Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 08, 1873, Image 1

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m rcvumva kvkhy smubdat bt
BM'L WILVEHT, Proprietor,
Maom A Dkshtftor' Bttlltilcig, Market Square,
At In Advance.
II Hot paid wlluln e Month .
gubicrlpHont takttiforUmthaK Ha JfonMi.
OoritcTTT with thU establishment hi an exten
itrNEW JOBOrKICE.oontalnlnga variety of
Mi ami fancy typ equal to any establishment
the hiUrlor of tin State, for which the patron
age of the rubllc to retpoctfnlly solicited.
Attorney at Law,
Sunbury, Pa
Meveuiber 9, 1873. tf.
Nunbnry, Pcun'.
Ofllee oa Front Straat, next door to Haas A
?ffle Hour. Until 8 am. Prom 19 to 1 p m.
From S to A p m., and after 9 o'clock p m.
At all other hourt when not professionally en
gaged, can be found at Drug Store, on Third it.,
next to Clement Bouse. augS,'7a.-ly
SB. BUYER, Attorney nnd Counsellor
at Law. Rooms Nor. 3 a U Boeond Floor,
Bright' Building, 8UNBURT, PA. Profession
busiuess attended to, iu the courts of Nortlium
berland and adjoining counties. Also, in tlio
Ch-tuit and DMriet Courts for the Western DIs
trlet of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect
ad. Particular attention paid to cam Ut Bunk
rweUy. Conciliation eaa ha bad lu the tier
Bta language. mnr35,'71.
nTnttlSIE,' Attornev at Law, BUN
BURY, PA., office In Masser' Building
near the Court Ilouse. Front Room up stairs
abeve the Drug Store. Collections made In Nor
thumberland nnd adjoining couutles.
unbsry, Pa., Juue 8. 1873.
Til. R. KMC. Attorney at Law, 8UK-
BURTf.P A. OUleo in the Clement Build.
41ugs, second flour. Entrance on Market street.
Professional business in this and adjoining coun
ties promptly attended to.
Buubttry, March 1, ISW.-ly.
J ii. nillKLG A CO, Market Street,
Dealer In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Ml, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
PeekM Books, Dairies, &e.
SP. WOLVERTOM, Attorney at Law.
Market Square, SPNBURY.PA. Profession
al business lu this and adjoining couutles prompt
f attended to.
(l A. REIMESttWTDER, Attorney at
Law, SUNBUBr, PA. All business en
trusted to bis care attended to promptly and witb
diligence. nplS7-67
HR. MAMSKU, Attorney ut Law, SCN
e BURY, I'A. Collections attended to iu
the counties of Northumberland, Cidou, Snyder,
Montour, Colutubiu and Lyoom'mg. upUO-69
AM. BKICE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury,
Pa. Office In Masonic llall Building.
Collection af claims, writings, and all kinds of
legal business attended to carefully and with
dispatch. .April 8, 18)71. ly.
Oflie at bis residence on Arch street, one sqnare
north of the Court House, near the Jail, BUN
BL'EY, PA. Collections and all professional
business promptly altauded to In this and adjoin
ing eountlc. Consultation can be had in the
(arinaa laneuac. Ju!ySJ7-18-J.
Ofllee In Tlnupt' Building, lately occupied by
Judge Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbnch, Esq.
Collections and all professional business
fir'iuptly attended to In the Courts of Northum
berland and adjolulug couutles.
Dec. 8. 1871.
JJ 1 -Ll ML- 1 I J IX I J U - - - - i
hotels nxib Scstanrants.
?. KITCKEN, Pbovbiitob,
M r. Carmbl, Noktu'd Coohtt, Pa.
Centrallv located In the town, and ample ac
commodations famished to the traveling public.
A eonveydne runs to and from every passenger
train free of charge.
Jaly 87, 1872.
Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second
Streets, opposite tbe Court House, Sunbury,
pa. May38,'70.
Proprietor, Nos.812 and 814 Market 8reet,
above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, S3
per day. n respectfully solicit yonr p:iiron
aga. " Jun8'7'J.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
County, Pn., at the Station of the N. C. R. W.
Choice wines and cigars at the bar.
The table is supplied with the best the market
affords. Good stabling and attentivo ostlers.
LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having Jut refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of tba public, ia now prepared to
servt alt friends with the bast refreshments, and
I'resb Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, aud all other malt
JOSIAH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha
noy township, Northumberland county. Pa.,
on the roHd lending; from Georgetown to Uuion
town, Smith Inn. Trevorton Pollaville, &c.
Tbe choicest Liquors and Segars nt tliubar.
The tables are provided witb the best of the sea
son. Stubllng large and well suited for drovers,
with good ostlers.
Every attuution paid to make gue.ts comforta
ble. Nov. 11, 1871,-lv.
lj 1 - j.- weg
nsincss vCarbs
Oprir wtm Haas, Faoei.t t Co.,
Order left at g tasholti & Bro's., otllcs Market
treat, will receive prompt attention. Country
nstom respectfully solicited.
Feb. , 1871. tf.
VALENTINE R-IETZ, Wholesale aud
Retail dealer In every variety of
All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal.
Order solicited and 011e promptly. Orders left
at 8. F. Nevln's Confectionery Store, on Third
treet, will recieve prompt attention, aud money
receipted for. the same as at the ollica.
THE uudertigned having connected the Coal
business with bisextrnsiva FLOUR A GRAIN
trada. is prepared to npptv families witb the
Egg, Stove and Nut, conslautly op baud. Grulu
taken in cxehang for Coal.
Snsibqry, Jan. U, 1870. tf.
i fltnipswt'j BuiUUiuj, Jnret Squart,
Sumbdit, Pa
1 prepared to do all kind of work pertaining
to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand
larg assortment of Teeth, and other Dentul
material, from which he will be able to select,
ana nieewio want or Dl customer.
All wont warranted to give satisfaction, or !!,
Th very bast Mouth Wash aud Tooth-Po wdr
kept on Katul.
Uls rafaranosa r th nnmsront patron far
Am tt
It kata worked ft ,B txv yt
ftobirsT. A pail St, 1SV.
nTT lT T.TT T.Tr ' ' A Ik !f Tl K 'WM 11T ';
U U,ll U U XH JL . JOl ILL JU JL X J 1;1 :.
. . . . ; , ' , - - . i. .. - . TI'Vo inn's it.'J.V T.ftt'j'i
. ' ' "" ' ' ' 1 ...... Ttuv ;;.;o .(.;
Istabtlehed In 1H40.
jpcto bbciiiscmcnts.
oAo"tTc!RA bros?,
Shippers and Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In
(lower wnxnp.J
MP Bole Aleuts, westward, at the celebrated
Henry Clay Coal. Jnn 19-Qa
Tb Fall and Winter stock of Ooods at
Minn L. Wclser'i Store,
Market Street, Sunbnry,
Every article in the line of Millinery Ooods can
be purchased at her estnblismcnt, cam
prising of
and all the lending styles of ladies' Millinery
NOTIONS, a general Variety. HANDKER
The ladles of Sunbury and vicinity ure lnvitrd
to call and examine Ike gem goods now In my
November 16, 1873.
Just received from the cities aa entire new
stock of Millinery Ooods, consisting of
Feathers, Frames, Laces, Ribbons,
and all the leading styles of fine Millinery.
I have spared neither pains nor expense to
tnnke my Fall Stock one of the most attractive
ever offered to the citizens of Sunbury and vicin
Ly. All arc Invited to call and examine my stock.
4 IS Boulh Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. K.,
Nov. 2, 1872.
Miss Ivate Black,
Market Square Sunbury, Fax,
Plaid aud Plain Popllus, Woretot and Embrol
erlet, Worsterd Sacks and Shawls for
Ladies and Cbildreu. All
. Winds of
A general assortment of White Goods, Dre-n
Trimmings, Laces, &e. A general variety of
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose for ladles and gen
Everybody 1 Invited to call aud see tbem
buy cheap.
Is the enlv Known Remedy for Itrhrlit's Dis
ease and has cured every cav nf Dinln'lfi' Id
which It ha own irlveu. Irritation of the Neck
cf the Ulsdiisr and Innninmatlon of the Kiilnoys,
ricerallnn of the Kidneys and Kladdrr, K.-tcu-tlon
of Urine, Dlncatrs of the I'nmtate tllsnd,
btone In the Bladder, Gravel. llrl k Un.t Pepit,
and Mucous or Milky KiHchorijeK. and for Eu
fitbled and DelienteCnnatitutiuimuf both Sexr,,
attended with Hie following symptom: I.o.s
of Power, Loss of Memory, jiifbcully f Breath
ing. Weak Nerves, Wakefulnef , Pain In th
Back. Flushingof the Body, Eruption on the l'nee,
I'allid t'ounteuani-c, Ijassitudenf theSynem. '
l:scd by peraotis ia tin deciuie or ehan'
Bfe; after ronUneiosut or labor paius, bed-v. 1
tuig in cbildreu, etc
In many alleotions pcenllar to ladles, the i...
trart Bui ha is unniiisfed by any other n iiu ily
As tnC'lUorosis or Retention, Irregularity, l'K.a
I ulness or Suppression of Customary Kvacuations,
Vlcerated or bclilrrus state of the 1'terua, Leu
oorrhu'a or Whites. Sterility, and for all com
plsint incident to the sex. It is preacrihed
extensively by the moat eafctuent Physicians nnd
Midwives fur enfeebled aud delicate cuiiatitu
tinns of both sexss aud all acs.
l"vrM Dimattt Aiitivq from I'niirvdenctt,
H1U14 of IMttiiHitUin. t'U., In all their nfc, at
little expense, little or no c hange In diet, no in
convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fre
quent delre, and elves strength to urinate,
thereby removing Otn'truetiona.l'reveiitini; ami
Curiuft Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain
and luflammation, so frequent in thia clue of dia
caaea, aadexpelllug all polaouous matter.
1.00 per bottle or six lttles for 5.00, delivered
to any sddresa, secure from observation. Bold tijr
oruiictaU even whew. Prepared by '
KBAIINEY CO., 104 Duane St., N. V.
to whom ail letter for information should bet
So Oliarg for Advio and Oontoltatlon,
thr. J. B Ihjoll. Grsdtiste of J-ftrton lltdirid
OotUgt, I'hUadeJphis. author of MVeral vabuthl
worka, can be consulted on all diruasss of I ha
Sexual or Urinary Ureaus. (which ha has uiuile
aa especial study), either In male or female, no
matter from what rsuse orhrtualini,', or of how
Iodk standing. A practice of DO years enables
him to treat disease with success. Cures guar
anteed. Charge reaauiiablo. Those at a dis
tance ran forward letter describing symptoms,
aud enclosing stamp to prepay postage.
Mend for the '.ui.i. hi Umiui. 1'rice 10 centa
J. JJ, PVUTT. M. U., Fbyaiclaa and buxgiMas,
HA OtUM Au, Horn Xoii.
February 8, 1878. ly.
IsTew Goods !
Dry Goods, Notions, Furnirihing
Goods, GrocerieH, Oil Cloths,
Glasti aud Naila
of every variety, at one low price,
Keefer & Bassler's Store,
Corner of Fourth and Market Streets,
All kiuds of Grain taken lu exchange tame a
cash. Call aud tee us.
Bunbnry, Feb. 1, 1873.
D02 Chestnut Street,
Sav now ready their magnificent stock of
902 Ohetuut 8t GOa
Physician of this celebrated Institution, ha
discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and
effectual remedy In the world for all
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Affection of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun
tary Discharge, Impotency, General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low
Spirits, Confaslon of Ideas, Palpitation of
flie Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness
of Sight or GlddlnesB, Disease of tbe Head,
Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lungs,
6tomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habit of Youth those
crrct and solitary practices more fatal tq their
victims than the song of Syren to tbe Mariner
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope
of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, Impos
sible. IOUNQ MEN
especially, who have become the victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave
thousands of yonng men of the most exalted
talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening-Senates with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to testacy tbe
living lyre, may cull witb full confidence.
Married Persons or Young Men contemplating
marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss
of Procrcative Power Impotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
He who places himself under the care of Dr. J.
may religiously confide in his honor a a gentle
man, and confidently rely unon his skill as a Pb v
Impotency, Lofs of Powor, immediately Cured
and full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing Affection which renders Life
miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalty
paid by tbe victims of Improper Indulgences.
Young persons are too apt to commit excesses
from not being aware of the dreadful conseqences
that may eusuu. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling into
improper" habits than by the prudent 1 Besides
bring deprived the plcasuresof healthy offspring,
the most serious and destructive symptoms to both
body and mind arise. Tbe system becomes de
ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions
cakencd, Loss 01 t rocreative rower, .Nervous
Irritability, Dyepeptwi, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Dobility, a Wasting
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay aud
Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten
ders who keep thorn trilling month after mouth,
taking poisonous and Injurious compounds,
should apply immediately.
Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Lon
don, Wrsduntcd from one of tbe most eminent
Colleges In the United States, aud the greater
part of whose ife has been spent in the hospitals
of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere,
has effected some of tbe most astoniobing cures
that were ever known ; many troubled w 1th ring
lug In the bend and cars when asleep, great
nervousness, being alurmcd at sudden sounds,
bashl'iilness, witb frcqueut blushing, attended
sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured
Dr. J. addresses all those who have lnjurrd
themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary
habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting
lliem lor cither business, study, society or mar
riage. Tuksk are some of the sad ana melancholy
etlccta produced ty early hublts of youth, vis:
Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the
Back nnd Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the lleurt, Dyspepsy,
Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Diifcslive
Functions, General Debility, ayuiptoui of Con
sumption, eVc. The fearful effects on the mlud
are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil
Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Svlf-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, etc., are some of tbe
evils produced.
Tuoi'sakds of persona of all ages can now
Judge w hat is the cause of their declining health,
losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous
uud emaciated, having a singular appearance
about the eyes, cough aud symptoms of consump
Who have injured themselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged in when aloue, a habit frequently
learned from evil companions, or at acusol, the
effects of which are nightly felt, eveu when
uMlcep, nnd if uot cured, reuders marriage impos
sible, aud destroys both tuiudsaud body, should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hnpaof his
country, the darling of bis parents, should be
snatebci from all prospects and enjoyments of
life, by the consequence of deviating from the
path of nature and indulging In a certain secret
bubit. Such persons ui'bt, before contemplating
reflect thut a sound mlud aud bevly are the most
necessary requisite to promote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without these, tbe Joarney through
life becomes u weary pilgrimage; the prospect
l'Oiirly darkens to the view ; the mlud becomes
shadowed with despair aud tilled with the melan
choly retlection, that the huppiuvss of uuotber
become blighted with ourowu.
When tbe misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure finds thut he has Imbibed the seeds of
this pumrul disease, it too otleu happens thut an
ill-timed sense of shame, or dreud of discovery,
deter him from applying to those who, from
education uud respectability, can aloue befriend
him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ol
this horrid tliseuse make their uppeurauce, such
a ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uoctural
pains lu the head and limbs, dimness of sight,
deafness, nodes on the ehiu bone mid anus,
blotches on the heud, face uud extremities, pro
gressing with frightful rapidity, till ut last the
pulute of the mouth or the bones of tbe nose fall
in, aud the victim of this awful disease becomes
a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts
a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending
lit its to "that l uaiscovcrea country troiu whence
no traveller returns."
It ia a melancholy fact thut thousands DIE
victims to this terrible disease, through fulling
into the bunds of Ignorant or unskillful PRE
TENDERS, who, by the use or that deadly Poi
son, Mercury, cVc, detroy the constitution, and
lucapable of curing, keep tbe unhappv sufferer
month after month taking their noxious or in
jurious compounds, and Instead of being restored
to a renewal of Life Vigor aud Uappiuess, iu des
pair leave him with rulued Health to sigh over
his galling disappointment.
'1 o such, therefora, Dr. Johnstom pledges him
self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, and
from his extensive piactlee aud observation iu
the greut Hospitals of Europe, and ths first lu
this country, viz i England, France, Philadelphia
and elsewhere, is enabled to offer tbe most cer
tain, speedy and effectual remedy in tba world
for all demises of imprudence.
Baltimoiib, M. D.
Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few
doors from the corner. Fail uot to observe uutne
uud number.
lf No letters received unless postpaid uud
containing a stamp to be ased on tbe roply. Per
sons wriuug should stats age, aud seud a portiuu
of advlrtiscment describing ymploina.
There are so uutuy Paltry, Uesiguing and
Worthless Impusters advertising tbeinsolve a
Pbvaictuu. trilling witb aud ruiuiug tha health
of all who unfortunately full into their power,
thut Dr. Johustou deem it necessary to say es
pecially to those unacquainted with hi reuula
tlon thut hi Credential or Diploma always
hang in bis office.
The many thousand cured at this Establish
xuMit, year after year, and lb aumerou ttu
portant Surgical Operations pecfotmed by Dr.
Johnston, witnessed by th rvracntatie of LUe
prea and many othea paper, notice of which,
have appeared again and again before the public,.
agam ana again Deiore tno puouc,.
beside bis standing a a gentleman of character
and repuoibiiity, l a .uukieut guarantee to tba
affiketad. Bbiu dleae speedily eur4.
Mrtv V, im. ly
airs antj Mtirfces.
"I don't 800 why it would bo very tvroug
for me to know what was la tlio will.'
Tha spcaktir was a bright, hauilsome girl
of seventeen liena Crocker tlio gruud
daughter of old Stephen Crocker, whoso
death a day or two before had brought sor
row to few hearts. Twa grand-children
Horaco Wharton and Ilena were his only
relatives and constituted his family. Ho
race was as mean of act and disposition as
the old man hiniHolf. Ilena wus a beauty
and an amiable girl when she chose. There
certainly were intervals when pride and
disdain were her more marked character
istics, but Hcua's eyes wore her prand ir
resistibility. Talk of diamonds! The flash
aud play of those wondrous living gems of
fered something inlluitcly more lustrously
changeable. It was, however, a brilliancy
at restless, as little to bo caught and fath
omed, as the bright Vagaries of a jack-'o-lantern
on a wall. Young as she was, He
na was a worldly-minded coquette to the
very core already. She had iuherited all
the disposition and qualities of her mother,
a celebrated beauty in her day. 1 it other ,
respects Ilena Crocker wits decidedly a'
youtig lady of the period. Very certainly
she bclougod to her times iu her resolution
to get well married, thnt is to say, to some
person of wealth and statiou. Both to
gether if possible, but the former prefera
bly. And then to eujoy herself at the ut
most swing of fashionable dissipation and
luxury for the remaiuder of her existence.
"I don't sue how it would be any harm,"
continued lleua, "as I wouldu't" do any
thing but read it, aud there's no knowing
how it might be tampeied with by that
rascally cousin of mine before it is read
next Saturday. I imagine grand-father
left the bulk of his piopcrty to me, but
there's no telling what notion the old fool
mny have got into his head."
liena was aiouo iu her chamber. To
think was to act with her. She kuew that
a will, drawu up and signed by tlio old
man a year before his death, was in a desk
in the diny old library. She. had often
seen it and wondered what were the con
tents so closely scaled from her eyes. It
was dusk, and as she stole along through
'.he dreary hall she half relented, aud linally
paused on the very thresliliold of the room
site was seeking. Then, chiding herself
for her weitkuess, she stole in, got the key
of her grandfather's desk, aud opeued the
drawer. There lay the will, sealed as bhe
had ollcn seen it.
"Hut I'm no better off than before," she
muttered. "1 cau'topen it."
It was useless to peep into its fold only
detached words could be seeu. But Ueua
wus uot Inclined to be bitfllud in her curi
osity. And she was as fertile in resources
as tlie wildest of her sex. Lighting a gas
jet she warmed the large wax seal. Then
witu tlie blade ot a pocket kuite she care
fully loosened it. It was done. Tbe doc-
uiiiiriL lav iionn heioi-H tier. ITer ivea ra
pidly cluvourad iUuoutuutu, uutl her cheeks
paled with auger.
"The miserable old dotard ! " she cried.
The cause of her displeasure was the un
pleasant and surprising fact that her grand
father had not left her a solitary ccut.
Every particle of his ample fortune went
to Horace Wharton. Her first motive was
to destroy the will; but a second thought
detained 'her. She feared the consequences
of such uu act. Again slightly hsMtiug the
seal she real Used it in its place, replaced
the will iu the drawer, aud went back to
her room.
After the first gust of rage had some
what subsided she Bat dowu to quietly
thiuk the tualter over. There seemed but
oue way to retain auy portion of the for
tune, and that was marrying her cousiu
Horace. She hated him heartily; yet her
vanity had always told her that he ad
mired her. 'jhe kuew her beauty, and
overestimated its eflect u; on her stolid
"But live days remain before the open
ing of the will," sue mused; "before that
time I must lure Horace into au oiler of
About the time that lleua was gaining
her surreptitious kUowludgeof theconleuts
of the will, her wealthy cousiu Horace was
seeking after precisely similar information.
Betaking himself to tbe office of Hartuuu
XcwtM, the lawyer who had been iutrusled
mainly with the legal business of his grand
father, he louud thai geuilemau alouu. Ho
kuew something of the lawyer's character,
aud at once proceeded to busiuess.
"You drew up my graudlalhcr'a will, did
you not 'f" he asked.
"How long ago ?"
"About six mouths. He had prepared
oue a year ago, bul this makes uu cutirely
dillereul dispositiou of the property."
"Aud what is that disposition 'f"
The lawyer smiled.
"1 have uo right to tell you," he said
"Bul you would tell tuu if sutUcieut rea
sons were advanced':1"
"if the, reasons were couviuciug enough,
- ..... ... . , , , n... :..
"Would two uuuurcu uonar couviuoo
"Five hundred?"
Horaco counted out the sum from his
pocket-book, which he had tilled for ex
actly this contingency, and the lawyer took
it, carefully couutud it, aud trausterred it
to his own wallet.
"N he said, "you may prepare
yourself for the worst possible uews. You
ure, by this will, cut off from every dollar
of your urandfather's estate."
, "You are certain of this?"
"Of course I atu. I drew the will and
saw it signed. The previous will left all to
you, but your grandfather was whimsical.
There came a change iu his feelings, caused
by some real or fuueied luiscouduct of
yours, aud so he Jell all to your cousin
Horace was angry. He cursed his dead
relative rouuu.y, u..m. u.o .wv ...u.uu
Uitn that curses were less. umbvr. we should select Doyenne d'Ele, '
"But what can I do but curscr" he , Uu0(J:,0'(, TyHli Belle Lueral
.i1!.'. . M mi .-., . . i . .. . i I live, tiitl'ard, Seckul. L iwre.uix) and Head-
J-Z"t? fZ' ? ripen iu the order they are ar-
meantime ask lleua to marry you." 0"f Uie nb()VB f,clu,nU 8ti Wom l t(J 5 nro
"But she wouldn't d it, she hates me." lsu,nmer varieties, from ti to 13 autumn,
"It's your ouly chauce, aud is worth the ua 10 to lrt winter, thus affording a sulti
trial." icieut uumber foe each of the period of the
'Couldu't you destroy this last will?" jtgt knowu sort for this region. We have
''No.t is not iu my possession. The Ircpped tlio Anjou that we have utterly
uld man had it among his papers some-1 Ivied with. j
where; aud, lietides, there were two honest ll will be seen that we have added the
witnesses. Has vour cousin a, lovocV" j leading, aud are satiUkd that it is fully
Vo I think m-.l" ettillcd to a Dlace in our- Liat of standard
. - -v - - . . .... .
i uu, ucuc.o iuo, wo av.i.
, otaance is to play for the fortuue through,
I marrying her."
'Wen," said, ttortee, wltK very little
MARCH 8. 1873.
hope 1st' his tono, "it's a mighty slim
chance, but I'll try It." and went away.
That afternoon the cousin met in the
parlor. Each greeted the other with a cor
diality long unknown iu their cousinly in
tercourse. They even chatted pleasantly,
congratulating themselves upon tlio man
ner in which they were opening the giinie.
"You must be quite oppressed with the
gloom of this old house," said Horace, as
lie was about to go, "and I think a ride
might do you good. I will be pleased to
take you this afternoon, if you would do
me the honor."
' "Xothiug would please me butter," re
plied the beauty, with a winning smile.
The ride was had. Each of the plotters
endeavored to be agreeable. Horace was
bland and attentive, ltena sat distract
ingly close to him, was as amiable as a
woman knows how to be when she tries,
and used her matchless eyes with killing
otl'uv-t. They dined on the road, aud re
turned in tlio evening. Aud when they
parted for the night ltena allowed Horaco,
for the first time in her life, to kiss her.
This great change in their demeanor to
ward each other should have aroused mu
tual suspicion, but it didn't. They were
blinded by the glitter of the golden stake.
' During the next day Horace remained
ucarly all day in the house, aud in the so
ciety of his cousin. He proposed going to
the theatre in the eveuiug, but Heua urged
the impropriety of so doing. Their grand
father's reeeut death would make it highly
Improper in the eyes of their frieuds.
"But wecaugo to Brooklyn," suggested
Horace, "nobody will know us there."
i To which the beauty, assented, and Ho
race kissed her. She didn't resent his im
pudence. On the contiary, her lips clung
to las in a gentle, thrilling rejoinder.
They went to the theatre, grew confiden
tial and loving, nnd supplemented
good night kisses with a bug.
"I'm progressing tremendously. To
morrow i will propose to her," so thought
"I'm bringiug him around fatuously,"
thought Kcna. "He will come to the point
iu a day or two."
'Aud come to the point he did on the fol
lowing Friday the day before the opening
of the will. He swore undying love ljr her.
She ufl'ected sruprise; wan sullieit utly coy
lor appearance, but confessed to itUHt'deut
passion for him. Both lies found believiug
cars. After a large amount of liugiu
aud kissing, which 11 n occasion like this
demauus, they discussed the practical de
tails. "I am impatient for the happy event,"
he said, squeezing her hand.
"And so atu 1," she replied, returning
the pressure gently.
"But grandfather's recent death "
"Bother grandfather," pouted Ilena.
'"Couldn't we manage it somehow'!1"
He feared for his chauees when slit
learned he was peunilcss.
"We can try." .
She was only anxious to have it settled
before he discovered her poverty.
"I'll tell you, Keua," he said, as if
struck by a new idea, "we mi"ht gel mar
ried privately, and keep it a secret uulil a
tJoo'wuiun aiuouut ol'ttiuo has elapsed.
s you please, dear Horace
"When shall we have the ceremony per
"As soon as possible that is, I nieau an
booii as you desire it."
"To-morrow moruiug?"
Two happier people than t!i. on-tiii.
didn't go to bed that night.. Kich was
self congratulatory uud triuii, l.a-u.
Iu the morning they went i:i a c.uti.t.''
to a minister unknown to cilhc; :w w, ic
"Why, it's one o'clock," said Horace, as
they re-entered the carriage. "We have
just time euouglt to go to the surrogate'
ollice and have grandfather's will read."
They arrived there to find several law
yers and the executors nssemliled. One of
the latter was speaking. He held some
documents iu his hand.
"Here ure three wills, the liisl leaving
his property to Horace Wharton, was made
about a year ago. The secoud, dated six
mouths later, leaves the estate to lleua
Crocker. The third and last, dated three
mouths ago, leaves all to charitable insti
tutions. Of course, only the last is valid
the others are of uo consequeuee."
Uage and hlatik amazement tilled the
laces of the plotting cousins; but they
could do nothing. They rode disconso
lately home iu the carriage. They unbtir
detied themselves of their real sentiments
toward each other. They expressed the
most cordial and mutual hatred for each
other. And they unanimously agreed to
regard the marriage ceremony as null uud
From the (ieniiaHtowu Telcgrt-ph.
Our ltfvUetl
Since the publication of our Iruit list iu
October last, we have for satisfactory rea
sons changed our opinion with respect to a
tew ol flie trulls winch U c ..leiOicil. Dot
in regard to the list us a whole we eau S"c
no just grounds lor dinlurbitit: it. Indeed
we do not see how it could be improved for
this section of country, or as a general list
for all the Middle State. of each of
(he separate selections may not do well
upon oue premises that will succeed admi
rably iu itnolhi r. Each one must iiu.l out
j for himself the particular apple uud pear
i especially adapted to his soil uud location.
( According to our proeeul prcfurcuco, we
should select tiie loilowutg lor our i'Vfi.1
i Doyenne d'Ete,
2 Early Catharine,
3 Bloodood,
4 Summer Juliana,
5 Tyson,
0 Bartlett,
7 Belle Lucrative,
8 B iusock.
it M inning' Elu'h,
10 Scckel,
11 trillard,
12 Howell,
13 Lodge,
14 Sheldeti,
1 llutter.
Id Lawrence,
17 Feaster,
18 Heading.
Vr those who mav desire a smalbr
.- ,, , . , ,..".
.,. "V -
! nsthe BarUett, and l a brisk, spicy and
I Wat lelreshing fruit. It gave u much'
vistrtion last year, it will easily keep
New Merles). Vol. 4, Vo, 49
Old Nerie, Vol. S3, No. 14.
into March or later with cure. We have
also added the Butter and ask for it a trial.
dwarf rnAns.
1 St. Michael, d'- 7 Belle Lucrative,
Archango, 8 Lawrence,
2 Bnrtlott, 9 Dearborn's Seed
3 Cornice, ling,
4 Hostierer, , 10 Feastcr,
5 Diei, 11 Bosc,
6 Tyson, 12 Boussock.
1 Maiden's Blush,
2 Baldwin.
5 Smith's Cider,
1 Northern Spy,
7 Fttlla water,
8 Cornell's Faucy.
H Smokehouse,
4 Jetleris,
1 Crawford's Early,
2 Hale's Early,
3 York a Early,
4 Old Mixon,
5 Crawford's Lute,
ti Ward's Late,
7 Sinnek,
8 Susquehanna. '
Oil A PES.
1 Telegraph,
2 Concord,
3 Hartford,
4 Clinton,
6 Martin,
0 Crtvoling.
May Duke,
Early Richmond,
Black Tartarian,
Black Eagle,
5 Belle Mnguilique,
0 Down ton,
7 Elton,
8 Kentish or Fio,
Br'mckle's Orange
4 Hemline,
5 Philadelphia,
ti Clarke.
1 TriomphedcGaud I 3 II ovey's Seedling,
2 Giieeu Frolilic, 4 Albany Seedling.
C Lit It A NTS.
1 Black Xaples, 2 lied Duck.
1 Houghton, I 2 Downing.
1 New llochelle. 2 Dorchester,
3 Wilson's Early.
It is better that those who iutetit to cul
tivate fruil aud have to make purchases,
should take this list with them to the nur
sery, and adhere to it an fas as possible.
The amateur, or those who want only a
few varieties, will hud the above list en
tirely reliable, and hence cauuot go wrong
by adopting it.
I From "Whlik.-.v Drips."
Forgot to I'nnitlp the Itautlle.
"You see, Mr. Davis, twenty cows, it
distillery, mid a lurin of a.liLiulred acres,
give me and my four boys a heap o' work
to do ; bul we do it all ourselves ; no hired
folks about anywhere. It donU pay ; they
pry into things too much. So for three or
four year past we've done pretty well, and
ouly "lor our stupid Je leaving that handle
in the pump, they'd never have found us
"l'ump? handle ?" iuterrected Davis.
"Ye. I'll te.ll you bow it was. The
whiskey w'e made uud put in hart els wi
paid tax on. Thai we put dowu the wuli
we "
"Put down the well?" interrupted
Davis anaiu.
"I forgot to sav." continued McKflvoy,
"we have a well that has been tlry three
years anyway. So 1 got a lub it leetlo
smaller in cireuinlereuce than the well, and
made tiht at both etids. nnd slippid il
down, connecting with it I lie old w.hi,-ii
pump that still stood there. When we
look whiskey out we hud to gear her up,
hill unshipped her lively so. hi us we Were
through. So iu looking at, that forlorn old
post without au arm, nobody suspected it
was a head-board for the grave o' whis
key." Somebody did, il sectua," said Davis,
getting interested.
"The ollicers suspected somethinL', and
at dilieretit times searched my bams and
stables and cellars, aud lay out in ll.u lielos
to capture the si ull'as il was taken away.
They frequently seized my tax-paid goods,
but uiwavs released then) uyain in a few
hours. Jlw ilid I ijf l the uliisktij utp ?
Why, just the easiest thing I haa to do.
Y'ou see, 1 ran two iiillk-wa.'ons ami
sometimes ouly one cut) in live was tilled
with milk, and that for use in case a
stranger stood, with pitcher iu hand, by
the roadside to purchase. Niieli instances,
though seldom, occurred. The rest wo
tilled from the pump."
"And was caught at it ?" said Davis.
"No ; uct exactly. The tilling was all
through, and the wa.'ou uuhc. when two of
those t'eveuue fellows popped in uu me he
fore break o' day the inspector hadn't
come yet and turned thiiiL's over gener
ally. They got through at last, aud seined
satisll d all was right. Tueir hands were
pretty dirty ; so I said, leadiu;; the way to
wards the house, '(ientl. tiieii, come iu and
wash your hands. ' One ir them slari d
after me, the other made for the old pump,
ami when 1 turned to look, 1 felt just like
sinking out o' sight. Joe, who used the
pump lust, hud forgot to unship the handle,
and the revenue man's hand was ou it. I
yelled to him. 'That pump di u'l suck !'
U warii'l uo Use. It did suck, aud suit
out a pivlly good slieaiii, which he coin
ineiietd ruhhittg over his li tuds. Hesuilf
ed some, and. pullitii. I ih hands under
his nose, i:.ive a long whistle. Then 1 knew
it vu, ,,11 i, Mill, uie-.'
"You'll jo lo prison." remarked Davis.
"Not if the entire Congressional delega
tion o' il.e Stale cau save tuu," (Aid the
"Ouly so much as lies loose ou the farm
and iu the still-house, uud that don't take
a hundredth pari of my t'ouryetirs' gains,"
replied McKclvey.
I'LOYKKs. Mr. lief In-, ol hulhvilll lounly
recently tutr i'tt: - i a hi. I in the
lily. It is designed for the U tter
sseiii -
tlon of men in tlie employ of railroad eon
panics, and provides thai such tuny receive
compeii.-aiioti for x-isomtl damages st;j
taiued iu the perfortiiaucu ol their duties.
The first section provide that uuy j
railnmd coniany in this State shall be ,
liable for injury or loss of life happcuiog to '
any of its employees, aud that com pensa-'
lieu or da.iiiije8 may Ut recovered iu uu ac
tion in any court ntcomiKU ni jurisdiction. .
.11... - I i I . : ... I .; ;,..!
X lie meuuu uiiii liiuu i i ii"ii iioiiik llliia
his fault, resulting iu the m
leg. or iieruiaucnl uisthilit
. "
,Kr "
rec ivel V-out-
dtsubled shall tie entitled to recovei
penaat.on or damage in an nclmt. at )aw Mk iutst PH)l Ct tiC UU(, R.t u ...
to an atnount not exceeding bve houj uidv Ti , u x , A , ,
dollars ; ami iu case of death r.-su.lltig from r , 11lu .
......i. : i..... i i ... , i tor ust.
ui;ii ncciueui, i.iiu iui;ai l vpivaH iun i v ui '
tlie employee may recover a sum. uot fx
ceeding sevcu tluu;saiid dollars nor less
thau two Uaousanti jftlars as th ot;rt may
ALL the petroleum that Las liven found
In the United States has bceu io,a atrip "f
temwry twenty mile oo an ttverago in
width, extending from Canada to Tenneaee,
parallel with this edire of the secondary for
mation aud the Allegheny mountain range.
Nine-teulhs of the present production
atxKit etgiuy mitM in inin. . :
10 LI nea, or nlHint 100 Tordn, nmtci t tin
I trS
1 i
f..t! a.ov
0.t 10,(v
.3. fin
7.00 liUfr
(MX) 18.0V
o.oi) ir..(,
iO.Oo 0..
;7 ry.'
.) c
I i3.i)0 -JH.oo
.;i.i)ow.o i
V.'iiAT a Boy Know Anorr C ir ..
Girls are the most. uim couiital'i'f i!.on.-s
in ttie world--except a woman. LiSe t';
wicked lb it, when you have then) t'oeyaiu't.
there, I can cipher clean over tni
propi r fractions, and t!m li.aclicr My I
doit Ural-late but I- csu'l cipher teita
girl, proper or itnpwopcr, and you eaivi.
either Tho only ruin in urilli'i'ictio t;iai
hits their case is the dntiblo ntio of two.
Thev are m full of old Nick aa iheir kiii
can h"kl. aud thoy wouM tlie if they
torment botnehody When I hey" try t " l.i
mean tin y arc us utonu bs puImj.v, tivug''.
they Hin'l in menu as they let oa, ou'epi.
! soinetiiiies.ti en tl.ry arcagoMl deal nivm ;r.
j The only way to get along with a airl ". bet;
, she cotiies to you with her nonsmisK, is (t
I give ber tit lor tat, aud that wiil (lti-nn tr.
I her, and when you get a girl lltunntuxi-d
she is as nice as a new pin. A gtri cr'
I s.iw runriT wild oals in a dsy tliiti a boy
j can sow in n yt-ar, but girls got their
j oats sowed altera while, nluch boys nov.t
! do, and tin u they settle down ns calm ai:d
i placid H8 a mud -'puddle. But I like gl: i,
I first-rate, and I etiess thtJo all do. t
, don't en re how inaiiv trick thpy p!v o-
; me ana tury doiri care cillitr. Jiu
hoitytiiitjist girls in the world can fciTry,
boil ov f like n lass of soda. Bv uy
"they wiil get ic.t.o the traces witij s"otii' lr.;--.-they
like, and pull as steady as oi l
stage horse. That is the beauty of r..T,:
So lot them wav, I say i they wt-i par
for it some day, Rewiug o& button ,r. i
, tiyitig to make a deceiit man of lb I'-'.io;
they have spliced on to, and ten cItmv
to oue if they don't gut the worst of it.
COL'STV PAPKtW. The follow !uc,
what the CincinuMti Tra'Jc Lin thiul:;-. .v.'
those characteis who comjilain of 'bt:r
county paper, anil instead of hclpi; f;i
support it semi oil' for largo, city ji;Vaie.
ami thus help to -ustaiu them :
"A geutl,:man writes to us that his tv.;.-,
ty paper is so poor that ho has topped ir. .
therelofe sends us three dollars far fht,
Tra it Lisl Ym revj.a that wo d m't ttaor on those terms. A m.t:;'
county paper is worth more to Um t.l j.3
any other paper in the world, or if it is
it is his own limit, if the county pspor U
properly encouraged, it may bi relied uro;'
for inroriiiiitioii of iuoretva!u'.- to the jcy.;.'
in whose interest it is issued, tliaa cau :.
lotit.d in all the city papers in the Unite J
Stales. No man can afford to slop tho p; -per
that publishes the ollieiid advents
tut tits of hi coiuify, the public sales, nitk
ets. court uews. utid other local ia'jiiigcijC j.
If the paper is poor the people are tnO'. f.
at fault t tut ii the ublishers, fvtiot glvin
il lilieril palronagu However poor th
county pacr may be, it is aiwai a wort",
iimic than it costs to lliose iuteresid 1
1'ie atlairs of its localitj ."
A SwEDfu Countess wauts t go I
search ol Livingston. Mis. Livingston'
has been dead long euoiijh to justify th
I'xpe.dition. fiov. fin.vrtT had a 810.00 pMi-y t.u
ins life in the l'eiin Mutual Life J.L-ifa&.v
Coinpittiy, of l'liii.uiblphia.
lil OPE. AC.
I'sTAiin. -Tliis in v nicedifh
i I v. ry -asily prepared. h-.;
I I'l.
U'l Il ls
I i-l. l
! .1
i lin k. B.-at eight fg'
t' sugar together, and
a ii- rfti.: i:
I'.l-- '.li'.k 1-.:
i'ed ;iut ii oirer the
ioiing all the while
::ure int.) youc katUc,
gs alio si., i:
ur I tie vho e
and let il v ma t a boil, siirring it cozs
Bluntly. Then take it ofl the fire aDd lot i'
hecoiiie cold. F.av r it with . vrhatcve;
esi i'.ce i u pii I. r. 'then freeze it.
iioiLKU Ciiit'KKN. --Plain, artless boil
iug is apt to produce a yellowish, sluuy-
10 sing i hii keii 1';,) co'iliug the bird
11 sii'iind nlwa b-' will wasned irt tejiii
water uud leiu in juie '. nJ to insure whitf--Hi
s. delicacy uu 1 S'leeulence, should h-i
boiled iu a paste made ofllotir and w.itcs;
und. after being put in the boiling wu-r.
should he allowed to simmer slowly. T;
methiid is very etlicl'ial in preserving nil
the juices of the fiwi, and the result ih (
far inoie tootiiM'tta1 and iourihing nv r.
than the luckless bird which haa been "g.i1
ipid to death" ir plan lu'lni water
Man it is a io much better for bfiaj boile!
iu pasle- Lunrit.
BAKKU Bk.ANs. Take gtrtll whit?
beans, put to mikutH p.j:., iu a dee;
vessel ; change the wau-r ialj in the oton
ing, and again next momiug, and . joi'
for twi. hours, changing the water tt tb:
end of the hei...t.d hour. Then pour 0!l
Heal I y all the water ; take raw pr'.,
scored on the lop; put the beans in a d.i'.iip
dish, the pork in the middle, sinking &o..
to have it just level with the surface. Add
a virv little molasses, and bake at lastsix
hours, ruining the pork toward tlie last, y
that it inay crisp on toff.
KcuNoMK'Af. Dish, Take the remnant'
of a coUl h lilcdeg of mutton, or of a roast
of licit' ; shave il mlo thin slices; season
and add, it' yoti like it, an onion chvprx-d
line, or a pinch of sweet herbs. Put ihit.
ou a baking dish, and purover the gravy,
ii'you Imve iinv ; if uot. a iittlo water, biv.
ter and iloui. Then take lint boiled rioU
toes, miihh line ; udd a little milk ansii'v
or butter, to Bofieu tlieiu into a satoot
paste, which lap overturn meat. .Theupu
the dish iu Ikn oven, and Uis a
brown. v
Tumjt xiieTjolou of Cotton' Dkfs
Ko Take a largj d.iuble handful of br-ia.
pul ii iu a saueepitu ituJ set it over th lire,
allowing it to Ijoii ihoroughly iu a quarter,
wafer. When tlioioughlv boiled strain ih-
y loan, uud throw the water iulo that i i
wiucii you are iiuoul wasniug your kwc i
chiuiz divas. iA'l the dress soak ter h-i
hour or o in ii before waabiiig. lustead of
starch use a weak s .uUon tf fcli.t .vutr
uud iron ou the wrong side. ChrUki'A-
Tut PiiiLooniv ok Fnrma.--TI e
the phitosopliy of ti yiug is to h ii Uie tat
at a .boiling heat he torn anything is put
into it. Being merely ccuctra'--'s.
iUi the food is "t'reav
. r-
Let, il . Iim
j pelleellilU Of C "'l.l..'
I low TtMtKK HaiitOr.. -Taea r'nt
of-apuils Of v,iue, ,
; utitiu- of ciniiavuoat powder, 2!....
1 i. ...... w... . ....I.... ... i i ., ... ...
To lONtTK DMl MaTv-lIKH. II- Id t'i;
match to'lhi arm or oliter wanu. pnrv ol
the body until il attract sidlicicut heat,.
Uieu rub gently on. woolen, cloth of close
texture such us is worn, for pantatooits,
and it will set off the nyttth. If almost
boll a putty.
Foil Good Pasxk. Dinsotvo au ouiic
of aJuni iu a quart of hot water, auj l.eL,
uod silr iu, aa much dour a to make tilt
f ootisiii. ocy i l'c.e
j aiL.o.iful .T i'-aiu i
un, then ud.l half a t v
ar.i! io.L tu;inj n.i dl.. -
lime. V w.Jl krep g;od, for n. v 'ltir
, Six 5.0'! Il.tK
Nine " t).0.i0.llf:i;i.
' One Veai X ..,..