rantl AT NewCentral Variety Store, Mo. tOS, Marital Btreot, Soeto BJs East of the Railroad, Dress Qooda of all Kinds, KM, tUTt rpDn. Arpwrmt, fcifr Arptsat, TtotatoM, Flada, Ojith flanotlt, TTeklugs, Ladles Croaking . NOTIONS. tAD!I aad QIXTS1 nTSNlSHINO COOT., Hosiery, QloTtt, Tloodt, Obi, tlermantwu Wool, Ladict' IrutnllatloD tlalr Gooda to sew anil beautiful Stylet. SHAWLS. Ottatooo Crown, CKtanoa Doable ail Wool, Flad Shaw it, Breakit Shawls,' 6-jarff, Av. JEWELRY. Ladles Plated aad Jet Cpra Cka-l, Ladlee' Plated and Jet tVtle, Mugtr "rUnga, Bar Rings, Btayss, filetva Battens, Groceries. fresh Orooertca, Wood aod WTUcw Wart, Floor, Table and Stair OU Clothe. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Finney's for lb. Greatest Variety of Ocode. Qccdt arrlvltg Dully, if. B. It U Ike universal verdict or tht trade that to; goods ar told tbt lowcit in tbla market. D. A. FINNEY, N err amber 9, l7i, WISH ART'S riXE TREE TAIC CORDIAL. XATURE'S QKEAT REMEDY TOR Tns TUUOAT AND It it gratlfjlDR to as to Inform the pubile ttinl Dr. L. Q. C. WUbart'a Pine Ti! Tar Cordinl, for 'i brunt and Lung Dlieaica, ha Ruined a:i mi viable ropututlon from the Atlantic to the Pucl tlc ciinbt, uud from thenc to eomc of the tire t fiiinlllei of Enrope, uot tbruuh the prc aluiie, bat by persoos throughout the Sluice actaally lienttUted end curvd l bis otllc-e. While ha pub llebci lute, to raj our reporters, he It unable to supply the dtmaiij. It guius au J hc'.ii Ks repu tation First. Jfi-t by stripping coub, bat by loosen ing and aitliug nnturo to throw 0" th un healthy matter collected about the throat and brourhl.il tndct. which causes Irritation. Second. It rexuvet the cuneu of irritation (which produces ccuh) of the ronc.ous mviu brace and broacliial tube, aesUtt the lnnrrs to act and throw otT the nabeallhy r-ecrctlou, aud purillct the blood. Third. It i fins from fqnlllt, lobelia, ipecr.t and opium, of tvblch luott throat and luu re medies are composed, which allay cough only, and dlforanitetbe stomach. It ha a toothing effect on the stomach, arts oa the liver au.l kid neys, and lymphatic and nei to. riions, thns reaching to every pavt of the eys-lwin, u:.d !n l't Invigorating and purifying eflTectn it has gnincd a reputation vhl:h it Uuit ho'd above aii others la the market. NOTICE. THE PINE TREE TAll CORDIAL, Great Amcrlcava DyspepHla l'illst WORSf SUGAR DROrS Being under my Immediate direction, the; shall uot loose their curative iiuali'.ic by the tit cf cheap aud Impure artloiea. TIEXB Y R.'fflSnART, I'UOrillKTOB. TREE OF CHARGE, Dr, L. Q. C. Wishart't Office Parlors are open on Mouday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from V A. M., to ! P. M., for couxultatlou by Dr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are awoclatei two con suiting physiviaus of acknowledged ability. This opportunity U uot otfered by any iuttiiutUu la the city. AU letters rnnit be df rcssoU io V. Q. C. UIS1IAUT, ?I. I., 0. 32, K. SECOND ST., rniLADEU'HIA. Jfovexber 1C, 1372. 4 cjcs. TII.1D. HMIAKKOX, Third aud ?tnrkt Niinare, HAS jai-t received a full line of first-iiant goods ul moderate pi .icJ. Hut I tic beet Hock outside of the cities, counting of Americau nud (twits utebca, F.lgln, Illinois, Howard A Aj., Waltbm, Man., KpringtieM WuUhCo., I'hiladelpliia. Also a full line of Li J 10' aud Oeuts' Gold and Bllver Watches. JEWELRY. Boman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold s.ti, Ear-Kines, Necklaces aud Pendants, l ujx and Jet Jeweiry. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware of ritcf.iug pur In , muds to or dor. Bridal and Presentation Pieces, Kulvts, torkt aud cpoous 111 caseb, also, a full Hue ol bilrer Plated Uoods, Tea ticls, Ice Water bets, trblt bunds, Ceke Iiakets, Cotfee Urus, Koik. aud Bj'Oout- treble plated, the best iu the uiaiken SPECTACLES. If Ton value your Eyesight, use the Tevfect Len.es groumi fruni minuiu C'ri.tla IVIib v n. ri led together, aud deiivu the.e name "Uiauioud" on account of there birdneM aud brilliancy. They will last many years without change, and warranted Kuj ciior to all others ia us. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal ha o J its la casts pi ltd to oriltr. tx.ut.ns. I A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Caleuder Clocks ot ail disci Ip. t.ous. Eugraviug done at tht shortest uoltct. All goods told warrunttd at they art reprt tented. And ha would call the atteutlon of Lit pati not aud tht public to hit largt stock of AMERICAN aod Swiss Watches of the tinest lakers la tht world. No troublt to show goods. l and txamlut toy tiock. . TUAD'S 8. t HASNOM. Snry, Dee. it, UK. mmmnmmemmfmmmm mitt pening of i No. 100, Mnreet Street, Bunbury, Pa. o. w, KEEFKTl. c. w. DA5si.rn. ISJ"ew Goods! Dry Goods, Notions, Furniahirig Goods, Groccriee, Oil Clotl8, Glaau and Nails of every variety, at orm low price, at Kcefcr & Basslo.r's Store, Cornur of Fourth and Market tret-t, SUN3URT, r.. All kind of Groin takeu In eiihaui'e noire ns eaeb. Call aud ec- nr.. KEErER A BAPei.ER. Emihnry, Feb. 1, IbTi. JiEeC ALDWELL & I .0. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA Have bow ready their mg:ilriceiit stocH of HOLIDAY jOOCe. JEWELRT. WATCHES, SILVERWARE, FAN CY GOOU8, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, ATTRACTVIE GOODS AT MODERATE FIX ED PRICES. 902 Chestnut St. 902 J. W. WASHINGTOX'S cst.NU it .in ui. it iiioi'. Ia Miss Daliius' liulidine. Market tiret, e'il of ;!,.; Railroad, north side, fcUNHURY. Pa. The old permanent shop of the town. We decline the boast, but at the same time coutldrr that the mighty truta mayaoe teafoua blj spokcu without manifesting au uucomforta i blu amount of vanity and ambition. i Jnst twenty years ago I bepan my business ; career iu this place half uiv lifetime thus far ' pti.t. have I stood upon the floor of our shop ' day after day, and night after nigbt, and applied the sharp blue gloaming steel, aud within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of that eventful period have I nbaved nearly every body in the coun'ry (Iu common pnrlauce) aud to oblige the public iulciest we herein publicly anoouiice t. our patrons old and new th.it we ire ready to share them ail again three huudred thousand times or more. Come when you please, jutt in time Is the max im we are alwavs ready to' work, forenoon or i afternoon, to shave you, hair eui vou, shampoo I yoa, whisker dye you, or perfume, tomb and ai ! rauge the hair with artistic skill, iu the "water : fail" or vulur raise style to suit the eustower. . We wurk to please, not please to work, i Slop, don't go past our shop to get shaved ou ' the basil of ability because we do it as well at ! it can be doue or vr ruuld be. A chanco is all that we demand To ciTe the proof e hold in baud. Oct. 1. Ti. Sluahood t liow JLoat, How Ileator cd i WffriSt.Jat puhllfhed, a new edition of Dr. Wir55i Cl'LVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical core (without medicine) f bPERMATORRllCEA. or Seminal Weaknes., Involuutary beminul Losses, 111 POTENCY, llental aud Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepty, and Fits, induced by self-indelgcucc or aezual extravagance. VT Price, lu a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. 'I Ue celebrated author, in this admirable -say, clrarly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dyrcei'otie use of Internal medicine or the application of the kuile pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, ceilain, aud etre tual, I'y meant of which every sufleier, no mat ter what bit condition may be, may curt cimtelf cliean'v. privately and radically. L-tT" This Leuture should be in tht kauds of tveiy yuulk and evury man la lbs laud. Bent, under seal, iu a plalu envelope, to any adire.s, postpaid, on receipt cf U eeutJ, or to po'iage stamps. Also, Dr. (V.verwe'.i't 'Marriage Guide," rrict 60 eeuts. A Jdifs tlie Puli'i-heis, CIIAb. J. C. K l.l.N K A CO., P. O. B.x, 4.&R5. Vil Bowery, New York. April tT. Ib74. LIQl'OK NTOIt 1.1 CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, feUN I1CRY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has ou baud, and will con stantly keep all kinds of F6REIUN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consi'ting of Ptue Hr.in I ts: Coguiac, Cherry, GliiL'er. Rocbelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure ICve Copier-iislllled, Moi"n- gahela, Apple and Ncctai. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F.. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTIRS, And all oibert Liquors which can be lound In the city markets, which will ba told at Whole tale and Retail. Every article guaranteed at represented. Also, a large lot or DEMiJOUNo aud ItOTTLEB, always oa baud. Oidert promptly attended to, aud yuUlis pationage respectfully tollclttd kkfk Saahury, July B, 1809 ly. rnll tod U Inter Sljlo or BATS, CAPB, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATIIERS, Crapst, Bilks, Satlus, Tuiquoist, Crape acd Laet tells. Trlrumingt of etery lJctcrlptloa from Ntw Tork aud Philadelphia, just opturd and for "alt at unusually low pi Ices. Call and txatnint and bt convinced. MISSL. BHISSLKR, Market square, bovitb tMt, Soobnry, fa PBBBity, Ott. a, im. I A I'CIIY Jt CO'N ttOLCMS.' AORNTS wanted for l'rof. FOWLER'S (.rent WORK, on Manhood, Womanhood, and their Mulunl lntnr-rclntlun i Love, lit Ln i. Tower, etc. Bend for specimen pages and tlrciilnrs, with term. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISH ING CO., Philadelphia. 18) 8umplea sent by nvtrl for BOcte. that retail quick for 810. R. L. Wkicott, 181 Chalhnm txpnnrt, N. T. fH,4w AUEVrfff "aTltursf ChVnVe it We will pay all aitenta f 0 per (k In cash, who will engage with nentoneo. Kvcrylbliig furbish ed nail expenses paid. Address, fa,4iv. A Covitkh A Co., Charlottes, Mich. wXNTEIrIf"oa wUbTiT biiy a ticking Machine for family dm, or act as ngent, addresa Washington Sewing Machine Co., Boston, Maa sachnacltl. r8,4w WANTS DeTeniploy ftrrl ihiTspt in"iand mmmer, school teachers and their Intelligent man, to solicit fur n.y now valuable, beautifully Illustrated and easy telling pnbilrntlont. Before making other tngageineuta, addrese, stating e-t-erieurp, If any FJ. C. Joniiso, fd,4w. Arab st., Philadelphia. A ursl-cbisa biudnnsa for a roiinble man, w lb the auursnce of making from $2,000 to S9.000 a year can be secured, la connection with au ncency for the exclusive rale of works by Knv. Ileary Ward Bterher, William Cullrn Bryant. Tlarrkt Brecher Plowa, At. Write for parllrn lars to J. B. Ford A Co , Ntw Tork j BoUnn Chicago ; or &m Francisco. f8,4w ESPECIAI ATTKMTIOS of limnufK tnrera who bare become dlvfrunfii with tbt'iMoia of I'nraftloe Oils and tbvir ill vffectt upoa tuaalil nrj, l Invited to It. H. KelloRit' Pprrm Knttiiir OU HD tl.ZO gl K. II. Kelloicir'a Cprmi tWndleOil 1 .1 5 3 enl K. H. KelloRK't Tallow Eh!b' Oil Mt.lO tal X. H. KellnKK'a Tallow Hplnrtle Oil & t l.CO $ gal MunBfut-tnrpd oolv by f9.4w. E. II. Keixoos. No. 17 Cdar-(t., N. T. To Guide is pnb.lshfld Quarterly. Siclc. p.ty for the year, which it not half the cot l. Thoft who afterwards seud money to Hie amount il one Dollar or more for Seed" may alno order i25 cts. worth extra the price paid for the Guide. The First Number Is benulllu', ttlvliiir plans for inak- inn Rural Homes, Dlninit Table Decorations, Window Uarririis, Ac. and a mass of Inroniifctlou liivnlunt le to the lover ol Flowers. 15d paers on line tinted paper, some 500 Eneraviuns and a supeib Colored PUl aud Cuiim' diver. I be rln-t Edition of SW.lXili pn-f'l to tngiieu BmlOenaan. JAMES VICK, I8,4w. Ki-clinrtcr, New lork. Is uiietiaaicU ti.v any known re ucdy. n hi.i era dicate, rxtlrpate aud thinuuuhly destiny ullpul soiioua substances In the blond and wlil etieetu ally dit pel all predisposition to bilious derange ment. is theie want of action In yonr l.lver and Spleen I Cnlesa relieved tiie blond becomes im pure by delerious eeerelinns. producing serotu lous or skin disepse., Blotches, Felons, Pcstuies. Canker, Pimples, Ac Ac. Have yon a dyspeptic btomurh ? Utile's diire. tion it promptly aided the sytein is delimitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general weaknesy nud Ineriia. Have you weakness of the Intlincs1 Ton are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or liitUminu ticn of the bowels. Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinary OiKans ? Vtiu me caponed to eurTcrlng In hs most aggravated form. Aro you dejected, drowsy, dull, slugelsh or de pressed Ib spirits, Willi head ace. bscknche, coul- cdtongue and had tasting mouth t For a certain remedy for all of llne JUeae, weaknesses and troubles ; for cleansing and pn rilyiugthe vialed biood and Imparling vigor lo all tht vital forces ; for building up aud restor ing rhe weakened constitution USE JUKU li E U A which is pronounced by the leading medical au thorities of London and Paris "the most power ful tcuic and alterative known to the medical world." This is no new and unlrie.l discovery but has been !on$ usid by the leadluir phj siciaas of other coutlrics with wonderful remedial rc snUs. Don't weaken and impair the digestive orcana by cathartics and physics, they give only teuiuo rnry tellef Indigcstuvi, llaluleucy and dyspep sia with piles aud kindred diseases are sure to follow their uru. Keep the blood pnre and h'althv is assnre l. JOHN Q. KF.LI.OiiU, 18 Piatt ell.. N. Y. So'e Agent for the United Mattt. Price, til per Botl'.e. Send for Circular, drl t 4w (llarren Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Hroil lug Door, Vender Uuard, Damping aud r-lmkign Crate, Dire-t Draft. FULLER, WARREN A CO., i'M Water Street, New York. fb!l.4w Ci eiffeeder ASE iirnor Utewart lMPKOYED, UMRIVALKD A UKEsiUALFD. liurns anv siev iai. FULLER. WAKRES A CO., eTgw 'M Walerl-i2irw Yotk. $5 to 82 per day I AgenU Wanted I Ail classes of working people, of either sex, yonui; or Ola, msse more money at for us la their spare moments, or an me nine than at auvtblur else. Particulars free. Address, s. ciicis . .s., g4-ly. Pol Hand, Maine. Agents wanted fir the liew and startlli it book. The TkTT'TrTT ' Historj, by theanthor Ulil V -l-Li of "Ood lu History" II lustialed bv Dore and Nat, Endorsed bv immi nent divines. E. 15. TREAT, Pub., 805 B way, J2ft,4w N. Y. A4JHN I'!, the fastesrsellin hook in t tic mar ket it T. 6. Arthur's THREE YEARS IN A MAN-TRAP. 8clling ncailv ten thmisnnd a immth. Circulars f.ee. J. Si. bTODDAKT A CO., Publl-hei.. Philadelphia. J,4w. j liLATCIILEY'S ' Ii?y.HED lUCJiB-lE vw TUMP i Tasteless, Durable, XrUcirut aud ru Cheap. The best Pump lor the least moiiir. Altenliou Is es. jiecialiy luvilrj to Hlaiclilry's Patent Improved Riacket aud New Drop Check Valve, which ran he wllhdiawu without re moving the Pump or disturbiug the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, liich never cracks or seaic aull will nuiiasi nnjruiuct. rm Dealers every hrie. Send tor Catalogue and Plica List. Ull-SO. li. CL, 1' lll.r.1 , ronim- faeturtr, 506 Commerce M., I'hllad'a. Pa. S14,ly The Immense tale, 10,000 in one month our I.tVIXtiVI OM- lis years In A f Kit A Is having proves It itbovt all otheit the book the masses waut. It goes likt wiltlOra. Over oVO paces, nlv (3 ftO. More Agents Wanted. NOTICE. Be not deceived by niltrepretenta tlout made to palm off bigb priced Inferior wot kt bnt stnd for circulars and tee prool or statements aud great success of statements and great suc cess i f our agents. Pocket companion, wortli till, bulled free. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers Mi 6aneom St.. Phiia. Ji5,4w AGENTS WANTED Tbt most liberal terms tvtr ofTered. Explorationi In Africa. The discov erer Discovered. Tht adveotui tt of a most adventuroutlll'e. A large octavo volume, spleu dldly lilustraled. Contains incideutt of the won derfnl career of the grtal traveler, the couutry, animals, natives, huullnr, Ac. The best digested cyclopedia of African Kuowledite and Living stone t Eiploiatlor.s ever published. Full ac count how Mauley found Livlngatoa- The only book endorsed by tuo Prett. bend $1 for outfit, orwuutW. FliutA On., I'hUaktiphls, Pa., or shwtngteld. Vises. W it i I Range J i iTbk Cut lOutMtt MMBWtf Uilnc ff" ItoniitaMa Haul lijctor,!---, TVa tnttraincot to fptetaSy deatgaad for lb pat fcgt appUcaiioa of OK. tAOS'tt CATARRH RtMIDV. It Is tht only form of lnttraratnt yet Invented wUT wk fiaid medicine ten be carried Ass up asd ptrf4Mt apptUd to all parts of the affected Basal par eairta, and tue chambers or eavltiea eoeanraalcailBC tberewith, la whiek toret and ulcers frequeatrs exist, and from which toe catarrhal discharge reatrally pro oeeda, 'PUe waatoftaeeessla treatfin Catarrh here tofore has arkwa largely from tht Impossibility of applying rtnedtee to Ism cavlistt aad ehanbtra by aay of tht ordinary methods. Thieobstarlt la the way of eObelln caret Is ea tlrely ovtrcoBie by tat) iiivrauoB of tht Doeche. Ia natnt; tbla iDstniBtnt, tht FraM It earrltd by Its own a-tlght) m eauffn,. tors la, or Buatpln, beta, raqulrtd,) np on nostril ia a rhll trsutlyBoitiDgsireaia to tht kigbest port Ion of Iba LaMl passaifss. passes Into and ihorootbJr cleasst kli Um catxa aud ehambest eonnecud ther.wlih, aad MwtoutoltlitaapttrttBeatrH. Ittust Is pleasant tod ao staple tUat a child can Bnderttand H. fall svnd explicit direction aecosspany eack tDstroment. Wbea im4 with Ult InstraBieiit.Op. BaA't Catarrh Bomedy cures reetnt atiacat of ,Ooia la Its Hea4"bTa few appllcaiioBa. tfmptoms of CatarrD. Frtqaeat head ache, dlscliarfre railing Into throat, sometime, pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, ctteaslve, c la others a drynssa, dry, watery, weak or tnasnwd sres.atonpInK op or obstraction of aasal psssairea, riiurlag laeara daa(ns.t, bawkiae and ooBKhioe a tear throat, Btceratloat, scabs from alcrs, vole altertd, natal twanf, orTesslv breath, hn paired o total drtvaltoB of tente of am sll asd taste, duui aes, mental depress loo, ia of appetite, todwnt. tlna, enlarwl tonsils. Uekline eoefh, Ac. Otilf a tow of lime symptotaa arcluuly to ba pnteat ta any case atona time. Dr. ajr.'t Catarrh Benedy, wtssa sed with DT.PIerce'a Natal Oouchcaod aemnt panled with the eonstltatlonal treelmeat which (a roeommended la the pamphlet that wraps etch bot tle of the Bemedy, le a perfect rpeelne for this loaih eotnedlMOM. and the proprietor offers. In rood faith, JSOD reward for a east ka can not curt. The JUflwdy le mild aad pleesaat to one, containing bo ssroor. or eanstle droit or poisons. The Catarrh Kenw-dy Is sold at 60 cents, Dnnch. at to eeota, by all nrua-fleta, or mher wUl be maUtd by pro prUtor OB ruotlpt of OS csnta. V. v. 1'iEBce.M. rt.. Sola Proprlvtor. vt t, nn- NEW DCOVERY lis CnoaOcal aad Medical Ketone. ti Irr. taARVTi'S TAR REMEDIES Cur incipient t'oosnmpUon. Ir. ttAUVIN'S TAB BESEDIE9 Cure Catarrh. Dr. OAK VIM'S TAB BEXEDIES Core Aathina. Dr. U.OtVl"f8 TaB BIIEDXES Cart ilertrt DiaettM. Dr.OARYIrV'S TAB BKOXDIES Cure eikln l)tscae. Dr. U Alt VXVS TAB BKSTDXES K-gulate the LJrcr. Dr. AU VIM'S TAB BOIEDIE9 i - IiryTiltita thcSWomacttuid BOWeU Dr. GAKVIX3 TAR REMEDIES Cora all Female WeakitMses. Dr. OAR VIM'S TAB BEAXDIES rarity the Blood. Dr. CaARVIM'S TAB REMEDIES Our DiMac of lt XUroat. Dr.tSAUVrV'S TAB BEJUEDIES Curt Brourhitls. Dr.OARVIM'S TAB BEHIEDIES Curo "RtMte C'-old. "or 'Hay Fever" Dr. OARVEV'S TAR BE-HEDIES Cure Euny Disease. Dr. CJAKVI.VS TAR BJrrlT3IES Our ConNtiptxtion, Dr. ARVIMS TAB BES1EDIXS Cure Salt Rheum. Dr. UAUVI.VS TAR BEittEDIES Cur EaJdney DiMsases. Dr. UARYIVS TAB BEMETJIXS Prevwit Cholera & Yellow Fever . Dr. UARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES rrtveot naktrloua Fever. Dr. (.ARVIM'S TAR REMEDIES . IUmmv Fain la the Breast. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES IUimiovo Pain in tht Side or Back. Dr. OAKVIVS TAR KEALEDIES Are a Saperior Tonic. Dr. OAR VIM'S TAB BE-UEDHS Bostore the Appetite. Dr. . Alt VIM'S TAR REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. ' Dr. GAR VIM'S TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GAHVIM'S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. L. T. IIYDE sk CO., BOLE FBOFBISTOaa, 195 Seventh Ave,, Noo Tork, Dei-ember Wl, HTi ly GKT THE BEST. Wrbatrr'a luabrtdged Dlctlanarx. 10,000 H'urdt aaJ .Veanieifi not inUAtr iHctlon artrt. 3000 Engravtnga 1840 Pago Quarto. Price f 12. "1 1 riienever I with to obtain etaot definitions. I consult It. fSchBjltr Colfat 17 very Scholar knowt hs value. U I W. II. Pretoot the Historian. 1 1 Ki n oae of niv daily conioanloua. J I John L. Motley, tht Historian, Ac L in far as I know, bet deflalog Dictionary. 0 Uoract liaoa. rpbt best guide of students of our Ltngnagt. 1 Jehu O. Wbliller. 1 TvaccIi til otbert In defining sclent' fie terms. (President Ililcbcock.J 1 ' Remarkable cnmpecd'oio of human knowledge I W. a. Clark, rrea-t Ag. college, j foreierv Inulllireiit family, tin- A oecastlty dent, teacher uud orofes.lonal man. wtiai l,i- brary it complete .it bout tbt best Eaijilsh Dio. tiouary. ALSO Wkbstbb'i NatioiAl PlIITOBIAL DlOTIoBABV 104il Paget Oclavo. 600 Engravlnct. Price 15. Tht work Is really a eera of a Dictionary, Just the tlilojj for tbt milllou. Jtvtricaa ti atari taal lUonlkiy. Publishol byO. AC. MERRIAH, Bprttgltld Utkt. bold by ail lt?ittr.tit. ! veAA . I i I as est, n . Rf. Hm n. RAOWAY 5 BEADY BELIEF C'UIIK-t TTIE WOUVT PA I Ml 1.1 from Oro to Twonty Minutoss NOT ONE HOUR Rftof rVMliiktr ft! itlv-)Sinmeiit nn-ti any Out bUri-EK WITH 1'AlJi. TlAlrAV9 ULADY IlKLI-.f U A CURS jfjR KVEIfY VAM. It wm the flritt nutl U Tho Only lln ItemcHly tlitf rtuttAiii ly Mfj Hit mut rsot-t)chnlnK pain. ftllnTw tti fi xniHittfuiK, mmI (iirtt 1'iH.rtsniiiMift, wtifthfr of tlin Lur.t, MtsiMCat, IttiWvJi, vr Vlhtit KltMl0 M fcrtAtaS If Oli Bttit UMH rt rnof vb jo tkxty wiivrTBs. tic rr.Mtcr Ut-w rVfrltmt t ivnicUtlnir the? ynii Um ItHttT MAlli.:, B-4l 1.ilfn, lutfrm, 'r".ppk-3, Kuivwui, BMti(itjj, 1st JMintUrtl WlUl dltVtM Bittf taiavTi HADWAY'3 READY RELIE7 WII.V AFFORD 1N4TART KAUJL liTrLAiLMAllO UK THE KlItfJhlYS, J N K La M M ATI ON OK TlfE BLADDCB. INrLAMVATlON OF TIIK HOVVEl. CONUESTIOS tdf TUB LUSGB. HORC THBOA'B, MVKirTl.T HftKATIIlKO. rALrrrATiiW or tub Iteart. UTtnxiuco, cnotii", iJii'MTiiriaa. E2ADJLCHC, TOOTnAfnit, . " NKlTltAtIA, RnKCaUTint, VlH.Tt CHrU. Afirft t HILIJI. Ta aitca..si er Us Iteadv Ttelfof in the nerter fvu wWisi Uhs iii w ilifcMiulif esiMs iU aterU mm ant tuinltiTt. , TMty A-otis ti Yt'r a tiiml'ee ef water will In a Bw n. veul r'' tNAUPt, hPASMa, IKiUB 1 1X)M AOU, PUKTJHTiN', HRK MKAHAt'ltlt. PIARKBKA, lr-E.vtii:v, roi.i.' vtsa is nut bowioj. eui bit ITFIRSAL 1'AlhS. Trawkrw plf nl-l Blwuv rerrf B hotll. .f R'Jwev ftn Vt-tt tsit or ttbt't r ''ill Cliultrf m ItUtf, Uutwisr WiaU fTtktCil li VI4I7 IT IslU(ii4 ft ajtlniUtlaJ.!. rnviiR AVO AGIC nVBIl AhU Ailli i enrcl ir flnv cri.t. Tli"rs ts SM a tfcbMMlMM eNil la tit's wiitM tlint I car. Ytrvt mui Aim., m4 all cthsr tlnlwloms HlllntLi, HrMiS't, Tviihnld, 1.U..uil iAi CevrN IhIimhI ! KAfitVAVH rlLLS) r 'tirk :a r.Anw.ralis:at l.tUitr. Jr'iny svutt I .r uao. -.J If Distjt.n. IEALTfi!BEAUTYM FTTtovts Ari pr-na ninn m.oon-tsr'itFASE op VI .XX It AN'1 VllliiltT-CMtAR BlilS ASK BKAlf. ltrVi. OoUPLkJslO.1! aEJw'HUU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SAR3APARILLIAN RESOLVENT HA MA DIC TTtK MOST AsPOVISIUKfl C'tTltKBi 0 f'K. mi Tl(K I'ltANUKK Till IR flJoV XNt)r.ll')K4, UNDRIt Tltfi l.H.PT!Ni is i.h.p:ni li ir iuia iavi.i luvuu it TUJ ia r Ciron Dny an Incroaaa In Flosh pr.d Wolerrit la Soon and Fait. TKki Cr.EAT B'.OJO PUairlER. Jtr .f tat HAU.APAllil.ltAN KESOI.VrUVT ,...mi,tLjr,l isri.-ii, tht ll..l, Krrt', P'iF.-.'. i.a.1 WJtct SalasMl Imu-w ot Ui. s.ti lue ic'C 1 C, ( it r-v.l-e ii!. sr.A i.r t.t st' wca Sri t- a lust rwi. tsarnftii.. a 'iileitt, Cus9npii-, tllit.Jv-r .ll...--, l'lc-i 1. UMl TS'fUl, ..t,l, Ts .l, Kl.l l l t . U SJ'I. Sb4 Ur bit.uT III. fc'Meui, Si. iiw. etr .mi uf 1 Wjrr S ft!. U: K.PS. Stl Hi" mIU'V "f :il U-:'-.. r.Ol- Urtia. r-vnr S'fM, tcla IfNI.l KI114 V.nn. l!t hlwwirt, f:rvTwai, Ac.is, llu; lrK W.'fii.. IU. rH. TimH-, 0wtj. im i.m W.iiii., .1 i.'l w.k.i.Htrf nn.l .liifi-.t J rus-s. r i-ri-t s.rtii i.. Y i.r-,t. si sa i.ie ii.e n. iKvini. t.t. wiuilu iti.v8 ruKS US frt.ttii. r f Vl.snt t'fi.'Mlj'V. sill'' '.iV u- will rrv. t. lay lm a tt-'tue It f.rk.lk. t-4 r.:u. J CImm a. ftfyt t.. ratstiise. 1? Ui w.u-st. e..l'f b ,'.i-f nd'Jos.t tv ttie WS.IS. .rd A-m.oIo. l.kt U i u-ru-liy stiv'i'rr. rw.cii la Mint K. .ws MiU rl..l li." sain. -':S li. . tlistrjk Ul n V r.mi trfi Jtl: l lt-nt ml4 U.1. IimI bAiAl'KlL LI A R t SM.1 Jjn .vtir.. Kt tlv ll'l. ItM lf A.SWt..1iJ Rs.'LTtsr .Vt ftJl fcn..w-t s.Jll srsiit. l.i it.. I' i.f f.i-iil rcriiiwnM, i i.itf .u..inl. uU tsttuM i Lut !i U lis wim otitly. i r.-. iw a.tdae-7 EtlttdCcr rompfalntt, i Tr.hrr. S..1 TV l lUwrtM, O i"l. lajS, P'-rer i dret ef B L.-.,r lne.tli...iw A Urlf, Krlat'trs tSsft- I ASSniultiMrMt, ..it hi si ..-im. . hri. liier. srv trti-SStiH rte I soe 1 u. shut U llikk, rliMsl'-, i.iliv4 Hit ..iistsnn. I !.-. Ui. .Sa. 94 au -. l'r-s.l II vhl'.s si'.k. or tlifrs I Wl m.flaa, art. 1411.11. .pi.rteie.', .Sit. tane-itnst IO-inMHi su4 hsn Ih'r. V. 'rtrj,iii, Sunlic s.-sst.!l"n l.i T.-n. wuU1.. stiil T'ti'a lu IA. iuis-l uf 1st lij. mm! lies! Ili 1 iTm PrVe, tiS j WORMS,-T! J inr sad nrt ltJ) f I ITim-.i, -i'l'it, tJC TitMcr or 13 Yenrt, OroxvCi Curt J hj Rad-rty's Koaolrcnt. K.1..1.T. Mm., y iy is, IMS. B-i. K.a.,. 1 tt.vs fc-s Ciiii.. 1'iMn.v h, f 'l ti S-wila. All IK. rVOT..r. Mt'4 " a.i W M III, fit It.' I tO4 ....j tSin. IbM ra... uwS4 i Sut . tbl.c S-l St.. I m w K-i. .. .i 1 VMl4lry It) Sirt kA fn.Uk III II, t.. 1 k MtirtS tf tw,.. ..rv I fU l-ttlM Sf S Ji..-1, .h. w .-' "T Rnl.:.'. fa., .rtl tw. VttlM t4 r4r ItaSMf : u.t iW. I. . . Sn "t t. k. w. m fN, i fl lt, Mt.rt.. nvl kiiuM lh.n 1 kr t"-rl-.h. r.'tl T-m .-..t Mr., M Is 1.1. Ufl .t.1. ot 1-. k.rH. .-M- t. rr.-!.. I rtM Ik. 1. r H Un Ustlt V.Urt Viv. IU r"t I'.V II if k. inn Mi r.V.M.rr. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, t4rY WruKJT l"tar, w(lh nrff4 r'w, a"Utal, fsfltfv. t;t-iiria. a t frrrtfUts. l-ilsay-4 I'lt'St i' is etifpf tU i1rwiarra t.r ik StMH irt, Urn. H- ot. L'4tttv, BU'-tW, Krrm Ok"", Hji1iifJi, Ctf.tttf a i's, f'tirra.-ati, )tMiif-f(iva. Ilvtr4ra.lUri-TVr-. B'r ltj Fmi, h.tltwsasajdan n I' tt lkwti. niv,sistt aUI IV rntrrrwtli ot Vt'J ln'tfinft Tlaa. WbrTtiuitd l- TT'-rt a stp in-. pjrtHT VftrMftUv. toiuiasU 1.0 mrcwya iiv,"frnrs er ttViaWsertistta flrwt, r fl afW H- f !ri w-in tTJxJUxA tmrtlfitX rVom lMt r.-(li-r A tat lMftaUv OliMt : OtfiVl;.fv, U'waM fltt, rnlVt-aj tf tf tWA ta A lltr A!tK ssf , .trn. 4, KttMs, (.f.ftUsm, IrUapst C fr-M rt II I.M j 'aa,iat ti tlte P-ar Sr-sdArUns, Jte,t,rr fr f tatWr Ui at aft, jt4 k.a.4,, H.r M-, l r-i s4 t krrkrtM. TH t-r at tV,. f,e-r. ftoa'a er fVwrtua, fsfHttV eat tei I lira- rtattrrr, 1 laiMtyaa ts T'ttnta . PM . U'eaa Wrws f, r a.'l ?'. it ! !ttvl MVlUi)- r,ia. i-stvt, a4 tt sW. ft I tat.M 1.1 ts.( , Sim.i, u, eu "ira. a f i . rn txr-p m j m tvr . r-tm .. n i vt'.i ;-r. V.V i - I V v :" r'y 1 " FtJ f rf'tf p Cil'WAi .a ' V- t- '.1 .41 -ft i NWi.k. '' a - I f,-tt 0k March 30, UTl.-ly. A SflAT MFOm DISCQVFHY B.'.r.'jT.ri Jc Ltror.::r.-. VINEGAE BilTLIiS r?rf Jlundrcfijtf Tiitarais fiC, art-lmonyi.ai-TW.uiier. . r. r 7 M t.iAl.vi luttl.. k t i f WHAT ARZ Tl-!CY ? - .. at? a. sa - 2 r"S TI1ET ABB NOT A TUX t FANCY P R I ' X . i 1 m ..m . W . ihru Btttere ft .ra in I to airKimis. ant rmin last enw.ll. minct.e Iksir touts si atttioytd b miasm ihsi w tltr inmit, at4 th vttal Mf .stltd btvind lis point rtpsir. Dysueptta or ludlsjeallsn. HtUdis, Isib kt Hit Shtuldsrs. Co-xlis. l.hm ef dit UeM. pii Mtt. 8e Ecuiui ihs Sinsch, UA I ssis hi "is Mouth, BAous AilKks, Psliaitnoti of .ihe Htart, la lnm.i ml tkt Lunts. Pais ra tht exim n atd a.s. sad s kii.died olbtr ptitiAU tymf lonis. srs Jkt M spnaxs f Din pvt. la lhc cewplsi.is it hss .. teul, snd tn bonis will prove s Unci (utraalss ot us Btt'iu Ihsa s lengthy advertisement. pot- Vamale Complalntti is ynnnx t old. aisr rit. ot siuglt. at lilt tw ol wnsnhtd, m Ik. tut. mi list, Iktss Tonic BillmditrJtysodtcid.d s.iutatiKt Ibti a intrk.J uxovtmtiil is tooa iwrespob . Mani nt tr"li." BiIiobs, Rtmilltitl sut Inttrmit. wat Fmn. DiMswt of ih. Bld. Liver, K'"',rs ssd Bisddtr, ihtM Billets nave no tquu. art c.i.t by Vuisitd 1x4, h (tastaily predu4 by akisttasii ef tbt Ditt.nv (lirsns. Tmrsn a O.atl. Imrt;.llvt at well ae a TaaVe. pnmmi r sis. the peculisr aunl sctm, at t pasnrhsl Sftot IB l..ltvma -""S" " -.7 etih law and Vnri! Or,sas. ant in Bilinnt ltsttt. Jsntt, Blowhss, Spots, PiBiplet. Pattules, Bo.lt, Cr kH RiM-worms. SMlt-Ktsd, . Sort Ktsc, k.yMsla. Ilea, fecial., iiteolor..iious in. o.,u, . ... ,,,,, ,i ia. Skat, nt whatevtf aamt ef astern, sr. lit erally disx up aid etna., ni tf toe sytitat ia t snarl ant bv let est tntM imiii, Ttie propertttt ef Da. Wahm'i Viesaaa Bivvaas art Aptiwat, Dispkorttic and Ctrstssaiivt, MauiuMs, Laasnve, Dierstic, Stdaiivs, Caaisr-lrn. Stat, ud.ntc, Alltrative, and Aali-Bikeas. Oratafml Tkoatsati protista Viastss Bit Ttas la. as woattrhd lnviersul mat svtr satkiwsd tit. Skakiai tyslsts. J. WALKER, Prop r. m.H. MtDONAlJD dk CO., Drmtxiut sat (at Afta. its frssxiete, C.I., aadtstisM tf Wasutaciea sod Cksilioa Su.. Ks York SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. SEW TOBACCO AMD AEGAK, AND BRUSH ST0RR foutb lldt of Market ttrett btlwten 14 and 4th 8UKBURT, Tk. Jutt optntd, as tntlrt ntw stock of til Itlodi of J2 tu ml IvB Hi ft VisTi-vr tataitMiijfc Jbi.v.y ill LgzQ' SI! TOBACCO AND 6E0ARS. Began or tvery grade. Tobacco of every varle'y. Pipes, both plain and fancy. BRUSHES! BRUSHES 1 1 BRUSHES III A largt assortment of Brushes direct flora tht manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. Hit lint of bruthee art a tpeclalty end many Bew kinds sever before introduced Into this ruaiket. Alto, Paper Collars and Cuffs In great variety. A targe ateortaitut of all tbt popular Bongs ofthtdty. Call aad txamlut tay gtodt and ret list of pries.. - HKNETT8TSRT. NevttDbtr t, TSTt It lannfutlttrtrs. UEO. EVANS. E. Q. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia, TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band a Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. ( Ours being tht leading honse on Military work, we feel that we can oiler Inducements which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1872. wt xiti isv Mtnm.i: yaki. Foil rlli Mreet h-tiw MHrlirt, SUNnUKY, PESN'A, T IlE undcri'lifned h is r- t lined fr'n the Vci- mnn Mai blu Q'l.n'i ies wth 511 Tons of Marble for aWi .Moiiunieuts Grave Ntouen &i m He ha houir'ii it -ncli lliims that will alinw lii'n to se I htter stone, tor less nmnej.th iti heietol,.!,.. The best Sutherland Falls Marble, : -a hi i'li i- better thnn Ititllun. niitland is now not t an low tin ttiH Mmi. hiftfr. j Thnme who tifd iiuvtlittiir the Murbie Ilun for Momiineutt, Gruvi-Stonr, or otliei p-nptes, i will Uml U t their liitfrrnt to rail mix exumine llilr It. r ire twkt nt t.ftler tmi'irain vww hn moiu ert thitn h'lvinir fVu.it Kutlr MuKkfterin;' round the cntintrv. j All Iftterin will be dom in the itput:6t and i inori uupiovea tiyit W. M. DaVUGHKHTY. Sunhury, Jan. U, 1ST;.. J. P. LERCH'S CARRIAGE AKD TT.I I WAGON MAKINGS 2.STABLZSnS!Ei:T, CIIKSTNUT ST, SUKBUKY, PA. Viitin.rs or all Kimjs mauk to OKntn. Tht leitfvt styles aod the best workmnnhlp. bamples may be teen at the shop, (iive him call. SiiEbary, T)ce. 7, 16T2. ly. Tailoring! Ta ilorin ! ! CITABLE S MAIHL, Respectfully Informs the citi.ens of Sui.hury and vicinity, that lie has opened a TAILOR SHOP. on Pouith Street, below Market, in the Mnllen bulldiug, and that lie is prep ire 1 to make up all kluda of GUSTS' A.l nOV'f' KlITM, In the latest styles. Having; had much expiT lencr In the busiuef be dtsirc." the public to yivo him a trial. Clothing will ba made up In the latest Pails and American Fashions in ihe mint satisfactory manner. Aug.l7,'72.-tf. CHAR LPS MAIItL. MAI IE I. Ml SEIOI AXI IKON lOIMIItY. GEO. IlOIIimACH & fcON'S, I Nunbnry, Pemi'iii I' NFORM tho pnMle that thev are prepaim m do all kinds of CA&TINUS. and having added j new Machine Shop In iiiniieetion with their i Foundrv. and have wuiulit'i themselves with Ni w I Lathes, Pinning and Horin Machine, with the i latest improvement. Willi the aid of kkii'ful i liitchauice. thev arc eimb. to execute all orders ! of i NEW WORK OH nF.PAIRINt;, ! that may be given thnn, iu u siitisfactoiy m, in- j ner. (rates to Nitit any Ntovc. IKON CuLL'MNS, for churcli. s or other build-! Pigs, of all si.s. i BRAfcS CAsTlNl.t", Ac. Ornamental Troa Tenzhiz for grave yard lots ; VjBRATTDAHS. for yards at kemdknc'ks, ac , (;. The PLOWS, alreiiily celehralel for Ihvir sn perauity. lnive been still further Improve!, .sn l will aiwav he kept on h.tud. Also, THI'.KSIIlNd MACHIXKS. ruiioiu7, .niy o, i"ii. I.lNltl'.K A.I ri.ANIN. HI1.I.S ThUd Street, udloinlng Pliila. A Kile R. IL, two ! bnuaies North of the Central Hotel, bUNBURY, pa. IRA T. "CLEM EXT, 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber u quired by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Liuibcr, he is now ready to till or ders f all kinds of VLOOlllNli, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, bA&H, HLISDS Mol'LI'ISUS, Vt RAN DAS, l;R.CKKl. and all kinds of Oi nniiieni.il Scrowl W.uk. Tinn ing ol evciy dctciiplion pruinpl ly executed. Also, I A I.AIllir. AssiiUlMlNT IT BILL LUMBt: li. ; HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Latlie, Ac. I Or.lrrs vrotnptly tilled, andshlpped hv It il'mad i or otherwise. IRA T. t LKM 1"T. j d.-c in liS-.ly niovi: . tin rsTABi.isinii.N r. MARKET bTREET, SUNBLKY, PA. ALFUEU KllAL'.SE, l'ropr'u tar. f st crrswiK Vo tmiU 4 OESfm'.II.J HA VINO purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krausc would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large asson nient of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Ciak Anti-Dust, Regulator or Kovo't i:,g j Top, Combination, busiiiieliuiina anl ii'i.'it, I which are to ariauged as to be nsel lor (H i. m Wood, aud aie wai iaiiied to perform satisf-ictm i- ly or no tale. 11EA1 ERS of all kinds put up to ileal one or more rooms. HEATlNli bTl VES of different kindi at vary low prices, j Tluaare or llwry Itcarrlptlou 1 kept conslaiitly ou hund. K'Miflng and Spoi ling i with the best material, done ut short untied. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal I Oil eLd Lamps constantly on hand. Japan re of a x.nd.. btore opposite Coulcy's hardaaie tloie. live mu a cuti. rsn-t.tii.. ap!24-ly W. H. Blanks, AND ORNAMENTAJl painter, fcUNBURY, PENN'A. Deeorating aud Paper Uarglrg dont la the latest Improved ttyle. Ordert toliciled, which will receivt prompt at tention. Ketidenee in Pnrdvtnwn, Emerlck't building. Buohury, May 11, lbT.Mf. WANTEI Responsible men Rt Local Agentt to tell Fruit and ornamental tree In neighborhood! mbere they reside. To the right parlies veiy liberal terms end ta upportu oily to establish a salt aud pmniajlt butluttt. Addra Tha Dlnaaa a Conrad Co., Wholttalt Ntrstrymso. Wttt Grant, Cbattar Co., Pt. ; tt. A,tm BEADIMU RAlLnoAk. WINTER A TIHA N G RM E ?i T S, mo cat, nacSHMKR Sud, 187a. Tralnt leave rtnrrisbnrg for New York at tal lows t at 6.80 and 810, a. IB;, and 8.00, p. m., connecting with trnlnt on Pennsylvania Bad road, and arriving at ."ew York at 12. D5, S.tO And 9.45 p. m., reepectively. Returnlnlng i Leave New Tork at ft.OO a. m. 13.60 and B 8ti p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, Ma a. m., and 8.80 p. m. Leave Harili-btirg for Ttoadlnc, PnttevUle, Tamaqnn, Mlnertvillt, Ashland, Sliamoklu, Al. lentown and Phlladclohla at 6.80 and 8.10 a.m., 8.00 and 4 OS p. m., stopping at Lebanon ami principal way stations the 4.00 p. in., train con necting Toy Philadelphia. Pottsvllle and Colom bia only. For Pottsvllle. Schuylkill Havto nrtd Auburn, via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna RalK road leave Harris bnrg nt H 40 p. m. K:it Pennsylvania Railroad tralnt leave Read ln for Al'entown, Enston and New fork at 7.30 and 10.85 a. m.. and 4 00 p. m. Rptnrnlnfu leave New York a 9.00 n. m., l'J.60 and (I SO p. in., an l Allentcwn at 7.20 . m., llSi. 2.10. 4.26 and 8. 55 p. in. Why Passenger Train lep.vet Philadelphia nt 7.nil a. m.. comirrilmr at Rending with train on East Pinna. Railroad, returning leaves PolU vlllc at 4.1 p. m., aiopplng nt all stations. Leave Pi.tlsiille at O.OO, 8.CB and 8.10 a. in., and U.IW p. m.. Herndnn at 10.00 a. Fhnmo kin at 0 011 and 11.02 a. m., Ashland at 7.19 a. in., and lU.'Al p. m., Miitinnoy City at 7.5o aud 12. M p. in,, Tiiiiuiqua nt 8.1:5 n. m., and B.10 p. in., I'. r l'hilndelph a, Nuw York, Reading, ltar-rl-h irg, fir. L-ev- Pttsytili-vlN Schuylkill and Susqne-h.in-Ni R ...roiid at 8.05 a. m., for Hnrrl.burg, and 11.4." a. in., tor Piin-irriive and Tremont. Poti-vi 1 Ai-ciimtnnilation Train leaves Potts vPIm nt 6 ,jU u. m., passes Reading at 7.4(1 a. in., r;lvliig nt I'lnlnde.plila X 10.15 a. m. Return ! ' leaven Phi nite; hia at 4.45 p. m., passes . Ri-iiiIIiil' al 7 15 p. tit., arriving ul Pottsvllle at 1 v.oo p. in. Pottstown Acpomm.idatirii Train leave Pelt.. i town nt C. 45 a . in., returnliif , leaves Phliadel- phla (Ninth mid Oreen.) at 4 11 n. in. I Coluinhia Railroad Trains leave RenJine nt i .. .... ... I rt Ifc r... c.i . I ;. . ; i.m.. j.iiiii u.j. i. in., im r..'iiiiteia, l.lt.4, I L'.inc istcr. Ciiluiiibiii, &e. t I iiriiinic leiite Lun I caster at 8.20 n. in., and S.ilfip. in., and Coluru I bin at 8.15 u. m., and 8.20 p. in. Peikiiiiuen Ruilina.l trains leave perhlonien ; Jm ctiiiii at 7.H5 and 9.00 B. in., 2.55 and 5.-KI p. ' m. : returning, leave (ir;ep Line al 0.15 a. m., ! li.S." ntwl 4.-0 p. m., coniiccilng with trains oo I Uea lini; Railroad. Pickeiinif Valley R ailroad trail. s leave Phi nixville al U.ltl a. in., 3.1Uand O..Vi p. m. ( r..i umi- lug, leave Byers nt o.u5 a. in., 12.45 and 4.20 y. I in., ponnwting with trains nil Iteatiil-.g Rulirt.ad. rfi i.oiiiiriiouu.iic ri.trrivu' trains leave folt town a. m. and l.Vn. 6.25 and 7.15 p. in , rc leave Mount Pii'asant al O.oO, s).0M and ni. and li.OO p. m.. ciuniucti" with trulua uu UtM'lin P..Vilroad. Chester Valley Rallriiiii tr.'iins leave Hridif I'oil at a. VI. '!. iind 5.3 p. m., refjiiiii,i, leave DutsuiiiL'towii nt f3 55 a. in., lH.UU and 5.40 p. in., conucctiug with trains oa Reading Rail, road. On Sundays : leave New Tork at 5. 30 p.m., Philadelphia at ij.OO a. in. aud 3.15 p. i,;., (Hit) K.OOa. ni. train running only to Kcadiiit:,) leavi. Puttsviile at 8.00 a. in., leave liarrlt-buig -t fi.'Ju a. in. and 2. HO p. m. t lenvo Aiieiito't it at S f'5 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. in. and 10 la p. 111. for Harrisburg, at 7.". a. in. for New Vuik, uud nt P.iia. ni. and 4.15p. in. fur Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage. Season, School and rxcursion Tickets, to uud from aii points, at re duced rales. llMi'irage chf rked through 100 poundsallonel each I'asseiiter. J. II. WfiOTTKV. j4.-i;(. Sir. A i'nj. .fa,-h rji. Rkamno. Pa., I'eccui ;cr 2, lSTJ. KssrSIicru IViilraJ Rati-.vj'. "'INTER ARRANGEMENT. ON i nu utor Oct. Sr7, lb7, trnlnt will riiB at ' "ink : NORTH WARP. Nlagani ilxpress leave. Puiibtiry at 19 4J p. in., for Niagara Kails Mull arrive at S mluiry at 4.10 p. m., arii"e tit NS iiiiamspnit D.ViiJ and F.liiiiia Pi.ii p. in. Fast Line arrives at Suuhuiy ul li. 00 to., arrive ul Wllllamsport b.o& p. ia. Liie Mail Ic.nvi Huuljury at B.IK) a ia i 1! iiiispoit at 8.40 a iu, aud arrive at l.knila a; 12.40 p in. SOUTHWARD. Mail leave Sunbtny at 11. 05 a. m., arrivu at Han ii-b'irg 1.45 )i. in., tialtimore O.tal p. m. L:ie Kx press leaves Sunhurv r.t V.4il a. in., ar- I rive at llaiiKhurg llUJa. m., Ualtimoin i p. in. i Krla Mail leave Suiibiiry at 12.50 a. m., arrive at II irrisliurg 2.45 a. ill., itillimore b.t i a. in. ! Niagara Kv press leave. Miiil.urv al 8 Ul ) ni, j II- n.sbuij at 1 . 10 p ci, arrives al lialkluiore 2 15 SIIAMOKIN DIVISION. faswai:ii. l.cavo Siinhiiry nt 4.40 p. in., arrive al Heamo j kin o.fal i. i'i.. Ml. Carniel li.hO p. m. j Leave Santniry (Accommodation,) at 13 35 p iu., ar.ive ai tr.ii., kin 1.5 p. lu. Wirs-.WAKP. LeiiiiJ Ml. Ci.nn.'l at 7.40 a. it., Shumo'ali I 211 a. in., arrive at bnnhury W.25 a. m. Leave bliiiu i kin ( Aci oi'iinodatiou,) at 8.4 S p. li.. in rive n t ill. r.u I V 3 ,'i5 p. III. Kxpress leaves dally. Ail othei tiaius leave dally, except Sundaya. ,. R. FlsKK. En. S. YuL'Ml", IJen'l. r-tip't., Geii'l P.ieu'r Au't., Il:irriburg, Pa. llaiiniorc, il d tMiilitdfliiliia uud I's-to Kuilroud. i SUM ME It TIME TABLE. Ou and after Sunday, Oct. 27th, !Sr2. tl, Traius ou the Philadelphia & Erie P.ai. Road wi.l run us lol.ua : WESTWAKD. Mall Train livivea Philadelphia, " " " Punhury, " " urr ut Erie, Erie Fs)rcs leans Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " an nt Eiie, Eluiiia Mai! ieavo Philadelphia, " " " Sunbory, " arr at Luck Haven, 11.40 p m Clio a ir 7.56 p ir 12.40 p 111 7.01 p ni 7.45 a lu 8.00 a lit 4. 30 p ib 7.45 p ui 7 3s a m Niagara Express leave i'hil'ideipliia, ' " bunlitiry, " " ai r ut Rcuovo, EASTWARD. Mail Traiii leaves Erie, Minburv, " arr at Philad-.-'lpbla, Erie Exprett leaves Erie, " " Suiibiiry, " ' nrr at Philadelpum, Eluiiia Mail leaves Lock Haveu, " Sdnli.irv, 1 J.40 p in 4. no a m 1 1.35 a in 12.45 a in li.55 a m M.05 p m 9.35 a in 3.30 p in 7.45 a Ul 11.00 a iu ti.oo p iu 8.25 p ui Hrr at l'hiiadeiphia, Niagara Express ieavct Keiioro, Sunhurv, urr nt Philadelphia, 7.55 p in !. .1 lit Mail Fast connects east and west ut Erie with L. S. it: M. S. R. W. and at Irvine-ton with oil j Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niac'ir.i K.xorcf and Eiie Express East, and I Erie Mail, Niugma Expiess und Elmira Mail I WcM, coiiiiect nt Wi;iiaius).Kirl Bith trains goiuu in.i Hi ou tin- Eluiiia aud Lauandaigua uivisii u ! rt! f N. C. R. K. Cittiwlss i passenger trains will be ruu east and est lioiii IV illiniiispiiiton Elmira Mail. 1VM. A. 11ALDW1N, Uen'l Sup't Daily lllr, lluilt'lou tV AVilltr.barre It. H. 1't'uuiA. It. It. Co. Iit-aare. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after thit date Passenger trains on the V., H. & W. R. IL wlil ruu at follows i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LKAV. A.M.! LCAVB. A.M. New Vol k, tt:00 Sunhurv, 6:20 Phlladeiphla, 8:00 Danville, 7:1 . Eeston, 8:25 Cutlawitsa, 7:2i helhlshem, 10i05 Uaz.elun, 8a 8 r. M. r. i. IlailetoB, 1:00 Bethlehem, 12.1(1 Caltawissa, 8:40 F.sston, U-.ii Danville, , 8:20 Philadelphia, 4:15 Buubury, arrive :57 New York, rr. 8:50 Truiu Weat arrlviug ul bnubury 8:57 p. ni., makes close con uee lions with trains on Plilladal jihU A Erie R. R. lor MiUon, Wklllunisairl, Lock Havn and all points West, Klmira and all polnis North, also w ith Northern Ceutinl llall wuy. for HanitburK and Baltimore. l-if New and elegant voucbet ruu through bt ta tea Buubury tud Eation. . FRANK TIIOMPSOy. Supt. D. 11. A W. K. VL 6t'rT Orrrca, Wru uareroBr, P. MaV l, it. s t