Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 15, 1873, Image 2
Uraikig intncitit. H. B. SUSSER, K. WILVERT. Editors. SUNKUUV, MARCH l.r, 1873. Tim Lath Congress. Tho work of tho Into Congress wns completed on Tuesday of Inct week nl 12 o'clock, rind lis record Is now before tfic country for Ibe approval or diaopproval, by their constituents of the notions of its members. A grerit dehl of titno has been uselessly expended iu sppdnl legislntion in in'mlsterin to the growth of corporate monopolies. 15 ut with nil this lobulation, vnlulcss to tliu general interests f the country, tho public must bo satisfied that tho Kepubliean majority are not afraid of investigation, and tksirj to bring to li-ht the transitions of public men. There has been no efl'ort to cotnlmio wrong doing, or to cover up things needing exposure. This fact is Hindi to the credit of tho party majority in the laic Congress. Tho great est advantage likely to result from pro tracts! and repeated investigations is the conviction it will produce anions those who arc iu public service that they must labor with clean bauds, and neither nceeptrj;ivo bribes. Thep must be. satisfied with the ho nors and rewards that legitimately fall to their lot, and not make merchandise of their labors for personal gain. The greatest mistake committed, during the late session is that of passing a bill giv ing to each member live thousand dollars additional compensation. Tarty lines wcro obliterated in this proceeding. The mem bers whose labors closed with this session had no fear of a popular verdict before I heir eyes. They, with some exceptions, rallied lo the. support of this act. There were those who bcHcvid that tho compen sation of members should be equalized by tlu repeal of tho iniquitous milcngo ar rangement, and who were not unwilling to provide for such an increase as would re sult fiom this equalization nud the cutting oil' of allowances for stationery, newspa pers, eic. This would have bceu eminently proper. Had the pay of members of the next Congress been raised to s-ix thousand d ll::rs, without the allowances named, the popular verdict would have been one of ap proval. AVe were in the House at the time the bill was voted on, and felt rejoiced to soo our cllieient member, the Hon. John 15. Packer, vote steadily against all increase f salary. This act speaks volumes for tli member of the 1-itli District, and shows that he prefers legislating for the interests of the people instead of his pocket. Although the argument was strongly used in favor of au increase, that the expensivencss of living in Washington in conformity with its cus toms demaui'e 1 it, he proved willing to fore go the extravagance of the city of "magnifi cence and fashion" which simply amounts to injurious self gratification. Mr. Packer, in this instance, has served the interests of hi constituents and the nation at large instead of grabbing fur the coveted prize, which tho -majority of the members, irrespective of party, willingly seize and pocket. Among the prominent acts of tlie late session may be mentioned the repeal of the tranking privilege, the. rcvisiou of the pen- j sioii laws, the reduction of the internal re venue foroe, the fishery bill, and the postal 'reform bill. Tm-: Cen n:Ni Ai..' The proposition by members of the Legislature to vote the Cen tennial Finance Committee j0i,'O')O, in iiistallmeuts,will meet with more favor than 'lie original demand for a million dollars ut once. The money is to be expended in the i ruction of a central building iu Fair mount Park, which will remain ns a pcr inaueiit National Art Gallery, and Indus trial Institute. The money will not be giv en away. There will be an equivalent for it. It will be a store-house for the pro ducts of American genius. The project depends upon the liberality ofthe people of the State to make the Ccntenial celebration a grand success. We see that the city of ! Philadelphia has already coulriltutcd -j00,-O.ii'.aml its titizsns 700,000 more, with subscriptions still pouring iu. The rail 'Oiid companies of this Suite have pledged ihrou.Ji Hon. J. Edgar Thompson, a sub- seriptioiv of 5500,000, and with the $5imi,- i t'OO irtoro by the State, the buildings will j. ite commenced. It is certain that Peiui-: syivauia must !e.ul oil' if she desires the bo- j iiui s of havitig the Centennial Anniversary i i .Miieiicau imiepeililcuco celebrated up on her er.l. -n. .. . I T 1,1' 'VCflV I,' MV-t-r. i ....... II. .. i .-..ii ui u.v i u . j.i. j puijiu; burying ground with two coffins. '1 he spectacle pnseiited iu the second iu-! each containing the remains of a dead per ;iiigi!r.ttion day of l'residetit tirant will ! '-- The Cincinnati ( V.i!iiierc.I may tell loti'T be leioeinbeieil Lu nil l.l,..i.i :t I 'he balance : ' - "j ... tivr . iiv.ll, ll Such a concourse of people was perhaps never witnessed on such an occasion.. The day was one of the coldest of the winter, tvti lend more unpleasant by a high wind and dying dust. The multitude who had gone to Washingtou to see the tights were not to be ba tiled by cold or storm. Along Pennsylvania Avenue were erected a large number of stands, some of them very large, which were readily leased for the day at from t' I l 10 for standing room. Lvery iiidow, from garret to basement, had its rod of gazers. The military pageant was very grand, sonic ofthe corps being uuiong the best iu the country. The buildings along the Avenue, from the Treasury buildings to tho Capitol, were elaborately decoraU-d with flags and flag arches, elect ed at staled points, forming a picture the inoi-t memorable in a lifetime. Tho Presi dent and his t'otiipaiilons were the observed of all ubiciveu. Jlki manner was quiet aud dignified that of ono who accepted I'eatfully the testimonial, but had no rel ish fur pomp and circumstance. Pennsylvania has now six Slate Nor mal Schools, located as follows: At Mil lers villi-, Lancaster county, Ebensboro', Erie county; Mansfield, Tioga county; Kulztowu, Uerks couuty; llloomsburg, Co. lumbia county, and West Chester, Chester county. Millersvitlo la H13 olit, cetab- lished in r5i, und AVtbl Chester the youngest, recognized iu 1S71. The hum- j ber of male students In these institutions ' last year was 1,53, of whom the Millets- i!lc fcebjl l:a I 7u. . I California Nnlmon in the Ximqno. Ii mi nfi. At a meeting of a number of prominent gentlemen from the didereut States, inter ested in the culture of salmon, shad, trout and other fifth, held In tho city of 2sTew York, last fall, Col. James Worrall, our" active and etiergetie Pish Commissioner, succeeded in securing tho quota of young California salmon, intended for Pennsyl vania for the-iSusquehnnnn, from tho 11. 8. Commissioners at Washington. The ovn, brought lrom the head waters of the Sacra mento, in California, and hatched at the establishment of Dr. J. Hamilton Slack, lllivmisburg, X. J.,- produced young sal mou, now tlnoo months old, and from one inch to ono inch and three-quarters iu length. Sis thousand nine hundred wero started from Dr. Slack's establishment, yesterday morning, in charge of Mr. J. P. Creveling. They were placed in three largo tin cans, and kept supplied with fresh water, cn route to Ilarrisburg, and arrived here at 4 P. M., via tho AUeutowu route. About five hundred perished in the transit. The remainder, over six thousand, were placed in a Wagon belonging to Jacob U. Kby, and taken up tuwu' and put iu the river at tho south corner of the wharf, at the water house, by Mr. Creveling, in tho presence of Col, Worrall, D. W. Seilor, Ksq., nud a number of ladies and a crowd of lookers on. Tbo little strangers jumped and leaped and floundered about, and in a short timo hid themselves every fish as lively ns a cricket under tbo limpid sur face of tho Susquehanna, their new cle ment. The enterprise will, unquestiona bly, in a few years, speak for itself, and must result in perfect success. SUiU Journal, March 4. Kt.w tion FitArns in LrznitNK coun ty. After the Octobnr electiwii we stated J tbat monstrous election frauds had been . .. i ...... r. I ,. . .1 I i committed in Luzerne county on behalf of the Democrats ; that on a registry of Snt) votes, a Democratic majority of kiktkkn hundred had been returned, Theevideneo before the court proves beyond a doubt that out of 1031 votes pollod only 4U7 were actually registered. After the discovery of these monstrous frauds the matter was brought before tlm court by the gentlemen who were appar ently defeated for the ollices of lteeordcr, Kei:istcr. Conniissioner and Auditor. After a palieut investigation before the j court, w hich consists, politically, ot one Liberal and two Democratic judges, the four eases investigated were decided on Tuesday of last week. According to the I decision of the court in these cases, Mr. Kaiser, Hepubliean, is declared elected Itc corder of Deeds ; Mr. French, Uepublicau, HcgisU.r of Wills ; Mr. Gershbackcr, Dem ocrat, County Commissioner; and Mr. Seibert, Democrat, County'Anditor. Tut: supper for the great Inauguration ball, in Washington, was prepared in Xew York, by Mr. Torhillon, who was formerly lelnionieo's chief cook. Among the lux uries wero 1000,01.10 fried oysters ; S,oo0 scolloped and 8,000 pickled ; 05 boned turkeys ; 75 roast turkeys ; 150 roast cap ons stuffed with truflles ; 15 saddles of mut ton of 100 pounds each ; 40 pieces spiced beef; ''00 dozeu quails larded and roasted ; 100 game pies ; 300 tongues and -'00 hams ornamented with jelly ; 400 partridges; 100 chickens ; 2") boars' heads ; 40 pates de fbiegras S,000 smdwichesxif head cheese, ham and tongue ; l,f00 bundles of celery ; 30 barrels of salad ; 350 chickens and 2,000 pounds of lobsters for saled ; 0,000 eggs ; i,000 loaves of bread ; besides ices, creams, punch, tea ; coffee and chocolate. The cost of cooking and preparing the above was 10,000 and 30 men were constantly engaged in arrangiug the tables. Tun fortieth annual report of the Mana gers of tho Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the lilind, at Philadel- phia. shows that the whole number of blind persons received since me louuoaiiou oi the Institution was 770, of whom ISO were males and '2s 1 were females. The number in tho institution at the date of the report, December 1, 1S72, including assistants, 1 t k : ..i'ii.n ti ... 1-- bu.ieiii i.i aim iiiiu.iien ui ini; ii'miii. n i j from l'eiinsvlvania, 1 1; Xcw Jersey, 'Z Delaware, and from all other places, o. One death I year. only occurred during the Tnis CoMfLKXiON. Arsenic is eaten it is said, to make the complexion pale. A youii lady in one ofthe lower counties tried it on, aud it made her pale enough. The coroner's jury ;ave iu as a verdict: "died from eating arsenic." Xi:v JIampsiiikk Eleltion. The I election held iu New Hampshire on Tues- j day last, resulted in a close vote. There j will be no choice for (Jovcrnor, and the questiou will be decided by the new Legis lature. The liepublicans have probably a fair working majority in tins Jrxaate and House. The Democracy, as usual, are endeav oring to force the Kepublican party to as sume the entire responsibility of the odious measure insrensing the pay of eoverumcnl employees. This won't do. The vote in the House stood kVJ t- W. f the yeas rX Democrats and Liberals. Thus it will be seen that a majority of the negative votes wero ltepublican. Of the llL' yeas u are members no longer. JIlJiH is the way they do things in C'in ..: a i. ..i.,..i...i ..(V i'. ... vitiiiiiii. . iii'.-ifu.ii , i..'.i niuiiiii imi I'll ... ' . .. It seems the driver had occasion, for some reason not yet explained, to stop the wagon and leave, the horses standing iu the road, during his absence the animals be came frightened and started down Ohio avenue at full speed. Arriving at a certain point iu the road, they turned to the right und started in the direction of the blulf at the bead of Elm street, when the horses went over, dragging the wagon after them. The vehicle was dashed to pieces iu an in stant, the eollins thrown out aud broken toniotns, after which their ghastly con teuts, half robed in the habiliments of the grave, went rolling nnd bounding from point, until they at last reached the bottom ofthe hill, iu the rear of Kleienr's brewery, and stopped on a pilo of rocks with a thud. The Bellcfonto llqiuhUctn has tho fol lowing: The engineers of the Continental It. It. Co., of winch Wm. 1". McManus, nt this place, is a member, aro at present making a survey ulong Uecch Creek. The eastern terminus of the road is at Eliza beth City, N. J. It will lap tho Susque hanna river at hehnsgrove. thence up White Deer Creek and down Fishing Creek through Sugar Valley to Washington Fur nace tinp; thenco into Xiltany Valley through Mill Hall, Heech Creek at-d into the coal liclds of Clinton and Cculre couu tiea". - A mai nk man lias succeeded iu making a very fair artificial oyster out of flour paste, tapioca, salt aud water. The in ventor places these iu second-hand oyster shells, which are carefully blued around the edges, and when a half-intokicated cus tomer calls for "u dozen raw on the half uliell," ho gets them fresh from the shop. Somebody sold a dealer in human hair iu Cleveland, idito, some hair that had been rut from the tf a suuill-pox pallet, aud the dealer took ihd disease aud died. m: oklkaxn. AI.L QUIKT-COMrKOMISB PHOTOS ED. Nkw Ohlkanh, March 0 All quiet, is the report to-night. Tho street struggle of Wednesday is almost forgotten, "ltit"it is not 'probable that such a scene will again he unacted, at least for considerable time. Kellogg's partisans aro masters of the situ tion, and aro likely to remain so.' - The feeling upon the people, has chang ed considerably since the fight, and many who this day week supported the M'Kucry or l'usiouist cause are now opposed to it. Ktl'orts are making toell'eet a compromise, but the prospects of success are not iright Tbo plan which meets with favor atnong the I'usioiuaU is that Kellogg K- allowed to keep tho Gubernatorial chair, and that the legislature, be reorganized, The tax remitting scheme proposed by the Fusion ials wlU couie. to nolhinu. ' , Collector Casey, of Now Oilcans, wliosc commission expires in about ten days, is here looking after his reappointment to tho position, lie has been assured thut his commission will bo reissued, but he does not want his name sent lo the Senate dur ing the present executive session. With regard to Louisiana allaire, Casey says that the President is extremely anxious for a compromise between the waning fac tions. The Kellogg government also desiio to compromise, but assert that the Democrats claim loo much. The latter have offered to give tho liepublicans Keilogg as Gover nor if they will give the Democrats the Lieutenant Governor and then make at. even division of the rest ofthe ofllees. This plan the Kepublicans reject on the ground that tho Democrats would tlieu prowed to immediately fleet Kellogg to the Senate, when tho Deiuocials will secure thoGovcr- uorsldn. The Republican have not confidence enough iu Kellogg to believe that if this temptation were placed . be fore liiiu he Would resist. Casey says that the com mercial clashes are beginning lo assert their inlluoiiee, and that it will ba exerted i'l behalf of tbo party having the do facto possesion of power. . the law vi.iu:.tkd. A VKISDICT OP 81 1'.), 7-0 53 1- uK THE COM MON WI'.A LT1I. The jury iu the case of the Common wealth vs. George O. Evans, this lnorniug returned a verdict of 5110,7:20 53 iu favor of tho Commonwealth. This settles the question so far as the Commonwealth is concerned, and justifies the ollicers fully in having the matter judicially tested. Mr. Evans soemed to bo well satislied with the verdict, ince, under tho decision of the Court, it is understood that it is only a common debt. If he has no visible pro perty the jiidmi'iit is worthless; and it st eins extremely doubtful whether be has much left of the money withheld from the State, if wift.'onsider tin: extraordinary ex pense incurred by him in his defence. He has lived in . the city of New York ever since the conimeti'enient of investigation, with almost a half'd.eii counsel engaged for the past two years, nud the expenses thus incurred, with the large amount paid to outside parties, such as six thousand dollars lo the Porueys, would soon deplete his pile. We presume, however, that the Com monwealth will laks the case to a higher court, in order to have the questiou finally decided whether or not Mr. Evans,; in the eye of the law, was a public oilleer. Gov. Geary being dead, Mr. Evans was, principally, his own witness iu the case, aud hence the Commonwealth was unable to contradict unytbing lie asserted about arrangements made at the time of bis ap pointment. Jlttrrisbunj 7i;ri,.V(ir. 7. A .Murder for I.ove. Sali-i;i i!Y, Md., March O.-On Friday afternoon, March 7, George Hall, aged IS, wilfully shot aud kille.i Amelia Shoekley, aged 14. The young lady was on her way home from school, accompanied by other children, ltapnears thai H.ill had been trying to court tho young lady, and had wiittun her a letter, which she bad failed to answer, stating to him, just helore the fatal deed, that hc had not. had time to answer. It is reported that ho had lain in wait for her the day previous, but, who be inj; accompanied by her brother on that day, the deed was deferred. 1 loth are of I respectable families living in Wicomico ! county, a short distance ironi Salisbury,, Iho murderer is still at large, liili-.-enti I ircarch was made at once, and is f till kept I up. LitisFiKi.u, .March t, A rreigbt train south, last night, killed a man supposed to be the murderer of school girl Amelia Shoekley, on Fridayicar .Salisbury. The tram was running twenty miles an hour, aud he ran out suddenly and laid himself on the track. Kt'lmjlt-r (ulhii Sustained. President Grant has authorized the pub lication of the following letter: Exkcttivk Mansion, 1 "Washington, March 1. 187:1. J M y Dkaii ilu. Colfax: Allow me to say that I sympathize with you in the re cent Congressional investigations; that 1 have watched them closely, and 1 am ns Batislied now, as I ever have been, of your integrity, patriotism and freedom from Un charges iniputcil as it 1 knew of my own knowledge ofyout innocence. Our official relations have bceu so pleasant that I would like to keep up the personal relations through life. . Affectionately, yours, U. S. Grant. Condition of the Susqi eiianna. WiUidimiiurt, March VI. The river has risen five feet nud is still rising slowly. No damage has been done hern aud.noue is apprebeiidsd. II ARitisnuito, March l- The ice up here yesterday and passed away quietly without damage. The river is live feet above low water mark this morning. PiiitT Deposit, Md., March . The river rose two feet last night. The river is very muddy and Is cutting channels iu the gorge and wearing it away. Everything is now favorable. Coh'miiia. March Vi. Tbo Ice gorge has not moved. The river only rose six inches during the night. It is still risiug slowly. Cini'KiES. Pa,, March 12. The river roso about fourteen inches lust uight. No damage. Tho following bills passed tho House of Representatives at Hamburg on Tuesday ; To repeal the act, entitled An ac giving bounty on fox, mink and pole-cat scalps, in the county of Northumberland, so far as the same relates to pole-cat scalps. Puss- mi. To repeal an acl approved the sccou J day of April, A. 1). 1S7J, authorizie2thehuncr- visoi s of Mifflin township, iu thu county of Dauphin, ana Lower ilahauny township, iu tlio county nf Northumberland, to build a foot bridge across tho Mahantonga creek. Passed. " j-.Huit luiiJ UANt 'T nits vetoed a Dill repealing tlio cumulative voting act, so far us it relates to the borough of Cou- ' nellsville, layette couuty, on tbo ground mai sucil legislation is special, for It the law is wrong iu its application to one place, it is wrong lor nil other districts w here it is In lorce, and ought therefore to be re pealed. A number of similar bills was be fore the Legislature. This veto disposes of them. Mirellniiroufl Xcwi Item. Tnw Public luht ho tieen Tednwd over five million of dollars during tho month of February, Til k estate of Horace Greeley hns been appraised, and his personal property amounts to 120,001). Gov. Hahthaxft's vetoes are highly commended by tho press of the State, with out distinction of porty. , UEtf. John Ma.Cai.t.A, formerly ono of the Auditors of tho United States Trea sury, died in Washington on last Saturday. Ion.. Af,ir. Stephens lias been elected to, .Congrofts from tho Eighth ' district of Georgia, to fin a vacancy i without opposition.- - - - -- ---- - ' The vote on the local option qncstion,80 far as received from twenty-seven Counties of this Stale, shows a majority of about 8,000 against license. ; ,- A 1 AsiiioNAitLK youuglady of Philadel phia dropped one of her false eyebrows in a church pew, nud badly frightened a young man next to her, who thought it was his moustache. Pkksident GiiANT gels the credit of writing his own messages, and deserves it. He revises every sentence of all tho docu ments he sends to Congress, and . is me thodically careful of every word used in his communications to that. body. The New York Ti iliiinc admits this, aud therefore it must he. true. Woodiiull & ClAFMN have certainly been doing a noblo work around here. .Weddings and rumors of wcedings have not been so numerous for many years. Wouldn't it be a good tiling for all tho haiiiiy couples to draw up a memorial of llmnks, and send it to these two estima ble (?) ladies? Juncy Luminary. The stockholders of the Lewisburg and Miilliulmrg Turnpike Compauy have elect ed the following ollicers for tho ensuing year: President Gen. F. Miller. Managers William Cameron, Solomon Hitter, Jonn W. Simouton, Martin Dreis bach. The number of shares represented at the election was 13. Governor Hartranft has appointed Dr. A. W. Mathews, of Media, to be Quaran tine Master for tho port of Philadelphia, iu place of Dr. John II. Gihou, removed. The U. S. Senate is still in session. It has had the Caldwell alleged bribery case under consideration. 1 1 is slated that the AVays aud Means Committee of our Legislature intend to re port in favor of paying Members &L500 for the session thus following the bad exam ple set by Congress. The N. V. Jlcfuhl thinks theie is too much preying among a class of females iu that city. They ride in street cars, and prey upon passengers by picking their pockets. Well, if men can pick pockets, why should'! women ? lsn"! this a coun try of equal rights ? A chocking family fight has taken place in Hancock county, Tennessee, in which a father, s n and son-in-law were killed. One son, much mutilated, remaius alive. The light grew out of tbo father's leaving his wile and carrying away tho property of the family. Thk proposition to increase tho pay of! witnesses and jurors is approved by all rea- j sonable men. The idea of compelling men to serve in either capacity for what will not defray their boarding expenses, is simply ( outrageous, and tho wonder is that a i change has not long sineo been demanded. The eifort to increase this pay meets with universal comincudation, because it is right. I Tiie Lehigh iron region contains fifteen blast furnace corporations, that with forty- j one completed furnaces manufacture one- j third of the iron product of tho country, j Five other furnaca companies hevo bceu organized, but they are not yet at work. AI.M IMSTU.VIOU-K MALE. Will ti? solil ut pulille tale, at the rcid.lenco of 1 the I. ite Allicit Hans Font III street, Sunliurv, oil j SATURDAY, MAI1CH 22, 187.1, Tlie following pt-r.-onal property, to wit: FIVE: AIM'S of Meek in the Suiihiifv Mutual Trust ! niul liullding Assoclat!on, TVt) 1ULLIAUD TA BLES, nnd nil the tixture-", with the use of the r.ooin for five years, n let of Confectioneries, i Nuts. Ac. ONE Jll-.D-KOOM SET, ono Mnni- lie; l.ioi) ili.iu r, ( luiirs, lables, Carpets, uud luanv other articlca.not mentioned. Sale, to eoiniiienee nf 1(1 o'clock A. M., of Said sa! 1 ilav. w hull tcnus uill he made known bv eihl.S 'Jw DANIEL HEIM, Adn'i'r. G. A. ltOi lXHtF, Attorney -nt-Law, CEOIKiETOWX, Nortliuinlierland Co., Penna. Can he consulted in the English and German lali'uace. Collections attended to in North umberland and adjoining counties. inlil", ISAIUJAIXS. . AltGAINS can he had nt T. S. Shannon' Jewelry More. In Silver-Ware, Watches and Jewelry. All goods will ho Bold ut cost until April 1st. 173. Moil'iirv, M-trch 15, 1S7'J. IUn.ADEI.rillA AND HEADING KAIL LOAD t O , Olllee South Fourth ft.. Vim. Miri.i-iriA, March S, 17S. A Siieelal meetlnir nf t!i Stockholders of th j VIliLA DELPHI A AN D LEADING KAILUOAD I COMPANY will be h-ldnt the olllee of aid Com pany, in the, city of t'liiladelphia, on WEDNES DAY I tin second day of April, lS.u, ut iweiYC o'clock M., when and where tho joint Agreement entered into by the Board of Managers of the 1 lu'ade! plii i aud Hi aduig Itallroad Company, and the Hoard of Directum of the West Kt-ndimr U. -lei Compauy, for the consolidation of thu said tu n C.iuiii uiii s, und tile merger of the said Wut Iteiidin Kaiiri-id Company into tho Vhila- ileliihia and Leading ltaiii-oad Company, will ho siihinitled lo tile Stockholder, mid a Vote by bal lot, iu pei sou or by piuxy, taken, for tlio adop tion or reiectlon of the same. tub 13 'iw DAVID, I. PROWS', Seey.'i ii Y & c i KKicri.v.u SUNBURY ACADEMY. Classics und Mathematics, Prof. N. FOSTER UUOWSE. French Liiiittuune nud Literature, Mils. JI. M. LROWNE. German Language, Viior. DAVID 11EIMF.R. Tmcu4.rof r.njjiijb. ltiancliel, Mu. C. I). OUEJtDOllF. Adriineed Eiil'IUIi Ceurse, PHOf. N. FOSTER BROWNE. Assisted by Mns. II. M. BROWSE. Primary Department, Mas. II. M. HIIOWNE, Assisted by Mu, C. D. OBEKDORF. Instrumental Music, Pitor. DAVID REIMER. Vocal Music Vnor. N. FOSTEit BROWNE. For C'ut.iloeue or any other information, ad dress N. FOSTER BROWNE, Principal aud Pror-riutor. Or to Mas. II. M. LitowsE, Lndy Princlpul. Bunbmy, March 15, 187X-2 inos. AtlmiuUlrutur'M Aotlco, ITOTICE is hereby (riven that Letters of Ad l uiliiistiatlou have bean L'l anted to the Ull del signed, on the estate of Win. W. Dcuiiey, late of the boioiiL-h of Sunbury, Northumberland county, l'u., iKi eased. All persons indebted to said eclatu are requested to make Immediate pay ineiit, and those having claim to present them duly uutnciitlealed tor setlliuicnl. M hi. CATHARINE DENNEY, Administratrix Sunbui j, March IS, 1873.-0t-p4. . . .. Seta , Jbbcriismcnts. itcport of"Tlie First National Hank ofNuiitniry, 1a." Hoport of tlio condition of "The Flnt Niitleniil flunk of Uunbnry," In tho Barouxh of Punbiiry, la tlio Stute of Ptiincylfanln, nt tlio close of bu siness, on tho 28th (hi; of Febrnury, A. 1)., 1873. LIABILITIES. I Capital Stork pliiil In ( ;'. $200,000 00 a -. . - ,.- i otiruus r iinu...... ,......,...... Discount. Exchange. Interest, "nnil iJU,WU DO I'rodt ftiul Loss 24,2t CO Ctreulntlng Notes oiitst-sndlne:.- 17(1,11X7 00 Stiito Bank circulation outstanding... fi,(V3 00 nivHAitds i;tipidi. 14. 2,ot;o is Individual I)i-ixR .i......- 21B.fl!t9 70 United States Deposits 2(),2Slt (10 Deposits of U. STDlshnrsnig Odleors, '" 1,011 60 Duo to National Bnks..i. .,..$.. vi.j I il0JM7.48 Duo to State Banks and Bankers, 0,4tl0 78 $604,748 2S ... RESOURCES. Lnnns ami Discounts .... ... U. 8. Bonds to socure Circulation, ..$201,1C3 .13 SOO.OOO 00 V. H. Bonds to secure Deposits. ........ 00,000 00 700 00 1,850 00 U. 8. Bonds on hnnd.i Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortagns.;' Due from Kedccinini; . and Unserve Agent 1 , Duo from National Banks. 1 Due from State and Bankers... Currant UxnciiHas nud tiixos paid...... Cash Itums. inrlndiuic Btainis.,nul 2G,r,:;i 79 u,;ii vi 30,881 SJ7 .4,718 15 Protest Account , , 1,015 01 Bills of National Hank r 8,7U5 00 Fractional Currency, including Nick-' , rls Vi U. 8. Legal Tcndit "Nutcn CB,000 00 ' ' " ' ?C0l,718 23 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA? Cocstt or NoitTin imrni.AND, set. I, Samuel J. Packer, Cashier nf "The First National Bank of Punhnry," do solemnly swear that the ahove stateiiiunt Is true: to the best of inv knowledge nnt belter. !'ii;nc,d,J 8. 3. PACKER, Cashier. fewoni to nnil stlhserllied before me, this 12th d.iv of March, A. D., 1873. sisned, Daviu ItocKcrELipn, Notary I'nbllic. Correct ATTESf t . . JOHN HAAS, ' - 1 ' WM.-Tt. waplts, 1 W. I. OREENOUOIT, ' Suiibnry, March 15, 1TO ' ri-T HI. It. KAMI. Attorney at Law, HUN- Jl. BUKY, PA. Otlic in Market fcounre, (ad.iolulnit the olllee of V . 1. tliecnouirh, I'rol'essional bui-incs in this and adjoiiiiu-' couu- lies promptly attended to. Suiihuiy, March HI, 1872.-1 jr. w 65 O 5 -2 X c S. & CO cas . T o fcr H R 3 5 -5 CO 11 JIM: SAI.K OF REAL ESTATE. Will be tod ut public, the Court House, in the Ijoiouu'Ii of Siiuhurv. on Monday, maiicu 17, 1S73, at 1 o'clock P. M., the foilowiiur deseribed real estate, lo it: A LOT' OF GROUND in the bo roui:h of Suiihiiiy, located on Third street, more particularly desc'i ibi-d as follows: Bounded on the north by lot of W. S. Rlioads, on the c.i.-t by Third street .south by lot of Benjamin Hendricks, nnd wet bv u ten-foot alley; containinir In front on Third street o.r feet, nnd ill depth IPM'eet, on u-hli-h is cifi-ti-.d il new two-storv DWELLING MOUSE, and other imorovcmetil:!, occupied by Mrs. I lu, -net Martin, uow the properly ot sun bury Mutual Savinj; Fuud and Buildiii); Associa tion. ALSO: A LOT OF GROUND, locate! on Race street, in said borough, the property ulto of the said Sunhnry Mutual Savini; Fund nnd Buildkii; As sociation, now occupied by Anthony Lenzer, on which is erected tt two-story FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE, und other buildings, said lot cou tuinintf 5S feet ill front and 30 feet in depth. Terms of sale wil be iiuide known at the Court House on day of sale by A. N. BRICE, Solicitor of Sunbury Mutual .ivine Fund and Buildlni; Association. iiatjii:i.oii iiuoriii:ns' TRADE MARK. 3? u n c li Cigars, Itrlter lliau uny t-v-r made hy thcui. See that the boxes are branded ii:t Ti-i.itt is. u. risen. Wholesale Depot 330 XOKTII TIIIUD STUEET, Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch 83i Chestuut Si., (Opposlto "CONTINENTAL.") rniiDELrniA. March 1. 1873. Omos. Executrix's) Xotlcc. ESTATE OF WILLIAM HORN, late of Snti bury borough, Nonhuuiberlund county, dce'd. All persons indebted to said ostate are requested to make iiumcdlate payment, and those having Icnal oluiius uiraiust the same, will present them without delay, in proper order for eettloiueul, to II. Y. Fryliuj; or to CATHARINE HORN, Sunbury, FebSJJ, 1873. tit Executrix. To the ItizouM of Kuubur). THE undersijined has made nrraiijtuments to attend the Tuesday and Saturday Markets, with Fresh Butter, Ecu, Lard, Potatoes and Apples, which will be sold as low as can lie bad elsewhere. Call at the Murkct uud naar Fourth and Mar- streets, south side. After market hours any of the uibuve articles ran be had by callinff at his store on fspruoe street between Second and Third here the best brands of the celebrated Locbiel Flour is kept constantly ou band, dried Fruit, Cider, vinegar, e. ' JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, February 15, 1873. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the L'ulted Slates for the Western District Fenu'a. Iu llnuliruplcjr. - The undersiirncd hereby elves notice of his ap nolniinciit as r.kii!uea of Win. J. Wolverton, of the borouch nf Sunbury, U) the county of North uinberlaud. Slate of Ptunsylviinla. within said liutrict. who has been adludceil a bankrupt ut nn hi own iictitlon. by the DUtrtet tourt of taild District. To the Creditors of said Buuhrnpt. P. II. MOORE, Asslguce, Bunbur-, Feb. 14, 1879. IfAl'CJIEY A (O'NiOMinX. Bfl-tok Clin vnst-rs) enn (In'dn'o more Cn-Mi nnd iittraetlvo volume for pprlutr sales tlian th ni'W llonsekeepcr's Manual," by MlssC. E. Beccherifc Mrs. II. B..l?towc;n Cyclopedia of Do mestic Economy ft complete Csokarv Book In one volume, t-end for circulars to J. H FORD CO., New YorkjHo'-ton.tJhlcnijo, or Pn Fran- nili IB 4 w "I'SVI IIOMAM V.'or Konl fllinpm. Ini?." How either lex inav faclnato nnd baIu ihe Irtve & ntleetlon of nnv Dcrson thev chrnwc Ih- Btantly. This i-imple mental nenuliemeiit nil can posses., free, by i-.nll, for S5e., together with a nmirlntre pulde. Eitypilan Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Lndies, Wc Idinu Nlnht'Sbirt, Aft, I'A- ipmor book. Address T. Wu.bUMS & 0.. l'ubs.. Phils. : A N P II O K:IV E . . I'ulu! rain! I'aln! The irrent discovery for thu relief et pain srd rt Idle. anddunueClnte oure for rheumatism,, chronic nnd acute,spralns, Ac It has n pleasant nnd refrcshlnjf odor, nnd will not Main or trressc tbi molt Idl'Uentd rubric, which makes It it luxury In evdry family. Price 23 cents per bottle. -For aale by nil driieif istn. REUBEN HOYT, Prop'r, New York, mhi.V4w A BraTe Book. "WHAT WOMAN . r N1IOII.D KSIMV." A Volnan' Book About Women, By a Woman, (MRU. E. B. DUFFY.) ' Tlie only work of tho kind ever written by a woman, is a necessity in every household, its en tire novelty and eminent practicalness ill areata an immense demand. Notwithstanding the dull cato subjects ueuessurily treated, it is writlon Iu siah brave, pure etyle, us will not otfend tho most fastidious. Lady ucuU never have had such nn opportunity to make money and do eood. Terms and sample sheets mailed free oiiluime dinje nppiU'atioti. J.M. Stodhaut & Co., Phils. IIEACTV AT THE FIKESIDE. LuubateM success of CRUMPS OF COMFORT. Elciranb ! Gorj-eoiis! Brilliant ! Crumbs ot" Comfort, the greatest suc cess of thu ni;c. Crumbs of Couifoit, the pride of thu kitchen aud parlor. Thousands of ladiea nttest its worth, nnil unhesitatinu'ly pronounce it the Queen of Lutres. The press universally praise it and procluim It woman's every day l'rkind. Eeonoinical, Lasting, Uimpproaehahle. Price. JO cents. Ladles; -will Und Ortimbs of Comfort for sale by all tlrst-class grocers, bard wore dealers, country store kcepers.&e.,thioii!tli out the United States and Canados. II. A.Baut I.i:tt ,V Co., Maimfactnrrrs Barllett's Blacklnir, Pojirl Blue, ite., Ac., 113, 115, 117 No. Front St., Philadelphia, 110 Chambers New York, 4H Broad tt., Boston. rnhlo Ow The Best Time for the Least Money. W A I. T H A n W A T C II i: s. ('. O. I. '. O. I. Wc will send to any pnrt ofthe United States, by express, bV.I to be collected on delivery, after examination, Walthain Chronometers, in 'J oz. Coin Silver, or 14 and 13 karat Gold Hunting Cases, at the follow inij pricrsi '.'-or. coin 14-kt 18-kt silver, ifold. irnld. NO. 4, " in. l.ilery t Iiron. t'4 tOS 7- No. S, 'P.S.B.rtletl" C'bron. 2S No. tl, "VValthaui Watch Co."' Cr.a'J No. II. "Applet on TraeyiVrCo."Cr.40 No. 1'J' .;,'( lesemt et."or Clir.C3 70 so 8.1 Ba 102 No.lli'.jf sleiu-wiudint;, Sloextra. t'.i extra per oz. for silver cases, tl per d ' Vl., fl.'.'S p r dt. IS kt. Engraved told enes. 5 extra. All express elmriri-s to be paid by purchasers. FULLER t CO., Depot for single Watches, 'JS Bond St., New York City. nihl.-4w AE.TS ! A Ki ' liaueol t We will pay nil agents $4U per week in cash, who will enlace with u at cure. Even tiling lui nish cd and txi'eiiscs paid. Address fs,4w. A Cot i.ti:k it Co., Charlotte, Mich. " EMM IAE ATTI'.VriO of nmnufael tureis who have become disgusted with the odors of Parntline Oils and their ill ell'eets upon uiaclil nerv. Is invited to E. 11. Kclloztr's Sperm Enuin- Oil 0i ?1.20 pal E. II. KcIIoi;l'h Sptrni SiiinillcOil ( 1.15 if' al E. II. Kelloit'sTiillow Limine Oil ( -r, fl.lll iral E. II. Kell, m.-k's Tallow Spindle Oil (LUital Manuf act urcd onlv by fs.-Uv. E. II. Keimkio. No. 17 Cedar-st., N. Y. ifarren rustPieaira Double Elevated Oven, Warmlns Closet, Broil Ins Door, Fender Guard. Dumpini; and Shakia Grate, Dire-.t Draft. FULLER, WARREN it CO., ,.':;0 Water Street, New York. fbS.4w AkciiIs Miint4-l 1'or Itt-hititl tlir SeriirH iu 4 nshluslon. The quickest sclin2 book of the day. It tells all about the ureal Credit MolilbT Scundel, Sen atorial Briberies, Conirressmen, Rinjrs, Lobbies, nnd the Wonderlul Siirbts ol'tl.e National Capi tal. The demand for it is immense. Agents making early application lil secure choice ter ritory.' Scud for circular, nnd sec our terms nnd a full description of the work. Address, Continental Publishing Co., 4 Bond-st., New York. Iw. March 1, 1S7I1. nmonirull classes. Old prople, die mid- E-i i dleaced, those who are just culeriu life, and youth of both sexes buy and read with the greatest proht. Ml' Jol.l.Y full-Nil's RCCHET, u DIO LEWIS' last and best book. fJ It Is mcetim? with the greatest success i and there's Money iu it. Send for our circulars, cts., which are sent free N'.l,4w. GEO. MACLEAN, Pbjla. BOX'T he deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, i hoarseness und bronchial dilUeultles, nse only Well Carbolic TubU tsj, Worthless imitations are on the markot, but the only solentitic preparation of Carbolic Acid for Lum; diseases is vilien eheniically oonihiaed w ith other well knowu remedies, us in these Ta- J blets, and ull parlies arc cautioned agaiuit usiug i any other. In ull case of Irritation ofthe mucous mem brane these Tablets should bo freeley used, their cleansing uud healing properties are astonishing. Be warned, never neglect a cold, It is easily cured hi its incipient state, wheu it becomes chronic the cure Is exceedingly dillleult, Use Weils' Cuibolie Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Phitt tt.. New iork, N'.l.4w. Solo Aiiciit for 1 lilted States. Price 2.1 cents a box. Suudjur C ircular. Mlitou V lluuilia i'ubluct Orgaus. The Oull' American Musical Instruments of such extraordinary and ri-comii.ed excellence as to command a wide sale iu EuiOe, notwith- stuudinj; cointietitlou there with products of cheap labor. .llnilit awarded highest premiums, includ ing the Medal ut the Paris Exposiunu. Ot hun dreds nf Industrial Exhibitions, there have not been six in all where any other organs have been preferred to these. 1 uit t-rftuiiy recommeniiea oy euiineiu iuu siciausas posscseini: excellencies not ultained in any others. Seo opinions of one thousand, lu Testimonial Circular. l'.lt'lusiivt'l)' emplovinf several Important Inventions uud embracing every real ini,)iuv tuent. The Ml out I'xt-iisivo and complete f.u--tories in the world, pruduciug belter work at less cost than otherwise possible. I'rii'es) l ivi'U uud as low as consistent with scrupulous employment of only best mate rial and workmanship. Illustrated Catalogue, and Testimonial Circu lar, with important Infi-i niatlon .about Oisranb which may save purchasers from disappointment ill purchase of Inferior or worthless instruments or paviucut of High prices, sent free. MASIN AND HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 154 Thkmont Sr., Boston j 85 Ustos Sgi'AHK, Nkw Youk i 80 and 8J Adams Sr., Cuit'Aoo. 4w March 1, ,187a. rWo Iho M'orltiut; 1h, male oc female, X ttii) a week guarimtwd. Respeiauhle iu plovment ut home, day or evening j o capital required full instructions and a valuable pack age of goods to start with sent free by mall. Ad dress, with a cent return stamp, M. OH Nil CO., lOCourtluodl-st., S;'--Vork. i'JSi; Canvassing Books Si vr Furn ro l'rol. PUWI.KICN WHEAT WOHK Ob Mauhood, Womanhood aud their Mutual In-ler-rulatimis i Love, lis Laws. Power, etc. Accuu aie elinif from 0 to 8 ipie of thl work a'diiv, Hid we si-nd a cauvassing book free to any book agent. Address, staling expe rience, etc., NaUur-al PublUbluB Cp7 l'Vul phia, Pa. , 4w March 1, 1873. '4 ' ' mm 1 0 AU.Icsi.1871 Wpe-Awakb Boo Aorrrs; tVSTnrTroB .IFE ()l NAPOl.LOSI 111 , , by Abbott, New Edition, with aroonntfl of the Trufsinn Wnr, nnd tbn Inst hours of the Empe ror) niukimt elegant octavo of 700 p.iecs. Tbo times nud lbs thu me render h tlie most pop ular work of ihu d iv. J'.xa'usive.turrltory ith no competition. A'ddress nt ouce,' Qunker City Publishing Va., . ' 4w ( 217 nnd 21U Quluce-lt., Phlludelphln. March 1, 18711. . . . OfilCfBSder' Dtevvart LMritOVED, UNIUVALED A llNEtlUALED. Burns Snt su-fl COal.'"' , FULLER, WARREN & CO., , s7,12w . 830 Wntcr St., New York. A FIRST CLASS-BUSINtSS for n reliable man, with the. fistnraacapf mallhi (rota t'ifiM to (3,000 n year, can bp secured, iu connection with aunncncy for thd exelrelTe snle of work hy Rev. Henry Ward Beeeher. William Culleu Bryant, Harriet Beeeher Stowc, Ac. Write for pnttleulars to J. B. - FORD A CO., New York Boston) CliicnKo) or Sun Fruuclsco. mli3 4w 1 1 1 . . . . . . -. j i . i OT. 1 0')C per. dtvyl . AeMU Wauled I All yo IU Q .J classes of working people, of either sex, youuR or old, tnnko more money nt work, for us in their spare moments, or all tbc time thnn ut anrt'alne; else.. Particulars free. Address,' G. 8T1NSON t CO., 814-ly. Portlund, Mijti. Is unequnled by any known remedy, it will trn- ' dicatc, extirpate and thoroughly destiny all poi sonous substances in the Blood nnd will effectu ally dispel all predisposition to bilious derange ment. Is there want of nclion in your Liver nnd Spleen 7 Unless relieved tbc blood hi comes im pure by delerious secretions, producing serolu lous or skin disepses, Blotches, Felons, Pestules. Canker, Pimples, Ac.. Ac. Have you a dyspeptic Stomach T Unless diges tion Is promptly aided the system Is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, I'ropaicul tendency, general wealiiiefy and inertia. Have you weakness of tlie intestines ? You are in danirer of Chronic Diarriiaaor iullaimnu tion of the" bowels. Have vou weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Organs Yon are exposed to sutlering lu its most aggravated form. Aro you dejected, drowsy, dull, slitirclsli or de- j pressed in spirits, with head uce. back ache, coat ed toniruu and bad tasting mouth f ' For a ccrtaiu remedy for all of these disenscs, ' weaknesses and troubles ; for ch-ansin; and pu ! rityiiiL'the Viatel blood mid Impartial; visjvr to : nil tin vital forces j for hnildlns up aud restor , iuj; rhc weakened constitution USE J U H U 11 E U A which Is pronounced by the leading medical uu ! thorities of London nnd Paris "the most power I ful tonic nnd alterative known to the medical , world." This is no new and untried dlscove-y i but has been loin; used by the leading phj :cia:n ' of other countries with wo-.ulerl'.il r-.vne dial re ; suits. j Don't weaken and impair the d'.istive organs i hy cath.i riles and physics, they pee only temno ! rary t-lii-r ludieulon, flatulency an I dysp -p-1 sin with piles and kindred disease nru sure to Wollow their use. j Keep the biood pure and bealthv is a-surel. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. IS Piatt M.. N. Y. Sole Awnt for the United States. Price, Kl per Bottle. Send for Circular. Mart 4w : si . Mil icv Fitti: im i: a.m i: - ' THE DIRECTORS OF THE I !lXBUUY IIOUSE AN I) CATTLE I N'- j bUKAXCE COMPAXV, Arc now t ikaiie.' lire risks und' T th-'ir s;" .!..! charter ui anted by the Lcilat-.ue. The recent jireat culamitous tin s of (hieio and Ilosion have proven lone. u.-iv-.-lv f.vo f.ut . ! 1st. That Mutual Inuranen C.i:n; anlcs pi... vide the most security to tlie u .un-d for th I smallest cost and are the best able lo sustain heavy losses. ! 2J. That Home Companies are an ahsoltito t cceslty and furnish the t.'t iri'.ar.iiitcc ; f i r iayini-nt of as they cover mi l.r.ivy rsiis wi.Mtkini; outs'nle of eiti-.-an-l canin t te n'.ViCt' d by such trreat coiitlaratioiis as the Bo-ti-n and Chicago tires which have ri.'nu j of oi.i best and stronsest CruiijiaiilOs. THE SUNBURY FIRE INSURANCE CO., j By special privileges works the joint stock and uiuueii daiis together, thus iiiaiilinc; tbeiu to i enjoy the advantages of lmtli iiumIc:- of insurance without doina the injustice totli,. l.oldtrtd the ! mutual policy by assessing hiui for the bcne'.itof ! the stock boiler. ; AH policies issued on the mutual plan. All risks arc taken outside the treat cities, and I only on such property as is not so exposed us to ot- hazardous, lins Hie i. ouipany to in i ire for less rates than many other Companies and supplies a great ueed now felt by all of a re .iablv I'onducted and SAFE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. j Their Joint Stock Plan protects i.'.'alnst uxor, : bitaut or repeated aseesi-nient. ! RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. i itddreis C. A. RE1MENSNYHER. Secretary. Suntiurv, Peiin'u, I). KILI.IAN, Piieclal Agent and Supt. December 7, lbT.'. tf. oti i:. "TOTICE is hereby given that application has bceu made to the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, by the Fort Augsui Building i: Loan Association for nnieudmeiits to articles Tenth nnd Eleventh of the ConstiH.ti ui of said Association, and that said amendments will be granted ut the next regular term of said Court, uuless cause ho shown to the contrary, LLOYD T. RullRUACH. Prothonotary. Sunbury, Feb. 8, 1873. St. For Sale. V VALUABLE FARM HORSE AND TWO FRESH MILCH COWS ure offered ut private sale, on reasonable lerins. For particu lars call on the subscriber, in Upper Augn-ta township, on tho farm known as the James Campbell Farm. fe','2-4t B. F. BARNHART. Fruit Trees, Kb rubber , Ac, ut greatly retlu-t'I irii-e. riMIE subscriber having engaged hi the nursery .A. business, is prepared to liirni-h all kin Is of Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, Flowers, iVe., at reduced prices, as follows : PEAR Dwuf at 50 cts i standard t',0 cts. PEACH any variety at 18 cts APPLE any variety at 'JO cts. APRICOTS, Quinces. Pinins, Nectarines, Prunes, Cherries ui .Wi. : STRAW BERRIES 5d cts per dozen. GR Vl'FS any va riety trim "J5 cts. to AO cis. wending lu sif., . FLOWERS, Shrubbery, R-ebuakes from to M its., has over three hundred vai'ulics. CUR RANTS and Goosberrles 15 cts.. These plants are from the best nursery in thu Stale and will be warranted as represented. For furtluir particulars address, or apply to I'll AS. J. CONRAD. Sunbury, February 15, lli. T7ri'iHiii o x . m .1 t i o x , n t h 5 is hereby given Unit the s4 C.ns ef Com mon Pleas, General yuaiier Sessions of the Pi. ice, and Orphaus Court, Court of Oyer uud Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in uud for the county of Northumberland, will commence, at tin) Co nil House, is the borough of Sunbar), et lo o'clock A. M., ou MONDAY, MARCH the lOlll, next, und ill continue two weeks. The Comunr, Justices of the Peace and Consta bles iu and for the county of Noiiliunib -i land aro reiiucsted to be then and there In tlu ir proper persons, will: tin Ir lolls, rToids, In.piis'iions, and other remembrances, to do thoe things lo their several ollices appertaining lo be d. ne. AiU ull witnesses prosecuting In In half o' the Com monwealth against any pri-nner, ro ri .iue-led and commauded to be ilien aud there aitendin in their proper 'rons lo prieiilu against hun as shall be Just unit not to J-par without leuv at their peril. Jurois are r-'d'" sled b bji punc tual in tluir ntteuduuee, si the Um SUloiuilMi. ugreeubly to their notices. Given uuder my baud nt Sr.nhuiy, (hcClh dny of FebniMiy, in the year wt our Lord one thousand eight hundred and feventv-three. SAMtt-L U. KOTHARMEL, Sheriff. , Jjurnarir: MiKiIilijj'JlltiHWMi . .1