wi.. jn wmujiJij.nuniiiiiuwum:idty mhx) . American. SUN BUR Yi DECEMHEH21, 1872. . ., ItnllroBd Time Table. ARBlVAJt AUD DU.rATrjl( OP THA1NS AT SUNBfnT. N. t. R. W.. South. Erie Mall, lS.Mam Erie Express, 9.40 " Mell, 11.05. " , Nlug. Express 8,01) p to P. fe E. R. U. West. Moil, , 8.80 m Niag. KxpressRMO pm Elmlm Mult 4.80 ' Erlo Kxpreee, ; 7.M " gCNntJRT ADD UIWI8TOWN Jl. ' Lee' Bnibitr fo Lewletown ni 7.45 a. m., 'alM4-lfT. M." t rMrttvi''nl rtutrbrtrj-- from, Lewistown, nt 1.60 rr - UAVf . -AIUllVS aiCuriat . 6,45 a m At Bunbur 9.35 am S.h5pra .-H . p 111 G.OO p m nANVlLLR, HAM.ETOS A WILKEBfJArlRt 1. B. Reirnlnr passcngor tsalri leaves Stinbury for Danville, Cattnwlssa, Huzlcton nml Intermediate stations, at 0.45 a. m. Returning leave Hazlo t on at 1.00 p. m.. Arrive at 4.00 p. in. LACKAWANNA KSb BLOOMBDUBO R. R. Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. and 4.60 p.m. Arrive at 'Torthuiiiberland at 10.SS n. m. and .6.05 p. m..-- .,..f. . . Accidental tusnrance Ticket" can be bad of J. Shlpmen, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Ijttsincss ocI. BEWisa MACniSF.a.-MiBS Ciirollue Dallus Is the agent for the sale of the best Bewlng Machines . In existence, Me t "The Improved Singer," "Orpver & Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic," which are constantly on hand and sold al rcn eonable prices. Bhe It alio agent for tho cele brated Frante and Pope Knftttug Machine. Call and doe them. Ollco on JIarket street, east of the railroad. , , .' Go and see the large Christmas tree n't Clem ent & Disslnger' Btore. Also, the fine Sewlug Machine to be given away. All persons buying C5 worth of goods for cash, will reccivo a ticket. Ir you want anything in tho way of nice Toys, Books. China-ware, Brackets and Willow-ware, don't fail to call at Hazletlne's. His nice, new light tells where he. Is. Accordboxs and Mouth Organs of all sizes, at ITazlctlne's.- ' Books Holiday Books for presents, at Hnzle tine's. ' Hemperlt challenges tho country to excel his shadow Photographs. ' ' ' Ir you desire elthnr Fir, Life or Accident In surance In gooc", reliable and first class Compu n'us, you will Uud it to jour advantage to call Ht Shlpinnn't office. . . , Rockinj Horses, W.igjns, tc, e.,nt Hazle . tint's. . ; .Ikwui.uv roil TMB UOIXUIATS. TliuJ's P. Shannon culls attention to his large stork of Jew elry on tlie corner of Third and Market Square. His stock comprises the largest assortment out f Ide the cities which is warranted to be as repre sented. The finest nssnrtment of holiday pre sents will be found t his sto-e..' Call and see them, ns no charges arc made for showinggoods. Jist received, 10 .grots Almanacs, ail kinds. Lancaster Almanac on hand at llazeltines. Porcelain Pictures,-and fine work a specialty nt Hempcrly's. Goi.u Chains, Opera, Matinee and Leontine r.t A. M. Meixell's. .. For line RaisiuJ, Curnnts, Toys, Nurs, nnd choice candy, go to Ilyerly. Order your Oysters for the Holidays from Hy erly. He gets up uoue but tho best always nice uud fresh. Go to Shipman and Ret a policy of iusuranoe on your life, and present it to your wife 110 a Christmas Gift. Finr Gold Wutehcs, for Christinas presents, at A. M. Meixell's. P(ji'Ai;B Frames of all sizes made to order at Hemperly'i). Esi'EciAi. attention to family griiiij.? nt Ilem pcrly's Gallery. Call on A. St roll and settle before the 1st of January next, or you might get the cpper-sucJ-you. Hoi.lTUY Goods, elegant prcscuts suited to all ut Ila.eltiue's. llAMitioMC Bibles, new styles, elegant Hymn Rooks are on hand, at Hazlctine's. Diamond, Etone, Cameo, Aiaethist and Topcz riu.it, perfectly handiiouie for Chribtmas pre eeut at A. M. Meixell's. Homdav (lifts, useful present at Ir. Martin aud Co's Drus; btore, Cleiacut House building, Third street. Comtletk Works of Shaksrjiire, Byron, Burns, 1 ' i ,,1 ,i- r i Moore and all popular a,uthors,1ust the thing for a nice present, nt Hazletiue's. I Notuino nicer for iv- ChrUtnt pressnt than your "photo" nicely Irumed. , Heniperly puts them up in ctyle. " W. M. DauoiICRTT has removed his marble yard to Fourth treut, one half square south of the City Hotel, where ho has built a Cozey shop, and U ready to make, everything In his lino on short notice. ' Toys! Toys I Toys!' Brackets, Braekots. Writing Desks, Wvltlug Desks. . Work Boxes and Work Standi, at ll&zlotiiic's. Toilet Belts, ic.', iict designs, at Ila zU tiue's. . , . Get your pktures.tukea at ilcmperly'r. The best assortment of Watches and jewelry !u the city at A. M. Meixell's. Byerly bought his toy in New York, and can sell them for less money than most others. Be sure nnd go to Byerly for your Holiduy Presents, and save moucy. ,An immense lot, of great va . rlety, to select from. ' " An innneuse stock of Frames Just received at Heiuperly' Pbotojraph Galltiy. Get your bouses and homes photographed by leaving your order at Jlemperly's Gallery. Hr.Mi'tKl.T copies all kinds Of pictures accu- a"-'ly- , . ,..' Ut;AiTFUL.--Tba new styles of Bat and Cops thai adorn the windows of 8. Faust' hot store, 11 on MaikeL treet, are bcautirul. Ill ralliand " winter toek Is superior to auy ever seen in thl plnve. All the kitest styles, and of the best qua lity, are to be fouud at his establishment, and at ' prices to suit tbellmea. For the Horse. Influenza or Epidemic Ca tarrh. Thl being a ..typhpd j4isea, requV sustaining treatment tr uovmiwII) Jie 4oublful. TliOcC not knowing ho to treat the above dis ease, call on . . r N lfi.tf. JAMES VANDY,5T., gunbury, Pa. Tub general cry is neinperly takes the best pic tures iu the county. For Sugar, Cofl'ee, Tea, Spices, Dried fruit, &e., go to Uyorly' and Hve money. W. R. F. Woliaca, ha Just received hi second purchase of fall and .winter goods, cheaper than ever. Hi stock of ladles'.dres goods, water pioofs, furs, carpets, oil elolhs, fine ifrooerles, and in feiverythlogt snlt the tust and fancy, and at prlee ettoiishlirf y 'lerw. He tells for ready rash, aed will not terrrifierauld by auy oae. Give him a call, analtetaurviuttd tbVWeiuter'( popular cash start lnsiv to secer burt-!ns. HorsE n Lee SiJTnj-A Bwotttage house, w'uu all iheorleta'4niiMivenint,ocat-1-1 in Pur.iytawa.ea. tkeCa-tuw'is road, 4 of .Vsrod in' sali.aisr.a4Ji(vuA .-ajtldy AC NoTi(TB.At tho Ewelslor h the place tobny for the holidays, as Miller has gotten up the ni cest Bouts and Shoes for jLe occasion. Go and see tho finest French calf Scotch bottom, and hand stitched boots also, single and double sol ed liand-stltehod, all of thmn warranted. Wo have now In store two hundred polrs of ladles' shoes of all kinds, mens' nrcMcs, over shoes al to Ladies' M issue . and Children1. Ladies' rub bers from forty cents to one dollar'. Buy only the Now Brunswick rubber as It Is tho best In the market. Every pair we sell are warranted. Any of them that don't give satisfaction, we give an other pair In place of them. . Tho Excelsior and Evans' American Gnlters, only to to got at Mil ler's, call and sea us, aud savo twenty per ccut as ire can sell nt the lowest cash prices. ' ". . ' , WM. It. M1LLFR. For Resr.-iA three story brick house on East Mark.-t street, Store) Room on first floor, second and third stories suitable for Lodge Rooms, size of all the rooms 10 by 50 feet, gas In every room. Apply to Lyon & Bro., Suubury, Pa. 4t.-d. 21. Go see tho nice assortment of Furs at the Star Store of Clement and Dlssiuger, sold at greatly reduced prices. ', If you need .protection, either Firr or Life In surance, call at Toiler"! Insurance ofllee, neaV the Court House, Suubury, Pa. Insurance effected on the most approved plan. thecal Affairs. NoTtcn TO SrBFCiunERS. We arc engaged lit sending out, by mall, printed bills to all our sub scribers, showing their IndebtedaeM to the Ante. rican. It Is sincerely hoped, that, mry del'.n qutnt to tht eflltt of thit journal, whetlier foi Stb sciiipticcc, AriTnRTt'tso, nr Jo-woiik, willjif kind enough, aside from his or her obligation eii to do will promptly respond nnd remit by mall, the amo"nt due us, cither lu a JUgittcrtd iMer, or rotOffl(t Order. We have tent the Aveuica lj marry subscribers, who have not paid for several yoars, nud us we only tax them the lowest prlc C'l.tJa year, we hope they will be equally gene rous nnd pay promptly. TrtE annual Festival will be held In this place by ttjo members ef thu Episcopal Church, on the 2th lnt. ' Rev. Vandine will deliver an ad dress on the occasion. Attention, tjoon IstkstBoys. A meeting of tho Good Intent Viro Company will bo held In the Council Room, on Monday evening, Dec. 23, 1872, nt 7 o'clock. All the members are rcnucstpd t ltend.' AlO, fill v,ho disire Li connect them- j l"'fer chignou's, and a larger supply of bus eelves with tLa company are invited to be pro- tie paper, who should not beeoino discouraged, Bent, or send Jti their application for members P.M'l. Wn.vmiT, Preb't. Jl. .1. Fifhev, Kcc'rv. . Si',vkraj cases of sinall-pux are reported In Jackson township, Hia county. . A House attached J a a hiin'y tank fright at a traluof cars, near th raUrond bridge croasing, tlie livr. on ednesdiiy last, and full over the bank on the Ice. The bugcy Bus-lnincd cotisldaia b!e damage whilst the horse aud driver escaped without Injury. We regret to learn that A. F.. Kunp, Esq., of Northumberland. U lying dangerously iil. He" has beeu couiined for sevenil weeks. . Tub .light prlukloor snow on Tuesday, (rave.) us n tutte of winter. Slei"h bells were heard on ! our ,trcets for several days. Important Dihcoveuv. Miuco pics are much improved by a small quantity of Yoiiiigmau's Wine put into them. This w'uc is the cheapest 1 nud purert liquor that can be bought. "t. J Postmastimi. G. W. Gross has received the ! appointment of Postmaster nt Slmmokln Dam, I Snyder county, vice A. G. Rollback, resigned. .) Till! number of boat thul passcdthc collector's oClee nt Northumberland during tlie past boating scason,;was C,S1". Vi'M. V.'Mmer. Esq., the very clllcicnt postmas ter at Norlhmnberlmid, has been reappointed. Our sister town could not have selected a better oilieertlian Mr. Weiiuer. Havin! rendered geu cruLsatiofaetion there wis no need of a change, nnd both parties acceded tlio ollleo to Mr. Wei mtr, wlio Is a good Rcpihllcan. Guano Coxci'.nT. Dining tlie first week of the coming Jauuary Court, a Concert will ho given (or the benetit of the l'nsbytcrinu Sunday School of this borougli. First Class talent has been se cured, nnd the publlo iay rely upon a capital entertainment. ' I2,.t, riii.Ti, Mr. .T..r.Mnl,ili FncM.I rf .' ,,' '' , .. , .. ., Pper Augusta lotviiJiill.. died suddenlyat bis residenco, on Friday nfeht of last week, ne mil nlllieted with iieuail(ila in tho face, and It appears he had taken a. quantity, of luudcnum to nleviato tlie i-t before retiring in the visiilug, which Is supposed to hfi'o enured his death. Railroad Acqnus. Mr., . Jackson, jvtt. fcmploycd on tlie Slnmijklu Dnfislon of the N. C. Railway, fell from the tins near Suydertowii, on Balurdtiy lait aud brol hU s,riu. It was set by Dr. A. C. Clark, the Coiupany' physician in this place,. The Tkkmaink EnoTiitif. The agent, Mr. Showles, of the Treiiiaine usival Troupe was hi town a few days agH cindeHected nil arrange ment for their celebrated Operatic Troupe to give an entertainment In .ho Opera House on Chrinluias Eve. As this u i be a flrkt class mu sical entertainment, and he troupe hre special favorites with many whonave heard thera be fore, we bopeiik for themi crowded house. Tickets can bo bad ut Halutine's bonk store. Looks l.iiui, 1Isink.o Tb large crowd of persons attracted to C. S.ilujlctluc's store, every evening are well coarlrnd tbat there never wa bikU f mujiiU ..vari.' if UdiH j;q4.oTercd to ibis eommuulty.(,4'ha s.oro is brilllant'ly lighted wilb gas, and oiontrs are Wfiiled upon in the most polite manixi Those wishing to make holiday presents f al Jud most elegant books, Albums, fancy tejg and the largest as sortment of faney sriiclivai-Ituzletlne's. "r i . f : Tub Lutheran Sunday Miool propose to erect a large Christinas tree In le s:hool room of the church, whereon will be ced present from teachers to scholars, scholu to teachers, wive to husbands, and husbands t wive. Every one Is privileged to place presa. on tbe tree. A merry time may be expected The Omaha Tobacco Bte, in Simpson's building, Market Square, wi entered through; tho Uuiisura on Monduy oit last, by.joioe thief who carried off about slMoluirs.in money, and a lot of aegars and pipes aouuting to about fifty dollar. ' - ' Hnce writing the above we len that a young man named Cliarlc Wuujer is cpecled of hav ing committed the aUov robbr, some of the stolen goods having bean seen ltd pnsseaslon at UarrUburg the day after Jhe turrcoce. Thb Xorthumherland county Illtuts met la the' Public School Uouse at, Nprlmt;erjnil on Monday Ut ul wa called to or i J,3e, p, m.Ty tlx County Superinieiideud. Shipman. Ths Institute rganlid by theloa,oHessr. W. H. GIIger and Win. ebifffer lyice Presi dwl 1 J H.. Oweo, aa-Uwresury, Mp so.. r, Traasurer. jToere was a.larattesW.aace f taacher Jiresesf and fh crtirlswere Irttcr ittJltk,;, "' OntUM CotlinaRATiOK.--nn next Btinday morn ing, tho S2d lust., the large aud very superior Cabinet Organ, secured by the members and friends of tho Reformed Congregation of Ibis place, will be consecrated In thulr church. Rpc clal services' will be held, and Rev. Dr. E. V. Gerhnrt, of Lancaster, Pft., will preach the con seci atory sermon. The choir have been practic ing for tho occasion for tome tlmo already, and the musla trill, no donbt, be a rich treat. The publlo aro respectfully. Invited to attend the ser vice, arid wo have no doubt that nil who will em braco the opportunity of going will be de'.lghled, both with the mnslo of the choli', aud with the sermon of the Reverend Doctor.' A Churchor Prgnn tOnBccrollou i something fa which hot only a particular congregation ,1s In terested, but the whole community t nnd, as wo have no doubt the tltizent of 8nnbury sy regard the matter, we predict a crowded house for oar Reformed Brethren on Sunday morning. P. t? K.r The nnnnal Session of the Grand Conclave was hold In l'hliadelplilrt on last week. Grand Comuinuder Gcu'l J. K. Clemen, of this pW'u.'lviwl.ling. i There was very Important bu pluoss transacted relating to the Order. Among the nominations for Grand oiDcers to be elected la' June next,' we notice tho names of G.G.Ja nohy, for Vice Grand Commander, nnd George L. SUnjspp, for.GnmJ HurnlJ and Grand Trus tee, iii of Pnnbnry. Tho nltcndantic was very large, nnd the Sir Knltlils expressed themselves delighted with the hnrmouy that prevailed, and the adoption ot measures which cannot fall to IfUicBl'tiii Q7d- w,'.! riojlto & !"Urhatsoever yo-weuHthat raen ebnnlfl d onto )ou, do ye so utUo'thein,'! ' ' ', ' ,' ,Tue lee n lUe river at this place, wibout six Birlira in .tliVlinesa, and Is pronaliiy tho fiuest 'ivrd fteae tlib't lliisljert soen fir many yiiarn. Tho turfucelitring Inst week was more than or diuatily ai'iiooth, giving a fine opporlunily to those whd dullatlit In the cxhlli'ntlng txurclM of rkatinU Iisve fali-beneO on the beautiful. Mia In front of our tiorongtij '.he diincucions 6 ih1rh'ecee! f.hy seating plnocln the. Btate, be- lug over half a mile lu width, nnd alniott three miles in length, extending from our sloter town Northnmbci land to the Sliamoklh daiu all as smooth ns glass. On Friday nnd Saturday we noticed large uumbcrs, male and female, In tho full enjoyment of till vastskating pond, nnd the uumber of lady skaters present, gracefully glid iug over its jrlawsy nirfu.ee, was remarked by some one piesejit ns living Tew uper'nrr In the way of making time on steel. But there were otheiB present not quite to skillful, and may n-cd ia)1' 1 thev, by perstvYuaueu, muj yctbcuoiue perluei. A Jijwki.hy Stou'k lvijiiBEi.-t)n Wednesday mcnj'.ng as Mr. Thu.l. S. Shannon of tlii.i place came to his rt.ore, o-t the corner of Third and Market Sipinre, ahout '.I o'clock, he found it clos ed, and on entering discovered a lvge ninoiint of goods mlfsinit. On cxaiiuning wli'illnT tlie twu bsd'bMuu forcibly erterml he cAI!d find no lrt,a4iaatOBceiSrmclliaedJliat Martin E.Shlpc, an apprentice, wus the guilty parly, as he was not nhont to ripen the store ns he had been nc cirttomi d ti) do. On inquiry Jt was found that Martin Shlpe hut! left In the night train, and had mirehased a ticket for Philadelphia. Inrorma- ti.m v.. nl ,riV.n ilmt h l.,l im in ..jj. tl,c j,iljnt itl tvinpiuy wlihan-j Tntlsfr tfoii.ur m.ib lids il nio.l.ri ,.n i.... v.. ' ''oI.J W M U " k"W" tbilt ii i. an uu uk ivui'i nu. xj. .ej; iiiiutv ueni'Lii' ue were sent to Harrisbtirg, Philadelphia nnd other points, for the nrrest of Shlpc. Mr. bhaunou mid J. F. Kirby started on the next train in pur suit of the thief. The articles stolen were seve T;,l gold wutchen, gold rings, and about one bun dled dollars lu money, nttogelhcr amounting 10 ubout eight 1 1 uud red dollars. Since wilting the above, Shipe was arrested iu , Philadelphia, and brought back on Thursday ! evening. Hu was taken before Esquire Purs 1 I who committed him for a further hearing ti: 14 I (Friday) morning, tome of the goods were re- covered. I A Wir n Cat Ivi.i.kh. A huge wild cat was I killed iu Jackson to.i ulii, this county, by Mr. ! John Kulp on the evening of the 8th Inst. Mr. j Kulp is watchman tm "tlie Trevi'.rtoii diranch of ' the Reading laiiroud, .inu Jr.iviug lo;l a leg seve- ral yeais ul'o walks on crutches. As he was I passing along the road.liu discovered the animal j on a tree, and throw a stone, when his catthip , made a Ic.ip, and aFithti'd a few' feet fc'tn him. A dog aceompinylt.g Mi. Kulp, made an attack, nnd In . a sbm-t lime, with the assistance of his master; suceteded iu dispatching the monster. CIa.. KeLmau, 'I'hi-tniuVtcr at Danville, con teiuplules reiuodeiiing his office by pluelug tho boxes in tin venire of tho room, facing aveuues oil cue U aide, .with a, general .iJvefy lit front, uud iiioiuy order .windows, al lliuy.'jir end of euJi uveuue. The DuiiviiUi luteal tyeiirur.4ys : "'I liU improvement indicates alio! her lease of otlh inl life to Hie present' Incumbent which will ue donbt uiuel wi'.h ifiiieral approval." . " A-fc.T.uiiuigH-Mi 11MUV.1, uuiiiucu vy r. ai. j Uuil.r & Co.. und compiled by Epos Sargcaul ) nnd Amaia Mr, t . -un,ie'B - wnr)r , wn 1 have yet seen TheCT dZ T..I. 1,. ...... I :. .1 P ...1... ..l.l I. . .1 I... Ys ,r nuu tun ,i7.n,v uc auiu n iue uc&i auu laosi -... tieal reader that caa'he iutraduccd. It is hand somely embellished with tho finest wood cuts. The selections are of the best, while the select Ktymahijiif give the reaflers the most correct de finitions of every word. Dr. A. C. Eyster I now . introducing thl valuable work Into the schools throughout fhc State, and finds no dlfll cultv It having it adopted on account of Its com pleteness. -....' Tun County Commissioner have men employ ed raising the Court JLue bell. Tho souud Is eucted by is being low iu hc steeple. Tho ttriUIng of the town'cloek cauuot be heard half a inilc, but .I.V this iiiiproveiiwiul it can bu heard two or thi'Ci vdlus. Siitly-y Iini. ,, , We presume our neighbor means that.shs bell is hang toi) near the floor of the b,1 room, n,d not too low in.the stccplcu' The, raising of the bell we coutidcr of little Imimrtaoce as.co(npurcd wlrlhAiie cluae laltico window which confine the sound nf the bell.- The lattice- work Should be 0 or 8 Inches apart, Or taken qut altogplhpr. The UUlnu excellent one, and even enclosed. as it is can be, uud is heard ovor two miles, wlirt the Wibd and location Is favorr.blc. A GiiEEiir EniToit The. editor of .the Jersey Shore flerhld week before las'tVklllc'il three large hogs, and then generously Invited the editor of the Wutsontown Jlecord to give Ulnv a pop visit, and he would fill him tip with sausugu, scrapple, ike. The editor of the Jiteord declines the invi tation for thirty days, for tbe reasou, it is sup posed, that during the holidays, bo Intend to feast on fovi, and Impertinently asl:s hi friend of the Herald to kill a beef or two by lua time of hi Intended visit. John's appetite roust baou the decline. ' . . ' - "I , .. ; ' W .riCROLAar. On Mouday morning last, it was discovered-tliat the store of W. J. Wplvet.ou, In the AlavoiAic .bulUlis, had, beeu burglariously enlaisd, jjud v JeHf pocket; kaivee, segar, to bacco, stolen. Busplclon rtMted 11 port" three boys who had been seen loitering about t he build ing the day Lcfrro, aud upon charging jiue of them he Biado coufntslon, aud told on .the rest. A warrant was procured from F.sqUiiPursle! for the arrest. of George Kocnlg, Well Gro13, aud f raik HaUoway W hea brought, be foru a J u. tic they confessed, and told where the .jroods coelA be found. ' They were cpiuipittci lu-Jiiult rr ll . ' . .....1 .. I... 1.1 !. .1.. 1 . Nww BovfMKO Stoo!. The flno hall nf Ira T. Clemeut adjoining the biUUrd saloon of Jno. P. Purscl, Esq., Is being fitted up handsomely for a bowling saloon by Mr. Purse), The alleys afo being constructed by first class worlvinon. A door has rUoIxvii put In the pnrtition for nn en trance from the h;ill;trd salorln. Theso two f"omt will be handsomely fnrnlrhed, and those, who delight In the exercise of the cue, and In knocking the fins, will find It a first class rcsoti J i i m . p. Uopr'g HoTEf,. This splendid 8lrucnir 4te-' ty erected In tbo borough of Milton, Id fast gain ing popnltrlty with the traveling public. The house is l.irgo and the rooms W ell arranged to make guests comfortable. Mr. J. Fnsnnnghl, who is conducting the business departnicut, is well calculated fur that business. Being of a genial disposition, nnd polite and attentive to all who stop, be is gaining the frirurlshlpofall, and traveler aro mnda to feel tho Comforts of a home. Altocethor Hurl's Hotel is n model, and with the addition of the United States Hotel, our friends In Milton ean well boast of having as good hotel accommodations as can lie found lu the country. 1 J W. C. Kftpp. has beeu appointed Notary Pub lic by Gorornor Geary, to be located at Northum berland for a Urn) of throe year. Home os a Visit. Mr. Jacob Hendricks, for merly of this place, now n' resMetit of Virginia, arrived on Wednesday cvenlug last to cnd the holidays with his pnrcnts, and numerous friends la this place.. At the annual elect frm of the Farmer's Mutu al Ins. Co. hcUat .their flllloa lu.thls place, on Tuesday last, the following . naraml gentlemen who elected to servo an ollir for the ensuing yenr ' " -President, Vm. 'TollfiTcr.; Pirectoi-s, Wm. Foll rtiar, Win. Torlis, Juo.' McWillhuns, Abraham Bhipiuntif Abraham- .Wneiiet L. A. Bowman, M. S. Appleman, If.1 K, Klhn f?arhnel auydcr, John Vought, J. .Or-sh,. Geo, 'Scott, V.'iiiI W. Me Williams, Jat.,',.-Fergutou, apd ,iuo, V. HoiTmau. i i '.I- .. ' . , i i im :ci. 1 1 1 ; 1 lAst Of Jnrom lor Adjonrjicdt'ourl, . Ierenibr 30, IH7Z. 1. Cyrus Walter, Morchunt, Chiliisqnaqnc. 2. John Huff, Merchant, Sliumnkin twp. 'A. reier sionces, i avmer, iiewis. Henry NiiliotV, Barber, fcliamokin Lor. Henry T. Jnhn, Merchant, Mt. Carmel Bo. 4. 5. B. John M. Cudwr.'.ladur, Merchant, Sunlmry. I lias. Hoover, l arini-r, j-owit Augusta. John A. Lloyd, Gentleman, North'beiiur.d. liicub Ilolhnau, Farmer, Delaware. 8. 10. Jesse Yncnm, Gentleman, Nortlt'ljerlfiu l. 11. James Couldren, Farmer, Lower AugiiMa. 12. Uolieit MeGaw, Carpenter, Tnrbul. 111. l'phrain Tliarp, Laborer, Coal. 14. Isaac Frederick, Farmer, Chillhiiuaquc. 15. John Troutm in, Farni'T, Jordan. lrt. Amos Maul, I'arai. r, Delaware. . . 17. Fattiiie1. 1.eli'i,' F.n uie.r, L"Wer Malianoj-. -IS.' John Patrtdcc, Ulitf'V.suiiU'i, Zerl'e. 1!'. Joseph Heppin, Innkeeper, Mt. ("arm. hor. 'A1. Peter Gei-t. Fnrtni r, I'pper Mulianoe. ,1. Georire I'rdman. I'arniet, r-Iriinkin twp.' IW. Joseph llaerlur, Gentlmnan, Vhii'iiiu twp. Uen.i. J-. In. Iil, l.alwm r, nnluiry. A. C. l.onC''", Mee'ianie, Milton, (ieo. W. Smith, Lr. borer, :;!inbury. James Cumm lugs, t 'on I a !;, Wat.-outown. Isaac I;cit7., Or.iver, Wanhlngtun. Cli.if. J. Conrad, Laborer, Lower Augusta. tim. B. Coma 1, Shoemaker, l.n. Augustn. no. Michael Kirstetler, Lali.ner, t.'oal. films. Klnck, Fanner, Cppcr Malmnov. :.i. i(2. l .lward Klingi r, Laborer, Miamok in Hor. lio. George W. Funlr, Farmer, Turbut. Ht. P luiuel.nettiuiou. Farmer, Delaware. !.". Harvey Nye, Farmer. Delaware. ;i0. John Hoof, Farmer, Tuiiml villa. List ot JuxorM Tar Jauuary Term, IST3. G!lAM Jl'HOr.1. Da. Wagner, Lit. Mali, Michael L!ir,Lo. Mali Jup. B. Newbaker.erbl Wni. H. lilassvr, Coal. Jos. Aollopeter. Wath'u 'I'hos. Graham, Milt n .v Cyrus (ieasy, Suubury. II. J. l'.ee.ler, MeEw'Ilo Sam'l Tease, Milton. nw1 Adam Schuyler. Coai. Joseph Burgard, Point. John Newman, alia ww George Mnnlis, Aunhur) Jncub llonvcr.'Mt C'l b (ieo. Maliek, Juekson. Porter Eister, Drlawmo John Liu loiver,. 'iKis.T,iliiw i-uug, I M;iii Wn,. P.oie, Sli.imok hor John Marlin, M C I tp Dun'l C. i'.ogue, Wat'n Jacob ( olt, unok tp I'uv. D. Davis, Mt C'l b Alex. Zartman, Lo Aiy TitAVKi:B ju:;o!;s. Issae Ilo'.!!-ter, Mt f'l h J. 1'.. Mel. mghlln. Nihil I. aae Farley RvcrM-i .iosejdi Witniaii. C'.i.ii. Tiiiiiuiis Francis, Coil.i Wm. Beru'iim:..c.t'p Ma Matliias gcbuiuck, Ntli'Geo. W. Siru'n, I.'. Aug II. K. Trout may, or'n Jesse DioM, Mt (.'arm b Kids L. lrttin, MeK'lle, V'ui. T. Ricky, l Aug 1)..; id Deiviit. Low Augioliu Leshcr, Point. l inc Smink, Sham bji,rr!:ili Maliek, LowAeg Wm. lleii-er. Low Aug. Sain'l H.'.Moi gin, Nlh'd llannon G Kline, HAu'.lolm Shell, (. 'hilll-qua. Hugh Philip, Ml C'l tp Thomas Johnson. liii-!i 'I'hos. Koney, Mt Car bo:Sani'l.S. Smith, L'pMali Michael Sehladur, Sim. Sao. L. S diooley, W.tt'u j Hiram K. Labor, Lush, Daniel lve.ler, Leivi.-. I John Uuln.w, Snyi'ia J. reueterinaere r. LoM ; C01 111 lias Trainman, J11 LrvlColir.id, Lor .Mall. ' Jno. Gibt'Oi.s, Mt C'l b i'.itii. k Rignc-y, Coal. ! John Stahl, Mt i'..rni b'S;,m"l Mart., Sbamokin ! Wm. Meinlr. Riverside. 'Jared Hctilnirer, Cami j Daniel .Suillhi iZcibo. ..111:'. O. ifcWilllams.CU j r.iiaii UU'ktl, ililWyiwjT'iKer yK! Suubui v. ! Daniel S.'RcIt;:, Lit Ma Wm. If. jra, tuuiniok Jnoliaup, Jr., Lewis. 'Isaac Kti.cc. Mt Curb Jonathan Conrad, Sur.bl Jacob Wolvcrton, Rive .' petit Jt'hor.s. Wm. D. IlMffaiau, Wash, Jolin roUuuui, Wut'n Jehu G. JIaiklo, Suub.Audmw J. Jlelier, Tur. Wm. lllouni, l ow Al. Daniel Jieed, Juekson. 1. uas. ia. .inner, io.iug uunn v Aiorgau, Miuo. Juenb B. Hoffman, Sh ip Je.10. A.lainii, V. uphiiig 1 T ... : T.. 1 !.. It L-; 1. TI , . x-.l. . .1 .. .1 . .H..lil9, Jrf-lllB. lll.lllj IVJBMUIIT, Jl 1. 1 iu. ii. uur'411, .Miiauiaau ieiUM-r, .vier.iv e r"il' Ev'aril, NonhMjUaivey U'ibbiii, Stui to '"ob iluchler, SUamo Jai. U. Gatlicail, Ueln. XX Audrcw (jt-Ul, I i Mali John I. Uedliue. Nlli'l. I '?vlA JU 'rk, Cual. , Dauiel Camp, M I C'l 1 1 cai. u c . lone,. Wai,.,(.)e.). V, Tnuilinaii, J'n Jonathan Ii. Deibier Sn n Dil..n,ii;l.. bun'j Jared Howcrlci-, Sham.. ILmiy Labr, Lo Moh. Francis M'Cai ty M CI t ZacUarius Taylor, Nlbd Henry J.,Ili;iin, Zrrbu.Geo. Ueriz, Noilhumb. ,. ' , . .Trial JLIst. FUix VWJfJt. COMMENCING OANl'ART IS, 173- - The County of Northumberland vs Geo. MtElleee S uae vs Philip Wlntersteln, rt. nl. Elias Seller vs. John If. Wilmer. , Wni. A. Gibson vs. Peter Wolf. Frllinir, Bowcn A En2l vs. tho D. Jl. & W, R. R. Company. .... E. 1. Sattcrlcld & Co. vs. William Rehrer. Catharine Daud II. the Enterprise Coul Compa- iy nnd Robert Ainiuprman. -CAthariiit Rtie1 si.'BU.vsj the CaLiwies'a R. P.. ' 'inrripmryi'- ' " '- .' ! (' ' ,v Wiu, Lqvi v. Jnnies Mulone. . . ' Peler llunklqv. It. ii- bliellenbergcr. ' ' (ieoriro C. Welfter Vs. the . C. R. R. Company. Fran It Tffrlj)!;T tor.lli!p uf Mt. C.umcl.' Wiu. -il. CauiL vs. Wui, a id Sain'J Kusotd Wni, Role vs. Edward Kline ' Samuel C, lli Neiiu, vs. tlie ScWd'El rectors of De- hirvaro Hiwiis'ldp. '; ' 1 -John W. Hentber vs. W, B. Morehead. ' Peter Gurheart et. al. vs. the D. H. te M'l R. R. CollipKIIV. ' ' ' " Tho R. Hull vs. John P. Suinmere. benj. Welzel vs. Nban Haas. Jaol Roup vs. Jou Ltiby, :, i lliivd uml l laybeiger vs. tho Iluruside Coai aud Iron Company. Chiis. Kotulg v. Lambert Jarrett and wife. Ciirnnto Hart vs. the twp. of Mt. Carmel. -Miller, Forney iV Co. vs. Duvid llelser. Valentine W. Fisher vs. Shiiltr, Heehtcl aud Gulp banmel llnrrisnn-vs. Jelf is.nl Jnhu. Jun. A. J. Cumuiiugt vs. David D. Davis aud XV. 11. Lurch. , !,. t : i John Bartholomew, Sr., vs. Jns. TT. McGormick. Uenj. Wjlllamso vsl J. 11, McCJc'rinick. J. K. Kulp vs. Chri.slian Guiisuri. Geo. Hower vs. Jus. H. MoCnrmick. George Wills vs. Jss. If. McConnU k. ' Jobu K. Seller vs. John H. Voresman. Jttiiu.s'.AVuliitiK-ir (. Jvltu. Pwtei' .u(iiuilsU'a-. tor of M.uliu JliiUnyur, i'u'd. Jaine. D. Gehring vsl L. L. Beldleniau. ' TRIAL LIS1 FOH ADJOURNED COURT, . DECEMBEU Bil. Wm. 1. Oreennneti w. Td:e Fulton Coal Co., The F. tiVldor Conl V'nh'j 'o.', Tho Euterprisc tdul Co., John B. D.outy aird J'.hn H. ('able. Comly and Pucker, . Attorney foe Tift' Gownn, Wood ward, WoJvertmiand"rteirfi forDetts. Herjry Sayiftr and others vs:! Aiulycw ,Mastwick and others. ' Wolvcrtun for il-T'j Pu'.ler for Do Irndaot. ; ' ' ' " ' Heui Parlor vs. ssur. Attorney isme. The Farmers' and Hnrtle'.iltnriftc' Association met ut AuguFtavllic. December 17, nt p.m., W. W. n.niiltig Prcsid"nt oHlc'atlng. Reports fioni h Jiort of the momliCrs, show their cxprrliiieiits with the Silcslrtn suirsr bei t, prns nnd Dower serl", qnltc sucresslul, w hilst tho SliaiKt and Knlisllur K.irl-, and tho Holllc oats were iieariv failures. Additional reports will be expected nt next meeting, December 2H, nl ? p. in . when otuecis for the ensuing sar will bo elected. Cy order, JACOB R. CLARK, flco. List of letter rainalnini In tho Suubury Pout Olilec, l5cee.!nbcr 18, 1B72. j t J. It. Knfls', J. H. Black 3, George lilwir, Cfithnrltto CraWier, ' Ailiert '!rk, Miss Ballle Chamherlln, Yi. P. Oeolber, Misa Jnnii Gilmer, Fred Hnmmnr. Miss Oeorgle Hanpt, Adam Jones, Mia. Maty J. Roll. Mrs. Flitnnn C. Hny. )nvid R. Mntllik, Drvmel Marsh, Miss IJrzle Malhl.Rcv. It. Reeser, Ml Kste Reed, Jacob G. Jteed. Mrs. Rebecca Rhodes, Mrs. Emma SMtgoti, Danlul Pmeiser, P. B.tcader, Miss Emma Btell, ohn Spencer. - . ... v. .-, r ... :. . "J. tf srtiTH, p.m. Itpcni ul polices. On MarirlH(iC.-;-tsii.vs for Tonng Men, on Great Social Kviis una Abuses, which Interfere with Marrpige, and ririu tbo hapixneso of thou sands, with S'iro means of fellcl (or tho Erring nn.1 Cnfortuiiatc, deceased and debilitated. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howard AssociaUwi, No. 2, outh Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.: . , 3 K -3 I a t a f-j CO P4 rs w n o o o H -2 r. if V I- S a c -a c r. r a c ' t- i is, o 2 Zf ' 3 P 5 3 p; ojj U. 3 u a a - (j in 3 "la M Sf'S i-: .Jl . . e. 'r 5 8 r, o y .2 - C- - u t1'3st -3 " E 'is V t 3 C . rj THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUBLISHED ns a warning and for the t)nelit ol ymnvj mm and MUsr who suffer fr.im N"rvoiis Debility, Loss of Manlioo.l, c;c, sup jilvin THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by one who cured himself, after under guilig Considerable quackery, and sent- free on re ceiving a post-jial 1 directed envebu'e. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June 8, '72. limos. itronklyn. N. T. In thi p'ne on tlei 17t!i iiut., y tl Rev. G. XV. HdiripirleV, Mr. Jami-s Lvos. Imd M'') ri.r Tie Martin, riauirbter of the late Jacob Mnrt;:j, dec, all of tbls tiiae.'. j MMII KV MAKKiag. I Flour and Grain .'lurLot. j Extra Family tlg.00 Rel Whoat.n. bit., S2.00 Buckwheat, p. et., h.tld.Rvo. SJ 1 Corn Meal, " 2.!i'.l,i.'orii, Wheat llre.n, p. bu. I. fKi; Iiuckwlmat Sliorts, 2.CK) diits. .TO lbs Com .V: Oats Chop, i.iM, FiaXiced, Timothy Seed, p. b. 11.00. kkroduoo Market. ! 1 ,0(1 1 .III Pntatoei, 7.1 Hams, St I, Tallow, Ili'i Country Soap, l'Dried Applet, lu; " Peaches, I Shoulders. IS 10 s 112 14 14 Fuss, per dot., liuttcr, por lb., Lard, " Sll,s, ' I I- v' i xT"'''H.. A" pecsons Having In their pnes- sion L. S. arms and n.ccoutrcinents beloiiL'- iagto the. 'Packer iiu.trds," wlli save, (roub.it jo.' exi'e.:-e by turning Hie nur.e 01 -r it I muv lo M.i.l. !. Ca.lwiillaii'r. Ti.e ' m ny litn'mg hi" 1. ili.-iian.li il, tlie urms cc, aro ordered In. liv command of Cuiit. N. FERUF.E tKiHTNEft. Suubury, Dee. 14, l.VT-'. L't. fUIT OF PAKTlTiON. John Klae ) Ri'tiiriiublo to vs January Term Tlie heirs of Valeniitie Klusc,. lee. )lhV:t. NortTMi ini Rt.AMi Coi's rv, ss. The Commonweal! !i of Pennsylvania to th" Si rinot orttiinnli' rl.iiel Cou.ity, (ireetmg: WHEREAS, nt nn Orphans' Court held in Sunliurv, in and f; r the munlv of Noiihninber- lan I. the fourth day of November, iu the Year of 1 oar Lnnl one Ihounnd eight hundred and seven- ; I tv-two, before the Hnnoralde Wm. M. Rnckefel- j I ler, Km., President, and his As.-ocinte Jii't'eea j 1 of the Court. In the matter of tne estate nf Val- i j entine K'.nsc, deceased. The petition of John X lase, Of the town-hip nf Sliamokin, Ndrlbnin- berhuid county, In the (State of Pei.nvlTunl. was presented, setting forth Hilt'-he said Valen tine Klasp, lat-ly died In'n state, leaving a widow, Mary Klnss, and the rollowlng named chlhlvn, to wit i fathirlii'',' now Intermarried with Ab. ram Rlner,' Eve, now Interinarrlsd withG.W. Lereli, John KVtre, William 11. Klnse, Levin.i, Intermervied with Isaac Botiglmer, Ciura Roul'1. ner and f-icrire rloiiclni'-r, Snrsh Ware now in termarr'.e 1 with Nnah Ware. Vulentine IC'ase, ta:iih', now Intern irrit 1 wit U Daatel rionbach, fcjunmh, woo iqterlniirrlcd'viih (i, orje Adam, that the said decedent, Valentine Klate, died in fee ofj and Jo u certain piece, parcel or tract of land itual in tlie Imrosiuh ot Snydmtoim.eoi; -ty an I bint al'ores iid, f!.'ialt!iiig ens hundred uud , flirty e:)-,, Unij tir Jcsj, 1(d b.un.l.-l as fi.llowj: mi.TI.e i-'ast by l.iiiiis ul' I)ai,iil li. .' . nil the south by la ids uf Seiiiuel lloleinaii, Klase, aud puJitin r.wd h-ttdiuc; fnun Suy-.li-rtiiwn to turnpike, and land of John Wairnei iiiel Hi-n-l imin lloy, on the soiith-vvest - Slagel, and nil the uorili-west by Isaac (ionsert, and on tlie uorth by Jaeob Gouseit, Thl Is to notity you atil 4seii of yon herein above naiiiedfuail jou arc hereby nuiitte 1 that he virtue of, the above writ to Bir dlrc ted, an iu' oju st lil l)c held of tb 4 preiuin s of the above nanrcd Vale'ntlne Kluse, deceased, hi Slianjuklu townshlrf, Noitlnimhei lend eoum v,' -Penniylva-ni i, with boundaries herein above giieu, m WednewlKy, Janusry S, H",n, m 1 I o'el.,e., a. in., for tlio pnriKisn of making partition of as to value, an I appraise thu real estate here::i above-descJilii-d of lliti iviid ileei il-int, at wnieU lime and place yo'a may each and all appear il". joa think Vi.iJWf t i i . -r i. .F.n..OTHJ"BMFX, BheritT. '.iPliCiilT'aC.fiico, .4 ., Siuliur.v, NoveiVcr 1"70.' ',' Rulu uiituo Ileirsi of ritlli Jlrv'o.- ' ert, lepeHi'!l. t STATE OT PENNSYLVANIA, ) XorttytmtierltiiiJ County, ' TO THE SUUKU I' or SAID CjOI STV Gkkktinc? : We command yon. Unit you notify Auu Mnfv Ileckerl, widow of Philip lloi keri.'luie offulil county, ileeessed, Philip lleekert, 8usununh, iu termarried with Philip Tsehopp, Michael U ik erl, Maiy, Inloriiiurried with Isaac H. RessUr, lljuaniiel lleekert, Ra' hel lleekert, C.ilhariiie, iiileriniinied with William Lemiti.iu, Andrew lleekert, Lilly, Minerva, Criah ElUwntU and Henry, children of Henry Heckeit dee'd, who have lor their guardian Emanuel lleekert, Ann Mary, Philip und Daniel, children of Daniel lleekert, dee'd, who reside lu Marshall county, State of Iowa, nil heir and legal representatives of Philip Heekert, dee'd, thai at the Noveia bur IVrin of Orphans' Court, held at Buahurv, lu and for tlie county of Noilliunilierlanil, ou ibo LUbd iyof N'ori-u r, A. 187-', a Rule was tnmled ikui them, the sa'.d heirs, und l -iral re prucaulauvca of. .said deetduul, coiumaudlnj them to come It rwurd aud accept or refuse the real estate of said docsJcut nl Hie vuluuti w put III ou llio same by au iiiiulsitlou UUU. Jul of tliii..Couit, ut November Term, It,., or how cuiulc by the first Monday of January, 1873, oi tbiiw uiim why tlie same should not ne sold ac cording to the act of usm tubly iu suck ease made uud piovitlen. Wiiaea (he Hon. AYlUinm M. RookeM , ri ni i ll'l't PmWnt of our said Court, this 1 1 tweiil.y-J.f.i.h .day of November, A. a.lfW. J. Ltlbl'JJKLNO, Clark O. C. Rgifctr' Offtce, Suubury, No. , ler.'. at. liscclbttfous. Ko. 13, Bouth Third Etrccl, Clement House MMi Silmry, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO.. WE aronow opening an entirely new stock Bf nnuas and T.rEnicfnf::, and are prepared to supply any ailieloin our lien that may be railed for, we hsvca!n fivtl sto"k of nil the leading Pal mi t Medicines. Finn Perfu mery and Toilet Arilclns a apncliillty, a full ns s irtinent of Heir, Tooth, Nail, Shoe uml other Hruslies, DrcsBttig nnd other Combs In great variety. r . riftCTOHXTROAPn. a full line .Cooking Extrncts, French Mustard, ClioleeFpiecs, Pepper whole or ground, Castile an"l Laundry Snais, Lamp Chimneys aud Lamp Goods' generally. IJird fceed in hiruo or small qnnntltfcs, ca ni'EXTcn-s chalk, fuil stoek s'luii? anj Solid Extract, F.iixcrs and Fills of ti. ft- P., ISi;iu- Coated. Htrcntr:,liiniiir, Arnica, rnrous, i'oor Wah's nnd o'Jier Plasters, Ayer'f. Wright's, Sfchcu!! Mandral:-!, McLnnc's Liver nnd oibnrl'tlls, onr tftoclt cmhr.-.c' t avery thing found In n well conducted Drug Wore. Country Physlelans will llnd our ttock full nnd complete, and we guarantee to sail n low as the sumo articles run be bought in Philadelphia, clioien Wines, Whiskey and ilrsndy for Mcnflin al pnrpores. Get ober 5, IS'iJ. rvni.itL'MAYii:. " Will be sotfnt pnblin sale, on SATt'RDAY, theSlst cluy of DKCEMRF.U, a wrtaln Lot of Gronnd, lorated In the. central purt of RTliilrery, on wlilch . creeled a Ann two storv i ka.m;: DWELLING IHiVSK. well finiahrd, contKir.liig two rooms on lirut Uo r nnd three nhove. o-.t l.it"een, porch, &c. j House it quite now 1th e rry convenience, wardrobes, Vc. Lot fronts On Third ftt'"c, Is feet trim', liy 11U feet in depth with an alley ! goodfmUcn lot, water next door. I Sale to Conii'ienee at lu a. in, on said Jay I when the con llt'ons will he made known lv j HAiHtlKT MAitJIN. Stmbury, Nov. Jv72. risK 7iim,i.i:ry. ' Tho Full and M"int".r Moek of Goeds at j Hist J.. 1VpIxi-si Moio, i Varket Street, Sunhury, T A K E S T II i: L ' AD. j Every article In the line of Millinery Goods cn j bo purehaBcd at her CTitablituitiut, eoTn- I prWnft of LADIES' II AT S AND HON NETS, FRAMES, I FLOWER.'s, I CRAPF., RiBROXS, LACE?, TVIIQUOIST., i ar.J nil the leading styles of ladies' Millinery : wear, ' NOTION?, a general Variety. HAN DEER- i cuiEra, uLoixJ.'ncsE.itc. ' Tie til C:l' fctor, ir of fiiiubury nmi vhiuity aie invited , .! tsmilr.c llm j;;:!;: vod now in inr ML-.r. I.. WKE1I. ; Noveinlici' 1C, 1ST-. 520,000 V01iTIl OL'" GO(Vi); AT Tin: STAR STORS Clement & Dissingcr's, j in tiie new Clement P.uilding, .MarLcl Siimirf, Nuiibur; , C'n. Just opened tlie. FALL AND Vi'IN'TEII COOL'S: 1 1 of beautiful designs. 1 CLOTHS, C.VSSIMEUr.Saml &VI7ISG3. I Domestics and Notions. Crirp.'ls and Oil (;i.,t!,-.. BLACK Ladli-n Merino Under Gaiiueuts, ! Missci a-id Clmdrciis.' do Men ii'.al Hoys' )0 ill t-icry, Gioies, Ac. ! An 1 u.iie.-s vurieiy of J'otlons, Trimmings, &c. lyjV.KNSiVAlU:, "VVILLWWAJtK, 1 &c, Ao. , iVc. 1 i"opJ;si' Giveci j i)rp:;rt::!ect, 1 V, ci'le. ' swl-i i.bliui niii!:i-i'. :i l s us to p'.u :1 V;int:iu 1.1 se ti. U!i: .; 1 .ie iUiei ,ty qui-ntly ,1'ci c.is-t'r!.-'.!, ivi.oli soiiie 1 ti lilci ' arlich .in r.dv j Cur II ry Goods uad ctiou Ilc;rt i net:; ' . ' 1 r.mbracci everything r.-riireJ from Pins to I C. And we aru dai'y receiving i a'Acl- J lies ot til.-' .:. 111. I Call at. I i-x-iinirie cur .-'oelc. Having onr in:i , lighted with lla, go.t! can be m: II-1 la ilia i evening as w!l ;i in tile day lime. No c'mr :.:s tor sbow.ng -.'-ji.s. I l.I-.MI . r r iiI:.si:,(iER. Ni 1n7f) ill 1. 131,. W GitA.va it:.ixs OK TAI.L AMD V; INTER GOODS, ut t'.i! i't'iro of Heed Ilrother A S!aho!, ' (successors to S. O. Itced iVJolio.) ( COMl'IUSIM.; OF lAlV tfoODS - of every I'e-rri; t;, n an 1 variety Mni as Dm: Gooris, M kkim'i, i".'shmi;i:i -s, jvii, Ai.Ia- l's. 1'nlM.tss, ,-., I'l. .MX Kl(jt'i.'t-. Cilflt'iS, S!(.-.wi.h and Cm.iis, L'ostri;;, aula lMI.1. A ici iiiiNT or Motions. i-V.. i-iiwl:-.t sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Al.-O, fnllli7.11r AND TllUVIilONS, pine ai,d t'r..--h. Qrr.r.NswAitr., fir-A-sswAirr, and Wood and Willow Warm, " Nicest llrmuls of l' lour e."ir taut -y nn h.-iii.l. A ,ry iav.; ASiyQRXJIKXT CF WALL l'AI'Ki;, I'O'h 'nze l j C'Mi'inon, a'vr.ys on ham -11 0 OT - uim-l n'.eife- ( i .1 and : - Vivtillfictn:v Hts.i- fit. li.r air.'X, -vrbME.v And cniLivucx. JWAIY.XA DK VI.OT1UX-;, ofsll e!rr nnd of the latest ttv. ;: -r" ' V 7. o r n '.' A constant supplyof western .lie 1 (:. 1C0' Th"-iil!e are inv;cd '.? rf.: n V'ne mi- Goo in iree of iihariii. Uur it:,!lo "ijulek 1 Sales and Small Pmilts.'' and to ;'!ei ss all. ' Tlie hi.'hert -1'iv.c!. will 1 itva; I 'lot al. hinds o." : eounlry m.i !ue.-. ' ; liv strict ji'ien'-.on to lin-lness and l;ee'iMg at a'l tinm-'ke most compute Mock, and sellin; at ! ti.e loct pik'u c hope to merit a I' .Ii slun-o of ' lairon.ige. , RKr.li !1KQ f IIFR A PEAlIOLTZ Punbnry, Nov. 'Jt iVl'l.-lv, ""OTICEls hercbv" civen that we iA chassd the fiii.win articles t have pur Const il.'e ea.o, nil the 11". h day of Not EMIsl-.lt, uud that we have hianal the same to J. R. Roslioii ot I p per Augusta township. Noiibuinherbiinl Comi ty. Pa., during otir wi'.l ai:J pleasuic, 1 tubl.i, clock, lounge, t) chillis, rochln chair, looking glass, lamp, 40 yards of carpet, pnr.or stove, diisl;,'rdnails ami biddinr, Washstnnd, tab'n, 2 woolen buckets, iiuilling lr.nue, I b.nrel vine gar, 1 rain barrel. 1 express toilet, l i bushels of lictatnes, 4 tub of pickles, a lot .of cnbbaee, n I lot of Jars Hnd fruit, l'J pair of chickens and one ! fccg. . 8, O. REED CO buaburvy Nov. n 1372. at. S1'1'I' XTOTICEIs hereby uiven to ad who are In hereby t'iven to ad who are X rlctiuid to tli lute linn of tlininer .1: 1 Ion irli- ton, In the butchery business lu thu boroutU of NorihumN'rland, to come forwaul aud settlai htlielr acf-onnts r.lih nndcrolgiu'.' uryi.viuK fart. per, tr. the business or the turn f.tUit be stttkd wlihont Celay. , D. M. IIOCOHTON. Northumberland, Tn., Noi. '.':!, '; .. - ti. .A.I HIMH!KT f'JMl TEi: TXTl 2va run EPS tmui r. iu:m:n r POH TIE TIIKOAT AND LUNfiK. It Is gr.iUftnif (( ns to Infirm the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wit hart' Pino Tr:-e T.ir Ci,r Hal, for IhroRtacd Lun Di-ieaM, 1. gui.'ie1 an er viahio reputation fiom file Atlanliu to tbo Paei tic coast, ard from thenca t:) t"i" e of the lirt families of Europe, not througii Gie press ulnae., but by persons thro'ihort the h'.nlM eiuuljv lieneflttel ntd cure 1 lit )iiofJlee. While hi. pub. lihhes )e, soay our ro'orten , he it. unebie to sujip'.y the deiri.ivrf. p. f s'ns .Tid hoi I.-. Us repv tntion Firnt. Not by slopphij; rnrg't, .z.t by locsen Ing and assisting nature to throw off t!u nu healthy motter collected r.bo'it the i!'ro-,t und bronchi il tn !. which cause" trrllatlon. Second. It retr.ovoa the eatise of Irritation (which produces cougli) of the ir.tunous ne-n. -hhine and lironehiul tub is, nssl-ts the lungs to net nnd tkreiv off be nohca'thy seeruloae, and purines tlie Mori'. 1hl:4. It hi free from Fqui'.l j, i,M.e!!;, ipeca:. and opium, of which tnost Ihroat and ;'i:ig n medics are composed, which uli.iy cnag''. only, nnd dtforamar tlw stomach. It!::(s a si;.'i;.ipi; effect on th stomach, nets on tlie'liver iu:d !;id iicys, and lyu phatie and nervous region?, thus reaching to every p.nt of thciivsteni, a:.d in it invigorating and p:r. if., ing etli ets it lias gained a reputation wiii the oiarktit. j'ait niB.'.t htiid ubovu nil the tine TREETAU COItDIAL, WO TIM SUGAR DROPS !lel:ig Under inv immediate direellnu, tliey slisli notlocsi their c urn 11,70 quuiitits by the use ol cheap and impure articles. II C X XI V It . wis n ART, I'normnTOi!. FRK E O F C II A RUE, ' Dr, L. ti (o Monday i! a. m., to ; '' v'i-I'. uiV one.; I'.irlors urn fjxjri . Tt'csday and W1.1lnesdr.ys from li I'. i., .f ir conFUltution by Dr. Wm. With Iir. are associated iwo eon- A 1 V- 1,' : sullim; i Vyslei.ins of OT porttiiiity i ti u nowlc.lgcd ability. Tl.-U 1 . J I y ur.y Institution io 1 the city. i AJ1 letter ni!!;f be ct?t!rcr.:e! i I ' I.. i. V. 1VISIIAP.T, M. n.. NO. .';, N. SFCOKJ? .ST.-; i'liiLADKLPIHA. -C mos. 3? The oldct and most llub!" .1 i.alitui"n:f for o j-aiiiV-g r. Ji v'e.uitU.' T'.dueati'in. t' Pra'tiul biiilj'.ess men us iin-trii 'to'. s. fc-r luforirtaiiori, Wrlie fur a circular to P. DVrr .v :;N', Pitislm-r.j'V. Sept. 'Jii. I. iTS. Lin. Tc.!3orirsg-! C1IAKL7 "p.ilcring ! ! I-rAHj.'!., Rfpe l.V illlnri-K I .ns of: , tuva", ir.burr niu'i rt'iaity. ;b:i' l:e A JL4 it OXI. on louitli Street, below Market, in., lie' S'ullc , ,1,-uliJiiig, and ti'ut '.;c is vc! tc ft;.tB vp a! kiinU ni G.MV A. BOVH S8 ST. ! in the '..it. -. ilyie-. I'iiv;-- had lunch cxpe: i'-:;ee in the business he desire.. t':ep-il-'ie to g' him.il tfl.il. ( 'Within- i'l be nii1 R'.u. An'srtesn K;is1'l'.v.s I inanw'i . ! a.i '.iv.i.-.t:. n th-f latent J'lwl.-i t'ut most :1;;t'a: toi v en.' 'sihie .1"3 M AIIii AVi'MI-i: :i i n i., Atei.islo sell l i ni. ne l niii-ncD'al tree. To l:i e l "l' -.'I II -fil all It- biisliu ": lu lrjliji'ii,: h.ii. ls u'ueie til-v ' riir'it pirtie- veil liberal t .mt '. llitv to elrtblit-ll il s.ife ne.ii ie- ' Adiiriss I'.is r.-.n;,.,. a: Nurscrvmen. e-t flro' i N v.'ao. 137'! 3m. lini-:l'l (. i)., tioltsuin , LiieMer Co., Pa. I b'.- iinv 1 r, n I.--;, -n . I: , , 1 dicatu, cxiin- sud liiornii'.'li'y o-st:ny a'l ii-s- .oi.s ii i, si aiu-e.s iu Cic Hioo I 'ind v::I t S-O'.!.- , Miiy C l-ci r.il prejii piiiioii 5 liili-mt ilc'r.u e-li-it. 1 ihei.'w.u-it f.f :!'-.!. .-i in you.- Liver and . .si'leiii f I'niesii lelli Vi-d lue blo.i.i I'ltonies im ; pure by delei nr.'.s seerel ions, produeing crr. l ; ions or f kin disepses, lljotelie.i. Felons, PeHu.Vs. 1 Canker. I'imii'.i s, ,te., A. Have you a I'ysix'i tie S'oniiu h t I'c's t i lion is pioniptlv allied the sjstcm U d.i?it wed with povoily of tbe Hloo.i, 'Dropsical ten !e:i ,y, i'ciwi.il '.veakunsv and iucrtia. nav. y.-.a wenkness of llie intes;in"s I Ti-'i ' are lu d.-.n.":r of ( iir n Ie Diarilimaor ir((ir;.m. 1 l!i r' e? ! he I ..T.-rl- i's.na vi 'i w .i'ii!f;i of t'uo L'uiiiv: tiltiaiv ?rimnii f Ton are export-1 t sOfT-rinj l i ii ' n .J ov; iVR'.i-'l lorm. .' .fi i!..i.-e1. dniWfy tf.ill, ii-s;h or de j :'-i '-.' i i-.i i-ivlta, ll hes f ..-e, bM(-k t.-: e ( tltJWi-.i: a:i.i bi..l ! isfli,; lililllll ! , TT a c rt ,'.n renir !j 1 ,r all of ihe- dUeiser , ; weal.n.-ssi.s ail.) tri !.' i for eleani ig at t pa ' rity.tithe vh li.l bloo.l ai-,. Inifaiti.ig vigor to ai! lio vital filect. j for lii.Kui je up and ic-lor- lug roe irfetkeiiiy c.iilitt!ioii V HE j u n r ii t. z . u.c'u Is pronounced by Ci ' taint ag W-.--I thoi iti.'i of London niij?.irls "the mos ..'to au-poner- I i;il t'liii.s nnd a'lor.it've known to tin' meilienl I world.' Till, il im i.i-s- .:ud uu' rie.l d'.,en, , ay ! bul has b..'i-:i t-eig u -nt by the leiidin'g liiii."..in j 1 other oul.at. lr with wondeif.il re.ee (;al n suits. Don't wcB.kcn and impair the .IVe-live ortar-s j by rath lilies aud phytic. tVjy gre only Ii-hum- rary telle'-Indigestion, n'.ui-cy mid'dyspep- la with ptirs unit hlf-fi-d r!i-eni.V arv s'are to j follow t'..ei Use. I Keep llie bloii) r.re and li -ultliv l ins irai,. JOHN ii- RK..l.(K,G. flail S... N. V ty Agent lor tlm Ui I. til Muter FiLe.Jf Ijiar Runic. Send lor Circular, oti-l -tw H1M I.I) AfaillM'.' '.1hj per moutii to.sXl the IiKiiioved Aiiieiicuii Family Knitlmj U- chine, jihu iuiplest and best in Iho wolll A.l S4f)S, .'mkiii-iiii a.xiiiiii'1 .luciliue VO.. IMeSi Va-hlngluu street, U in m, Mass, look i run: xi At i. OJti' l week to 'ugciii. inuhi i.r female. ,'tV7 To alt wliowill xu'iUifiruii Axeuev wesendfjra copy of L'.at ''.-Voudei of .Won ders,' the Itlusi rated Horn of Plenty. V. cor.l in i.vi r Cfiy beaulifal lilustralioiis, and will be sent Vr.tE to a'lj-vhii in if wi;:c. Addle I G-tsir,, Palerson. N. J. ill li mbcr 10, 1ST-. Sfngrnpi-jihtiji-j-ji I .1