Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 08, 1873, Image 2

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' V11-
. . i - r ...m, it. i - , .r,
Smitarj! mcrifnri.
H. . NSSSLK, ,
t, WILVfRT. "
Tna Wkstekk Uniox Tklkorath
Co., is circulating extensively through
Hie city rRPcrs,thoopinioDSnrid statements,
nf Mr. Orten tlie President, and' the Hon.
. A. Well, irujpposiliou to tlio proposed
postal telegraph system, recommended by
the Post Master General. The arguments
of Mr. Orten are specious, some of thciu
far fetched, and ntlteri illogical and un
fairly Rtated-Hascd upon false premises.
The IIou. David VTells, after his remarka
ble efforts in behalf of tho . British Free
Traders, and his stupid calculations in re
gard to onr finances, will not have much
weight with intelligent men who under
stand tho motives which aclualo such ad
venturers who are always ready to lend their
services to thoso who pay the most for tho
work to be "performed." ' "'.'
The i'liAN kiko Pkivilbub. The abo
lition of the franking privilege by Congrcf t
Is an act that will redound more to their
credit limn any act passed this session.
It cuts oil' an incubus that but too lonjr
clung to the Post Office Department. Tho
act very properly, makes a clean sweep
from the President down to the lowest su
bordinate. All must now pay postage. The
government will save millions by this act,
not only in pontage, but in the printing of
many useless documents that are uovr
generally sold f r waste paper.
Ix the proceedings of iho Supreme Court
in another column, it will be seeu that
judgment was rendered against this Bo
rough for interest on its subscription to
the building of the Court House, that be
ing the only point made. This decision is
of ' lutle importance compared with the
points that ought to have been taken up.
Tho question is whether this Borough
should pay more towards the erection of
county buildings than other portions of the
county If the Court House was needed,
and it was proper to build it. and no one
at this timo will hardly question that fact,
then it was wrong that our citizens should
pay more than their fair quota, especially
as they were not consulted in the subscrip
tion. If it was wrong to build it, the sub
scription by the town council would not
make it right nor justify the imposition of
Additional taxes on our Borough. And
we liavo no doubt the Supreme Court
would so decide the question.
IV E have been asked to give a statement
l the amount ot license money received
by the county duriugl8"2, and the amount
expended for criminal costs during tho
same period, which information wn give
below as taken from the records :
Amount of revenue received from
Hotel, Restaurant and Liquor
Licoii,,s rlo 10-j, 83,270 00
Amount upended for criminals :
r.itcl Eastern Peneteiuiary, if 1,700 20
ExHnpg in t.iking prisoners to
Peneteutiarv, -
Paid District Attorney, 41'.) 0U
Justices' cost, 577 88
Commonwealth witnesses, 2,200 77
Sheriff for noauniig, loo 00
Traverse Juror for Com. cases, 1,030 00
Grand Jurors, . COO UO
$8,214 03
Peuuy Haas vs. Commonwealth.
The writ of error in this case was argued
In the Supreme Court on Monday of lust
week. Perry Haas, it will be remembered,
was convicted of murder in tho court of
oyer and terminer of this county iu Octo
ber 1871, when a motion for a new trial
was overruled. The case was then taken
to the Supreme Court, with six spccilica
tions of error for a uew trial, and is now
held under advisement. Messrs. Zicglcr
and Sober for the prisoner, and Gen. Juo.
K. Clement for the commouwcallu. The
iguments on both Rides were ably conduc
ted. It is supposed by all who attended
the Supremo Court that a new trial will
be granted.
We am gratified tnlonrn that our friend
W. A. Sober,Es(j.,ably acquitted himself on
this occasion and was heard with atten
tion by the Supremo Bench. His argu
ent wa effective and to the point as we
learn from those who heard him. ,
A fire ocri;r cd at Harrisburg on Sunday
nvuniug last, which destroyed the stable
if George Bcriiner, and badly damaged an
adjoining stable, and ti c laundry attached
so the LochM House. The State Journal
Prin,iMS esiahlithinent made a narrow
snipe from dot ruction." pour horses were
burned. Loss giUlQQ to S4 000,
An act passed the Senate and la now
before the House of lleprrscntatives.making
Jie local option elections general over the
Sta!. It is hoped tlmt the House willtou
cur iu tho SciiiUu amendment.
Presides? C-kakt sinned the bill pro
hibiting the costly franking privilege, and
the mails of the country w!11 soon bo reliev
ed of the incubus which liu br so many
years impaired their usefulness to the peo
ple. Tub fVctvtary of tho Treasury io a let
,ter to General Gartield. thus states the
actual expenses of the Government during
the past year :
Legislative, S l.GTo.OTo.C" ; Executive
nriiper,00.l4l.u3; Stale, J2.-24 1,433. -JO ;
'i'rouusry. 14(i.ol4.3 54.05 ; War, ;i5,
004.008.03 ; -Navy, il,-J0ii,45.1,00 ; Inter
ior, 3LVl.uU0.1t0 ; Postolliee, 5,t43,.
170.01; Agricultural, f 11,-2.U1 ; De
partment of Justice. 220,000.50 ; Judicia
ry, S3.570.3tW.3U total actual excuses
of Goverumeut for the last fiscal year, $250
48i;8U.50. Cold. This is the coldest winter for a
third of a century. Its effects have been
disastrous lu inauy quarters. Loss of life
has been great, ami in some places nearly
all lb water has frozen up, leaving little
or nors Hr public uses. Minnesota pa
pers give rjauy terrible incidents connect
ed with to IhUi storme. One party, en
gaged in cWring the railr nid track, eight
miles below St, Paler, discovered, nearly
buried in the snow, a doublolcaju of horses
and a sleigh, iu nJduii were suitud two men
wrapxdin robes. and, ini'led in luillalo
coals, tnil tro-n stitr. iliamen sut per
fectly upright, and t(a within two hua
rircd" yards of the station Wiildinf .
LU-SL '. 1 gjamu,1 u '.
Town Clock. The Court House has a
fine town clock. Everybody knows that,
but everybody don't know that tho county
pays for .it. This we think very wrong.
Sunbury is our cnpital Town her citizens
have the benefit of not only the fine ap
pearance our Court House presents, but of
tho tqwn clock almost exclusively. Why
then After tho county paid almost two
prices for the Court I louse, make the citi
zens of the county pay for our town clock 1
We are ashamed of our popple here, and of
sueh management. We have been told
that this Borough offered the pitiful sum
of 85000 and proposed to give that bv taxa
tion, toward securing a new Court Mouse,
and then went to law to get out of paying
even that. It seems Incredible, yet we are
assured it is a fact. ' No wondercapitalists
refuse to come to sueh a place where such
a public spirit is evinced. We trust our
peoplo will waken up to a proper spirit,
and llnd that their true welfare consists in
a more spirited liberal and go ahead po
licy. Let Sunbury pay for her town clock
in tho Court House steeple. The Guard.
Very true ! "Everybody don't know that
the county pays"- for tho towu, clock, al
though everybody who is anyMi, knows
iho contrary. Until we saw the Above
stupid, not to say malignant article, we
had supposed that everybody in this vicin
ity, possessing ordiuary intelligence, knew
that the county never paid ono dollnr for
the purchase of the clock that now graces
tho tower of the Court House. Moreover
wo venture to say there is not an uuprcd
judiced man in the county, capable of dis
criminating between right and wrong, who
will not say that it was as much the duty
of the county to put a clock in the tower,
as it was to put ornamental windows iu
the building, or do twenty other things
that have been done about the court house
less useful tlmu tho clock. The tower was
designed and constructed for a clock and
tho idea that it was the duty of the Bor
ough to furnish, the clock, is as novel as it
is ridiculous. If the turret of the new
Presbyterian church had been desigucd or
constructed for a clock, the Borough, ac
cording to the logic of this Solomon, would
have been obliged to furnish a clock.
We hardly need repeat, what we have
said a dozen times, that Gen. Simon Cam
eron contributed the funds for the clock,
excepting a few hundred dollars extra con
tributed by tho Borough for glass dials.
Tho county paid nothing lmt the freight
and expenses of putting up the clock.
There is uo town or township in the
county which has beeu less favored or
more unjustly treated by the Commission
ers .f the Couuty generally, than Sunbury.
And yet a comparative stranger among us
presumes to dictate to our citizens, and
criticise, if not malign, the actions aud
conduct of our people. Wo are much mis
taken if "our people do not waken up to a
proper spirit' and resent such impertinence.
Senator Cameron.- -The Pennsylvania
Republican Association tendered a banqi et
to Gen Cameron, iu honor of Ins re election
to the Senate of the United States, which
was declined by Senator Cameron. The
following is the correspondence between
Senator Cameron aud the Association :
Whereas having a just pride in our State
SlitorAcW1)!?.'1 'Slui.m T'auH-'Fo'iY rfA'i
contributed so lamely, both in promoting
its material wealth and its political pre
eminence as a Republican State, to etl'ect
which ho was devoted such untiring energy
and zeal so as to overcome all obstacles ;
therefore be it
Resolved, That in Simon Cameron our
State is represented by one whose life be
nignly extended by an overruling Provi
dence, has illustrated tho leading traits of
the genuine American citizeu ; as a prin
ter be was iudu!triou8 ; as an editor in Mu
ch Ua I ; ns a member of the Cabinet patrio
tic ; as a Minister Plenipotentiary saga
cious, and a Senator wisn in council, pm
deut iu action, high-minded and noble, with
a heart ever alive to the grateful iuttuence
of friendship.
Resolved, That we, tho Pennsylvania
Republican Association, of Washington.
D C, in recognition aud approval of his
I'ulelity in the discharge of liis high duty,
do lender hitn our siucttivsi congratulations
on Iws re-election to the Senate of the Unit
ed States, where he has so greatly honored
himself ejid our beloved Commonwealth,
and with this feeling we cordially extend
to him an iuvitation to attend u banquet to
be given in his honor in the city of Wash
ington at the time which may be most
convenient to him, and at a place to be
hereafter named.
T. L. Cathcart,
WMi H. Tl RNElt,
11. 1). Wharton,
J. M. Wilson,
A. A. Shissleu,
United States Sexate Chamber, )
Washington, Jan. -JS, 1873
Gentlemen : I have received tho reso
lutions of tho Pennsylvania Association
inviting me to meet its members at a ban
quet, and requesting me to name a time for
the occasion.
I shrink from this honor, not because I
do not fully appreciate it. but from a natur
al disinclination to any display which in
volves my friends in preparation, trouble
and exM-nsc, I would much rather meet
the meiniiers nt the reiinxylvania Associa
tion and their wive at my home in Harris
burg, and so invite them, individually or
collectively, to come there and meet me,
where none of the restraints of a public
banquet could intrude. Do me the favor
to make my w ishes in this re.ect knowu
to the association, and assure the members
that iu the lime to come, as in the past
time, I shall retniin tho steadfast friend of
every deserving I'eunsvlvanbin resident at
the capital. Yours, truly,
Simon Cameron.
T. L. Cclhcavt. Wm. H. Turner, II. D.
Wharton, J, M. Wilton, A. A. Shutter,
Tweed, the infamous, still remains out
side the whIIs of i Iu iicniieutiarv. The
jury, in his cne, did not agree three of
them lickl out to iho last, aud the jury was
discharged by the court. It is said that
he will at once be put upon trnl again.
After which, should he be convicted or uol.
a civil suit will be commenced to net back
soiito of Hie public treasure of the citv fall
ing withla his clutches without there huv-
lug been any value received.
An explosion occurred at the Albion
print words, Conshohncken. last week, by
which a girl named Rosa Fitzsimmous,
aged 14 years, was killed, Richard Brehiu,
aged 20, foreman of the cloth steaniiiiir de
partment, severely injured, and Churles
uiney, a young man aged 'ii years and
nruigei orucrmntt, a girl oi io, were
slightly wounded.
Salt iw MinnGAtt In the Saainaw
salt re. lot! a bed of pure salt has been
found underlying that now worked. At
Caksville a Ivd of sali-ioek has bceu struck
at a depth of 1700 feet, and at Alpena- ut. a
arun oi hju iroiu ine vuruce.
A Beautiful Handwriting, There
are but few of our readers who would not
like to aeon ire a rapid and beautiful hand
writing, tor there is no ono accomplish
ment so highly priced an this. The busi
ness colleges of tho country have afforded
the best instruction in this branch and
have succeedod in producing the most ac
complished penmen. The best penman in
America to day is Prof. Gaskkll. Pres't
of tho Brvantt S'ratton College of Man
chester. N. H. There are few lovers of the'
beaut iful art of penmanship who have not
heard of this wonderful penman and many
have seen specimens of his skill. His
larce sjieei. liens have attracted great atten
tion in New York City nnd throughout
tho country where they have been placed
on exhibition.
He Is now engaged day and night send
ing out Copies for self-instruction, which
he writes himself expressly for applicants,
so that nny one can learn to writo at the
homo fin-side. These contain full printed
instructions, and are put up in large heavy
envclpnckage. They nave been ordered by
thousands not by poor writers alone, but
by the leading teachers of penmanship
throughout tho United States and Canada.
Our readers would do well to write for a
package, as nothing so complete, beautiful
and useful for self-Instruction will ever
again bo offered them.
The Editorial Association of Pennsyl
vania, will mako their annual excursiou,
next summer, over the route lying through
the coil regions, over tho famous Switch
Back nt Mauch Chunk, up the Lehigh
Valley, over Wilks-Barro Mountains,
through the beautiful Wyoming to Pitlston,
Scranton and down to Danville.
Martin, the defaulting teller of the Ches
ter Valley Bank, was on Wednesday sen
tenced by Judge 1J u t tic r to four years and
six months at labor in the Chester County
Prison at West Chester. He is a young
man of line intellect, well educated, biiu
his family connections are most respecta
ble. The small-pax epidemic has reached
such a bight in Baltimore as to have alarm
ed the authorities luid the inhabitants gen
erally. There weru 110 deaths for tho
week ending January 2(1, and there are at
the present time 1300 cases.
Hon. W. W. Ketch am. of Wilkes Baire,
will I r ibablv be appointed United Stales
District Judge lor the new district com
posed of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
There will also be a District Attorney,
Marshal, Clerk of the Court, and other
otlicers to be appointed.
There is a sterner feeling growing up
in couris nnd among the people in refer
ence to men accused of murder. Hereto
fore quibbling attorneys have lieen allowed
to procrastinate in proceeding to the trial
of murderers, on the plea that they must
have time. No lime is atlorded the victim
of the murderer, who is hurried into eter
nity unprepared. There are in almost
every city wretches kept from trial year
after year by this trick of the profession,
aud it is now demanded that the practice is
The amount , of pine lumber ' ai nually
cut on the Susquehanna rive and it tri
butaries exceeds five Iriudred million feet.
A careful estimate has been madJ of the
area of the limlter lauds, and the uv. rage
yield of lumber per acre, and the alarming
conclusion is reached that llir. e years,
stocking nl the present rate of live hundred
million feet per yar would en' i rely exhaust
all the pine lumber now standing.
The jury iu the Wharton case having
aim Hiuecd their inability to agne, were
on Monday discharged. Mr Uevell, Slates
Attorney, then moved that the prisontr
icnew her recognizance to answer tho
charge id' attempting to poison Van Ness.
r.t-'h" Vv'! ' .of, llm Court., ("wi'l
for the iled-tice said they were read v. aud
Mrs. Wharton renewed her personal re
cognizance in 5.1,000. with two sureties.
Miss Nellie Wharton and J. Crawford
Neilson. who justilied in $-2500 each. The
prisoner then left the Court.
Hie .Secretary of the 1 reasurv has called
in all outstanding three per cent, ceititi-
catesof'Nos. dated between January 25,
law, to April 1 1. ISO", ns ollows: S.iOUt)
from Nos. 5503 to 5051, and S10.O0O from
Nos. Gi'Oi to o..H3. Total amount called
in $715,000 of three pel cents, remain un
AN atteiont to rrrntn nn inftiirrnetion in
llayti, for the purpose of preventing the
eleiiou for President, was suppressed, nnd
sikiy oi me ring leaueis were arreeleu, live
of whom were executed.
An American found himself brought
face to face at Koine last mouth with nn
old schoolfellow whom he had not seen for
years. "You here !" "Yes, my dear fel
low, I have just been mnrried, and am
come to pass the honeymoon in Italy."
And your wife?' "Mv witeVim. 1 left
her in New York."
The stage from MitchellsburgtoHarrods-
burg, Ky., was attacked by four men on
Thursday last, when near the latter place,
who oincrcu Hie driver to deliver the
mails. One was shot dead by a pnsaenger.
nil the others lied, but were nut-sued, aud
two of them capture d and lodged in jail.
The daughters of Horace Greeley havo
withdrawn from the coutest iu the case of
their father's will, and yesterday the con
testants proceeded to prove "the will of
1S71 without opposition. Mr. Greeley left
property, estimated at $200,000, and Mrs.
Greeley some jfl'.I.OOO.
A die; atch from Snn Francisco savs there
is little prospect of a peaceful settlement of
the Modoc difficulty. Captains Fairchild
and D irris went to have the talk with Cni-
wtius jack, as desired, hut the Modoc would
not go trvlhe white men's camp, and they
wouiu not go k me Indian t-ainu.
H'l ; I - - . rr ....
aiiucukiiib iuiusc si iroui s launery at
Iwisburg was destroyed bv lire ou the
27lh. .
Epizooty has disabled all the horses a-
bout Piochc, Nevada, and eight thousand
liars of silver have accumulaud at thu
mines awaiting transportation East,
'.ucsil and milk leH-.ivals"' are taking
Iho place of church fairs. c.,iit Wankegan,
111., anil other towns throughout the
Audltlliurlt-a UsicS Knlutt.
NotU's U hereby ifivrn to all numon Interct-
et, the uudurrined Au-liior lodli-tribuielhe
0 iliincu lu t lie liaiuls or Kolieit A. (JinVn, one ot
the Executors of Churles (iule, deceased, to und
siiiouk llme legally entitled thereto, will mi lend
to tha duties ol bin Mppoiulineut si hU idtiee, in
the lioiouifhof Suub.try, on Friday, (hcMlh day
of February, A. D., 1S7U, ut 10 o'clock, A. M.
W. I. UKKKNoUiill, Auditor.
Sunbury, Feb. 8. 1873 St.
Audit KMtttte of tiurleit iiile, dec.
Nutlet) l hereby given Io k!l persons iulvrtsted,
thai lh uiulvrsliietl Auditor, to distribute thu
balance In Hie bund of Joseph Prlrktlv, ono of
the Executor of Mary 8. tiule, decea'sud, who
was Kxeeiurii: of Churles Male, deceased, to aud
mon thoM Irirslly entitled thereto, will ulleud
to thu duiiM of bis appointment si bl olhYc, In
thu Uorough ol Sunbury, on Friday, theiia'b duv
of February, A. D.i 17.1, ut 10 o'clock. A. M.
W. I. IJKKKN'OUUll, Auditor.
Bunbnry, Feb. 8, ta7J St.
"aOTICK. 1
NfiTICE Is hereby given that applieiitlon has
been made to the Court of Coinmou l'leu
of Northniiitxirlnnd County, by the For Augirtu
Building & 1.0UU Assnclullou for uiiiendiutut to
snick Tuuth sud Eleventh nf the Coutiitutioi.
of raid Association, aud llwt said aiiicudiiiBiit
wtll be grouted at tUe uttl regular term of said
Court, unless cause b shown to the contrary.
' J Trutuiuoury.
tnbory, rb. S. J7l.t.
$cto .bbcrlfsmtitts.
Is her. hy elveu Hint the severs I Coin Is of Com
mon Plena, General Qimrter Sessions of the Penre,
nrt Orphans Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer
snd Hcncrnl Jnll Delivery, In snd forthe county
nf Northumberland, will eoinmenee nt tho Court
ltoiiftn, In the hornueh nf Riinbnry, st lOo'Moi k
A. M., on MONDAY, MARCH the 10ih, next,
mt-w III continue two week. r
The Coroner, Justices nf the Pence snd Consta
bles In snd for the comity of SorOinmberlimd are
requeued to be then nnd tlic re hi their proper
persons, with their rolls, records. Inquisitions,
nnd other remembrances, to do those things to
their several nlficcsnppnrtnlnlnirtn be done. And
nil witnesses prosecuting In behalf of tho Ccfln
innnwenlth nrninst nny prisoner, nro requested
nnd eomrnniidcd o be then snd. there attending
Q their proper persons to prosecute, ntcnlnst hitn
sshnll be Just nnd not to depart without lese
tt their peril. Jurors nro rennested to be pone
nnl In thtlr nttendsner, st the flme sppolnted.
nirrecubly to their notices.
(liven under my hand nt Ptinbur.T, theClh dy of
February, In the yesrof our Lord uuetboosBud
eight hundred snd seventT-three.
eri e
s '
-52 1
as .
3 i
KfcJAUNEl '.S .
Is tlio only Known Kemedy for llrllit'
hhi and hss cured rry esse of limhstc io
which it lis been Kiveu. lrritutiou of tlieNir.k
of the HlaikU-r and Iullsiumslion of the Kidneys,
I'lceratlna nt the Kidnej and lllsilder, Krieu.
tiuu of I'rtue, Diseases of the l'rurute Cland, '
Mime in the HUuliler (travel. Uriek lut Deposit,
and Muruus or Milky Ilsdiarh'r, and for Ku
fechlert snd Ik.llraieVm.t(oiilonsof both Hexrs, .
attended with the foiluwintc rninlotr: Lux
of Power. Loss f Memory, pihluufty cf Tlrntli-'
Iok. Wesk Nnrvr. Wakefulness, fain In the '
llnck. Klubhiugof the Unity. Krupiion mi ihu r'ai j, .
l'sllld Cfiuntcuaucr. Lassitude of the Hysiem, e.
t'sed by Miraou In thu decline ar rhiuiis i
life; after rooitncnient or lahvr p-Ll. toa t, 1
tiug in children, etc.
In many affections nectillsr to Isdlas, th hi
trai t Bui hu is uu misled by any om. r reigeilj
As iu L'hloroHis or lleteiition, IrreKOlurlty, Puin
f illness or Suppression of Customary Kvsrustinns,
Ulcerated or 8cliirrua ataia vt the I urns, Leu-corrhu-a
or Whites, Fterility, and for all com
plaints Incident to thu six. it Is prescribed
extensively by the most eminent lhystriana and
1 lidwlves for eufeubled aud delicate constitu
tions of both s. icl aud all i;e.
firf r.l'tatfo AiMnq from Imjmidtnett,
II bin of UMi-ttun. Jtc. In all their stage, al
little ezpenau, little or nu cl.sufe iu diet, uo lu
conveiiieuce, aud no exposure. It causes a fro
qnent desire, and elves atreneth to urinate.
, therehy reunniug oLstructious, VrevenlhiK anil
Curing Plrlelures of Ilia I relliru, Allavlng I'sin
aud lnflummation, so frequent in this class ot dis
eases, aud expelling ail poisououa batter.
ll.OO per bottle or six bottles for S 00, delivered
to any address, secure from ohservaUou. bold br
dragiruia everywhere, prepared by
KUARNKV A CO., 104 Duane 8t.,N. V.
to whom an lettor for tuforustiou should bej
Ho Chirr for Advto and Oonralutloa.
fir J. tt Dyott, Graduate of JVjTsrasn Untlrot
CoteVee, fhtladelphta, author of several valualila
works, can lie consulted on all disease of tha
SiXumI or t'rinsry Uriran. (which be ba msilo
aa uecial study), either in male or female, uo
tnatUir from what causa orU:iustiug, or of how
Ion- ttaudiug. A practice of SO jeara enable
luui to treat diseases with auccesa. Curss guar
autoed. Charue reasiable. Those at a dis
taucu ran forward letter describing symptoms.
Slid enclosing stamp to prepay yostsge.
bend lor the (iu.i4 lu llrailh. frios 10 ceata.
i. 6. JJVyTT. M l., fhysiciau aud buxgaea,
rbriia"nr I, 18?3. ly.
i-a i) n
itto bbftllsmfttls.
"T'AW HEIId 9 it'll IsHKf, .
i pir Ostlton or tiller C'ra 'of
This Whiskey Is Pure Uye, four years old
...... . auu very mellow.
fll pet- Case' of TWelve Bottles.
T hlf Wine w offer Id our friends, knowloa It
to be perfectly pure and always uulforitt In qua
i -i Ast your Grocer for ' '
Ask your Druggist for A !
Tell your Grocer you want ., .
Tell your Drugnlst you want
Or, send yogr order to
II. A. C. VAX BEII,, ,
No. 1810, CHE8TNCT ST.,
Importers of all do Brandies, Glas. Rums and
Wines, aud dealers In the bcM tjuuiltles of Kye
and Hourboo Whiskies by the barrel, demijohn
or ease.
Feb. 8, 1872,-1 yr.
Bpeclnl Court.
NOTICK Is hereby givca that Special Conrt
of the Court of Common Pleus in and for
the county of Northumberland, will be holden at
flunbury, commencing MONDAY, April 7, A.D.
187S, and continuing one week, for the trinl of
oil special cause ou the Pleas nepending
Sunbury. January 27,1873. f rothonotary.
Eleetloa Proclauiatlon,
"T1TIIEKF.AS, by an Act passed by the Lecls
TV luture of this Commonwealth. It Is made
the duty of the Sheriff nf every county to give
notice or an election to be held at the lime and
places of holding election for township and mu-
ulcil officers of said election districts, for the
puriwee of votlnc for nr agninst the Act known
n the l.nnil upturn Lavr approved the 17th tiny
of March, A. I). 1S7J, which provides ns follows :
Sec. 1. He U rnattttl, etc., Thitt nn tha third
Friday In Murcii, oue thousand eight huudrcd
and severity-three, in everv city and conn
ty of this I'limmonweallh, and at the sunn
al municipal elections ever) third year thereafter,
In every suc-b city and county. It shall he thedu
ty of the lnsieetnr snd Juilir) of the election In
the cltis and counties, to receive tickets, either
written nr printed, from the lentil voter of sold
cities and counties, labelled nn the outside "11
cense,"anr on the inide'-fcr llcenso," or'ngainsl
license," and to deposit sntd ticket In u box pro
vided for that purpose by said Inspectors and
Judges, as is required by law In the case ot other
ticket received, shall be counted, and a return
nf the same mude to the Clerk of the Court ol
Quarter .Sessions of the peace of thu proper coun
ty, duly certified us It Is required by law ; which
certificates shall he laid before the judges of snld
court at the first meeting of auid cottit lifter M
election shrill be held, and shall be Hied with the
other records of said court I snd It shall be the
duty of tnnyors of cities, anil sheriffs of counties,
or of any other ofllrer wboe duty It tnoy be to
perform such service, to give due public notice
of such special election above provided for, three
week previous to the time of holding the same,
end also thrr-e week before such election every
third year thereafter i Providtd, that this act
shall not be construed to repeal or ntteet any spe
cial law prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating li
quors, or prohibit the pr inting of licenses t Pro
Hdtd, that when the municipal and township
elections in any county or city do not occur on
the third Friday iu March, the election provided
for is this section shall be held on lbs iluv filed
forthe municipal elections In sold county: And
provided, furthtr, thut all licenses grunted after
the Hint of January, oue thousand eiuht hundred
snd seventy-ibroe, ctiHll cease, determine nnd be
come votd on the first day of April, one thou
sand eUrlit hundred and seventy-three, If the dis-
ai;aiiist the erntttina; of license ; and the treasu
rer of the proper county shall then refund to thu
holder of such license the moneys so paid there
for, for which tha tnid treasurer shall be enti
tled to credit Io their account with tha Com
monwealth. Rec. if. That in rcielvinc and countlnp, and
mnkln returns of the votes cast, the Inspectors,
Judges and clerk of snld election, shall be K'v
crncd by the law of this Commonwealth reifulat
t" JT cceeral elections; and all the of
raid election luws arc hereby extended to nnd
shall apply to the voters, inspectors. Judges mid
clerk, votintr at and altcndinir upon the election
held under the provision of this act.
Ssctio 3. Whenever by the return of elec
tion In any city or county aforesaid. It shall up
peur there is a majority it;ainsl lirc-ife, it
shall not he lawtr.l for nny court or boaid of
license ro'nmi.sV'luirs to issue any license for the
sale of spirit, io',, vinous, m ill oi other Intoxi
cating liqtmrs, or any adinlxturn thereof, In said
city or e junty, at any time thereafter, until a' nn
election as above provided, a majority shall vote
tn ravor or license i Yomfrcf, I hat nothing con
tained in the provisions nf this act shall prevent
the Issuinj; of licensi s to drugtrlsts, or the sale of
liquors for medieliiul aud muuufucturiiiit purpo
ses t I'rovidtd, That the citizen of the borouuh
of Lebanon shall vole upon the question on the
intra Friday .at March, oue thousand elL'hl hun
dred and sevenly-thrao, on lbs same day and
titn when the township of the couuty of Leba
non Bold their sprlnp election.
' : Breaker of the lioose of Representative.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approvtd. -The Iwenty-seTeuth day of March,
Aiimii Domini oue thousand einlit hundred und
ecvetity-two. JNO. W. (iKAKY.
Therefore. I, B. II. Rorur.BMKL, High Sherilf of
Northuinberlutid counly, do herebr make known
and riMlaiiii to the qnulitiud voter of Noiihuin-
herlHint coiintv, that nu election will be held for purpose, on. KU1UAT, tbc Ulst dav of FEB
RUARY, A. I). 173, ut -.he following place and
district within the county, to wit i
Stinbitrr, Wet Ward, at the Court flouse. Sun-
bury, Ia. R-a?t Ward, ut the public houe o! K.
T. Ilittmhcller. '
t'pper Attetista township, at 'the public 6oue
of Joel Hitterninn.
Lower Ancustn township, at the tmbllc house
of Peter l)n,ikrltieri;er.
Ntirthiimberlund bornntch at the pubile house
of Jerrr
Point District, at the house of Mr. Johnson.
in the horouirh of Northumberland.
Milton, South Wurd, at the house ol C. W.
Slicker; Noith Wurd, at the public houeo of J.
M. Hull-.
Tttrbui townhlp, at the house of Abraham
Delaware township, at lbs house of Dalesman
and Heckle.
CMItiiHiuaq'Jf, at h house of Charles Hurt
twsn. ' WaUontowe, lower room of Academy bulld
ine. Lewis tonafhlp. at the bouse of D. II. Dreis
h.tch, in Tinhultille bnmuith. .
Bhamukiu township, ut 'he house of T. Kesbll.
Upper Muhanov township, at the bouse of
John H. fle'.st.
Little Muhaooy township, at tha house of Con
rad Kaker.
Lower Mahaooy, at the bouts of A. Roader-
ntel. . .
Rush township, at Libert y-Pnla school house.
Jacksou towtMblp, at lb house of John Al
bert, Herndon, Pa.
Coat town hip, al the house of Austin Malice.
Shamoklii boi onh. Ran Ward, at tha house of
Win. M. Weaver West Ward, at the bouse ul
Patrick Knlrn.
Zerbe tnwusbip, at tha nous of Tbotna
Fonlds, Jr.
Catnarou township, at tbs Iioum of O. W,
Bets, Onwaii City.
Jordan township, at the house of Jacob Matscr.
Mt. Curmel borough, at lbs Mt. t'armel House.
WashtnirUMi towuthlp, at the bouse of 1L C.
Fisher. .
McKwensTille, at the house nf Usury Reeder.
Tuibuivllle, at the bouse ef Blinon Upp.
Mi. Curniel township, al tha House ol' Michael
Riverside borough, at the public school boose
of akl borouuh.
Buydailowu, at the public house nf William
Given wilder my band, at my otllca, in Sunbury
this &M h day of Jauaary, iu the aar of nur Lord
oue thousand oiaTht hundred and seventy. lb rec.
and in tha ninety so'euih yecrof I ha Indejas
Jouca of ths Veiled Slues.
B. II. KOTUIBAlEL, Bhwldr,
BberifTt Ofllc. buabwy. , -.e . .
February 1, 17.
clu lbbertiscmcnls
ttulc on Helm of Vnlefitlne Klafc.
, slceeststed. I . ' 1 .
County ot Noithniiih. riiitnl, i
To the Sheritl vr s.ild Courtly Oi kit;,.
WecoinmMinl yntit'.int you nolil'y Mary ll'use,
widow of Valentin" Kluse, lutcol thu borottuh oi
Snyderlown, county or Northumberland, deceits
ed, Catharine, uow Intermarried with ADmrrt
Reinf r. Eve, now luUrmarrled wkh O. W. Lrrch,
John Kluse. William U. Klase, f.avlna, Uiler
miirfled with Isnne Ronithner. She Is now de
ceased Jcavlntr lb foltawlnir chlldroni Isabella
Bouifliner, T. 1. llonuhner, Henrietta Comrhner,
Clurs BouirhtuT and Geortr Hntithner. -Bnrsh
Ware, now liitermifrrled with Noah Ware, Vs
lentlne Klasa, ilHimsh, now Intermarried with
Dmrlel Dnnbacta,' Busnhnnfi,' now Iniermnrrled
with Geonre Adum. stlliielraatid letrnl rnprrwn.
tntlves of Valentine Klase, late of the tmrouirh of
Snydertowti, Niy-tbuiuberlutd- county, dcrenled,
that nt the January Term, A. D. lS7i.A rule was
Ktnnled noon them tho snld heirs and leirul rep
resentatives of the snld debedent, cntnmnndlnu
them to come forward nnd accept or' refuse the
real estate of said decedent at the valuation put
upon the same by sa Inquest, Issuing ou' nf this
Conrt, retnrnsWe at the January. Termor the
year 1878, or show cause why the snme should
not be sold In cure the said panics should nee
lector refits to take nnd accept the same as
aforesaid, by the first day of next Term, rii, the
second Monday of Match, A. D., 1873.
Witness the Honorable Wm. M. Rnrke
f L B 1 frl,er- President of oer said Court, this
vjjj twenty-first day nf January, A. D. eigh
teen hundred and eventT three.
Clerk U. C.
Reeister's Otflee,
. Sunbury, Feb. 1, 1873. St.
fe-tste of
Daniel Wslnter, deeenaed.
) Retnrnnblo to
March Term
N'oiiTnriBnnt.s!T Coustv, ss.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Ehe-
rirXnl NnrthnmbcrlutHl County, Greeting t
WHEREAS, nt nn Orphans' Court held In Bun
bury, in nnd for the county of Northumberland,
the eighteenth day of January, In the year nf our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy
Ihrpe, before the Honorable Win. M. Rockefcl
ler. Eq.. President, nnd his Associate Just ices of
the Court. In the matter ol Daniel vi aimer, dc
censed. The petition nf Wllllnm Wrliner. North
uinbeilnnd. boronth, Northumberland cnuntv. In
the state of Pennsylvania, was presented, settim
forth that he Is one of the children nnd lineal dr
seendnnts nf Daniel Weitncr, late of the borough
of Northumberland, deceased, that the snld Dan
!el Weltner died on the day of , A. D. one
thousand eight hundred nnd forty-eight. Intcs
tnte, leaving a wblow named Margaret Welmer
nho Is also deceased, nnd nine children, z
votir petitioner Wm Welmer and Christian L.
Welmer, Geo. L. Welmer, Mary Intermarried
wlh Henry Klvelle, Cntharine intermarried with
John A. Llovd, Marearei Intermarried with Jun,
S. Mallnch. F.lirjiheth Inlermnrried w ith John A.
Welmer, ttarah Weimer and Genelln Welmer.
That the nid decedent Daniel Weiincr. died seised
In fee of, and In a certain lot or piece of ground
situated In the borough of Northumberland, Nor
thumberland county. lVnnsylvaiil'i.coi tainliig se
venty live feet (7) in front o-i Water street, and
one bnnilred nnd ninety-two feet in depth to nn al
ley. it being lot numberscven, nn l fifteen feet of
lot number six In Ihe general plnn of the horongh
of Northumberland, whereon is erected a double
two story lop; dwelling house, with kitchen at
tached, a one and a hn'f story frame store house,
stable, nnd other out buildings.
This Is to notify you nnd each of you herein
nhovc named, and yon nreherehv notified that by
virtue of the above writ to me dire'ti-d. nn Inquest
will lie held on the premises of the above nnnie.1
Daniel Weimer. deceased. In the borough of Nor
tltiimbcrlnnd. No'th'd co., Pennsylvania, ns here
in dccrihed, on Wednesday, March 12. 1S73, nt
lilo'cloek, a. in., forthe purpose of making par
tilinn of as to value, and appraise the real estate
herpm above described of the said decedent, at
which time nnd place yon may each nnd nil ap
pear If you think proper.
S. II. ROThKHMF-L, Sheriff.
Sheriff's OlJice.
Sunbury, February LISTS. 4t.
Rule on Heir of Philip Ilccltert,
y l AlMir rRNXSVI.t A vi., jf4
0 Northumberland Comity,
At nn Orphans' Court held nt SnnS-irv, In and
for said county, on the ISth day nf January, A.
D. one thousand eight hundred and seventv
threc, before tha Honorable William M. Rocke
feller. President, and Joseph Nicely, and Geo'-ge
C. We'ker, his Associate Juliep i t ,1,1 Court.
Vpon the petition of F.mannel lleckert. one of
the children nnd heirs of Philip Heckert, iMe of
Lower Mnhanoy township. it said county, dec". I,
the Comt gr ante I a rule on von.. Kni innel ITeeic
ert. Ann Mtrv Heckert. (widow of said Philip
Heek.Tt) Philip Herkcr1. Sus-nnnah lnter;u irr!ed
with Philip Tsehnpp, Mlehact Heckert. Maiv In
termarried with Isaac H. Itcsier. Itachel Heck
ert. Catharine Internum led w ith William Lion,
mnn, Andrew ITeckeit, I.IHey, Minerva. I'rn.h
Ellsworth, snd Henry, children of Henrv Ile. k
t rt, who have for (heir Guard'an Emann-d Iteek
ert. Ann Mary, Frederick and Daniel, children of
Daniel Heckrt, decV. who resi le in Marshall
county, and Blate nf town, nil heirs and legal re
presentatlvea of Philip Heckert. lit'p of Slid
county, decease. 1. commanding yntt, arid eacli of
ynu to show cause by first dav of next term, to
wit. second Monday nf March. A. D. I;t7:t. why
the balance of snld decedent's e tMtc, to wit : pur
parts numhers one and three shn-ild not he sold
according to the Act of Assembly In such cases
made and provided.
in witness wherenf.I have hereunto set mv
r, s i hand and Official Seal, this twentv-tifth
1 '""J davnf January, A. D. one thousand eight
vw hundred and seventy -throe).
Clerk, O. C.
Register' Office,
Sunbury, Feb. I, 187. Ht.
WIIF.KKAS tho Honorable Win. M.' Rocke
feller, I're-idcnt Judge, und his .Woc'iutes.
for this District, havo issued their inundate for
uu udjourned Court for Norlhitinherlatid
county, to be held on Monday thu o l day of
March, A. I)., 1S73. being the lt Motiduy of
said month, lu Stmhury, and lo lut one week. I
therefore give notice lo all Jurymen drawu for
this Court, and ull others Interested, to lie and Ht the place aforesaid at 10 o'clock, a. in.
Sherilf Ollke,
bunbnry, FeO. I, 1S7J.
'pilE Military Board of Northumberland Co.,
JL organized January ISth. at armorr of ths
hamokln ;uar,i, Cupt. JOHN Mt El.lESE was
Selected Presideut,- and C.ipl. A. CALDWELL
The Board is now ready for ths transaction of
nek military business a-i in. it b-t brought hi f ire
fb-8t . . Secretary.
A ud l toV'sj X oi it 7 " -
THE nnuerslgned having been appointed by
thu court to restate the account nf George
L. Weimer, administrator of Daniel Weltner,
late of the borough of Northumberland, dee'd,
and report on eiception tiled tqeteto, hereby
give notice tlmt he will attend to the dutk-t of
Ills npnolntmeitt at hl office In Sunbury, Pa., on
Thursday the iOth day of February, lb!!, at 10
o'clock, a. m., when all itrsoii iuleresled may
n.tteud if Ibep tee proper.
L. II. KASE, Auditor.
J"Pury 8S. I8Wi73t..
Auditor') Xotlre.
THE undersigned. Auditor apK4utcd by the
Court to nikka distribution of Ihe funds iu
tha hand if William II. Wiipplas, und M. B.
Priestley, Aslgne of Daniel Lesher an l Wil
liam Miller, parties trading under the Unit name
of Lesher A Miller, to and among the creditors of
said tinu legally entitled thereto, hereby give no
lice, that he will meet all partio inlei e-ied in the
distribution ot the said fund at hi- office, opxi.
site tba First National Hauk, tjunhury, ou Salur
day the lftth day of Februarr uext, for the pur.
pneaof atloDding to tbs duties of his uppnlut
ment. WM. C. PACKER, Auditor.
Bunbnry, Jan. 18, 1873.
r Eieriilor's Xolle7 "
(On the E-lute of Abraham Snyder, dee. I
NOTICE la hereby given, that Letter Te-ta-mental.
v have been gruntdil. IO the iineYr
signed. Lueculor of the Ksiut of Abrahai 8uy
ler, deceased, late oi Uper Augusta township.
Northumberland rouuiy. Persons knowing thuiM
selvas ludebtrd to said uatate, and those bavin
claim against the same, will pretest Ihew to I he
Euculavr far suuteuaul.
- A, K. BWCf;r-Ki-esr.
Jnnbnsr, Janasry 1, liT.-,(.
' Jrtisctllanffjita
H'ebsiter'si InNbrldfrerl Dletionary.
10,000 Honft aid Xtaningtnot tnvUr Diction-
3000 Enirravlnir t 18-10 Pngos Onarto. Pete. Hi
Wbi ncvcrl wish twoblaln exact dcnnlllous.
1 consult It. fSchnvler Co,r. 1
Every Scholar knows Hs Value.
fW. II. Present the tllarorln., 1
Been one of my dully enmptro ions',
rjohn L. MutUv il.a tiikn.-tu.. s. -
(Jo fur as I know, best detlarnr Dlettrmnry.
J rMnri.iv, Man 1
rpho best 'gtiMe'of students of our Luiieungn.
' s . fJrhnO. IVhii,!.. 1
E.eeU all other In defining sclenl'fle term.
. . .is., i.i... ti..., l ,
, , , - i 1.-1UV111 iiiicucuriv.i
ITcuurkable compendium of human knowledge
, W. B. Chirk, Pres't Ag. ColUge.l
Anreeesltr lor every Intolllgcut f.imllv, stu
dent, teacher and professional man. What Ll-
...iii, einotjieie wimoui Ihe best Enellsb I ic
lionary. B
WemSTKIl' Vmn.ii 1.nh... r.
10W PogesOetavo. 000 Eneravlnes. Price 5.
The work Is re ly a rem of a Dlctlonnrv, Just
r 1 s;" fr the mllllon- American Sdw'aKonal
'Publihcd by O. A C. MERRIAIT, Bprlngfleld.
avsnr-w. UJM1 UT Mil miOKIR Cri.
Wrlten by 30 Eminent Authors, Including
tons n. oorou and iiohack ohrf.let.
This work is a complete history of nil hranchew
of industry, processes of manufacture, etc., tn all
nges. It Is a complete encyclopedia or art nnd
matiulnctnres, imd Is the most entertaining nnd
valuable work or Information on subjects of gen
eral Interests ever offered to the public. Wit
want Agents In every town of the United States,
nnd no Agent can full to do Well with this book,
tine ngent sold 1S3 copies in eight riavs, another
sold 3"S in two weeks. Our agent In Hartford
sold 897 In one week. Specimen sent free ou ru
Ceipt of stamp.
An Interesting und amusing trealfce on the
Medical Humbugs of the past and presi nl. It
exposes Qu icks, Impostors, Travelling Doctors,
Patent Medicine Venders, Noted Female Cheats,
Foi tune Tellers nnd Mediums, and glvt's-lt.iere.t-lng
accounts of Noted Physicians and Narrativei
ol their lives. , It reveals startling, s-crrls und
instructs all how tn avoid thu ills which flesh u
h -ir to. We give exclusive territory and liberal
cotn tiissions. For circular und term address
th - publishers.
Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111.
South side of Market street between 3d nnd 4th
Just opened, an entire new stock of u'.l kin do of
Segni s of every grade.
Tohaccn of i very Vatie'y.
Pipes, both plain and fancy.
A large assortment of B.-ushes direct fiom the
tnunuiactuicr at greatly reduced price. lli-
'.incnf brushes are a specialty mid tnanv new
kinds never before introduced Into llii- inaiket.
Aisn, i'iiper Collars atul Cuffs in rcut Vnrietv.
A .urge assortment of nil the popular Songs
of the day.
Cill uud exnmliie mv goods ntnl get a 'Mo'
November 'J. IS73. ly
Third nud Market Square,
HAS Just neeived n full line cf fr-t-c ass
l'iki.I- at niiiderute plies. .,t di
best stock outside thet-lties. consisting of
Aniei-iviin nad StiInm U iKehes.
Elgin. Illinois. Howard : Co., Walth nu. M.i- ,
firingtl eld Watch Co., I'elladelphl i. ,V-ra l i
line of Ladies' and (Jcnls' Gold and ti . i
Roman tin 'd sets, pink coral and tin I rl :.
Ear Rings, Necklaces and Pendatr.. I , v an)
Jet Jewelry.
SolldSilvcr-wureof Sterlingpuriti, made to or
itur Bridal and Presetitatiou Pieces-, Knives,
Forks n tui sipoot.s in cases, also, a full line of
Silver Plated (ioods. Tea Sets, lee Water bets,
Ertiil Stands, Cake Baskets, Coffee Urns, Fork!
und Spoons treble plated, the best In the markets
If you value your Eyesight, use the Perfect
Lencs, ground from minute Crlstle Pebbles mel
ted together, nnd derive there name "Diamond"
on account or there hardues und brilliancy.
They will last many years without change, uiid
warranted Superior to ull others in Use.
Ivory, Pearl and Metal handle In cases sr.-
plied lo order.
A full assortment nf Eight day and Thirty
hour Clocks, alto Calender Clocks nl il disci ip
tiou. Eugravlug done at the shortest notice.
All goods sold v.nrranted ns thev nre repre
sent d. And he would call the attention of Ids
patrons nnd the public to his huge stock of
AMERICAN uod Swiss Watches of the finest
mkers in the world. No trouble loshow goods.
Call uud examine my spick.
Sunburv, Dec. 31, 187a.
1307. RIGHTER &.GASKILL, 1307.
American and French Wlcicw Glass,
Crystal bheet, Rough Plate, Colored, EnamiUd
aud Ornauieutal Olasa,
1307 Market Street, Philadelphia.
January 11, 1873. ly.
AUmiulxtrator'sj Xollee.
f E-Hate or Nancy Cussatl, dec.)
NOTICI is hereby ittven that Letters of Admin
istration having been grnated lo the undersigned
on thu Estate of Nancy Casaatt, hit,. f iho tor
nughof Buuhury, Northumberland count v. Pa.,
dl-c. All iersoiia knowing themselves In'dehtert
to said estate, are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claim", to pres. nl
ttrein for settlement.
P. II. MOORE, Adm'r.
Bunbnry, Jan. 4, J873. til.
2SJ"ey Goods!
Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing
Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths,
Glass and Nails
of every variety, nt one low price,
Kcefer & llnssler's Store,
Corner of Fourth and Matket Streets,
SCNBrRY, ri.
. All kind of Grain lakaa la tehauKa lume as
taslt. . i'aii aud e us.
i -KEEFSR AflAtyjIR.
Pntibrjry, Feb. 1, ISTH.