Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 23, 1872, Image 3

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    SUN BURY, NOVEMBER 23, 1872.
jfocal Affairs.
Sbwino MiOHiNE.-MI8 Caroline Dallusls the
gent for the sale of the best Bewlnf Machine
In existence, Tin "The Improved Blnger,"
"Grover A Baker," ''Howe," end "Domestic,''
which are constantly on hand and told at rea
tonnble price. Bhe Is alio agent for the cele
brated Frnntt and rope Knitting Machine. Call
and see them. Office on Market street, eaat of
the railroad.
Htotm o Balk. Several good toves for
ale, nearly new one a base burner. Inquire at
thla office.
Th Golden Light 8tove and Heater, for alo
by J. B. Reed, Third Street, opposite the Central
IIot el, Bunbary, Pa.
Dedicatiok. The new church of the denom
ination of the United Brethren lu Christ, located
between Bnydertown and Rccd'i Station, will be
-dedicated to the services of God on Sunday, De
cember 1st, 1872. Bishop J. Weaver, Elder G.
W. Nllea Rigor, and other ministers, will be pre
sent to participate In the exercise. The public
are cordially Invited to attend. Dinner and horse
feed will be provided.
Thomas Garland, Pastor.
Wastrd. All those who know themselves In
debted to this office, will confer a fnvor by pay
hip; np their accounts. We are much In need of
Tub Demnrest Patterns for Ladies Dresses will
be found at the store of Clement and Oissingcr.
Correction. We wcro made to say In our ls
suo of Inst we6k. that the striking of tho Court
House clock could be heard over ten miles In
stead of two miles, as it had been written.
The Lycoming Fire Insurance Company, lost
f 1400 by the Boston flic.
Win. Cornier of Wntsontown, G. W. Arm
strong, II. J. Hee ler of McEwcnftvllle, and Phil
lip Clark of Bunbnry, captured two deer In the
mountains up the West Branch lust week. The
largest weighed 103 pounds.
A Bajjkino House will be opened in Wntson
town by Messrs. Piper, Holilen, Lautz & Sal
lnde, in a few days.
The young folks are Itching to try their skates
ou patches of Ice formed here utid there.
A large quantity of corn still remains in the
fields unhtiskcd the. operation having been de
layed by sundry pell3 of wet weather..
Tue editor of the. Democrat says that he dis
posed of the one dozen bottles of wine to Thud.
S. Shannon. Mr. Shannon Is u working Repub
lican, and says that ho was not deceived us much
In the quality of the wino as lie was In the num
ber of bottles. Democratic like, there wcro but
six bottles Instead of a dozen.
TnE Epizootic, or horse Inllueuza, is now pre
vailing throughout the Union. All the towns in
this section have been visited with this singular
distemper, In some places with greater severity
than others. In this place It has prevailed for a
week past, In a mild form, and to u limited ex
tent. It yields readily lo the usual remedies, and
if attended to In time seldom proves fatal.
The cold snap of the past week lias given us a
sudden introduction tu the rigors of the comiug
winter. Last winter the river was frozen over
ou the 2flth of November. The season Is at
hand and all should be prepared for it in time.
Tun Executive Commmillee of the Northum
berland County Agricultural Society, will meet
nt the Court House in Sunbury, on Tuesday next,
for the purpose of settling up matters in relation
the last fair. All parlies Interested will please,
attend. By order of the President,
broiiES Dz.vtii. Mi- Mary Simpson, of this
plaee.dh'd very suddenly on Monday night last of
heart dlsease.ut the residence of Clias. J. Bruuer,
Esq. About 1") o'clock complained of being
unwell and at l o'clock flic wa a corpse. lie
was a sister of Jesse M. Simpson, nt oue time
Treasurer of this eounlv.
Lewis M. YoDtit, Agent of Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company of N. Y. Insures ail per
sons to their satisfaction. Call and get a circu
lar ut the office, near the Court House.
The Horse Epidemic made Its appearance lu
this place on Saturday last. It broke out in the
stables of the Mineral R. R. A Mining Co., at
Cameron Colliery, in which there are some CO
horses and mules, and spread rapidly until all
were affected. Iu consequence, work at the col
liery was suspended on Monday. On Wednes
day morning several cases were reported at the
Luke Fidler stables, and wc hear of a number
around town ; also, ut Locust Gap, Trcvorton
and throughout the country. Thus far tho dis
ease has uot been attended with fatal results.
Hhamokin Herald.
A Fiiee Lccturo on Education and Manners.
Self-made men uud the power of Music on Man
kind, will be given in the Lutheran Church, this
(Friday) evening, by Mr. J. Decker, graduate
from tho Univeiaity f Goettingen, Germany.
Mr. Decker is a disabled printer, who has work
ed with Greeley, 6cofield, and Colfux many years
ago. He is a worthy muu and bit lectures are
of fiue production.
Tub trlnl of Dr. B. F. Eershncr on the charge
of committing a rape, which consumed a large
portlou of the time of the court week before last,
resulted In a verdict of guilty, and the Doctor
was given In custody ol the Sheriff. A motion
for a new trial was made by the attorney of the
defendant which is still pendlcg.
Tub editor of the Wattoniovn Rtcord asks us
whether we know the price of chickens. We con
fess we do not, ns they are a scarce article in
market since the editor of the Record la paying
frequent visits to Suubury. We would advise
such of our citizeus us raise chickens, to place
their heu-roost at a higher flit It ude, or kennel
their dogs In the hen yard.
Aurest or a bi'pposeu Murderer. About
three years ago a man was killed by one McGra
dy, in the city of Scrauton, who escaped Immedi
ate! after the occurrence, and baa not been
beard ofiucc. A reward of 2000 was offered for
bis apprehension at the time. Ou Monday last
Dr. Updegruff, formerly a resident of Scrauton,
stepped iuto a barber shop In this place where be
found a man answering the description of Mo
Grady. Dr. Up' graft informed the police of the
fact, staling at the sums time that if the man
had a scar on the back jvart of the Deck It wai
McGrudy. Upon examination tbe tear was
fouud. McGrudy was arrested and taken to
Bcrauton to answer tbe arrest.
EruooTio. On.Thurd-y.last, Henry Brown,
ostler at the City Hotel, waj drawn away from
his occupation by a Mr. Drunk, and came down
Market street a far as Third, where he wa
overtukeu by a negro Porter l the same hotel,
who took compassion on Jl'jury'i Eplxootle con
dltion. procure! a, whasll.-.
Lira hoojtf, inucb, iut ilia protestation of
t. O. O. F SBMi-lHiruAb BbsbioH 0
Grand Lodob or Priwtlvahia. The Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania held
their semi-annual session on Tuesday last, at
their hall on Blxth street, Philadelphia. Grand
Master William Stedman.of Philadelphia, presi
ded, and the altcndahco of representative Wa
unusually full. The report of the Grand Mas
ter and Deputy Grand Master, Jacob M. Camp
bell, cf Johnstown, were read, showing an en
larged Interest In the proceedings of the order
throughout Pennsylvania, and that sixteen new
lodges . hod been Instituted during the last six
months. i .
On motion of Representative Wost, of No.
188, the hour for tbe session of tbe Grand
Lodgs were fixed from 0 to IS a. m., and 9 to 6
p. m.
Appeal ense' were considered until noon,
when the Grand Lodge adjourned.
Afternoon 8BS8IOX. The Gmnd Lodge re-ns-acmbled
at two p. m. Grand Secretary Nicnol
son stuted that, Immediately after the Boston
Arc, he addressed to tbe Grand Lodge of Mas
sachusetts a letter asking If tho members of the
order bad suffered materially, and offering aid.
To thla he had received an answer from Chas.
D. Cole, Grand Secretary, expressing thanks
and saying that, though n largo number of mem
bers of the order were thrown out of employ
ment, but few dwelling houses were burned, and
they would probably not need the aid of the
brotherhood In other cities. The correspondence
wa ordered to be entered on the Journal.
Past Grand Muster Wm. H. Barnes, of New
York, was Introduced to the Grand Lodge.
Past Grand Representative Bltnpson rend the
report of tho Grand Representatives to the Grand
Lodge of the United 8t:iti-s, showing the institu
tion of the Grand Lodge of the German Empire
In Prussia, and the progress of tho order In Aus
tralia, Puiu ond tho Biitish Isles.
Representative Bertram, of 190, offered tho fal
lowing :
Ruob'ed, That a committee of flvt bo appoint
ed to ascertain the feasibility of providing homes
for needy orphans and widows, unable to sup
port themselves, In such Institutions ns already
exist iu different portions of the State, ascertain
ing, ns nearly ns possible, the cost in such cases,
and anv other information bearing on this sub
ject, mid tbe mot feasible means of raising such
stuns annually as may do necessary to carry out
this prominent feature of our order, and report
at the ucxt nnuiial session of this Grand Lodge.
Representative Greenwood, of J'.ltl, moved to
postpone the subject Indefinitely, which was
agreed to.
The death of E. C. Harvey, of Wiikesbarre,
was announced, unrt tbe subject referred to Re
presentative Levergood, of C7, past Grand Mus
ter Stokes, and Representative West, of 188.
The committee reported resolutions of respect to
bis memory and condolence with his family.
Wedxbmiat Sessions.
The Grand Lodge rc-asscmbled on Wednesday
morning, at 9 o'clock, Grand Master, Stedmaii,
presiding. It was ordered that Instructions in
the work be given nt eleven o'clock. An appeal
was presented from Lehighton Lodge, No. "44,
and on the poiiit being raised that tho appeal
was not lu order, the Grand Lodge sustalued the
point. The appeal was then referred to a spe
cial committee. The committee appointed to In
vestigate and try tho caarges against D. D. G.
M. Baltz reported finding hlin guilty, and, on
motion, he was unanimously expelled from the
Grand Lodge, and tho Grand Secretary was di
rected to notify bis lodge. The hour of 11 hav
ing arrived, the Grand Lodge was Instructed by
Grand Secretary Nicholson In relation to changes
in tho work of the order. At 12 o'clock they ad- i
Journed till 3 o'clock.
At two o'clock tho sesslou was resumed, Grand I
Master Stcdman, presiding.
After the transaction of other business, nomi
nations for grand ofllccrc being In order, the fol
lowing were made :
Grand Master Jacob M. Campbell.
Deputy Grand Master Isaac A. Shcppard.
Grand Warden John Levergood, of No. 67;
S. B. Buyer, of No. C20 ; II. P. Kinnear, of No.
.100; Wm. S. Black, of No. liTl t John H. Uhle,
of No. 401 ; D. B. Else, of No 112 ; G Miller, of
No. 117; Tlico. Cornman of No. Ill; John A.
Myler, of No. 1S2.
Grand Secretary James B. Nicholson.
Grand Treasurer M. Richards Mucklr.
Grand Representatives J. Alexander Simi
son, of No. 110 ; W. H. Triuick, of No. hi ; Al
fred Slack, of No. 41 ; Samuel F. Gwinuer, of
No. 530.
S. N. Foster, r.f No. 19J, was elected tinstec.
At four o'clock tho Gruud'LoJgo udjonriual.
The annual session of the Grund Lodge will
beheld at Wilkes-barrc on the third Tuesday of
May, 1S73.
The New Siieuht. The new Sheriff, S. H.
Rotbcimel, took possession of his ofllee week be
fore last, and the old Sheriff, John B. Heller,
retired. Mr. Kothermcl assumes the duties of
bis office Willi that busincss-llko manner for
which he has long been known. His gentleman
ly deportment, lu connection with a thorough
kuowlcdge of business, will no doubt make him
a popular officer. His friends who have stood
by him at tbe recent election will have no cause
to regret that they labored hard to secure him
the office. Siucc he bus taken possession of the
office we huve cveu heard Democrats speak of
him lu the highest terms. The office will under
go a general lcnovating, and business will be
done in a more systematic manner.
The City Hotel. This very excellent estab
lishment erected In 1871 by Mr. Ed. T. Drumhel
Icr, we nie happy to state, is now almost always
crowded with transcient and permanent custom.
When Mr. Drumheilcr had finished tbe beautiful
structure uow known as the "City Hotel" It wa
the opiuiou of many that he had over-estimated
the demand of our flourishing place lu regard to
his business, but it seems that enterprlslug gen
tleman had a more correct Idea of tho matter Iliac
those who differed with him In opinion. While
all our public bouses have their usual and an
increasing custom, his large establishment, al
though iu operatiou uot quite oue year. Is well
filled. Itcuuuot be otherwise, located ai it Is,
but one square from the depot, and nearly In tbo
centre of the business portion of tbe place. The
conveniences of the house are attractive. Tho
large and wcll-warmcd rooms and balls compare
with the best hotel outside of Philadelphia, and
none other In this section can excel It in external
appearance. In additiou to all this his well-supplied
tables must guarantee success iu uu emi
nent degree to Mr. Drumbeller.
Improvements. We notice a fine, three story
brick building going up on Eust market street,
erected by Tboma K. Bnyd,cr, tbe basement story
of which contuins a large stor room.
Mr. Robert Campbell Is building a large three
story brick building adjolnlag tbo City Hotel. Tbe
lower story of which 1 to be occupied a a (tort
The Disease amoko Cattle, The great epi
demic which prevail among horse throughout
the country, Is, w learu by our exchanges, ex
tending to other aulmul and to fowls. In some,
sections the feathered tribe have been severely
attacked, and also that cattle and bog are uf
ferlng itb tb diseuse. We are informed that
aeveral bog have been attached withtu a few
day past in this place. Should tbe disease
amoug cattlo spreuda it ha amoFg horse, it
will undoubtedly cause great suffering among all
classes, particularly where meat b the Huff of
A valuable lot la Cake's addition to Bunbury,
I offered for ale at a reasonable price and on
good term. Apply at tbi ofllee.
CorsT PmoCastMNOt. The Court of Common
Flea commenced at Oil place on Monday morn
ing last, Judge Rockefeller presiding. The first
case called was that of Mary K. Barr vs. George
Barn. This Pale Wa tried on Monday and
Tuesday, the Jury returning a verdict In fnvor of
plaintiff for tbe mm of one thousand dollar and
cost of suit on Wednesday morning. The plain
tin's claim wa grounded on a breach of promise
of marriage on th part of (he defendant. Tho
potnt (n the ease, as sworn to by plaintiff and
defendant, respectively, were very conflicting,
and In consequence thereof, n well a of tho no
velty of the character of the case, the Interest
manifested In the trial and It resnlts, was quite
considerable. It seems that some time about the
first of Jaly, 1369, George Burns, the defendant,
became acquainted with the plaintiff. Mary E.
Barr, a girl well advanced In year, and, after
taking a number of walk from that time to the
latter part of Angust together by "moonlight
alone, Ac, a proposition of mnrriago was made
and accepted by tho parties, and the nuptials
were to have been duly celebrated on the first
day of the following September. A few days pre
vious to this time, however, some difficulty arose
between them, tbo nature of which was Unfit an
other woman beating the name of Ann Qulnu,
claimed a preemptive tight to the hand, or at
least to the property of the defendant. As the
evidence scorns to establish, about three days be
fore tho appointed wedding day, Ann Qulnn
caused a summons to Issue against the defendant
out pf the court of Montour county, and had the
same served on him. The plaintiff alleged that
on the Monday evening prior to the Wednesday
on which tho wedding should have taken place,
tho defendant called on her, after his trip to Dan
ville, during tbo same day, pursuant to an nr
rnngeme it between them, and being required to
report what Ann Qulnn wanted to see hlin nbout,
(some notice having tbe day before been convey
ed to the parties In this suit of Ann's desiro to see
defendant,) aud reported that bo had been ar
rested for trespass npon tho person of Ann Qulnn
and that It would result In hi Imprisonment, Ac.
Then the plaintiff replied that there would' be no
wedding at her houso on the following Wednes
day, feho now In ihs trial soys that the reason
she broke off the engagement was that sho was
informed by him that a criminal prosecution was
likely to bo instituted In the premises before re
cited. She assigns this rcasou uIgo, for her exe
cution of a certificate of releaso from the con
tract of marriage which the defendant offered lu
evidence. The defendant denies that he ever no
tified her that a criminal prosecution hid been In
stituted against him, or that he had been arrest
ed by Ann Qulnn, but only ho was summon
ed by her, a nfore:ald, to answer a ploaofa
breach of promise of marriage. Mary E. Barr,
the plaintiff, here acknowledges that she rolused
to marry George Burns on the day appoli.ted, aud
that she notified him on the Monday evening re
ferred to, also, that she ut, or about that time,
caused to be drawn und executed the ceitllleiitu
of release before mentioned ; but she further al
leges that both tho parol and written release
wcro obtained from her by defendant under false
representations, to wit, he told her that bo had
been arrested at tho suit and instance of Ann
Qulnn as above stated, when lu truth ho had not
been arrested to miswer n criminal charge, out
only summoned to answer a civil claim, llcrelu
seems to have becu thetiirning point of the caso,
and the jury apparently rather believing her ra
ther than him, although ns it would socm he was
corrobcratcd moio fully by other circumstance
und testimony lu tho case, found uud returned
the verdict before adverted to.
Larcent. James Cole, a bright youth of
about clghteeu summers, was arrested by dipt.
Roach, In this place, on Wednesday last, for pur
loining a pair of shois from tbe 6bop of Mr. Jar
cd Brosiou", on Third street. Colo was taken to
the office of Esquire Brico whero it was discov
ered that tho Bhocs missing were on his feci.
He was committed iu default of bail.
Wm. W. Horsing, of Lowor Augusta town
ship, lately sold his farm to Mr. James Whipple
for tt.OOO.
List of letters remaining in the Post Office ut
Suubury, November 20, 1S7!;.
Miss Vivia Anderson, William Blake, Andrew
H.iupt, Alferd How, T. D. Hauirhawaut, 8. R.
Hadely, Mrs. Sarali A. Hughe, Win. Hoffman,
Mii-s Lizzie KiKeumn. Hugh Malliaton Ephraim
Kaker, M. S. Kthn, George Winters.
Held for postage. Miss Lizzie W. -Brown, Lew
Istown, Pa.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
The losses sustained by iudlvidmils who neg
lect to Insure lu re'iable companies, is- immense,
and many families who arc in comfortable cir
cumstances could often be saved from total ruin
if they would nllend to Insurance lu time nguiust
that monster destroyer fire. We arc happy,
however, to notice that many arc ulng the pru
caution of late by getting Insured In tbo Peoples.
Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, which is
cousidered sale and reliable. They ulso Insure
life at the lowest rates. Mr. dossier, their agent
at th'.e place, is doing a handsome business in
making out policies In this part of the State.
From the 'Evening City Item," Phi'adelphla.
The giving of a company's Mutcmct.1 eiugly by
itself, conveys to the general public but a confus
ed Idea of its growth and prosperity j but when
classed side by side with other companies of ac
knowledged standing, its comparative rank Is at
once to be seen. Measured in this wuy tho Me
tropolitan is found to srund second to 110 compa
ny. Our own individual appreciation of this
company is such that wo have a policy
cy therein on our own life.
Wc bnve also availed outset ves of d opportu
nity to take 11 policy lu this couipuuy. En. Ame
rica. A large assortment of chairs, lounges, sofas,
chamber setts, Ac, have just been opened at B.
L. Uuudcnbush's fiynilure. They are ouo of
the latest stylos, made up of good material and
warranted to give satisfaction.
A splcndcd assortment of cheap heelers for
sale by J. B. Ped, Sunbury, Pa.
Cuafi'KD Hands, face, rough skin, pimples,
ringworm, salt-i heutn, aud other b ilaucous af
fections cured, and tbe skin in 1 lo soft and
smooth, by using tbe Ji nicek Tak Soap, made
by Caswell, Hazard fe Co., New York. Be .cer
tain to get the Juuincr Tar Soap, as there arc
many worthies', imitations made with common
tar. KHl,'72.12w.
The Purest and Sweetest Cod- Liver Oil is
Hazard A Caswell's, made ou the sea shore, from
fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard A Co.,
Few York. It la absolutely pure aud sweet. Pa
tients who have ouce taken It prefer it to ull
others. Physician have decided it superior to
any of the other oils lu market. NIOW l'Jw.
"Wait Tux I Gbt Mr Baby." On Wedne
day afleruoon last a the S o'clock train wa pre
paring to itart from the depot, a lady with two
bundle on ber arm was scan wildly gestlculullug
to the engineer, aud when she got near enough
to be heard, she cried out, "dou't yoa start till I
get my baby I bave left U iu tho passenger
room." The euglneer nodded aasent aud she
tarttd for the darling. In a few minute she re
turned with the treasure, got aboard the train,
and no doubt, silently contemplated what might
bave been the eoa sequence bad not the engineer
of that train been a father. "All' well that
end well." Lock fatxn Republican.
Testihdat tbe englueer were to commence
tb survey of the route of the new Railroad that
I to run front Bellnsgrov by way of Freeburg
and Millers town to Broad Top. They would
hav started sooner but were waiting on an In
strument that wa yet wanting. Selitufrvt
Time 0I&1A test.
Hnslncaa Notices.
W. R. F. Welmcr he Just received hl second
purchase of full nnd Winter goods, cheaper than
ever. His stock of ladles' dress goods, wator
pioofs, furs, carpels, oil Cloths, Ann groceries,
nnd In fact everything to suit the taste nnd fancy,
nnd at prices nstoxlshlngly low. Ho sells for
ready cash, and will not he undersold by any one.
Give him a call, and he convinced that Wclmcr's
popular cash store Is the pln-eto secure bargains.
Bealtifi l. Tho new styles of lints and Caps
that adorn tho windows of 8. Faust's hat store,
on Market street, are beautiful. Ills fall nnd
winter stock Is superior to any ever seen In this
place. All the Intest styles, and of tho best qua
llty, are to bo found at his establishment, and at
prices to stilt the limes.
For Bale a young Cow, part Aldcrnfy. In
quire at this office.
Fott tub Hoists.--T!inumM or Epidemic Ca
tarrh. This hslng a typhod disease, requires a
sustapjt'ig treatment or success will bo doubtful.
Those not knowing hnff to treat tho above dis
ease, call on J.VMES VANDYKE, Sunbury, Pa.
French Starch Enamel, R-cd's Grand Duchess
Cologne, the Sweetest Perfumery" In America,
Choice Toilet Articles of every description, nt
Martin A Co.' Drug Store. Nlfi.'Jt.
Protect your Horses, by using Brom's Chlor
olone, the best disinfectant known. Sold by
Martin A Co., Third Street.
Go to J. W. Wilvert's Now Tobicco Store for
your Tobacco, Cigar'-, Ac., No. 58, Market
Bquaic, Bunbury, Pa.
When you want to get a first class boot, go see
W. II. Miller, ns he hasja-t, received the llncst
assortment of Hoot- npj bhies. such lis French
Calf, Scotch bottom ; French Calf, double soled
and single soled, nil stitched by b ind. Also,
fudged boots of the best brands, lie. don't pre
tend to sell a machine-sewed boot. For a first
class boot go nnd see his stock If you don't buy.
Always the latest styles on hand. Evans' Ame
rican Patent Gaiters for boys, the nicest shoe ev
er made. Sizes run from 4 to 10 i- In facta
full line of all tho best make of Boots and Shoes.
The Celebrated Star Cook Stove, for sale by J.
B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa.
Goon Tobacco, Cigars, P'.pc, Fancy Articles,
Ac, at J. W. Wilvert's New Tobacco Store, No.
5S, Market Square, Suubury, Fa.
HorsR ami Lot rou Sale. A new cottage
house, with all the modern Improvement--, locat
ed in Piirdylown, on the Cattawlssa road, Is of
fered for sale nt n reasonable price. Apply to C.
P. Scashiiltz, Sunbury. Pa.
. . - 11 " - . . -
Special Notices.
On Jlarriiiitc. Esuya for Young Men. on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere
will. Marriage, und ruin the bapplncsc of thou
sands, with sure means of relief for the Erring
and Unfortunate, deceased aud debilitated. Sunt
In sealed letter envelopes, free of elrirge.
Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
5 s S
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1 t I
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i- r.
3 J.-
PUBLISHED as n warning and for tbe benefit
of ymini men a"d othtrt who suffer from
Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup
1 living
i Written by one who cured himself, after nnder-
going considerable quackery, nnd sent free ou re
ceiving a post-paid directed envelope. NATHANIEL MATFAIR,
JuneS, '7. Cmos. . Brooklyn. N. Y.
itta bbcrtiscmcnis
A MAGNIFICENT PKIZE. Surpassing 'all
previous oilers. Each subscriber to Dkmo
Kkst'b Montui.y MvOAzist'., utThrco Dollars a
year, will be presented with a premium of Two
Elegant Chroinos, companion pictures of the to
most desirable and popular subjects in America
the Falls of Ni: gava and YosenirU Falls. Mso
of Pictures, 10' i by XV i Inches.
These elegant, copied from bcauti'ul
I pictures painted front nature by one of the tlrst
uriisis iu Aincri.a, givo me nio-i I'ojuuai- views
of those Iiileiestiug aul siibonic objects, and are
faithful reproductions ii' the originals. 1 ha
Grand Old Singula, with its ii,n,Ki'.-.c body of
water falling one hundred ami -it !'.!, t.-ialing
up dense clouds of -pray lo I' iti c: iu t rii.iau. y
and beauty the vivid color- nt the rui.ihoA, it. so
clearly depicted that, lu imagination, you hear in
..!..!.,.. 'Ct... V, ...... ..I... will, ila (..I'll-
nuns lowering to ( lie. Hiai'o e;otm., nuti mi, plu
pendous falls of sixteen hiPulred lect, liiiprcssing
with its uwlul grandeur, uud 111 ling the iniud
with delight nnd wonder.
These two Chi omos are tho best pictures ever
published for Ten Dollars, and will be sent,
mounted and varnished, by mail, ns a premium
to tach yearly Three Dollar Subscriber lo our
.Monthly Maga.iuc.
Ilttul,jut think, TWO bcnutlftii I'hromot or'.Vi-
ttjarn U'tu lotemxte,
The pl;-,urcs are veritable gems, and worthy of
belnirenslnliicJ 111 uu honored place in our bonics.
Thcv will be presented to yearly subscriber on j
receipt of Tnrc-i Dollars, und Eight cents for
postage, with vour fdii name und address.
Every liome'iii Amuilca siiould possess these I
Invaluable iilu, nations of art ana b iuiy, nnd
110 person of taste uud enterprise can ulloiu l be I
without the Model Magazine, winch has been
greatly eulargel nud uow contains the essentials -of
ail others, including U.e Useful, the Entertain- I
lug and lU. lic'.iititul, with Oiigiual Smries, ,
Poems and Ptquilar Music by the best auihois, !
the only Keliable Fashions (iueluding lull size
patterns,) Home Matters in nil their details,
Gardening, Architecture, uud nil the utilities,
beauties and novelties of Literature calculated to
make our homes useful, attractive and happy
profusely illustrated, uud a splendid volume for
blading for tho renter-lublo ut the end of the
year. Single Copies, ill cents. Splendid Induce
ments for ugeuu aud premiums for clubs. Ad
B08 Broadway, New York.
J. GIRLS' Monthly Macuzine. Dkmoiifst's
Yoiko Amkuica. Brilliant with instructive und
interesting Stories, Poems, Puzzles, Travels,
Games, Edilosiuls, Corrcsjioiidcnce, etc., etc.,
etc., fully illustrated in all its departments, is un
ever welcome guest to the family table of instruc
tion aud amusement. Yearly, f 1, or with a
choice of the following beautiful and valuable
premiums lo each subscriber, for 50 cts extra 1 a
choice from five line Parlor Chroinos, worth 15
each, or two interesting Juvenile Books bound in
cloth and gilt, worth $1-75, post free ; or a fine
pcarl-haudled two blade Pocket Knife mid a pal
let of best Pululs, post free j or a very powerful
bruss-mounted, tlooble-eyllnder, Ivory-lipped ad
justable Microecope, worth ti, )osiug tl els. t or
a good Stereoscojie with t scries of views, posi
ag 5 cts. 1 or an elegudl Photograph Album for
holding 50 pictures, postage 1Q cts. aud valua
ble premiums for elnhs. Address.
S.W Broadway, New York.
Tbe oldest and most reliable Institution for ob
taining a Mercantile Education.
t-f Practical bustues men a Instructors.
For Infortnaiion, write fr a circular to P.
DUFF SONS, Pittsburg, Pa.
8H. JO, l7i. m.
iflcb tlieriisnums.
v u ,.
13 Houses For Sale
EXKC'li'l'OK'fl N.llMU
WILL be exposed to public Sale, on Tnr
ilay the loth day of IV;eeiiiher next,
(1872) nt 10 o'clock A. M., .t the.
court House,
In tho lioroiigh of 8UNHURY. Thirteen Houses
nnd Lots, l; thu estate of Edward Y. Bright,
Five of said honsos. being a block of flno two
tbe i-outh side of Chesimt street In the Borough
of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pennsylva
nia, hounded nnd flouting on said Chestnut
street on the north, n lot of Mrs. Fisher on the
cast, the Shamokln Vnlley and Pottsvlllo Kail
road on the so'i'h, and lots of tbe estate of tbe
Into Osorge W( iser, duccasrd, on tho, each
lot containing 22 feet In width, or thereabouts, mid
two hundred and thirty in depth. These houses
will ho sold in a block or separate to suit pur
chasers. I'our Flrt-clii!H trnine Dwellings.
Also, Four contiguous lots of ground situate
on the south side of Walnut street In said ho
rouch. bounded on the north by Said Wuluut
slrct, on the cast nnd south by nn alley, and
on the west by n lot of tbo estate of Mrs. Laura An
nie, dee'd. l'.nch or said lots containing In
front L", feet nnd in depth two hundred and thir
tv feet, whereon are. erected four llrst-cluss fraiuo
dwelling hcvisea with other outbuildings. Each
house t Bipernt i.
No. 1 Is occupied by J. K. Clement,
No. 2 l.s occupieil by Thomas Hamilton.
No. 8 is occupied by G. L. Simpson.
No. 4 Is occiipic. 1 by E.las Schneider.
Tlirve frame It'tvrlUnir llouno.
Also, three contillons lots ofground situate on
thnsontli side of Vine street iu said Borough,
bounded nn the north by said Vine street, on the
cast ty a lot or ll. rl. .Vusser, on the south hy
) property of Ira T. Clement, or an alley, an I on
! the west by a bit of Mrs. Ann N. Hi Igbt each
j of sai l lots containing in front feet or there
nbouts, nnd In depth one hundred nnd fifty feet
j or thereabouts, whereon are erected three pood,
nearly new, two story FRAME DWELLING
HOUSES and other out-houses.
No. 1 Is occupied by John Irwin.
No. 3 is occupied by E. b. Mitchell.
No. " is oceupsc-l by John Spuce.
Otic two-story Frame OwclIInt;
! situate on the. west side of Fourth street, front
1 lug on said Fourth street on tj)ei;ast, a lot of J i-
coli Fetter on t'nn south, en alley oil the west,
i nnd a lot or Hurry Dleffeninirii on the north.
- The lot contains in front on said Fouith str-et
j lift feet, or thereabouts, and one bundled and ten
I feet in depth, now occupied by Rev. A Wheat.
I.imcxtouc I'ropfrt-r.
Ato, the one full undivided third part of all
I that certain tract or piece of land situate in Point j
I township, Northumberland county, adjoining ;
. lands lute of the estate of Charles ('. Kay, ilec.H, I
', now Knssel. Charles Gulick and others, I
' containing FIFTY-TURKU acres more it les,
whereon are e rected n LAUGH VRAM I', DU LL- j
I LING HOUSE nnd Kitchen, a Frame Hum, two
good new LIMEKILNS, Ac. A Young Orchard
- und nearly all ol which is In a good stale ol'cnl-
; vatioii. On this tract of iand is uu inexhai'.-ta-
hie bed of verv
; suitable for lliixititr, end for ull purposes for
' which lime-tone is used. Tue quai lies are now
fully opened and arc being woiked. They ere
' situated about two nnd a half miles from the
Borouu'h of Northumberland. A branch lateral
; railroad, about three quarters of n mile in leiiL'th
' connects tliein with the Philadelphia and Erie.
Railroad ut Kapp's station, from which lime
stone is shipped daily to Suubury and other points
I and can be shipped hy railroad or canal to Nor
! thutnberland, Danville, Shamokin, Ac, ns cheap-
ly ns any other timet one iu the region.
The limestone anil railroad will be sold sepa
rate from the land if purchasers desire it.
; At the same time and place the '.mill hied one
third of the eighteen Railroad Cars and a s t f
Blacksmith and Quarry Tools will bo sold.
The above properties will be sold on longtime,
so as to enable purchasers l luitke their pay
ments easy.
The terms and conditions will be made known
on the day of suit- bv
of Edward Y. Bright, dee'd.
Sunbury, October l'.ith. 1S7-J.
A Farm for Sale.
rilllE undersigned oilers nt private sale, bis
A. Farm, contalulrg nbout Hit AcrCM, situa
ted In Lower Augusta town hip, Northumberland
county, on the Plum Creek road about H' J miies
cast of Sunbury, bounded by lands of Daniel P.
Conrad, ilenrv Savidgp, Joseph Gass, and others.
The Improvements consist of a good wcll-iirraugej
Frame House, a large Bank Barn, w lib
Wagon House ami Coin ( rib attach.' 1.
Si ring House over a never-failing Spring,
a m an otner necessary out. door nuil.imgs, ,p.
1'." ""-" "'cc "mi I" g"" oeaiiiigi.ruer.
About Ii acres of good Oak Timber, a ruuiiin
stream of water through the farm. Part of the
purchase money can remain in the farm. For
f urther particulars, cull on or address,
Sept. 7th, l?72.-:im. Suubury, Pa.
Ailuiiiiistf rntor'H otlce.
Estate of PHILIP ZF.RBE, Dee'd.
aTGTICEU hereby given that letters orailniin
1st rut ion having been granted to tbe under
Mtiied on the estate ol Philip Zerbe, late of Low
er Mnhanoy townsliip, N01 thuinberland county,
Pa. .deceased. All persons lodebted to sai I es
tate lire requested to make Iinmcdiate settlement those having claims are requested to pre
sent ihem for settlement. B. M. BUBB,
Georgetown, Nov. 9, 'T'-J-Ct. Administrator
Aliiiiiiif rutors otifo.
'VJ'OTICE Is hereby given than Letters of Ad-
XI ininbitratioa have been granted to the un- 1
rtersigned ou ihe estate of William' K. Lawrence, i
lule of Upper Augutla township, Northumher- !
lauo eounlv, tieeeaseil. Ail having claims
against tho estate will present for settlement
; and them knowing themselves indebted lo said
estate will make payment to
Sunpury, Oct. 10. '12. t'.t. Administrator.
Tail or in s T Tail o7i in g "iT"
U'.-pectfaliy informs tlie citizens of Sunbury and
YiciuitV, that lie has opened a
TAiron. shop,
on Fouith Strwi, below Mariict. lu the Mullen
building, and be Is Jircpared to make up all
kinds of
lu the latest styles. Having bad much exper
ience in the business ho desires the public to give
him u trial.
Clothing will be mudc up iu tbe latest Pails
and American Fashions lu the r.iot satisfactory
Aug.l7,'72.-tf. CHAULF3 M AIIIL.
6000 agents wanted ut oncu for our new book,
The Life of the great explorer,
l.tVI.(.N4 4fi.
and bis resurrection from a living Dcutb, by
For full description and ttrms, address Imme
diately. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers,
Plilla. or Boston.
a7h. ritAixciscus & cu.,
No. 15 Market Street,
We bave opened for the Full Trade, the largest
and bot assorted stock of
Table, Etulr and Floor Oil Cloths,
Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Cbalu,
Cotton, Yarn, Halting, Wadding, Twines,
Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets,
brooms, Baskets, Buckets, Brushes,
Ciotbe Wringers, Woolen aud
Willow Ware,
Our large Increase lu business enable us to
sell at low prices, aud furnish the best quality of
EH. Prick, 83.50.
The roost Perfect and Successful Washer ever
Agent Wanted for the American Washer in
all rert of th State. ept. T, Sm.
u am jwm.
D.ltrt'lKV AVAt'H oi.r ti.
bo deceived, hnt for Coughs, Colds, sore throat,
hoarseness and bronchial difficulties, nse only
WeUV arbolic TnMets,
Worthless Imitations are on the mnrkot. hnt
tho only scientific preparation of Cnibolio Acid
lor I.ung disease is wncn chemically eomhlneil
with other well known icmrdlrs, ns In these Ta
blets, nnd nil parties are cautioned against using
nny other.
In nil cases of Irritation of tho mnCMi mem
brane those Tablets should ho freclry used, their
cleansing nnd healing properties are astonishing.
He warned, never neglect a Cold, it Is easily
cured In Its Incipient statx, when It becomes
chronic the cure Is exceedingly tlllfleult, nse
Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific.
JOHN Q. KELLOG'4, 18 I'lntt St.. New York,
N'.t.4v. Sole Agent for United States.
Price 2. cents a box. Send for Circular.
M a VI 18 NUOItT f!AM, ei.8,1.'
Most legible system extnnt. Based upon or
dinary alphabet, not phonetic t therefore much
more readllv acquired. Endorsed by gontlotneu
or nil professions. W. E. SCOVIL,
NI0,4w. Wllllom 8tiect, New York.
g 85 lo $250 pennonta.,
l-T-j 1 - - - - - j - - - .... male miu IC
S . I... .ruln-a ll-. I ' !.. I... ...I
ipiiIICi tyr lllil'Tl", .III- Uritiniii; .III Ifl ,1. UU
Common Sense Family Sewing Machlnc.Tb'.s
J machine will stitch, lit in, fell, tuck, qniit,
,-rtcord. bind, braid nnd embroider In a most
k M superior manner. Price only $15. Fully II
JS censed nnd warrautcd for live years. We will
pny 11,000 for any machine that will sew a
siro'iger.tuoichtnulU iil, or more clastic scam
lihun ours. It makes the "Elnslle Lock
&- Stitch." Every second stlcli can be cut. and
.stlll the cloth cannot be pulled apart without
r tearing it. W pay agents from 75 to J2.VJ
aippr month nnd expenses, or a commission
CJX from which twice that amount can be made.
Address SECOMB & CO., Boston Mass.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., Cblcigo, Hi., or St. Louis, Mo.4w
Wo will pay all Agents $MJ per wceit In cash,
who will engage with us nt, once. Everything
furnished mil expenses paid. Address nlfi.4w
A . COULTER A CO.. Charlotte. Mich.
'T3MJ'?--"---"'J' or Soul Charming."
L How cither sex may I'liseinale and i'niu the
love nnd u flections of any pel son they choose, in
stantly This slmp'o mental acquirement nil
can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cts. together j
v. iili a murnagi' guide, t-.gyptian Oracle, Dreams,
Hints to Ladies, Ac. A queer, exciting book.
lOO.(KK) sold. Address, T. WILLIAM A CO.,
s2l-4w Publishers. Phila.
CJIKAi 1'A ft MsT l'l! i-.K ti (JJII S I
On the line ofthti Union Paeiiie Railroad, 12,
Ono.iMifl acres of the best Fanning and Mineral
lands In America.
!S.(iOi,(iO Acres i:i Nebraska, hi the Platte Val
ley now fur sale.
Mild (liniatc, Frrliie Koil,
for Grain growingand Stock Raising unsurpassed
by any in the United States.
"Cheaper In Price, more favorable terms given,
nnd more convenient to market than enn be found
Free NomcKlcails for Actual Settlors.
Ihebo-I. location for Colonies-
-Soldier enti-
tied to a Home -tead of 10 ) Acres.
Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with
new maps, publ'i-h.',! in English, German, Swe-
tusli nun Uanbli, mailed tree evci vwhere.
4-v. Land t'o'n'r U. P. P.
R. Co., Omaha. Ne
rust riEHiin AD.lE3I.137l
Double Elevated Oven. Warming C'lusui, Broil-
: Ing Door, Fender Guard, Dimming und Miaklgn
; Grate, Dircvt Drall. FULI.Ett, WAitP.LN .V;
j CO., -,0 Water ttrcet, New York. sI 4w.
ririV" best selling hook in t tie market is Iho
! -1. Strueglej of '
It Is ili:i-t rat. -t by THOMAS .VAST, the gn-at-'
est of American Aiti-ls, ami contains an iiitrn
i duction by lion. Charles Sumner, Ajienl:) want
j cd fortius und other popular boohs. Ad Iress I.
N. Iliehauisoa : Co., Boston, Mass., nnd St.
j LnuK Mo,, NIt!.4'.v.
.Hili.V I S wanted for the meal work of the
i year, by the author of 'God in ITMorv," h-md-
soii.ciy llliistratr-t by (iuslave Dore, Natof Har
ieis Weekly, cc ot'ucrs. Endorsed by college
presidents nnd eminent divines. Its title and
contents vlll ensure for it thousands of readers
hy f li'uf'ause nothing like it has ever been pub
lished, ror proof of this, send stump und see
circulars and terms b - fore engaging elsewhere.
4w. E. B. Tl! EAT. Publisher, HH.1 A'way, N. Y.
f i:i:I:t book .iF..Ts.
An elegantly bound c:it:vasing book for the
bct and cheapest Family Bible ever published,
will be sent free of charge roai.v book agent. It
contains nearly ;1o0 lino Scripture illtiMr.itioiis
and agents are meeting wilh unprecedented sue-
cess. Address, Mating experience, etc. A we
I will show you what our agents are doing.
rr).7,,mongall"classes. )ld ntoi.le. tho "mid.
- . di,..,.,, ,,,.,. male UlH CI,t(.,ing ht:
, j. ,, vo, ri,,h ..vcbuv aud read wilh
P-l the g'ealt -l prolit
i 3 -i My Joi.i.y FiiiEsn's Secret,
j L2 E DK) LEWIS last and best book.
I w It is meeting with Ihe greatest success j
j - atid there's Money iu it.
Send for our circulars, ets., which arc sent free
j N'.i,4v. . tiEO. MACLEAN, Philn.
'God giant litis precious book may find
j Its way to every family iu the land," says a
j prominent reformer, of T. S. Arthur' last great
j work.
; withstanding Its immense sale, we de-sin to cx-
I tend its iullucnce still further, and call for mora
i aid to introduce it to every corner of our luud.
It. is highly endorsed by Judge black, F. I!. On.e, !
Neil Dow and others. Will do moiu good Ihuu ;
any prohibition law ever framed. It sells beyoirj
parallel. Agents have done and niedolnj; sp'eii- ;
didly with it. On. has nil I over 5o0 copies. ;
Owing to its gn-iii succes wc are cnablsv lo if- J
fer e-piciauy large discounts. S'-nd for illus
trated circulars u'ul t rni-, and enter into mis
great v..rk at once. J. M. Sto.ld.ut it Co. Plial-
It :s o'it a 1 aisle !iie.i may give temporary
relief to fVirelcr for Ihe litsl few dost , but
which, fiijin c'otitintie j use brings Piles and kin
dred disease to uid in Weakening the invail I, not
Is it a doctored Iio,uoo, which, under tho popular
Iiamo of "Uittirs" is so extensively palmed oil
on the public as potvrtign reme.lli s, but it is a
most powerful Tonic and alterative, pronounced
so by the leading medical authorities of Loudon
and Pa lis. and h is bn-n long usd by the r.gulii'
jdivsicians ol' ether couutiiu with uoudcrlul lo- j
'medial results. I
retains all lue uicnieitl viitues peculiar lo tin
plant an. inn?t uet.iKeu us a pcrtuuueul cutalivc
Is there want of r.elion l i your Liver A Spleen I
Unless relieved ut mice, lliu Mood become iiu
pure by tlelel.'iious secretions, p'-o.lucing scroi'a
lous or skin di-eases, Blotches, Felons, Puslulr.
Canker. Pimples, Ac, Ac.
Take Juriihuha to cleanse, purifv aud r' tton
tint vitiated blood to hea'lhv uelion.
Have you a I ys ptie rJiomach I Unlcsi di-
gestionis promptly uided the system Is dchilita-
leil with loss of vital force, nnveriv ut tlni Hloo-I.
ik.wi.-.i 'r...iM.i.,. iiu. .i iv.u-L-.i.ia .v i 1
Take It to assist Digestion without reaction, it
will imparl youlhttil vigor lo the weary suilcrer.
Have you weakness of the Intestines I You
are In danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or tbe dread
ful ItiHammatiou of the Bowels.
Take It to allay irritation and ward ofi tem'en
cy to inflammations.
'Have you weakness of tbe Uterine ct Utiuary
Organs j You must procure instant relief or yoa
are liable to sulferlng worse than death.
Take ll lo strengthen oigauic weakness or life
becomes a burden.
Filially it should be frequently taken to keep
the system lu perfect heal.h or you aru otherwise
in (real danger of mularial, tuiaeinutlc or conta
gious diseases,
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Piatt Hi., N. Y.
Bole Agent for tbe United Mates.
Trice, per Bottle. Bsod for Circular. 4w
it v v m
ad. iphia. 4w
rJ'iY I L Jns
mmmm - tai
rpOTHE WORKING CLAKS. male or lunate
J. too a woe guariiniiea- i,ei ecn.o em
ployment nt horn, day or vtji!fi lr f-npi'nl re
quired full Instrueiloi s end alcalde pupkupc '.r
goods lo start wilh sent fren by A.'hl',
With 6 cent return stamp. M. YOU.M4 ft CO..
Ng4-r. 10 Comllnnd f-.t.. l-if Toiff.
T" ADIE8 and Genii, it rp,
ct is v anted tl
I'liSI-.-r. -5 t?..
JJ tell Tiolenn Brttiui Iiole
Luton Hole rV'otker, .',0 cts j Niert'o Ibiindlng
Thimble. SIMa.t Worowo M-ciltc lioin.
(0 large A ft. cpers small Nndlie. f 1ft pc day
sure s sample free lo ntivone at nlovc prhc.
4w. (' TAORNTo: A C'0.,5tt Broadway. NT.
Th-'ji.iiprtsT i Pans fliinise fla.
Tnp. BMr IT A IMfOKTEri.
IU Warranted to suit ttl tastes.
fl'ouiirt and Pound Packages ouly
30 and GD Pounfl Bones'
For Snle nt Wholesale Only hy
fi.8 Drat atlnuUs ft Facillc Tea Co.,
P.O.BoxfioNV. New York Cily.4w
A GREAT OFF1.I1 1 lit race Waters. 41
Brood-Jay, N. Y., will dispose of 100 Pianos, Me
lf1eou, and Organs, of six llrst-clacs maker. ,
Including Waters' nt very low prices for cusb, or
part cash, and ballnnce In small monthly lu-'.nl-meuts.
Ne.w-7-octava flrst-clnss Finno. uiodoru
luipioveincnts for t2T5 cash. Now ready a Con
certo Parlor Oman, the most bcnntil'ul style and
perfect tone ever made. lilu'trntcd Catalogue
mailed. Sheet mu-ic A Musin Merchandise. 4w.
Yot rto Mas, TK.tcunrta, Ladies on Mimsiths !
Agents wanted In every county, for "Tbo Peo
ple's Standard Biblf." 6.10 Illustrations. Fxti
terms, prospectus free. Address Zeig'.'js A MeOur
dy, 013 Arch t., Pbilu., Pa. Nil.-lw.
Extra Inducements for Clubs.
Which contains full explanations of Premiums,
Persons living nt a distance from New York,
can club together, and get them at the same pricn
as wo sell them to our Warehouses In New York.
In order lo get upn club, let each percou w ishing
lo join say bow much Tea be. wants, and select
the kind uud price from our Pri-e L''t, as I'uh-
lirhed in our circulars. Write tbi names, kinds
and amounts plainly on .1 li't. and wbtu the club
Is complete tend it to us hy mail, and wo ili
put each party's goods In separate pac-kngee, nnd
mark the nainu upou tin an, with the cost, so
there need he no confusion in distribution each
puny getting exnetly what ha orricn, nnd no
more. T-n land to y tor goods or!ed can
be sent by draffs on New Yolk, I'onl-Ollleo money
orders, or by txpress. Or, wc will. If desired,
send the goula by Espr.-ss, to "eolVt on lis-
541 uuil 33 Vcso.v Street,
s21-4w. P. O. Box Jims, New York City;
Ag. tits wanted to canvass for tlic rcat combina
tion TO-DAY. Tho
Great Illu!: atc j Peojile's Wei-iily, the bf : t and
cheapest paper published. DiO LEVVIS an a.
corps of nio-.t pupalur authors wiite exclusively
for it. V give a coj-y of the. unparalleled
to cvry S'd.scriber. Agonts take from twenty
five to thiity iviin-'s a day. No hi, siuc-s pay
liko this. I "ii 1 for terms ; and secure tirritory
for this irivat CTit";--ii-e nt
MACLKAN, SlUDL'AUT fc CO., Bublishrrs.
Ml 4'v. ':.:;Minsoui Street. Hhila.
SiiMETHiNG NEW. Crale-
ii 1 i.-'f- fti.'lfit ci.rht
V?Sr.t'C! 1 Catalogues and one sample
Y. M'fg Co
; Courtlandt St. N. Y.4w
''HAND SI AMI'S" all varieties. Circulars frro
Agts Wa-aled. W. II. ii. Davis oi Co.. Mfrs. 79
Niissuc St., N. Y. 4w.
E-alf Unoi'i', "f i.
j xovorr.M
TI12 Clinical n Jvar.Uio'.'s oT tho School are uusur
! passe.!.
j Fees Ine.'.iidiEg Dissection & ITosp' Tickets tf.5
j For Catalogues containing full paitieulars up-
p'y to P10L CHAS. S .CAASCELLOK, Dean.
4w. Bnlttinorc, Md.
Snleiididly lllistrated Edition of EOIHNSON
GhUoOE just out, i- tbe most popular book lu
print. pages, lil ted paper, only t-,.10, easy
i worth U,iU. Sells quick nud fast. Paying 50
to 6153 a week. ' Terms of thl- and our new
! Bibles, scut free, aiso, f lOAgents P"k't Compan
ion. 4w
Hubbar B105. publisher, TJS.Suu-orn St., Pblia.
! P.. ('),,.,
' JtiUllt lb
Send etamp for lll'd Cntnloirue oa
Bnilrting. A. J. B'.ckuell Co., 27
! Warren St., N. Y. iV.
WANTED Experienced Book Agouts and
j Canvassers, In nil parts of the U. S. to sell tho
: Memoir ot linger Biooke Taney, Chief Justice ot
the Supreme touitof tue U. 8. lisfNo book
' bcreiolore published ill this country, throw so
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timore. Agents Wanted Foil LIFE IN l.'TAU Being
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cess, one. reports IMi subscribers in fiutr d.iys,
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ectte by return mail, a corc-ci lictureof your
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