mibhrn American. SUNBUR Y, NOVEMBER 30, 1972. '1 11 L- - - - J Railroad Time Tnblr. ARRIVAL ADO DEPAHTTJltB OF TIIAIKS AT ICNHUItT. N. C. R. W.. Bonth. Erie Mall, 18.50am Erie Express, 9.40 " Wall, 11.05 " Nlag. Express 8.00 p m P. & t. R. R. ffcit. Mall, 0.80 am Nlnff. EspressllMO pm F.lmira Mall 4.B0 " Erie Express 7.01 ' SCNHtltT AUD LBWISTOWH It. II. 1-eavc Bunbury for Lewletowu at 7.45 a. m., and 8-10 p. M. Arrive fat Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.50 and 7.45 p. tn. SIIAMOKIN DIVISION, N. C. K. W. t.CAVB I AkRIVK Sunbury at 5.45 a m I At Sunbury 9.35 a in " 12.85pm I " 8.55 pm . 4.40 p in I " 6.00 tn DANTIIXr, HAZtXTON Vf IbKRSnAKItB II. H. Regular Texcri;er tsaln leaves Sunbury for Dnnvillc, Ciittrtwit.ua, Ilar.lcton snd Intermediate 'tetntlons, nt 0.45 a. m. llcturuiiig leave Ilazle tou ut 1.00 p. in. Arrive nt 4.00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND BI.OOMPHLIIQ n. R. Leave Northumberland nt 9.40 a. ni. mid 4.50 p. m. Arrive at Northumberland nt 20.35 a. ru. and 4.05 p. m. Accidental Tnanrnnco Tickets can bo bad J. Shlpmnn, Ticket Agent, ut tin) Depot. of Snwiip MAOtirvtH.-.MIss Caroline Dallus is the ffeut for the sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, viz i "The Iuiprovod Singer," "Grover A Baker," "Ilowe," and "Domestic," which are constantly on hand and sold ai, rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Franta and Pore Knitting Machine. Call and see taera. O'Hce ou Market street, east of the railroad. Trb Golden Light stove and Heater, for sale by J. B. Reed, Third Street, opposite the Central Hotel, Sunbury. Fa. Dedication. The new church of the denom ination of the United Brethren In Christ, located between Snydertown and Reed's Station, will be dedicated to the services of God ou Sunday, De cember 1st, 1872. Bishop J. Weaver, Elder (i. W. Nllcs Rigor, and other ministers, will be pre sent to participate In the exercises. Tliu public are cordially invited to attend. Dinner and horsc fced will be provided. Thomas Gahi.ind, Pustor. Mb. James M. dossier of Northumberland, has accepted the position of Secretary of the Union Canal Company, and moves to Lebanon, Pa. 1.. T. Kouun.tcil, Efq., takes possession of thu Fruthonatory's ofllce next Monday, December 2nd. JIcMrKiu.r still makes the ever popular sha dow pictures. On Tuesday last wo had a slight sprinkli.g of snow to remind lis that frosty winter is upon lu. There was barely enough snow to cover the grouud, so that ideas of sleigh rides were lint In dulged in. Tiik horse disease, which is of a light form, lias i.ttackcd probably every horse in tills place. 11 tit lli is far we have not heard of a fatal case. Through the country thu disease prevails to n large extent, which proves very disadvantages to those who attend markets three times during the week. On Tuesday last but few horses were a -e:i o;i the street, and tho market proved execed ing'y fcliin. Mb. Win. T. Heller, Deputy for the retiring Sheriff, will remain with the new Sheriff for u few months until he becomes acquainted w ith the routine of business counrctcd with that office. Mr. Heller has been an efficient Deputy. Sfkious ArrmrsT. -Miss Bccrii llrice, on I'll lay uight lust, having had her hands and face chafed duiing ti.e previous day, rubbed them as ehesuppoH'd with Glycerine oil, but which turned out to be crotou oil. Through some mistake, not knowing such hu ariicle was in the house, she got hold of the wrong bottle, lu a short time her hands and f ice were frightfully inllamed and sin; suffered intensely, but proper medical aid was forthcoming, mid she is now getting better. Another warning that every vial should be mark ed b-'fore it enters the family. Lying In. Mr. W. J. Steele, who fell In front ol (ieo. W. Siuii' e new building, on Market street, several ( . since, Id now lying very ill at the City Hotet.-. ith inflammatory rheumatism, partly us a result of Injuries received from his lull. Tup. Rev. P. Kiz-r, formerly Pastor of the I.u therau Church lu lhi place, and lately !n charge at lliiinineistowu, Dauphin county, is about to remove to StewurtEville, New Jersey. He preach ed his farewell sermon at Iluuimoletowii ou Sun day last. IIemi-i:i:i.y challenges the country to excel Ids shadow Photographs. A Nhit Bi ooy. Wc noticed a few days ago ii splendidly finished buggy manufactured at the carriage shop of Win. Raker, at Seven Points, in Lower Anguita township. It was built for our new Sheriff, S. II. Rothermcl, and as a line pleco or workmanship docs great credit to Mr. Raker's establishment, and proves, what we have oftcu contended for, thai our mechanics are as well killed lu gettiug up a first class vehicle as are the mechanics iu tho cities, and at much less cost. Heavv Poiikers. Ex-Sheriff J. B. Ileller, of this place killed four hogs about flfteeu mouths old which together weighed 2'CO lbs. The hea viest one weighing 025 lbs. If any one can beat the Sheriff in raising heavy porkers we should like to hear of It. Porcelain Pictures, and fiine work a specialty at Ileinperly's. Mu. II. D. Wharton, who has been spending tha vacation ssason of Congress at his home in this pluee, returns to Washington to-day to re sume his position as Index clerk of the House of Representatives. Mr. Wharton's numerous friend here will uo doubt regret bis abseuce, as his active services iu the interest of Improvement of his uative town will be much missed lu hit ab beuce. During the late campaign Mr. Wharton dona valuable services for the Republican party. His services are apprecl.ded.not ouly here.but also luuit positiou, wbere he bat become quite popu lar. Tne Public Prtu U the title of a new weekly paper starud at ..'ortumuberlaud by C. W. Gu- luliui, Esq., formerly of tbs iMmotratic Guard, at tnis place, i&enr.t number of the JVm Is well priuted and filled with a large variety of original aud selccttd matter. Tku paper is to be iudepeudeut lit po litics and devoted chiefly to lueal and general uews. Our neighbors of Nor thumberland have at Inst itjcceeded iu establish lithiug a good local paper, which has long been needed lu that thriving Iowa. Mr. Guteliu Is a good printer und uuder.tandt furnishing a tpuy lwal paper, and we hop that the ciliuus il eaonl to bin men; encouragement at to continue tne prosperity of tuo PrttK Mav success attend the eftoit on the part of lh publlther as well as IDs citl.eut or oar tiki if lou. . ,(:. Important to Coai, Mbn. One of the lending cases tried In our Common Pica during the pre sent week, and of especial Interest to our coal men, was that of f atnucl John A Bona ve Da vidson ft McCabe. Tho plaintiffs reside In Bha inoklu, and ait! miners and thlppori of coal. The defendants llvo In Troy, Bradford county, Ia. In the fall of 1809, the plaintiffs told to defend auts, on a contract, Ave bundred tons of coal, which was to bo delivered at Bunbury, In N C. R. W. can. From that point on to Troy the de fendants were to pay the tolls. For this amount of coal, consisting of different sii.es, the Brm of Davidson A McCabe were to pay In all aomo (1000 on the contract, and before tho coat was all delivered, Defendants paid to plaintiff over tllOO. They then discovered, as alleged In the defence, that tho coal was of a very Inferior qua lity, consisting, to a large cxteut, of slate, etc., and claimed a reduction on tho price agreed upon lu the contract. Suit In assumpsit was' then brought, mid the case tried. Iu the charge, of Judge Rockefeller to the jury ho stated, among other principles of law, that the hiw implied even tn the absence, of express terras In a contract that an article should be delivered In a marketa ble condition, and also that where goods are ship ped tho conalgnco Is liable from the timo they leave tho care of the consignor, &c. It was also stated as a matter of law that defendants were entitled to a defence, notwithstanding It was agreed that Sunbury was to be tho place of de livery of tho coul from plalntlfls to defendants, Tor the reason that tiro law Implied that the coal should be marketable, and tho defendants could not bo at Sunbury to watch the quality of tho coul as It arrived In cargoes of five cars every other day. Thejury returned n verdict of tJ00 40, which is considered a very Impartial finding. AimnsTEU foii Larcent. James Cole, u young man of about 19 summers, who has been hanging aronud Sunbury for a year or two, was about a year ago arrested lu the charge of steal ing from the shoo shop of John Wilvcrt, lu Sun bury, a pair of boots. Colo was arrested and the boots found on his feet. lie was admitted to bail, and ran away, thus defeating the ends of justice. The recognizance, like all the forfeited recognizances In our county, was never collected and the county paid the costs. On the 20th Inst., Colo was ognin arrested for stealing a pair of shoes from the shop of Jared Broslous.on Third street. He was brought before A. N. llrice, Esq., and the shoes wers found on his feel. Tho young hopeful was thereupon committed to Jail iu default or hall in the sum of $o0!. After he was shut up In Fort Rothermcl, the young man tried to escape through tho roof, but was detect ed and locked up. On the 2!ith information was lodged against the same individual for buigla riously entering the grocery of Christian B. Seas holtz, on Market street, nnd assisted by others, carrying away a lot of scgars, money, flour, Ac. The others Interested lu the crimo will be exposed iu due lime if proven guilty. 1'f.malb Thief. Oho Phoebe Trotttmnn. a light Angered damsel or Lykcns, Dauphin coun ty, was suspicioned by George Daniels, of that borough, of having taken away from his pre mises a lot of dress goods, jewelry, eVe. On the -2nd instant, she was followed to Sunbury, and on tho morning of the "5th was arrested lit the house ofC'npt. Torringtou tvhero she had been employed ns n servant girl a few days previous ly. Some of the goods were found in her posses sion, ami she together with her dry goods, Ac, were brought before Esquire Sl ice, who commit ted tho fair Phoebe to our Jail until Tuesday, when the Lykens authorities took her down to the Harri.burg jail. Not Admitteii to Bail. The question of nil- j B. M. lluhb, Esq. Both houses are well nnd milting Dr. B. L. Kcrchncr, lately convicted of i comfortably arranged, nnd present a line appea rape nt our November Sessions, to bail, pending,' ranee. A few mure cuicii-ilnlng men la that the disposal of a motion for a new trial, was ar gued on Mouday evening last, and the Court de cided that the defendant should remain ill jail principally on the ground that our county offi cials have never attempted to collect any of the forfeited recognizances. A Steam Saw Mill at Gkokoetown. The new steam milt erected during the pn season by I. II. Ress'.cr, Esq., of Georgetown, is now iu full operation, nnd wc are happy to learn Is doing a good business lu cutting lumber. We notice that Mr. Resslcr U engage! In enlarging the building for the purpose of increasing tho busi ness. This mill is located conveniently to tho river and railroad, and is well adapted to the mauufactuiing of lumber for building purposes. It affords a great convenience to those desiring to build lu that community, and Is an improve ment iudlspensible In that part of til : country. Capt. Heueii Painter, who for some time was foreman in the Ptmocrat office, in this place, it appears has beeu made a subject of political dis pleasure of the edllor of that paper, aud got his permit to seek employment elsewhere. The Cap taiu has always been a true Republican, and al though a good priuter, he became a marked sub ject alter tho defeat of the editor's party, and an other man put in his place. But "it it an ill wind that blow t no one good," und In this case the old proverb proved correct, for his lost o( one position wut made good by another mure lu crative, viz : Express ageut oi the Dauville and lluzieton railroad between Ilnzletou und Suuburv. An Ox lu on Express wagon, would seem rath er out of place, under ordinary circumstances. During the past week, Mr. Ilazletine, tho oblig- lug uud attentive ageut of Adams' Exdress com pany ut this place, was under the necessity of usiug one of Mr. Uasliaus well truiucd oxcu ou the Express wagon, the epizootic having disabled most of our horses. Dobbin did his work well. If he wus slow, he was nevertheless sure. Salmon. Mr. James Rilaud brought some splendid Susquehanna Salmon to market lust Saturday, tome of them weighing teu pounds. Mr. Riland Informed us that he recently bud caught a handsome black bass, which he return ed to the water. The few that had been put Into the river, a few years ago, havealreudy begun to show the success of the experiment lu introduc ing this excellent fish Into the Busquehauna. W are happy to notice that our young friend George Deppln of Trevorton, bus received the appoliilment of Deputy Sheriff of th's county. Sheriff Ilolhel mul's selection is a good one and will give general satisfaction. Mr. Deppln is a worthy young mau, and well qualified lo make an efllcteut olUcer. Tub Court ou Wednesday eveulug adjourned over Thanksgiving moruing, and met iu the af ternoou of Thursday ut 2 o'clock. An Argument Court will be held ou Monday of next week. The horses of our coal men being all sick, the shippers, In order to have the cars pulled off the ildelings to the wharves to load bouts, are com pelled to employ the boat teams. Is the aetlou of the breach of promise case of Barr vt Burns, nieutioued lust week, there ap pear to be conflicting opinion in regard to the verdict reudered. Borne of the frleud of Mr. Bum think be bus been made the victim of cir cumstances, aud that tha verdict of tlOOO was uardly warranted by the cvldeuce. We learn that application has been made for a uew trial. VfW Goods. Mewrs. 8. O. Reed Brother k m1wIi buve just received a large klock of WMv4r Good at thlr More. Dry Goods, Gro. flu, Ac, fresh from the city market, can be and at reduced price. Their tork Is complete, 'full will r!iy nil who give loan) a-ealL T Elbotkio Signal ox thi Philadelphia and Ekii R. R. An Important Improvement. The number of trains passing over the single track of the Philadelphia Eric R. It., between Bun bury and Northumberland, has becomo so great thai It has been found necessary to adopt mea sure for facilitating their movements. As the expense of constructing a second track would be very great, necessarily Involving the construc tion of over 8,000 foct of bridging across the North Branch of the Bnsq'nehannn, Mr. Frank Thompson, the Superintendent of tho Eastern Division, decided to erect a set of electric signals by which the movement of the trulua are here after to be controlled. 1 One of the signals Is placed at the Northum berland station, and the other at the west end of the Bunbury yard. They consist of a blnck box mounted on a post, and hnvlng two openings In front, about a foot In diameter. Inside tho box Is a revolving screen, worked by un elcetro-mag-net, and which Is made to show cither a red or white signal through the opening?, at the plea sure of the operator. The signal apparatus in each box is connected by wires with the telegraph office on the opjioslte side of the river. In each of these offices Is a little miniature flgnal, also worked by electricity, which faithfully copies the movements and Indications of the large one rot the other station, together with nn electric bell. The operation of signaling n train Is conduct ed as follows : Tho ordinary color of the signal at Northum berland Is red, indicating "danger." When n train arrives from the west, the operator here gives a signal to to the one nt Sunbury by a cer tain number of strokes on the be'l. If the track Is clear, Sunbury responds by pressing down a llttio knob on his instrument, which changes the Northumberland signal to white, which gives no tice to the engineer of the train that he may pro ceed with safety. At tho snme time tho opera tor here sets tho Sunbury signal red, which pre vents any other train from coming In the oppo site direction. At the Instant the large signal is changed ut the op)Hwitc end of the line, its move ments arc copied by tho miniature In the office, so that the operator, by merely glancing nt it, can nt any time ascertain tho position of tho other signal, thus rendering n mistake lu signal ing impossible. The idea of controlling the trains In this man ner originated with Mr. Thompson, while the apparatus Itself was invented by Mr. F. L. Pope, of Elizabeth, N. J., who has been engaged for several wcks In erecting it. Wc understand that It Is the first signullngnpparalus of the kind that has ever been put up iu the United States, and Ills paid to bo more, ingenious and complete than any of the celebrated English systems. Some Idea of the advantages to be gained by In use may be gathered from the fact, that by the system heretofore 111 use, of special telegraphic orders, the time required to start a train was from one to three minutes, while, by means of : the new arrangement it may be done with equal and even greater ceili.inlr and safety In ciykt or ! ten ucvtul: It :s probable tti.it this improve- j mcut will be adopted at many other points, where , the conditions nre similar to those existing here. I Much credit is certainly duo to Mr. Thompson! for the enterprise he lias exhibited iu being the! first to adopt this important improvement in rail- roaillng. .VortA6rfii?K 1'ulilic Vrk if hut j trtck. Ivi'iioviNO. Since the telegraph station has been located nt Georgetown, by the. N. C. Pail Way Co., that vitiligo Is rapidly Improving. A number of houses have beeu erected during tin lato season, among which was one by Andrew j Ditty, Esq., adjoining bis residence, and one by town would soon make it n nourishing place, as 1 It Is admirably located for any kind of mauufae- ! turiug purposes for mills, foundries, aud oilier i manufactories. j Tiik Annual Reception, and Hist of u series of . sociables, of tlic Pennsylvania Republican Ao- j j cintion of Washington City, will ha held at the ) 1 Masonic Temple on Monday evening, December ! 9, lhT'J. The members of this Association are I "hail fellows, well met," and always extend a i hearty welcome to their friends from the olil i Keystone SlatJ. We would u.lv:.-c our friends j who may visit Washington dinii g the coining ! winter to call on soma of our Suub.ity boyj wLo are members of this Association, and Join with them in u!t.".ijli.g tutisc pleasing cut uitulumeute. Finn at Mt. (a km hi.. A lire broko out In the furniture manufactory of A. Edgar Uro., lu Ml. Canael borou",li, early uu Sunday morning last, and consumed the building und its contents. From this building the fire communicated with the dwelling nnd Tcmperuiice Re-tauranl building of Mr. Christ, opposite the Mt. Curmcl House, which were alt consumed together with the Lock up and council buildings. Tlicic was an insur ance of about (Hunt) on Mr. Etljjnr' buildings. Tho balance we learn wn not insured. As Elopewknt. On Monday cvoning last, n youu Bill iu ihe south ward (Mary E. Mort, i daughter of Mrs. Surah MeMurtrie, by her tiral husband) left town iu company with 'Dock' Scott, Agent for Harry Scott's minstrel troupe, leaving a nte for her parent stating that -die was 'in good hands,' und hoped to see them ugaiu. Her parents not thinking her In very good hand the father immediately started for Watsontown in pursuit, but, although the girl and her companion wcru reported to be in town that ult'bt be d!l not find them. The next morning, the mother, In company with Consta ble Riddles, started ou thu 7 o'clock tiain for Willlamsport, lo bunt up the runaway pair. Hu mor huvlug reported that the guilty parties had stopped at Watsontown, the mother got otf the train ut that place, while the constable went ou to Wll'.iuinsport. The girl was found at Wat sontown and brought borne, but Scott was not fouud. -Vi'toiiiua. FuiK ! Fiitx ! ! The lute Boti n fire bus caus ed leverul lire insurance companies to sutpcud payment. The Peoples' Insurance Company of Philadelphia, bus beeu firm, and pays her lo-ses promptly. They also lake life insurances ir. which Ibey area prompt In paying every dollar as they are in losses of fire. Isaiah 8. Go.-tler, agent for the company, is taking policies dully lu this Compauy us It I considered uot ouly safe but reliable. Goou Bor. Louis Lamm, sou of M. Lamin, of this borough found a package of mouey tho other day, containing some f SO, done up iu a paper. lie Immediately came to this oillce uud desired u to luform auy one tuqupriug for the money that he had it ; aud requested ut to ad vertise it If uot called for before our publication day. It was afterwards found to be Ihe proper ty of C. F. Hull aud wa returned to him. Buch au Inslaue of honesty deserves meutiou uot that the boy did more than hi duty but duty 1 not always peformod by men or boys. .Viltn hum. Muli Meat FoniiKU. Wa bear il alaUd that an ebony pork feeder and futteuer, below town, I doing a flourishing bualue.s ol lulu by feeding bis porker on dead mule and horse uiihit. Au observer tlatee that be noticed one gi uuter that bad taken the job of going through one defuuel long ear aud had succeeded in wading lu ubout but whole leugtb. Porkers fed on epUooty vic tims would be a savory dltU. Cgli t JtniuilU iHUlliftnctr. I.it of J n pop" Tor Anjonrnrri Court, lp t -iiilep HU, 1ST2. 1. Cyrus Walter, Mere'miit, 'hllli-qiiaq'ic. S. John Huff, Merchant, Sh noki:i tv, p. H. Peter Menkes, Farmer, Lewis. 4. Henry Nclhoff, Barber, Khainokln Dor. B. Henry T. John, Merchant, Sit. t'annel ilo. . JohnM. Cadwallader, Merchant. Sunbury. 7. thus. Hoover, Farmer. Lower Ainrnsta. 8. John A. Lloyd, Gentleman, Xorth'lierkind. 9. Jacob llollmau, Furincr, Delaware. 1(1. Jesse Yoentn, Gentleman, North'berlnnd. II. James Coiililrcn, Farmer, Lower Augusta. l'J. Robert Meliaw, Carpenter, Tiirbut. III. Kphrmn Tharp, Laborer, ('mil. 14. Isaac Frederick, Farmer, Cliilllsq ia pie. 15. John Troiitin-in, Fanner, Jordan. 10. Amos Maul, Farmer, Delaware. 17. Samuel Leho, Farmer, Lower Miihauoy. It. John Pntriilirc, Blacksmith, Zerbe. 10. Joseph Deppln, Innkeeper, Mt. Curm. bor. I'll. Peter Gel-t, Fanner, Upper Mahanoy. 81. (leoiire Frdman, Funnel, Sbaniokln iwp. Mi. Joseph Iteedcr, Gentleman, Slm'kiu twp. So. Benj. F. Diehl, Laborer, ISunlniry. H4. A. C. I .on t'en, Mechanic, Milton, 25. Geo. W. Smith, Laborer, Sniihnry. 0. James Ciimuiliigs, Contab1e, Watsontown. 1!7. Isaac licit. Drover, Washington, KS, ("has. J. Conrad. Laborer, Lower Auctista. 'il. (ieo. 11. Conrad, Shoeuiakei , Lo:' Augusta. !10, Michael Kersletter, Laborer, Coal. !tl. ('has. Klock, Farmer, Uppor Mahanoy. l'J. Edward KlinirT, Laborer, Shnmnklii Bor. :!. George W. Funk, Farmer, Turbut. 14. Samuel Deannond, Farmer, Delaware. ib. Harvey Nye. Farmer. Delaware. !!). John Hoof, Farmer, Turbutvllla. Fu Rent. A house on the. eastern end of Mai'iet street. Possession given immediately, if rcqurcd. Enquire at this office. A Blended assortment of cheap heaters for sale ly J. B. Reod, Sunbury, Pn. Ch.pped Hanhs, face, rough skin, pimples, rinsrwirm, salt-rheu.a, and other buianeous nl fecliois cured, and the skin made soft nnd smooli, by using tlie Juniper Tah Soap, made by Caiwoll, Hazard A Co., New York, lie cer tain ti get tho Juniper Tar Soap, as then: are maiiyworthles' imitations made with common ar. N10,'7a.l'w. The Purest nnd Sweetest Cod- Liver Oil la Huzan A Caswell's, made, on the sea shore, from fresh. Klected livers, by Caswell, Hazard ei Co., Few Yrk. It is uhso'iitely pure and sweet. Pa tients bo have once taken it. prefer it to nil others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of Ho other oils In market. NH,"7J.12w, A vain hie lot In Cuke's addition to Sunbury, is offere for sale nt n reasonable price and ou good tens. Apply at this office. Jtiisinoss Jioliees. W. RF. Wcimcr has just received his second purchas of full and winter goods, cheaper than ever. Is stock of ladies' dress goods, water- j pioofs, urs, carpet?, oil cloth, flno groceries, and In fet everything to suit the taste nnd fancy, i nnd nt irices astonishingly low. He sells for ready cth, nnd will not be undersold bynnvone. , ! Give hiin call, and be convinced that Wcimer's popuiarnsh store is the place to secure bargains, j Uf.vi' S'fL. Tho new styles of Hats and Caps j that aden tho windows of S. Faust's hat store, on Mink, street, nre beautiful. Ills fe.!l and j winter st k is superior to any ever seen iu this place. A the latest styles, and of the best qua lit v , arc t be foind nt his establishment, nnd at prices to ait Ihclimcs. F.'li Sto a .lii;g t'ow. p:,rt Al.l. in y. In quire, at ( is ntlil-. Foil nr. liousj Ii,)'. tu.: or Epidemic Ca tarrh, 'his beii; a typlmd disease, requires ii 1 siistat.nlig triafj-.nt or sneer ss will be doubtful. ' Those ml k.imiig ho toll at the above d'u- eae. cal on NlG.tr. JMES VAXDYKE, Sunbury, Pa. . WllEJ you w: to get a first ciass bout, go sec ' W. H. Miller, a,; has just received the Hm-st . assortment of Bits and Shoes, r.ueh as French , Cair, Scotch botin i French Calf, double soled i and slngie Boici'. all stitched by hand. Also, : fudged boots of tv, l.t brands, lie don't nre-U-tid to sell u imline-KCWed bout. For u first class boot go ii nova his stock ir..-- j-. . i,.,,. i Always the laleitylcs on hand. Evans Aim i ricau Patent Gaits for boys, the nicest shoe cv j er made. Sizes m from 4 to lo'j'. In facta full line of all ih iest make of Boots and S'.ioes. ! Tin: Celeb; atcitar Cook Stove, for sale by J. B. Reed, Sunbiir. l a. llotsE ani L' ion Sale. A new cottage house, with all t' modern Improvement', locat ed In Puidytowinu the Catlawissa road, i t of fered Tor sale at leasoiiable price. Apply t. ('. P. Se.isho'.tz, Sunny. I'a. Kciul Notices. Oil ."UarrisK-. Es.-ays for Young, Men. on I Great Social E'S mil Abuses, which interfile will. Marriage, id ruin the huvpincse of thou ! sands, with sii means of relief for the Erring I aud linfortunat deceased and debilitated. .Sent in sealed letter ivclopes, Ireeol charge. Address, ll.tird Association, No. -, South Ninth St., PhiUclphlu, Pa. "c. 'ir 5 "2 e 5 'I tn g a SS f f- : -? s .o t .2 " 2 CO o O o K,3 71 Is 3 X. -i .2 5 f - .- k - 11 - s TIE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. 13 ULISHEI) as a warning and for the ncnctlt . of yuunn imii il ulltm who sutler from Neniis Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., slip- ,,1Jr'BTHE MEANS OF SELF-CU.iE. Wrlen by one who cured himself, after under goig considerable iiiuckery, and sent free on re ceivug u post-l'aid directed envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MAY FAIR, Jiie 8, '73. tinios. Itiookl.ui. N. Y. 5. Ju the J'ilh lust., by the Key. E. E. Kerry, at tt- residence of the bridu's father, Mr. t'YRi F. Valteh, ol ( liiilisiiiuiiue, und Miss Kate A. .VtitTZ, of Point township, Noithiimber'.aud ouuiy, Pn. Ou Ihe 1-llh Inst., by the same, Mr. TiiKonoiti! llSUf.II I.Ull Mi-S I AK...LINK A. S l'KllNKIl, both of joint township; Nuilaa'iiiierland i ouaiy, Pa. In ircvorlon, oi. Ihe lib of October, ihVJ, at be bouse of Ihe bride's father, by Itev. T. O. Jleos, Ml. J. F. l.i:iis- of Lykens, Dauphin .'ouniy, und Mi. As ,it .1. J.-nVs. Inlrlsli V.illev. -n Ilir I7il. ct.. at i'ic resi dence ot' Mr. ll.'H. He.lpt. I.- -.'ii e, Mi'. IM HEK Wykm and Mis. H.AIIIssa CUrbH.I., all of Irish Vulltiy, Northuuiburlaud County, !i. Ou the llllli lust., at the bouse of .'. S. Ilamsy, Ifsi,. hvltev. P. F. Ever. Mr. Bami'Ki. IUmsv, ot Ml. Curiuel.uud Miss Makoai.i t Uayi.is, of Lo- eust Dale, Schuylkill county, Pa. At lllghsplre, Dauphin couuty. Pa., at the re. sldeuce of Cornelius Stuart. Esii., ou Ihe '."-'d lust. Mrs. ELIZABETH llOYEU, cons ul id the lale WPIiam Buyer, or Duncan . lslund.uged :n yeius Missouri paper will please copy. On Wt dnesdat.the SO lust., at the residence of Iter lather. In Point lown.hip, G A BELLA Holt TON. dauirbtur of lion. Je.se C. nnd Maltha Ilorton, aged 41 years, 10 months aud 10 days. Ou the 71 h iust.. In Nnrthumberluiid, BESSIE duuxhter of W. T. and K. A. Forsyth, uged ubout 7 year. Iu Trevorton. Nov. 19th, WJ, Ir. JACOB TOliDf, ajred titf year, 1 mouth and 12d.' 'ml.Janeoa.i8. otu i:. VJ"OTiOE Is hereby glvon to nil who are In-i-X debted tn the Into linn of Ilelliier A Hough ton, In the huMiery business In the boroiith of Noilhunibirliiiid, to come forward and settle heir accounts s iih ntidersiiiiicd surviving p in ner, a the business of tho II nil lUUBt be settled without delav. II. M. HOl'CltTON. Nottliuinberlaii.l, Pa., N iv. y.t, "7:J. n. U n B URY PRO PERT Y. 13 Houses For Salo. EX i:('l'TKN A I,U. TT Tl I.L be expose I to pnhlirt s tic. on Tticw T tiyf the loth ibiv of December next, (17) at 10 o'clock A. M.. i.t the. COURT HOUSE, In tho Borough of SUNHURY, Thirteen Houses nnd Lois, latu thovstatoof Edward r. Blight, dee'd. Five of said bouses, beluga block of llae two atory BRICK DWELLING IJOl-SES stunleon1 the south sldo ol'CIiesnut street hi tin- Boroueh I of Stinbuiy. Northumberland county, I'emisylvii- nln, bounded und flouting on paid Chestnut I street on thu north, a lot of Mrs. Fisher cm the I cast, the. Miamokln Valley und Pottsville Hail- ', road on ihe south, and loi of the estate of the late (ii-orge Wei-er, deceased, on the west, each j lot containing feet in width. ort!ierenbmits,and ' two hundred and thirty in depth. These bouses will he sold ill u block or separate to suit pur-I chasers. I'siir riral-rlnsM Kmmo ivcSli:igM. ': Also, Four contiguous lots of irronnd situate' on the south side of Walnut Htrei-t In sai l bo. i rough, bounded on the north by said Walnut i street, on the cast and south by an slier, and j on the west by a lot ot the e-tate ol Mrs. La lira An- ' gic, dee'd. Kuril of Faid lets containing In ) IroMt L".l tectum! iu depth two hundred and thir- ' tv fni-t, whereon are erected fotirlli'st-cliiss frame ; dwelling houses with olhcr outbuildings. Each ', house is seperat.i. - i No. 1 Is occupied bv J. K. Clement. ' No. 'J is occupied by Thomas Hamilton. No. :! Is occupied by 11. I.. Simpson. No. 4 Is neeiipl.-d by K las S.'hnehbT. Three Frame !n-Mliir Honor. Also, three eontitions lots of ground situate on the south side of Vine street in said Borough, bounded on the north by said Vine street, on the cast by a lot of II. II. Mas-er, on the south ....... .. t.. . n. ... . . '.' ' ion ii , 01 nn i . t icMiim, or nn alley, ali i on the wesi by a lot ol Mrs. Ann N. Bright each of said lots containing in front eet or there aboiits. and In depth one huiiilied and lif'tv feet or thereabouts, whereon are erected three" good, nearly new, two story FRAME DWELLING HOUfcES and other oul-hou -es. No. 1 is occupied by John Irwin. No. a is occupied bv E. M. Mitchell. No. !t Is oeeup-ivl by John Spuee. One two-Nfory Frame Iw cl.iiis: HoiiNe. situate on the west side of Fourth street, (rout ing on sai l Fourth str -et on the east, a lot of Ja cob Fetter on the south, an aiiey on Ihe west, a nil a lot of Harry 1 lielleni.uch on t lie north. The lot contains in front ou said Fourth street L'S feet, or thereabouts, and one hundred and ten let t in depth, l.ow occupied by Rev. A Wheat. I.liut'sloue Property . Ato, the one full undivided third part of all that certain tract or piece ofland situate ia Point township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands lalcol the estate of Charles ('. K iv. ilee.d, now Kussel. Charles liuliek and' others, containiim FiF TY-T'IREE acres more or less, wle-rcon ale i -reeled a LAKiiiC FRAM E DWEL LING Itol'SEand Kitchen, a Frame Barn, two good new LIMEKILNS, ore. A Young Orchard und nearly all ol which Is in a good state of cul valion. On this tract ofland is a a incxhuusta. b!e bed of verv SUPERIOR LIMESTONE suitable for fluxing, aud for all purposes for which limistoae is used. The quaniesare now fully opened and are being woikcd. Tln v are situated iibout two and u half miles from the Borough of Northumberland. A branch lateral railroad, about three quarters of a mile iu length connects them wiih the Philadelphia and Eria Railroad at Kapp's station, from which lime stone is shipped daily to Sunbury and other points nnd can bo shipped bv railroad or canal to Nor ma tuncnann, I 'an, lit c, dl a Ulo l.i.t, n.,,ts it.,., j ly as anv other litnetone in the region, late from t u'c Yami'it iVdil'.'i'v'-L" '..1 !':: "' I "Ta At tic same time and pl.ico the undiv id" 1 one third of the eight-en Kaiiroud Car:; and a s t cf Blacksmith and lnany Tool - vvi". lie .-old. T i Tin- above p. so t.s to cc.ab; un lit- ca.-v. The i, nn, a; on the dav of WM. RMS E ..parties will I V s V !d . Ilia!: nng t hoc. pur c ha -i to d conditions . 1! be made known V l.v !. ROCKEFEI.I.F.Il, 1'A.C. of Edward Y. Bright, i inbnry, letob.-r l'dlb, 1ST'.', Ailaiinisit riilor's .olic. Estate of PHILIP ZERliE, Dee'd. N1 GTIl'Eis hereby given that letters ot adm.n- i-trallon having I l grantc! to the nn lei- signcd on the estate o! Pini:,i . -rbe, 1 .teol Low er Mah inov town-hi;., Nori liuinl.. ilaial county. li..iU cca-c !. All p, i.-ons iode'.tc I to fai l (--tate are re. nested to ill ike Im medial" -el I h -nienl and those having claims are rcipn.-ii-l to il -seiil lln ni for seitleni-nt. li. M. IU .ill, Oeoi.-etovvii, Nov. tl, T-'.f.t. A lu.i i '-lr.it r Ariiiiiuist rators .otlcr. K' rOTTCF. is hereby given than Letters of Ad ministration buve been grunted to the ii ii- i ilersigned on ihe estate ot illiam K. Lawrence, I lal-rof I'pper Augii' ta township, Xorl hiimbi i -' la no county, deceased. All having claiin- against the' estate will present for settlement. uud them knowing themselves ia j.btej to said eslalo will inaho pavinci l to SlORDIX A I LAWRENCE. ' S'.iupnry, Oct. Ill, '?-'.--l.t. Adininis'.rutor. Tailoring! Tailoring!! ! CIIAItLES MAIHL, 1 Ke.-pcct fully Informs ihe ciiiz-ns of Sunbury and i vieinltv, that he has o,eiicd a ; TAILOR SHOP, , on Fourth Street, below Market, In the .Mullen i building, and that be Is pieparcd to make up nil kinds of ;i:TV AM MOV Sl'ITS, , 111 the latest styles. Having h 1 1 lunch exper . ience In the butducss hu desire the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be made up lu the latest Pali., : and American Fashions in the mort satisfactory 1 manner. I Aug.nV7y.-tf. i ti.iiti.i'p n Aim.. 1 DUUU agents wanted ut once for our n '.'.' book, The Lite of the great evidoier, I.IVIN4.HMISI.. and his resurreclion from a hvaig Death, by MAM. 1.1 . l'cr fall ib -c.''. ..' .ii an I ! a 1 Mess iiume- di.il. lv. LL .il.l:. l.:i'-s . fumisner: and best assorted stock of 1'IIILADKLPIUA CAIU'ETS, Table, Stair und Floor Oil Cloths, Window shades and Paper, Cm k I t bain, Cotton, Yarn, batting. Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking I. lasses, I uiify lmskcis. Uiooiiis, llaskcts, liaikeis, r.rusnc.., Clothe Wringers, Wo hK'U und Willow Ware, IS THE l NITKU Hill. n. Our large Increase ill business enable u to cll ut low prices, aud furuih the best ijiiuliiy of Good. HOI K ir.K rs KOH TUf CELEBHATED AMEU1CAN' WASH- Ell, PnicE, ?3.50. The most J'eifect und Succiful Washer ever Made. Agent Wanted for the Amerieau Washer In all parte of the Stale. Sept. 7, !hn. The oldest and most reliable luslitullon for ob taining a Mercantile Education. rW'llcal bueinvsa uuu us lustructor. Koc Information, Vrlta for a circulur lo r. PUFF SONS, Fitltbiire, Pa. Sepl. 30, l87J.-9m. S-a tit. Pi ' ' "r Ho-ion. , it a iloet'ire.i me,w,.. - - -- -. I "O.lAirinV'C W II! v;,"l-' A. II. rkAxNtiatUa IV VVJ., . t U; I ,",,. ,,, neratlvc. l ionour.c.r, - ,". .,, ,t U N Ki-V AM'-D. No. 15 Market Street, ; 1 "Vadlcdical autboritle ;;f l-omb lMPUOMJ), 'V. l-i 1 II 1 I. A K I- P II I A . and Paris, and li.tvcu long used t v the ut. ' m Ba WAKUVS ft O . We UaC; trtl,e F;.U Trade, the largest ! physicians of ctb coc.ntrie. wuh wondi .lal Wi-l.-r St.. New "i ...a I. It'll Y V-4'H COMJtt.'V. JION'T ho oVclred, but for coughs, rntds, sorn throat, hoanencss nnd bronchial diUlrtiJlics. use ouly Hells' arliotic Tn'!etN, Worthless l;nltali.n. are on the Uiarlud, but tho only sctcutblc preparation of Caebodc Aei l for Lung ili-e.ies Is when chemically combined with other well know n remedies, as lu thrsie Ta blets, nnd all parties are cautioned against using any other. lu nil eases of Irriiatlon of the tnucoiM mem brane tbesn Tabids should lie Irecley used, tbiir cleansing nnd healing properties aruiistonishing. Be warned, never neglect u cold, it is easily cured In Its Incipient state, when It becomes chronic the care Is exceedingly dillicult, Use Wells' embolic Tablets ns n spcciHe. JOHN li. KFLI.OGrt.lM P'ert St.. New York, N'.Mw. Soln Agent for United States. J'rlce '.'."i (cots a box. Send lor Circular. St OVlIN NHORT II tM, fil.SS? MnM legible system extant. Based upon or dinary alphabet, not pbniictlci therefore much more readily acquired. Endorsed by trentlemcn rf nil professions. W. Ii. SCO VI L. NH'.,4w. TO Williom Sticet, New Yoik. g $5 io $250 pre snoiiiH , lllOiihl. male 'and fc male, to Introduce the Genuine lmn.ovcl - Common Sense Family Sewing Maehbie.Th's " n.iicliitu! will stitch, hem, tell, tuck, qi.l.t, K-cord, bind, braid and embroider In a most "j superior manner. Price on'y 15. Fully -pSccnscd nnd warranted for five years. We will i pay l,(!l!U for any machine that wilt sew a stronger, more beaut iful, or more clastic scam vCtlian ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second sllch can In: cut. und still the cloth cnnii'il he pulled apart without tearing it. We. pay agents from T.-, to 'j.r0 JJ per month and expenses, or a commission from which twin, that iimouut can bo made. Address SECOMU A- CO., Boston Ma.-s., Pittsliargh, Pa.. Chicago, tl!., orSt.Lon;.OIo.4w uv.yrs: a nxnr. iAt v.. We will pay all Agents J 111 per week in ca-b. w ho will engage with us at once. Everything li.niislicd nnd "Voeiises pai l. Addrers nlil,4.v A. COCLTEit A CO., Charlntli'. Mich. I Jr,'wi",""f;J ''"."'" Hit rill f li K." rs. ii runer sex may .asciuate unil gam the j love and n (lections of any person they choose, i:i- stantiy This simple mental aciiiireinent all can possess, free, by toall. for l-'" els. together j with a marriage jruld", Eifyptiau Oracle, Ibeains, Hints to Ladies, Ate. A queer, exciting book. 100,000 sold. Address, T. WILLIAM cs CO., I P'-'l-lwl Publishers. Phlbi. iiF.it l inns i Fati:r. ii cufn ' On the line of the t'liion Pacific Railroad, 1L I UUU.iiiMncre.4of the best Farming and Mineral ; lands in America. li.UM.ooo Acres in Nebraska, i:i the Platte Val ley now for sale. .1III1 (limittr, I'crtilo Soil, for Grain growing and t.-k Kalsinc; utiitirpasscd by any in the I nliel Mates. : Cheaper in Price, more favorable terms given, nod more convenient to market than can be found : elsewhere. Free Ilomcsk'iiils lur Actual Hi-t tiers. The be-t location for Colonic Soldiers enti tled to a lloim -t.- ol of 1 ii I Acres. f-end for tin-new I lescriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in linglish. I.i-niian, Swe cl : - li and Danish, Inai'ei'. free cverrw here. Addre-s. l .v. Land Con.'r t'. P. R arren rust rieaiun Double Elevated Oven. Warming closet. Broil ing Door, lender Guar.!, Humping and Miahigu Grate, Dire-t Draft. FULLFK, WARREN & C O., i-M Wat T t trcet. New York. s.'l-lw. rjlilE best selling book iu the market i 'Ihe A Struggles of PETK0LEU3I V. XASIiY. It is illutr:ile 1 bv THOM AS N AST, the great est of America:! Artists, and contains an 'intro duction by Hon. Charles Sumner, Agcnls want ed for this and other popular books. Aiblrcr-s I. N. Richardson cc Co., Huston, Mass., and St. Louis, Mo. Mb,4w. -.. - i t : ; ',......;,,:, iiie y. I.!-. ih - a .. i tn Listoiv,"' hiad s en-',. ' '.e nit. ;b.i. -i., D:v, Na-tof llar pr beii.- an I ',' in. e-,.r u.N-iibTsed. I,v coilege content- iv' 1 i. n-:;; -ij ;t 1 1 on -a mis oi' leuilel s why I P.- . ia-e lmi'ni'.g lil,.- it has ever been pub-!!-!: I. !'..: I'....' ..: i.ii-.,.nd -tamp ami see e i ! i. i. I ' - i ' ' .: . e'.g i: : e; , ;v here. 4w. E. li. 'J i.i. AT. P..'.. -'a r, 5. :. A'u'ay, N. Y. i"iti;i: to ltooii .h;kt.s. An cleg.iiulv Loan. I eai.v.i-.ing book f. r the b.-t"all I "1 . a .-I Faliil.y llihic evi r .ir,il!-lie.l, i I 1 -- : I 1 o: eli i: :- to any b.-k j;. ;,;, It L--::'. :. ...'... .'.'" ... ;iiit'.io illii.ii-.it loii?, me', iii . -in. me V.r- ling V illi till pleCedclll-u f'.IO Ce s ! In -.;. sl.nliiL eNperieiiee. etc. we will show oii wli.it o in jigoiits are doing. 4w. NATION ALl'lUl.iSUlN'Ci Cn., Pnll.i. Pa. CO O among ai. la.-es. ( 'Id i-ople, 1 1,.; inld d.e.ig th.-e who ,.ie j'l-l entering, life, and i o ill ifboth s.'xe- bllj' :i:: I le.l.1 Willi the g!'1 '' . profit. My Ju t.v Kuir.xn's Si:.'!i!:t, DP ) Ll-WIM' last ami best book. It is ni-etng with lilt; greatest Micccsn : and there's Honey in j. ..-lel for oui c'.rclais. t... w h'.eh are sent fi ee v,i'. (;;:.i. maclf.an, phi.a. "God giant tin. this n ei.n.s ho..l, may tlnd lis way to every amily in I lie Ian I,-' says a prominent rrforrac, of T. S. Ardiii:', !u.-t great 'n'llll'.F Y E A I ' l A MAN -TRAP. N-t- w ithstiiTiding its riuciis,' s:.!-, we de.-ire to ex t nd its iiiiiiience nil farther, and cail for more aid to introdae" iuo every corner of onr land, it i- highly end. .red b.. .' .'ige black, F. II. 1 1 - nr. N,ai Dow ,,ii,! othr-. Wi". do ino.r g.h d than ai.y prohibition la' ever frame 1. Ii s.-lis beyond parallel. Ag.nls ave d. u? and ale doing spien di.ily with it. tie has sold oxer T.:1 c.-pies, 0;vii.g to it- l" rcal-'iceess we arc e:i:i!,ed to of- f -r i e.ailv .arc trate 1 circulars ai! gre.il w oi k tit one ii.lelphl.i. Lid.. -, and Sen-.! lor tllu. i i.ter into Co, ! ut A Co. I'll il-4-v It is not a phv-'vrhioli n;ly give le-.af ,,lt relief to the M'-thf. for the lirsi f,. " , ,', .. ...i.t.a. I-,..,., nonl ie.1 it. i, i.i-si. i i . ,lr I .hsea.es I o aill We., kellillg lh' Invalid, not ai Dri'wEUS' RTRACT CF JURUBEBA i H ao'lm.,!.':- virtues peculiar to . ... , plant uud n.u.-t i.laUen;..apcrmauealia...lAv ""is'liiere want olelion in v. ur l.iver ft Spleen ; , I'nlcts relieved a once, lh blood ..... ...l.Lil. .li-.ais. It'olehcH, Felon , l'llstl.b Canker. Pimple. :c, vc. Take Jarubeba ) cleanse, pur if) .ul .t'stolt the vitiated bloodu licaiiny a.-i.o... II-.,.. von a l).. -lie Stomach f I'lllCS ir.-siloo iL nronil'V ii bled the svMeiii K debiliia- lion i. pro...,. : ,,,. ted W 111 O'S Ot Vlll lone, ... . -- - ...sical TcndeiC. general Weivkt.oes or L.s.l- Dropsical TcndeiC' tud Take ll to nssls Digestion Without Tva'.'' .llM...a.rl you.hul T vtm Have you weaimss oi ,""-""., . ,,, are ill danger of tl.ronlc Diarrh.sja or the duud- . .. lt.ivvMtt. rCwr;. of .tie Vtr,T m Crinary j Oralis I You ....si procure ..slant re lef or 5ou . are liable to sulle'inK worse than d eat li. Take il to lreiKtheu orfcaule weakiiess or lite becomes a burd. l. , . i.,,,. Finally It shoust be fre.iuei.ll.v taken Jo fc!' the system lu perfect beallh or .u are other Uc !,, Krit dui.Ker ef malarial, .nlasmatie or cmla- U'fvTsZ KELLOGtl, 1 Plat. S, . N J Sole Agent for the I nittd Slates. Tilcc, a)l per noltlc. Send for Cir. u.ar. 4 O. 1 . DAVIS, R. Co., innv.hu, Neb. tim : Qtia.!i;;.lS71 , . .. I .r I nil li II ' W jccihincrr: rpOTHE WdllS i NG CI.ASli, it.nl. -r f-ii...'. ',0 , weei k guaraiueed. lo s! ci I. vice ci . ployiiiint nt hoine. day or cveioi.c: i n capita1 re quired t full instrnidiom i ml Mlmihie paea ige LOud tn stall with senl tieo bvnmil. A-;.i.:', with ( cent leturn ttnmp. M. Vol Mi CO.. M'.4w. lM'.Mirthiid St., New YoiS.. IADII-S nnd (ienlhmrn, J sell Piotinn I'.lill. n lie Agents V.iMlteil , Ir. Cl.tti r. ts.. Kntton I.ole V orket-, FO its: Nn lie 'I ii rendu Tii'inblc. Ta I s.t Morocco Netdhi Iloi-i., olns., (1 huge A' pe i is siimll Nnd.es. it-1 r, w i day sure: sumpli- fier to anv one at above prhc. 4w. C 'f AOIlN Tt IN .V CO.. I'.'W bioadway. N. V. T!n3-ira,:sr. A r;rc ciln:a T;a. Tim tirsT ii iMiMKir.'i. Warrnnte.l to tiit all t:i.-to. flit up in our li .ifl marl; Uall- .piffi rUAlViid and Pound I'lickje. ,i,u'.. 'V-l'' ai;d tH Poimd Itoxts. 1'orlc hi Vh,iepale Only bv C.I 1 ...I 111.-' . o u. . .... f J 11.5 li; v.l 'toiM. rih.i::'. t"i l'.O.i!ox;..i,ii. ,i' l inW ii.-.i a 4;ft:.tTiri.ii! ihii Wat -i,L Ilroadway, N. V., will dispose of 1(H) l'iuiin", Mr lodeous, jnid Organ-, of six liist cliics m..kr-.. including Walrin i;l vciy low pi ices lor . part cash, and ballauce in small li.i.nilij;.- ""I'ts. .cw-T-oitava fliM-.-Us I'iaros.'m. ', ,!( inip.oveioenis lor $-J7: ca-h. Now n adv a Con cci.o Parlor Organ, the lumt beantil'ul stvl ; and pi rfeet tone ever made. Illustrated I'at-ili il.niied. Mieet iniiiic V Music Mciehandlsu. Ivv. Yoi no Mux. Tt i'iii;i:s, Lahieh on M im.-ii i:h ! Agei,ts wanted In every county, for "The l'i .,. pie's Mandard lllble." ".').") illii-tratimi. Fxu.i Icims. prospectus tree. Address 'iiiie,rs ,t Mi-Cnr-dy, 51S Audi at., Phil.i , P.t. N . DUTY QTF TEAS! Kxlra Iii.liicLinctiN i'ur O'ulis. i:nij ron xkw cll'J) circular: Whicii coutulue full explanation of Prcniunis, TIIK WAT TO OUTAIN Ci.-R GOtiDS. Persons living at n d;rtaiice I'-oin New Yo;!,, can ciiio logciner, aini get them at the Feme in co ; as we son! t hem to our Warehouses In New York i la old. r to gU una club, lei each im-isoii wishln- i'.jliu eiy now iiincii j ea ne v.anis, mi. i select, the kind and p'ice from onr Price Li-t. as Pub lished in oar circulars. Wiite the nanus, kimU und amounts plainly on n list, and when the club 1, romp'.clc send it to us by mail, and we will put each parly's goods in separate package-., uud mark tho mime upon them, with the cost, so there need be no confusion In disli ihutdon each party getting exactly what be r-K'ers. nnd no more. The lands lo pMy for goods crdcn.-.l can be sent by drafss on New Yoik, 1'osl-OihVc money ordeis, or by cxpie .s. ( ir, wo will, if desheil", send the good, by Expr. s5) to "eo'ilect on de llverv.' THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., C! hii3 Si. Veicy Stroc!, sl-lw. p. (i. 4ov 5oi:i. New Yorl. City, AenU wanted to canvnss for the great combina tion Tu-DAY, 'ih-: lireat Ill'istiati'd I'ei pie's Wei-k'v. Ihebn-i and cheapest p-i per J"i'ni died. IKo'l.EWTsi and r. corps of tnosi p"ial.ir authois write excltisivolv for it. We -ive a copy of the Uiiparai.Klcit cl.roi. 10, Jl'ST SO llliiil, to ovy ::!.serit.-ee. Agctiti. t.'.Ue f:..i five lo thirty uiAnes (lay. Nolo. si likolhis. Send b r t. rmi j and sec.tru tv;. less pjj K territory i .r t His gr. :it enie: pi i. m once. M ACI.r. A N , ST LD A R'f fe CO.. Publislicrs. Nl',4w. i';;" Sansom Sire. t. hi. dr. AGENTS Wanted. SOMETHI.Vti NT.W. Cs.ili - libit: artleies. ,-il lit si'.t". ) Catalogue., anj one snmpiii fro N. Y. M" ; Co., -1 CoiUllatidt St. N. Y." ''HAND STAMPS-' nil varieties, Circtilar- fi-u Agts Want -d. W. II. II. Davis Co.. .Vfrs. 0 Nassiie t., .'. Y. 4 . w a w i n : v o i o v i xi v ns it v m if 4 i. .a it t i w , Jt 'it '.'ff. ltl!i ill - ytd- ov oii:i .,Y TIME. STl-Di:vf -AN ENTER AT 'h.rai.iie.'-'-lvai.tagcsof th-'' )ol are uusur Pees li..Mti."": ii,se, i; n ft Hospital Tickets i- Foi i.:i.ia'."gu.s e,,i lull .irlicuiuis i'!'- ply to Plot CI'.A.s W.CAANCe.l-LOR, 1)tau. i. lialltmor0. M l. c.a'.'a!5!'.'!.' m.NJ'HI) I ' 'OK IM-Hl- ' The lll'W (il'.I'M.I.' iu.l !:',.V-'btlH 1 INhOS b.a k in print. tiH pages, tinted pl'.1 woith tu.rn'. hells nub k un.l 1 "!' iit'.-- to Hail a werK. Tunis of this I'.ib'.es, sent free, also. C'K'Ag.-m - p"k"i C":hm ion. ., ,v- llnlb. i lii,.,, pi.bl'.M.er. ;'ai: .., ,-t.. Pbii ML Warren , ! --1: ltd S j Hail.'.!: ... N. Y. inn for M c. WANTED- l'Tp-i i ! . I Cai:v.i.-se:s. in all peris Memoir id K .ger tli. . T. the Miprenn- I ..:.( of It: M's I' , t hi .. t the " v, . lien tolore pnb.i !ud in;!.', "-uid . tar :.lld P. i much light ni o:i otir Con. titirtion.ti History. 1; i.i a veil, of eMiac.-di nnd of l .-i innnec.t value t . III. 11 oi t ' Lawyer, ih.. Slat-ini.n, tbc Pollrn: CVerv el. IS., i f lllte!:i..'ent leaders. ;.J' Id by Snb.eriptioii only Lscitirive Tin limy p.iven.lw For Tni.s. for this and other Popular i oiks. address i;t once, limoie. T::ri liy A Co. P.; 1 . Aot ntWsmtii ro 1.1'T". Is." CTAH Ih-ing nn evpo-e of vlie secret tiles and .My -ter.es of lnonro.s.:. Willi a t' ll ai d ii'it'ii-atie lo.-loiy ol Polvgiiny. by .1. j. ii.'.i.;iy E.ia... -d Ihe :- i t L.ii,e oi :.-r. .gei,;.', ;.i- i:iM l!n.r a;'.''i niiprece l'-:il.',l "ae- CCss. o!:e l'ep01ts -;0 s!.b-ei '.'.el's in folil- da Vi, r.nofh-M' 71 ! ; i t ,i o d i y r.'iui for i'iu .i - .i n I s"i' w hat t he p.-.-s .- i s i i' I i 1 . o. k. A.!". , Nat.oh.il Pnbi.shi.ig i o. Philadelphia pa. 4 t MY lo. .MU.I.Y rp.u. il, nnd gnat ;d" sr.cuET -mar, '.I'-e.M. lih Edilioii no rca ly for Agcni. Nothing pays like it. t Geo. Maclean, Publi.bi r, SaiiMeii M A. I'o.verrnl an I j'lxi.EP.. WAKI'.EN ''' ' L'',w,i;' '.'..0 Wnter Si.,' Ni'"' ..k iilatciii.i:v z- T o r: h t .i,..s Duranu". ;.an ap. Tl"' "-.' l'""' l;,u I i-t iiiener. -' IM 1 . . . ...... 1 .o li ate , ev s occupy im, - - , P.itil.t Improved l-r iek.l a i v. ,v Drop Check altt. bk' mu be wiih b-'w" '''" '', r "' ...ovingllic Painp or d..te.,bi..g the loii.t". Al-o. the lo'.'' i A 4 -'1 tJ-'J, ball.b r, which i.e..-; ' , ' ' . c ... ... v oi b, r. scales, ..ml win " - ,1.,,1,.Je ,n. r ni suiv ... I1....1.M. (VelV lieic. '., ,,vv V1,,,i. ........ - i l , iLi.i, I'nee i.isi. ; t philud'a. Pa- -IU factuicr, b'- Wanted! A'!- St) o b A"" "( ',f"1'u'' "i " Y ' r .ld, mass mo.e mo". y at nVrTheirspuruumnieets oral .be C snntanythW.". TNioN'Vl. . AJ'lrt'" ' Portland, Maiuc SH-ly. . -.,!...' eves .V b.ur. vim wi,, i.- ' ' ; L a' coim-,1 1 icl'.re of v 'ur r14" ' .ib.. with name aud bile l.l I i.t ii iiusuuiiu ,-, ,x . . . iv vi iY v. O. Iimwcr. No Mariiate. Ad'.";" "V s V, itoiivl' v. N.l,. wm