tfcbcribmcrrls. liseclfancaits' tuttttfarinma. i v! , . 1 GRAND OPENING OP PAL AID WINTER GOODS AT S. HBRZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Just opened, an READY-MADE The largest ever offered in this town. Clothing to suit all tastes. Clothing for all oc- onilons, from the ululutn orking (Jiothes to the nnebt and most fusiuonablo DRESS SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This department Is well stocked with n large variety of goods of all colors, qualities and styles. All clothing is made to my owu order, by the best mechanics, and combine durability and strength with neatness and style. Hats ai Cass to An enormous assortment in this line, including tho very latest in New York and Phila delphia styles. -eiats9 Furnishing oil3 The most magnificent stock to be found outside of the largo cities. The very latest in very thing. Neck ware, Collars, SuHpeuders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, aud especially a full iine of tho best makes in Shirts aiid'Gents' Underware. TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, and numerous other articles. Doing by far tho largest business in my Hue in tho county, and buying large quanti ties for cash, lam able to offer superior inducements aud sell atLOWEll PRICES than any of my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call aud examine the largest stock ever seen in this place. S. Merzfelder, Corner Market and Third Streets, Simbury, Pa. Sunbury, Sept. 14, 1872: On-rana opening oi FALsIi IWIHTER G AT NewGentral Variety Store, No. 100, MurUcl Street, South Bide, East of the Railroad, Dress Goods'of all Kinds, Blikt, Siik Poplins, Alpaeus, Luster Alpaca, PcLaiues, Flada, Opra Flannels, Tickings, Ladies Cloaking. NOTIONS. LADIES' sad GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hoslary, fi loves. Hoods, Caps, Germautwn Wool, Ladles' Immitatiou llnir Goods lu uew uud beautiful Style. S II AWLS. Cttarnon Crown, Ottamon Double all Wool, l'lud Shawls, Breakfast 6hawl, Scarfs, Ay. J E W E J It Y . Idia PUtd aud Jet Optra Chains, Ladles' JPlutrd and Jut Sills, Tinger Kliijfs, Eur Rings, r Stayes, Sleeve buttons, Groceries. Frtth Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, Flour, Table aud t-talr Oil Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Finney's for tbn.'Greatcst Variety of Goods. Goods arrlvlug'Daily. H. B. It I the universal verdict of the trade that ruy goods arc sold the lowest lu this market. D.A. FINNEY, November 9, 1873, So. 10(1, Maroet Street, Sunbury, Pa. GOOD THINGS FORCHUIMTMA. OLD!8COTCH WHISKY, OLD IRISH WHISHT, FINE JAM V.1V FINK ST. CROIX RUM, Very OLD AFPLK WIIISKY. AU of these for hot drluks for winter nights. Then wo have II.IQANT RYE WHISKY 4.00 a gallon, or til. 00 a dcten. 4 GOLD SEAL BRANDY, 118.00 a doxeu. VERY FINE PALE SHERRY WINE, f 11.00 a dozen. RARE OLD PORT WINE, f 11.00 a dozen. All carefully packed and sent to any address. Bendjlo your'ordert. II. fc A. C. VAN BEIL, The Wine Merchants, 1310 Chestnut St., I'hila. Sept. 81, 1371. tin. BUTCHERY! BUTCHERY! Jrlessr. KEFFEW A ltOUEK, Third Htreet, opposite Central Ilctel, SUNBURY, PA., KEEP eonstkotly oa Laud the very choicest of fresh BEEF, MlTTOJt AXD VEAL, which Is told at the lowest prices. Mctt can b hadat all hourt during the day, Suaburr, Juee 8, li't. " enormous Stock of Mi ii LKtl'OU N T O It E I CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite tho Court House. SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully Invites the at ten! ion of Retailers nd others, that he has on hand, aud will con stantly Keep an ainas oi FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Braudies; Coguiac, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelleand Otard. WhUkies: Pure Rye Copper-lUtilled, Monnn gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Chainpague Wine, Sherry, Port und Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, crown ciout ana mcow-ii Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which will be told at Whole tale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. l-tf Orders promptly atleudi 1 In, and yublic pairouuge rcspccuuiiy solicited C NF.FF, Sunbury, July 3, 1860 ly. VK H'N FI.OHAE Cil'IUC For.lH7a I rtUE GnlJe Is now published Quarterlv. 25 cts pays fr the year, four numbers, which Is not half the cost. Those who afterward tend money to the amount of One or more for Seudt muy ulso order Tweuty-Qve cents worth ex trathe price paid for the Guide. The January Number it beautiful, giving plant for uiuldng Rural Hornet. Dtttgut for Dining lame uecoruliont, window Uardent, Vc, nd eonlainiug a matt of informaiiou invaluable to the lovers of Bowers. One hundred and Fifty pugctou the tinted paper, tome Five HuudreJ engravings, and a superb Colored Piute aud (.In oino Cover. '1 tie Hist Edition of Two Hun dred Thousand Just printed lu Eugilth aud Gcr man, and ready to tvud out. JAMES VICE, Kochtsler. N. Y. Boys A Oreat Combination and the very beet opportunity ever o Ho red, It to he found In nn Agency for taking subscriptions to HEXRY WARD Ei::lIEK'S Great LITERARY, FAMILY NEWSPAPER, with which is glvou away the lnrgett and bett Premium Picture ever offered, the new and ex qultlta (12.00 FRENCH OLEOGRAPH Called "Pet's ParadIs." ( OUoqraph Bre the choicest class of French Art-prlntlng lu oils the ptrftction of Osl-eAromo) We alo give the su perb 810 pair of Genuine French Oil Chromoe, ''Wide Awake" A "Fast Asleep," subjects Lft itit charming fac slmlllcs of original Oil Paint ings. This paper has has the largest circulation In the world. It will next year be made better than ever. Serial tales by world-famous authors, L. M. Alcott, Edward Eggleson, Harriet Beeehcr Stowe, etc. New and brilliant contributors, Il lustrated Holiday Number and back no, of Miss Alcotl's story free. The most taking "Combi nation I' The largest commissions paid I One Agent made (800 in 8 months ; another (537 In 85 dnys j another (1)4.40 In ono week j one (37.60 lu one day, and many others from (5 and (10 to (40 per day. This year our offers are ev en more profitable. No waiting for the premiums. The Subscri ber gets them when he payshfs Subscription GOOD AOEXTS WAXTD! Intelligent ineu and women wanted every where. To get good territory, urtvsitHly assign ed, send eurly for circular and tesms ! J. B. FORD Si CO.. New York ; Boston , Muss, j Chicago, 111. ) San Francisco, Cal. 4v. AGENTS Wanted) Just out 1 A JUVsplendid new Chart: "CHRIST BLES SING LITTLE CHILDREN." Immense sales ! 51)0 ngents wanted for our large Mnp of the "United States" with Immense "World" Mup on reverse side. Our Slaps and Cliaits go like wild-lire. HAASI8 A LURREC1IT, Lmpire Mapnnd Chart Establishment, 107 Library Street, New York. 4w. 800 made Dec. 3d by one Aeent telllntf. Horace tJreely uud Family. A tluc engraving, :2icS8. In., sent by mail for (1.00. We also mail Button-Hole & Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cents each. Circulars of va rious other Novelties mulled frequently to uli old and new agents, address. AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., 302 Broadway, New York Agents, now Is your chance ! LIVINGSTONE LOST AND FOUND. The only book ou the Bubject that tells tho whole story. Pou't be humbugged with any other. This has nearly 800 pages, I-?"70 full pngo En gravings fc Ma ps.,-. Price (3. SO. The prospec tus will sell it at sinlit. For lirst choice of terri tory, address, at ouee 4w. D. ASI1MEAD, 711 Sanson) St., Philadelphia, l'a. AGENTS WANTED for tlio .Foot-Prints of Natau or the DEVIL. in History ; anew book; by Rev. Mollis Read, A. M., author of "Gou in History." Illustrated from designs by Porce, Nasi of Harper's Weekly and others. Nothlug like it ever before seen or heard of, aud sells at sight. 4w E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805Broadway,N.Y. Outiit Free! Aoknts Wasted Everywup.iib eok the: mother s ol'ide. This Is the best opportunity now offered to canvass for a live book. Every Mother needs aud wants It. It sells rapidly. Experienced euuvuescrs pronounce it tho best selllug book In tho market. Send for circulars and see our ex tra liberal terms. Address Continental Publish ing Co., 4 Bond St., N. Y. City. Paiu, Iaiu, l'alu, CAM FIIOKIKeT The great discovery for the relief of pain and a turc and immediuie cure for Rheumatism Chro nic and Acute, Sprain, Soro Throat, Bruises, Chilblains, Pain in Chest, back or Limbs, Croup, Stiff Joints, strains, Inflammation, Neuralgia, Bums and Scalds, Buuious, Frosted Feet, Ca tarrh, &c. It hat a pleasant and refreshing odor and will not grease or stain tho most deli cate fabric, which makes It a luxurv In every Cmiij. i-.ieo io ceuis per Bottle. For Sale by all druggists. KECBlN IIOYT Prop., 203 Greenwich St., New Agents Wanted ACT AT ONCE. There is a pile of money lu It. The people everywhere are eager to buy the authentic history of " LIVINGSTONE'S WONDERFUL DIS CO VEKIKS. and thrilling adventures during 28 years in Af rica, with account of the Stanley expedition. Ov. er 0000 pages, only (2.50. Is selling beyond pa rallel. CAUTION. Beware of Inferior works. This Is the only complete aud reliable work. Send for circulars, and see proof and great success agents are having. Address HUUUARD BHOH., PublUbcrs. Philadelphia. 4w. IVAXTEO AtEVl'.S per month to sell the Improved American Family Knitting Ma chine. (Tho Miuplcst uud best in the work). Ad dress American Knittin" Machine Co., 84oi' Washington street, lli'fton, Mass. dr 7 4w LOOK! FREE TO ALL. O per week to airents, male or female. 0-)-' To ail who will write for an Atency wr EftiH frir ii r.r.v ..f .r Vl'.in. dels," the Illustrated Horn of Plenty. It contains over fifty beautiful Illustration, aud will bo sent . hl ill.itiuttliij .WUIVDI a u.uni I.E., Futerson, N. J. dr7 4w Vl ATC1 1 LEY 'S MrEOVflJ t'DCUSBEE WOOD TUHP 2 Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and "ft. Cheap. The best Pump for the icasi moner. Attention it es pecially invited to Blalehley't Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Cbumbcr, which uever cracks or fccales, and will outliibt any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere, bend lor t ataloguo and Price List. CHAS. G. BLATCHLKY. Manu facturer, 506 Commerce St., Fhilad'n. Pa. 3"fc7:W , ,R tsTerywhero wj Vu ,u V'v,-'u i'1 moiim. male and fc- iiiuie, io iiiirouueu lue ueuuine iniproveu Common SeiiBe Familv Sewinir Machlue.ThiB muchiuewill stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt. cord, bind, braid und embroider in a most superior manner. Price only (15. Fully li- censed ana warranted for Uve years. We will pay (1,000 for any machine that will tew a S Rl rnneer.tnnw he.,iiti('iil. ir mnri. pln&tli. aam iliuu ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stich can be cnt, and Miu iue cioiu cauuoi oe pu.ieu apun wunoui JJtearlug It. We pay agents from- (75 to (250 Iter month and exnensus. or a eoinmUsion from which twice that amouut can be made. Address SECOMB & CO., Boston Mast., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., orSt.Louls,Mo.4w FREE TO HOOK AETN, Au elegantly bound eauvassing book for the best aud cheapest Family Bible ever published, will be sent free of charge to any hook agent. It contains nearly 500 tine Scripture Illustrations, end agents are meeting with unprecedented tuo ess. Address, staling experience, etc. & we will show you what our agents are dolug. 4w. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., I'hila. Pa. ZX w among all classes. Old people, I be mld C dlcaged, those who are just entering life, und youth of both sexes buy and read with r-i tho greatest protlt. M 3 Mr Fkiend's Secbkt, l2 u DIO LEWIS' last and best book. D It is meeting with the greatest success ; J and there's Mouey in it. Send for our circulars, rts., which are sent free N,4w. GEO. MACLEAN, Fhlla. smns EarA EoDber .TRUSSES Abdominal Supporter uud Pile Pine Relief and Cure for Rupture, Feuiule Weakness, and Pllet Indestructible, light, safe, cleanly, (stee springs coated), never rusts, breaks, Uuibcrs, nor sous, BiioiuuiK coiuiori, surely, cieauilness uud dumblllly. Universally approved bvtbe Medieal Profetslon, aud ail who wear them, us the bet und most satisfactory appliances known. Sent by mail er exprest. Eslublishmeuts, 187,(:bes-nut-st., Philadelphia, and 767 Broadway, New. ) rieuctd lady in attendance. Jau. 11, iv. sort, vareiui aua eorrecL aniusiuieni- kii HI ALT. EXT. on. I?' rDRtS DISEASES or TOT. THS5AT,LUKG5.LIYER & BLOOD la the wonderful msdielne to which tho tldtcted sre aboro pointed for relief, the dlscorercr be lieve ho hss combined In hannnny more of Nt ' ture's most t;iverelwn ritrfttlve proiertli. which (io,l lmi lastllleil Into the votahl klnt-ilum for hcftling thu sick, thsn were ever bfir combined iu oils nu- ltciiii'. The evMcuce of this fact It found In tho groat variety of most obstinate dis eases which It lrn been fntiuil to cmiiurr. In the care of llrolictillla, Kerero Conch, autl t in earlv sw or Coiiimi mptlon, H hs astonlshml the medic:! ficiilty, and eminent phy Bii:iriTin pranotineo it (lie Kratiml medirjil discove ry of the a ;e. Whll i It rurcs the severest Cotifchs, It ttrentliens Ilia system and piirlfie tho blood. 1! It g"'it and thnrounh hlood purify. In pr ipnrtiei. it cures all Humors, from thu wost Serotu la tut common Hlotch, Plra pie, or l.iiruptlon. Mocnnsl disutse. Mine ral IMIsoik, ami tlii-ir effi-cfn, are eradicated, anil vi 'iniiH liealtli and a sound eimstitntlon etttb 1'xli'' I. Hryalpcia, Illivnm, Fever Noi'ott, Scaly or ICoiifClt Kkln. in short, all Ilia numerous canwl by btd blood, aro c'iniiiiereil by this poworful purlrying and In vliroritinx iii'dieine. If you feel dull, dmwy, dcbllllatcd, have sallow col ir of sliin, or yellowish brown spots on face or l)o i. f. eq lout headnclui or diulness, btd taste in miutU, iiilern:il liat or chills alternated with hot HihIi?, low spirit", and gloomy forebodlnps. ir r.ii.ilir appetite, and ton -ue coated, Ton are suffer In,' from Torpid layer or Ulllout net." In m.iiiY case of "'IjlTer ;om lI;lilt" only part of these symptoms arc expe rience I. As a remedy for all snch cases l)r. I'ierce s Golden Medical Disrorery has no equal, at it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strength c.u'd an I tietlthv. Knr the cure of H&bituni Coii4ti.ktiu of the bowels It is t never fsil Ins rj.ii-My. a r! tlnn who have used ll for this p.irp ise urn lou I In in pmise. Tlio piu;,rletor offer $1.00(1 reward for a medl clue that will c.iutl It for the euro of til the dis eases foi- which it is recommended. S lid hv at 1 per bottle. PreparwIJ? K. V. Pierc:-. M. IV, Hole Proprietor, at his Chef sal Ui'ioratiirv. ITt Senwa street. Bufnilo, N. 7 Send your address for a pamphlet. May 4, 1873- Up De Graff's EAR INFIRMARY, SUNBURY, P E NN'A. riHIIS institution la new open for the reception JL of l'atlentt for the treatment of Disease of thu EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNGS, OATi Au.j Ac, and operations in GENERAL Sl'IKiEUV. Our collection of INSTRUMENTS Is yery lnrire. coin- prising uil the latest Iupuovemknts, enabling us to meet SCKGERT in all forms. Physician! art Invited to accom pany Patients to our Institution for operations. Bv icfjucst of many Cltiteut, we will atteud to calls in GENERAL PRACTICE. Iullnnnr-, Clement's) Ilnlldinx, COUNER THIRD AND MARKET STS.. SUNBURY, PA. C. E. II IE GRAFF, Physician and Surgeon. Sunbury, Feb. S. 18W.-tf. J. F. LERCH'S A --"XL n l T-v r t l ri T-l irn U A K K I A Ii Hi A II 11 WAGON MAKING gw ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., SUNBURY, PA. Vehicles or all Kinds mads to Obiek. The latest stylet and the best workmanship. Samples may be teen at the shop. Give him call. Sunbury, Dec. 7, 1872. ly. fXiiiXOTICF Iu again extending our Annual Greeting to our friends and patrons, we bet; leave to announce that Hndinsr ourselves forced to enlarge our Show rooms to meet the demands of a greatly Increas ed business, It becomes necessary to reduce our immense stock, previous to making alterations. We are therefore, olfering special Inducements to purchasers, the present HOLIDAY SEASON. virr$ swig Nov. 0, 1873 2m J. W. WASHINGTON'S GRAND BAKBEK KIIOl. In Mitt Duillut' Bulldintr, Market street, east of the Railroad, north aide, bUNHL KX, Pa. The old permanent shop of the town.. We decline the boast, but at tho tame time rounder that the nilirbty truth maylbe teasona bly spoken without maulfesting au uncomforta ble amount of vanity and ambition. Just tweuty yeara ago I began my business career In this place half my lifetime tbut fur spent, have I stood upou the floor of our thop day atler day, ana night after night, and applied the tharp bine gleaming steel, and within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of tnat event nil period liavu l shaved nearly every body in the couutry (in common parlance) aud to obligo the public Interest we herein publicly announce tit our patront old and new that we are ready to shave them all again three huudred innusauu nines or more. Come w hen you please, Just in timi It the max lm we are alwayt ready to; work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cut you, thampoo you, whisker dye you, or perfume, comb and ar ia nee the hair with artistic aktll, In the "water full" or water raise tlylt to tutt tbt customer. We work to please, not please to work. Slop, don't go past our tbop to get shaved on the basil of ability because w do It at well at it can be done or ever could be. A vhauco It all that we demand To give tbt proof we hold in band. Oct. 1, 173. WW M A 1' wry HMIJll Si Ml Ml II ! ' V. R R R FADWAY'S READY RELIEF HUES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR a fur rewlint IM Wrtam?nt nopil any nirriin nun ruin. KPS'.tt. WITH PA19 DY KKL.1S.F IS A CUBK T3K Kv f. Ki rsm. ll was Hie trit fclxl Is Tito Only lalrx llometl y tht InnbiMlr Mom lbs mntt fxemetilhiK rmtnt. sUsrS h flNinHUIen su4 cures Cuntanlous, wbftMr rf tlui LubRm, atmuuh, uwls, or othor auuids or orfano, by out applfe i,ku r rnoM rrsE to twvstt vmvrr.. ? ftmltsr how vloltiil or evcrnclltltit tbt pslt Uyl RHBtJ. Vril', Bvd-rlflilpn, lnflrm, Crippled, Nsrvous, rfturtlftlt, irounu4 wlU dtuH nr suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WHO. AFFORD ISSTAKT KA&X. . IITFLAIIMATIO'I or TH KlISlT. DtPLAMMAt inrutxis iius vr nu iiuiiLtH, .TlON or THK nOWEL. eontr throat. wrricrLT nnitATi(i;a, riCPLT miKATIlINO. . i : J PALPITATION Of Aviya ur mi. uiast. ilITtTXRlcs. cnour, uu'iitiicki. IlIKAOiCJiK, TOOTUACHT 'toi.n ruiht.s. Aorfe rVin.; CATAUUH, 1NFLCEXZA. it l,Ot A. BB1CHAT1BM. TV. fiTitiintion f the Rarv WfHrf tfl tbt Wkft 9T 'rnrut wbvr tb nlu or UUUcuHy ttxitft wlUafffi hh u4 1 irnirar.. Tvtjuty elrcpa In fcilfft nNf f wtr ln In t fr mmifiit cMrn C'ttAMPS, .TKimv. iisADA(J!ie. piaukuea. 'PYHKN-miy, COLIC. V1.NP LA THE BOWfcLS, uul II R A K TtV US, IW;jL .ill IVTKKNAr. I'AIVK TrU-m Khnlct alwir irrr Wilt f RMwmV Vfdy Krlirf with Utom. A few drop In water will i.rtjvem trli-krvt or palim from cJimp of iter. It la totttr uuia freiiCli IJrandy or Bitter as a tUinuUuit. FEVER AND AOCE. VKVE'Jt ANU AO UK cured for fifty cwU. Thrt ll ttnt toiuettU nifi'ut in this world thnt will enra Fever rihI Arui, ftM bll Xbr tlalariouis lUMmM, BrarltL TriihoM, Vtllnw.Mil thrr roveraraUli-d W JJAUWAV'B TILLS) v vntck u HAPWAY'H ItKADY ItELlCF. ITittf per iMUi figJU ty l)ruln. HEALTH I-BEAUTY! I MTtOMO AS!) rfRR niCH nt.OOTt JXCRKAfy Of X.K.SU AND Wr.Kttlf -i.EAR HKIN AliD BEAU HFI L COMl'LEilU.N tE'JUKltU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT - HAS MADB THE MOST ASTONISH I Vf (TRK8 Ct OL'K'K. rW RAMI AUK THE rilANUE.S THK TlOUV VNUEKtlOES, rMKll TIlB INKLCEM.'lfi DP TU13 TRlTtY WU.NDJCRKUI MEDIC11S1C, Til AT Every Day nn Incroaso In Flosh nnd Weight Is Seon and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Krprr ilrns tt the R A USA 'A IU I.I.I AN RKttOLVF.NT vtmnmnU-ntt'il throucii tho HlonJ, Hwcat, t'l fM.'l -t!ifl flutdiiuirl Julc of tbe omceMi the vigor of hf, for it rcplrt h wutn of llio body with new ami ituitvil nnWrmi. Scrofula, Hj'hlli, Coiunmptlon, Ulandular IUfii. I'tcri In tht Thritat, Mouth, Tumors, Nudf l'i te U'jukU hi t Atlwr part of t he ivMftn, Hom Eyoi, Ptntriiytis liltrttArc 9 from tbo E.m, und tlio wont foimi of Hkltt dicitKt. Knifv tlfjnt, Kfvar rVr!t Bcnld Iluail. Itnn Worm Salt JUicuin, KryMJs Acne, Utack Spin, Worms lit tine lUtli. Tmnitr i'.uicrr In the Womb, and all weakeMn and paltiful rtU cliarf, WlKht Swrata, lMf Sitcrm, aud all wrmtrmfllit l.iti tiHnripl. lira w.UI,i tins rurntiva raiijrii of tliia wtmdir of Mndni t hemlrtf v, ntnl a t:w rtar' no will yrw to niy ptraua un U for riUKr of th-.a foiuii ofdlacas It 4 ptrfpnt powtr to cur thrm. If tho put leu t. doily eircomlnj; reduce r tha wnatrit and Act-ontriosltlou that la coutlmlulty rrc.ri'vlnr, aHfcvftls In fcrretii thraa waitttl, and ritt1r tn rm raw rrtafcr Ul airuta from bc-tlthy b!uutU-;u.d till ttiu tAKS AT AHiL llAN will and doe cur. Nut imly dnea tlia hAaArAr.u.M.M nri.rcKT tiH all known renitMIM nroms In ih ctue cf Ciittmif, Ktrofulou, ('onatituttuiittl, tuiubku ulK'uca ; Lul It U Ilia only pokltlva t ure tor liidnry cV nJiKldor Coinplalnt, rrlnarr, and (licffisea, OrneU Dlalifttt, Pipy Rnyp:ee of Watur, InmntlncMca tt L'rirtp, llrl:lit'i I tt t AllHinimiirLv and In all cries whrre thrrt are Urlrkdtiftt de rmdia, or the vratar li Uilfk, rJrtm1 nilxcd with autistancca tike tha white rf at) cfi. r tlircudi )Ua white nlk. or thTa It iiHsrbld, dark, bl.lau a aypcarane, and whlta psn"di;t tpclt. and when thrrn U a prick t tig, turttitif aonontlon wbou ialne water, and pain iu tUa buiail of thd 13tk aud slonr fht !,nTnn, Trice, ti.oo, WORMS. The onl known aad aoro ItcmeJy for WVfnn Vh, Tape, ttc. Tumor of 12 Years Growth Cured by Kadway's Resolvent. Gavaaiv, Mam., Jaly 1, 1969. Tm. Rakwiti-I liavt fc-wi Pwlsi Tumr Iu tht evtrUi r tsstwtla. All Ut PMWt aaid lhr wt we help fr It." I trttwt ry thing lSt wm rcowmrifll : )nl imtttin hHa tne. I uw amr nHcfrtit, w4 thtxtirtil 1 we.dil iry It j Int hd at fttilh In ll, pnhii I h4 inflvrod taw lortln tfcrt. 1 oi lit bolllM f th Rilrntt and mm boa of H4wv rtlli, and tw Kltlca of vr IUdv R.llrf i and thr U it a gn ..f iumr to to tarn Mt, and I ftn-l bsitttr, tmsrter, and hiirr tbkn 1 br for Iwtlve ywn Th wwit tinnur in tht left of iKe twt1s pi" I write tiihi W roa fvt Ui Intaalit of etir. Vaa rna pnbllth Ii H j- oaoM. HA X.N All r. KNA1T. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, rwrfnctly tartekAj, lrantlr roatM with iwivt trim p"rrr rrUtr, imrifv. can, on-1 airPFth4B. liada hills, tr the eur of all disorder! of thu Meiunch, l.iff, Uwla, ldttya, tla1(ler, Korvuua ULvtivt, lUadarhf, Cnittt3a liou, roritlvfttftw, Indlxeittvii. Dyaopnift, Hillount, nil--loita Pcrer, InflammMtUMi ot the liowet. I'llw, and all ! rantmPiiU of thf Internal Viscera, Wartanitl to effect fcponuivu cure. Purely Vegetable, containing ho nuTtury, Oilural, or drlrttrtouB dntn, tW f))re tbt ft iTnirtoir.s rcauHlr.: from tr4rsrnf th TlltWMlHa Oritrt Ornttipttt lrtstvd TUm, Fulinm f tlt Hi AM j in Acfditr frf th rtom ea, Naua, llrrlbnf-, lUfua nf Foe. Kali rim r U tV.a i'.ni.rh, tvt r Wjo. tattim, . 1,1.... a al Um Pit tii & a.tHifa. Swlmnlim of th Ht4,TttinH4 ftt4 IhAictiH BrwkUtnr. Fltt wrinf at Ui Heart, dwkioii m bvffcstirs; !VuHrti when in a 1 riuf I'otttire, Pmbti if t',in. IV ti v: t bfora lb fciiH, ,'rr f4 fHitl n In lb lltv. lfli!i f t rrtitnttlMi, Vri).mnfi it V.n Fk n ni hn, Taa la tt iflllti Lioib, tuirl u4dca nHriiM if Hoat, ilaru.n la tb A fpw dnBM rADWAT'P VUS UI iV e thallTtTa fmntail th arvr-tminfd ('lifiwnle, IW, tk t-ciitj ier lox iI.H BY r.K.U -VALSi: AND TKt'K." fifid cn MirrMaivp to KAlWAY V CO.. N". ' MaM-n Iai.c, '!.. liiforumtUm vtotth tiixi trA yuu. March 30, 1 87:1.-1 y. A GREAT M'DiOAL DISCOVERY VINEG-AE BIITEES 24 HundrccU cf Thoasaud3 Cfar t'-silmonv I" th'ir Wouiicr fill Curative LUccis. r, r. 3" k s THEY ARE NOT A V1LS " B s FANCY DRI WKi Pf.l No Pars am can take those Bitters accord ing 10 directions, and remain lone unwell, provided their Woaes are not destroyed by mineial poison or other meant, and the vital organs waited beyond tht poml of repair. Dyspepsia or IudlKCatloa. Headache, Pain in the Sliouldera, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dim ness, Sour Erucutione of the Stomach, Dad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation nf Iht Heart, In flammation of tht Lungi, Paiu in Iht regions of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are ths off springs of Dyspepsia. In these eomplainta it has no qual, and one bottle will prove a Letter guarantee of us merits than t lengthy advertisement. tTor Ptsnalt Complaint, in young or old. mar ried or single, tt the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of lilt, these Tonic Bitten display to decided an influence that a marked improvement it toon perceptible. Vol- Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism and Gout, Bilious, Kcmittctit snd Intermit, lent Fevers, Diseases of Ihs Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases as caused by Vitiated Blood, which it generally pioduccd by derangement of the Digestive Orpins. They sr a Ocntl PurgaUtt at wall at a Tonie, pottetting alto the peculiar merit of acting at a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Intlammalion of the Liver aud Vitrei at Organs, and in Bilious Diteaset. For Skin Diteaset, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheom, Blotches, Socle, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-wornit, Scald-Head, Sore Eyet, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Iiiacolor.iiona of the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of ths Skin, of whatever name or nature, art lit erally dug up tud carried out of tht system in t short lime by the use of these Hitters. Tho properties of D. Walkis's Vinigab Iittiii art Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laaarivc, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Biuoua. Grateful Thousand proclaim Vinsga Bit Tsat ths most wonderful lungutant llial ever satuined ths sinking system. J. WALKER, Prop r. R.1I. BfeDOHALD eV CO., Druggists tad Get. Agts,, San lranciaco, Cel., and cornci of Washington and Charlton St.. New i ork SOLDBYALL DRUOG1ST5 AND DEALERS. NEW Flour, Feea, Fmit ani YegetaWe Store, Bprnce Street, between Front and Second, BUNBURT, PA. JOHN WILVZR htTing Jutt opened a Store at tbe above place, w here all kinds of of tbe best brands of Flour and Feed will be told at greatly reduced price. Th tie brattd Buck't kill It Flour will be kept constantly on band. Alto, all kind of '. Feed, Grain, Corn, Oalt aud Rye, chopped or whole, Potatoes, applet), Cabbage ttc Fruit trenerallT, at a cheaper rat than ean b bought lsawber. ' All goodt delirerad Fro of Char?. Call aad eitiait my stock and ascertain th price befor purchatluc altewher. JOHN WILVF.R. anbury, Dec. S, lt7l.-tf. So'i WHAT ARE THEY?'? P " 3 O - 3 J . - i 1 JTa1 ii P.i - C' Wil "s"5i as? m&W s s i - ,9 oifl t U F i 3 nacniNK snop and ikon FOCNDKY. GEO. ItOITKBACn & SON8, Nanbnrj-, FcBn'n, FrFORM the public that the; kr preparM to do til kindt of CASTINGS, tud htvlnir added new Mtcliint Shop In connection witli their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, naning ana wring Machines, witn tne latest Improvements. With tbe aid of sklllfnl tnecbanlct, thoy are euabled to execute all orders ' ' NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be glren them, In a satisfactory man- aer. Grate to anlt nay 8tov. IRON COLUMNS, for cburchei or other build lngs, of all size. BRASS CASTINGS, fc. Ornamental Iron Fencing ; FOR GRAVK-TARD LOTS - - VERANDAHS, ' TOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AO. The FLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, hnyt been still further Improved, and will alwayt be kept on baud. Alto, THREHH1NQ MACHINES. : 8unbnry, May 20, 1871. LinilER AND PLANING MILLS. Third Street, adlolnlnp Phlla. A Erie R. It., two Bqnaret North or the central Hotel, SUNBURY, FA. IRA T. "CLEMEXT, 1 S prepared to furnish every description of lunv JL bcr required by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for manutuviurinj; gunner, neit now reaay to nu or. dcrt f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS 8IIUTTER8, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all klndt of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn- Iiik of every detcrlption promptly executed. Alto, A LARGS AIRORTVKKT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shlnglei, Pickett, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. ika i . JLt.vir.. i dcc!9-68:ly NTOYE fc TIN ESTABLISIISIENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE Proprietor. sCCCBStOU TO SMITH OENTrlER.J HAVING purchased the above well known es talilishinciit, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a lurpc Assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Repulator or Revolving Top, Combination, 8uquelmnua and others, whic h nre so arranged ns to be used fi r or WihhI, and arc warriiiitcd to ii'i fonii satisfactori ly or no snle. HEATERS of nil Kinds put up to licat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds nt very low prices. Tinware of I'.very Ierlitlon kept constantly on hnnd. Roofing aud Spouting vi 1th the nest uiatcriul, uone at tunn nonce. REPAIRING uttunded to with dispatch. Cotil Oil sr.d Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware of a .t.nd. Store opposite Conloy's hardware store. Give mc a call. A. KUAUSE. plS4-ly GKAXU OPtMXU of the largest und most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at TIIOM. 1. XOTT't MEUCIIANT TAILOR STOUE, In Miller's llloilt, Tlilril street, two doors below Murktt, SUNBURY, FENN'A. Th most fusliionuhle clothing nude to order from everv variety of coods. Suits of'all mile up at the shnrtcst no tice, from the best selected stock In New York nii'1 I'lir.adelplnt. '-.11 unrl h rnnvlu" ' . m TI10S. 0. NOTT. April 20. 18?2. W. H. Blanks, house, siaisr, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, feUNHL'KY, l'KNN'A. Dccorallng and I 'a per llauglrg doue in the latest liuprtivi'd style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Pmdytnwn, Emerick's building. Buuburv, May ll,"l7-J.-if. EXCKI.SIOIC I I It UMPOltll'M. I . ISAACS, Successor to JOHN FAUEIRA, 713 Arch etrect. Middle of the block, between 7th and 8th streets, South side, Philadelphia. Importer aud Nannfucturor of FAXCY 11RN For Ladies' aud Children's Wear, wholesale and retail. Having Imported a very larpeand splendid as eortmentofallthe differeut kindt of Furt from first bands In Europe, would respectfully invito the readers of tills paper to call and examine the assortment of Fancy Furs. I am determined to sell at llio lowest Cash prices. All Furs war ranted. No misrepresentations to ctl'ect sales. Furs altered and repaired. t-efKcmcmbtr the Store, 718 Arch street, Phil adelphia, ocl 5, ym. Tailoring! Tailoring I! CHARLES MAIIIL, Respectfully Informs the citizens of Btiubury and vicinity, that lie hat opened a TAILOR SHOP, on Kouith t-lreet, below Market, In the Mullen biilldinif, n nd that he is prepared to make. up all kinds of . ;i:xtv .xn iioy'ji srns, lntlielale-t styles, ltavlnc had much eper lenee In the bnsiiiest be desires the public to i;ive him a trial. & Clotbiiiir will be made up ill tht luttsl rails aud American Farhlmis In the mo?l satisfactory manmr- Aug.l7,"7S.-lf. CHARLFS MAIIIL. I.ackuwtiniia mtd I'- toouiabiiru; Hull r ! WINTER ARRANOI"-'r.ST OF PASSENGER r ins. Tiuie-Table takes eU'ocl November 25, 1S73. TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. P.M. So rant on, 2 10 Pltlslon, a 37 W Pittston 2 4 J Wyomlug 3 48 A.M. 6 45 7 18 7 23 7 29 7 55 S 30 900 9 30 A.M. P.M. P.M. 10 15 10 45 8 oG li) 1 11 Id 4 05 P M. 6 45 7 16 7 21 7 B0 8 25 9 20 10 M 11 21 4 10 4 17 4 45 1100 11 SO Plymouth 3 15 7 55 11 40 hlckshinnv3 51 Berwick 4 23 Rloomsburg4 57 10 10 11 10 12 20 1 20 arriv- Danville 5 30 10 01 Northum'd 6 05 10 35 6.45 a. m. train. No 8, from Bcranton, Ing at Northumberland at 10 8ft am; Harrit- burg at 1 45 p m i Baltimore at 6 30 p m. 2 10pm traiu from bcranton, passengers leav. Ing New York at 8 10 a in, connect with this traiu arriving at Northumberland at 6 05 p.m. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. P.M. Northnm'd 9 40 Danville 10 20 Rloorusb'rg 10 52 Berwick 11 24 Hhlckshlnnyll 65 Plymouth 12 27 Kingston 12 40 Wyomlug 19 69 W Pittston 12 5S Pittston 1 03 Bcranton - 1 85 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. 8 30 3 35 4 40 5 50 7 00 8 20 8 35 4 50 580 6 06 6 40 7 12 7 45 8 00 HIS 8 19 8 24 8 55 1 25 1 40 1 64 8 00 9 05 340 500 6 20 6 37 6 45 5 50 6 25 8 45 9 00 9 07 913 9 45 9.40 a.m. train, No. 9, from Northumberland. Passenger leaving Wtlllumsport at 7.65 a. tn. connecting at Northumberland, arriving at bcrauton at l o5p.m., New York at 9.00 p. m. 4.5J p. m. train from Northumberland, con necting at Bcrtuton with train arriving at Bio j hainpton at 1-26 a.m. PAVID T. BOVND, Pup1!. READIHO RAlIiBOiD, WINTER ARRANOBMBXTI, momsat, Momn SbA, 1878. Trahii 1ts ritrriiburg for lit Ttrk as) fat lowt i at 5.80 and 8.10, a. m.. and 8.00, n. ax, connecting with tralnt on PtmntylTanla MaU rond, and arriving at 3tw Tork at 1H.SK 9.9$ and 9.45 p. ro., rtsptetlvtly. . Keturnining i x.eav rtw TOTk at t 00 a. m. 12.50 and 6.80 p. m ., Fhlladtlphia at 7.80, 8.4 a. m., and 8.80p. m. Leave Hnrrlsburtr for Baadlntr. PotuvtMa. Tamsqna, Mlnersvillt, Ashland, Bhamokin, Al lentown and Fhlladelohla at 8.80 and 8.10 a. m., 9.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and prluelpal way stations .th 4-05 . m., train ton necting foy Fbllndslpbla. PottavUla and Oolnnv- Diaoniy. Dor rolts viae. UohoyllUl Havta and Auburn, via BchnylklU aad Busquthanna Rail road leave Harrlsburg at 8.40 p. m. nan rcnntyivania ttanroaa train laavt Baa4 Ing for Allentown, Eatton and New Tork at 7.30 and 10.S5 a. m.. And 4.00 p. m. Retnrnln;, ltave New Tork at 9.00 a. m., 12.80 and 8.90 p. m., and Allentewn at 7.S0 a. m., 18.90, 8.10, 4.8 and 8. 65 p. ni. . i Why Paiseneer Train leave FhlladelDhla at 7.80 a. m., connecting at Reading with trala on East Pennn. Railroad, returning leave Fottt vlllo at 4.35 p. m., stopping at all stations. i.eave Potttvlll at 0.00. 8.05 and 9.10 a. .. and 2.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a. Xi., Bbsmo- kln at 0.00 and U.03a. m., Ashland at 7.18 a. m., and 13.00 p. in., Mabanoy Oty at 7.69 and 12.64 p. tn., Taaaqna at 8.85 a. ni., and 8.10 p. m.. for Philadelphia, New Tork, Reading, Bar risburg, te. Leave Fottsvlllc via Schuylkill and Sntqae banna Railroad at 8.05 a. m., for Harrlsburg, and 11.45 a. tn., for Plnegrove and Tremont. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Pott villa at 6.00 a. m., passes Reading at 7.40 a. m ., arriving at Philadelphia vt 10.15 a. m. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., passe Reading at 7.15 p. m., arriving at Pottsvlll at 9.00 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottt town at 6. 45 a. m., returnlnir, leavet Philadel phia (Ninth and Green.) at 4.80 p. m. Columbia Railroad Tralnt leave Reading tt 7.30 a. ma, and 6.15 p.m., far Epbraeta, Lit'.z, Lancatter, Columbia, Ac. j returning leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. m., and 8.30 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. m., and 8.20 p. ra. Perklonien Railroad trains leave Perklomea Junction at 7.85 and 9.00 a. in., 2.56 and 6.40 p. m. ; returning, leave Or;en Lane at 6.15 a. tn., 12.35 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with tralnt on Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad tralnt leavt Pho nixville at 9.10 a. in.. S. 10 and 6.50 p. in. i return ing, leave Byert at 6.35 a. m., 12.45 and 4.20 p. ni., connecting witb trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdule Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. m. and 1.20. 6.25 and 7.15 p. tn., re turning leave Mount Pleasant at 6.00, 8.00 and 11.25 a. m. and 3.00 p. m., connecting with talut on Kenning Kalirond. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge -port at 8.30 a. in. 2.10 and 5.33 p. in., returning, leave Powaiuvtowu nt 9.56 a. in., 12.3(1 aad 6.40 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Rail, road, On Sundavt ! leave New Tork at 5. 80 p.m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. in. and K.15 p. ni., (tbe 8.00 a. m. train runnlug only to Reading,) lrava Pottsville at 8.00 a. m., leave Harrlsburg t 5.80 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. leav Allentown at 8.55 p. m. leave Reading at 7.15a. m. and 10.15 p. in. for Harrisburg, at 7.30 a. m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. m. and 4. IS p. in. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced rates. Bugcage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Pusseuger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Atlltt. Supl. tt lCnj. ifufh'ry. Reading, Pa., December 2, 18TC. Kortheru Cntral Kailway. "'INTER ARRANGEMENT. ana after Oct. 27, 1S7S, trains will ru at ,-wt i NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leavet Sanbnty rU 13.40 p. m., for Niagara Fallt Mull arrive at Snubury at 4.10 p. in., arrlv at Wiiiiamsport 6.U0 nnd Elmlra 10.30 p. ui. Fast Line arrives at Sunbury at 6.50 p. m., ar.lvc at Wiiiiamsport 8.35 p. ii. I .rle Mall leavet bunuiiijr at a la Wil liituispoi t at a ni, aud arrives at Eknlia at 11 AO p in. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Puubury at 11.05 a. rn., nrrlvs at IlarrislHirg 1.45 p. in., Baltimore 6. HO p. ru. Erie Express leaves Sunbury at v. 40 n. in., ar rive at Harrlsburg 11.10 u. in., Baltimore 8.00 p. m. Eric Mail Ifave Sunbury at 12.50 ft. in., arrive at Harrisbiirg 2.45 a. ru., Baltimore 8.45 a. is. Niagara Express leaves Suubury at 8.00 p in, H.-.rrUburg at 10.40 p in, arrives at Baltimore 2.15 a in. S11AMOKIN DIVISION. KASVW AKI. Leave Punbury nt 4.40 p. in., arrive at Shamo kin 5..'n) p. in., Ml. Carnal 0.'-K p. ui. I.eave bunbiiry ( Accommodation,) at 12.85 p. m., ariivc at iliau.okiu l."; p. in. VtKSlWAKK. Leave Mt. Curuiel at 7.40 a. ni., Hhamokln 3.20 a. m., arrive at Sunbury 9.25 a. rn. Leave bliuniokiu ( Acctunuiodation,) at 9.46 p. m., arrive ut Suubury 3.55 p. iu. Express leaves dally. All oilier trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. Ed. b. Yoi'Noi Uen'l. Sup't., Cien'l Passeu'r Ag't., Harrlsburg, Pa. Balimore, M l riilladelphla und Krie Itallroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sundav, Oct. 27th. 1872, tha Tralnt on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will run at follows i WESTWARD. Mail Traiu leavet Philadelphia, 11.40 p ra " " " Sunbury, fl.30 a rr " " arr at Erie, 7.55 p in Erie Express leuvet Philadelphia, 12.40 p m " " Suubury, 7.01 p m " an at Erie, 7.45 a m Elmirn Mall leavet Philadelphia, 8.00 a m " " " Sunbury, 4.10 p m " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.45 p in Niagara Exprest leavet Philadelphia, 7.3U a ru " " " Suubury, 12.40 p tn " " arratRenovo, 4.35 am EA8TWARD. Mail Traiu leavet Erie, 11.35 am " " " Sunbury, 12.45 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.55 a m Eric Express leaves Erie, 9.05 p in " ' " 8unbury, 9.35 a in 14 " arr at Philadelphia, 8.30 p m Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7.45 a iu " " Sunbury, 11.00 a in " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.00 p m Niagara Express leavet Keuove, 3.25 p ra " " 8unbury, 7.55 p lu " " air at Philadelphia, 2 30 am Mall Fast connects east and west at Erie with L. S. M. S. H. W. and at Irviueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exores aud Erie Express East, and Erie Mail, Niagura Express and Elinira Mail West, connect at Wiiiiamsport with traius going north ou the Elmira aud Canaudaigua division of the N. C. R. tt. Catawissa passenger trains will be run east aud west from Willlainsporton Elmira Ma'.l. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup'L Danville, llaaleton V Wilk?kbarr K. U. Pcuaa. It. K. Co. l.c-aare. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after thlt date Passenger tralnt on Ik D., H. A W. R. R. will run at follows t WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LIAVI. New Iork, Philadelphia, Etston, Bethlehem, Haxlcton, Cattawlssa, Danville. A.M.! ItAVH. A.M. 6:00 Sunbury, 6:20 8:00 Danville, 7:09 9:25 Cattawissa, 7:28 10:05 Hailetou, 9:f8 P. M.; P. M. 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 9:40 Eattou, 12 S5 8:20 Philadelphia, 8:15 8:57 New York, arr. 8:60 Sunbury, arriv Train Wet arriving at Sunbury 8:57 p. ni.. make close connection! with tralnt on Philadtl- iihia Eri R. R. for Milton, Wiiiiamsport. .ock Haven and all point Wtit, Elmira and all polutt North, alto with Northern Central Rail way, for Harrlsburg and Baltimore. tf New and elegant coaches run through b-' tweeu Buuburv and Eatton. FRANK THOMPSON, Supl. D. II. k W. K. B." 8i'pt' Orrica, ffiu ustvsn, Pa. May 1, 1172. 5