Sunbnrg glmcncaiu H. I. MASSER, I : , i - . -rr -rr- . J 8 UN BURY, FEBRUARY 15, 1873. !!!"- -' J . . 1 ', Tub Chicanery of tiie Editoii of the Watson town. "Record" The Jitorof tho "Vvatsontown Record is cvi sjcntly frightened, ftuil entertains fenrs that Homo developments will be rrmde in regard to the doings of some of his friends, and therefore tries to divert the Attention of the people by making false charges. Spcakiug of the ecnlp department in tho Commis sioners' Office, ho says : "This yeftr wo Cud that instead of a reduction in this pur ticular branch of mir county Affairs, we find tho expenses largely Increased and, of course, these who voted with a View (as they, Imagined) to rcduco tho expenses, have been grossly imposed upon. . Now, the qucslien presents itself who is respon sible? Certainly not the Democrat." Sure enough, if Democrats arc not respon sible for this increase., who is responsible ? CerLiiulv tho Republicans cannot be re sponsible), as they had only been iu office two moiuha previous to making out tho re port. Will our friend John etato whero this responsibility is to be placed if the Democrats who had control of rcAtifrq for ten months during lastj year are uot respon sibleY . Tho present Board of Commis sioners we believe is composed of three as honorable men as ever graced, that office. Due of tho first acts of tho" Commissioners after organizing the new Board was to close the vaults on the member of the King, who gathered daily in that office to dictate to the Commissioners and allow them to ruu the offices, mill threatened if did not comply with their requests to have the Democratic rarty to cast them overboard. Tho skunk business also received attention, and orders were refused on unreliable cer tificates from members of the Ring residing away from town, aud certificates from jus tices are mora closely scrutinized as to their genuineness before orders arcranted. This has had the effect to reduce the traffic to some extent. This action on the part of the Commissiouerj is probably what hurts the oditoi of the Record, and hence iiis great cry and no wool. The stoppage of the sctlp traffic from Montour county Appears to be death to the tri-pod editor 'of the Record. The editor of the Record Also says : "Every office in the Court House but nnc is controlled by Republicans. A Republi can Bench and Court, a Republican Trea surer, Sheriff and Board of Commissioners, .and behold, there is au enormous increase t of expense. What are we coining to V Is tho county to bo made bankrupt ? " This is nrobftblv the best thine he could I ,, ; ... p .... ! tax-payers to the conditiou of our county affairs, which will be found to be getting into a better shape than they have been for more than ten years past, and will find that there is no clanger now of bankruptcy. When tho Republican officers assumed their duties they found matters in a de plorable state. Tho Treasury was bank rupt, not a cent having been turned over to the new Treasurer, while nearly tight thousand dollars were found to bo in the bauds of his predecessor. An indebted- isess of the county of some thirty thousand j dollars was resting upon the lax-payers, nnrl anmo fnrr v-nno thuiifs.and ilr.llnrs nf out. ! staudiug taxes were left in tho hands of collectors for them to speculate upon. Surely that looked more like bankruptcy than it dot s now, when the -outstanding tax duplicates previous tc, have almost all been compelled to b,c paid into tho Trea sury, and the exposes in every quarter been reduced, asd no more charges aro made to tax collectors for duplicates, nor fifty to sevcAty-five dollars paid for making out duplicates, .tc. This has all been ae eomplkrhcd by the present Board of Com tuissioners. If our cotemporary will have .patience these facts will prove themselves beforo long, aud the people of tho' county will find that they are not as much deceived as this wise Solomon aud great expouuder j of tho late Democratic Court House Ring nucleus i.iev tire I Since all these changes have been made j vc find that the county does not owe cue dollar to the State, and nevertheless the Couuty Treasury was bankrupt when tho present incumbent took charge of it, the couuty order b.aye been promptly paid when prcsepU'd, and we wee no more county ordojrs oiired for salo on our streets at a dis count. Can the editor of the Record say that such a state of things existed previous to the present incumbents taking charge of our county affairs? TiEpiTTY Ki-.fiiRTAiv ov Tnw fnvuriv. wealth. Wo tue pleased f hear that John B. Linn, Esq., of Bellefoute, has beeu appointed Deputy Secretary of State. Mr. Linn possesses all the uocessary qualifica tions for this position, aud his numerous friends here will bo pleased to hear of Lis appointment. The ice dams on the Susquehanna at Columbia and Fort Deposit have kept the ooplo of those places iu constant alarm. The roads havo beeu rendered impassable, rttd (hero is no tolling what tho result will bjj j'he flood should bo renewed. WgENEVEit you sec a man with bis neck aud cars enveloped in furs aud woolcuj, you may be sure that he is always complaining of colds and catarrh. Over coats,cotforu:rs aud gum shoos improperly used, ha' caused moro colds than all other causes combined. Batbiug the feet every day iu cold water, aud applying the same to the neck and head, would prevent four-fifths of these attacks. Congressmen aro to receive 88000 per ntiuum hereafter, according to the bill just tpnrtod to the llouse of Representatives iy ie Judiciary comruittae. A large body of regular troops will par ticipate iu the ceremonies of the cecond inauguration of President Grant. OsD the direct and beneecial results of tho repeal of the franking privilege is lue cutting on t'i a imaii army oi postal, clerk at Wasu!Uvi. Let the good work gJOll. Death or ex-Governor Geit. The news of the sudden death of General Geary has been everywhere received with expressions r-frrgm: Whatever navelf been tho faults of the deceased during bis eventful life, iJL must be conceded that ho possessed rnatty qualities that will place him in a much higher niche in the temple of fame than those who through malice and disappointment, hyena-like pounced upon the (read hero before his remains were con signed to tho tomb.- We wore no admirer of Governor Genry, And did hot approve of a number of Ids acts as Governor of this Commonwealth, But these shortcomings do not justify such ruthless Attacks on his character nt this moment, when every in stinct of humanity would, seem, to sympa thize with hi .afflicted family. Governor Geary's record is a remarkable one, highly creditable, if uot brilliant, both civil au military... Ho distinguished himself not only in the war of tho Rebellion, but in the Mexican war, nnd his services were ac knowledged by such great chieftains as General Scott and General Sherman. Gov. Geary had his weak points, but no one questions his patriotism or his bravery and his success as a soldier. ' . . DEATH O - EX-JoWkXOK JOHN W. C.E.1HT. . llAttR&BVROi February ' H.-The city' was throwij ' Into great excitement this morning by the announcement thai ex Governor John W. Geary had died while nt thu breakfast table in his private resi dence. ' Yesterday afternoon ut -1 o'clock the deceased returned from New York, whero he had been for several days attend ing to private business. Iu the evening a number of visitors called and remained iu pleasant conversation for several hours, and after they departed the deceased aud Mrs. Geaiy retired, the family alt retiring also for the night. Xolhiug unusual was noticed iu the ap pearauco or bearing of the ex-Governor, lie wns iu line spirits, conversed freely wi.h his visitors, and wheu be laid his bead upou his pillow was iu comparatively as good health a6 he ever was in his life. At the usual hour the family rose. Governor Geary was in the parlor with the children, readiug the morning papers, and in pleas ant conversation with the whole family, until breakfast was announced. At the bieakfast table the Governor occupied one end and Mrs. Geary the cither end of tho table, the child reu being ranged on both sides. While Mrs. Geary was encaged iu helping the children nearest herself, the Governor occupied himself in doing the same with lb nee near him, and just as hu was ia the act of handing some butter to ouo of them his head fell heavily on his bo som, which Mis. Geary immediately no ticed and rose to assist him, ono of the el der children starting for a physician living next door. In the meantime) the servants came to the assistance, and when the doc tor arrived, which was not more than three minutes from the time ot tho attack, the pulse of the man Imd ceased to beat, aud life was cxtiuct. Ho uttered but ouo deep llKl "eavy sig i, inter ... ...aiu ; u , .... . i i - - i. - c. u l l Pit .. I. :,. bnsm and died seemingly without acute pain. In a very short time the news of Una sad event spread to all parts of tho city, aud soou the streets were tilled with u.ixiotis inquirers, seeking cither for dtullor cor roboration of the bewildering announce ment. The corroboration spe-edily came in the tolliug of the bells of the cily, the tiriug of signal guus from iio arsenal, and a black streamer flor.liag from tho flug stnfl'ou the dome of ;l;u Capitol. Mrs. K. W. Laiiibcrtou was tho first of the neighbors to go to the assistance of the bereaved tiiinily, and when she. entered the dining room ibe discovered the prostrate j form ot the itovemor on the tloor, he hav ju! fui;wl fom thu chair, and Mrs. Geary giviug orders with great pretence of mind SOU COOllK'BS to paillC-SlncKell servants U!1U ! the older children. She refused to have i the corpse takeu up stairs uud directed itn removal to the parlor, lor ttio reason tnai the cx-Govcrnor was largo in form, and therefore too heavy to bo carried to tho second tioor. Other neighbors cuietod and bore the lifeless form to the parlor. Mis. Geary soon after broke down with the load of her u miction, aud was taken to her chamber. Among the first to cJl at the residence so suddenly filled with mourning, was Governor llnrtranft, who offered every pos sible service nnd warm condolence to tho sadly overwhelmed family, and was fol lowed by Mrs. Jlartranft, who devoted her self iu teudcrly consoling Mrs. Geary. Col. Jordan, lata Secretary of State, and Mrs. Jordau, were niso speedily present, and were assiduous iu their attentions. Mrs. General Russell and many other ladies, aud a great number of tho personal friends of tho deceased, called to express their sympathy aud tender whatever service they could. AX OrriCIAT. ORDSIl TKOlt GOVKUNOH II AKTBAKVT. Immediately after Governor Hartrnnft was informed of thu death, he issued the following order: KxrZC'l'TIVE ClIAMBKlt. ) IlARiiitUiCito, l'a., l ib. H. Is72. J Willi profound regret the uniinunceinent is made to the people of the Commonwealth that ex-Goveruor John W. Geary died sud denly at his home in Harrisburg this morn ing. In the midst of the sadness and gloom prevailing at tho Capital, brief mention can i only be made, at tins time only be made, at this tune of the eminent service ot tne uecasi-u as a civu oitieer in eailylife iu C'alitiiLuia and Kansas, as a bravo and disciplined oflicer of the army in the Mexican war ana during the entire: re bellion, aud his faithful iHTlortnauce of the arduous duties of tho Chief Kxeculive of this State for sis years. In this sudden removal of one occupying hieh position iu tho laud, and who looked forward to years of usefulness and tho en joyment of rest utter a lonn lil'o of public 'service, from which he hud so lately re tired, wo are aaiu reminded that death is no respecter of persons. In respect to his memory the following orders are hereby is sued: First Upon receipt of this order, the Adjutant-Geueral will causo fifteen minute guus to be tired at meredian of this day, aud on tho day of tha funeral half-hour Kuns will be iired from suurise to tho time of the moving of the funeral procession. &ymo3-The Capitol buildings to bo draped uud ilags to bo displayed at half mast. Third Tho public oIIIccb will be suita bly draped in luouruiu, and will be closed on tho day ot tb funeral, John F. IIahtraxft. GENERAL JOHN V. CEARY, EX-GOVER-NOll OK PKXNSYLNAKIA. John tV. Geary was born December 30, lSl'.l, near Mouut Flcasant, in Westmore land county, IVnnsvlvania. After enjoy ing such school facilities us existed at tt.ut early day, ho completed his cducatiou at Jell'ersou College, iu Cauousburg, Wash iegton couuty, Ou leaving coliiajo he de cided io aop. the law as a profession, and was in duo time admitted to practice, ilis love of study also led him to master the details of civil engineering. This proved his true vocation, and be became civil en gineer and superintendent of tho Allfjhany Railrrad, & position which he held until the outbreak of the Mexican wnr, when ho recruited a company in Cambria countv so me n weniy-nrst itogimeut or JrY'tinsyl tania troops, Captain Geary was elected ueuienaui-coionei, ana tho regiment join ing General Scott's ajmy at Vera Cruz, distinguished itself In the battles. of La Hoya, Ccrro Gordo, Chepultepec and Gcr ila de Belina. When tho defences before the City of Mexico were stormed, the Twenty-flist lost its colonel (Roberts), and Colonel Geary succeeded to tho chief com mand, receiving his commission soon after the triumphal entry of Scott into the Capi tal of Mexico. As soon es peace was declared, Colonel Genry returned to his native State, intend ing to resumo his profession of engineering. IIo was, however, induced in 1849 to abandon it, and accept from Frosidcnt Folk the appointmout of postmaster at.tho newly- established city ot San Franciscru and eutored upon tho duties of his position in April of that year. In the month of August following, he wus unanimously elected First AlcnM-'ji San Francisco.and at the close of . the yfhr was ro-clectod ' to the position by a- vote of ,7,10H to 12, . In lHr.O.when the preponderance of tho Amer ica!) element led to a change in the form of local government, ! Alcalde Henry . became tho first Mayor of ,un FrAncifco,and made himself fa.nous by thoroughly organizing an efficient volunteer firo department, be ing himself tho chief engineer, lie also joiued in the movement for scouring to Cal ifornia a Free SUte Constitution. In M2 he left California,, reaching his homo in April, whero he remained in private life until lrt'itl, when ho was appointed Gover nor of Kansas by I'resident Fierce, tho nomination being promptly confirmed by tboSeunte. .On reaching llw Territory,! Governor Geary fouud himself opposed by me i.oruer minimis, nut lie maintained his authority despite theii etlorl to overthrow ! house and asked for breakfast. Flanders his power. . In H".7, it limine appirent j answered that it would soon be ready nnd that the Fierce administration had deter- j asked him U split some wood in the mean-, mined to f..rer a slave Constitution upon- time. As soon aa Deitzcl took the axe he the people (' Kiinsatt, nnd finding t!mt Bu-1 struck Flanders two blows on tho head chauan, tho. Democratic nominee tor tho ! with it. killing him instantly, aud .then Presidency, had also avowed himself in fa- I tied. He was pursued, caught and sub vor of the same, policy. Governor Geary jeeted this nfle.ruoon to a preliminary cx docided to resign his Govcruurxhip and 'animation. The evidence being insuffi airnin return to l'-iiiisylvanin. In Apri cient, auother examination of the case will Wil, wheii Fort Surupter huh fired upon. take place to-morrow. Flauders was his military instincts led him to protler his ' Bixty-tive pears old, had agrowu-up family services to the Government, and I'resident ; and was generally respected by the coin Lincoln accepted them by giving him a ; nuinity. commission as colonel, with orders to raiso j Accident at the Mine. Monday a regiment. :, Henry .immermau, employed Sixty-six companies applied for pcrmis- .u the Burnsi.le Colliery, was killed at tho sum t.i i join his command, a fact Hint led ft of the breaker plane, by a car running to Ins being authorized to accept eighteen I over liiiu. Ho was engaged in running ......,mu.-3 ... iiiiiin.rv aoo iMiiipp s naiicry ot artillery. Willi this minimum brigade i v.MiFuu. vn. i. V- ,-. inuereu i' iiarner ? Ferry, whero ho was assigned to the t!c- te.ncc ot Maryland Heights and the river Iront ol thirty miles. On October loth, ' 1S01, thet'oufeilerati'S, under command of; Generals Ashhy and Kvana. attacked Col. ' (ieary's forces ou tho 'Heights of Itolivar, j but they were lepuK-d, despite that tho i Union foropH were ' opposed to fivi times their number. Col. Genry was wounded1 in tho kcoe at this engagement, but he was : agaiu in the 6addle iu the spring of lSt'c, and, being placed iu the Shenandoah V'al- i le.y,captured the city of Iesburgand drove 1 tho rebels from the possession of Snicker's, j asnnys, .Manassas, Uliester s and Thorn ton's Gaps, in the Uluo Ridge and Hull 1 . . . .... . Kun Mountains. This service was duly rcwnructi ny me uovernnunl in the pro motion of Col. Geary to tho rank of briga dier general (April 'J.", 1SC.-J). At the first battle ot Cedar Mountain, Juno -Jil, General Geary took part and was slightly wounded during '.he action in the left foot, though ho refused to leave the field. , Jusi, at tho close of the battle he was again se verely wounded in his sword arm. This necessitated his temporary retireiTient from the lield, but he again resumed active ope rations iu the fall of 180-J. nnd in December oftlmtyenr captured Winchester. When ' Hooker re.Tganizet! the Army of the Foto-1 mac, in the spriug of 1H0:1, Geneial Geary j was assigned to the "While Star," or 2J ! Division of the 12th Army Corps. At the i battlo of Chnnccllorsvillc, May. 18(1:1. Gen- ' cral Geary's division distinguished itself by j capturing five battle tlags from the euemy. . At the battlo of Gettysburg, under General ; Meade, July, 1S0:1, General Geary's- divi- i sion was assigned to n position on Gulp's Hill, where it suffered neavily. In tho mouth of Octolier, lfi'l. General Hooker 1 wns ordered to jnin Rosecrans, in the West, with tho 1 lib and 1'ith Coipa. This rein forcement was rendered necessary by the defeat of the Utv'n forces at Chickamauja. The Army of tho CtimlK-rlaud was then re organized, and placed under the command of General Grant. During the svries ofen paucmeiits r. su'iinr; in tho defeat of the Confederates and ti.e close of the fall cam paign of lSUIl.Gencral Geary's division was actively ciiirnu'cd. participating in the battle of Wauhatchie, and also in the celebrated "battlo above tho clouds'' on Lookout Mountain. At tho battle of Wauhatchie the General sustained the loss of his tldest sou, Capt. Kdward R. Geary. who. picro.d through the forehead by a bullet, fell dead by his father's side. When Sherman benan organizing his forces for the spring campaign of lCl, Grant having been appointed Lieutenant liciieral. tho Join Cups was kept in the Army of the Cumberland. and participated in the battles of Snake Gap, Mill Creek. Rrsacii, New Ilopft Church. Fine Hill. Mutiny k. ose aureek. Koii s r arm, Kcncsaw, Marietta, Peach Tr e Creek, and the tiesje of Atlanta the whole constituting a continuous battle of one hundred days. General Geary also took part in the n-at march to the sea, und after the tall of Fort jue.Yi.ihier lie icu meaavaucc upon ."Nivuu- f . II:... ,. . I .1 .1 1 .. .. 1 1 j, fiuti 1 rivi tvu im: ntirn titt' i m luuwllj :u person, a tact that led to ins bemj ap pointed by Oen. bhcrman to the itositton of military governor of Savannah. In Jan uary, lnUi, lie was promoted to the rank of major-general, and accompanied Sher man on Ins march through the Cnrolinas, participating iu tho battles of Sundnboro, bavisboro, Salkahatchio. North nnd South EdUto, Red Rank, Cotigarce, Black river. and llentouvitle. Ho was also present with his command at the surrender of .Johnston, having participated hi nUty-four battles, being four times wounded.- and having fought tho enemy in nine dilferotit Slates. Pennsylvania, Maryland, A'irginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Geoigiu, Alabama and Tennessee, besides travers ing Kentucky, Indiaua and Ohio. At tho close of tho war General Geary was nominated iu ltiti by the Republicans of Pennsylvania as their candidate for Gov ernor, being elected by a majority of 17,173 over Hiester Clymer, "the lkiiuocratic nom inee. Iu 1 W.I he was again renominated and carried tho State by a majority of 4i.r0iJ over Asa Packer. The funeral of Es-Governor Geary took place at Harrisburg on Thursday last, and was attended by military and civic organi zations from di lie rent parts of tho Slate. The heads of departments and members of both Houses participated iu the ceremo nies. Tho remains lay in state in the Hall of the House of Representatives fram 2 to 0 o'clock p. m., cu Wednesday where a largo number of persona took a last part ing look at tho late Governor. His remains were interred in the Harris burg cemetery. Tho funeral ceremonies were conducted by tho Kuight Templar of which order he wss a member. erlMi itaMfMUr M.tAat. Erie, Feb. 11. Tho Erie express? golnsf i west on tho Philadelphia and Erin rnilroad, went on a broken rail west of Ridgway . this morn ing. The engine.' tender baggagn care went over safely, but two passenger cars went down an embankment six or eight feet. The sleeping car kwpt the track. FifWn persons were bruised but not seri ously hurt. The train won running yery slow at tho time. Highly Important Ioaa Npala. Madrid, Feb. 10. His Majpsty, Kinj? Amadous,- manifest a disposition to , Abdicate the crown, in which enso he will. resign his power into tho hands of the Cortes. Madrid is luiet- . V. l.'i- z A CAJUNET COUNCIL. A Cabinet council wns held Inst night, after which Senor Martos, Minister of Foreign Affairs ; Senor Becerra, Minis ter of the Interior, aud Sunor Kchcguary, Miniatar of Finance, had a conference with Senor Rivera, I'resident of Congress, A conference nlso took place between .itanor Cordoba. Minister of Wnr, and the muni cipal military officers in Madrid. A large meeting of cooscrvntivus was Jicld last night. ... u . WHAT WILL HE DONE- JX THE INTER1 REOXUM. , ; , In the event of the King's abdication, the Senato and Cougress will go into joint session and continue to sit as one chamber until the throt.e is filled or. a, future form of government settled. A FaK.MKII McniKKED 1IY A GERMAK Tramp. A despatch from Krie.Fa., dated on Sunday lust., says. John Flanders, a farmer, residing near Brocton, New York, was murdered this morning by a German tramp,' named Dictzel, who called at his oars on the plane, when the hoistiug rope broke and a car suddenly came down, crushiug him beneath it. He was warned iu time to escape the danger by parties ou the sceue. but from some cause failed to heed it. Decoused was about So years of age, and leaves a family. ifham'tkin irr- Gen KiLi,ATmcK,.8ince his disapiear ance from politics, devotes his time iu lec turing and bai.ling hay. The Sussex Rey iMsr says he is sending baled hay " from Deckertown to New York, and is also buy ing bay at from $lt to 20 per ton. Fust master General Creswell es timates thu saving to his department through the repeal of the franking priv- i;V nt S3.000.ti00. This will come .. ... ,1:...:..:........ u... nfnn.b.nn cheaper contracts for carrying the mails &rto .tv.,ia-..t VvlMfctoViaiv?; 1 . , ! Henry SirusiOi.J j of 't'x.r-.irAiu.K tiwx froferty. WU.T. be pxposfd to public salo nt tin- Court ' lloiifc In, Pa., on i MONPAT, t!. 2 lt!i day of FERRVAUV, 173, j n crtain ha'.f lot of crnun i" tm.te In the hor : oiiirl. of Banbury. Xnillimnberlnnd r, l'a., beintf te t in f.'ort on Wa.nut lie-t, and '"M ! feet in dcptli, wl.eic.iii ij ervetcd a Lug House, ! late tho entatn of Mrs. Calliurluo Wiil.initon, ! deoi'Sitd. Hale to eonmietiee ut U o'clock, . in., i on f.ti(l day, when tlie condi'inna "ill l' made j by tiliO. SMITH, 1'ieuutor. j Puiibary, i'tbrnary 10, W.i. TX THE DISTRICT COURT of th United ; JL States for the Western District I'tnn ... Iu Ilankniiitey. The ti.idioiiicd hereby elves uoticn of hU np- polntini'iil a F.Mtiirnee of VVai. J. olvertoi!, of the horouu'h of Saalmry, In thu county of North- I uniheriand. Stale of Pennsylvania, within tid District, who has been udJiidKi-d bankrupt up- on his own petition, by tho Dlstitet Court of I t.iid Diftrict. ! To the Creditors of salt Bankrupt. P. H. MOOKE, Aislguoe. Buubury, Feb. T4.1S73. Fruit Trcci, Shrubbery, Ae., lit greatly reduced j.rlceM. rpilE ut)-c: iber havlnp enuuued In the nursery JL biiKlue-H. i prepared to furuit. all kinds of Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, Flowers, ite., at reduced prices, a follows : I'E Alt Dwaf ut 00 rts ; standard CO ets. PE VCH any variety nt IS cts APPLE any variety nt 'iu'ets. APRlCuTtf. y.iii.cs. Plums, Nectarine, Prunes, Cherries ni SO. -la ; bTItAW UEltlilES M cl per d...-n. UliAPES any va ri.tvlr.iii jf ets. to 5d cis. aeeordine to size. FLOWERS. Shrubbery, It sehnshes from t:S to 50 ets , has over three hundred varieties. CUR RANTS and Co i-b. irles IS els.. TheMi plants are Iron, the best nursery in the Slale uud will be warr.mte.l us teiToeuted. For ! f.uthur purticuiurs address, or apply to ! CIIAS. J. CONRAD. Saabuiy, February l.., lb73. jpLURlF.S SUBPtKSA OF DIVORCE. :l!a Fleckinger by her next, friend David Htabt nceler TS. George Flecklneer. Nnrlhimiherlaud Countv, to wit The tVninnn wealth of Pennsylvania to George Flecklnaer. tjieetintf I Whereas Julia Fteckentier by her next friend Du vi.1 St.ihlnei'ker. did. on the flrat day of October la-t, exhibit her paitiou or libel toour Judaea of our Court of Coiuiuon P.eas of ll.u Couuty of Northumherland, piu)iii for the cauiia Ibore I ii Kt lorlh, that sko uiltftit itt d.vurci d from the llmid of Matrimony, contracted wllh yo... the sal 1 (ieorga Flcckiiitjer ; We do therefore com iaud you tho suid ueoreu Fleekiaircr, that yon personal y be and appear hetora onr Judges, at bui.bury, at u Court of Common Pleas, there to ha bidden lor tile - .iJ euiiiity, on lite secoad Monday of M..iel. ucxt. to answer the. petition or libel so cxhib'led ugaiu-t you by tbe said Julia FleekiiiL'er by ber next friend K.vid Stuhluecker, and to show cause, if any you have, why the aula Julia Fleekiimer your wife, should not be divorc ed tioiu the lloud of M.ilriuioiiy contracted with you, ueeordiii to the Act of- Assembly, In such tare provided, and to do further an 1 receive what our said Judces shall have considered In that behalf ; und hereof fail not, Wiluess the Honorable William M. Rockefel ler, prenldent of our a .11 Court, the Uih day of February, A. D. oue thousand eight huudred and beve'..ty-iliree. 8. U. ROTIIERMEL, Bheritf. Li.otd T. Rouhhauh. Protliouotary. Suubuiy, February IS, 1173. AssjIgueeSule of Valuable Proiyertjr. WILL he sold at Public Sale, at the Store room lately occupied by W. J. Wolverton, In Masonic Hall building, Sunhury, Pa., ou SATURDAY, FEBRUARY the 83d, 1673, the following property, to wit i a full stock of OUT liuut'b, Millions, Urocerlcs, tjueensware and Glassware. The (irooeilcs ol'ugar, Tea, Cotl'ee, Svrupa, Salt, Cau Goods, Tobacco, Simps; Dry UoihIs of Musliu, Gloves, Hosu, fa ble and Pocket Kuivus. &c. iSic. Also, oaeicood Ytll SG IKiRdE, one Bprltg Wa'on, 1 sell of binu'lo llaruuss aud rly Jiot, one tl'ht Hundred pound Platform Scale, uud a general asserttneat of store fixtures. Sale to comma 'oe at 10 o' clock, a. m., of said dnv, when terms will be made known by P. ii. MOOKE, Assignee, ir.ebnry, Feb. Ji, 1870. , . . Tavrni, ljiqtior Wtn A Rostaornnt ' LICKJiNIM. .V H NOTlCH Is herclif rIvob that tho fbltowli. persons hsve filed pnttlon la the Courts of Quarter KMxInna of the Police of Norfhiimlwr Innd County, for Tpyrrn, Uquor fllore, and IW stnursnt IJornre, knd thai the snme will bo pre sented to thri ftild Court on'lAo 8J day Of March Belt, according to law. TAVERN. -C. B. Borer, Cameron townthlp, old stand G. W. Pets i : J.T ? ' JMeph B. Bdclter, faVncrori ' ' eld tnd. Benjamin- Kno,-Zerte Thoimm Foulds IX A..Orsraa M 4:J I M K 1 I 1. Richard Wild - Michael J. IVowney , '.v Thomaa Fotildt, Hnr. ' James Coofwr . - : a ' - Henry B. Weaver ,..--! Peter McDonald. Mt. pRfinol' ' ' Frnnk McCarty . , " 1 ' ' . " John Scntl Thomas Tohrt ' ' 1 Edward Mntdootiey uatnenne nester ' James RsffBrty . ' A. OrtUlth ' Thomas Bcott ' ' ' nomlatck Otis ' Michael RegSt) , . . A." Vt'ah3 Lower Mahariof Daniel J. K,.fDC, . Franklin SnVidga,' f, . Abraham RotUeraicr .. ' , Jofiah Byerly ' '' "' Jacob Welter, Jordan F.llna aiinnnVir ' t .rf, H. W. Fojfely .. W. W. Bbartel". 1 Henry E. Byerly, Jackson - , .. Nathan Laudousleger, Jackson ' eld slaud. John Albert ' . .. ) . ' J, y. Hillraan ; I j j. . , - ,. . v ' J. O. SmltU , . t j (-.. . ; .: .. Ktnanncl Oelst, Upper Mahsnoy ' Joseph Mawrer ,-4 . " ' Daniel E. Kchrw, WttshlngtoA ' r.' ' v '' H. C. Fisher ; " ' ' ' Si.mncl Stal.'lnueker, Dcluwuro , Jacob l.elsenrlng, Shanioklu I - - ' Thomas M. ' S. A. Sayder, - Lewis ' .- ' ' John Tuarson " Point 1 ' ' C. II. Raker. Little Mahanoy J. D. Kciti, Little ilnbanoy, old etuud, Michael Haley Coat , , ,.. , John J. Bl.ovliii, Fl.aiaokiii bar. . .. oJd stnnd. Joseph Lcvn&. Coal .. ioi.u uowuey (1 5.: , Joel liittermun, Upper AuiuMa, . A. II. BeJgetresor,Mt. farmpl boronjjh ' ' Joseph l)eppbr; ' Mlcbuel C.ruhain " ' ' ' Joseph MctltlgU ' ' 1 "' K. C. Herb ' . t V. W. We!V ; Charles (.iruitay iaUury . nenry miss , . J. H..!etrn. . y '..1'! K. T. DrmuhcUer ' . Jaeob SI. ('"Is ' . Dr. Jus. i-Iysiet Jerry Void ?yortUumhcrlnud oil stand, (iei.rgo Ktkeri, Xurthiuubcrlaud ' Julia Ann Johntou ' . , ' Thomns Logan J. V. Llovd "c J. H. Jenkins, Nortli'd ' Thomas J. Htaiam, North'd Henry U. Hopp, Hunbury ,aol4Cand. Willinin Farrow, Snydertown,. John Cooner, Watsontown,' ' ' John n. Foresmau ' William McAudrew, Shamokln borough Hcury linen ' Emauuel E. Cares Alfred Finney . " ' Harrison Jlolm' ' W. M. J. A. Weaver . Mary Timinss Thumua-Gii'.i'Fiita. Klixabetb Kukbpm William Iln7.e John Curtis . , . . Jared Howiurtcr, W. F. Roth John Larkiua ' Jacob Mowrer, Shamokin bor. Win. Fisher, Milton John M. Huff, Milton old staud. old uland. old staud. Francis O'Doncl, Milton borough " II. E. Lutz . . L. U, Stk-ker , H. J. Render, McF.wenSTille Charles tlartmun, Mont'iudon I). H. Drclslutrh, Turbutvillc, borough Biinim Opp, Turbutvllle, bor W. Daiciiii'.u, Dcwart, old fVind. oru smnu. Liql"orw,STORE. AnthoiiT Ci.ltnn, Wiamokin borough old stand. H. E. Ad'.ir.s A : a n't Lutth.i '. new stand. Kainuel Hiruli, old stand. Danll Smrtiel old stand. EJwnrd Dawson Mt. Carinel ' new sianJ. H. J. Banford .t W. E. Mowray Mi'.toa Cyrus Drown, Milton old etaud. Thoinub r.oebor, Saumokln borujiU uew st.tnd. lUvSTAUUANT Jenkins Jones, Zerbe old ttaud. Christiana Rahuer, 7erbe Margaret liurke, Ml.Carniel Nathaniel Hutb, Milton borough Frederick Wolf Henry Huth Jacob Klvrner ''. C. W. Sticker ' Jacob Kreltser Jacob W. Hrh-'ht, Piuihury ' W. J. Walls H. F. Briicbl, Sunbury Michael Kilay, Mt. Carruel Moses Kooter ' Lewis Hummel, Shamnklh ttharles Schuncwolf, Shamokln bor. Thomas Williams Shamokin bor. Jacob Drometter, ' August (llassner ' Aluxander Long Wm. Ilurrows ' T. II. Schweltser, Watsontown James Cunimlnjjs ' W. A. risher John T. Lone. Cameron old staud. old stand. new stand. old staud. old stand. h. T. ROHRBACH, Clerk fiunqtiry, February 15, 1873. To the itliena or Kuabury. THE undersigned has mads arrauitemeuta to attend tbe Tuesduy and buluiday Markets, with Fresh Butter, Eti;8, Lard, PnlatiH) and Apples, which will be sold as low aaean be had ele where. Call at tbe Markot slaud uear Fourth und Mar- streets, south sldu. A fte market hours any of Iheubove articles ran be bad by calling at his store on Spruce street between Second aud Third where tbe best brands of tbe celebrated Lochiel Flour is kept constantly on hand, dried Fruit, Cider, Vinegar, c. JOHN WILVER. fiuubury, February 15, 16V4. Notlee er riling Account la Court. NOTICE U hereby given that L. T. Rohrbach, Assignee of D. S. 111. h A Co., bus filed b.e accouut iu the otllce of the Pio.' jolary in and for the county of Northumberland, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said county, for confirmation aud allow ance on Monday the 10th duv of March next. L. T. KOHKIIAt'II, Protbouotury. Biiohury, February 15, 1873. Auditor' otl.e. TIIHE nnnerslgncd bavin; been appointed by .1. the court to restate the account of George L. Weimer, administrator of Daulel Weiur-r, late of tbe boroufh of Northumberland, decd, and report on ereeptloiis filed tqereto, hereby (rives notice that be will attend to the duties of his appoiulment at his office in Sunbnrv, Pa., on Thursday the Soth day f February, 1873, at 10 o'clock, a. m.when all persons interested may attend If tuep see proper. L. H. KABE, Auditor. Jannary 26, 178 t. Adualalatrator'a Nvttee. (Estate of Nancy Cassatt, doe.) NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin litraliou haylKir beon Rranied to tV undorslgned on the Estate of Naivy Casaalt, lute of the bor ough of Buuhry, VwfUiumberUuid couuty, Pa., dec. All poraou kubwing themselves Indebted to said estate, are requested to ueku immediate payment, aud those having claims, to pretuut then for ecttleueut. ... . . . . . P, Ii! MOORS A dm r.. Punbnry, Jan. 4, lSTO.rCt.. . i , eOlUT riROtf.AlnATIO!VV Notlee Is hereby (tlven that ths several Courts of Com mon Pli-ns, Ustieral Quarter Sessions of the Fcace, and Orphans Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General lull Delivery, In and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at the Court Hotisto, In the hntnnub of Snnbury, t 10 o'clock A. VL, on I1ON0AT, MARCH the WUr, 'next, and will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta bles In and for the county of Northumberland are requested to be thfn and, ,tUere In, their proper persons, wlth.thelr roU records, b,iaulitloa, und other tmrn-rlirirnces, to do those things (o their several olllces appertalnlna toitadonaAad all witnesses proteculInK in behalf o( llie Com monwealth atralniV4e prjeoner, are Ikquested and commn'nded to be tben nnd there attending n their proper persons to prosecute against Lira s shall bsJat--and notte devait without leave tt their peril. - Jurors are requested to be pane their attendance, at the time appointed, nerecably to their notice. Oivcn under my hand at 8uubnry, the 6th day of Pebmnry,' (h the" year bfonr Lord one thousand el(bt hundred and seventT-thrce. ' SAMCU. pOTURMELeUerlff. I'" .1 X V -j I CO CT3 CO Autlltt'liurlCH Gale's) r.tte. Notice is hereby given to ...1 persons Intei'c 't ed, that tho undersigned Auditor to distribute the In the bunds of Robert A. Gifl'en, one of the Executors of Charles Gale, deceased, to and among thase legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his otllce. In the Boroi.nh of tfunbury, on Friday, the 381 tl day of Februarv, A. D., 17:1, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. W. I. C.KF.EN'Ol'l.H, Auditor. Futilmry, Feb. 8. 187:1. St. Au.Ut Kstlatc ori liarleis tiale, dec. Notice Is hereby given tn n'.l person's interested, thm the nnd.-rslir'ned Auditor, to distribute the balance In the hnnds of Josej.h Priestly, one of the Executors of Mury S. (iiile, deceased, who was Executrix of Charles (iale. deceased, to nnd among those legally entitled thereto, will attend to tbe duties of his appointment ut his otllce, In the llorough of Suuburv, on Friday, the '.iSlb day of February, A. D.s 1ST:!, at 10 o'clock A. M. W. I. (iKKENOl'tiH, Auditor. Pnnhury, Feb. 8. U73. 3t. .NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given thut application has beeu made to ibe Court of Common Pleas of Noithumherland County, by the Port Auwa Building A Loan Association for amendment to articles Teuth nnd Eleventh of the Connituti n of said Association, and that said amendments will be granted nt the next regular term of said Court, unless cause bp shown In the rontraiy. LLOYD T. ROllltHACJl. Pro'.houutary. Sunbury, Feb. 8. 1873. St. Utile on lleira of Valeutiue Klae, deceased. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA s3 County of Northumberland, To the Sheriff of said Couuty Greeting . We command yon thut you notify Mary Klase, widow of Valentine Klase, lute ot the borough of 8uydertown, county of Northumberland, deceas ed, Catharine, now intermarried with Abrum Reiner, Eve, now Intermarried wiih G. W. Lerch, John, William II., Lavlna, Inter married with Isaae Boughner. Islie is now de feased leuving the follewinf children: Isabella Boughner, T. 1. Boughner, Henrietta Bouxliner, Clara Boughner and George Boughner. liarab Ware, now intermarried with Noah Ware, Va lentine Klase, Hannah, now Intermarried with Daniel Daubach, Busannah, now in let married with George Adams, all heirs and legal represen tatives of Valentine Kluse,-lute or the borough of Buydertown, Northumberland, County, deceased, that at the Juuuary Term, A. I), ibfd, a ruleVas granted upou fbem the said heirs and legal rep reseututlves of the said decedent, commanding them jo come forward aud accept or refuse the real estate of said decedent at the valuallou put upon the same by an Inquest, Issuing ou' of this Court, returnable at the January Term of the year 1873, or show cause why the same should not be sold in ease the said parties should neg lect or refuse to take and accept the same as aforesaid, by the first day of next Term, vU, the second Monday of Maicb, A. D., 1873. Witness the Honorable Wm. M. Roeke M 1 feller. President of our Said Court, this lJ twenty first day of January, A. D. elgh teen huudred and eeventv-il.ree. J LU6ENKINO. Clerk O. C. ' Register's OfUee, . Sunbury, Feb. 1, 18T3. St. M WHISKEY. ' I Pr Gatyw tl per fas ' of la ... i,A6GE iCUTTXJlis) t , TLli TnfsWy Is tirf 6 life, Ibtif yean old : . wv. .and very mellow, i.k . .,VAN PEIL'S-"YELLOW-aUAJL" u - . v 6HEHHD.. ii; ' f 11 per Gas of Twelvs Bottles. ' Thli Wine rs otfer Our friends, knowing K lobe perfectly pnrs add always uniform In qua lltyr ir-r . -- . . Ask your. Grocer for VAN BET Ltf tl WHISKEY. Ask your tmr7hit for jr. TAN BxiLsfVaisKfer. Th) yoiir Crocar yxia want, VAN BELL'S "YELLOiV SEAL" -SHEKRYV';- . Tell your Druggist you want VAN,BEIL'r"XEUiQW SEAL" Vt,.,; :- KHEBBY i T ... . Or, send your order to , .' ', , - U. l A. C. VAK BEIL. TflE WINE MERCHANTS, No. 1310, CHESTNUT 8T., Philndelphia. Iinporlore of all fine Bmndiei, Gins. Rums and Wines, and dealers In tbe best qualities of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies by the barrel, demljohu or case. , T. ;!,v CHAWPAJGNES. Feb. 8, 1873,-1 jr; .'" Special C'oart. NOTICE h beiVhy piveii tbnta Special Court of tbe Courtof Common Plena In and for tin eouuty of Northumberland, will be holden at ftnubnry, tomnieuolnar MONDAT, April 7, A.D. 1873, and Continuing one week, for she trial of all special causes on tbe Pleas ileDui.ding LLOTD T. ROnKBACH, i Bnnbury, January 87,1878. Prothonotary. Election Proclamation, WHEREAS, by an Act passed by the Legis lature of this Commonwealth, it tho duty of the Sheriff of every couuty to giro notice of an election to be held ut the time und places of holding election for town-hip anil mu nicipal olllcers of snid election districts, for the purpose of voting for or against the Act known as the Local Option Lair approved tho K7tb day or March, A. D. 1872, which provides as follows : Sr.c. 1. Br. it enetnl, c, That on the third Friday in March, oue thousand eight hundred und seventv-three. In every city nnd cmin ty of this Commonwealth, and at the annu al municipal elections every third vear thereafter, in every such city nnd rountj, it shall be the du ty of the Inspectors and Judges of the election iu the cities aud counties, to receive tickets, either written or printed, from the legal voters of sM 1 cities and coanties, labelled on the outside "il eense'anc1 oa the inside 'fi-r l!ceuse,"or"agninst license." aud to deposit said ticket Iu n box pro vided for that purpose by said Inspectors and judifes. as is required by luw In the caie ef other tickets received, shall be eouuted, and a return of the same mnde to the, Clerk of the of li'jarter besslons of the pence of the proper coun ty, duly certiried as it is required by law ; which certificates shall be laid belore tbe judge of said court at the first meeting of said eou.t ufier sti 1 election shall be held, aud shall be filed with the olkrr records of said court j aud It shall be the duty of mayors of cities, aud sheriffs of counties. j or of any oilier oQlcer whose duty It may be to pcn.ii in sucn veiTlce, to give due public notico of such speciiil election above providsd for, three weeks previous to the time of holding the same, and also three weeks before such election every third year thereafter . J'rovideJ, thut this act shall not b5 construed to repeal or affect any spc clul law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating li quors, or prohibit the granting of liconses : Pro fiu'ju, that when tho municipal and tewnship ir.ect.ous In auy county or cily do not occur on the third Friday in March, the elections provided , f..r In this section shall he held on the day fixed for the maniciml rtoriions ii. said eouuty s Awl TrrvvitUd, furtlitr, that nil Recuses granted alter j toe llrst of January, one thousand eight hundred ! and seventy-three, shall cease, determine and he j coino void ou tbe first day of April, one thou j sand eight hundred and seventy-three. If the clis I trict for which they shall be granted determines i uguinst the grueling of licease ; aud thetreasu j rerof the proper county shall then refund to the I boldnr of su?h license the moneys so paid tliere , for. for which the said shall be enti tled to credit in their nccoants with the Cow ' itionwcalth. b,-c. T hat In receiving aud rountlug,? and m Via; returns of the vote cast, the inspector.. Jndj. nd citiks of said election, shall bu kov erued by tt.l laws oflhis Commonwealth reau'.nt inir jerernl eitct'ona and n'.l the . (' sui.l election lsv.s nre hereby extended to and shall apply to tie .nters, inspectors, Judges ami e'erks, voting at and ntieixiing upon the eiet llon held under the provisions if this act. Suction 3. Whenever by the returns of elec tion iu any city or eouuty aforesaid, it shall ap pear that there Is a mnjot ity' ag.ii"6t license, it shall not In; lawlul lor any court or bond of license commi?simers to issue any Howinc, for the sale of spirituous, viuous, m ill oi other intoxi cating liquors, or any admixture thereof. Iu city or couuty, ut any time thereafter, until a- an election as above provided, a majority shall vo'.o In favor of licn?e : Proi kUd, That nothing con tained in the provisions of this act shall prevent tha Issuing of lieesses to druggist, or the sale of liqnors for medicinal and manufacturing purpo ses : Iroridtrt, That the cltisens of the borouirh of Lebanon shall vote upon the question ou the third Friday or March, one thousand eight hun dred and seventy. threo, on the same day and time when tbe townships of the county of Leba non hold their spring elections. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES RUT AN, Speaker of the Sennte. Approval. The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred xnd seventy-two. JNO. W. GEARY. Therefore, I, S. H. Rotdkumkl, Hith Sheriff of Northumberland county, do hereby insk known and proclaim to the quulillcd voters of Northum berland county, that nil election will be h. la tor that purpose, on FRIDAT, the 21st dav of F F. It KUARY, A. D. 18T3, nt the following places aud districts within the county, to wit : Snnbury, West Ward, at the Court House. Snn bnrv, Pa. ; East Ward, at the public hense o' E. T. Druinheller. Upper Augusta township, at the public hn'.ise of Joel Bitlcriuun. Lower Augusta township, at the public hou-e of Peter Duukelberger. Northumberland borough at the public hnu'e of Jerry Yordy. Point District, at the honse of Mrs. John-ou, in the boron);)) of N'ttithumberland. Mi. ton, South Ward, ut the Douse ol C. W. Sticker; North Ward, at the public house ol J. M.Huff. Tin but township, at the house of Abraham Kissinger. Delaware township, at the bouse of Dutesinan and Heckle. Cbillisquuque, at the house uf Charles Ilurl mnn. Watsontown, lewer room of Academy building-. Lewis township, at tbe house tr D. II. Dreis bach, lu Turbutville boroevb. -? Shaiuokiu lowusblp, at 'he house of T. Ncshit. I'pper Mahauoy towusuip, at the house of John 11. Gelst. Little Mabanoy township, at tbe house of Con rad Maker. Lower Mahanoy, at the house of A. Roader iiie I. Rush township, at Liberty-Pole school honse. Jackson townsblp, at the house of Juhu Al bert. Ili'iniiou, Pa. i Coal township, at the house of Job Ponueye. Sham.ikin borough. East Ward, at the house of Wm. M. Weaver; V.'esi Ward, at the houso of Patrick Kaims. , 2rt towjiahbp,, ,'a.t the, louse of Thomas Foil Ids,' Jr. ' Cameron township, at the house of G. W. Bet I, Goweu City. Jordan township, at the house of Jacob Mas ser. Mt. Carinel hoi out')., at tbe Mt. Carniel House. Washington township, at the house of 11. C. Flsfcer. MeEwensvtlle, at the house of Henry Rc-eder. Tin tml Hie , ui the bouse ef Simon Opp. Mt. Cam.el township, ut the House of Michael Gruhain. Riverside boroh, at the public school huuso of said borough. : Suydeitpa v, public kouso nf William , Fariuw. Giveu under myhaud, at my office, In Sunluiry this ?8ih day of Jauiury, in the Jca. of our Lord oue ll.ousund eight huudred aud seventy. three, aud In tbe ninety seventh yuar of the Iud..pen deuee of the United Slates. a. H. ROTIIERMEL, Shciiff. Shiid''s Office, Sunbury, . February 1, 117(1. x 1AH