t SUNBURY, DECEMBER 14, 1872. M-.'. "! 1 - - i ! Rnltronrt Time Tnble. ARRIVAL ASI) rmTAnTURtt UT TRAIXS AT SOUHVnr. N. C. R. W.. South, fcrlc Mail, l3.50ara Erlo Express, 0.40 ' Mull; 11.05 ' Mag. Express 8.09 p m V. & E. R. R. West. Mali, (l.!i0 a fn Nlng. Express3.40 p m t Klmtra Mall 4.1i0 " Eric Repress, 7.01 " inirn nt and lkwirtowh n. n. Leave Sunbury for LewLtown at 7.45 a. m., and 8-10 p. M. Arrive (at Btiubnrj from Lcwistown at 1.60 and 7.45 p. m. BIIAMOKIW PIVISIOH, J. 0. B. W. M5AVB Sunbury at 5.45 ft m " 1H.85 p m 4.40 p m ARRtVB At Bnnbury 9.25 ft m b.oo pin 6.00 p m DAHV1U.F, 1IAZ1.F.TO & WIT.KnSBARRE It. R. Reeular passenger tsnln leaves fiunbury for Danville, Cnttnwissn, Hazlcton and intormedlato stations, at 6.46 n. m. Returning lcavo Hazle ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND RLOOMPBURO R. It. Lcavo Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. and 4.60 p.m. Arrive at Northumberland at 10.85 a. in. and 6.05 p. m. Accidental Insurance Ticket pan be had of 3. Bbipmau, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. lushrcss morals. Shwino Machinks. Miss Caroline Dallusls the agent for tho Bale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, vlr. i "Tho Improved Singer," "Graver A Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic,'' which are constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frants and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Olke on Market street, east of the railroad. Hempkm.t challenges the country to excel his shadow Photographs. If yon desire cither Fire, Life or Accident In surance in good, reliable and first class Coiiipa ulis, you will liud it to your advantage to cull at Shipman'a ofllee. " Ciiakue in Fikm or TlAHuwAnr. Stork. Tho subscribers would respectfully inform the citi zens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have succeeded Messrs. J. II. Conlcy & Co., in the Hardware business, at tho well known stand In Iluupt's Irou front, No. 83, Market street. They have made large ndditious to the already well selected stock among which will be found many novelties in new and lata styles of staudard hard ware. It will be their effort to keep In stock goods only of a reliable cliarncter, and to otrcr them at price that caunot fail to give satisfac tion and merit a liberal share of trade. By buy ing only for cash, and in largo ipiuiititics, they will be enabled to guarantee the lowo.-t prices to their customers. Mr. J. H. Conlcy would say to his friends that ho will tcniaiu with the now linn and will be happy to stive his old customers, and would respectfully solicit for his successors a eoiitiimanco of the liberal patronage which has be?a so generously extended to him. PAINE A McCORMICK. C. T. 1'ainb, Jas. McCoumick, $ l'OKCGLAix Pictures, and line work a specialty nt Hemperly's. ' PlltfrAl'.ISQ FOR TI1K Holudayj. Win. If. Miller is receiving an extra lot of Hoots it Shoes for the holidays. His stork consists of every variety, and quality, so that every one can pro euro a holli'hty present at a small price. Ills Immense etock Is not excelled in quality any where, and no one has ranso to complain for buyiug at his &tore, ns nil goods are warranted as represented. The latest style can always be Fccnrcd at the Excelsior store. For fine Raising, Curants, Toys, Nuts, and choice candy, po to Uycrly. Order your Oysters for the Holidays from By erly. lie gets up none but the bent always nice and fresh. Svari; Frames of all sizes tirade to order at Huiuperly's. Especial attention to family group at Iletn perly's Gallery. Nothing nicer for a Chrlstmns present than your "photo" nicely framed. Ilemperly puts thern up in etyle. W. M. Dai'oiifutt has removed his marble yard to Fourth stree t, one half square south of the City Hotel, where he has built a Cozey shop, and is ready to make everything in bis lino on short notice. Gkt your pictures taken at JToniperly'e. AsoTiir.it new supply of Furniture has Just beeu opened at t tic Masonic buildings. Many new styles can bo seen there and Holiday pre sents be selected which are not excelled in the city. Ail the furniture Is made up 'of the best material, and in the latest style. Before buying your Christmas presents eall at B. L. Rouden bushs' furniture store. Oft your houses ami homes photographed by leaving your order at Hemperly's Gallery.- ' IIempiShi.y eopfss all kinds of pictures nceu. rately. Be.u;tii-i t.. The new styles of Hats and Caps that adorn the windows of S. Tauu's hat store, on Market street, are beautiful. His fall and winter stock is superior to any ever seen in this place. All the latest styles, uud of the best qua lity, are to be found at his establishment, and at prices to suit the times. Foil the lloitsi:. lull noun or Epidemic Ca tarrh. This being a typhod disease, requires a sustaining treatment or success wiil be doubtful. Those not knowing Loff to treat the above dis ease, call on Nlfl.tf. JAMES VANDYKE, Snnbnry, Pa. Thb general cry is lieuiperly takes the best pic tures ui the county. For Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spices, Dried fruit, Ac, go to Byerly's and save, money. W. II. F. Weiiner has Just received his second purchase of fall and winter goods, cheaper than ever. His stock of ladies' dress goods, water pioofs, furs, carpets, oil cloths, fine groceries, aud In fact everything to suit the taste and fancy, and at prices astonishingly low. He sells for ready cash, uud will not buuudersold by any one. Give him a call, and be convinced tact U'ulmer's popular cash store Is the place to secure bargains. Hoi se and Lot von Sale. A new cottage house, with all the modern Improvements, locat ed in Purdytown, on the Cattawlssu road, Is of- lere t tor tale nt a reasonable price. Apply to C. P. tfoasholti, Buubury, Pa. A Sewino M.vcnisK for a New Year's Gift. Messrs. Clement and Dissiiigcr propose ta give a chance to their customers to secure a tandtome New Year's gift Every customer buying five dollars' worth of joods nt their store, aud pay ing the cash, will receive a ticket which will en title the holder t ;" chance In the drawing for a celebrated sewing rii' bine worth f 65, tho draw ing to take place on Kew Year's morning. There is a splendid lot of goods ta select from at the "Star" Store, aud buyers cannot ony Tnwhase at tho lowest rates but will bavo p."-' so se cure a sewing machine thai wlH 'f econo mize iu making upthe goods, ' Call as'dses their new stoek of goods just cp:e';ed, aud ce:ure ticket to J :;.' a hauden:e pres1 Vrh'atr,ifis (ro not undersold' in this vle'.ii'.tv Acotioh. -Great bargains have been mnde of late at the auction store, In Miller's block, on Third street, In this plat-e. ' Th room Is crowd ed every evening, and good Of every description are purchased at the lowest figures. Tho gentle men who conduct the auction give every advant age to buyer, and if goods do not prove as repre sented, If returned, tho money will Lo refunded. Pursuing such an honorable course, they will no doubt continue to do a good bnsincst In selling goods. Goltj Chains, Opera, Matinee and Leoutlne at A. M. Moixoll's. Miss Lon 8mp.st.Kii has Jnst returned from Philadelphia with a fine ns'ortmcnt of the latest styles of winter hats and bonnets. Also, a great variety of bows and ties for the neck. Peart lnco collars, ifcc. handsome dolls, nicely dress ed ( slipper patterns, cushions, and an endless Variety of goods too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold at very low prices. A glance at her window will convince the public of tho cha racter of her stock of goods. Go to Shlpman aud get a policy of Insurance on your life, aud present it to yonr wife as a Christmas Gift. Finh Gold Watches, for Christmas presents, at A. M. Melxell's. ; Call on A. J. Rtroh and settle before tho 1st of Jauuary next, or you might get tho rppcr-Biied-you. Diamond, Stone, Cameo, Amclhlst and Tope rings, perfectly handsome for Christmas pre sents at A. M. Melxell's. Holiday Gifts, useful presents at Dr. Martin and Co's Drug Store, Clement House building, Third street. Tub best assortment of Watches and Jewelry in the city at A. M. Melxell's. Byerly bought his toys in New York, aud can sell them for less money than most others. Be sure nnd go to Byerly for your Holiday Presents, and save money. An linmeuso lot, of great va riety, to select from.. Am lrnmftuso stock of Frames Just received at Hemperly's Photograph Gallery. -. tiure Look at the notice of J. our advertising columns. H. Civilct A Co., In Tim members of the Sunbury Cornet Band have secured the services of Mr. I. D. C. Clymer as tsncher, nnd wo are pleased to learn are ra pi lly improving under his leadership. Tub Augusta Bank, In C'uketown, Is now in operation. The ollleers pay interest on deposits. Tiik annual Festival will be held in this place by the members of the Episcopal Church, on the 2Stli Inst. Rev. Vandiue w ill deliver an ad dress on the occasion. Thf. Secretary of the Sunbury Fire Insnrnnco Company, C. A. Eelinensnyder, has lately rellt ted his office with the expectation of doing an increased business for the Company, aud making all comfortable that visit the headquarters of that company. A Hon. The annual Hop of the Sunbury Steam Fire Company, No. 1, will take place In their hall, on Friday evening, December 20th. . The i. II, lu ft I lull I lllllllnl J1-l.l.llluvi AULll. , x ill-' , . ... , . n.i . , , , . desperate attempt Ja Citane on a bitrsiUy even- roeeeds nre to be applied to further equipments 1 , ', .,,,... , V i . I lug last. Having Jiled thcrivetoffhis manacles, r the company a la rife number of the mem- ;, . , . '- . . . - . .. - . . . , , ,. . . , ., . i he sot Ei'e to his. room, expecttn thrpagathoex lm's being vet unequipped. It is hopod tliut our ... ' Vi . r proee for be citlmis will lend their aid in tho furtherance of this purpose by purchasing tickets which cun be had at $1.00. Wb regret to 6tato that our friend and efficient new Protlionolnry, L. T. Rohrbacb, met with u serious accident on Tuesday last. While in the net of stepping upon a porch at his residence ou Chestnut street, he missed his foothold nud fell, spraining his ankle so severely that ho was una ble to go to his olHee. On Thursday he. howevr, made his apponrauce on crutchos to uttend to his official duties. We hope that he may speed ily recover tho use of his foot and be enabled lo attend regularly to business nguin. We nre, informed that Henry Bubb, of Wash ington township, this county, cnino ue;ir freezing to'dcath oil Jacob's ridge, week before last. He had been attending a shooting match nt Kling crstown, and on his uny homeward parted from his companions on the road, and being snmewhul under the influence of liquor, he laid down, and was found the ne.it morning frozen stiff life al most extinct. He was taken to the hotel of Mr. Kehrcs, nud Pr. Hans called, under whose treat ment he is fast recovering. New Billiard Saloon. Mr. Albert Haas has leased part of the Dewurt block, ou Market street, j und built an addition to the buck part enlarging j the room, which has been fitted up handsomely for a billiard saloon. Tho room is on tho first floor, and Is well ventilated. Those who delight In practicing with the cue will liud Huas' saloon a first class resort. A Pktitiom was presented at last court for the opeuiug of a new road from the Bahjy farm to Market street In 'this borough, very necessary. Since tho D. A W This road is ltallrond h:is bceu completed truyul a) U40 river road isuiiBafu, and many country peoplo are prevented from a regular market attendance in this place. We hope the road may be opened at an early day. Jamks Cole who was committed. a few week ago for stealing a pair of boots,, made several at tempts to escape from prison, lately. Ho Is now well secured, and will stand a good chance of be ing placed where he will be able to leurn a trade, and keep him out of mischief for some tlnio to come. Os Saturday ia6t, ajournal belonging to n shaft In the steam saw mill of Musors. 1' riling. .Bowen & Engle, became hot, and Bet flro to the timbers tinder the floor. An alarm was given, but be fore the fire engine could be got there the fire was extinguished. " It has been suggested that a fire bell bo placed on the building to give the alarm iu case of Are, which we thluk is a good suggestion, i Larue Sale of Real Estate. On Tuesday last the property belonging to the cstuto of Ed. Y. Bright, dec. Was . olleruil at nubile sale. and the following lots were sold, vis I No. 6 in m ' brick row, on Chestnut stroct to Thomas Gaiing er for 3, 100. A frame ho us cm Fourth street, to Dr. Whect, the present ocaapant, for $1,812 SO. No. 1 of the Waluut Btrect row to J. C. Eiehholtz for 2,850. No. 4 In said row to Henry Weaver for 8,300. No. 1, in Vlue street row, to John Jrwiji, the protenr occupant, for,550..o". 2, in same row, to Mr. Aitick. for 11,600. The sale of seven more houses advertised, was post poned until to-day (Saturday.) Halo to tuko place at the Court Mouse. ' '' ' Wb were In error last week In stating that a daughter of Mr. R. Garlngor had been killed At the same place Mr. Garluger lost his life on Tuesday evenlinr of last week. , The lady killed was Miss Ilolli.fibach. Miss Garinger, daughter of the deceased, died of consumption. Thomas Garinger, a sou. was drowned In the river May 6, 1871, FrauMln and Ira died of consumption during the summer of 18T1. Two Girls named Moyer and Wearer were' playlug -on the ice n" Sunday last, at MJUers bur, Dauphin county, aud broke through, one of wjioia Mtryer, w"s drowned. A Mr. Hint tie went to their rescue, and in saving Miss We- v wr i-joit Mr drowning himself. ' Aw Error. During our absence In Philadel phia week before, last, provoking error was made In the printing of the blank Jury notices for Sheriff Rothermel, which we learn is being handled to our Injury by the political opponents of this ofllee.. The loudest or thorn Is the old deputy who will be retained for i short tlnio In that office. The error consisted of the word af ternoon Instead Of fortnoon which, the deputy ought to have discovered whilst filling' them out. Tho notices would not, however, have "Invalidat ed the entire service" as our neighbor of the D rrwerat wauls to make It appear. It appears sin gular that an txptrUnetd deputy would allow no tices to be filled out without discovering such an error. But as Ids critic eye did not discover Rn error In an Important writ which he wrote out for publication week before InBt, until after tho pa per was printed, we presume that his correctness In the capacity la which ho is acting to-day Is no more complete, after three years expeiienco ns the active man in the (sheriffs ofllee, than is that of the litlli boy who printed the provoking blanks after an experience of only eighteen months nt his business. Mistakes arc unavoidable Its our business, and will occur occasionally with tho best of us. Wb claim, particularly as fur as Job work Is concerned, to bo us exempt from error as most of the profession, but we doubt wheth er we could mako that assertion if tho present deputy were our proof reader. Tub Swi&ury Daily, published by J. E. Eieh hoitz, made Its appearance on Friday morning last. JWc have roeolved several qopies of It, which Indicate that It Is destined to be n lively lo-c-vl paper. As an experiment It Is as well gotten up as could be expected. Tim members of Pilgiim Kneuinpment, I. O. of O. F.', located at Milton, celebrated" their filth anniversary In the Odd-Fellows Halt, on Tues day evening last. In a becoming manner. A ve ry aWo address on Odd-FclloVBhlp was deliver ed bv A. N. Urlce. Esq., 6f this place, giving nuinv historical facts la relation to the Order j from Its origin to the present ihiy, nnd its -progress from the time of its institution. Ho was followed by Y. Snydei of the Encampment, who gave a sketch of the Pilgrim Encampment from its institution. About 9 o'clock, the members j and guests adjourned to Huff's Hotel, where a 1 splendid Oyster supjicr was served by mine host, ! Capt. J. M. Huff, to which nn.ple justice was done, after which the members separated highly I grutilied at the evening's entertainment. EMi.nzzi.ru A hrksttid. About two years ago ; Mr. Johu 15. Leiubjeh, of Turbutville, employed j one Patrick Q'linn to take a drove of cattle to.i Pottsville, valued at ttiOJ, nud dispose of them to tho bet advantage. Patrick told tho cuttle, i put tho proceeds In his pockets and left for parts ' unknown. Hi6 whereabouts remained a mystery j until this week, when Mr. Isaiah Gossler, u go- I veilimclit detective, by some means, learned that Patrick was living and thriving In Philadelphia. A warrant was procured and Mr. Gussler went to tho city, had lirni arrested and 'relumed on Wednesday mornliiif aud handed lbs prisoner ov er to Sheriff Rot hei mel. Ho will bo tried at next, term of court for larceny and embezzlement. Detitncrat of hut irc . k. Dlisl'KRATI! ATTT.MPT TO F.SCAPK JAIL. Jilll Cole, 111 Jail for stealing a pair of boots, mado n cilcuicut to escape. The timely dise'every of the" lire by Sheriff Rothermel, saved a conflagration and the escape of the prisoner. j CilAXUE. Thadeus S. Shannon, Jeweler, sold his magnificent jewelry Etoro, on the comer of j Market nnd Third streets, to J. T, Kapp, Esq., ; on Wednesday Inst. Mr. Kapp t akes immediate possession, Mr. Shannon remaining with him for I a time as an aoslstant. l WHEREAS, nt an Orphans' Court held in Council Iro-etHi.gs. I Sunbury, in and f r the county of Northir.nlier- Si'Mintr, December 10, 1SW. j la:"'' U,t: r""r,,U f November, hi the Vcir r.r .. ., ., ,. , , ! our Lord ono thousand i itrlit bundre.l and h'Vimi- Councl meti Chief Burgess Mnhck in the ty-twn, before the Honorable Win. M. Koekel'el Chalr. Members present, Charles Gu'ringer, ! ler. Esq., President, and his Associate Jute. Ceo. B. Cndwallader, J. A. Cake, V. L. Dewart. J. C. Irwin, and John B. Gadwallader. Minutes of last meeting read und approved. On motion of Geo, B. C'ddwalhider, 7?iWivc, That the Oidinauea restricting the. market Ordl nanee'lH) suspended until further action of tbo Council ; adopted. " ; . ; Win. I,. Dewait offered the followlugf a, la consequence or liie unpaid Hounty lloade, created by the wir, Against the borough of Sun bury i uui BVjVim Hie ceuuty of Northnr.iber land has obtained h jndginont agaihst said bor otish for some four thousand dollars for an al ledged subscription to the huihling of the new Court House; and Wliertas, the necessary Im provements in tilling up, grading and paving the streets of said borough, and otherwise adding lo the health, comfort and beauty of the town ; b:iy ing a stoam engine, and buildirg an cngiue house and council chamber, has alono incurred Us lia bilities ; and 1(7iitiis, it Is not proper to Uy a lax now upon tho present luhabitants to meet all these claims because It would be onerous aud burdensome ; Therefore, itaolutd, That the Fi- i nance Committee tie Instructed to draw up a Bill i In the huuJs of the Hon. M. Dill, our Senator, and Dr. Dcwiit and.-Ur. Aiunicf man, our rcpre-eiltoltve, t have enacted. Into n law by yite tiest Te'jislalilre, uu' hoiiziiig .the Burgess and town Council ot the borough ol Sun bin V to issue Bond to the amouul of thiry-tive thousand dollars, bearing interest at tilt) l'tite of seven per cent, per annum, a'ul iuterit being payable semi-annually 'by the means of Coupons ultuclicd lo said Biudn,aiid which Coupons btiall be. receivable for all taxes laid by said Council,) und to rua for teu years from tho dote wXlhe is sue of said bonds tor the purpose of fuiidiug and consolidating tho whole ouutauding debt of w hat soever nature it may be, ugaiust said bor ough, ouj lor such other purposes as the next and all succeeding councils shall, In their wis dom deem proper mid advisable, and that the former uct, authorizing this borough to issue Bonds to the amount of Ufty thousand dollars be repealed ; adopted. On motion of G. B. Cud wallader, Jiti4olifil, TJiatlhe house Committee of the eiijB uoiu-e, wit.U the Chief Burgess aa Chairman, be authorized to purchase a laige sized heater, of sueJi paltvtu us Uiey -may deter mine, for the use of the engine house, and coun cil room, nnd have the same put up at once ; aud that the committee bo authorized tp dispose of the stoves now in said building to the best ad vantage, and report their action at the next reg ular meeting of the Council ; adopted. On mo tion of G. U. Cadwallailei, JtmUvcd, That inns ",uc.h "8 B"e'"V: um? P--1 tm.nta tn I I .Mliinll dial In, n 1 1 ,n 11 .lurt rw.l ,1.. incuts to the Council that lie luiMiudurstood the action ol'Uio (Jouncii with: rsgiird to bis. settle ment, that tho Council withdraw any blame, at, tached to kim for nut settling previous to this date i adopted. On motion of Wm. L. Dewurt, Jteialeed, That J. A. Cr-ke be authorized to have three lump posts put up iu Cake's addition, not to exeoed t-13 per post ; mid that bo receive bor ough Orders for the same, uud.tS per month per post for lighting them adoutod. Oa motion of G. B.4Jadwulladr, JtenelxtU, That an Order -bo granted tn Rohrabneh A Sou for the sum of six hundred dollars' on account of iron fence adopt cd. BILLS FRRSBNTID AND OHIIIRS GRANTED. Rohrbacb A Son, ou ac. lion fence, Johu Haas A Co., borouiru Bond dated June 14, 1870, 3,0O0. Interest from June 14, '70 to December 7'J, Borough Bond dated June 14, .'70, tJ.OOO. Jnte,ret from June J4, '70 to Vc. 14,'73, Bond dated Kirch 17, 'fl. iuturest from March 17, '03 to December 17, '73, George Weiser, James Farrow, aoo oo soo 800 100 40 50 648 50 8 00 6' as 1,654 75 On motion, Council Adjourned. - P.W. GRAT, Cllr. Tn Snnbury correspondent of tho Jlfiltonmn gives the following item of news to that paper In act wok's lssu i'tA. most Iniquitous proceed ing has been going on of late, fostered by soma parties, to erect a road In Upper Auguf ta town ship, npar Sunbury, which road ns laid out runn nearly parnllcl With Fourth street of said Bor ough. In laying flut tie road It has been viewed and damnges assessed. Among the damans the County has been charged by tho viawnta with na mage to the brewery of Jocph Bachcr to tho amount of 43,0:)O and t4,0U0 and to tho property of J. W. Cako to a liko amount. Exceptions have been fllod, and tho whole matter will come before the Court. We hope tho Court In Its In tegrity, will set aside the wholo proceeding and kick the whole project, to the. dogs ! It Is an outrage that such proceeding Bhoiild be al lowed. A road where this one Is laid out is of do more use than ft fifth wheel to ft wagon. There Is a hNtory in this particular mad busi ness which will cxposo lllu original movers m It to their shame to the people of the county. We den't blame those who have been damaged In getting all they arc entitled to. Thcia arc other parties who need reviewing, and If they live long enough thoy will get It. Trial 1.11. FOR COURT COMMENCING JANUARY in, 1873. The County of Northumberland ys Geo. McElicc? S.imo vs Philip Winterstein, tt. al. Ellas Seller vs. John M. Wllmor. Win. A. Gibson vs. Peter Wolf. Frlliug, Bowen A F.ngte vs. tho t. H. & W. U. R. Company. E. D. Kattertl'eld A Co. Vs. William Rthrer. Catharine Duud vs. tho Enterprise Coal Conip . ny and Robert Ammerman. Catharine Reed et. al. vs. tho Catawissa R. P.. Company. Wm. Lewis Vs. James Maloue. Pele.r Duukla vs. 11. B. Shellenbcrger. George C. Walker Vs. the N. C. It. R. Cmnp my. Frank Parsing vs. the township of Ml. Cai nel. Wm. M. Cairn vs. Win. a-id Sam'l HubecI. Win. Roto vs. Edward Kline, Samuel C. ilrysim vs. the School Eircctors of De laware township. John W. Hentlier vs. W. D. Morchead. I'elrr Geaiheart et al. vs. the 1). II. W. R. R. Comnanv Tho3 It. Hull vs. John P. Summers. Be.uJ. Wet.cl vs. N-ilhan Unas. Jacob Roup vs. Johu Leiliy. Boyd and Clayberger vs. the Burnside Coal and 1 ron Company. Chas. Romig vs. Lambert Jarrett and wife. Cornaze Hart vs. the twp. of Ml. Curmel. Miller, Forney it Co. vs. David Ileiser. Valentine W. Fisher vs. ShulU, lieuhlcl aud Gulp Samuel Harrison vs. Jelli:rson Johu. Jno. A. J. CuniiniDgs vs. David V). DavU and V. H. Lcrch. John Bartholomew, Sr., vs. .las. II. McGoriuiek. 15 on,l . Willianisim vs. J. II. Met'ormlel;. J. it. Kulp vs. Christian Gunseit. Geo. Bower vs. Jas. II. MiConniek. Georgo W ills s. Jus. II. M' CormicI:. John R. Seller va. John II. Foresinan. John F. Wolllnger vs. John Porter, adminlr tra- tor of Martin Billinyer, dee'd. James I). Gehring vs. L. L. SclJlotuun. TRIAL LIST FOR ADJOURNED COURT, DEC EM II Ell 80. Wm. I. Grccnoiisrh vs. The Fulton Coal Co., The Excelsior Coal Mining Co., Tho Enterprise Coal Co., John U. Polity and John H. Gable, t'otnly and Packer, Attorney for PUT; Gowan, Woo i ward, Woivcrton and George for Dells. Henry Seylor and others vs. Andrew Mastwii k nod others. Wolvetton for I'lff j Packer for De fendant. ' llenrv Savior vs. air.e. Attornevs si me. In Shnimikin township, on the lOthinst., WIL LIAM MUENC1I, ton of Jacob F. Muciich, PgcJ about 10 vears. TV HUT OF PARTITION. John Klaso ) Ret lima!; vs January T The heirs of Valentine Klusc,duc. ) 1S7J. NouTiitMiiriu.AM) Coram-, s. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to th1 Sh rill' of Northumberland County, (ire. tiii'r : ' Court. In the matter ol thecslats of Vnl- etitine Klnse, deceased. The petition of John Klase, of the township of Miainokiu, Northum berland county, in the Slate of I'ei.tiM Ivania, was presented. Betting forth that the said Valen tine Klase, lately died intcstute, leaviiiu' a widow, Mary Klnse. and tho follow inir mimed children, to wit : Calamine, now Intermarried with Ab ram Kiner, Eve, now Intermarried with I. W. Lcrch, John Klase, William II. Klase, Levina, intermarried with Isaac Bouthner. Clara Bonuh ner and Goorgn Iimighncr, Sarah Wiire now in termarried with Noah Ware, Valentine Klase, Hannah, now Intermarried u Kb Daniel DoulKich, Susannah, now iutei married with Georgo A lams, that the said decedent, Valentine Khue, died iu fee of, mid In a certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate it) the borough of tSnydertown.eon -ty and State nforcsui I, containing one hnmlrel and foity acres, more or less, nnd h .unded ns follows : ou tint east by lands of Daniel II. Ev ert, ou vlia south by lands of Samuel Holrnian, Klue, and publio road lcadiug fioni ttnydortown to turnpike, and land of John Wagner and Ben jamin Hoy, ou the south-west Sla::e!, and mi the north-wept by Isaac Gonsert, n.il oa the north hv Jacob Gouseit, This Is to notify you nnd each of vo l herein above named, and you nre hereby notiii.'J that by virtue oftha above writ tome directed, an in- quest will be held of ihe premises of the above j named Valentine Klnse, deceased, in Sliau'.okiu i township, Northumberlend county, Petiny!va- j nia, with boundaries herein above eA.n, on Wednesday, January 8, 17:1, nt 10 o'ehek, a. m., lor the purjaise of making' part .1 ion of as to I value, and appraise the real estate heivin ab ivo j described of the said decedant.at wl ieh time and place you may each and all appcur If you think ! proper. I 8. H. ROTHEP.MEI., Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollice. j Punbnry, November lio, 1872. Rule outbti Iloirs or I'll : Up HcvU ort, Ivceu4l. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, ) , , A'orthwnbtrlanil L'mmtij, ' To THE SlMCHll'F OP SAID Coi'NTY Glir.r.TtSG : We command you, that you notify Anu Mary Ilcekert, w idow of Philip lleckert. into of said county, deceased, Philip lleckert, Susannah, in termarried with Philip Tschopp, Michael lleck ert, Mary, intermarried with leaae Ji. Ro-sh-r, Emanuel lleckert, Rachel lleckert, Calhariue, intermarried with William Lemiiiau, Andrew lleckert, Lilly, Minerva, Uriah Ellsweilh and Henry, children cf Henry lleckert dee'd, who have for their guardian Emanuel lleckert, Ann Mary, Fhilip aud Dunlel, cblldrfii of Daniel lleckert, dee'd, who reside In Marshall county, State of Iowa, all heirs and legal representatives of Fldlip Heckert, dee'd, that nt tho Novem ber Term of Orphans' Court, held ut Sunbury, In und for the county of Northiimbmivud, on the 13th day of November, A. D., 1872, u Rule was irranted upon them, the said heirs, aud legal re presentatives of said dceedent,' commanding them to come ti rward und accept or refuse tho real cstuto of Suld decedent at the vutuatiuu put upon the same by an luquisition Issuing out of this Court, at November Term, 1873, or show cause by the first Monday of Juuuary, l87o, oi show pause why the same should not be sold ac cording to the aet of nsucuibly iu uch case mado and provided, Wituess the nou. William M. Rockefel LS ler, President of our said Court, this twentyevculh day of November, A. D., 1873. J. LEISENRING, Clerk O, C. Register's Office, Sunbury, Nov. HO, 1S72. 3t. t ADJOURNED COURT. Proclaiuallou. WflEREAS the Honorable Wuu M. Rocke feller, President Judge, and his Associates, for this District, have issued their mandate for an adjourned Court for Noithu'jjbeiland county, to bo held ou Mondavi he WHh of He- cumber, A. I)., 1S7J, being the 5th Monday of said mouth, Inhunbury, and to last ono work. I therefore give notice to all jurymen drawu for this Court, and all others lutore.ted, to be aud appear at the pln.ee aforesaid at 10 o'clock, ft. ro. of said day. 8AMl-F.l II. U.OTllERMr-L, Sheriff. .Sheriff's QQice, Suubnry, November 25th, 18T3. .icb Dlitrtismcnls. . IIo. 10, Qoutli Tiiird Street, . Clement Hcnss Mil, Sitafj, Pa. m. C. M. MARTIN & CO. WE nre now opening an entirely new stocit of DKUGS AND MfeniCINKS, and are prepared to supply any article In otir lino that may be called for, wu have also a fnll Stock of nil tlui leading Patent Medicines. Flue Perfu mery and Toilet Articles ft speciality, a fnll as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other Brushes, Dressing and other Combs In great vai Icty. I'l.VK TOIIXT KOAPA, a fall lino Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper wholo or ground, Cnstllo and Laundry Soaps, Lump Chimneys aud Lamp Good generally. Bird Hoed in largo or buik.I quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fall stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Ellxers and Pills of U. 8- P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Mini's nnd other Plasters, Ayer's, Wright's, Schcnk's Mandrake, McLano's Liver and idher Pills, our stock embraces every, i h:n;: fo'ind In a well conducted Drugstore, Conriry 1'hynicinnR will tind our slock lull aud complete, and wo guarantee lo sell nslnwas the nee nrtiei .is can bo bought in Philadelphia, eh oife. Wit:"?, Whiskey and Brandy for Medicin al purposes. October 5, I '-".7". V.'i',l be sold nt pnl. ,1c sule, on SATURDAY. theUi -t day of DKHEMBKU, ft certain l ot of Grour.d. loeat '.1 In the cuntva! part of Sunbury, on which Is eteeti 1 a II. in TWO STORY FRAMK D'.VF.LLTNfJ HOUSE, weM ll'.i!..-,iie(l, contaiuilig to rooms on first floor and tarrfnbovp, out kitchen, porch, A:e. I llou'C is qnilo Lew Willi everv convent-lie, ' e u!i oVes, Sui Lot fronts on Third slree, is j US feet Viout by lie) feel in depth with an alley i goo l Unit on lot, water next door. j hale tn comMi-nce at 10 n. tn. on said day : when C:e Ciiiidilhnx will be made known hv j HARRIET MARTIN. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 17J. The Vail mid Whiter stock of Goods at j Mil:; I.. Htlwr'H ftro, j Market Street, Siiubnry, . T A : F,S T II 12 L K A 1) . i Every article ill the line of Millinery Goods can be purchased nt her cstabiismeut, com prising of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS, FRAMES, FLOW E US, CRAPt.fi, RIBBONS, LACES, TURQUOISE, uud all the leading styles of ladies' Millinery wear, NOTIONS, a g-neral Variety. HANDKER CHIEFS, G LOVES, HOSE, Ac. The ladles of Sunbury and vicinity are Invited to call and examine the gem goods now in my Store. MISS L. WEISER. November 10, 1S72. $-j:,000 WORTH OF GOODS! AT THE STAB STORE OF Clement & Dissinger's, in the in w Clement Building, JCitveii't fiqutsrc, Nualturj, 1'it. - Jii.-t opened tho FALL AND WINTER GOODS! of beautiful designs. CLOTHS, CASSIMERESuna sum .si;.--, Domestic-:, i.nd Notions. Curpcts anil Oil Cloths. RL r;c coops, L idles Merino Under Garment, Mi.v-cs alio t'TiI-lres' do Men ai. i! Boys' do lloti.'iy, tiinves. .t-'. An uulless Vaiiely of Notions, TiiiniHing:,c"vC. t L" i: 12X YA IiC, Y 1 1 ,U) YV W'A 1 1 12, tVf., &.C., ifvL". I'or Our Iriiecry (c:irtiaeui, We claim unusual aHanta-:es. The quantity sold oli, lues us to purchase lieq'.n-nt'.y and en lomcru can rely upou getting fi'eili, wholes. une articles. Our !' CuiI- uutl oliou I'iar! iii cut Embraces everything require. from Pius to Carpets. And we are dally receiving the novel ties ot the seasoa. Call and oinmiue our stock. Having our siore lithled with (ins, aoods can bo seleeied in the cvoniiiir us well as in ilm day time. No charges for showing goods. CLEMENT & HISSING ER. Nor. 2, 1872. M2.AV, (;it aj orr.xi.voi OF FAU, AND "WINTER GOODS, nt the Store of He 'tl tirolwt'i' A hit'ifslioll, (succcssi.i s to S. O. Ileed.t Urn.) COMPRISING OF DRY COOPS cf every d '-criptiou and variety Much as Durss vJODle. .MKUIMiS, I. AsIlMl!lir:S,tA'lINS, Al.l'A- e'Aa. Pin'tiN. iVi i'l.AtN K ii;;i:ut tin j:s, L-.'AV.t.S AND t'UA'l:!, liOMElt.', Illld .1 1'UI.L AsuyllTSlENT OF XoTI..N:-, which are being sold ntthelowe-t Cash Pricea. ALaO, UROCERll-ji AND PROVISIONS, j.'.n e and fresh. IJUEKXSWAKK, (tLAsSWAKK. AND WOOD and Willow Wakk, Xkcst Pitfiniisof Pinur cotis-titnlly ou liauil. A very largo ASSORTMENT OF WALLPAPER, both clazed and common, always on baud. BOOTS AND .SHOES from the eelcVatcd hand trade Root a.id Shoo Manufactory of Watsontowu, for MEN", WOMEN AND CHILDREN. UEAlt Y-2IADK CLOTIIIXC, of ail eiiesaiid of the latest styles. F L O U K . A constant supply of western white wheat Hour $ speciality. The public are invited to cull and examine our Goods live of charge. Our motto is "i,uick Sales and Siniill l'rolits," nnd to please all. The highest prices will be paid for ull kinds of country produce. lly strict Hlteutlon to btislucss nud keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling ut the lowest piices, we hope to merit a fJ" share of patronagu. REED UROTHER A SKASHOLTZ. Sunbury, Nov. a, lSTU.-ly. "TO'I'ICF. Is hereby given that wo have pur ,11 chased the following article ul Constable bale, an the lDth day of NOVEMBER, nnd that tvehave loaned the same lo J. H. Roshou of Up per August township. NoiUiuiuberhind Coun ty, Pu., during our will i.i.d jilcasure, 1 table, clock, louuge, Ii choirs, roeklug chair, looking glass, Limp, 40 yard of carpet, parlor stove, desk, bedsteads aud bedding, wasl. stand, table, 2 woodcu buckets, (milting fiaino, 1 i arel vlue gur, 1 ruin barrel, 1 express toilet, IS bushels of potatoes, tub of pickles, a lot of cabbiigu, a lot of Jars aud fruit, 18 pair of chickens uud one hog- S. O. EEF.D & CO. Sunbury, Nov. 80, S7'3. St. JVOTHK.. "VTOTICF. is hereby given to all who aro iu A.N debted 10 the lute llrm of Helliier it Hough ton, In the hutcbury business in the borough of Noiiiiiiinberland, to cure forward and settle their accounts aith un.lt rsiuncd surviving part ner, as tho busiuess of the linn muat be settled without delay. 1 1. M. HOU.tlHTON. Aroiihumberland, Ta., Sot. 38, ,7 '. It. HIMIIAUT'N ViXi: TRICK TAU rortIBAI KATVlttis G.UKAL llEMhDY roit tiir , THROAT AND TiUXG.1. It is gratifying to ns lo Inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wlsbarl's Pino Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, bus gained an en viable reputation from tho Atlantic to the Paci fic coast) nnd from thence to somo of the first families of Europe, not through tho press alone, but by persons throughout tho States actually benefitted and cured al lilsolllcc. Wliilohc pub lishes lens, so sny bur repoitcrs, ho Is iiiiablo to supply tho demand. It gains and hnl.lr. lis r-pu. tatlon First. Not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing nii-1 assisting nuturo to throw oil' tho un healthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tildes, which causes Irritation. Second. It removes tho cause of irritation (which produces cough) of the mucnous in' tn brano uud bronchial tubes, a-slsts the lungs to act and throw off tho unhealthy socntious, and pnrifi-'s the, blood. Third. It is free from sipii'.l.i, lobelia, ipeccs and opium, of which most thioat and lung re medies are composed, which allay cough o;i'y, and dii-oiguiiizB the itoinecli. It has a soothing effect on the st'Anncli, hiU on the liver and kid ne)i,, and lymphatic mid nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and in its Invigorating and purifying ctl'eels it lus gained a reputation which it ina-:t. hold above all others li the mark'-l. TIIK l'IN'i: TllliK TAll CORMAI;, .'onl . iin-rie-nn Ivj Nj ;t,5a F:5!s ivoiiM .bf.v.i.' nnors Bring under my immcdi.il.) not loose their curative qm cheap and iini'iire articles. dir.- lion s by tiny sh i'l tllll ush of ji i: x ;: v si . vv i tn n a h t , l'uori'iiti'jr.. r i: i: i: o f c h a kg i: i Dr, L. O. C. Viliaitrt OlV.eu Par:ois are open on ..loinliiys. J ues Jays and i eduenlay-. lioiu'J A. M., to o 1. M., for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Mugee. Willi him are associated two non suiting pliy.slcb.n.: of a. -kiniwieilu'ed abiiily. This opp.iituni'y is lu.-l od'ered by any iu. lUiiti.ui in the city. All ietii'fs inN( lo RtVBi'tvw.'.l t I.. i. vVISlMUi', 1. !., so. x. .s::coi) sr., PHILADELPHIA. November M, 187. C mo? Th" oldest nnd most rell'.t.'e Institution tahii'..; a M.re intile Edu--atiou. l'le.'-tieal business men as lnstru'tci. For in'ornnil ion, write for a circular to P. DUFF .V. hONS. Piit-I.'.ii-, Pa. Sept. 'i-i, LST.'.oin. I S I . i cisso: FaiiirsnjT 1 1 CHAKLES MAIIIL, Respect :' ilv inf.- till- eiti.i'llS of S'.Plbu! V dud v:mii. v, that lie has o ene-l a TaIiioh chop, on Von i ill Sireit, b.;lo.v Market, in the V ill len building, and lh;.t ho is prepared to m.ke up all kinds of ;r.XTN" ASt liOV'K HZtTH, in the latest styles. 1 1:1 v i.i h.id lu'ieh exper ience in the business he desires tue public- to give him a trial. Clothing will be made up in tha latest Paiis and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. Aug.lVTiJ.-tf. I HARi.FS MAI'.U.. 4 'J'!'.5 H- pon-ilile men as Local Ac.-nt.. to se:l Fruit and oniH.ueiitiil trees in neightioi lioo.ls where they resida. To tlie right parlies veiy lhieral t -r;n - a ml nu opportu nity to v-: -ibSi-h a sale an i ( rotita'.ilc business, .Address Tue- Dmr-v C.una.l Co.. Wliolesalo Nnti'ervmr.i. West liioie, ( he-.t.;r t o., i'u. Nov." Jo, 1ST'.'. li:l. is une li.-ileii by ally kllowu l e'ileri e. It . ill l I'll - i ilieale, extirpate and thoroughly destiny all ooi I conoid saii-tau. -es ia the Hh.a.l au-l uiil eereet .i- ; aliy difptiall J .eui.osl'.ion t j bi.ious dri'ungv j , iiieut. , ii. theie went of ii.'tliu in your Liver and , i Spleen f Unless relii v.-. the hloenl bep-jnics ini- . i pure by ilelerio;.3 iiei'etions, produeiug scr..-;-i-' 1 lous or skindii ese, lliotehes, Felons, i'etiil -s. j Canker, Pimples, .Vu., iVe. ! Have you u dyspeptic fttounieli I l'iiics Ul;.-. n 1 ti ui is promplly ui. led the system l.s debilitated with poverty of the lll .o.l, Dropsical teudeiicy, ; ijcneml weaknesv :i it! Inertia. 1 l.i ve v.i'.i wei.kne.ss of the-Intestines f You . are iu danger nt'Cnronic Hiari'U mor intUmina ' tioii of the I'o'.te'.a. j Have you weakness of tbo Uterine or Uriua'y ! Organs! you are txpotel to sutlerir-g hi its most ti'L'i' iVated term. Aro you deject at, drowsy, dull, sluggish or do piesscd In spirits, with head ace. buck ache, coat ed tongue tind bad tasting mouth f For a certain remedy fur all of t'icie ilLease, Wcakne-ses and troubles i for cl-unsiug and pu rity. ng the. viu'.e I hloo-l and linen ling vlitor to iiH tht viuil forces j fur rulidlng up and icstor- lug rbe weakened constitution Ush J U HUH K li A which Is pronounced by the loading medical a;i thoiilie of l.niuK.n and Palis ttie mo.-t p-.wer-till loivie and n'.ti-riilive known to the medieal world." This is no new and untried discovery but has been long Used by the leading phi niciai.s ol other coiinti lea with wonderful remedial re sults. Don't wuukcu and impair the digestive organs by calh.iitlcs mi I physics, they give only lemoo- raiytclief Indigent ion, Uiitulouey and dyspep sia with piles uud kiLd'.cd diseaiics uru sure t J follow their use. . Keep the ":ocd pure r.nd healthy Is assured. I JOHN il. KELLOtiO, IS Plait M., N. Y. Sols Agcut for the United Sti tts. . Price, SI per Untile. Send forCireu!sr. drl-Hw 1 IVAM'llO A.K.TS tM) nr month to sill tho liupHoveJ Amcrleiin Family Knitting .Ma chine. Iltie iuiplet and best iu Iho world. Ad dress American Knitting .Machine Co., 111;".1!,' Washington street, Rostou, Mast,. t'r T 4w I.OOU3 f'H F.KT4 A l.i.. . . Cj "( per w'k to' tycuts, inula or f.imale. tJi)U To all who -fill wlte for an Asnncy j we send for a tat.V A.f that "Wonder of Won ders," the Iilustiatod Horu of Plenty. It coutaiiu for ol over fifty beautiful Illustrations, ami will be sent For fiill drvrlpilon add ui ilk, address lrrrr.c FREK to al IV ho may write. Address I Oausim!, distcW. jlt'BUAUl) JlUOS.,. FiihlUhe-n, Patcitou, N. J. dr7 4w N-.'S.Ht. ri ii i.c tl-sion i iiimi mm jh jum n ii, j .i i 'i m timmjrrit lAl t'ilV ,V (lit M OM M.V. 10 AI'.T?i want nl.s.r.ute'y the l-i st s-'ll-Jngbooks? fend fur i-iieiiliii-s i,f" Vknt's Una-li-idgeit lllim. I-'amilv Hilile. I M-r lieu pai-c V bv 13 In. '() pag. a Bil.'e. Al.?-. Ac. Af-ahcs-que tn.L.S (illt l.flirc. 1 idasp. .!:a Full i.llt, .T rhispc, 11.(10. '-luMiii: 'I be White Chief'," fur Winter Lve;.lln:, 'J,VU lui'il) r-iuly ' 'I he Aineii can Farmer's Hor. r lio-'k :." Tim Staudird, -ti'.'h 1000 n-fldj, F.-i?o..lic Tieiilm. nls. Kv. C F. Vent, N. i ei Clnciiiir'li, Vent t: vinodri.-h, Clilcaj;o. . " aGEN'I iH WANT ED. A,!,lr ss ."ior'Vlml.Voi't liberal terms rv-r ntl-red. THE UlSCCYEKKR "is:ovr.K.i, nr.. LIVINGSTONE AFR1CA-TIU A.tvea lure The Stunly Livlngslone 1.x'dltliui lo Aln c.i. Liirge octavo volume, 1u,t Issnoil. cut.ta.iis Incidoiits of the Wcnderftil fftreiT of Ihn Grenl I'lnvi lcr, Ilm Country, Animals, Natives. Hunt ing, Ac. Full account ot thU nui hi'.rc(it!i-.g pint of the t'lobe. Outlll unff. r II. Adiiicis I'nhiti Pohlishing Co., Chicago, Hip.; Philadel phia, Pa ; or BpriiiL'buld, Mas. drll-tw mi KiiUCr-WCr. rust Piemlum o KAa.lnsi.i87i Double Elevated Ovuti, Warming Clind. Uri.il. inz Door, l ender Guard, Dtiinpin and fhnkigii Grate, l)ire?t Dralt. FULLER, WARREN CO., 'J110 Wafer Strc.i t. New VorW. tli 1 l-4w g $.r to $2;0 pcu uioiiiLS male, to Introduce, the (ienuine Lnpiove.! t""Comipein Sense Family ScWlnS; MaMilncThh-. 't. macl'lio- will. stiteh, hem. Ie:l, turk, tiullt, f-il, bind, I'la'd nnd ciuiuoiih-r In a mot ""superior iiiann.-.r. Pi ice only 6' lo. 1'iiliy II cenred and wiirraM. il for lit chis. We will i pi.y ti.tjim IV.r ary rn:i"hine linit trill sew a st rung.' r. more bcaai ll ;:l, or mure i hisl ic I'eam 5Ct!n n ions. R makes ilm "Fie.ttic Lock J Mil eh." I-lvry see-mil si ieh can be rut, nud si iil tin- cloth e ine.i -t he pulled apart, without tcarltig il. We pi.y ngeiitB from e".'."i to $::St 1T ii:fe:th r.n I cr.i'-i:-'e--, :i ooni in Ii-.i. . .-. Car from wlilcli t .vii-e Unit iirooe.it nn lie made. Ad In-s Slif.'O.MIt A; CO.. Hi.ston Mass., I l'itis'iu..:h, I I!!., I.-.--I.1 . Mii.-lw IS I fjtl' r. t: ':;ii;s'i On he Une of the Union I'ae'lle Railroad, 11.',-('O').t''la're.-;of the best Farming and Mi-nnal liiu ls in i!ic,iia. .1 Ooii.n'.'l Acre i in Nebraska, in the ' V:41 ley now lor ni'e. .Hilil JitisuU'. E't-s tf f fH, f-r G r. iu e.n.wli-.x an I Slock Raising t"i.iurri;esic.'. by any in the United Slates. Cheaper iii Pri.v. iimin favorable terms L'lveu and mine convenient lo m.irkc' than can be I'onioJ ulsew hrl":. Ki-eelfo:ncsl'C:;i(ls i-i' Act. ml Sotll.tr-' . The bet b ittion for Coloa'a-s ,-'i. Mini s en;' tie I to a Hon;.-:. -ad of Hi.. ..-r. s. Send lor the new Descriptive I'liniiJilet, wild new iimjis, published in Lniile-h, Gr: u Wn, Sir" (lisli and t).iuish, l.iaile.i lice evervvi here. Address, O. F. DAVIS. . Iw. Lnn.l t om'r U. P. R. Co., Omi.ha, Nrb. i tI-:X'3'.i can in it ib belter than si.eu: aa . ...'. .:' V ..r j . . Aiitltur s- t'r ar ' Tlil.'KK YI".!- IS A .V A i .i ' P. i a oinp ;i to lh: t : i ; to th: faiiiona "Ten Nights ii: i, Nca- . fHi.oiHI . oj.'e s b.ivj been i Bnr-Roi old t and iu poi.nhiiiiv is still on the increase I Ono -ingle agent Ii.i told upwards of 1 ,0uO cop- it.-s. S'-eire ten itnvv at iniee. J. M. SI'OD i DART A- CO.. l'r.' iisli. . rs. l'liilailrlphia. ds. --' font'V c.irlly in i.b with Si. .il ind te; - i" Check' outfit, l-i'! Circular-. i'i' -e, S'lUl'orJ M'f's Co. l.ii Fulton St. N. V. Tr7 4v A?al'.jT"S'.i, It hclln tIvlt among ulltta sis. til. I pu.ple, thJ inie'die iig.'d, these nil aiii liu t cut c.i in.: 11. e, and vojt'.i ot buth sei.es Ijuj and r.'.id.with th irre-at'esl. prutit. My JolJ.V ViUND'i SKCRKT, MO LEWIS' let' and l.-.-i Rook. It is iiieeti'i;: w it b iho grcat-t auivuts ) auS there's ino:)-'.'- iu U. Scud for ...ii- . ii.-iil.ir. etc.. -which are fir. Ilee. OKU. MA CI. FAN, Pl.ila.'eli'.hla. ilrT 4' I AORN'IS WASTF.DFO:'. riif Lltil'.T IN THE EASi' The must most comprehensive aud Valuable re lieiouswoik i-v.-r puhiih.-d ; al.-o, for our new ill ii -t rale I L.imilv lili!c, containing b'JO 11 ni Miiame illi-trutii.iiis. and Dr. Smith V eouijilei.i Di -iiona'.--. "f tiie llii.lr. S-.-uJ for PrVpc-tnt and .'iie-nars, laid we sir. .'' you h it airenie say of Ihi the best nn l cheapest Family p'ii.ie, nji I how fa-' lli'-v a n- -e ii'i-ii. Address NA '.' 1 1 iN'.Vl. PI-liLl'SiUNw Co., l'tii'alelphin, Pa .4 IltfV'i' be deceive, l et for co.iths. ool .i-, sore throat ho. iseiie.-a;i 1 i-oii- hial il.'.'iuiti-.-s, u: C onlv 't'ils ;.!:!. I r.tiSetM, Worthless iniil-ilhiiis me on tl.e"' ::.e.rliut, lm'. the only srlcnlilie preparation of .e;i loi'.c Aci.i for Lung di-eneet. is when cl.ouiiciil.'y combi.ufu with 6:1. r veil known icmedics, as in these ':a- bl.cts, nnd all parties are cautioned ,.n:t usluy any other. Iu ali e.is. of inilation ..'the mue 1'ilUle l l.Cse 1 M tllets s iioul.l I; ; ! 'ccU.VU a!, iliel. cieausiue- nnd he.iling propert 'e.- areasiouishl:''-. lie wariicdj M.'vrr n -gleet a cobjj'it is easily, cured iu its incipient state, when, it be.-omsi. chronic the cure is eeee iiuuiy . ..rlculr, es We' N' ( ai bolie Tablets as n sp.'e'ttie. JOHN tj. KI-'Ll.O.l'... IS l'::iil New York, N'.'.liv. S!o!..l'.'IiI for United Slates. Pi!"r '',ri cents a box.. Sen. I for Circu'.n.". fiRF.VT OFFER ! iliun. R "watkh... 4. J V liroadway, N.Y., will di-tp..?? of Wi Piano Melod. oiis, and Or.'.-u-s, of slv lir?t cla.-s inal'.in;' ilit-lil'!i;g Wntei's at very I'.w prices for cm ... ) p.ut cash, and P.. lane" in small month! iusta! II. rut.. New 7 octllV.1 lirst clasi i'iilllf'S, uiOilerli iuipi e-veni j:iti, for --io cash. Now iiu-f yaCOn ceilo Parlor Org-Mi. the n. . -t 1 caiitii'i.! i-:;.L .i. perfeet lone .v.rniide. lo.ir-liate.l Cnlaictu.-!' i'liide.'.. Mxe mine- Btld Jlusie Mereiiauaisc i. t pjI Pi" rj i t vi w' 11 ty RUBY FURNACES I -.mcriui l-.l. 1 r. Ml, on, , L.lWiOU, l'.Uel!.e. i'UL'.n: .ll litut.a-:. .aiitlva 1. WaRI'.F.N .fc C Water ot..' Ne v lor. s , . i C w rr tK tv Imp: OVKK, l.Nl!fvAI.n A I'NlK'UAt E-;. Funis iinv si.-e Co il. I f'i.l.FK. WAKHKN .".').. s7,l !.'i!C Water St., New yoii:. BLATCHLJ::V';i ' t lMTrd-'VED W.'fZZ '.VJ-I ?JtV? 5 Tasteless. DiV-a'.le.llincIer.iar... Cheap. The be.it Pump for tho TjN least mener. Attention is cs- r." J ) p. "lallv invited to RlatchlevVl r'1. .,.., I,,,.r,..l p..-.,.!.., ,,.; New Prop Ca l; Va'.ve, v bicV enii be w itii'lra'.. n .ii!io'..t rj incviug the i'.iuiji or it.turbi;.g liio joints. A'so, tins CoppSi Chan. her. which never cracks or scales, unci wut ou'..a.-i any ai.er. im twi uy De.-.lers t-Vfivivlieie. Send tor Oitulo.ie n1 i'rico List. ' CHAS. . UI-A'fC lU.EV, Man' faeluier, Cfja nieicc u:., 1 !.:,i.d'a. t'a. SI l.ly 0:', I . O'hl P'-r day 1 A Is V. .iD'.iu i a:; (l IU C-v Oe.as.es, f u'oikiug "fnplc, of elthe: sex, joiiior or eln, ruatie more montiy ut Woiu tor ti in ihi-ir sparn momriii-i, or uii the tun' Ilia n tit anvthitif else. I'nrtien'urs fre" Addres., C. ST1NSON & CO., SH-'.y. Poithmd, Maine. T illl be.; seillii"; lock In the market U Hm Struiiglea of PETltOLEUJI V. XASliY. Jt is Ulualruti d by THOMAS N'AST, tin; great est of American Aitl ,t, auu e,.'ntain i.n intro duction uy Hon. Charles Summer, Agents want ed fiu lhis and ntbi r ip-.ilar t.i.k. Addir.t I. N. Rich irduon A Co., P.otton, 'i.ii.i., ,nid St. Louis, Mo. NlC,4w. 5000 agents wanted ut oneo for onr new book, TVe Life ol the irreat cvti'oivr, . t.IVIi!10Xl had his resurr't-ion from n livli jj Pca'.h, hy KTilitlV. " llarreii ti P ev.i4 SAnir"- S-l