3nnkn) 31mm can. H. B. MASSER, I. WILVERT. 8 UN BURY, JANUARY. 11, 1973. Repairing the jAtt. Tho Grand jury in thuir Report, among other things, spoke of tlid county jail lx-ing in a riilnpi tlatud condition, ftnd rctioiiuncmls ila n tiatr, mhiiittiiij: the necmsity it a in w one, but Baying that "this wai uot the pro per time to build one." We should like to know whether tho proper time will ever arrive iu the estimation of those who re faso to biinctiou a measure which they themselves ackuowlcgcil to be proper und neccssury. Iu the first plaou the fail cannot bo repaired to make it secure unless it is rebuilt. Admitting that it might bo repaired, at A heavy cost, it would bo that . kind of false economy practiced by u farm er, who, iu ten years, expeuded more mo ney in repniriug an old barn, than it would hive cost him tolmild a new one, and had nothing but a rickety old barn f'ir his trou ble. Every dollar expended iu repairing the bid jail is thrown away, while, a new oue Is not only ncccesary, hut wnuld prove a great savinr to the county by keeping its own convicts and prisoners. Increamc of Jritoiis Fa v. Wo hear complaints (hiring every court, that the pay of Jurors is nut bufllcient to repay the ex penses of Jury mcu while attending court. Tho wages of Juwrs was reduced several years ago to one l."0 w:ta per day. This amount scarcely pays their boarding. We arc also informed that there arc instan ces where Jurymen who could nut allbrd it gave various excuses for nou attetidauce. This amouut is certainly not stillic.ii.nt and we trust that some measures will be taken during the present session of the Legisla ture, to increase Jurors pay to two dollars per day. We are satisfied that no tax pay er will object to an increase particularly if he has ever been a Juryman himself. TujEi'osTAL Tkleokai'H. Powerful ef fect are iu operation to preveut Congress from adopting the ' postal telegraph" sys Jem by the government, as recommended by the Postmaster General. The tele graph, one of the greatest inventions of the ajie, has bceu comparatively of but little benefit to the groat mass of people, simply because it has always been in tho bauds of monopolists and speculators. Outside of the great cilics, where leading newspapers, bankers, brokers and speculators use it ex tensively, and are cf course well sorved by tho monopolists, the telegraph has been al most a failure. One thing is certain, that there is less telegraphing done now in many places among ordinary business men iu tho country than there was eighteen years ago. These are facts that can be proved. The cau.ie of all this is owing to the fact that the monopolists not only raised the tariff of rales aboutlOO percent., but were bo disobliging and negligent that few per sons resorted to the telegraph except in eases of absolute necessity. Rut the time is coming, aud is rut now far distant,whcn messages will be conveyeu 'o any part of the Union, cast of the Pacific Stales, for ten cents. There s not one objection that can be urged against the government as suming the telegraph that won't apply with equal force to our present postal sys tem. They are bolh vehicles for the con veyance of information. Ono writes what hi has to say iu Philadelphia on paper and sends it by steam to Rostou. Another, in greater haste, employs an agent to write t. Ii it ho lias to sa', with a pen reaching lroiu Philadelphia to Boston. Practically, the operation is the same, and why should the government find it necessary to control ono aud ignore the other? If the carry ing of letters was in the hands of monop olists, as they are iu some countries at this day, the rates would bo us prohibitory and the accommodations as unsatisfactory us those of th lelegrnph are now. The Governor Message. Gover nor Geary's last anu:il message, which was served to our subcribers in au extra, is a lengthy doeumeat and reviews with fullness the various interest of the Slate which, properly come under Kxecutive and Legislative notice, and makes a number of recommendations which merit more or less iiiteutiun. The financial condition of the State, according to the Governor, is un cxeeptiouubly good, the rapid reduction of the Stale debt and the. reduction of taxa tion having irono Inud in hand. The credit of tho S'.ato is excellent, and her public faith is uuqiicstioni d at home and (Jiruwl. Tho Governor calls attention to tho importanco of the adoption of a more liberal rmlii-y towards industrial enterprises which employ largo mi ml r of workmen and which tcud to develop the n sources of the Common wealth. , ilia remarks on this head merit consideration. Tho importance of the geological survey is dwelt upon with considerable force, as it has been in pre vious messages, and tho attention of the Legislature is, called to the necessity for a more extensive and esact survey than has yet been made. There aro a uuuiber of other mutters recom mended which will attract the attention of our legislator to act upon during tho pro- StUt CS;C The suow stmtn of Suuday last was one of the severest of the season in many places. Iu New Yor the streets were almost im pi. stable. The clocks in the City Hall, Trinity Church and nearly all the town clocks iu the city, were stopped in tho af ternoon by tho severity of the sleet, frost fend snow. Whitelaw Reii continues as the editor of tho Now York Tribune. The Colfax patty was not strong enough to oust White- la vr . Rr y.iHUJL, the opponent of Piolett in the Rradford V.intrit has been elected to till tho vacaucy iu Congress occasioned by the rcsiguatioa of Mercus. Tub contest fort lie speakership of the Xa'.ioual House of RepreaeuUtivts is wax luif warm. There aro several piwuinent aspirants besides Waiue.'who howevtHt is supposed Ins the "inside track. menrgu Tun United States SEVATORsnir. In a caucus of the Republican members of tho legislature, held at Harrlsburg on Tuesday evening last, Senator Cameron was renominated as a candidate for the United States Scnatorshlp. The vote stood 03 for Hon. Siraou Cameron 4 for lion. Wm. D. Kelley, and 2 for Professor Wicker Sham. Thorn were soventy-ono members present and sis absent. Of the absentees several wore severely indisposed. After the formal ballot was announced tho nomi nation of Gun, Cameron was mado unani mous. Tho Hatrisburg Tdajraph, speak ing of tho nomination makes the following truthful remarks : "The people decided the question of United States Senatorship at tho last elec tion iu a voico not to be misunderstood. Gen. Kartrnuft was announced, by all tho opposition papers in aud out of tho State, as tho Cameron candidate f.ir Governor ; and it was also declared by them that the election of that distinguished gentleman would endorse the Hon. Simon Cameron and secure his re-election to the Ssnatc. Well, tl.o people decided by the unprece dented majority of nearly thiktv-six thousand ihat Gen. Ilartranft should be Governor, and Simon Cameron United States Senator," and the Representatives of that people ratified the decision last even ing by the tiu'auimoustiomiiiatiun tendered to him. We know that Gen. Cameron had at one time determined to retire from public life ; but as the State canvass opened it was soon made manifest that, even hi political oppo nents would not let him have the desired rest,; no tlierelorn accepted the challcnjres so irequentiy tendered, and the issue was depth than in this part or the Stale. Iu fairly presented to the people mid decided i is not necessary for us to remind lumber as we have stated. nitMJ u,at a vast" difference exists between jhu it is not only ilio Itepubheans that : nave cause, to rejoice over the re-uomina- 1 1 on of (teu. Cameron; the people of the whole State have a right to rejoice; they know Hint they have u steadfast advocate of all their interests iu their present Sena tor. jcver lias he violated t!in solemn trust confided to him, and no matter where other members stand, Simon Cameron has always been the steadfast advocate of the best interests of his native Statu ; and hav iug been tried aud not found waulinsr, tho paoplo have determined to continue him at Washington another term to take care of tits welfare of tho Kevstone State." Tim Constitutional Convention resumed its scssiou on Tuesday last, at Philadel phia. The place of meeting is tho old church on Spruce street, below Sixth, which has been handsomely fitted up for the pur pose by Councils. Hitherto the proceed- inssoftho convention linve been merely 5l hifl l,lu n,"'Ul' ready to sally out formal or preliminary. No the real work j will be commenced, arid it is to be hoped tll0 energy to carry sound plaus for wtl'ety that it will be pushed forward without de- into execution, will avert the danger im lay. A task of the highest importance has ' pending, nnd preserve much valuable life bceu entrusted to tho body, und it should ' n"d Pperty. Hut if wo aro neglirj.-nt on . . . , . , ., , this suhicct, and wait our preparations to bo undertaken by members with a duo senso combat'tho dauger until it has burst up f responsibility. They have- it iu their ou us, the losses of other portions of the power to promote materially tho welfare of j couutry by lire in l7-- will be equalled by the Commonwealth. Many great reforms ' tho loss lloJ in 1-" aro demauded, aud thcto demands they , TlIE jishuuVe vas fully organized at should carefully weigh, that means may bo ' Harrisburg on Tuesday last. Iu the Seuale devised whereliy "they may bo engrafted j the following officers were chosen : upon our Constitution so firmly and iudis- "hTf,-"' ' An,l,,l;?nn' ,. , r. ,, t Chief Clerit Kussell Jirrett. sonibly that their full benefits shall be so-, A8si3t!inl Clcrks-T. 1$. Cochran, J. K. cured to tho people. The singularly high ' M'Afce. abilities aud standing of liie members afford i Transcribing Clerks E. Cownn, C. K. large guarantee that this very desirablo rc- ' Stavlwell, V. Thiekston, John Flom- sult will ba nttaiual. i Mil. Towkk at Home As there was : a design a few weeks ago, by some Demo crats, to ret un Mr. Tower, of Sehuvlkill I county, against the Hon. Simon Cameron for United States Senator, we give tho views of his neighbors on the subject. The I'ottsvillo Miiiers Journal, published nt the home of Mr. Tow wer, refers to that gen- j . , . , b wing plain language, tlcman in the followi viz. i Judging from a number of publications mndc abroad, the people of Schuylkill coun ty ought to feel themselves highly honored bv having very distinguished citizens re siding among iheni. Hut somehow or other, not many hero have been ablo to niuko the discovery its yet. It is also re- nortocl abroad that we have millronaries residing here. If wo have, the people have i seen no evidence of any public spirit or en- j The following tabje, f-hows the p recent tcrpriso for tho benefit of the voiuraunitat i compoeiiiort of this L":iit.:d States Suprvino large. Lut pcrh.ips they are like the mo-1 Court, with the trjes of th s various nicra-ney-grnbber to whom the Kov. Mr. Willitts bers. -KIT aliuucd to in his lecture ou luestlny even ing last, when he remarked '.hat "the lar ger the money bag became, tne smaller tho inau grew thnt owned it.'' Wu thought it a fair hit, as all our public enterprises for the benefit of the coinjjiunity aro tarried out by mcu of nut very largo means. From the Minos' journal of January C, lS-: ; rsrrr.r static sunatou. W'u are frequent ly utkoil whether we sup port C. Tower, Esq., for United Slates Senator. Vo answer in the. negative. We do nut consider that Mr. T. has any claims whatever for the .N natirnliip. lie has had no experience in a legislative capacity, nod he has but blender equina on the Kepubli- c'in party. Sueli is l!u. general sentiment among the. Hepuhlieaus of Schuylkill except probably three or four. Had .1 udge Kelley, Judge Seolield, or Ilia Hon. Mr. Ki teliuin been urged as candidates, tin. re is no doubt but that a large number of tho ltepublicans w .uMJhavc rallitd to the support of either of the above named gentlemen. It is well known that wo have never been classed among the supporters of (ien. Cameron, be cause we nave never uumircu his poiuieai taetii s ; but at the same time we have al- '.vays been disposed to treat him fairly nnd approve of his actions when we considered lliey (leserveil approval but if the contest is narrowed do n between Cen. Cameron arid Mr. Tower, we would most d.-cidedly prefer the re-electron of Cen. Cameron. On the 14th of December last a special election lor a rnemlier of Congress was held in tho l'dth district, to supply the vacancy occasioned by tho resignation of Judge Mercur, who bad been elected a Judge of the Supremo Court. Iklow will be found tho ollieeial result, showing that Frank C. l'unucll. Kenublica candidate, is elected by a handsome ma- jorily- lHitincll, u, rroiett, i, jirrulluril 3111 22(10 K3J V2o 3'J-i -10ii is.", 'iTO 1144 h40 GOOO C001 6001 099 Columbia. Montour Sullivan Wyoming Iiuuntdl's msj. Hev. Tallmadob thelJrooklyn Tuber naclo Orator, designates weeping as "wet wealher about the eyes." The monthly statement of tho Co rum is sioners of the Siukins Fund of Pennsylva nia shows loans to thu amount of 875,074 04 to have been redeemed during December, The total debt at tha closo or lire year was $J7,2-'7,020, and tho balance in tho Trca fury ?l,t3:j,la 31 An Impending rioort. Under this caption, the State Journal indulges in some suggestions which nro so timely and important that we transfer thimi to our columns. Tho possibility of a disas trous freshet as the result of tho unusual amount of snow which now covers tho area embraced in tho lumbering region of the Susquehanna must have occurred to every rcllecting man iu this community ; but the more contemplationjof such a pos sibility will not avail us anything if we uegleel to adopt the precautions wisely suggested by the Journal. Wo commend tho article to the thoughtful consideration of the parlies interested, and trust that every means may be adopted which can in any degree tcud to protect properly now exposed to destruction or damage Irom this source. The Journal says : "It may seem like borrowing trouble to remind our readers, and particularly thoso living long the shores of the Susquehanna river and its tributaries, that an immense March or spring flood is impending, and which may even occur before that time. Two years ago we had a flood in January, after which the Susquehanna did not closo uutil late tho following full. Light years ago, we had almost as much snow as we have now, aud then wo had a flood une qualled for its volumu of water and des truction of life and property for many years before. In that case much of this could have been preserved, had "proper precaution been taken in lime , but the people along the river and the properly ou Us banks were not prepared for the danger when it burst upon them, and as a conse quence lives were lost and property des troyed which ought to have been taved. "The snow at this lime in tho forests of the uorthcrn couutics is even of greater that region uow and that of twenty thirty years ago. Twenty years ngo there , were localities in the forests named in ; which snow lay until May. The thaw whs then gradual, because of the dense shade of the trees, but. the changes which j have since been made, leaving immense I open tracts of country, where the snow j accumulates in stupendous quantities, , such as cover so many parts of tho State j this winter. A week of mild weather ; six days of warm sunshine on the snow ' and ice of Clearfield county, any time dur ' im February or March, will send a rush I of water into tho Susquehanna which ! would make a flood of unprecedented des- Iructiyeness. Now is tho time to prepare ' for such an emergency. Kvcry weak point along the river must be lookid to, and ; wherever movable property is stored with , in reach of water marks of previous floods, ! it oti'-Ut to be removed beyond tho des- troy ,;r, that like a wild beast, is conceal, d " ' "'. t V.'l. t .Z Perfjcnut rit-jrms A. E. l'uck. Doorkeeper J. J. Cromer. Assistant Doorkeepers V . felierold. Charles Darrah. Mcssenger-S. CliiT. Assistant ilessengers . . Jieati, V. I M'Kinley. J.ibrarian-S. S. Child. Iu the House of Heprescntative the fol- lowing were elected : Speaker Hon. A m. Mlrott. diief Clerk-Gen. Selfridge. Resident Clerk John A. Sniull. Assistant Clerk Hugh Morrison. Postmaster Win. Coats, of Allegheny. Doorkeeper "Win. Moore, of Allegheny. Sergtnut-at-Arms--John M. Koot of Phil adelphia. Messenger Jiirucs I'tvi ivnx, of Thila delphia, Jri)f;r-s ok tiik l". s. Sitkemi: Count, Xanie. Mate. Ate Ap. S. 1 Chase Ohio 03 1S02 Xathan Clillbrd Maine 07 X. II. Swayno Ohio 01 David Davis Illinois CO Satn'l T. Miller Iowa S.l Stephen! J. Field California 51 lStii Jos. r. liiadley New Jersey 5S 1870 Win. Strong l'ennsvlv'n UJ 1S70 Ward Hunt New York W 1S72 Tjie native born population of Penn sylvania, according to tho census of 1870, was 3,4Ul,2"i(5. The native born popula tion of the United StaU-s was 8J,'.itU,142 ; foreign born, u..',li7.22'.). Of the latter, Ireland furnished l,8.Vi,S27, and Germany l,tilKJ,o33. Of tho native horn population, .S.tW.i'it'-) are whiies,4.H,ti.3o4 colored, IS Chinese, nnd 24,595 Indians, the lat ter only including tne civinzeu ltnuans who do not belong to tribal organiza tions, A passenaer car was thrown from the track on the Chicago, uuriitigton ana tiiincy railroad on Monday, and ten per sons injured, among them .liuio l.awrence, of the 1 lu ii us Supremo Lourt. Senator liuekinuham, of Connecticut, introduced a lem-thy bill in tho benate providiuu for a free baukiug system, eon traction nt currency and return to specie paymeut withoui coiumercial embarrass menu. The Vermont legislature has made it a iiuuishable ofleuse to point lire-arms at crson, even "rn iuu." isumerous deaths rave occurred from this kiud of "fun. aud it is encouraging that legislatures ap pear to lavor the cuactmeut ol laws to re lain the idiots from such senseless reckless' ness. Henry William, employed by tho Tho- mastou colliery, at l'ottsviiie, winie cut tins ice ou Suuday, bliniwd and "fell COO leetdown the siiipo." was instantly killed, his body being terribly mauglcd, The United Slated war steamer Califor nia has sailed from Sun h rauctsco to llouonulu, to protect American citizens i case of any trouble arising ou the question of accession to the throne of the Sandwich Islands. J.avt week a terrible avalanche of suow at Cotton Wood, Utah, rushed down tho mountain with frightful speed and force aud buried men, mules aud wagoua txiuoath its weight. At last accounts- twelve men were missing and several corpses were ex trieated lrom Ui ruass ot snow. At Salt Lake, New Year's day passed off quietly. Hie weather- was mud. It is worthy of remark that the thermometer has nwtiudicutcdalower temperature than thirty degrees above zero thus far this win ter. Luther Rroeuis, of this place, while on his way home from work on Inst Thursday evening a week, wns struck by the down train on the L'i& R. R. It. when near the Insane Asylum was thrown o(T tho track and had his head and back badly hurt. The engineer oudevored to prevent the ac cident aud was entirely blameless. Dan v'xlle -lmrriVm. tbbcrtiamcnis. Administrator Notice. NOTICE Is hereby Riven, tluit letters or Ad ministration hnvlnir, linen grnntert tothe un derpinned on the estate cf Mlrhnol Wert. ,ntc of Loner Muhnnoy township, Northumberland county, Pn., deeeuse'l. All persons knowing themselves Indebted io said estate ur. requested to iiuiko pfivmcnt, and thoa hiving claims to present thoin duly authenticated lor settlement. JOHN WERT. . PETER WERT, Administrators. Lower Mahanoy twp., Jan, 11, lH.--Ct. 1307. RIGHTER & GASXILL, 1307. DEALERS IV American an! French Winflow Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rough Plite, Colored, EmuntlMl and OrimmfUtM Ulsa, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 18T3. ly. Itcport ""The rirt Xntlonal Hank of Sunburj, Report of tlie condition of "The Firt National Bank of Sunbnrv," In Hie Borough of Siinlituy, Iu the Stiite of Pennv'v:iiit;i, nt the eloe of lm Mncsson the S7ih dny of December, A.JI)., lSIB. LIABILITIES. Capital Htock paid In 9200,000 00 Surplus Fund Discount, Eftclianijrr, intercut, iind Prollt nnd Los Cireuhtini; Notes outstanding St ute Dunk circulation outstunilini;... Dividends I'npaid Individual Deposits United flutes Deposits Deposits of It. S. Ditburtlng Otllcerx, Due to XutioiiKl Hauk Duo to Slate Backs nnd Bunkers, 80.000 00 . 20.G01 25 ITJ.tSTJ 00 6,0I5 00 2,4 H9 19 o(.017 72 l.fi:il IM r.t'.ll s:i S1.2S4 M ii,!7S 50 tGS3,GU 114 UESOIT.CES. Loans and Discounts ....?2o:t,s:i3 o U. . Honds to iecuo Circulation U. S. Wonds to secure Dopositu V. 8. Honds on hand Other Stocks, Itonds nnd Mortices . Due from KeJcctnhi and Kescrvo Acenis Due from National Hank Due from Slate Hanks and Bankers... Current Kxpenscs an. I taxes paid Cash Items, including Stampi and l'rotivt Account Hills of Natiounl Hunks Fractional Currency, Including Nick els, I". S. Li-iral Tender Notes 200,000 00 50,000 00 T0IJ 00 1.S50 00 r?2,S7-) 04 H.ITII l!l vr,.i;;! 01 1.CS7 20 s.ona 81 7,19'i 00 1,183 00 r.2,ooo oo GS3,641 94 STATE OF rKN'NSTI.VANl A : Cot NTT or NoHTBlMnr.KI.ANO. Si r. I, Samuel J. Pucker, Cashier of "The Kirst National Hunk of Sunbury," do solemnly swear thnt the above statement is true to the beot of mv knowledge and belie!. Signed, S. J. PACKKR, Cashier, isworn tn and subscribed Jbefore me, this Oth dav orjJanuarv, A. D., 1S73. Signed, Km'i. Wilvekt, Notary Publlic. (deal.) Correct Attest : WM. II. WAVI.E3, .i.e. imuTuN, .tens 11 A AS, W. I. CUKESOrOH, Sunbtirv. January 11, 1S7H. ro.tT O; tbeCcaJition or "The Noitli'iinlier'.and t.,iiin ty National Hank," No. W, In Hbainokin. in tii; Stat of I'rtimnyWania, nt the clof of b.il-ne- on the '-7th day ol IVcember, lt7:.' : UKSOCnCES. Loans ami V!coiirit $2o9.033 43 II. 8. Kouds to secure t ''.l ealiauni t7. 0 00 Other Stocks. Hund-. ii!d Moitgagjs (a per suiiedulc; .".,iT0 00 Due fioin Redeiinlng und Ueserve Ag'ts (as per sehcdilc) ICO C7 Due from Natonal Uauks (as per Hcedule) r,.Cr.l 80 Due from Stats Hank Hiid Hauliers (as per schedule) 05s 53 Banking House. I3.2;y S7 Other Real Etate l.'-JoO 00 Fur.iilure nnd l'lSturca 2.100 7" Current Expcutts W ixcs Pai l u oo becks nnd ottier Cash Items, (as per schedule) 5S1 s Hills of other National Hunks 2,U4l 00 raction.il Cur cy (iucludlng ulckc:s) f0 4J Specie Legal Tender Notes .'.S,140 00 LIABILITIES. urital Stock !aid in .... fC7,000 00 uiulus Fund 4,721 M ntirci-t .. 1iS OO Amount Cni'i'liitiou nutt'.audm ik-,,1.kI 00 Dividends unpaid 1,1'H "5 Individual D.'ositl I'.tiV.I VI3 Due to National Hank (as per sched ule! i'V-JO 87 Dae to Slate Hanks und ll.iiik .'rs ( is per schedule 7,. .10 70 I. F. S. llaa, Cuhier of "The Northunibtr laud County Nation 1 H.ir.lt cf Shamokin," do ulemuly vcar tluit the atx'VC state .ueul is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. t . 3. ii A A3, uisntcr. Correct. ATrr..-T, F. W. roLLOCK, ISAAC MAY, JOHN B. DOUTV. Stati or Penstlvma, County of Northum berland, tiwum in nnd iubcrrbed bufora m, tl.is 4ih day of January, I'jTS. O. M. fOHLbH, notary t'liDUC. AtlniiiiUt rntor'n Xollce. (Estate of N mcv Cassatt, due.) NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin istration having lici'ii granted to Hie uiidars!giicil on tiie E-tate of N.incv Cus'atl, late of the bor ough of Suutiuiy, Noriluiinbfil.ini county. Pa., di;c. All person knowing themselves luditiited to said estate, are requested to make liniuedlalo payment, and tbote having claims, to present tueui for tittt.iuiiut. P. II. MOOr.F., AJiu'r. Sunbury, Jan. 4, 1873. 6t. Xotlce. VTOT1CE is hereby given that application has r been made to the Court of Common Pleat, of Northumberland county, by tho first German Reformed Church ot pnnbiiry, tor an amended charter of Corporation for said Church, aud if no sumcifut reason tn tho contrary is shown, a de cree will be made at the next term of said Court according to the act of Assembly iu such case made uud provided. L. T. IlOHRBACn.ProthVy. Sunbury, Dec. 51, 187'.'. (Ol llT riUH I.AM ATIOX. Notice is hereby given that the several Couits of Com mon l'lvus, Gouerul Quarter Session of the Peace, aud Orphan Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Iu aud for the county of Northumberland, wllfcommence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A. M., ou MONDAY, JANUARY the Orb, next, aud will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justice of tho Peaoeaud Consta ble in and for the county of Northumberland are requested to be llicu and there in their proper persons, with their mil, records, inquisition, aud other remeinbrauces, to do those thing to their several olllces appertaining to bo done. Ana all witnesses prosecuting In behalf of the Com mouweultb against any prisoner, are requested aud commanded to be then and there attending In their proper eron to prosecute aguint biui a shall bo Just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Juroiaare requested to be punc tual In tin lr attendance, al the Mine appointed, agreeably to their notices. Given under my band at Sunbury, the 1st day of December, in the year ol our Lord one thousaud eight hundred aud sevsutv-two. HAMUF.I. H. ROTH ARMEL, PlxritT. Seta jbbcrtismcnl. "The First National Hunk of Snn bury, renn's." NOTICE In hereby trlven, thnt the reenlar an nnnl election of Director" of "The First Nn tlonnl Bnnk of Sunbnry, Pn," will be held on Tuesday the twenty-eighth (28th) day of January, A. D., 1873, nt the Bunking ilonso, In the borough of Bnnbury, Pa., between the lioura of 10 o'clock, a. m., nnd 8 p. tn., of anld day, In accordance with tha provisions of the Act of Congress. fl. 3. PACKER, Cashier. Stinbury, Pa., Dec. 21, 1872. book: AGENTS ron TUfl GREAT INDUSTRIES ' OF THE UNITED STATES 1300 PAGES AND COO ENGRAVINGS Wrltcn by 20 Eminent Authors, Including John n. oocon and iiokack oheki.et. This work Is A complete history of all brnnchr of Industry, processes of manufacture, etc., Iu all ages. It Is a complete cncyclnpedln of nrts nnd manufactures, and Is the most entertaining nnd rnlunblo work of Information on subjects of gen eral interests ever ottered to the public. We want Agents In every town of the United States, and no Agent can fail to do well with this book. One agent sold 133 copies In eight days, another sold S:8 In two weeks. Our ngent In Unrtford sold 807 In one week. Specimen sent free ou re ceipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FUNNY SIDE OF HIYSIC. (100 PAGFS, 2D0 EKORATINOS. An Interesting nnd amusing trvntlsn on the Medlcul Humbugs of the past nnd present. It exposes (juncks, Impostors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Mcdieina Venders, Noted Female Clients, Fortune Tellers nnd Mediums, and gives interest ing accounts of Noted Physicians and Narratives of their lives. It reveals startling secrets nnd Instructs nil how to avoid the ills which flesh Is heir to. We give exclusive territory nnd liberal commissions. For circulars and terms address the publishers. J. B. I1URU & IIYDK, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. KIJXni'RY MAKIILE YARD, t'oarlli Ntreet below market, SUNBURY, PEJiX'A. THE nnderslifned hn returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 5U Tons of Marble for Nouomenls, rnvc-Mtoues, mr &c. &c. ,11: 1 ITi, nm li.tnivlit til kiii,1, fi,rt,i.aa (l,nl will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The beat Sutherland Falls Marble, irblch Is better than Italian. Rutin ud is now old ss low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, QrAva-gtoncs, or other purposes, will Und it to their interest to call nnd examine tills lsrc stock, ns better bnrtruins enn he secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done in the neatest nnd most improved style. V. M. DAUGIIERTT. Sunbury, Jau. 11, 1S73. Meeting of Stockholder. A ft special mcctlne of the stockholders of the Fort AiiKUftii Building nnd L'uiti Association will be held in th sales room, on Tuesday Even Inn, Jununry Slst, 1K73, nt 7JJ o'clock, for tho purpose of changintr tho proviso in Article 10 of the Constitution of paid Asnociation, so i,s to read as follows: rmrided, Thnt no member shall be adjudged nud obliged to take such loan, who shall prove to the Board of Directors, his or her inability to give security forthe same. Also, Article 11, so ns to read ns follows j Ev erv loan of two hundred (200) dollars received from this fund, whether tukeu voluntary or nd- 1 judged to the member necordlntr to the provisions of this Association nnd of its Constitution, shall be secured by bond und mmtgaiic, nnd where I uh rnorteu.ee covers land on which a hnildintr i Or buildiUvS l o, r roo.wl, ,l.m hy a vll.j' tif lusurunco nirnlnet lire, nud such loun i-liall be further secured by a free or unincumbered share of stock of this A6Soclailnn, ntsiirncd to and held by the Association uscolatcral security. J'roi-iilnl, Thnt Iu lien of ihe sccuriiy require I as aforesaid, or In addition thereto, the Assocla- i tion may, wilh the knoKb.'dnc, consent nnd ap proval of the Board of lflrectors. accept free and I unincumbered share of stock of the Association, ! at the then cash Xalue, or any other security or j securities, sucti s Judgments, moitgatrcs, me- j chanic's' liens, Judgment bonus, and the like, as security for the the loan telieii usulWeMiid. j On every such lone In addition tothe premium, , one-balf per cent., i-lnll be paid monthly on the full-amount rr loan, viz: T"-o h'-inlred (2(X1) dolors, until the lisnlulloc of the Association. ; Iu fill ca"es the premium U in lie ilcduclcd from the lusn, together with all expense. N. F. MARTZ, I'rcrd't. j Jacob SmrM m, Becr'v. i Puubnry, Jan. 4. 1873. St. This Space in i:eterved Tor the AnVKnTISI'.MKNT OP PAINE & McGORMICK'S II A II D WAREST O R E Market St., Suubury, I'a. AdminUtrator' Si I Ice. Estate of PHILIP ZEHBE, Doe'd. NOTICE l hereby giveu that lelteii of admin ' Utratioo havlug been grunted to the under signed on the estate of Philip Zerbe, lute of Low. er Mahanoy township, Nortbumberland county, Pa. .deceased. All IK isons lodebted to (aid e- tate are requested to make immediate settlement aud those bavins; eluim are requested to pre sent Uern for xilletsttut. B. M. BUBB, fleorniowiK No. . "T3. St. Admlnlstistor mm tbbediscmcnts KMT It AY NIIEEP. Upper Augusta towrshlp, Knrthnmberland Co., on or about the 30th of Noverobf r Inst, five aheep, all white. Tho owner or owner are requested to come forward, prov property pay charge, and take them nwny, or else they will b disposed of according to law. UACHEL CAMPBELL. Jan. 4th, 1"73. 3 mo. NTOCUIIOI.DEll MEETING. Association No. 1, will meet at their room on Friday, Evening. Jarf. 15th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of electing OtH -IT for the ensuing year and to receive the rep.irts of Treasurer aud Finance Committee. J. WcrcRH BrensR, Bee. Sunbury, Jan. 4, 1873. KIIAX.0(V KAPP. . Third ul Market Nqiutre, HAVE Just received n full line of first-class goods at moderuto price. Have the best stock outside tho cities, consisting of American and Kwlwa Wntehea, Elgin, Illinois, Ilownrd A Co., Waltlmm, Mas., Sprlngtleld Watch Co., Pcllndulphln. Also a full Hue of Ladles' and Gents' Gold and ttllvcr Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold sett, Ear-Rings, Necklace and Pendant, Ouyx and Jet Jevfelry,. SILVER-WARE, Solid 8!tver-ware of Sterling purlt) , made to or der. Bridal nnd Presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks nnd Spoons In cases, also, a full line of Silver Plated (inods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Sets, Erblt Stands, Cake Baskets, ColTcc Urns, Fork, and Spoons treble plated, the best in tho market SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Cristle Pebbles mel ted together, nnd derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many years without change, aud warranted Superior to all others in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal handle In cuses u--plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight dav and Thirty hour Clocks, nlso Calender Clocks ol" nil discrip tlom. Engraving done nt the shortest notice. All goods sold vrarrantcd n they are repre sented. And he would call the attention of hi patrons nnd the public to his lurge stock of AMERICAN aod Swiss Watches of the tinest makers In the world. No trouble to show goods. Call nnd examine my stock. TH ATI'S S. SHANNON. JOHN F. KAPP. Sunbtirv, Dec. 21, Ii7-J. THE NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and medical Science. Dr. OARVIVS TAR ItE?IEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. CARYIVS TAR RU7IEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Asthma. Dr. GARYI.VS TaR REMEDIES Cure Heart Disease. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curn Skill Diseases. Dr. GAi:VI.V TAR REMEDIES Regulato Urn Liver. Dr. GARYI.VS TAR REMEDIES 7 Ticgulato theStomachnndBowels Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure all Female Weaknesses!. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES rurifv the BItsOd. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Disease of the Throat. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Bronchitis. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose Cold'or'-Hay Fever", Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Lung Diseases. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. 4 Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Prercnt Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Malarious Fevers. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES f Remove Pain in the Breast. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Bemore Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. CJAllVI'S TAK Mt.Tlt.lllM Are Superior Tonic. Dr. GAIIVI.VS TAIl BEMEDIE8 Restore the Appetite. Dr. GARVIVS TAR IlEIEDIES Cauae the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Iteetore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. . I. T. HYDE to. CO., BOLI PBOFBISTOBfib JOS Seventh Ave., New York, Decent our ar, l t7'J. ly NEW DRUG STORE, Mo. 13, South Third Street, Clemciit House BoM.il Snnliury, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. WE are now opeulur an entirely uew itock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any article in our line that may be called for, we have also a full slock of all the leading Patent Medicine, rrne rerru mery aud Toilet Article a speciality, a full as sortment of lUlr, Tooth, Nail, Shoe aod other Brushes, Dienlug aud olbor Comb iu great variety. FIXE TOILET MOATS. a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice tSplees, Peper whole or grouud, CaHile aud Laundry Soaps, I Jimp Chimney aud Lamp Goods generally. Bird Heed lu large or imall quantities, CARl'ENTEU'S CHALK, full stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Elixere and Pill of V. 8- P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porou, Poor Man' and other Platters, Ayer's, Wright's, fohenk's Mandrake, McLnne' Liver and otlier PHI, our stock cinbwoe every thing found in a well conducted Drag Stora. Couutry Pbvsiclan will And our slot full aud compute, and we guarantee to lell a low a th same articiea can be tout-tit In Philadelphia, choice VS'iuc, Whiskey Vud Brandy for Mediclu al purpose. ! October 5, 1T3. S NOTICE. To '' . ft. Note and Account' of J. IT. Con ley ! p-are In the hands of J. H. t'onlcv at the store wrs Pnbie k, Mc'.'ornilck f0V col.eellon, ni, a 17 rson knowing thnnelve indented, by no book account., will plens make Immediai iyment. .t TT PftVTPf A. r Bnnbnry, Decethlicr 14, 187li.-4t. MELICK. r , it bo" iim. Auuiiieiurv, (Successor to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Market Square, NCXIUIItY, PA. Keeps coustantly on hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggist Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, TERFUMERy, PATENTMEDICINES.OILS.PAIXTS GLASS, PUTTY, YAItSUSlI, DYESTL'FFN, In fact everything osually kept in a well eon ducted IDXTO- STOP.E. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipt by the Proprlntor himself. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1872.. NEW GOODS! NEWGOODStI Just Opend. F. J. BYROD, Informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, thnt he has received hla large assortment of Dry Goods und selling them cheap for cash nt his store room, corner Third and Church streets, SUNBURY, PA., Hit stock comprise Dry Goods and Groceries. The Dry Good department is complete, having a general assortment of Cloths, Casimerc8, Calicos, DeLains, and ovcryrhlng in the Dry Goods line. The CKOCF.Ilir.S are all frenh, nnd consists of Tea, ColTcc, Sugar, Mollas.es, Spices, Meat, Fish, Scc. BOOTS AM! S1IOKS. tVllIow-M are nnd Gluss-tVure. a general assortment. In fact everything kept in a first-class store, can be had nt the most rcassnablc prices for cash. Having located In Sunbury for the purpose of I ueconung one or us citizens, i nope mat by lair i dealing und strict attention to business to "nvi it a share of the public patronage. My motto is 'Small l'roti' and Quick Sales.-' ! All are cordially iuvitcd to call and examine j my goods, ns no ciiargcs will be made lor show ing tueiu. F. J. BYUOD. Sunburv, Oct. 19, 1873. , O. W. KEEFER. R. A. OASS. NewGoods! i Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing j Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, i Glass and Xails ! I of every variety, at one low price, K EE FEU & GASS' STOKE, Corner of Fourth and Maikct btrci t, SUNBURY, PA. All kiuds of Grain takeu iu exchange same as I cash. Cull nnd tec us. KEEFER & GASS. j Sunbury, Oct. 2C, 1S72. j ' 20,000 WORTH 0 F G OODsT ; AT THE STAR STORE OF Clomont & Disoiilger's, In the new Clement Building, Market Square, Kuitbiiry, Just opened the FALL AND WIXTEH GOODS! ' of beautiful designs. : CLOTHS, CASslMKRKSaud i SUITINCS. , DoincMios and Notions. ! Carpels and Oil Cloth. j BLACK GOODS. j Ladies' Merino Under Garments, : Misses and Childreu' do ! Meu n:.d i!o ! Hosiery, Glows &r. All eiidle.i variety of Notions, Trimmltigvfcc. Q U E 11 N .S V A HE, W I LLO W WA K i:, For Our Grocery Depttrtiucnt, We claim unusual udvautages. Tiic quantity sold obliges ns to purchase frequently and cuu lomers can rely upou getting frei.li, wholebomu articles. : Our Dry Goods und Xotiou Depart j lueut F-iubraces everything require! from Pins to i Carpets. And we are daily receiving the uovel- ties ot'tue BwiMin. ' Call nnd examine our stock. Having our Siore 1 lighted with Gus, goods can be selected in Ihe : evening as well a iu the day lime. No charges I fur ihoing goods. I CLF.MENT & DISSINGF.R. ' Nov. 2, 1S70. Full mid Uinter Style or ! Jill 11 11161 V Ci O O 2f HATS, CAPS, und BONNETS. RIUBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHEKS, Crapes, Sllka, Satins, Tunp-roiie, Crape and Lace Veiis. Trimmings of every Description from New York and Philadelphia, jut opened nud for "ale at unusually low prices. Call und examine uud be convinced. MISS L. SHISSLEK. Market Square. South side, Siiubury, Pa. Sunbury, Oct. BtV, 1S7J. CIIKIST.'MA! (iOOI)ff. J.E.CALDWELL&C- 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- Dave now ready their magnifloen tstock of HOLIDAY GOODS. JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, FAN CY OOOUS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, ATTRACTV1E GOODS AT MODERATE FIX F.D PRICES. 902 Chestnut St. 902 J. F. LERCH'G CARRIAGE AND WAGOMAKIXG( ESTABLISHMENT, CHE8Tmi ST , SUNBURY, PA VtuioLE or all Kind mads to Ohdsb. The latest style and tha best workmanship. Sample may be teen at th shop, tiiv hlitt call. fui.burv, Dee. T, 17C. ly.