tMcai. iHairufactttrtrs. "A rv. 7. IEW IDS 1878 r Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. a large invoice of READY-MADE for Men and Boys, of the latft 81 leu, suitable for enrly spring wear. seminar irKucoiiLTS, IMMENSE SHIRTS ' i: t rinci colored drns Shirts of all styles. Agency for the Quaker City "perfect fit ting Shirts," every one of which is guaranteed to tit. No better Shitt in tho market. II A.TS & CA.PS of the Litest styles, for Men and Boys, a large Hue of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Fancy Jewelry, &e., &c. Buyic;? only for cash and in large quantities, I am enabled looQ'er Letter inducements ! :.r.a .in y of my competitors, hero or elsewhere. Trv eti.till rertainiug stock of Winter Goods ou bund will b offered at greatly re- Vwi prices. . . SEW CiUODM NOW UECEIYED DAILY. Mid be convinced that the cheapest place to buy is at Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. try, Pa., February 12, 1873. lala WIMT'SSH. GOODS, AT FIKNEY'B ft.' lewCentral Variety Store, Xo. 106, Market tKiett, Sooth Slate, Isust of tb Railroad, . Dress Goods of all Kinds, ..i5, fcita. ronllm, Alpaou, Lutcr Alpaca. Del-nlna, Hkias, Opr Flannel, Tkking. Ladies Cloaking. NOTI03ST3. . a DfW aud GENTS' FCr.NTSHIN'fl ftOOM, Hosiery, lores, Bood, Cap, Germantwa Wool, Lartie' iBimitstiun HalrCood la new end beautiful Style. SHAWLS. Oitaaon CVewa, Ottamon Double all Woo), Plad Shuwie, Bronkfavtl Shawl. Soarf, Ac. JEWELRY. ' i itji and Jl Oprrfc CUa'mf. LndUV Jl'latud Knd Jt ftttl Tlnyw iiirg, Ear Kinr?, Stay, bitwv Button, Groceries. Fresh. Groeerass, 'Wood mid Willow Ware, Floor, Table and fctalr Oil Clothi. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Oo to Finney' for the fireatet Variety of Goods. ttood anit iagTJaily. v:b- II Is tb nuivoTtal't of th trade that iny food re fold th lowet ! this iaikt. D. 1. FINNEY, waber 9, 173, Wo. 108, Mareet Street, Huabwry, fa. MX ItEIlN WHISKEY. 4 per diallAu or fH irrt'ae of IS LARGE IJOTTLn8. .c Whiskey is Pure Rye, four years old and very mellow. VAX 1JEIIS "YELLOW SEAL" .SHE RUB. . j' r Case of Twelve Bottles. . i s Wlue wa oifer to our friend, knowing It ' j 'j icrlectly pare and aiwuy uatforui lu qua .. Auk your Grocer for VAX BEIL'S H WHISKEY. Ask your Druggis-t for VAX BEIL'S H WHISKEY. Tell your Grocer you want i-AN "BEIL'S "YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Tell your Druggist you want VAN BEllS '-YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY'. ' . .end your order to ll.A i.t . V.l BF.II., THE WINE MERCHANTS, Xo. laio.UlKS'lNUT T.. l'Uiiudel lua r ii i;. riui Vitmsand urim of all flu p.And e , G h . Rum and , and dealer in the Ik H qualities oi )c ... . liourbou Whl.klL uy tuo Darrei, oeuiyuiiu . . ' a sc. CHAMPAlGNEtJ. p. S, lbii, 1 jr. : i07. RIGHTER &.GASKILL, 1307. rF.ALEns in African aal 1mA Winiov Glass, ' Siicet, Roujh Plate, Colored, EaamaU4 and Oruamcatal Ola., 1U07 Market Street, Philadelphia. Junuaryll, 1ST3. ly. KUtCJIKRYi 1IUTC1IEHY ! Mrnsr. It I FEW A HOWF.H, Third Street, ornfuita Central Ilotet, eCXBURT, PA., KEEP oon.tantiy on band the try cboitwt of fie.h Ut.l.F, Ml'TTOX A.n vr..i.. S en ia sold ut tlitt lowct.1 price. Meat be v..i at all hours during the dy. fsmhury. !'... .'nic olT:?. UlOtfflll inr VARIETY. LIQUOR STOKE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Raccnd Street, opposite the Court Hon, fct'k Ul RV, PA., Kesptatfu'ly mvltet tb attention of Retailer and ot e-r, that bo hna on band, aud will eon- , etautlv Uep nil kind of ! FOKF.ltiN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consittini: of Pure Hrandiea: Cogniac, Cherry, G;neer, Km liellc and Utard. Wh'Wie: l'ure Rve Copper-H'.atiUad, Moenn- (.ibsIa, Apple aud Nectar. PURE HOLI.AVDCIN ! - Wina: Cbampaaue Wiuc, atherry. Part aad Clam. Crab Cider, Cbampncroe C'.d.r, K. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BiRWTIKRB, And uli other Liquor which can be found In the city markets, whicb will be sol J at Whole sale and Retail. Every article Kuarantard a represented. Alan, a large lot of DKMUollNo aud BOTTLF.S, always ou hand. Ordei promptly attended and public patiuuaifu leBiiaetfuily kolieiitj r. trr. Sunbury, J:y . 1st. ly. J. W. WASHINGTON'S GRAND IS1XBEK tKOP. I bi t Dal'.lus' Kulidinir, Market street, east af the P.ailrond, north side, SUXHURY. fa. The old permanent shop of th town. . recline the tioast, but at tbo aame najie , . biy spoken without muulfei-tintr an uncouiforta bla amount of vanity and ambition. Jnal twenty year ago I hetan my bainest eareer Iu this place half my lifetime tbu far pent, hare I stood upon th floor of our bop day alter day, and nixlit after night, and applied tbe sharp blue gle.tmiiiL' steel, aud within that elapse of time embraced by tbe mlirhty faldo of that eTeutrul period have l shaved nearly every body In the conutry (in comuiou parlance) and to obliire the public interest w herein publicly announce t our patron old and new that we tre ready to shave theiu all agalu thiao bunditd thousand time or more. Come when yon please, jutt in Hmi la th Bias im w are alwaya ready to. work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cut tou, shampoo you, whlbktr dye you, or perfume, eoinb aud r i ranee the hair with artlntlc skill. In the "water 1 1ml" r water raise style to suit the customer, We work to please, not please to work. Stop, don't eo past our shop to iret hvd on th basla of ability because wa do It a well a It can be dona or ever could be. A chance la all that we d.mand To five the proof we bold In band. Oet. 1, 1873. F.ST HAY' HIIEEI'. Came to the premise of the undersigned, lu Upper Augusta towushtp, Nortbuniberinnn to. on or about tbe 30th of November lust, five sheep all white. Tbe owner or owner are requested to eome forward, prove property pay charges, aud lake them nway, or cute the will be disposed el seconding to law. ft ACUF.L CAMPBELL Ian. 1th. I'ft"!. . mns. WISIIAllT'N I'INK TREE TAR COItniAE. NATVRES Git EAT RUM ED l'J FOR TITE THROAT AND LUNGS. It le gratifying to na to Inform th pablle that Dr. L. (J. C. WlsliArt' Pin Tree Tar Corlnl, for Throat and Lnnp; Bis, ha Haloed an en viable reputation from the Atlantic to the Fact Account, and from thenca to lonie of the fret families of Europe, Dot through the pre alone, but by peron throughout the State actaally benefitted and enred at hta office. While he pub llibc less, an aay oor reporter, he la anable to eupply the demand. It palm ud bold it repu tation Flrtl. Vol by (topping coirh, bat by loen ing and aeslKtiiiK nature to throw off 1 1 au healthy matter rolleried aboat the throat and broocblnl tudea. which oauac Irritation. fVcond. It remove tbo aauno nf lrriUllon (which )iiodnoe conli) of the muraoas aiem- braae aud broucbial tutwa, alt tbe lanar ta act aad throw off tbe unhealthy corc4lon, ud purities the blood. Third. It 1 free from Fuillo, lofcelin, Ipeen and opiam, of which moat throat aud lung r- inedie are compoeed, which allay cough anly, and dleorganiw the etomacb. It ba toothiog effect on the Ftomach, iicte on the liver and aid ntTF, and lymphatic and nerToue ratrloiiK, thus reucbing to etery purl of tlie ayatem, abd io iU itivlgoratlng and j oul -iiiK iSuct it ka (aiaad a reputation wbicU it isiikt above all others iu the market. NOTICE. THE PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, Grcnt Aaucricau Ijnpcpui filial WORM 8UGAR DROPS Being under ray Immediate direction, taey thall not loot their curatite ualttiea by the u of cheap and impure article. II E K Y K . K SKMIUT, t'BC KuvroK. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr, L. 4- C. Wihart"a 0c Parlor are open on Monday. Tuesday and Wednday from 0 A. M., to b V. M., for connultation by Dr. Win. T. Ma:ce. With hitn are associated two urn snlting physician of acknowledged ability. Thia opportunity is not offered by any Inttitnlioo in the city. AH letters iuiiMi bo addresned to L. . C. W1SIIART, M. D., 2(0. 2, yf. SKCOXDST., FHILA DELPHI A. November 16, 1ST3. l ios. t i:TKH Or ATTRACT IOK. Everyhody la Invited to ooaiu aud buy of the handsome assortment af TOYa AND CONFECTIONERIES .... 'M SAMUEL F. KEVIN'S STORE, in frame bnildinir, ndjoinins Moore cV T)isineera l.uildintr, THIRD HTKKET, HUSBUKY, PA. Just opened a frerb tujiply of Coufcntioneri.'S of every description. TOYS OV A I.I. KIXlS conetantiy on hand. The het KtlMNs, rll, CURRANTS .V DRIED FRUIT. PUKE RIO COFFEE, TEA t SPICES, frchh Bread, Buna A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, c. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS t Havlnc fitted tip a room cxpresaly for aervlnc up Oyi-tere iu every style. Ladies and tieutlemeu will be accommodated wun the ne.i oivaive in market, ut all hoar durintr the day aud viiitiir. Families wili be supplied at their reeidence lib th beet Shell or Canned Oyster, a lt desirable, at the very lowed price. ( VI and seeniy excelleut asaorlnncct of (roods upd aacrrtaiu the price. S. F N"KVIK. Dt.-. li, lfeTl . NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BniUinn, Sunlury, fa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. "XTT'E erenow oi i.'.ii; an antirelyaew ttock of DRUGS AXD MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any article in our line that may be called fur, we have also a full stork of all the leadlnK Patent Medicine. Fine Perfu mery and Toilet Article a speciality, w full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and raJier Brathes, Dressing un other Comb lu great variety. FIXE TOILET KO.trS. full line Cook in e Extracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper whole or ground, Castilo and Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimney aud Lamp Goods generally. Bird Seed In lart;e or sauall quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fvl stock Fluid and SoUd Extracts, Elixere and Pill nf V. S' P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man' and other Plaster, Avar's, Wright's, Sehenk' Mandrake, Mr Lane's Liver and other Pif!, our stock embrace every. thiutf found iu a well conducted Drug fetore. Country Physician will tlud our stock full and complete, aud we guarantee to sell a low a the i-ame aiticiea can be bought iu Philadelphia, etmit Wines, Whiskey aud Vraudy for Medicin al purposes. Uetufcora, 18TZ. Mauiiod iIIaw l asit, Haw Kator !! fffQft-Just published, a new edition of Dr. W$Ss CULVER WELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cur (withnnt medicine) of SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Los tea, I M POTENCY, Mental and PbyMcal Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, ate. ; alto, Consumption, Epilepsy, and 1 it. Induced by telf-ludnlgeuce or lexual extravagance. I Price, lu a aealed envelope, only 6 cent. Th celebrated author, In this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty year' successful practice, that the alarming conse queucea of aelf-abuse nay be radically cured without tbe dyrgerou ut of internal medicine or the application of the knife t pointing out a mode of cure at once Dimple, certain, and etfec tnal. by mean of wblcb every uflerer, no mat ter what hi condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radical!. t" Tbl Leoture should be in tbe hand f every youtu aud evory man in the laud. Bent, under aeal, In a piaiu envle, to any addresa, poatpald, on receipt of ix cent, or two postage stamp. Also, , Dr. CulverweU'e "ifarriage Guide," prie SO eeiit. Adjret th Publisher, CUA8. 1. C. KLINE A CO., P. f). Bor, 4,SMe. 17 Bowery, New Yerk r - mmm 4 3 enptfi diseases or tkp tRRALLUNG3.UYER & BLOOD la the woaitrfb! aseiiclne towhlrh tha CHrU4 r iir puintei f ir r -li"f, th :-ierr b HTe he ha- comHini'd f ' .'e;wni inora ot N ttire' mast vern 'ai-ilve jirn(irt ie. watch Gut feat ta('tlt tulo til" v.'u'1'talila kia.-Ji! for hltn tuj l'-lc, thsi wyrflcver btfirrt c.Mnbtnert in om m ullein".. Tha evWencj of tilt faet t found tn th rreat varli-ty of niott iibi-tiuate dls eauaa WUlch It Im h -ca f mini to conquer. In the cure nf MrcuckilSa, Key ere foaths, ml h early etas nf Vouxa lllloii, It has auiuihiMt thj m"lirl fucultr. and eminnt phy eiciatit pronoun..1 it ttia sfn-aicHt aiffliral diiriivc ry of the i.w, Wlilla It cuirs the n.verei-t t'ouche, it treTirUi'n4 tlii erini ai-1 arlflcn the hl4. By Iti fcTi-'.l a. id tliormiL'h hlood purify ing pi-.tH.r1ifi, tt c:m ai Humora. from ttia wmt ajcmlula U a uiii'inn Hlotrh, Plm. pt. or F.u ra pit u. M.'iirinl riiwa. Mine ral Puicn. and Ilieir cHfi'cte, are cradirated. and vigorous health aiH a fvind rnnetltutlnn estab If alpolai. Mm 1 1 itbeum, Fvvrr kareia, Uraly Of Ituuati Skin, in short, alt the numnr.m- dlei-' caj-ed nad blol, ar cmqiienvl by tbij powurfal purlrjiut? td In vi7)ratin! rndi-ine. If voa toul dull, drowv, debilitated, have tallow ol'if of skin, or ycllowi.ri bniwn .pt on ffe'a or bjdy. freq int hci'laclK. or diinr., ba.1 late in rniutli, Internnl Inat or cliill alternated with hot flushis, low epirin. and itloimy foreboding, ir regular appetite, and toiii;a cwate:!, yon are enrTer lu lro:n Torpid 1.1 vor or "Hillout tia." In mmy caes of "I.Itt C:om plalat " only pirt of thee avmptoms are eijo. lieiiroj. A A rvmdy for all eueb ce l)r. Pierce'a Gulden Medic! Discovery has no eqnnl, ait effect perfect citr", leaving tho liver strenifth ned and health. For tha enre of Habitual CoiiDtlpalloil of the bowels it is a nevi r fail ing rism-My, and tiio-o who have need it for thi purpose are loud in it pMiie. The proprietor off.'M 1,0ft) reward for a Medi cine that will eqnl It for the euro of ell tbe dis- lor which It It rocommrDtltvl. S old by druir;ri.te at 1 p-r icittm. frepareuu R. V. Pierce m. rol rropririor. bt ni. uvi iprlrtor. at i hei aut I.ihnratorv. 1 tt Vnec !f eet. Biirklo, N . V Send your aildrres for a pamphlet. May 4, 1S72- NEW DiSOOVERY la Cftoaaicat and Medical flcleno. h. I A i A o 5 5 tfw Y r y -i Y p. GARVIVS TAIi KTKDIES Cur litvipioitl CntKUcnptaon. Jen-. CAKVn i TAI4 ItETIEOIES Cure t';tari h. lr. AKYI Vtf TAH KKIIfWIES Care A'tUmri. Br. OAJBY1 VfS TaR Ui::SES53S Can Kfcurt iJiertt. Df-.ttAKVIVS TAK lta.ti:ffIES Cure Uln I)lur. Hr.UlKVIVS TAH KU.-l:niE rKiilafe tho IJviT. rU-uUto the StomrtCll and UOWClS &t-. (SAKVEV3 JTAU HE.HEUIF.S Cur kH Fvnttili? WfiUiiiosa. Br. .taYlX"S TAB UEHEME9 Purify tlie BiK. Dr.OAKVXX'S TAB ItErTTEDIES Curw IMscases of the THrtsat. D-.AHVI. TAK UCXEDIES Otuo nront'hi:it. IH-.tiAUYI.Y TAB BEJrTEDIES Cure "Ilow Coia,"or'TIrtyFever" Br. G AUVIiY M TAB UCIEDIES Cure Lnng IJ?icuit. r. 3AJalVI!VS TAB UEMF.DIES Cvv C'onsti(itio:k. c.CSAKVI.V8 TAB UimEIrE8 Ouiw Malt Hhotntl, Ir. CAKVI VS TAK BEMEWIES Can UiUucy Iifcci. Br. WABVI'S TAB REnENRS Pmreat Cltolcra & Yollow Fever Br. OIABVIVS TAB HEjIEDIES rifi-ut Tlttltkrioiiri Fcx'er. Dr. AlCVI.b TAB UE.TIEDIE KMuore Pitiii L the Orrut. frr.GAKVI.VS TAB BE7IEDIES Keaaove Paill In tuo St do or Back. Kc-.GAKYTVS TAB ElEIttEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. m.OABYl.VS TAB HEntDIFA Hot tore tbe Appetite Br.iaABVIX'M TAB BE7IEDIEM Catua the Food to DireM. Pa-. GAUYIV8 TAB 1IE7IEDIES Restore thiWetlh and DehilitalOtt Br. UAUVIVS TAB EDIES Gire Toue to Your j kteus. r. HYDE it CO., SOLD P&OFBIBTOB8. 19B 84vnth Are., yc York, December )H, lTi. ly UfcT THE BKbT. Wtbxter'a Fuabrltlgvd IHetianar y. 1 0.OOO H'on.V a.M Jfriit o i oAr ZNcMon- ries. SOiKl Knuraviui; 1M0 Fai(ea Quarto. Price 12. "1 ftii never 1 wish lo obtain exact aeanltione, , 1 eousult It. Behuyler Colfax. 17 very bebolur know It vaiae. li l II. Preeeot the Hiatorlan l 1 eeu oae r my dally eompaiuona. J . I John L. Motley, the Historian, etc. (JV far as I know, best detiulns; Dietionary. O Horace Mann. rilb bet aaide of student of our Language. I JchnO. Wblllier. TTxecl all other ladeSnlnir srlent'fle term, li (President Hitclirwk. J Keuiaikablernmprndluin of human knowledge W. b. Clark, Frca't A?- College. A necessity for every bilulllKent family, stu dent, teacher and proft'Mloiial aiun. What Ll braiy 1 complete althout the best Eugllsh Dic tionary. A LEO VTEKSTEH'a KatiumIli. I'ktohial Diotiowaht. 1941) PaB'ea Ui tavo. 000 Enljravlnifs. l'rlc. 5. The work 1 really a gem of a Dictionary, just the thing for th million. .Amtrtraa .fiUtKaiiMtai Published by O. AC. MFRRIAIJ, Bprtb jfiaJd, ktats. Sold by all Booksellers. mw mm D S Si el t-Hff , i cm 1 ..'.-AS v .. .1- TT-,r ATT' K 4& tih&?H& fie o an Ra Ret Ra" RADWAY'S READY RELIEF I'SJKIVt THB.WORSJT PAIMet In from One to Twenty Minute). NOT ONE HOUR aAcr Jlrtf ttil adrrfrtHfAicM nonl bat o hCfff.r with pain. SaVOTATO RKAPY RfXlIV U A CUKE 77M KVKKY I'AIH. Tt u ih ftml MiJ ti Tho Only ln,In nomtfdy Mutt lirrtfirrtly Iho mnut riomctftUnir paint, nlltnn H unmtloti. Mid curd Ouuiicctlona, whether of tlto Luntrs j-tiitcti, bowels, or olhtt Kioutli or urffaaf. by ou Bpplle IS FftOM ONK TO TWKNTt MINtTBl Jfft nttliow vlnlfBit nr excmciutliiK th nnln th RITBTT ii ATU. Br6 fldilan, li0ri. ir1rpkJ, ilsnrouB, JfaurBiB, r irrU-i witn dtoua in)' ufr, RAOWAY'8 READY RELIEF VVIIA AFPOfip IN8'rA'T SAAK. ncTLAMMAiiv" or Til? KlIC-'EXi- JSVLAMMATIO OF tftB tLAKTMSL IirrLAMIfATKIM OF THK UOWET.S. fBG throat, wrpictxf 6HKTiit.N. J'ALflTATI! OF TUB "RKkWt. Twreaics, croup, im-HTuititiA. OaTAKUU, 1NPXTJEKIA. ItBaaACHE, TOOTHAi'TtK. . cota raiua, aotb nitu-s. Tm M4uM t,f tk. Heady Relief t that fmt t W wWb Ui. aola or dULcultjr ls win aJTonl sass and T-itr itrnpt In liMf a IrniiWer nf vnp"f will In frw Womcitta euro CRAVPH, M'ABMe, ftllJIt 8TOMAUI1, UTlESTiltY,'. tVINU IS Tilt TJOWBL8, Mil t. I'AiNi!. lriv4fP(t Miotitti nlwti BLs-aweW H jsUiaf With ( biohm Biwn;s corry a iwmim nr icadwavY Ut wilh tlirni. A frw drops In vitlsr ll urvvMn BlAiw-i fr pulit. frciD ejiiuin f.r wmr. r run ttoid rjijuie wmr. n ap vms ? or niuufrft m n llniuwnt. PEVRB ATVD IfllB. ntV'SB ANU AUl K ctirt d fur 1. fly i.U. Tbtr i if B rHiTrlil Bftwct la tji u..rld l iuti til etirfj rC7I 1 iiuti wtil ciirtj Vtyt ttiihu. RAarifL Tmiotd. (y K ADVA i '3 PILL8) Y TwrALlEr. I'lfl miiM Afvm, mu4 mil 1rnv M ftleVtotin. 1 Vrlhv. and otb'T Fcvi-rs (ill'fl t no ti-Hr an K U'WAi .1 ltKAD tkflil by lrufeiM. HEALTH ! BEAUTY 1 1 VjJH ANIJ WfliiMT-rl.EAK BK IV AND ESAU TiFt'L COilPuiXloM fCi'URKD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT BA.S D THlt XOSr ASTONISH I Nfl fUllK 6CI' . JAPIl AKIi THK CJIAJf.ES fJltY rNI'ER'IOKS, PMlP.ll Tills lNri.t; T'ltA?"'8 hftJL V WON LBF I L Evry Day on IncrciOD In Flesh fnJ Welpht la Seen and Tolt. THC GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Evtvv itrop t Uta WAKHArAiilLI AN KlCSOfaVET twTiniuntut" lm-iif;i. hn Ui-i'hi, bt Ianv, run! ctitrf fiurdatwl fair w of Ui s-Bt"m Uie vtnor r i-it k filn Ww WM nf liia h ttiv Mil lio MKfl -I mitt.Ti!. Kcrot'ulaw Svfhi. 2, (' wMUmj.Uim, f t UndnlAr d I I'tw-m In tit Tbn!, Mo-i!!l, Ttr;"" V K'Ju ! t' f? 'Burls and oOMtr twhH-- f tlni f.r-rti, Kir- Eye. Mrnfi-sva I Vtchtn;' t9m ii Katii, mi.1 tlit wu-4l f-rrt':ff t-Hio o;;' Lin p. ilina, frvtr b -Tiea, fca-nl-l li"!, iX'Kf M'rm, ?lt UlM-jrrit TyJra!fti, Ajnl.K:k SjKrta, Witnn lit lit rili. Tiiijiwfa, (WrbFPa 1 I'M W'altiK aVtii ftJl Wkl.lalf( rod f"irNt r4T Mir'it hwtVa,.i" tf S;-Tf, u4 ) Wa Lbe ja 7rit)K. -t!iij tjj c tpattvf ra of f j:b T'rnlr r-f ;-4ttr tntf v4 a f: v V tir III rne tn nttv p-fa.'ti it' t1 t-r !ttj tt fo.utao dlenniac tls ltXi( Bw-ar tu cir lltt:i. (f ti MrL f-Aytf.irf rnlncM 1 v tJii nrA arryixrnm ta rai'intfUall ll irirwif . rtiitN-fU in r t! a aUti.a a Ti tk fi.ifer. (UaVrV Ki ukI tl.ts lUo fcA&ATAKLL- Uk w ll ll sew aVi(r Hi wit a.'t uii 'r.'-u.TAr: Kmiiviiirr iirtri s1! txwn aihet.'ljj r it's r.i i:; i tii ti f t'r-vric IVtfyiintot, 1 rtiitrnuotu l, u-l tta tikStMB ; iU ilbUjo wi!y iKltlY e w far p0'rw" Inffo!.i. f Vr'a, KiV: r,'-,, r ni iu e 1 v tT iu ft arc ,-rV""t ra j -r t li e 't U Kifa, tJtvitj ri.Ati wlib rAtt-flnp i Ittu- W1 f mi iff , Mi' t l.rt if tl - A'ti)f i'. ft til fro ha itiitrleVI. tlwcw. Mti-m a;K'.tf-.i'"( aiti vr'iKe tMw1ii irhiia. hi. 4 tlr 1 it j-rtrAltj. ! f tifatbui rAWea'. wtOxr. a-irt i a'ti l,i thi S i.ali .h ttrk ftud vhr ti- 1'rkv, i.w. VV O R $- Th ai.- fcavowu &M r.irs BcfiwOv foi W rt tn -t ih, llsl, n. , Tor of WYcijV Grol;i Citrc5 by Kutlway's Resolvent. If-rtiv. M.f .T,il- W. 9t. J Latf Yi-4 Ctia 1 a.ii.'f In t'-i 'Mll r.i t-m-t. ll fb fWH-rs ' A " h r wa. V J; f t !.' I 1r4 rvara tKft v-a r 'Art A 4 : I til lit Sir f Vt tr. f MW r.,ivf'K ?J 1 t'laJ'1 : ( la.. v f- fl l.a t a- af.H f r l l- I 1 .. ,n I. MlMCf tl-l KaasMr-.!. -tS m r .af H- V'.U, ivt a tn lrlttj ' wit HeS .' M l ir Tt -t a Haft r-f ( .. ... f o te M'l C i I. rhd f act T 1JLja ' n . a 1 vt.. I rjva f t m. yttrfl Tita . fMaa. way Hi l'l r T- ..f ti.l U - la. v,t th rr.,lri. J o-rltc rte W yCa ILl. V-Htt uf L. U. -t r(Ui u I'fV It tl l.KNAU I'. FSSfECT FBSSATIVE FILLS. trrVaH" vN Imi. r-V en!l!v -j- w'fh T"t c'ini. rwrirf. hf .le'a t tn!-'. ni Mmrli'.i liti) t i ii a KiC"wV l:4cr, J If a, Ii.tkrp, IVmfllTi; '', 0yaj'rr , lu;tpJ n, ItvrM'nU, liilUrun. D'l-Fe-tr, Ii-rjMlmi ..f J1. .ll-.wV'a. nUt, t4 U Pe-rftat-faratt ! ri.- Jn'rl Mil. Vrrriit'tt 1 trct it fr-n- . P.iiriv Vtoid-, '.-tBUii-i J t.n Bifvfiry, in!- , -r frH'4r .M irnf . i i ! f .:' t-tjr ftTnti.tft,!! ir-iPiHirc rV-n ta-rr taf Mtr I'lftlv: Ot:i: : r mm-1 .. rUf. ,! rf (1 1t tlta ffaa. j.ift T taa ' aw . . r ti . I "era. .f P'- 1. I ilh V- .aa ft., 'a a(. fj t"i. "'a!r N'r if .- 4 fai k' b.. :a.t v' lle-M. rtwrrwl 4 . h a,,, f i-.rt-.r ftp . aa, (4 lrB f-ifi"fav faa.i at -i 1 tt f. .. ra.Tsa a I ?i T -a rr V. WW- , f. av. 1 T.,.fJ Tatn b r HaJ. Tmrm:y r' fr .tfati., it-f(r tj 1 'It at ( T tot M V to. Ai, tit., aa. l',i.C'i rl r-t', f'sTLli ( la tbt f- g' t .. . .. .rj. 7,, .a-, ff,.fk ytr t?6. aj, ' I 4 ). r .p Htw-l s i ; i tit yeas Maroh SO, 1" -ir. rr. waleis-s c LTruB.:::. YINEGAE BIITEfiS Euadrcos of k ta 1 TctVY ARE KOT A VTLS .HI FANCY DR MK t - aia .n. arnai take theaa Blltera suml- ia( lo dirKKsnt, and rtmain loin qnw.ll, proii.d WonM irt not (Wslroved bv minetBl noiton or h.r aitaot, ao th vtl.1 orf an. wssim! bevond lb. ra.!! nt Dfsu.pala or ludlarsllots. H.tdarh., Psla In tb. Shoiildert, Cousht. TihlneM of lh Cl".ti. Pt new. Sour Erucutioris of lh. Slomsrh, Had Tae in in. Moulh, Biiiout Attacks, Pslpualion of tlie Ha.rt, Iu aamnvalion of lb. L.nea, Hai" i lb. rtioi of lb. Itid er and hundrod oih.r painful svniptmit. sr. ll ott stiriOK. of Dyspepsia. Ia the complaint, it liaa ao ial, and on bottle will prov. t Letter uaranu. ol it Barnv. than . Ii.tlhy advertitemrnt. fur rruiule a. oiuplalnts, ia ra" r . ssw riad of tinal., t the dawn of womauhnnd. car tk. lurn ml Hfe, thaa. Tonic rlitlar. lay ao dMlt aa influence that a marked miprov.insut it aonn rrrcptibl.. Far lnflanimalory aud Chroule Rh.n anatl.tal and Goat, Uilioua, Ktnutlant and Int.rnait. imi t'.v.ra, Diteaacof th. Blood, Liv.r, Kid.irs ."d li.dd.r, tb.ft b.tlets h.v. no cqu.1. Sinrh Dit.ase. ai. caaaeil t VitMtrd Blood, wll.cb i. K'UMally Hoduci by d.rnia.iiMiit of the Dinctiir Organ.. Tt. an at Clentla Hurtratlve aa well aa Totiie, notaaating alt. lh. peculiar of .ctiii st a powerful mgail in rciitvtng Coag.nt.oa of IntUinmanoa of th Li'W and Viacoral Ontana, and in Bilioul Liaaatca. For Sfcla Dica.B, Kruntiont, Tetter, SaH Rheum, Blotchot,, Pimplea, Puaiulua, Hotlt. Car btmdos. Rine-wornit, ScAld Haail, Sor. Evts, Erraipalaa, Itch, Scurfa, Iliseolor.tioua oi I he Skin, Hutanit and Ula mmi t lb. Skill, of wlialaver nun. or salura, ai. Iit .rally dug up and canKit out of tb ayit.nt ia a short tnu. by the una of th?M Hiitera. Tho propertlaa of Da. Vusit'i Viusoab Pittim an Aperient, Uiaphorene and Carwim.ii., Katritiowt, Lauriv., Diar.tic bedanra, Coaawr-Irri-ssat, Suuoiinc,, and AuU-biWout. Uratoful Thosiaand. iotiaiin VlHBCa Bit Taut th most w.maciful lnvi(orant that r sattainad tb. .main avatcta. I WALKER, rropv. K. H. MelXUf AI.D at CO., Drugguta aud Um. Att, Saa franctaco, Cal.. and cornel at Waalu.ioa aud L'aarik SU-, N.a York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DtALkRS. KEU'TOKKCO AKI NF.taAK, ASt I LRUSH STORE. South tide of Market ttreet between Id and 4tU BUN HURT, FA. Jutt opened, an entire new stock of all kind of TOBACCO AND 8F.0AR8. Seirar of every grade. Tobarre of every varie'y. Pipe, both plain and fuuey. BBl'SnESI BRUBITESI I BRUSHES I ! I A larpo assortment of Brushe direct flora th .. r , n. .. , . I .. j i iiiti i:rr ... . .i.,. X 'kTmU n.veV'bTfornrrod'uced ' lutV.hU miiket". Al.o, Paper Collar and Cuff, in great variety. A .are a.sorluient of all the Jtopulet fon oftbadav - -. Call and examlu my reod. and pel a list of nrir... HEKRT PETEkT. Nevember 1, 18TI. ly I ; rul Ourxtite trtceif. J ? j WHAT ARZ THIY ? P r ? , i s S Vr.',VC--'.(?'V ?! hf GEO, EVAX8. E. t3. MAIZR. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market fitreot. rhiladelr.hia. B ' TAILORS Aid MILITARY CLOTHIEftS, Military, Band k Fire Organ iratioM promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sont free on application. Oare being the leading hoaso on Military work, we feel that we can offer Inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. S4, 1873. Sl'KRI'RT .WAHRI.E YARD, Faa rth Mrrrt below Markat, SUN BURY, PEXJf'A. THE nndcrsiicned ha returned from the Ter mout Marble Quarries with JS Tons of Marble for ,Jaml, rav-Hattaa, Ac, Ac. 17 ha bivnaht at sech fl-nre that will allow him to aeil tjrltrr stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls Marble, which I better than Italian. Rutland la now Bold a low a the Manchester. Thnee who ned anything In the Marble line, for Monumenta, Orave-Stone, or other purposes, will find It lo their interest to ill end examine thi laree stock, aa better barsain enn be secur ed than buying from parti 'huckstering' round tn eountrv. All lettertnc alii be done hi tbe ceett.t and most Improved ctvle. V. M. Pnnbury, Jan. 11, 1ST;!. . J. F. LERCH'S CARRIA&EAHB WAGON MAKLG(. IH3TABLZ5IXS:i3T, CHESTNUT ST, UJTEUEY, PA. ViiHinr or iu, Kikti w.ahe to The latest styles nntbe bost wen man'bip. hampies muy be s en at the shop. Give him hniibnry, Per. 7, 1TO.-Ir. Tsiicrlngl Tailoring; I ! C1TARL.E3 I'AIHL, Respectfully Informs the Snr.fcury and vicinity, that he has opened a XAILOP. SHOP. on rmiith ftrret, hi'lo.v M.iiVst, In th Mr.l'en hulldtnt. and that he is prepared to make rip all kinds of C.EXTV ASr RAVK RFITS. inthelate.t styles. Ilsvlna: hud tet'.eh ex)er ience In the basinet he fleelre the pabiic lo give him a trial. .Ciotbin; will be up In t'i lelet Prl and Aenerlean Fuhiant In the t'.fetory iniinr.r. AnK.lT,'TJ.-tf. CHAKLE8 MAIHI.. j yiAttii.M: iiioj axd mo. I lOlADRV. I GTX. KOUKBACII A St'5SS, Knnbnry, renn'ii, NFORM the palilb- tbnt thev ar pr-nsre'i lo do ail kind' of CAM 1 NiiS. "and hs-. iii'fr 1 V-.l I a new Mnrhlnn rh.'p in cninn ctiiiri ,th r rss-: i C'ltitidiy, and have supplied ihinclvs with Lath, P!anln(t and Murine; Machines, with tho IntcM Improvement. lVith th aid of tklllfnl iiucliantcs, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW TORK OU REPAIRING. tbt iry be given them, lu a satis factory ner. Krai (o Htilt Riiy Rtova. IRON CtLUMNP, for church. or other b i'li- i!!CR, fif a il siz.'H, Ml ASS VASTlNt.t, .Vc. Craamontnl I:on jToncins; KiK fiKA VE YAHH LOTS j VJJRATwDAI-I3, TOT: YARDS AT It f.MDKNC FS, a;0.. C. The PLOWS, already celebrated for thflr u-pi-rair'.1T, live been till f'lrther Improved, and will a! be kpf on hand. Also, TllKESHINO MACHINES. Pin, bury, May ISTIJ Si ER AS. D I'LAXIX . Ml I. Vtl. Tlird ftrH, adjol-.ilnu Fbila. r R. R., two tquaifa North of the Central ilotc!, bUNbCRY, PA. JHA T. CLEM EXT, IS prepared to furn'sli every description nf lum ber required hy the. d niands of the public. Having all the latest improved machinery rnr nianiifaiiurinir Lunber, hfris now ready to 811 or der af all kinds of FLOORING, firINO. IOOHS SHl'TTERS, $ApH, BI.INHS Mill LOlNfiS, VE ( RAN DAS, KRACKETb, 1 and all kinds of Oiuaiiientai ScrowlWork. Tern- ine of v ei y description promptly exi cuted. Alto, A LA NQE ASnKTf:T Or li I I. L LUMBEU. HEMLOCK aid PINE. Al.o, fhlng'., P.rets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, an t.hll ped by R.illroad or ..tberals.-. IRA T. CLEMENT. deel-tiS:ly M C V TI V lil t R 3.1 J II Tl l. T. MARKET SThF.F.T, SINHLHY, PA. AI.FKKI KHAl'Si:, I'roprii tor. ' f Sl'CCrSOU TO MITll A UfcNTIirit. nAVINi; pitrihased the above well knnivn e-tablii-hiiieni, Mr. Rr.ii"f w.iu.d n- rt ful ly Inform the public that he now ha on hand a larLTC atsnrtmi'iit of COOKING STOVER, Ppeer's Conk Anil-Dust, Regulator or Mvolvhi(t Top, Coiiiliination, husiiuehaiiiia and (tbrs, wliieli are so arianared a to t1 n.el for C. l or Wood, and are aari iutcd to satlf ictorl ly a no tale. HKATEKs of all kin ts p it up to heat one or mure rooms. HF.ATlSti bTt'YES of dinVivnl kinds at very low prices. Tinware of I'.aerj Itracriptioii kept constantly on hand. Uoolli.K and r)poiitiufe' w ith the best material, done at short notice. KEt'AlRINti attended lu with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lamp, constantly on hand. Japan ware of a A.iid.i. fclore opposite Couley' hardaaic store, tiive me a cull. A. bKAl'afc.. pl24-ly W. HT Blanks. KOTJSE, SIGHT, AND ORNAIMENTAI PAINTER, BINULKY, PENN'A. Decorating and Paper llangit g dona In the latest Improved style. Order solicited, which will receive protnpt'at lentlon. Residence In Ptndytnwn, Emerlek' building. Hunbuiy, May 11, lsT'J.-tf. ! 11 rASTEI Responsible men u Local H, eot. -"Fruit ...d ornanieutal tree. '.""" -"" rkiht parHe. ve. , liberal term, and . o . ortu- nity to establish a ate and proHtajle business. Addresa The Din , Co.mtd t'o., I sirariaitn. ni nivrt, wiw,w. v.., . . in. v Vov. SO, 1872. GRAND OrF.MStO or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, nt th Store of Reed Rrothcr A Scailioltz, (ncrcssort to8. O. Reod A Bret.) COMPRISING OF DRY GOODS of every description nnd Tnrlcty inch a Dbbm i.oodk , aiF.iiioB, VAsnMnnna, batik, Alpa ca, Poruss, &c.( Plaik Fiohhed Good, Shawl and Chatu, Hohirrt, nnd a Full Assortment op Notions, which are being told at the lowest Cash Pries. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. quken8ware, glassware, and wood aid Willow Wark, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on band. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALLPAPER, both glazed nnd common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand mado Boot nnd Bho Manufactory of Wnlsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READ Y-MADE CLOTlUXd, of all elxce and of th latest atylea. FLOUR. A constnnt uppIyof western white wheat lour a speciality. The public are Invited to rail and examine our Good tree of tliaii. Our motto i "Quick Bale and fmnll Proltts," and to please all. The blithest prices will be paid for all kind of country produce. Hy sirlct attention to business and Veeplnu at nil time the moat complete stock, ami seliiiiK at the lowest price, we hope to merit a f ill share of patronage. REED BROTHER 8EA9HOLTJ. fiunbury, Nov. a, WS.-ly. m:u (;ood! new .ooin Just pend. T. J. DYROD. laforms the citizen nf Punbnry nnd vicinity, that he ha received his lnrire orl:nent ot Dry (ioodsand selling them eheap for Cash Ql hi store room, corner '1 bird and Church st reels, SUNBL'HY, PA., His stocli comprise Iry fsAoil and Crarer!ra. The Di yfioorii .1 partiiint is leir.plete, having n lirneral H'.i'ortinenl of Cloths, Cassi meres, Cnlioo, Del.ainp, nnd cvcrytliinic in tliu Pry Woods line. Tlie GitOtrtlFN arc all, and consit- oi Tea. Cr.fiVr, Snirar, Molln'es, Spire. Meat. Fish. etc. liOtlTS A St It Willow-Ware unr! ejlnia-Tf"ar. a foreral nsoitment,. In fnct everyrcirit: aipt iu a llrst-elass More, b.' hud at the ino-t reassinable prieen for cu?li. Tliivlnit located lu bunbury tor the purpose of becoming one of it ciliz"r., I hrp thi.t hy fwlr dealing and strict attention to busin.ts lo merit a share of the public potronuxr. My mottu Is 'Small Prolits and Quick haie." I All are cor.liaiiy intirct to e tll end exnin'.n. my jro.1, as no charge will be made lor hw- n-g i neiu. Y. J. RTR'U). Stinbary, O.'t. 19, 113. A. M ItrlEIXSLL, rnn.) m in Aniot'ican is.uri Ceriiiican WATs:rsr.K. FINE JEWKI.RY and SILVERWARK. Peri ctccl T.pct larlr unci Eje Ta!aINOS. GOLIi UKADKf) CAES. Wafeh nnd Je rnat.'.. rlry nem'y i .paired nr.d Market Srjnsre, SUNftL'RT, Pa. F.h. n. 17!1 -tf. Dru$y,lst and Apothecary, (!-.irressor lo Dr. . T. Moody,) At the old eslah'ilshed stand on Sfnrht t "tarsrf, l'.UI KY, PA. Keeps constantly on band a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Drurfistn fairy Coarit, COMBS, iiitrjiiss, pr.nriMrKv, PATENT M EHICINES.OILS, FAINTS OLA A3, PUITT. VARMKfl. ftX KSTI TFH, In faat everything; uaunlly kept in a well enn dueled DBUO STOKE. Particular attention pnld to en-areundint; Phy sicians pie-erlptinns and fuinl.r reteij-ts by th l'roprlator himself. bunbury, Pa., Jane S, 1T2. BOOlt AO EMS JjjjT en THE GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATUS j i:$00 PAGES AND r,M ENGRAVINGS Writcn by 20 F.iiiinent Authors, Including Julia a. mil ii ai iiokace This work is a complete history of all bran f he of industry, proeeaaea of manufacture, ee., in all lines. It it a eninpiele tueyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and is the most entrrtuiuinK and Valuable wm k of Information on subjects of ion era! interest ever otbred to ihr public. We want Agents In every town of the United blates, and no Atrent e m fail to do well with Ibis book. One atrent sold 18 copies in cmht days, another sold S."io In two weeks. Our agent in Hartford sold 8'.. 7 In one week. Specimen sent free on re ceipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED FOR TTIE FUiXNY SIDE 01- PHYSIC. smi r.r, 250 rnitTiNo. An interei-tinK and nniusint: treatb-e on the Medical llumhiu of the and H expose Quacks, Iinpn-iur., Travelling Doctor, Patent Medicine Veudrra, Noted Female Cheat. Fortune Tellers and M-i!imi, and ive iLtei. l in account of Noted Physicians and Narrative of their lire. It reveal t-tai tlin ecrei an t Instruct all how to avoid th ill whicb flesh la heir lo. We k't" exclusive territory and liberal commissions. For circular and term addresa th publisher. J. B..BUKII HYDE, lTartfoid, Cons., or Chicago, 111. Fall and M ln tar Sit jlt-a or IIAT8, CAPS, and BONNETS. RIBBONS, LACKS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapea, Bilk, Satin, Turquolte, Crap acd Lace Veil. Trliuminge of every Dtscription from New York and l'hllr.dclphia, just opened and for nle at aniittal low price. Call and examine ami b cunv inced. MiriL. RIIIS8I.SK. Market Square. South tide, Snabarv, l' Snnharv. Oet. '-. 1S7S. 11 1 a .Vt Ti Mi r