Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 22, 1873, Image 2

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    JSimburn American
Mr. GRcrxnY'a Will. It Is well
known that Mr, Greeley left two will, if
the pcccotl one made, a few day before hi
death, nitty be called a will. The first will
won macloin 1871, and after providing for
bis brother and eister, and bequeathing
?10,00'J to tho "Children's Aid Society."
left his estate, with the exception of the
above lnfrncics, to bis two d iughtnrs. Tho
second will, which wns. under the circum
stnncrs. to gay the least of it, not only on
iilesal but a discreditable transaction, pnvo
his entire estate to his oldest daughter, Ida,
out of which she was to provide for, and
educate her sister Gabriellc. a girl of 15, and
some five or six years younger than her
self. As tho conduct of the executors of
the first w.ill were severely censured, it is
but just that the facts should be known
which were stated by Mr. Williams, their
counsel beforo tho surrogate, when the
"Will of 1872 was withdrawn. The idea of
substituting ati illegal Will for a true one,
iu order to couceal the fact that. Mr. Ciree
ly died from the effects of acute mania, is
Dot ouly foolish, but danp-rous and unjus
tifiable. The fact that Mr. Greeley was
insane, weeks before bis death, is no discre
dit to his character or memory, and the at
tempt to conceal a fact so well known, was
simply absurd. The remarks of Mr. Wil
liams will bo found ou out first page.
The AuDiTon's KcrortT. The corres
pondent "Observer," of the .Vi'toman, hav
ing examined tho Auditor's P.eport, fur
nished that paper with the following items
of expenditure :
PiiJoe building aud repairing
paid out
Commissioner Stepp
4 Vastiue
' Durham
Farusworth, Cotu'ra Clerk
Court House Impairs
4,573 34
r,M r.o
C.I7 5(1
Sol 2d
fi" 110
325 00
4110 Do
175 00
' 2272 VW
3041 82
;ks 70
272 40
200 00
4 -i 00
5.S5S GO
Fees ot'SlieritlBecklev former SUIT 2:272 911
General and Spring Elections
Cost of Gua Fixtures
' Gas
Indexing tidtn'r accounts by
J. Leisc-nring
Insurance mi Court House
Jurors and Constables returns
Keeping Hannah rNtviilee and
Jacob Grass at lnsnue
Aj luni
lVnit-utiai-y Expenses
Prisoners taken to Penitentiary
District Attorney Fees
Jury Commissioners
Printing and Advertising
Skunk Scalps
Fox Scalps
Mink Scalps
Prothonotary llaupt's Fees
Road Damages
Transcribing old Dockets by
S. 11. Knowles
Taking Charles White to Sup.
313 2i
179i5 i)(
4ir 0a
4H) 00
2 12 5ti
m 3 4
1404 G5
3:11 35
154 05
1238 48
3330 07
919 50
C7 20
Total Expenditures in 1372 C0.103 02
Excess above receipts 610 0-1
Cash received bv Treasurer
during 1572 3110 SG 17
Balance in his bands 3.477 C2
Militia Tax received 3,753 71
'Daincce in hands of Treasury 180 20
'Outstanding County Orders 17.100 (11
' ' 1872, 2,704 20
Amount due from Geo. McElice 7,331 31
' Col'rs as follows :
County Tax 41.417 75
State Tax 2.470 10
Militia Tax 1.620 80
The forthcoming report will how that
there is outstanding ou thu county tax du
plicates, 815,717 f4. The scalp account
a.nounts to $1,060 C5. There is scarcely
any one that doubts tho necessity of rc
pealing tho act granting bounties or pre
miums on scalps, as it lias become an im
position upon the tax-payers. Thcio are
items that will no doubt strike many as be
ing exorbitantly high. The clerk's pay is
very high, but the people were made to be
lieve that that officer's salury was only 000
per annum. Thw amount we consider too
email for a competent clerk, und bhould be
increased. But in the above report we no
tice that SI ,2'Jti 95 has lxcu paid to clerks
beside S940 50 for transcribing old Dock
ets, and for indexing $20"), making in all j
82,1 10 45 during labt year. There are oth. ;
cr items to which wo shall refer when the
Auditor's Report is published.
Tho report exhibit an improvement
which has been brought about through the
new board of Commissioners organized in
November last, by pursuing a persistent
course in cellccting outstanding monies,
court Cues, and jury finis, which were
not heard of for years past, aud by
having the old duplicates settled up. The
excess of expenditures above receipts in
1871 was 811,810 3d, and during 1372,
5-310 01, being 81,75a 40 ha than 1671,
which is a decided improvement. Tho out
standing taxes for 1871, and previous years,
were 41, bid 07, all of which has been
collected within a few months excepting
. S7.53-3 10, tho larger portion of which is
uneollcctablo. The outstanding taxes for
lb i .2 will also bo a considerable amount,
but are already put iu such a ehapo that
nearly all b paid into the treasury during
the present year, and the present board of
Commissioners are determined to bring
about a different state of affairs thau has
existed iu former years. We can safely ex
pect that at the close of 1873, our county
expenses will be reduced, and much of her
indebtedness wiped out.
The County Treasurer's accounts havo
been kept iu a business like manner, und
show a balanced accouut with the State,
which has not been exhibited under any
former Treasurer for juany yeurs. Consid
ering that the Treasury was bankrupt when
the present Treasurer took charge of it,
not ouo cent having been turned over to
him, ha managed to pay off every order
that was presented, and paid off the indebt
edness to tha Stato besides, and yet has a
Glance iu band of ?3,177 62 shows that he
- conducted the affairs of that officii in
doer that entitles him to tha thanks
tax pattr.
lli'g'"'?!.!'!.1!-.1 , iL'J JL11
The "Guard" andthe Town Clock.
As tlic editor of the Gfitortt bad already
ncknoledeJJtUeJalsity of bis statements j
ltTTOpnra trf tho payment of the Court
House clock by tho county, on which he
based his unwarranted attack on the citi
zens of Sunbury, wo cannot see If wo
should even condescend to answer his silly
questions, that it would help him out of
his dilemma. Had be asked tho Chief Ilnr
gees, ou whoso authority ho corrected his
unfounded charges, bo would havo ex
plained the matter of the bell as well as tho
clock. In regard to tho question whether
"Sunbury Is so much better than Milton
or Shamokiii, that she should have the
county pay for a Court House, when otic
ol theso towns offered $20,000 if it would
ho built there," wo have only to sav that
wo consider the question not only stupid
but malignant, and intended to excite the
envy and prejudices of the ignorant against
this place. No man who has an ounce of
brains can fail to sec that Sunbury is, prac
tically, the most central point in the comi
ty, and can be more readily approached
from all parts of the county than any other
place. Hut according to the logic of the
editor of the Guurd, the convenience and
comfort of the people has nothing to do
with tho matter, that it is simply a
question ot dollars and cents, and Mini if a
few wealthy nabobs desired to have the
Court House at a point to suit themselves,
they might locate the tame on the Muney
Hills or any other remote corner of the
county, without regard to the wishes of
the people, provided they contributed a few
thousand dollars more than any one cite.
We did not object to his making com
ments on "public affairs1' because be was
a "comparative stranger," but being such
ho had no rtghl to slander our eitbeus by
charging them, whether from ignorance or
design, with conduct which he character
izes as "shameful.11 The fact that he is,
as lie asserts, "a native born citizen of the
United States,11 and "of Sunbury," does
not authorize hiiu to make a "unlive boru"
dunce of himself. We can assure our
neighbor that ho will be perfectly safe iu
"opening his mouth on any subject this
side of iTueifctton" or any other side,
provided ho utters tho truth, or when he
writes he dees not coufound words becomo
sacred with fiction.'1
The Credit Mobilikh Scaxdal.
The labors of the committee iu Congress
for the purpose of investigating thu distri
bution offctock anions members are closed.
Oakes Ames, of Massachusetts, and Jas.
Brooks, of New York, were found guilty
of bribery, and their expulsion is recom
mended. The other members implicated
have suffered more in rtpulatiou by th.'ir
equivocation and denial of the facts than
by anything else. Had these men been as
cautionary as our own member, Hon. .1.
B. Packer, in keeping clear of all transac
tions that might cast even a shadow of
suspicion on his conduct, they would have
avoided a most grievous scandal and much
BuU'criu'' in roit'.d us well us iu character.
Tim snow is twenty feet deep on tho
niountaiu 6ido iu Utah, und Lilllu Cotton
wood is iu great danger ol'bluks. A Utah
southern traiu which lias Iveii blockaded
since Saturday, arrived at Salt Lake City ou
.u.juday ir.gnt.
UoTli Houses of Congress assembled
in joint Convention of laK week, to count
aud declare the voles for Presi
dent and Vice President of the United
States. There being two sets of electors
returned lioiii Loun-iana and Arkansas,
neither whs counted. Theie were 2SS elec
toral votes for Grant and Wilson, nnd lit)
lor the combined opposition, und 11 not
counted. Grant und Wilson declared
elected President and Vice 1 resideut of
the Uuited States, for four years commenc
ing March lib, 1673.
An Act rclaliug to rates of interest in
tins Commonwealth is at present atiiuct
uig the attention of our Legislators. The
following is part of the act as presented lot
"SliC. 1. lis it enncted by tho Senate
aud House of Rcincsetitalives of the Coin
iiiouwealth of Pennsylvania iu General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted
by the authority of thu same. That from
and after the passage of this act it shall
and may be lawful for tiny person or cor
poration wi'.hiu this Commonwealth to
contract to pay or reserve discount at any
rate and to contract tor payment anil re
ceipt of any ratj of iuienM not exceeding
twelve per cent, per annum, m-oviiUd,
however, That no greater rate of iuleust
thau sis per centum per annum shall be
recovered in any ucti u except wiicn inu
agreements to pay such greater rate of iu
tercbt shall be iu wriliug."
Preparation, are being actively made for
the inauguration of Ihe President. Tho
cadets from the military und nuval acade
mies will be present and will accupy pt'J
tniucnt positious. They will be in uniform,
bringiug with them the paraphernalia of
their institutions. It is estimated that
there will be six thousand itoops, regular
anil volunteer, iu tiio procession, a gen
eral reception at '.lie Piesideutinl Mansion
will folio, uud a grand ball in the eveuing
will close the observances of ihu occasion.
Election in Uevdino. The election
for city officer and on tho Local Option
Question, took place in Heading last i'ri
ay. The republicans elected the Mayor
ny rJt majority ; also, the Uiiy Auditor,
ouo Alderman, und both branches of the
City Councils, gaiuing 1:1 Couiicihiien.
On the quection of license or no license,
the vote stood lirfol fur license to Jiilo
against giviug a majority of 1013 for li
IUVKU. 1J UUb u rn, lb, 17. The rectul
heavy rains have caused a rapid rise iu thu
Mouououlicla river last uiglit, and at 2
o'clock ttiis nioruiiig the current was so
ktrotig that the coal lin t, coimisting of
thirty baroeg ami boaU, broke from their
fabtcuino at Kiuiililicld street bridge and
moved oil' iu Hie current.
The alarm instantly e;iven by tb blow
ing of wliislles and other signals, aud every
ctlort inado to aavu the uvea ol the utitor
tuuate ineu who were on board the
canal fleet. Some were saved, but it i re
ported that several were lout. One inau
waa teen to be carried under the alcauier
Hercules, and one under Hie Andes, li itli
were Houlini; put ou Imrgea, and tried to
jump ou the wheels of the a. earner, but fell
in the water and went dowu. The ateam
boat V. P. Wiltaou. lvini ttnnosite thu toot
of Market atreet, wai struck by atloa'ini
barge aud turned upon one i in. The Oil
Valley waa also cut down. It is impossible
to ascertain at present thu extent of tlm
tlauiase ilone to property on the river aud
thu uurubcr of lives lost 'X'he river is still
rising rapidly, and at 10.30 had risen seven
tn foet , but rir danger is apprehended.
Rev. WV A. Kfciut. miliamtport, Pa.,
Feb. 14. The enso of Mrs. Emilv Kerr
vs. Ke v. W.. A. Kerr, pastor of the First!
i-rrsoj ivnan cnurcu III v llliamsport. Up
on charges of falsehood and unfailhfu!uc!s
as a husband, concluded before the North
umberland presbytery this afternoon with
tint following result :
For sustaining charges tho vota was
twenty-one ; Uot sustained, seven ; sus
tained in part, one. In accordance with
the vote, a minute was adopted deposing
Mr. Kerr from tho gospel ministry nnd
from tho communion of the clinch. Notice
was given that an appeal would bo taken
to the synod of llarrishurg.
The Spanish Rkpuiiuc Early last
week the telegraph llashed abroad the re
port that King Amadetis of Spain would
abdicate, nnd on Tuesday evening Secre
tary Fish received it despatch from (Jell.
Sickles, our minister ut the Court of Spuiu,
'At 9 o'clock to night the Cortes nilop
ted a republican Conn of government by a
vote of 250 in the affirmative and 32 in the
A Republic in Spain I A onders will
never cease. And at this writing Spain is
quiet, with a Council of Ministers whose
Pit siiient. Don Kestanislao Figticriin. is
nciiiig President of the Rcpul.lic. The
address in reply to the King's nn sage of
ahdicition concludes with a declaration
that when present, perils aro overcome
Spaniards will he able to offer him the
dignity of citizenship of a free: and iudo
ieudeut country.
Among the nrt'clt s from America to be
exhibited at the Vh tint' Exposition is u
log of lilnck walnut, tin- largest ever grown,
six feet in diameter and eighteen feet long,
which was cut iu Missmri, and weighs
seven tons.
Arizona is again disturbed by the raids
of the treacherous Indians of Cuciiisk, who
are once more on the war path, pillaging,
burning and murdering, in their heartless,
treacherous fashion. There is much bitter
fiiult-flmliiig by the people with the last j
treaty of peace, and another petty Indian I
war weenis imminent in tho unfortunate I
Territory of Arizona. j
Intelligence received from Arizona to'
February 11 is, that a band ofCochise In
dians are raiding extensively in Sonora,
killing men aud stealing horses and cattle.
(iveruor banfotd received u co n.nuiilca- firivVt, (50) to corner of Packer street and
lion from the prefect of M-i.gilalena, con- M.quchuumi Avenue to the place or beginning,
linnilii; the statement. General Crook nl- j being parts of lots, twenty-live (3.1) and twenty
so received it letter from the Governor of ) six (L'6,) In block number fourteen ( 11,) wbere-
Anzotia on the same subject, anil in wliicll
he stronglv censures the late terms of peace
He says they were dictated by Cochise,
without advising lieneials Crook or Scho
lield. La Valencia, member of the (Su
preme Court of Mexico, one of those killed,
stated within four weeks before his death
that the United 'States authorities wjre
powerless to act against the ravages.
Comuksdahle.- Roth branches of the
lVnnsylvania Iiogirdaturu have passed re
solutions providing '"that no (pirituous,
malt or vinoin liquors be kept or drank
in the Senate, liouso or hails tln-reof; and
that the serge nnts-at-arins bo directed to
enforce the rule by rcinoviat; all bottles !
froin the coat rooms except those, contain
ini ink." The resolution passed this
House by a vole of 70 to II. This action
is a compliment paid to sobriety, if it bo
nothing else. The State House should not
be iniule it dram shop. The three negative
voles were given by the Philadelphia mem
bers, Josephs. Smith and Porter.
jQieto rtv.0.bxrfistiu.?jiis.
w k is r V r. iVi "i- it os i: x '.s""
Xcvr York Star Varloly auI Coucrrt
( ouibiuat lou.
Wei thelm .V. Koscu, Mauacem.
Elwin Frost, Treasurer.
Will appear al theOPKU A HOVSK, c-a MON
UAV, MAKC11 ud,
The following eminent ailu-tes will appear:
M A i A M O I a K 1.1. K MAUI A I'HIMKI!, the
ch inning und highly Lilted ballad aud operatic
Voc di-t.
MAP AM WILLIS, the irreat eiIocomicsiiiger.
Mr. EDUAK S I ANLIiY, Ihe picas, ng Tenor
und Uaso voe.nil.
YUCNli HEX I", the celebrated Corn t solibt
from Wa lack's Tlicatie. New ioik t'uv.
HElIlt Wll.TlS, the HoL.luTi.1 iiu l..b r of
Diids ami Animals, ana the world's greatest liv
ing ci.toiiicmt-t fioai the Alhaiiilna Palace,
Loudon, Ihe giand Opera House, O.j'npic I he.i
ire and Theatre CoiuiUe, New Yoik, and the
Howard Atlieiiaeiiui, llnslon. The liuly won
drous pel tormauee nl tin.- Aiti.-.t has trained for
Ilia) a w. rlil wi.u rea,taliou, nnd in hi eitiaor
diuary and marvelous ebiL:tioa he it. a ll uu-
riva.ed and iuapproaclmb e.
Madauiol.-iclle M.uia I'o'iiier and Mr. Edgar
Slunlcy li Ihelr celebrated opcr.iiie. and teiio
Comic Duetts.
HEttR WEKTHEIM, the t.cU kuowu so'.o
J"-"?'" A fall and clllelent Orchestra under the
direction id' Herr Weriheiin will render a series
ol'operutie selection and ovenuret during the
Admission, 35 aud 50 ets. Reserved, 75 els.
Seats can be procured 7 day in advance at Hie
usual pi.ue. Duor open m 7. commence at 8.
Business Agent.
1"Y Virtue of sundry Writs
f IVii. A'jxiikw, I.t-
XJ virii minx, and fieri uetan, issued oul of
tae Court of Common Picas of Xorthiiinbcrlaad
county, and to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale or outcry, on
At 1 o'clock I. M., at the Court House, In the
borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county,
the lollowing deseriiied property, to wit s
ALL THAT Ceitaio tract or plaiM of laud
sauuteiu L'pper Mahanoy township, Northum
berland county, IVinis.rUuuia, bouuded and de
scribed u follows, to wit: tin tho east by I In
land of George Fetter, ou the south by land of
WilliMin tsniith, on the wen by land of I'lii.ip
Iluukel.aud on the north bv Line Mountain laud.
containing tKlrl)-eVeii (di) acre und ninety
(IIU) perches, Uriel measure, hereon is ereeled
a two-storv frame dwelling house, h frame tan
nery and other Improvements. Also, all thai i
eertnin tract or piece of wim lhind situate iu I'p
ht M ihiuioy lowuship, Northumherlanii county, i
I liii.s) ivania, oouuuen a nil oesciined as,
lo wit: Beginning at a stone heap, thence try
land of Michael Braun north eighly-Hve degrees,
east elghiy-one perches and one-half to a stone
heap, thence by laud of Henry Masser north two
degrees, west foiiy peiche, to tt Mtte heap,
thence by Line Mouulaiu south eighty-live de
grets, east eighty and oue half, to a stone heap,
Iheneu south two degrees, east fully p relies lo
toe p'.aca of begliiului, coutuinlug eighteen
aci vt aud oue Uuudi'vd aud nineteen perches uud
Seized, taken ill execution und to bo told as
thu pro) el ty of Solomon Kntci Wne.
Also, uli (nut curtain tract ol Ian I sit uate In
Little Mahanoy township, NoriliiniilH'rlaiid
county, Pennsylvania, bounded aud described us
tallows, to wll ; lleginiilng ut a post uud stoues,
thence by land of So'ou.on Dunkelburcur souili
elL'hlT-iiie and oue-fourth degrees, cast Seveiuv-
four (74) rclie to a stone, thence by lands of
Jonathuii Dunke beigerund others north two ('-')
desrrees, east sixty-four (1st) perches to stones,
Ihctice bv laud of llult lielias north elhly-six
aud one-half decrees, west seventy-four perches,
to stoues, thence by an Is of Jacob Baker and
ojheis, sonih two de; iee, west titty. six aud six
leiilhs peichea to u pis-l and Sloueat to the place
of begiuuiug; containing tweiily-seren acre aHd
oue hundred and tweuly-four perclius, strict
nicnsure, whereon Is erected u wealberbuurd luj(
house aud olher improvements.
Seized, taken Iu execution and to ba sold a
the properly of Ellas Voder.
Alo, a euriiiln lot or piece of ground situate
in the borouirh of butibury, l'euiisylmiiU, it be
ing a part of lot number two huudied ami lorly
nine, bouuded and descriU d as lollon; Begin
iilng at the comer of Centre aud R.isphem alley,
Iheucttulnng Centre alley two hundred and thirty
feet to I'olkberry ctirot, Ibenee along rNdkberry
live: lwruly-uin feet til inches, to a post,
theuce parallel with. Centra allay to ILispberry
; .".), n.n a'.onj said al:f iwol tn fet
fix Inches, to the plara of beirlnnlngt containing
seven lliousund eight hundred aud forlv-tlve
sl"re fees, mors or Mm, whereon are Greeted a
two-story frame dwelling house, eighteen foci Iu
wimn mid twenty feet In depth, cc.
Seised, taken In rxeentlon end to be sold
thp property of Ihlnlel Driickemiller. ""
Also, nil that certain messuage or tract of land
situate In Delaware township, Northumberland
county, tttuto of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd de
scribed as follow! On the north by Wind of
Isnno Wertman , nod no the eaot by lnixln nf Mc
Ko' heir, and on thn onth by land of John
Kilmer, and on the weft by laud of John Eytcr
enntuihinif ino hundred nnd thirty-fix ncrun,
more or less, whereon are erected one two-story
Irinno dwllhi( limtfo nnd frame bank burn, and
other outbulliliiifr.
tMzed, taken In execution nnd to be (ol J ns
the properly of IliMiJnndn Mnrnhnrt.
Alo, a, certain luiildlnp, n hotel of two ttnrlcs,
with an ntlie huvlnic a trout of lifty-fonr feet,
and n depth of thirty eight feet, ltuut upon a
eertnin lot or piece of lend, In the boroutrli of
Wnlpcmtown, in the enmity of Northumberland,
nnd Slate of ceniifylvani.i. bounded on tb north
by lot of John Yairel, on the euft by main etreet,
and on t ho ontU by vurnnt lot of ClirUtlun Grubb
nnd ou the west by nn alley.
Seized, taken lit execution, nnd to be fold as
the property of ChrMinn Ortihh.
Alto, u certain building located on n lot or
plere of ground situata tu the town of ITelfen
ftcin, in the county of Northumberland, tald lot
t)f froniid hflnir on the north side of Sunniokln
street, and con-im lng of the two lot of round
marked respectively with the numbers (19) nine
teen, and (lio) tciilyln block, number thirty
two V'2) on the map or plan of laid town of
Helfctmtine. It In a two story frame or planlc
building, being ( to) forty feel iu trout by thirty
(till; feet in depth.
fvlr.ed, taken in execution and to be sold nitha
property of Gi Icon Smith, owntr or reputed own
er ami contractor.
Also, nil that certain lot or piece of ground
situate in Mt. Carniel horouch, Northumberland
county, i'eniisvlraiiin, consisting of lot numbers
(!" ') twenty-two md twenty three ('.'Li.) iu block
number tifly-nuc (M.) iu the ccncriil lithograph
ed plot or place ot th-j said boiouch of Mt. Car
niel. oiiiiiUmI and de- ribej u follow to wit :
on the north by lot No. twenty-one (21.) east by
Market street, south by lot nam lav twenty four
(J4.) and ou the wert by nu alley, coutnlnlng In
widiu twenty-live feet (-5.) by oim hundred and
liny (liO) feet iu depth, whereou are erected n
two story frame dwelling house with basement
and out buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, aud tube sold at
j the properly ol Jacoo Kciner.
Abo, ull that cei lain piece or parts of two CJ)
! low of ground situate in J. V. Cake's ndditiou to
j Siinbuiy, bounded and described a follows: be
, ginning on the corner of Packer trei:t, Susque
hanna Avenue, und extending (V) titty leel on
j said Packer fctreel east, thence 11 It y feet (SU) to
I lot number twenty-four (21.) thence west titty
0,1 r erweieu one iruuiu aweuuig nouscuua oiu-
j SMed, taken in execution Bud to be )Id as
I the property ol Alice E. llrown.
Also, that certain lot or piece of groundsill
j lite in the tow n ol'Trcvorton, county of Northum
berland, Pennsylvania, bounded anil described as
follows, to wit : on tho north by Coal ureet, ou
I the east by block (I) on the south by nn nllev,
j ou the west byun alley leading froin Ninth street,
I beiia' marked on the general plan of said town us
! block I H.)
N'iK-rt, taken in execution and to be told a tha
property of Thomas U. Gillespie.
Ai-o. nil those two certain lot of grrnnd situ
ate iu the borough of Shamokiii, In the county of
Northumberland, State of Pennsylvania, known
and de'ignated on the gencrul plan of the said
borough of Shaiuokln as lot ntuntKr three hun-
dred and thirty-two. and the eastern half of lot
' numbered three hundred and thlrty-oDe, whereon
'are erected n two story, frame dwelling house
' aud out buildings.
Seized, taken ill execution and to be (old a the
pioperty of C. 11. Young.
Also, nil that certain lot of ground situate In
the borough of Shiimokin, and known aud de
lict ihed upon the lithographic plau or plot of
' said borough ns lot No. Ill), in block liil, bound
ed ou the west by Shamoklu street, on the east
; by Franklin street, on the north by lot No. too,
und on Ihe south by lol No. 111.
' Seize 1, taken iu execution und to be sold a
the property of Anton Karpitiskl.
' Also, all that certulu lot or piece of ground
situate, being and lying iu the borough of Sha-
; liiokin, County of .Northumberland, una sta'.u ol
rennsvivaiiia, in block numbered sixty-six (bC)
: uecoiiiing to the general lithographed plot or
plan ol the sai 1 boiough of Shanioklii, uud de
scribed us folio, to wit : Beginning st ft point
1 on the north side or line of Spruce street, soventy-
. live i7.") liM-t tioni the southwest corner of bla'-lc
uuinbeied sixly six (00), and running thence iu
a northerly direction at rleht angle with the
bai.t iioiih line of Spruce street, one hundred und
iwcniy-the (l-.'i) feet, thence in un easterly dd
reclion parallel to the said north line of
slieet, twenty. tivc (-5) feet, thence In a nonlh
er'.y iliiectiun at right angle to th raid noith
line nl hpiueeslree"., ouu hundred and twentv-
live (li'i) leet ton I'oml in the said nvfth line of
Spruce street hfiy (.SU) tet from tlu southeast
and oue hundred (100) feet from toe southwest
corner ot Ihe said block numbered sixty six (00)
uud running llience westwardly along lh said
line of Spruce street twenty Ave (85) feet to the
place of beginning, beiug a part of block nuin
tiere.l (-ir.ty-.-ix (lib) us the sume i laid down in
ihe gemiul liihugraphed plot or plau of the said
borough ol Shamokiu.
Seized. t-!u n ill execution aud to be so'.d a
the property of Ileury Htpler.
Also, all that lot of ground situate is Cameron
township, Northumberland couiiiv, Fenosyl-
vaniu, bounded and described a follow: Beiu
ningat a hickory, uoith seventy-six (76) dc
giees, east ihirty-oue (31) pcrcb t u stone,
jhencu by hind of Johu Weary twelve sad a half
, (l'J!) liegree, west thiriy-lour piiehe and
three-tenth to a atone, by other ladt of Marv
; Krcn south ixiy-ninu degriM, wt fifteen
perches and one tenih to a M.rf.e, thence north
tilteeu degree', west thirlt-tite perche to the
: place of beginning; coutiiiniiig II vu acres, .trie t
j measure, whereon are urtcted oue two-tory
frame house and a bnru.
I Sciii d, taken Ih iriueutlon and to be told as
' the propiily of J. b. Becker.
Also, the exclnie right and privilege todir,
mine and earrv muti.v iwiul tti sml uil ili
' vt-iiiH of coal l.i the W illiam Ureeu tract of laud
iu Coal township, Northumberland eouuly. Pa.,
wuicn ure a'aove or overlie I he twin vein uow
woiked by ltobertson, liullerinau A Co., and the
right lo tnku limber for the usa of . the mine
upnu tlie said tiael of laud, from one hundred
acres of the said William lirceu tract, together
with the breaker thereon crecua, and all bu
pioveiucnts, fixtures, machinery uud appurtv
mi n ces known as Fr ink (iowcu Colliery, aud
also tweuly-four drift curs, one forty-horse pow
er eu'.'ine, two thirty-iueh builers, one llvu fool
screen, iwo four-fool screen, two hoisting ritt
kiinn screen bar uLd resl, four hundred und tlfty
feet belling, tilleen pulleys, two hundred ton
railroad "T" iron, Buy lip ereeu, lour line
shall, live hundred feet of wire rope, two push
ing hull ou planes, two rtiit dumpers, three
tons ol sheet iron, ouo roity-luch stack, oue
siring elevator, oue sell three-loot roll, thirty
inch diameter, one sell monkey rolls, eighteen
shine nates and thirty-six slides, one smith ski p
ami nv lures, and three stores. And also, un
that certain leasehold estate of the said Jaires
A. Sliipp, John K. Bonghner and Tboina C.
Itrese, o, in and to the vein of co il tu the sU
W ill u in Ureeu liaet of laud, in Coal township,
Norlhuinberlaud county, !'a., which arealtoTS or
overlie thu Twlu veins, now worked by Knhoit
sou, (iuileriuau A Co., and the timber upou thu
said William tireen tiael, lor ininleg purposes;
und all that mcmoniiidii of ieuse from S. P. Wol
verlon, administrator de botwt nun cum ttttainm
lu of HiiKh Bellas, deceased, to William
11. Iiouiy and William K. Kutiner, of Shanm
kin, Feuusylvaula. duled tha tenth day of No
vember, A. D. one thousand eight huudred aud
lily-eight, and assigned unto the said Jam
A. bhipp, Job a K. Bonghner and Thomas (!.
Keesc, by Ihe said William II. Douty and Wil
liam R. Kuixuer, by assign men', dated the thir
teenth dy of July, A-D. one thousand eight bun
died and slxiy-niue, aud ail the estate, right,
privileges, tine, term ot yejirs, claim aod de
mand wbaUiM-ver of, In, to or out of the aume,
together with thu hereditament und uppurlcuau
C" of them, thu vaid delendalits.
Seized, taken iu execution aud to ba sold aa
the property of Jamea A. bhipp, John K. BoagU
ner and TUoui C. lU-ese.
Also, all that certain lot or piece of gionnd
sitiiule In the borough of bhamokin, county of
Northumberluiid, BennsvhuuU, bounded and
I'eseribed as follow: On thu north by fin
street, on the west by lot of William Cu'.p, on tha
south by aa alley, aud on the east by lot of Wll.
Hum Keid; containing twenly five feet In width,
snd ou hundred ud twenty feet lu depth,
whereon U erected a dwelling bousa. .
Seised, lakeu in exoeuliou aud lo ba sold SS
the property of Henry binilhram.
B. n. ROTUERMEL, Blutriff. r
Sharlff's Office, Bunbury,
rtfcary W, nn.
ism-WE W K0BS ism
r - . Just opened at
Popular Clothin
i ; a large
for Men and Boys,
of the West styles, suitable for early spring wear.
white and colored dress Shirts of nil slvlts. Agency for the Quaker City "perfect fit
ting Shirts," every one of which is guaranteed to lit. Is'o better Shirt
in the market.
HATS & C A. 3? S
of tho latest styles, for Men nnd Boys, a large line of
Trunks, Traveling Bags, Fancy
Jewelry, &c, &c.
Buying only for cash and in large quantities,
than any of my competitors, here or elsewhere.
The small ren.ainiug stock of Winter Goods
duced prices.
Call aud be convinced that the cheapest place to buy is at
Corner Market and
Sunbury, Pa., February 22, 1S73.
Public Nnle or I'crsouul Property.
"Vt TILL b- offered ut public gale,
V V isr ot the undersigned, i
g;uta township, Noithuuiberliind reantv. I'a., on
H'EDMKSDA V, MARCH 1-, lh;, .
The following personal pfoperty. to w t : One
Mare, one Ihree-venr old Co t, two one-Vcar
Coll. 2 Milch Cow, 1 Heifer, fresh in the
sprlnir, S yearlings 1 breeding sow, 4 shoal, 1
tswo-horfe sled, 1 two horse wncon, 1 new corn
shelter, of thu latest improvement, a fanuiiar
mill, 1 plow, 1 cultivator, 1 harrow, d setts of
double hareers, and many other farming uten
sil too numerous to mention. Also, a lot of
choice out by the bushel, a lot of early rose po
tatoes by the bu-hel, bay will tie sold by the lou
or le-s, to suit purchasers, a lot of seasoned yel
low pine board?, Ac.
Sale ti)commiice at lOo'cloeJt A. M., on said
day. w hen the conditions will he made known by
1770. rtti'KTII OF Jl'LY IS7C.
Three Millions on a Strip by tho Sea 1
Fotty Mi Hi
ins nf Fieetneii Puling
Uceau to Oeenu ! !
CrnnI lnn ('out cut ion. .
To piovide for the Celebration of lhe Cci.tenul.,1
Anuieersury of
American Indeprndeuce,
Will be held on the
! I'hn 1.11st Anniversary of thn lttrtb of Washing
ton, at the
Academy of Music.
Eminent Speaker will nddres the Convention.
Kepmt fioin the Comm'ttees on Trade and In
dustrial lnte.e t, and from Ihe Interior of Ihe
Slale, will bo read, 'lbo result of tho subscrip
tion to the stek of the iuleruational Lxposltiou,
which under the autboiily of Congress, hat bacn
detei mined Iota the prominent feature or the
Celebration, will be definitely announced. ltoof
w ill bo giveu to the World that I'cuusy.vani.i's
pledge i couUrmed, Ibut there, en h.illowed
ground, w here thu uutiou wa boru, the Centeu
tiial returu of the most bcucUeeul day iu the his
tory oi humanity will be commemorate I with
grandeur coiiuneusiir.te with the august eveul.
has the honor and reponibl!lty of leading the
wuy he Mulls the trust.
O'er thy crags, Alleghcuy, a blast has been blown;
Down thy tide, busipjeuanuu, tho murmur lias
gone ;
Where the woids of the Charter of Liberty first
From the soul of the Saife ui d Ihe Patriot buibt
From Ihe Delaware' uiurgo to the Lake of the
Tit the voice of the people ! uprisen, awake I
1'i,iisj ivaula' summon her glory at lako
Thrilling up from her valleys, Buug down Irotu
e.u h height :
Remember our History Assert it aright !'
Giving Homage to the past. Inspired by the lm
nioitl reuer t of thsiiui tU .1 1. led incu's souls,
Wyowioe. . Brandywine, .
Valley Foigc, Germantown,
and oil the blood-stained battle-fleld of our sail
venerutlng the hippie dsedsid' QUr Mid re
joicing iu the b.inudless heritage bequeathed by
them to u a boon we have shared with the des
titute aud oppressed of all ihe earlli, liisiciive
of creed oi condition. Let u not lot net lliut our
Labor and it Fruit, are not less the admiration
of the world thau our .sniuu Illy and liberty ) our
combined Industry, skill, wealth and power are
the marvel of the au. Let us uiauilust this pro
gress. Assist I ye farmer, happy on your broad acres
of fertile laud. Arise! ye gnm and swarthy
miners, from your caveiuous labor. Arouse!
ye toller iu the forge, the foundry aud the facto
ry. Aaaemblel ye mechanic, artisans of ever)
kind. Come all, who by w ork uave m oi4iie
co-operuta and vindicate your greatness shea
that Labor t Cupilul, aud due truly guide aud
govern. i
The Juteruatlooal Exhibition i designed to
promote ths welfare of wan.
Pennsylvania leads. She calls. First, on ber
children to do their duty before she asks ber sis
ter to co-operate.
Bents will be reserved for delegation from each
county of th State, and for Representative Com
mittee Of industrial Interests. Application
should bo wade early at No. W0I WALNUT sl.eet,
the oulee of the Committee.
By order ef the
g Store.
iiivoice of r' :" :V '
1 am enabled to offer better inducements
on hand will be offered at greatly rc-
Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa.
IxutrlxH olcc.
on the prein- ESTATE OF WILLIAM HOHN, lute of Su-i-I
Lower A'l-! hiu-v biirou-rh, Nori liiiiiib.-rlaial eountv, ilec'd.
All per-on iu b blc I tos.ild estate are riqaested
! to nitike immediate puym-nt, mid tlm-e h..v ug
' legal clain;gl:it rt'.e irttie, win present I hem
without delay, in proper order for settlement, to
H. V. Fryiing or to
Sunbury, Feb. lt7;i. 01 Executiix.
Tor Sulc.
1. FRESH MILCH COU'S are oileied al
private sn'p, nn reasonable teriu. For pai ticu
lar call on the subscriber, in Upper Augusta
township, on the farm kuowu as the Juincs
Ciiinebnil Faun.
fcij -li li. F. B.UINIIAUT.
j" "W.J.JIr.S IIOTKI.,
Nos. COu, 3.iS aud till Bace Streel, F1IILADEL-
; I'm..
! nnNBYLr.'.IMAN, Pioprietor,
late of WiKister, Ohio
! Successor to Win. Chi i I man.
Terms 2.25 I'cr Day.
Market St. Cars connect with West I'liila. I.
sender Depots loull pans of Ihe City.
Feb. 2 , '73.-3 mos.
WILL be exposed to public sale ut the Couit I
House tu b intiury, fa., on
MONDAY, thu aith day of rEBRCAUT, Wll,
a certain half lot of ground, situate in Ihe bor
ough of Sunbury, Northumberland coaiitv. f i.,
I.uiir !lll r..t in remit, fin Walnut Hire.,, .til l '.''A I
feet iu depth, w hereon Is e-ccted a Loj ll.e.i.e,
Ute the estate of Mrs. Catharine WB hi .igt.m,
deceased, bale to rommeiice ut 'i o'clock, p. in.,
on said day, when Ihe conditions will be ma to
by GEO. SMITH, Executor.
Sunburv, February 15, lb7J.
' "
Fruit Trees. Khrubberv. Ac. Rl
great lj' reduced prics-w.
rilHE subscriber having eug.tued in the nursery
business, is prepared lo faruhli ull kinds of I
Fruit Tiecs, bhrubbery, Mowers, C.C., ut reduced ,
prices, ai follows : I
VEAR Dwaf at M cts t Maudard 00 cts.
rE ACH any variety at IS cts Al'l'LK any ;
variety at 2u cts. APRICOTS. Quinces, l'iam, i
Nectarine, l'ruues, Cherries ut 6Uets i &TKA W-
BEIiBlES 6J cu per doien. GltA PES any va-
riety trim 5 ets. to JsJ cs. uccording to biz. 1
FLOWERS, bhruhbeiy, R sebushes from i.'5 to 00
cts , ha over three hundred vulielies. II K
RANTa aod Goisbnrriet 15 ets..
These plants are from the best nursery iu the
Stale aud will be warranted u represented. For
futther particulars address, or apply lo
Saubury, February 15, 137d. j
Julia FlecVlnfer by her next frleud David Stahl- i
uccker - j
George Fleekluuer. I
fJnrthuinbeiluud County, to wil i j
The Commonwealth of Peuasylvaula to George
Firekingtr, Greeting :
Whereas Fl. ekeutfF by her next friend Da
vid Olahlncckel. did, ou the (list day ol Ocloher
last, ex'a.liil her petition or libel loour Judges of
our Court of Common p.eas of the County of
Noithumbci land, piayiiiL', for the eausa thore
Iu st forth, that sue wight be divorced Iroin the
Bond ol Mal'Uiiouy, CMiiiraeted with you, the
jld George Fleekinger : We do therefore com-
maud yo the eid ueorge rh-cklnger, that you
personal y be and appear bateau our Judge, at
fJuntiury, at a Court of Coiumou P.eas, there to
bu holdeu for tha (aid county, on the second
Monday of Muicii uext. to answer the p alliou or
libel aoexhib led uauiiist you b.v the ai I J.ria
Fleekinger by her next friend David Suhluecker,
und to show cause, if any you have., why the saiu
Julia Fleekluuer your wife, should not bedivore
el fioin the Bond of Matrimony contracted with
you, ucconllug lo the Act of Assembly, In such
ease providad, and to do further not receive
what our said Judces shall have cour iered iu
thai behalf and hereof fail not.
Wituess the Honoruble Willi mi M. Rockefel
ler, Presideut ot our n I Court, the llih day of
February, A. D. oue thousand eight hundred and!irte.
' B. H. ROTHEKMKL, Sheriff.
Llotd T. Roiibbsch Proihonoiary.
guubuiy, February 15, l"td.
Asalgueekale ofValuublQ I'ropcrlj,
WILL be sold al Public Bale, at the Store room
Intel occupied by W. J. Wolvertou, Iu Masonic
Half Building, Sunbury, Pa., on
SATURDAY , FF.BRU ARY the 2d, 18T3,
the following protwrty, to wlti a tail slock of
DRY GOODS, Notion, Groceries, tjuueiiswaru
aud Glaware. The Groceite consist of bngur,
Tea, Cortce, SvrU, Salt, Cua Goods, Tobacco,
fioaps i Dry Gorsts of Muslin, Gloves, Uou, Ta
ble and PiH-ket Knives, &c, Ac. Alto, Onegnod
YOl'XG HOR4E, one Sprit K Wagon, I sell of
blugle Harness aud Fiy Net, nu eight bundled
pouud Platform boale, and a gneral assoiimeut
of toro hxiarts. bale to cpiuaai es. al lo o'
clock, a. m., of said day, when terms will be
made kuowo bv P. 11. MUOKE, Asl;nee.
Snoeury, Ftb. 15, -
ififto bbrlisfmcnl-
7-' .......
Tavorji, Liquor Store fc Ucwtanrant
NOTICE I hereby given thnt the following
person have tiled petition In lb Courts ot"
Quarter B"lon of the Peace or Northumber
land Comity, for Tavern, Liquor Store, nnd Re
staurant Licence, nnd that the ntne will be pre
sented to the ld Court on the'Xd day of ilurcu
next, according to law.
C. B. Bnyer, Camerou township,
' old itand
old stand.
vr . ... i.nir.
Joseph 11. Backer, Cameron
Ben j atn hi 'KnonjS,' Zeft4 -Thomas
FouuU - ....
D. A. Currau "" '
Mlehucl J. Downey '
Thomn'fi Toulds, Bur.' ' '
Juuici Cooper -
Henry B. Weaver 4 , . '
Peter Mcl)uald, Mt. Carmel
Ftaiik McC'rtj . . .
John Bcott 4
Thomu Tobrt '
Edwurd Mnldooncy 4
Catherine Heater - '
Jume Ratrurty
A. Orifflth "
Thomas Scott
romi)lck Otlt .
Miehaul Iteguu . 4
A. Wald, Lower Mshanoy
Daniel J. Keene,
Franklin Savldge 4
Abraham Kothermsl 4
Josiah Uyerly 4
Jaeoh Welter, Jordan
Kilns Shaetler
H. W. Faeely 4
W. W. Slmrtcl 4
ITenry E. Byerly, Jackson
Nathan L:.udeiiKger, Jucksou
John Albert
J. O. Hillinun 4
J. 0. Smith 4
Einaunel Geist, Upper Matmuoy
Joseph Mawrcr '
Daniel E. Kehrea, Washington
II. C. Fisher
Samuel Stahlucckcr, Delaware
Jacob Lelsenring, 8hamokin
Thomuii M. Nesbit '
8. A. Snyder, Lewis
John Pearson Point
C. II. Raker, Little Mahanoy
.1 I) K.. It I ir.l- . ......
eld ftatiJ.
1 Michael lla'icy ' c-nl
old . tmd.
old stuud.
John J. cliovlm, Ft.amokln bor.
Joseph L van Coal
John Downey
Joel Bllterman, Upper Augusta,
A. H. BergelrcSBT,Mt. Carmtl borough '
Joseph Dcppiu '
Michael (iratiam '
Josejih Mellagh .
E. C. Herb
F. W. Welsh
Charles Gnrlngcr, fiunbury '
Henry ila.i '
Christian Nctf ' '
J. II. Jelti leH
Samuel Weaver '
E. T. DrumhcKcr
Jacob bbn-ts '
Dr. Jos. F.ystcr
Jerry Vordy Northumberland old stand.
Ctentge Eckert, Northumberland 4
Julia Ann Johnson '
Thorn is LoL'an '
J. C. I.ioyd t J. n. Jenkins, Norlh'd
Tlioma" J. Stamni, Nortlt'd '
Henry II. IIopp, Sunbury oi l stau 1.
William Farrow, Sny.lertowu, '
John Cooiier, Waldoulowu, '
Johu II. Forc.smau '
Wildain McAudrew, Shanicklu borough '
Henry Bach
Emanuel E. Cares
Alfred Kinney ' 1
Harrison Heim '
W. M. .fcJ. A. Weaver '
Mary Thames
f homas (iiile pie
Michael Sehlader '
Henry b'iniiioniU
EMiibetli Kiikbaiii '
William Bare
John Cnrti
J re I Hnwai ter,
W. F. Iv.lh
John l.arkius
Jacob Mowicr, SLuuiokia bor.
old n .ul.
ii I sta.i.l.
Old St. .iid.
Wui. Fish.-, Miltoa
John M. Han. Mi. ton
Francis U'Uonel, M..lou borough
; H. E Luti!
i L. (i, fciicker '
1 II. J. Reader, McEw-nsiille
('holes H.ii iiiisu, Mont'iidou
D. II. Dreisliieh, Tnrbiilvii.r, burough.
Si. lion Opp, Tjrnutviile, bur
e'.il .land.
. ll..lenn,,n, Dew art,
K G. Chi ie I in. in, Dew t
W. I'. D.ilesniau '
Anthimv Culton. Shamokiii hoioii;r
B. 1C. A 1. ins A,mj;i. ; Latsha
1I stand.
.d SU.lui
i.-i tl.UJ.l
n'd alan.I.
new stand.
i. I -l.ii'...
id tt e I .
lieW bWlill.
O..I l .n
! onae. Il.rsli.
! DuiiU; btartaet
j F. lw.ird Da o i Mt. Cirmel '
i S. J. S I'll'oi J & W. E Mow ray Ml t
Cyius Blown, Milton
Thum.,-, klit boroiuh
' Jenkins Jum. Z-.f
Cliiisti.tua K ilmer, Ucrbe
l.ieh ird Wil l '
Maruarel B ::!ie
K:iih itiiel II ith
FreleiVU Wo f
, Mt. Cirmel
.villi. HI ti.lloj
Henry Huth '
Jacob K yiucr '
C. W, Sucker
Jacob Kreilzer
J icob VV. Brluht. Snnbnrv
W. J. Walls cS B. F. Briuht, Stiubiiiy
Michael K.ley, Ml.Caiuiel
VoSe Kind' r
le wis Hummel, Sh unok'n
(,'h;ir es Si ti..newnif. Siiatuok'tn bor.
Tho'nn- Wi li. ims Miumekiu bor.
Jacob Dromeltrr, '
j August ti a-sner '
j Alexander Loug 4
I Wm. Bufiuss
Lewi Lrbe, Zcrbo
old s:
n I
old st ,nd
Hew -Ian I.
011 st in 1.
j T. H. Seliweilzer, Watsoutowu
James (humming '
, W. A. Fisher
I Johu F. Long, Cameron
L. T
I Snnipiry, February 15,
old s -hi I,
ROHRBACH, ( erk.
To the C'ititeuM of Nuubury .
THU undersigned has made arrangements t'.
attend the Tuesday and Saturday Markel-. wii'i
Fresh Ituiier. Egas, Lard, P.datoe aud Apple-,
which will be told us low us can be had .l.e i here.
Call at the Market stand near Fourth und d.u
slreels, souili side. After market hours any ,.f
the a hove articles can be had hi
store ou Spruce street between Seeon I and I hir i
where the best brands of the Celelirulatl l.'ehiel
Fhmr I kept constantly ou baud, dtied Fruit,
Cider, Vinegar, Jte.
Sunbury, February 15, lTi.
Xotlce rFillne; Account iu Court.
XTOT1CK Is hereby given that L. T. Roln b udi,
i Alun-e of D. S Hirsh A Co., ba II ed h
account In Ihe ntHcc of the Proibouolary m and
for the county of Northumberland, a"d tlMil the
same will t presented to the Court of fouioioii
Pleas of said county, for Condi malion nn I al.ow -ume
ou Moudav the lmh dav of Mii'rh next.
L. T. ROllKBAl II, Prutlmnot.u v.
Sunbury, February 15, 1S73.
Audltor oti.
rMHE unncrslgncd liaviug Inen iiptwilnled t y
L the court to restate thu Sccoaiit . :...a...
L. Welmer, administrator of Duuiel Wiinn r.
lateofihe borough of Northumberland, ilec'd.
und report ou exception' filed tqerelo, heiebe
trive imilee that lie will toieud lo the duties it
bis pxdniiiieiii at hi olliee In Sunburv, P.t., on
Thursday the With d.iyof Febraarv, 17J. nl 111
o ciook, a. ru., when all pi-ron lulereted may
atleud if theji see proper.
. . L. U. KASE, Auditor.
Junuary SSISTS St,
IN TflE DISTRICT COl HT of the I'uind
Slates for the Western District rouu'a.
Iu Bankruplr.
Th ondatelgned hereby give notice of hi ap
pointment rsslgne of Win. J, Wolverine of
Ihe borough of Sunhurr, iu the county ..f Noult
umber'aud, State of Pennsylvania, w l iin said
District, who has been adj'idgid a bankiupt tip
aa a n rHln, by the pistaUt court of
said District.
. To Ihe Creditors ef said Bankmrt.
I'. H. MOOBE, Assler-ee.
yaaiorr, feh. 14. 1T8 - -