Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 22, 1873, Image 3

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    """SUXDUTIY," FEBRUARY 22, 18737
Railroad Time Table
ftnivAi. kvo tiKrinTtnuor trains atitnhi'iiy.
N. C. R. W. South.
Erie Mull, l J.ROnm
Erie Express, 9 40 "
Mull, U 05 '
King. Express 8.00 p m
P. E. R. R. West.
Mull, C.::o n m
Nine. Exnresr.1040 itn
F.lmlrM Mall 4. .11)
Erlo Ktpress, 7.01 "
simnoiiT lkwistows n. n.
Leave Sunbury for Lewlstown nt 7.45 a. m.,
nml 8 10 p. M.
Arrive nt Stinhiiry from Lewtstown at 1.50
and 7.45 p. m.
Bunhnry at 6.4 am At Snnhnry 905 n m
" IK 5 p ni " 8.55 p m
4.40 p m 5,00 p m
Reirulnr passenger lnln leaves Sunbury Tor
Danville, Cuttiiwlssn, Ilur.loton mid Intermediate
stations, ut 0.4.1 a. m. Returning leave Huzle
tou at 1. 00 p. m. Arrive itt 4 00 p. ni.
Leave Nurthiimbarlund nt 9.40 a. m. and 4.50
p. in.
Arrive nt Northumberland at 10.35 a. tn. and
8.05 p. iq.
Accidental Insurance Tickets en be bud of
J. bhlpmnn. Ticket Agent, nt tlie Depot.
Susinc$s ocals.
SnwiNO MAcnitsiw AMD Cottage Ohoass.
Mine Caroline Dullns is the nfent for the mile of
the best Sewing Machine In existence, viz : 'The
Improved Graver A Uuker, ' ami 'Domestic, '
which are con-ttintly kept on b:iud, and sold nt
reasonable price. She I also agent for the sale
or the celebrated 'Silver Tongue. Organs,' and the
Bay Ctate Organs,' and for the sale of the
Frantz A Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see
them. Oilloe on Market street, east of the rail
road. Tnn iMi'KOTr.D Gitovm A Baker Pcwino Ma
cniNR. These celebrated machine nre otTered
nt the most reasonable rate. For pnrt'culurs
upply to D. G. KUTZ, Agent,
Feb.22,'7;J.-ly. Cpi' Angusln township.
HotKi! and Lot ron Stu. A new House aud
Lot, lccnlcd on Spruce street, Sunbury, U offered
for sale ou easy terms. App'y to
John Wilvki:.
Wit notice that tne Voters of the east war! are
urirl uir our friend Jeremiah Pnyder, E.. to run
for Justice ol the Peace nt the Hprlng election.
Je.rty i clever and sociable, und will ho do.ibt
make a good ollieer. It.
Tna celebrated "New York Star Variety and
Combination Troupe, " will give one of their
grand ent"ituintncn!B In the Opera House, on
Monday cv ming, March third. It is composed
of a iinmber of fust cats artists who will no
doubt give a flue entert rnmei.t.
t'T. Jami'S IloTrL. We r-fer our readerb to this
card of the above hotel. Those, having business
In the city will Hud it an excel. cut House to stop
at. The lei lit" are reason .ble, an1 the locition
i convenient lothe business part ol'tlie city.
. .
.V F;v:: I.o 'vrs:i L T so i". ;1 ie b illd
I i; in; lo-ite I in ri,ke"s Addition, rear the P.
iV; i. siwij's, is otlered lor eulc ou rea
nn .be terms A, p'y tn
l'e::-,' 2iu5 W. J. IJuni, Sunbury, Ta. j
l.irrr.i.i.'d LiViNa Aiie. Till peiiolieal is'
.' 'e 1 w.. ; , mil is.i lejiiiiit o:'i!,e euoieest
lit r n an: select.' 1 Iro'ii the K'lgiseh tna!iiX'nr j
nil 1 Jvrri I c lis. ll is n mo-t Valuable 1
tiii. S'.ibeiiptiivi, ?S per aim lai. A.lilrei-s, i
L:.te A Ar:n:itroatf, B-wton, Mass.
T'i3 ItaoT & Shop. Sioue con
t'.i'i. - t keeji ti i it reputation for the best aiti-elr-
of I! t ils .Slims l i Market. The areat va
i'. ;v k -i i n eMabli-limeiit has p'ovel nd-
v .t.I ii i us to ilie eili.L-ns ireiier lily, as ihi one
t..:i u'o there Willi their pitionacu without hemjj
f M.t i'il. (iiiin slioes, wv ieh art now itms-t nee led,
wi.l he IVriii.l In irrealcr vavh ty than ever before.
lj lilies a. e I'a i lie ilai !y in vile. I to i-all an 1 see the
Int. .-1 mvh'h. Coitantly opeuu I im loiried for
Mile at I lie most reason ittle friees.
:r.K !o. of new F nnilure has i ut beeit
r c-lve I ,.t 1!. I,. It ui lui.l) i'a'. store. Thin lur
nil a; e . - i -1 s of the latest styles. Tho-c ri ir
in- no 1 1 styll-li pirlor ivti b.'diiuttn units will
ii . 1 they e in be suite. I at the M.i-oaic buildings.
W. tl. 1'. Weiai-r hat Jiirt rec-awd his second of fall and wiiitcr ioo.U, i-he iper llian
ev r. His stock of ladies' dnm l'oo.Is water ,
ta v.:'.. In; 5, carpels, oil ciolhs, tine uroi'i-rii-,
i.i I i l o t .veiythins; to suit the Mule and fancy,
ail at jniivs ,'i-to.ishiui; y low. He sells for
re i ly e -li. and will not be undersold by any one
it-ve 'ii a a call, nnd he convinced that We'niier's
.i 1 1 n'i store is the place to secure bargains.
I'..M iir i.. Tlie new styles of Hats nnd Caps
I hit alira the windows of S. Faust's hat store,
oiiM .ik. t street, nre beautiful. His full nnd
wbit'-i st . k is superior to any ever seen in this
I- a, A 1 the latest styles, and of the heft qua
i'y. iv i lia found at bin c( tablUhiiient, and ut
:i V to - iM the time.
Anil l . !.' IiEl'OKT OF TUB XoHTIH'MllFllI.ASD
( arTV AlllC.Ci LlfKAL S iCICTT. The following
i tiie I'l'poi' of the Au.lil.ra a'poiuted by the
Kve.i'it ive I'o ll ' i it lee to iiunil the Hccnant of J.
II. M Com, lek. Treasurer of the Noithuuibir
la. i d t'ounty A'leiilturiil Societv, bell ut the
hon e nt' i. Uurr, Noithiiuibi rlaud, February
1 Ji Ii, 1STJ.
IjT::. DU.
1 o ( ash Ii tl-ttice in bauds of Treat urvr as per last
An in $ 111) ll
" ii in. nit oi i toek iksued 4ii loO
" cash received for tickets sold... l'JO i 75
" (-"amy commissioners. uu
' Joseph Bird lumber. 8 no
" " on elock 4 V
lty iinoant paid premiums
Kvrea la aic. aa H-r vouchers
Kiht sliare.s of Hock Issued loedilors
$1715 00
Hramv in h mt- of Treasurer tiS
Oat-Ian Uug (.Ir leis 1(40 4i
We, the. undersigned, Auditors, beg leuve to
nib nil the lot egoing report, 'f Ucy also Had ill
the repoit of I lie committee ou repair' to tlie
giound , ihs expenditures of two iiuudie! an I
twenty six dollars und recelti from slauds rent
ed daring fair or one bun Ired and live dollars,
leaving a ha auee due iuM committee of one liaii
drel a .1 iweiiy una dollars, for will di an order
.. ginated, ant tli com 'a tt;e on repaiis fur
ther repoii ihnt they received from the citizens
of Sunbury, one hundred and eighty six dollars
uu I ex pen ied lb same for lumber, printing uud
rcjiaiie ou tiack.
W. T. FOiiaVTH,
G. W. ARM 61 ROW.
Northiimberl ind, February 13, IHTi.
liierling of the Nortliamhurlaud County Agricul
tural Society, will be held lu the Court House, In ;
Banbury, in the Aibitratioii room, on Tuesday,!
March 11, 1S7J, ut loo'clok, a.m. At 1 o'clock
y. tn., on same day am) place, an election will La
held lor otheers of said society for the ensuing 1
J cr.
$10 V. 01
$ i;i j.
l.ii o;i
40 oo
A Ooot) OrfKtt.-In nrdtf'tn Increase, the sub
scription list of the Ainertenn, and to reward
those who will devote ft llltln tlme In Inter
esting themselves In the welfare of our paper, w
tender the following; inducement.
Any person getting ten new subscribers accom
panied with tl5, which It nt the rate of (1 60 per
year, we will present him with a bonutlfolly
bound copy of
one of the mot TalnaUle bonks published, con
taining over five hundred Illustrations, and thir
teen hundred pages. Any one desirous of secur
ing this Important book can taslly do so .by
spending a few hours In prncntlnv subscribers
for tlio American which can readily be obtained.
Any person sending us One Tfundied Subscribers
nt tl 50 wc will preseiiUa new 110 Scwlne Ma
chine of the most npproved make, together with
the book mentioned.
TtiCsnEn Asn Liomstvo. On Sunday even
ing n bout 7 o'clock, dnrlne a shower of rain,
several vivid Bashes of llithtnlne occurred ac
eoinpnnled by havy thunder. This, accotdltiir
to weather prophets, Isau Indication that we nre
to have plenteous crops during the coming sea
son. were elfrht more persons Immersed in
the Shamokln Creek, on Sunday lust, the ceremo
nles bellitr performed by Rev. Dr. Wheat. The
revival In the Baptist Church has been continued
during the week with irood results.
AcQfiTTrn. On Friday mnrnlus Inst Win.
GehrlnfT, Joseph li,.y nnd Jeremiah Faruswortli.
who were nricsted on suspicion of robbiinj the bas
ket vuider on Thursday of last week, were taken
bo fore Esquire. Biiee for a rcheuiln. At the
hearing it was found that the . u--ket vender had
taken too much boiriiM, und having put his mo
ucy lu his punts legs forgot about ll, imagin
ed that he hud been robbed, uud hence had the
uhove pari let iim'stc I. As the money was found
on his person, nil but about fo'J which be bud
squandered, anJ tluuo beimr no proof that the
above parties had iu nny way attempted to rob
him, they were fully discharged. Tho basket
vender, whose nume we learu is Sclilei'lit, paid
the costs und ivciit ou his way uo doubt a wiser
We are Indebted to Dr. A. T. Dewltt. member
of the Legislature fur a copy of the Auditor (ien
cral's Report, aud copies of the Legislative Re
cord. The Suvcn Points' Band visited onr town on
Saturday last, nui sureniidod a number of our
proml lent citi.emt. They ure improvlni: rapidly
in discoursing music, and some of their pieces
wore admirably executed.
Another strup;i:le between "benzine" and the
better senses of s verm young men was witness
e 1 on Maiket stieet, on Wednesday last- Capt.
IVuieh interfered, and placed two of the "vic
tims'' behind the bars ut Fort Rotln.riuul until
their iinvard was reduced to a proper sense
of duty.
Uailwat Ciianoes. A movement is in pro
jtress to liase that part of the N. C. Riilway
norlh of Hiirri-burg, to the Penusylvuni.i Com
puny lor the term of ninety-nine years. This
arrangement will no doubt be euccled, nnd that
Company will take possession ou the liist
of July tiexi. The Peuusylvaula Company hav
ul llie control of the I). H. &. W., the P. E.,
S ii'.bjry A: Lewistow n, Siitibmy is now the cec. point of te.-hlpiiient, and will no doubt be
the p aee fur manul'icliiring and repairing the
machinery belonging to thtse roads. Thure
is any iiino int of room hern for imptoveuiaats.
Tlie mo.-t eligih'e spots, too, uro located conve
niently I i their roads, and can be had ut lea
soaab c prices. Tlie want of room iu olher places
aloni; lh- ir iine, for the erection of shops, which
llie company is much iu need of, has long beeu
l'e'.t, and as our town has the advantages re Uir
el hope our citi.ens will take early steps to
ixleud a Ii arty welcome to I he Pennsylvania
railro id to erect, upon the vacant places hi re,
shops uud other manufactories.
Council 1 roct'cdiiig.
TrcsbAY K.VENlsn. February 11, 1ST3.
Council met Chief Burgess Malick in the
t hair. Members present, D. C. Disslnger, Chas.
liariugvr. W. II. Miller, Jacob Kuhrbach, J.diu
Claik, Win. L. Dtwaii. tl. W. Kaiith, J. C. Ir
win and J. A Cake.
Minnies of last meeting read and approved.
Receipts of A. N. lliice, J. P., read as follows :
Received, itiiibuiy, February 7th, lSTU, from
Win. L. Dewart, C alnnuii of Committeo of
C. u icii on fencing puo.ic s iiare, Jkc, the snb
s r piiou book wherein Is contained tlie amount
piivt' intl: v lil u i Is ii; reo 1 to pay for Improv
ing the s Uare, and I agree to collect the unpaid
sulucri.liou, as far ut I can, for 5 per Cent eotn-nii-.ioi,.
A. N. ltltlCE.
Win. L. Depart, Chairinan of Finance Com
mittee, reported the following licus in favor of
the borough for laying pavements during the
year i70.
The Burgesses and In-"1 Sci. J'uciat.
hubitaiits of tlie bo.
.o. 4i,.Mareli I crin.lMi'j.
March HO, 1S08, ulliiavil
of del'euee tiled.
Rule entered by A. X.
Brice to plead.
Sci. la. No. 4i March T.
rough of Sunbury
J. U. Masser, owner
or mputed o uer.
vs lu3. A'ldv'lUled. Kale
J. B. Masser, et ill J to ,'lea . by A. N. Uriee.
Same ) Sci. ' No. 50. M irth Term, 1908.
v S Alii lavit tiled.
Same ) llllle to plead by A. X. 11: ice.
Same i Sci. la. No. M, Murch Term, Hbi.
vs Atlidavil Ii ed.
Same ) Execuliou yet remains to be issued.
Sam- 1 AVI. l a. No. r.3, March Term, 1S03.
vs Atlidavit tiled.
Same j Rule to plead by A. X. Brice. ) Sci l'a. Xo.
vs .',3. March
D. Grant, J.W. al Term. 1S0S.
Alll.lavit cf defence Hied. Rule to p.ead.
Same ) .SVi. la. Xo. 61, Marcli Term
vs VlSoS. Jtidgiiieul May 4, 'OS
i'eats, it. al. J lor .'5 tiU.
ha ue "j fc ci. J'u. Xo. 55, March T.
vs lb08. Jurtguieut, May 4,
Mariuh laars, et al. IboS for 0j 14.
Same 1 Sci. Fa. Xo. 08, Murch
vs Term.
Win. McAtl'ec, et. al. J Xo Judguieut.
This ruse is to be sell ed und paid amicably.
Same ) .SVi. la. Xo. 4'i
. Nov. Term 1807
Amelia FUher, former owner. Alllduvil oi Je
J. li. Masser, present owner. J feuee tiled.
Rule to pi ud by A. X. Brice.
Same 1 Sci. la. No. 43, Xov. Term, 1807.
s Ucbl, 8J4 40. Dec. 0, '67, up-
W. L. Dewurl J plieulitni lor judgment aud i uu
Court i el u.-ej to give Judguieut
to plaiiiiill counsel except.
Rule to plead by A. X. Brice.
Same Sci. la. So 67, Mur'h
vs V'lerui, lt08. Verdict
F.iia ibetli Wllvert, et. al. j for plululitr forts Oil
Decided I'y the bupreine Court f.w plain! i If. Exe
culiou letiiaius to be Imucu. Will likely be paid.
On motion of G-orge Bmith, EhmjImJ, That
the Committee u (i is be lu-lrueted to iuqulre
of the Banbury (jas Company what sized lights
they nould furui-h for the (Mists they propose to
put up and put lamps in, and wbea lliey will cx
teud tlie mala pipe an I furnish gas.
Bills presented and Oiders grunted.
G.'O. Rohsbieh A Bon.
T. M. Pursel
P. IK. Gray ...
B. F. Dieftl
Ira 1 1 lie
II. M- Fahuestuck
Chus. Martin .....Ijoa-v...,
On mot loo, adjwurntat
tlSOO 00
i 4 1
87 6a
Jgl 00
8 uo
U un
8 00
its stts!
P. W. GRAY, Oerk.
Thb hop of theflunbitry Silver 'Cornet Band,
on Tuesdny evening In Lyons' Hall, was another
of tlmse pleasant gatherings which tho members
aro noted for getting up. Tlie ball was voll at
tended, and everything passed off pleasantly and
harmoniously. ,
Photograph of the Kuubury Uur.
My father had a high regard for his profes
sion, was very proud of his eoteinporaiy breth- )
ren,and had a profound, veneration lor hlsscuiois ,
nnd the Bur of the olden time. I can recollect
well at least thirty-three years ago, when a very
small boy, ho took mo Into thu Court room at
Xew Berlin, and pointed out to nit Mr. Bellas, .
Mr. F.heneser Oreciinugh, and Samuel Hepburn, !
of Milton, who were standing together in consul
tation, Mr. Bellas' silver hair, extended nos
trils and two lingers uplifted, in earnest argu
ment, Ill's t rivited my gaze, then Mr. lireenoiigli's
ubstructed, square gaze ut nothing, and then
Mr. Hepburn's iutent look at the toe of his boot
as If counting lis stitches: were I an artl-t, 1 be- '
lieve I could yet Hiug upon canvas their linoa- !
incuts and apparel, from Mr. Ureenougbs I
round, bald head, dowu to Mr. Beliaa' shoe- '
lulchcis. .
Ou a garret In Lewlsburg, where they have re-' "
tnained (for mn, I suppose) undisturbad for sixty j
yenrs, 1 found a bund.e oi letters, w liieh will af
lord me the in iteiial for the most 1 have to say
about Mr. Hellas. . j
His father, Ueorgn Bellas, Esq., of Fishing j
Creek township, (then) Xo.thutnhri luud coiiMy, I
writes to Robert lrwtn, tuercbniil i f Noithutn-
berlaud. under date of SJtli May, 17i)d i . ,
"Sim If you want an apprentice In th" mer
cantile line 1 recommend this hoy, lie rea ls und
spells wi'p, writes a middling good hand, under- '
stands a part ol'tlie live common rules and Kog- i
iish grammar, lie does urn line to fai in.'' j
The pluco was probabiy not open ye, ml be
leturnel. The next leto-r Is of the Kih o' Ju.y, i
written In an excellent h 'ii.1 by Hugh I t nself I
lor hi faiher, his persona lly be. r iy tl by ".ny
uncle's siore," for his father would Uavn writteft 1
my brother's store : j
"Mlt. IllWlN, )
"the bearer is a son of mine which I want to
lam the miiirantlle business. You in.. y liy him j
a few mouths. If yo'.i think that he will answer
theend,lwlil bind hl.u to you. Sir, yon aid !
Und Ii i in a llitie uetivu, h -iug iu my uuclt't ttori
in Pliiladeitihia six tiionths. I
"from your humble Servant.
"Gaouoa Bulla. ' i
On the l'Jth of September, ihe liidenlup! was ,
signed and acknow dedged before Daniel Mont- i
gomery, Esq., lu the pte-ence of Rohcrl Lyon. :
Hu was to be "instructed in flore keeping and
merchant accounts as commonly pru-tize1 in
said plaeo,' for thn term of tour years, hk
nionlliHiind twenty days, a. I lie exj iratiou of
w'lieli he was to n Celve a compl-te suit o' ap
parel. To show the exactiu s with liieh Mr.
Hellas cinnpiled, on the ud of April, 1801, .Mr. 11.
cu.ior&es ou tlie iuilriiluie :
"April a, lsal, received of Robert Irviln the j
iulUlliiieul ol Hie within indeiiture. I
"Hi. o.i Bellas."
In '!)'J he bad charge of the branch store of
Mr. Irwin, nt Danville, aud Ids constant cones- i
pondence is conspicuous Willi activity and exact '
attention toordeis; so luiteli so that Mr. Irwm
sometimes scolds him for his obedience luoirturs
iu sonic cases where necessity requiied a viola- ;
ti.m of t hem.
I forgot to mention that Mr. 1). was bom in
Ireland, und came to this country iu 17JJ, when .
Ii was nine or ten years of age. Uis fat iter " as
poor o li I unable io educate bis children; but I
Hugh had singular energy and a reinuikab y j
elastic spiiit. . Al Robert liwiuV he found a ou- I
genial spirit In Robert Christie, the. senior cleik.
Robert was the sou uf an Knglish teacher and i
had been wo 1 educate,!, fcioie keip ng was not
then conducted lu thu go-aheail style of tiiu
present, and our clerks liuvitig coiisi.teiahie li.i
suru ut certain iseiioiU, devoted llieiiiselve.i to
rending aud M tidy.
Mr. li.'s father was a f li'.et Presbyterian, nnd
had hi on-lit up his family in the faith of Hi .t
church, but the uclivu aud lndepeiiiieiH mind of
Hugh led l i in into enquiries w hich caused him lo
reject Calvinism, and even to doubt senou-ly the
entire Christian faith. About this 1 1 n i ( 17.1.11
he heard much said of threat remarkable sermons
of Di. Priestly on "IlaLiiiial Dev .tion," "Thj
Danger ol Bad Habits," and ''Tiiu Duty of not
Living to Ourselves." Meeting the Doctor one
Ciiy, In; expre-sod a desire to rend these sermons.
"My young friend," replied tin- Doetoi. -I ;u Ige
from your opinion on tho subject of Revenitioti
that you would lot be able l i appreciate thusy
discourses. Beiorc you umlcitukc them 1 will,
if you ph'.ise, put a tract in your hand-, tae
re idiug ol wliieli will, I hope, prepare you lor
the doctrine of my sermon'."
"Priestly Institutes of Natural und Reveale 1
Religion" was willingly leceiwd nud e igerly
rend twice by Mr. Bellas. Then came tlie ser
mons, uud tae seed fell Into goo I ground an I
biought forth nn l.unitnd fold. Iq. Piiest yV
romposii ions were all in iliorl hint, and. Mr.
Bellas, who was an cxpeH penman, wrote them
out for the press. The Doctor frequently ex
pressed his satisfaction with the) great accuracy
of Mr. Bellas, uud In return prescribe I him a
couru iif reading and loaned him the books.
1 1 win did not like llie literary ambition of UU
clerk, aiic on one occasion llnding Bellas n.i.i
iug u copy of the "Annual Re ,-ister." snatdied
the book and ihrcw it iuln the hre. The volume
belongeil to Dr. Priestly, who was gr-ut'y an
noyed ut the van lal uciiou, but never Ir
win lo account for It.
While at Irwin's, Mr. Hellas commenced
studying iuw with Jon Walker, Es q., t if
lerw ir.l Judge of the Centre an 1 HeJIorl ili-lricl
18.7 to 1S10 fallier of the late Robert J.
Walker. Sccretaiy of the Trensmy under Piesi
(ieut Polk.) who al that time piai I law an I
resided in the towu of Xorthiiiuboi aud. By the
way, the Academy boys poln' stringer to the
R. J. W. cut in the door Jatnb of that building
ht re with as much pi Ida as Hu' row hoys
point out the autographs of Uyivii uud Pic. scr.b
bied high up on its walls. -
It was about the year 1S03 Mr. Hel as applied
for admission, but hu met a mosi foraiila'i.o op
positiou. Every luwyi i Uieu ut the bar in this
district was a decided Federalist, und us Mr. B.
was not only an active aud intlnential Democrat.
I but of tli" plebeian stock, the al istoeratic gen
I llemeu objected to his admission ou the ground
of bis nol iiavingactuully studie I in tht ojjlrt of
.vir. vt aiKer, but In n store while cou lutting a
business of anot her character.
Whether tlie Court d elded against him, or he
was inducej by tlie clamor of bis oppoueuts to
suspenu application, l am unable to say. This ;
happeued during tho session of the court ut
Belle finite. Reluming to Xoiihumberlaud aud )
slating the case to Mr. Walker, tho lulter ad
vised hiui to employ counsel ou hi behalf audi
renew his application at Suubuiy. Mr. Bellas
accordingly retained Daniel Smith, Esq., who
b'ouglit Ins case before the Court and advocated
It so uoly that an examination was ordered and
Charles Hall, Esq., the most determined of bis
opponents, appointed oliu of his exun.iuers. Tlie
exaiiiinuliou was hold in opeti court, and was
most rigorous. Mr. Hall came prepared with a I
sheet of written quesilous; many of them mere I
nuns ol memory, such us the data id csilam
siuiuies of Quteu Eltzalielh. Mr. Bellas' inuin
ory however never was at fault. The Judge
Jiureeiving that he had uo ordinary candidate
be lore Uiiu, was highly gruliikd. Al one stagu
Ine Judge asked hiui, "What ia eriminsJ law t "
Mr. B , after a mnmeiit's hesitation, commenced,
"Law is a rule of action " here thu Julga In
terrupted him in his quick, nervous way, with.
"1 dou'l want a general deliiiiilou of law, but of
criminal Iuw." "Criminal law," resumed Mr.
Bellus, "is a ruleof action defining and prohib
iting crime, and piescribing due l)'.lub'Uuicut."
"That will Uq," remarked the JuJa,e, "J only
asked the question to try your Judguieut. Tl.eie I
is uo definition of criminal law nn ihe books."
The three hours' ordeal past, Mr. Hall most
tirudgiugly admitted that I he young uitu hud
passed a satisfactory examination uud nooiu
lUfiided his urimissliuito the bar.
Govviuor buydnr, who w.s ut that t'ine Coun
ty Treasurer, witnessed the whole proca'cdlngs,
and resolved to patrouizatha) youns laaysr. The
above is his recollection of Mr. Bellas' i aniiini.
lion us utesbi'Vtxt by bis sou, the lul George II.
Snyder,E-q. lu 18o9 or 1810, Governor Snyder
appointed Ms. btlliis PiothouoLiry of Xorlliuui
bjrliind county, which ollice ho held for a num
ber of years. Hu was Governor Mnyde;s coun
sel in the memorable 1-leof (Jueruse, coinmeuc
iug at buubury lu 1! and ending in 18-4, at
New Berlin. Mr. Bellus career u a lawyer,
Deputy United btutes Attoruey, und persistent
ball le for bia own rights in numerous suits, are
ihcy uot wrilteu iu those Interesting chioulcles
I am U'iw residing In the large since mansion
bul l by Judge Walker, In Bellelonis. lis i u
me use wiudows, large hall aud hih ceilings,
have cott mo a goo.1 deal of coil t'u rig nos
winter. I was soriy in intiking an ixiemiaiof
the building last summer. I was npelo-d lo
tear down his oldothcaj (built whej si reels weie
of no account here iu the eei i of ilia Uu),
sround the wide five-place owblelt, Duucau,
Huston, Uuroside And other Uwyejs of olden
time oftta toasted tkelr hln J. B. L.
"of litigation, tlie "Reports," down to Wright t
1 had rery little opportunity of Inter
course with Mr. Bellas, but. bis manners were
exceedingly courtly nnd kind In private llln.
He WUS. the last'Of the race of la a-yer whose
tnet and persistence enabled them to keep a case
In court lor a lifetime. I Instance Hie ease of
idaiiH Ts. Wilson, writ Issiiod to May T4rm,1814,
finally'W-d by the Supreme Oourt In 1S.V,).
Oh I that 7"ftAU would vonchsat'e tn tlie pres.
ent ger.erallon of lawyers clients like the Mans'
aud others, who brought their tnuals with them
and eat olf the Court Honso steps at Sunbiii v, so
that thev might sava money to pa their ndvo.
cates. Judge. Jordan will recollect that Mr.
Rellns' prolimlnury "ho I hoi hue I " followed
by an appllcntiol for an amendment or continu
ance lu Bowersox vs. Howersox, was listened lo
with great dignity by Jitdira Lewis through bis
toi ini and cost Undo Abo Wl.soti many a chew
oftobtteco. i 1
In June, Wt, thu Inst session, 1 believe, of
the Supreme Court hld at Sunbtiry, Mr. Bellas
Came into the court room, nearly every lawyer
rot upon his feet to hand him u chair, (.'hi'ef-Ju-llce
Lwis. always eqna) lo thu nnieiiltles of
any station, suspended the mailer in hand with
the Inquiry, "Has Njr. B dlas any motion to nieke
In this Court t" Mr. Bellus recognizing the
old time compliment to the. aged members, of the
Bar Willi n courtly nnd profound bow, "I believe,
your honors, I am not concerned as counsel In
thlsnr a'iy alher Court," was his rnply.
He was the rcar-gmtnl of that forensic hsnd
In passing the narrow Isthinti between Time
and Eternity to the ju tginont b'ir. lie died ut
Bnnbury o.i the 26ih of October, lebd, g.;d
Mehty iliree and a half years.
BmABPJNTF., 141 h Frbrnary, 1H73.
... June 1 t, 1HTJ.
Solomok WEATKn, C a.lectur School Tax.
To Duplicate or 187J 15017 la
By cush paid Trensnrerlu 187:)
to Jane lst,13T. f4':5J 03
Hv rash p ill Tren-urur ia lliTl
"to Juno 1st, Itf , D7.I 69
By txouer.t.a:w 117 1)
By tax retained to Com'rs... as 8J
By Collector's commission.
. per Ct ou Sj.SjI iltt colkclud
875 00
f5fil7 IS
-$aC7 18
Soi.omom Weavkii. Collector School Tax.
To Duplicate of 1871. t.1811 2
1&7-) CU.
Juae Is', by ca.sli, paid Treas
urer lo date t4130 13
June 1st, by balance on l'upli-
cuto 1C1 13
1 U4
Sot.omos Weavfk, Collector School 'lax.
187S 111!.
June 1st, to balance due on
Duplicate, 13,1 flOSl l'J
( Upon which he U entitled
to exonerations uud Coaiuiis
eioiis upon whole amount Col
lected oa Duplicate.)
Llotd 1 . RouuuACll, Triasii.ei buiibiiiy School
; District.
1871- -' - fR. '
July 20, to balance 011 hand us
per leporl of Borough Audi
tors published til is
June 1st, to cash on Duplicate
1-JTil iu full QTo ,Vi
June 1st, to cash 011 Duplicuta
LS71, in part 4120 l'J
To cash received from K. Wil-
vrrt, former Treasurer Sbj .10
To cash received from b'-it--Appropriation
S7J 00
t o". TO ;;n
1C.7J - - CR
June 1st, by Orders paid
By Cum mission, 3 per cent, ou
5iKXI ii
I'y balance ou baud ,
."iOOS '.Tt
11J 1.:
ii ll
t ii 1 TO ll'.i
-?577i H'.l
Llovo T. RuiiHiiAcaTti-asurer.
I 'It.
June, to txiiuneu cm
haud ,., (,1
bcNaruv School Dis-thict.
June, 1S7j, to orders oui.-land-ing
und unpaid ut date id
Auditor' report.
Tiui.uiec ilue lluu. Geo. Welser
1 hoti.l in bauds of Mrs. busau
Bright, interest paid
0 bo nis in tin nils, of John
Haas A Co., 7 of ?lW each,
1 ol f Iimo, and Jot C-.)j....
Iii.iitst due to June, 1M7J
1000 00
June, 1H72, by bilsnco nue r n
Duplicate fif liTl, isl l'J,
less Exonerat ioi,s uu I Col
lector's cotnmi. sinn, iiboir..
Balsuce iu Trcisdrei' liatiJs.
? 1:1 JO 00
6S 1 I
Mu5S ul
ft.i.Vi PI
Actnal indebtedness 'of Dist.
-?fi'J10 95
Thus showing the actual Indebtedness ol the
Dis'rict tub" less than the uaiouui of li md- ou'
stan ling. The Boar l have 1-sued orders for the
balance of tiiteiesl due lo January 1, 1S7U.
1, peili.ips, us Secretary of tlie liisiid, owe an
aiaclogy to the taxpayers ol Suiihury for not pub
lishing Hub 1 ej 01 1 pi evioiisl) , in cuifonuii y w iih
thu bcbooi laws. My apology is simply t'liis: I
never could or did ascei taiu the exact amount of
Bonded Indebtedness of the riistilei until during
the month of January, 17.1, and I would imt
p..bilh n repoii of liie District which I knew
would be Incorrect, ll'uny one else bold Ootids
they would greatly oblige the Boutd by pri scnt
iug them to the r-ecrelury nt once, as the pte-ent
Board hat e no kuowic Ige of any othwrs.
H. V. I KV1.1NG,
Secretary Sntibury Sehoul Board. I.tHt.
List of Causes foj- term, coinmeuc
ing Match li, leTli:
'I he county of Xoithuinbcrlund vs. Geo. M'El
lece. The county of Northumberland vs. Philip Win
teisltiu. . -
l.Ttnaii Seller, Ad 111. of El Seiler, vs. John
M. Whitmer.
Fredrick btraderl. Dun. Heck ley, II. b.
Catherine DuuJ vs. Ihu Eiilerpiise Coal Com
pany and Robert Ailiiueruiaii.
WillUnl I.h v. Janus Malo'ic.
IVUJ DuiikluTs. II. E. nhellenberger.
Jlurtiu Sirnlul ainl an. a. i'riab Folk, cou
tractor, and Michael Shlpe. owner.
ieo. C. Wtdker N. C. Railway Co.
Fruuk "ersing Vs. twp. of Ml. clarinel.
Win. M. 4"ali u-s. Win. .v. bain Kusiiell.
Bain. fJRiyson v. fchool Directors of Dela
ware Tw IV
John W. HenthiT vs. W. D. Moorehcad.
Pet. Gearhart Vs. I). 1. ,t W. B. R, R. Co.
Jacob Haup vs. John l.cihv.
Coriiuca Hart Vs. Hie Tap" of Mt. Carmel.
Miller, ForneJ Co. vs. David Ueiser. .
Millcy T. Day, fndorscr. vs. Ah'iies B. !'. y.
Jnu. B irthoiouicw vj. Jas li. M'Coriuick.
Bent. Wllllanuou vs
Geo. Bower vs.
Geo. W'iUs vs. ,,
James D. Gehrig vs. L.I.. Beidelinuii.
Weuud Zink .t Co. vs. J. J. Ham h.
Fv.i Schliichly vs. Aiithonv Huuinicl.
J. & M. baudcrs vs. J. R. Fie.leiieks & D. F.
Hush, Miller A Co. vs. J. M. Baitho'.oincw.
Eli-ha Elliott vs. Henry B. Weaver.
Jacob E. Struckler Vs. Ji Ian Weist.
Jonathan Garrett vs. Ileury 11. Masser.
Geo. Miller vs. Johu hau lers it William B.
Fredrick Scully vs. Natl, an rhumherlln.
John M. fry, tor the use of D. W. Smith, v.
J.C Morgan und Geoigu 'l'rroti.
State tank vs. Abraham Kls-lngcr.
John W. Smith vs. Henry bliulu.
l.lut of t'auaew for week commencing
Monday, Mai eh liih, Ts7j.
l'hidp Zliumeriuuu vs (i-orge L MeCliirv.
J. M. adwalliuler vs. Wil.ia'n Witltinyioii.
Jorin H. Lick Vs George W. iiis1iii-m.
iaae Mia ker, eial.irs.-e vs Lobe't Dalesman,
en bnsee for W.-li-ter it Vinev.
W. II. Mi'ier vs John Fiyu'ilie, Jr.
Francis O'Hoiuiell vs Xoi : luiu.bei laud Co. Ag
rlra.taral bo-.iv. .
lieuj'V C. Hauuiisr ts T. O. Van Allen, Georce
VI. Lea e. Mild Abraham If. V01 is. Hading under
ike Area namuof Van Alien A Company.
Thus. L. Fryiulre A Co., vs Jacob J. Wikt
Sauiu'. (had vs Lewis toT)shlp.
'' " ' 1 1 "'J 1 . . ' I . I
I.aiiarus Mover vs William Shartol.
Dnnvlllc, Hswllnn A Wllkesburre R R. Co. vs
isioie Albert aud John Bognr.
J. F. Bartrb vs Joseph Nicely, Adm'r of Joel
W. Arlmiin, ilnc'd, and J. P. Armstrong.
Sarah ('., bche.ll, by her iitixl friend, Jacob
Shell vs John Haler.
IVtor Yerger vs Jordan township.
Ross, Hliott A Co., vs J. E. Smith A Co.
Churl's Glass vs Peter, lluldy, owner, and
Chn's Romlg, contractor. j
A. W. Kramer vs Joseph Vanklrk. '
Toinllnson Tylnr vs T. 9. Hlmnnon.
John B. Welser vs Solomon Delp.
Dhiit A R. isli vs Win. A. Fl-her.
Plillip Hnyder, Jacob Pnvder, Joseph Snyder,
Ilctuiaii fiiiyd-r and l.ydln Suyder vs !aac fthlpc.
J. II. Cofrodu ii Co. vs John B., fiber. II
of Noithnnihu'lnr.d county.
B. F. Hurmati vs Joseph H. Hunter.
Ira T. Clement vs Duiiiel Drurkumlller, owner,
or reputed owner or contractor. (
Naglc cV Owens vs Wagner, Slarr A On. '
Isiinc Zerbo A Kllzihetli Znbe, for IHo use of
Elisabeth Zerbn vs Levi Zerbe. j
Abruhnm Lorch vs Mrs. J.yrlii Thompson,
ovrier, or rcpu'.ud owimr, and JuuoO Reiuei, con
tractor. Elizabeth Romboy vs Jeferson Tabler.
n.oige &. fJoodhurl vs Mary Ray.
J. W. Gillespie v fijim H. Forcsnian.
h. L. Finney vs John Porter.
George Gurmsn vs John O. Kmith.
John G. Gartner rsSnniiii l Blimni, J. II. Euglu
KocaUangua Coal Co. vs Tlios Burr.
Cliarle.'i Kimercr vs Benjamin fcuyJer.
List oflellets remniiiliif; In theSunbury Post
Orrico on February 19, 1S73.
Miss Kate Brosious, H. W. Bohuer, William
Buss, William Bowu, Ch as. W. Brown. Rev. D.
H. Claik, Chi'ttii! Evert. John Kngle, G. M.
Fisher, Geo. II. Halle, Tlios. A. Holl, Alwin
Hcs-e. J. B. Kelley, Jno. W. M apart, l.ovd Minis,
Daniel Plank, Mis. Mary S. Reed, David Mer
rick. Kate. Manlr.y, lald Sinelsur, Mr, S. E.
Williams, Mrs. (5. II. Walton, Thomas Wheulan,
Vordy 6i Co.
On 7IarrlK. V.ssays tor Young Men, on
Great (social Evils aud Abuses, which intuifcro
will, Mairiuge, and ruin the buppinese of thoti
sunds, with sure means of relief lor ihe Erring
and Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated, bent
In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.
Addruss, Ilowurd Association, Xo. 'J, South
Ninlh bt., Philadulphia. Pa.
On 1 ii( silny evening last, at the residence of
the . ride's father, by Rev. G. W. Hcmperly, Dr.
C. M. Maitin, formeny of Baltimore, county.
Mil., and Miss Alice Haas, youngest daughter
of John Haas, Esq.,
In this place, on Tiles la v lust, by Thomas M.
l'ursell, F.-q., Mr. Lkvi Rsrti. of Jackson town
ship, und Miss Mauv EuifAnEru Aiciimvty, of
ih san e piaee.
In tins place, on Sututdav. Fi.hrr.arv 15, 1S7S, .
CLARA KDI'IH CAM PBKLL, daughter of Uob
eitund Margaret Campbell, Hged 10 years, and '
10 mouths. , j
Tho deceased heroi'; her denth made a request
that. Ihe following Verses should be published
witlt ber obituary notice.
I would not ilve nlwuy s I nsk riot 10 slay
Where slurin uflei norm 1 l-fj ilai k o'er tlie way:
Tlie few lurid mornings ti at dawn on us here,
Are enough for Its joys, full enough for Its clici .
I would not llvealwayt 110 welcome the tomb 1
Since Jrsns has lain there I drend not Its gloom :
There sweet hu my rest till he hid me arise,
To h ill him in triumph descending Ihu skies.
Who, who would live alw iv. nwuy from Ms (jd
.' .. .in. ,,00 ue.iv ou, 1'ijt blissiul uljoile,
Whose rivers of plcascre How btigiit o'er the
And the noontide of glory cteriii.'.l- reigns.
There Saints of all ages In harmony meet,
'I le lr Saviour aud brethren trnnspoiied to greet 1
While, anthems of rupture unceasingly roll.
And the smile of the Lord Is the feast "of the soul.
.ilXHMtY SltltlitTN.
I'lo 11 Mlll
Extra Family fr:
Buck w In 11, p. ct., Ii
4. ruin Mttrla.fl.
.MM r.ed Wheat, p. I'll.,
r. 0.1 live,
2.6 1 C.,r. "
l..:il H n liw heat
'.'.in Oats, ri- Pi-,
! 00 nax iced,
So i
70 '
1.00 ;
ft' 1 !
3 f S '
Corn Meal, "
Wheat ll'i'ai, p. bu
( orn V ( lats Chop
Timothy Seed, p. b
UToiIi-c- .llatlst-t.
Eggs, per d az.,
Bailer, per lb.,
I. ml,
7.i. Hams,
3a T:.l!ow,
li'i Coiinti v S"p,
1 J Diie 1 Apple.,
10 " Peaches,
16 1
11 !
10 1
14 '
ftvlu .ubcritsmntls.
rpilK Military Board of .Voi thnmberlai I Co.,
1. orus'iix, I Januurv 1MI h. at nrinoi'v of the
shuni'ikln Guard, dipt." JOHN' Mf KL1ESE was
tl.icle President, and Capt. A. CALDWELL
The Hoard Is now ready for I he transaction f
such military baslness a mav Ian Innught before :
f''b 3t Secretary. i
JV J rf.wl ll V
&i AA?l
Jlf ' k ia l-l -..
Is liie oalv lCaiwu ltem-'dy for Pri'hl's llis
cse snd i'as e.ery cn- 1 f IHsrH-les In
wtiicti ll h..s lie.-n I'iw-ii' Iirlt'itieu ot tlie Nvtk
of tiie Hliulder snd Iiill.-iuiiuutioii of the Kiiinevs,
Ckeraiioii ef me and I'lau.ler, h. tin.
tioil i f t'riue. ilistas. s a.f the I'rustals a. laud,
btoiic iu the itlsdiler, l.riavel. Brick D11-1 I ';' il,
und MiKaeis it Milky lu-i aiel f. r lia
tecMcd slid Iielii'iitel'o'lstitiiliiinsi f heih rev ,
atleiiued with llie f.illowii' synipton -: l-.s
of Pow er, l.nss of Mi ioory. flineaity a t f n
Illg, Weak Nerved, V aUlf e.lmis-, I T.n i". IV
Itaek. F!iislilng f the Hod) Kr'i;aicii 1 n lh t .r ;
Pullld I'oiiiiteiiaiice. I.s.-stiuee of t'i.- rs'. -a .
1 sed by peioiiM iii ihu d.r Ine or tnw-
life; ufn r comliii-meul ur r laiu,!'..-.
thai In children, tic.
In many uuYninns peruilar to l'!i 's. tl: i
tract Huelnl Is uia 'tiisleil liy srv f ll.rr 1 , -As
lu Chlorosis or Heuniinn. Irrfiiiaruy f
f :!r.e-s a . .- ! 1. ' i. ! i.i.iry f.'.ai usii.t.
lUca-rated ur fehirrus state a.f the I n rits, Lett
enrrhtra 11 Whites, Meruit-, S d f-.r a I com.
pluuiU incident to Ilia ea-x. It is Era-scriia d
extensively llie 111, t eiai.uert I'hj sle'aes sial
Jllidslvi s for'i-lili d und deiica: cainslli'i
tions of lioih sexes and all n-.s.
HUAUXl'S J- a.. a' HITHP,
f trtt i".llSr A i.-i frrm Jr ; r. u'ennjf.
II 6Vs of 1 Un. I' , In Bli their alacs. t.1
litlte enjia-lise. Illlle or no rl. slice in alie'. a-o in
coioel.ieli' '-. ailld 1:0 epaiuio. it isnsis a fril
qaent ilesira-, aial caiea stren-tn 10 ni-iaste.
tlierehy re.i..viio; (.-lrili lions. 1 aevei linj sill
1 uring Suieliires a.f llie I rvtliria, Ail'i.viug 1'aiti
and llllUlllIllstioll, Stl ire.;llel.t III lllie l' inss of Ijiar
dalsi'S, sndaai;H-Hilig till poi s'iio..d uiatti.r.
HUtiiMii'v i;vruiiT Hitni',
tl OOlM-r l.niilocr sU li'.ttl. s for '. (m. delivered
to any adtlra'ss, si-nie f'-oni I'hscrvuliou. aS.ld hy
arueelsta im airvva here. I'repnri-ti hv
KKAliM-. A Cl.. lot Iliiaiui St.. N. Y.
to whom ail letius fur infuriaauuu should e,i
'avoid'quaoks and' iMPoTiar
ho Chsrg liT Advioe anil OissnltstioB.
7r J. II I'i.' !. Craaiuaieuf ron JJ'diiU
raV".'S, Ptiiiail'lfhis, aiitliur af Vevcrul asit'Shlo
works cs'i be tousultad am all di--asrs i( in
basuul or L'riuaiy firamiis. iwlaeh lie has nisdo
SU eapeelal sluU I, eillia-r in inala r fa aiaie. aa,
lnsiler from what cnusai originuiiiig, or i'i bov$
long stitidiiig. A practice ail UO lsis i-lialitus
him 10 Irsat alisessas with success. Cures puai
suterd. Cisfa.'. a reasouahlv. Ttiuse at alia
lauiea- a an t award leita-r Ua'aat-rliang syuiplaaus,
uau eui sianiu loprviay postage.
bcuil lor llie r.,ila 1 r nlh. 1'ria.e 10 cents,
al. B, i)VuT I', u. Ii . fhysii lilt and tSuroua.
iU Hunt 6u,Ngw Xurk.
Fshmary 8, 1873. ly. ,
MITKJK. ' . I '
OTICE Is hereby glveA that application lias'
.!.( been ninde to the C01.1t of Common Pleas
of Northumberland County, by tho Fort Augsin
Building ft Loan Association for amendments to
articles Tenth nnd, Rjnvctitb of the Corastitutlaji
of said Association, mid that snld 1nni(4idmoii.
will he granted at the next regular term of saiid
Court, opleas cunae e shown to the CnHitAvmi
' Prothoftotar. '
Bnnbury, Fob. 8. 1973. St.
-I .
C3 3
1 1 III Space is Kt'Kervfd for tti?
I paine fit Mccormick 's
! 11 a i i) w a 1: K s to li i:
J .'Slur It i-1 St., SuiiLaury , I'u.
A iialit liarla'a t;stle'ai .tut.
Notice is I, cr. by given to nil persons Interest
ed, III it the un ieisigiied An lilnr In disti iliute the
bilanee in the han I- of H ibeit A. Gllfeu, one of
the K.Xei ulois of t iuira a li I'e, deceasad, to und
iituoi.g llia-e legally eutita-d ltieia-lo, will ntleli.l
lo the duties ol Iii- .ippoiiitni 'iit ul hi i lllea', iu
the lioioiieli ol t-aidi iry. nn Friday, the '-lath day
if Fu'ji uurv, A. D., l iall, ut lit n'eiiK-k, A. M.
W. I. GitKKNoLGil, Auditor.
Kuubuiy, Feb. 8. t7J IU.
Audit r.htiaio o." I.arlesj (hIc, dec.
Notii'o Is hi" '. li 1 aersiiiis iuleresled.
Ibut the iiiidias . Ai.'ii oi, to distribute the
balance In ihe b . i.- of .Jo-.ili piiestly, one of
the LNeeulor.-i of As uy ti, (i.le, deceased, who
was F.xceuirii of Charles Gale, deceased, lo uud
among those legally entitled thereto, will alien!
lo tlie atul ica of his appointment at Ms idllec, In
the Horoinjh of Sunbury, on KrUay, tlie-'Mh d..J
of Febiuaiv, A- I' t 17.1. el In oY oek A. M.
W. I. GKELNOLGII, Auditor.
unhury. Tab. . 1S73. S. '
COI!KT HIM I. a.'.'siOi. N 4i
Is henl7 irlnn that the r:.ei t'onrts of Com
mon 1'less, General Quaiier. s:..iM,trtlin Peace,
and Orphans Cnnit. (siuit i f t.jt r nnd Tcnulnrt
und Genera' Jail Di lhc'), in and fin the count)
of NntchUMiherlntid, will comimmce si the Court
Hiajifo, In Ibe b'iroiigh of eainhnfy, tt 10 o'clock
A. M., on MONDAY, .MARCH I lis elOth, next,
end wBI cnnllnii'fwTi wwk. I
'The (Coroner. Justjces of thA tV tV-csud Consta
bia lh nid fcf the county of N oil hWiibci land ate
requested to be then nnd therein their priqer
pej-ns, w Jtbj thsir rol's, rceoids, liiqiilsitirutj,
mini other reani inlunnces, lo do those things to
thais several offices ajanert ihilnis lo he done. And
f"hllwnVsis prosoctiUJg in behalf o' the C0111-
nionwealth ni-uint nnv rrisoner. nrn ri .ntfitfrui
Hni'UTilli.iii(Mr-fil tltiind there '-titii tiding
in tneir proper persons t'i prosecute n gainst blm
as Fhfill be jusl and not to depart without Icnvu
lit their 'lull. Jurors nre requested to be pnuc
tunl In Ihilr nttisiidutiOu, n tlie lime ly-polnted.
ngreeably to their noticja.l ' .
Given uiidfeuiy hdnd at hnnbury, tlinf.ili day of
Febntaiy. in Ihe yi nr ot out Lord otic thousand
elgfct hundred nnd sevcinv-thre".
1 t.HAMVEI. ir.ROTHARMLL, Sheilir.
ffpoclnl Conrl.
"VT.Cn CT, is hera by given that h Pyer lal Criu
JJ of 11. a- I f Intel f c 11 t ta riu.s in tindfra
the county of'ilniol. w 111 lie lu.ldcn nt
Sm.litny, eoiiif tiiciiig JIONDAV.sVplil 7. A.D.
IS'n. find cniiilinttig one week, for the trial of
sill special ci. 'j sis on the Picas Crjii n,!!rg
ijur--, Jntiti
uiy a7,l!571l.
' Frorlnnmtton.
irHtlEA the llonorahla Win. M. Roike.
T T f'-ller, PresiiloblJiidce, and Ins Associate.
for this District, have issued their inundate, for
on adjourned CuUit for North 11 mln-i land
county, to be held on Monday the ltd duv of
March, A. D., loaJl, being Hie 1st Mon lay of
sal 1 motitii. lu Sunbury. end to lut or.n weak. I
therefore give notice to- nil jurymen draw n for
this Court, and all others inteia. -d, to be und
! nj -pe ir hi the place nioicsald at lu o dock, a. Ul.
I of said da v.
'ami:kl n. rothf.kme;., Eiimia'.
i f-herlll 's Ortiee
! jSui.b ure. Ken. 1, 1S7.1.
! v.ix 111:1 1 i iisVK I; V7
Id. por CVullou orSIl ji'cr'cie of l!f
' LAr.OE'Bor.-Lr.a.
; Tliia Whiskey is l'u re. T? v. four years old
; tmJ very idlIIow.
vax iJEii.vs "vi:i.r.o;- skal"
Sll per Oitso of Twelve Kuitles.
) This Wine we offer to onr friends, knowing it
to in perfectly pun- and always usifonn lu nii.
! lity.
i Avi your Groetr for
j VAN lillUAS il W1IISKKY.
j Ask your Drtigoist for
i vax HtirL's 4 M-jiiKi:r.
j - Tell your Grocer von waul
i VAN UIML'S "YKr.i.OW b;AL"
Tel! ji'iir I.);uogiht you want
i SHEHliV.
i Or, sa'nd your order t 1
! 11. a . v. v.-ix
Xo. JoIO, CliEs'l N'L'T ST..
! I'hil.idelplii.i.
Importers of all flue iiiau.lies, Gins. K-.unsnml
Wines, aii'l de
' IS 111 llie: te st IIUhI ties of P.vo
it n .I Imiui'juu
WLlakios by the ii.u rei, deun'iolai
or cafe.
Feb. S, is;
1307. RIGHTERdiGASKILL, 1307.
nr.n rt
1011 Ciii
Cr;,tsl Slice', Koiifh Plitc, Colored, Kr.iiLielid
t:. 1 Ornamental Glass,
1307 liurkot Sn-eot, riiiUvdolphia.
Jnu'iary 11, 15'.J.
X3cssri. Rl l'I EU' .V COH F.R,
T'.-'i J Street, C'Pposlle Centra! H. Is!,
:l"xivry, pa.,
fT ET.P eaii.stant'y ou haud las very chuieest
2.V offecsh
which 1 sold ut the lowc-t prices. Heat cnr be
had at all fi'air. dmiDg the day.
tf'Jubury.Prt., June 8. 1H7H.
1'. ts'.a of
Uwiilo'. V. wliaer, At ce.i.l.
) Rcl
iluninb'e to
ach Term
N iiirnt uFK!.,;:n i oi ntv, p.
Tiia Coiitmosweulth of Pennayla'anhi to the hno
li'fot NorthuniiKilsud County, Greeting :
WHERHAS, ut an Orphans' i iiurt held iu Sitn
btiry, in and for the eouuty of Noithtliubeiluml,
the eighteenth risy of January, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd seventy
t tin .-, before tlie Honorable Win. M. Rockefel
ler, K"i.. President, and his Associate Justices-of
the ( ourt. In tlie matter ot Daijie! Weiiuer, da
c a-ed. The petition of William IV cimer. Notth
iiuibeilaiid.boroiigli, Nortliurubcrland countv, oi
the stale of Peunsi i atiia, wu pa esente 1, setting .
faith that he i oi.e of I he chilili en and lineal tle
s i-ndiiiiis of ll'iniel W'-iincr. lt.te of the boi-iiugh
of Xa tliiiiiiliei -laud, d"ccasi-.l. thai the sniil Dan
iel Wcltncr died on the day of , A. D. one
thousand eight lr.iu.lriM and loriy eight . Intes
tate, leaving n widow named Margaret WciniT
who Is also deer iis---d, and nine children, vli! :
your petitioner Wui. Weiuiir and Christian L.
Weiu-'.-r, Geo. L. Welmer, Maiy In'.crm arrie I
a i'U lleniy liiveile, Catharine Intennai tied with
John A. Lloyd, Margaret iiitartnariia il with Jttn.
( al illoch, FtiiKihelh lnrenn.uried with John A.
Wimair, Malta li Weiaiier and G'.uella Weimer.
That the said decedent Daniel Welmer, dual seiaed
In lee of, and In a certain lot or piece of ground
situated in the borough of Northumberland, N".ir
Ihuinhcrland county, Pennsyl van In.Coiitaiiiig se
venty dva feet (75) lu Ireiu oa Wsier si rest, sn-l
one ii nnd icd and ninety-two feel in depth to an al being Lit number seien. and fifteen feel of
lot number six in the gsncial plan ol the borowgh
of Nuilhuiuberlaiid, whereou is eravnasi a double
two Hory log dwelling-house, with kllohen at
tached, a ut.u aud a lialf story frami) store bouse,
stable, and other out buildings. -
This Is to notlfv you and each of you herein
above named, and Vo'i nre hereby notified thai by
Virtue ol" I hea bove writ to roe rtKvt.d, an inijtiesi
will tic held on the ct' nsnisd
ii.uiiel VVuiuaar, deea ascd, iu the boron gh of Nor
thumbcriand. Noilb'd Co., Pen ivlvni?i, n here
in described, on Wednesday, March 12. I'j'i'J, at
10 o'clock, a. m., for the purpoacol making par
tition of as to value, aud apt raise lb" real estatw
hereinabove described r.f the said ilf cedent, al
which time nu place you ui-iy cai-h aud all ap
pear if you lliluk proper.
y. ii. p.OTiii::;MEL, fcimna.'
ShcrilT. Od',,-4,
Bitubuiy, Fubruaiy 1. 1S73- It.
Fieiulor's Xotlce,
fOn the K-lste of Al ruhani fevder, dee.
aJOUCK Is hereby ghin, that Lctlera lests
.iA llietit.liy hale been fcl uile l( ihe Uiu'i-r-signed,
r uer itm of lh- R-tate of AbiuliMiu Sny
der, d.vei.ed, late of Upper Alagustu township,
Nortliuniberiiiid coaniy. persons knowing them
selves iudahtrd 10 said .estate, uud lh s having
eluliiis iigaliist tin-same, si.l pi cent I he hi totlit
Lveculol lor sctlleaaieiiS,
XV. llU!fE,fxitor.
Buubury, January 15, leTJ.Bl. i
Came to Ih premises of the undersigned, In
Cppcr AugusU tost shin, Noithaliibel and Co.
on or about ihe ikoiti of last, Hiesb'Tp,
all white. The owner aa-oaa-tieis aie reapn'ried te
come toi aid prove ai't ry ty c'.s ees, a'
Uka them away, oi els IB' wi.l lie daspaa.t;''
accai to la sr.
ncuri ciMrB'
!m. v. :5 i iw...