Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 14, 1872, Image 2

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    J Editor.
HiiDUCTioN or Tnn state Debt.
(iov. liciuy issued ft Proclamation on the
G!h lost, nnnouncius a reduction of the
Mate Debt during the past year, amounting
to two millions four hundred ami seventy
nix thousand two hundred nnd thirty dol
lar ami fifty els. This doi'S not corobo
rate the sutcmenfof whole Uio Democratic
nnd liberal HopuMicnn press, who were
charging tho Republican party with extra
vagance and corruption. As this reduction
(I"the debt was made by a Republican ad
ministration will these papers have the
generosity to acknowledge that they have
done great injustice to the ndiniaiBtration
party of th!s State.
Ukwut ok the U. S. Mint. We are
indebted to lion. James Pollock, Director
of the t'nitcd Stales Mint, for a copy of
the annual report, which has just been pub
lished. From it we iearu that the deposits
of bullion nt the Miul and branches during
the fiscal year was ns follows : Gold, 10,
3"?2.5.M 08 ; silver, S10,llt414 15 ; total de
posit, 8.jO,."01,!)oG 1H. Deduction from
this totitl there deposits.or bars made at one
branch oftlm Minlnud deposited at another
for colu:ige, the amount will be $4C,417,4."3
fi. , " '
For tlie same period the coinage waa as
follows: Gold coin, number of pieces. 1,
OO'.Wlo ; value, fc'20,;!70,-l'.C ; imparled and
fine gold bars, $15,SUi, C'.' 71! ; Dilvercoin,
number of pieces, S),."91,:iij2 ; value, Sr.".,
02i),b:!4 IC. ; si Ivor tars, ijf 10,.1, 0W :!2 ;
nickel, copper, and bronze pipers., .'5,'.i;l",
MK); value, i12:V20; totnl number of
pieces struck, 14, "2:?,ii"7 ; total value of
cwinage, 10,737,07 10.
In Committee of the Whole the House of
Representatives nt Washington, have com
menced woik on the appro; .nation bills.
The bill reported last tcssion from the Mil
itary Committee, to enable honorably -discharged
soldiers and sailors to acquire
home-steads on the public lands, was again
brought up. In the Senate a resolution
directing the Jiuiieiiiry Committee to :n-
quire into. the expediency of so amending
tho Constitution us to provide for tho dec
tion of 17i tidi-nt, Vice President, and i ut
ted States' Sena tors by direct vote of" (':.
people, was adopted.
A bill is now before Congress toincr.
thtflVoMdents salary to Sf.M.yiOO.
Judge Kelly has been very properly
placed at the head of the-Centennial Com
ir.lMen in Congress.
John J. Patterson was ou Mou'i
last, elected United Stales Senator .from
South Carolina by the le gislature at Col
umbia, on the. first ballot.
(ili.sKP.Al. IlAKTitASKT.on the 2nd inst.,
retired from the office of Auditor General,
a position he has held for six years direct
iy from the people, and live months from
:iu extension of ti mo Ly the Legislature.
During the time ot General JlurUaiiiV oc
cupancy of the office marly twelve, million
ot tho public debt have lk-en paid aud the
revenues of the Stale have been faithfully
collected mill applied to the various objects
Tor which they were appropriated by' the
Legislature. e iully endorse ttie declara
f the llarritWs Tdujuq.h that lie I
ade one of the last Auditor Generals !
tion 01
:he Slate has ever had. This opinion is
lolly shared by ail who have had business j
Milh Vhadeinttlincnt duri.,S tieneral Hart-
. ' . " ....
Allen useumed the duties of Ihe'otliccoa
Monday, and we look to him for a contin
uance .cif his predecessor's watchfulness nnd
fidelity to the public interests.
TlllJ action of the several Electoral Col-;-ii;es
thuS far reported, shows that there
was an entire lactj of uiuiiimily among the
Liberal and IK'tnocrat 'eleciors. Those of
(aeoria (;Ave a poilion of their vote to
Cratz Uimwu for the Presidency, and divi
ded the balance; several candidates.
Those of Maryland and Tennessee cast
tin ir entire votii for Ileudriehs.
)IdN. J H. Oitn, of Xorih Carolina, has
been udininated by tlej IVisident Minister
to liuscin. This disposed of the idea that
this appi.iutuient w;u to 'fall to ha
il ia.
Mit. (;i:j:kj.ey's Will. AVic York;
Dec. 10. The will of Horace lirceloy was
yesterday oJl'ered fr irobute, iu the .Surro
L'alo Court of Weslcltcster county, by iho
Misses Ua and Cabrieiie (aieeiey and
other friends, itecoinpanicd by counsel.
Th wiil is dated November i, is
iu Mr. Greeley's own haudivritiui, au-i
bequeathes his entire propevly to his daugli-
!era, j
TliO will is COU tested by S illlUel 8in- ;
eiiir, Richard II. Mauniurr nnd (has..
Slurry whu produce H will dated J.u.u
;uy ft, 1ST 1, ia uhieh these three genllnnieu
are named as executors. .
Di niNO the last iiscal year 1 l..i-l.C") i
aires of the pul!ie lauds li.ive been (tin-j
po:-d of; 1,7110, "CO ncris were cash I
salts, 4,071 ,li3J wem taken under the home-1
stead law. 3.oo4,7 wero granted to tail-
roads. Tho caah receipts wero S:l,iJlS,.
(AiO. Thero wero surveyed i2,Ol'j,0OS
aeris. tthicli, added to lh qivtutily al-I
ready surveyed, aiuciinis iu uUil.atlT.TfO
acres, llio puouo ti.main reinaiiHiic;
unsurveyed is estinialed . l, 0:iit,0'JO
acrci. ;
NoltrilfMnKItLANU CulMi C.JAI. '
Tradu, T ho aiiiouut of c...'.l -a-n; 1,-ouj
Xortniiinberluiid eouuly for N.m i.iln r, is
lU4,U0j tons, and for tiie se.ii. ju l,l!rf,.Yiri
tons, uiinst 12J.onS for thu month, and
1,1 l:l.o'Jl tons cf season last year. Loss
lor thp month this year l'.i,41- tons, but
tjain f.'r the sjusuh of 4,157 tous.
TliS trade continues ni live, but only
fo:a live or six ofthe collieiieriesare work
in The lleniy Clay resinned work on
Mv.iday I.ut. SUnmukiu Jkrvlil..
Tiik total milhracito coal prodiielion of
Ins. United States was, in 1820, "(ill tons ;
lfviO, J74.7H4 tou;li40, Wi4.H7'.i tous;
18o0,3.h5s,'X tons ; lsiki b,51:i,l j:i tons ;
,.(i7a.l'.t4.I.H'.i'. toDg ; aud up to September
til. 17J, the total produoiiou was ll.l.'io,
178 tous, against ln,lJO,7M4 to tho tamo
date last year; thus showing that 173 will
ldr a far larr production than in auy
previous ycaiv
The work of grading on the North and
West Branch railroad is nrocressinc fine
ly. They have already graned more than
ton tulles aKv fsantu-oke.
Tkrriiile Casuaxity Finn AT tub
Fifth Avenue Hotel 23 Servant
UiiTls Burned to Death. York, Dec. 11. A Cre broke out
nt a little past 11 o'clock last night in the
upper part of the Fifth Avenuo Hotel, ou
the Twenty-third street side. The cngiucs,
when the alarm whs given, were quickly on
the spot and soon nt work pouring streams
upon the tlniacs, which nt midnight envel
ope 1 llio whole Twenty-third stroct side.
Many of the gusts hud retired, or were
nbout retiring, when tho nlarni was sound
ed, and when tho firemen brought the ljose
into the interior of the building a panic
ensued among tho more timid of them, and
a rush wns made for trunks, etc. They
demanded a settlement of their bills anil
left the house. . .
After the lire had been pretty well extin
guished, the firemen, in going through the
rooms, in what is known as tho '"cock-loft,"
occupied by the luundry-women and domes
tics, were horrilied by stumbling over the
remains of human beings, which were piled
oti the floor. Lanterns wero immediately
procured, nnd a horrible sight was revealed.
Un tho floor of a room nbout twelve feet
squnro wero found -no less than sixteen
bodies, all burned beyond recognition.
The bodies were lyiug near the only window
of the room, which was barred so that eg--cape
by that menus the staircase leading
to tho room being on lire was impossible,
and they were compelled to wait for death
with what resignation they could summon.
It is supposed that many wero burned to
death while asleep. The positions of some
of tho charred remains showed that the un
fortunate creatures died in grent ngony.
Efforts will be made to-day to convey the
remains of the unfortunate victims to tho
Morgue. Owinir to confusion and excite
ment the names of the victims could not bo
ascertained. Up to twenty minutes past 2
o'clock 22 dead bodies) had been recovered,
Hi in one room and 0 in another, which is
probably nil. The lire originated in the
elevator or staircase lending to the laun
dry. There were five hundred guests in the
house, but none are reported injured. The
damage by tiro and water will not fall shaft
of one hundred thousand dollars. The
alarm was lirst given by one of the female
servants, who shrieked "Fire," through
tho hall-wny, awakening the guest. Many
of the guestn went to the olllce and inquired
ns to the e!xcit;jment, but were informed by
the clerks that there was only a little Cue
in the laundry.
This attempt to keep the fire quiet so as
1 to avoid a panic helped to bring' about a
i terrible result. When the guests became
I cognizant of their danger a mono of confu-
siuii ensued. I'eople were moving about
in apparent distraction, baggage tilled the
hall-ways, the smoke was sullocating, and
water drenched tho floors. It was nearlv
1 1:1 o'clock before any one gave the alarm.
' A passing policeman, then learning of the
; lire inside, c.ui-rd the tire engines to come
I to tho spot. The lire by this lime had
i rui'.rte considerable headway.
llio ladies were m a wild ftate oi excite
ment ; the carpets were f.Hi covered with
water. A poor servant ;!:-l was found on
tho third floor, writhing m agonies of pain,
her body frightfully burned. The shrciks
of tho servants in the upper stories were
heai tiling, as tho fiivtr.un were making
their way lo rescue them. Large crowds
had in the meantime gathero 1 in the streets.
The excitement outside was kept up till
about 2 o'clock, when tho lire was about
The Jhrahl editorially says : - It is stat
ed that gross carelessness was apparent in
in the condition of the warmingapparatus,
and that there was too much anxiety to
keep the tire secret aud too liltle cil'orts
made to save the unfortunate girls." Tho
whole subject will no doubt be thoroughly
investigated. There are various statements
as to the origin of (he lire. One report
says it was caused by tho bursting of the
fctenin pipe in the laundiy. Some seventy
or eiu'lity servants were awakcued from the
top floor and hurried down stairs.
Their clothing was utterly ruined. A
fireman, named Deavy, was seriously in
jured by falling to tho pavement. The
w . ,,,I,DS t0 th,0. pavem.n.J J he
h ''' " "?"M vv(,r ' ,,ollt. lX).
" ' was utterly ruined
,0"8f "WUV) A'i i UO' t J
?rf10i,r""-' ,1"old A- Co. Just
n Ahi r i fi cTiif-t-. ,eiu fiuo.rt,eil ,i
which, on reachiiii;, he discovered to be on
'lire. Returning to the cleik, he was in
I formed there was no other room vacant.
Tho tire was not knowu at this time in
! the ollioc. Anion;; the most prominent
I ;usts were General Hurnsidc, General llor-
aco l'orier, and ti. 11. l'ulhnan, of Chicago.
' Several of tho lady gusts accommodated in
' neighboring hotels aud houses. Miss Xeil-
son, the actress, was a lady guest.
Tito Louisiana liitiictilly.
j Cor.LAl'SKOK Wabmovth's Conspiiia
; fY to Puizn aiik State. A New Orleans
despatch to tho New York Tinus says:
The AVarmoullt uiisrulo aud domestic
usurpation is nearly at an cud. Last uiht
llu Wannoih conspirators, in the cxpiriiif;
agonies, of their last struggle, circulated
notices, aud by fervent appeal eudcavored
ti get up an iudiguatiuu meetiug at La
fayette bijuaiv, but the people would uut
i..hOimio mill Mit rinmriMi
siioua, nnu tne proposeu meeting ma
not take place. Mr. C. A. Weed, of ti-e
Timc., who desires to secure the public
. to .. - .
prilling for his journal from the Fusionists,
seeing his chances going with the detent
of th . old Slidell Democracy, in their ef
forts to get cnutrol of the State Govern
ment by election frauds, is especially active
iu trying to get up some publio demon
stration against the Kcpuhlieans, and pro
voke, if possible, same disturbance. A
most atrocious liU-l ngainst Judge Durell
appoared in thu editorial columns of Weed's
paper to-day, and if ever a contempt was
committed upon a distinguished, worthy,
and tttimablo judicial ollicer, that was
one, aud doubtless will bo properly no
ticed. The peiple. heio gcnernlly believe that
(i rant aud Kellogg carried tfie Slate by a
large majority, uud that Waiuioulli was
determined to count the Stale against tbeiu
at auy cost, and thus tiade himself into the
United Slates Senate, lu tins uel.trmus
plot he has been defeated by the action of
the United States Courts, and now lie is at
the end of his tether, with none so poor
as to do him reverence, with, perhaps, the
e"cciitioii of Captain G. A. shtridan aud
M. A. Soulhwoilh, who have enjoyed two
ol the lucrative olliees in this State.
'To-morrow the legislature convenes at
the Mechanics Jnslituie, aud alter or
ganization, the result of the election of
Male ollicer will be announced. The
V. P. Kellogg will bo declared tho Gover-uor-clect
by a majority of tho voles cast is
not now questioned. Tbi returns show
that he ran 000 or more ahead of the
balance of the ticket. C. C. Autoiua will
be the Lieutenant-Governor, aud, with
a largo liepublicau majority in both houses
of the legislature, there will Lo u good
und honest State Government, iu full ac
cord with the Federal authorities at Wash
ington. The olllcial vote for State officers,
as will he announced by the Lynch He
turning Hoard to the Legislature, is as fol
lows :
For Governor V. V. Kcllogjj," 72'8i0 ;
McLuiery, 64,029: Kollosg's majority,
18,7ol. 00 "
For Lieutenant-Governor C. U. Au
toiuc, 70,127 ; D. Jl. Peuu, ; Anto-
Ine's majority, l.'l,7e7.
For Secretary of State P. G DcRlonde,
71,511 ; H. Armstead, 04,291 ; Dcslondc.s
majority, 17,217.
For Auditor C. Clinton, 72,210 ; J.
Graham, o5,309 : Cllntor's majority, 15,
701. For Attorney-General A. F. Field,
71,427 j II. N. Ogden, 53.254; Field's
majority, 10273.
For "Superintendent of Education -W.
G. Drown, 70,075 ; H. M. Lusher, 00,015 ;
Brown's majority, 1:1.400.
The minority for Grant nnd Wilson is
If you want to make 'a bustlo in the
world," iako live newspapers and a piece of
. Letter From Washington.
Washington, D. C, December 10, 1872.
Drat- Wilrert:
Hon. Tlmd. Stevens once said that "every
man had a Constitutional right to make a
fool of himself," but whether tho Hon.
Charles Sumner hns accepted that right, or
only acted to please the reliels, I leave it
for others to judge. Mr. .Sumner, on the
first day of tho meeting of Congress otVercd
tho following :
"Whereas the national tinitv nnd good
wiil nmoug fellow-citizens can" be assured
only through oblivion of past doflerences,
nnd it is contrary to tho usaeo of civili.ed
natinns to perpetuate the memory of civil
war : Therefore.
JJc it enacted, At., That the names of
battles with fellow-citizens shall not bo
continued in tho Army Register or placed
on the regimental colors of the United
To add further dishonor to the dead, and
insult to tho li viiis soldier. Mr. Sumner's
resolution should be amended so as to read,
'in order to promote fraternal feelings be-
iceu inn no Feci ions lately nt variance,
nil resolutions of thanks to officers or sol
diers for gallant conduct in tho late war
shall lie expunged from tho Journals of
Congress. All medals awarded for distin
guished serviees on the Held of battle shall
be recalled and destroyed, that the sight
of them may not ollend the n-'c of our
J 1. . . . .
brethren of the late (so called) Confederate I
army, ami .mat national uuity and good
will among fellow citizens mav be promot
ed. All muster-roll of the two millions of
men who iought our misguided brethren
oi tin.) soutii, nnil all the records of the I
wounded, the maimed and the dead who i
.,.i n,..:. i.i i :.. .i i-....
si ripi s hhall be destroyed that the afor'es iid
uniiv and mio.l win ....,, h ..... ...i ;
mu 'umjii in Orinoco in inn stars and
Abolish the pension list.and sell the v,iiioin 1
, ..... ion i nil I'M'IIMIlVII. 1
."smiu-rs' Homes
throughout t lip rnmitrv
Plow III) the three hundred thoim-irwl
of those who died that tho country 'might j
live, and destroy the headboards, in order j
that nothing may prevent tho desired unity '
and good-will." Some of the obstacles to!
unity and good-will that aro not removed
by the above bill are the vacant firesides,
tho broken hearts, tho poverty stricken !
widows and orphans, nnd the disabled sol- !
diers hobbling ou crutches, or with an '
empty sleeve. i
la this the same Charles Sumner who I
once stood so nobly in the defence of our
"Boys in blue," and the honor of his conn- i
try f otneken in years, and disappointed
in hopes, lie lias become sound n:ainst his
friends, and in charity, we say it' too with
sorrow, wo can only attribute lm-h urmAm-t.
to a softening of the brain. j
The House of Ilepresentativcs evidently j
means business. On Thursday last it pass- '
eil an important bill providing lor an addi-1
tion to tho Navy. It piovides for the
building of six sloops of war.thne of which i
are to be given to the l iwest bidder, and to
bo constructed in private ship yards. On i
Friday, after a lively diseuxsion, it passed ,
a bill, introduced by Mr. 'Dawes, from the '
Committee ot hvs and Menus. iiruviriin !
tor a reduction of the ..nicer and expenses j
nt-th.. int,.,.,i : ' 'iv
ocrats concede a saving of ?l,700,00li under j
the operation of the bill. The change made
by the law of last summer providing for a I
reduction ofthe number of collectors docs '
not meet tho wishes ofthe revenue depart- j
meiil. This bill does away with (ill the
Assessors, and places tho entire work ia I
the hands ofthe collectors. j
Mr Dawes made the important announce- I
ment, in the discussion relating to the re
duction of internal revenuo expenses, that
it wns tho purpose of tho committee of i
Ways and Means to ulrike out all that re- 1
mains of the internal revenue tax, except I
that ou liquors aud tobacco. This news I
will bo received with uratilieation by the '
country. Such legislation shows the con- j
tinned purpirso ofthe cpu.blicafi majority I
iu Congress to do what is for tho best in-1
teresls or tho people, and to fullil pledges
heretofore made.
H is likely another Census will be taken
in 187o, as a bill lias been introduced to
that effect, and referred to the Committee
ou Centennial Anniversary.
Judge Mercur resigned his sent in Con
gress a few days ago, to enter upon his new
position of AssociateJ.Iustiee of tho Sup-
prerue court, an Honor lately conferred on
him by his uuinerous fVinnds in Pennsylva
nia. This resignation of the Judiro leaves
a vacancy iu the llousa from tho l.'ith Dis
trict, and should bo filled by one nt least
equal to Mr. Mercur. Dr. James D. Straw
bridge having been elected to represent
that district in the 43d Congress, his friends
"e, '' "u win oe ciectea to nu tno un-
"P'rcii term oi me juuge, as ne is a pro-
llioratmti niruru ivnv nmilihal nml l..
.. i.j wiiiiiii.ut nuu linn
short experience in parlinn-ntary rules
would more ably fit him for tho whole term
to which tho people of that district havo
but lately elected him.
Duriug tho vacation of Congress I spnt
considerablo timo in Sunbury, and while
thero boarded with "mine host," K. T.
Drumheller, ofthe City Hotel. I found
his houso very dcsirahlo us it stopping
place ; Hue roonie, rikkI and cleau beds,
splendid parlors, and tho table, prepared
by his good lady, equal to tho best, and
sufficiently tempting to please the taste of
the iuot particular epicure. Mr. D. de
serves the thanks of your people for beau
tifying their town with bo splendid a stiuc
lure, slid should receive a liberal patronage
from the public.
The first of a series of four sociables was
given last evening by tho Pennsylvania He
publican Association at Masonic Temple.
Two hundred couples, or more, were there;
1 hatch's band furnished the music, nnd tho
hall was decorated to perfection, Presi
dent Graut, aecouipauied by Gen. Deut,
houored the allau- with his p.-eteiiee ; as,
also, diil Senator Seolt,' Ih-prescutalivcs
Myers,McClcllau,Xegley and a host of other
notables. A. A. Miibbler, Esq., president,
delivered an interesting address of welcome,
to which responses were made by Senator
Scott aud Messrs. Myers and Negley.
Upon the close of thu addresses those pre
sent wero individually introduced to Presi
dent Grant. After which a grand prome
nade to tho sweet strains of "Norma," aud
men i tic prograunucoi dancing commenced.
As it will interest some of your readers 1
will furuinh yuu a synopsis oi the speech of
welcome delivered by our worthy presideut,
A. A, Shisslcr, Esq. ,
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen :
A gam 1 have the honor and pleasuro of
welcoming you. in behalf o the Peuua. He
publican Association. It affords me great
pleasure to see so inauy present, uol 1 pro
mise that. the members, aud the various
committees, will do all iu their power for
your enjoyment. We feel highly honored
by the pieseuce of our worthy Presideut,
the Senators and Hcpretentaiivcs of our
State, and so many Indies and gentlemen.
Ko doubt thero aro some present who have
r curiosity to know what this association
is, and what are Its objects. I will endeavor
to inform them briefly". It is composed of
gentlemen from that glorious old common
wealth, which, when our flag wns Dred
upon and trailed In the dust by its enemies,
furnished our gallant commander, Gen.
Grant, 400,000 as brave soldiers ns ever
shouldered a' musket or drew a sabro, nnd
which, In tho recent political contest, of
almost equal importance, gave tho same
gallant officer, (our worthy 1'resldent) 400,
000 ns loyal votes as ever wero cast."
Mr, Shisslcr then gave an account of (1m
work dono by tho Association during the
late Presidential contest ; tho number of
documents sent to all parts of Pennsylva
nia, and uputrndlctcd the He that the work
of tho .National Committee wns done by
clerks detailed for the purpose from the
various Departments, thus cheating the
Government, for tho work was all done
alter office hours a free offering, for the
good of tho country. Continuing, Mr.
Shisslcr said :
"Somo persons choose to call us tho
"bread and butter brigade," I wish to call
their attention to tho fact that we wero Re
publicans before we received our bread and
butter from tho Government, and that we
remained Republicans through the Andy
Johnson administration. We were ap
pointed because wo were Republicans, and
had served our country in her hours of peril
wo aro Republicans from principle, not
from iutercst."
Tho social part of 'our organization con
sists in giving these parties every winter,
whero wb meet and fraternize with each
other, that we may know each other better.
Wis also invite tho representative men of
our State and from other States, that wo
may know them and they know us. ' I can
assure them they aro not iuviled from sel
fish motives. It is ns much for their inter
est as our own. They must remember that
their reputations is, to a certain extent, in
our bands. We see them hero every day
nnd night. We know where they go and
whnl they do. We know the truth or fal
sity of the charges mado agaiust them by
evil disposed persons and tho partisan
j press. hen we go hack to our homes in
the State, we are asked a thousand and one
questions concerning them and their char
acter aud standing here. The partisan
press is very unscrupulous in its criticisms
of publio men, and makes some very gravo
and serious charges against them." Whe
ther they nro true or false they create an
impression on the mind. We are question-
ctl on 1,10 subJcct- AVo couflrru or refute
it by our answers as we aro supposed to
. n .. . - - .
?l,caK ?l'0,n 11 P,;rso"1!1 Knowledge.
We all
know how villainously our noble President
has been assailed. If ho is guilty of the
ono thoiisandeth part that wns charged
ngainst htm ho is indeed a bad man, but !
I the result of the recent election showed
j conclusively that the people of this country i
j did not Lelicve them. We wero here nnd
saw him daily, and kuew them to he false.
I We denied them in our conversation, nnd In
I our cornspondence with our home papers,
i I will venture to say that thero is not a gen
i tlemau here who has not been asked con-
ceruing the truth or falsity of sonic of the
', base siauders published against him. The
; members of the difl'ercnl Slate organizations
1 in the city have done as much towards re
1 fitting tho base slanders circulated against
1 him as any other medium iu the country.
I And such is the case, also, in reference to
! our Senators and lleprescntatives. and all
ii lint nnMin liif.l, Tlinrefnr. 1 IliinVit is lo
i !, i .i.t ... -i, 1,1 i, .n I
lHI IU III IJ.Il II lie l Com II I. IV. nVDUUUlU -H
aennainted with each other."
1 have given you but a brief portion of
Mr. Shisslers' address, aud iu an imperfect
style, but 1 was forced to condense it, as I
did not like to ask too much space in your
valuable columns. " The speech was well
received, and treuucntiy applauded.
The House ofKcprecutativcs lias passed
! J' r " V " i Zi V i '
days from December uih to Jauuary bill
After that lime you will hear from me again.
lours, 1-rateruady, 11. 1). W.
List of Jurors I've Adjourned Conrt,
December 3a, 172.
Cyrus Walter, Merchant, Cliilllsrpjaiiue.
.luliii Hull, Merchant, fcluunokin twp.
lVler Menkes, Farmer, LcwU.
Henry Neiholf, li.iiber, Slianiukiu lior.
lleiuv T. John, .Merchant, Mt. t'armel U.i.
Tulm M. CaJwaliader, Merchant, Saiibury.
t hus. Hoover. V.inntr, Lower Augusta.
John A. Lloyd, lienlleman, NDtlu'uoiluud.
Jacob Hiillinun, 1'arr.ier, Delaware.
Ji-.-u Vocitm, (JeulLuiau, Norlirbcilaud.
Jamus (.'ouldrcn, I'uraier, Lower Augusta,
rtobcrt MeG.iw, Carpenter, Turbiit.
1j. l'phrani Tharp, Laborer, Coal.
14. Isaac Frederick, Farmer, CiiiUisqiiaqiie.
15. John Troutuian, Fanner, Jordan.
10. Amos Maul, Farmer, Delaware.
17. Samuel Lelio, Fanner, Lower Mahanoy.
IS. Jiiliii Palridve, blacksmith, Zcrbo.
10. Joseph Dcppin, lunkcepcr, Mt. Carm. bor-
liter (ieet, tarmer, upper Mauauoy.
'ieorge Frduian, Farmel, Shaiuoklu twp.
Joseph Heeler, Gentleman, tun kin tup.
lienj. F. Dielil, Laborer, Sunlmry.
A. C. Longen, Mechanic, Milton,
Ceo. W. Suiith, Laborer, Sunbury.
James Cuuimin-rs, Constable, Watsontown.
Ii7. Isaac Keitz, Drover, Waailiington.
( lias. J. Conrad, Laborer, Low er Augusta.
-J'J. Geo. H. Conrad, Slioeniakcr, Lo. Augusta.
ISO. Michael Kemtet'.er, Laborer, Coal.
HI. ( has. Klock, Yiirmer, Upper Mahanoy.
Klward Klinirer, Laborer, Shamokiu bor.
S:i. George W. Funk, Farmer, Turbnt.
:14. Samuel Dcarmond, Farmer, Duiaware.
U5. Harvey Nye, Farmer, Delaware,
ou. Johu Hoof, Farmer, Turbutvilla.
I.lstt pi Jurors for Jauuury Term,
okanu j i. lions.
Wagucr, Lit. Mali, Michael Lwhr, l.o. Mah
Jno. b. Newbakcr.Zerb W
11. Ulasscr, Loul,
Jos. Aolliipett-r, Wuts'n'Tlios. Graham, Milt nw
Cyrus Gentty, Sunbury. ill. J. Ueeder, MeEw'lle
Sam 11 ease, Milton.nw! Adam Schuyler, Coal.
Joaeph liurcaril, l'oiut. John Newmun, hha.ww
George Mums, Hunbury Jacob Hoover, MtC'l b
Geo. Maliek, Jacksou.i Porter Kister, Delaware
Joliu Llndouer, j.ewi.iTutla Long, Low Mull
Win. ltoie, Shuuiok bor! John Martiu, Ml C'l tp
Dan'l C Houe, Wat'u Jaeub Cole, Shamok tp
Duv. D. Davis, Mt C'l b.Alcx. Zai lniun, Lo Aug
Isnac Holllter, Mt CI bJ. E. MeLaughlln.N'thd
Isaac rarley Klverslde
Joseph Wituian, Coal.
Thomas Francis, Coai
Win. Herghouse.Cp Ma
(ieo. W. Stroh. U. Auir
Mathias Schmuck, Nth
H. K. Troutuian, Jor'n Jesse Diehl, Mt Carm b
Kills L. Irwin, MeE'Ue'Wm. T. Kicky, t'n Au)
David Dewiu, Low Aug1 John Lesher, ' Polat.
Isaac Smiuk, Sham borjUriab Maliek, LowAui?
Win. itueser. Low Aug.'l b.JMorgan, Nth'd
Harmon G Kline, U Au Joliu Shell, Clulileiiua. .
llujrli Philip, Ml C'l tp Thomas Joluutou,
'1 lios. Kouey, .VltCar bo Saia'l S. Siuilh, LpMah
Michael Sehladjr, Slia. Sas. L. Sehooley, Wut'n
Hiram K. Labor, Hush. Daniel Kc'.ar, Lels.
Johu Uohner, Snyd'twn J. Feiuteriuaeher, LoM
Cornelius Ti uuiman.Jn' Levi Conrad, Lov Mah.
Juo. (iUi'iots, Mt C'l b 1'uli iek Ki'uey, Coal.
John Stall!, Mt Carm b'Sam'l Mat iz, Shanmkla
Win. Meiuir, Kivershle.'Jarcd Henlni;ev, Cani'u
Daniel Smith, Zerbe.lJur. C. McWillianH.Cli
Klias Bickel, Ml!lnu,uw! Peter Duitt, Sunhtry.
Daniel S. Keitz, Lit MajWui. H. nru, Shaniok
Juo ltuup, Jr., Lewis. Isaac Kelsrc, Mt Ci.r b
Jouathau Courad, bunb! Jaeub Wo',vertoUf fiivo
Win. D.H.ilfinan.Was)' John Fogleman, Wat'n
John G. Markle, Suub. Andrew J. Heller, Tur.
Win. Biooin, Low Aujr. baniei Heed, Jackson.
( has. S. Miller, LoAutf'jIihQ C. Morgan, Suub.
Jacob B. llotiinan.Sh tp; Jere. Ariauqi, Washing
Levi MeiiKas, Lewis, lleury Kissinger, Milt'n
Wui. H. lluit'un, Ntbdj Altna Mouser, McKw'a
Geo. F.verar t, Norlh'd, Harvey Kobblus, Shu to
Jacob Muchlcr, bhaino Jas. II. Cathcart, Dela.
Casper Tharp, Coal
David Wynn, Low Aug
Jas. U. Oakus, Dolnwa
Andrew Geist, Up llah
Patrick Burk, Coal.
Calub F. Fisher, Wash. B. Deibler Su
Johu Oowuev, Coal tp.
Johu V. lU-diiue, Mtlui.
Dauicl Camp, Mt C'l tp
Goo. W, Truuluiao, J'u
D'l Uruekeiulller, Suub
Jared Hnwerter, Hhani'.' Henry Lalir, Lour Mah
Francis M'Carty M CI lZucbsrtu T.ivlor, Nihd
Usury J. I'.cnn, Zeibe.;Geo. Hcrti, Noithuinli.
BT Virtuoof certain Wrltsof VtH.K'tponai, Fie
ri Faciat, Ivira Ihelat, to me directed, will
lie cxposi'i! to public side, nt the Court
the borouuti of8iinbnry,Nortliunilicrland county,
Pa., on '1 L'ESDAY the
31ft DAT OF DECEMBER, 1372,
AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
Iho following properly, to wit : All that cer
tain lot or piece of ground ftituntc iu West Sha
mokin, t'oul township, Northumberland county,
Pcnupylvanin, the mono bdug lot number 3 iu
block No. U, ou which is erected oue two etory
dwelllug liouea. Seized, tukeu in execution and
to bo "old an Iho property of Frauds Spnremount.
Alto, All that certain plcco or lot of frrouud ult
nntc in the borough of Sunbury, aforesaid, mark
ed in the general plnu of ald boronirlias lot No.
ninety-two (1)2,) containing Iu breadth north and
eolith, on Broadway Ftrcct, llfly ecven (D7) feet
and six inches, and in IcukUi eusl utrd wett, two
hundred and thirty (2"D) feet, bounded on the
south by Whortleberry fctrect (now Waluut
ftreot,) ou tho west by liroadnny, on the north by
lot number ninety-one (111.) and ou the ciua by
an Alley, whereon is erected a two-story frainu
building and back kitchen. Seized, taken la ex
ecution, uud to be sold as tho property of ?.Tary
F. Shrantz, with notice to Gcorgo and Nau-
c) ins wnc, lerrc tenants.
Also, A certain lot or piece of ground, situate
la Washington township, Northumberland coun
ty, Pennsylvania, bounded and described aB fol
lows, to wit : on tho north by Joseph B. Rebuck,
and ou tho cast by lands of William Kehres,
on the south by lands of Joseph H. Rcbuck,
and on the west by lands of Joseph B. Itebuek,
coutuinmg forty-two aud one-half perches, where
on are elected ono two story framo dwelling
house, fiiimo shanty ,and frame blaiksmitli shop,
and a well of wtUer. Soiled, taken in execution,
nnd tube sold us the property of William Ka-
A No, A certain dwelling house of two stories,
having a front of twen'y feel, and a depth of
fourto-n i'ett, sltunto on nil that certain lot of
ground in West bhauiokln, Coal township, coun
ty of Northumberland, and Suto of Pennsylva
nia, aud known and designated ou a plau of West
SliaiiHikin. on lot nmnbur eighteen, in block nuui
kerO. fronting on Pino street, beJug situato four
feet south of the south line of Pine street, in
West Shamokin. Seized, takcu in execution, aud
to be sold as thu properly of Augustus Kichorn.
Also, All thai certain lot or pieco of ground
situate in the borough of shamokio, Northum
berland eonnty, being lot number eight (8,) iu
tiloek cumber eighty-flvo (85.) bounded ou tho
uorlli by lot No 7, on the south by lot No. 9 la
same block, on tho east by Market street, aud on
the. west by uu Alley, coutalning twenty-live feet
(!..") iu front, on Market street, and oue hundred
uud liny (loU,) more or less. In depth, lo an Al
lev. Sidzed, tnhen lu execution, nnd to he sold
-' , , f IVl.t., 1,'nnnni.l,.. fi.r u.wl "V I It
urinn Koppenhiifer. .
Also, All that certain lot or pieco of ground
s'tualc in the borough of Watsontown. Northum
berland county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed ns follows : bounded on the north by Sixth
; street, on the east by Ash or Ch:stnnt street, nn
: the south by lot No. 184, on the west by an Alley,
' beln! marked or designated ou tho map or plan
' of said horoueh of Watsontown ns lot No. 1S1,
; containing a front on Ash or Chestnut street, of!
' 55 feet, aud a depth of 1C5 feet. Seized, taker, in
I execution, nnd to bo sold as the property of Cyrus
I F. Taylor. I
! Also, All that certain lot or piece of ground
situate in the town of Helfenstein, In Cameron
' township, Northumberland county, Pcnnsylva
I ni l, bounded on the north by nn Alley, on the
soiilli by High street, on the cast by lot No. 1",
and on the west by lot No 15, fn block forty-two,
( t'-M it being lot No. Ill in same block, contain
ing thirty feet In front on High street, nnd one
hundred nnd llfty In depth to an Alley, whereon
j nro erected n two slory frame dwelling house, 10
I feet front, and a lsrliteen feet in depth, aud other I
outbuilding. Seized, takrn Into execution, and
, to be s Id as the property of F.niannel H. Ilo'.ick.
1 Also. A certain two story frame messuage nnd
, tenement, situate in Ihc boronnh of Watson
i town, in said eonnty of Nnrtlininherlimd, on the
I iiorth-w-wr corner of Eighth and Main streets on
1 its Nf. :".!3 and HSl, in the grnenil plan of said
town, ti iilaining in front on Main street, llfly
i five feet, nnd in depth thirl y-el-rht feet, that Is
. said building being 55 feet by 81 feet, aud the lot
or picee of ground cartilage appurtenant to said
' bulldine. Selr.ed, tnken In execntion. nnd to bo
sold as the property of ChrtMan Ornhb.
8. II. ROTHF.ItMF.L, Sheriff.
ShorllT's OQlce, Sunbnry, Dee. 11, 1S7J.
Auna Kieharji. by her uot friend John Dale,
Lewis lUuhards.
Northuri berland County, to wit :
The Connnonwealth of Pennsylvania to Lewis
Richards, Greeting:
Whereas, Auua Richards by her next friend
John Dale, did on the litli day of Juue, exhibit
her petition or libel to our Judges of Hie Court
of Common Pleas, of the County of Northumber
land, piayini; for the causes therein set forth,
that she uiilil be divorced from the Bond of
Matrimony, eoutructed with you, the said Lewis
Richards i Wo do therefore command you, us oft
bcl'oru we did. the said Lewis Richards, that you
personally bo and appear before our Judges, ut
Suubury, ut a Court of Common Pleas, there to
bo holdeii lor the said County, oa the first Mon
day al January uuxt, to iiuswer the petition or li
bel aa exhioited against you by lUu said Anna
Richards, and to show cause, If any you have,
w hy tho said Anus Richards, your wife, should
not be divorced from the Bond of Matrimony con
tracted with you, according to the Act of Assem
bly, In such coas provided, and to do further aud
receive what our said Judges shall have consid
ered in that behalf j and hereof fail not. -
Witness the Honorable Win. M. Rockefeller,
President of our said Court, at Suubury, the
third day of December, A. D., one tuousaud eight
huudred aud seveuty-two.
6. II. KOTHF.RMEL, Sherlfl".
8. II., Deputy ProtUoaotary.
Suubury, December 14, 16T3.
( OI'KT I'ltOtl.AMATION. Notke
Is hereby given that the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, General Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace,
and Orphans Conrt, Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, In and for the county
of Nmthnmberland, will commence at the Court
House, lu the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock
A. M., ou MONDAY, JANUARY the 61 b, next,
and v.111 cotuiune two weeks.
The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta
bles In and for th county of Northumberland are
requested to be then aud therein their proper
persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
and other remembrances, to do those things to
tlH-ir sever tlhoe appertaining to be done. Aud
all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Com
monwealth airainst any prisoner, are requested
nnd commanded to be then and there attending
In their proper persons to prosecute against bliu
as shall be Just and not to depart without leave
at their ril. Juror are requested to be puur
luttl in thtir attendance, ; t the time appoiuted,
agreeably to their notices.
Given under inv hand at Suubury. the 1st day of
December, In the year of our Lordoos thousand
eight hundred and seventy-two.-
NOTICE. All pecsons haTtng In their posses
sion U. 8. arms aud accoutrements belong
lyr to the "Packer Guards," will save troubls
aiSw-iimnse by turning the sams ever at one to
Maj. G. Cadwallnder. Th Company having
been disbanded, th arms ito., sr ordered in.
By command of
Punbury, Dec. 14, 1STJ at.
TT1E Books, Notes nnd Accounts of J. II. Coti
ley A Co., sro in tho hands of J. H. Conlcy
at the storo of Messrs Palno & MeCormick for
collection, and all persons knowing themsolres
Indebted by note or book account, will please
make Immediate payment.
J. If. C'ONLET A. Co.
Sunbury, December 14, 1873. 4t.
Will be offered at public salo. In Georgetown,
Lower Mahnnoy twp , Northumberland connty,
Pa., on WEDNESDAY, the 1st day of JANUA
RY, 1S73, tho lollowli.g valuable property, to
wit: All those eertaiu two lots of ground sit
uate In Georgetown, Pa at N. C. R. R., station,
whereon is erected a large two-niin-n-hnlf story
FRAME TAVEIIV, large Ptore Room, Stable,
Ice House and all the necessary outbuildings.
The Tavern is located nt the Railroad stutiou
nnd adjoining tho Telegraph office. Ono largo
WARE IIOL'SE. on the river bank opjiositetho
N. U. R. R., station. Also in tho sume. place
TWO LOTS OF GROUND, No; 13 and 13 being
according to tho plau of snid town, sixty-sit feet
front and one hundred and sixty-live feet in
depth each, whereon is erected one double house
nnd one large store house (new). This is a very
i . "
itainc liuieaini place, one corner loi, vacani, uc
ine sixty-six feet front ami one hnndred nnd sixty-live
feet in depth. This lot is in the center
part of the town closo to the N. C. U. K. ONE
IrthA N'D, situate in the river Susquehanna, con
taining twenty-eight acres more or less, all clear
ed and In n high state of cultivation. One trnct
of land sitnate near Georgetown, Pa., bounded
by lands of I. II. Rcssler, Peter llorrel, Charles ;
Brobious, and others, containing ten acres, more 1
or less, all cleared and iu a high state of culliva- i
tion. Also at the same time and place, about
three quarters of an aero of Llmo Btono Land i
with three lime kilns thereon creeled, adjoining i
lands of John Biiig.iman and A. Rotherinel. I
hnlcto commence ut 10 o'clock, A. M., on J
said day, when lliu conditions will bo made ;
knowu bv I
Assignees of Peter Borrcl.
Lower Mahanoy twp., Dec. 14, 1S"-J. i
At the Third St., Auction Store, near Market
Square, Miller's block, Every Evening.
Special Sales for Latlief, Wcjncsday tmd Sat
urday afternoon.
Dry Goods nnd Notions, Mulins, Wool Blank
ets, Wool Shawls, Canton Flannels, Ladles aud
Gent's Hose, Albums, Accordeons, Counterpanes,
Undershirts and Drawers, Clocks, rocket Knives,
and a lot of staple goods not mentioned.
Call and examine for yourselves, Store open
t'irontfi thft day for thj accommodation of those
that cannot attend the evening sale-f.
Goods sold nt auction prices. All goods war
ranted as represented or tho inoacs refunJed.
iou i iori;ri tno piacc, .v. i.ut s jhock, near
I Market Square.
I Dec. 14. is;.-.
"J'OTiCE is herety given that an election of
managers of the Accommodation Saving
Fund and Loan Asseciatiou, will take phie-i on
Saturday, the "Sth December, 1ST'.', ut their room
In Clement's Buildiug, Third stre -t Sunbury, 1 1
7 o'clock, P. M.
SAM'L. FAfST.Snr., Picstd't.
Jacou Suii"a, See'rv.
Sunbury, Dec. I I, 1S7L'. Zt.
All of tlieie fur hot drinks for winter nights.
Tlieu wo have
$4.00 a gallon, or $11.00 a dozen.
' ' $15.00 a dozen.
11.00 a dozen.
$11. Ou ,i do.'.cn.
All carefully par ked aud cant to any nddrc9.
Send In your orders.
H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, .
The Wino Merchauts, 1310 Chettuiit St., Phila.
Sept. 21, 1S71. 1m.
srnt i vl xorit: i:.
In agaiu extending our Annual Greeting ta our
friends aud patrons, we bee leave to announce
that Oudiug ourselves forced to enlarge our Show
rooms to meet the demands of a greatly increas
ed business, it becomes necessary to reduce our
immense xlock, previous to nisUnj alterations.
We are therefore, ottering special Inducements
to purchasers, the present
, 1872 2m
002 Cliestaut Street,
I 'I
Have uow ready their uuigiiiflceut stock of
002 Chestnut St. 002
Auditor') Notice.
OTICE is hereby ilveu to tho creditors of
Johusey Shaffer, w hose proicrty ou Fourth
street, Sunhury, Pa., was sold at Sheriff" s sale, at
November Term, 1373, that the undersigned has
been upiioiuled Auditor to distribula the funds
arising fiom the sale oj' said properli to those en
titled theroto. A uiseting will bs held at his of
tlee in Suubury, oa the Ssth day of December,
1ST3, at it o'clock, p. in.
A. JORDAN, Auditor.
Sunbury, Dec. fl, li?). HI
I.sknannsnd Hloomftbnrg Rnll
Tlmo-Tablo takes effect November 85, 1872.
P.M. A.M.
Pcranton, 2 10 8 45
10 15
10 49
10 54
11 00
11 40
10 45
11 10
11 21
11 30
8 30'
4 05
4 10
4 17
4 45
6 45
7 Hi
7 21
7 30
8 25
I Plttston, i 37 7 H
j Vf PitUton 3 43 7 23
j Wyoming 2 4S
, Plymouth 8 15
ShickshiimyS 51
Herwick 4 :t
, Bloomslmrz4 57
7 2!)
7 55
8 80
0 80
9 20
10 10
11 10
13 50
1 20
Bcranton. arriv
i Danville 5 80 10 01
. Northum'd 6 05 10 115
6.45 a. m. train, No 3, from
ing nt Northumberland at 10 35 a m ; llarris
buig at 1 45 p in i Baltimore at 0 30 p m.
3 10 p m train from Bcranton, passengers leav
ing New York at 8 10 a iu, connect with this
traiu arriving at Northumberland at 0 05 p.m.
P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
Nortbrim'd J 40 4 50
3 :ki
3 :tr
4 40
ft 50
7 00
8 20
ti 35
Danville 10 20 5 30
, Bloomslj'rg 10 5i
uwick n j
0 40
7 13
7 15
8 00 '
S 13
8 19
8 24
8 55
11 5;
13 27
13 40
13 53
12 M
1 03
1 3.-)
1 !
5 CO
5 20
8 45
1 40
9 00
1 54
9 07
2 on
5 45
5 50
0 25
9 13
9 45
! 05
'J.40 a.m.
train. No. 2, from Northumberland.
Passengers leaving Wllliamsport nt 7.55 a.m.;
connecting nt Northumberland, nrriving ut
Serunton ut 1.85 p.m., New York at 9.00 p. m.
4.5J p. m. train from Jforthumberland, con
necting at Sei.iutou with trains arriving at Bit-.g-hainpton
at 1.25 a.m.
Applieutlon for Hotel License.
VTOTICE Is hereby given, that the following
persons have tiled, in theolliee of the Clerk
oi ajuarier cessions oi ine ccace, incir nppiica
i Hons for License to keep a Hotel, Inn or Tavern,
! in the olllco of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of
I tho Peace, agreeably to tho provisions ot the Act
of Assembly, lo bo presented ut the Jauuary
. Sessions r.elt. viz :
J. P. Pcsslcr, Sunbury, oM rtan 1
J James Tun. Muinury, old stand
. Jesse Hennsy, Sliaiuokin township, old stand
i George S. Burr, Northumberland bor., oM stand
j Alexander .McKim, Mt. Carmcl, old stand
D. B. Foy. Lower Aususta tow nship, old stand
j August Dumniel, Morthunibeilund bor old stand
I Michael Jlosenstcin, South Danville, new stand
I Michael llornn, Mt. Curmel,
- C. C. Jones, Norihuinbeiland,
David I). Davis, Mt. Curmel twp.,
' Peter Wert, Lower Mahanov,
old stand
old stand
old stand
old stun-!
old stand
old sluu 1
old st, md
George Aver, Coal,
Anthony llinghnre, Cameron,
Johu CiifTord, Sliaiuokiu bor., E. W.
John Bovd, Coal two..
ll 1 bta'.id
Michael Fiatierty.Shutiiokin lior., E. W old Man. I
Daniel D. Wary, Shamokin bor., E. W e. 1 sin ml
Patrick Ivulru. sliaiuokiu bor., w. w. oi l stand
Kiias Shaukweiicr, Slumio'u bor. w.w. old st .u 1
1'aliiek Tyueu, Coal f.vp., old stand
John Edwards, Sli.iinukiti bor., c. w. urn- stan i
Wil'hnu Mann, Shamokin bor., e. w. old stand
I-nbe!!a Parker, Coal twp.,
f 'hri.-tian Grubb, Walontown,
Michael H'.SlII, Mt. Curmel twp.
Ohl stand
old stand
new stand
L. T. nOHUHACH, Call;.
Sunbury, Diecuiber 5, 12. ot
I Itculuuruiit mill lluting tkouno I.i-
NOTICE is hereby given, that the following per
sons have tiled in the otlice of the Clerk of Quar
ter Scsmiuis of the Peace, their applications for
License to keep a Kestinuaul and Fating House,
agreeable to the provision" of the Act of Assem
bly, to be presented at the Jauuary Stesious
next, viz :
William G curing, Jr., Suubury, new stand
George Stuck, Suubury, old stand
Michael Weaver, Suubury, old stand
Andrew Jananky, Shnniokin bo., e. w. new stand
Anthony Merschbnch.Shak'n bo. e.w. new stand
J. W. Houghton, Shamokia bo., e. w. new t-lainl
Bridget Coyie, Trevorton, new bland
Charles Slu.nawolf, Shumo'a bo.,w.v new stand
George Hack, Shnmukin bo.,e. w. old stand
Andrew Dnitl'ncr, Rush twp., " old staad
M. L. Fisher, Sunbury, old stand
Thomas Snyder, Sunbury, old stand
Johu Farnsworth, Upper Augusta, old stand
Win. Vandyke, Northumberland bor., old stand
Val. W. Fisher, Trevortou, o' l taud
L. T. ROHRI1AC1I, Cioik.
Suubury, December 5, 187S!. ot.
I. lceuse Tor Wholesale Uipior More
NOTICE Is hereby given, that the following per
sous have tiled in the ulllcc t-f ihc Clerk of tjuar
tcr Sessions if ifte Peace, their application lor
License to keep a Wholesale Liquor Store, agree
able to its provisions of tho Act of Assembly, to
bo presented at the January Sessions next, viz :
( hri.tiHil Ni-tl, Sunbury, old stand
II. E. oi Evan Lutz, Miilon, new stand
Patrick Daily, Shaiuokin b r., o'd ttuul
L. T. KOHKBACU, Clerk.
Sunbury, December 5, 1 S7i. lit.
CHESTNUT ST., SUNBURY, PA. ov all Kinds make to Okder.
The latest style and the best workmanship.
Samples may be seeu al the shop. Give hint
a call.
Suubury, Dec. T; 1 W. ly.
VII Iff 1'LOKAIi 4.1 ItK
For 17 J
rpilE Guide i sow published Quarterly. S5 i ts.
I pays for tho year, four numbers, which 1
pot half the cost. Those w ho afterward send
money to the oiuouut of Osk Daij.ak or more for
Seeds niny also order Tweuty-llve cents worth ex
tra the juice paid for the Guide.
The Januarv Number Is beautiful, giving plans
for luukiug Rural Homes. Designs for Dining
Table Decorations, Window Gardens, Ac, aua
containing a mass of Information luvaluahlo
to the lover of flowers. One huudred and Fitly
pages On the tinted pajH-r, onie Fivo Huudred
engravings, and suH-tb Colored Plat and
Chromo Cover. Tho Fust Edition of Two Hun
dred Thousand Just prinled iu English aud Gcr
uiuu, aud ready to send out.
JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y.
Admiuiklrulor'H Xollie.
ErfaU of PIUL1P ZF.R1SE, Dce'd.
XTGTlCEIs hereby given ihut luters of admin
JN istraliou havlnt; been grauU-d to tlir under
signed ou tho estate of Philip Zerhe, lale of Low
er Mahauoy township, Northumberland county,
P. .deceased. All persons l.le'.ited In s.,11 es
tate are requested lo nutf imaicdii.te. settlement
and those having claims are rcquci-tcd to pre
sent them for settlement- B. M. BUBU,
Geo'-etow ii, Nov. 9, '72.Rt. Administrator