Wnnufadnrcrs. utiIroa8. GRAND OPENING OF ' AND WINTER GOODS FALL AT s Popular Clothing Store. Just opened, an cuorraous Stock of READY-MADE The largest ever Offered iu this town. Clothing to suit nil tnsles. Clothing ftir all oc casions, from the plainest Workinc Clothe to the finest ami most fashionable " DRESS SUITS. Boys and Youths' Glothingr This department is well stocked with a large variety of goods of all colors, qualities and styles. All clothing is nindo to my own order, by the best mechanics, and combine durability and strength with neatness and style. Its ii Cans for Mi i Au enormous assortment iu this line, including the very latest in Xew York and Phila delphia styles. 'nismiftg Tim most magnificent stock to be found outside of the Inrge citicp. The very latest in everything. Neckwnre, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and especially a ful! iiuc of the beet makes in . Shirts and Gents' Undenvarc. IMS, VALISBS, and numerous other articles. Doing by far the largest business in my lino in the county, and buying largo quanti ties for cash, I am able to oiler superior inducements and sell atLOWEU PRICES than any of my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and exaroiue the largest stock ever seen in this place. C7a Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Sept. 14, 1872. AT New Central Variety Store, No. 100, Market Street, South Side, Ernst of the Itutlroud, Dress G-oods of all Kinds, bilks, Silk Poplins, Alpacas, Luster Alpacaa, DeLaincs, Pladu, Opra FUtnuele, Ticking, Ladies C'lotiking. NOTIONS. LADIES' a lid GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Ilotlary, Gloves, Hood. Caps, Gernmnlwu Wool, Ladles' luimltatioii Hair Goods In new uud beautiful Styles. SHAWLS. Oltuniou t row n, Oltatnoa Double all Wool, Plad Shawls, Brcakrast Shawls, Scarfs, Ac. JEWELRY. l.mUcs Plated and Jet Opera Chains, Ladles' Plated and Jut Setts, Finger Kings, Ear Rings, Stayes, Sluevo Buttons, Groceries. Prcsh Uioeciics, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Table and Stair Oil Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Goto Finney's for tho Greatest Vurlcty of Good:). Goods nirlvlnir Dally. N. B. It U tho universal Tcrdict of the trade that my goods are sold the Ion vet in this market. 'D. A. FINNEY, Noreinlior 9, 1S7S, ' IJUTCIlEItV! 1JUTCI1E11Y! MNkr. Ki:rrr.iV'.v- itowKit, Third Streot. npito Central Hotel, SL'Nltl KV, PA., KEEP constantly on hand tho very choicest ol' f reh . hj:i:f, mittox axi viiat, wlileli Is sidd at tho lowest rlces. Meal can bo Itadat all honrs diiriuK the day. Btinourv, ru., dune a, SEW tiOOUJ! XEWGOUIKNM Jlinit Ojtoud. F. J. BYROD, Iuforins the citizens of Sunbury and vleUilty, that he hub received his large assortment of Dry Goods and selling them cheap for cash t his nrc room, eorner Third and Church streets, &UNUUHY, IA., Ills stock comprises try C.ootl nud GrucrrirM. Tha DryGoodi department is complete, having a fctueral assortment of Cloths, Ciiiriiinor(, Calicos, DcLnins, and everythlut; In the Dry Goods liue. The ;ito Kltll.H arc all fresh, and eonsUts of Toa, CofTee, Sugar, Nolla&scs, Spices, Meat, Fish, dee. 1IOOTN AM) N1IOEN. WlllowWare uud UlHUtt-Mare, general assortment. In fact everything kept it) tlrKt-elass store, can be hud at I ho most reasonable prices for cash. Having located lu Suuhuiy for the purposo ol becoming oue of its citizens, 1 hue that by fair dealing and strict utlenlloa to business to merit share of the public patronage. My motto Is "Small Prollts aud Quick Sales." All are cordially Invited to call and examlua my goods, at no charge will bs wade for show lug them. r. J. BYK'Jl). Bunbury, Oct. 19, 1S71. Boys UMBRELLAS. era cmng No. 100, Marett rJticit, Sunlniiy, Pa. W. D. felELlCK, Druggist niul Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. . V. Moody,) , At the old established stand on Mnrkt'l SiuKrc, SIMIl ltV, IA. Keeps constantly on hand a full ttock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggist Fauey Goods, COMBS, . ' UKCslIES, rEKFl'MRKV, I" ATEN T MED1CIN ES, OII.S, TAINTS GLASS, PUT1T. V A U . I H I . I Y V.HT I ' F IX, In fact cverjthiug usually Itept lu a well toa dueled IDI1XJC3- STOP.E. Purlicular attcutiou paid loeomnoundiuir I'liy sicutus preacrlption aud family receipt by the rropriutor niuisrir. -, bunbury, Pa., Juue 8, 1873. Full and Uluter SI j lei or Miliiaeir-F Q HATS, CAPS, and BONNETS, KIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEAT1IE11S, Crapes, Silk, Batius, Turquolb, Crupu aud Lace t ens. Tritumingg of every Descriptiou from New York aud Philadelphia, just opened and for ali at uuusually low prices. Call aud examine aud be convinced. MISS L. BHISSLER. Market Suar, South side, Sunbury, Pa. sunuary, oet. m, im. .1T.XT,ORi T- CORtS BIS EASES Of THf THBLT,UiNG5,LIYER & BLOOD In the wonlerrul medicine to which tlie affllrted ro above pointed for relief, tho discoverer be lieves he ha combined in harmony more of Na ture's most sovereign curative properties, which God hmt lnMilled Into the vegetable kingdom for healing thn nick, tbsn were ever before combined In one medicine. The evidence of thU fact It found In the Brest variety of mot obstinate dis ease, which It hn been found lo conquer. In the cure of Hronrhlila, Severe Coughs, and the early sUiim of Couaii motion, It haa MtouUhcd tho medical faculty, ancl eminent phy" slcian pronounce It tho greatcnt medical discove ry of the ae. While it cures the severciM Couchs, It strengthen tho system and purifies the bleed. By It great and thorough blood purify In? properties, it cures all Hu mora, from the truat Scrofula toa common Hloteh, Plm pie, or Kuruptlon. Mccurial dinearte. Mine ral Piloin, and their cft"ccta, are eradicated, and vigorous hc.illh and a sound constitution eatalt lUhel. Erralpela. Salt Ithctitn. Fever Soros, Mealy or IIoiirH Skin, In ahorr, all tho numerous dl.ea.ra paused by bad blood, are conquered by thin powerful purifying apd In vigorating medicine. If you feel dull, drowar, debilitated, have aallow color of pWln, or yellowish brown sota on (ace or bodv. fre-uent licadscho or dizr.lne.s, bad tapte In m.i itli, internal heat or chills alternated with hot flush;, low spirit, and gloomy forebodinp., ir reuhirappftite. and to"uu coaled, yon nreaunVr ln: f.o n Torpid l. Ivor or ' llllloili--iiohs." In m.my ee of "Liver Com. plaint' only part of tHeso symptoms sro expo riencc.l. A a remedy for all such ca.es Jir. Pierce's Ooldcn Medical Discovery has no equal, n it etT' perfect enrs, leaving the liverstrenirth cried a i l healthy. Fur the cure of llubltiinl CoiiHllnaliuil nf the bowels It la a never fail In? remedy, and those who have used it for tills purpose, nr'u loud in Its pr.iisp. Tho proprietor oficri ?t."00 reward for a medl clue that will er.ul it for the euro of nil the dis eaes for which it is reroinmended. S old hr drurcit at f I per bottle. Prcpared.JJ H. V. I'ierca. M. 11 , Sole Pnipi li tor. at his Cliel sal I.shomt'iry. I'M Si-wei street. nuft.llo, -S'. 1 Sund j our liddfesu for a pamphlet. May 1, 1S72- i;eo. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans &; Co., 014 Market Street, I'liiliidelpMn, TAILOK8 and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band A Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the '.ending house on Military work, we feel that we can offer Inducements which ean not be attained anywhere else. Aug. SI, 1ST2. G. W. KEEVER. 11. A. GASS. New Qoodsl )ry Goods, Notions, r urnismng Goods, Groceries, Gil Cloths, Glass and Nails of every variety, at one low price, at KEEFElt & GASS' STORE, Comer of Fourth and Market Streets, BUNBURT, PA. All kinds of Grain taken lu exchange samo at cash. Call and sec us. K.EEFEU & GASS. Sunbury, Oct. 26, 1872. Don't Read This!! Good morning, Mrs. A., where are you bound for so early I Mrs. A. wnv Mrs. c, non'i you Know Mr. Byerly ha bought out the Grocery and Confec tionery Store of Haas & Wearer, and is selling nice rrcsh Groceries, canned fruit, aim lu (act, everything In tho Grocery line, cheaper thuu tho cheapest, aud I have got tired paying high prices, so I have made up my mind alter this to patron ize Mr. Byerly. eo good morning, Mrs. C. I 1)1 lift go. Mrs. C. to herself. Well I am bound to find out for myself, and will go to Byerly' new cheap rash Grocery, the nest time 1 want any (iroi-ericM, Conlertlouerleaor Prime OjMtcr. I will lust snv to all come and give me a trial, and satisfy yourselves that there It ono cheap cash Grocery lu Sunbury. Hcnicuibcr the place. No. 11, South 1 hlrd bt iu Clcmei't House Buildiug, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1S72. g Up Dc Graff's INFIRMARY.. SUNBURY, TENN'A. rilUlS institution Is now open for the reccptiou X of Patient for tho treatment of Diseasa of tho EYE, EAK, THROAT, LUNGS, CATARRH &c, &c, &c, aud operations lu GENERAL SURGERY. Our collection of INSTRUMENTS 1 vry large, com prising all too lutest lMfKOViMEMTt, enabling u to moat SURGERY lu all forma. Physicians are Invited to accom pany Putlent to our Institution for operations. By request of ninny Citizens, we will attend to call in Ut.NtltAL I'KACTICE. Iollriuary, Clement llulldln;, COKNEK THIRD AND MARKET BT8.. SUNBURY, PA. C E. I P 1E UKAFF, Physician aud Burgaoir. buuhilty, Fib. 8. 1873.-tf. Vai ST Ww at a a.-' Ifl a7m. meixell, dbalrh in American and Enropean WATCHES. FINE JEWELlir and SILVER WARE. Perfected Spectacles and Eye (ill a nates. GOLD HEADED CANE8. AVnlchc rind Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market Square, BUNBUT, Pa. 3, 1873.-tf. Feb. pARDWARE FOR ALL AT ME IIARDWAltE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. market Street, Munbnry, It Is useless lo enumerate every kind of article In his Store, but among tho leading items may be set down the following! Iron, Steel, Lend, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kludt and sires, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chain, Axe, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakei, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Borlne Machines", Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Slcdpes, , Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hummers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast Iron Bells for School House and Farmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screw, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, OH Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, Coffee Mills, Hits nnd Braces, Carrlago Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oil, YnrulMhcs, Japans, I.ve, Soda Ash, Washing Poda, IVIT.S OF AM. KIMf lu Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAll-WAItE and other Wooden-Ware of all kind and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, 8crewt, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissor, Shears, Shot, t'n(t nnd Ponder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted and not on linnd, will bo ordered at once. Sunhurv, Aug. 19, 1ST1. 'KTl:lt OF ATTIC AC'TIOX. Everybody Is invited to come and buy of the handsotno astoitmcnt or TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In fratno building, adjoining Moore Dissinger't building. T11IK1) STKKET, SL3BLKI, fA Just opened a fresh supply of Confcetioncris of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIXIM4 constantly on hnnd. The best RAISINS, FIGS, tl llKAMS UlilKU (Kill. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SriCES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Having Oiled up a room cxpresBly for serving up Oysters In every style, Ladles and Gentlemen will be accommodated w ith the best bivalve iu mnrkct, at nil hours during the day nnd evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Cnnued Oysters, as Is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. 8. F.NEVIN. Dec. 1C, 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has In stock and constantly receiving Novelties lu hi line, consisting In part of a full line of AMERICA WATCHES, El trln. Illinois. Howard A Co., Waltham, Mas sachusetts, aud Boy' AMERICAN WATCHES j Also, a full set of Ladies, uud Gcut t Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. Roman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold sets, Ear-Kings, Necklace and Peudants, Onyx and Jet Jewelry. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware of Sterling purlti , made to or der. Bridal aud Presentation Pieces, Kuives, Fork aud Spoons lu rases, also, a full line of Silver Plated Goods Tea Set, Ieo Water Set, Erbit Stands, Cake Baskets, L'onee Cms, fork. and Spoons treble plated, theliest In the markets Bl'UTAl.L..S. If you value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, erouud from minute Gristle Pebble mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness aud brilliancy. They will last many year without change, and warranted SujH-rior to all others iu use. TABLE CU TLKKY. Ivory, Pen rl and Metal handles In case tup- plied to order. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol all discrip- tions. Engraving done nt the shortest notice. Wutches, Clocks aud Jewelry, Repaired and Satisfaction warranted. All goods will be sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body Is cordially Invited to Call aud Examine for themselves. r Don't forget tlte plner. T. 8. SHANNON. Snubury.Dec. 16 tf. .tiauhood tIIow I.osl, How Bettor eat Itpf isfcjuat published, a new edition of Dr. aWJPi CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental aud Physienl Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. s also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. t tf Price, In a sealed envclote, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, lu this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the ularmiug conse quences of s:lf-abase may be radically cured without the dyi'gcrous use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife i pointing out a mode of cure at ones simple, certain, aud effec tual, by means of which every sutleier, no mat ter whut bis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, prlvatoly aud radlcaljs. Tuls Leature should be in the bauds of every youth aud etory man in the land. Scut, uudor seal, In a phtin envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage siumis. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price oU cents. Address the Publishers, . CUAS. J. C. KLINE &, CO., P. O.jTor, 4,5S. 127 Bowery, New York. April 87, 1873. , Oakery for Sale. The well known Bakery of W. H. Haas, oa Fourth street, Sunbury, including a good dwell ing hous stud good stabling attached, Is ottored for sale on reasonable terms. The BrfVery is uew aud of good capacity, capabfe of baking SO barrels of flour per week. Apply to Win. li. or ALBERT HAAS, July 30i 18T3.-tf. Snnbary, ra R R R RADWAY'S READY "RELIEF CVRKst TUB WORST FAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after readme Uils ntlvorLlssmeiit need any ena ffKFKR WITH PAIN. RADTCAVS HtAllV KKLlkF lit A CURS TOB EVEHY l'AIH. It mm tli flrst and Is The Only lnln Itomedy fliuirrmllotiM, nn4 curf. CunurKUnn, whether nf the Lunn BTonincb. litrwsln, Of lher gUoUf or orgMU, by on lUjpUcSr Uuu. IN ritOM ONR TO TWESTT MINUTES. Knm:Uor bow violent or -crnclitlnr the mln tha KltlCTr. M ATI!, llwt-rtihlm. Infirm, (JrHmtal, Kcrvoui, Meunll or pruatrate wltil dteM mny suOVr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF MUX AFFOItn INSTANT EASE. IXFLAMMATIOJ OF THTt KinNEYS. INFLAMMATION OK TUK BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF TUB IIOWKI.M. ('ONUKSTION OF THE LUNQS. HOltB TIIKOAT, DIFFICULT IlUKATJIlNO. 1'ALPITATION OK TUB llEART. 1ITTEHICS. CnOL'l', bll'HTIIEKIA. CATAKBU, ntFLUENIA. HEADACHE, TOOTHArllB, NEftlAMIA, RRECMATISM. cold rnu.t.s, Aorn (ttii.LS. ... Tim upphrmlwi i-f th Ttendy Itfllef ths fart or j.-irt whci-u Iho rutin or oiaicuity txm wm urora mam Mia cunifort. Twoutr flrotw In Imlf a tumliler of irmtrr will la frw riotmi.l. ruro CKAMl'8. t-PAKMS, BOL'H STOMACH, IIKAHTnt'KV, nlfk llKAllAOHIC, DIAKKHKA, DWE.NTKItY. f'ttl.ll', WMD IS THE BOWELS, ami all INTERNAL I'AINrl. Traveler alitmld alwat mrry a bottta or Railwav'f llrady Hrltrf with Ihom. A frw drops lu water will i.revenl aicmirM or pnln froin change of water. It la batter liaa Fraucll IlmnTtr or Dlllera ui a atimulaiit. FRVRR AND AUtiR. FKVElt AND Adl'K curwl lorSnyernt. Tliara ts not a rtmeUtnl nxviit la till! world Hint will core Fever and Arne. and all other W :ilartoiia, lMlloui, Rmrlet, Tvi'hold, Sellow.aiid other Frvrra (alilnl t.y llAHWAVrt PlLLM) au quick aa ItAIIWAY'.t ItEADl KtLlEF. Flftr ) cr VuUle, 6uld by Drugghoa. HEALTH I BEAUTY IK bthono and rrRK ninr m.oon-TNOitEASE or ri.EHIt AND WFKIHT t'l.KArt SKIN AND BKAU TIFL'L COMPLEXION EKUUKfiD TO ALL, DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MemT ASTONIH!ll PltF,a- SO oricK. ho n.rn auk thk ciiANfiKH 'fifrc liOUV VMK1U)IK9L VNPEU THK INKMTEM'K nK TUW IUULV VOMIX'li MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increaso In Flash' and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. KvetT Amp of !) SAKAIAK1LUAN KESOLVKNT fommuntcntM through thfl lilootl, HwunL lTrlhf, utid vtu-t flutdtsutd Jtitr tb avitem tha vigor nf liiy, f..r It rlrt th vartM of tl hrxfjr with new ami Mimd itifttirial, Scrofola, HrphlMi, Conmmptloti, (llnndular dlir!v, Ulct?r In the Threat, Xloutb, Tunmra, IStsdcs In the Ulandi inl other MMtiof tha nvaictn, Kr Ky, Htrnmou lUcti3riri from the Ear, ami! the worst fonnn.f Bklii dlwiw., Kmp. Itona, Fever Src, Bcald Ueel, Ititic Vitrrn, ftrtlt Ilhrum, Krvipel.in, Am, Ulnvlc Spot. Wurnm In the Flrkh, Tnmn, (fihceri In the Woinb. Mid all wcnkridnH nnd jiiilnful di clutrKM, Nlxht Swcnte, Tjont of Six-fin, nnd all wrxulei rf the lire ttiiiCiile. era wUliln the ctmtlve rKiifQ t ll'U wi-ndvr f MfMlrm i. hemlntrr. Ami A few Uv' ue will prve to wiy rern wnin It fr either of thvee funae of dlcac Hi piitrnt power ti cure them. If the frtUlcnt, dnlly Kecomlnt; redttwd Hr the wantr and ilornnipoatt Ion tlmt It ronltniinllr iro(rreftelnr, fuccceil in Hrrirstinpt tbeee we-stri, and rjiftlrii the Kitne wY'h ticn- n inter liilmivdefrom k:dthy Wood (uid this the bAUSATAlUL LIA will nnd does sreure. Not only dm th iSAttnArAitit.T.T!f lBiit.Tjrr etfM all known remedial nernti lu tint cure of t'lirotilc, Hcrofuloun, t oTuillutlon.il.amibkindUtu; but It U Um only positive ci re ft KUliirjr A. Bladder Comp1aln1s9" TTrlnart, ami TTmnb lliciw. Gravel, PlawtM, Pmpny Htoppiutc of WnttT, InciiitlnvHRe of I'rlne. Itrlulit'a Uisnve Alhuiuinurta, nnd In till tueit where thrro nre brlrkdiit do rni or the water li thick, cloud v, itxt(t with nuhtitaneee Ike Uie white f n rjee, wr threiula like whlt iilk. or there I a morbid, dark, bilious iiteartmre, and white imiicduct rit'poAlln, nnd when tlicre 1 l prtrklnjc, burnliiK euBKatlon when pafUnc water, and j.Mn In tha buiall of Iho Back and lUwtte tn l"Tu Frke, ixol WORMS. The only known and sure Remedy for ll'omw i'lA, Tup, tie. Tumor or 13 Yearn Oroulh Cured hy KaUivny's Resolvent. ft tr bolt, Mas., July 1. IMt. T. RiWATt I fire OtmIm Tumor In tkt vwlti wA rwtw.lt. All tk IMtrs MiJ Mhr. wet hytr It." I trW4 vry ik'iK tliftl wm rcimmA4 ; bat nntblnK nHvrsl me. I m rtmr RetTveiit, n4 thiMihl I would try It f tat hi tVHk In It, 1rni I km4 Terd fur tw.lv vswj-t. I l-k tts boll let nf it lUMlvent. ad eiM bK f fU4wyt mil. Mil two hotilM of ynur KUsMtr R.lirf ; end tK.r k fifn nf tainnr In be er fM, .n4 I rWI bsAlcr, merlor, n4 hfpir tha 1 hir for tw.lra r.aril The wot it lumnr wm In th. left tld. of the bowli, oror tli (rein, I vriu thU to fvr Ibt Wuelilef ethm. V-i ran put.llh It If roeehoeM. HAX All 1'. VN AIT. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. trfeetl tasteles. etrut1y conted with ewoH (rnnt. pnrrc. reitulaie, Tuirlfy, c!ene, and rtrenpthen. Itwlway s fillm for the cure of all dl4rdcrs of the Steniarb, Mver, Rnwfli, Kldners, Illalder, Nereous 1)1wmhi, llewlrVhe, t'-nrtlt'-tkou, CtMlvenem, Indlceiition, lVBepla. Illllounne, Pil Ioim Fever, l-iflnmml loo of the ti"wel. J'ilcs, and all Ifr mtiremente of the Internal Vleeem. WarrantM to effect a positive dire. Purely VvjreUUe, uonUiuUic bo lucrtury, nilntrnlp, ordrleterlnu drugs, OhMTvethe f-llowii eymptoma reaaHtng from Dis orders of the 1-if etlve Organs ; rnntthMtltfi. Inward Pile. FellTtert ef tfce Tilerd In the ltedt AcMitv r.f th. (4tirsub, NKirtca. Ilerlhiim. IHiyiitl e( FonH, Kull km or U'rlril la the 8:omti, ftnnr KnM-tAtbini, H.Bktnv er Klntter In? Kt the I'll nf tb H mneli. Kwimminit of th HnrrttMl end 1-im.Tili Brraihlnv, Fla Urlnir et t) llrt. Choline er fcwiff-clitn KstmUkmi hn tn a I rluft I'oalnr, I Huineat of Vision, I4 ? Wrbt UrWr lit. flight, Jrrtr unrf I hi) I f.iu In tlte Hatol. IVtUwn- jf nf Pwtttlntian, Vllwne.t -f the fWIn Bed r. Pia in the KI'U. ChaTtt. LimlM. aviisl tuddra Intbtt of llt, DurLinf In lbs H-h. A few done of HATTTAT TILI S will free the f.vjdem from nil the a"'ve-iii.ined tllt)nk'ni, l'rlc, a 5 ten U pvr box. HT l!:r;illTf. KKAI MKAI.."K AMi TRt'E." pftid n Mter tn,np lo KAHWAY V ( (., Ni. j U1:n Lane, Ncw-Voti:. lufernaatlon worth Ihtiutnittiit will l- M.nt you. March 30, 18T2.-ly. Hi PHILADELPHIA, Invite attcutiou to their large aud well selected stock of Watch?), Clock), Hronirn, iia- mouus, SILVER-WARE, fLATED-WARE, Fancy Goods In Gilt and Leather, Ornaments- from Paris, lenna, and Berlin, French Flowers, Table Cutlery, English Um brellas. Orders by Mail win receive prompt aiicniton. 1124 Chestnut street., Philadelphia. Nov. 3, 187'2. 3m ' J.E.C ALDWELLM.O 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- (A few doors west of the Continental notol.) Jewellers anl Silversmcths, , Importers of Fine Watches Bronzes & Fancv Goods, Moderate Prices FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Marked in Plain Figares, WITHOUT DEVIATION. Prompt attention given to orders and inquiries by mall. J. W. WASHINGTON'S GRAND BARBER SHOP. In Mies Dalllus' Building, Market street, east of the Railroad, north side, BU.nucki, ra. Tha old permanent shop of the town. Wt dacliriB the boast, but at the same lime consider that the mighty truth maybe seasona bly spoken without manifesting an uncomforta ble amount or vanity ana bibuiiiuu. Just tweutr vears airo I began my business career In this place half my lifetime thus far spent, have I stood upon the floor of onr shop- day after day, ana uigui aiver uigut, uu thA aharn hlllA fflmuiluir steel, and within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of that eventrul period navo i suaveu uonnv i j body In the country (in common parlance) and to oblige the publlo luterest we herein publicly announce t our patrons old and new that we are ready to shave them all again three hundred thmiaand times or more. Come when yon please, Jutt in tinu Is the max im we are always ready to work, foreuoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cut yon, shampoo you, whisker dye you, or perfume, comb and ar range the balr with artistic skill, In the "water full" or water raise style to suit tne customer, w vnrk to nlease. not nleaae to work. Btop, don't go past our shop to get shaved oa the-basts of ability because we do It as well as It can Jje done or ever eouta oe. A chance is all that we demand To give the proof we hold In band. ' Oct.l, 1T2.- S1ACII1KK SHOP AND IRON FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Nnnbnry, I'fnn'a, INFORM tho pnbllc trint they are preimmfl to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Bhop In ronnertion with their Foundry, and hftvo supplied themselves with New Lathes, riatilnir and Uorlnir Machines, with tha latest Imiirovuments. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WOKK OR REPAIRING, that may bo glren Micro, lu a satisfactory man ner. rn(en to null any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sir.es. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing fUK UrtAVU XAKU L,Uia VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC, The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will alwuys De Kepi on nana. Also, TIlREHHINtJ MACHINES. Sunbury, May 30, 1871. Ll'nBER AU 1I.AM.U Third Street, ndjolnlnfr Phlla. A Erin R. R., two bnuares Mortli ol the (jentral Hotel, SUNBCRT, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for uianufaeturlnr Lunber, he is now ready to till or ders .rail kinds or A FLOORING, SIDING," DOORS SHUTTERS, HASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS. VE RAN DAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AROB ASSOnTMKNT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly flllcd, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dcel9-68:ly STOVE V TIN r.STAIlI.ISiniF.NT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, rroprictor. slCCKSSOK TO SMITH OENTflEH. J HAVING purchased the atmvewcll known es tablishment, Mr. KrBtisc would res))eetful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large assortment ol UUUKIfl li fS T (J V lis. Spccr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, winch are so arranged as to no usea lor t oai or Wood, and are warranted toiterform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tluwnre of Every DoNcrlpflon kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Loal OH ar.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a it.ndi. Store opposite Coulcy's hardware store. Give me a cull. A. KRAUSE. npl24-ly UK AND OPEMXG of the largest and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cas3imeres of every grade, nud Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at THOM. ii. XOTT'H MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, In Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUNBURY, PENN'A. The most fashionable, clothing made to order from every variety of goods. Suits of all sizes made up at the shortest no tice, from the best selected stock In Now York and Philadelphia. Cull and bo convinced. THOS. G. NOTT. April 20, 1873. W. II. Blanks. HOUSE, SIGIST, ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Dceoratlmr and Paper Hangirg dono iu the latest improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence in Punlvtown; Etncriek's building. Suubury, May 11, 1872.-tf. X E WToTl AXCOA X I fSEGAB, AXI BHUS1I STOliE. South side of Murket street between Sd aud 4th SUNBURY, PA. Just opened, nn entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND SEGAR8. Seears of every grade. Tobacco of every vurlc'y. Pipes, both plain and fancy. BRUSHES ! BRUSHES ! ! BRUSHES ! ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct ftom the manufacturer nt greatly reduced prices. His line of brushes arc a specialty and many new kinds never before introduced into this market. Also, Paper Collars aud Cuffs lu great variety. A large assortment of all the popular Songs of the day. Cull and examine my goons ana get a ui oi prices. HENRY PETER Y. jtoveinoer a, mis. ty FALL, AND WINTER MII.I.IXEUY. Jast received from the cities an entire new stock Of Millinery Goods, consisting of BONNETS AND HATS. FLOWERS, WREATnS, t entbers, rrames, ices, jtniDons, Turquoise. nnd all the leadlug styles of fine Milliner'. I have snared neither pains nor expense to make mv Fall Stock one of the most attractive ever offered to the citizeus of Sunbury nnd vicin- . ' AU arc luvitea to can ana examine my riock. M. L. GOSSLER. 45 South Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R., BUNBURY, PA. Nov. 3, 1878. CIHTA1.N MATERIALS. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, CORNICE DECORATIONS, "LAMBREQUINS LACE DRAPERIES, PIANO COVERS, FURNITURE CUVEUINOS, TASSELS AND LOOPS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, CRETONNES. SUMMER CURTAINS, UROCATELLE, Special Interior Decorations, To Order at Moderate Prices. "W ALBAVE 3ST, Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut Street, Pbil'a. June 22, 1873. 4m. LA I I Eft' FANCY UOOBSt FALL STYLES AT Miss Kate Black, Market Square Bunbury, Pa., BLACK DRESS SILKS, Plaid and Plain Poplius. Worsted and Etubrol erics, Worsterd Sacks and Shawls for Ladies and Children. All kluds of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. A irananil aaanrtnlrnL of White Goods. DreAS Triiumlntrs, Laces, &c. A fteneral variety of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose for ladles sua gen tlemen. TOILET BOAT'S AND PERFUMERY. Everybody Is Imvlted to call and see thera and buy cheap.- READIXU IIAILROAI). WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, MO DAT, DECEMBRR 2nd, IS73. Trains leave Ttarrlsbnrg for New York as fol lows i at 5.30 nnd 8.10, a.m., and 2.00, p. in., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rail- road, and arriving at New York t 12.35, a.50 and 9.45 p. tn;, respectively. Returnining i Leave New York at fl.00 a. tn. 12.50 and 5.80 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.U0, 8.45 a. in., nnd 8.80 p. m. Leave Hnrrlsburg for Rendlnir, Pottsvlllc, Tamaqua, Mlnersvillo, Ashland, Khamokln,' Al lcntown nnd Philndclohia nt 5.30 nnd R.10 a.m., 2.00 and 4.05 p. m., .topping at Ibanou and principal way stations ; the 4.05 p. m., train eon necting foy Philadelphia. Potlsvtlle nnd Colum bia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road leave Harrlsburg nt 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Easton nnd New fork at 7.U0 nnd 10.85 a. m., and 4.00 p. m. F.ctnrning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.50 nnd 5.30 p. m., and Allentcwn at 7.20 a. in., 12.25, 2.10, 4.35 and 8. 55 p. m. Why Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. m., connecting at Readiug with train on East Pennn. Railroad, returning leaves Potts vlllc at 4.35 p. m., stopping at nil stations. Leave Pottsville at 6.00, 8.05 aud 9.10 a. tn., nnd 2.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a. in., Shamo kiunt fi.00 and 11.02 a. m., Ashland st 7.18 n. m., and 12.20 p. in., Mnhnnoy City at 7.58 and V4.lt p. in., Tauiaqua at 8.35 a. in., and ii.10 p. m., for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Har rlsburg, &c. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque- . hannn Railroad nt 8.05 a. tn., for Harrlsburg, and 11.45 n. tn., for Pinrgrove and Trcmont. Pottsville Aecomtnodntiou Train leaves Potts ville nt G.00 a. m., passes Reading nt 7.40 a. in., arriving at Philadelphia nt 10.15 a. in. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., passes Reading at 7.15 p. m., arriving nt Pottsville at 9.00 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 6. 45 a. m., returning, lcavos Philadel phia (Ninth and Green,) nt 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.30 a. nr,and 6.15 p. m., for Ephraeta, l.it'.r., Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. ; returning leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. m., nnd 3.30p. m., and Colum bia nt 8.15 a. m., nnd 3.20 p. m. Pcrkiotncn Railroad trains leave Perklomen Juuctlon at 7.35 and 9.00 a. m., 2.55 and 5.40 p. in. ; returning, leave Griec Lane at G.15 a. ui., 12.35 and 4.20 p. tn., connecting with trains ou Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leavo Phro- uixvillc nt 0.10 a. in., B.lOand 5.50 p. m. j return ing, leave Bycrs at 6.35 n. m., 12.45 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Colcbrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. m. and 1.20. C.25 nnd 7.15 p.m., re turning leavo Mount Pleasant at 6.00, 8.00 and 11.25 a. m. and 3.00 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge -part at K.30 a. m. 2.40 and 5.33 p. in., returning, leave Dowulugtown at 6.55 a. in., 12.30 and 5.40 p. in., connecting with trains ou Rending Rail road, Ou Sundays: leave New York nt 5. 30 p.m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. m., (tho 8.00 a. m. train running only to Rending.) leave Pottsville nt 8.00 a. m., lenve Harrlsburg at 5.30 a. m. and 2.09 p. ro. ; lenve Allentown at 8.55 p. in. i leave Reading nt 7.15 a. m. and 10.15 p. m. for Harrisburg, at 7.30 a. m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to uud from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage cheeked through , 100 pounds nllowcd each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN. Anirt. tiupt. d- J-.'mj. Mach'ry. Reading, Pa., December 2, 1S72. Xorthern Ccutrnl Railway. "'INTER ARRANGEMENT. ON ana after Oct. 37, 1S72, trains will run as ''iws i NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 12.40 p. m., for Niagara Falls Mail nrrives at Sunhnry at 4.10 p. m., arrive nt Wiillnmspoit 6.20 and Elmira 10.30 p. m. Fast l.lne arrives nt Snnbnry nl 0.50 p. IU-, arrive at Wllliamsport 8.!;5 p. in. Erio Mail leaves Sunbury nt 6.50 a i ( Wll lliiincpnrt at 8.40 a m, aud arrives at l bulr.i ut 12.40 p m. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Suuhnry at 11.05 a. m., arrive at n;irrisbnrg 1.45 p. m., Baltimore 0.30 p. m. Erie Express leaves Snnbnry at 0.40 a. m., ar rive nt Harrlsburg 11.30 a. in., llnltlmore 8.00 p. in. Erie Mall leave Sttnburv nt 12.50 a. m., arrive at Hurriburg 2.45 a. m., Baltimore S.tb a. in. Niagara Express leaves euntmiy tit s.ou p m, Harrisburg ut 10.40 p iu, arrive at Baltlmoru 2.15 a in. SnAMOKIN DIVISION. EAST W A It I). Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. in., arrive nt Shamo kin 5.50 p. m., Mt. Cnrmel 0.30 p. m. lA.'avo bunbury f Accommodation, l nl IK.M p. ui., arrlvo at Shamokin 1.35 p. m. WESTWAllD. Leave Mt. Curtncl nt 7.40 a. m., Shamokin 8.20 a. m., arrive nt Sunbury 0.25 n. m. Leave Shamokin (Accommodation,) nt 2.45 p. m., arrive at bunbury i.:o p. iu. Express leaves daily. All other trains leave dally, escept Sundays. A. R. Fiske. Ed. S. Yofso, Cen'l. Sttp't., Gen'l Pnssen'r Ag t., Harrlsburg, Pa. Bulimore, Md rhilndelphl and Eric Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after 8unduv, Oct. 27lh, 1972, the Trains ou the Philadelphia it Erie Kail Road will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, 11.40 p tn A.oO a w 7.55 p ra 12.40 p ui 7.01 p ni 7.45 a in 8.00. a ni 4.30" p m 7.45 p ui 7.U0 a ni 12.40 p in 4.S5 a in " Sunbury, err at trie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Buubury, " an at Erie, Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbnry, " " arr at Lock Huvcn, Niagara Express leaves Phlludclphlu, " " " Huubury, " " arr nt Keuovo, EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie, 11.35 am " " Tunbury, l-'.45 a ra " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.55 a m Erie Express leaves Erie, 9.05 p m " " Sunbury, 9.35 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 8.30 p m Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, 7.45 a iu " " " Sunhurv, 11.00 a in arr at Philadeli hia, 0.00 p m Niagara Express leaves Reuove, 3.25 p m " " " Sunbury, 7.55 p m " arr at Philadelphia, 2. SO a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. 8. Sl M. 8. R. W. and at Irvlncton with OU Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exoress aud Erie Express East, and Erie Mail, Niagara Express and Elmira Mall West, connect at Willlamsport with trains going north on the Elmira and Cauaudulgua division of the N. C.R.K. Cutawissa passenger trains will be run east and west from Williamsporton Elmira Mall. WM- A, BALDWIN, Gen'l Bup't. Danville, Ilasletou A Wllkrbarre R. K. Peons. R. R. t o. Ef axee. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger tralus on the D., H. A W. R. R. will ruu us follows WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Hasleton, Cattawissa, Danville. A.M.! LEAVE. A.M. 6:00 Sunbury, 6:20 8:00 Danville, 7:02 U:25 Cattawissa, 7:28 10:05 Huzleton, 9:08 r. m. m. 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 8:40 Huston, 12:35 8:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 8:57 New York. arr. S:50 Suubury, arrive Train West arclviiur at Bunbury 3:57 p. m.. makes close connections with trains on Philadel phia Erie R. R. for Milton, Willlumeport, Lock Haven and all points Wist, Elmira and all poiuts North, also with Northern Ccuttal Rull wav, for Harrlsbont aud lUltlmore. l-if-New and elegaut coaches run through be tween Bunbury and Easton. FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. D. H. SV. K. P.. ' Brrr's Orrtrr, IViu iamii-obt, Pa. i May 1, 172. S