fclt XT' SUNBURY, MARCH 1, 1873. Railroad Time Tabic. MlVit LTO BSFABTCRtOr TRAILS ATSUKBCBT. N. C. R. W.. Botith. Erie Mall, 19.50am Erio Express, 9.40 " mii. 11.08 " P. & E. R. R. Wert. Mall, 6.30 a ra Nine. Expressl3.40 pin Klmlrn Mull 4.30 Erie Express, 7.01 " King. Express 8.00 pm flL-NBURT A.SD LBWISTOWH R. B. Leave 8nnbury for Lewlstown at 7.45 a. m., and 810 p. M. Arrive 'at Sunbury from Lewistown at l.ou aud 7.45 p.m. nAMORIN BIVISIOX, W. O. B. W, I.RAVS 8unbry at 5.45 a m " Vi 35 p m RltlVC At Sunbury 9 25 a m 8.55 p m 4.40 p m 6.00 p m T1ANVII.LB. HAZLKTON & WILKBSnAHR H. B Regular passenger tsnln leaves Sunbury for Danville, Cuttawissa, Har.letonnnd Intcrmecllnte station, at 8.45 a. m. Returning leave Halle ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4 00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND BtbOOMSnl'RO R. H. Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. and 4.50 p. in. Arrive at Northumberland at 10.36 a. ra. and 6.05 p. tn. Accidental Insurance Tickets c ba bad of J: Bhlpman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. glusincss gotals. Srwino Maciiinbs akd Cottaob Oroans. Mis Caroline Dallus is the agent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, vis i The Improved O rover & Baker,' and 'Domestic,' which are constantly kept on hand, and sold at reasonable prices. She is also agent for the sale of the celebrated 'Silver Tontrue Organs,' and tho 'Ray Stale Organs,' and for the sale of the Front I A Pope Knitting Machine. Cnll and see tthem. Offlce on Market street, east of the rail road. Tilts Improved Qrovhii A Baker Bewiso Ma chine. These celebrated machines aro offered at the most reasonuble rate. For part'cular apply to D. O. KUTZ, Agent, Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. IIorsK and Lot for 8al. A new House and Lot, located on Spruce street, Bunbury, Is offered for sale on easy terms. Apply to Joim Wilvhr. A Good Chance to Make Monet A Fl-rni-ti us Stoiie tor Sai.. The Inrgo furniture store In the Masonic Building, Bunbury, Fa., is oifcred for sale. The store Is doing a large busi ness, having a good and safe run of cubtom. Any one with a small capital will Und It one of the best business stands to make money In Cen tral Pennsylvania. For particular apply to B. L. Rat'denbi'Sii, Tmhl-3w Beaver Springs, Snyder Co., Pa. The celebrated "New Tork Star Variety and Combination Troupe," will give one of their grand entertainment In the Opera Ilonee, on Monday evening, March third. It Is composed of a number of first c'as artists who will no doubt give a fine entertainment. A Titts Located Lot for' Sale. A due build in.; lot located in Cake's Addition, rear the. P. ,t E. Railroad shops, Is oilered for sale on rea sonable terms Apply tn fe22-2m W. .T. Blaik, Buubury, Pa. Boots A Snons ur the Million. Wm. H. Miller of the Excelsior Boot A Shoe Store, keeps hi rooms tilled with all styles and qualities o Ldes' Shoes and Gaiter, Gtnt'emens' Bool ail Shoes, and Children' Shoes. The best make in the country is kept there, aud sold nt the low est price. Gum Shoes of all sizes and styles i.l ways kept on hand. W. R. F. Weimek's Cash Store, takes tl e lead In all the flue goods. Every style of Ladies' Die-s Good", Cloths, Gassimeres, nnd a general vaiiety of Groceries, Quecnsvnr, Ac, are kept and sold ut the lowest cash prlees. Everybody th it buys Is astonished at the low prlees. Call and see the ep'cn.li 1 assortment of goo Is. T:ie constant supply of the he-t of Hats manu f ictured is pausing the large number of ordet from all parts of th'? country at 8. Faust's Hat Store, on Market street. Every style can be pro eared there. His stork Is immense, and purcha ses can be made ut lower rates than in the city. All persons wanting good and cheap picture should call at R. C. Smirk' Gem G:illery,where they can get nine good pictures for 50 cents. Humperly's old stand, Sunbury, Pa. mhl tf Fells Cfieap. D. A. Finney seils all kinds of goods cheip to make room lor a large assort ment of Spring Goods. Those In want of first class goods will And hi store the right place to Usy. 8'NHi.KT, Pa., Feb. 26, 1873. Received of Jacob Shipman, agent of the Rail way Passenger Assurance. Company of Hartford, Conn., one hundred and twenty dollars in full Indemnity for all claims I have, or may have, against said company, for Injuries received on tliu Oth day of December, 1S7S. Witness: C. E. Ui-DeGrafk. Henht Clement. The ubove receipt speak for itself, and show that the co.upany Is always punctual In paying all losses. Insurance can he procured of J. Shlpinan, for any uutuber of days or by the year. toral I fairs. A Good Offer. In order to Increase the sub scription list of the American, aud to reward those who will devot a little time In Inter esting themxlve In the welfare of our paper, we tender the followiug inducement. Any person getting ten new subscribers accom panied with $15, which I at the rate of tl 50 per year, we will preseut him with a beautifully bound copy of GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE V. STATES,' one of the most valuable books published, con taining over Ave hundred illustrations, and thir teen hundred pages. Any one desirous of secur ing this Important book can easily do so by spending a few hour lu procuring subscribers for the American which can readily be obtained. Any person seudiug us One Hundred Subscriber at tl 50 we will present a new ISO Sewing Ma chine of the most approved make, together with the book mentioned. Good Dublin Dan at th Opera Ilouse, on lliursday eveniug, pleased everybody. The best eutertalnnaent 1 to be given on this (Fri day evening. Tu festival of the member of the Methodist congregation was kept up pint of tills week. We are informed that they were well patronized nnd that several hundred dollar were raised. The contest of voting for a cake between tho President of the Good Iutent Fire Company and the Bunbury Sieain Fire Company, resulted in favor of the former by a majority of four. Washington Camp, No. 19, P. O. S. of A., will celebrate their fourth anniversary in their ball on Friday eveulng, Hill Inst. Addressee will be delivered and refreshment served. Charles Roi'ia, of Freeburg, killed a large win eat on ebad Mountain last Frldv. Good Corn. During last fall the finest Hold of corn raised alon-j the Northern Central Rail way wa noticed abont ft mile below Fisher' Ferry, belonging to Mr. Oeorgo (Seller, and was generally commented on by the passengers on the trains. Mr. Seller ha on ear of the corn that has 1330 grain, and Inform us that many others bav nearly th same number, which was raised on the field mentioned. This beats proba bly all the corn that ha been raised in this eeo tlon of the State. Mr. Seilor is on of our most experienced farmers, and all other product on bis farm yield similar crops. A r ibticuff took place on Baturday evening last, between two young men attending the Me thodist festival. Oi.a of the young bloons ho only lately come to this place, and having con siderable ''brass," Introduced himself to some of the young ladle under a fictitious name, not having, It is said, home any too good a character where ho balls from, wheu another young man stepped forward and exposed him, which led to the dllllcuity. Young ladles cannot be too care ful lu forming tho acquaintance of strangers. Tun P. O. S. of A. held a District Convention at Shaiuokin Dam, Snyder county, on Saturday last, which waB largely attended by members of the Order In this vicinity. A parade took place In the afternoon, and able addresses were de livered. Washlugton Camp, No. 19, of this place was fully represented. The election on Friday last resulted in the re election of most of the old Council, which is an evideuce that tho people appreciate improve ments when their money is Judiciously expend ed. Mr. Chas. Garlngcr was the only one de feated In the West Ward, which Is much to be regretted, as he was oue of the. most punctual and efficient members last year. ' His defeat wa caused by somo members taking advantage of the cumulative system of voting, which proves In many Instances, as it has in this, a nuisance, and keeps the best men out of office. We notice that Hon. Abraham Shipman, of Lower August township, has been elected to the o'l.ce of Justice of the Peace. The Judge will make an efficient ofllcer, and we must congratu late the citizens of that township upon their goo selectlou. "Bkavrutowm Herald" Is the title of a new paper started nt Beavertown, Bnydcr county, I'a., by Edwin S. Willi. It Is a neat aud hand some sheet, and is conducted with considerable ability. It bids fair to become a leading Journal iu that county. T.ik Rev. A. B. Jack, of Danville, delivered his celebrated lecture on "Robert Burns," In the Court House on Monday evening lat. The lec ture was attentively listened to aud highly ap preciated. Not Bad. A Kentucky editor makes an ap peal to his creditors. Hesaysi "We hope they will 'settle' without delay. Not that we need the money oh, no ! Our Ink Is given to us, we steal our paper, and win our printers' wages at 'seven up.' So It cost u nothing to carry or business. Nevertheless, as a matter of accom modation, and to ease, their consciences, we will tike what they owo us, If they will send it in immediately. Death of an Old Citizen. Hon. Jesso C. Horton, of Point township, died on Thursday of last week, after a few day's illness from typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Horton wa widely known, having held a number of position of public trust, aud represented this district In the State Senate aud Lcgl-liture, and was an acllvo Demo cratic politician until a few years past. At the time of Lis death he was a Director of the First National Bank of Suubury, which position he held for many years. Ho was aged aboniscvcn-ty-two years. His remains wero Interred ut Nor thumberland on Monday lust with Masonic hon ors, of which Order he was an active and con sistent member for many years. ' BoRouoii Election. Tho election on Friday last passed otf very quietly. But few cases of drunkenness were noticed during the entire day. Tbe followiug persous were elected: Chief Burgess Sol. Mallek. Second Burgess V. I. Greenoiigh. Town Clerk Peter W. Grav. High Cou3table S. P. Bright. WEST WARD. Assistant Burgesses John Cadwallader and D. C. Dis-inger. Council Win. L. Dowart, J. A. Cake, Chas. Seusenbach aud Val. Dietz. Constable Win. Pursel. Assessor Geo. Bright. Assistant Aosessor T. M. Pursellaud H. T. Fryling. School Director L. T. Rohibach. bit eel Commissioners Geo. W. Klebl and C. F. Martin. Overseers of the Poor Fred. Merrll and John Shlbsler. Judge of Elections Alexander Mantz. Inspectors of Elections Solomon Weaver aud George Lyon. Majority Against License 5T. EAST WARD. Assistant Burgesses Geo. W. Smith and Jno. ClarK. Council Jacob Hohrbach, Geo. B. Cadwalla der, Win. H. Miller and J. C. Irwin. Justice of the Peace Jeremiah IsuyJer. Constable Wm. 11. Bright. School Director M. C. Uearhart. Assessor Levi Seasholtz. Assistant Assessors I. S. Gosalcr and Eman uel Wilvert. Btreet Commissioner John Smith and J. B. Lenker. Overseers of the Poor N. F. Martz and Oeo. Harrison. Judge of Elections Jacob Cable. Inspector of Elections P. II. Moore and Ira Hilr. Majority Against License C7. Local Option Nortui'miiekland Cocntt Official. The Return Judges of the different election districts of this county met at the Court House, on Monday, and counted the vote polled ou Fliday lust, ou the lie mse question. T. S. Shannon was chosen President, J. O. Bill mau and David Seller, Vice-Presidents; L. H. Ease und Irelllngton Iluinmell were elected cleiks. All the districts were counted except Coal township. The following is tho ofllelul vote: For. Araiiut. Buubury, East Ward 117 184 Bunbury, West Ward l;l 1S3 Point., S 03 Milton, North Ward 63 17J Milton, South Ward 81 t: Tui'but 63 l'.IS Lewis 90 6 ; Delaware 144 130 Watsontown tfa 15U Cppcr Augusta nu jib Lov.er Aligurta 169 13 Rush 73 lua Riverside 14 37 Bhamokin township 8S lua Bhamokin, East Ward 809 Shainokiu. West Ward 121 160 Mt. Carmel township 170 42 Mt. Carmel borough 63 135 Washington 144 1 Jordan 122 15 Lower Mahauoy 208 63 Snydertowu 87 23 Zeibe 114 41 McEwensvllle k 20 45 Tuibutvllle 30 65 Northumberland 138 230 Cameron , 77 xo Little Muhuuoy 40 14 Jackson 114 S8 Upper Mahauoy l'.9 f ChillUquaque 47 145 Total Ji34 2973 2W Majority , 151 Tb majority for liceu In Coal township wa 1T. Legislative. Dr. Derltt, member, of the nou so of Representatives, ha Introduced the fol lowing blllsi . An act to Incorporate the Sbamoklu Oa Com pany. An act to Incorporate the Mabanoy Gas Com pany. An act relative to road and unrvlsor In the townahlp of Upper Augusta, Northumberland 1 county. A supplement to an act entitled an act to In corporate tho Bhamokln Life Iusuranco aud Trust Company. An act to exempt from taxation the parsonage of the Reformed Church of Buubury, Northum berland county. A further supplement tn an act entitled an act to incorporate tho Schuylkill Itaveu Mutual Health Life Insurance Company, approved the 19th day of April, 1850. An act to authorize Daulcl Row, John Schleg el and Solomon Billman, as trustees, to sell cer tain real estato In the township of Washington Northumberland county. An act authorizing the building nnd maintain ing of a dam lu the West Branch of the River Susquehanna, near the borough of Milton, in tho county of Northumberland, fiom the eastern bank of said river to tho central bank of the up per island. l'cm.ic Sales. George Miller, of Hitimokln township, will sell farming stock and household furniture at his residence, on March It). Leonard Neldlg, of Lower Augusta, will sell a lot of farm stock, )iay, potatoes, Ac, at his res ldencc, on the tilth ol March next. Samuel Wilyard. of Point township, will dis pose of a lot of personal property at hi resi dence, on the Sth of March nbxt. A. N. Bricc, executor of Abraham Snyder' es tate, will sell all the persoi.nl property of said estate, on Baturday, the tith of Match next, at the late residence of the deceased, iu Upper Au gusta towuslilp. Council 1 roccedingsj. Tl'Esdat Evenino, February 18, 187S. Council met Chief Burgess 80I. Mallek In tho Chair. Members present J. M. Cadwallader, Rohrbach. Irwin, Clark, Oarimrer, Kissinger, Smith, O. B. Cadwallader, Miller, Dewait and Cake. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. W. L. Dcwart, Chairman of Committee on Gas, reported that In pnrsunnoe of resolution of Council, hecoiHmunleateil with the Oas Company a directed, and received the following reply: BliNBfnV. Feb. 1, 1&78. To the Bwgtu anil Council of Sunbnry: The Sunbury Gas Company hereby oiler to fur nish and erect lamp pasts for lighting streets In which there are no g is pipes, witn common oil or benzine lamps, upon the following terms and conditions: The lanterns anil posts to be of the same pattern and material a those now in nso for gas, and to ho furnished with ordinary kero sine or benzine lamps, and put in place for 421 per post, ut samu distance apart as gas lamps now are, 011 the followiug streets, viz: Fourth, Walnut, Race, Third, nnd each other street con tiguous und adjoining thereto, as the Council In their acceptance of this proposition may desig nate; mid as a part of this proposition, the sal 1 Gas Company offer to keep the said lamps lighted and in order upon the same term and conditions as now received and given for eas IL'hls, until such time as the main pipes 01 the said company are extended through the said streets, when the lamps aro to he replaced with gas burners with out additional chat For the Oas Company, J. Desha I'atton, Sec'y. On motion of Mr. G. M. Cadwulla le.r Iie.tMlrml, That when we a Mourn that wo meet on Tuesday night next, to Uuih up the buslnes of the present Council. Mr. Dcwart, of the Finance Committee, re- ported as follows: Th.il he has received from the Seerelarv of State a cerliiled copy of tl.o law i nulhorir.iug the Town Council of this borough to borrow money, which to have passed into a law cost the sum of four dollars nnd twenty-flvo cents, all told. He therefore oilered tht follow ing resolution: f Jtewlwl, That the Burgess and CouiiWScCKpt and approve of tho law last p issed, authorizing Council to borrow money; that sal t law he en tered nt length on the minutes of tnis Council, and published in the newspapers of the town among tho proceedings theieof, for the Informa tion of the citizens; that the eerti lied copy of tho law he placed on Hie among the borough papers, and that an order be drawn on the Uuiough Treasurer for one dollar und twenty-lire cents, fees charged by the State for fnruishin said cer tilled copy. Adopted. Report of John Claris In reforenco to making wall In alley between Arch aud Rice streets thnt it was llnished by Charles Garinger for the sum of one hundred dollars. AN ACT to authoriu the Tuici Council of the Borough of I h'mbury to Harrow .wwy. Section 1. lie it enaete 1 by tin Senate and House of Representatives of the. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, nnd it Is hereby enact' d by the ant hority of the same, That for the purpose of fun ling and cousolic'at lug the whole outstanding debt of the borough of Sunbury, of whatever nature it may be, the Town Council of said botough, or their sucees soi s, are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow any sum or sums not exceeding In the aggregate thirty-five thousand dollarM, and may issue coupon bonds therefor iu the corporate name of the borough, payable ten years aftor dale, with sfvrn cr centum interest, payable semi-annually; said coupons to bo receivable at liar in payment of all taxes laid by said Town Council; said bonds shall not be taxable for bor ough purposes, and shall be signed by the Chief Burgess, sealed with the borough seal, and at tested by the Town Clerk. Bkc. i. That all former acts or parts of nets authorizing the Town Council ef the borough of Bunbury to borrow money be und the same are hereby repealed. W. ELLIOT, Speaker of Hon e of Representatives, GEORUE II. ANDERSON, Bpeaker of the Senate. Approved the thirty-first day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundref and seventy -three. J. F. IIARTRANFT, Governor. OrricE of the Sec. of tiie Commonwealth, ) Hariiisbcrq, Feb. 17, A. D. 187J. ) Pennsylvania, ss. , -sn . I do hereby certify that the forc- iL V P"'" "n'l uuuexe l is a full, true au l 1 ' l correct copy of the original act of --v the General Assembly, emitted, AN ACT toauthjriie the Town Council of the Borowjh of Sunbury to Iiorroit Money, as the same remains 011 Qle in this offlce. In testimony whereof I have hereunto act my baud una caused the seal of the Serro'ury's of fice to be affixed the day and year above written. A. C. REINCE1IL, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. Bill presented and Order granted: Charles Garinger C. J. Martin C. J. Martin Sol. Stroh Jus. M. Farra Steam Fire Co. for Feb A. N. Brice (bill laid over) Iteul. Brosiou W. L. Dcwart Ou motion, adjourned. $100 00 3o I I 07 11 10 2 00 SO 00 18 75 1 23 P. W. GRAV, Clerk. Tcesday Evenino, February 25, 1373. Council met Chief Burgess Mullck helng ab sent, J. M. Cadwallader was called to tbe chair. Members present G. B. Cadwallader, Chirk, Cake, Miller, Irwin, Dcwart, and Rohrbach. Minutes of last meeting read nnd upprovod. On motion of Mr. Dewart Wiifkeas, The the ti ne and attention of the Chief Burgess of this borough 1m 1u1.ru needed now than it formerly was; and whereas, wo be lieve that uTty dollars Is not adequate compen sation for his services for a year; therefore ee4fej. That from and alter the llrstd ivof March, 1873, the tlxed salary nt the Chief Bur gess shall be one hundred dollars pur unuum. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Dewart Jti'tolved. That the High Constable Inform A. N. Brice, Esq., that he is requested to meet the lew Council at their Chamber on Tuesday even ing next, the fourth day of March, at uulf-pust seveu o'clock, to swear them lino office. Adopted. Bill presented and orders irrsntr.l; W. L. Dowart ." A. J. Cuke I 5 00 9 00 11 40 S 00 A. N. Brice .... John Shlsslcr.. On motion, adjourned. P. W. GRAY, Clerk. Colcmbi county paid $09 90 for fox and wild cat calp last year. No skunk were reported. Dauphin county paid $142 for fo, and $20 for wild sat (calp lait year. There art no premium oa skunks la that county. Schuylkill county paid $779 55 for fo scalp Ut year, tot skoak toalpt knteVg. Vaoiianct.- The number of lndlvldiia!,mostly trong young men, who go about In the morning and beg victuals, Is Increasing. On Thuriday morning three younglrlshmen called at our resi dence, and on being reproved for such vagrancy on the part of young and able-bodied men, ac knowledged they had (pent all their mean for liquor the day before. Tel nch persons are sel dom refused a meal which our own desorvlng poor would often be glad to get, but who would rather suffer than beg. Wsare Informed that a petition lis been cir culated praying th Court to refuse license to all but three hotel In this place, naming tho hotel to be licensed. What the object Is wo aro unable to aay, but we cannot sec any good arising from such a course, as It will create a monopoly, and shows malice at the bottom of it, and will greatly Injure the temperance cause In thl vlclnlty,from tho fact that the people will not submit to the selection of a few to such a monopoly. Not do wo boUovo that tho landlords who have been pointed out for thl purpose aro favorable to uch a step. We hopu the Court w?ll pay no at tention to It. Nearly all the business places In this town were clos' d on Saturday afternoon Inst, In com memoration of Wasblng'on's birth-day. OtTR neighbor of the Vemocrat has abandoned the "patent outside." As he was very prolusc in word against us for expressing our disappro bation against having part of a home paper printed In Now Tork, when lie first adopted the patent outside system, wo should like to hear from Jacob of bis experience, and whether we were correct or not. Be honest now, noighbor, and acknowledge tho corn. List of letters remaining In the Sunbury Post Office on February 80, 1873i ' Michclo Arceta (2), John Alter, Emanurl Brown, Docton Blair, Mr. F. Cole, Miss Fannie Cole, Thomas Denguan, Harry C. Elliott, D.m'l Toy, J. B. Oass, Thoinns Gafige.n, K. D. Heck foid, II. 'C. Henry, George Hile, Mr. llasllev, Mary A. Hilo. Thos. R. Hnnn. Geo. M. Kelley, T. I). Lyons, Miss E'la Leedy, Wulare Martin, Franklin Rintler, Albeit Rimert, R-irhel Uncti on, Harry Kitter.Puniel Randolph, .1 S. Stewart, Mary K. Scantling, J. W. Sand, Ilanimh Track man, Wtnlluld S. Umplebey, Jo'm S. Werd. A mef.tino "f the Steam Fire Engine Company will he held in their b ill this (Friday) evening, nt 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of holding 1111 election. The lnomberj are requested to uttend punctual y. A touno man lit a party In Clearfield on be ing asked if he could play the harpsichord, wanted to know it was anything like seven up. Orn devil says courting Is an Irregular active transitive verb, indicative mood, present tense andouthiie nights of the week ngnes with every girl iu town. Tuk new hundred dollar greenback will soon be In dictation. When we get one we will dc- ecr'-bc It. j FOR T IE AMKUICAN- Auitr American: "Observer," in the Milton ian ol 14th February, takes occasion to ti ll, et I on ttie "depleted military or niiz ttions so-called ; oft'!-! coal r -gl-m." He .i!:- reii.-i-t- somewhat 1 severely on the "Military Board who ilrawor- ilsis on the Treasurer for their own use in niak j lug grand marches, glorious campaigns, etc." I Tothe llrst chiigii w! ask leave to plead "not i gui ty," though arr.iigne l by bo ii,ip,rt,i,it a per I sonage as "Observer." The military companies ! of th1. coal regio 1 are by no means depleted, hat '. on the contriiy have much above the maximum n.i'nber in their ranks. As to their condition, 'we prefer the report of A Ij ut-iut -General liis ' sell to any crittcis n of "ul-ervr." or any other 1 Of that genus. Th1! Military Bo nd run only a i ' dit s ic 1 citiiin a . ar-i J-i-i ail issue th -ir or lei -. ace irdingly. As to th se o -l-ns imirilU lolln'ir own benelii, it mu.-i Birike an uterw th it .it. all the militaiy tecoguU 1 1 a 'iei at p -I'sent i.i Northumberland county an- in tin1 coal region, there U nut so niileli io.iu-tien in ill., uctioti.it' the Mi;ilury Board as 'Oli-ei vet " would like to make it appear. The Item of $.1,7.13 71 which he reports as having been collected, is apt to mis lead, as "Observer,' should he look carefully, will see that tlieamoiint collected was ?1,H7S o;i. The militia tax, were It all collected for s,72, would not aggregate S;i,7.".3 71, as the umouiit nsscsse 1 dil not, 1 think, reach quite te.p M. Tills we are willing to believe was an error, but none the lessj calculated to mislead. Tim mili tary companies of the coal region have I; -en in cvtMcnco fur three years, mi 1 t he paltry amount so In paid them has barelv niilieed to I) iv rents ! of armories, which, under the law, mutt be pai l before any amount can be awarded to tiio mem I hers of a company. As one, tit least, of ti e com. ' pa uic 0 kintlly mentioned by "Observer,'' lias ' a civil as well as a military organization, und as all the officers of the other companies are m.-ii abuvureproach.lt Is not p'obahle that the m imnne amount disbursed has been misapplie l. That the present law is "iuirjuitnus" is drawing tho bow rulhcr strongly; Unit it is very lame we. will ugtec; and one of Its lamest features is that it allows the tax to tin collected and disbursed through county officials. Appropriations for the support of the. National Guard should be made the samo as other appropriations for State purposes are made, and some of the officers aim ed at iu "Observer's" letter were active in hav ing a new law drafted l.ia winter which should embody this provision, and then do a way with the 'iniquitous' law complained of by our ob serving fi lend. The military companies of lite coal region are fully ab'.c. to t ike earn of them selves, and should "Observer" happen among ns some flue evening, he will observe a good armory, first-class guns mid, 1 think, omo good fellows who uert ou "glorious umpaigns," who uiii try and make It pleasant for him, although he has done wli it wo would like to believe bu did not iloinirritomi.'i stoop to personalities. Wo conclude by observing to "Observer'' that no matter what "he may observe In future, we won't answer him. hut go on iuouvowu way, trying to keep up the prestige of tho t-oU!icr. (without (lispaiaging others) ,.f ttie co il region won on many fields; In campaigns whose re nown has passed Into history. ' SoLKiKit. Triul I.iKl. List of Causes for anjourned term, commenc ing March 3, 1S73: '1 he county of Noi thtiuiberland vs. Geo. M"El ieee. The county of Northumberland vs, PhIMp Win terstein. Lvnnn Seller, mlm. of Elias Seller, vs. John M. Whitm.T. , . . Fredrick blradcr vs. Dan. Beckley, H. 8. Catherine Dulid vs. tile Elite rpritu Coal Com pany and Robert Anitncrmnn. William Lewis v. James Maliuie. Peter lmiikle vs. II. E. hhelieuherger. Martin Stialiifand an. v. Criah Folk, con tractor, and Michael Slilpe, owner. Geo. C. Weiker vs. N. C. Railway Co. Frank "rrslinr vs. twp. of Mt. Carnicl. Win. M. Cairn v. Win. & bun Kiis.ctl. Sim. C. Biy-on vs. School Diiectors of Dela ware Twp. J bn w. ile.c- r v, i. :,;,. i, i. Pel. Gea-.hail vs II. P. . W. B. R, It. ( . J .Cob Raup vs. .loan l.eihy, furnace Hart vs. the i 'p'. of Alt. Carmel. Miller, Forney ,fc Co. vs. ):,vid llelser. Milley T. Day, Indorser. vs. Alciie B. Day. Jim. Bartholomew vs. Jas II. M'Cormick. BeuJ. Williamson vs. ,, ,, Geo. Bower vs. ,. Geo. Wills vs, ,, ,, ,, , Jaiiii I). Gehrig vs, L.L. Beiilelmau. Weand ink A Co. vs. J. J. Bnuch. Eva bchllt chly vs. Anthony Hummel. J. Ci M. binder v. J. U. Fiedeikks iV D. F. Krebs. Hush, Miller A Co. vs. J. M. Bartholomew. F.lishu Elliott vs. Ileury B. Weaver. Jacob E. Si ruckler vs. John Wcisl. Jonathan Garrett vs. Henry B. Musser. Geo. Miller vs. Joliu buudcr & William Deal. 11. Fredrick Scully vs. Nathan Cbamberlln. John M. Fry, for the use of D. W. Smith, vs J.C. Morgan und George Trcon. Statu iauk vs. Abraham Kissinger. John W. Smith vs. Henry bliulu. I. tat ol lanscs for week Monday, March 17th, lh73. commcuciiig I'hiUp Zimmerman vs George L McClure. J. M. Cadwallader vs. William Wiihluglou. John II. Lick vs George W. liashore. Isuuo Sticker, endorsee v Kobett Dalesman, eudor.ee for Webster A Vlney. W. 11. Miller v Joltu Frytiiiru, Jr. Francis O'Donnell v Noribumberlaud Co. Ag llrBltoral Boriety. Ttenry C. Bonmer rs T. O. Van Allen, Oeorge M. Leslie, and Abraham H.Vorl, tradln undor tke firm name of Van Allen A Company. Thos. L. Frvmlre A Co., r Jacob i. Wike Bumiio'. 81iHdo vs Lewis township. Lazarus Mover v William Shartol. Danville, II are! ton A Wllkosbarre R. 11. Co. rs Isaac Albert and John Bognr. J. F. Bartch vs Joseph Nicely, Adm'r of Jool W. Artman. dee'd, and J. P. Armstrong. Hare h C.'Schell, by her next friend, Jacob Shell vs John llafer. Peter Yergcr vs Jordan township. Ross, Shott A Co., vs J. K. Smith & Co. Charles Glass vs Peter Baldy, owner, and Clia's Rnmie, contractor. A. W. Kramer vs Joseph Vanklrk. Tomllnson A Tyler vs T. S. Shannon. John B. Welser vs Solomon Dclp. Diner A Relsh v Wm. A. Fisher. Philip Snyder, Jacob Snyder, Joseph Bnydor, Herman Snyder nnd Lydln Snyder vs Isaac Shlpp. J. H. Cofrou A Co. vs John B. Hel.cr, Sheriff of Northumberland county. II. F. Herman vs Joseph H. Hunter. Ira T. Cleuiant vs Daniel Druckemiller, owner, or reputed owner or contractor. Nagle A Owens vs Watrner, Starr A Co. Isaac Zerbe A Elizabeth Zorbc, for tho use of Elizabeth Zerhu vs Levi Zei be. Abraham Lorch vs Mrs. Lydln Thompson, owner, or reputed owner, and Jacob Reiner, con tractor. Elizabeth P.omboy vs Jefferson Tnbler. George 8. Good hart vs Mary Ray. J. W. Gillespie vs John II. Foresmao. S. L. Finney vs John Porter. George German vs John G. Smith. John G. Uurtnur vs Samuel Bloom, J. H. R-ng'.e Kocantiugua Coal Co. vs Thos B irr. Charles Kemerer vs Benjamin Snydor. Oil MnrrliigC. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfuro with Marriage, nnd ruin the happinese of thou sands, with sure means or relief for the Erring and L'nfoitunntc, deceased and debilitated. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address. Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. In this place, on Snndav morning last, after a short illness, Mr. ALBERT HAAS, aged about 3." years. In Sunbury, on the C4th uit., CHESTER, youngest child of Isaac Kern, aged tlo days. SI MM ItY "tl AIIKnS. 11 our tun! raiu .tlurlict. Extra Family $12.00 Red Wheat, p. bn., WOO Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.00 live, " MH Corn Meal, " 2. fit) Corn. " 70 Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.1 Tnl Buckw heat " 1.00 i Shorts, 2.U0 Oats. 82 lbs. -VI I (orn A Oats Chop, 2. OH Flaxseed, 3.25 Timothy Seed. p. b. 3.00 Produce "rlarkft. Potatoes, 75 Hams, 1S Eggs, per doz., 3H Tallow, 10 Butler, per lb., Ho Counlty Soap, S Lard, " 12 Dried Apples, 12 Sides, 10. " Peaches, 10 Shoulders, 14 'ilihi bbcrtisntcnis. J3LCRIES SUBl'tENA OF DIVORCE. Julia Flcckingcr by her next friend David Stuhl necker Vs. (ieorge Flccklnzar. Nurthiitnherl.ind County, to wit i The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to George Flcckingcr, Greetiug : Whereas Juiia Kleckeiiger by her next friend Da vld Stahineeker. ditl. on the Hrst day of October last, exhibit her petition or libel toour Judge oT on r Court of Common Picas of (be County of Nortliumbi-rluiid, . raying, tor tho cni"" there in et I'ortli, that she might bu div.ro, -d from the Bond ol Mat riiiionv, com r.icti!'! w ilhvo.i, the said tieorge Fti-ekinger : We Miami you the s. id ,,. orge i'l pers. null b" an I appear S lebiirv. it1 a Court of otto be bolii, n f. i- tbe -i 1 coa Monday of MuiC-i in xt. to an lilifl so c lliti le 1 auaht-t iil ilo th i-l'o e!iiiii.'-r. that ur .1 udgi on Piti.s. tn -ii- to ty. i-i tli.- , iv. ! -r I lie 'I it :ou "I b, I tie s i;. .1 1 I I Flcckingcr bv her next friend David Staliinecke and to show c.iue, il'itny ou have, why the sni.. ' Julia Fieekinger your wife, should not iicrtivor:-- j el fiom the Bond of Matrimony contracted with you, according to the Act of Assembly, iu such ' case provided, ami to do further nil I receive i wli.it our said Judges shall have considered in ' that behalf; and hereof fall not. Witness the Honorable William M. KorkeM-l-r, President of our said Court, the 11th dav of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred uUd seve:.ty iliree. S. H. I'.OTHERMEL, Shcriif. Li.ovo T. Koiiuhacm Prothountar). biintiuiy, hebruury is, i'l ,3. For Kale. VVA LV ABLE FARM HORSE AND TWO I F11ES1I MILCH COWS are offered at ; private sale, on reasonable terms. For purlieu- j lars cuil on Iho subscriber, in Cppcr Augusta ; township, on the farm known as the James I Campbell Farm. ! fe22 4t B. F. BARSIIART. I COIRT IMlOl'I.tM VTIO.- Notice ; Is her. by given that the several Couils of Coin- 1 mon Picas, General Quarter Sessions of t lie Peace, und Orphans Court. Court uf Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at the Cotnt House, in the borough of Snnburv. i.l 10 o'clock A. M.. on MiND.VY, ...ARCH tile 10th, next, und will continue two weeks. The Coroner. Jm-tices of the Peace and Consta bles in aud for tbe county of Noitlmniberlancl are requested to lie then and therein their proper pel sons, with their mils, records, iiuii i-it i u.h, nnd other remembrances, to do those things to their several olliees appertaining to he done. And nil witnesses prosecuting In behalf o' the Com monweakh lU'ainst any prisoner, are rru,neste. nod commanded to be tln-n and llcne attending lb their proper persons to prosecute against h'm us shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril, .hums are roiUcstcd to be punc tual ill tin Ir ntteii lane e, ru the time appointed, ugteeably to their notices. Given under my hand attMtiibiiry, the Oth day of Fciiiuiiry, in the yi ur of our Lord ouc thousand eight hundred nnd scvenlv-thrce. SA.MVELH. R()T1IARMEL, Sheriff. Special Court. "VTOTICE Is hereby given that n Special Court -iN 'f the Couitnl Crinn on P'cbo In nnd for the county of Vorthninberiaiul, will be hidden nt Sunbury, comniunciug MONDAY, April 7, A.D. ls.73, ami continuing one week, for tbe trinl of all special causes on the Pleas ricoeiidin" LLOVD T. RflllHBACH. Sinibury, January 27.1H73. Prothonotary. ADJOl'ItNED COURT. I'roclauiatloii. " TFIIEREAS the HonorHble Wm. M. Rocke II feller, President Judge, and liis ssocinles. for this District, have issued their imitidala for nn ud.ioiirned Court for Nortbiinibcrliiiid comity, to he held on Monday the ltd dav of March, A. I)., 173, being the 1st Monday of .-'d tin1)'" I.l l.'iil.nr. ..... I , n., ,! .'!; I therefore give notice to till Jurymen drawn for this Court, nnd nil others Interested, to be and iipi-c ir at the place aforesaid at 10 o'clock, u. iu. of said dav. AMl'EL H. ROTHERMEL, Slieritr. Shetitl 's Olllee, Sunbury, Feh. 1. 1873. W SSS llU First PrEmium U SI Jle.Iiisi.1371 Double E.ewuci Oveu. Wanning Clocl . llroil lug Door, Vender Guard, Dumping and Sluikign Grate, Diie.t Draft. FULLER, WARREN Ji CO., Water btreet. New Yolk. i'btt.sjw Q elffeeder'p A S E Utewartlurnur lMPhovED, Unrivaled a. Unkualed. Bum :inv sire Coal. FULLER, WARREN A CO., 7,12w tiLlO Water St., New York. 5 tn '"'r d',-v"! "J'i't Wuuted I Ail IU UxU clusses of woi kiug peoule, of either sex, young or old, make lum moiiuy nt woik for ns ia their spare iiioim nts, or all the liiu' than at auythiuir fit. Particulars free. Addrs, u. HTNSON A CO., BU-ly- P(Klina, Main, PMstW 23 5 i r - I Tlii Sitacn is ICesprTPd for the Adveutisemknt ol1 PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A it ) V A K S T O R E .Market St., Kunbury, I'u. OAl t llV sVCO'N (XtLlHIT. rpo tlm tVorliiny; ( lajsa., rule oe female, ' -I. t)0 a week fuarantecu. Respectable em ployment at ham.', day or evening ; no capital required ; full instructions mid a valuable pack ' age of goods to start with seat flee by mail. Ad ' dress, with 0 cent return stamp, M. YOUNG Jt i CO., 10 tlonrtlandt-Pt., New-York. J. 11, 4w. I Cakvassisu Books Sunt Fki:e for l I Trot, roil I.KIi'f t.lti:.l l' IIOKK ' Ou Manhood, Womanhood aud their Mutual lu ' ter-relatlons Love, lu Laws, Power, etc. 1 Agents are selling from Ufa to SO copies of 1 this worn u day, und we send a canvassing book ' free to any book agent. Address, stating expe rience, etc., National -Publishing 1u., Philadel phia, Pa. v, March 1, IMS. 1 Widk-Awakk Book Auknis Wantiio ton Or Nll'OI Fo iii ! by Abbott New Edition, witi, ucv,lU f ia rrusbhin War, nud n,c )Ust hours of the Empe-. ror; inakln; i,n elegant octavo of 7o0 page. ; Ihe I'lr.e mid Ihethcniu lender It the most pop 1 ular work of the day. Exelu.ivu Iciiiiorv with I ; no coilipctitiou. Address at once, ' j Quaker City Publishing Co., 4w 'JU and 21U (uluce-sl., ridludelphiu. I Mareh 1, 1M73. i KiESTtll A Rsr t'hHuce t ! We 1 will pay ail agents $40 per week in cash, who ' will engage With us utouee. Everything luruldi-i t cd aud expeuses paid. Address, fa,4w. A Cm-iyxa A Co., Chrltu, Mlsi. ifUlsciillaiuou! Agent n wanted sVr VchlodtheNevieM C it V arsli t a k I o . j . The quit-Vest seTHng book f tbcd.iy. It ti l's all about the great Crodll Moblller Scitidul, K-o-atotial Bribnile, Congressmen, Rings, VM-les, and the Wonderful Khihts of the National Capi tal. The demand for It Is Immense, rrcnts malting early application will secure choice ter ritory,' Send for circular, and see our tiiitis end a full description of tli work. Add its, Continental Publishes fo-i Bomi-Pt., "Ms York. 4w. March 1, 1873. among all cinsscs. Old people, the m' I dlcnpcd, those who are Just utcring lire, nnd youth of both sc-xr-s buy and road wu i the greatest profit. or" 9 a Mr Jot it r liiRNi, s flm-ant, DIO LEWIS' last, and best bo-.k. It is meeting with the greale'l success ; i-s nnd there's Money lu It. Send for our circulars, cts., which sre r.i?it fri N,4w. GEO. MACI.F.AN, Phils. bn deceived, but for coughs, cnld, sort) throat, hoarseness and bronchial ilifflcnUits, ui only WoIIm Carbolic Tn!.I-(. Worthless imitations nrc on the mnrk-r,t, br.t the only sclent itic pi ti;i ration of f 'arhoiie Acid for Lmig tlisenscs Is nlien chemical. y combined with other well known rcTnediO'. ss In I hec Ta blets, and ail parties ar cautioned iig.iitot u.iug any oilier. )n all eases of Iriitatlon of t'r.n mucous tiiem hrane tliese Tabli'ts should lie fi ' icy nc l. thc-ir clcinsins and healing properties itieastonisiilng. Be warned, never neglect a cold, it is vasiiy cured iu Us iiicipmut stute, when il becomes chronic the cure Is. excerdiugly difficult, use Weils-' Chi nolle Tablets as a speellic, .lOH'.'t IJ. KEl.i.Oli!), IS Plait St.. New York, N9.4. Sole Agent for United Stales1. Price 25 cents a box. Send for CircuNr, ('riinibs of Comfort Th Lsdies' Fri'-nd. As your grocer for It. UAiirLin tvs blackinu always gives BatiB.'aeticn. Try II. rCARL BLrK for the laundry lies no equal. II. A. HA Ii.TI.ETT A Co. 115. l'tiila., Ill) Chambers-St., N. Boto,i. Joit. 11. 4v.-, Sold hv g:ocirs. 117 .V. Frout-st., Y ., 13 Broad s4 , itlHtoii !: llaiiilhi CaMti't Orgiiii.H. The Only American Musical InstrutiienU of I such extraordinary anil recognize. 1 excellence as ( to cnuimand a wide sale In Europe, iiotwith 1 sliiiiiling competition there with product of j cheep laoor. AInHjst awarded highc-'-t premiums, Includ ing tho .Medal ut the Paris Exposition. Of hun dreds of Industrial Exhibitions, tlieie have not bel li six in nil where any oilier oran have been pf' l'el red to t lll-sC,. l'iii'rmlly recommrniicd hy eminent nm sicians us posseseing exeellencies not ittuined In any otliots. See opinions of one thousand, in Testimonial (Jireu'-tir. r.xoltiMlvoly employing several Important Inventions und embracing cve.y real improie nient. Thtp Jnost i;Ic:iIyo n''d compt f ic toriet, in the world, pro.i.ii'ing bi tter v. uk a' ! cost than otherwi-c possible. l'rlrffs l"i'l it ii -( as I'W as consiftca j with scrupulous employment of oi;ly l.et,t ii.uto I rial end woi kmansl ip. i IiIum rated Calalogiiii. and Tcstimotiial Circrt i lar, with Important information about Organ ' which may save purchaser from disappointment j ia purclnisi! of inferior or woithless !ustruimi.t I or payment of High prices, sent free. jMASLV AND IIAMU'X OUGAX CO.. i 131 Tc.Fmont St., Boston t So I'sinx SJt;:iK, Nrw Youk ; 30 Ajii bi AiU! St., Ciih jloo. 4 Match 1. 1S7.1. is uucii'iami iij ncy ht'cvn i .- i.i-tly. U vii.i era dicate, cxti i pale und thoroughly lie.lioy no poi sonous substances in the Blood and will tifictil- I ally dhpjl ail predisposition to tilious drrac't- i Dlellt. is there want of acl'.on in your Liver and ! Spiccu f Unless relieve 1 tbe blood becotiKM im pure by deicrioiis seer.t'oii. p-oi'ir'ng i-erriu-lous or skin disep? !s, B.otchci., I'cions, FeMulc. Canker, Vimplc, Ac, Ac. li'eyou a dyspeptic Stomach ? Utiles dle. 1 tioti is promptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general wruksicsy and liiertl i. Have you weakness of t'-ie inteitities I You are iu danger of Clirouie Dial rUA-'a oriBllatniiia tion of .iLe. bowels. Have you weakness of the Uitriae or Urinary Organs I Yoa are cxpi ted to tnfferlng iu it ! most aggravated form. I Are ycu dejected, drowsy, dull. s'.Si'.s'u or de pressed In spii 1 1, will: head a-e. luck ue'ue, cut ' ed tongue mid bad tasting month ! Tor a certain reineily lor all of th?so difeas, ' wcaknesse end trotibl.-s ; for cleau.sltrg and pu rifying tbe viatcd t-looil and !'npartiiig vlrjor ta all tht vital forces ; for bnildhig '. und retir ing rlie weakened constitution U- E J U il U Ii E 15 A which la pronounced by the Hading nindical arc Otolith's of l.onaou and Tails "the mo-'t j-ov.er-ful touic and allergliva knonu to the i.icuichI world." Tli's Is no new an I limritj d scowy but has been long used by the loiding pl:js:c'.i.ns of oilier countries wit li wonderf.il ruiuejial re sults. Don't weaken and Impair the il'.icsi.ve organ by cathartics and physic, they ghe on'y te.iioo-' rary tellef Indigestion, tlntultney and dyspep sia with piles and kindred dieuses ar sure to follow their use. Kerb the biool pure and hsa'thv Is assured. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 1-s Piatt St., N. V. Sole Agent for the Unite.: States. Price. i per Boitie. Send fur Circular. Marl 4w The Guide is published Quartoriy. 25et. pr. for the ear, whicu is nut half the cost. Tho'oj who afterward scud money to the amount of o.o Dollar or more for Seeds inuy also order 25 clv worth rxtra Ihe price pid fjr the Guide. The First Number is beuutilul, giving plans for mak ing Rural Homes, Dining Table l"ccoTatic!.s, Window Gardens, Ac, aud u inuss of biloruint . :i iuvaluul le to Hie lover ol Flowers. loll pages u: Uue liuted paper, ouiu i)X Engravings and u superb Colored Plate aul Cbromo Cover. iU Fii.t Ediliou of 200,000 just p,i. ted In EiIaI. aim tieiuiau. JAMI-S V1CK, l.4w. Koclu-ster, Nrw Tork. J'si Samples sett I y mail lor 5ils. tl-at retail qnifk lor $10. R. L. Wiiu.tt, m Chailc m squat j. N. Y. fS.4w II .l l i:i. if you wish to bny"a S-wli $ Macliine for family use, or i.cl ns agent, ad lie, Wathingtou Sewing Machine Co.. ii .su-n, Mas. Micliusett. fb.4w IVAX'M'.D to tmi'iy for the Hin"u'n"T summer, school Icarhns iin.l tl-cir lute..' -.nt uicu, tosolisit l'..r ii. v new Vaiual V t inutlTul v iilustwiod and ea-y n,.Mc,;u',n; be;ria making uip- ,l:, tx. .erieiicUllf,i,? - ,!. c. J,,,,,,,.,-; b -III- Aicli st., 1'liil.ideIphL'i. A liisl-class riusimss lor a reliable LiaU, with the lusuiume of making front 'J,0.)il to CH.Oi'O yetr can be secuivd. In connei lion Willi u aifency for the txcliisdte s!e of works bv Rev. Henry Wind Beechi r, Wiht.un Culleu Bry.nii, Harriet Bet-cher Siowc, . Write for paitieu. lurs to J. B. Komii .V t o., Naw York ; llnsicn Chicago; or S..0 Frauclsco. I's.w I' ! I i: t' I . I j A TT K " T I O ' o r in a n i: fi ? -turer wlio have become diguted with tlic oibirj f ParufBue Oils uud their ill cll'ccts upon Hiiiv'it nery, Islnvlted to K. i'l. KLllo-g's Sperm Knginc Oil o" 1.'.'0 V n' E. H. KellbKK'k S per in Spindle I'll u 1.15 gt E. H. h'ellogn's Tallow Engine till iu. t.l III r srn E. H. Kellogg Tallow Sj.i.tdie thl ' l.t 5 ',-';' Mauutuciiitd only by l 4. IC. H. KmlouiI, tin. j; O.-d.ir i . N. 1 rasa