Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 28, 1872, Image 2

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    Sitnfatrjj American
SllNIHJHY", DKCEMRKtt 21, 2372.
UJJI..L- . . .1 .. . I.. 1 J 1 .
Tnr. Tower tnhnnl, s'.arte.i a few weo
asro, hiul but a brit'f i'1s?crt(?ni The story
that Chartoma; lie Tower wa n, rrtnililnfc
for United StiUes Sonntur emanated froth
tlie bi-niti of a Democratic editor who Ci
pocttad to create a sennntion. This pro
digioiis story, however, soon exploded, nnl
only Instcd long enough to bo denied ftiid
set at reRt. Mr. Tower did not happen to
Aspire to tho United Stales. Seimtorship,
and positively decline. to bo !t candidate,
which bus entirely exploded llio powder of
' the origiualor of tUo Btory.
r. a it vn's y is i u n is nix i u o it.
Menagetue avdC'iucus, at New York,
Nr.w York, Dee. 21. Barnum's circus
and menagerie, in East Fourteenth Btroet,
willi Beveral other buildings, were destroy
cd by tire thin morning, the losses on which
will no doubt Itaeii a million dollars.
The fnajyc's; discovered it 4:10 A.M.,
Inirslino thyoii;;li ttio riiofofthe circus, ini
tne(Jiau:iy over where thn jjifullcR were
kfpt, and linniediaiv-ty after the niiinials
aad birds be-all liowlin una screcclntijj in
a.teriiliu manner. -- vr
The alarm was sounded, which quickly
brought tho district engines on the spot.
A second and third alarm were sent out,
but the tinmen spread with such rapidity
that almcst before, the llremen could tret
water on. the circus was cone. tSomo of
tho firemen who were first on the ground
stato that tho roars of the animals were
souiethin:; frightful to listen to during the
short liimi it lasted; but they wete speedily
TriE Mrashingtjn Capital, commenting
on an article'whicli appeared In tho New
York Herald, in reference to some proposed
changi s in the Government printing office,
takes occasion to refer sarcastically, and
very unjustly to, a young gentleman from
Ibis place, who is an applicant for the posi
tion of assistant foremn. 1o doubt this
attack has been made through Misrepresen
tations from some interested parties, for
the purpose of creatine; sympathy in their
own behalf and prejudicing the minds of
Senators aud Representative. . It alludes
to this youn fit'utleiuaii r.s having no
claim for tho position except tho prominent
position he held ns "Lieutenant in the Go-
West Club," aud that he seeks to displace
a gentleman who served honorably through
the late war. The young gentleman re
ferred to is Mr. E.W. Oyster, ofthis place,
and a graduate from this office. Having
Hcrvud his term of apprenticeship in this
otlice, and taught by the writer of this ar
ticle, we profess to know him better, pro
bably, than those wlu are attempting to
doubt bis record as a soldier. As to his
competency for the position there is no
doubt expressed, for ho' is known to be a
master workman. As to Lis record forpa
triaisi.u, we can fully vouch for that. Mr.
Oyster comes from a highly respectable
f.imily, aud when the war brokj cut was
anxious to enter the army with an elder
brother, but his Re would not admit him,
as he was only sixteen cr seventeen years
or age. Captain Oystir, the elder brother,
entered the army at the first call lor troops,
ns a private, and ferved during the whole
iciciii.u, mid bti:i engaged in the princi
pal battles, wr.s severely wouiidud,andatthn (
close of the war returned home at tho litad j
of tho small, bravo baud lhat was left of j
the company, of w hich lie had beeu pro-1
looted Captain on account of ilia valiant t:;o gorge above the bridge give way
. oerviets. Two other brothers were n'ao in tuavel iNTKBr.vrxED.
the army, v, ho terved their country in her
hour of peril. E. W. Oyster, when b:3
time of apprenticeship had nearly expired,
ran nvny fiom his widowed mother and
entered tho Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry,
in whit'i he served .several years
and uutlr the close of the war,durir.g v. Licit
time lie was on omi oceisi )U compli
mented by his sup-crier officers for bravery.
Nnce the clobo oi liio war, j.r. Oyster bay i,it;rsil i.v uno uxr.losion
and UmtNEn. Sun Dies Fiiom the
Effects of Heu Injuries.
put out of niiw.ry by the rnpidity with
which Jho devouring oieinent lapped up the
tinder-like structure in which they were
cag d. The only animals saved out of ithc
valuable collection vvhu-ii linriiuui nnu
taken such pains to secure were two ele
phants mid a camel.
The "iiafiii etigo was opened but the uni-
mals wera too frightened to escape, and all
tour perished. J. hey were valued at Sr?U,
OHO. Jj.iniiiDi's aiieiit estimates his loss at
o'J0,0!)0. All tho performers lost their
wardrobes, uianv ttini very . valuable.
About one hundred and fifty people are
thrown out of employment by tho burning
ot jJarnnm s show.
Tim menagerie contained a very valua
ble collection of wild animals. There were
three elephants, ' four giraffes, several sea
lions, tiurt more man trie usual number oi
ions, inters, leopards, hyenas, moukeys,
birds, &e. The bills declared that there
were "one hundred rare wmt beasts" in
the (how, to say uothiug of many other
"living curiosities," among which the fol
lowing were mentioned : Colonel ltouth
Uosheii, the Arabian Giant; Admiral Dot,
the California Dwarf; Miss Ada JJriggs.the
Mil-pound fat girl; Agra Zulama, the Cir
cassian girl; the Madagascar family of Al
binos. In audition to theso there was a "Mu
seum of the V'rld' Wotiders." nud a lot
of "Iiifo-Sizo Aut.matous nnd Marvelous
Works of Mechanism from the great Robert
lloudin, of Paris."
It appears llarnum's insurance on build
ing ami contents i9 in the neighborhood of
S'. 10, IMO. In his report for Noverabt:r,l',ire
Marshal MoUhedoti called attention to the
UDBaie condiliou of Barmiin's museum, and
danger of surrounding properly from it.
THE CGl7s"wKVrHr.K.
r,ur.Aik;.o cr an ice couch:.
Cincinnati, Dec. lil The ice gorge nt
Newport hridgi; gave way last night.
Ileiigel.old & Janner, c '.il dealers, lost be
twjcu eiglity and ninety thousand bushels
.. coal, which was in the bargj'i lla-tt in the
All tho eti.'amboa'.s esca-e.i damage
by tbo constant etl'orts of men engaged on
! ' !m. Further losses are exjiecte.i when
j;.:rmonE, Dec. 23. -'I he weather has
been intensely cold. The harbor and river
are covered ilh ice, scrioualy iuterrapliug '
navi:x:il!-:i. The AiiGaj)olis steamers could j
i not go ut, aud most sailing vcsi Is are ot :
a bt.'.u.l. Tl'.e ice boat, hov-.cvti keepi the
.' ctiauneJ li'.ithibly ''.ell h;kii. j
KxriArtio:; o- liirciiux no.!.!:!'.?.
! Pi,i,nni.iTi, Uu', t: . Two additional!
lailC'.: b.'il'jVS t'Xp..Ji 1 yntr.l,,y, !
c-.tUHtd by l!v! cold suae. Mrs. iieU'- was
. uccu cugiieii iu iiiu eiiimcui
oilier, where he has gaiia d a host of iViends,
not ulone in the i.l'iice but s:in::,; Ceu
pretsmeu and citr.lois, w'io admire bin
geuiiemanly deportnicut and character.
Mr. Oyster is a tru-j type of an henest, up-right,self-made
young man, whose ambition
is the elevation of himself by close applica
tion, and v.liobo ability ,nd iiilegrity well
lit him for the position to which lie aspires.
The Government printer being lVuiu the
State of New York, he hassceu tit, we no
lice, to Cd ull tho promineul positions in
lhat oilico with men from Ins nwnSlatc. Ve
think it no more than ' just that Pennsyl
vania, bhould be recognized iu that braueh
us well as all Hie other branches uf the gov
ernment. Peniisylvaiila certainty has a
strong claim upon the Administration, and
is entitled to recognition. L'.'o Pemisyiva-1
niau has ever held tho position of Gov-;
eminent printer siucc the present system
has been established, and we trust lhat
our Senators will eudeavor to secure the
position for a mau from this .Stale, in ense
a change be made. We feel confident that
Pennsylvania has just as competent men
to fill that position as uuy v ho have occu
pied it heretofore.
Potii houses of Congress adjourned on
Friday until the tub of January. There
was very little of interest transacted until
adjournment. Tn.i greater number of
member. immediately ieil Washington for
their homes I j celebrate Christmas with
their families. A good, happy time in the
busom of I'.i. ir f.viiiioes wid do no harm to
anyone, and ib b. tier qualify our law
makers t-t !ab..r for i'oa public good when
ihev residue th.-.r v.-.,::;.
About half past eight o'clock yrstcrdny
morning a terrilie explosion of tho "wiuer
back" of the ran so in the kitchen of Samuel
Knox, No. 20(5 Walnut street, created con
siderable excitement among the residents
of that vicinity, and vi suited in fatal inju
ries to Mrs. Ktiux, from which eho died
aftt? suffering severely for livo hours.
During tho night the tire had become very
low and Mis. Knox, ou rising at 8 o'clock,
bitd kindled it aud wm Bitting in front of
tho range warming herself and waiting for
the lire to come up. The excessively cold
weather of the night had frozen tha water
iu the pipo between the waler bnck and the
boiler, when steam was generated it having
no means of escape the explosion ensued.
The water back bursted nnd the range was
broken into hundreds of pieces, the hot
coals and Iragmetits ot irou were thrown
around promiscuously.
Mrs Knox was struck !n tho face aud
upper portion of her body by the pieces of
Irou ; the burning coals were hurled into
her hip, and she was thrown back a dis
tance of six feet into the room, bin; bad
several severe gashes about the head and
breast, and was burned about the arms and
lower portions of her body iu such a man
ner lhat the flesh fairly peeled otf. Her
arms and limbs were turnout entirely de
nuded of the outer llesh.
At tho time of the explosion Mr. Knox
was in bed, and hearing the report and
feeling the shaking of the house, he arose
aud hurried down stairs and utidtavored
to carry his wile into the yard, but linding
thai he was being burned about the hands
and feet laid her down and rau-iuto an ad
joining room to procure a piece of carpet.
His sou Samuel who preceded him down '
stairs succeeded in raising his mother from
the snow and by the same partially succeed
ed iu extinguishing tho llames. Mrs.
Knox's face aud neck were not burned,
owing to the presence of mind of Prank
Hoy, who was passing and ran into the
houso to assist, in throwing his coat over
those portions ol her bo;:y.
Tho injured lady was carried up slairs
aud laid on the bed, her rcmaiuimj clothing
removed, nnd her wounds dressed by phy
sicians, who bad been summoned to her
relief. .She expired nhout half-pant one
o'clock, notwithstanding everything was
done that medical meti could do for her.
She was sensible for some lime lifter the
accident, and was. nble to state how the
accident occul ted. j
blio was so sevt rely burned and badly j
cut flint it was hardly to be expected that J
she could recover, and the shock itself was j
biillieielit to cause her death. j
The report of the explosion was similar!
to the discharge of u cannon, and was heard ;
several hundred yards from the n--ne, !
while the houses in the vlei.iiiy were con- i
sidcrably shaken. "
The IVagiiK nls of iron from the ranc
were thrown iu every direction and several
indentuies wcie iiolieablc in the ceiii'c; and
wall. Every pane of glass in the window
in the kitchen wns broken, and a portion
of one of the sashes was blovn out.
Mrs. Kno.i was aged about lifty-four
years, and was a very estimable l.tdv.
Iler sudden demise w i I cast a gloom over
her circle of IrieinlH. and the atilicted family
have tl'.e ty npniiiy of ihe em re community.
Mr. Knox and his ana were seveie'v
hurtled while endeavoring to remove the
sulterer from ihe kitchen and extinguish
Ihe tlaaie.--iiii'riI.;ia 'lt:t'jri,h f -h'ui-ddj.
. -Jf -v-
vi,L,.;fc.v Tin;;'.,1 'ivs cdilori illv.
that a number or' the present sto; !;holders
of llm Uoioii p.ieide Kailroad ha ve written
to Horace V. Ci irk, now president of th at
load, askiag him lo commence sail for the
recovery of Sb,iit.O.('l'lt, snid dhave ! ri n
takm bv and divided :tii:.; those ei.gng, d
iu tho Credit Mohilier trans iction.
Bad colds, throats, and s. urelty i f mo
ney are things very prevalent at this tune.
We hope for an Improvement iu Uhs cat
alogue, of evils on un early day.
The Congressional Mobi Her ii.vest'ea
tion is brinoing out sonio fuels eoinpiomis
ing ieveral nu n l trs of C .:igie.s. L'n'uss
thiy have explanations lo make, their
u mm c phi, i'jii; J wl l id in j n
'The l'irat atlonnl llanlt of Nun
biiry, renii'o."
NOTICF. U hereby irlren, tlmt thff rouliir mi
nimi election of Director of "Tlie First N
tlomil K.n.'.i of biiRlmry, Pn," IU bo held
on Tumluy tUo t-.-cnty-clrtth (2Uth) Oaf of
Janiinry, A. D;, 1873, nt the PnnUlnif Ilonce, In
tlio Imroiich ofSunbnrr, Vn.., between the hours
of 10 o'clock, a. m., nnd 8 p. in., of mid day, In
ncfor.lunco wltU tbo provisions of tbo Act of
fl. J. PACKER, Cashier.
Bunbnry, Pn., Dee. SI, 1B73.
NOTICE In hereby given I but application hn
been r.indn to tlie Court of Common Plens
of Nnrtbnmherland eoimty, by th first Germnn
Reformed Church of Bunbnry, for nn amended
charter of Corporation for iald Chnrcb, aud If no
aiitllcleiit reaoon to tha contrary U shown, a dc
cree will bo made nttbe next term of eald Court
according to tbn act of Asjimbly Iu nucU cuts
mado and provided.
L. T. R0I1B3ACU, Proth'ry.
Snnbnry, Pee. 21, 1873.
In Chemical and Itledlcal Scicuc.
' . " "E V...,
JUS'S. -.
1 1 . ( . 1 t ; .
:" ClllSTfflm ; JUSTS).-
Knnbury Masonic Ifnll Amtoclation.
NOTICE 1b hereby given, Hint nn election of n
Board 6T seven Mun.merc to conduct tho bu
siness of "The Bunbnry Mfonic Hull Associa
tion" for the ensuing year, wilt be held at the of
fice of 8. P. Wolveilon. Esq., In the borouuh of
Suiibary, on Monday tlie tliliU dny of Deoember,
A. D,, 1S?2, between the hoar of 10 a. iu. and 1!
p. m., of said dny.
L. T. EOnrtBACU, Secretary.
Bunbury, December 21, Ibid.
CiUCAtiU, Uec. '.t. Ihe water pipes in
the cooking range of Davis' restaurant ex
ploded this iimming, tearing the range and
kitchen to pieces', and badly scaMitu Mary
Hums, a. bcrvuut. A new ratine was put
iu and a lire kindled, when a second ex
pluiion occiii'rcd, bill did hltie ihima.e.
8No-" in Nt'.w iiami'jiiii;::.
ronTfMut'TH, Die. 'ill. A heavy snow
storm from the southwest commenced here
at eight o'eloe'.; this morning. The mer
cury tvns at zero at sunrise.
.Sr. JoMlii'tl, Mich., Dec. Zi.--The. situa- j reputations will he H.-nottsiy damaged. , ;
tion jii the railroad to-iiiuht remains un- i Tut: Teinu ssee code prohibits the sal d
changeJ. uo v, aceotupauied by high i spirituous liijuors on ?'inda, and ipider '
wind, has faiien eoutinuaily tlie past three this law many ..'aoliviiie bei.r-seili i s have j
days. The rtorm exceeds anyihiiig ever i been indicted ami lined by I'm; Criminal
known iu liiin part of the Male. Tile trier- t Court of the county. A tw-M caoe, Wei l
mometer iiii'iea'ed twenty degroes heiow j niuiler vs. The tale, was argued on ap-
zero.aud it i.i Ijiucd the fruit crop ruined. pal in the t'lipieme Court several days'
! ago, and Jud;;e M icholsoii 1ms rendered a
KKVl'lIEI Vt:ATSJKK iS IIM.l..k. i di cision, stating that there is a di.Tereiicu
" I between spirituous and fermiiiled liquors,
!-ivrv T nr' -.river v 1 V - i,-vv T't ( ' w- ! i .1 ...1.. .1... ,.t ... ..... .1:1 ... . i
TLi:, Kuo..-, and suLiif J'luii'.KX. , ,ji,it the sale of w ine and Leer, they being ;
i fermented liquors, '
n AUA.MI. i.nd., Jec .4.-L paraa o , TjIE (.,.OWlU,(l .al0 l)f ,Jl4J Uc - ; - ;
sixty loco.uouves wx-re frozen up and out ... . ,I;.1...:sbu,ir 1,in(;..eti necessarv .
01 waler IMwctn tlmitiiigton unit I eru, ! tl,lUi)t.r ,)f H1,I6 uf its to the !
101 in'iiij -..-noiat. .aujmwuuum I In.snilnl at Danville. Some thirlv of these
were traiisferied to the litlter insiitulioti ou ,
Wednesday of last week. !
The llending Times says: There are '
many depositors in he lh'ading Saving '
Hank who began bv depositing amounts us
low ns twelve cents, who now have bun-;
nr. cunrivs r:niEiES
Curo Im-ipintt .'insnttption.
Cure Catarrll.
Cure Astfitir.t.
Cure Heart Di-icaso.
Curo Jkkia DJcivses.
Kegidat the t.ivOf.
Regulato thoSlOKiach anil BOHClJ
Curo u'd I'rralr Wcakni'ssei.
rurlfr the C:ool.
Cura Iii.oa'.o oflhc TJuoat.
Curo Eronrliitis.
Curo' ISose C:oIcl,"or'T!ayI'cver
Curo Lun; Dif .t'r.".
Curo 'otsiija(ion.
Cure Salt lf-honiiJ.
Curo ISidiicy D:scas-s.
Trivrat C'holrraiVt'llovvFcver
l'rovont Ma!lirii'-1 t'err".
t Remove Pain in tlie Breast.
Removo Taiii iu tbo Si Je or Back.
Arc a $ii;rrior Toi;2i
Restore, tho Appetite.
Cause tbo Food to Digest.
Restore tbo Weak and Debilitated
Civo Tone to Your System.
19S Seventh Ave., yew York,
K-oe.iiDm- 21, W .'. 1y
t Y virtue of a certain Writ of I,rari Facia to
J3 me directed, will be ex)'oed to public sule,
at the Court House, In the borough cf guuburv,
Northumberland county, l'a., on
MONDAY, the Otli duy of JANUARY,
A. D., 1S73, nt 1 o'clock, p. m., the foliowlntr
property, to wit : All that certain plec, parcel
and tract of laud situate In bower Aucustn town,
ship, county aforesaid, adjoining lauds of Reu
ben Conrad, Henry fehipc, Charles Foy, I'cter
Malick, John F. .Zimmerman, Henry D." Mulick
and others, containing tifty-nlue acres, more or
lees, line conpi-liuit ol tKoconliL'nous pieces, se
parately bounded and described as follows 1 one
tliercof berinnliiR at a email hickory, thence hy
land of IVler Conrad, south, ritrhty-nine nnd a
quarter decrees, east, forty-three perches to a 1 and one lare store house (new)
rptHB Books, Jloles and Accountf of J. IT. Con
JL ley & Co., are lit the hands of J. 71. Coulry
at the store of Messrs Pbm fc,K"C"onnick for
collection, nnd all perfons knotting' tliemselyes
Indebted by note or book account, will please
mako immediate pnvmPnt. '
J. H. CON LEY &. Co.
Suubury, Decetnbtr 14, 1S7U. 4t.
Will bo otTered nt public sail". In Gcnreetown,
Lower MnbnnnT twp., Norlhtimherluiid conntv,
Pn., on WKDXKSIMY, the In day of .1 ANL'A
KY, 1S73, the tnltowiui; valuub'c jiroperly, to
wit 1 All those certain two lots of ground sit
uate iu Georgetown, Pa nt N. C. U. It., station,
n bereon Is erected a bnce two-anii-n-hnlf story
FRAME TAVEKN, laine Store Room, fitnble,
lee House und all the newMsary nutbutldliiirs.
The Tavern is loomed t the Knllrond stntiou
nnd ndlolnini; the Telegraph ollice. Une lri;u
WARE HOUSE, on the river bank opposite tlio
N. C. K. It., stntion. Also in tbo same p'aco
TWO LOTS OF i UOUNO, No. It! nnd U beinu'
accurdinp to the plan of said town, sixty-sic feet
front und one hundred nnd sixty-five feet in
depth each, hereon is erected one double hmie
Ibis Is a very
stone: tneuce nv lima now or ixie 01 tioim i
Mulick, north, livo and a half decree", east, one
huudred and seventeen nud two tent lis perches to
n stone ; thence by land now or bite of David
Malick, west, forty three perches to a stone, and
tlieuee by hind of l'eier 11. Mallei,, south, live
und .1 half degrees, west, one hundred and six-
tenth perches to the plate of beginning, contain-1 ed and in a hi;h Ftatc of cultivation.
lug twenty-nine acres and seventy-seven perches 1 or land situate near Georgetown, 1",
desirable property for business. Alto, at the
same time ami place, one Corner Lot, vacant, be
inir sl.i.y-Eix feet front and one hundred and t-lx-ty
live feet hi dc,ith. This lot is in tlio center
part of the town close to the N. C. It. U. ONE
l.SLANH. Htuate in the river Susi)uc humm. con
1 11 in in tr twintv-cicl.t acres more or less, all ciear-
tl no tract
Application For Hotel License.
"VfOTICE Is hereby ptlveu, that ihe followleK
LN persons havo tiled, in the otHoe of the C li rk
of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, their applica
tions for License to keep a Hotel, Inn or Tavern,
In the nlllee of the Clerk ol Quarter feslons of
the Peace, .agreeably to tbe provision ol the Act
of Assembly, to bo prebeuted nt tbo Jauuary
Sessions next, viz :
J. P. Tcxsler, Sunbury, old stand
James Tuft", Minnury, old stand
Jesse Hi'ini'.yl, Slmunmln township, oid sluud
Gcureu S. Burr. Noilliumhciland bor., o,d ftand
Alexander McK'nn, Mt. Cmniel, old Hand
D. U. Toy, Lower Auirusta towusbip, old stund
August Il'junnel, Morthuuibeiliind bor new stand
Mieliael Ro.-eutein, South Danville, new stand
Michael llorun, Mt. Gomel, old stand
C. C. Jones, Northuuiheilund, old stand
David D. Davis, Mt. Cannel twp., old stand
Tetur Wert, Lower Muhauoy, old ln l
(Jeors:e Aver, Coal, old stand
Anthony Hinghure, Cameron, - . old stund
John C'litl'ord, tiiauiokiu bor., . W., old ft.ird
John lloyd, Coal twp., old i-Und
Mieha 1 Fliiheity,Siiaiuokiu bor., E.W old ktund
Daniel D. Wary, blevmokiu bor., . VV old uiand
Patrick Karius, hhaniokio Lor., w. ir. oid stand
F.lias bleinkwciler, &haino'u bor. w.w. o!d rtautl
Patrick Tyii-iu, Coal twp., - - o'li i tanrt
John Luiii'inus.t-haniokiu bor., e. w. litw t:ind
uir.nou Maun, bliaiuukin Lor., e. v.'
l-abell i Paikcr, C;il twp..
Christian (inib'.i, Wat outown,
Michael O'Neil, Ml..lnrpnl twp.,
Geo. S. Fieher, IShamoliia bnr..
L. T. KOMV.oACH, Cltil.
Suubury, Lrcsnibei' f., l-tl'J. ot
old H anil
oid stand
till tluud
new (taud
or less, ail clcure.l iin.l In u Mich state of cultiva
tion. Also at the same time and place, about
three quarters of uu acre r.f Lline Stone Land
with three lime kill s thereon elected, adjoining
lauds of Jehn Hii ir.onan and A. liotherniel.
.-ile to commence i.t 10 o'clock, A. M., on
said day, when tin; conditions will be made
known bv
P. P. ni'-KKL.
L. T. R'JHtiRAC!!,
As'-L-iiees of Pet,'.' Borrel.
Lower Mahancy twp., Use. It, 1,-7'J.
A e c: T o r; :
more or less, excepting therefrom about one and I by lands of I. II. Itesslrr, Peter Horrel, Charles
a quarter acres, sold by John 8. Henninjer to j Itrosious, und others, containini: ten acres, more
leler U. .Malick. wnwii sant neseii.ji-it land oe
inu tbe same which Bamnel Kystcr nud ife by
lxd dated thn lt day ol Apt ii, A. !., eighteen
bun lied and lifty-l wo. crunted and conveyed to
said Joseph Conrad In fee simple. Tho oilier of
said pieces is bound-,! and elect ibed as follows s
beitiuuiii'j at n pine knot corner of land ot l'.ph
raiin Lytic, Sarah Ann Conrad, Absalom Conrad,
thence by land of Reuben Conrad, south, elithty
six decrees, west, one hniulrej and twentv line.'
; and two-tenlh perches to a stone; tliei'.ce by
J land of Reuben Conrad and Henry Bhipe, north,
seeu and ttiioo.-niH!t'r dcarees, west, fortv-slv
! nnd ciL'lit-t.'ntli pereiiei t.. ov -u.i.t ; by
' land of Peter Malick Ciinr'e ley and the above
I deecrilii'd tvn't, south, lphty-eithl :d tlireo
I quarter, cst, one bun .Ire. I and luventeen
j aud oui'-tenlh pirch-s to a pine Mump ; tbenre
j by land of Henry W. Mn'.lck, south, four de-
(j'rei s, wist, twenty-two an I six-tenths perches to
1 a Chestnut oak ; thcnei by the same, north,
ci'.'hty-tiirlit and three qua iter deirrees, east, six
nud two tenth pi'iches to a pine knot, thence by
pnd of Absnlotil Conrad, south, twenty one and
one-balf dcL'rees, east, thirteen perches to the
pbica 01" be-riniiiinr, creitainini twenty-ieveu
acres, and one hundred an 1 lift v two pereiiei, br
ine; the Fame laud which Reuben Ci 111:1 rt by Herd
dated the .Cth day of May, IS-IO, Kr:.nt-1 and
conveyed lo s.eid Joseph t' in fee si.eple;
tin- said two cont!e.oi;s pieci liclns new li"id by
bUl ! Jo."ph es one piece and farm.
Seied taken In execution, an t to 1:1 'i':J as l!u'
Tirouertv J'ph ( our 1,1.
HherUf's OlUce, Bunbury, Dec. 17, lS7i.
ha Third Ht.. Auction Ftore, near Market
Nt'iiiic, Miller' block, Every LvcnWt:.
t'p eia! tales for Ladies, Wednesday nud Sat
urday nfietnoon.
j Dry Goods an I Notions, Muslins, Woe.! Rhiuk
! et;, Wo"l Sliawis, C.inlou rianuels. Ladies jiu.l
1 Gcut's Hnte, Albums, Accordeons, Counterpanes,
L'ndersbirt - nil I Drawers, Clocks, Pocket Knives,
: uu:! a lot of ttap'e son is n:t men;; iiie.l.
C:.!l ri'i 1 ov.itair.e Vr yo'irs-'lvs. it, ire .p:i
tbrom:h the day forth,! u,vnti,iuo h.tiou et"lhj..e
tii::t c.iur.ot utun.l the e'eninj; taUss.
1 C1H1 1m r,;d lit p net Ion pi i, e. All sfoix'.a rar
. r.'.nt-.-.l as represented or llie mmies r?!'iin ie.l.
1 l;.'t forir-l the i-'.ave, Miller' Llcck, near
. Market S'l-turs.
Deo. 11." l.o...
Itk(F.uruiit uud Eistitig RonsiC 5.1
ee.uMeM. NOTICE i hereby nivci, that the follomnL" per
son have tiled in the ot!i. of llie Ciei k of Ijiie.r
ter Sessions of tlie Pe.iee, their i.p; 1:c:;oim lor
License to keep a Ke-tanranl and Katiiej Honte,
nirrceatile to tlie pno isious of tbe Act of (s.---:n-bly,
lo be preseuted at the January Bc-eiuns
next, viz :
William Gehrhi'T, Fnidrary, r.e-T Ft.r'd
lieore i.uck, fcunbary, ur! t " Vd
Michael Weaver, Suuuury, o'.I tica!
Andrew J.ijiasky, feliaino'kin bo., e. w. new n.- i'.l
A'.iihuey Nei.-elil'.icli.t-iiak'n 00. e.v. ij.-w t',n;d
M. i .ii.ilittiu, li e.M.kin tic, e. w. nev si r. I
Jt'iin b,ears, Bii:.:ao;;ni bor., E. W. new ('.. ; i
Rrl'liiet Coyle, Trevoiton. new stand
J'dni H;ikiii6iu'. Ml. Carmel hero., new tr .,rl
Cii:ir!,.-s ble uawoif, tiiamo'n bo., w.w new -tand
Geortre Hack, i!i;i!i!rl;i;i bo., e. w. o il stand
Andrew Dnitbie-, Rush twp., oi l n ...
M. L. 1": ".er. So:i!.!iry, o' I ft oid
'i'tion;o is t.;.iyier, Saulniry, o..! t.n.t
John Karnswiiiih, l"ppi-r Amrusta, old sian i
Wm. Vandyke, N'.rlhJmberlaliU bor., old stand
Vul. V,'. FUlicr, Trei i.riiei, o l -t ial
L. T. I'.OmiKAtll,
Suubury, &, l:o'J.--Ui.
Anna Kiehar ls, by her next friend Johu L'alc,
Jwiii Richaids.
Northuinhcrlund County, to wit !
l'he Cor.nnotiweallb of Pennsylvania to Lew i
; I Y Virtue of eeitahi Writs of J'ru. Aj;;iu,7 'ie
1 Ay ri iirius, .eeira Ji-in, to ire directed, will
I be exposed lo public sale, at tlio Court House, iu
: the borouuh ot'Huiiburv,N;jit!iuinberkind,
; Ph., on TUESDAY the
I sist day of ur.cEMur.i;, isra,
I AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
I Tbe loliowrniC property, to wit :
' Ail that cc-tain hit or pi.'ce of irronud situate In
j West bh.imoklu. t.'"-il n-.v;,-t;lp, North 11 aiberlan J
, conntv, Pe-i;is i a' .. 1. 1 !e- -.ime ludTit; lot nnir.ber
I S in block No. '.1. ... wl:: li is cre-'tcl one two j
ttorv dwe'.'.inir hci,e. sicir.e.l, taken in execution '
; and to bj sold as i!:c propeity of Travels Srv. remount.
Aim, Ail that crtaln pi.-ceorlol of ;':imJ sit
uate iu the r. .lo.e.'h ol'rvit.harv, nf"i-said. mark
ed iu the ireneiai plan of sai l Ij-j: j.iir'.i as lot No.
ninety-t'.'. o (t-.) c.intainiiiit in bi adtli nr.i lb and
1 soulh, 0:1 llroadr.y sliei t, tifry seven (.'il) fei. I
j uud nix h;ch", r.n 1 in length cist and we;t, two
I fcun.lrc l in' I tl.iity led, Luii!i.Vl r.11 the
suulh by Wiioi ileberry (.now Walnut
I street,) on the west by Kroadwny, on the north by
1 lot number niiKiy-one (til,) and ou the rust by
Inn Alley, whereon Is erected a twn-otory fraina
j biilldini; and back kitelun. ! eized, taken In ex
! ccution, and to be sold as tha pro erty of Mary
' ci.- i- ..... t ...... ... :.....
TOT1CE is hereby clven that nn election of
mauaiierr; of tie Acenmeu ia'.'.ou Savin:-
Fund and Loan A soc.atlon. will take plioe "n
Siterday, the ttth LVcenber, 1S7!, -it their room
in Cieim -ill's iliiilding, T Hi; .i slreel 5,::. lea. y, i,t
7 o'eeid;, P. M.
SAM'L. FAUST, Stir., 1'ie-il't.
J.icon Fim-Mx, se'ry.
i-:ii. bury, iVv. H, V'..Zi.
;oo: Tsaix-;;? for ciurstman.
E:3r;ii:r Tsiv IVSrc'eaiiile E.iquor floro
'i!-iTo''K i h'-ri-by liiven. lhat Ihe fnlluwop.: j --r-.-
i, , C.'eJ in lie- ollice t the C e k ! (J :.,r
le:' St . sl.,iis (-1' the, t'-rir o .r:e..tloii li-r
!.:; to keep n Wbotesale Lupior M,n, : :ri e'--al
ie- lf lb.- provisions '!' II, e Act of A-..!-.'.') , t ,
he. piescuie.l at t'ne January b ssioi.s le x'. . :
Clui-tian Nrii". t.iii.btoy, ti-.i sr- 1 !
H. K. it Ev oi leu, ii:tn, m--. t o I
I'atnt k i-tily, Sa.i'ia.':in b'-r., ' tl v al
Mioliaci Troy, sii.fii!;i 1 b-.Miueh. el -e ;
i.. '1. Kl'illlS At !!, e.eik.
S. Hibiirv, necembei 5. I 7'2.
cv his wife, Terre Tenants.
, ,. ,i Also, A certain tot ot lnece ri croumi, suiiaie
Wlievciu, Anna I.'.cV.nrds by her next friend Wushinerton townshiit. Noilhuiuberland coun-
wcro ti'ozcu to il. nth. liio ueluy to treii;ht
iiu.l j iiFSciirfcrs is- very pent, ami the. d.ini
ii j-.) heavy. X- l.iltil c-tKCit ot lieeziiii; i
the tmplo) ees ulonir ll.o jino tins
heen teporteil, uilhou 1 in iny hml their
limbs badly tj-czju. ll is lameeileil the the j
most ie vero -.veaihef cxiierieu'je.l .r ui iuy j
.Libit Dale, did on tbo Kill day ol Jen,-, exhibit
her petition or iils-l to our Judges of llie Court
el' Cimiiuon Picas, of tbe Comity of Norihumber-l.-.-.t!,
praying fur :hn causes iheroin eet forth,
that she uiiL'lit I'.' divorced from tha Pond of
Matrimony, coatraiti d with yen, llie said Lewis
Rltdi.nds : We do liu.-reforp eoiiiinantl you, us oft
before wc did, the mid Lewis Richards, lhat you
ty, Pennsylvania, bouutled aud desfril-cl ns lol
lows, to wit : on the north by Joseph U. Kehuck,
uud ou the east by lands of Wiiliam Kehres,
oil the solilh by lands of Joseph II. Kehuck,
and on the west by l.mdj of Joseph 11. Kehuck,
conlainlio; forty twoan.l one-half perches, where
on aru elected one two story frame dwelling
bouse, frame shanty, an I frame hiucKsnntu sliop
y illi. 1 He liu-rnioiileter was L ueoncs
"below Zero. Truiiis tne heiniiiii to movo
to-day and the Uovkauu will soon bu ru
lllOVl tl.
ilreila nt' doihus.
l. r?onal,y be uud appear bclore o ir .lurtu. s, at 1 , u W(.u 0f watcr. Seized, taken in execution,
hunbury, at a Lourt ol Common 1, ens, mere to , ul., t0 be 6;, ns the property of William Rale-
holdeii lor Ihe said County, on t'.:e lii't ""- j ,ui.fc.
y 111 January next, 10 m.swer ine peiuiou or 11-
T:in N-.-iv 0.-5-;:um
full iwemnt of the
forgery r..:-e, i'ivo! ii:
tvarranl!1, wtii -h h-iv
.'v.)r .s u pllh'ishc;! a
.Mhsiisiiiiii warr.iuiri
i'J,tmiiof raise J
h. en iol.l ihrou 'h-
IJo ulay o ads
out the L'nion. V,'. I'. llarn'nini ntnl ICil
watil Thoi.;!i!i'oii, aireNli l lately iu Xciv
York; 0. S. Sam, tin I V,'. Ci. ,; t;e!.-, re
cently iU'icsic'l nt New Orlrau. .n.'i .I.uaos
31. C'urrie, eliiel'iiepuly i.i the .' ul!ijo
i:i tht! Saw Oi ieans ('tisl'ini lloitse, ar
rested 0,1 Fr'nl ay, lire till j tiled ntj tekson,
(.-harL'od with lieitn tho rii),-!e,iders in thu
hwindie. oth-.-r, oi' hih refpecta
biiiiy, nro sai'l to Id hnp'.ieat' d.
Tun Alabama House of Ueprescntutivcs
on Saturday invetiiatcd this vote for door
keeper, which proved that C'lirdec, the In
ieiMi'ient Hc-puliliean candidatii, bad beeu
rli-fUd by one vote. After considerable!
lii.seiitsinn a i-imiinittei! w:ts appointed, who
reported llie nh'ive I'tclsi.atid Oardco was de
clared elected ntnl tilt; journal correeled. A
resolution to (leclai't; the House permanent
ly nr'.-ainzod under All,r:icy ( e-.ieral Wil
jiiiuisj1 plan waH vo!i tl down. A juhil ri-so-'
litliori from thn Seti'itc! to adj-uir'ti till Jan
uary l.'l was adopt.-d, with a proviso that
the adoption should nol be; construed into
reeoonizing the pirmanent oranizaiiou of
tho Seaiatc. The ruinate would not concur
iu this, but tho Lieutenant Governor n-l-jotiriied
tho Kcnato notwithstanding. The
C'ourt-rooiu body 8ti!l hold daily fcesslons,
nnd on Saturday received a message fiom
tho Ooveriior rt-coiuiiic-ndin 1111 increase of
100 per e-nt. In the taxation, and passed a
bill Riilhorizinsf h $2.tniU,liUl issue of bonds.
Thin bid wns sinned by the Speaker of tho
coiiaolidated House wliilo iietin us Speak
er ot tho Court-room body, ami by tho
Lieuteuaut Governor while prcsidint; over
the Senate nt tho Capitol. The Deiuoorats
threuteo to Appeal to Attorney General
Terrible iailro;tJ A-ei,J c-tit.
C7crcotni, Dec. tit. Traill ,'o. 0, on the Cut road, leavinr 1,'orry at 1 p. in.,
t i-day, run llirouoh thu bih trehtie over 1 KIIl(.iV Hti' I
Goow creek The trestle is some forty , " " HarliCt fi'tluarc J
lent hioh, and the train 18 11 wreck below I
and burtuiii. It is ifpori'-d that eii;ht or I TT AVE just received a full line of llrst-class
nine persons are killed nud a number I s.rool at mo,l,-ral,! prices prices
WOUIl'led. ' I best block outsije the cities, cou.ijtlu
Another Acvidt-.nt TJiitrKrmifONs ' .(mrrii-iin nud Siilsi U'Att-Iii'N,
KlU.1.11.-.A special despaleh Iroill Jell'er- ' ... . .
sotivi'.le, Indiana, s.iys a IVeiht ttain of
.1 I- . .1 ... . 1 l-; i.-,ei 1 '
liiirieen eais aim loeoinouve, on laejeiler- ; y, j .
smville, Madison 11111I Indiana polia rn:cl ! v'atct;e.
jumpea tiii) tr u-K at llenryHviiie ; nnd tin:
ll,.ve 1 lie
Ilow.-r l A Co., Wa!;!i.rn, Mass.,
Itch Co., I'eiia l-'l'lii l. Alse i'ud
dies' aud (iculk' Cell uuj ti'.ver
bel soexhioitid a::ainsl vou by the raid Anna
1 Richards, and lo thow cause, If any you have,
why the said Anna Richards, your wife, should
! not be divorced from the hondof Matrimony con
! tractsd Willi you, aecoidinj lo (he Act of Assent
' biy, in such case provided, and to do further und
! receive what our said Judge shall have consld
I t ied ill that behalf ; and hereof tail in t.
I Witness tbe Honorable Win. M. Rockefeller,
I l're.-itlent of our said Court, at Sanbury, tho
thir l day of December, A. 1)., one thousand tlybt
bun lied and scvcnlv-two.
S. II. ROTI1ERM FL, Sheriff.
S. IT., Depmy 1'i.uliouot.iry.
Suubury, December 11," 1S7 .
TINT. J M A vl M
H.NK ST r'KiilX rot.
Ail of then for l.M (L inks for winter uiy'.U.
'I hen we have '
riEfl A N T R Y E W II I S 11 Y
S4.CV)a gallon, 01 Jll.OJ a d.zeu.
GOLD S k A L !i R .1 X D Y ,
J1S.00 a dozen.
511.0J u dozen.
f ll.GJ a dozen.
AH carefully packed aud sent to stiy address.
Scud hi your orders..
The Wine Merchants, 11110 Chestnut St., Pliila.
(Sept. -1, 1ST I. 4iu.
t r - ri
I eiiuiu-.-er, tirentan and luakeman Were
itislaiilly killed, rhe cars and Woiuuiivi:
wi re toially wreck, d.
The longest matt iinonial cnoaueiuent nn
rrcoid is that cf a couple who were married
at llast Lynue., M;hs., on thaiiki-iviu)
day. They were betrothed in 1817, and
had bieti drawing out the swci linss of the
Ki c.i.m Gold sets, pink coral and Gold se;s,
f'.'ir s, Necklace uud I'cudau'.t, Ouj C and
JlI Juweny.
Soiil Silver-ware of Sterling puritv, made lo or-d-a-.
liridal on I l'rei nl ati.,11 Pieces, Knives,
Forks and ppoons In cases, also, a full Hue of
-s;i... l".,t..a !....a n-.... ... 1 ve ..... u ..
iira-em'-nt cvir fctlit-J liliy-hvo yearn of 1 Krl.ii St.iiil. Cake Cotlee Cms. Fork!
aud tpooua treble plut-jJ, iulbt markets
Ijil'tuo mid (.-. .in lT, ol bhsslul unUcilialioii
and ail the joys, nn I ilelihls of Uuweildeii
love i.s more than voiieh.saled to niortiils.
The ur.l.-nt pair must be now (V-elia- tl into
Ihe valu of years, and are likely to have a I
slender portion of married life tiller this iu- '
tolerable deal of conning. j
Tins United Stales troops stationed at :
Little liocK, Ark., have beeu ordered lo
New Orleans. It is understood that tho
-Ull Infantry will take their place
Tit E gamblers of Xew York aro staking
c-iiisiderable bums of money that Stokes
will not he convicted oi the murder of i'isk..
.....1 . 1,,, . i... .. in . . 1 1 .. 1 '
nnd lhat he, will net l3 Iiuiil'.
ViCK-rnEsiuKNT Colfax, It is now
said, will not tako thu editorship of the
New York Tribune. All negotiations have
mutually terminated. This is unt'oitunato
for tho Vr oioM! Association. Thev bad i I ,7 . T
t. o.r i "') '""J Cull uud exuuilue uiy stock.
. . . c-j,oh tor a year, ana 'I UAD'3 8 6UASNOV
left hnn untrammi'lfd In lU conduct. f mibory, Vet. 21, l73.
If you value jour Lycsiuht, uso tbn Perfect
Lenes, ( round I'lom iiiiuuto Cri -tle. lVhbles mel
led loeilier, nud derive there iiuino "Di iiuoud''
M account of Iheie ti.irduess und brilliancy.
'1 hey will last many years without change, uiid
warrniiiud Bupi-ilor lo ail others in un-.
Ivory, Pearl and .Metal hau.tlclu cases sup
plied lo order.
A full assi.itment of I'Lht day and Thirty
hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol discrlp
lious. Kiinravli.g done ut the h,n test notice.
All goods sold v.arrar.lud as they are repre
cult d. Aud he won dead I lie itiunliun of his
patrons nut ihe pulilio to hi larKe sloik of
A M r. IHC A M uo.l Bwls Watches of the tii.esl
maker In the world. No trouble loebow irood.
( OIRT E'ltOt I.tStlTIOS.- Notice
I l.eiiby jtivc.l Hi n the si v. iei Couils of Com
mtei P!e.. 5. General Q'l. liter S s.-i"iis nl'ibe Peace,
and Oi bans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer
and Jail D.-lix-ry, in and for llie county
of No. tluuuliei land, w ill coiiuueuco at lh" Court
Ilu,isc, in tlie. borouuli of Sunbiirv, at to o'clock
A. M on MONDAY, JANL'AllY the bill, laxt,
anil will continue two weeks.
'i he Coroner, Just lees of Ihe Peace and Consta
bles in and for llie county of Northumberland are
requested to be then and therein their proper
persons, with their rolls, records. Inquisitions,
and oilier remembrances, to do thoe tittups to
their several appertaining t" he done. Anil
all w ilncsses prosecilinir In behalf o.' the Com
monwealth uruinst any prisoner, uia requested
ami eoinuiande.l to be t lull and there atleudlii!;
in their proper persons to prosecute airalnsl him be jiisl and not to depart without leave
at their peril. Juno me rc, .tested to be punc
tual in tin ir attendance, :il the time appoiulcd,
nuieeably to their notices.
Oiveu under my hand 111 Minhnry, the 1st day of
December, In the year ofonr Lord ouu thousand
iiuiil hundred and sevenlv-two.
WHEREAS the Honorable Wm. M. Koeke
fclh r, President JuiIum, and hi Associules,
for ll'.l District, have issued Iheir inauilale for
an adjourned Court for Northumberland
county, to beheld ou Monday tbo Ikilli of IX:
ecniber, A. D.,'ls7a, bein ilia fall Monday of
aid uioulb, in Punliury, and to last oue week. 1
therefore :ive notice lo all Jurymen drawn for
this Court, nud all oilier liiluicsted, to be and
uppe ir ut the place aforesaid at 11) o'clock, a. ui.
of said day.
tshrritr OUlcu,
uobory, November lh, hTi.
Also, A certain dwcl'h-i: houso of two stories,
baviusr a front of twen'y f. et, aud a depth of
fourteen feet, s'luatu ou ail Hint certain lot of
(.-round iu Wist Miaiiiokin, Coal town-hip, coun
ty of N01 thumberland, and Male of Pennsylva
nia, and know n and designated ou a p'an of est
Shuinnkin. ou lot number eighteen, iu block num
kerO, froulim; ou Piue street, beintc situate four
feet south of Ilia south line of Pine street, in
West if haiuoliln. Seized, taken in execution, and
to be sold us Ihe properly ol Augustus Lichoiu.
Also, All that certain lot or piece of erouu l
situate in the borough of nhumokiu, Xorthum
berland county, beiin; lot number cl-hl (,) iu
block number eluhty live (S".) bonntlcd ou the
noithby lot No T.oiijilie south by lot No. 0 Iu
tame block, on tie- cast by Market stri ct, und on
the west by an Allev, coi.l.iinini; twcnly-livc feel
(-.'ol iu front, on M.uket street, and one hundred
aud lll'ty (LVi, ) more or less, iu d -ptli, to iin Al
ley. Seized, taken hi cxeeuti.ui, ar. I to he sidd
as the property of Tobias II jppciualcr au.l C.Ub
arine Kopper.hai'er.
Also, All Unit ccitain lot or pieeo of pround
siluate in the boioneli of Walsor.loivn. Norlhum
berland county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed a follows bou tided on the north by Kixlh
street, on the east by Ash or Chestnut street, ou
the south hy lot No. 1st, on llie west byuu Alley,
beini; marked or dcsiirnuled on the map or plan
of said borouuh of WaUoulown a lot No. 1611,
contaiuiutf a from on Ash or Chestnut street, of
55 feet, aud a depth of ICi feel. Keied, Ukec iu
execulion, aud lo be sold us tlie propel ly 01 Cyrus
F. Taylor.
Also, All that certain lot or piece of ground
situate iu the town of llelfenstem, in Cameron
township, Norlttmnbcrluud county, Pennsylva
nia, bounded ou Hie north by an Alley, on the
6011th by llih street, on tho cast I y lot No. 17,
and 03 the wr.l hy lot No 15, in bloc forty-two. '
(i'J,) It bemtt lot no. 18 iu same Mock, contain
ing Ibirly feet In trout on Hlnh street, and one
bundled and (HIT In drplh to an Alley, wlieieou
aro erected two story frame dwelling bouse, 16
feet front, uud eighteen feet in depth, and oilier
oulhuildiuic. belzed, luken Into extcui inn, and
lo be sold us the property of Emanuel 11. Dolick.
Also, A certain two story frame messuage and
tenement, siluatu in the borough of W.ilson
town. In said county of Nnrthnmlierluud, ou the
uortb-west cornel of Lihlb and Main stuns on
lots Nos. and UHl, iu Ihe general plan of said
town, ronldinlng in front on Main street, tl 11 y -Ave
feet, and In depth tbirty-elelil feel, that is
said buildiux being 5i ft el by 58 feet, und the l"t
or plcee of icrouud curtilage appurtenant lo said
building. Seised, taken iu execulion, aud to be
sold a the v of Christian (jrubb.
8. II. R0T11ERMLL, (sheriff.
Bbsrltr Office, Bunbury, Dec. 11, 1873.
Iu again extendin'-; our Annual Greeting to our
friends and p. (irons, v.e beg leave lo unmiuuce
Unit linding 0111 selves forced to eu'.urgi our Show
rooms to meet the demands of a greatly increas
ed business, it bee rules necessary lo reduce our
immense Mock, previous to making allenillons.
We are therelore, olferlr.? spcclul inducements
to purchasers, the present
ks w M .
r w m - .mW k. -fill r
Nov. 2, 1S7J. 2m
t u::ikt5ia3 cooi!s.
a t.,
i ' .1 1 r. '
,5 V
.-.5 X. ;-.JL.j.;.i.a.ji..H i,
Vtuici.cs cr i'..L litND3 .ahe to Okd::k.
Tin- latest styles and the bet wm knu-.n-'nip.
Samples limy be t-cci ut the shop. Live Mat
a call.
Suubury, Dec. 7, lbrv'. ly.
cxiTriiv i'ikL e.vscuaxci: to-
i Are unw t il.aingtiie rl ks under their special
I charter yiauleil by tlie Legislature.
The recent great calamitous tire ', ol Chicago
! and Uoslon have provcu conclusively two f.uts.
1st. That Mu'.nal In-ui.iuej C.unji i ilrs pro.
vide tbe most security to tlie iis-air I for the
sutulle-t eo-t and ;tie the besl able 10 sii-taiu
heavy losses.
2.1. That Home Companies arc tin iil-o'utu
liecssily anil furnish the best guaranties for
payment of losses us they cover no he .v. ri lis
wo'oking outsi.lo of cities nnd cum: '. I - l'-cte.
by such great conilagrulions as the Ho!ou nnd
Chicago lires wbicli have ruined nan of oar
besl and strongest CouivaniOs.
P.y special privilege win ks the joint stock and
lit 111 11:1 1 plans together, thus enabling llieni 10
enjoy the advantages of both modes of insurance
without doing the injustice 10 tlie holder ot the
mutual policy by asi.-.n' him for the beiietitof
Hie stock holder.
All policies Issued on the mutual plan.
All ri ks an- taken outside the great cities, and
oulv ou such propcrtv as is not so evi,or .1 as Ij
1 be hazardous. Thi- enables lln- Con pan.i a iu
1 sure tor less r;itct!l.ui lii.mj oil er ( o . . i ..i es
1 an I snppli- s a great need now K.t b iu. u. a ie.
j ii ,b J c ei.laete I an I
I s.r:: uo.v.i: ixsvnM e co.'tp.wy.
I Tin IrJ.dnt Plan prelects uuahist c:..i .
bilaul or lepcalvJ iisees.nient".
C. A. RUMENsNYnCIt, fe.-ret -.ry,
Sunteir. , Piuu'a.
E. D. KILLIAV, Special Agent uud t-;"pt.
Deee.iii-cr 7, loiJ. If.
CG2 Chestnut Street,
Have row ready their nmulilccn tstoeli of
902 Chestnut St. 902
Auditor's) Xolire.
"SVOTICE. Is hereby jlven to the ci p lltois of
Jobnsey bhnll'er, w hose jiropeity on l'ouilli
si reel, Snub oy, Pa., was sold at SlieiilP. sale, at
Novciiiher Tel in, 17J, that llie undersigned ba
been appt luted Auditor In disiribule the fund
arising from Ihe sule of said pniicrt i in lhoe en
titled I lie iilo. A meetliej will he held at his of
fice in buuhury, on the 2Mb day of December,
1572, ul 2 o'clock, p, ui.
A. JORDAN, Auditor.
Sunbury, lw. A, UTi. 4.
X pays
VK l.'.S l l.Olt ll, t;i IliK
l'ur lWi !
Guide Is now pnhli-lird Quaiterir, cts.
l avs lor the veir, lour nunilieis, which Is
not half the cost. '1 hose v ho atifi, I ml
money to lite amount of Osr D.i! I .ir or more tor
Seeds mny ul.-o oi.ler Tw ent v-tii f t en;s woi th t -llil
the paid for tl'.e Ctliile.
The J inn. try Nun. her is lieai.tll'i!, giving j 1 ins
for making 11 iral l!o nt s. IVsicu for lui :ng
'liiblj Deeoriilloiis, iuib'W i;..i,lens, ,vc., end
conlaiuiu a luars of informiitiiui liuaiu. l-'e
I, i tl.e 1 n ei . of llowcr. Hue b uritiei! h in
p.i.iesdii the tinted paper, soma l ive Hun, lied
( ngiuviuo, mid n superb Colore I Piute -nd
Cliioino Cover. The Firl l'tlhioii of Tim Han
dled I liou-Hiid just printed iuKngl'sri and G.l.
muu, and rc.idv In s,id nut.
JAM I'M VICK. Rocluster. N. Y.
. AUii.iuiirMtor'at Notice.
Estate of PHILIP ilEIiliK, DcoM.
NOTICE i hereby kIvuii tlul ivtlers ofanmliis
Istrailiui having ii ci gniiiied In the under
Signed on the eslalc ol Philip Zerhc, late of I,,...,
er Muhauoy township, NnrthitUiheiland cniiulv
Pa., deceased. All -rsons lo.lehled to s aid s-l
talc aie i, que ted to make iiuinudiete sell .i:t (
and lb o biuu claim aru tcque-led pr.
scut thorn fur scilleuieut. b. M. Ul'Hri,
6crttowi, Hot. 0, "T3. t. AdrainisSrafov