! Just opened at S. HEEZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. a large invoice of ready-made Clothing, for Men and Boys, of the latest utiles, suitable, fur t'arly faring wear. SPEIMG- OVERCOATS, Cre69 Furnisliing IMMENfcJB VARIETY. SHIRTS, while and colored dress Sliirts of all styles. Agency for the Qnaher City "perfect fit ttag fchirtt," tvery ono of which is uarautced to Ct. No better bhiit in the market. I-I A. T S & C A. JP S of th latent ety N e, for Men auU lioyi. a large llae of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Fancy Jewelry, &c, &c. Buying only for cueh mid in lure quantities, I Bin enabled to offer better inducements than any ol'iny coni(x;titor9, here or elsewhere. The email retraining stock of Wiutcr Goods on hand will be offered at greatly re daeotl prices. SKW GOOUS SOW RECEIVE! MAILT. (fell and be convinced that tho cheapest place to buy is at J Ooraer Market and Third Stroets, Suubury, Pa. unbnry, Pa., February 1873. (Grrand Opening of WIHTER AT IF 1 1ST 2ST E Y ' S NewCentral Variety Store, ho. 100, Market Street, Buulh tilde, East of the Railroad, Xress Goods or all Kinds, BUka, Bilk Poplins, Alpacas, Luster AlpacA. DeLatn, Mad, Opra Flauual, Ticking, LstUas Cloaking. NOTIONS. : LADIES' aud G1NTB' FURNISHING OOODS, Hoslory, Gkiv.s, Hood, Caps, GerniantWB Wool, Ladut' Inimituliou Hair Good tu low aud beautiful Style. SHAWLS. Uttameu Crown. OlUimoo Double all Wool, Plod Shawl, Brakfat Shawl, fcearfs, c. JEWELRY. Xaub Plated and Jet Opera Chains, Ladl' ;Plated and Jet Btrtls, flogs Rings, Ear Riog, tstayee, Sleeve button, Groceries. Tresh Groceries, Wood aud Willow Ware, Fioor, Table and 6talr Oil Cloth. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Flnuey ' for ths Greatest Variety of Good. Good arrivligDnlly. It is ths universal rsrdlct of ths truds that my good are sold the kwest In tbls market. D. A. FINNEY, Hoses bar , 1871, No. 100, Market Street, Bunbury, Fa VAX BEIIN 3I WHISKEY. M-r diHllon or 911 iterC'Kse of 12 LARGE BOTTLES. This Whippy ;s pure yCi four yCarB 0u and very mellow. VAN BEIL'fc "YELLOW SEAL" SHfltUH. 11 per Gase of" Twelve Bottles. Tills Wine wo otTer to oar dim) 1. knowing U Illy ""'vtl,J i'u, aul always Uniterm lu qua- Ask your Grocer for VAN BEIL'S 31 WHISKEY. Ask your Drujjtrist for VAN BEIL'S 84 WHISKEY. Tell your Grocer you wuut VAN BEIL'S "YELLOW" SEAL" SHEHKy. Tell your Drujjitist you wuut VAN BEIL'S ' YELLOW SEAL" SIIEUKY. Or, seud your order to n. a. c. yax iieie. THE WINE MERCHANTS, So. 1310, CHESTNUT ST.. Philadelphia. Importer of all One Rraudius, Gins. Rums and Wines, and dealer In the bel tuulltif of Kye and Bourbou Whlnkie by the ImiicI, deuiljoliu or case. CHAMPAIGNE3. Feb. 8, 1S73, X yr. 1307. RIGHTER fit GASKILL, 1 307. DEALERS IX American anl Freud Window Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rough Plate, t'oloi.d, Cuauiclid aud Orusaicntal Ulus, 1807 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1873. ly. JJUTCHEliT! UUTCJIEUYl Meaars). REFiEW A BOWER. Xblrd Btreel opposite Oeutrul Hotel, BrNBCRT, PA., KEKP constantly on buad tba very choicest off. ash BKEFITTOI AU1 VAL, . wb'b is old ubtb lowest prices. Moat ran be lrsd at all boar dcriiig the day. f aahTry.Pj., Jus , 1K71. " CrOOfls. fflterzfelder, LIQUOR STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Coutt House, BUN- bl KY, lA., Rcspeetfully invite the nttenilon of Retailers aud ot tiers, tbnt he hu on band, aud will con stunt Iv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC L'.OUORS. Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coguktc, Cherry tjiiiL'er, Koeiieiieand utara. I Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-'itilled, Mon l gabcla, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND f.IN I Wines: Champagne Wine, BUerrv, Fort and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Hum Browu Ptout and Scotch Ale. BTOMACII AND BAR BITTERS. And all other Liquors which tun be found I the ctiy markets, which will be sold at hoi sale aud Retail. Every article truaruntoed as a. ...... A . 1... . . .!,. 1. .1 I V J . ii-ui-prinrii. aim. a lurue ioi oi t'c.iii.ivii.o i li.'C'i'l Ira ..i. . j uviibr.?, uj.itsiiu iinnu. trfif" Ordei proinpl'y attended to, aud yublle putlouuge rci-puclt'uily olieiled C NEFF. Banbury, Juiy 3, lKO'J. ly. J. W. WASHINGTON'S (It AMI It A in; Fit Mior. Ia Miss Dallius' Building, Market stn-el, cast of tho Railroad, north side, bUNBl'KY. Pa. The old periuuueul thup of the lowu. o decline the boast, but at tho same litre consider that the mltrhty truth iiiuyle seasona j bly spoken v It bout uiunifu.lluir an" uucoml'orla- ble amount of vanity and ambition. I ut twenty years ago I began my business ! career in this place half my lifetime thus far i spent, have I stood upon the floor of our .hop I day after day, and night uller ulght, urn! applied ine stiarp uiuc gieauitmr steel, uuil wilhlu thut elupse of time embraced hy the mighty folds ot that eventful period have 1 shaved nearly every, body in the country (in cmuiuou parlance) aud to oblige the public intercl we herein publicly announce tu our patrons old and new tbut we tre ready to shave them all uguiu three hundred thousand time or more. Cotno wheu you please, Jni fa (tmi I the max im we are always ready to work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair eui vou, shampoo you, wnisaer aye you, or perrume, eoiitb aud ur t ranee the hair with artiaic skill, iu the "water fall" or water raise style to suit the customer. e wot k to please, not please to work. Stop, don't go past our .bop to get shaved on tb basis of ability U-eause we do it as well as It van be dune or ever could be. A ebanee Is all that we demand To rive the proof we bold iu hand. Oel. I. 1H7S. EST RAY KI1EE1'. Cams to Ihe premises of the undersigned, In Cpiver Augusta tousbit. Northumberland Co.. on or about the Smb. of November last, Ave skcy, hll while. The owner orowuorsars roquUto come forward, prove property pay charge, and lake U4 m away, or eue they will ta disposed ot uecuruiua; t law. BACBEL CAMPBELL .sn. Kb, m. JUecIIancons r 1 TCIMIIART'M PIJIE TREE TAR CORDIAL. FATUR&S GREAT REMED 1 rem tub THROAT AND LUNGS. It Is gratifying to us to Inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wlshart's Tine Trco Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gained an rti vluble reputation from tlio Atlantic to tho Paci fic const, ami from thence to snnio of the first families of Kiiropo, uot through tho press alone, but by persons throughout the States actually lipiirlil toil anil cured at bla olllce. While he pub lishes lisp, so tay our reporters, lie l unable to supply the demand. It gains and bold its repu tation First. Not by stopping fongh, but ty loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the un healthy matter collected about the throat and broni'hiiil tudes. which ciiusee Irritation. Bceond. It roir.ovcs tho cnur- of Irritation (which produces cough) of the inncuous nicm briine and bronebial tubes, a?siU the lungs to act and throw oil the unhealthy seftretlous, and purifies the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia, Ipeeas aud opium, of which most throat uud lung re medies are composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effi'ct on the stomach, acts on the liver and kid ucys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and iu Its Invigorating and purifying etfeels it has gained a reputatiou which It must bold above all others In the markst. NOTICE. THE F-IN E TREE TAR CORDIAL, Urcut American Dyapepsjiu Pills WORM SUGAR DROPS . Being under my immediate direction, the; shall uot loose their curative qualities by the us of cheap aud Impure articles. II E N It Y It . WIHU1KT, PuoranrroH. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr, L. (J. C. Wisliail's OrUe Parlors are opsn on Mondays, Tueidays aud Wednesdays from 9 M., to 5 P. M., for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are associated two con sultlug physicians of acknowledged ability. Tbls opportuulty 1 uot offered by any Institution lu the city. All letter most be Bddreel to L. Q. C. WI8UART, 91. ., NO. 32, N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. November IS, 1872. 6 mos. CENTER OF ATTRACTION. Everybody Is Invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOT8 AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame biilldlnir. adjoining Moore Disslnger's building, THIRD HTKKF.T, BUSBURY, PA. Just opened a I'reskvupply of Coufectionrrl-jg of every description. TOVN OF ALL KTX1IM constantlv on hand. The best RAISINS), FIUS, CI RUANTrt A DRIED FRUIT. 1'URE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKF.8, BISITIT8, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I Having fitted up a room expresslv. for serving up Oysters In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalve in market, at all boars during the day and evening. families will be supplied at their n'slikiict with the best tihell or Cuuued Oysters, as i desirable, at the very loet prices. Lull and seamy excellent assortment or goods and usccrtaiu the price. Dec. !, lSTl. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Mil Mnrj, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. WE are now opening an entirely new stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any article iu our line that limy be called for, w have also a full stock of ull the leudiui: Patent Medicines. Finn Perfu mery and Toilet Articles n speciality, a full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Null, r-lioc aud other Brushes, Dressing and other Combs lu great rarietr. FIXE TOILET KOAl'N. a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice bplces, Pepper whole or ground, Castile and Luuudry Snaps, Lump Chimneys uud Lamp Good iccncrully. Bud Seed lu liirt;e or small quunlillo, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fill stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Fillers and Pills of t. 8- P., bngur Coated, lsireui!tlieiilug, Arn Ira, Porous, Poor .Man's and other Plin-tnis. Aver s, Wright's, K-hcnk's Muudrake, MeLuic's Liver and other fills, our stock embraces every thlug found lu a well conducted Druic bltire. Country PhvsleUiua will find our stock full and complete, ami we guarantee to .ell as low as the same m tides can be oougm In Philadelphia, choice lues, UisWey uuu urauuy lor .Mcdliln al purioso. Octobers, 1STJ. tluubood tllow Loatt How Reator. edl tJust published, a new eilhioa of Dr. CULVERWELL'8 CELEBRATED F.beJAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of BPERM ATORRIKKA, or Seminal Weakness, involuntary bemiual Losses, IMfOTKMi, Mental aud fbyslcal lueapaeity, lnitedimcnts to Marriage, etc. t also. Consumption, Epllciy, and fits, induced uy seii-tudulgenee or sexual extravagance. l-4f Price, in a sealed envelojie, only 6 ceuls. The celebrated author, lu this admirable as say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radieally cured without the dyrgerou use of internal medielue or the application of ths knife t pojutluir oat a mode of cure at ones simple, certain, aud Ueo- tual, by means of which every aunerer, no Dial' ter what bis condition, way be, may cure blstself cues piy, privately ana radioalls. l-if" This Leufure sWuuld be lu the hands of every youte aud evory u.un lu lbs laud. Vol, under seal, in a plain envelop, tu any addreis, postiiald, on receipt of six eenls, or two piaie staais. Also, Dr. Culrerwell's "Murrlnge Guide," price 50 cents. Addres the Publisher., C1IA8. J. C. KLINE CO P. O. Bo, i,VA. 1ST Bowevy, New oik. TOCIt? l?l MERGES ALT. CXT.on. - ctlRES DISEASES (F r . TKSGALUINQS.UYER& BLOOD In the wondorfal medicine to which the afflicted are lnve pointed Sr relief, the discoverer bo lieve he ha eouiMned In harmony more of N tuni, most overelen euratlve prcperties. whtcn (1h1 ha Instilled Into the vegetable kingdom for healinic thu sick, than were ever before combined In uno tnfillclne. The evidence of thle fact Is found In the itreat variety of most obstinate dis ease wtilcb it his been found to conquer. In ths cure of Hrouehltla, Stevere ('ooihs, nil the early eta s of tlonau inptlon, it baa astonlobt tlis medieal fticnHr. and eminent phy sicians pronounce It the frrcnteit aiedical discove ry of the au'e. While U cures Hie severct Oont-hs, it struui-tlieii tli system and pnrlflea I lie) blood, liy Its ktki and tlinroin;h blood purify. Ini; pr.i)crtie, it cures ull II n mora, from tlio wost Hernfuln toa common Blotch, Ptni pic, or liuriiptlou. Mecnrial disease. Mine ral Poisons, aud 4heir effects, are eradicated, and Vigorous health and a sound constitution eslab llhr,l. F.rralpclaH, Halt It hoom. Fever Huron, Ni aly or KoiiKta Nkln, In short, all the nnnvmiH dieascs caused by bad blood, are conquered by tbia powerful purifyliij; nftiX ia vipiriiliiu' raedleliie. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have ssflow color of skin, or ycllowisb brown spots on face or bixly. frequent heaitache or dtxxiness, bad taste la moiitli, Internal heat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings. Ir regular appetite, and ton true coated, yon are suffer linr from Torpid Liver or "Bilious, nun." In many case of " Liver Com plaint" only part of these eymptom arc cape, rieuced. As a remedy for all such case l)r. Pierce's Ooldcn Medical Discovery haa no eqna), as It effects perfect cures, leaving thellverstrenirth. encl and hualthv. For the cure of Habitual CoilHllpatioll of the bowels It Is a never fail ln remedy, and those who have used it for this purpose are loud In Its praise. The proprietor offers $1,000 reward for a mrdU rtna that will crmal It Tor the rare of all the dla asee for which It Is recommended. 8ld hy drutnrlst at 1 per bottle. Prepared Bf H. V. I'lcrce. M. D.. Hole Proprietor, at hie CheT5 al Laboratory. 133 Seneca street. HufCUo, N. I Bond your addruM (or a pampulet. May4, lBTSj NEW dTsCOVERY lm C'hrmloal and Jrlediral Science. r v nr.n VIVS TAK KEJItDIES Cum Inclpirnt Con.tciRtioii. Dr.OAKVIX'S TAR KKnEDIES Cure Catarrh. lr. CAKYIX'S TAK KK.TXTDIES Cure Asithma. Dr. i AK YTXS TaR SCEtrjJtES Chore Renrt Ii.osc. Dr. GARVIVS TAR KE.TKDIES Cure Sk(a Dioasr. llr.GAKVIX S TAR liETSKDIDS KeguLito Hie Liver. Br.GAKnVS TAR REMEDIES RosmaU tlicStoicins'Iiaiidnowels) Dr.eAKYI.Vl TAR HEltlEDIES Cure all Female WcnkBcssfs. Dr. GARVIVS TAK REMEDIES rurify tLe Clood. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cora DtttraftM of the Throat. Dr. GARVIVS TAR UE-TIEDIES Cure IIronrhiti. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose Cold,"or"IIayFevr Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Lang D4ens. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARVIVS TAK REMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Kidney Dtwiiscs. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES rrevcut Malarlou Fevers. Dr. GAKVIVS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Breuwt. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Appetit. Dr. GARVIVS TAK REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Roatore the VVeillt and Debilitated Dr. GARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your SyMera. X. F. HYDE Sc CO.. BOLE PBOPBIDTOB 19 & Seventh Avt.t Xew York, DceeinlKT SI, 172. ly GET THE UEST. Web ter 'a I unbridled llivtlvuwr;. lr.OUO WunltanU Jsuaisijs aol in ottur Victio aritt. 300. EnirravliiM j 11440 Pane Quarto. Prlia. Whenever 1 wlsu to oMalu evuel dctlnltlous, 1 cousult U. f Setiuylcr Coll'aX.J livery Ccbolur knows Its value. I J IW. H. Pit4 the lli.torlsn.1 Been bus of my dally coin tu ion.. IJohu J.. Mtitley, ths Historian, die far a I know, best dollulu DWilouarr. I not ace AtaoQ.J rpbs best guide of students of our Language, 1 I John G. Wbluter ITU eels all others ludeOuing soleut'.lie term, -i Prtwidmi Hltcbeock.l T Seioarkablecnmpeortiuuiof buuiun kuowlolge XV I W. S. Clark, Pres'l A, CuiUwu. A necessity for evoty lnudllgenl fuuiiy, slu deut, teacher and professional man. VV.m brary I eomplat without th host EhgUsl. iic. tlonary. ALSO WlBSTSIt'S NiTIOtaVL Pictobial Diotiovabt. 10tl Paga Octavo. 600 Engravings. Prlca $5. 1'h work I really a gtu.of a Uiotionaiy, just Ihti thlu for tb million. rVa ikhUutwnal .VtsstUy. Pablishwt bv G. A C. MERRUH. itprlngtsld. . Ms. Poldbs-allBeoks!!!!. 'S m "m . V Ife s ,-- iey Si mm. i -i teMml. Ra ' R R RADWAY'S READY 'RELIEF tTHKS THE WO KMT PAINrl In from Ono to Twenty Minutes). MOT ONE HOUR rflrf muiinit JUiVrrHwinMit tif mI an OM KPKr KK WITH TAIN. nAt)WAT'8 nLAl'Y T!KLIKK U A CUBB FOB KVKltY TAIN. Tt wMthe Aral snd In Tlio Only luln tcmc1y thrtt liiPtiuitlf ftofiri itia mnH syiorirdaiitig mAxp, sI1t In ftHmm.itn, ntitl nirei (NneeMloiii, whether of Luntrs rtiiiuii, iiowl or othsr ftuiuds r vrsvun, by oti aUiplictv Uuu, w TTf FROM ONB TO TWENTY MINUTES. Vn nmltep hw vlolrut fT t icniclnlltig Ihr pnin llie KIT ETT ftlATIO, tWtl-ri'lttrn, iTtflrni, frlmWca, IVcrvous, ISsuraljilsX r frotruti-J witb diMftiM umv sulistr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFOrtt) INPTAKT EASE. INFLAMMATION OK TIIK KIllKEtS. 1NKI.AMMA rtOJI OK THE BLADDCIi LNn.AMMATiuM OK Til PC IIOWCLS. fOStiKRTION OF TTtB LUJiOS. poitB throat, riFFirei,f hrhathino. PALl'lTATION OK TUB HEART. DTSTERICB, CROUI', 111PIITIIKHIA. CATAUK1J, INFLUENZA. RSADACI1E, TOOTIIAPTTK. NKUIlALOIA, RlUBtTMATISM. cot.n rnti,i., AnrE r ttii.t.g. lis. sppltc.ithm of the ltendv Relief te tbs ftatt sr pnrt wheru Uju pain or dUUbUlty eaiM. wui lUXunl mm a&4 wsifert. Tweet it Arr.rm tn a tmr tiVf ef wster will In fVw rsntnent. turn CHAWS, l-fASMH, ROL'lt FTOMAt'U, ItEAllTIlt ItN, tICK. llF.AIiAt'llfc. lllAKHtltA, liysFNTF.KT. COLIf. TVIKO IN THE BoWSXtt, and all INTKIlN.vl, PAINS. Travetrr. IhhM shvuv. csrry a bnftls ef Rnttway1 Reatfv Relief with iem. A fsw rireHi in witter will tvvtii' slil-iioi ur ji;iln. from rfit.nre nf wstt . U Is lUff Uisn I'rcucli tfnunly nr tuttvrs iu a sttmulsnt. FEVRIt AND A 41 IE. rrVETt AN L AiJL K ciinsl for flrty c uts. Tli" Is so a reinetltsl scent in 1Mb wurltl tlint wilt enre Fi-vcr atid Asue, and all other IlularViti lltlleii.. Scarlet. Tylihold, Yrilow, and (Slu r Fsvim (nlrted livKAfiWAY'9 rll.I.Sl so oulck ss RADVt'AY'S KF.AUX ktXltF. Fifty Mills I'rr lluillc. Dull, u, HI bruUU. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! hTRrVSiU A XI) ITRE RIOH IlLOOD-tNrnFASE OT VI.KSII AND WKIillIT-OLFAR SKIN AND UAU TU't'li COUPLXiloN r-EJUKED TO ALL, DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THK MOST ASTOXlsHINa rPREfl; PO n K. KAI'II AHhi TUB CllANOR TMB lODY rXOKU'tOF'XTtKH Til K INKLPENrB OK Tllia TlCULY WOMERl-Ul. Mllcil, THAT Evory Day on Incroase In Flesh nnd Velght Is Soen and Felt. THE CKCAT BUOOD PURIFIER EtT dr..fi of lh ft AKSA TAK1I.L1 AN KK.SOLVE.NT w.minsinlcmli Ihr-turh tli IH"(.1, hcf, Vtiit-, mm! 4.O1M fltUutud ilri f tin -rtin tii visjrtr T lift, fnf K rvnirt livss wmCm of His IsiKif lth Dfw noil nafri.sl. fkrofuim, Kvt'MI.i, Ctsiipnniiilinn, tlftti(iiinr di.-rnw, In tbc Tlnt, Month. Tum.ri, NiU f (;imi1k tin.l othtar praTt'if tlie ,Hieiu. ru . Htnmions Pipchnr'ic-s frotn Uk Cim, n-i1 th" woM f'itii!. i-f S i-i iiirfin-"( Kmp. fVr, Kfvrr H srsM. Sc-ltd llnul, IUn Wt.rni. buii Hh tirn. brvMpfiuM, Artie. 'iic NnH, W cniis ft the lttt, Tm iinjs-1 v kUMH-rst in tie w uniu, nn mi w:Ratiine C(tj-HL Xt lit KwflsL Ltiss of Stif-rnt. nibi life Drtt.ritjlc, ire A-ltliiti fins citiv ti of IM wnntl'f uf M'Mcrn Chcnittrv i'1 a f . -V ita rtno will rrro tn hsHcttl "ret to curst lliM.i, If tlie pMtivni. d.iiiv rrc-jniltic rMuvl hv ike wiiii t4 1 otiiitohkltssj tliHt riiiiiiurtl!v irif n-wiiip, tniecvrdu tfi RprtsUliiK tint wsints-tt, tui1 reimtrtt itm twv th new n 1 . IaI Mitl. fnun kvUly l.odJux. Uti M.k 1AKBA'ARsX I.IAN wiU aittl tiofji fir-. hA tillPV i'M' tilt) KM.SpArin TT4K RHsUVKTr - SM L''-it rtt'is-lial utrfiits Im ll rui it ( lirt,nir, B. jcf tiomt, 1 out ltutt mia hKm cbcuM ; Lul U ia Uic uuly itiU-r urr KUlflKrr A, It ladder Complain!, trliivT, fil TV 'Tib rti-nAam, (irArrl, JDUix-tf, THfrj Pt'tTfisvn nf Wt, Inrrniitt H'a r.f I'rlni, llricht'ii rtMv' AlHtitnltttiri, m id iu all tam lire Oirr htv l.rlrk 1'iiT d ikwHsi, sjT ttif wislcr Id thirst, flniiflr, mls.fi If It fml.utiincrs like Uit Imr nf t .'. r tr-i'lt )U vrhl' filh. or th"ra tA MifsrhH, -lrk. MliMHl ai.jH-sVunr-, nnd M i'i-dt!sl wiiss, asd wim tlt.Ts ii n j-''tft. r"tmatlon whm 4assnilC wtrr, tiut r:itn in Uij Small oi ue Uck vad iSytff iir 1 r.lrV I'lU'C, )l.'Ts, WORM,-Th oulf kttcirn nn Itmf N Turaor of 13 Vcirn' Orowttt Oiircd bjr UadTtnj's Rcnolvcnl. PKTMS, Ms?., .1Mti I", H. ie. Rartf nja rtn Turner tu nvHl t"l tvswak- AU tts DeVl sas'l ' thT-s htj. fnf H. I r4 vrry ttiiia U.t sjrsj rsHfifrt'itonHM : Mil rotMnsr hrltM ma. I ra Rrratrt, W1 iho-latM I tmlil ts; It j li lirl Tl f.lth t. H, lsarwa 1 has) iTt fr ll aars. I fri..k Ii t.ll nt ihm hsislwiil. Mil orssi en rtrij-i Ptl-i. rA lo kvatile rur kssalr flif ; sd " t n-H s tfTj f Uin-nt V hs in er fclt, tit 1 s4 Wsur, TMflr. s4 Hofrfier lH I lis for IwtUi vpswC srssrsl lj,firr jsat tt 0. Iaf f-4t ths) U-'U, c iSsi pilN, 1 w tsaia I fit W Im t.Uof flt.r. Ui rn fnMili rt If v wava. IIAN'NAM . KN APT. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT FURSATIVE PILLS, rrtVciiy tssM-lrtsi, flrnOf c'Ati! with vit rim, pnraf iitc ilatsv, tiitf). rioaiii, n ! trcnrt)i'i. )ta1w&ys I' ills, ( Uif flirr'trt'liil di-M-if! th Moimrh. I.ivtr. BwfK KUitMTTfs, H'avtsisY. NVOU- UltH- lluMlflf hr, ('ADMlTA- Utn, o4ittl Iwl)is iiirj. I-MrV"ia, H :i(ttisrr, Mils, is" fenr, lt.Aimtlllissl) )l ts Ifc.wtl. Ttlw. and all !'. rinr.fpti trf U'f lutofBkl VI.tn. Wurr.tntMl In HTrft ft rrwinsj !--. Purfly H&Uc, iuiwaxuiwg n mercury, jairU Jf t4Tttila ifrtlsCSj. C O'-scrvss Ui V.nh.j; mrtnfilbail rsJfvuHinf from I4sV OrrM uf Uic iJlui-Ui c trrtuj : MiwrtsB, lsj-4 ntM. rMn tt PTv-4 Wi H Vs AiiC.ty .) Um sU-tiwb. Kstasi. Iiancrn. nruat rf To4. lulr kss or W.ljrlu is) kt,uiM , V. r Vjk.Uj, $tVg nr riuHsrF ! M kef ! iu J, in,., fciBWi.u. t ti HrsssI, IfnrHxl Ii 4 Krtii-Ul &irKivr, llu ssrvir U-rl, wltliist f 4BltlstT fstitoliiiaaa) Rnu im I y'tKf f-lt, ftsnu o Tl44, !- ar Ws WWc Ur si'.J , wr IttJ lult (' r Ikst HstsmI. IViwIra.- f I'Mwismirsi. YJtwita .f tlir Fain tu r'e, risi in l'l MLrtMl, Laltilia, SUU asifft 1 liife. vt IU1, Chis r iM A frw !,fs cfAnTAT'i; TTU H will W thsisn-mcm f- ;'i 1I r.-f it- i.uriliif. I'rkc, 2. o-nU Inu toa, ri'f.l UV I'Kl'mllft'i'B I-.Ki - r'ki V AMi TKTV Hrr.'l rat hwtamp t K!TAy : K.i. t fcUlfl.-it I,ine, hco-Vcrk. '. - ill t-r ibt eu. March SO, 18T2.-lj. A6REAT MEDICAL DiSCOVEBf Dr. WALJSLEIS-'a C 1 UPOZI.'IA VINEGAR BIITLitS Hundreds of Thousands ANCY DR Ha Parana tak these Bitter aoni 1D( to dirsctions. and rrmain Ion unwell. proTidtd their Sjnn are not destroyed bv mineral poison or trtlier means, mi Ilia vital orr.ant aued Iwvond th. point tepar- Dy.p.pala or latMae.Mou. Ilcad.iche, 1'jIo Sa the Shoulders, Couglm 1 ijchtneu of tlie Cliesl. puif ness. Soar Kructatimn f tlie blomach, Bsd Tisle tn tim Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tit. Heart. In. ammatiua of th. Lunas, Pain in tlie kkious ll Kid ncys, sad hundred other painful symptoms, are the on apnnis ef Dyspepsia, ia thus complaints it haa n qiul, and on. bottl. will prove a Letter guarantee of ita asertts than a lengthy advertisement. IVor Feisaalc Couiplalat., in young Mr old, mar vied or single, at 111. dawn of womanliond, or the turn life, lh.se Tonic bitter, display so decided au indusutt that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. 'or loflnutimnlorj' and (hr.sle Rbia. snatlsni and Gvut, Biitotu, Remittent and luieimit Hul Kv.re, UtuiasMof ill. Blood, Liver, Kidneys and ui.H ihM. lliit.r hava uo Mual. audi DeaiMra are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced bv derangement of the Digeniv. Organs. They srf a Oeutla Fararatlva a well aa a Tout., possessing also tb. peculiar merit of acting as a powerful ageut in relieving Cougutioa or lndammalion f III Liver and Visrnal Organs, aud in liilimi. Diseases. For Shin Utacasea, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustule Boils, Car buncles, Ring-wurms. Scald-Head, Sore Eyas, Eryaiiielss Itch, bcuib, Dtscoloratious of the Skin, Humors and lJi- Mses of to. bkiu, ul wlulever nam. or uaiui., ar. ui (rally dug up aud canted out of th aysteiu ia a short lime by the us. of these Hitters. Tks properties ot Da. Waists't Vinsca DlT-raas an Apericnl, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laaanvc, Diuretic, aWdative. Counlei-lm-ant, Sudorinc, Alterative and AnU-BlUous. Ural.ful Tnoaaaud proclaim Vinsoas Bit aas th. most woads.-tul Inngotaat that ever auslaiaed the siuking systeut. I. WALKER, Prop i. B.. M. McDOMAI-O . COM UruggUu sad Ga Agta, San EranciM, CaJ., aad eotusi of Waalungtoa and Charlton Sis.. New Yotk BOLD BY ALL UKUGG1STS AND SEALERS. NEW TOBACC O AMI rsKGAH.AXD VRUSU STORE, South sld of Market street between &d aud 41 h 8DNBURY, PA. Just opened, an. eullre new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND 8EGARS. Scgars af every grade. Tolniece of every varlo'y. Pipe, both plain aud fancy. BRUSHES I BRUSHES I I BRUSHES I ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct flora th manufacturer at greatly reduced price. Hit line of brusbe are a specialty and many new L Z Boar testimony to their WoutScr- i, s I i5 ful Curative tUtui. o i III WHAT ARE THEY? f j! If ate. ss--? off THEY ARE SOT A TILE 551 b! fancy D R I N K . 1 1 i I kinds uever before introduced Into mis ruaraei. Also, Paper Collars and Cuffs In great variety. K large assormeut o( all (ha popular bong of is day. Call aud tvamliis my goods and get a list of pries. HF.hKX fKTVRX- Nonr.r t, isr.-l inauufatturcrs. UEU. EVANH. K. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia, TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band A Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being tlic leading house on Military work, we feci that we can offer Inducements which can not he attained anywhere else. Aug. 84, 1872. NlXltlllV .MAKBIEVAItV7 Fourth Mreet below Market, 8 UN BURY, PENX'A. rrillE linilprsitrned has returned from the Ver- X tnout Murolc Quarries with 56 Tons of Mamie, for Monument, Urnve-MoneM. &c, Ac. He has bought at such llgurtis tlntt will allow him tu sell better stone, lor less money, tlimi heretofore. The best Sutherland Fall Marble, which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low as tint Munehester. Tlmie who need anvtliiug In the Marble line. for Monuments, GiHVe-ftones, or other purposes, will tlml it to their interest to call and examine this large stoek, as better harifiiins can be Secur ed than buying from parties huckstering' ronn'l the country. All lettering will be done In Ihe nratcst and ruort Improved style. TV. M. DAVGHEKTY. Sunbnry, Jan. II, 1873. J. F. LERCH'S 3fCABR7A&EAIfI. WAGON MAKLXGt. ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT 8T., SUNBURY, PA. Vsni?i.r.s or aix Kimis maps to Uhdhk. Tho latest styles nnd the best workmnnhlp. Sntnples tnnv be seen at the shop. Give him call. Hunbnry, Dee. 7, 1R72. ly. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIUL, Respeetfu'.ly Informs the citizens of Bunbnry and vicinity, that he has opened a TAILOR SHOP, on Fomth Street, below Market, in the Mullen ! building, and thut ho Is prepared to make up all I kinds oi (.KXTS' AX!) BOV.1 KCITN, In the latest slvles. Having had much exper ience in ilia business he desires the public to give ' hlin a trial. ' Clothing will be made up la th lst'-st Pails , and American Fashion lu ths most satisfactory I manner. Aiig.n.'TJ.-lf. CHARLES MAIHL. " MACIlllXE ftlioi' A.D IU09I rOlXDRT. GEO. ROIIKBACII A SONT?, Kuiibnrj', Penn'a, INPORM the public that thev are preparsn to j do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added I a new Machine Shop in connection with their ! Foundry, and have supplied themselves with Sew Lathes, Pinning aud boring Machines, with the latest improvement.!. With the aid of skillful j nuchanies, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be glvn them, iu a satisfactory man ner. (JrnteM to sjnit hut NIoyo. IRON OOLCMNS, for chit re bus or other build ings, of till sues. BRASS CASTINGS, Jte. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS; I VERANDAHS, The PLOW Si, ulrtady celebrated fur their nn pertorltv, have been still further Improved, aud will always lie kept on hand. Also. THREHH1.NU MAC1IISE8. ' ' Punbury, MMjWJ . :. . I.1MK1.K AND llli.I0 .MII.LN. . r .. ni.i-.t Ui .jtKi ri.tt.. A V 1? i , - Ixiuares North of thcvttral Hotel, SCS'BI RY, PA. IRA T. CLEMEST, IS prtiiantrl to furnish every dcscrlptiosHoflutn bcr rcintrctl by the demands of the pabliuv Huvinn aJi the latest Improved .TOau-ltinery' fir i manufacturing Luuber,'hels now ready to ttrrt' tiers all studs or FLOORING, SIDING. DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDA8, BRACKETS, aud all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWnrk. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I. JkliOlt ASSOKTMKST OK HILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingle, Pickets, Lathe, kc. Orders promptlv tilled, and shlpiietl bv Railroad orotla-raise. " IRA T. CLEMENT. declll-l'iHily VIOVK A TIX i:NTAUtl!II.Uf..T. MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRALE, Froptitlor. I SICCKSSOK TO 6.MITU O EN TIIK It. J HAVING purchased the ulaivewell known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would resaflfnl ly inliiim the public that hu nuw has on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Scr's Cook Anti-Ditst, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to tie used for Coal or Wood, anil are warranted to perform sutUl.tetoil Iv or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up tn lien! one or mure rooms. HEATING STOVES of tlilli lent kinds lit very low price. Tin wit re I" Esery Ueaeriplion kept constantly on bund. Rooting and Spouting with the la-st iiialeilal, done at short notion. REPAIRING attended to with di-paUh. Coal Oil ai d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a a.inl.'. Store opposite Conley's hardwaro store. Give tne a call. A, KRAUSE. nplM-ly W. H. Dlanks, HOUSE, SIG3ST, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY', PENN'A. Decorating aud Paper Uaoglrg don lu the late.1 Improved style. Order sollcilml, which will receive protnptt ten lion. ' Reaidenee In Purdytown, Emerlek' building. . Suubury, May 11, l7','.-lf. "TTAXTED Responsible men Local ) Agent to sell Fruit and oruatueuval tree lu neighborhood her tny resUle. To the right lmrties very lilseral term aud an opportu nlty to establish a safe and prollta'jle buslnetw. Addres TUo IHiigce cV Conrad Co., Wholasal Suiacrymeo, West Grove, tliswtavCo,, Pa. Vttv. M.laTt.-Sia, fit rtlMtUQEfUnS. 3 1312. tiRANII OPEKI.NU or FALL AXD WINTER GOOD8, at the Ptore of Heed It rot her A tteRhol, (successors to 8. O. Itced Bro.) COMPRISING OF DRY GOODS of every description nnd variety such as !). noons, .liEHiNtia. Wi'itifr.iKS. bATiya, Amu. cas, Poplins, &c.,Vijiis fiut hkv (iot.ti, Hiiawi.s and Coats, Tlosir.i.r, ntida , Full Absortment of Konoxri, which are being sold at the lnwet Cash PrlttS. Al.0, GltOCEKIKS AND PROVISIONS, pure and fresh. Qceensware, Glabs ae, and Wood akd Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hnnd. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, nlw.os on liand. BOOTS AND S II O E S from the celebrated hand ma.lo Boot aad 8o! Mmmnietory of W'atsontown, fur MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READ l'-MADE CLOTHING, of all elzes nnd of the tntest stvies. FLOUR. A coustnnt supplyiif wcteru white wheat flour a speciality. The pnbllc are Invited to tn',1 and examine onr Goods tree of chargr. our motto is iuk Sales and Small Pn.Hts," and to nicase nli. " I he highest prices ill be aid for all kinds of country procure, Hy strict attention t hutneis nnd keep' i ' at all tlnit'B tlie most complete ivk. unil iieii ; g nt the lowest prices, wc hope to merit a f all s'.ntrt of pittrouag.e. REED BROTH Eli & SEARHOLTK. Bunbiiry, .Nov. a, 7i.-ly. X EV UOOR ! SKW UOODK : t Jictst "enii. F. J. BYtOD. Informs ihe cltlseu rl Stii.hitry nurl vicinity, that he has teeti veil his i.n l'C astui tnn nt of Dry (iothls nnd e.liini; them eli -iip fir ctb ul hi' Mi re room, corni r Tutrd iii.'l l-...rc h -t ro. '., M"MHM?V, PA., Ills st ik .'.ii:ia?t illirt f.i -i'erlfs. The D ill lit , t niiiM"te. 'u.vilti- n HllIlM1 iMiini mi f S I'aliet'i, DvLi. , l ii:inls" ilC. r is .! 'lea t ofl.e, : Clt.t 1H, C'lt.v ' ami cVci i TV; t.i sre si 1 1 fresh. u'lJ . M!.ises, bpiccs, M'-.i:. ' ve. too in ;ms ieMit;. Uillow-Wure Had ;:iksiU a general assortment, in fuel eV' t-vthlug r- S.C, in a lirst-cla-s .-ton, cm be nad at the most reast-'iii.l 'e pr.Ce- for cai-h. Having located in fe r.ib.n v fur the pnrpot pi becoming one of it eitieus, 1 hos- that by fri dealing and strict rtl' -.' ifii to bitsiiio.o to tuerit a share of the Jut.;ie jutrmtage. My innl'ij is "KiiiiiH PrnBit ui i (Juici. S lit All are ctir:li;t!',y ii-vit -A i , ( my goods, as no cl.uvi j !'! Ii- :d in .1- r sl.es- ing them. f j I y r. - r Buubtiry, O-t. l'J, 117:; A. M. MF.IXELL, i8.l;: is merlcMn uud l'nrojeni WATCH I.N. ! FIXE JEWELRY and SILVEUWAaK IrfVettl hpee'aele and Kye rjHlft-S. GOIJ) HEADED CANES. Wstches and Jewelry neat'.y repslred and war ranted. Market t-innre, SUNBCRY, Ps Feb. 8. lS7i.-tf. W. D. M E LIC K, Druggist And Aiiotliecary. (Successor to Dr. W . W. Moody.) At the old established stand on Murltet Suare, M.DIHY, P.t. Keeps (onttauliy on hand a full stock of wol, selected t DRUGS & CHEMICALS, I , I Druggists Fancy Goods. 1 COMBS, BBUfcHEa, i PERFL'MtRT. P AT EXTM1-1)1 TIVKS. (Ill S P Al VT.s - i t GLASS, PUTTY, TAiisiMi, nvi:vrrrrn. fact everything usually kept in a wail na- : In ductel IDPITJO STORE. Particular attention paid to coroitoundlug Pbt slcintis prescriptions aud family receipt by ths propriutor jiime:f. buiilmrj, Pa., Juue 6, 1673. book: A0EST8 SUM TUB GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES : 1300 PAGES AND oOO ENGRAVINGS Writcu by 'JO Eminent Authors, Including JOHN B. OOl'GU AMI HOKACK OKKII.ET. Thl work is a complete history of all branches of Industry, processes of manufacture, etc., In all ages. It is a complete encyclopedia of art and inanufactarca, and is the most entertainiug and valuable work of Information on ubJeetof gn. eral interests ever offered to the public. W want Ageut lu every town of thu United Slates, and no Agent can fail to do Well witb thl book. One agent sold 133 copies In" eight days, anothei sold 8A8 in two week. Our agent in nartford old 317 In one week. Specimen tent free on t. ceipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED FOR TUK FUNNV SIDE OF riiYSTC. SOU PAOI.S, S5U ESOBAVInO. An interesting and auitisiug treutism on Ibv Medical Humbugs of the part and present. It exposes IJuaeks, Impostors, Travelling Doctor. Patent Medicine Venders, Noted l'einule Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, uud gives Interest ing accounts of Noted Physicians aud Narrative of their live. It reveals startliug aeerei and Instructs all bow to avoid thu ill wbicb deb. I heir to. We give exrlusiva territory and liberal commission. For circulars an 4 tsrtus syddrr. Ike publisher.. J. B. BfKR BT3B, Hartford, Cons., oi Chicago, Ul. rsslland Mistier Sayle) SliUtiicty. Qo4ff, HATS, CAPS, and BONSBT8, RIBBONS, J.ACB8, FLOWERS, FI1TUEUH, Crap, Silk, baiius, Turqnolss, Crajm acd I.ssa Veil. . ., . Triiuiuiug of vorj Deacrltioi from New York and PbUadelpbia, jut opoed and for 'alo at unusually low price. ( U and cxaruluu aud be coavlneed. - MISS I.. SlliSSLKR, Mrkt Siitiar. South 4iS. flaaharv, P Sitstihni). 0ti . tY.