Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 28, 1872, Image 3

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    SUNBUllYr DECEMBER 2B, 1872."
Itnilrond Time Table.
1. C. R. W., Smith.
Krjo Mnll,. iJ J.BOum
Frio Express, ,1.40."
Hail, 1105 '
tNia(?. Expreee 8.00 p ra
P. & E. R. R. West.
Mnll, . 6.t!0 a m
Nlnir. EtpresslSI.40 pin
Eliuira Mnll 4. HO '
Erio Express, 7.01 ",.
gl'SllURT AttJ I.KW19TOWS ft. .
Leave Sunbury for I.cwlstown at 7.45 a. m.,
nd 8-10 J. M.
Arrive .at Banbury from Lcwistown Bt 1.69
and 7.43 p. m,
. . ihmoeix pmsioit, . q. . w. :
.. LKAY19
Sanbnry at j 6.45 m
. " ., ; 13.85 p m
- 4.40 i) m
At Bunbury i 0.95 a m
B.ftR pin
6.00 p m
', ItAZLETOH WrMtrSBAltttB tt. II.
Rcsrular passenger tenia leaves Sunbury for
TJanvllle, C'nttnwissn, Ilnr.lctnn nml Intermediate
nations, fit 0.45 a. hi. Rctm nhiir lenve Uuzlo
ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive nt 4.00 p. in.
Leave Northumberland at 0.40 a. m. and 4.C0
p. m. 1
Arrive at Nortuumberlfind nt 10.35 n. m.
C.Oi p. ra.
Accidental Tnsnrnhee Tickets can bo bad of
J. Bhlpmiin, Ticket Agent, at the- Depot.
justness ocitls.
Skwino M ..chines.-Mlsa Caroline Puliusts the
agent for tho sale of the beet rawing Machines
In existence," Viz : "Tho Improved Singer,"
"Orover Baker," "Howe," nud "Domestic,"
which are constantly on bund and sold Hi rea
sonable prices. She Is also agent ror tbo cele
brated Frnulx aud Pope Knitting Muchlue. Call
and see theru. ; OlU.a on Murkcl street, east of
tlm railroad.
Go and seo the large Christmas tree at Clem
ent & Plsiingcr'a 8tore. Also, the One Sewing
Machine to be given away. All persons, buying
5 woith of goods for cash, ill receive a ticket.
Ir you want anything in the way of nice Toy,
Books, Chiui-v,a re, Brackets and Willow-ware,
d-n't full lo cull at Ilazletlne'a. Ilia nice new
light tells where he in.
AcconnroNS nnd Mouth Orfantof all sizes, at
Bootr.3 Holiday Books for present?, at Hazlc
tlne's. lls-jprnLT challenges the country to excel his
shadow Photograph".
If you nit-he either File, Life or Aceid'M In
surance in coot', reliable and first class Compn
niis, yon will find it to your advantage to call
at Shipintui'R office.
1. iL-iii.N3 Horse", Wajto as, Aa., Ac, nt Hazle
ti.ici. '
JCWn.ltV FOK THE llllf.MDAT. Thai' C.
Shannon csl's attention to Ills larg-; slock or Jew
elry on the corner of Third ami Market Square.
Hi- stock comprise tho largest assortment out
t Me th . cities which in warianted to lin as rcprc
K' litel. Tli? Rii"-t a.i'oitnieiit of holiday pie
fhiiH will be f.iinid nt hi flovc. Call and tec
them, as no cbai ics are made for ehowintr
.J: sr re.-lv;-.!, 1 ftrots Altnanaca, all kinds.
L:ni" i:'ter Almanac on band at Ilazeltinea.
P'ii:oa.tiN Pictures, and Ado wotk a apectulty
r.'. i!e'iiper:ys.
(liiu Chains, Opera, Matltire and I.eontluo nt
1" r 11 . 1
cli.ilc.1 candy
.iisins, Cuiautrt, Toy?, N'uts, and
: to Byerly,
Oysters for the Holidays from Iy
uj.' none but the be-t always nice l
ai I l'i
Go v- ti'.iii'ni.iii and cct a policy of insurance
on your life, and present it to your wifo as a
CiTi-tma (-ill.
I'in:: tJoM Watibet, for Christmas presents,
i.l A. il. Meixeil's. of all sizes made to order ot
K-i'KciAt. Httvntloa to family groups at Hein
per!y" (iai'.ery.
.! i ii A. J. h ani .-tt!s before fie 1st of
Jiruary noxt.or cu milit get the epper-sncd-
I.'iii.niAT (Joo.'.e, clci.aiit prcsentn suiiei to all
it V..-.7. l:i:ie"s.
II tvi-.'ovn Hihlcf, rew styles, clei:;t Hymn
I!i"ik a:o on ban.!, at Ilaz'.etine's.
r;.Mosn, Stone, Cemco, Ainethit and Tope
ri'j.f, pirfect'y Imnr'onio for Christmas pre r.t A. M. Vfixe;i,.
Iloi.ji'AT Cifi.", useful ireseiilj nt Dr. Marl! n
and Co's Pi Store, Clement Ilousa building,
Thir 1 slrect.
(r.'; i.': z Works r.f Sliukspoare, Cyiou, Surns,
Mo'ir: mid all pojui'iir authoTs.jutthrtbiug for
a nice present, at Hr.!rUne's.
Notiiino nicer for a Christmas present tban
your "ilioto" nicely framed. Ilemperly puta
tli-in up in e'yle.
V. M. Dii'y iKiiTr has removed bis rumble
j a r.I to Fourth at:'!, one lulf square south of
the City Hotel, a-here he bus built a Corey idiop,
and ! reidy to make cveiytliluj in bis liuo on
short notice.
Tins! Toys! Toys! Brackets, Brackets.
Wiiiiui; Disk, 'ritin? licsks. Work Boxes
mid Work ijiuud, at ll!etlnes.
V ises Toilet Setts, &c, new designs, at Ila
z!iti'.leK. ilr.i your pictures taken nt Ileinperly'i.
The be.-t assortment of Watches au,l Jvwelry
in tlie city M A. M. Meixell'a.
Byerly bought hie toy lu New York, and can
sell ih' iu fur les money than most others, lie
mrc ii nd t'o lo Byerly for your Holiday Presents,
nnd save money. Au immense lot, of great va
riety, to select from.
Ax Immense stock of Frames Jubt received nt
liei'.iperiy's Plinloinph Gallery.
G:.T your houses and bomna pbotojrrapbcd by
le.tvinir your order nt llemperly's Gallery.
IIv.v.vrm.Y ropuM all kinds of picture accu-
vitiv.l. The new styles of Hats nud Caps
ii'loiu the win, lows of S. Fuusl'a hut store.
(': Muikei street, are beautiful. His fall nnd
wi (; sicck Is superior to any ever seen In this
plain. All tlie latest fliles, and of the best qua
lit v , are lo bu found nt lii c.tUhlUbuieiit, and at
I'lieet to mit
F.oi Tiir lloitsp-. I dlueiiza or Epidemic Ca
tariii. 'ibis beluga typho.l disease, requires a
su tuniiuL' tre. i.iivi.t or suceesa will be doubtful.
Those 11. -I ki. owing ho lo treat Ibe ubove dit-
e .-e. Culi 011
N 1 ','. ;'. JAMES VANDYKE, Sunbury, Pa.
T :: .-u-ral cry is rieaiferly lakes the bast plc
t.iii s in tile Cuuuty.
For :'ii'r ir, Coffee, Tea, Spices, Dried fruit, Ac.,
go to IP, 1 !' uud save money.
W. XI. F. Wiimer tins Ju t received bis tccoud
pun h o e i f f 1 1 and inter goods, cheaper than
ever. His stock of ladies' drest goods, watcr
piiiofs, lors, earpils, oil cloths, flue groceries,
nn I In fuel everything to suit the tittle und fancy,
ami nt pi ices anlovlKUingly low. He sells for
ready csh, and will not be undersold by any one.
Give him a cull, und be couviuced that Welmer't
popular cash store i the iihice to secure burgalnt.
llotisi! Ann Lot fou 6i.b A new cottage
bo in-, M .tit nil tho modern Improvements, liaal-
d In Piirlytomi, on the Cattawls.a road, is of
fered fir ule nt a leiisonuble rrlce. Apply toC.
I, Srusituiii, Sunbury, Pa.
, KoTlCB. vAt that ExceUlof la the place in tiny
for the holidays, as Miller Ims pollen up the ni
cest Boots nnd Pbocs for ths Oiitislon. Go and
sco the llncst Fronch calf Bcolch bottom, and
band stitched boois alo, single nnd double lol
fd liand-st.ltchcd, all of them warranted. Wo
have now In r.tora two bundled pairs of huilcs'
shoes of nil kinds-,' fn ens' arrllcs, over abora ; al
so Ladles' Misses mid Ciiitdiciia'. I ndies' nil--bcrs
from forty cents to one dollar.' fitly' only
the Now Brunswick nilber ft I- llin br? lut'in
rimrkct. Every pair we tell r.-a warrc; trd.-Any
of them lhat don't give ant'efaolion, wo ?i70 an
other pair in place of thcin. Thi K:ol!,.o and
Evans American Gnlters, only to rio "tot r.S Mil
ler's, cull nnd sco ns, nnd savo twenty per cent
ns we can sell at the lowest cash prices.
FoB REyt. A three story brick bouse on F.nst
AInrk' t street, Store Room on fl ret floor, second
nnd third stories suitable for Lodge Rooms, slzo
of all the rooms 19 by 60 feet, (fas lncvefy room.
Apply to I.yon Si Bro., Sunbury, P.i. 4t.-d. 21.
Go sec the nice nsnortrnunt of Furs at tho Stnr
Store of Clement aud Dlssinscr, aold nt C'cnllj
reduced prices.
If you need protection, either Fin or I.ifh In
surance, cull nt Tortcr's Insurnnco olilcc, near the
Court House, Suuburv, Pn. Iusurance effected
On the most approved plan.' -' f
. Notice to BfBsciuneiiB. We arc niriA''1 ln
sending out, by mail, printed bills to n!l"lrun
scribcrs, showing their Indebtedness to lie Ame
hicah. It is sincerely hoped, Wat, ttry delin
quent to the. efflec of thin juumal. whttler f n Si:n
scription, ABVURTistNrt, or lOii roiiK, will be
kind enough, nsklc from his other obligation to
to do will promptly respond .nJ remit by,
the umn"nt dua-ns, either in' i liuUtcrcd T.ttcr,
or r,tt()J)'?i Order. We have tcit tie Amhiiicax to
many euhscriberj, who have nit pild for several
y-ar?, rnd cs wc only (ax then tic lowest price
J1.C0 a jear, we hope Hay wll l.c equally gene
rous aud pi.y pronipliy
Imtoktaut PsoCovkkt. Miuceples nre much
Improved by a email Qnntity c' Younicnian'a
Wine put Into them. This w'ne i the phenpeut
and purest liijuor that can be boiitiit. 5t.
Cold Weatukh. The neat he during tho
past week ha: probably ben the tverert i-xpe-rleuced
for year past. On Chrisinas niomiii;:
the therinometpr rantrc l from 10 b 15 d-'rces
below Zero at Ihls place. j
A tliis is 11m last itiv.e r.f the 'American" In
lWi, wo extend the of a Iliypy New Year
all our l'atn;n, and "the rest of -.lankiud."
All the. Kailrond Trains came Inheliln.l time nu
Thursday lul, owiiij lo the sno.vund cold wea
ther. .
t-I-EISUIKa for the last week hiisbcon eseellt nt ,
and Uieries are doing a pretty fair business.
A IlAsrso-M!3 Chhistmas Tunc The Christ
mas tree lu tho Lutherau Church vus the most '
tu'tefuliy trimmed of all on exhibition in this
place. Wt urc Informed that it bssjieen photo
graphed for the use of the Sunday School. The
ciitcitaiimvuit given C.11 islam suving by the scho
larsuud teaehcrt; of the Lutheran Sunday school
la .considered the finest of any of a similar char,
aeter r vcr given in this place.
CuL. Spelt, of the Jane; Short Herald is nfter
Thos. Chalfunt, Stato Senator elect from that
district, with a'charp stick for refusing to pav
his printlm; bill. Mr t hnirant Is a publisher
himself and is the hist man that should do such
a thing, f as il may seem there, aie some
men mean enough logo back on the printer after
they bnve been shown nil the favorB they could.
We have some such on our books.
A Bi.toUT fire occurred at the round house In
the upper part of thl borough, ou Thursday ev
ening of last week, caused by a lot of waste tak
ing lite. It wni extinguished before doing auy
material d'n:g.
Wr. noticed on Thursday of last week, when
the alarm of lire was given, width occurred nt
the round hou'c, that the firemen bad great dllli
culty in pulling tliair steam engine along the
s::ert. We hope that the council will soon pro
vide horses lor the company so as to avoid the dif
ficulty a 1 Ising from exhaustion among tho men
before reaching the fir-. It cannot be expected
that mrii shoul 1 inn n half mile or further drag
ging an ngine nfier them, and do cllielont ser
vice in extinguishing the lire. The company are
ahvuyu ready to do Ibeir utmost at the peril of
lifr, and we think It not only Just but humane lo
provide Uieie. with some other means of drawing
their engine.
Adjoi'Iined SiT.t. The sale of the property
of Mrs. Harriet Martin has been adjourned un
til this Saturday at 1 o'clock, p. m., to take
place 11I the Couit House. Any one di shing a
cheap property should attend this sale. The
property is ln excellent repair will ba told cheap
and time given for payments.
Ciianur of Ham. ruopuiUToits. Tlie Euro
pean Hotel, on Third street. kept by Joseph Back
er, was told to Dr. J. II. Jcoiies, who took pos-
tension on Monday last. Dr. Jciiiies is courteous
aud polite, and will make an excellent'landiord.
., . .., . .. , .
The bouse wol undergo an entire change, und
will be kept as a ilrst c'.as hotel on the Euro
pean plan.
T:tE Tnr.MiiNE Bnornniis f.ivovej our citizens
with one of their dillghtfal entertainments on
I Tuesday evening last. Wc felt sorry that their
audience was not larger, as all who listened to
their extr.oniinary vocal powers weio delightsd.
There are but few Troupes who excel the Tie
luaiue Brothers, fur a Caa and chaste entertain
ment. As they promise to return nt some future
day we hope they will bo greeted with a crowded
bouse. .
A Fish Establishment. We lately visited the
hardware tlore of Messrs. Conlcy A Paine, on
Mat et Hreet, which ii really oue of the llnest
establishment of tlio kiud we have seen eithe: lu
the city or country. The nrticles nre well ar
ranged Ibo customers can readily select from
their extensive stock. Everything In the hard-
wore line la kept nt their etore. And mechanics
may secure a full
to ga elsewhere.
outtlt of toolt without having
' .1 ..1, ri. I..V...I
Their ttoek of iron Is the lur-
est in this part of tho country. Cutlery of every
deicriptlou, carriage mukert' tiiiulugs, nud shoe-
maker.' ttoek lire a socially. The lurgo stuck
of Boy's and Girl's skates has never been excell
ed In llils plueo. Those who wish a good niticlo
in this line should not fail lo call and See lueir
great variety aud the liiiineusu stock.
C Christmut day while our employees were
endeavoring to enjoy the day with the thermom
eter below zero, our foreman, Mr. C. J. Blair,
bent upou out-ilolin; the others la tho way ol en
joyment, look the early train over the S. C. rail
way, and croi-t-'d the line of our sister county,
Perry, and captured one or her fair daughter
as a partuer to share with him tho rugged path
of Ibis life. Tes, Coruey bat Joined the mutri
moiiiul band, aud now embrace a fair fortn.
May they enjoy tlio anticipated bliss through life,
aud may their imirmiaiu be clear aud their
proof-thtet fllled with bright and iliasiuj re-
collections of the past, and their future path be
strewn with garlands. May the conL'rtulallons
nf ni.m...i.i. f. 'u., I,. ....i!.,..i . . . . , , .. ,
or numerous f, lends be realized, and lack tablet
be always filled wttb plenty af
focal Affairs.
Coumisbimreiib' ArpornTHBNTS.--Tlie Coimly
Cimmlsplnncrt, on Monday lart mnds the fol
lowing appoirrtiicnte for the ensuing your l
Clerk rctcrW. Orny.
Pollellor Wn. A. Bobor. ,
riiyslelnn lr. I). W. fihlndcl. . .
Mercantile A'proUer J. B. Reed.
Jan1lor--Jaib Calilo.
Tlio Cotnnilsloauts savo cerlMnly mailo a so
icctlop that rfhets preul credit upon tiiemeidvcs.
The t'Cr.tleinli rilc'led nre nil ijie.n i f lteiity,
ami fully fiit'l U ih PMllione to nieh they
have be4m o.'roi''tJ' The clerk, Ut. Gray, is
well knows t)Ort;;hout tho crtnniy ni sii oieel
!cnt ncrt.nii"'. ud h.n bnd much ercr'.erco
us book lefrrt a,11 ' wo" culcnlntcd to niufce
a most 110"' officer. W. A. Bober, the solici
tor la wclnoTra rising yomig lawyer witu
Rood ! ability; nnd la cohsldirjd a iaf and
nblo ce"lor- tboie will be. oo doubt,
mc .innd In that oce thai n;'il cbeiO !uvu3
t.r,tn, tlie Commissioners h:'.va chosen 'i'
)., g-'urlnsr a fjood counsellor. Or, D. Yf, Eb!:i
fl;ltho riiy!eV.'n, Is ono of our oldest and iiwt
osrlenced physician, aud 1j well known
;i.m).'bout the connlry us gentleman of high
i-nk In his prcfeS'-loii. J. P. Reed, Esrj., of
lilton, the uiereantiltf appraiser, Is a tiioro-ch
juslncss man, nud will muku nn cflieient o.Heui.
Jacob G.blc, who has been appointed Janitor la
an Industrious deserving nan. Htrla woll kuowu
to nil who have attended our courts for somo
ycurs past ns obliging and courteous to every
one. Willi such ofuoers wo cannot help believing
tbnt there will be such a vast clinne made about
the court house thitwillnmaze every one.
Br trait, Mixnu with Lahji. We bava fro
quently beard it said that bra tidy iui:l sugar
mixed would Improve the taste, nnd thst lemon
ode olive t with a Utile cl.iri t, U nuita lleisint
to tali. Bui we eiionot'aay that butler ami law
mixed Is an iinnrovciii uil ti the quality of tlie
build'. We bud a fair lest of thb mixture last
waek. Having prfccuntl a roll of linn looking
bultcr, wj looked forward to tlio enjoymerit of a
feast on Clu i-t uu-.s, 011 what wc suj posed to be
ris Hue an tr;leloae good cream and careful .ne.u
Ipulatdon ever Piiuduced. Bat behold our disap
pointment T.hcnuiion divl il;::; tho roll, wc dis
covered the centre occrjlcl Uh n large lump or
lnrj. Boln? uuiiccustoinel to mixt'irci of the
kiud, our appetite faiied to nrpreei ifj it. 'id '.'
market man is Harked, for we do not de. ire to
again bscome ths mifWtauuts puivh iser of mix
ed butlrr. Tlie man wlio will thus cheat a print
er by selling him lard concealed with n (Urn
i batter will purely not lonir go v.niiot'.ei 1.
Fine lMPnoVEMi:sT. 'tho double frame
house, on R.isrbeiry street, let ly erei ted by Mr.
Wm. F.ngleman, Is a creat l nprovemenl to lhat
pu t of the town. Mr. F.nglcman ha foitr more
bouses under way to bo re.i ly for occupancy by
spring. These houses are suitably nrran. red f r
tenant house., and he liuds plenty of customers
nt fair recto. The demand for hou ci h : never
been gr-cter in this place than now. If some of
our moneyed men would foliiiw the example of
Mr. Kiigleinaii in building uooil bouses on their
unoccupied ground, it would not only Improve
the town, but would give new comers a com en
able home, ami pay the property holders
interest for the money Invested. Mr. En::li man
is deserving of much credit for setting Ihecxain
ple of Improvement, well ns for piovl.ling
dwellings for those who come here to make 'oar
place their future home.
Acrinr.NT. Yesterday forenoon, Mr. Wil
liam Uirlch, of this place, employed as a'.i
bund ou the P. & E. railroad, received serious
injuries by being; struck by the down passenger
train, in the viciuitv of the steam tannery. It
appears that he had stepped across the siding to
th main track and was truek by the cni;ine of
tho passenger train. Three libs wern broken
ami an ugly cut on tin top of the l.eal was re
ceived. Pr. Cowman w as calle l and dressed hiu
wounds. It la thought be , will recover. ll'i:!
eonto'cn 7,'tVi)-..'.
Cnn:STfA past ed off very iiuietly lu this place.
Nothing of note occurred (luring th- entile day
except a few cases of "sen-slekness" caused by
sipping too freely of eg.'-nog,
PnO'.v flor n. The passenger trains on the
dtiVerent t:ii'ro.',..!s tei :nlntinir here, were all
snow hound on Thursday. B..t ore iraiii came
through from H.irrisb'irj; from Thursday moru
la:; until Frijay morning.
Pa rial k Por.s Ai:r.'.:s:i:r Our readers wii!
renn i.iber a free llirlit noticed In this paper about
tw. years ago at Locust Gap la which Patiick
Dohm beat the wife r.f Patrick Gwlnn to such all
cxt-oit that she died from the effects of Injuries
received a few days afterward. A warrant was
issued to arrest Polau but he had (led. On the
12th inst, Patiick was auvsted at C.iiar Isville,
tohuyikill county, to which place he had return
ed a few ihiya previous. He was brought to this
county and lo i-e I in jail for trijl ut January
Term. 15. dun h onol the Pat lifter Gang who
for years p.i'jt m-cre .. terror to the whole cjiiiinu
idty. Wt; r. re happy to conlrvdiet the report cireulat
ed in u number of tho papers of the neighbor
hood, to the etVect that tho health of Rev. Jas. C.
1 v.. in in-, 01 u:u .u. u. i-uuicn, iuis pincc, uuu
failed l.iui, and that he would bu obliged to re
lire Irom Hie y. He la nt present ill the
I enjoyment of his usual goo-,1 health, nnd nble lo
j l'1 1'0' ' Iriai;' l"n ,: vigoiou aermous every
Sunday us ever. i.'uimu.; Jurald. ol JMirory Tor January Tee.ii,
okasii ji'rr.ns.
Pan. V,':.g:n r, LU. Mali, Michael Luhr, Lo. Mah
Jno. B. Ni w baker.Z l b; W in. II. Uiasser, Coul.
Jos. Aoliop.-ter, Wat 'n 1 ho 1. Graham, Mi l niv
Cyrus (ieasy, Sunbury.: it. J. Reeder, McEh'IIb
Sam'l Tease, MiUou.uw , A uim, Coal.
Joseph Biirgar.l, Point. John Newman, Klin wiv
Geoige Mainz, Mil. bury Jacob Hoover, Mt CI b
(ieo. Malick. Jackson. Porter Eislur. ilrhtwuro
I John Lindoiier, t-eivis. 'l'oblus Long, Low Miih
Win. lioe. bhauiok tor John Martin, Ml C'l tp
Dau'l C. Ilo-ue, Wal'n Jacob Cole, llillallk Ip
I'av. V. Daii.-., Mt C'l b Alex. Zaitmau, Lo Aug
Iane llollister, Mt Ci b J. E. MeLaughllu.N'thd
Iwiue Farley HiveM do Joseph Witnian. Coal.
Tlmiiric Kjancis, Coal. Wui. BerghiUrc,Up Ma Schmuck, Nth ieo. W. htroh, U. Aug
11. K. Trouttnan, or'n Jesse Dietil, Mi Cariu b
Kills L. Irwin, MeE'lle'Wm. T. Ricky, l'p Aug
Il lVi.l HfiU-tf, 1 nlL' A II 1 .1..!.,. I u.i...- 0..;...
, ihi)lle ismiuk.'tihain boT .Uriah Mallet' LowAm.'
( Win. Re -m t. Low Aug.'S .in'l K.JMorg. n, Nth'd
j Harmon G Kline, U Au John Shell.
I Hugh Philip, Ml C'l Ip Tboinui John-iMi, R.1.-I1
., ,, k,,,,,. MlCiil. s frlnjlllj VpMaU
Michael Iselil.i h
Shn. S is. L. Sc!:ooley, Wal'u
1 1 i 1.1 1 1 K. Labor,
liu-li. Kaniel heller. Lewis.
"n "."1"',.'r' b" ' ,w" ' e';"tci'naeber, LoM
J110. GibtiOLS, Mt C'l b Patiick Rigney, Coil.
John r-liihl, Alt Carol b Sain'l Mailz, bbiiuiokin
Wm. Meinir, Kivrrsl le. Jaie.l III iilnuo r, Cuin'11
Daniel Smith, Zerbe. Jnr. C. McWilliann.Cli
l.lias Biek.d, Miltiin,iiw Peter Durst, Sunbury.
Daniel f. Keilz, LU Mm Win. II. iiui n, Shamuk
Juo llaup, Jr., Lewis, Isaac Kilsee, Ml Curb
Joualbuu Couia.l, Suub, Jacob Wolvei'lou, Rive
Win. D. II.ffinuu,Wush John Fugleman, Wal'u
Joi n (i. Murklc, Suub, AiiilmwJ. Duller, Tur.
Win. Bloom, Low Aug. Daniel Reed. Jaekxiu.
Chas. S. Miller, LoAug Johu C. Moman, bunb.
Jacob B. lloU'oiao.bll Ip Jeru. Ailaiop, Washing
Levi Meutrus, Lewia. lleury Kissinger, Mi.t'u
Win. II. Morgan, Nthd Aleui Mouser, Mi Kw'e
Geo. Everar.l, Noitb'd Harvey ltobbliis, bba lo
Jacob M nobler, Shuiuo J;i. il. Cuihearl, Delii.
Casper TI.
p, Coal. I ),i v nl Wynn, Low Aug
Ju. Ii. ll lKes, DelaWil .lollll llowilev, t oul
a . i.u.i rT r..i, 1..1... v 1, vo, 1
I Patrick Hurt, Coal. Daniel Camp, Mt'c'l tp
Caleb V. Fisher, Wash. (ieo. W, lYoiiimnn, J'n '
Jonathan B. Delbler 80 Driickeinlller, Suub
Ju tali Hn werter, Sim 111. ' lieu ry La h r, Lo w MIMi,
Frauci, MCur,J M CI t Zacbirlu. Taylor, Xthd
I Henry J. Kenn, Zerba.lGeo. Herta, Northumb,
- nor AtJo""rt 4 nH.
-,n Will-', aierc nun , .'ii o q ' " ir.
.Iiihu 1 i t ! t . Meicli tpi, nnii Si i t j v
IM-r Meii'. e-'. r 11 "I ' , l,. '.i i . i
lleuiv N. IImiU
f iiiwr, Miaiiiuuin nor.
I Iimii-V T. Julitl. Me
b ii1, .dl. Carin-1 ,!
JoliuM. -UadwulbrllT, Mcrrhiint, 8nnntry.
7. Clias. Hoover. Fanner, Lo.'"i- ,iiu:iM:i.
8. John A. Lloyd, iotl'Mi'aii. ;4.n1.u'b ilaud.
0. Jiieoh llnHinnii. Fnrmer, IVhiwuie.
10. Jcsio Yocum, (Jetilleinii'i, Nm th'il M lnti'l.
11. .Inni'-s ( ou! Ireu, Furiuer, J.t'Wur Auifil 'ta
12. K .ibi-rt M.iw, V :i iii'i tvr. Tarliut.
18. !:phram Than, 1-ubcref.tJ.I. .k .
14. Isaac Frederick, funr r, ('hiil!.iiiiii-!in.
Jobu Tniutiino, .inner, Jor hiu.
1(1. Aukw Man'. Fanner, IVlaivaie.
17. BanniW I.el'o, Karini r, Lower Mahanoy.
18. Joi n Patridgo, BiiicHiiillh, Zerle.
10. Joc;)h tepiln, Innkcaper, Mt. ('iirin. bor.
t!0. Peter G--, Farmcrj Upper Malmnoy.
til, fieoree Frditinn, Fnrmer, Bh in.okln twp.
2'.'., Joseph Beedefj Ueiitlctonn; b:u kill tu p.
Benj. F. I'ielJ, L.iliorer, tniiinry.
A. (J. l.ioii!';H, Mechanic, Mi'iIiki,
(eo. W. fc.olth, Laborer, fcentiiuy.
James Cumatliigs, 1001141 lu, v, at on I own.
isuac Heitz. Drover, Washington.
Chas. J. Conrad. Laborer, Lower Aittfu -t i. Conrad. Bboenir.Uer, Lo. Auu.ta.
Michael Kerbu 'tul, Laborer, Onl.
Clias. Kloek, Farmer, Upper Muh moy.
dl ward KlitiL'cr, Lalnner, tluiiMokin Hor.
"". (i-.are AV. Funk, Fanner, Turbat.
f.4. Baunuil DuuiintMid, Faiinor, Oulawaro.
Bfi. narvev Nye, Fnrmer, Delawure.
SC. John llooi', Farmer, Turbutvilla,
Trlnl Hat.
The County of Northumberland vs Geo. McElIcco
K imo vs Philip Wlntcrmcin, i t. ai.
F.ilns Sel'er Vs. John M. Wiimer.
Wm. A. GibJon vs. Full V Wolf. . , ... .
Filling, Bowen & dingle va. the P. H. ft Y. 11.
K. Company.
F,. I. rVattcrtle'id A Oo. vs.. WIP.iani Rehrer.
Catharine Duud vs. the Eulmprie Coal Compn
. n y and Koborit Aiiiniernuiii.
Catliaiiue Kut(V etval. the Cutaw'ssa R. R.
Compr.ny. ' '
Wm. Lewht va. J.tmri Jlalon.'?. , , ,
Peter Unnkie Vs. JI. ly. Eli d'.inber'rer.
Georue C. Wellter vs. thn N. C. It. K. Company.
I Frank Persing vs. the loAn'hlp of Mt. Cannui.
Wm. M. Cairn vs. Wm. irnl bam I Euuel.
Wm. Role vs. Edward Kline.
Samuel C. Iisou va. the fcchool Eli-eetors of De
laware township.
John W. I rut her vs. W. P. Morehea-1.
IVt-r Gearhcart ct. uJ. va. ll.c I). H. A W. R. P..
Thos II. Hull vs. ,To!ui P. P'tirnucra. '
Ben!. Wetzel ve., M Haas.
j Jacob Roup v-. John Leiby.
lj.iya anu iayoerger s. ine iuiiisiue tiui ui. 1
Iron Company.
Chas. llomig vs. Lambert Jurn-tt and wife.
1 (.'ornaze Hart vs. the twp. of y.f. tailiie;.
Miller, Form v iY. Co. vs. David Heiser.
Villi atine W.'Fisli. i- v-. shnilz. liechtel anci Gulp
Saiuuel HarrisiiO vs. .lelli'i-soaJolin. ,
Juo. A. J. Cun)u;in;; vs. David 1). Davis and W.
II. l,crch.
John It irtholomew. Sr., vs. J, s. II. Mc'.l.-.ria:..;;.
Itepj. Wiiliamson vs. J. II. McCoriuick.
J. K. Kulpvs. Christian i..nseit.
Geo. Bi.v-tr vs. Ja.-. 11. i-.C'! :uiek.
lie inrc Wills vs. J iS.ll. Mi Cormii A.
John Ii. Siilervs. Join 11. Ton-small.
John F. Wo. linger vs. i'orter, udiniul
tor of Martin biUmyi r, d e'd.
Junius I). Gehring vs. L. L. .!, i Hem .11.
Wm. I. GreenoiiL'li vs. The Fulton Conl Co., The
Fxcelslor Coal Mining Co., The F.ulorprise Coal
Co., John 11. Doi.ty and Jolin II. Gable. Coooy
and Packer, Attoini-y for i':tl i Goa:i, Wood
ward, voivetton and George for Deft.
Henry Savior mil others vs. Andrew Mastwick
an I others. Woiveitou I'm l';ll ; Packer for De
fendant. Henry Savior vs. same. Attorneys same.
SjH'di'.l iioliees.
On e!l5rriiirr- F.-.snys for Young Men. on
Great Social Evils nnd Aburcs, which Interfere
will. .MarrpiL'e, nnd ruin this bappinese of thou
sands. w ith sure means of relief for the Erring
and Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent
in sealed loiter envelopes, fivo of
A'litrrs, linwittil Assne';..'. km, '. , Soi.ll. I
Ninth St., 1'uiladclpliut, Pa.
In this place, on the '.".i inst., bvT. M . Puisel
Esq., M r EOIU. i-i F. RIT( 'I! I F. of G!e:,., C if ei.
Clinton Co., nnd Mi-s SAUATI JANE ilOSHoN,
of Low er Mohanoy Town-h!;, this County.
On the l'th lnt.. bv Lev. Vr. Watson. Wm.
E. SEDAM, of l-' cl: iluv -o, an l Mis, Ei.l.EN'
11., daughter of A":!ootv Gei.thei, E-..p, oi S.111.
I'lour ;i;l Gruiu MJuiUot.
Extra Family S12.0.) Red Wheat, p. bu., t
Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.0.) live, "
Com Meal, " M.!m Corn, "
Wheal Urmi, p. bu. 1. h i Buckwheat
Shorts, y.t-.l O il !. ll'J lb?.,
Corn A Oats Chop, 3.0 1 Flaxseed,
Timothy Seed, p. b. 3.0J
t'rolii- llursifJ.
Pi.t.itocJ, 7o lie ins,
Egiis, per do., 1 Ti: low.
Butler, per lb., 1 .a ' '; . :i,t 1 v i?
Lard, " 1-j'D,: .1 A; 1
Sides, luj " i'.ei
TOTICK. All peenais hav in
siou C S. nrios niel aeeoi:! 1 10. 11 is b.
lug to the "Packer Gimnt-V' v. i : I b.ive in
and expense by turning 111"
Mul. G. Ciidwalla.icr. '!
funio ov r lit oner
lie !.. i.i.inv b.r.
been di.-banded, the arm
ui.. are oi.ii i .-il iu.
By eomuiai d of
cpt. Frnnr.E
Sunbury, Pee. 11, is;. -:t.
Jolin Kline
The heirs of Valeuli.. liiase.e'.!.
NiiHTiirMnmtt.iNr) C ii-ntt, fs
The Commonwealth of P. nu-ylv;
rill'of Nortbuiulierlunil C 01 uiv
WHEnHAS, at an Orphans
, Ore.
Sunbury, in nnd ftr i!mj county ol' N01 ihumbi r-
land, tho fourth day of November, hi the Year of .'
our Lord one thou-and 1 i-bt hundred niiil svv, u-ty-two,
before the HonornO'e Wm. M. R. ekel'd- j
ler, Esq., President, und bis Associate Jnl u i
of the Court. In the mutter ol tlieet.ite of V..1- '
entiilo Khise, deceased. The petition of Johu
Klnn, of the township i f thamo!.iu, No.liHini
berland County, In the State of l'ei.i.-i Ivani.i,
was presented, set III g forth that the said Valen
tine Klase, lately died Intestate, leaving a w I low,
Mary Khise, and Ibe following iiuincd children,
to w it 1 Catharine, now Intermarried with Ah
rum Rincr, Eve, now Intermarried Willi G.W,
Leieh, John Klase, WII iani II. Khise, I . vina,
iuteruiiirrie.; with 1-aue U.eo-huer, t'hi.a Boa :1..
ner and George Bouehn.-r, Saiuh Ware now io.
termarrlid with Noah Ware, Vahi.tine K'ase,
Haiiniih, now Intermarried wilh Daniel D011I1 u u,
Susauiuili, now intermarried wilh George Adams
that the taid decedent, Valentino Klase, died 111
fee of, and In a certain piece, parcel or tract of
land situate iu Hie borough ! Suydeitoa n.cou
ly mid Statu aforesaid, containing- one hundred
and forty ueivs, more or less, nud bounded u
follows 1 ou the east by lauds of Daniel II. Ev
ert, 011 the south by lauds of Samuel Hoieman,
Klase, and public road leading fioiii Snjderloivu
to turnpike, und laud of Johu Wagner nud Den-
Jamln Hoy, on the south-west tl.igel, and 011
the uorth-west by Is.iuc Gousert, aud ou the
uorth by Jacob Gouseil,
This is lo notify you and each of you herein
above mimed, und you are hereby notitie 1 that by
virtue of the abowi u 1 it to mu dini ind. mi In
quest will be held of the realises of ll.e above j
uiimeil Valentino Mui-e, ileee.iod, Ii, Slinu.okiu
township, Nortaiiiubei iead, IViiu.ylvu
niii, with boiiinbirie lier. ln uboiu tliou, ou
VVeJneadiiy, January b, lMll, at 10 o'elocli, A.
Hi., for the purpix e of m iking p.utition of at to
value, und aopralse Die teal tsl..le herein ubovu
describe. I of the said dcivdant, ul Wl ieh liiiienud
place you may each and ull appear if you think
8. 11. LOTHEiiMEL, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Olllee,
Sunburv, November is, 1T9.
'f .
it tslt '
doH ' I.
STiTF 07 ,"-..-sVLV"IA'l 'imhertC'Vl t.uuntj,
To thi: fm v.irr C'..i :ty :iirrTts3 1
We eou.iii .nd y.ii. ibat,V'l'l tiotl'y Aon Meiy
Id cKert, wi low ui ViiUip Iti Cl ' it,- ale o!s . i.l
e.l I'.tV. d. 1 i':i:.,, I. Pill.lo Hi l -ft, tj ' ' V :i ' n ,
t'-r.n I e. -h I'in io Te'.iW'. Mil U.lf
el 1.
el-!, .Marv. loie.i .lt.ii : h-1 iltb inline tt.
r.'inir.'ier Ib-k oi. 1. ot- l ll-ckrt, C
iotei Hiai f'" ' tlii IVIiilain L'unm ili. Anlrew
Hiekerl, I.I'iV, Mlni-rv.i, Uriah LliswiHo and
llonrv, ehillren of Henry Heikert ilcc'd, who
have for their Rinirdlan Tvitntniel Heikert. Ann
Marv, Philip nn! Dnti'cl, children f,r Daniel
llcckeit, rtee'd, whrt re'lde In Aiandu'll county,
Statu of low.t, nil heirs un1 legal reprcfciitiilives
of l'lil 01 Deckcit. dee'd, Ibnt nt the Novum
tier T-r.n i f Hi pilaris' Court, lu'td lit Hanburv,
in and lor the county i.r M irthurii'' M-uod, on the
Uili d iy of November. A. P., IST'i, H Rule wis
Biiu-.teil 11 j ou tlniii, the said lieirs, nil li"'i.l t'--. en of said dcecte.ot, eoiomaMiio1-'
theni to couie f rw.Td and nccpl or ie!'io.e t
11 nl eitiiinof aahl ilee.'ih 'it nt the valuutii'ii pul
upon tho fame bv an luui-iiim Issuiui; out of
this Co-it t, nl No : ; Teitn. 1373, or show
cius by the 11.. -t Monday "f Jnnnnry, 17.'., m
show cnii-e wiiy ttiu f .une should not lie fold un
cording to the act of iis:(.u:Hy in tm !i ce 'cinad
aud piovi.b',1.
.Witness the Hon. William M. R n kefel.
kr, Prcsi lent of oar said Court, thi"
t'.vi ntv-seveuth day of November, A.
P., KIT!!.
J. LF.ISENRINfi, Cleik O. C.
istei's Olliec, tiunliiiry, Nov. Ui), 1S7J. 3t.
rfii: isr,MEv.
The Fall r.nd WinG-r stock of Goods nt
?:iH I.. V'S-if'a Ktoro,
Market Mi'-.'l. fJanbury,
T A K E S T Ii i: L II A D.
': lollic one 01 ... i.iliie.'V Gooils
'liiiSLi nt b. r e : .biisuo at, ivm-
pi :s;i: ol
H.'.is ;,xi uoNNETf, Fit v::i:'
CKAI'LS. KIo'KjNo, I.AC'ilii, TUF.tMlO!?.
ntd all tho leading style ol l.lilie'' MiUinrry
I.-.'.:.-.:-' ,'Iirlio Ua !rr Giiriu-i.ts an.'. Children' do
Nie.i ir.d Boys' Co
liosii ry, Gloves, ,fc -.
An endless variety of Nn. ions, Ti iinimi i-j', A
Aic, t':i:., .'.c.
Tor Ot:r Grui-'t j Urj-tirl uiout.
Wo c!
bold c
tin unii-i'.i'il ctviMit.!': -i. II. r ou titv
i;:1! i:.' to pu
eau rely upo:
, getting
livy Gooili 1:11:!
F.nibraces everything ivii.lrel from Pins to
1 Carpets. And we are ili'y leiii'.:.. - liio r.t.vel-
tics of the sc
Cull nud cj-.h:
Uiihled with Ii
ei cuing 11s well
iltui our Mock. H.iVbi-r our s.nre
1, goals can l.e m-j-i-i'', l:i the
an iu ll,e any tone. No cliurtcs
for showing goods.
Nov. s, 1 sr:
"OTICF. Is hereby jjiven tltut we hsv piir
o. chas-, I the fil.oM ing tiiii.-.'sat Co:i-tab!u
S i e, 1111 the VJIh day of NOV CM 111" K, and that
tse have loiiuud tin-same to J. II. K -!iou ,0 Up
per A ugii".i:i toa nship. Nort luimli -rl-i 11 1 ( ouu
ly. P.i., ilnring our will tint phii-ure, 1 t ul.le,
eloek, lounge, 0 chairs, rocking chair, looklii"
ghis, lump, 41) yards of cupel, parlor stove
ilosk, lii'd-l-ids ami bi',1 no, wihslanl, tabu,
ii wooden hiiekels, iiiiltiiig Inline, I b.i'iel vine
gar, I 111I11 barrel, 1 express I diet, i bushel of
potatoes, ; lull of pieklis, a lot of cb'jni.,., it ,
l.,t ,,rli.'ilii.l ir.iil I-i .,..' t .... I t
hvcrv art: - ii. the one 01 ... i.iine.y Gooiis can fTtAVi.r, anh Co .Tr-, i:o;..;:..:i, an 1 a i j-... ... ,. . - ; 1 ','..'
lie nt Ir.r e : .liiisuii'o;. Coin- .. . : ,. . ' , . ' ' '' "' ' "
piislu.-of 1 11. AS.'--'R7.MEXT CT icTiiWit, ' 1 "l."i:..'J . - .
LAPIKO II.'-I S AND BONNETS, FU AMliy, hi,.;, ,,,-e b-iiu.; mi I at tlie !, ." t Csh Prtt.'S. f:i. made !)"1."::i by or e ,T :
ii.ownns, also, t;i:ccj:!in-s akj J.i;gvi";on, ".;.?.; :v.-;.f '..:-.!..; t
Aid all thu leadinir styles orbltlii-' Millin'ry C)C11:NSWAnt:. 1 1 L.'.f-i-v, A p ::. Al.'D V."OOl ; V. 'icl.'it.e ', !,r ..' t t .1 '. . 0 : ::, '; , -'r
" ami Willow V'a;i:, 'i i. '..'.'-. p :::.. i . :i.u,ti-s ; v...
NOTION?, a p ner.i'. Varietv. 1, ANPLCER- ' ri- .is other '...-..;t.-- .;i-it . u f-i .. s.-.iv to; 1. i-l.J
, , Nicest TJ.'.ir.iii, nf 1 l--ur t n:i!.:..v.!'y i-n !'.-.r..1. ;,.: ,. v :
( o..f. .-.., I.-). Avc-'l- .1 :-. rj , . V CO., I-: TJrc.i'ivnv,
The lis.'..- ..ff.ui.t.-.iiv mid run.ty an: .iiv.-. 'i . c -,"-v 1 : -' r t " ' : . -
t.eailanu ,:,u une li g,-m g-l'- now in n.v AS l(Li 1 ... I..i 1 Ol , Ai.L I -i i.;v, , " .'.
i fsf.r-?. l.-,"a 1 : 1 1 . : 1 10 ., a'lvui- 1.., P.;-, I. 1 . v. : 1
Mijo L. V."r.IE!l. H)l)Tl'. A N D !i 11 O E ; j 7,1 'i v. ;.;'( r : D K"tr
.:".V!'::.'!".,'l1.-'' . . r.-C';;.- -'.l-d I-'.:;-' '.. I!t e ..I f-:.ctf ,....;.. I 'h,:-'.;.
I sr.'rp.5'i' .i.r.. m..i,u: ,-:..iv.-: v.. ..... ...... ';;''; t" ''"' f ;
I WilM.i- sold ul p-.i. .; s-.' , :' ST!-.!'.V. MI'.".',', '','- 0! AN D (,'IU J.DIitCN. j 'i; '0'' iV ;'. ' ' 'T , '"V ' ''',','
j !!''l,u"!,lVU'l-iliiMu c.o-u' pi:To::'t..i:.:r! MuAD Y-lJLAInt CLOTH 1 MI, U.twie.Vn i.'t'.". ' Vor 'i,.'"'-.', ui.i.l ','f t 'rr..
n which i.eivHc! i- . oi'iil, e;'.i o! fie late-.t i.t'.'les. 1 U'T" '.!.V .''."' "t . ,. .. , . .'"
: TW'(i .MiliiV l'i: M'l DiV!'.I.!.'N-r 11 '.''!'.. . MI' P " .-ri't-. !':r.. v ,.....'
I we'! liui-hed. c.u !:.',-iiii;: ti.i.i-o-ros o-i lir.l lloir i . ' , . " " ',' . ,' ,,.
I and three nl.nv. -.nt kiieben. porch, ive. A consLn.t ti.i r'.y oi' -... :- rn wl.iie v. heat fi.iur .--.' I'.N !. A 1 i'.D I;U' 1 "..l-l j'iiiii
i llmtstf is iiiit.- new with cii-rv ciinv-ii-ne.-. n t: e'.ali'.y. i ol S; itt ui ...' Uv tj i iu 111 iliM .1 y : u n- v
I w-ai-tr.ii--, ft". Lot fioul 01 Third rtn e'.is T'-e puti'ic are li.v'.i; 1 to - u'l and rx .ro-i.. our -.. ; 11- v. '. i, .':., mUII.c- of
, US f.-.t fr.-i t by 1M l'.-el iiilcpMi villi a:, aii-y (;..,..;., :' 1 :: 1 Oui ; .. t: . i- "i. uel: "' ' L"' '? .' i o"- :' '' - v
' I ou lot. v.i-.i r n-'M door. 1 I'-ib-v nr.-! Sm..!-. I'r.-ti'-." m -!!; ; ' '" 1 .' 1 '' ' ' '"-' ir '
I Sale to e.n-iineiiee nt 10 a. in. ou said -da' j 'I p,.- b'-b t 1 . livs v. .11 I.-.- i 1 f. 1 ..1. Li.i.l.. cf i-'1- - -'-''. U:: : , , ', . :
Whet, the c!.dii;-.i will be. ir 1 I- known bv Co';M rv oi .. in. , . : ''' ;lt.,';-:'11'. .. ,
tra-' ,. . . .. ..' '. ; . ,. ' .' .
1 RUI.'.Miry, .ll'l. I.l... I II , I l ..'lei I Il.i I col: ' Mol I.. ..1. . 1 1 .10... SI. . ... ,
j -- ' i the I...-, est p;.iv,v.' In-J.e lo i;,-i i' a f .!! :-b..:c 0; : ....... : .K.
rpe r.'i ri'lit,"1 r.-T," s-if.f ! 1 -: i-i t:i . I A.-r.Nts V. : .l.r v. -.r..v:. nun
fiiuw ij.i'J) 1 v' r-r-p i-pf -TP ru ft -s:i-;'V: ::. ; -jj'-' j;-v. ;sr
j Ko. 13, eourh Third Cn-cct, Fnnbnrv, :iv. i, i-tj -:v. i i . ,,..". t,
test Kcusa E'liluf, Mary, Pa. ' w;fitIi:rr:-i : :.r ' :.' rY.h
' t ci-.:;:.', :.. 1 ' ' i o ,c .u
C. 3L'MAIITIN Sc CO. xatugh::al i:l:ii::jy ;';;Hi;' ';;;:
'. TT 2 arc now opening i.:i eiifoel) new ttock ror: ::i- i i'.ii-r. i'-; '', i'..-;. '. ; '."IlC "X7' I
' o( i ';'. i'..; .v.i- . i. . -i. ' - ..'. V l.t
d:;ugs and iiedicinh, thi:oat and lungs. ; ... : : . :. .. ..: , : . ;. ... ..,o.;.i,-,'i.:...
i . - u i ' , ' i" l' i . , , '. ' , r - -
an 1 .-.r-r prep ;:e ' t i mi pl i.-iv aiti-le i-i o::r one. , r ;..'.'. ' . ' - , ,'t V . ,,. ,.;'. '
! lii il mav be eail" I for. e a'.i-o n l.i'.l ilo'k , '' ', ''' ,' ' ','". " '.' '" ''
: i.f all ibe lea-ling P.H-nt Me.ilciiie. Fine I'.-rlu- ; rri.tlfyli.-Mo ill M Inform the pcVie that ',,',;;,, ."" ', " V 'V
iii-ry Mild Toilet Ar-iei-s a spei-iniity, a fail as- p , (. v.'i-l.:i!tV PI:-e Tree 1 -ir Cor'lal, f ' -' ' : " ' '. " ', ,' , ' , " ' ' ,-o-'
! (o,tui,-.t of Dai-. Tool',, Nail, Mioe. and other ' , . . ,. . ,,, ,,.,... . i ' -' - ,
' Brush-., Urefsi'.S and other iu "" ,! ''' :- ''--- ' " -' ". . .. . i, . , , - . -. ..- .1 -. '
' 3 ,.- 1 , ,, ., - ., ii.. -1' .1 ..r 11... I-.... (.-,(c 1 ., ' j . i -. ... 1 -. , ;;. ill-. a ';t-.i,v 11 -i,..v
I V.UlLty. V I .!.,-.. ...Lit. .. I 1 1... 'I- - ,.- , . - (. ; . . .- ... cIV
1 fa!! line Coohlii-- Extract-.. IV rich M-i-'.a: I. f i"'ili --I 1. n.;-. 1.' 1 t 1 .. ;....-., i.i.U.. . , :.. 1 rv, ; :'.,., ,'- .
" " '-" -" CboiCi-Sp'-es, Pei.p-r whol.-o" gr-.'in-l. l'ie- i'e . bi.l l.y p. : .- . s ilin-'--:i..-:i the .-' acli.":;' -. 1 . .
I nod l.u'.iiiili v Soaps, l.i'inr. ( iiiin.-i'i .: an I J-i. : " i ,. v- if. J at hi- - '.11 e. '. ..i 1 e p-.'.'- "- . -'-" "-,' ""
(; ! : ' 'Ui : :''-- i!r E'6-ir.i;!o,,,,.,o,:r rir.'.fisiiei.v.uiibiii t, 'i;,-,,.:':-"i'!o -' ' . : ;. ,
!'-', . , . . s A- 1 ; . - : ' ' . . . " .-.'.' . . :
, CAili t.N 1 J'..: .-, t. il.VI.A, 1 . T .-.
f-'! f-i-eh :.:! r,.i;.l Kviimc-. nn 1 j 1 '' " , v . : LI'. I. '.---'- ; --.I--s... i-'io-
P'.l s ,,' i'. P.. 11 C,..,i,-,. ,-trel, i t:''" " ' 1 V ft ' V' " l,ilt ':'"-:" " !-
Ami. !!, I'o.ois loi-r Man's I oiler Caster-. In.- as d a-.! t'.a ; r.i.t .: ! t.- t'.-:.-v ..!V tin- nil- ,. t!.r,- 5. .' ; -. 1 i-i .'.:'-
Ay.-i 's, Wi i:. :,i's, . eneidi's Man Iralve, .!"Lai,e's ! ,;, 1V i,.,.;t,.r . ;, t. t 1 i.-.i. v.'.i'i .. : 1 1' ; 1 " .- 1 y 1
I.,., i-a..,l . ::.--r i'ii, -, our si., k -uio.-.icei. -M-.y. ; ! ,. 1, ., : i r H- '. o' : ' ...::.; -.-.i i-n-
tv.-.: f -ml l-i 11 w-n c:.-;-i-i.i lii-.c S1..1 -. j ' " ' ' " 1....1..1. y .p. 1, '
Con. try I'll '.-'iu i.s will .In I oue ....-!.- n;; ..,.. j ..i.d. ii r -e, l i- i'-:-- - I Irritation , ,..-., ,':: ; u w .':-. 1 i.'.s
sil-ne 11 1 1 ieies e.-n be Ixt'lt'iit ill Pb : uo'-.-: . , 1 . . u . , 1 -., ! ' i1 t ', 1 t t f 0 1." to I " e r a. 1 : -. a .1 1 r-.v ,1' ' ' gle ' 'T -sj
5-0113. I Z";' UH' '' l;-!,';:-'-V y-eiWia- j tan thro voir the ni-.lio'c.thy .ecref.-ms rn.l -f: 1 ' '. L - Il-Vi: 1 Bi.-..:..,
1 1' 4 i .11,! .-liuui.oi' n!.;,.;, ni-.-t tli!.;-t an.! inn; re- s: jijit t
Si Slr"-f. Vr"M : Hl-ct on th" stoma-'., n.'U on th, il-er and kid- : JK'KjS
1.0,): l,I'Noe:ill, i'A. 1 -oy--. n ; 1 iy,::, ii lie 11- 1 reri . u- 1 - . tlius ffff p f. f k V. !? ! "' j''- ' .'.
'a.-.v'.Ili;- Just ore;:- 1 a .: :--re ut the .ibove p'-i , . .'.I ... -.'.i . . 1 . .. i - . -i ....:.'."- tZ?7T-.';.12.?--ti-i'
where all hiu i- -i ... IV be: t In a , Is of , , , .1 1. '...:. ii 1 . . :. '.1 H 3 rj if' Tf: 5 I II j S M sr ?:!
' , .. , i; I.Ul AW A 's riff 11 ; - '- ' - ' f 'f '
will be sold at ui.e.vv re .u,--.l pi'.---i. The e-'e- j .
br..t i'.a-i.'s I., lis !',.. .ir wiii be k. :.l c. :istantlv 1 " ' . .......... -
I4 --a hi nd. Abo, nil !..,.! of ' 'I .' ; " , " ' ' '" "'
;', r-e.l. Grain, C-rn. ;;",.-! Ry, t'-'TPd or j "' ' " " ' .y' . v' V ' '-" J.
. j, r(alAC-.i, Aylf!, Vi1.ttsrv i'ruJi j ' ' . i ll -; : - . r t
, A 4 1 general!',-, at a cheaper r:.le than cart l t-ii'-l.t j '
...v.: :,i,-w..,,e. a ii g-'o.! ti.-.i . : i-1 'Ct (,,:,, -..'., (..,,,., .Vi:,,:.j..:u i-rs-.'p;.5.t v:i:.i ; ; , -- '.' ! : . ;
, l nil an ! exui.ooe inyst. -'ii und .-.aceita;u tuc . " ,,..,:,
, ; : i.-ei ociore p.iiviusuig ei.-i v ne; e. 1
!.-l.i tin irpo-.-r . ' Ju-iN WILVER. ! ' - . '
ion-- - , r,.A n ic-t . r 1 .
i';', ! 20,000 youtii oi-' gool'S : ' " . . .-..'..
1 j, j : . - "' '. : ... '-. r II'." .' '- - . - ' - - -. -. ' . :
i.iui.'TMER. ! ;v7JJ.l '..-VrORT: iii.p .: : e's- "... '. ' ' ' - " :--'-'' - "- ' ""
I ... I ' ;.'.---.' . ' ' .- ' .1-4 I". -,t
' ' 7 t f r - 1 r t - ' - - I:,...:'.. 1 ' -. 1 .
",---fl.'.11 X.r t l -.p,.i, ;i(Vf. s-'.. . .'. . 1 , ;, i . i . .. ... -.. 1 ,T
iC-.v-ill y.j.-iii-.tA -C, ! F-. .--s'lvK. 1 , ... . t , , v ' .... . ., r .- . ..
. .. i i the uei--Cl-nieiit lliiil ilng, 1 1. .1 ';
ll R. turnah e, to , .... , . . . , ... ...
January Term J?tl ke fii;iii.r, fri'i.:', l a. I v, . 1,,', .,' ,'. ' ; . - .'
) l -' Just op.-;u 1 ilie ! 1" 31 i: O T C II A Ii C U . . i.i- 1 .- lie- . 1 1 t. . : '.. 1 .J .',...'. r i-j
:,:,itolb,i,li Jfall anp wrs'nzi goods:! Ty.':::..::- r :.r::.:; ::::
ling: of b-uutlfa! designs. I P-, L. Q. C. Wisharfs C..V. Pai'or. i -M :"i J U 1 U ii V. It A
i held tu - - - .. 1 V..11.P. v V:i,K.i n.:!-i v.-. r ... . i : . I ......... 1 .....
CLH.c, C .'.ilbl .v. LRiS C4 ' i ..I... ..1 , 1 -' ' ' -i -.I'll-
fVITi-j.. I A. M., to i, l M . , I .1 tf......i;',..i:!., by Pr. W:u. 1 1. - ..;' 1 n.11 :,,: l'a,i- -1!:.. . .l
f. T. M.i.---. Wiiii I. i--i it:-., as , -i. .1.-1 t jo . - : ' ' c : : 1 1. - ' - - 1 : 1 - ' . . .
An eiiillea Vartclv ot .Notions, Trimim.iS'.d..i. I " .,, "... . - ' .
' . i r tf T'l' 7 '. 1 " ? -T "' ;:'i v.-'l.ii:.. ..ul i..,,:.e.; v.--;.. ... :,. , t.;u
tc, c-c, t;c. SECON'D ST.. - ! V-: (j. i.i.u..;;,.';, I-.-'..:-: tt.. i-.! v.
. -r-. f.. -iff! T- ;in-:s-,rs. f 7 I - ' " ' ' -'' 1 ' -' : ' ' " ". ' .
.... ... J " a. M, l' luiltvcilt illlltUUl.
6. O. REED Si CO,
Pnnbury, Nov. n, 1?7. t.
jV-t-jcdi.;- . n-.t'
fs.v.r-n is
f.iss 5".!! t-'isrt;
iv.vs'cj ja n.
IHTfccti'tl Njirclacli-M nnd Slye
Wleh'vs P.i.. I Jewelry neatly rcp.i'red aril Tvr.v
MaiUi '. p.iiiarc, f.UNHLT.Y, P.i.
, lS72.-tf. '
OF '
nt the Ptore f.f
I!cr-1 Rroi'tcr - tivpr.l-iiitx.
. e iulornis the ci'.- uis i,
VI 1 II It V, thai he lias i'1't.lien a
T A I It O It f.i H O P .
nn Fou uli Street, In low SinSit, iu 'un Mul'
bui' Hug, nnd that he u pri'l'.iied to make u,)
Lii.ils of
ta'.STV XiOV'.V Ki'ITli.
inthelate-t ft.v!.-. Having hid 1:
i-iii-e hi the b.i.:ii.,ss ho i..e p,
!iiui a trial.
l.oll.uir w ill be in l i t t:;i in the
and Ai.iciK.w r.i-hi.u. in tl:u 1:.
Au--.lT.'T-.-i I'.
'-iOTICEls hereby g'veii to 11!! who e-e
L debl-d to the lata linn ol llelloe;' .t Hough,
ton, iu the bull bery business lu the bmoiuh of
N01 iiiiimli-rianil, to come fiiwattl and st-tlie
I liclr uecouiits hh undei-h-ni.t naniiing put
tier, as Ibe busluiss of the tA 1 lit Ioi.jI be aeiliei
wilhoui delay.
D. M. HuUiAH'lON,
Northon-berland, Pa
, . , , I ' d f.iitt-a" -..!'.!. .1.-1 ""..!'.;' 1'
Ct-.i-os, il a'.r.os, f i i:;;-:i;:- . ol. A' 11- Wl'J.'-i.
( as. Iiu'l ins. P! : ,;:n. Go !,, 1 ji ..' ,t ; 11 -.:: r. r..,:r.- 11 1
71 , , .1 til,. I ' 1 . " . T . , ..... 1 . ..
1' 11 ire. r. , ..1 , . . . . - i-. ... .. .,
is i-ud Oil C'l-tls. I ..,',-...'.. 1 ,!,.- . , . .,r ..,'..'.. 1 . - '"..." il.. iMi-'i-' ...V : i.'i;.-1 :: . .... y
I ""''.''' "' , ' '. .' '. ' ;..:!....-!. :.-.-:.. 1 . 1.. ci - n.
p.-il .uity is loi oiliie-J 1 y itny iiuiiiiioa in in ... j.r vvaiili. . t '--ii: wv..i...ii i.n-.-i... ij
' ; the e.iy. , '.!''..-.
p,--: t V.-' '...-.) , ,; . 11 ,. 1 j- , t li. -.
I 1 11 t... - -f , 1 . . , 1 . . . .
i . s i . . . h i. .. . . ..,. -..-. . - . r , 1 . .. . n . , 1 ., - .Mil , 1. .. ... i.t i. ; . c 1 , .; .
I lie ., r 1 1, -Ir 1 j.
p. ..til , . 1 N.-vci. 'er K, r7.'.C -i'rs. : V ' ''' "' c . i r 1.- all. '-' '-
frei-ii, whuitvouje - ' i.-: ... 1 . - ill 1 1.1 1'.- . !.. .' .'-.. .1 i .g
1 v.liAKJL.t.3 i-lAlUla, V,:; '- 1 ' - ' ': - ' J V
! Re.'peotf'.'."i' Informs the c'l '-us ol' .'lohii. v and ( i.-f.: Z I'.ll. T .'. ...
vi I'tniiy, liuil i.d tuir oi't iien a ' , 1 1 v t- n-'
' bint a trial. I U .': A j . . -1- . i.,-. ....
, Nov. 28, 'Vi. il.
r - L
,d 01 I ''
iv ! lb w
! ri' iili.
I.l I 1
,1.1 til
Callel "Pl.T'a l'Ml.v::
C'.IO.i clats of Fl'-.l,
p.-.-f '.f ''
peiii Ml'i pair of Mel1
'Wide A a!'."'' .V ' i'
T." I ' ' ii' K7iv; : Slrw
!i .' it-i iati K I i 01 s
,e) V. e a so g'.ve i. a:
,1 r i r'neb . I liro'i o
it -s:-e;-." a-lj. it .';
la oh. .1011.0; I'.e .oei.'.' S of rriulMi! 4ii 1 tl -lugs.
This ; : ' v i, o- ii-.t lb-! lar, -1 ei-.e"! '.T it
ln tin' wml. I. II ... i.'.iyir be uilfl'lln
than ever. t. re. Hal bv vi.i l l i .ti,nsMiili. re.
L. M. Aleott, i..'.r. I'su les.ei, H-ini't lv ele r
Stowe, ete. K-w fin.', tv.!!l.i r : . 1 ti ll utor-1, il
lostrete ! I!oii,!ny Ntrul..!,- and I ..ii: 1 .,f MiM
Aleott's story tree. The 0.1.-1. Iai..r.:.' 'C''i !!
n.ttlan I" 1 Uti In e n 11 !ol,;i:. p. 1 ' ! On 1
A cent ina.'.u Cv', '(.: ia ! ; nt-iithtr 1
In '.lo i; ntiotlu-r f"t.!' lo or. v 1 : oue
i.-.yj lu (:: .1 ;y, i.i,i u.ury :. : : . - 1
i -l' to i ,'' yvf i'.-.y. '. 11 o:v ,:' is n.v
en mwa (.Ti.t'.ti l.'j.
I.o wi.ii'ui.r f,1l to.' pi.'VV.liO.S. Toe Ml'-"!''.
b t g'-ts I'lcn niii ii ii yn. l-.l- 11 .' sc i; lion
GOOD .in :yr.t I I.l .' 1'iCif !
IntidHg nt men ,.ul ":n, u wantel iveij
whern. To get loo, I icuitoiy, .'A'w'; ..''gn
cd, send early for circular nnd t -vs 1
J. i!. VOL" ft CO..
NewTcrk; U i'rn, Inis.'.', 1'.!. ; San
KluiM i.-eo, I'ji. l'.v.
P- nlel -i ivi- l 11 Ii.-
! Plica List. CilAB.
r. I V.
r Oi l
if ACF'ITS Wm t.-'. ! '
MM. 1.1 I
j , I F.'f.-. f 1 i -r in II i'. 1 1 no i."u a-. ! 1 ! 4w
VU 1 ,1, , I I ... 1 ,, 1 . .,- 1. ....
all ,. f.',v ... .;, ,; :..: -.u: 1 s-m
, 1 lir il l'. ii.i'ui.oii :iie. A 1....-.S I liii-TT,
: 1'i.l-r- -it. N." ' -ll 7 fv J. . I) It All. ilT.Kl S
-.,v I 1 ' ' ' ' -iM-, E lieicni end
' ; V8-J r.' ( '. -n,-. Tin: I i J-, ir r tl-.j
i t tni.y.i .M'T wi y n -i-t im-iui. a-i-:. ,.i 1- n-
- - s: .'-.1 I r.-.-i 1! I v'-.- I-. 1: -t.-l.'. 1
, fc...,'--' ly I'l.l . I :-j r..v- I 11 ,. hit i'i,1
,. -iV"! N.".' l'-r,:i' t l,i, V:. i.-,nl !i!
i' J 6S -an be w:i!i.1i,wii wiil..-t r-.-
ij ta I-' vi: g l!.e I'limp vr .Hst..i-b'i.)f
: y 0 Ib.i J -i it-. AS..-, th- C'inr
i :-' ':' 1 Zi t-t.'.n.b r. u l,'-..-ii i.-.---.-erei-',.. i.r
I 1arlu:x-r, 6C8 Cfaiitierce S! .. Plitl..l'a. P.i. I St 4,'