K I L!.l 1 GRAND OPENING OF AND WINTER GOODS PALL AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Juel ivpwied, on EEADY-IADE Tbo largest ever oflerrd In this town. Clothing to auit nil tnstei. ClothiiiR for nil oc casions, from the plainest Working Clollics to the finest and most fiishiiiimblo DRESS SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing; TliU depnrlment it well stocked with ft largr rnrirty of gondii of nil colors, rpmlitied nnd Kyle. All clothing is mnde to my own order, by the best ineclinnivs, nnd oontbine durability cud ttrenglh with Lniitntss nnd style. Hats ai Cans for Men ai Boys. An enormous assortment In this line, including the rcry latest in New York nud Phila delphia stylus. -eiite9 Furnishing The ronst Eingnificcnt Mock to be found outside of the lnr dtics. The very latest in very thing. Xcckware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, nnd rapccially n fall hue of tho Lett ir.akcs in Shirts and Gents' Underware. IMS, and numerous other Articles. Doing by fur the largest business In my line in the county, nnd buvitig large quanti ties for cash, lam able to ofl'ur superior inducements nud sell dt LOW Kit PRICES thnn any of my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and ixnmiue the largest stock ever teen in this plaoA. Corner Market and Third Streets, Simbury, Pa. Bunbury,' Sept. I t, 1372. rrand Opening of AT FINNEY'S' New Central Variety Store, No. 100, Market Street, South BiJe, East of the Ruliroad, IDress Goods of all Kinds, b'.llu, Ellk Fopllus, Alpacas, Latter Alpaca, DeLutnes, Plads, Opra Flannels, Tickings, Lad lei Cloaking. NOTIONS. LADIES' ao4 OY.NTS' FCRNISniNG GOODS, rtoB'.jr)", Glove. !Lod, Cap, Germaotwn Wool, Ladles' Immitation Hair Goods lo Dew nod beautiful Style. SHAWLS. tKtat&oo Crown, Ottatnon Double all Wool, Plad Bbaw'.a, Breakfast Shawls, Scarfs, etc. JEWELRY. tail. Plated nud Jet Opera Chains, Ladlae' fluted and Jet rAttts, Flogr Ring, Eur Ring, Btuyes, Sleeve Bullous, Gr oceries Trash Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Tub'e :id Slih Cll Clotbs. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Finney's fur tbu Greatest Variety of Goods. Goods arriving-' liiiy. V. 0. It U tUs ttuivsrsa) vsrdlul of the trade that my goods arc told the lowest In this market. DA. FINNEY, Kovembsr 0, 173, , No. 106, Varect Street, Bmhury, Ps. ooon things i ob t urns I MAN. OLT) SCOTCH WHIBKY, OLD IRISH wni.-KT. TINE JAMACA RTM, FINE ST. Cltnix PUM, Very OLD APPLE WHISKY. JLU of these fur hot drink for winter nights. Then we bars ILIOA'KT RYE WHI8EY 4.00 a gallon, or $11.00 a doseu. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, tlS.00 a dozen. VERY TINE PALE SHERRY WINE, SH OO a dozen. RARE OLD PORT WINE, 11.00 a doten. All earefslly packed and sent to aoad1rM. Btodl joor'.orders. H. A A. C. VAN BEIL, Tbs Wins Merebanti, 1S10 Cbuttout 8t., Pblla. Pelt. 81, 1ST!. 4m. BUTCHERY I BUTCHERY ! JUesara. ItF.FFF.W A ItOWF.R, Third Btreet, opposite Central IkUl, Br N BURT, PA., KEEP constantly on bund the eery choicest of freh IIF.F.F, Ml'TTOS AN Is VEAL, which is sold at the lowei-t prices. Meat can be kd at all hours during the day. fuubuir.Pi., Jei, IWt. normous SlocV ol' Clothing, UMBRELLAS, J Mcrxfelder 5 LIQl'OK 8 T O It I' ! CHRISTIAN NETF. B-econd Street, oppohlte the Court House, 8 1' N- Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he hus on hand, and will con stantly Keep (ill klnas cr lUKIMUM ANU DOMESTIC LICOHS, CoasltiUsT of Pure Brandies: Cnauiac, Cherry, Oingor, Rochelleaud Otard. W hukies: 1 ure Kye Copper-nistiiied, Monon- gahula, Apple and Nnctar. PURE HOLLAND SIN ! Wines: Champagne Wise, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. K. Re Brown Btont and Scotch Ale. BTOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can ba found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DtMIJulINS and eu l lLu, always on band. Or dels promptly stteuded f, and eublic patronage rvsptx tfally solicited Ns-rr. Banbury, Jnly I, 1819 ly. Fall wad Ululcr Nljles or IIATfJ, CAP3, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACE, FLOWER!, FEATHERS, Crapes, Bilks, Eatlus, Torqunls?, Crape and Lace Vehs. Trimmings of every iK'scription from New York and Philadelphia, ijst opened and fur 'ale at unusually low prices. Cull aud eiuojlue aud rx convinced. him L. BtllPSLER Market Bqnare, Roulhsids, Buubury, fa Banbary, Oet. IrS, 1T umu;N v ititoriiKti'M Illustrated Floral. Work. Tor Jannnry, 1S7H, now out. If sued n a Quar terly. Tlit four tititnbRr ent to any uildrept, by mall, for US cent. Tlio ncbi-it nti'l niot In strnctlvr, lllnrrntcd nnd dwerlptivt Floral Guide (Trr )ulillehed. Thrw of onr piitnms who or dered Beedii lart year nnd wpro eredlted wllb 2ft rent, will receive tho fonr Quarterlies for 1873. Tlione who order needs tM year will he credited with a subscription for 174. The January nnni bor routnlne nearly 4(10 Enpravlnirs, two euperb olored Plntrs, aullable for fi-tinilng, and alo luted Plate of our nrfcofn Floral Chromon Information relallte to Tlowcrs, Vegetable, ., and their e nllWallou, and all encb matter as was formerly found lo onr Annual Catalogue. Ton will mli It If yon order Bi-ede before feelnir Bruzt A Bio. 's Quarterly. We rbullenim rotn Mrlnn on qnslity of Need nnd price and "lee of packets. Onr "Calendar Advance Sheet and Price List for 1873," srnt free. Ad1re,. HKIGOM A BKOTHF.n, Jl&,4w. Bcedomenand Tlurtn, Kocbei-tor, N. Y. The Immense ale, 10,000 In one month onr LIVI.iSTO.K S.-8 years In AFRICA U huvlng proves it above all otlietx the lak Ilia nniMii want. It t!oe like wlldflni. Over (WO patre, ulv CJ f0. More Airi'iits Wiiuted. NOTICE. He not deceived by tnlxrepriienta tlons made to p .liu ofl hlirli-pilced Inlrilur oi ks but send for circular nml fee proof of Hatement and if i rut rucreos of ntnteini'iits and itrc.it euc Cess of our iiKetit. Pocket conipiniou, worih 10, mulled free. HCliBARD WHO., Pulliher 8ni.fom 6t., Plilja JJ5.4W AGF-NTo WASTED. 1 hi! tnnst liberal term ever offered. Explorations in Africa, The discov erer IliMCOvered. The advetituie of a most uHveiituioiisHM. A lni.e octavo volume, plen diilly tlltiftruled. (,'ontniu Incident of the ou- ilcrl'ul career of the irie:it traveler, Hie country, animal, native, huutinv;. Ac. The bet d'ure-ted cycloi'edia of African R.nowlli:e nnd I.ivlnc ftone' Kni'loniliui.n ever piilniehed. Full ac count how Stanli v found Liilntf tun- The only book endorse 1 by tlu I'ri t. peit'l 1 1 fur outfit, orwiiieW. Flint A Co., I'liilukelplil.i, !:., or Springfield, Mn. J'JA,4w fpo the Working 4 la., mule oe fetnalu, JL tlij a week guaranteed. KiK eetuk)e ni ploviiieut nt boiue, (lay or iM iiinir; nirupital required ; full instruct i ni and a :il:ilile p.uk uue of k.'indx to H.m illl rent fue t.y mail. Ad- drc. with 6 cent return Wamp, 1. Yul'XIi A CO., 10 Courtlandt-sr., New-York. J. It, 4w. J.E.C ALDWELLfi.8 0 002 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- Have now ready th.lr magnificent stock of HOLIDAY (;OODN. JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, FAN CY GOODS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, ATTRACTVIK GOODS AT MODERATE FIX ED PRICES. 902 Chestnut St. 902 THE &AUUATIIS OF OI R LORD. BY ItlSIIOP STEVENS, " 1 an eiitlreiy new work on an absorbing topic, written In the author's most powerful Myje. It presents the subject In novel and bcautlrul lielit. Can not full to awaken n deep Interest at nil be productive of creat pood. Agents w.tuted, to whom Hheral cnmtir!isl(n will bu allowed. Ad dress J. M. UTODDART A CO., Publishers, PblludelphiiK Jan. H, 4w. 4'ruiiibH of t'oinfort The LndieV Friend. As yonr erocer for it. MARTIjETT'S blackinc always (Ives satisfaction. Try it. PEARL BLUE for the lanndrv hi no exjunl. Sold bv grocer. II. A. BARTI.ETT A Co. 115, H7 N. Froiit ft., Phila., 143 Chnmbers ft., N. Y., 43 llruad-et., Boston. Jan, 11, 4w, M ouey easily made with Stencil and key- Check outfit. ffClrculars Free. Malliird XlTjr Co. Bii Kulton M. .S. . Ji5 4 Ml Q9f per day I Agents Wanted ! All QO 10 O'O' classes of working people, of either sex, yonntf or old, ruaks more nuney at work for ns In their spare moments, or nil the lime' thnn nt anvthlnf else. Particulars free. Address, G. BTINSON A CO., S141y. Piirtlnud, Maine. Agents wanted for the new nnd startlinc book. The "I T7,"7'TT ' IliRtorv, bv theauthor A.J 111 V lj or "Gn-1 In History" Il lustrated bv Don- and Nasi, Endorsed by immi nent rtlvlueu. E. V. TREAT, Pub., !05 B'wiiy, Ji5,4w N. V. AiETN, the fatet scllinir honk In the mr ka lb T. t. Arthur's THREE YEARS .IN A MAN-TRAP. Bellini: iieailv ten thousand a mouth. Circulars free. J. M. bTODDART A CO., Publishers. Philadelphia. Jif,4w. DOX'T he deceived, but for couph. cdd, sore throat hoarfeuess and bronchial riillicult'.i . use only Well)' Carbolic TabletM, Wolth'eis iiuilations are on the niiirkot, but the only seleiitiilc prtpuration of Cmtimlc Acid for l.unc; diseases is when rlieinically coiublaed with other well kuown reuiedies, as in these Ta blets, nnd all parties are cuiUioued ugalukl Ubiuj any other. Iu all cases of irritation of tho mucons mem brane these Tablets should be freeley tued, their cleansing and heaiiiifT proerties are astniishini;. lie warned, never neglect a cold, it Is easily cured in its incipient Hate, wheu it becomes chronic the cure is. exceediniily Uitlieu'.t, use Well' Caibullc Tablets a a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 1 Platl St., New York, Nl,4. toa Aent for t'nited flutes. Price 2f cents a box. cond for Circular. ULATC1I LEY'S i IMPEDVED tUCUKBER WXD PL'MP - Tastelcs. Durable. Eflleient and fu Cheap. The befl Pump for the leat inoner. Attention Is e ecl:lly invited lo Hlatchley's Patent' Improved llracket and New Drop Check Valve, which c.iu be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or di'turhiim the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never crack or scan., and will out.ai-t any other. For sale bv Dealers evervm here, eend lor Cntuloifiie and 'rice Lift. CIIA8. G. BLATCIILEY, Manu facturer, 50CCoiiinierce St., Phllad'u. Pa. t14,ly g$;5 io $2fi0 pre ii!oiiifi.1,:;,eer.: where aud fe male, to Introduce the denulne improved Common Sense Family Sewing: Macbiue.Tb, inncnine will stitch, bem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord. bind, bra'd mid embroider in a moft superior manner. Price onlT tl5. Fully le censed and warranted for live years. We will ..... s, ii,),. r.u 1.;... .i.... 1,1 - . I pa ,1,1am nil nnj inneiiiiiB ,1111, win sen stronger, more beuutit ul, or more elastic seam ifCthan our. It makes the "Elastic Lock htiteh." Eveiy second stich can bv rut, and still the clnl h CHiinnt be pulled s part without ; leariiitf il- We pay agents from to txM m month and enpem-e. or a comniisloii r u.i..u , I. . I ... .1 .... ( ,. .. n K ... ., Address BECOMH CO., Bo.ion Mass., Pltuhurjth, Pa.,Chien(to, III., orSt.Louls,Vlo.4w 03 amnnirall rluSKes. Old prode, the mid C dVnted, thovc hi are i'lst uteiiusr life P. and voutb of both etxeebuv aod read with f-A r the greatest prorlt. Ml Jou r Fkibnii's Beoket, G DIO l.HWIS' last and best book. c It W merlins eith the creutett s access srt and there's Money lo it. Ben! ror oat ciMuiars. ., which are sent tree N,4w. GEO. MACLEAN, Fblla SULIT'S Hard I'M TRUSSES Andomlnnl Buiiportur and Pile Pipe Relief and Cure for Rupture, Keiimle Weakness, und Piles iudcstriictllile, lljtht. Safe, cleunly, (slee springs routed), never rusts, breaks, limbers, nor soils, utlordiittf comfort, salitr. cleanliness and durabilit y. Uuivcrsally approved by the Medical Profession, and all who wear llirui, as the lct nnd ninsl satisfactory appliances known. Seul by mail rreipress. Esiablishinents. r,!47, he-niit-st., Philadelphia, and TM7 Broadway, New York. Careful and correct adjustment. Etpe rleneed lady la sltesdsoe. Jn. ll,sw. 1 lfcto bcrliscmfnla (TMs Cut ItlsstrstM Dm meaner of Using f XDlX. PIEROE'8 Fountain Ntsal Injector. 5 0B " DOUCHE. This Instrument Is especially dseisned far tke ss net application of , I DR. SACK'S CATARRH REMEDY. . It Is the only form of Instrument yet Invented with wbirh Quid medicine can be carried Ale oj aa4 pttfteUy applied to all nana of the affected nasal pas sages, and the chambers or cavities communicating therewith. In which sore and ulcers frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal discharge cenerally pro eeette. Tho want of success In treating Catarrh here tofore he arisen lanrelv from the ImnoMlhlllt ml applrlng re medio to theso ravltkes aud chambers by any of the ordinary methods. Till obstacle In wi wai ay of effectlnt enres Is en tlrely overcome by the itlon of the Douche. In using thte Instrument, uld Is esrrled by He own weight) ne trafHna, fore lnrentl the Fluid la eerrlsd Ing or numplng being required.) up one nostril In a furl ksutlydowiui; stream to the blgbest portion of Ihe kissal paasss. passes Into and tboronehly ch-snsss En iu. mi iw inu cnimuev couiirciea snrrewim, sua owsoutof the opposite nestrtl. Itsusel plessantand eo slaiplfl that a child can nndcraUnd It. fall and explicit direction accompany each Instrument. When need with this Instrument, Dr. Homo's Catarrh Itemed? cures recent attack of 'Cold lu tho Hond bra few spplicatlnn. Symptom of Catarrh. Frequent hesd nche, discharge falling; Into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive. Ac la others a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed ero. Btonpimr up or obstruction of nasal passaires, rtiiuiz In ears, deafness, hawking and couching to clear throat, ulceration, scabs from nicer, voice altered, nasal twan;, offensive breath. Impaired vt Dial apnvatioa 01 sense or emeu ana ueie, dtaet rest, mental depression, lose nt appetite, tedtrea tlon, enlarirod tonsil, tickling conch. Ac. Only a fow of these eymptoms ar likely to be present la anr easo at one time. br. Said's Catarrh nemedy, when ised with Dr. Pierce's N aaal Donrhn, and aceom psnlcd with the constitutional treatment which le recommended In the pamphlet that wrape each bet tie of the Kemody, It a perfect rpretfle for this loath. fme disease, ens the proprietor offer. In good aslth, HSOO reward for a case he can not ture. 11 Itemedy Is mild and pleasant to use, containing rs strong or canstle druft or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is old at 60 cent, llouehe at e eents, by all DrusrKleta, or either will be mailed by I rv prietor on receipt of 60 ctnt. . V. PIEHCP, K. !., Eol Proprietor. EtTTALC j:. r May 4, 1S72- Up De Graff's ; E--E EAR IKFIKMAUY, KUXMURY, PKNS'A, rillllH institution Is now open for the reception JL. of l'n t lent fur the trrnttueut of I)iesa or the EYE. EAI, THROAT, LUXGS, CATAKUH, Ac, Ac, Ac, nnd operallon In GENERAL SURGERY. Onr collection of 1NSTKCMENT8 is very larire. com. prising all the latest iMl'KOYEiiKsti, euul.llug us to inocl fcl'KGEUY In all forms. Physicians are invited to accom pany Patients to our Institution for operations. II v request of mnnv f.'lti.ens, we will attcud to culls in GENERAL PRACTICE. Infirmary, t'lcmont'H Itnildliie;, COK.NEK THIUU AND MARKET lr8.. SlWr.l'KY, PA. V. E I'l K .It AFF. Physician nud turReoo. lSr.'.-tf. Sunbury, Eeb. S, W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, rCNPl'RY, TENN'A. Jlccoratlni; nnd Paper llanli done in the lale-t improved style. Orders solicited,' which will receive prompt t- ntion. Residence In Punlvtnwn, Emirlrk's hulldltiK. Huuburv, M:iT U,'lb7a.-tf. J. W. VASIII.V(lTOX'S GRAM) n.Riii:u niioi In Miss Daiilus' luilldinp, Maiket street, east of the Railroad, north :d. 8UNHUKY. Pa. The old permanent shop of the towu We decline the boast, but at tho same time consider that the liiluhty truth limy Joe eusina bly spoken without rB.inife?tintr an uiiromfui ta ble amount of vanity and amhltion. Ju-t twenty Teiirr asfo 1 ocean my huxluesa career in this place half my lifetime thus far I pent, have I Hood upon me Door or our shoii day after day, and niiflit ufler uiht, and applied the sharp hluo gleniiiin; steel, aud it Inn that j elupse of time embraced by the luiiility fold" of I that eventful period nave. 1 suuvea Dearly every- ' body In the couniry (in common parlance) aud to oblige the public luterest we herein publicly ' anuotiuce tu our patrons old aud new that we are ready to shave them all again three hundred : thousand times or more. I Come when you please, jmt in lime Is the max- I Im we are always ready to work, foivnoou or afternoon, to shave you, hair em inu, thiyupoo yon, whisker dye you, or perraine, e-iinh nut ar- , ranre the hair wllb artistic skill. In the "wtcr fill" or water raise style to suit the eurtouu-r. I We work to please, not please to aork. ; flop, don t go I wet our shop to sr.'t shaval on : the basis of ability bee use we do It as well Il can be dons or ever could lie. , A chance is all that we demand To l-'ive the prooX we bold in hand. Oct. 1, illunliood I- llow l.Otst, How o I Keklur. Jut pnhllhbed, a new cdi.lon of Dr. I CULVER WELl.'b CELEBK ATEII ltAY on the railicul cure (aithoul medicine) of el'ERM ATOKUIKEA, oi beuilnal W-akness, Involuntary ekmiuul Losses, IM POTENCY, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Jnidiincnts In Murrlaye, etc. t also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, iuduecd by self-iudul;eoe or sexuul ritravaeanre. . -r" Price, in a sealed euyelopo, only cents. The celebrated author, in Ibis admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, thut the alarming conse quences of self-ubuse may be radically cured without the dyi krerou u of Internal medicine or the application of IbJ kuife i poinlinjr nut mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effec tual, by means of which every sullerer, no mai ler what bis condition may be, may curs himself clicHtily, privately aud rudiculla. liT This Lot ure should be in the hand of every youth and evory mail lu the land. Bent, under seal, in a plain envelope, tu any address, postpaid, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage rtaiui. - i Also, Dr. Culverweli's ''Marria;e Guide," price 50 cvuts. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE dt CO., T. O. Bnt. ,!W). ij7 Bowery, New Tork. April T, 1871. Ill ... j Re U. R. RADVAt S P.FADt RELIEF t'ltls-4 TUB WOUrlT TAINS y from One to Twenty MlnutM. NOT ONK HOUR ,feme.,tlMr.U ir1lssMisrrt i:sexl tent lifoej ADP TEH V'lTU I lvll- ctniB Km It wji Lot sraw. turn M Tito Only Tie mewl y tTtlt tt1.-Bily frhmsR) Ihsj PIOhI ftrTiiV.nc I!hii. sIllyss fyrj ttmifevt OqwhI Of iriHw MsUfiiJs t AtgVaiHia Vy u sdirf- lf fl.OM 6 TO TtTrOTT KlIfOTM ' . Ttmitsjr he vtnftt t rumntlu hm pn tt tr ifMrjM& with tlisvn utf vSvr, . ' . v, RADWAY'S READY' Rf LIEF rriRfTij! OT TTTB MrMS. rMA IKTUrjaTCA. ; cm.Tt rrm.i., AOVt ritiUA Tim .! he pu(y IteHef to the tM4 sr Tn(t" lsi-f iae psle v atn.chy etlsu A offsvil mm u4 .niairv. "Iwntf Ames It iOf a InrntsV of wsWa vtt) la fvw li KAlrnuTKX, pirn MfcITTrWs "huKRBtA, ui UrttKStA. 'AIi rrnveiei shnnM aiwars CArrf a basils er naswa-"e ILraa ILrllc With C'ipUi. lietn ikJuw, or uls fi.m rbas 4 wnlT. A few nrep IB wuicr i uisa rrsLtii uistwiy ir ooisni n. a suoiuisj.t. PBVEIt A7n Atsl'E. ritVrR ANU AllUK enrt.il fr My uU. Tlisrs Is Sy4 itd Si I thr Ularl.us, V.llllMI. Starl.4, T hU1. llo, suit ith.-r rnentiililsd I y ISAIiW a fl flLU1) Mm in inw wnria wl' "M irvw S(M1 tit auies as UMindi n UKaLll HHlM.r, y.-t uaUs. il tr lirtlKis. ulc at II.U1WJ) a 1IKALIV I.KUILT. tiny eaute HEALTH 1 BEAUTY!) rmoNA itwu rfitK men hlood-i.vcreasb op tlTSM A.ND WFIlHlT-rLFAR SKIN AN1 bMJkL tUflL cyiirUtXlO.N t-E'JURED TO ALL. . DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT WAS VADE TUB 1tT ASTONISIIIMS TPF.S; HO tlfli K. SO i nr. Vlur.KllliKi, f .MlKIt ttAflti AUI-. rnc rjiAMifc.i inn DKIt Tits lri.rtirB i.NUEt'.r'l.'L UcjAuiko, 'K TIIlo i 11 LI 1 11 M Cvory Dny on Increase) In Flesh nnd Wotc;ht lo T.aon nnd Felt. THE GREAT CLO'JO PURIFIER. Kvfry S.-? f ( RAnstl'AKil.LlAX Kr8lI.VI:.NT r-naoiiilrilM t'iroii-l, II li:.'i.l, S vrdt, t'rl.. .nj t4i i-ff f illissil'1 Jut . ue ' SI'H tlit v.nr .f I tt. fi.r 11 f-in:i ls WMU1 i.f IS &f silk tirw :.. SviK'it Uiuliri.it. frnftU, a-.-rlil' Ctt-stnptl-is, ijlthilu'ur et i .!,', Lk"S In Hie Tlniat, MsiilU. V .ml NJ.i lit. I, s.n', siul Mher psrlH of Hm iviirm, Sire So Stiusii.'i 11 cl.nr, from tti Cirs, S'ld lit wwr.t ,.f h .ie Sa.-.m-l. I!ii' tl,m K.r llfd, SmM llt-ai), lt.n V.'oi-ru. full Itii.wi.i, lylllfw. A'ir. ilUci Sp !, Wwrnisln lli. Klvsll. T:fltl, '. N talM Sio, 1,1. Sii.Trn, i' J S.I ii. , f o. l.'S rsncisfj. i-r w'.t.iiu irllv r.iue c( thl, vuiwtr i uy ri ti Mif H i-r t.tlKr if t. Is- rsa I1! f-.Ui, lif llil OA-Ul poWPT " lllfttl. If lh utl.ut, AV.y sVfCi'inlnr TfiltifVtJ Vv trie w1fifti4 f-ioipsV!i- l but U fMiUisunliy J iMn-fsilr. isrvwtl la ftru'eHii IbrStf v.f'e, t; t tV i'!f t i-uut .w b:tr 1 tl m-i f.o a ie JlUv tIwvU-sO.4 tuis Ibe l-AiAI'AJaiy l.lA ru( UOfa co-. fiwt :.F. til hsWaf ksULI IA. llrBM.VrT J ail I trt-ti rTitf.ill tjti l t-j iJ uionlsx. i-rjfut(.'i ( i trlHiitiwii;,ei.tA bkm 1ssj.jhm ; ut U Is lL! suJy ptrvi'lr iV-r K12ii;)' & I.M!2cr romplalut. VrJHTT, ft J T.tfS a?! -eeS.- (trrWt'L lsl DPef l st-T: W' Wtif, liHU..r t t L rtfft, (Vlit'i T'ltrsv Alr-iiurjurt, sis.1 In 1 r.-vm ht r it-it ' trick'!"! & oJi, it liit U t In l.rTk. rWi'iil ., t.til vNk sabw-irvet Hi t iiK rf m '.., sr li-t. 11 .t -r'VU n'l. .f tli'ft im MAi, ar, Wl'-it i.;,whrufTf, Mitl yhU Vansr't-ift l T-"fU, hurl wtifi W.rr is A J' f r !. liiaT, l.Ufi..nj 't-Attlcm v Im-i rn.1' WTftttr. i,A vnl. In La buaJ U llite XXu ti4 fj X iiif l.p ns hilci", fl.oo. WORMS.-TM clI ) mA rcrt Ktcs fw Vift'Ma - a, 2uprtK. Tumor of 113 Ycnrn' Growtli CHirct by ISailwny'a ItcoIvcnS. IwitUT, slss., J-,!- fd. isf?. Pn. Retri-r-aT - f lia V'A Otariaa 1 inrt Is , ,rH-e. a' 4 tr-wrV. All tkss (Wl.tl M4 WM s r Vee. f f ft.'' 1 Hvl rj iblnc thai w rrvisis4sHl : fe.il ftitah-; fc;l-ij fn. I snM P-e-Tfrnt, i.it4 lit i n I I -avaH try H Vtl ) .si lit (fi tu it, IwtrSS I ksssj VWr1 frf StS'l. t t-. ( iMVlaa df -'.t l;asss.T(it, oesj f- bs of 1-idwtT's TiMt, str fcctile H T"Uf IfevsvW Ktf ; tvisl .twra Is ts .1 igii rf tun- ser r fJ. 4 1 fr) rrat-ef, tVBssrtsrT. stead SrrMerr hst I Kurt (Ka ! ps --re-t wm H Iks left i'.U ssf t Wwrk, s?T Its frli. t wnu tLU U m kW Use IstssLtCsf tLkm. Yo f4, It If -. , H.utsSAH rA.SAi'i. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, l-oifcsctly U'tsH, t4s.iriii:f (onUi with rrtiK $ fwn. frr, rrfil.!, I'nrlfy, H-tAusr, n 1 fftrefiirtaVt-fi. l;itya 'U' Xyr Lht 4 nil -1-hm!jti .f !lt rtttijrcfi, IJvt.. rV.t'., Sl'ltsv-, Pievblrr, WwsUi IHs-"s, HuifVich-, r-iU(lt V t-"i, 4)j-.. Iiwitf(on, Iil. Bi-sw. tL kv.ta Fv-rtr, (u V ft tN ll r, fx, Kutt, lUst) nJ I1-r-rt-t !, of Iti luHrrual Tltai.n, Varmtrtt-H t tfTft. r. rHsu-tt ejfe. )urlv rta, vciaIU c m mejxry, 1. r ! r"'-i itmw. IT O sMirr Uf fUorlr.r rr rrltrs H-tPtlT'C f-rIR I"L. vU f J i Last 1'U-Uts Offtun: fMtTtMr, UwvA Wt. .irM 94 tU rvi Isi'ffXs l'e. As1.a -4 V f. na.JS. han.(1 liswrttn, 1-t.fwt W Vn4. Wyjt st tt. n-n, fb, sr lrs-UtV", tniinf r i MIIsr i ?U fist V Sa4i. rts-rlftsfB t- Si l'-S Hs4. Iltrry-'s SCsJ l-ut. All lirtii';if, t m tt-ii.g si tit k.si, Va(s w-tu!i-s; S-n.tKa mra It 1 Cuf Te-a-lwcs? T twr 4 Tlsi!t, lsi sx t ra li-sj U. .'s-tsx-su.l I'ktl rs,. t tlcsvst . Tfns f ' l-r'aajrtst.t.-s, V.Jr-WtMK f I t k A t ) r. I-i la He) Kit. LisjsU, suJ ti-tfisa I I-.. it H n.ikg te U a c tt KAi.vArarfiaf av; f- triisi fr.trisjsi f, t.':,r :., .1 t nvii1tf, 1'tVeT, WS ivt 1ST U-. ty-1.1. Y 1 ! .-T. KJ sVi ' I ill F aM HIT " (Wr4 tvt fc-ntrH&vr-p lv KAl'HAl' dt ft., Nb. i-j '&:4n 1 arv, hs-sr. 1. ' :&;.1A.a I i i: .-. Jal V Ll tfii WU March 30, 1S72.-1T. A Gt-EAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. yCX'.Tt.'3 C' LIFORXIA VINEGAR BITTERS - 3 SJ Z a. h f! r 5 9 m C i TftKT AKE KOT A VIIS FANCY DRIHK He Pereaa earn take these Bluer ereent- ni( re airsciions, and rtmnn loaf dU. oidse uisir .n era deslroytd by mine si pe'sw ar mssns, ixt lb nisi cii, ws.nd bvmKl lh penal f 'Spajr. Dyspepsia or Indlaestiou. He'dwhs, I sla in the Shouldtrs. Cough., Titlilni of the Chi, Iditi sni, Sour Emcuiiens ef tlx Sloouia, Bad 1 ! ia lli Moulh. Bilious Allsckt, rslpilltioo " nssn. SimmslWM ef ihs Loncv Psm m the !kims ml lh Itid ys, aud s hundrsd etutr psinrul sysiutiMiM, sr in n sonngs of Dysixpua. In this complsiuis it has as equsf end on bonis will ere, a Uuf ssm l n menu than a Irnglhr sdverliunirnt. For Kmal Com plaints, in ynuuf r old. ssr wd or single, at iht dawn of womanhood, 07 lh ntm ef life, the Tonic Billtr. diiplay so decidril aa sSuc that a marked improvtmeiit is soon percetaibl. For l.amuiatorjr and Chronic Rba- uallsm and Gol, llilioui. Kcniilienl an ImermK. Irul Fevers. DicaMl of the Blond, Liver, KiSntes 4 Bladder. th BiiMta have no ual. Such Dnas sis oussd by Vitiated B'ood, which ia (Siniially pcorliKcd by dsraniieineiil of die Ilisoiive llitfana. They tro a Oentle Fursra"! a well a Tonic, pmmuiiik alto the peculiar aianl of soing as a powerful sgenl 111 rciirvinj Congelion or liiSaminsuea of ih Liver and V-i.i Organ,, and in Biiiutn Dissau-a For ttkln l)4.s, Eiupiionn, Tetui, S.ill Khcum, Blotches, Pimples, Piuiruiss, Bolls, Car- kunlv KlS-wori. bald-Head, S Eyss, tryuilss Itch, Scurh, lholor..liousoj the Skin, Huniori sad llis- of lh Skin, of whatever nam or natare, r lit erally dnf up aud cant-d out ef lu sysicss ia short time by th M of these Diners. The properties of 1. Wiun'l VinioaB Bittbss ApeneuL Diapborelic and Carminative, Nvuiiioua, Laaafiv, Diuretic. Sedaiiv, Cosslcr Irri taat, SuoonKc, Alurative, sad Aati-Bihoas. tSratsful Thousand proclsir Vistaes Bit. Tbs Ih snoal wooaWul inngocat ibal vw Mttauud sa ftiuking systcra. J WALKER, Prop r. n.H. MeDOreALb COM Oruuists and Go Agl. Saa Francisco, Cal., aad corner of Waeaioc 10a aud Caarlie SU., New Vork SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. NF.W Flour, FeeJ.Fruit ai Venetalile Store, Bprncs Blreet, between Front and Beeond, 6UNUURY, PA. JOHN WILVER bsvlug Just opened a Store at the above place, where all kiuds of of lUe best brands ef Flour aad Fred will be sold at Kreally reduced prices. Tbs eels braled Buck's Mills Flour will be kept constantly ou band. Also, all kinds of Feed, Gralu, Corn, Oals and Rys, chopped or whole, Pot at oca. Annies, t'abbasre tr Fruit I feoerally, at a cheaper rale than ran be bought , lewbere. All itootls delivered Free of Cbai i;e. Call and sxamius my stock aud ascertain tho prices berore purcnaaluf eiscwnere. v JOUM WltTIR. loabury, ffae. I, 1 STl -? t nundrcdj cf ThKand har i.wirwony to itrlr Woailcr- C n ? i- m ful l umlAV KUmu. i IjiVVKAT ARE THEY ? '? US s SvS wm t III $utrafurtnrrr9. ""nxvt Use, Nil ii'p ax ut nonT FOUNimY. GEO. ROHKBACII A BONR, Nuubarr, Pran'a, INFORM 11.9 public tTiitt they Art pre-parec) ia do nil kinds of CASTINGS, mid having added m new macnine Mwp in connection wun tnelr Foundry, and have sopplled themselves with New Lutho, Planing; and Boring Machine, with the latest tmprovi-mnta. With the nll of skltlrn) rotchaulcs, ITtcv are enabled lo txecntoall orden of HEW WORK OR RIPA1RINO, that nay b KtMn them, tu, a satisfactory man ner. . Grate to unit mj rftov. TBOM OOLUMNB, for church or other bolld Inn, of all sires. I BRASH CASTINGS, A. ' " ' j . Ornamental Iron - Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD L0T8 1 . VERANDAHS, Toil TARDA AT RKflUDENCB0f AC., AO. The PLOWS, already celebrated Tor their su perlorlty, hnve been still fnfther Improved, nnd will alwuv 1 kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Bunbury, MuvSO, 1871. -Lr-fllir.il AND I'liAM.VG .ft II. I.N. Third Btreet, adlomlng Thlln. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Ceutral Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. MA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber rcjulrcd by tho demands of the public Havlnp all the lutcst Improved mncbinery for mnnufavturlnK Limber, be I now reutly to fill or ders ef all kiuds of FLOORING, BIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, BASH, llLINDU MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd ull klud of Omameiital Srrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A UltltS ASSOHTMKKT OF HILL LUMBElt. HEMLOCK ami PINE. Also, Sli'mRles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEM ENT. decld-Clily NT x ir "t i si i:nT a 11 L 1 s 1 1 si i: t. MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, PA. ALFltKI) KHAUSE, rroprictor. sl'DCr-esoK TO SMITH A ekKini'Jl.J HAVING purchased the nbovewcll knoim es tablishment, Mr. Km use eould rpei7 .Il ly iutoriti the public that be now has 011 hand a large assortment of V. OOKl N (J STO V E , Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Coinbimition, Su.-iur liaiina and others, whieh are o nrrimi;cd as to be ne 1 for Coal or Wood, and are w arranted to perform satisliictori ly it no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put np to heat one or more rooms. HEATING fell ES of different kind nt very low prices. Tinware of F.vrry Ioiorll Ion kept constantly on hand. RooQn ami Hpoiitiug Willi the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended te with dispatch. Coal Oil st.d Lumps constantly on hand. ,lupau ware of u A.nd t. btorc opposite Conic' hardware store. Give me a cull. A. KKUtE. ui.li.M-lT KAXI dl'LMMi of the largest aud most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, slid GcntkMiKtn'H Furnirfiiiirr GofKli, nt TIIOS. U. SOTT'N MEKCIIANT TAILOIt STOUE, lu Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market, BUNrlURY, PENN'A. The most fashionable clotliing laude to order Irom every variety of uoods. Bull of "ail slee made up at Ihe shortest uo llce, from the het selected stock In New York and Philadelphia. Call nud be couvliiccVi; TIIOS. G. NOTT. -April SO, J. F. LERCH'S WAGON MAKLNGc ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., : SUNBUHY, TA. Ybuil'I is or all Kimb spt to Omdck. The latest styles and the best wolknian-hip. humpies niaj be seen at the shop. Give blni cull. huubury, Dec. 7, 17J. ly. . . r.XtT'.a.JIOK Flit EMFOKll'H. I . ISAAUB, Bucre.sor to JOHN FAREIRA, IIS Arch street. Middle of the block, betwevu Tth and Mh streets, Boulh side, Philadelphia. Importer aud Munufaeturrr f FAXt'Y i'l' UN For Ladies' and Chlldreu's Wear, wholesale and retail. Havlnr; Imported a very larirr and splendid n. sorlnient of all the different kinds of Furs from first hand In F.uropo, would respecifully Invite lUe readeis of Hit paper to call and rxaiulou the assoriineiit or Faucy Kurs. 1 am detei mined to sell nt lh lowest Cash prices. All Fnrs war ranted. No misrepresentation toctlect rates. Fur altered and repaired. irheincmrar the blore, 71S Arch street. Phil adelphia. rcl . Sin. Tailoring ! Tailorins ! ! CHAP-LES KAIIIL, kesprctfally Inform- Ibe cllizen of tuii'ji.rv and Mciuity, liml ne nas opened a TAILOR SHOP. on Fonith htrert, below Maiket. in the !m o biiililinc, and that bs Is prepared to muke up all kiuds or UE1TV AM KOVK M ild, lu the lat.'-t sAylr. Hain- h s.1 1 n il eiwi r irnc in the biitiuess be denites the public to i;ite bins e trial. CiothiitaT will h, lil.wle u in ike l itest I ,m aud American Passion in ths most saar.ietory mtamr- Aua;.lT,'W.-tr. CHAKI.I W AIHI.. " NEW DRlia STORE, Ho. IS, (South. Third Street, ClEEDt Hcnse Enilfc Simtnrj. Pa. 1)11. C. M. MAjtTIN & CO. f Tt. sreoow opeiilng'an entirely new slock of I) HUGS AND MEDICINES, and are picpured lo supply any ai liele in onr line that inav t ceil for, e have also a full Hock of slItbeleedtiMt Patent -dtlnes. Pine Perla mcry and Toil Article a ' Uy, a full as sortmeul of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Pho an other Bruebrs, Pressing aud other Combs lu great variety. FIXE TOII.F.T KOArN, a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustnrd, Cboics Bplees, Pepper whole or ground, Castile aud Laundry Boape, I.aiopCkiniuey aud Lamp Good Kcntrally. Bird Beed in large or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, ful stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Ellxers and Pills or V. B- P., Sugar Coaled, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's and oilier Plasters, Ayer's, Wright's, fechenk's Mandrake, McLane's Liver and other Pills, our slin k emhraccs every, thing round iu a well conducted Druir Store. Couniry Pbvsicluns will Bud our stock full aud complete, aud we guarantee to sell as low as Ihe same article ran be bought In Philadelphia, choice Wlues, Whiskey and Brandy for Medicio al rarpewe. OrtoTser S, ItTI.' 8. KKADIXU ItAlLltOAP. WINTER A rITaN Tfl, MvaDAT, ttcwtn Una, 167A Trains (rtir TTnrrlsburf fbt T?eW Tw as (rrl lowsi at ft. 30 and S 10, a. to., am) a.0m, p. ts, connecting with train on Pennsylvanio TWi road, end arrlvlnsf at ..'eve Tork at 13. Hu, ). and 9.48 p. m., rsspeetlvely. Rcturnintng 1 Xoave New Tork at 9 00 a. ra. 13.50 and S.Ik) p. m., rtilladelpbia at T.N, 8-ft a. m., mid 8.80 p, rri. Leave Hnrrlsbnrir for Readinsr, Tottsvllle, Tamsqun, Mlnersville, Asblnnd, Btwmokln, Al lentown and 1-hllndelohhi nt 6.80 and 8. 10 a. m, , 8 00aiid4U5p.nl., stopplns; at Ltbnoan ana principal Wiit stations tb 4.05 p. m., train eon necihig foy Philadelphia. Poluvllle end Colum bia only. For PotSsvlHe Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schnylklll aud BusanebAnna Ball road leave tlarrlsbtrg t 8,40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Rallrood trains leave IVead Inr for Al'entown, Easfon and New Tork at 7.80 and 10.8ft a. m., and 4.00 p. m. Rctnrnlng, leave New York nt 9.00 ft. m., 13.5(1 and 8.80 p. 111. rand Allentewn at 7.20 a. 10., U.2, 8.10, 4.U nnd 8. 65 p. tm - 1 - 1 Wby Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.90 n. m., connecting ni Reading with train on East Prima. Railroad, rrtnmlng leaves PotVS vllle nt4.5 p. m., stopping at nil stations. i.buvc roiisvuie al o.oti, 8.06 and 9.10 a. m., aud S.ao p. tn., Ilerndon at 10.00 a. 11., Shntno kin nt 6.00 nnd 11.02 a. m., Asblaud at 718 a. m., and lS.'JO )'. m., Mnhanoy City at 7.58 and 13.54 p. m., Tsiiinqna nt 8.85 a. m., nnd 8.10 p. tn., for Philadelphia, New Tork, Reading, Ilor rishurg, etc. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad nt 8.05 . in., for Harrl.burg, nnd 11.45 n. iu., for Pineirrove nud Trcsuont. Pottsvllle Aeeoinniodation Train leaves Potts ville (it 0.00 a. tu., passes Reading al 7.40 a. Dl., arriving nt I'lilladeiphiu nt 10.15 a. in. Return Inu leaves PhllndelphU nt 4.45 p. m., iasr Reiuling ul 7.15 p. 111., arriving ol Pottsvillu et 0.00 p. m. Pottstown Accomtnodutloii Train leave Potts town nt 6. 45 a. m., reliirniiiT. leaves Pblludei phin (Ninth and Green.) at 4.110 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.30 n. no, and 6.15 p. in., fur Ephrneta, Litis, Lancaster. Columbia, etc. ; rifuruiug leave Lan caster at 8.30 a. 111.. and 3.30 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 11. 111., and ll.'JO p. in. Perklomen Railroad train leave Perklninen Junction nt 7.35 and 9.00 n. ni., 2.55 and 5.40 p. in. ; n-turniiig, leave Gra-f Lane ni fl.15 n. ni., 1.X and 4."0 p. in., coiiuceting with trains 011 Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad train leave, phce nixville at U.13 a. ni.. 3.10 and 5..VI p. in. j ret in n ing, leave livers nt C.U5 a. in.. 12.45 and 4. So p. in iiineiliiiK with train on Reading Kai ron-I. Colehruokdale Railroad trains leave IVtlstowt, lit u.4ti .1. in. Hint l.vo. h.2:j and 7 J5 p. in., to I'lrnlnif leave Mount Pl-sai:t nt B.Oo, 8.U0 and II. "5 a. 111. s ml 3.00 p. ni., connecting with trains 011 liciidiutr Kailroarl. ("Iic-ter Valley Railroad train leave Bridge port at ,.:') a. 111. 2.40 ami ft.Sii y. in., returning, leave Don uiuirtown at 0.5 a. lu., 12.90 ami 5.40 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Rail road. flu Sundays : leave New Tork at 5. 30 p.m.. Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. 111. and ii.15 p. ir., (the 8.00 a. ni. train ruuning only to Rcadiuc) Irate Pottsvillu nt ft.00 . lu., leave Harrhbaig et 5.30 a. in. and 2.00 p. 111. ; leave Allento" n at R.55 p. III. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. tn. and 10.15 p. in. for ll.trrisbars. 11 1 7.30 11. m. for New York, and at U.4Ha. iu. nnd 4.15p. in. forPhilndelplit:i. Commutation, Milcnge. Season, School nud Excursion Tickets, to and from all poiutt, nt re duced rates. BaL'iragti chirked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, JmUt. Xupt. it Mnf. .V'fk'ry. Rkamno, Pa., Decem'.er 2, IV.i. X'saritiora Oulral Kallaay. "'INTER ARRANGEMENT. o N t ca aflr Oct. 27, 1P78, Insfeis will run a ' "-iw : NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Buubury nt 141 p. ih., for Mm Kara Fulls Mail arrives at Sunhurr at 4.10 p. in., arrive ul W i;:ianiport U.20 and Elinlra lO.ik) p. ;n. Fast Line arrives nt eunhury at i.Sj p. arrive al Wl'oiauisporl 8.35 p. la. Erie Mai! loaves hunhiiry nl a. 30 n rs ; Wi', liamvpori a. 8.40 a in, and urrlros ul I.tluSra sv 12.40 p tu. SOUTHWARD. Mail Itav"s Sunbury t 11.05 a. m., nrilv st Harrishuig 1.45 p. m., Baltimore B.SO y. in. E:ic F.vpress leave Snnhury at U. to a. m., ar rive at HarrUbnig 11.30 a. 111., Haiti. uore t.M p. in. Erie Mall leave Sunbury nl 13.50 n. in., arriio nt 11 irrislimv 2.15 a. III.. Baltimore 8. to a. is. Niagara Express leaves hsnhury rt 8 00 p tn, Hvrrisburj; nt 10.40i m, arrives ul Baltimore 2, 16 a ui. 8HAMOKIN PIYIPIOfl. eaS iw a m.. Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. in., nriiv mi &.iBji kiu 5.50 p. 111., Ml. ('iirmel fi.30 p. is. Leave piiiihury ( Accommodation,) i.t It SA p. 111., arrive til Sliaiiiokin 1.35 p. in. SKJUIKll. Leave Mt. Cnrnicl at 7.40 a. m., hliutnokiu 8.20 a. 111.. arrive at Sunbury 0.25 s. ra. Leave Shiiinokiu ( Aceomiiusiatioti,) at Ltd p. m.. arrive Hi unhnry 8.55 p. 111. Express leaves dally. Ail other trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. ' En. b. Tol-mi; Gen'l. Sup't., Gen'l Passen'r Ag'l.. Hari bburg, Tu. Baiiaiorc, .V J riiiludeliihiu und iU Itailroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE On and after Suuduy, Oct. 27tb, 1S73. the Trains on the Philadelphia dl Erie Rail Road wi t run us follow ; WESTWARD. Mail Trulu leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " ' " Suubury, " " nn at trie, Elmtiu Mail leaves Phliudulpl.ia, ' ' " Sunbury, " arr nl Lock Haven, 11.40 p in li.30 a n 7..'.6 p 11 12.40 f ni 1. ol 111 7.45 .t n: 8.IAI u I 4 ;;.t j. ti .1.1 1- 1 Niagara Express leave Philadelphia, runtiury, " '' Ul r ut U, mini,' EASTWARD. Mai. Tiain leaves Eric. " " Suubury, " " nrrat Phllade'lphia. Erie Express leaves Erie, " " ' buiibtirv, " " urr ut Philuile'lpuiii, Elmira Mail leaves Link Haven, " " " Sunbury, ' " urr ul Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves lirnovo, " huahiirv, arr at Plilla.diia, 12.4. ! r:. 4.i--i K 1 11.1.5 t ... 12 4o s r.. li 55 . in W.t.f. if n.35 u m 3 30 p in 7.45 s m 11. Ul a lu tl.oo p III 25 p ni 7.55 p iu s & a m Mull Fast connects east 11 nil west al Erie with L. S. .v. M. S. R. W. and at Irvluelun with Oil Creek und Allegheny R. R. W. NiaL'ura F.xoiess and Erie Express East, snd Eric. Mail, Nins-am Express and Eluiiru Mail West, connect nt Williaiiisiun I Willi tiains going 11011I1 on I he Eliuiiu and Caauudiiigu.t division of the N. C. K. K. CatawissM passenger train will br run east and west from WilliutusiKiiiDii Elmira Mail. tVM. AIALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Isanilllr. llMnlflan A Uilkrsbtirr . IS. It. IV uuu. It. It. Co. l.-hk't. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger trains on Ike D., H. dt W. H. It. will run a follows 1 WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LSAVI. New York, Philadelphia, Kasion, Bethlehem, Ilailetou, CutUwissa, Danville, A.M.' ISA VS. A.M. liiOO Sunbury, ti:20 8:00 Danville, 7a:3 11:25 Catlawissa, 7:28 10:05 Huilcloo, 9:08 l. M. r. at. 1:00 Rethlehsm, 12:10 3 40 Fusion, 12 3 8:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 3:57 New Yolk, arr. 1:50 Buubuiy, arrive Trulu Wcsl arriving al Sunbury 8:57 p. ui., mnkes cltMte connection with tralus on Phlladel. phia dc Erie R. R. lor MUlou, Williar..iort, Lock Havn und all points Wist, Elmira and all points Noilh, also with Northern Central Rail, way. for HarrisburK and Baltimore. yNrw and elegant coaches run throngb ts twecu Buubury aud Kasion. FRANK THOMPSON, Bii4. D. 11. cV W. h, VU $crr' OrrpB, WauAsrer-f-WT, Pa. 1 Myt,ire. -