Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 07, 1872, Image 3

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    8UN13UKY, DECEMBEH 7, 1872.
focal Iffairs.
Railroad Time Table, , ,
H. C. R. W.. Sontli.
Erie Mall, 13. Mam
Erie Express, 9.40
Mull, 11.09 "
Nlsg. Express 8.00 p m
P. & E. R. R. West.
Mail, 0.."0 a m
Nlng. KxpresslS.40 p m
Elmlra MaU 4.B0 " .
Erlo Express, 7.01 "
Leave 8unhury for Lcwlstowu at 7.45 a. m.,
o , rt Ir
UU V1V 1 ' 01. ,
Arrive at Buhburt frotrl Lewittowfj ht i
nd 7.43 p. A." "
and 7.4S p
Sunbury at 6.45 Smj At Suiibur . .9.35 a m
' '.18.86 pm I I : - 3.65 pill
4.40 p m " 6.00 p m
Regular passenger tsalu leaves Bdflbury for
Dauville, Cntfawlssa, Ilnzlolon and Intermedlnta
stations, at 6.49 a. m. Returning leave Hade
ton at 1.00 p. tn. Arrive at 4.00 p. in.
Leave Northumberland at 9.40 it. m. and 4.60
p. m. , 7 . , ,
Arrive at Northumberland at 80.35 a. rov and'
0.05 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be bad of
J. Shipman, Ticket Agont, at tha Depot.
Brwinq Maciiinrs. Miss Caroline Dull us is the
agent for the sale qf th best (BewUyf Machines
In existence, vli : "Tho Improved Singer,"
"Grovcr A Baker,". Howe," and "Domestic,''
which n ro constantly on band and sold at rea
sonable prices. She Is also agent for the fele
bratod Frantz and Pope Knitting Machine. Cnll
and see them. Office on Market street, east of
the rnllrond. ' '
Tun Golden Light Stove nud Heritor, for salo
by J. B. Reed, Third Street, opposite the Central
Hotel, Sunbury, Pn.
IlEMrmtr challenges the country to excel his
shadow Photographs.
1'oncrxAiN Pictures, and flino work a specialty
at Hcmpcrly's.
Tue ganeral cry is Hcmperly takes the best pic
tures m the county.
An immense stock of Frames just received at
llc.;-.ipcr!y Photograph Gallery.
Squake Frames of nil sizes mnde to order at
K-im:cul iittentlou to family groups at Ilctn
perly's Gallery.
Nothing nicer for a Christmas present than
your "photo"' nicely framed. Ilompcrly puts
them up iu ctylc.
W. M. DAt'onEUTT has rcmovod his marble
yard to Fourth street, one half square south of
the City Hotel, where lie has built a Cozey shop,
and is ready to make everything In his line on
elicit notice.
- .tT ' - -
Oct your pictures taken at 7rcmpirrly'e.
Ahministiiatoii's Sale. A public sale of val
uable household goods will be held ut the house
of Win. Snyder, In Upper Augusta township, on
the loili of December next, late the property of
Win. K. Laurence, deceased. Pertcns desiring
i;ooi furniture nt reasonable prices will do well
t j attend. '
Tub placo to Ret property Insured against da
mage by flro and lightning, is at Voder's Insur
uuee Oillee, near the Court House. Mcusk fuir
rates aad pay losses promptly.
You can uot make a better present to those
dear to you than a life policy. The placo to get
insured safely, and to your satisfaction, U at L.
M. Y oder's olllcc, near the Court House.
Get your houses and homes photographed by
leaving your order at llompcrly's Gallery.
Uemi'ekly copies all kinds of picture accu
rately. Vaixaui.k PnorERTV roR Stt.rJ.-J-V.'e tvoutd
remind those who wish to secure homes on rea
sonable term. to attend the salo nt the Conrt
House, on Tuesday next, nt 10 o'clock, a.m. Thir
teen bouses will lie offered for sale all of which
are located in the moat pleasant spots In the
town. Tbo buildings Are nearly new aid built
upon the most modern styles. The conditions
mo such Unit any one can secure a beautiful
home with a small amount of monev.
Thanksgiving Da .waa pretty generally ob
served In this place. The business places were
all clou J, end In the morning an excellent ser
mon was delivered to an interested audience, In
the Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Mr. Mllll
ken. The river was closed up with ice on Friday
uigbt last. Last year it closed on the olghs of
the same date, and remained closed for 100 and
Homo davs.
Oi k Markets have been slltnlv attended for the
last two weeks owing to the horse disease pre
vailing in the country.. Those who attended
market readily sold their products in a short
space of time..
Of it neighbor of the iJtmoerat says he was
born in the same year ex-Suerlff Henry Reeder's
term expired us Sheriff of Ibis county. Ain't
thut hard on the Bhcrlff, neighbor t
Miller is receiving an extra lot of Boots A Shoes
for the holidays. His stock consists of every
variety, and quality, so that every one can pro
cure a holliday present at a small price. His
Immeuse stock is not excelled In quality any
where, and no one has eaaso to complain for
buying ut his store, as all goods are warranted
us represented. The latest style cat always be
secured at the Excelsior store. '
Sfcrr.ssrrx HcNTBRS..-Dr. J. G. Markle, Al
exander B iyd and Chailes Klehl were quite snc
c 'seful In bagging a lot of game last week. They
were huutiug about Kliuesgrove for a day and-a-balf,
and captured 81 rabbits, 17 partridges and
i phtasauu. This Is the most snoorseful hunt
iug party that we have beard of for some time.
A si MBKRof horses which have been Epizoo
tic have eutirely recovered In this vicinity. Thus
far we have not learned of a single fatal case. Sev
eral valuable horses bad been severely attacked,
and were considered rather of a hopeless case.
One of them was a horse owned by Mr. Val.
Uletz, valaed ut two hundred and fifty dollars.
Hu was given In charge of Ex-8hertff James Van
dyke, who, through his treatment brought him
again to a working oondltlon. The Sheriff had
a large number of torses placed under his treat
ment, and we are happy to learn, all huve been
beuefhted, and the majority have been entirely
cured. ...
VoubFat Pomaia. -Since our Bptlce of the
fat porkers of Kx-SbMT jbUar, last week, Mr.
Martiu fcass, of Vyt Nugent, fcaa taken the
lead Iu produUvg ttettsttest pork. He killed
two hogs on -Tuesday iaet of lha sane weight
precisely, 649 lbs,, Baking 1284 lb, of pork. Mr.
Uus U one of r well to do farmers, and for a
uuuiber of yeu tassueceeds in falsing tome of
he beaiest pnrkere IimIIiIs t.flu if rmntrf
Bad and Fatai Aooidbnt. We are pained to
be compelled to record a fatal accident to one of
our best eltlzons, whose life was suddenly cut off
1ft the midst of Its usefulness On Tuesday even
ing last, Mr. Reuben Garlngcr, or Upper Augns
ta township, came to town for the purposo of
making settlement with onr borough council for
Work done on a contract In filling up and rariV
lng Fifth street In this borough. After 9 o'clock
Mr. Garlnger left the council room to go to bis
home, about three miles below this place. The
night was extremely dark, nud Mr. Garlnger Is
supposed to have taken down the railroad to
shorten the distance. In crossing the railroad
bridge spanning the Blinmokln creek nt the lower
end of the borough, and when nearly across, ho
fell through, striking his bead against the tim
bers, a height of about filjtccn feet,' and b renting
through tho lee Into the creek-. iTIis wntuhumn,
stationed a short dlstanOYrorrf tie bridge, hear
ing groans, mado searthand found Mr.'Qitrlng
er, hit head only visible above the surface of the
tee, and lu' a dying condition, in falling his head
came In contact With the supporting timbers frac
turing bis scull to stick n extent as to allow his
brains to ooze therefrom. Tie was Immediately
taken out, but only survived about fifteen min
utes after, when his body wns taken to his home.
Mr. Garlnger hfyv bourne jnp fo several years
past under the most trying nITlictfons.' Abouf
twd yearslog'd' a promising daughter was killed
at the Very place where he lost his life, by a loco
mntivo running Into a hand car 'carrying
several young people who Itnd attended a circus
lu this place, she being knocked from the car
and falling into the water under the bridge. A
few months after this occurrence, a son about 20
years of age was drowned lathe rlvor below Mar
tin's run, and some mouths after he lost another
eon after a lingering illness from that dreadful
destroyer consumption. And now to crown tuts
succession of disasters comes the sad fato of the
father. Surely the hand of Providence moves
most mysteriously. Tbe wife who has endured
all theso afflictions, is now called upon to mourn
the loss of a kind hnftbnud under the rnopt trying
Mr. Garlnger wns a highly respected citizen.
As a neighbor be wns loved by all as an honest
upright niau. Ilo. was. also favorably known
throughout the county. , Iii Ihe fall of l$71,"!io
was tendered the nouilnutlou by the Democratic
pnrty for county Treasurer, and was comvdered
the most popular and uvallablc candidate ou the
ticket, but ii6 the people desired a change iu the
political affairs of the rounty, ho was defeated by
a small majority. His sudden oud horrible death
has cast u gloom over the whole neighborhood
where be resides. His los will bo much felt by
bis numerous friends hi '.bis vicinity, whose i.ym
pathles nrowith tbe family of the deceased.
A Cask or Diiownino. Ou Saturday evening
last James Edward Blacker, aged about 10 years,
son of Alderman Peter Stucker, of llarrlshurg,
was accidentally browned In tho Sasquehauna
river, opposite Ilerndon,' this county. Young
Stucker was on a visit to friends on the opposite j
sldo of the river, and about 5 o'uluck started to I
cross In a foot boat. Tho boat was Brushed by
floating lea while passing through the channel,
and young Strucker being tlirowu out violently,
struck his bead, injuring him tit such an extent
as toxause blm to sink and dror. n
On Sunrtnv I
J 1
morning llhcxbiidy was recovered by Messrs. 11. j
and A. Ftrlcklcr, and brought to this side of tho
river, when nu inquest was held by Esquire G. '
W. Cobic. His remains were sent to liarrUbnrg
ou tho Sunday evening train to bis. afflic ted pa- '
rents. ' . ; - , :
Finis. On Wednesday evening. laM, about '."J !
o'clock nn alarm of flrc was given which was I
caused by the burning of tbo buildings con- I
neetcd with the gas works, of the Sunbury Gas
Company. TJie steam lira ruluc was soon upon
the spot, nud did eood execution, but the fire
had gained such headway that the flames could
uot be checked until the Inside of the building
was burned out. A lot of benzine was also con
sumed. Tho fire orlglnAted- In the ;iu rooms,
caused by the, leakage of the pipes. The losa is
estimated at $1,000.
There Is a rrreixt iDcoaveuienoe fait bv tho cJli-.i
. . . . ...... ,-. ,
.vu. " nv, iiuii. uivii v.iii un in ,iivu v uiiinii t; ,
ns nil will have so fail back
lamps ns in former days.
to the bui'iiius of
A Daily Faith in ScNnt itv. Our neighbor of
the lUmocrat has determined to establish a dally
pnpcriniius place, inc jiaperwiu DC liny 21
luchcs, and will consist of four paj-s with fonr
columns to each page, and will be published at
10 cents per week. Our neighbor Is certainly en
titled to credit for bis cuterprlzc, nnd we hope he
may succeed In niaU'm; It a Hied institution.
Although rather a hopeless undertaking,! he editor
appears to bo encouraged with the hope that
"tall oukt from little acorns grow," out of the
Sunbury Daily.
A Sbwino Machine roii a. New Ykah's Gift.
Messrs. Clement aud Disslufccr propose to give
a chance to their customer to secure a handsome' j
New Year's ni(. Every customer buying five
dollars.' worth of goods at their store, and pay-
lug the cash, will receive a ticket which will en- '
title the holder to a chance In the drawing for a '
celebrated sewing machine worth 8ii5, tbe draw- ,
lug to take place on New Year's morning. There J
is a spieuam lot oi gooas to select irom nt tne i
"Star,", latere, and bayers. cannot, only, purchase i
at the lowst rates but will have a chanco so sc-'
euro a sewing machine that wl'l greatly econo
mize lu making up the goods, Cull and see their
new stock or goods Just opened, nnd secure a
ticket to draw a handsome, present. . Their goods
nro not undersold In this vicinity. , . . i
Mb. Elcbholta, editor of the Democrat, waited
upon us this week, and atatei positively that lie
did not discharge Capt. Painter on account of his
political opinions. As we were wrongly Inform
ed we make the correction cheerfully.
Another new supply of Furuiture has Just
been opened at tho Masouic bulldiugs. Many
new styles can be seen 'here and Holiday pre-
sents oc selected which are not excelled In tlie
city. All tbe furniture Itfinade ap f the best
Material, and Iu the latest style. Before buying
your Christmas presents es.ll at B. L. Roudeu
bushs' furniture store. '
TnB editor of the Watsoutowa Stcird appears
to have a' particular Mmy for tho city of Wil
liamsport. ' Is it because a landlord charged
the editor 13 50 for eating at his table nine min
utes T , Perhaps there were black chickens on the
Ol'B nelglifaor of the Jknioerat continues to
tickle oui1 frlertd John, of the GaiMt, uuder tho
ribs with his quill.. There Is no use Jakey to try
to drawrienc) John any longer. He has got wiser,
and knows what eempany lie u:. falllug lata.
We have every Indication that be will remain, aud
not heed the doting Democratic moralizcr of the
lltmocrat . .....
AFimi assortment of , Cloths, CaSslaiers Ac.,
bas been opened atthe tallorlug esAabllshmcut of
vuanas maini, on Yourru street, aearTJrresUiut.'l
Mr. Malhl la uvuklnr op handsome suits of the
lateu stjlel.J rdei for new suits aref hk?reat
Ing dally so all who desire 'clothing for th holi
days should go at once, aud select from his splen
did stock of goods.
A iw time aceduleoa the Lackawanna ft
Bloomsburg went luto effect ou the 25th tilt.
Tralus moving north leave Northumberland at
9.40 a. ra., aud 4.40 p. m. Moving south arrive
at Noi-thumberland at 10.35 a. m., and 0.05 p. ra.
The seerlule will he published la hill in our aext
insiie. " - - - j
f 'onrl Irocedlns;).' '
Reported by A. N. Buice. f ,
Si'NnuRV, December 2', 1573.
Commonwealth vs Dr. B. L. Kerchner. Bur
Cnnrgo Rape. Argument on motion for a new
trlnl in tbe Oyer and Termluer. '
In tho above case considerable Interest has been
manifested from the time the trial commenced,
tho first week In November Term. Tho defend
ant was charged with having committed a rnpo
upon the jiorson of Mrs. Tobias Long, of George
town, about fifteen months ugo. For some rea
son It did not seem mete to prosecnte atKhe time
the alleged offence wns committed. This fact
alone weighed heavily against the prosecution,
and we though, taking it and some other cir
cumstances together, that the Jury would most
likely render a verdict of not guilt y, but a verdict
of guilty wns reudercd, Immediately after which
the defendant's council moved for a new trial,
filing exceptions to the verdict. In accordance
therewith, depositions wore taken tn prove cer
tain allegations made In the cxcoptlotie, and oth
ers wcro taken to Uispreve thorn; On Saturday
night lust tho muUon for a tiew trial was brought
up beforo a full 'bench of Judges for nrgumeut.
The counsel wore nil present. . P. Wolvcrton,
Sol. Mnlick, Goo W.Zcialer, nnd J. K. Kavis,
Esqrs., for the defendant, mid J. K. Clement,
COiatHet Attorneys and Geo. Hill, Esejrs., for tbo
Commonwealth, " Tbedopositions for the defence
wore read by teok Mnliek. F,sq., when Geo. W.
Zlegler, Esq.J opened the .argument on the same
side, lie was followed by G-6rgo llill, F.6q.,nnd
Goo. Clcmef fftlh6',proeatillh. Tho clOBiug
firgumHt was man's by S.' l. "Wolverton, Ef.qr.,
for Ann trhif. "Woiitf'f aln're that his ar
gument was lu . iiiaili a goofifenp, nnd to the
point. Tho positions he took to entertain tho
motion, wcro principalis- r1'"1 uyou legal objoo
tlons to the finding of the Jury, or In otlior words
that tho verdict wns uot in uccordancc with the
law and tho evidence.. .
One of the points upou wblch Mr. Wolvcrton
dwelc nl some length, was the fact that copies of
the Sunbury pafeisi jn AvlJcb The,Wrilefof ths.e
lines commented a little tlisparitgliiLly npJli the
defendant, lntd tho hands of the jury, and
lulluonced llicm In this finding. It is not ut all
probable that the Jury were Influenced by the. ar
ticle, nlthoufift llM'olnt'rfYutwf red very ivell In
the nrgumci7fV,THu demons referred to Were ta
tho Point, but U s'ld it time cube by: The
times are upon us wheu intulliguiiuc is not a dls
qiialilleation for serviceas n juryman. The good
sense of tho people lias now assumed that men
may read the newspapers, and may then form
previous npiulons rn au important case, and yet
be competent, nfleHiaiug mvoiu to try the cause
according to t!nl8iv end the ovuleifcc, to render
Just verdicts. Any other codrse Would plrtee the
veriest Know Nothings on our juries, for who
docs not now-a-daya read the newspapers. Ite
esuiFS of this advancement iu knowledge, New
York lias placed upon her statute book n law
preveiitiiii; tho ditqualllicuticu of Jurors because
they liiuy have rend the papers, or formed a pre
vious opinion, and other States are following.
After the closing of tbo ergumeiit, which was
about 10 o'clock, the Judges counselled together
tor n short time, when.w iihout leaving the bench,
they informed the parties that they bad conclud
ed io grant n ucw trial, which would therefore be
granted, and the reasons therefor given at ano
ther time. Under nil the circumstances, this was
undoubtedly the wisest course tbo Court could
pursue, and we feel warranted in believing that
one of the leading reasons which prevailed In this
conclusion was that tho prvseeiltrix, Mrs. ioug,
filiated before she bud been fully cross-examined
nnd the defendant deprived of tho bcuellt thereof
to which he was untitled.
Hail for the defendant's iippeiiraiice at Janua
ry Term, was offered in t0l,OtK), but the Court
decided that the amount bo fixed ut ttO.UPO, and
accordingly on Monday morning, H'Verul gentle
men from" Lower Maiianov township, came no'
nnd justified in that amount, "who stated In tt-cir I
examination, mado Oath thai th-v wero" worth - 4..' . I-.
It is out of placo to fay here 'anything about I
the condition of the case as it now'stauds, or as !
to cither the guilt or innocence Of the ncrued.
... f. 1 1 ..I.ltn T I
the community' iu detailing the evUleree In a ease
of rape. The Doctor will be tried again by n ju- I
ry of his country, uud the case will ri.-e aud fall as i
t he evidence preK)inlerates. Suffice it to say thut
consldernbl&M-!lag eeti r .he with ihe defeiuU f
ant In his own locality, 'hethri num polilioul !
sympatbKV'ur HWrviie waKiiuwsot Ann r-,
biis as intrcn or more B siiTiij pinvar.s uiiwule
other sldo.' '
We cannot but eomnieud the ability and energy
displayed by the District Attorney, tien. C lenient,
and deorge lull, l.sqrs., Iu the entire prosecn
tion of the case. They wero faithful, aud reu-
' Hnr...l mil ir. oi t 0, ,.( J.,-, t tlm A ,.,,i ., H , .T tho
Ir U l lm liooe.l ihii llm
1'fMfre for the juries i
at the January Term will be rcuricred with a pro- I
per return, nnd that It will be corrutt lu all partir
eulars. Our sharp lawyers have been picking
flaws In these returns fur soma time liack. We
hope thole will be no more of this ; thnl they may
be lire proof and lc;;ul proof, without blemish or
fault. ,
ma. Pero. arprovinjr. woru ior inn
,'lonrt. It Is sniiplv list. J hev nave been sit
,w(i. 11. in poniii, upi. i lie, mire un-u rii- 1
tinfe for four liHiK weeks, trvlnjt eases fortbepco-
p.Ie of the countv and lrivii,K to reduce the Ion
civil list. Our Court Sessions have been held until !
late nt nitrl'l. nnd duriiiKthe last term a hirirr
number of cases have been disputed of, thus plv- i
t, UP roin 11 i.l In-i-rf In i .turn -.lilflTii lliii-Le. i1;lfi t.,kl.n ,.,; u(x trM j)H wjt jt t nerirv,
and be suecealitlraMv, TkciViire thWC who I
thiuk the .x-p,M,.iM,T Ufi-.C o much .X'oiirt. M
large, a it a,wimijif copiviv Ui. Tuie wnv 1
plain ut ll'U )iii.iii .iijcpeiiM'. ilo not svcirt tf
know that vt in-fiuit be 1 1 f or iHsposiMr Of
in some :!, aal tlit((i't sivr.ier.tUe lietteh
Long dtv9VmcTHui ;iiMi I:ai 14 dlapoaitioti
i i- v. i ti - - , - -i -w . - .
to Jbe
county. ttrvfyti
A special Court will be hehroil'tbo Suih of De
cember, at which lfliu; ilie case known ns the
"Fulton Coal Co." euse w ill be tried. The regu
lar January Term will commence January bth,
173.... v- ;i , t
. Council ProeeoditigM.
Pu!nt.'v, Decetnlier M, 172. , '
Council met, Chief Burgesd Mnliek lu Ihe. Chair.
Members prcsuut, Garingtr, Miller, J. M. Cad
walluder,. Clark, Dissiuger, W. L. Dcwart, G. W.
Bmiih and J. C. Irwin.
Minutos of lust meeting rend and approved.
Ou molion of W.L," Dcwart, wMH regard tothe
town ciock, Mecuiey auks ftlty IMhirs per
year touUend to it
. Jltolitd. Jf the county pays one half tlic.f rice
H' proponitioa be iitfrecd to.. Adtipied.;
i ue l irunoe UomuiiLtca n-iiiectiiiilf l snort
Unit the collector for the last two years U not yet
ready to settle, and that the Treasurer, thtittgfi a
number of tiruoa United, has uuver ysl siruUicd
his willliitiicss tif settle. r' ' ' "
On motion irf yt.. L. UewmJ,; l.'m-4J. That
ciock couimaieii ne M Mil Iwu
..... n iiiauitl, ml VO'I'O. .tlOI'ieil.
On the hiiblcft of Counterfeit Orders; the
Chairman of Committee has beeu furnished with
the documents; - . , ' . .,
On motion of AV. I'Dewart, llcivlttj, TUst
the Council grunt uu order to Hohrbuch & Sou for
tlOuo ou iiceouiit of the feucr. Adopted.
On motion of W. L. Dewurt, That an Order be
granted to Kanbenltloi ingur lor crudlug Fifth
street uud alley. MO yards. luakimr 3b5.
Ou motion of Vf 1 Tkvi't.JitvjuMl.' fiiat a
duplicate Order be gran led to Kcubrn Wynu for
one lost for fri I'D. Adopted.
On rniabin vt W. L. Dewurt, That the Clerk of
the Market be Intruded tn bnvi) jll the tfiigotis
from Keefer ik Uuss' store, on thc'snntli sldo of
the street, extended to the Court House, or re
peal so much of Ordnance which rvinrtutes both
sides to be Used a loll-' said point. Adopted.
On motion of J. C. Irwiu, Xemlrttl, That unless
W. T. ltickey euter Ju a written contract with
sufficient surety wlRlu ten days, iu accord. nice
with proposition, that the contract be rescinded
for paving and curbing around the square.
Adopted. .;;, i ,! T
Hills presented and Orders granted. Reuben
Wynu, John Haas ,t Fagely '.'-M 50, R. F.
Diehl too, P. YTVUray 50, David Hanpl t7 S
nenj. nruetous BS els., A. AAigail 75, John
Smith 44 00, Soloiuou W'eavqr 5ets. Jiuues Smith
1 75, Geo. W. Snilih 3 00. BcnJ. Hendricks a 00,
John C. Morgan 2 "J5, i. i. Stroh 11 25, John
Leescr 2 25, Steam Fire Co., for November, U0 0O
Churles tJsriuger 0 00, Luther 8. Garinger i S
Charles Garlnger 8 75.
Ou motion, Council adjourned.
. ; . i. ., - P. YV. GRAY, Cl'k,
L Liu of letters remalulng bi the Post Office t
oouDury, ucsemoer 4, 18,
A.- h. Rawer, Mis. Louisa F. Broscious. Bro-
ner C. Bro., E. M. Billiugtou, Heurv Raker t,
Geo. Barlck, Jus. Cantairs, jr., Mrs. Win. Cul
rons, H. A. Donahue, Jobs S. Detweilcr U, N'ul.
son Grub am, Chas itzel, Wm. llarrlkou 2, Dan
iel Hand, G. A. Hopkius. Oscar Heir, Mr. Auull
Hausr, Mr. O. Ucren, Philip Huff, Mist Vaierid
Herreu, Zacharlah Laulg, Jacksuu Lauig.. Franks
lln Lauiir, loo Luglur, lou Larrenel, John C. My
ers, Joseph Miller, Joseph S. Maus, M. M. Mar.
tlu, Mist E. A. Savings, A. P. Savidge, Miss Ab
by Bnyder, W. Ml.fayl,AV Trjmlin A. F.
Wodle, Cliaa. Weber, (barber.) flTfi. Wuartou,
Mrs. John Stabler. 1 r t , . .
la calling for the above letters say advertised,
J. J. 8MJ1 II, P. t.
"' ontm'MHRm.Awn Itfms. The J'ros furnish- j
tn us with the following Items of nows from our
sister town,' Northumberland t
The teachers havo resumed teaching the pub
lic schools after a rest of a few days, during
which new boaters were placed In thu school
bnlldirtg. ;
Mr. Tnubman who has been confined to bis
room for four weeks from the efleel of a full, is
ngnlu at his post.
' Seveuty-two horses In Northumberland and vi
cinity, have been attacked with Eplooty.
Over 400 copies of tho Vi wcro circulated In
Nortbuinborlnnd and vicinity tho first welt oflts
J. C. Ccssney & Co., nud Priestley and Me
LaUghlin hnvo truiisfexrel by band, from boats
and cars, nt this place, over soventy-flvo thou
sand tons of coal, sluco the first of May last.
A full force of workmen are engaged In com
pleting the furnace building. It will be lu full
blast In a few months
The car shops nt this place uro being rapidly
pushed towards completion. They will be under
roof In a few days aud tn running order In a short
lime. ,
I. O. O.'V, At the recent session oj" the Grand
Encampment, I. O. O. F., of Pennsylvania, the
following nominations for officers wero mado t
Most Worthy Graud Patriarch Jas. M'Giihey,
Philadelphia. . .
Most Excellent Ulgh Priest John Curtis, Phil
adelphia. ' ' ' ' '
R. W. S. Grand Warden S. 8. Child, Ilar'.i..
burg. ...'. : v '. : '
R. W. J. Grand Warden Gen. bidobothani,
.Absalom Taylor, Geo. Redifer, Gcorgo Fling,
Jos. J. Williams, B. B. Evans, It. W. Bailey,
George Bertram.
c : RW. Grand Scribe Jus. B. Nicholson, Phila
delphia. If,. W. Grand Treasurer Juo. S. Heisc, Phila
delphia. R. W. Grand Representative to Grand Lodge of
tho United States John W. Stokes, 8. F. ; win
ner, F. M. Rua.
Iint of Juror lor Aljouriii'(! Court,
Orccuiber 3'J, 172.
1. Cyrus Walter, Mere'iant, tJliilllMinuquc.
2. John lliilf, Merchant, Shainokin twp.
3. Peter Mcnires, Farmer. Lewis.
4. Henry Neihotl', Barber, Shainokin Bor.
5. Henry T. John, Merchant, Mt. Carmel 3o.
H. John M. Ciidwalhule.r, Merchant, Sunbury.
7. Clms. Hoover. Farmer, Lower Amrustu.
8. John A. Lloyd, Gent ieiuaii, Nortli'bcrlauJ.
t). Jacob lloflman. Farmer, Uelaware.
10. Jesse Yocum, Gentleman, Nurtiriierlnud.
11. James ('ouUIit.u, Farmer, Lower Augusta,
lij. Kntiert MeGaw, Carpenter, 'I urbut.
13. Kphram Thnrp, Laborer, Oki'..
14. Isaac Frederick, Fartuur, 1,'hlliisu.uitiiue.
15. John TroutuiMU, Fanner, Jordan.
. lti. Amos .Maul, Fnriiicr, ivlawnr-. .;
17. Samuel Leho, Fanner. Lower Mahanoy.
18. John Pntridire, ll'.aeksmitU, Zcrlu.
TJ. Joseph Deppin, Innkeeper, Mt. Cnrtn. bor.
20. Peter (iein, Farmer, Upper Mahanoy.
l. tieome Krdmaii, Farinei, Shamokili twp.
Joseph Refder, (ieiitleiiiiia.-Hha'kiu twp.
2.5. iK'iit. 1'. Diehl, Laborer, Minimry.
21. A. C. Loncen, Mechanic, Milton,
2", Geo. W. Smith, Laborer, Snnhury.
2H. James ('nnimiiifrs, Coutiibl,Wnlsoiitow n.
27. Isaac Reiix, Drover, Waslilnsrton.
2. ('has. J. Conrad, Laborer, Lower Auiriistn.
29. (ieo. 11. Conrad, Shociniiker, l.o. Augusta.
Ut). Michael Kerstctter, Lalxiiur. Coal,
ul. Clms. Klork, Farmer, Upper Mahanoy.
H2. r.Jward Klinter, Laborer, Miauioklu lior.
!!3. Georjre W. Funk, Farmer, Turbut.
IH. Samuel Deuiinond, Fanner, Delaware.
3.1. Harvey Nye. Farmer, Delaware.- ,
UO. John Hoof, 1'aniii r, Turbutvllhi.
Foil Rent. A bouse on tho eastern end of
Market street. Possession civen immediately, if
required. Kuqulro at tills office-.' r
Asplendel assortment of cheap heaters
for by J.
H. P.eed, Suiibtiry, Pa.
Ciiai'I'kd Hands, fuen, mph sWin, pimples,
ringworm, sait-i ileum, ana ot tier uutnueons al-
feet ions cured
icc.i.'iio cioeii, tiini vile ruin 01:101, Filil Illlll
smooth, iy UMii'' the JrNli'itit Tar r'nAP, mnde
by Caswell. Hazard & Co., New Y'ork. lie cer
tain to ijct I he Juniper Tar Son', as there are
rnauy worthies i Imitations made with common
tar. Nlfi,'72.12w.
Tun Purest and Sweetest Cod- Liver Oil Is
Has nd & Caswell's,, made on the soa shore, from
- , 1 . , ,, ' . r, ,,
ff"!', soloctcd livers, by Caswell,
uw. or,k- . 11 U uulu'!y r;'
wl,I"llttT. 0,"'c, t:lluJ" I' 1
tin Kuril v Co.,
nnd sweet. 1'a-
prefer It to all
i others. Physicians have sledded it superior to
nnv of the other oils In market. Nl'i,'7'M2w.
A valuable lot In Cake's addition f. Sunbiiry,
" , '"r Tnl v nl I n . 1
,doJ lcrro' ArPy.
JlUkUll'SS A'oUl'CS.
f' ' .
TV. R. F. Wclmer has Just received his second
f iin tutrc ui i ii 1 1 mill wiiurr ootii,, i' licit otr illilll
.......i... r An.i .i ,i
pioots, furs, carpets, oil cloth, rnne grooerics,
and iu fact everything to suit the taste und fancy,
nud nt prices astonishingly low. He sells for
ready cush, and will not be undersold bynnyoiiu.
Give blm a call, and be convinced that, Weiiner's
papular cash store is the place to secure lierirainn.'
11i:autifll. The new styles of Hats nnd Caps
that adorn the windows of S. Faust's hut store,
on Market street, are beautiful,' ; His fnll ,-aad.
winter stock Is superior to any ever seen In tills
place. All tha latest styles, nnd of tho best iiiUi
llty, are to be found at bis establishment, and at
priccs'to suit the times.
Fun thf. Housis. Iuluenza or Epidemic C'
tnrrh. This being a lyphod 'disease, requires a
sustajutng treatment or success will be doubtful.
Those not knowing ho to treat thu above dis
ease, call on ; JAMES VANDYKE, Snnhury, Pa.
When you w aut to get a first class boot; go see
W. II. Miller, as he bus Just noeivid tho finest
assortment of Hoots uud Shoes, such us French
Calf, Scotch bottom , French Cutf,' double soled
and single soled, all stitched by hand. Also,
fudged boots of the best brands. He don't pre
teud to sell a macblnc-acwcd boot. For a first
class boot go nud see bis stock If you dou'i buy.
Always the latest styles ou hand. Evans' Ame
rican Patent (iaiters for boys, the nicest shoe ev
er made. Sizes run from 4 to 10. In facta
full line of all the bust make of Hoot and Shoes.
Tuk Celebrated Star Cook Stove, for salo by J.
11. ItovJ, Sunbury, F. , . .
Horse ami Lor roil Sale, A new coltuge'
bouse, with ull the modern Improvement'', locat
ed in Purdytown, on tbe Cattawisa load, is of.
fen d for sale at a reasonable price. Apply Ut O.
P. Scasboltz, Saubury, Pu.
Special Notices.
On Mart-Inge. Essays for Young Men, ou
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which interfere
with Marriage, uud ruin the bappinusu of thou
sand. with sure means of relit f for the Erring
uud Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated, bent
lu sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.
Address, Howard Association, No. rj, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Fa.
e c
0 t k
J & ' .
xs o
i h
a k
a ,
(4 w
t- B
c - 5
(l V '
. S -2
r o. X, a
j 3 xt c
I r 1 F
3 s t
cu ri tz
2 2 2
S H - t, ...
r 5 s
S a j
S C w
r- 1
11UBLISHK11 as a warning nnd for the benefit
of ymiif) men nc.ii u(i,r who sulfer from
Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup-
Written by mie who cured hinindf, after under
goiug eoiiniderablo quaeUery,aiid sent free ou rc
celvlng a poKt-pifld dlrectcd "envelope."
.Tune 8, '1. Omos. Brnuiflyn. N. Y.
OH Til III?. lay eV'ininif, tho USth till., byihn
llev. C. II. Yaii'line, IJkshv C. (Hnrui's to'iliss P., ibiughior of Mrs. J. ft. M. iton.ut tho
reji'leuc'o of thu bride's mothur in Banbury.
;-;1;i:;Ij.tlv iltvottss.
I'lour tisid Orain ASttrlict.
Extra Family ?12.1MrRe.tVhnat, p. ritM f . 'QO
Unekwheal, p. ct., 5A0 ..'.? . 80
Corp M'::il.
2.M Corn.
Wheat H: -aii, p. bu, ljjBuckwhcat
Ph(frt, . S.00,Onls, a lbs.,
Corn -S, O.ii jUUop, a.Oil'laxsnd,
Tltnoihy Seed, p. b. y.OJi
i'roiluco Mnrket. '
Pi.tatOeS,, per
Mutter, p.
B'.ll Ta
I'll Tallow.
85, Country Soap,
19 'lb led Apple,
loj Pc lehes,
,V ijcb vTjliifiliscniciits
Attorney at Law ,
r- . -s
j Movember fl, V.i72. tT.
; "VJOTji'i: j, hi ivdiv jilven that wo have pur
j e.ln..ed tin; folloniiitf arth ies ut Constrtb'.o
j Sale, an tli" Hnb day of NOVKMI1KU, uud that
I wc have load"'! the sa;ne to J. It. i'.oslion ol Up
per Au'1-.ll to'.vtiihip, ofiiiniaiif rland uoun
ty. Pa., duriiif,' Jiur will aud pleasure, 1 table,
clock, loir.iire, ti chairs, roekiui; chair, looking
:lass, lamp, 40 yards of carpet, parlor Hove,
lies!;, bedsteads and l-ddin;r, washstiind, table,
2 wooden Iniukets, iiulllin frame, 1 hnrcl vine
par, 1 rain barrel, 1 express toilet, 12 bushels of
potatoes, ' tub of pickle.,. u lot of ru oblige, ft
lot of jars aud fruit, Impair of thickens and oiiti
S. O. HEED t CO.
Funbury, Nov. U0, 1S72. t.
"VTOTK. IMi beieby.e.ivcir lo all who are in
.iN delnvd l4 Hie Utc llrtn of lletfuer lnue;t'
lon. in Hie Imuliery business In tiiu borough of
Noi iiiumberlaud, 't 'tonic'Xliinvard flud seUie
their aeeouiiN Hh umli'rsla'iied surviving pnrl
! ner, as tho business of the lirm must be settled
I without deiav.
; ' ii. m. iiouoiiTON.
Noithumherlaud, P.i., Nov. 2:;, '72. tt.
1 13 Houses For Salo."'
r.t i Toics sale:.
,IT!l.l. be exposed to file, on Tut's
T t!u.V. tha 1:1th day of Dccuiuber next,
(IST'J) lit 10 o'clock A. M ., at the.
In thu Ihnouih of fUNUUUY. Thirteen Houses
and Lots, fitf. the efta:.e of Edward I. liriglit,'
ft m ffift
Five of sai l bouses, Kdn n block of line two
story JHUCK. DWELLING I!f)l-ES stiiatc on
tli!" south side of Chesiiui street In the HoroiiL'Ii
of Sunbury, Noi tliu.uljc ilaiid county, Pi ini-ylva-n
in, bojiidi'.l and fronting on s:iid Che.-tnnt
street on thu north, a lot of Mrs. Fisher on the
cast, the Shumokiii Valley nui Pottsiille Uail
road on the so itli, and lots of the e.-ti.te of the
late Oiror.'.i Wei-i r, dice.iM'd, on the west, each
lot conta'Hiing 'J'J feel iu widili,orthci'eaboiils,aml
two hundred uud thirty in depth. These houses
will be sold in a block or s-parate t Btilt pur
rhilJeis. l our S'lrit-c!nsi I nunc tlwelllus.
Also, l our ri"Hii ions lots, ot ground sltunto
on the south side of Walnut street in said lio
roueh. boiin lc 1 on the north by said Walnut
sired, on tbe c..t uud south by an alley, and
on the west by ii lot of the estate of Mrs. Laura An
cle, ib-e'd. Each of said lots eontainiiiL' In
front L".l feet and ill depth two hundred unil thir
ty feet, wlieivoii me erecHl four Urst-c!ns f r uue
dwe'iliiiS I'.oti-cs with oilier outbuildings. Eucb
house is seperatj.
No. 1 is occupied by J. K. Cement,
No. " is occupied by Thomas Hamilton.
No. 8 is occupied by il. L. tBi:upnn.
No. la occupied by Ejus Schneider.
. Three Frtuuc "w'IHn; llutistrs.
Also, three coiititlous li,u uf ground situate on
thesniith side of Vine street hi said flolousll,
bounded on the nui ih by said Vino street, uu the
cast hy a lot of II. 11. Musscr, i n the south by
property of Ira T. Clement, or un ulh y. and on
the west by a lot of Mrs. Ann N. llright each
of sai l lots containing In front, feet or there
abouts, and In depth one huudrcd aud fifty feet
or thereabouts, whereon are erected three good,
nearly new, two story FRAME DWELLING
HOUSES and other out-houses.
No. 1 is occupied by John Irwin.
No. a is occupied by K. 1). Mitchell.
N". a is oeeupseil by John Spitee.
One (wo-Ntory Fruiiie Dwell lug
situate on the west side of Fourth stivet, front
lng on si.Ul Fouitli street on theeist, a lot "if Ja
cob Fetter on the south, an alley on tbo west,
and a lot of Harry Dicfl'cnbach on tho north.
The lot contains in' front on said Fourth street
28 feet, or thereabouts, ami one bandied and ten
feet In depth, now occupied by Rev. A Wheat.
I.iiucMtoue I'rojiert'.
Atso, the one full undivided third pint of nil
that certain tract or piece ol land situate in Point
township, Northumberland iounty, adjoining
lands late of the estate of Charles C. Kay, ihvd,
now Kiissid. Cuiirle (,n!iek bndj oibeis,
coiitaiiiiui: Fl FTY -Til lU'K lien s inore or les,
w lieroon nre i-rwU'd a LAlttiK FP.AM E DWEL
LING llOUSi'. and Kitelien, a Frame Haru, two
good new LIMEKILNS, dec. A Younc: Orchard
uud nearly ail ol which is ill u good ft.ite of ciil
vatioii. On tiiis tract of land is an iiiexhausta
blc bed of VeVV
suitiilJe for llaxhij.', and lor.
. ail I'lirrnses for
which liuii otouc b u.ied. The q'i.irii".'are now
fully opone.l and urc being worked. They art
simuleil about two nnd u half miles from il.e
borough of Northumberland. A bnmdi later:. 1
railroad, about three quarters of u mile iu ItiiL'lh
connects them with tbe Philadelphia and Eiio
Railroad at Kupp't station, fro I a which lime
stone is shipped daily to Sunbury and other points
and can hu shipped by railroad ot caiuilto Nor
thumherlaii l, Danville, Shamoklii, ,x.,us cbuap
ly as any other liuietoue. in Hie reiiou.
The limestone and railroad w ill be -old kepa
fatc from the land if purchaser,, rii sire ii.
At the same lime mid pluce ihe undivided one
third of the eighteen Knili'oad Cars and a set cf
13l!ieksmilh nnd ynany Tools will be luld.
The above properties will be soi l 011 lont time,
so us to enable purchasers to liiuko their pay.
uietits easy.
The terms and eondltiuns will be nude known
oil the dav of sale bv
. . . of Edward Y. lirilt, dee'd.
Sunbury, (fctobef V.lth.' 187J. J -
AduiiuiMtrutur'M .Nqtice.
E-talo of PHILIP ZEKUE, Deo'd. ,
"VTiJ'lTCEU hereby given Unit letters nl adiiiiu
aA l.-tratlou having been granted to tbe under
signed iiii tbu estate of Philip Zeihe, late ot Low
er Malianny township, Northumberland county,
l'a.,lc;e.isj j. All 1 11 son lixlehtci to said es
tate ore requested tjj luajic Hunieijl.itd settlement
and those having Malms are yencslcd to pre
sent them for tal!inei)t, It. M. llUliU,
(jeorgelowu, Nov, 9, '7'J.tit. Adniliilstrator
Aliuiuitntpr IVodt'i".
NOTlCEls hereby given than Letters of Ad
uiIiiialrMllou have been griinii 1 to ike uu
dersignwl on Iba estate of William K. Lawrence,
lute uf Upper Augusta township, Nortbuinber
lano couuly, deceased. All having claims
aguiust thu estate will present for settlement,
aud tlieni kuowiug themselves Indebted to suid
estate will make payment to
tuupuiy, Oct. 19, '7.'.--Ct. AJi"nnlratr.
nt the Stor - of
llord Hrothci- v ?:'shoUr,
(sileee.fsors to S. O. lVcJ V liro.)
of every rc'cri)'iiou and arlity such as Dxij
Uuoim, Meiiino., Ca ti mi nr.-i, 8 vtiss, Ai.I'a
CAS. l'el USK, A:c, 1'I.iIN V KlIKUIi UlOD:-,
rlllAWt.'. AND C'vlAT!), llMIl.ilV. andu
Full Ar-f'oiiTMiiNr ok Xotk:;j,
which are bring cold at the lowest Cash Prints.
nine and fresh.
r,. v..,,,- r . ,m,. ii.r iv--, v ,
UKIS.- AUK, Gl.Af.SU A lit, AND Oul)
Nicest IljitiKis uf l-'lour coustauliy ou linn J.
A very lart
, ,
Imll, frl.ifi.'l ,.,1 ,,,,t,,, it ' ve.i i t ii,, I.... '
fiuiulhe celebrated baud made Hoot and Shoe
Mniiufiictoiyiif Watooiitown, for
of ull clues nud rf the lutett styles.
V L Q u n .
A constant supply of western whito wheat Hour Th- mont Pioit :.i;'i,-li. nsivc an 1 v.ilua'b'.c re
n speciality. I liicloiis wm k i vvr puli.i-hed ; also, for our new
Thn public arc Invited to call and e amine o ir ill-trnlj I i:.imily LiMe, conlainiin .". "J lino
(foods tree of eh arire. Our iiioito is t.i..l. ''npture lunstnition aii.i Dr. Miiith i umpleto
Bales nnd Small l'loii'.s." and to please all.
The lilulifi I price will be paid lor all kii.ds of
country produce.
iiu u, ,-i. .it..,, ii,, i,. i.,,l,,.,tJ i,....i ,
I nil times the most complete, stijek. and selling at
the Jowe-t pines, wc nope to merit a f ..11 share ol
Eimhiiry, Nov. 2, 172. -ly.
.. . ...
Administrator h Aotire.
Estate of JHSSK YOCCM, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby j.dvcn Hint letters of Ad-
iniiilstnilioii on tlic. e.-tute of the above
I) unied Jesse Yocum. late of the l;oroi;t:h of N,.i-
thtimberhinJ, in tile county of N".rl !in inlv-rliiii.i,
deceased, have been granted to John 11. Yocum.
residing in the boio'.i-b of Ahltind. Schuviklll
county. AH person therefore baviui;' claims or
demands a i.tinsl the estate of said decedent
reiiuesti d to make the saine known to ihe sni.l
county. AH person therefore baviui;' claims or
demands a.r.tiiis! the i-etate of s.ii.l decedent
reiiuesti d to make the same known to the said
John II Yoiiim, nt Ashlar.d, t-ebuvlkill countv,
or to Mithaht Yoeiiin, ut Noitlui'nil.erinn..l. u
Norlhuniherlaiid eonutv, and III. we. ind'l.le I to
the sum estate are ii'T-iested to make, pay incut .
to the undersigned without ilclav.
! O.0, ,2.-fit. Alnniiistriitor.
"Uti'iuestionably tho best snt:i!iitd work of the
kind in the World."
ltAi:tl'.ZVf-i IAi.i..!:.
.No;:--, of tl. e Press.
?hec-v-r;ere.,si..r il.'e.i' i:U.p of t'i's ef-l-
h.l month' v proe i; - continued ad.,: eilmu I i
; I'OJ'M ;i I- ue,-.; c H
tiling into liuw ui.
it p-
I liionUi. v. i Ust ' ' I-t it ns o':c n' the i- lie-.."-
tors n. in-.! as n:n ri -i'iici -I ill I lM' publi.' i li'id ,
ior n vii-1 i i in- ii i ii. -s ! 'ea vi n ov no iio-
I p'-al t i s:;'- J j r.-j a.i:
. or il'-'-ra' lusic
The cbaliii-t'T IVJ. I hi- :-,.....':-., p, .
foi'Vaiicty, ei:tii;.ii . in i i-1 ic n ea It Ii. ant lit
erary culture I h-1 h !., i't p: t. w;il,, if i l,ai
not led the tiinc-, i .ii-.. its i-i : .i.i ii.-i . io
K-gnrd it with ju titiubl con pi.: .;uey. it uit i .
1 entitle" them in gi!fi a :i,...;i'i;ic puUie .
j gratitude. 'Ihe .'.:ij:.,.-. i,c 1.,,:, iloue i;o... af.i '
uot evil a!! the days ci' iu ili.Jtrv.-!.hu 1.U.
! Harj'-r's M..:;a:'.:iie, o'.i-j ycr, il o-J
An Extra Copy of cither the Maralne. Wtek-
j ly, or H iZiir wl.l hn f.:ppll A grills for every
j Club of Five Suh.-ciibers at i'l 5.'i each, in ,n,e
I reinltt.incc ; ur, bi.x Copies for S.'J 0U, w.iluitit
I extra copy.
j bnbsvi'iptiuiis to Hurpji-'s Magazine, VAi kly,
I and 11:i;'.;ir. tooue .uiilio. tor one year. ; '. 1 (:u ;
' or, two of llaricr';. i'dijiii.i!.-, tj one .. i-ircas
', for one vein , 7 01'.
Hindi Nuiub-.'i-s c .'i h ta; i-l' 1 .it .inr t'.nu
- ... - : ,
A Complete t of ll.irvr's Magn-di.e. now
roiiinnsin 4," Volione.-. I:i miitelo'li tdnd.ii'.-,
w ill be sent by -Jpi.'s-, !: I:;l.t at ciiiviis.' oi'pm.
chaser, tor :." p. r volume, rin.-ie volume',
by iniii!, 0"tps'.,i, oo. . C4.4U c.i.-c, rr bii.d-
im:. .'iM-enls, l,y ui iii. i lp .i I.
The post;i..e :i I f s. r ; --i-"- Magazine is ','1 cents
year, whl.-h mn-t b paid at ti.o n.l-i : iber's
by iniii!, bstpshl, x-'i 00. Cl ifh c.i-c, fwr bii.d-
a year, wlu.-b inn-'. I. .. i I al the st.l.-i 1 iber'
posl-w..e.'. Ait-lr--
llAUl'Ki; ec bliO'I I'.llllj, NlW ',!;.'
1'liE I..IDY S !'Kli:.U,
iii"ai-:i-i r ".ic viirvi'."! (!:i!iivii '
" ' '
il that il
All kuov.
lint this .'.i.u:i
ennt.'ibis I lie mo. I e. ! lirahle f-lui i. s. line laviii:'...
Music, Fashion Articles, Pattens, liceipos, tie.
1 Hut all do not !.!. .vM'.:;l it-':;is:i:'rs arc oil; r-
' lug With it,
j n bcautirul Chromo of the Child- Prupinl, siait-
1 ing from bis ship i.t the call i,i 'the. Lmd, and
: wiiicii nas tnu ricli and L'io.i inu' colors ol a hue
I oil paiuiliiL', mi l a spii itual I,, I'M v u'liis own.
This Chroiuo will bj m :.t to i-u-.y sub-
I scriber, and to every person sending 11 t.luli, ni,d
1 (al special rati ) to ttcry m jinher of u Ciuli.
I SIM. E X l 1 i) 1' T !: M 1 t: M ft .
I o . m .. ,,, , , . ,. , , ... .
fruwtng Machines, Plated Wale, Gold t I1.ii.1s
j and Watches, el.-., w ill he Sent to 1 hose w Im n t
up IUt. at tbe .V)r..te. (Si-ud for Lut and
I Icru.., ol Prciiiuuis. A ollu-1)
j r 11 e ,1 1.1 is, 11 1 e iiiiiioani . .1 101 in-,l icil--l HI.
1 Masvi n 01' GstFvi.AMiS, hy Mr-. Wool, iinllior
, of Lii-i Lyiii.e ; and ait.o sci i.ils by Mi-s Mn.-
! zey, Daisy Veutti.,.', Amau.l.i M.' l'ougl.t.ii., mid
Fannie Hodgs
, TEUMr- Aiwiiysiii adv., nee. Une copy (with
I Chromo. ) '.'. 5.1. Four copK-.-, w .1 Ii 101.1 Chr 1
I mos (and 1 uc it ti.) - s, (.1.1. I.uhl coj'les nud
I eight Chroiuo I Willi .: pa .raiid Ch.oiuo gra
tis,) Mii.Uo.
j Tbi above 1 luljj f 0, ii - in ide lip i-.'.joii.llv of
j The Salui.iiiy Uiei l.e; i'.i-i i.n.f 1 ..e Luly'.s
I Friend, if iiliy e nisis ionic I I n . a-li e.-py "uf
1 Till! l'o-l ( llilll (. 1.1 Iiii.,; 1 ii.-!.. Ii l!."t -l.iomu
j is I'Ot wislie.l. lilt v o.-i.r 1 nuv he ib- Inc.. 1 1'iom
, each j.:.d;.-- Uriel, ! . ..!.' ! t c..; y 1 acli
, of Tli-! Lady's l.c-'i I. S.ituM'iy i--i.ini I'ost,
; lilld tile t'liioi'iu, w i;l i.Bti.l ii.;- i.',.i.:. ( fi ii
cents extiu mmt alvay- l.e -en; for :i..i i. i .1 ; cs..
peujes of each Cl.tuin '. ) A I !u,-.
' 1-LA' U o: i'Kl llli' oN.
! oiu V;iiui ijiici, I .ii..,.i.,.
I "A Complete Pictorial lllstcty wl' the Tbv
i "Tlie best, ebeapi st, uh 1 luo-t s .k c, a.
i ' Faulty Paper I:: tl.-e I iii.,u.-
j II A IC ' K II '7ii V. K li I. V ,
Noiircii of the Pi.s!.
The. Wei i- the ahic.-t and most 1 ,.n c: : 'u!
IUas.1riH.e4l i'"piibLlicd lit tbi c t i.tiy.
Its ediitii i.i'.s are .-cliol.ii 1 v in:.) ion luiliiLT. uud
curry much weialil. Its i'.ln ol cari. ui.
t'teiil., nre full nnd fri-li, un I l ie pn 1 i.i-i d hv
our lust il. -iners. Witu 11 eircuiaiion of l".i.-
IKiO, Iho Wii.hiy is r..;u! by 1,1 half a million
pcr-our., uud its iiiMuciicv as an i ruaii ot opii. 1.1:1
is biniply treiiicuUi Lt. 1 i.o Wnkiy iiiiilnuliu n
pObiliie pos'iioii, 1111J i,;iicsvs li.a.'nie.l
views 011 p.:ii,U...i'. uui s.oo.,1 pijo:e:ii...--.i,Mji i;.',;
VK.'. ji'-rc:.'i .1.1!.
fctlt UU'TIONS.-l'ird.
Tiiti ; . ,
Jlalptfl's Wvciiiy, OUC Ve.if, ii 0J
Ail Extra Copy of eitbi r the AiiiL'iiiiuc, Wuvh-
ly, or win be supplied hi alls lor uvt-ry CiUb
of Five Subscriber at (i 00 cut ii, iu one ieuul-
tuiicuj or, Six Ciipits lor iu'O CO, without tail a
CO y.
S:.ih;cr':pt!iiik to ll'irpcr's' Miigalliu', Weikly,
aud liucir, to one uddri-ot for one j ear, f 10 to;
or, ItolI llarisr,sPciioda..i:.", to one addicts
forouu vear, il Oil. .
Hack Numbers can bo mpplic '. ut any time.
'Ihe Annual Volumes of llari" r's Wiikly, iu
ueiit cloth bin line, will be unit by c! ii -s," free
of eljiense, for ti 00 ei.eU. A colupl.-tf L-et,
colllplising fciMoen Viiilllltc, seat oil li eei lnf
crtsb ut tbe lalu of 35 ','5 per vol., freight ut ex-
pensKOf purchaser.
The postage on Harper' Wei kly Is 10 cents a
year, which iniul bo tulU ut the s ubtci iber's
H AUl'FK A EROTIir.r.c', New Toik.
, t ti v fcv r-s ioi v:;.';.
Money e !? rinfix ith Hli ni il and hey.
CliH-K out tit. ;. : " ( irt ' I'":
Klalloi'l M'f'gCo. li'j Fulton M. N. Y. ill 7 4-v
Vi'Ar"Til.I A(kKTf f i"'i x r ipnnlli to sell
th.i Jinpi.rte 1 Aii.ii'. 11 l-auiiiy Ki.l;tlr.g M:.
cl. '.:. fi lie siiiip.c-t eii.l iiol in llm world. .Ad-dn:-
Anierb a 'i Kulttlug Mat blue Co., ui.V.4
Wasliiutuii hi cc.-t , il '-toii, Mns.
ilr V 'lw
look: rKt:t;TAi,a,.
tf '"'r v,,t1; 1 ' '"""1't"' male or'.
t.'tv. Jo nil who will v. rite i'ori.n Agency
o t. n-l for a ct'i y of " Wnr.der of Wonder.-,"'
Ihe Jiloi ti.itVl Hi. i n . f I;; nly. It. eontnin.1
over il fly hv'ti'iil llMtstr.i t ii ;R, n nil will be sent
FftKK I r.'lvt.o n. 'y wrllo. Address T GAiiinpr;,
Puteiwn, N. J. (r7 4w
A Ji;lTS c.m nol lo hotter thin; sce'j:can
J - n;eii"y lor 'i'. S. Antlnir's cleat work.
''I('!;K YK 1IS V MAV-'l'UM'
I n roinpinio-i to the finroin "Ten Nichts ir. a
llin-Kwoin." r'.v :f-i.iH'i conic huvj Wo
''"'1 1 alii it -l a..iii:v rti'.l on the increase..
,,0 ,,1kU. 19 u,rurj!,or lwt cop.
!.. .-ee.ue tenilory nt onee. ,T. M . 8T(U-
PAK'L.V ('.)., Puliiisbcirs. l'hl!ade!pbl. dr74w
Ml.yiS. tt SvliHlul-1c among nil clas-
j sis. VM p ojde, t!u i., id. iu- need, those who am
i t'.if-t ci.terinL' Lfe, and youth f.f both buy
" . .' ...... "
.i'i.I rea l Wit;, the eT"atei.t lirolll.
hi.-t ii nd lie.-l Hook.
It m.'.ii:.; wii'.i th: .-v; ;::.'. mrj.'Cos ; ami
tiler,:-!, Ilio.iey ia it..
e.n. I'm our eiieui ii:1. ete., wliieh ,1 re, sent
fre... t.l.o. MAf 'LEAN, l'hilndelj hl.i. drT tw
Die' lotl.ltv oi the llil
fce;,. for l'rn.'eeiiM
' """ ' .ie;..u", vn.f we wu. -now yo,i n ,i ucMUa
! '" "" ' l'" "-'i'1 "!:, eiie.iresi I ar.u.y ii,h,e,
i nrrt bow fii't ll'i'V nii- n'.'.iiiir it. AJ Irei-.i NA-
1 J'J'1 1,.1'J?' ! 1 :v ''j & .).. Pliiia li 'jdii i, Pa.-l
! decived, brl for wA.-. cold.-, s..t throat,
ho.irM.nes and la ..!.. .:n I Oidleultles, list only
XVfllr' rbolK' Tablets.
' , oi th.i imii it . eis are on the. tanrltot, Init
tins only seli-ntitli' prt-parulioti of Caibmie Aei.l
,'"r l'n" i, wb, n clu mically cou.biHed
i "'' "l'1"'1' ''';i known n-iardie: a-, in th.e T.t-
bleu, I ,'. p.itilc.- .'i . caurioned naa'.ust usiii
! v !ia'
! '"" "'" o." t'.i men
' brane Hi.-su Tablets sln.iild bo fri by used, the
I cle.insl:, ai d Ualinir J.ropciiiej artiistouishiiil
! Ie Warn; !, never ml-ct a col. I, it. Is casii
1 cured in Us inch.'.i'iit i-tale, wbeu it le'coiui
I cle.insl:, ai d healing j.ropciiiej artiistoiiishini:.
! arni u, never inflect a col. I, it. Is casny
1 f'trcd in Us iiiclpieiit i-tale, wbeu it b 'eoiuon
! ''hronie Cue eure. i eveeciinijly ullileall, Hsu
i v,'-, Caiholie Tablets a a vp.vir.r-.
! J';iN Hi 1.1. (n Hi, is p:att f-t., Nc? York,
'.t for United Mate
iv-nd lor Circular.
-;USAT OFFEItT' IIo..a.k' Wv7e.i"". -IM-
J llr.,... v v u , ..
i Mc1o.lci.ii!.-. inn! Or..M,-, i-bl ur-t r:.'u '.is'iit.n;
j ineludiu::'.-r" Lit erv iov. prices for ea-li. or
! p"i t cash. a.ii'. t 1 in i . in .. in iii l'loiiilily iie-tai-
j mi nts. Mm 7 o.-tuvo lii-i I-i.iii!.. modern
i iiiiprovcment-:, U, -;;: en-h. Now v.idy a Ci.u-
e-ito Parlor Oi..-,:. ,.- most beautiful flvle. and
p'.-rleel Ion i t. r ::eide. HUi-trrf d CatAloiues
' . " "
..-v,,-, r, ,i p- fe i-.
in H
ri'.ve.-l ,11 i n !
Liiwsun, 1'..
s 7.1
1." :':: ic.l lb ..I s. Janic A.
i i '.:xk. ;.r:;;'.n ,t cr..
'.. '.i '.itci l:l.,Ni w York.
1 Mi'l.i.'Vi:!),
:'Ni!V..!.KI ,x UNl-.t'CALED.
ini'i.- a i,v si A" o il.
1 1 i.i.'i:u. wai:i;i:n a co.,
!Jtj ' M., Ncvv York.
; i ( . : ... av..v3 ivi:
- 'l .i. i . !';: . liurab'.c. I't'.iclei.t ami
("e n;.. T! o 1..- t P. imp for thu
f . . I . -i. iiii i'. . . , i : i-l il io :i I C!s-
Ki liilh ii.viled to Hlatehlcv'a
' l'-.tent' l:n; 101. d I!rac!,ct nnd
i cT?'-.'. N.-w Di.-i. .: V. Im . bid,
' t p can b.: i.iti, u.i ,mi without ic-
fU'i mwii. r (lie p::n p r .lisiurblut:
".-- W-w ' T. tb i .iiiU. A'-i, !.!
n . .. i: .cr, t, l.'di 'i-i.-r craci.-' or
,,n-l wi',i ni.ia-! a.iv oil.e.-. For i .ilc'uv
I llli.'i .'. . I ! -! 1 1 i . i : I is cs-
f-j. fln'J
Dealers ivc: -ie -. . .-.
I'.ieeLUt. t'H.'.f. il
, f.ietiiu', , M0( .-r..c t
I l..i- I'ci,i.s-j' and
1. T lil.l. 1', Manii
l'l,'.L. t'i..
, l' l Q )l I "'1' "'! AC'iiU V.'anled!
l' ' ,'--V.' clns"i" ,if w,Ui.i p.".pK'. of el
l', Joar.;' or o,,', i.i.i,.-' I.. 1.: n..'l:i.y:,t V..ii,v
f,)l' '' '1 "'' ' ' li:tlt'
. than .-.t ..r.-ll. ly else. I'..rt:eu!.tr fr.-.
' A l oess, I.. !-.!N-0. &C..I.,
! S,4,y', yuiue.
' f Ml V. b, st el, in... iiool. ia the uruket U Tl.11
Slriij .ic" t.f
It U illustrate.) bvTliOMA.- N Af T, the ".-M-ut-
et of Anu i cm Arlitl.-, and e eiti.lin an ii.tro-
. due! Ion bv Hon. t U.irit-i. iMiiini r, Airem t. un! -
'' .-'! l" b '- Ad lrs I.
' N. Kiel, .rl-0.1 Co., Lo.-lo.l, -Mars. I ht.
j y ' ' .
' ' - ' '-' ' ".
., .,. . ,,..,.,.,, . ,,,,. ful. ,. bouk
' 'ii.j Lit." ot tb..- .-viiloiv.-,
r.l I lUt ...
rn,.! l.i, n ;. e-i-'l..n t'r i lai.:-
, t,'
.V i .l .
For full t). .-1 1 ii t mt u'-.t ti rn,;, addre-i iliirn.-
d'au-lv. 111. .)'.' .i:;j 1'.';' l';ilili-ln.r.-,
N'.n,.;.i. l'..:i.i. or Hu-lun.
.- - ... - . .
it i-1
I-bv-i v ir. '1 lln, v irive t -UliO.Alv
rell, f to t;-.'i i',::frir for the tir-t lew i. ,., i.,.t
w i.i 11. fioui , Gi.iKj a. . I ,.:i.. I , ... a.i.i hi. -
.n d .li.-c.i-es Io aid i.l 1;. iin 1 i,o imiili.;, um
Is il a il. t liqlKi . w 'i;i li, un lei" Hal p ,;.t.r
U.'.'n- of " ..e.'s" i .-1 im -!v j I 1 :1
oil I he J'll'. iii- :.s s M .-c:....i 1. ;i 1 1 i 1 1 It 1 a
11.. t j - la i 1 11 'I ..).: !; i :..i,-l :: ;. e, pi . nan..,, , ;
I s j 1.-, ti ' ie ai le; Ii : al.l'.n ::-- of l.oin.,.
a. .'I 1' 1 . is. a . I, ... !.. .1 u..i I, . I :,c r, l' all, i
)'l V .ei.i is o! 1 ti,- r 10. il,
.1. XClaklll i(
lie ilia! n-.i.ts.
.-nii vvril1-' rV'TPT fit" I . t-"-t rc -i
L ; IV Cl.l. j LA I V 1 ..1 L'i J b r".L' 'L ttfl
p.VU.1.1." to t l il
..1 ..I..! I'll t b t.ihc.
; vr;ii;,:K-l.i 1 ,:inli
1- 1 'e i- i i . ; ,., :'.. ;, ;. a ;.'-. , ,'v , ,. i
I 1:1c - i-- l.-lc.l l n, ie. lli I ,,(io ii. l al - i'...
pa. .. i-y ,l i. .! m ,'i 1 1 1 -I.,, j 1 ...aia ii.a ,..1.1,,
lol.- i-l l,i!i ui.-c.U-. . Mi. .'.. la s, l'i 1. i.-, I'll
I i.llla.-. l'l!..U-,.l,., .-..
'I ' a: iiheii.i to il ,;u.;.-, ii ..1'.i
t'le . '. ,t. 1 iii 0.1 ii. 1 ... ii
ii..i.. i ;i a t)isi.e .Ui ; i h ; r.-l-- ....
-., -I. M l'ia .; t'i iM .1 (ht, sl -in i d, iii;:i.t.
i.'i .':;'.. io.... ..ft,: ;i i-,.ic, p it.'jiy .,1'iU. 11.0.1-:,
111,,, ..a. 'i lUiiai..,, t.-lilei... Vl'cal.a.,-. c ;- i..-...
l'L',.'- ....
' !t ' ':---''". estim, u :t f, ,a( r. ceti'in. it
" : ' v'V-r to the "i.-11. v siillci. i .
I ':n e y.1.1 w.-ukiic.-. of il.e Im, liui i f VoU
'"'' '" 'h.ii-er oi t. hiCiic li,.,i r:,ovu , r tl.v die.-.u-
l"j;ii "I fie l'.i.d.
j' tu iillity iri-it.iti-.u uai t ..r'-twa
cy t ' i.. .
' iluve y.,,i nialm n of the Ut. i'...e o riiur.iy
''-'' ' Von n::H p- 'ne iti-iaiu ! li.-f tr ;. ou
''.'"': ln MiMi-rb ,l' worse 11, ,n u.iaUi. it lo siieuij hvj oianic wcuLihus ui life
b.c ..11 u buil. u.
h ilniily U slio i.J be f.i ,jlu U'.y ti ke.i to l.e, p
,1'e system In pti .wl l.v.i.i li or me l.ivi ;vio
lf 11 dauger ot i.iul.ui..i, u.!i.iii..t;j 1 1 tui t i-
if1-"" d ,
1 JOHN t. KELLOGii, li Plait i-l.. N. Y.
' Ageni ,,r the I i.itc.i ttati s.
! Pli,e. f'5' Millie, snid fo Ci.mi.n. or