 1.00 p. m. Arrive nt 4.00 p.. n. ' j , LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMfHUllO K. R. .' Leave Northumberland at 0.40 a. m. and 4.50 p. m. ' ' " ' Arrive at Northumberland at 10.85 a. ra. and 0.06 p. m. - ' : : ;! . '' Aeeldeutul Insurance Tickets eai bo bad of J. Shiprnan, Ticket Agent,' at lb Dofot. : .; " i . . .. . i' l ttsincss .ofals.'.; '! SEWINQ MaCHINKS ANt COtTAOfc OlWANS.- Miss Cnrnllnc Dallus is tho agent for the snlc. of, tha best Sewlnir Machines in existence, Tlz : The Improved G rover & Baker,' nnd 'Domestic,' which nre constantly kept fin hnnd, nnd told nt reasonable prices. She Is nlBO ngent for the sale of the celebrated 'Silver Ton'rne Urirnrn, and tho 'liny State Orenns,' nnd for the sale 'of the Fru'ntz it Pope Knitting Machine. Cull nnd see them. Office on Market street, east of tho rail road. .- , The InrnovED Guoveh & Bakkr Sewiso Ma chine. Theso celebrated machines nre offered nt t!ie most reasonable rate. For pnrttcnlnrs npplyto 1). O. KTJTZ, Agent, lb.0,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. HorsE ANn Lot Foil St.k. A new House nnd Lot, located ou Spruce strcit, Sunbury, is offered for s ale ou easy terms. Apply to Jons Wll.VKU. Tr'; Public Schools will close next week. Prof. K. Schneider informs tho public that he will open a Summer school, assisted by bis daughter Miss Alice Schneider, to commence on Monday, April ?:!, i i the upper room of tho N. East Ward school building, nenr the corner of 4th nnd Arch streets. 15-lt. A Goon Chance to Makb Money A Furni n it;: Stoue roK Sam:. The larte furniture store in the Masonic Uulldln, Sunbury, Pa., is otTi.rcd for sale. The store Is doin n larye busi ness, having n t;ood niul safe run of custom. Any one with a small capital will find it one of the be.-t business stands to make money in Cen tral Pennsylvania. For particulars apply to 1). L. Racdkniu sn, mhl-Sw Hearer Springs, Snyder Co., Pa. A Fink I.orMTSn Lot roil S.n.r,. A flue build in,: lot lo? ito 1 in Cuke's Addition, rear the P. A E. Railroad shops, Is ollercd for sale on rea sonable terms Apply to fc'JS 21119 V. J. IiLAlit, Sunbury, Pa. Hoots fc Suons nv Tiin Million.- Wm. II. Miller of the Excelsior iioot it Shoe .Store, keeps bis rooms tilled with nil styles and qualities of Ladies' S'.ioes and ('Jailers, Centlemens' Hoots an 1 Shoes, nnd Children' Shoes. The best make in the country is kept there, and sold at the low c-t price. Gam Shoes of all bisscs ami wyies up ways kept on ban I. W. R. F. WniiKit's Cash Store, takes the lead In all the fine poods. Every stylo of Ladies' lbi'-s Good, Cl"th-, Gasaimeres, nnd n general viuiety of Groceries, Quecnsware, Ac., arc kept and sold at the. lowest cash prices. Everybody that buys Is astonished at the low prices, (.'all nnd see tl.c s plenrli.l.isso: t incut of goods. Tnr constant supply of the best of Hats lnanu f H-Piivd is causing thu lnrge litimbc-r of orders from all parts of the country at S. Faust's Hat Store, on Market street. Every style can be pro cured there. IPs stock is immense, and purcha ses can be inade nt lower rates thnn in the city. All persons wanting good and cheap pictures should call at 11. C. Smick's Gem Gallery, where they can get nine good pictures for SO cents. Ilcinperij's old st and. Sunbury, Pa. inhl-tf iCcriil Affairs. Fish. ('apt. Sam. Nevius is supplying our citizens with all kiuds of fresh fish. Like the oysters he sells, they arc the best lu the market. 1'itor. IlEiMKit will luuko Sunbuiy his home nfter the lt of April next. His services have beer, secured at the Academy, where he will give instructions in German, and music. A Fine Kntektaismunt. Prof. W, N. Hull, of Pittsburg-, will give Public Readings, it tho j Court House, on Monday nnd Tuesday evenings, for the bem lit of the Public Schools. A Lecture on Astronomy will also be delivered ut the same time by another person. We bopo the public will patronize these entcrtaiuuients, as the pro ceeds are to go towards paying for an Astronom ical instrument recently purchased fur the Public Hiyh School. SevntAL meetings have lately been held for tho pin po-.e of making arrangements to build a market house and town hall in this place. The project is a good one, nnd we feel contideut that it would proven paying stock to those that will invest. Such u bui-ding is greatly needed, nud we hope soon to see the stock subscribed aud the building under way. We return our lhauks to II. D. Wharton, Esq., A. A. fahisslcr, E. Oyster, L. Hurrlson, A. Rod rigue, Cunt. Cook aud others from Sunbury, for special favors aud courtesies extended to us while iu Washington during tho secoud Inaugu ration of President Grant. Enos Tii.iifn has been appointed Notary Pub. lie in the borough of Mi'.tou, by Governor Ilart ranll. Tub unU-lkeiecc committed bf this towu otrer u new su.t of clothes to the luau who voted iipiiu-l license iu Washiugtuil township, this eoiliitv. 1 ' '.;..'.. En n;i:i:i) I'i-on His Di:ties. -Mx. .George D. Hncher, Ihe new I'cpuly i'rothonotary, cuiercd upon his duties on Monday a week. Mr. Kucher is u yoiiug mun of sober aud industrious habits, a good sciilie. and has all the necessary quulill eations to make n good and popular ollicur. Puop. MoE;tof rieetiurg, Snyior county, is e ngaged lu teaching a singing class at this place. Tie c:.i s uuiubers over one hundred scholars. A Softi Knoi'T Li Nctl was served ut Dr. Jcffe riis European Hotel oa last baturduy eveuing. ll was luii.hed by Ills patrons, and they were uul all Dutch cither. Tue Red Men's Festival during the pat week, was well attended, and much iuterest was mani fested In the vote for dilleient candidates. We are happy to notice that the festival was a grand. i access. Tint case of Northumberland county vs. Geo. McKlTrOf, fotmof Trcfthrer7wf"V VefoTS" the adjourned Court on Monday of lust(wccli. It will lie renienibercd ihat tb'e auditors' of 1873 brought McEllcce In deM to the corjuty ovcti 17,000.' v Mr".' McEU'oee contended thnt lie' did riot' Unvc full cred'ta nllpjved him. AOteck to tiaj State Tre4siieri)f orr 1909 Kniiatosifci 1b cether with several other small dlscrepencles, ,which wnr colretted by tho anmscl, hnd na'ilm icablo Judgment was entered in favor of the totiiity of $8,893 70. This amount of money should have been turned over lei flic present Trea surer on tnklna; chnrge of that oTico, but Instead of paying it ovor the treasury was kept without ft 'eont) R(l't?'. tipsJ4rs,,hlvo paldlh rhtofcit J ters were conducted In tho county offices in days gone by. . .. i .1 , r ) "'t ; i 1. . i ' i Sevekal of the officers of the Northumberland CountyNAsrrlcnltuml Society having advertised the lumber on the fair grounds for sale week be fore Jnrt the stockholders took the matter In linnd, nnd nppcnlcd to the Court to ba'e an in junction served to stop the sale of the lumber which they alleged had been contributed by the citizens of Sunbury. Tho Court appointed Thos. II. B. Knsi, Esq., Commissioner t take dcpnsl tions, when tho parties met In the arbitration room. After the depositions of several parties were taken the contendnnts compromised 'with the society by nfrclnr to pay thcia aneUnmliJba dollars out of ihe'procteill of naJe ofrUs lumber. The nmonnt, will no dotibt be raise! hy the citizens, nnd the buildings ba left standing on tb e;rounds.for fair purposes next fall, which will prove a better success thnn heretofore, !n the bnbds of W'ofTI .-( .a.i. i'. ,y Tin case of Joseph Van Khk vs The Penn sylvania R. R. Co., for dnmnges from t he com pit. ny for an ejectment from the cars, wns tried at the Snyder county Court week before' Inst, and a verdict rendered In favor of defendants. . The faots of the c.isc were these : Mr. Vnuk'uk had a ticket which hod been previously used to Milton, nnd had been punched.- Ho contended thht It wns good above that station, and refused to pay fare. He wa ejected by the conductor near Williams port dining inclement weather to the injury of his health, hence tho suit for damaged. Pnn.ic Sales. At tin! Conrt House in Sun bury, on Monday, March 17, n lot of ground nnd a two-story dwelling bouse on Third stree' near thu Lutheran Chtirchj also, a 'house and lot. on Race street, Sunbury, tho property c tho Sun bury Mutual Satin? Fund ami Ituilding Assoela- j lion. S;e bills priuted at this ofliin. j At the Court House, in Sunbuiy. to-day (Sat urday), three acres of ground in Vppi.r Augusta township, wbcrcoa Is erected a 'lo house and barn, well of water, Ac. ' At the late residence cf Albert Haas, dee'd, on Fourth street, Sunbury, on Saturday, March 2, live shares building association stock, liilliard tables, and a lot of bou-eliold furniture, Ac. 'fur public schools at Georgetown will dose on theCOth Inst., when an exhibition will be held by the scholars, under Mr. Adam Zcllcrs, teacher, in the evening, iu Lingannin's Hall, the proceeds to be applied to the benefit of the Sunday school. The school of S. L. Sctirelbbcr, In Lower Malu uoy, will also hold an exliihitiou ou the cveuing oftho22d. As these exhibitions nre intended for the benefit of the Sunday schools, it is hoped that the citizens will show their appreciation of n purpose so cotuuicudabio ou the part of scho lars nnd teachers, by giving tliem full Ihmm-s. Money expended on such a project Is not lost. It shows that the rising generation urc anxious to improve In education, and parents should lend their aid In encouraging nn improvement in the public schosl system In that vicinity. It is laughable to sec our neigh bor" of the GazMs nnd 'J-.i.iorrat dit puling i t re gard to their respective circulations with tho view of getting the towuship statements for pub lication. Each claims thu largest circulation iu tho county, but tho (i'mrtU man says that both "outsides" of the Oazt'Je nnd Democrat have been printed In New York city for two years past, nnd. that the weight of his paper was hea vier than his neighbor's. As the law requires township statements to be advertised in papers printed in tho county, hadn't our neighbors bet ter have an net passed legalizing their publica tion in New York papers before quarrelling iibout their circulations! Perhups that is one of the reasons why our neighbor of thu lhmoerat abandoned the "outside system." As to having "the largest circulation of any paper printed in the county" docs well enough to draw some pal" ronage, but the assertion looks very thin. A Rolling Mill. An effort is being made by several gentlemen of this place, to erect a rolling mill. A inciting was held on Wednesday last, in the council room, when several liberal proposi tions were made towards the project. It is esti mated that a mill can be built fur about J 20,000 Nearly one half of this iinionnl was guaranteed at the meeting. It is hoped that the citizens will give the mutter their attention, and take the ba lance of stock so as to nun c the early comple tion of the enterprise. An improvement of th'i6 kind will prove u great beuelit to this place as well as a good investment to the stockholders if properly managed. We have hundreds of dollars duo us on sub scription nnd job work, which wo stand in need of to pay bills w e owe aud would like to pay. There are many who think the amount Is small and that we can do without It. To such we would state that the iifrgrcgute of many small bills would make quite an Item to us, nnd liqui date our debts. IKm't be afraid of sending all at once, for we enn stand the pressure. We have some unsettled nccounts which we Intend to place iu the bunds of a justice for oollcelion after the 1st of April if not settled before. Mit. Wm. Kakeii of Seven Points, in Lower Au gusta township, who was prosecuted by a man named Edward Marsh, for an alleged attempt nt poisoning, presented himself before the (traud Ju ry this week. The jury refused totind a true bill against him from the fact that tV-re was uo foundation for the charge. Mr. Raker has ul ways borne an unblemished cbaructcr, and was one of the Inst men In the county thut would have been suspected of being guilty of such a charge. We aro happy to tlud that be has been so com pletely vindicated. We refer our reiulers to the curd of O. A. Eot dorf, Esq., who bus located at Georgetown, this couuty, for the practice of law. Hu can be con sulted in the English and German languages, and ull professional business jlvcu iu his charge will receive prompt attootlou. Thanks. We are under renewed obligations to A. N. Brice, Esq., for a full report of the Court proceedings. Esquire Brice, besides at tending to a large amount of professional busi ness lu Court, Uuds time to give u icllublc account of its proceedings. " ; ' j V1 BrooEN Death. Charles M Utu eliiiHiij a young man of about 16 years of age, died suddenly in this place on Wsdnosday lust, lie mi bed the evening before', apparently, in good health. Pur. ing the night he was taken wiih congestive chills which continued until Wednesday poon, u beu be expired. Geo. M. Rmuuiit is back again lo bis cii po sition a', (behead of the J'Ulttcm U:MU. The pnpepHiva. somewhat reduced iu size us well us lu pr-ce K eoitsuqueace of a want of mercan tile advertising, spiiufclng friini a soarelty oi mo ney. it;, tfmt sootijo. The fiatette la now pub lished at l .V ba viiAt . AonicL'Ltt'nAL Meetino. The stockholders of the Northumberland County Agricultural Socie ty, met In the arbitration toojit according to previous notice, on Tnesdny last, and in tho ab sence of the President, Win, .T. Forsyth Vlco President, I resided.' A Tho .president having stnlcd tl5"bV of tt' 'Mctnip.Vlf wh Af motion ')'. ii." M: T r-'itt Rcnoimii,' That the Preslilnht appoint a com intttee of three to hold thu oTiXtlrm tot' oPleors to servo during the Cnsulun je'ar. The committee to consist of Messrs Kitppi , Csdwnllailcf 'mid Campbell, npd that ttjC poy ',TM,n!)T'1.u1nt1,1 three o'elo&t,' i. ii. i..--U..V i - .' - , ...... At this Jtmctnrc a numbqrbf pf'jsons, tnado ap- t1cntion to purcbaso stack, but the President rilled that Do loek could be disposed of, ns the .time for purchasing bad passed. This Rnve rise to a 'vnrml4iMusfrn, ln whloa A. C .bhinpson,. Esq., made an attempt at i "snrcasni," and througlt his' knowledge, of mllronrt luws.and "Dunlnp,"nnd by making nu onslaught onovory one that dlfTcred with bint, and exhibiting his ."weighty purse" well filled with "filthy lucre," attempted te-brow beat the stockholders In favor of the, ruling, of, Um. President. -After having stated "all he knowed," J. K. Davis, Esq., took up tin? ftiflgcf In favor of the 'stocktiolders, and those who , wished to take "took,' completely drlving.'thc "sarcastic" lawyer to the Avail, with the npp.tfubc'of all presciiti "ir.. Davis then- of. fercd tho followh) resolution which wns adopt ed almost uimnUntiBSly : t ' On tu'ullou of 3. K. JPuvis, it" was Resolved, .Tliat wliou.We ;aljotiru wo adjourn to meet in ' Sunbury at tlfc Court House In ItO arbitration room, on fqnduy jic? t, ibq 17th (lay of,Mur,eJi, 1S73, for thcjppi jfoii Of tlcctinK fllscr forhe' ehtnitiif yoiu-y mid a'lso that the 1're.sideut and other ofilwrs of the Society be requested nud directed,- ft coniuiiUe.e of acren.. members of the esccutivei coibunttie, to produce, in Sunbiu-y at tho Arl)lt(:rlon room aforesaid, and "ut the time aforesaid, the ''Stock Subscription Hook," and also the proper ''Certificates', of Stock liook," duly shrncd by the President, nnd attested by tb Secretary as well as by the eoiporute seal" tif the said Norlliumb.-rland Coiinly Agripnltural So ciety, and thnt the said horik4 shaU be opmied for Ihe subscription to, nnd tho Issuing of the capital ttock of thu said corporation, from o'clock a. in. of said day until 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, nt which time the snid election shall then lak; place. On motion of J. K. l)ais, jr., adjourned to meet on next Mouduy, at thu iiiliitintion room at 1 o'clock p. lii. fut the clei lion ol officers fur the ensuing year. GEO. W. ARMSTONG, Secretary As there will be a largo amount of stock sub scribed on Monday next, to put tho society in a flourishing condition, we would tut vise our fur nier friends to be present to take htoek, ns there Is no doubt of its yielding a good per centnge this year. All who own stock should attend tho meeting on Monday, and select men for officers who will take nr. active part in making our fair one of the best In the State. This matter is important to every stockholder, nnd thero will he Imo reason for cmplaint if the stockholders will not look after their ow n Interests. Citizens' Meeting. A meeting of tho citizens waseld at the council room on Saturday cveu ing, March 8th, In pursuance to adjournment. Daniel Helm, President in the Chair. II. V. Frylhig, was chosen Secretary pro tern. After ' which t lie President stated that the object of the meeting Was lo hour the report, of the Committee appointed at the previous meeting to ascertain the sence or feelings of tho people In regard to the practicability of erecting a market house. Goo. B. Cad-.vulludcr, Chairman of Committee, reported that the Committee hud been cauvassing tho matter ; that lots could he obtained on favo rable tonus ; brick .nn! lumber furnished nird payment taken ill iu stock, uud other good sub scriptions could be bad. On motion of Dr. Eyster, it was resolved, That a committee of three, he appointed to Investi gate market houses built in neighboring towns, and ascertain whether they tire paying or not, nnd report ut the next meeting of the citizens. j Committee, Dr. J. Eyster, Geo. W. Smith, and ' T..I... :l.'.,. UUUII ClUIBllT. On motion of Geo. W. Smith, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to ascertain if there is a charter tor the t ieetiou of a market house in existence, uad if it am bo had. The com in it tee also to useo.i.tin tiiu wnioliut and the character of subscriptions lu -1- ck that can bcub taiued, and report rt ;be next meeting. Ou motion adjourned to mivl ouo week from to-night (Saturday, Mulch j'Jth) at the Council room. ' II. Y. EKYLlNiG, Secretary pro tern. FniE at MoNTANUOSi. A correspondent of the. Wutsontown Jla-urJ writing under date of the Mh Inst save: Auothcr lire occurred here on Monday evening about 0 o'clock. An errand boy living with Dr. Pnrdy, nututd Henry Falu walti undertook to fill a lamp (while uloi.c iu the kitchen, tho family being lu another part of tho house) from a. bottle containing about tfo quai ls of lluid, ut the same time having a light ed torch in one hand. The fluid took fire und lie dropped the bottle nnd all upou the carpet. Iu a moment the whole room wns iu a blare. I and C. M. Cuinmings, Esq., were coming down slrooi aud observed the flash ud ran to their us. sistunce. The Doctor was doing ids best to get the carpet out of the house, and had It ns far as the door, the blar.e and smoke preventing hlni from getting It further.' I caught the carpet nt the'door and dragged it out on the snow, which put nn cud lo tho lite. Tho Doctor luid his right hand badly burued, nnd will not be ablo to use it for some time. A Sos of Mr. Jsuno Grubb of Wntsoutown, had his leg broken on Thursday of lust week, by Jumping from a hay mow. i, . ... Last week the case of Pctor Gearhart and oth ers vs the Danville, Il.ulutoii & , 'WlJkoebarre. railroad company, was tried before tho Court in this place. The action was brought lo recover damages Incurred by the railroad passing over their land. A verdict was roadejed lu favor of plalntiirsforfllGti 6. Col. Geo. W. Hamiuhoht, of this plnee, lute conductor ou the N. C Railway, we ut e hnppy to bear, bus been oppolutcd tou snpcrjntendency ou the Baltimore Sf l'otomae Railroad, and is locat ed ut Washington City. Tho Cojouel is a thor ough railroad man, and It Is as natural with him to manage the ruutniug of ,twUia, us. It is for a. duck to seek water. . ..ii i ..77v ""Tr-fi75; ! . ' I Fiiie at Daomu.e. A fire broke out iu Duu vlllo on Tuesday morning of lust week, nud de stroyed a row of frame buildings on the east side of Mill tret,tar Ibo erasing gf n,0 L, A 3. R. R. The tire broke out iu the building occu pied by Moses Ellenbogen. ' The loss Is various ly estimated at from (5,000 to (S5,000. The many friends of Wm. Gould, formerly pas. enger conductor oil the N. C. Railway, will bo happy to learn that he Is now engaged as con ductor ou the Baltimore aud Pntoniue Railroad, running daily trips bet oo Baltimore uud Wash, iugtou City, To Scbspkibcrs. All snbscrtbers who con template chucglng their post office address on tha first of April, are requested to notify us where they viah Che .ttiKi-iton sent to, stating their pre. sent address, so that we cau make the change on .svur ftonka. Court 1 roc-cod lim. . "" (.Reported by A. N. Brloe, Esq. . , ByniWKt,' Maroli 10, IS73. Court convened nt 10 o'clock A; M. tho Judges all pruscnt. Judge Rockefeller' jfHi'tfe. to tli Grand Jurf wjjsmitlnly to Ihe Auction of' dl9i!lntrgfortttf uVtha .V4i'anaT.nqUBet or the county, and a irHtWi upoa tho fact tlie crimioalJiieinijM tsfois--the court .tt not near as liii'gti.As liefcloTbre'- 8ovirnl of the cop stables rAuriieil llqttof Jeedtrw-for sellliijf witli ont licrnssy-for -scllbig 5&n'J?tilirtfty, As. true bills wcrrffijiiiMl irrtn thidayin these r.hsej It Is n matter of grntulatlnif lliaa he bti!ns',v of t!,.eiuUi. iriii'citistug solnoJy Wrth a ilucrrare of erinvn iklid.. ciiniliil linlief.. mcnls, bf eonrse ' thoeHiieasef innlntainltithe i court, bosM, Ac, are b.ns. It Is the nitii ot" the ' Court to bring up tho cases for trial ns specdii as possible, nnd in this way tender satisfaction', to nil Who have oases to try. nnd satisfy nt the same time tlto puoplo, whose tuxes will, bo. re duced on account of n prompt dlschnfjjc or dlsi posa! of the criminal nnd civil lists. i, ' Mr. Rohibnch, aided In his duties nvPvothon otary, Clork of the Quartor Sesslbns, Ac., by Sam. Ivnowlcs, uud now by our yonni; friend Gcorgo O. Bnelvsr, is rfnderinrj entire ntisfa? tiOu to tho public as well as thu nltorntas. Thero Is a matter, however, lit the Pmthnnot iry's of flre whicli could and should bo roioediod. The lust index Lien DocVl 1- ft great, blj;, J'jti lcrons tiling, which can hardly be handled.-. It shoalM be split and bound In t1r hooks. "Thd'Con WouMJiC slight und the conviMiieuce iriont. Th" man who made thnt book ought to bo fed on onions. , . ..... ..' ,' ' . The first pose for trial w.ts that of the Com t monwcnltu vs. Giorgis . Jlelnii char-rod by vina ICissllng with fornication 'aud ' taslardy. She testified to tha charge- bi'forc thn Jury Willi ; th" child In her arms. Lnvlna is one of a family wholeft ITnloiitnwii.Danplilticounty.nboutR year J ago for. this place. , The girl and her sister, to- i getlicr with father and mother, have been living In I'lirdytown. Their repute for Virtn has not i been ns good us might bo, and yet Clcopatrit aud Mark Antony wcro mote' gnllty than she, be- cause the poor girl U ignoraut a:id knows noth ing above the sensation produced by illicit in teivoursf. The jury roturuel a verdict of not guilty of bastardy, but guilty of fornication. That Is to say, Helm was guilty in their opinion of the deed but somebody else of tho result. Tho child now has no father, hut the world, aud mora particularly Upper Augusta township owes it a j home, lleit'i was sentenced to pay a flue of $75 I and the costs of prosecution. ! I Commonwealth vs. Martin E. Shipe. Larceny, i T..S. Shannon prosecutor. This matter oecurre 1 ' on the 17th of December last. Sh'pe was the j emp'oj of Shannon in a jewelry store In Sun- ' bury. On th-night of tho 17th, a considerable nmonnt of jewelry and watches clung to the fiu- '. Ctfr of said rliifie, nnd he nnd they went toir-th-. trto Philadelphia, and stopped at the Allegheny j House. The prosecutor took out n warrant and pur-ucd the young man, und found Mm at I lie j house named, in possession of several wutrhes, Ae. He Was brought to Sunbury next r.iornine; ! and committed to Jail, where he has since to- ; maincd. At the trlat this week, the boy's father, ' I mother and sislor were present, and wept bitter tears of sorrow and hope. His counsel, Messrs. i Ziegier and Mallck, pload earnestly for the ; young nuu, and the sympathy of the jury was so enlisted that a verdict of not guilty wns 1 brought in. -It was urged that this wn the first j offence fqr the boy, and that when th" act was committed he was lntoxie.ited. Tim defendant wns also -indicted for burglary. Py leave of the Court a nol. pros, was oulurcd on this charge, aud the jury directed to tind a Verdict of acquit- ! t:i1' ' ' . Coiuiii viwealth vs. Joim Urown (colored). -- Larceny of-a stot,n.' Wltlim 'LesheT j.roti-uloi. This c.iso twill from Chlllisqiimpii'. TlicColorcd man rented from Lcsher a hoi.-xi In said tow n ship la-t June, an in said housu was left, an old cooking stove, w hich the prosecutor said was his own. and the defendant contended washi-,. How ever, H.iiw ii took the old Huie.ap.nt, banl -d it to the Lewislmrg foundry, an I received f J for it. The po jr darkey had no l'riuuds, no monay, no w itnesses, no attor ney. The Court assigned -tin attorney to aid him in all that could bo done at the spar of tl.c moiucut. The young mult was convict e.l and seiitcuc-d lo one ycir iu tho Peni tentiary. .... Commonwealth vs..' Samuel .Crawford. As wait and l-'i'iery, with intent u kill. J.-j.U Becker prosecutor. The prosecutor keeps a hotel In Cameron town-hip. Tho defendant, . with others, came there some time Iu February for drink, und were refused. Some d'fileulty aioje inregirdto the nnttcr, when, it was alleged, Craw f nd sc'.z - I a hatchet and made threats. It ttiruud out, however, Hint there wns no battery und no int'int to kill. v If anything, the was only on nn.ault. To' this thu defendant plead" g lll'.y. The Court sentenced him to ia a tine offl, co-ts of prosacullou aul Un prisoimisnf in tho County Jail for three months, bi cker him self wa- ladU lJd, found guilty and Stjiilen!l at a t'orincr term of the Court, und .eorvod a trui In Jail for a vioitt-UiB tifllie liquor law. C'omuioiiwtaU.h vs. Patrick Parcel. Assault, and battery. . Mr, i'.liv-cl, his wife, prosecutrix, 1J II ignore ) r,ul com.v fur c,ojtj. Cao from 8iiit.ol:!a. . , Coiiinionwcalt'h vs. Wiliiauj Qdiriug. .Scilin tl't r in Simb.iry witliout llceu-.o. EctyriiiiU by covs'ablf. Truebitl. Bench warrant issued oa motiou of Distrl-t Attorney for hi's arrest. " Co:umofiwf-v!'th Vs. John J. Sliftvdin. Selling liquor to itrfti6f,:- Bill Ignored, nn.t the prosecu tor, John Ognen, to pay en-ts nnv.untliig to $10. , CointnonwcaHh vs. Same. Selling II. pior with out lici-n'K' Deft ntlHiit pleads C'.illtv. Sen tence I lo pay a tine of $75 'to the use of the county, and llio eotta. " 3 j liiucii for !.o y I Op- tlon. . : ; '.- 'iComiuohiyrdltli vs. Eabio. -fAllinir lki'M- oi Suuday. IWK'ud.iul plcculs guilty anil seutencod to pay a ilimrf - f'Jil mid i itts. fvc Local O tio;i, - - - So much motet Coiiiunaiwealth vs, Johii Ogdv;u Wji U'-llac O'Couner. A-snrlt and battery. Jolm 'Sbore jlu, proseurifoVj Is a miner, nnd nt ihe lime of theussau'-t vni voi-king in tho Franklin roHtery ut Shuuiokln, lu company with defendants. The nssault was couiinlltc.l in the mines. The evi dence was conflicting, snowing Hint Oal -feeling ha I existed among the parties boiore. Vcrjvt uot guilty, and tho prosecutor to pay the .costs. Ryan for tho defendant, Oram, Willi Clement, for Common weultb. It Is but just to Sbovdlu to say that he stonily ass. u'ts that the priest and others havo followed him up because he has left luo.CulholIc Church nnd joined the' Fplscfpi Ilan Church. . " . Goiiiiuouwcallh Vi4 Dr. Benjamin L .Kerchncr. J-R ape uud ass.mll und ballcry wiih lutein to lco"i"iit "P. Sophia Yeager prosecutrix. Pill Iguorcd by tl Gruud Jury. This Is ono of the rape cases from Georgetowu w hich have becu ut tiuoting ulleutiou for Ihrce tonus of tho Court. Sophia Vcagcr is now married. Tim alleged of fence, committed ou her person about a y vai" n;u, occurred whily sho was then uiimurikd uud nl the time sick. She was confined to her bed and attended by the Doctor as her physickm. It was during this sickness that tho prosecutrix alleges upon her oath I halt lie defendant attempted Im proper liaimnoy wiih her, and was thwarted In tho attempt by her cries for help, which fuel la ulso attested to l y the mother of thu girl. Ilow ver, the Grand Inquest iu their soviolgu ca pacity ltuored Ihi bill, aud tha county for costs. Commonwealth vs. J, P. Featler. Stlring li quor on Sunday. Bound AVer to next Sessions, Lt'lll! ds;fj;jiaa84kciil'?-H..liut'.i lu ttuburj, , He w is returned on Information rondo before a Js tice, The case w is continued, 00 aeoonnt of the sickness of one of tho principal witnesses. It lias been asserted thai, there was not sufficient evidence "To bflid bvcV' fhns rlcfefldanf'. ' We wefu present when the hesrlrtg vas VaH before tho Justice, lied if thO' OotH of the bartender that parties enme In on Sunday nnd In his presence helped themselves to drink, and if tho evidence ofthree witiesses that l(iy actually .obtained the same thing on the snid or sonic other Sun day, Is not good evidence, then we don't compre hend the. spirit of the license law, or the duly of VUieers Under them. Officers have but ono duly ko perform, und that is to carry' out the law, Without fear or Tavor, or hope of reward. RtPT.iVl' OF THE GRAXI) 3Vit. ', Ei-kuitky, Murc'li l'-V is:n.' . To the ITonurahU IVu'ii'ion .V.' JlofffiArr, Prtri vt J utje nft'ie ?otutj of Xort!. umherltmJ,ttnit , Attoelate J:i''ijct, Torn fioNoiiH : V.'o, lt) Grand Jury, Inquir ing for the County df Nortliiunberland, respect fully rcjiort that wo have attended toall the bus iness subinitt.'d and presented before us, and that wo have examined all the public buildings of tho county, mid would respectfully suggest the fol lowing: The roof iif the Court House being lu a .very bad cor.di'.Ion, should bo thoroughly' re paired wlthvuf delay, fos to .prevent the water from hereafter injuring the ceilings of I tie build- Inir InMde. We would suggest that I !w Court! order tl.c Court House tobe thoroughly cleaned, ! including nil the offices In tho building, nnd that I ! the w a'te paper nnd wood in the cellar, nnd tho ' ruhbuiru in the attic, be removed forthe safety of I tlw buiiding, and that the privy be cleansed nnd a new door, lilmds nnd lock be placed on the aanie, ns w e deem the present one a nuisance, nnd we would s-iiL'gi.-t that necessary Chairs bo luoeurcd for the arbitration rooms, Having vl-ited tl:c prc?ci t (,'ounty Jail, we - condeinn tin1 s:iine und declare it a nui?aner,and recommend the. buiii'rng of a new jail. We would reeonitne nd llmt new heil.tin"-nn.l nc would r bi'J-elothcs lie furni-lied Hie Slierill' of the county for the uc of the J ul, whhnut dilny, the presi nt being full of vermin. The Jail yard we found iu i nvery II, thy: ant tinsaPe .condition told; bed- i clothes lying in the same, whereby prisoners may obtitin the means of escape. ' There U ttl-ji a nawpmop needed in the jail- j yard, the old one being worthless. The pump in I front of the jail also needing repairs, we w ould : recommend the same; und that a new pail fence , bq built between the stable i-.nd the jail, ull ol i which is respectfully submitted. i I Wm. IToov.-it, i Foreman Grand Jury, March Term, 1ST". The traverse jurors were discharged nt two ' o'clock on Weduesday. This is thu lire.t instance; j in many yenrs wh-iv the traverse jurors were discharged lief.. re tin: grand Jurors. After the grand jury made the above report , they were dis charged, nnd the Court adjourned until Thurs day, nt "J P. M., when three true bills against Thomas Ncsb'.t.of P..xinof, fur violation of the li'l-r.-ir law, wer- considered. the young colored la in. John Drown, v. ho was convicted oa Wednesday of larceny of an old stiVr-, made good his escape on tho same niht, by unlocking the back door aud scalire; the wall. Good ! Tie louscy old thing called a jail ought to ke kicked over by a good si:.; 1, eiiorgeti armv louse ! CofNt'ii. Pi:oci:i:iiN(-,s. Council met ou Tu-s- ! d ir cvenii-.g W. I. (iixeuough iu the Chair, j ; Mpmbr-rs present Messrs. Dcwart, Clark, Cuke, ; J..Cadallatlt r, Smith, "Scu.-wubach, Irwin, Ills- singer und Di'ctz. ' I j Minutes read and approved. j ! W. L. Dcwart, lute Chnirmnn nf the Fii.nnce Con: mi! tee, read a report aggregating tl.c ectitc I i:id-bt-dtics.i cf the 'l.-ociigh, wl.ieh amotttited ! t.t:;S,M0. 1 On motion f W. 1,. Dcwart it was j , ' 7.Y.' eo--fi7, That a comuiil tec of three b1 up- . pointed to hnw bonds print-il in dcnonilnnt Ions ' und numbers ns follows: Twenty bonrlsof l,('0 ' cieli, to nutulicr from 1 to '.'.I; sixttA-n .Vu bonds to number from '.'i to ,V, inelus'ivej li;iy SHW 1 bou Is to number l'roin u7 in 5ii, liuliuivei undj forty .Vi bonds t mtinbcr from b7 to I'.'O, In- elusive, and thai lluy bo struck as per sample ; exbilnte I, Willi the mldition that on the buck of each thero shall bo u blank certificate to be ex.- j cent-I by Hie liuro'.i-h 'I'reasurer, cei t,f. ing that th" whole .111:01111', of the face of Uie bond has ', been p.ihi into the tie-isury. Said bond, lo be j couponed, payable In tell years and tobeal seven I per et ui, iutcri'st, payable si'uii-nnntiuily, on the ! lirst days of May an j November. " Chief Uuriss Maiiek, Messrs. Dcwart nnd j Siniih were appointed said committee. 1. Ou niot ion of Mr. l wait it was f That th! Coinuij,(uii 011 t he Steam 1 Eire llnghio he instructed lorU jfch tse two good , 'I raft horses fur a sum uol licc4 aud a set of good drali harness, to be used for thawing tho engine to tires; and further, that thu suitl 1 loininillee he aut Imrized to relit u stable conve nient to the engine house, und f;lid horses to bo Under the couliiii tt liie sLcuni lire coniiiauv. I und, alien n n.uired, to be used for borough pur 1 post in working ou the streets. ! I The follow in-; bi.l.s were pi cseiited and orders 1 granted: . 13. F. Diehl.. ,' J3,s, 00 ! j (i ts Company, January PG on ; " " February '.til 0o i C. F. Martin, Ovcisecr of Pour jit) 00 . ico. II uri-uu, , ! " JiT 00 I 1 Fred Meril,; " Ci7 bO On bioiion, Council ittljourucd. The TesnsvlvaniaSoi 1 inn:. The l.istSucla- hie under the nu-pices of the Pennsylvania Re- publicau Association, over which our friend A. A. tliissier has piciitlud for the lust two years iu Washington city, was held on Wcdne-dny even iug the 5tb Inst., and w,is uttciided by un im - inensc ctoi, u w uo le.-unca up'rovingiy tuc .ulnjls of the various who were assiduous lu their endeavors to insure the pleasure of all. Tho Vyhingtou JinUj C.tVhic.V uf tho lith iiist., no tices ii iu the following Mattering terms : ''Thu hall w as handsomely decorated an I em-I'Ol'd.-hed wiih Hags, looking-glasses, heraldry, un I festoons, of wnieli there was scarcclv nnv peed, as the lie.iutllul, animated fae s an l cle- 1 gam . urcsscs 01 in : legion nt belles present Was 1 ho national tulurs, liorul und cvtigrccu wicatlis, hint cages, with l:cir diiuiiimivu war-, biers, predoiniuatcj uiuuug Ihe hitndsouio deco- ! I'.il'oiis. At the cast cud ol the hall gas-jets, lu- , puseiitlng iu bold Utters tint woul " Wc.euuio," wcie ubia.'.o. At Ihe uppo'dv cud of the room, ; hero wallllowcrs most J., vii-rvcato, appeaicii j a cli.iice pictuie uf tho slgueis u lbs D.c.urutu , of Independence, uud ut piopor inienals ulong Ihe elite Wall were nbscn.ilde llio pictures of the Pic-ident, Mr. Lincoln, G0V1 rnt.i' Jl. II. Cuoku, I ex-Vice l'lcsideiil t'tdtux, mil olhei. Three urelies were Ilium n uciors the room, i ".iiiiposcdo,'Uijlkinivllli(sauJcverj:tifu wueulhs, ) und ul coiiveiiieiii tli.-iaiice theni were pUiecJ little while 11 ig with blue :tur boith r, encll ine. using tho nuiuo of a Malo. 'i'lic wbuie 1 piujii eed a Very pictty uppcuraucc. j Among lliooo Wsiliug linni 1'cnnsylvaiila, nnd who weio gue.-ls ou the occ.islou, Wcro uoilccd I Senator Scott, Representative Charles O'.Nietl, i Hun. J, It. Pucker and latlies, the ueuly-elecied i lqii cseutative from the 141 ti uisiricl 1 W. S. 1 MuC-lC und ladies, Euiauuel Tiexou, Esq., u pro- I miiHiit lawyer of Reading; Mi-s r-iiissier uud i Jlss 'I -iglcr, of buubury 1 Miss s. J. iiowaiti, ol ! rui'i.ille.,,ni,i 1 Miss Gul.ui.licr, c.f II .linniglon, ne'a.taie; .ilisS r .via Voeji, -Mlts Jcini-s, and iili.eis. , The iiieiiibers of the associutiou may Well be proud ol this their last sociable of tho seastm. Mi'biC We bald been pit scaled by C. 8. Ha zlt line, iigiint t:r the sale of sheet music from Iho well know n publishing Cslabiishniciit of J. L. Peters, No. iyo, Hi Midway, New York, seven j pieces ot iuuic enlitli d "I ho Villuge Kc-iivmi," I Thu bjguul," t'tieraps for Ihe OtHtraa," "I'm' Lonely, bo Louelv," ''Ilia Tender I hold." "Our I Liitle Pel," uud -Tcnut rly T'dnk of the Dead," I nil of which lnio justbicn issin d, uud ar fori sale ut C. b. Haletlue's Periodical More. Theso pieces are ull select, und should Hod u place in every bonbo'il List of letters remaining lu the .Sunbury Post Office on March 11 stiT' ""'': - " '"" " Miss Allowrlilf. .fyine Ualu-r -f2). M:tr4v S. English,-A. FubnM' k. .louatbn'i Q.irn t(. E. lliinm fVm eWi); Jn-eph HvA FraMiMif I fit mnil, Thos. .1. Iluu-rs, A. Keller, Catliniliie Keeriinan, Andrew Kirk, Mrs. F A. Lauiz. Catharine Martz. S.illle l'ros, Tims. It, Rtifi-ll, ' L. rJ.iisiiollz, l.afiyette Hnvldgc, M. E. Stewart,'! Fml. I), f-tuek, J- Tnililc, Win. L'inbi uhouer. James Mr Wjie,.(f nit, SaUie.4Wlntcrs. ' ; . SONIll Iif f!(iii()t'oii pall fll.'IH last year to iiiers. A poor lioam, is nine iu this vicinity, r ' . ' ' SrMUI'.Y MAltliCTH. ', . Flour nnil tiirjiio -iJarKot. Hf- F.xtm Fdniilji ; ia.001ld Wheat, .bn ?..'ll ii. rt . f.(Sl ltve' . Ml 7ir Com Mat. " . Corn. WJicat liraw, p'. brt r.rBnrwriiat ." s.oo oats. n-. l.oo Ml ! Shorts, U... Com A O.Ch fl mp, U.i'O 1 laxsecd, TlmothvSe. I. p. b. r,.00: I'rotlitoi. InrLot. ;j: tj i tfi ' .' j Putiitoes, 7"i Haws, v E?gS, per diiz., :li Tallow, llultor luir Mi -V '.T!l' f, . iKW . tt Lard, " V'ri att,l iaX-i'lVti'iV V Side, 10 . V I i i J , n i "i ii CO ji I,' 1 f srs I1IWW ' u ,2 5 1 H , H Tli Spiidi: in lU'sei-tfd for the AU cUHsEMLNT UK PAINE ti McCOR MICK'S Jl A it I) V A 11 K S T(J i 1: .VI ur kft frt., Suuhiirj, I'll. I i m Tiryna 1 v..- m 10 ge:.m ? . T "!' lit the Store of r ucti iiretaoi' . fs''.tiijA. ' s (crAis IS) SI 0. iecd'ei Itri.) coMi'iusixfi or i!:v goods Of ivory it i-t tluu cud t.iri ty sucli td tKe (xim-, Mi up, i. I ami trim I. f vl nv Atd-A- ijfc, t-n vn ,,s ami i. ni:i, itosirur, nufliv Fl'I.T. At!r:"itT.MENT OF X'tTK'N'i', wlrlell nre'tiil: ild (It t!i lowc -t Cash Prices., (iuo; euius ami 1'koviion's, V'a f T 'p'ire :d frlT. ' -y r " f QuKfisiswAttk, (ii.A? wahi:. am; 'inn .,', ' Kf AV,i(ju- V,wu:, '.; Nicest liiands r.f l"luir ootietatilly on lir.tnl. - A v.iy largn lAS-soirrMiivr-or wall i'api:i, hn tjInvJ a iv 1 r.miintui, jilw;tj in liinuj. Jl O O 1' 8 A X I) S I J O K S liom-tlc' h '' 'ted bnd ma le Hoot nad tlioe, X Miniiif;cli)n-,of Wataontowii. for .' ; LIKX, WO.MKX AXI CIIII.TfKKN. i'l" " ilfail eiWMftn iof t'ie lute.-', styll-4.' 1 V I, () U It . tf-m(afil supply of a-, -; -in v. bile wh-,:.t Uur a speciality. Th" publi.- nre Invited to cull Hi 1 "amine our Go-hI--! ii;- of ;h:;r-9. "er I9nlln i "liiilek Sales and' Mnnll l'iol:t-," :;i;.i to p'.ea-e all. ' 'I he iiighi'st irH v.ili be. p,-.ii l':,r a'l kidils of couulry produco... . ,, I!y strict attention lo'i i .ii.-.s e.:e1 !. -,;,':. ut r'! t'l" most !'-; I., nn I s -lin-' at the lowest, pf.res, we Icpe I r.r i a ! ' .ill "leu - .f p;;;.rcii,!eu. . ' lir.F.n iiKt.riii". .tf ::a i:oj.i;. Sunt.itrv, .Nov. l'.T.'.-ly. - .iew mik: :.r. v. ::c: I! ....' lutit fr-"i'2. .. , i v.1J. IiYICLr.:.': t li.f.iiT.i. ill' c!i.;,:ens of Sunl.'.iiv al-1 vidnit.v, j . that he has recvivctt his Inrgr assu ..nenl of t Dry Jootl and selling thini clieap for ' . cash ut )il .' store rnin. cornur 1 Mr. I x , una Church -tr. i i s, ! Mjxr.uitv, rA., His stock ccittiprisc rtrj (;iiOd and Groceries. I The V V Goofii . J partmcul- is complete, having a, u-.nein! as -of nt u,t of Clollis, ( 'a -siiiKTi1, Culior I vLft und 'eVcryth'.n? In tfie Pry Co ...l- il e. Tl.o .Ett 'i;:ir:'.s ' ure all fresh, nnd consists nf To -.. C ." c fc'.nrar.' : Mollassfs, Spices, Meat, 1 ,-!,. .',,-. ! :?;Ti A.M SS!t'. I tViilowlYiirc nnd (las'-s'ki'. f a general ns-oi!iiient. In fact t ver ri.i'ig kept in a tii.-t-class st.ire, can be had nt tin; iinft rca':i l lc price for ensb. n.-tv!::g in Sunbui y for l mj of becun-ir.g unc uf its cili.i.s, 1 linpc that l.y fail' Jealiag and strict attention to btisine-s to r.i-iit ; a share of th- publi'1 pntrnung'-. Mr mnttj 'Slnuil ErollH and tj.i'.el; tales.'' i AU nre cordla'.iy iuvit-d to call an 1 CM' ' iny goods, as no charges will bo in ure for sl-.-.w-ing them. E. J. lii.U'in. I Bltibury, O :t. 0, 1ST). A. Ivl. MEIXELL, i:i:.ti.r.u in Antcrlciiii i:::1 l.i:i'i;oaii U.VTCI2HN. ' i'ini: jr.vj:Liiy ua .;jlvi::iv,'ai;l; r.r:V;tti SijeeliieJx nutl Eye Vif-SH.CS. i;oi.D n i:a ded-cax:- Wji'. .I...4 ia-d Jc'AK.ry ucitly rct-nircd and war ranted. Jfar'i:e. S juu! -tf. e, SUNUL'P.y , ra. W. D. rsELfCK, priiist and Apothecary,' (Successor to Dr. . W. Moody,) At ll.w old e-l ab'.islie-J Hand on Market Sqtutfo, Si MJI ISV, I'A. ICocpi eohstuLtlj t"'i Lat'i 1 a full ftock of wU ; v selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS Druggis1. Fancy Goods, COM US, Piil'SilES, l'KHFUML'UY, : rATi:xTMi:i)icixi:b,oiL.s, taixts ('.LAS: V.tUMSH, PL'TTV. DVJivni'is, iu ti.C t t'.elv ti..iaKv k ducwd pt iu a Weil cee jd:uitjOc gtore. Pall leular att- utioa paid to compounding I'hy sicians pr-sci ipliotis uud lauiii) I'cccipla by kit. Pripri-.lor bimself. t Sunburv, l'a., June b, 1S73. 0 GEEAT INDUSTRIES N OK THE L'NITEI) STATP i S I 1L1U0 I'Atil'.S AND :.00 KXUHAVrXG? j , Wiiten by !.,i U.nlncnl Authors, lnciudluj H jni'N n. i;iit.n ami iton.v.;: 1.1:1 1:1. lv. ' This work Is a complete hist 01 y of all brancLbs' U of in. Ill -try, processes of tare. e .'.. In nil U ui'es. It is a complete encyclopccliu of urte a.vl j inaiiubteturcs, und Is the mosi cnlerjaiiiiUg and 1 luiuablc work of lufoi iiiullon ou subjects of gen ii interests ever otleicd to ihe public. W'u H want Agents in every tow n of the I'uited Stales, fi uud u Ag-i.t can full to do we.l with this book. j one iiji-ut sold lllll cople In eight days, nnoib r u sold ;.'i-i iu t .vo weeks. Our a-i nt in Hat t ford p sold u'.i7 in ouo week. Specimen s-M 1'V '.m; re Z , celpt of stamp. ; AtiKNTS WANTED FOR Tl IK ;rUa.Y side or "physic. i S.M I'AOl --. VoO t'Ntitt.tVIM.4. 1 Ati Intcit sf in; :.u.l amusing ti e.tikse 1:1 thu : Medic il Hii.iibi...... of the p.,st und present. U ; exposes Ouiif'sr, I inpostors. Travelling l'.-.tor-, I l'liteul le lieiue Venders,, Noted I'ciulu (. heals, I Fortune- Tdk-Tn itt;J Jlediuuia. uud gives into: a.V-' j ing aecc-nnla of Noted I'lo -ieians aud .Vii 1 ativi s 1 of Ihe.r ii.-s. UicVeiils s'arl'ing secret-, nnd I Instructs all l.o'.v to .Hold the ills which llt-h .s I hOr lt. i ci'.uivo territory .niu eomuiisfinus. For clrelil ir au l n-nnt a ldici I the publisht i s. ! J. P. ni'Rn ct Hirou, j Huilfold, Colin., 01 Chl-agii, III. j ralliiiid'Ain'.cr M.ihi i M 1 1 1 i 11 e i v O ood$. 1 " " " i-HATS, CAPS, and B,iNNF.'VsS, lUl.Lt'NS, LAll'tf ' . ,j'Loi;iis,.if.Ai!ici:b. , Ls, fr.U'u.F, Ti.: ii;o'.ee, Ci.tpe and Lut n Crapes, Si; Vui.s, Tiiiniiihig-i r.f etory IX-scripttoti fiiiip New York and PUlUiJci kis, jubl ops iccl . aud ft r .le at unusually low pi.c a. Call si.a exaiuiiie and be couvincel. ... . - . ' tjl. HIHlEI, 'M Maikcl S1411111C, SoU'ii side. Sunbuiy, l'a f -, jb'ny, Oct. '.0,