Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 18, 1873, Image 3

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. SUNBURY,. JAN UAItY 48, 1873.
Rail road Tim Table. ,
N. C R. W.. Booth.
Erla Mll, 1.M
Erie Express, t.0 '
Mall, 1109 "
Nlsg. Express 8.00 p m
P. A E. K. R. West.
Mall, . 0.30 a tn
Nlae. Exprs12.40 p m
Elmlra Mail 4.S0 "
Krlo Express, 7.01 "
auvBuar aid tiwisrowK r. r.
Leave Sunbury for Lewlstown at 7.45 a. m.,
and 8-10 p. M. . -
Arrive, at Buuburj,. from Lewutown, at 1.60
and T.44 p. m. ,. '. . , ,i .
tjutb I . niVn
Saobnry at 6. a m I At 8aobury V.85 a m
" IS.BSpm) ", ".- ' 8.&6pm
4.40 p m I , ' 0.00 p m
DAirmxa, nixi.rro A witKESBAima a. a.
Retrolar pasaongar tsaln leave Sunbury for
Danville, Cattawlsaa, Haxloton and intermediate
station, at 0.46 a. la. Returning leave Harle
ton at 1.00 p. o. Arrive at 4. 00 p. m.
Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. tn. and 4.60
p. in. '
Arrive at Northumberland at 10.39 a. m. and
0.05 p. m.
v. .
Accidental Insurance Tickets ca be bad of
J. Shlptnan, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
i i ii j
Insincsg ftocals.
rtnwi vo Maciunu.-MIs Caroline Dallua la the
gont for the iftle of the best Sewing Machine
In existence, tlx i "The Improved Singer,"
"Grover & Baker," "Howe," and. ")om'tlc,,,
which are constantly on band and told al rea
sonable price. She 1 also agent for the cele
bratod Franti and Fope Kulttlng Machine. Call
and see them. Office on Market street, east of
the railroad. '
Begin the new.yea'r by taking Insurance on
your life. Call and have the plans of the Metro
politan explained. We Rive Insurance that will
meet with your approval. Wishing all a happy
New Year, 1 remain yours,
Office near the Court House,
Youngmau's Wine is recommended by Physl
cIhiib generally to their convalescent patients.
House and Lot rem Sale. A new House and
Lot, located on Spruce street, Sunbury, Is offered
for sale on easy terms. Apply to
Jons Wilver.
Dk. Garvin's Tar Remedies cure Incipient Con
sumption. Bold by nil druggists.
Yonng men who are about eettlng married
should know that the proper kind of a waist-coat
In whlrli to loose tholr libentyy is of "white clot,
doublc-brcnsted, showing three-quarter of an
Inch above the turn-over of the coat." Should
the waltt coat how only half n iocs above, It
will not answer, the marriago ceremony would be
a furcc, and happiness could not be found. And
If there should be one young man among our
readers, who has already purchased his wedding
"wcsklt," and It 'shows as much as one Inch
above the turn-over of the coat, ha had better
commit suicide, Or go West, than to unite his
furt uncs with the woman he loves in nek a
"rig." To be sure to get the right suit go to
Tbos. 0. Nott, Merchant Taylor, Third street.
PnoTncTiON by Insurance has become a ne
cessity. The promptness shown by all the com
panies represented at Y Oder's agency In hoaor
ably paying all losses, and their ability to pay
190 cents ou ever y dollar of losses, justly entitles
thetn to the preference bestowed by the lusuring
Momt Furniture. We noticed a few days
ago another largo lot of furniture unloaded ntthe
Furniture atom or U. i.. Kimubuk. tn tton Ma
sonic building. The stock of furnlturo la his
.establishment Is Immense, and the rapid sales
compel tho proprietor to renew his stock con
stantly. None can go amiss In procuring the la
test style at tho most reasonable prices.
GLORiors. This remark was made lately by
one of J. F. Schaffer's customers who had a full
suit madu up. On trying them ou he fuund thctn
so neat In lit that be gave vent to the above. All
who get suits made by Mr. SchaHer, And that he
makes the bust fitting garments in town.
W. R. F. Wcimer has just received his second
purchase of fall nud winter goods, cheaper than
ever. His stork of ladies' dress goods, wnlcr
pioofs, furs, carpets, oil cloths, flue groceries
and In fact everything to suit the taste and ifuncy,
and at prices astoalsblngly low. He sells for
ready cash, and will not be undersold by any one.
Give hiin a cull, and be convinced that Weimer'-e
popular cash store is the place to secure bargains.
W give indemnity, ask fair rates and pay all
losses promptly at Lewis M. Yoder' Insnrance
Office, near the Court Iloutt.
A Suitable GirT. We know of no present
more suitable for a holiday olferingithan copy
of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Besides
furnhliluic a continuous vnd almost 'inexhausti
ble channel of valuable instruction, its illus
trations mill be found a capital means of
amusement to the old as well as the young. It
has long been regarded the standard work .of or
thography and pronunciation, oud we bave .yet
to learn of nny business, trade or profession
which does not lind lull recognition among its
hundreds of pages. Tothc minister, editor, pro
fessional gentium. m and school, it ts indispensa
ble, and the time I almost at hand when it will
h esteemed equally so in the home circle.
'ton Lctlie'i Wetldg 'I Uuttrattd.
N otice. At the Excelsior I the place to buy
for the holidays, as Miller has gotten up the ni
cest Bouts aud 6bocs for the occasion. Go and
see the finest French ealf Scotch bottom, and
hand stitched boots j also, single and double sol
ed baud-stitched, all of ahesn warranted. We
have now In store two hundred .pairs of ladles'
shoe of all kinds, mens' arctics, over shoe j al
so Ladles' Misses and CUlldrens'. .Ladles' rub
bers from forty cents to one dollar. Buy only
the New Brunswick rubber a It Is tie best lulhe
market. Every pair we sell are warranted. Any
of tbeiu that don't give satisfaction, w give an
other pair In place of them. The Excelsior and
Evans' American Gaiters, only to be got at Mil
ler's, call and see us, and save twenty per cent
as we can sell at the lowest cash prices.
For Remt. A three story brick bouse on East
Market street, Store Room on Srst floor, second
and third stories suitable for Lodge Room, sice
of all the room 19 by 60 feet, gas Id every room.
Apply to Lyon A Bro., Sunbury, Pa. 4t.-d. 81.
BEArnrcu -The new style of Hat and Cap
that adorn the window of 8. Faust' bat store,
on Market .street, are beautiful. His fall and
winter stock U superior to any aver seen In this
place. All the latest styles, and of the best qua
lily, are to be found at bl establishment, and at
price to uit the time.
Chapped Hands, face, rough akin, pimple,
ringworm, salt-i bcum, a ad other cutaneous af
fections cured, and the skin made soft and
smooth, by using the Jumps Tar Boaf, made
by luswell, Huzurd to., M lorn, .ii ear
tain to gcv-ths Ju ill pus Tar Soap, as shore are
many worthless luiiuiUou outdo with eouiiuoo
tar. law.
Tub Forest and Bweale Cod-Liver ftl la
Hazard fe (luswell's, wuule an she seashore, frnto
fresh, selected Users, bv Caswell. Hazard & Co..
New York. It la absolutely fnrend sweet. Pa
tient who have once tukrs (I prefer It to att
(itbera. 1'hysicluiis bave ducldad, U superior aw
any of, the other oils iu marktt. VP
I Incrrd. Mr. J. McDowell, was struck on
the (lead by a piece of timber at the P. & E. rail
road shops, on Wednesday of lost week, and ts
Hon sly Injured. The wound was dressed by Dr.
C. M. Martin, of this place.
Casks or ArrorMtXT; Mr. Peter Conrad of
Lower . Augusta township, had an attack of ap
poplexy, on Friday last, from the effects of
which, It I snpposed, Tit cannot recover. no Is
about 78 year of age" v" ',
Henry Black, of Cake's addition, bad an at
tack of appoplexy, oh Thursday of lost week,
from which balosttlit as of LI limb on. the
right stOm ..... .. v. ., "
Tna funeral piwsslon of Mr. Benj. Hoover,
of. Upper August) township, who died from a
troke of appoplexy last week, on Saturday last,
was over1 a balf mile la length. HI rem aim
were Interred In the Bnydertosm cemetery.
Amnowthocs Lettrt. If the writer of seve
ral aanonymous letters for punllcatloa ,ln the
Ammiemn, la regard to tsrtaln road viewers, will
call at this office be will learn something- that
may be an advantage to him In the future,
Rimoved. A, Ni Brice, Esq., has removed his
law and Justice of the Peace office, to bis resi
dence q Chestnut street, next door to Judge
Jordan, where be can be found, and may be con
snltea ou legal matters, 4c. His new office Is
handsomely fitted up, and be Invites all to call
see how cozlly he Is fixed.
An effort Is being made to form a new county
out of parts of Northumberland, Schuylkill and
Columbia, with Ashland as the county scats.
Forney's PnEss bar lately added much tolls
appearance through the aid of a handsome new
suite of type. The Improvement is a marked one,
and will no doubt result In a benefit to Its owner
as well as to Us readers. The Preit Is the best
conducted paper In Philadelphia, and yields a
great Influence.
GoslfWEST. Mr. C. E. Kossler, for several
years principal clerk In the Mammoth Store of
H. Y. Frtllng, started for the far west, on Thurs
day last. He Intends locating In Kansas, to
make that bis future residence. We wish lilrn
success In all bis futuro enterprises.
Dr. A. C. Clark, of this place, we are pleased
to state, was ro-appolntcd enrgcon of the I. & E.
Railroad Co., for the ensuing year. The doctor
Is very attentive to his duties.
Ik Town. That Prince of Good Fellows, Hyou,
lictter known as tho "Southern Planter, wos lu
town la;t week. He "gathors them la dgree
ofalucrlty only exceeded by tho scintillations of
Ins wit aud humor. We observed that he had
his feet with him, and nquitteat in pact was ou
his flag.
The Local Option Bill will be voted on In this
county, on IheUurd Friday of February, at the
time of the spring election, for borough and
township officers.
A Butcher at Northumberland, made a sau
sage, last weok, which measured IS yards 51
feet in length. So says the Press.
Fraks tLitsw.-of Wilkesbarre, while In this
place last week, wishing to show his friends his
agility, fell upon the Ice and broke his leg. Dr.
Martin was called on, woo set Frank on his pins
again by alrulgbtenlngtho 'broken part, and ap
plying the necessary guards until heuled.
8itiden Death. A passenger over the N. C.
R. W., going eourb, on Saturday evening last,
died suddenly at Dauphin Station, where he got
off to remain over night. Be bad In charge
a little boy about three yeaM .old. His name
was G. G. Brown, and Was engaged tn jwnunng
from Lewlsburg to Harrlsbiirg. He was a man
about forty -five years old, with bushy whiskers
of a dark, brown color.
Bask. Ofvicers. The stockholders of the Au
gusta Bank, in Cuketovc, held a meeting at their
banking house, on Monday the 6th lust., when
the following directors were elected for vlic en
suing year:
J. II. Jenkins, J. R. Kauflman, Alfred Krouse,
Jno. 8. Snyder, J. A. Cake, Geo. W. Baylor, W.
W. Moody, A...Cuinmlngs ar.d J. W. Cake.
Geo. W. Baylor was elected Cashier.
At a meeting of the "Board of Directors held at
their Banking House, Jan. loth, 1873, J. Adam
Cake was elected President for the eneuing year.
Snow Storm in 1857. We find the following
record of a severe suow storm In our diary of
Oa Sunday afternoon, April 19, 1857, a snow
storm sot in and coutiuued all day during Mon
day. The snow was two feet .deep tn bhamoklu,
Mt. Carroel aud ElmJra. No mulls were received
at this flaae from .Saturday until Wednesday
Watch Presentarion. The employee of the
N. C. Railway Company, on Monday evening,
presented a handsome gold wutcb to Mr. E. L.
Du Barry, late assistant Superintendaul of tho
read, as an evidence of their appreciation of him
us a man nud a friend to tho employees. The
watch was presented on their behalf by Samuel
H. Trump, the popularcoaductor of the fust line,
lu a short, happy and well-limed speech, aud wus
received by Mr. Du Barry with warm thanks for
the kiud appreciation of the employees with
wilful he bad been so long associated.
OfR frieud 8. Faust, Bur., after having several
days' experience as Express Agent, found It In
terfered loo much with bis other busiuess, aud
tendered bis resignation. Harry Thatcher, the
amiable clerk in Hazlotines store, has accepted
the agency, and will .no doubt give it every atten
tion. Mr. Thatcber'ha had much experience in
the busiuess, aud will 'be a punctual and obliging
St rcck by an Endine. A son of George nuey
and a woman boarder, while rakiug coal at ,tbe
railroad, In Cukctown, on Monday eight last,
were struck by a passenger engine, and knocked
down an embankment of over twenty feot. The
boy received severe bruises, and the glil internal
lujury from which ber recovery Is doubtful. Her
name is Johnson.
Installed. The following officer were In
stalled ou Tuesday eveuiug or last week, of Wash,
lagtou Camp, No. 19, P. .0. ft. of A., for the en
siling year :
P.. P.. C.J. Blair.
P. Charles A. Burrows.
V. P.-Cbarle W. Mants.
M. of F. fc C D. H. Koch.
R. 8. Wo. F. Walsmith.
A. R. B.Vl!sou P. Miller.
F. 8. O. W. Young.
Treasurers-Andrew Newbury.
Con R. U. Gearbart.
I. G. Aaron Conrad.
O. O. 8. A. Seatey.
The offloer elect are all young mew of 6UKy.
Tb order Is In flourishing eoodlllon.
Remedy ma Cfcocr in Onb MiNOtB.-Thl
remedy is simply slum. Taks a knife oigratar,
bt shave or grate off kvomall partlsls about a
wionrul of alum : mix it with about twice Its
, o.MKy f sugar, to make It palatable and ad-
: svfinste ae-qulckly a possible. Its otnicts will
e truly afegleal. as iftow4 tanlat9U ellf
.; m he otfwioea.- o says y
- ' : 1-,
A most vlllalnoi outrwpe Was eororohtd! on 1
tbe person of Hr'fA. H. Psup, at the P. ts E.
Shops, on Thursdai ifternnbri Of last week. Mr.
anp was attacked by Thomas Gohan PaHck
nicy, Hugh Glen and Michael Brew, and wifle
the three latter held him, Gohan cut him aVrnt
the bead, face and hand with s knlre. A ftsh
of two Inches lu length on the left side of 'be
head was made. Panp was brought to Dr.C.
M. Martin & Go's Brag store, n,tid had his wouals
properly dressed by the doctor.' ,A warrant Wass
sued and Conly, Glen and Brew wore arrested )o
the samo evening, and brought before Esqul
Pursc.l who committed them In default of bal.
Gohan fled, but wal arrested at Lock Haven W
the following day by Chief of polio West fall, o
that place, and on Baturday was brought to thli
place by Constable 8potts, of Lower MahaooyJ
who brought him before Esqnlrt Pnrset wnooom-l
tnltted him In default of HOOJ bail. Mr. Paup la
a brick layer, and has been In tbe employ of th
P. A E. R. R. Co., for a long time. Jealousy Is
supposed to bar been tnexaasa that kd to this
outrageous assaalt, as Mr, Panp Is a Tory peace
able, quiet and Inoffensive citizen, and bis gen-
tletaanly eonduot Is admired by all who becumo
acqnalnted wMh him. -Conly,
fllen and Brew were released a hall on
Friday, fat their appearance at next Court.
On Monday rcornlng last, Hharlff Botbsrmel,
accompanied by P. M. Bhladel, Esq., Ira T. Cle
ment, Esq., aud J. N..U11I, started to the East
em Penitentiary with five prlsopem, aenteoaed
to solitary confinement and the House of Rifug.
A large crowd of people had gathered at th do
pot to witness their departure. The yonng hoys
Cole, Koatilg, Grass and Galloway all bad frlrads
here who much regretted that their early depra
vity had led them to such a sad fate. They ap
peared cheerful, but on entering the cars one
shed tears, abd many of the ladles present were
seen to weep for the young nufortnnale. Al
though none of the boys were raised In this place,
bring new. comers, the lesson taught by their
misfortune should make an everlasting Impres
sion upon the tniuds of the youth of our place,
many of whom are traveling the road which leads
to ruin, tbe consequences of which It Is Impossi
ble to escape, Tho highest iuty of the parent,
before God aud society, Is the mprat and rcljgl
gious Instruction of tho cliifd A. neglect of this
duty Is fraught with sorrow to the parent and
ruin to the child, a we have jnst sceu in this sad
case. The same cause will prodirce tbe same ef
fect, therefore, If parents neglect the welfaro of
their children they must expect them to become
tho harvest of the law to be garnered In the State's
prison, and they themselves to become the sorrow
ing object of public pity.
Acquitted. The Jury In the case of the Com
tnmiwenl'h v. Dr. B. L. Kershner, charged with
rape upon the person of Mrs. Elizabeth Long, of
Lower Muhanoy township, returned a verdict of
acquittal on Friday evening last, after being out
-for about 40 minutes. It will be remembered
that the doctor was couvistcd at tho last Court,
but a new trial having been granted, be, after
much conflicting evidence on both side, is now
cleared. The evidence on the part of the Com
monwealth, was perhaps a strong a on the for
mer trial. But tho Jury tve douit took Into con
sideration the lapso of lime that Intervoned be
fore suit was brought, and based their verdict
more upon probabilities than upon the positive
evidence of Mrs. Long. The jury we are Inform
ed, were unanimous on the first ballot on their
verdict. Much feeling was evinced among tbe
friends of both parties, and the case has caused
much Ill-feeling among neighbors, who nave here
tofore lived In harmony, sluce this suit was start
ed. The attorneys in tho case were, for .the
Commonwealth, J. K. Clement, prosecuting at
torney, and George Hill, Esq. ; for the defcuce,
Messrs. Wolver.taa, Mallck, Zelglcr and Davis.
They all worked manfully for their client, and
for the prosecution, tu ihrm r r,v p
feller to the Jury Is pronouueed the best and most
impartial or any yet given from that bench.
Ball. The Sunbury Silver Cornet Band will
give a ball on Monday evculng next, In Lyon's
Hall, on Market street, the proceeds to be ap
plied foriibe benefit of the band. A general in
vitation to alt respectable persons is extended,
and it Is hoped that our citizens will encourage
the liberal enterprise of the young men constitut
ing the band, who have Incurred heavy expenses
of late. A bund has long been needed In this
place, and now siuee our young meu bave taken
tho necessary steps to furnish us with what we
so long deeired, lhy icu!d receive the necessary
encouragement from -our -citlieD. The great
hindrance heretofore ha been itbe want of a lea
der, In every other respeot we have the material
here for the formation of a good Band, 'but tbe
members of the present organization have obviat
ed that difficulty by importing an efficient man
to lead, and thre is every pi ospect now, from
what we hear of them occasionally, of having a
good Band of music In the place, as a permanent
arrangement. Give tbem the proper encourage
metit, and tho credit due them, and Sunbnry,
like other large towns, will be able to furnish Its
own music ou nil public occasions.
It buocld not re Permitted. During the
contiuuance of the rape case before the Court,
last week, we noticed a number of boy presoat
as attentive lUteuers, who hud better tieen at
home or at school. The -character of the case
elicited evidence of an Immoral nature, and tin
tit for the ears of boys. We were a good deal
astonished at the officers of the Court for permit
ting these youths to remnin In the house during
the progress of such a trial. The Couit is gene
rally kept busy, and may not notice tbe fact, but
the tip-staves, who are uppoluted to oversee
matters generally, should not allow such a mat
ter to occur again, and If they should be resisted
In the performance of their duty, the proper offi
cers should be called lu requisition for their ejeot
ment, and we will assure them that they will re
ceive the thanks of every paieul, and every 4
speclable citizen.
On Saturday last a dispatch, from Waverly N.
Y., to the Chief of Police at this place, to arrest
C. H. Collins, was sent. Collins Is charged with
the larceny of a sewing machine. He was arrest
ed, and taken before Esquire Brlce, wbobad hhn
held until the parties telegraphing enrae after
him. Collins was taken to Now York, and en
tered ball with Henry W. Gldlet, of Tioga coun
ty, N. Y., and gave -certain conditions -wsioo
were not compiled with. On Thursday Mr. Gid
ley came after Collins who bad returned to this
pluce, aud had him rearrested. Collins Is charg
ed with larceny and bigamy. Ills first wife Is
Dalit of Milton.
The Librarian of the Lutboran Sunday Scttool
give us the following Instance of careful band
ling of hooks. The new library wa opened lu
November, 1871, with over 1200 volume. At
.the and of she year tb books were called in, and
bnt 'iour volumes were missing. This shows
that tbe plan adopted by Mr. Bhlpmau in circu
lating a Bunday School library Is not only a safe
but an admirabls one.
List of Letters remaining In -tb T. O., Sun
bury, January 15,187o.
Mis Carrie Cofitay.tJrsnvnel H. Dhidore. Cyrus
Dunkelfierger, M're. Drirney, Oaear -Poust, I. H.
Fisher, Daniel trail, Mis A ffaiM, H, W. How.
laud, H. C. -Rouen, lis Mat lie Kellar, r. W.
Ktrbeyv Mro.'M. J. MiUer, McNealey 3, Miss
Emma Miller, Miss H. Martin, M. Morton, Mrs.
Jau Montgomery, Tbos. Newberry Caroline Pel
fur, Aogellue Raker, Aaron Rukr, H. Rodgery,
Si. Rockefeller. Wm. B. BeibeM.-MiM M. Bhsndel.
Id, Cruly, Jybn Ulrlch, Duoiel Witts, Harriot
! WTston. Bamasi wwet, atta tviaaio vuur.
J. ft. BM1TH, P. M.
Council Vntttag.
Sdnbort, January 7, 1875.
1 Council met, member present t G. II. Cadwal
lader, W. H. Miller, Charles Garlngcr, John
Dark, Wm. L. Dewart, Jared C. Irwin and G.
W. Smith.
Chief Burgess Mallck being absent, Charlos
Garlnger took the Cbalr. r
Minute of last meeting rend and approved.
On motion of W. L. Deaart, Rnolud, Tbetas
the finance commltloo will bare a good deal of
buslnos before the Legislature In' getting an act
passed authorizing a loan, the chairman be In
structed to buy three dollars' worth of postage
stamps for nse In writing and sending documents
on borough business, as that wilt be much chea
per than sending parties to Harrlshurg to attend
to the business of the borough, and that an or
der be drawn, on tho borough Treasurer for that
amount. Adoptee).
On motion ot Wt Dewart. JUtoXttd, That the
tonunlttea oa llghtfarftbe tof With gas. be di
rected to Inquire of lot Gas Covupauy why they
to not x tend their mains, and pat op lamp pmt
h that part of tbatown not now lighted with gas,
at they are bound, to do under their contract, and
report their reason to Connell for further action.
On (notion of W. L. Dewart, Ititdrtd, That
tws Ordets be drawn on the Treasurer, ono in fa
vor of L. M. Yoder for 113, and one In favor of
Ulrtm Price for $10 to pay tho bill for placing
an Insurance of 10O0on the town clock for three
years, nudrr direction of Council. Adopted,
P. W. Gray tendered his resignation as Market
Clerk. Laid over until he settles with finance
On motlou Of W. L. Dewart, ftttolvtd. That,
the resignation of P. W. Gray as Market Clerk
be accepted upou his settling his account, and
that hs be directed to make a fall statement un
der the ordnance, showing his receipts nnt" for
feitures Cor the purpose of having his account
audited and closed.' Adopted.
The gas bill, on notion of W. L. Dewart, was
laid over nutll next meeting.
John Bblssler's bill wus laid over for further
The following orders were granted : James
Boyd f28B. T. Dichl 135, Henry Black (7, Ab
solom Kojser $0. 75, Charles Wlntcrstciti $ 1 C 12,
W. K. Marts 1 1, John Clark 3, Geo. Hay (9.62,
Jerry Renn $10.87, Geo. naupt $21, 11. S. Bol
linger $3.50, Charles Rhlnchach $35.50, Samuel
Helm, $3.75, A. Bastlan $19.13, John Cain $23.02.
Ou motion It was Jietolvtd, That Wm. Forres
ter make his proposition lu writing, and appear
before next meeting of council.
On motion, Council adjourned.
P, W. GRAY, Clerk.
Si'NBCRY, January 14th, 1873.
Council met ) Chief Burgess Mallck lu the
Chair. Members present: Miiler, Garlnger, G.
B. Cadwallader, Clark, Dewart, Smith, Irwin aud
Rohibach. Minutes of last meeting read aud
approved. Proposition of J. B. Bartholomew
Proposal for carWug around the Park. Curb
ing, of mountain stone, thickness aud quality
equal to those lu front of J. G. Marklc A Co's
Drug Store, at $1 per foot HneaL If Jowelcd 10
cents per foot (lineal) additional. Paving squar
ed stone, per square of 100 feet, $2J,00 j paving
stone inches and upwards, In thickness.
-J', B. Bartiklomcw.
Upper Augusta, January 10, 1S73.
To the Town Council of the borough of Sunbu
ry. Gentlemen : We propose to put a flag stono
pavement around the park stone not loss than
an Inch and a balf Ihlck, squared, for twenty
cents per square tdMf We will also put lu 3 iucu
curbing for one dollar per square foot. We have
no available stone thicker than three inches.
Respectfully submitted,
Vastine Forrester.
Wm. n. Miller offered an ordinance to induce
..(..mitova io come oonuui una iu.w, i
manufactories iad Improvements. io..
000 worth of actual building and preparation for
business from all local taxes for three years.
Laid over till next meeting for final actiun, in
accordance wlth-tbe by-laws.
Geo. U. Cadwallader offered an ordinance to
hare all side-walks And gutters cleaned from
mow and all other dirt, Ac. Yeas nnd nays call
ed for. Ordinance passed unanimously.
Geo. B. Cadwallader offered an ordinance in re
ference to putting coal-ashes, Ac, In the streets.
Passed unanimously.
On motion of Geo. B. Cadwallader, Resolved,
That there be a committee of threo apxiuted to
visit all tbe market stands on next Saturday
morning In reference to charging 10 rts. per
week. Committee Bmllb, Miller and Cadwal
lader. Ou motion .of G. B. Cadwallader, Resolved,
That the committee on Square, take Messrs.
Bartholomew's, Vastlne and Forister's proposals
Into consideration, and report to next meeting of
Orders were granted as follows : P. W. Gray,
in full to date as market clerk $37,75, J. It. Bar
tholomew $733,91, John Bhiaelsr 87,67, Cits Co.,
for the use of T. U. Puidy $288, Samuel Nutdlg
$7, Wm. Land $3, Franklin Helm $2, G. W.
Straw $5.
On motion, Jacob Rohrbach, Resolved, That
tbe jpy day shall be $1,75 per day for market
On motion, Resolved, ThatO. W. Smith heap
pointed market Clerk. Adopted.
""On motiou, Council adjourned.
H. W. GRAY, Clerk.
An Excellent Pen We have been favored
with a sample card of .the celebrated epenccrian
Steel r"eus, aud after trying tbem quite thor
oughly are convinced of their superior merit.
These pens are comprised iu fifteen numbers,
each differing iu flexibility and flueuessuf point,
so that the most fastidious peumau cannot full
to flud among the lifleeu pous such u pen as suit
him. The Speucerian Pens are famous for their
elasticity of movement, smootbueas of poiut ami
great durability, and are a nearer approximation
to the real Swuu Quill Pen than anything hith
erto made. They are manufactured in Kuirland
under tbe supervision of the original inventor of
steel peas, the venerable Jusiah Mason, aud Jos.
Gillott the latter making a few of the numbers
after the model of the late P. R. Bpeneer, tho
famous penman. Tbey are nsod very largely In
the common school of the United Stales, in all
tbe principal commercial colleges, iu the govern
.ment offices at Wanlugtoo,4ind iu the banks
aud commercial olOees throughout tho country,
the sal reaching an enormons qaauttty annually.
For the convenience of tuoau who liiuy wish to
try them, a sample eaid of the Bpebcerlan Pciu
nay be had by mail by eiiionlng 35 cents to
Messrs. ivisoo, Blakeinan, Taylor A Co., 138
and 140 Grand slrest, N. Y., or the pcus.uiuy be
bought at almost any store where peus are sold.
Editor's) Table.
Brainabds' Musical Wohld opens its tenth
suuual volume with increased attractions. The
first of a series of descriptive ai tides, giving, in
a plain, readable styls the details of engraving,
priming, stereotyping and all tbe other processes
connected with sheet music publishing Is given
In this number.
Karl Mcrz will eoDtinne lilsnble letters on mp
sleal subjects throughout the year, aud also con
tributes a spicy article on th forthcoming Cin
cinnati Jubilee, under the caption of '"Young Ju
bilees." The editorial column arc, as Unual, filled with
instructive and able articles.
"Our Letter .Box," the editor's special depart
ment for tbe answering of musical questions, cou
tains some very Interesting facts for the musical.
Tba music lu this number (January) Is "Mag
gie Darling," a beautiful sung aud chorus, by
Horace E. Kimball "Soloiuou Gniudy's Valse,"
a neat svod effective luelnjiauuial piece fur bu
triuuers, by Karl Mere, ajul Plttto Beauty
March," No. 6 of Golden Blossom. .UWrle Klu
Eel's uaw set of tsacMng nieces.
Subscription priqa 00 per annum. Bond 10
cents to 6. BiaiBHrC1 Sous, Cleveland, O., for
specimen copy aud sooiplst catalogue of ht,t
Tun Luftt'a Tmhesd ron jANitAnr. "Jli tti-'
graving of this charming: Mairscine are' apt to'
tie above tho Usual common-place round Which
we roe so generally, and this month we have a
mmiinlle picture of "The Lust Rldo of the Wild
UuntMnnn," another qnlotcr one of ''The'WId
ows," anil another railed ''With the Bloom on"
nil handsome and successful pictures of their
kind. In IHcmliirn, Mrs. Hutiry Wood begins
her new story, 'The Master of Greylmidx,"
which, judyintc from the openlug chapters, will
prove ono of her most successful stories. Besides
this, there' are "Una and her Prince," by M fs
Mu7cyt "Our Btste Dinner." by Amanda
M. Douglasi "An Old Maid," by Florence Pet
ryt "llelolse," by Eiumn B. Kipleyt "fleeing
and Believing," by M. O. Pynet "The Whito
Rose or York." by E1I- I'nlkot "Tibbie on ber
Wedding," ice. There Is the usual piece of
music this time It Is the song "Only be Kind"
with Fashion Cuts, Work Tublo Varieties aud
other mutters Interesting to ladies.
Biidcs Mrs. Wood's story, novelets ars also
announced for this year by Daisy Ventnor, Miss
Murrey, Miss Douglas, aud Fannie Hodgson. A
beautiful Premium Chromo (Little Buiuuel, tho
Child Prophet) Is also announced, while a long
list of premiums from sewing machines and
gold watches to plated lc spoons, Ac are
p'omlBed to those who get up llhtsof subscribers.
Bend for a sample number coutalnlne nil Die In
ducements. Price $2 00 a year, or $3 50 with
the Premium Chromo. Four copies $9 00. F.iitbt
conies (and one erutis) $13 00. "The Lady's
Friend ($3 00) and "The Saturday Evening
Post" (J 3 00) for f t 5i. A Premium Chromo
or a laruc Steel Enirrnviiig Is also given to the
sender of rvory club. Published by Iltacou it
Peterson, 310 walnut street, Philadelphia.
Bckibner's Illustrated Monthly opens
with a second paper, entitled "Now Ways In the
Uia Dominion; the Chesapeake and uiiio Kan
load." literally crowded with wellexccuud wood
engravings (there are thirty-two of there), and
V'lviiiL' a very good idea of a picturesque, and not
well known region or "the Bunny eouln." Mr.
Edmund Klug will write n series of twelve lllu.
tratei. papers, to be called "The Grout Bomb,"
and treat of Ilia life, condition and resources of
the ; tales below the t'otomac. "How Stanley
Foiiad LivlBestone" is also illustrated, ns well as
"Alt-r the Accident." which Is one of Bret
Harte's poems. Dr. Hol'aud's serial story, "Ar
thur lioiinicustle," is also Illustrated. A critl
clHtn on "Victorian Poets" comes from Edward
C. Stedman. Philip Gilbert Hamilton gives his
Ideas "'Ja the Kca.lnjg ot JcwRpaiiers. ' wit
Hum Morris translates "The King (rf Denmark
Son' from the Danish. Chi l.t.luim Itossettl
I'.n.l C. 8. l;nlvorly contribute short poems, and
v.v. C. Bryant trauslnlcg a ehantan from the
French of Clement Murot. All tho editorial de
partments aro well executed. Among tho prom
ises for 1873 is "1 lio r.ple of r idilletown," an !!
lustrated story by Uret Harte. a scries of papers
upon "Authors," by R. H, Btoddaid, portraits
of living Americar. writers, nud on "Furniture
and the. Decoration of American Houses" bv
Clarence Cook. Published by Scribncr & Co.,
ew Yorit.
Kpcclnl Sotlccx.
On .tlarrlairo. Essays for Yonng Men, on
Great .Social Evils nnd Abuses, Lich Interfere
witu Marring, and ruin tho hnpplticse or thou
sands. with sure means of relief for tho Erring
and Unfortunute, deceased and debilitated. Sen
in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge.
Address, Howard Association, No. ii, South
.Mm n f t., riiiiadcipma, r.i.
By the Rev. L. J. Milllken. on the 10th lint.,
at the study of the Prcsbvterian Church, Sunbu
ry, Mr. tins. W. Tibd,( Mt?d Emma It. Cole,
both of TownndA, Pa.
At tho M, B. Parsonage In Eleysburr, Pocem
6cr Met., by Rev. F. Brown, Mr. Joel Konsin
and Miss Jane Yocvu, of Shumokln township,
tills county.
At the resldcnrti of the bride. .Tan. 7, hy the
same, Mr. Wm. H. MrTTLru, of Rush township,
and Mrs. Julia A. Rrisobavm, of Bbamokiu
A Bible was presented to the bride ly tb ofll
ciating minister, accotupauicd by a few appro
priate remarks.
At Snydertown, on Tuesday morniui; last,
8ALLIE W1TH1NGTON, daughter of William
and Sarnh WitUiitjir.n agpii S yp.nrs aui ti
"i?xit v it v Hi a ititt
riour and (irala .Mavkct.
Extra Family $12.00 Bed Wheat, p. bii.,?2.00
Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.00 j'.ye, " i0
Com Meal, " 2.50 Corn, " 70
Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.50 Buckwheat 1.00
Shorts, 2.00 Oats, u2 lbs., 50
Corn ii Oats Chop, 3.0(1 Flaxseed, 8.25
Timothy ticed, p. b. il.OO.
l'rodurn .Market.
Potatoes, 75 Hums, 18
Eggs, per dor., 3;) Tallow, 10
Butter, per lb., Sf Country Snap, 8
Lard, " 13 Dried Apples, 13
Sides, ll; " Peaches, 16
Shoulders. 14
........ .1 . . . . a .. .
Ot tho Condition of "The Northumberland Coun
ty National Bauk," No. 689, iu Bhumokln, iu
the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of busi
ness ou the 2 tb day of December, 1872 !
Loans and Discount... $3O0,CS8 43
U. 8. Bonds to secure Circulation .07,000 00
Other blocks. Bonds and Mortgages
(as per schedule) 3,270 00
Due from Kcdei'inlng uud Uccerve Ag'ls
(ns per schedule) 138 07
Duo from Naliouul Banks (as per
Scedule) 3,861 80
Due. from Statu Banks and Bankers
(as per schedule) 058 53
Banking House 13,239 37
Other Heal Estate 1,250 00
Furniture and Fixtures 2,100 75
Current Expenses -iu 51
Taxes Paid 90 00
Checks and other Cash items, (as per
schedule) ,.. 5M 46
Bills of other National Banks 3,041 (O
Fractional Cur'cy (Including nickels) bsd 43
Specie '-".13 63
Legal Teudor Notes...,. 53,140 00
$359,053 53
Capital Stock paid in $67,000 00
SurpiuaFuud 4,721 M
Interest h"5 00
Amount Circulation outstanding 58,450 00
Dividends unpuid 1,164 25
Individual Deposits 194,869 23
Due to Naliouul Bunks (as per sched
ule) 84,230 87
Due to Stale Banks and Baukere (as
per schedule) 7,730 70
$359,053 58
I, F. 8. Huas, Cashier of "The Northumher
laud County Nulioinl Bank of Shumnkin," do
solemuly swear that .the above statement is trur
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
:F. 8. HAAS, Casakjr.
Correct. Attest,
Statx or Pennstlvania, County of Northum
berland. Sworn to aud subscribed before me,
this 4lu day of Jauuary, 1873.
O. M. FOWLER, Notary Public.
l or. 172 t
rftae, Gulds I now published Quarterly, S5 cts.
X- pays for the year, four numbers, which Is
net half the cost. TUss who afterward send
nvuiAy to tbe amount of Oke Dallar or more for
SscdJ muy also order Twenty-five cents woitb ex.
tm the price paid for the Guide.
Tbe January Number is beautiful, giving plans
for making Rural Homes. Designs for Diuiug
.Table Decorations, Window Uardcus, &c nud
containing a mass of inforiuulion invaluable
to the lovers of liowcrs. One hundred aud Fifty
pages ou the tinted pupvr, some Five Hundred
eugraviugs, and a su(rW- falorod 4'iate and
Cbromo Cover. The First Edition of Two Hun
dred Thousaud jnst primed in tujftish and Ger
Bian, aud ready to send out.
JAMES VICK. Kecbtsur. V. J.
Aancrletin and r.aropxtasV
Perfected flpmitit, and I-'.y c
Watches ntod Jewelry neatly repaired sod war
farkrt Square, SUNBCRT, Vi.
rcn. a, I87a.-ti.
at the Store of
Rocd rtrotlirr ct KcrhTioMs,
(soccefsors to S. O. Reed S hro.):
of every description and variety such as Dress
(toons, MEKixost, Cashmeres, Satins, alpa
cas. PoruN!, ceo., Plain Fkilhed Goods,
Bbawi.8 and Coats,, aud a
Full Assortment qf Xotions,
which are being sold atths lowest Cash Prices.
Also, Groceuiks and Provisions,
pure and fresh.
qceenswark, la!-svark, and wood
and Willow Ware,
Nicest BranUe of Flour conHtatitly oa lian J.
A very large
both glazed nnd common, always on baud.
from the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe
Manufactory of Watsotitown, for
dfallelzesaiid of the latest stylos.
f h o u n ,
A constant supply of western white wheat "our
a speciality.
The public are Invited to call and examine our
Goods nee of cliarire. Our motto is "Quick
Sales nnd Small 1'rotitb." and to please nil.
The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of
country produce. ;
lly strict attention to business and keeping at
all limes the most complete stork, nnd selling ut
the lowest prices, we hope to merit a f -ill share of
Suubury, Nov. 8, l73.-ly.
roB tub
It is gratifying to us to inform the public that
Dr. L. Q. C. witharVs Thie Troc Tar Cordial,
for Throat and Lung Diseases, baswlned an en
viable refutation from the Atlantic to the Pac.
He coast, and from thence to some of the first
families of Europe, not throiish tho press alone,
but by peiaon throughout the States actually
benefitted and cuied at his ofllce. While lie pub
lishes ieA,sottiy uur lepuncis, uu is UUW.L ,w
supply tho demand. It gains and holds Its repu
tation First. Not by stopping cough, but by loosen
ing nnd assisting nature to throw off the un
healthy mntter collected about the throat and
bronchial tudes. which causes irritation.
Second. . It removes the cauMS of irritatlop
(which produces cough) of tl mnentno merrf
branc aud brouchlal tubes, assUts the lungs to
act utid throw off the unhealthy secretions, and
purities the blood.
Third. It i free from sqnll'.s, lobelia, Ipecas
and opium, of which most throat and lung re
medies aro composed, which allay cough only,
and disorganize tho stomach. It has a sooltiing
effect on the stomach, acts on the liver nnd kid
neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus
reaching to every part of tho system, cxd lu k
invigorating and purifying effects it has gained a
reputation which it must hold.ubove all others itv
.the market.
Ureal A merioaji ftysycpsla I'illa
Being under my Immediate direction, they shall
not loose their curative qualities by the use of
cheap am! Impure ai tides.
Dr, I.. Q. C. Wishart'i OUlcc Puriers are opcu
on Mouduys, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9
A. M., to b P. M-, for consultatiou by Dr. Wm.
T. Magce. With hitn are associated two con
sulting physlciuus ofackuowledged ability. This
opportunity is uol offered by any lustitutiou lu
the city.
All Icttern musit be aildreaaed Co
i. Q. C. TtUIIAUT, n. D.v
NO. 32, N. SECOND ST.,
November 10, 1872. Ouios.
South side of Market street between 34 and 4tU
Just opened, an rullro new stvck fit aU kinds of
Self a in of every fS'ods.
Toliacca of every varie'y.
.Pipes, both plain uud fancy.
A- large assortment f Brushes direct from the
manufacturer at greutly reduced .prices. Hi
line of brushes aiu a specially and many new
klud nriser befusa introduced iulothi market.
Also, Paptir tsllars aud Cuffs iu great varnny.
A .arjre assnttiueut of all tha popular .Sougs
Of the day.
Cull aud esaniiue my goods and get a list of
nrires. UKNhl PKTCRa.
OTniBera, isrj.-iy
It A VXtt V A fir'." i.t as X.
rf lo lift lVorUlnj Clasrsi, male oe feino-le,
JL $00 a we.-k nUMriiiittcd. Jtspoctahlo em
ployment nt borne, day or evening! r-o HpWnl
required full Instructions and a valuable prR..
aire of goods to start with sent free by mall. Ad
dress, with 6 cent return stomp. M. IOUNO A
CO., 10 Court:aiiat-T.rrruw jorK. t . u, tw.
TnKiABBATIr 0?F2tK V.ohb,
Is nn entlioly new work oif sit absorb1;! top'r,
Written In lh autlj.nT's most powerful styl. I
presents the subjcsA In novel v1 beautiful lights.
Can not, fall to awaken n deep latenst aud t
produrtivc f grejit good. Aironts wantod, to
whom Hm-ral comnilsslon will be aihiwed, Ad
dress J. Mv STODDART & CO., Publishers,
Philadelphia. Jau. 11, 4w.
( rumlnt of Comfort
The Ladles' Friend. As your grocer for It.
always glres eut!s".cllou. tif It.
for thfl latindrv lms no oqual. Sold by grocrrv.
Ii. A. BARTLETT A Co. 115, H7 N. Fronl-t ,
nrila., 14!t thsmhers-t., N. Y., 43 Broad st.,
Boston. J.iti, 11, 4v,
Is unequal d by uuy knuwii rencdy. It will era
dicate, extirpate and thoroughly destiny, nl! p. i
sonoiis substances In the Blood and will effect'i
ai!y disjitl all predisposition to billocg deiunt, -j
is thcisj Want of action In vonr UrM nuA
Spleen 1 Cnless relieved the blood becomes iw
I pare by delerioiis secretions, producing scr ;
lous or skmi discps-cs, motctvr, rclons,'
C'ak!r, 1'implrs, ., ,.-.
It.trcymi a dyspeptic Stomnch 1 Unloss dlii
tinn 6 pu'ruptly nided the system is debllliat"!
with poverty cf t lie Blood, 'Dropsical tendem ;,
general weakm:y and inertia.
Have you weakness of the Intestines! You
are iti danger of Chroulc Dl.irrhoja or ItiUaro'-.. I-;
tiou of tliu bo.vcls.
Ilnvc you wcakuess of the TJtcrlue o Crlnnry
Or-runsl You are exposed to sufferfng In hi
most aggravated form.
Arc you dejected, drowsy, dull, slugfj'sh or d-i
pr-!s:icd in spirits, with head acc. backache, cw.i '
ed tongue nud bad tasting tiioutli I
For a certain remedy for nil of lhre disease',
weaknesses and troubles ; for cleansing and pu
rifying the viuled blood and Imparting vigor (
all tin vital forces for bulldiiiu; up uud restor
ing rhc weakeued eonstitutiou USE
J U U U P. Y, B A-
which Is pronounced by tfic leading medical ou
thoritics of London and Paris "the most power
' ful tonic and a'.terative known to tha medical
I world." Tins is no new and untried discovery
' but has been long used bythc leading phjslclaus
I of other countries with wonderful remedial ro
I suits.
I Don't wenken nnd Impair tho dlgastjTe organ's
by cathartics and physics, rt-e otily temoo
j rary telief Indigestion, Hatulencv' and d)'spp
; sia with piles and kindred diseases are sure to-
loliow llielr use.
Keep tho blooil pure and healthy Is assured.
JOHN Q. KELLO(iG,-18 Piatt St., N. Y.
Sol Agent for the Units', Status.
Pilee, SI per Bottle. Send for Circular. drl44w
Motley easily mad with Stencil and kev
Cbe,ck outtlt. C-if'Oircnliirs Free.
U,rrd MTg Co. 66 Fulton SC. N. Y dr7 4w
be deceived, bnt for coughs, colds, tore throat,
hoarceness and bronchial dilBcultits, use only
Wells Carbolic Tablets,
Worthless imitations are on the mnrkot, but
tho only selenitic preparation of Carbolic Acid
for Lung diseases is when chemically combined
with ctlii-r well known tcmedies, as in these Ta
blets, aud all panics are cautioued against using
Iu all CiWe f IrHmtiou of iho mucous mm
brane tbeso Tablets sViould bo freeley used, their
cleanslnc and h.-nlln, pi'Vpevt-itu an astonishing.
Be wurne.l, never neglect a coid, it is easily
riirs'.1. . J v .lc 'isn fe Vj,tl..lL?frCa
Wells' Carbolic Tablets ns a specific.
JOHN Q. KF-LI.tKtit, 18 Piatt St.. New York,
N'.Mw. Sole Agent for United States.
Price '2Ti cents a box. Send for Circular.-
Powerfnl and Ecouunikal Centers.- James" A.
: Lawson, Patented.
7,12w Water S(.,;New York.
! DtewartJburnar
Burns any size Ccal.
I tLJ.i-.- ri. n Abt.i t-u.,
s7,liw VStt Water St., New York.
j 0 ln ler day I Agent Wanted! All
vJ 10 Q.U elussis of working people, of either
! scv, yo'.ine or old, innko more money at work
for us In their spars nirttaetjr, or ull the lima1'
than nt anvtliinu- else. Funiculars free.
Addrees, U. STINSON & CO.,-
i SH-lv. Portland, Main.
First Ftsaina la a in.Insi.tS71
Double Elevated Oven. Wanning Closet. Hi oil
lug Door, lender tiuurd, Duinpiiig and Miakigu
Grate, DIre.t Draft., WAKRkN
CO., 280 Water Street, New York. Ui-fi-ti"
AlsEXTN can not do better than seenre an
nircncv for T. S. Authur's irreat work,
ft companion to the famous "Ten Niglm 'x a
Bar-Room." Nearlv 30,000 copies fcavj been
I sold ) and its popularity is s'.lll 'u' file increase,
j One single agent lias sold upward of 1,000 cop-
ies. Securo teriilcrir ut ouce. J. M. STUD
' TART CO-- Publisheers, Philadelphia. lr7 4w
! 1M A(ETN want absolutely the best scll
; Iiik books I Send for circulars of Vent's Uua
' bridged lilus. Fnmilv Bible. Cvcr IIW page
i 10 bv 13 in. J'O page Bible Ac. Arabes-.
quo iO.'Jj tiilt F.dife, 1 clasp, ti.ib Full GU, '
I clatpc, 11-00. Bclden : The White Cblc',' .''.r
i Winter Evenings, !Wth 1000 ready "Tbe Amcri-
can Farmer's lUrsc ll jok ;" The Staudard. 4Uth
1000 readv, Sf lzooiic Treatnieuts, Ac. C. F.
Veit, N.'S'A Ciuclunutl, Veut A Goodrich,.
Chicago. drlt-lw
AG EN ?TWANll.l Add7ess, for T "t thTI :
llheral tcrus ever tdlered. TUB DlfcCvTSAtii
IMM ovi:itK,
tilr The Stanly Llvingsloue Expedilloa to Afri
ca. Large octavo volume, Just itued, contains
Incidents of Hit Woudevful Cares of tho Great
Traveler, the Count r;. Animals, Nalivel, Hunt
ing, Ac. Full aceo'iht of this' iriost- iurerestlug
part ol the (ilobo. Oultlt it for f 1. Addles
Union I'ublishii'n t ,,., Ciioogo, Pbiliuiel-
phlaPa.tor PpringuulC.'Mast. dilt-4w
ALiE.T, I t S-ll YuTrk among ail clas""
sis. Old r .op'.e, th middle aged, those who aro
Just eul'.rlng life, fclid Vouth of both sexes buy
and re .id wdh tlw KieatWt protlt,
my fki;;o41 bECtvar, dio Lcvrrs-'
lus'. and best bbek.
it Is mojt:ng vitji the frca'v.t sneccss and
there' uu-payia it.
Uriid for our clicnTars. etc., which ere sent
free. QgQ. MATiEAS, I'hi'.ndelphia. Ul7 4w
Tlib bm( most comprehensivn aud valuable ri
litious.woik ever published! also; far onruew
illustrated Family Bible, cont:n,lng fAK) tine
scripture illustrations, and Dr. Sniiih's complete
Dictionary or the Bible. fn.l for Prospectu
and Circulars, ud we will show vou wh it agent
ay of Ibis, the best and cheapest Family Bible,
ana now last inrv rs lelling It. Address NA
TIONAL PI BLISHINO CO., Philadelphia, Pa.t
12. mzm.