Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 07, 1872, Image 4
"Eh ,bbertiecmcnfa t tf. . eftisccllancons. tattnfndnrccs. 8clu GRAND OPENING OF FALL AID WINTER GOODS AT . HERZEELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Jtiet oicnft1, an enormous Slock of READY-MADE Clothing, Tlni iarymt ever oflrri'd in this trnvn. Clntbint; to suit nil tiislta. Cloiliine for nil oc casion, from ttio tilniiuf t Wnrkintr Clo'.hcR t tho finest nud nviit faaliionnblo DRESS SUITS. Boys and Youths' Clothing: This ilepnrlnu.nt is whSI stocked with a Uiru'c vnricty rf ponda of all color, qunliliet and etylwn. All clot hiiis: is ninde to my own order, by the liest mechanics), and combine durability and strength with utaiucaa nud style. Hats anil Caps for Men and. Boys. An enormous assortment iu this line, including the very latest in New York and Phila- delph'm sty U s. St-eete9 Furnishing Goods. The molt magnificent stock to ! found outside of the lar;;e cities. The very latest iu svery thine, Xecaware,, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ilaudkerchiefs, and especially a full line of the beet, makes in Shirts and Gents' Underware. TRUNKS, VALSHS and numerous other article!. Doing by far the largest business in my line in the county, and having largo quanti ties for cash, I am able to offer superior inducement and tell at LOWER PRICES than any of my competitors. Everybody Is respectfully Invited to call and examine the largest stock ever seen in this place. Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Sept. 14, 1872. Grand Opening of FAZA WIMTER GOODS, AT Hew Central Variety Store, No. 1C6, Market Street, South Sid, East of the Railroad, Dress Goods of all Kind; BUVe, Slik Fop'laa, Alpaca, Lnster Alpaca, DeLalnes, Plu j, Opra FlanusU, Cloaking. NOTIONS. LADIES' end GENTS' ITRNISniSO GOOP3, Hoiry, Glove, Hoods, Ca, Garmantwn Wool, Ladles' Iinraitation Hair Good In uew and beautlCul Style. SHAWLS, Ottamon Ciown, Oltamos Double all Wool, Flad Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Scarfs, ,tc. JEWELRY. Ladtai Plated and Jet Opera Cbulnf, Ladles' Plated nnd Jet Sett, flcger Rlags, Ear Rings, slave, eiaeta uuttona, Groceries. Fresh Grocerlea, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Tab'. and Stair Oil Clolht. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to riuuej' for the Greatest Variety of Goods. Good arriving Dully. '. U. It 1 tb unlTcrtnl Terdlct of the trad that my goods are sold the lowed In this market. D. A. FINNEY, November 0, 187S, No. 106, Mareet Street, 8untury, Pa. BUTCHERY ! BUTCIIE11Y 1 Messrs. REFITW A UOW Tit, Third Street, npinite Central Ilrtel, bXNUURV, PA., KEEP constantly on baud the very chcicett of fresh IIEEF, MCTTOX ASU TEAL, which i acid at the lowed prices. Meat ran b bAdut all hour during the day. Sunbury, Pa., June S, I87S. St w uouiMi is tiv tiooosn Jiit Opend. F. J. BYROD, Inform the citizen ot Suubmy and vicinity, that be ha received hi Inrire asortmeut of Dry Good and selllug them cheap for casb t his smre room, corner Third and Church streets, SUNBURY, PA., Els stock Prj ftooda and Grocerlea). The D'vGocid. Jr partment is tomplete, bating a Mineral ussortuivnt of Cloths, Caoeimerea, CalicosDeLaiuB, and everything In tha Dry Goods line. Tb GRO F.KIt.W are all fresh, and conalst of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Mollaes, Pplws, Meat, Pish, Sc. . BOOTS AM) SHOES. Vlllow-Ware and Glaa-War, a general assortment. In fact everything kept ia a first-class store, can be bad at lh most reasonable prices for casb. Tlavlntr located In Sunbury for tb purpose of becoming one of It citizens, 1 hope that by fair dealing and strict attention to business to Weill a share of the public patronage. My motto ia '-Small ProHt and Quick Suits." All are cordially Invited to call and examine my goods, at no charge will be made for abow juv litre. T. i. BYROD. nnajwrt, Oet. Ift, ItTf. UMBRELLAS, Merzfelder, -5 Tlcktug, Ladlaa V. D. ME LICK, Druggist and 'Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. . W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Mnrket Square, SlMtl HV, FA. Keep constantly on hand a full dock of well selected DRUGS fie CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VARMSII, DYESTIFFB, Id fact everything usually kept in a well eon ducted 3D3R.TTG STORE. Particular atleullon paid to compounding Phy siclans prescriptions and family receipt by the froprialor utmseir. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1873, Fall and Winter St j lea OF TirilU tntw fr r ft a HATS, CAPS, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapes, Silk, Batlni, Turquoise, Crape and Lao veus. Trimming of every DeorlptioQ from New Yoik and Philadelphia, ju.t opened and for ale at 'inusuully low price. Call and examine and be convinced. MISSL. SHISSLEB Market Bquara, South tide, Bunbary, Fa. BunBnry, u, V, tar. lTW CM nostra ft wmmm at Utlsg fTT) 't H-I1 HT-n T- I ! ij Fooatain Nasal Injector, DOUCHE. This Instrument It speclany assigned fcr tat mi application oi DR. SAOI't CATARRH RtMKOV. It to the only form of Instrument vet Invented wttfc which fluid medietas can be carried AlpA j and ptrfftUlu applUd to all part of tha affected nasal pa saifos, and tba chamber or earltiaa communicating tberewllli, ia which aore and altera frequently exist, and from which tha catarrhal discharge generally pro. ernxlu. Tuewantofenccesain treating Catarrh here tofore haa ariaen larjroW from tha Impneslblltty of applying rttnedles to these cavities and chamber by any or tha ordinary method. Thteohaucle ia the way of effecting core la en tlrely overcome by tha Invention of the Donche). In using thia Instrument, via rtuia ia camea ay ita awn wigm aw siiim. wro- ing or pumains Being required.; up one nostril ia a run eniiv uowius stream iu in. niRDe poruuei 01 imm Ami DaM:rc. parse Into and thoroughly clean II the tuba and chamber connected therewith, and flowtoutoHheepasrrastrll. Its nr. Is pleaaantand so simple mat a child can nnnemana rt. ran aud explicit direction accompany each instrument. When need with thia instrument. Dr. 9tre'a Catarrh Remedy rurea recent attache of .Cold In tho Bad"by. few application. KrmDlnma of Catarrh. Fraoncnt head- ache, discharge falling Into throat, ometima pro- ruse, watery, mica mucus, purulent, onenuvs, cc la other a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed eros, stopping up or obstruction of naaal passage, ringing In ear, deaftiess, hawking and conghlng to clear throat, ulcerations, cab from Blears, role altered, naaal twang, offensive breath, Impaired or total deprivation of sens of tmell anil taste, diatt. nose, mental di-presslon, loss of appetite, ladlga. tlun, enlanred tonsils, tlckllnc eough, . Only a row oi inete eyinpiona arenaeiy u d p reseat u any eaae at one time. Dr. Saare's Catarrh Reaaeair. whea used WUh Or. Plere' Naaal Don che. and accom panied with the constitutional treatment which I recoanMnded in the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Romedy, la a perfect specific for this loath aome disease, ana the proprietor offer, in good filth, JjOO reward for a case ha can not cure. Tha Remedy la mild and pleasant to nee, containing no strong or canttlo drnjs or poison. The Catarrh Hemedy la sold at SO cents, Donrh at SO cents, ky all Drnrgtta, or either will be nailed bj pro prietor on receipt of 60 cent. A V. PIBKCaV n. D.. Sole Proprietor. BUFFALO, r. X. Way 4, 1672- CEO. EVAN6. k. y. ma:;.e. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia, TAILORS aud MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band t Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Our being the leading house on MlUUry work, w feel that we can ofTer Inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1873. NEW DRUG STORE, no. 13, Boutn Tnira Btrcet, i Clement House Bitte. Snnlmry, Fa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. WE ars uow opeulug an entirely new itock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared to iuf ply any article In our Una that tnav bo called for, we linvealoa full stock of all the lending Patent Medicine. Fine Pi-rfu- lnery aim ToiU't Article a speciality, a tun as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Null, Shoe and other Brushes, Dressing and other C'oniba In great variety, FINE TOILET SOAPS. a full tine Cooking Extract, French Mnvtard, Choice Spleei", Pepper whole or irrouud, Castile and Laundry Urmpe, Lamp Chimney aud Lamp Goods itene rally. Bird r)eed In targe or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fnll stock Fluid nnd Solid Extracts, Ellxera and Pill of I", b- P., Sujjiir Coated, Ktrentrthcnlnir, Arnica, Porou, Poor Miin' and other Plaster, Ayer's, Wright', 8chctik Maudrake, McLaiiv' Liver and other Pills, our atock enibracea every thing found In a well conducted Drue Store. Country Physicians will find our stock full and complete, and we guarantee to sell adowas the same article ran be bought in Philadelphia, choice Wiues, Whiskey and Brandy for Medicin al purpose. Octobers, 187a. O. W. KEEFEB. R. A. OA6S. New Goods! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Uoous, urocenes, uu Cloths, GIurs and Nails of every variety, at one low price, at KEEFElt & GASS' STORE. Corner of Fourth aud Market Street, EUNBURT, FA. All kinds of Grain takeu In exchange same a cuaU. '-all aud aor i.s. KEtlCK A tiABD. Sunhnry, Oct. ifl, 187" Don'. J I 01 !(.'. Good morning. Mn. A., . for so etrly I Mrs. A. Why Mrs. c, ..on t yon ki wr. Bye.'ly ha bought out th Grocery and C' tioucry Btore of Haas Wt-av.:r. ..u i I set mg nice fresh Groceries, Canned Fruit, and iu fuel, everything In the Grocery ilue, cheuier thuii the cheapest, and I have got tired paying high price, o I have made up my mind after this to patron- Use Mr. Byerly BO good morning, aire. v.. i must go. Mr. C, to hertelf. Well I am bouud to find out for myself, and win go to Byerly 's new eneap cash Grocery, the next lime 1 wunl auy Uroeeriea, ContVtiiaaerleaor Prluie vyatera. I will just say to all come and give ma a trial, and satisfy yourselves thai there la on cheap cash Grocery in Sunbury. Remember the place, ro. tt, Boutn i nira ot., in Clemeut Uous Building, Bunbrtry, Pa. 8. BYERLY. Sunbury, Jan. 90. 1872 DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. RENN, In Simjxon'i Building, Marltt Square, Bumbitrt, Pa-, 1 prepared to do all kind of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on baud a larga assortment of Teeth, and other Dental mateiiul, from which he will be able to (elect, and meek tn wants or tits euatomer. All wora warranted to glveatUfaction,or 1 tha monev refunded, OR " J If Ml Tba very beat Mouth Wash a ad Tooth-Powder kept on hand. Ilia referenaa ar th umsrous patron for whom b ha worked for tb la twalva yaar. BwolTBry, ApvO t l"- A. M. ME1XELL, American fttirt Karren WATCatCII. FINE JEWELRY ond 61LVEUWAnE. reritod Nprtae4ea atnd E ' Glaaftva). GOLD HEADED OANES. VTatcbe aud Jewelry neatlv repaired aod rrar rnnted. Market Bqoare, 601TB VRT, Fa. 8, 1872.-tf. Feb. JJARDWARK TOR ALL AT THE HAllDWARE STORE or J. H. CONNELLY & CO. market Street, NiBbnry, Pa. It 1 useless to enumerate every kind of article In his btore, but aiming the leading Item mny be eel down the following t Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstone, Nail of all kinds and lien, Vice, Saws, Planes, Sieve, Chain, Axe, Brass and Iron Kettle, Shovels, Hoe, Fork, Spades, Rakes, Hatchet, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machine, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterer' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowel, Hand Dinner Bella, and large cast Iron Bells for School House and Farmer' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Fork for digging potatoes, Looking Glates, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons. Tucks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nail, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lautrrns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Lock of all descriptions. Cone Mill, Bit and Braces, ! Carriage Bolts of all kind, Paint and Wall ; Uru'br, buckets, ) Oils, Yarnlahe), Japan, j I.v. 8ndn Ash, Washing Soda, V Vl.Vr OF ALL KIMS In OH or Dry, I Parti-Colors of all kinds, i CEDAR-WAKE and other Wooden-Wae of all kinds and very ! cheap, Hay-Fork Pnlley, ! Picks, Mill Pick, Level, Level Olas.os, '. File, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Peddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutter. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Sheara, Shot, Cap aud Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Auy thing wauled and not on hand, will be ordered at once. Bnnlmry, Aug. lit, 1871. t'ENTEK OF ATTRACTION. Everybody la Invited to coma and bny of lb ; handsome assortment or TOTS ANU CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVITTS STORE, In frame building, adjolnlne Moore Jk Dlsstngrr'a bmlding, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectloneriis of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIXUH constantly on hand. The bet RAISINS, FIG8, j CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buna A Cakes, every morning, j FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, 4c. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS 1 I Hnvlne fitted up a room eipressly for serving i up Oyster In every tyle, Ladies and Gentlemen will tie accommodated witn tne nest oivaives in , market, at all hoars during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oyster, at Is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excelieut assortment or goods and ascertain the prices. a. r-SEVia. Dec. 16, 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, I THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, j Has la stock aud constantly leceivlng Novelties i In his line, consisting iu pan oi a tun uue oi AmiKICA WATCHES, Eleiu. Illinois. Howard A Co., Waltham, Mas sachusetts, and Boy'e AMERICAN WATCHES; Also, a full set or Ladies, ana uent' uoia ana Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELEY. Roman Gold set, pink coral and Gold lets, Ear-Rings, Necklaces and Pendants, Onyi and Jet Jewelrv. Solid Silver-ware of Sterling purltt, made to or der. Bridal and Presentation Pieces, Knive, Fork aud BXHn in eases, also, a full Hue of Silver Plnted Goods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Set, Erblt Stands, Cake Baskets, Coffee Urn, Fork, and Spoon treble plnted, the best in the market SPECTACLES. If yon value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute CrUtle Pebble mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many year without change, and warranted Superior to all others in nse. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory', Pearl and Metal handles In case ap plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clock, also Calender Clocks ot ill dlsertp tlons. Eugraving done at the shortest notice. Watcaes, Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired and Satisfaction warranted. All goods will be sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially Iuvlted to Call and Examine for themselves. Don't forget the place. T. B. SHANNON. BunSury.Dee. 16 tf. Manhood iIIow Lout, How Reator ed! Just published, a new edition of Dr. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED EbSAY on the radical cure (without mediciue) of SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Scmiuul Losses, IMPOTENCE, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impediment MfrluP' - jOnuuiKion, i. ' and Fits, luduccd by aclf-indulgcnce or l tn Marriage, etc. j alto, Consumption, Epilepsy, iced by acii-induigenre or eexuai extravii trance Price, In a sealed envelope, only 5 cent. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' uecessful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dyt'gerous use of internal medicine or the upplit-utlou of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, aud effec tual, by means of which mat ter what hi coudilion may be, may cur himself cheanlv, privately and radleall. tr This Lecture should be in th hand of every youth aod evory man In the land. Bent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of ill eeuts, or two postage stamp. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Gnld," price 50 cent. Address the Puhll.hers, CIIAB.J. C. KLINES CO., P. O. Box, 4,(Ma. 197 Bowery, New York. April 87. 1879. Bakery for Sale. The well known Bakerv of W. IT. Haa, on ' Fourth street. Bunbury, Inalndlng a good dwlU Ini hnua aud stood slabllnic uttachfd, la o tit red for sal on reasonable terms. Tb Bakery I new and of good capacity, aapabl of baking 90 barrel of lour per week. Apply 10 Wsn. U. or ALBERT HAAfl. Jury r), l7. tf. IfMbary, f. R W 2 BADWAY S READY "RELIEF I'lTHfM TUB WORST l.l from One to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR tutor rcmlrt tiH Ritrtlftrirrnt nrwl mt mm W'FKKR VITM I AIN. fiTKKY VATTf. It wm lh- tm ml 1 nrio Only Iftln 1-mt1v tWt t4llTtttV I trm ihn mom rwrneiwmc fmnr, ilt in fl mfMkHA nnti enrm l miwrt1 !, wrx-thayr if th i.inn fVnniaUi, ikiw., vr wtber ultohtt or orptua, by oo $pli UOtd, of Kn niMtor how vnmA or vicriiriMltiit the wln tb RITEtT MATK IWtl-rVlfWn, Infirm, CrippM, lSwvwi, Maurftlcift rr ym4rwl wUu Umkum mitr niuIVr, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WI1.I. AFT)nTJSIW4rrr KJ(S. 1TLAVMAT10" 1NKI 1JITLAMMATWS TTTjC BLAPMra I .a noKiaTiiiM nf twc i.trN TITB LVKOft. HOP. TUItOAT, trrf ICl'liIlt4TBlNia. mt. CATA1UUJ, TJCrLTTEKtA. yrtvilAtxiiA, xirECKATnoa. coi.n wiiMA Afin riiii-ut. TUo sipiieitUMi ef Ue Ready Raltef m the sart a pvta whtts lbs aula t dUUuHy exMs oiUaSara ess aad It. fill 1(1. ' .11 iSlTSItllll. VAWA Tmrelrn s'mntd alwavs tarrf a MUa af SsteSsav. Il.-env Krllef wuh Im A few araea la wstst wis lirvvett' sl.-.M iw vr pstns f niiu chsnir of wstar. M a alls iuA r'reJicli Brsndy or OlUen m a stinuiant, PRTEO AND AOIB. rKWR AKl) AUUK aurad fartriy twits. Thar Is aat a rittd!al Sfcxt la tli world thai wtil car Fsvsr and Aitm, si4 an other Malailmis. fmioiu, Searkt, Tvyaold. V.U..W, and oilier Fevers ulDed by KAPW AX'S FILLS) so 0'ileV u KADWAY'SltKACX EEUEF. Fifty asaaa st Vouia. aW kr brats Ws. HEALTH I BEAUTY 1 1 pttwxo Aitn rmit kich blood-incriap of Vl.E.111 A1 WKluHT. IIF4. L VOalTiXliOM I. FA R aVKIH ANU in anu AajtL ISUUJtKD TO 1U, DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADK T1IC MOST ARTOTQI3UINO CtTRVt t JO UCK'K. 1V JRA1II ARK TUB CliATiOfcl tnj VSPKll TUB iNKLCINt:; PMU TKVl.V Til A1 Every Day an Increase In FlMh and Weight la Sean and Fait. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. KTfrf (Imp mt Ui SARiAPARlI.LU.t RESOI-TmT eonmanlmtM tfcrmh th HlooJ, BwmL lrtf. nJ oilvH fluUb suid JhsTm of Um 44?m tb Tlf or r lt. fr II rvAlrt tit wMtri el 1b bodf wttb WW n4 Vwai4 sttatcrtal. SfiUa, flrpMll, Coiatntiipttoa, U land ,' AUmww, Cl In U TrirrU, Month, Tuiiiwr. KoJ In ti tiiftttd 4 other MJUfif IU Yttn. Hur EytM, (ttrunoui l)F4hnr; i 1 tit Ears. n1 th worn lbnn wf a !, fc-mp. tlontL Frvtf H.rr, IVaM lltwl, Eln Wrm, fttvtl Hhrn. EryiJpciM, Aen. lllack ISpot Wrni In Uit rmlt. Tummr Cnweri In llic Womb. nn4 all wcastwJra n4 l:wnfi ti- cJaatrftA Ueltt BwoU, IA f Biwrm, anJ all wAt of IU IMIMIbl 1U woftaWr ill pcificipi, are viuim ma umuv r fsf Molni Cbarnlnln', Uw 1ht' ra la nny piun unlng It far Mtncr t Uiw forrt ftt wmm Hs iAmnl MWer tA Mir. thMn If th., amlly Wnufblne TdMd Vy tA. MlM art dMnfnHMitlrn tbtit U cnutlnuaUx rrtftMUl, lUMMdl I. .rrMtln tbM. wUfi, mitt rviMilni tit. koi vTth rtvw mster litl node from hMlthy rtl.KKl-u4 this UM tAitAAl'AJUL J,l AN will ud Uim. tet-uiv, nlv Am lh. HjUM.rAn.t.iur TtnftLTirf .a rvmMlUtl Bj;mls lit th. cur. 4 t'lirvnlc, ScrarutmM, l cpllutKintil, igti Uua illsuin I H Is 111. voir seduv. sr. fcir ttldiier A: IJIaddcr Complaint. rrlntur, .'"I w-ttmb Miam Or.T.1, 1)UH. Vmprf IKoftft&fa ( tf r.trr. tn4tn.tltt.HO. of Urine, firtitht s IIUwu. AlMiinintinx ... in .'I cm wnmintri nrv Dric.tiiim pmH, r tit. 1 tblok. ilnttttr, m ltli Mbtunec. Ilk. Lb. wbll. r an f r, mt thra!i D.. walu .Ilk. r tlien k. itwrtltl. dnrk. bilious .ppwnee, uA whll. bttdtirt ftpTMMluv. .n.1 wke Lh.r. 1. a rHcAlnir. bnrrtlti vwavUnri Im r-Mrtiic vtUT. ait,i pain la Ik. mlU W tb. llMk 4 skm tk. til... i'rkM, luo. WORMS, Tb. u kwn Ml nn ftVawO to 1Tit rut, Hum, mtc m Tumor of 19 Toon' Groirtli Cured bf Dadway'i TlenolTcnt. SniMt, M.M., IS. MM. Tv. I bw U 0Hui T I. Ik. wlt, ut4 wMu All riMti ttlknwuMhilibf II." 1 wiM aw th nF asaaa tavaa aasmaa snaJasl 1 Trrt fUaoTTtMi, Mi taol 1 wa)4 try fctii ha. a faiia t II. WMt I - Mama tor twa ark. I laofc ii Wltloa af lh hl.atit. MlNiWrf Kaalway1 1MU. mt4 Hra tMMsW W T-W r Ikltt M wm i.i.ntw... i wti n.t.k ..if, w. - fUarlv Relief sVnJ (bar W k a tlfn of tomaf t- W twa aw fcll. svf I iWI W4Ur, smartaf, mn4 baeier tkas I kave 1W t "-! feartfl TIm rari WtMf m la tba lA tlcVi mt tha Wwels sreae K rrwh. I sre4t Ikla ia ms. ar lal af Otkeri. Tim aaa Ml DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, rOrilr uulm, .VaswUr Utl wttb sfrt (mm, sjtm. mrnlM., iturtrV, ifruw, ul iranitlira. Kalr Plllfc tit U cur. irf all dUortWr. of Ik. 8Uw trn, Um, Bnwkk KkliirL niulilM'. ttwt.LM DUmm. HMbk CnMll t- vm, rullnam, ltt.llnul.n. Dyr-ri.. Inlloam.M. BU- VtM F.vr, iunnnmint rwvrmnit. r tit. la .r lit. llrul VUrnn. WkrnutUA t. ff it id. ol me iwtwtw, rue, .ti. u tb iwiweu. rut, .it u D- a dmiUv. mm Ftinilv V(wl.UM, aOBIAUlll.( .. Harf, itwYid, tf 4.1.1... dna. fW III bMrra u. ruiow'.n. avnetsma rmHnut raa INs arkx W lb. lllwi. Orw l IMMki, lawv Mb.. Fvrlran W lb. UtJ Is 0 Tln4 Ad.ll. l Ik amuuX. Kmm, llnntor., DtarM 1 T4. S.lh Ma m W.UI I. Ik. 'wmm-h, tm S It... Sl.klu kf M Ik. rll W Ik. Bk, I.Mh w u. Haa. n. I iki.ii - ' 1 n. HtM .1 uu Hwl rkaiM m a S .Iu. la . I uw run ! V, Dm m W k il... Ik. Sirkl, ivrv M. IM1 turn t. a. PIm.. rS.M.ry "ir-i- til -. I.IImM w tit. Sit. w4 Fj., ra kt M CbM, U.W, m4 will. I tokOT wt M, BwmM ai MM A few omm t APWAT'ff TTX1M WJ1 trr b trfvfW furn vll ti iiiAw.ii'..i itiaortkra. Jria, 9k Ktsia iht bos. tol.t BY l-Rrf.iirT. RK-.n -TAl-Sr AMI TnTTT." WwW-ilir,r lifatiiJU wwU iLtiaai m lm March 30, 1873.-1.T. PHILADELPHIA, Invlt attention to their large and well stock of Watches, Cloefca, Bronaee, selected D la- moadi, SILVERWARE, PLATED-WARE, Fancy Good In Gilt and Leather, Ornament from Paris, V'.enna, and Berlin, French Flower, Table Cutlery, English Um brellas. Order by Mall will receive prompt attention. ll'.'-t Chestnut street., Philadelphia. Nov. 9, 1879. 8m JQaldwell&Qo. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- (A few door west of tb Coutlnental Ilotel.) Jewellers ani Silversiiictlis, Importer of - Fine Watches Bronzes Fancv Goods, Moderate Prices FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Marked in Plain Figures, WITHOUT DEVIATION. Prompt attention given to ord erl and Inquiries oy man FINE MILLINERY. Th Fall aod Winter stock of Good at Sllaa L. WeUer'a Store, Market Street, Buubnry, TAKES THE LEAD. Every article In the tin of Millinery Good can be purchased at her eitablltmaut, com prising of LADIES' IIATS AND BONNET", FRAMES, FLOWERS, CRAPES, RIBBONS, LACES, , TURQUOISE, and all th leading style of ladle' Millinery wear, NOTIONS, a general Variety. HANDKER CHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSE, Ao. Th ladle of Sunbury and vicinity ar invited to call and examine lh gem good now la toy tr' MISS L. WF.ISER. November IS, 1879. 5000 agent wanted at onos for onr new book, l D I-lir- oi me arrB.1 r inuroi, LIVINGS I ONE, and bit resurrection from a living Death, by STANLEY. For full deaerimlou and term, addras Imme diately. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, Nw,Ut. Phil, or Bottoo nACIIIMK SHOP AMI IROM FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACU ft SONS, Saabary, Peats, I STORM tho pnhlle thnt they ar prepared to do all kinds of CABTING8, and having added new Mncninc Minn in connection with their Foundry, and ttnve snpplled themselves with New Lathes. Planing nnd uoring Machine, with the latest Improvement. With tb aid of skllirnl mechanic, they are enabled to execute nil order. NEW WORK OR REPAIRING. that may b glvm them, in a satisfactory man ner. Urate to aalt any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for church or other balld- tng, Of all l(e. BRASS CA8TINH9, Ae. Ornamental Iron Fencing: FOR GRAVE YARD LOT8 VERANDAHS, ran, tarda at RxsroKitcn, o., ao. The PLOWS, alread? eelebrated far their an- perlorlty, have been still farther Improved, and will always ue Kept on nana. Also, TnREPnlNG MACHINES. Imnhnry, May 90. 1871. LUMBER AND PLANINU HILLS. Third Street, adjoining Fhlla. A Erie R. R., two Bqnar North or tne central iiout, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber reunlred by the demands of the public Having ail the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lnnber, be la now ready to nil or der af all kind of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kind of Ornamental Rcrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAROI ASSORTUTKT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK aod PINE. Alio, Shingle, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. 1KA I . ll.i.M &.vi . drcHMSHily MTOTE at TIN I1STABLI8IIMENT. MARKET STREET, BUNBURT, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. tl tXXSSOK TO ktITB OEKTUKR. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnuse would respectful ly lntorm the public that he now has on haud a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to he nsed for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dlUereut kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every IeaerIption kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil td Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a a.nd.. Store opposite Conley'a hardware store. Give tna a call. A. KRAUSE. apl24-ly GRA.D OPEXlXti of the largest and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, and Gentlemen'; Furnishing Goods, at TITOS. U. KOTT'S MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, In Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUNBURY, PENN'A. The most fashionable clothing made to order from every variety of goods. Buit of all sloe made np at the shortest no tice, from the best selected stock in New York and Philadelphia. Call aud be convinced. THOB. G. NOTT. April 20. 1872. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decorating and Paper Hanglrg done In the latest improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Pnrdvtnwn, Emcrlck'i bnllding. Sunury, May ll,"l872.-tf. MEW TOBACCO AMD NKUAK. ASI BRUSH STORE. South side of Market street between 3d and 4lh SUNBURY, PA. Just opened, an entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND 6EGARS. Segara of every grade. Tobacco of every varle'y. Pipes, both plain and fancy. BRUSHES! DRUBUESIt BRUSHES ! ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct ftora the manufacturer at greatly reduced prlcet. Ills line of brushes are a specialty and many new kluds never before introduced iuto this market. Alto, Paper Collar and Curls lu great variety. A large assorluieut of all the popular Songs of the day. Cull aud examlu my goodi and get a list of prices. UENhT PETERY. Novmber9, 1872.-ly PALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. Jnst received from th cities an entire new ttock of Millinery Goods, consisting of BONNETS AND IIATS. FLOWERS, WREATHS, Feathers, Frames, Lace, Ribbon, Turquoise. and all th leading style of fine Millinery. I have spared neither palut nor expense to make my Fall Stock oue of the moat attractive ever offered to tha citiseni of Bunbury and vicin- -y- t All are invited to can ana examine my sioca. M. L. GOSSLER. 45 Bontb Fourth Street, below the B. V. R. K., BUNBURY, PA. Not. 9, 1879. CURTAIN MATERIALS. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES. CORNICE DECORATIONS, LAMBREQUINS LACE DRAPERIES, PIANO COVERS, FURNITURE COVERINGS, TASSELS AND LOOPS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, CRETONNES. SUMMER CURTAINS, BROCATELLE. Special Interior Dkcoratioj., To Order at Moderate Price. WALBAVEN, Maaonic Hall, 710 Chettnut Streot, Pbil'a, Juu 22, 1879. 4m. LADIES' FANCY GOODS FALL STYLES AT Miss Kate Black, Kark.t Square Bunbury, ra.. BLACK DRESS SILKS, Plld and Plato Poplin. Worsted and Eiubrol rt, WorsUrd Sack and Shawl for Ladle aud Children. All kluds of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. A gsnsral assortment of Whit Goods, Dray Trimmings, Lao., Ac. A general variety of Glove, Uandkercblr, tlos for ladle and gen. daman. TOILET BOA PB AND PERFUMERY. Everybody I lavltad to anil and see them aad boy Naatbera Central Railway. "INTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Oct. 17, 1873, train 1U ran a "tw t NORTHWARD. Niagara Erpreaa lave Bnnbttry at 1 40 pi m., for Niagara Falls Mnll arrive at Banbury at 4.10 p. ro., airtT t Wlillamsport 6.l anil Elmlra 10.80 p. tn. Kant Line arrives at Sunbnry at p. tn., arrive ut Wllllamspoit S.85 p. nv Erin Mall leaves Sunbury at 6.W a rr. WU llmiisport at 8 40 a m, and arrive at lilVra at Vi.V p ra. SOUTHWARD. Mail leave Sunbury at 11.05 a. Tn.. nuJ. bf n.rrlshnrg 1.45 p. in., UultltnoreO W) p. ra. Jtne Kxpr isave Danoury at .o a. ro,., ar rive t Ilarrisburg 11.3U a. tn, BdltJanOM 9.00 p. m. trie Mall leave Buoburv at 12.60 . m.. arm) at Harrlsbnrg a.45 a. ro., bVillimor 8.45 a. m, Ntarara Express leava Banbnry at LOU p n, HarrUbarg at 10.40 p m, arriv at Baltimore IU a m. snAMOKTN bmeioit. aaTWAT. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. tn., arriv at fihaxao kin 6.60 p. m., Mt. Carmel 6.80 p. m. Leave Sanbury (Accommodation,) at U 83 p. m., arrive at Bhnmoktn 1.86 p. m. WESTWARD. Leav Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a. m., Bbamoklu 8.30 a. tn., arriv at Suubnry 9.25 a. tu. Leave Bhamokln (Accommodation,) at 9.45 p. tn., arriv at Sunbnry 8.65 p. ro. Express leavee dally. All other train leav dally, except Bundaya. A. K. IE1. AD. B. IOCKO, Sen'l. Sup't., Harrisburg, Pa. Gen'l Paseen'r Ag'l., Ballmure, M l Philadelphia aal te Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, Oct. 27th, 1S79, the Trains on tb Philadelphia Erie Rail Road will ran as follows i WE8TWARD. Mall Train leave Philadelphia, 11.40 p m " " " Sunbury, 0.30 air " " arr at Erie, 7.55 p it Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 19.40 p ra " " " Sunbury, 7.01 p m " " an at Erie, 7.43 a m Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a in " " " Sunbury, 4.30 p in " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.45 p id Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.S0 a m " " " Sunbury, 13.40 pm " " arr at Kenovo, 4.35 a ra EASTWARD. Mali Traiu leaves Erie, 11.35 a lu " " " Sunhnry, VJ.4S a ro ' " arr at Philadelphia, .M a m Erie Expreaa leaves Erie, 9.05 p m " " Sunbury, 9.S5 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 8.30 p m Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7.45 a tn " " " Sunbury, 11.00 am " " arr at Philadelphia, n.00 p m Niagara Express leuves Renovo, 3.U5 p m " ' " Sunbury, 7.55 p m " " arr at Philadelphia, 2.30 a nv Mail East connects enkt and west nt Erie with I.. S. A M. S. R. W. and at Irviucton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exoresa and Erie Express East, and Erie Mail, Niagara Express and Klmira Mull West, connect at ViUiatns)iorl with trains going north on the Elmlra aud Canandutgua dlvMou of IbeN.C. U.K. Catnwlssa passenger trains will be run enst and west from Williuinstnitnii Elmlra Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't DauTllle. Ilazletoa V mikeabarre It. R. Peuua. R. R. Ca. Leaaeo. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger tralna on the D., U. W. R. R. will run as follow. : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LBAVf. A.M.! LEA VI. A.M. New York, ;00 Sunbury, Philadelphia, . 8:00 Danville, . 7:02 Euston, 0:35 Cattawissa, 7:1!S Bethlehem, 10:05 Haxleton, U:08 r. m. r. u. Hatletnn, l:tK) Bethlehem, Vi:0 Cattawissa, 9:40 Easton, Danville, 3:20 Philadelphia, 9:15 Sunbury, arrive !':57 New York, arr. 11:50 Train West arriving at Sunbury 3:57 p. m., makes clote connections with train on Philadel phia Erie R. R. for Mihon, Williainxport, Luck lUvn and ail points West, Elmlra and all points Norlh, also w ith Northern Ctutinl Rail way. for Ilurilnburi; and Baltimore. sU7New and elegant couches run tlirotii;! 1 ! tween Suubury aud Easton. FRANK. THOMPSON. Supt. D. H. A- W. U. R Srrr'a Orrtct, Wilmamspoht, Pa i May 1, lfTTtJ. S COAL! COALt COALI-GR.v.vt' :''., J Shippers and Wholesale and Re'.ni e . in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, bCNT.l .V . I (loweb woarp.) j Pole Agent, waetwirl. at lie v ' ilenrvClnv Coal. .i -i -' '- Up De Graft 's rETSTE k-lSTID EAR INFIRMARY, SUNBURY, PENN'A. THIS Institution It now open for tho reception of Patients for th treatment of DUeate Of th EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNGS, CATARRH, 4c, Ac, Ac, and operation In GENERAL SURGERY. Our collection of INSTRUMENTS is very large, com prising all th latest Imphovkmemti, enabling u to meet SURGERY in all forma. Physicians are invited to accom pany Patients to our Institution for operations. By request of many CitUe ns, we will attend to call in GENERAL PRACTICE. Infirmary, tleineut'a Balldlaer, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET &T8.. SUNBURY, PA. C. E. CP DE GRAFF, Physician uod Surgeon. Bunbnry, Feb. 3. 187J -tf. J. W. WASHINGTON'S GRAND BARBER Hit OP. In Mis Dttllln' building, Morket street, east of the Railroad, north tide, SUNBURY, Pa. Tb old permanent shop of the town We decline the boast, but at the same time consider that tb mighty truth iua.vabe seasona bly spoken without manifesting an uncomforta ble amount of vanity aud ambition. Just tweuty veara airo I bgan my busines career in this place half my lifetime thus fur pent, have I Mood npou the Hour of onr shop day after day, and night after night, and applied tb (barn blu gleaming atael, and within that clap or Urn embraced by the mighty folds of that avselful period have I shaved nearly every, body la th courtry (In common parlance) and to oblige th public Internal w herein publicly annnnuo ta oar patrone old and new ibat wa ar ready to shav then all agaiu three buudred. Ibouaaud time or more. Come when you please, jml la oiw I the mm lm wear alway ready to work, foreuonn or afternoon, to ahave yoo, hair ent vou, aliutnpoo you, whUkee dy you, or porfuine, eoinb and ar. rang tb hair with artUtlc akill, In the "wuter rail" or water raise etyle to suit the customer. We work to please, not pleas to work. Stop, don't go pt our hop to get shavd on th bki of eEutiy-boOw.UK w do it i well aa it can b don or vr couM ne. A chance I 1.11 we de nan t Te glv tb proof w hold la band, M. 1, HT9. J