GRAND OPENING OF PALL AID WINTER GOODS AT S. HERZFELDER'8 Popular Clothing Store. Just opened, nn enormous Stock of ready-made The largest ever offered in this town. Clothing to suit nil tastes. Clothing for all oc casions, from the plainest AVorking Clolhoa to the finest and most fashionable DRESS SUITS. Boys ' and Youths' Clothing, This department is well stocked with a large variety of goods of all colors, qualities and styles. All clothing is made to my owu order, by the best mechanics, and combine durability and strength with neatness and style. Hats at Cans for Men li Boys. An enormous assortment in this line, including the very lutcst in New York and Phila delphia styles. The most magnificent stock to be found outside of the large cities. The very latest iu everything. Neckware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and especially a full Hue of the beet makes iu Shirts and Gents' Undcrwarc. TRUNKS, VALISES, and numerous other articles. Doing by far the largest business in my line in the connty, and buying largo quanti ties for cash, lam able to oiler superior inducements and sell at LOWER PLUCKS than tiny tf my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and examine the. lurest stock ever seen in jthi place. Corjxcr Market Una Sunbury, Sept.'1-i, 32-jritna opening AT New Oentral Variety Store, No. 100, Market Street, South Side, East of the Railroad Dress Goods of all Kinds, Silks, Silk I'opllus, Alpacas, Lutur Alpacas, Dcl.uines, PUds, Opra Flanni'.s, TIckiugi, Ladles Cloaking. NOTIONS. LADIES' uud CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Ladies' imrmtnlton liairiioous lu new aim ueautnui nvs. S II AAVLS. Oltaruou Ctowu, Ottaluon Double nil Wool, Plad Shawls, Breakfast BuavU, Swarfs, Ac. JEWELRY. Ladles PluUd and Ja Open. Chains, Ladies' staves, rsiueve tuitions, Groceries. Fresh Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Tabic and Stuir '11 Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to.Finncy's forthe Greatest Viirkly of Goods. Good arrivUr Dully. " It U tha universal verdict of the trade BUTCIIEiil ! mw I . a 1 Mear. Itf l i i;n i!..TV.V t 1 TUrd,tr IVLorrr;,i8tUUtiJ'0" "ul very choice HEEF, Mil l OX .ISD Vf '41 which is sold at tl.H i- , ''. budat .11 10Urs durlnr lb du, CW lt Buubury, Fa., JauoM.lSTg. ' new uoouk i " ..v.;- - ; r.ll UUU); Just Opeud. F. J. BYROD, uud Church streets, SUNBURY, I'A Els stocli eomprUjj tllUow.Uars ...... - slae of the rblic jairo,,, i."' "ur" "Small yrotilTli K J ' All arc cordially luvl" j T0 ' i , . ""ILV.'fl!?? ! WMJLiEm TL&WSi I to f bbcrtbrntnls. Clothing, 9 D ruua ouccu, Cluul;uiy, Ftt. s nosUry, Gloves, Hood.!, C', Ceruinutwn Wool, Fluted uud Jet Setts, Fluge Illsiy, Eur Rings, that my goods are sold the mcst lu this market 4D. A. FNEY. No. 100, Mut--t Street, Bunbury, Pa. sr t nrri iav J' oeist and Apothecary (bui-cMbw to rjrv. v. Moodv.) At the old cluthed stand oil Market Squttre.lMu UV. I4. RUP" coue"'t'y ou ha a full stock of well Hi. ... I DRUGS & CIEMICALS Dri..,..l,.. . COMBS, "J I ATL.N T MEIiCl:s,OILS, I'AIXTS GLASS. I'ttv viK.isii, nivrriFN. fMCt u.uay keH lu a wdl con ducU I371TTC3- 6TOP.E. i roprlator lilmlf ' 'vll' auiibury, Fa., June 8, by the l ull uud Wlitr Style or Kill hi aoocls. HATS, CAPS, and UONNJTg, ' " EIBIJON3, LCTS, r t 0U:i;S,FEATHEU8, Ve"T' ea"""' TuhiioIm, Crape ,1;d Lace Trlntming, of ever Pcacimtiou ..i",""1' W.Uj.U.-lpl.U,, jus, OK....d xu,ul. and o;rjvhlya!',W ,,rltS- t,U" UuJ M.rW. a 4HS6L. PIUSSLEH, MBRELLAS, OWXGS or PELLETS PELLETS cas. Or Sugar-Conted, Coricctitrntivt, tot knd llorbul Jnlio. AiitS-itniouB Grannies. Till: "ttTOll IANT CATIIAltTIC, or Jliilmm Iu I'nrro l'brlr. TUt novcllr of mcder iMerilral. Chomlcnl nd Tlmr. tnsceutlcal Rvivieo. N.) uso nf ny loii(tcr tnklny tlic jArftc, rcpuUivo snd umifron piiln, composed of clieup. ciiul'.', and bulky iiifn'iMMit, when woeon by annual appiicatlon of clicmifiil sclcncf, extract nil tlio eatliii i.c and olfcer pruprrltps fnnn Ilia uiot valiinble ntnts ai:d hp;'U, and cntici'tumto thuia Into a minula (irnnule, scare I y I;n it than n liliiKtarrt bociI, ilmtcun Is readily t-wuiluntd by tlioxtf of the mot reiiHitlvo ruin'.'ioliH unit InMlmlmi tiatcs. Racli little Piu uatl vo -oll .nprjM'nti', lu a mo9t eoii.'entrnteil fonn, art imicli t-at ii.u . if: power a is cnihnilled in bd of llu Urgn pll! round tnr nlo In the dru kho,i. lriKii tiitt'a wonilpif'd rri'liitio power. In pmpurtlon to tlu'ir sln. pnoi.ia who liavn not tiled tlirui u; e apt to nippom tli:it thi-y avo haiH or dmotic In elfcet, but t ucii lu net HI all It-.o caw, tlio ilillbrent active meriiciiml printipk- of iviiH-ii tlieyuro ciuuoied huinrr po liarinoiiir'd and r.miii:li-ii. one by the other, ft to pnxiurc ri moitt ai'.iiri-S.lni? and tliorotit' li, yet (toutly and kluuly oji ru tliiK cHtUarlir. $500 Upward N liii!iy oiT-Ted by the p:j,-!. tor of then" l illvts, to ary ciinibt vb-. l; n.i a;i nlvsiti, will find In them nny (M!.;ii 'l ur uilut fnuaa ol mercury or any olier lutueud poison. ttclilg cntirrly vi'KiCtnblf, vn vi -rioit nr rave la roqnirctl whilo u.ilu t!ie:n. lnv nif iu witliout clidiurbince to the un'tii. tirn. c... t. . r i . cupatinn. for .lanudii'O, li'U.'J;! i f 1 1 t. MlputlOK, Impure lfloin.1, 1 - :i I 1 : i Sliouldor"', 'lllilnofMot 4n- ;i f , i : zliiet. Knur Uruftntloii" f tu' ; '.':' urli, ilu.t tnttto iu tmit.:t, ii:. .ni nttiickH, ll'aln 1 iwp'oit ot :ii..i:.j., Inlornn! i'cvrr, Iflmiltd foi lina jii-. iit Nto.iiucli. i:nb oi Hit to rfi'a-.:, '.;.' (nloroil ;rlne, liisorlaWliiy n.l lilooiny FrrloHilg' tu'.o lir. S'irrci ".i slt-asnut I'ur-rfuiito S'-lv1v. J.i r;:'i::a tinnortho rcinml'al kw ot ny I'lirpiivj i :.- s over fo irput a variety of ;ir.-.-ri. I wUh to tl-.rit tliolr action upon tito t.ikiuial miki. my is iiuivcrtiul, not it (.-luii.l or liimn ciooilii!t lln-Ir itiiuullvfl lMiproaii. bs not Impair tlic:n: t!ie:r siiimr-rciuini ui.d nob ' rncloned iu clas bottlra pn.nervo thoir vh -tuw unim paired for any length of tlino, in any cl'.n-.ato, so tliat t'jeyare alwayn fresh and reliable, which is not the case with the pills found lu tho dru? Miimm". put up in cliean wood or pastobwd boxes, itcullert tlut f r ell diseases where a I.uxat I vr, A Ucva! i vc or Purxati vo i Indicated, tluwc littlo IVil is will give the most jierfect ealis.actiou to ail who ufe tliriu. They are Hold by nil ciior:jriB!iic: CrugKiiitH ul i coiiisi u botilo. J Ro not allow any Uw, to Ir.dtr yti t i;.!;c anytliinu c'.so tlu.t r? ii..iy ay i ju-t as p-md i.s : l'ellets bKcaus'. Iwmak'. a l..r.-er prutt on I :atw'.:- ' he recommeiuV. If yov. i..r'u'i-t rii:.:ii i r ; them, enclose SIS ecu's and iw :. ' y 1. 1 mail from jr., m. .. vo v, PlTi-A?.-'. V. May 4, 1873- GEO. EVANS. E. C. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 014 Market Street, Philadelphia, TATLOKS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Hand A Fire Organizations promptly uulfortued. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free cn application. Oars being the leading houe on Military work, we feel that we can offer Inducements wh'ch cati- Aug. 24, 1S72. Hcw u RUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House IMn Suntnry, Fa. DK. C. M. MAjiTIN & co: JE me now opening an entirely new stock 01 DRUGS AXD MEDICINES, and arc prepared to supply any article In our lino that may Le culled for, wo haveulsoa full Mock of nil the leadini; Fatctit Meiliciuc-!. Kim: Perfu mery and Toilet Articles u speciality, a full ns sortuient of Hair, Tooth, Nail, hoc und other Brushes, Dressing und other Combs in irreut variety. I IXi: TOILET SOAI'S. a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper whole or (,'routw!, Cnstilo and Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimneys uud Lamp Goods irenorully. Bird Seed iu lurire or small quantities, CAUPEXTEU'S CHALK, full stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Flixcis and Fills of I'. S- P., Sti'ar Coated, Stroiitrthcnhi", Arnica, Porous, Pnor Man's und other Plasters, Ayer's, Wright's. Schcnk's Mandrake, McLane's Liver and other Fills, our stock embraces every thing found In a well conducted Druir Store. Country Physicians will tind our stock full und complete, und we guarantee to sell us low us the saino unifies can bo bought iu Philadelphia, choice Wiues, Whiskey and Braudy for Medlciu ul purposes. October 5, 1S73. Q. V. KEKFKIt. K. A. OASS. JSTew Goods ! Dry Gctodri, Xotions, FurnisLing Goods, Grofcrit'fl, (Jil Cloths, Glass and Nails of every vurlet y, ut one low price, ut KEEFEU GASS' STORE, Coruer of f'ourth and Maikct Streets, BCXBCIty, FA. All kinds of firain tuketi in exchange same us cush. Cull aud see ut. , KEEFER A GASS. Hutibury, Oct. 26, 18TJ. Don't Read This I ! Good mornlug, Mrs. A., where ure you bouud for so early 1 Mrs A.-Why Mrs. C, ..ou't you know Mr. Byerly has bought out the Grocery und Confec tionery Store of Huns A Weaver, uud Is selling uice fresh Groceries, Canued Fruit, and in fact everything in ll.e Grocery iln, cheaper than the Ptl.-niukst I I l..a-A ..... it 1 . , . . , , B, ,,. puyinguignpneea, so I have made up my niiudulter this to patron! Ize Mr. Byerly. So good morning, Mrs. C l must go. Mrs. C, to herself. Well I am bound to find out lor invsc I. and will i-n t,. iv.Pi... ... , . -w J ' 1 J e in- I. lieu u cash Grocery, Hie next time I wunt unv urucenes.iouiectleuerlcsor 1'riiue Oihter.. I will lust sav to and satiefv vourselv.:. , ' ' " " ' cah Grocery in Suubiirv. Remciuber the nlm-. vrt n c t. n-i i... o. i T, ' . 1 u, .inn i mm ot.. lu Clement House Building, Banbury, p. Suubury, Jun. SO, 1S7.'. LKLV' 1F.XT1STRY. GEOIUiE M. IlKXV. In Simpson's JluiUUmj, Market Hjuare, Bl'NBl'UT, Fl.. "1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining -I. to Dcntlktrr. He 1,... .,. o.,,.-...... i.. .... a lame assortment of rH'i, aud Huer Dcunl uiattnul. from whlcli h.. uiii i- i.i ...'."' and meet, me wanla of hi. i iistomers. All worn warranted lu git a satisui tlou, or tlsa the money refunded. 1 Tho vcrv beet it. mil, u.'. i i t . . t ,, , - eu luuiu-rowiiers kept on build. Ilia refertiTiee. uw ti ... - x - - -- ei uu. putroua lor worUJ for the hut IHolve yeaia. Mltnhnrw A ne41 Ol lino ' ' J , ion, O O OVs o o o p A. M. MEIXELL, IBAt.ER 1M American and Knropean WATtHEM. FIN E JEWELRY and BILVERWAUte. rortVctctl Mpcctaclcs and Eye Vlasnca. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired lud war ranted. Market Square, SUNBURT, Pa. Feb. 3, lS72.-tf. J.'JARDWARE FOR ALL AT TfJB HARDWARE STORE OF J. II. CONNELLY & CO. Klurket Street, Nttubury, Pa. It Is useless to enumerate every kind if article In his Store, but among tho leading Itims may be set down the following t Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grhdslones, Nnils of all kinds and sizes, Vires, Saws, 'lanes, Bicves, Chains, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Frks, Spades, Kukes, Hatchets, Curpenter and Blacksmith Borinc chitics, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knres, Stone Sledges, Plasterer Trowels, Masons' Hummers and Trowus, Hand Dinner Hells, and lnrge enst Ira Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Diner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potaes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tucks, Mule aud Horse Shoes nnd Nils, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of nil descriptions, Cotterfllllls, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Fuintand Wall Brushes, Bnckets, Oils), Varnishes), Jnptaa, Soda Ash, Washing?odn, FAIMS OF A 1.1, Iil.MIN iu.'il or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAIMVARE aud other Wooden-Ware of all kins and very cheup, Hay-Fork Pulleys Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level lasses, Files, Hinges, enl Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Sho? Flndins, Fiiige-v Trimmings, Exccssior Glon Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scisiors, Shears, Nhot, ni uut Puwier, nnd a crent variety of nthemrticles Any thing wauled and not on hand, wll be ord red ut once. Sunbury, Aug. Ill, 1S71. I I i u ur Aiinii uu.i. I Everybody is Invited to cipo amlbuy of the 1 huudsome assortment of ! TOYS AND CONFEfflONEtlES at SAMUEL F. NEVN'S STORE, in frame building, ndloinln Moore A IMsslnper'a building, THIRD ST RET, Sl'NBl'RY, FA. Just opened a fresh stijiplyf Con feet ioneriss of every description. tovn or -art IillM c.iustautlv on bnnd. The- 1st KAISIVS, TICB, (i'liii.t.vfj A DR1D FRL'IT. PURE RIO COFFEE, 'E A & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cuk, erery morning. FANf V CAKF3, BISCCITt CRACKERS, Ac. OVSTEKS ! OVSTEL ! OVSTERS! H4Vi:;ir 'itted up a room oresslv for serving t.p tiv-iert in cvciy style. Laes ntid (icutlcnieii will be accoinmii lated wltbue best bivalves in inarkf t, ut all hoars during e day und eveninir. ! utilities will be supplied Ahelr rekidence with the best Shell or Canned Oyrs, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Cull und sec my excellent aortment of eoods and nseertnln the prices. .. ... .... e- ENEVIN. Dec. lfi, 1871. THADD'S S. SIANNON, THIRD AND MARKr SQUARE, Has iu stockjind coiistantl.t?cciving Novelties in his line, consisting In part'a full line of AMI KM A HK tlKN, Elgin, Illinois, Howard A C Waltham, Mas tarhusetts, and Boy's AMERIA.N WATCHES ( Also, a full set of Ladies, andUcnt's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, piuk eoiaUud Gold sets, Fur-Rings, Necklaces aud Pcnuuti, Ouyx and Jet Jewel rv. SILVER-WARE, Solid SHver-wurcof Stcrllngpurit,, lade to or der. Brilal and Presentation Fieoj, Knives, Forks and Spoons in cases, also, a ill line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Ice 'ater Sets, Erblt Stands, Cake Baskets, Coffee ijis, Fork, aud Spoons treble plated, the best lu le markets .SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, use ,c Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Crlstle P.blcs mel ted together, and derive there name 'iamond" on account of there hardness aud rilllaucy. They w ill last many years without dug and wurrautcd Sujicrior to all others in use TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl und Metal handles In rset sup plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day aj Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol al discrip tions. Engraving done at the shortest Mice. VVatciies, Clocks and Jewelry, Itetured and Satisfaction warranted. All goods will be sold at the very Lowst Cash I rices. Every body is cordially Invited tcall aud Lxatulun for themselves. Don't forget the place. D , T. 8. 8IIAN70N. Sunbury, Dee. 16 tf. Manhood t-Ilow I.oat, How Ktor edl ,Just published, a new cdlllonif Dr. f'l'l Vruvt'L'l l ia en ru, .r-t. . . .V rauieat cure t witnoui motlcine) of t-PERM ATORRIKKA, or Seminal Weu.iess, Involuntary Seiiiinul Losses, IMPOTtXCV, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Inipedisents to Marrlmrr. olo . ulcn '.... ,.t.. , uiov, .uubuiiiiiiiuii, epirpsy, and Jits, Induced by aelf-lndulgence or sctual extrnvuL'ancc. f Price, lu a seuled envelope, only 6 eeus. Tlic eclebruted author, In this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, Hint the uluruilug coise iienecs of self-ubuse inuy be radlcullv cured without the dyt'L'erous use of Internal liicdinne or the application of the knife, t pointing out a modo ol cure ut once simple, certain, uud etfco. tual, by means of which every suilerer, no (lat ter what his coudlllou may be, may cure hlmiulf cheaply, privately und radical Is. This Lejtiira should be lu the bauds of every youth uud evory man lu the laud. uuiiei scut, ju a piuln envelope, to sny address, postpuid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Al.o, Dr. Culverwell'i "Marriage Oulile," price &u cents. Address the Publishers, C1IAS. J. f. KLINE A CO., F. p. Box, 4.5S6. yii Bowery, New York. April t!7, lK-a. Oakery for Sale, The well known Bakery of W. II. Haas, on Fourth slieet. Sunbury, Including a good dwell ing house and good stabling attached, la offered for sule. ou icasouable terms. '1'ua Bakery is uew and t f goo.J capacity, capable of baking 80 barrels of flour per week. Apply to Wm. 11. or ALBERT HAAS. July), lm.-tf. Bnarary, h. i ;i R. R. R. i RADW AY'S READY BELIEF ; CUKF.H TtlU WORST TAINS In from Ona to Twenty Minutest NOT. ONE HOUR After rem) Mir thH utlTrmn.tiit pd mt ona H(?KKKil WITH VAIN. RADWAT8 BKAl-RLIKK W A CURE TOR v . It wHtli flrMtftiid'tfi Tli Only livln Itcmecly hn InKtantty ifopit the mowt tiemelfitliic pain, mhrv In fliimrnattuit, utid arM OonnMtloiM, whWinr tf ih Lung, f tomacJi, liowtl or other ulaad or orgaiitt bj out tvplla tioa, IN FROM OXT2 TO TWKNTT MTNUTEft, Jfn mHr hnw vlnltnit or ftcriirtnttn tlio pnln U)t RIliTTJ MA l'IC, Itvil-rUMvri, jTiflnn. Crlppltu, Kvrvuui, MouriUglc. vr jirotcttttetl wltli dlKtiM nmy uncr. RADWAY'3 READY RELIEF Wll.I. AFFOKP IKSTATtT IASE. 1XTLAMM.4TION Of TI!K KIUNBTH. INKLAMMATION 1K THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF TUB IIOWSLH. f'ONUIKTloM OF TRK LUKOS. sunn TuuuAi, inrriuii.i skkathimi PALPITATION OF T11S HEART. UP, WFHTIIF.tllA. v. WAnsniiv Tim'PlTirMr XF.riiAT.0IA, IHtEUMATISK. cm.n rntt,!., A0t;ic iih,i,b. TIi. nrrll"iUti ( tli. ltcsdy Roller to tK trt or Twt. wbura Hi. piiui r UiiWuily ut mm sa4 UMnfort. Twenty Amp. In lisTf tuml1.r of vsttf will la a fsw rinnun.Ul em. CKAMPS, M'ASMS. KilUlt BI'O.MACII. IIICARTtltUX, fl(K IlF.AIiACHE. lllAKItilKA. DVSBNTillV. COI.H". VlJil IM TU BOWJtLH, sad .11 INTEIl.NAL PAt.StJ. Trnvtleri bIiuiiM bIk-rvs esrry a tiottls t Railway's Ttady Italler wait (S.di. A fssr drop. Id wstw will itmii ticKiiM Ar pulim frum th.ngf fr watw. U Is b.ltw ibttu Fruiit a Bluntly or UUtera tut n stimulant. FKVFIl AND IIJFE. FEVER AKI Alil K rurol lorflfly coins. T1i.ra ta not a rciModtfU ornt Ui this wnrltt tml will cur. Fcvw and Aau., wnl ail oilier MnlahuiiH, Blllout, Scrlrt, Typholil. V.llow. and olhw F.vara ( l.y HAllWAY'S PILI.BJ m quiet u IliUWAY'S ItKADx ltLUF. Flrtr mil tWUi, EuU Ur Druu Uu. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! stroxo and rrrtK nrrn m.oon-tscriEASit of KI.ESU AN1 WRIUITT-4'I.IAK BK1H A Ni BUAU TII'L COMPLEXION SKOLKKU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT UAH MADE THE MOST AXTONIKMUO f't'RE8: SO yt'H'K, SO RATIO ATI K TIIK CUANOEK 1IK BODY rKDEBOOES, f.SPEU THE lNFLHENCK OF TI1I8 ifct'Li' M'O.NDKIiFLL MED1C1KE. THAT Every Day an Incroaso In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every (Imp of tin flARS.M'AKll.T.I A?f RESOLVENT fO'nmuutcatoa Uim.cli th liltml, avst. tlrlsi. anil olti.r tluldaand JuirM vt tiie avKtein Hie vieur.r lifts, f.r II repnln tli. waste, of Uto Ixidy 1Ui nev ans avium! niat.rtui. Scrofula, RvphlPa, .'uib.uoipllriii, Oltulu!ar rlUe&M, t'lrf. til tho Tlirunt, Mouth, Tuiuors. Noitcf In tlio (i:aos iu:il otlior part of tin ayum, Kor. Evvs. Ptruaious iclirr". from tli. Esri. and the wort fonin of KMu dUeium, Erup. Uraia Fevar Morca, 6-alil lla.l. lilnK Worm. Salt Klituin, l.rTalpelna, Ai-ne, HUck Sk.i, Worm In Ik. FlMli. Tiilnkn, Cancera In 111. Wouit.. flint nil weakening and painful rl! cl.arrea, Nlfflit Pw.als. Low of ripi-rin. ami all waatesnf tli. llf. Principle, are wltlil. th. cunaiva Mn-a of thU woudvr of MvNlern IbcutlMrr, .nil a fe-v dnva' life will prvv. to any peraon ualniE It for eltlur tf lli.fc forma of itlKaa. lie potent power to cur. tlietn. If the patient, dully .l eolnlnir reduced bv the waates and r.eompoaltlon Hint la continually pronreaiiliif. auceeeita In arreMiiiK thiM. waMea, nnd repnlra the Kiln. w':h new mater ial made fnnn lienlttiv l.l nnl and llila U.0 tiAUSAPAUlL LIAN will aeetira. Kut only does the ri.iviArmr.t.Tair Rpaof.vBirr .teel all known rmtal ncrnta in ihe cure of clironle. Scrnfuloini, l ouat national, and bkia dlaooM. ; but It Is the only poaltlvo f wre for Kidney iV Rlndder Complaints, rnaarr, aril Womb dlwaaea, (Iri'-et, lllabrte. Dropsy KtoprNoo of Wor. lnrontiiiehe. of Urine, ilrlfrlit'e l)iaeo--e. Alnummurin, and lu nil ctSea where Ihi-re Sr. I.rlckliul de pnaUa, ur the water In thick, rlomlv, mixed Willi euhelances like the whit, of aa exr, or threads lUo white n!k. er then lea aictrbid, dark, tlllou. apiHt&rance, and white bencduit fleiioalta. and whan Ihtrw la ft pricking, biirnlnf eensivtlon y. lio paaaliii water, and pnlu hi the bui&ll of tho Buck ftad alonirfhe l.TM rrloe.s,o. WORMS. Tho only known and aura Remedy for H .cm. i'm, 7ua ate. Tumor or 13 Years' Growth Cured by XCadwnr't Itcaolvent. KevtaiT, Maa., July 1. 1K9. 7a. Rinwirit Save Ovarlaa Turaar In the erarlM end k.h. All the Ooetora Ml. Ik., fraa n. kf If for IL" 1 triml every Ihlnr Iket wu recAmtneedrd ; knl anlhinr k.liitd ate. I law Cw R.U.nL, aiM tliougei I wwwlS try It b.l kail n. hilh le It, -ewwe I k4 auffar! for Iw.I.e JTMri. I tk .la SolIlM f tk. rlMAlreiil. and en. bna of Uedivay Pill., anj twe buuue ef llMer K'llvf ; and there It net a lira I tdin. le ke tt-u er ail. a. t rl bttr, aienrler, an.l happier lhau I her. fer twelve rearM 'J he wur.t taiunr wee la III. left lid. ef the Lowell, etrr Ih. rroin. I wrlle Cue le ua fur Ik. teoefit ef elkrr. Y.e raa publi.h It U oa allow,.. HAVN.UI r. K.NAl'r. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, rrrrfrp-ly Uit.'Jtjw, flrteiitl)r ffmtpil with nwpt (rum, jmrtis jtjirulau, pttnfv, c m'iM1. onl i.reiiirthcn. av'B pile, f rMi cure of ail diaordcra tf the bUDinc-h, !,ier.' Bo .. KiJnevt, Binttlpr, Nrr.it4 UImmmwa, Ht-ailrirh', C'ubtrt ttn;i, f'tMiUvviiftM, IniilsjtistloD, lvpepta. Hlllciufi-iM 11,1 tokm Fuvor, LnaUuim U.'sfi ol bowc'.s. Pilen, ml ll I-a-rsi.fwiirjntB v( V.ik InicniAl ViaoerJ. Warranted to tTrrt ptefiuvt; curf. r'urfly Vcj(, table, eotaiLili.g iio mercury, Hit'tril'. tr iw'.nn i1niMo. Ir- OWrvr i lie f-lioxriitir trtnpto.Bi reatihlnt from IMv Ottnn( 0. l'ira-Uv. Oim-.s: CrMalllItM, f'.WicI rMe., FtlllttM f ill TloH t U I.MI- Acssiit tf tkf Bto.wb. Ntmei, Martritarrj. VUirmt mi lraM. f'.tr r W srtjrht in tk K' ian4, .iir Frti.ttlrat, iniiu or FlistUT try t ti Fit ft tUa rH.twa., h.m!akf f the liJt u(tIm a&cj Dia --ilt Rtailiin(f, Fla Hwlnif t ttiw lU-arl, Chokluc or bufToaatirnf Ke.jiaHiK.ti wtirt in a. 1 .1iff rfnr. K'Bina.1 if liaen. Ik WW b-Tora rv aii hull I'iim tn lr IIm.I. rfi.onrf ft rri.trtum, Wlkwaeat f ll.e hk'm putt Wiea, Puin In tt H'ds, LuiiU, AH J .uO'irn liiiaa f Ural, twDhi tm Uu A f-" ri-xi t R ir-'VAV'B TILT S rr thvirtm fi"itll il.p.i i'VMi el ii.-.ii,ti. i'nee, m vMtli tf Imx. hY.Mt "KMK AM' THT'S" FJ mio W'tfY Riiin n HAl'WAY t o., a- UkTtli-n l.une Xew-Vtrt. ItirrUi.'.Ui ..will) Ciktuv.ntri v.i.1 (, tt ut yuu Mrtrch 30, I572.-ly. UTS r.sVJ mmm PHILADELPHIA, Iuvlto attention to their large and well selected stock of WateueM, Cloeka, ltronEea, Din mondsi, SILVEU-WARE, PLATED-WARE, Fancy Goods tn Gilt and Leather, Ornaments from Paris, Vlentiu, nnd Berliu, French Flowers, Table Cutlery, English Um brellas. Orders by Mall will receive prompt attention. 11124 Chestnut street., Philadelphia. Nov. 8, 1X72. 3m o ALDWELL & 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- (A few doors west of the Continental Hotel.) Jewellers an! Silvern, Importers of Fino Watches Bronzes & Fancv Goods, Moderate Prices FOR FIHST-GLVSS GOODS, Marked in Plain Figares, WITHOUT DEVIATION. Prompt attention given to orders and inquiries by mail. sxjasTBTjru-Y HORSE AND CATTLE I.fl A E COM I A Y. INSURE YOUR IIORSES ! INSURE YOUR CATTLE 1 INSURE with a rr.spnn.iblo and perfectly reli able Compauy. Insure where your losses This) I. a .Mutual lroteelive Co. Hence, you are sure of b;lug paid promptly for all losses, If insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OK ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay losses accruing through theft, death by lire, accident, or natural causes, (excepting epedemic diseases). We pay prompt. No red tape proceedings lu get your money, iu case of loss. OVER 5000 paid on horse and cattle siuce organization. DR. D. WALDROJJ, President. C. A. KEIMEN8NYDER, See'y, Buubury, Pa. IMrectorsv Ki-flov. James Pollock. Solomon St rob. Win. Brludle, Solomon Sblpe, Juhu A. bhissler, Dr. D. T. Krebt, Dr. David Waldnra. . fulyU'Tt. J. E.C , atmfacfitrcrs. . ,., MACHINE SHOP AND IBOX FOUNDRY. ' GTCO. ROIIRUACH A SONS, Ntinbury, Peun'a, INFORM Ihn public that, they are prepared to do all klnds-of CASTINGS, and having added ft new Machlnn Shop In connection with their Foundry, and liAte supplied themselves with New Lathes, Pianino; and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execnte all ordors of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. .ralen to unit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC., AC. The FLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, TIIRE8H1NU MACHINES. Bitnbury, MoyliO, 1871. iiTiiMliEh and ri.Aiv.Nt, milxn. Third Street, adjoining Fhlla. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber, he is now ready to till or ders ef all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOOR8 SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Oruumental Scrowl Work. Turn lug of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AROI ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, I.ntlie, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dcclH-BS:ly STOVE V- TIN r.NTAUMSII.MF.NT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. st'CC ESSOlt TO SMITH A OKNTIlKlt.J HAVING purchased the ubovewcll known cs tublislimenl, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inlorm the public that he now has on hand it large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spccr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susiiurhunnn and others, which nre so arranged us to bo used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dillerent kiuds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting Willi the best material, done at short notice. KEPA1KINU ntteouod to with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lumps constantly on hand. Jupan ware of a x.ude. Store opposite Cooler's hardware store. Give me a call. A.'KRAUSE. apllM-ly CiKAND OPEM(i of the lurgcM aud most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every guide, uu.l Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at TIION. ;. XO'IT'S MERCHANT TAILOR STOUE, In Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUNilUKY, PENN'A. The most fashionable clothiug madu to order from every vurlcty of goods. Bulls nl all sizes niude up at the shmtctt no tice, from the best selected stock lu Now York and Philadelphia. Call and be convinced. TI10S. (i. NOTT. April 20. S7-i. HOUSE, SIC 1ST, AND ORNAIdEIJTAI PAINTSS, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decorating and Paper llanglt g dout in Hi. latct Improved style. Orders solicited, which will rec-ive prompt at tention. Residence iu Purdytnwii, Emerick's building. Suubury, May 11, lb7-J.-tl'. Ni:.V TOIiACCO AND K.'.t.AK, AN I BRUSH STORE. South side of Market street between 31 uud -till SUNBURY, FA. Just opened, an entire uew atoek uf all kinds of TOBACCO AND SEOARS. Segnrs of every grade. Tobacco of every varie'y. Pipes, both plain aud fancy. IlEUSIIES! BRUSHES'! BRUSHES!!! A lnrge assortment of Brushes direct ft out the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. Hi. line of brushes are a specially aud many new kinds never before introduced into this muiket. Also, Paper Collars and CutTs in great variety. A inrire assortment of all tho popuiar Songs of tho day. Cull und examine my goods and get a list of prices. ' HENRY FETERY. November!, 1873.iy FAMe AND MII.L.INEUY. Just received from the cities an entire new I ...!. ..r Mm:. ...... 1. : .1 riva vj i mitiiucij juihis, tullsietlllg Ol HON NETS AND HATS. FLOWERS, WREATHS, Feathers, Flumes, Luces, Ribbons, Turquoise, and all the lending styles of fine Millinery. I have spared neither pains nor exciiseto make iny Fall Stock one ol the most attractive ever ottered to thu citizens of Bunburv and vicln l.y. All arc Invited to call and examine my stock. M. L. GOBBLER. 45 South Fourth Street, below the B. V. R. It., SUNBURY, FA. Nov. 3, 1878. CTKTA1N MATERIALS. LACE CURTAINsT" WINDOW SHADES. CORNICE DECORATIONS, LAMBREQUINS LACE DRAPERIES, PIANO COVERS, FURNITURE COVERINGS, TASSELS AND LOOPS, NOTT1NC H AM CURTAINS, CRETONNES, SUMMER CURTAINS, BROCATELLE. Special Interior Dkcokatiojkb, To Order at Moderate Pricua. W ALEAVE 1ST, Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut Street, I'hil'a. Juue 22, 1872. Im. LADIES' FANCY CiOODSJ FALL STYLES AT Miss Ivate IBlack, Mr)tet Square Sunbury, Fa., BLACK MIESS SILKS, Plaid and Flalu Popllus, Worsted uud Euibisji erios, Worsterd Sacks uud Shawls for Ladies and Chlldreu. All kluds of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. A general assortment of While Goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Ac. A geuerul vurlety of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Uose for ladles aud gcu tleuieu. TOILET BOAPS AND PERFUMERY. F.VervhttJv la lavlted La rail .n.l . then. n.l bvvhjap. Readlnar ItailrMa. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Thursday, Avffuk lt, 1873. , Trains leave ITurrlabarff for New Tork, at fkii 1ows 1 At 5.00, 8.10, a. m. and t.00 p. m., eotv tiecllng with trulna on the Fsmntylvnnln Han rond, and arriving at New York at 18,10, 8.80 and 9.40 p in. respectively. Returning! Leave New York at .0 a. m., 12.05 noon and B.00 p. m., Pbiladolpliln at! 8.80 A. ui. nnd 8.80 p. m. Leave Hurrlsbuig for Ronillmr, Pottsvllla Ta maqua, Mlnersville, Ashland, Rlmrriokla. Allcntown and Philadelphia at 5.00, 8 lu a in 8.IJ0 and 4.05 p. 111., stopping at Lebaito:,' nrut principal way stations s the 4.05 p. m., n,,h, connecting for Philadelphia, Pottovllla mj qv. lumbiit only. For Pottsvllle, BcbuyikUl ftuvcj. and Aubtiru, vln Schuylkill nnd Susnueimiun Ritllrond, leave Hurrlsburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvuula Railroad tntbis Inn to RcaU- IllV fnr Allonlnwn Irn.lnn .. .1 wf..A W..l. . .... 10.40 a. in., and 4.05 p. iu. Returulng, Utnva New York at 8.00 a. ra., 19.06 noon aud B.oo J"'. oni A!lent"n 7.85 a. m. la.M uooa, 8.15, 4 85 and U.85 p. ra. ' Way Pussenger Train leu vee Philadelphia at 7.80 a. in., connecting with train on East Peua sylvnnlik Railroad, rcturnlug from RendUuc at (3.20 p. tn., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 5.80, 9.00 a. tn. and 8.80 p m. Herndon nt 10.00 a. m., Shamoklu ut 5.40 and 11.15 a. in. Aslilutid nt 7.05 a. nt., and 18 43 nootij Mnhunoy City at 7.61 a. in. and 1.80 p. a. Tamaqua nt S.85 a. m. and 8.10 p. tn' f..r Philadelphia, New York.Rendlng, llarrisbnrg.Ae. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. forilitrrisburg, nnd 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove nnd Tremout. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leave Potts villc ut 5.S0 a. in., passes Reading at 7.0B a. m, arriving at Philadelphia at 9.85 a. iu., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Read ing nt 7.40 p.m. arriving at Fortsvllle at 9.30 p.m. Fottstown Accommodation Train leaves Fotts town ul 6.45 a. m., returning leaves PhliadelpliW (Ninth and Green,) at 4.80 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at 7.20 a. m., and tt.15 p. in. for Ephratu, Lltii, Lancaster. Columbiu, Ac. returulng leave Lan caster nt 8.20 a. m. and 8.25 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 n. m. nnd 8.15 p. m. Perkioinen Ruil Road Truins leave Ferklomcn Junction nt 7.35, 8.55 a.m.. 2.55 and 6.40 p. m. Rcturnlng.leave Green Lane at 6.15, a. in., 12. S." nud 4.20 p. m. couuecting with trains on hid ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Rallroud trains leave Phto nlxvllleat 9.10a.m., 8.10 and 5.50 p.m.; re turning, leave Byers at 0.85 a. m 18.45 noon, and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains ou Read ing Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstown ut 9.40 a. m., l.aoaud 6.25 aud 7.15p. in., returu lng leave Mt. Pleasant at 6.00, 8.J0 and 11.25 a. m., mid 8.25 p. in., cont-ectlug with truius ou Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Biidgo pott atH.30a. m., 2.40 und 5.33 p. m. returning, leave Downtngtown at 6.55a. m., 12.31) and 6.4i p. m. connecting with truins on Rt uditig Itnilroad. Ou Sundays : Leave New York at 6.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. in., (thu S.00 a. in. train running ouly to Reading:) leave Pottsiilleul 8.00a.m., leavo IlarrisbuiL', S.tKlu. tn., unci 2.00 p. iu.; leave Alleutowu at 4.35, U.35 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15a. ui. und 10.55 p.m. for llarriaburg, at 7.00 u. ra. Tor New York, nt 7.21) a. m. for Alleutowu nud at 9.40 a. in. and 4.15 p. tn. for Fhlladel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points at re duced rates. ISuggnge checked through : 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Snpt. A Eng. Much'ry. Northern tent ml Railway. " INTER ARRANGEMENT. ON fciui alter Oct. us ' "-iws : 27, 1?72, trains will inn NORTHWARD. Niagaiu Express leaves Suubiirv at 12.40 p. in., for Ningaru Falls -Mail urrire at Suubury nt 4.10 p. m., arrive ut Wiiliamsport ti.20 and'Elmira li).3u p. m. Fast Line arrives nl Sunbury nt li.W p. m., arrive ut Williatiisporl 8.35 ji. in. Kile Mall leaves Biinluiiy nt H.S0 a tn ; Wil liuinspoit al 8.40 a ni, and 'arrives ut F.lnura at 12.40 p in. SOUTHWARD. Mail ituvt-s Sunbury at 11.05 n. ru., nnlve at liarrislmrg 1.45 p. m.," Bi.ilim;re 6.30 p. in. Erie Express leaves Bniibiiiy ut it.4.1 u. m., ar rive ut Ilanirb'.irg 11.3d a. in., BnltiMKre 3,o0 p. in. 1 lie Mail leave c'tiiibury at 12. "0 a. m., arriva at lUrri.btii-g 'J. 4.1 a. lu., 'ilaUitn 3.4'i a. tu. Niagara Express haves tunbuvy et ij j, -n. llarriaburg al 10.40 p ui, arrives i.t'i;ii'Ujrr 2 1.: a lit. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWAKD. Leave Sur.liury at 4.40 p. tn., arrive at cilia mo kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Cannel 6.30 p. in. l.eaic Sunbury ( Ae.oininodation,) ut 13 35 p. in., uriivc at Shnmokin 1.35 p. in. WEMTWAKH. l.e.'.ye yi. Carmel nt 7.40 a. in.. fchuuikli 8.1.0 it. tn., arrive al Sunbiiiy D.'J5 a. n.. I.cae M.aiuokin ( Aecoiiiiuinlalii'ii,; at 2.45 i in., arrive ut Suubury S.55 p. iu. Kxpiess leatcs daily. A:l other trains le:ve daily, except Sunduvs. A. It. Fiskk. Ep. U. VefMiJ bcu'l. Sup't., Qeu'l Pas-en'r Ag't., Harrisburtf, Pa. Haiimore. Md. Philadelphia and Frie Kllroad. SUMMER TIME TAHI.E. On and after Sunday. Oct. 27th. 1872. thn Trains on the Fhiludelphia Erie Ruil Road vtl.l run as follows : I WESTWARD. ! Mall Tralii leaves Philadelphia, 11.40 p m ounoury, 6.30 a n " " arr ut Erie, 7.55 p 1, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.40 p in " " " Sunbury, 7.01 p m " " an al Erie, 7.45 a 111 Eltnira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 u 111 " " Suubury, 4.3" p 111 " " arr ut Lock Haven, 7.45 p 111 Ningaru Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.30 a m " " " Sunbury, 12.40 p 111 " " arr at Renovo, 4. 35 a m EASTWARD. Maii Trniu leaves Erie, 11.35 a 111 " " " Sunbury, 12.45 a 111 " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.55 a m Erie Express leaves Erie, 9.05 p m " " " Suubury, 9.35 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 8.30 p in Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7.45 a 111 " " " Suubury, 11.00 am " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.00 p 111 Niagara Express leaves Reuuvo, 3.25 p ui " " " Sunbury, 7.55 p m " " arr at Fhlladelahia, 2.80 a in Mail East connects east aud west al Erie ailli L. 8. A M. S. lt. W. and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exoress and Erie Express East, and Erie Mull, Niugara Express and Elmira Mail West, connect at Wiiliamsport with trains going north on the Elmira and Canauduigua division of the N. C. R. K. Cntawlssn passenger trains will beruu east aud west from Willianisporlou Elmira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, Uen'l Bup'l Danllle, llacletou A Hilkeisbarrss K. It. I'euua. It. It, Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ou aud after this date Passenger trains on the D., H. A W. R. R. will run as follows 1 WESTWARD. EASTWARU. LEAVE. A.M.! LEAVE. A.M. New York, 6:00 Sunbury, 6:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Dauville, 7:H2 Easlon, 9:35 Cattawissa, 7:28 BethlehciU, 10:05 Hazleton, 9:08 r. m. r. t. Huxletou, 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 Cullawis.u, 8:40 Faslon, 12:35 Dauviile, 3:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 Buubury, arrive 3:57 New Yolk, air. f:5n Traiii West arriving at Sunbury 3:57 p. in., makes close connection. lli trains 011 Philadel phia A Erie R. R. lor Milton, Wilii.itiispoit, Lock Haven and all points West, Elmira and ail paints North, also with Northern Crutial Rail way, for llarriaburg and Baltimore. ffNew aud elegant coaches iuu through be tween Suubury and Easlon. FRANK THOMPSON, Supl. D. H. A W. It. R. Srrr's Orrii E, Wii LLuisruuT, Fa. ( May 1, 1872. S COAL! COAI.I COAL! tiKAN'l' BROf ., Shippers aud Wholt sale and Retail Dculeis lu WIUTE AND RED ASH COAL, SL'NBl lV. (lowke SEiir.j -T bole Agacts, nest ward, at (he ssl.br4J Henry Cray Coal. ' ' ' t? f.