Sunburn American. ,4- H. B. HUSltR, K. W'LVtrT. EJIIort. ' . StTNBUHY, DlXKMHEU ii, TiT-gJli.l ? 1 ' ' We notice in certain Journals, that re port! ore in circulation Unit immense minis of monry nrc bfiiv? collected to purchase tho United State Seimtor from UjCiCotniiijr Legislature, One of there Journals, lcfonto TTrtfcAman, published by F- G'.Ay Meek, and ox Democratic member rC the Legislature, slates that two hundred and fifty thousand tM'.ars nrolrtiidin reserve to nlect Mr. Torver of NehtiyfWii county. This report is, no doubt, ofop trill', a view to slanders nnd If possible to Injure Gen. Cameron, whose re-election pcr.erally conceded. We rcjnrd all tlir.h Tcportg as intended to injure the 'Republican party. They arc raised to aroirss Busr';ci'ou, in the minds of the peoplj, and-exolrcisa flection ''' in eur rank with a bono of nrnbnblv sue-! c:edin:' in electing their c.n-jiditto. Good mhn will frown rtown nil Hindi evil "lrnrtief a ' by which the the State has been so much impaired. The election of United States SiuiatOr by tb Lcgislattire In 1F73,. ' will bo unattcuded by fraud and cc rruption of any Uad. M'e havo ft large Hepublicau majority tlvat cauuot be bought by any man or clicuc. There, will bo men in both brit-Chcs who have sufficient courage nnd integrity, to expose a u.v attempt that might be tnadc to elect a-United 'States Senator liy corrupt means. YVolook forward to a (' "new fctuto of a (Fairs in bur"nt,vj:t Legislature, '' w" Jcv9ntuat all. allf.-.nnU at corruption will bo ftt once frowncu down, and the ty party brought to Justice, if such attempt -should be made.' ' "', ' '"-Jn - BUB BniDOE. It has. been sust-' ;0 by a number of prominent men througlv out the County, that tho County Commis sioners b urged to purchase "tho bridge i across the river between this place and Northumberland, and that tho bridge be : . luadc free to nl!. This idea is certainly a j : rtar,A on o it i imnnrtnnt In spcni-e. free i ' roads -f-crn all r.arU to the County" seat, j ruiiue iaiu un i j j V,"e art inToriuedhiit Uie bridge, whicu cost originally about S0,000, can be purchased j for SaO.000 by tlw Countv. The Couuty., : XJomrerissioners can be authorized to bond payable, say in tweuty ycara,: at . jicr cent, in which time the valuation of . missiou of the owner, or shall lire a tfun in j Ttm Washington' Tti'pvhUcnn says .Sena pi o-erty will be enhanced sufllcicnt to liqu'- or nar. any public highway, and shall i tor Catnemn made ft speech ou the French date the debt with interest, and the coun- thereof le convicted, before any justice of , (.poilation claims in-tlic (Senate yesterday, . .,,,. r .i : the peace, ue shnll for every such oircnce, ! in which he cave a history of them from ty will get the bridge for notlunR. J his forf(jit th(J 8Um of forty slliuin;;Rt jlm act tho very becinnine. Our reatlers are all is a matter in which the tax payers are in- the Supremo Court of Pennsylvania, in the familiar with the story, and will be thnnk terested and they should give it a liberal case of Com. vs. liosdon dec'iiled May 11th j ful to us for sparing"tbpm the trouble of mt!,ti.piiim rait will nrnvr t lipnefit to 1809, to lie still in force, and that oflenders i reading tho debate on the subject in our 1 every one in course of time. Moreover it j is as much the duty of the county to bridge Uho Susquehanna river ns any other stream. The only reason it was not done originally, "fcas the inability of the county, fifty-live years ago, to erect 'such a structuro which thee eostabout 8P0 or $110,0(10. Even th" the r"" -'"""-i uot have hesitated to ex pend t20,000 for a bridge so much needed. That sum then was equal to what 100,000 would be now. '. ... . tteatruent ol the inmates ol a house was It appears thfrt the Southern chivalry-! ptrpetiatcd ou Friday nii;ht near Carbon has not been altoaUicr subdued. We no- ! dale. As ucnr ns we cou'id ascertain, the tico that some of tbeucmbcrs of tin South "'''."r nrB.,l? particulars of the affair. ,. T . , . , ,, . ... e ... ! On I ridny ni'lit Inst tx-tween the hours of ; Carolina LcRislatunj talk of "tea . al)(, cluVl, nnc, twWve O.slodc 6ix nmsked pneesand lead ns a remedy to set- icn went to the house of Anthony ltattle, ! tie their disputes.,. a merchat living on the turnpike, in the t ! suburb of Carbuudale, about two hundred I Edwix FonnEST, the eminent American j feet train "Old looking." Three of them ' trn-rorlian w:is f.miwl .lc.ul in h..l nt his residence iu Philadepjiit.- ou Thursday morning of Inst week. ?Ie was a maji of strong passions and deep fceliugs. He was well known throughout the world as a fine delineator on the stage. The Secretary oi the Treasury . has de cided that national banks ouUido of tho limits contracted for with the government by Adams Express Company may forward old notes and receive new ones by expreds at the expense of the department, as a tem porary measure ' Tu ked, the great rob6cr, out of whose pilfeciugs : the Uomocratic party of tfte country, from 1S0O to the time ho was put . rJL i.i . , f nut of office, received the : means to conduct itScampalgns.wasbroiighttotrlalonWed- nesday last! " . .. '.... t-. r.Hr-- , Frank Hi. Art;. Jr.. is now denouueiu" ;cit!n Oratz lirown s a gnftt 'failure, ns-1 'Rcrtipin coarse language, that he wjtuts him eet itsitlo for ail future itmei'aa ouo of) : those nondescripU iu politics of wliom rio . . , . . . . , ' man can have a pmr VnowleJR8, ' rr : r . .... :.. r Tint opinion is freely expressed m a,- roiuistratioacktlcs at Washington, thnt fceuaus? elect, rattetHnu, of South Caroliuit, , will not be atluiittcU tp a soit m thetnl . t( d States fc'f.r.iito. Sitmxkii Hkjic KD. Tha House of I!e ' riroscntativo at M'ituhington, has prtsni'd, , by a'very large vote, a reaolutiou ilvc'.uiing that it is not witw r expedient to blot ' from any register nnd regimental Hags of the United States all records of rtio lata re bellion. This ia iuteudtil 'as a, rebuko to Senator Suruuer.' resolutiuB filirady before i 'the .Senate, -i - At 9 o'clock on buuday oioruiiiK stnart shocks of an earthquake were full at Port land, Oregon ; rieattlu, Wabhiucton Terri tory ; Victoria, .Vancouver's Islanil ; and at other (loinU on the northern coast. There were time shocks, but uo damage resulted. Coveuvok Gkahy has issued wriU to the Shorill of Uradfotd, Columbia, Mon- i tour, bullivau and Wyoming counties, com- 1 posing the Thirteenth Congressional trict of Pennsylvania, specifying Tuesday, Itecentber 24, as the day for a special elec tion to till the vacancy in Congress caused by the resignation of Ulysses Mercur, who was, ou October 111, elected Justice of the Supremo Court of Pennsylvania. The per son chosen at this special election will not hold his position longer than sixty-six days, as he will receive his certificate of electiou on December 2D, and will retire on March 4, 1(573, when tha Forty-second Congress will adjourn. Sdicidk. Gen. O. O. Maxwell shot him self dead iu his room at the Phillips house in Davton, Ohio, last Thursday. He was formerly assessor of iuternal revenue In tho 8d congressional district, was a gallant flcer In the rebolhon and n astounded five time. Bvxx&t).' limm,vr ion. The lttcrrrrmrrd-ftiftfilircr' says of Mr. Sumner's battlc-llag resolution: "Wo regret that Tr. Kumuor should havo rM lilt ftpplo of discoid" AjnonR the people at this niomettV AVof aro perfectly oware of the passion that Will bo excited be this movouient, and in tho discussion thf! .outh, as usual, Will I tho ;sulTefor. It is too soon for us to expect to see nil these Uiouutin tits ol the ir destroyed. AVe can not, do it ourselves, and don't expect it to ha done rII at onco by tho .North. . The best that wo can he p i is thatlfi linio tho most obnoxious will he forgotten or fall into nrglecttnd disippear ; though wo are quito sure there are thinr?s connected with the heroic deeds of that struggle tho South should not be contout shou'd die nnd be forever lost to posterity. Tho resolution of Mr. Sumner was a very mischievous one, and tho subject ought not to have beeu brouplit Up until tho people hart been hetter educated in forgetfuluess of tho past. It seems to us some men wero oorn oniy to mnko mischief and to stir up strife, nnd must fulfiill their mission." Thk result of the Presidential election as announced bv tho Klcctorial Col h ue is aiven below. The iluntli of Mr. Greeley 'ins caused tho cluctorial vote to be strangc- "lixea , ' TRESIDICNT. j For U. S. Grant, Vor Horace (ireelcr, For Ui Oratz Hrowti. For Thomas A. Hendricks, i For (.'has. .Jenkins, On., I For David Davis, I For Henry Wilson, j For 1!. (iratz Brown. ; For A. II. Colquit. Gu., ; i'or X. P. Hanks. I For Geo. W. Julian, i For John M. Palmer, ; For Wm. S. Groesbeck, 304 3 J 27 2 1 :io4 32 5 1 r 3 1 Cm-Wnfl Committee appointed ?!ul-,t(VinvCBit(, ttl(5 t.lmrs,r8 f bribery of (Members ofC'oitsrcss bv Oakes Amis, iu klie interest of tire -IVicifle Iinilrnad, has ! had cvfTil sittincs, MeConitt tho prin- tipal witness to Mistnin theMiargos, has ' noon Heard, it no tens ttii? truth, tlio I hands of some Congress are not clear, j lie stated that he knew of but one Mum- ber who had been given stoc'k, nnd that was Mr. llrooks, of New York. Mr ! llrooks dcfiires to be heard bv tho comuiit- tee. . It J opposed by amno Persons that it k uecetf arv for farmers and others to ad-1 vpig.j tlinjt gunning and hunting is forbid- j den on thlir land-. This in a mistake. -M"! Act 01 jvpru .-j,i,.vv provides tnai it a gun on nuj iiickwcu or improved lanus 01 : inliabilnuts of this .Sttto. witliiKit nor- I t,ni. V en m twn f v ..rtni.witn.l li ia.-m, i,( 1. tion laid beforo nuy justice of tho peace. I . farmers are not obliged to advertise, but it I i is well to do so, as U aavea tho aunoyance I cf resortiu- to leual proceeding iu nmnv ' i rnsra. 1io.nn.utte piinuera will know tliat hunt- ; ins wiH "ol l'e pormitted ou their proper tics, and will th-reforo give their premises Ml ITl th. A Uoi.T) ltoimKitY Tur limatrs of the ! House Ganticti 5fl,."U0 Dollars ami OiIkt i ValublfH Tlid .Scranlon Jlepubli- '. cun my . A most dariug robbery and cruel ! entered me House, while tliree remained outside as spies and to sua rd wo suppose. I Tho bedroom occuj.i.-d by Mr. Untile and his wife is ou the same tloor with i the More. This they entered nnd found i Mr. llatlle and his wife in bed. They told I them to make no noise uor eive an alarm or they would kill them. Mr. Hat He show- i ed flight, nnd struggled inanlully, but it was useless, lie was struck on the head with the butt end of a revolver and stunned, secured and eagged. Hie wife was also bound and gagged. They then went up stairs where a servant sir! and anenhew of Mrs. llattlc wero sleeping, bound and gag- i ged them. I Having all in tho Iioumj completely at I theie inprcv. nnd tvisl, pivintr mi nliinn : j and it would have amounted to nothing iiftliey had, ns the house was somo distance i from ft".v "t,,Pr ' they rctnrtied to Mr. liat- 1 tie and demanded of him to goto the Bloro ftud 0,en the safe.- Helmed )t was i uscie.sstoresistins he was completely in their power, mid acceded to their demand. " hue he -was going mere aim (turin tuo f'lme he was unlocking uc sate two re i'volvers -were T"''iteil nt his head nnd trno l-nh Kt ImuL H'hn si.ff. rmf-npd ' nnrl tiKT took tTuriQiii SI, 600 in ci'ifrency, two 820 tmld yiicrsrinu a ttoM watch' and l. f . M . if If. chain; After pc urns ihvir hon I lettviug Mr. IWltlc in the Hloren j Mr." tl,i Ml. u. -,ire bitd orjty ttipj ii'ii ltoodi hound. bitdlv inlurfd. PirH. lvalue is coiiuiiHii ro upi inim iroiu . . . hliurlp. rL,c,iVed. Mr. ,.. ..12.. ..1 ... f . 1 A . jatt!c is ri man about 4r. years of aju r : .V Father Murders liiM two JiukIi ter. CotriHiiANA. Ohio, Dee. 13. Tlie com munity was thrown into intense excitement yesterday forenoon by a repot t thnt Pura Porter, living two miles east of this place, had murdered his two little girls, ned re spectively one and three yesrs. Some of his neighbors arrived soon after and con firmed the report. Porter was living A'ith'his fathcr-iu-law, Henry Flit-kinder, and was in tho rnoui T.lono with the children, cracking hickory nuts, tho children plavicg about the room. His wife was, at the time, up stairs doing chamber work. ' Heariui; gome unusual noise she came down and found the children dead and her husband going out with the bloody iiatciict in ins nana. ; He walked to'I'Ctonia, a distance of five miles, whefe he was arrested and confessed llio murder. He was taken to New Lisbon, jail to await his trial. Ho has long borne a had reputation. Ho gives no reason aud uouc cau do assignca tor ir.o ueea. Tlio ladtitu tVur. Sau Francisco, Dec. 10. The latest advices from Frescott, Arizona, slate Unit General Crook w proseculinK tbe campaign vigorously against the hostile Apaches iu the northern part of the territory. Five expeditious are operating in the mountains east of the river Verde. General Crook was last heard from east of tbe Mogollon mountains. .During -the cauipaigu ono hundred Apacuua have -been killed. Xkw York, Dec. 13. A man giving the name of Win. P. liraodou was arrested yesterday immediately after selling several New York bonds which, on examination, were found to be included in tlio list ol ef - 1 bonds stolen by burglurs from tho V aUr- lorn uauK. fcuratoRa county,. Uctober PJ. ! Me was cotiiinilUxl lor cxajunatioii.-' The United States Supreme Court on Monday last decided tho caso of tho Phila delphia nnd toading inilroad and other railroads against tho collectors and officers of tho lulernal revenno servico in favor of tio railroads. Tho ofllccrs of revenue had dislrAUied ccttain property of tho roads for taxes the ronds brought suit against them for trespass in the stato. courts, nnd obtain ed a verdict ngainst them the eaeo wns appealed to tho Supreme Court of tho Unit ed .States ; The question presented was whether, under the one hundred and twenty-second section, of the Internal Itcvonuc act, ns amended by tho act of 1PG0, divi dends declared in tho month of December, 1809, but payable in January. 1870, and interest paid in tho month of January, 1870, were liabio to a tax. The decision of tho court settles the question. ' It is twenty-one years since the Consti tution of Indiana was adopted, and many of its features nro behind tho times. It forbids negroes or mulattoes to enter the State, nnd prescribes a punishment for any one who employs them or gives them any inducement to remain in iho State. Its terms prevent tho passage of any ailequnte election or registration laws, and under its provisions the judges of tho State are be coming the mere creatures of parly. To remedy these evils .a Constitutional Con vention is asked. Official statistics just published at St. Pctersbum show thnt diirins tho past year liver 80.000 persons died of cholera alone in Kussia. The chief cause is ascribed to the negligence of the authorities. GREAT excitement reigns in Tirrlin over the prospective resicnnlion of Count Uis mark from the Prussian Council. His re tirement, it is presumed, will produce a crisis in political aflhirs in Prnssia. 'A despatch from Nantes, France, states that the city presents a terrible spectacle, pwing to nu overflow of tho Loire. The principal portion of the town is tlooded with water, and it is feared that eveu a larger spnee will be submerged. l.owEU California lias been swept to an extent l tiliy square milts or more by firo. The volley of ifosario seems to have been the scene of lis ravages. "Thero is," the account says, "scarcely a bunch of dried gras3 to be found in the valleyi Tui: latest, cm dit in journalism is that John C. Breckenridg'o, cx-Vicc Presi dent of the V nited .Stales, is to be called to the editorial chair of the 71'orJii, to compete Willi Vico President Colliix when he assumes charge of the i'riomif. Jour nalism is looking up when editors become candidates for . President, and ex-Vice Presidents retire to editorial chairs. Philadelphia, which recently purchased the Sixth Prosbyttreau church, on Spruce street, above i ifth, is littnic u up lor tlio accommodation of the Constitutional Cou- Tcntiun. . ( V.n(.Fi..g 'PI.a nKl .on. Imttnut n.rt and should bo paid. rr,.,, ,f .t,..., v.i'.ri!.. T",CM , 1 'r(uM tT-, m rilX president for the ensu- I ' Fovn hundred and seventy-ono horses i have died in Cincinnati from epizootic, in the last four weeks. In the Court of Appeals at liuffalo, X. Y., in tho ense of John Gnffney for the murder of Patrick Foy, the prisoner was j brought into court on Saturday morning j and sentcuced to be. hanged on Feb. t!. Postmaster Dames and Pepuly Post-; master Hraccy, of liolton, Mississippi, have j been arrested for rubbiut; the mail. They j were sent to prison in default of S,",000 j bail. Commodore Vauderbiit has abandoned, ! for tho present at least, his underground I railroad through Mew i'ork city. iF.ngland will waul, in tho twelve months I between (Scptemler, ltsTJ, and September, "unureu uimion uusneis oi wueiu !'ora !'''2 he'ds. Mic is now receiving !ivu """'"'f bl"Uui,,. wei of whlt''' n fmind.Table share is Iro.u 1 ranee where 1,t! ""P '!as .V" " OW1 hr0? "eld . d. hfl PB, t toward nmkm" oad tha Slwli de.tie.uucy. Thomas Dunham was arrested in Xow Yoik, on Saturday, for attempting to tell a bonJ of the State of Mississippi, which had been raised. On his person were found bonds representing 40,000, all of which he admitted were altered. i The Fire Marshal of New York says the I fire in the Fifth-avenue Hotel originated iu (Mary Graves'room, and was curried by the scrubbers, who wen siifliientivl lx-fori they were butned. inasmuch ns tho riames hnd to burn from tho hall, way through partition walls, occupying tiftcen or twenty uninutes. - " . )- TirK funeral 'of eight victims of the Jfifiy-avenue Hotel disuster took place in Xow York on Saturday morning from the Church of St, YnwM Xnvu-r. The bodies were plu,ivr-d waUlUt fotlins, hut bore no inscription, 1 bo remains were removed to Calvary Cemetery for interment. J... ! T ... (Alrbcrfisuitnls. ; CHRISTMAS! Tll.illH:i S. KIIA.XXOX, Tttlrd nml Market Square, TTAS Itiet rceeivod a full line of tlrst-class gid at moderate prices prices.. Has the best stuck outsldv the cities, eoiibisiin of American nud Swiss WnlrlicN, Elirlu. IlUaols. Howard & Co., Walt ham, Mass., tprin-lield Watch Co., t'siladelphiit. Also a full line oi Ludis' and Ounl.' tioli) and Silver Watches. : j JEWELRY. ; Kouum &dkl sets, piuk coral and tioid seti, Enr-Kiuns, Necklaces aud I'cudau'.s, pnyx aud Jul Jewelry. SILVER-WABE, SnTld Silver-ware of Stetlfngpuritj , made to or der. Bridal and Presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks snd Spoous in fuses, also, a fall line of Silver Plated Goods, Tua Stts, lco Water Sets, Erbit Stands, Cake Baskets, Cotlee I'rns, Fork, aud spoons- treble plated, the best In the inarkuta SPECTACLES. If iyou Talus your Eyesight, ns tha Perfect Lenses, ground from minute CrUlle Pebbles uiel- tud together, and derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness aud brilliancy. They will last many years without chauge, aud warranted Superior to all others In use. TABLE CUTLERY. ( Ivory, Pearl aud Metal handles iu cuici sup plied to order. (I.O(U!. A full assortment of Eiht day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol ull discre tions. Engraving dona at the shortest notice. AU goods sold warranted as they ais. rcpre seuied. Aud ha .would call, tha ttUeutiou-of hi pauoi'.s aud the .putilio to hi Urire stock ur AMtKICAN atod Swiss Watches of tha Unest makers Iu the world, Ko trouble to show goods. van ana examine uiy siock. - TUAD'8 8. MIAKNON. Sunbury, Dee. 31, 187A Scto Sfcbcrlismcnis. The First Nallonnl ItnnU of Son-bnrj-, I'enii'a." NOTICE Is hereby glren, tlint the reguUr an nual election of Director of "The Klrrt Nn tlonnl Hank of Pun bury, P," will be held mi Tuesday tho twenty-eighth (2Rth) day of January, A. I)., 1873, at the Hanking House, In tho borough of Sunuury, Pa., between the liaurs of 10 o'clock, a. m., and 8 . m., of ald day, In accordance with the provlsloni of the Art of CoilglCM. S. J. r ACKER, CatMer. 6unlury, Tu., Pec. Si, 1878. ' Notice. - . . . T NOTICE U hereby K'veu that svpUcatlon hal I ecn made to the i-'onrt of Common I'lens of Northnmherland eonntv, tit the first German Reformed Church of Snnfanryffor an amended ehartrr of Corporation for said Chnrcb, and If no snlllcii'iit rcaion to tho contrary li shown, a de creo will be made at tho next term tf eald Court accordlnp to the act of Auembty In inch caso made and provided. L. T. ROnRBACH, Proth'ry. Sunbnry, Dec. 21, 18T3. ' WEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and medical Science. K. A i A is 0) Q O to to H n 35r. O.IRVIVS TAR nJOTFDIES Cura Incipient Confijmiption.V Dr.CAIlVI.VS TAU IlIEDIES Cure CnfnrrJi. ' -Dr. G.VIIYIVS TAR IIKtEDIES Cure Asthma. " ' Dr. O VItVI VS TaSI KE7IED1ES Curo Heart Disease. Dr. CAJtVI.VS TAIt ItEMEDIES Cure INeac. ' Dr. CA5SVIVS TAIt jUSIEDXES lie-jyVito t'.ioEivcr.' Rr. CAES'SVS T.U REMEDIES jl.'elu'e tlieSloniacllandllOWel Dr.CAalVIVS TA3t ItE.IIEDIES Cure all E'eirsalc WeaJtnesse,. Dr.CAVIX'S TAU BE.T3EDJES l uvifv-1'10 lilood. Dr. CARVIVS TAR HE7IEDSES Curo Diseases of tlc T!u-oat. Dr. CUXVIX'S TAIt UE.UEDIES Curo Krosictiilis. CAKVIVS TAU BE'XEDIES Cure "Kosc C'old,"or"S1a rever" Rr. tr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo T.iinr Divuse-. (3ARVIVS TAR RE'IEDIES ! lr Cun Const lpatiou. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Salt RSicuei. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Ci'.ro Ki?ej Dlse;jses. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Cholera &YeIlowt'evtT Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent T'lalarions Fevers. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES ' Il'jinova I'aiii in the Breast. Dr. CARVIVS TAU RE.HEDIES Itemovo Pain in tho Side or Hack. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Touir. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES lies lore tho Appetite. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cuuso tho Food to Digest. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Hectare tlwWcatt nd Debilitated Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. L. r. HYDE Sc CO., BOLE FitOPBIETOBS, IDS Seventh A ve., Neto York. Dteembpr 21, liwi. ly pLVKIES SUlil'CENA IN DIVORCE. Anna Illihards. by her next friend John Dale, V8. Lewis r.lcLard. Northumbeilaud County, to wit: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Lewis Richards, tirci'ling ! ':VhsTe, Anna Richards by her next friend I Joint Dale, did on the 17lh day ol June, exhibit her petition or libel to our Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, of the Couuty of Northumber land, praying for tho causes therein set forth, "V " 'r" " , Kiehards : We do therefore command you. as oft before we did, the said Lewis Richards, that you personally l.c nnd appear before our Judges, nt Sunbury, nt, a I 'nun ofCouimou Pleas, ther to be holdi'ii for the said Couuty, on the first Mon day af January next, to answer the petltlou ortt bel sofxhioited airainst you by the fnld Anna. Kiehards, nnd to show e;u, If any you have, why tho said Anna liicbards, your wife, should not lis flivcii cci.1 iroui Uie Bond of Matrimony con tracted with you, according to the Act of Assem bly, in such cafe provided, and to do further surt receive what o-ir said Judges shall havo consid ered in that hohalfj and hereof fail not. Witness the llouorablo Wm. M. llockufeller, President of our said Court, ut Suubury, the third day of Dece mber, A, U., oue thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. 8. IL ROTTIEBMEL, 8herlfT. S. II., Pi put y Prothonotary. Suubury, Dcctiilber 14, 1S72. 'Ol'T rKOri.AM ITIOX. KotU-e Is hereby given that the several Courts of Co;u inon Pleas, General Qunrlcr Session! of the Peace, and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer nud Terminer and Central Jail Delivery, lu and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at the Court Iloiiio, In the borough or bnnoury, at luo ciotn A. M.. u .MONDAY, JANUARY the Oth, next, and ill coutiuuo two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta ble! in and for the couuty of Northumberland are requested to he then nnd there iu their proper pursoin, with their rolls, records, Inquisitions, and other remerabrauees, to do those thlugi to their several uPPertuiulug to be done. Aud all witnesses prosecuting iu behalf ol the Com monwealth, ngalnsl any prisoner, aro requested aud comiuauded to be then and there attending in their urouer nursous to prosecute ugalnst hliu as shnll lie just und not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurois are requested to be punc tual in tluir attendance, at the lime appointed, nirrceablv to their uotlces. Given uuder my baud at Sunbury, the 1st day of December, In the year of our Lord oue thousand cljint hundred ana seventh -two. SAMUEL II. ROTHARMEL, Bherltf. ADJOURNED COURT. I'roeluiuatlou. "1T7HF.KKAB the Honorable Wm. M. Rocka- V feller, l'reideut Judge, and hli Associates, for this District, have issued their maudate .for an adlournsd Court for Northumberland eonntv. to he held ou Monday the 80l at De cumber, A. D., lTi, being the 6th Monday of said month. In Bunhnry, sua so last one vi. i thernfore give notice to all Jurymen drawn for this Court, and all other Interested, to be sad appear at the place alorasuld at 10 o'eieoK, a. ui of said day. fAMCFL II. ROTUERMEL, Sheriff. ' . - Hheriff'S Ofllce, Sunbury, Not ember 'JSth, WIJ. ' . -" 5 J Saubary 91 axon ic Hall AMOrlatloa. NOTICE U ticrcbr 0Tn, thnt nn election of a Bonn! of'wvn Msnspers to coniruct the bn tn of "Ttm tinSmry "Mmilc Hull Associa tion" for the ensnrrrg yrttir, will be hnld nt tha ol dc nt 8. P. MolYwlon, Eq., Iti tbe boroucli of Buubnrv, on Mnnrtny th HOth dT ot Pcr.;ml)er. A. D., lin, bctwtdii tn boun of JO a. in. and 8 p. ni., of said dfiT. ' 1 : it. T. TtonRBACIT, Secretory. Sunbury, December 21 , 187a. Ml Kit 1 1' I' W N,l EE. BY virtuo of a certain Writ of lAvari Fntiat to roe dlfocted, will be exposed to public sale, nl the Court Honse, Iu the borough of 8unbnryr Northumberland county, Pa., on MOJf DAT, the 6t'h flity of JANCAUY, A. D., 1S73, at 1 o'clock, p. tn.. tho following properly, to wit : All Unit eortnln piece, parcel and tract of laud eituatu Iu Lower Auirut t:i town flhfp, couuty nforcenld, ndjoinlng lands of Rou ben Conrad, Henry 6'ulpe, Clkni'lcs Fny, Peter Mallck, John F. Zimmerman, llujiry D. Mallck and ollier,.coutiilaluir Ctty-nino arrcs, more or efi, And coiiBlslluif of tw couMkuouii i-lccf?, so parutcly boundod and described ui follows: one thereof beginning at a small hickory, thence by lnnd of Puler Conrad, south, ciu;Hlv-uius and a quarter degrees, caft, forty-three pevchus to a Mono tbeuce, by land now or la!e of John D. Malltk, north, Qvc and a half decrees, cast, oug hundred mid scrcntecn and two-truths perches tu n stona: thenco by land now or lute of David Mallck, west, rorty thrcd perches to a stone, and I part of the town olie to tut Ni C. It. Ii. ONE thence by land ot Peter B. Malluk, south, five ': ISLAND, sittintu iu the river Susquehanna, con and a half di'grcup, west, one hundred mid six- tiilninsr t went v-elffht acres more or less, nil clear- tenth porches to the place of begluulng, contain-1 ing twcuty-nlno acres und seventy-sweu perehei more or less, excapMiur therufiom about one tuid a quarter ncrcs, hold by John 8. lleiuiinger to Peter R. allele, which said ileseribed land. lit- mg me same winco caiuuvi i.ysiir nua wile uy I'cd dated the 1st day u( April, A. D., eighteen hundred nnd ftfty-tw o, pjr.uited and conveyed to cald Joseph Conrad Iu fee simple. The other of said pieces Is Uouudcl atld sle'i ibed as follow : begliinlng at a pine, kiiut coiner of l.iuj of Eph ralm I.ytie, Sarah Anu Conrad. Absalom Conrad, tlieucc by land onteuhea Conrad, south, eiehty six degrees, went, one hundred and twenty-three and two-teulhs perches t -sttino ; tuence by laud of lloubcu Ctniiud and Huury fcliif, north. seven nnd three-quarter decrees, vei, forty-six and cluht tenth rwrchr too. Cliestuut i thence by land of Peter Mallck Charles Foy and the nbova described tract, aiutli, eiKl.ty-ilght and three quarter degrees, east, one. hundred and seventeen and cne-leiilh perches to a piuo btuinp j thence by land of Henry W. Mallck. south, lour de grsis, east, tv.vnty-two ud six-teutlu peaches to a Chestnut oak ; thence by the same, north, lghty-e!e;lit and three-quarter degrees, cast, six and two-leiilh perches to a pine knot, thence by 1" nd of AbsulOiu Conrad, south, twruly-ouo and one-huif di'groes, cast, - thirteen perches to the place of beginning, containing twenty-seven acres, nuu ouo nuuuicu ana my- iwo pereue. ue- iug the same land which Keubeu Conrad by leed dated theifith dnv of Mav. ISM. L-ranted and conveved to suld Joseph Conrad in Ieo simple i the said two contiguous pieces being now held by said Joseph as one piece and farm. Seized taken In execution, nnd to be sold as tho property of.loeph (. onrad. SAMUEL H. KOTHEUMEL, Sheriff. E!ieiill"s Oihce, Suubury, Dec. 17, lo72. KIIEEUFF'.S NAEEK. BY Tirt ne of certain Wrlt of rn. nyoruu. Fie ri f'aclnit, Tsvirn furins, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, nt the Court House, In the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland countv, Pa., on TUESDAY the 311 DAY OF DECEMBER, 1872, AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M., Tho tol'.owrng property, to wit : All that cctain lot or piece of ground situate in West Shamokin. Coal township, Northumberland ifinnlv Pi'nni'li-'ini tfu'Afime Iti'lnu-luf iinmher 3 In block No.' l, on which Is erected cue two story dwclllnt; hoiie. Seized, taken inexoeution and to Le sold as the propeily of I raucia Sparc mount. Also, All that certain piece or lot of gronn J sit uate In the borough of Sunbnry, aforexaid, mark ed iu the genera) pluu of said l oroiiL'li as lot No. nlnety-lwo (Ok!,) containing in brcndtli north and south, on Broadway street, fifty seven (57) feet aud six inches, nnd In leutflh east aud west, two hundred and thirty ("lid) feet, bounded ui the south by Whortleberry blreet (now Walnut street.) ou tlio west by Broadway, on the north by lot uuinbcr iiiuely-oue (11,) and ou the cast by an Alley, whurcou Is eruvtul a two-story frame building, and buck kitchen, feized, taken In ex ecution, aud to be so.d as tho procrty of Mary r . ehrnntz, with notice, to ueorge t-you ana .an- cy his wife,.! oi re Touunts. . Also. A certain lot er piece oi grouuu, limine iu Washington, township, Northumberland couu ty, I'eunsylvaula, lioimUcd ami uescriutsi as fol lows, to wit I on the north uy josepn u. kcuuck, and ou the cast by lauds of At Wiiain Kchres, ou the south by lauds of Joseph 11. Ruckr and on the west by laud of Joseph tf. Uehin k, coutuinir.g fosly-twoaud on half pcrches.wheie Ciu ro elected one o itory frame dwelling bouse, frill" UiHty,and Crame ulncksinilu shop, i.b.1 a wail of water, , SeittJ, luUon In cxccutiiui. aud t b .sold us tuo, properly of William lia- Also, A certain dweUinf house of two itories, havine'a-rut.nMwcaty feet, and a depth of fourtoeu feet, aituitla. on all thnt certain lot of grar.bdin Wert Mliaiaekin, foal township, oouu ty oi naanuiiawosuoi ss.i cubib ui huuh ui. ma, aud koown aeu seiiriiated ou a pnn of Vt est . Shawokiu.on lototuabtt MRhteen. lu-bloek nuiu kerU, fronting on Pino streoiy llnsr utiinte four rest looth of . tbe afiawt llnucr Tin eireel, In WestBhanMiklrt.'ntiasl, taken In ext eation, and to be sold ss the preputtyiot August u Kiel did. Also, AU that crlulu Jot "-or piece of ground situate iir Ihe borough of JshsuiOkiii,, Norlbum herlunil ennutv- helmr lot number cinht f8.) lu DIocK eu inner eigniv-nve oouuucd ou. mei north bv lot 3Tb 7.onM S""lb t'J let So. B lu same hlock, ou the east uy Murket.iiiii, and ou tho west by au Altcy, fontaiiiiug iweuiy-uve icev t'J51 lu front, ou MaiU-t street, and oue buudred aud fifty U5d,) mpi e or less, In depth, to iu Al- : ley. Boiled, taken la exeeullon, and to be sold as the properly of Tobias. Koj'pcalurer auJCath-1 arlqe. Hoppsuliafcr. r , .. ,,. . '. Also. All that eectaradot er piece of ground tituati in Uie borough of WsWoolown, Nonhum- berland couuty, Peuiwyivauia, uouuded and de scribed as follow 1 koMttdedoH theuorth by Sixth ureal, on the ea4 by Ash or Client ti at street, on tbe south by lot .NO. iM.on tuewest oyan Aiiry, beiug marked or designated on the map or plan of last borough o( Watsuntown as lot No. ltti, containing a front 011 Ash or Chestnut street, of 55 feet, und depth pf 105 feet. Seized, taken in execution, and to be told as the property of Cyrus If. Taylur. Also, All that eeitalo lot or piece of -fcrquud liluale in tin town of Ilelfsnateiu, In Cunnson, township, Norlhatnbeilaud rouuty, Penusylva nia, bounded ou Uie north by au Alley, ou the south by Uigbalieel, on the caul by lot No. 17, aud on the west by lot No 15, lu bloc forty-two, , (13,) It being lot No. 16 lu same block, roiilalu. lug thirty fuel lu front ou High street, and oue buudred aud fifty lu depth to u Alley, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house. 111 feet front, aud eigutcsu feet Iu depth, aud other .outbuildings. Belied, taken lulu execution, aud to he said the property 01 .wauuet 11. oouca. Alio, A certain two story frame messuage and tenement, situate lu the borough of Waleou? town, in laid county of Northumberland, ou the north-weet corner of Eighth and Main streets ou loll Noa. HISS andaSt, iu the general plau of said town, ooutalning in front ou Main street, filXy nvefset, and in depth tblrly-eiglit feet, that Is aid building biing 6 feet by 84 feet, aud the lot or piece of ground uurtlbjg appurteuaul to aald buildiua. : Seiied, Ukeuiu kcuuoo, aud lob old a in property f-OkrisilBO tiruhb. . , . fc. IU ttOTIURMEL. Bherilt Bherir Oftic, apburyt Due. U, lri HCMOilir i ' w A', a ,H'iru'''J'i -J.. NOTICE. rpiIE Books, Notts and Acsonntg of J. IT. Crki JL ley & Co., art la the hands of J. It. Cpnley at the store of Messrs Palut A McCoruiick for collection, and all persons knowing themselves Indebted by noto or book account, will please make immediate pnyment. ' J. H. CONI.ET A. Co. Bunbtiry, December 14, 1872. 4t. ASSICKEK SALE OF VALl'AULE TROPERTY. Will be otTored ot -public salo, In Georgetown, Lower Mnbanoy twp., Northumberland county, Pa., rtn WED.NEHDAT, the 1st rlav of J'ANUA- I RY, 178, the followine vnlnnMc property, to I wit t All those ci-rtaln two lots of ground" sit- I uate tn Georgetown, Pa., nt X. C. K.K., station, whereon Is erected a large two-and-a-half story FRAME TAVEKN, large Store I!oom, Stable, Tee llonse and all lh neeessarv oMbnlldincs. The Tavern is located at the linllrond station nnd ndloinincr tlm TeleL'mnh nffle. Dnn lrw wahk HOUSE, on the river bank opposltcthe i N. O. R. R., station. Also In the same place ; TWO LOTS OF ROUND, No. 12 nnd 13 being according to the plan of said town, si.xtv-six feet I front and one hundred and slxtv-llvo feet in I depth each, whvraou is ortctcd one double house and one largo store house (new). This Ix n verv I desirable pronertv for bnslner. AIpo, at -tho ; same time nnd oln'ec. one Corner Lot. vaeant. be- ! ing;slxty-six foet frout and one hnndrcd and six ty-five feet In depth. Ibis lot is In the center ed nnd in lii'gh state of cultivation. One tract of land situate near tleorgstown, Pa., bounded III. f I II Idu a. U... n . ln....u f e 1 ..n Hroiious, and otlmis, ccntainii.g ten acre, inoro or kss, all eleaidl nni in a hhrfi state ofciiltiva- tn;u. Also at the same timo au.l plncc, about tliree quarters of an acre of Lime Stone Land with three lime kilus tlmrccu erected, adjoining lands of John Ding.imjn and A. llotliunnel. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., cm sal. I day, when !ve' conditions will be made known by V. P. HH KF.l., L. T. KOHKBACir, Asi-lgoees of Peter Sorrel. tMnv' """""" ' 1 r ri , iv.- , t ,o-i A I'CTl O X ! HAUOAINS ! 11AKGAINS ! TlAV.ti ATNS ! ! ! At tha Third St., Am tion Store, near Market i Square, Mllh'r'a Mock, Every Kvening. Special Sales for Ladies, Wednesday nnd Sat urday afternoon. . Dry Cloorts aad Notions, Muslins, Wool Blank et", Wool Shnwls, Canton Flannels, Ladies' and i (.cut's Hose, Albums, Accordeon,(unterpaues, j TOWELS, LINEN TABLE COVERS, i Undershirts and Drawers, Clocks, Pocket Knives, , . . . of ,.., l(0i1, ,ncll(ic),1L.,i , . , Call and examine for voursolves. Store open ; througli the day lor he ceomuio Jatlou oflho' that cannot UUend the evening sales, ('oods sold at auction prices. All goods war ranted ns represented or thomoncs refunded. Don't forget tin! place, Miller's lllock, near Market Square. Dee. U. "JOTICK is hereby given that nu flection of managers of t tic Accommodation Saving Fund and Loan Association, will take place ou Saturday, the 2Stli December, 1H72, lit their rooi.i in I lenient s llmtdlng, third street bunburv, nt T o'clock, P. M. S.tAfL. FAUST, Snr., PresiJ't. Japop Siiipmav, See'rv Sunb.iry, Dee. 14. ISii;. lit. ; tii(.s rou .jiist;ias. I OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. OLI IRISH WniSKV, FINE-JAM ACA RUM. . FINE ST. CROIX RL'M. Very OLD APPLE Wlilf KV. Al of these for hut diiuL for winter nights. Then we have E L E A N T K y E WHISKY, 4.0J a -xllon, or ill.OJ n dozen. GOI. i SEAL BR A N D Y , JflS.OO a dozen. VERY FINE PALE 6IIERJtY WINE, . $11.00 a dozeu. RARE OLD POUT WINE, -i : ..: . f ltiM.a doieu. . All citrcfully packed and lont to any address. ; Send lu yonr orders. .' ' , i ; ' . -: . . ; II. ft A. C. VAN PEIL, The Wine TeTchAo!, 1310 Chostnut'S ., fchlla. Seiit. 21, 1S71. 4m'. " ' ' . . . NM.CIAI. .OTK E. In n ralu extending our AonunI Greeting to oar frleud-'and patrons," wa bee leave to nnnonnre j that tiudingoursnlves forced to enlarge our Show rooms to meet the demands of a greatly lucrcas. cd bnsiness, (t becomes necessary to reduce our immense stock, previous to making alterations. We are therefore, offering ipeeial luduceiueuts to purchasers, the present 'ilO Lip AY SEA6ON. 1 Not. U, l7a 2m IIItlSTM AS ;oos. JIE.CALDWELL&C- 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- 1 kve P'rw ready their magulflcent stock of IIULIUAY dUOIMi. JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, FAN CY GOODS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES., ATTRACTVIE OOOD8 AT MODERATE FIX ED PRICES. 902 Chestnut St. 002 i Auditor' Xoti. "VYOTICE Is here'iv clven to the creditors of Jl Johnsey Shaffer, whose proper ty en Fourth : street, Sunbury, Pa., wai lolil at bherilT sale, at 1 November Term, lbW, that the uudersigucq uas been appointed Audhnrto dh.trtbute tint 'feuds arising from the suleuf said properitto sliosesn UtJedAheseto. A meeting will be held al bis of fice in Sunbury, ou she SSth day of December, lBv-'sM tt'ckx. p. u- i I , A. JORDAN, Auditor. , ' Rnnbury, Dec. 6, tn..t. . - . 4n ' GOODS. Application for Ilotvl IJccnne. NOTICE Is hereby Riven, that the following persons have fllrd, In tbe olllce of the Clerk of Qnarter SosKicas of the Peace, tliclr appllcn tions for Mceneeto keep a Hotel, Inn or Tavern, in the otllco of the Clerk of Quarter Pefsion of the Peace, RKrreably to the provisions ol the Act of Assembly, to be preteuted at tbe Jnuunry Sessions next, viz: J. P. Fesjler, Bunbury, i old Btand James Torts, bunnury, old t ami Jesse Honnsyl, Bbnmokln township, old stand 0"rt:e 8. Hurr, Northumberland bor., old stand Alexander McKim, lit. Curmel, old stand u B- Fy Lower Auausta towoslilp, old stand August Hummel, Morthumbei land bor new stand Michael Kosensteln, Bouth Danville, new stand i Michael llornn, Mt. Curmel, ' C. Jones, Northumboiland, i u"vld DaTl Ml- nrmel twp., l'ete' Wert. lwor Mahatioy, LUcorse Ayer, Coal, i Autltony Hingharc, Cameron, old stand old stand old stand old stand old stand old stand Jonu . unora, onamoKin dot., c. rv., om siaua J",,n Hojd, Coal twp., old stand Michael FNherty.Shauiokin bor., E.W old stand Daniel D. Wary, bhamokin bor., E. Wold stand l'trlck Knrins, bhamoklh bor.r' wi r. 'old Hand KliH Bhnukweiler, Bhauio'n bor. w.w. old stnud i'atrick Tyuen, Coal twp., . - old Ho ml .T-liti ESmunds.Shamokln bor., e. w. new stand Wlliiam Mann, bhaniokin bor., c. w. old stand Isabella Parker, Coal twp., old stand Christian Grubb, Wntsontown, old staud Mlehnel O'Sell, Mt. Carmel twp.,- ' now stnud l (ieo. . Fisher, Shamokin bor.. 'old stand i ' L. T. ROHRBACH, CletU. Sunhuiy, December f, 1S72. 3t ! Rcslanpnnt an1 'ing IIHHe El- j reuses, i NOTICE is hereby given, that the following per sons have tiled in the olfice of the Clerk of Qnai - ! ter Sessions of the Pence, their applications for j License to keep a Ilestaurnnt and Eating House, ngrecable to the provisions of the. Act of Assnn- : bly, to ha presented at the January Sessions j next, viz : ....... William Och ring, Sunbury, new stand George Stuck, Sunbury, " old ttHinl Michael Weaver, Siiiiliuiv, old stand A,,rt.-..w J.,kv. Slm...lln 1m.. o w.-ww sl-,n, I Anthony Nersehhneh. Shaken no. e.r. new stand . J. M. ilMiighton, Shanioliin bo., e. w. new stand John Spears, Sliainokin bor., E. W. new stand bridiret Coyle, Trwnrton, new stand Charles Shenawo.f, Sltaino'n bo., w.w now stand (ieorge Hack, Shamokin bo., e. w. "old stand Andrew Druifner, Rush twp., old stnml M. L. Fisher, Sunbury, old stand Thomas Snyder, Snnbnry, ol.l stand John Farnsworth, Upper Augusta, old stand ! Vl,ll'1n",1.vk! Xorthuinbcrmnd bor., old Hhii j A "' W ' 1 isber' 1 r'rT!' i Sunbury, December 5, IS?.'. lit. Old StHll.l d I.lcoiisc Cr tVfioIosnlo I.Ijnor Ntorc i NOTICE ti hereby given, that the follow lug per ' sons have tiled In the olllce of Hie Cleik ol'tii.iir ! ter Session of the Peace, their application fur License tokeep n Wholesale Liquor Store, iti. i able to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, to I be presented nt the January Sessions next, viz : I Christian Nitf. Sunbury, " old stand i H. E. it Evan LnU, Milton, new stand j Patrick Dally, Shamokin bor.. cl I s'.ard Michael Troy, Shamoki'i botougli. f.ld stand j ' L. T. UOHKliACn, Clerk. Sunbury, December B, 1S72. Mr. I I J. F. LE ROM'S CARRIAGE AND WAIiON MAKING ggw i - JESTABLISKiUZFiZf T, CHESTNUT ST., . SUKBUKY, PA. VKiiiei.r.s or au. Kivns madr to Ouduu. The latest styles and the best workmanship. Samples L.ay be seen ut the shop, dive Klin a call. Suubury, T)ec. 7, 1VT2. ly. nix iti' n y" Vi ii n" ixs i kaxce to. THE D1RERTORS OF T11K SUNltURY HOUSE AXDCATTLE IX v SUIV.VXCE COMPAX Y, Are cow takalng firo risks under their special , chaater gruntod by tho Legislature. Tbe recent great calamitous fires of C'hieaco and Bnsion have proveu eouclusively two facts. lbt. That Mutual Insurance Companies pro vide the tnoVt security to the insured for the imallest col aai are the best able to sustain heavy losses. : " . 1 . ' 2.1. That Home Companlci are nn absolute cecessltv and, furnish the best guarantees (or j I'"?"'""'y cover no h-avv ri.lis wooklug ouiside of cities aud canuot be all. eti d by such great coiitiiigratiou as the Go.-tun and Chicago tires which huvc ruined ui.iuy of our aud strongest CoiiipuuiO. THE SUNBURY FIRE INSURANCE CO., By special privileges works the Joint stock and mmnnl pluns together, thus i-nabllni; them to enjoy the advantages of both modes of insurani e without doing tho inllisliiw to the holder of the mutual policy by arseesinjr him for the benelitof the stock holder. All policies are Issued on the mutual plan. All rli-ks nre taken outsidcthe great eilies, snd only on such property us is not s expos.-d us u he hazardous. ThU enables the t'oniprmy to in sure lor less rates than many other Compiiriies and supplies a great need now lelt by all ol a le liublv conducle.1 and , SAFE HOMEINSCRAKCB COMPANY. Their Joint Stock Plan protect J igaintl exoi hitaut or repitad,a'eesrjierit., . P.ELIAULE AGENTti WANTED..' Address 0. A. REIMENSNTDER, Secretary, riuuliury, Paun'o. E. D. KILLIAN, Special Ageut and Supt. December 7, 1ST.1. If. VIC'K'S fi.okai. ;i mi: rpiIE Guide is now published Quailci '.y, So ns. L pays for the yeur, four numbeis, which is not half the cost.' Those who afterward t ml money to the amount of Oss Ua.i or more fur Seeds limy also order Twimty-flve cents we ilh ex tra the price paid for the tiuido. The January Number is benutil'ul, givlnc plans for making Rural Homes. Desicas for Diuiug Table Deeoratiom, Window. Oards, Ac-, suJ coiiluining a man of inforuuuiou levaln'ibie to tbo lovers of flowers. Opo hundred und I iny pages on the tiuted paper, some Five lluimud engravings, and a siipei Colored l'.aie and Chrouio Cover. Tea First Edition cl "laoilun drsd.Tbonsiiud just printed to English aud t.c: -man, aud readv to send out- . JAMES VU 'Iv. Roc!iefter. N. Y. AduiiaUtrsttor'k .olI-e. Estate of PniLIP ZERBE, Dee'd. "fQTICEIsrfty grteirtUm letters efadiuin. i Utrtlon lmiugWn granled to the under signed n She estate of Philip Zerbe, late of Low er Mnhanuy township, Northumberland coirjty, Pa.,du;)sod. All pt rsoua iodebied tn eni I is tlo are reaueited lo make IrumeJiute setlicmuLt lud those ba .lug claims are requested to pie seui t bum for leuleuicnl. il. M. BUliB, (.corgetown, Nov. 0, '2.Gt. AdiuiaislrMot