unburn mcriran. SUNBU11Y," NOVEMBEtt 2 1872. " ffuirs. ; 7 BwinO Macdixbs.-MIss Carollno Dallas Is the ,Mgeit tor tho sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, Tim- "The Improved BlnRcr," "Ororcr Baker," "Howe," snd "Domestic," which nro constantly on hand and sole iu rea sonable prices. She Is also fluent Tor the cele brated Frant and Pope Knitting Machine. Call nnd see them. OnVe on Market street, east of the railroad.. ' ' ' ', 'btotm for Bs.l. Several good stores for sale, nenrly new- one a base burner. Inquire at this office. Rflm of Court. A few copies of "Rnles of Court," can be had at this oflleo. Trice per copy. Lost. A Gold sleevo button was lost on Sun day evening last on Fourth street, between Chas. Bucbcr'i residence on Walnut street and Market. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It at the residence of Isabella Tweed, Market street, Sunbury. Wb notlco that Messrs Walts & Bright have put up a mammoth turtle shell sign In front or their restaurant to draw the attention of the pub lic, aud as an indicator that tho best part of his turtloship is served up Inside of the building. There are few who excel Messrs. Walts & Bright In serving up the delicious bivalve. Go to D. A. Finney's storo on Market street, one door east of Gearhnt's Confectionary estab lishment If you desire to purchase magnificent goods. The fall stock has Just been opened. La dles aud gentlemen are invited to call and ascer tain the low prices, and exnmlne his excellent quality of goods. A Labok lot or Goods. Messrs. Reed Bro. & Seasholts have just p ncd a splendid assort jncut of goods on the north-east comer of Market street. The stock Is large, and their assortment Is ore of the most extensive hi this place. Eve rything In the mercantile trndo may be secured there. Call and sec their stock, and be con- vlueed. Tub grading for the P. & E. railroad in the upper part of this borough is progressing very rapidly. A large number of hands are engaged by Messrs. Bowen & Seaslioltz, and they are em ploying more daily to push forward tho work. Laborers can find plenty of employment, at libe ral wages by making application nt once. Busv. Since the now Commissioner has been sworn iu olllcc, wc find the delinquent tax collec tors very busy gathering up the money which the tnx-payers have been paying lutcrcst on for seve ral ycurs past. Tho change iu the Commission er's board came rather unexpected to some col lectors, for wo have noticed severul coming to town looking a little gloomy, to ask lor more time. In the report wo g.ivo lust week, of the Jollifi cation on Wednesday, we neglected mention ing that our jovial, good-licarted friend, Joseph Bird, Esq., before proceeding to Sunbury, Invited the hole delegation to his residence, where they were generously refreshed with a bountiful sup ply of cat idles and Champagne. Mr. Bird is a true Republican, and a live man In our neighbor ing borough. His liberality shown on this occa sion will long be remembered by thoso who stood around his festive board. Fine Miusekv Goons. Miss M. L. Gosslcr informs her friends in this week's issue, that she has opened her fall stock of millinery goods Just received from Philadelphia and New York cities. Her assortment consists of all the latest styles of line millinery goods. Ladies should uot full to tall aud see them and ascertain prices. New Solium i.e. A new time schedule on the Northern Central Railway wirnt Into effect on Sunday last. Tho arrival and departure of the trains at this place is as follows t P. A E. R. R Goino XoirrnwAitn. Erie Mail, leaves at 0:25 n m Niagara Express, " " lUtUopm Mall, " " 4:1(1 p 111 ". Erie Express, y " 0:50 p m N. C. R. W Gois.i Southward. "Erie Mail, leaves ut 12:50 nm Erie Express, " " 0:40 a m Wail, " ' 11:05 am Niagara Express, " " 8:1)0 p in Sl'nbi'ht & Lewibtown R. R. Mall train leaves at 7.45 a. m., and arrives nt 7.15p.m. Fast Line leaves nt 3.10 p. in., and arrives at 1.50 p. m. Tub county ollleers elected on the 8th of Octo ber, will soon take possession of their olBces. The Sheriff, S. II. Rothcrmcl, will take charge of bis otllce utter November court. The Prothouotary, L. T. Rohrbuch, will take possession oil the first of December. George D. Buchcr, of this place, has been selected by Mr. Rohrbnch as clerk. Mr. Hucher is a young man every way worthy of the appointment, of good business habits, a good penman, courteous in bis manners, and a staunch Republican. His appointment will no doubt prove satisfactory to all who may have business in that otllce. To Keep Cioeb. We observed iu the ililtonian of las week, an excellent rccie to keep c'der, which is certainly of importance, namely, one fourth of au ounce of $uljhatt of ilme to the gal lou, stirred ill or mixed and poured in. The nr. tide referred to is not Sulphate but the Sulphitt of Itm 3, nn entirely different article. Tho for .incr is simply common plaster or gypsum. The object Is to urrest fermentation so that it will settle a id become clarified. It is the action of the sulphur that arrests fermentation. For that reason mustard seed, which is composed largely of sulphur, is also used. If cider could be clari fied without adding auythliir, it would be all the better, as all these remedies neutralize the acid, and weaken the cider to some degree. Therefore the lenst quantity that will have the desired effect Is the best. From the above fucts it must be ev ident that racking cider is uot ouly advisable but nccessury to keep it In flue flavor, as every time It Is racked it is freed from some ol its pomace and impurities which alone spoils the cider. The Senior editor of the American, bai successfully used tnc ubovc remedy for the last leu years. The Milton rolling mill is nearly completed, and will be iu operation in a few weeks. As the members of the Good Intent Fire Com puuy of this place havi ordered a book and lad der truck, with ail the fixtures necessary to a good "machine" from one of our mechanics, and are about erecting an cuginc bouse to bold their meetings, and protect their apparatus, we think they should receive tuMantlul encouragement from our borough authorities. In pluin words, the Burgess and Council should give them a libe ral appropriation to assist the m in their good .work. This company will be put to a great ex peuse to accomplish all tbey purpose, aud; they hould have some assistance. All the property aud mouey now held by the Good lutcnt Fire Compuuy, was purchased andeurued by its mem bers, and if they are willing to do so much for the protection ol the property of its cilizeus.the bo rounb fi( Uuubuiy, ibrougb p., ollleers, should do ft bell part. Aanther splendid assortment of stylish furt tnrc bus lust, becu opened at B. L, Kuuduubijsfe's store In Masonic Buildings. The best aud most fashionublo furniture Is sold hi liberal Je. lio and exainlue bis mattresses, chairsvlrtiict, n ud all other household luinft iit.- Dbownbd. The heavy rains during last week, caused the water to overflow the low lands along Cbllllsqiiaqiio creek. At the brldgo about two miles below Lewlsburg Junction, tho public rond was completely Inundated for several days. On Saturday evening last Mr. B. F. IlctTner, nnd Mr. Houghton of Northumberland, on their way home, with borso and wagon, conolnded to ford the Inundation above mentioned, and drove Into tho water, as they supposed, over the road. They went but a short distance when the embankmont gave way, nnd tho horse, wagon and III occu pants were upset Into the stream. In opseltrng Mr. Heffner got under the wagon, and he and the horse were drowned before assistance could be rendered. Mr. tloughton escaped by holding on to soma brush to which lio wai carried by the enrrent. Mr. ITclTiier'e body was not lound un til Monday last, when It was discovered some distance from tho scene Of the occurrence among some logs nnd rubbish. When found both his boots were off and his watch gone. Mr. Heffncr was n son of BonJ. Heflncf. of Lower Augusta township. lie moved to Northumberland about two years ago, where he followed tho occupation of butchering. He leaves a wife and a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his death. Tub Jenkins correspondent from this place,, who splurges Iu the MiltonUtn, and not un fre quently puts his foot into hot water, has seen fit to mnke some ill-natured comments In regard to ourselves, In connection with the Court House Clock. Had this immaculate censor, and wonld be critic, taken the trouble to get correct Infor mation, which he seldom docs, ho would have learned that II. B. Masscr's nanio was not In scribed at his own request, but nt the instanco of Major Dcwart, Chairman of tho Committee, and against the expressed wishes of said II. B. Mas scr. Whether his efforts for the last six years In this matter wlil be properly appreciated or not by the community, gives him as little concern as would the good or bad opinion of tho learned-correspondent of the Mtitonian, whose love of Justice nnd fulr dealing, and whose generous Impulses are so well known and appreciated in this com munity. The following poetical effusion was Inspired by the recent Liberal fizzle : "When the gallant Col. McCIuro struck his flag and dismantled his fortress on Walnut street, ho was heard to sing In a musing nnd abstracted (or distracted) mauncr, the following plant ive verso : "I'm the last roso of Greeley Left blooming alone All my Liberal companions Have wilted nnd gone ; I have sunk the last cent And have no funds to uacdlo, So I'll pack up my duds And go dowu to Sam Randall. With 8am I'll be happy, Though two tilings will bore me : Old Cameron behind me The graveyard before me !" Council Proceedings. Special 3fccting. SCNiitKr, Oct. 22, 1872. Council met ; members present Win. H. Mil ler, C. Gnringcr, John Clark, J. C. Irwin, J. M. Cadwallade.r, D. C. Dlssinger, aud Wm. 1.. Dew art Win. Dcwart In the Chair. On morion, That tho pavement nrouud the square be eight feet wide, adopted. On motion, licttolrtd, That we give the curbing of the above to W. T. Rickey, to bo put In the ground thirty inches, t tic stone to be four inches thick ; the cuibing to be finished the first day of November for the sum of $225, adopted. On motion, That we give the laving of the flag pavement to V. T. Rickey at 1S per square, of 10 feet. The flags to be from 8 to 3 Inches thick, and the flag stone to bo dressed up square, adopted. On motion, Council adjourned. P. W. GRAY, Clerk. FOB THE AMEBIC Mb. Editok: Several weeks ago your col umns uuiiounecd the death of W. C. P. Mettler of Upper Augusta, and I should have wrltteu a few words iu connection therewith, at once, had I not hoped some abler pen would perform this token of regard. He was u young man of unusual promise, nnd endeared to many by his noble qualities both of mind and heart. Amoug bis large circle of friends there were few, perhaps, who knew him so intimately as myself. Our relation was pecu liarly calculated to develop both the rowt'r nuJ character of Ills mind, and enable me to know moro of his heart life thnu could be kuon j by any ordinary acquaintance. He had readied his twenty-sixth year, nnd though the great outside world had seen little of him. he was preparing himself for a career of Influence and usefulness that would have made, his native county proud of him. As a student lie probably had few living equals for thoroughness. All Ills investigations were logieul, all ills deductions were sound. Prompt to uet when thrown upon his own re sources, his modesty was such, where others were Interested, that he was often deferential to his inferiors, lio was one of those young men so seldom fouud, who wus uot only trust worthy in a business sense, he could even be trui-ted with the follies and frailties of his ac quaintances. No rumor ever grew through tho medium of his efforts, aud not one of Ins mates was ever kuowu to speak a word to his detriment. He wus the only earthly slay of bis parents aud who shall say how desolate their houso was left- They, wlih a few others, were wutchlng with fond hopes for the day when, with armor complete, he should enter the arena to buttle for truth and justice. Often when the labors of Ilia day were ended, wo talked of the futuiuv-of the belter life beyoud the borders of time, aud though his reverence for sacred things rendered Lis ex pressions few, his clear views of life's duties, and the means of salvation, guve his listeners assu rance that ull was well. We naturally inquire why we are called upon to purt with cherished frieuds. Why one endear ed as wns the subject of this brief sketch, should be called awuy just as such great promises were begiuning to be realized by those who had so care fully cultivated his powers. But iu the mld.-l of our sadness and muruiuriugs comes the Joyous thought of tho better world above of the life where servants arc kbits and priests, and whence the loving voice of the Muster is heard by the fuilliful "Friend I come up higher." With Ibis belief e bow our beads In submission. Our friend hus gone, but wheu we reach thai huveu where his barque is moored, we shall find ho wus culled because his place (prepared by the muster) wus ready, nnd there wus nobler work awaiting him than this life could afford. Then it is uot for us to niouru, but to gird our armor firmly, und to quit ourselves like those who know their Captain to be invincible, aud uble to fulfil every promise be has made to his followers. Aud wheu our summons comes, may we "ud our selves prepared to enter thut sphere where all hopes are reulized where no aspirations full, and where partiugs never come. N. F. B. Tub losses sustained by individuals who neg lect to insure In reliable companies, Is immense, and many families who are lu comfortable cir cumstances could often be saved from total ruin if they would attend to insurance in time against thut monster destroyer Are. We are huppy, however, to notice that muu) ure using the pre caution of late by getting Insured lu the Peoples' Fire Insurauce Company, Philadelphia, which Is considered safe and reliable. Tbey also Insure life at the lowest rules. Mr. Oossler, their ageut at this place, is doing a handsome busluesa lu making out policies In this part of the State. 130,000 worth of Goods has just been opened at the store of Clement and Dlssinger for Fall and Winter. Tho assortment is magnified t, aud the prices greatly reduced. It is tbetluest varie ty of store goods that bus been opened In this place. List of Letters remaining In the Poet-Offlce, at Sunbury, October 80, 1872. James Brudey, G H Bluck, Wm Curriug, Sarah Cullrell, Terrice Copper, John L Curry, U Dew art Sol Deitx, W II Duling, Julley Empli. Duvid Helm, W Hemperley, MrsJ D Hoffmun, Jos 11 Hibberd, Hurry Marts, Mrs 6 lluupt, Dr G B Keiin. Miss L A Keferer, II II Mulick, John Mer. et, Mrs Mary A Malick, Charles Nuss, Page tllus, Jonolhan Burratl, John B Rills, Geo Rob son, Mrs Catharine Renu, J K Beed, L A Reno, J, Riley, G W Reider, Win Schouikk, Elizabeth Tssuliiiaaer, Kaly Wright, Jotjnli Wirt, Miss U Truutmnn, J Mean let. The following leltus are beld for postage i Thomas Freckplson, Ireland, Joseph Frerkelton, WC J, J, SMITH, P. M. Orrioi or tim State Laeob Union. BuNntmr, October 2flth, 1873. Mr. Editor: I have been requested several times by Labor Roformers to make a statement In regard lo the course I pursued in the lute politi cal contest In. this county and Btuto. In this matter I have been fearfully misrepresented nnd abused, and tho most of the abuse Is tho off spring of malice which I can substantiate when called upon to do so. I was opposed to the sell ing out of the State ticket whlcb was done, and which accounts for the small vote cast for t'-e Labor Koform party throughout tho State where ever wo had a tloket In the field. Tho Democra tic party bnvo always professed ft great friend ship for the working people how they have shown that friendship wns exhibited at Heading and also In this connty, where the Labor Reform ers Lav kept that party In power for many years. That party bad a chance to show their friendship this fall lu the endorsement of Dr. Wel ti r on for Sheriff, and had thoy done so, he would no doubt have bcon the next Sheriff of this couu ty -and even If ho bnd remained In the field his chance of election would havo bocn good. Rut there were, unawares to the party, certain men who crept In and commenced tho work of divis ion mainly by the withdrawal of Dr. Waldron, and endorsing Mr. Morgan, and to show how they went about this werk, I allege, that tbey started tho report that Dr. Waldron had with drawn nnd worse than all, bno day before the county Committee look action on the matter, tho following appeared In the (J Hard, and In the same Issue Johu C. Morgan's name appeared ou their ticket lor aticriu t WITHDRAWN. The Executive Committee of tho Labor Reform pnrty have withdrawn Dr. Waldron, their nomi nee for Sheriff. This step we thiuk a wlso one. notwithstanding tho urgent Appeals of the Doc tors iricnos, ns won aj mo wishes or tho Com mittee, to retain Wm ns their candidate. Now. If font Isn't In tho scllinz out business I don't know what is nnd to this selling ont, John N. Evans, of Mt. Cnrmel, and myself objected, and I will here state to the muny in me (Joul re gions who have been blaming Mr. Evans as be ing one who helped to sell out the party, that he bnd neither part nor lot lu tho matter. Now, why am I abused in this matter particularly 1 simply beeauso I would not follow in the foot steps of those who wauled to sell us ont to the Democratic party a 1 arty that has killed Itself In this county for some time to conio. At the late elections it wus fully demonstrated that In telligent worklugmcii cannot bo humbugged so easy. Charges are brought against me to the Secretary of tho State Labor Union to the effect that 1 took too stump ugulnsl tho labor move- mcut which are false. The following account taken from the "State Journal" Is about the sub stauco of nil I said nt Wulsoiitown und Sliunio kin : Mr. Svlvus, after helng loudlv called for. said "he had visited Shainokin expecting to find nnd perhaps address a Labor Reform meeting, but hud been nuable to find It. lie wus n tho. roughly convinced and steadfast Labor Reformer, but was mortified and wounded to know that cer tain parties who aspire to be leaders in the La bor Reform movement, had undertaken to sell out tbo votes of the honest and true men of toil, who espouse the Labor Reform pnrty a pasty which is a power in the land will make Itself ultimately felt will never cease its efforts in bo balf of man the elevation and advancement of the laborer. The Labor Reformer had no place within the fold of the Democratic party. Tho Democracy loudly professed, but hud never given tangible, practical evidence of a sincere, Intelli gent sympathy with labor. It wns the party of free trade. The Republican party hud always consistently worked in the Interests of labor. As the Labor Reformers had now no candidate for Governor in the field, he ndvised nil laborers to Vote for General Hurlruiifl. Ho advised and urged them to vote for, and make votes for, tho Hon. Jonn B. Packer. Mr. Packer was a sound tariff man a practical friend of the laborer. They hud just heard his own voice ably advocat ing the grout doctrine of protection to Ainericiu labor; laborers would vote for him. Mr. Puck er was an honest, fuilliful, earnest worker ; by his own labor he had made himself a man a plain, practical, urbane innn. Ho, tliu speaker, should vote for Mr. Packer." It was stated In the lust weeks Guard that I had been expelled from tho Presidency of the State Labor Union which Is not correct. Unfor tunately I got uo copy of the Guard lost week, and I cannot quote the announcement of my ex pulsion as It thero appeared. J-'our members of the Committee of thirteen cannot expel their President fl tnkes a majority, and I am icady and willing to meet a majority of thut Coimnii tcc at any lime nnd place where I can have a fair and impartial trial, and then, after hearing both sides, if they choose t o expel me, it w ill hi- satis factory to me ; until then I remain President of the State Labor Union. J. C. SYLVIS. Augcstavim.e, Oct. 25, 1S72. The members of the Farmers' nnd Horticultu rists' Association, arc requstcd to meet at Augus tavillu, on Saturday, Nov. 2d, at 3 p. m. Since the organization of our Association, wc have been regular recipients of valuable seeds and documents from the Department of Agricul- I turo which favors are giatel'ully acknowledged aid appreciated. I T.'.'O members will pleuso present, ut the mect 1 inir, the results of their vurlnus experiments, thul wo m.V till up our Report to Commissioner Watts, nt Washington, and snow forth "what we know of Farming." By order o.rtbo President. JACOB 11. CLAKK, Sccr'y. List or Jurors for Adjourned Court, 'o in in cueing MoudBj,Xov. itlt '7S. GKAND JfltOllS. Philip McWilllums, Del Honey DrufTncr, Sun D Belssel, Turbutvillo ! Jediuh Keiscr, Delaware Sum'l (fuss, U Augusta Sam'l Huev, buntiury Al II Weaver, Sham Bo Ed Perlng", Ml Cur twp Sum'l Muffley, Turbnt J M Sputz.L Muhanoy J II McCormlck, Millon Thoiuas Johnson, Point Juo 1 Drower. JaeksoirWm Wilson, Noith'd ' J Lamjiher, Turbutville 'Jacob It. Hilluiish, Jack J1UU 1 rU, .lib Ull l j'.UUU U.UIICl , K7UIIUIII J Dr Jno Eister, Sunbury 'Joseph Scott, blia boro Daniel Lerch, Lewis iChas Cenlher, Sunbury Jas Greenwood, Mt C B W 6 Rho..cs, Sunbury TKAVEltSE Jl 1IOKS FIRST WEKK, lOV. 4th. 8 P Phut, Watsontown .1) Fowler, Turbutvillo Juo Waits, Delaware (1 J Hcurtline, Shuin bo Dunicl Newman, North Mlch'l Oroody, Mi C B J 11 Euirel, Sunbury J 11 Jenkius,Nortlr'J Hen C Fisher, WushiuK P Bouglmer, Sham twp Jos Spatz, L Mahuuoy Dun Di iickemillcr, Suu Jus Wenk, Wolsontnwn'J Gonsert, Suyderlowu Jumcs Smith, Mt Cur T;Geo Kcysrr, L Augusta David McGuire, Lewis iNathuu Retires. Wash as tvercit, tx iaware Win Fisher, Millon John Kussel, Delaware iF O'Dounell jr., Millon idits Smith Jr., Point Geo P Marts, Point David Bohner, Jucksou H Guion, McEweusville Nelson -t Butler, Suu'ry Sol V Fussold, L Aug Lein Shlpmun, L. Aug'u Jno Kase, Sbiimo twp Ueueville Wirt, Jordan ;II II Conrad, Up Augus Wm. Smith, U Muba'oy Jacob Yordy, lterbo Wm Artcr, Sunbury. lA Sterns. Watsontown 1 Jno F Kerliu Sunbury Sum'l F Folia. Turbul P J Oberdorr, u Aug'ta Jos Shrettler, Point Wm B Longsdorf, Jack S L Culp, Low Augusta K S Huttield, Millou i Win Snyder.U Muhutioy Phil 8urvls, Up Augus IBenJ Muthius, Norlh'd Jos Purdoe, Chillisqua 'Jus Bachelor, Norlh'd No Jury drawn for second week, as uo causes will be tried. Argumeul court ouly will be held PETIT JL KOliS THIItn WEEK, NOV. ISth. II D Rothcrmel, Mt C B Wm Gullck, Rush O S Campbell, Sha twp Daniel S Miller, Shamo Thos G Tucker, U Aug 11 Reader, McEwenville Henry Stuium, Turbul DC Montgomery, Lewis A Thurston, L Mahnu'y Wm Vun Kirk, Point Cbus P Seaslioltz, Sun D N Luke, Shumok bor M E Bueher, Sunbury Aduiu Keen, Sunbury El'.us Smith, U Mahun'y John Kluse, Shamo twp Geo Shade, Lewis John Gruugc, Lewis Juo It Kaulbnuu, L Au Jacob Unrtinuu, Zarbe llutiry Yordy, Sliuiuo M F Noraeonk, Millon Chus Sleckel, Wulsout'u Charles Moore, U Aug Juo Bloom, L Augusta Win Raup, Lewis Juo S Martz, Milton Robert Goodwell, Cual O II Ostruudvr, Riv'slde Jno F Cline, U Augusta F K Heilsmuii, Wush'n Phil S Bickle, L Malia Frauk Keller, Delawure John Albe.it, Jucksou Jno Ycuger, Riverside Henry Gossler, Norlh'd PETIT JIBOK8 KOl llTU WEEK, Nov. 25th. Jos Zero, Shamo Boro iL Mahan, Mt Canuel B John Tressler, Washiug Win Morlou, Suubury H Yeune, Riverside lllarvy Fisher, Shamo B H li tvereti, euyaert'n B Moore euydertowu Harmon Snyder, Sha B Johu Bobuer, Sha twp Alex Casett. Sunburv win v wituinitiou J M Fox, Suubury J 11 Wagner, Wulsout'u Chas Krumer, Cameron Jos Bisly. Sunburv Andrew Bucher, Wash 8 A Kemerer, Turbut D RisslnJfer, Zerbe Jno Nesbit, Norlh'd A G Postletbwalt North R Kerslelter, Sha twp Jacob Stamm, Turbut -Michael Kiley, Mt C no Jacob Blasser, L Maba Albert Beckley, U Aug Daniel M Weaver, Sha Samuel Epler, Sha Bo Daniel Seal, Jackson H W blugsuiuu, L Man Jos Burk, Coal E K Killlnger, Rush David Bellar, L Maba C K Weikel, Cameron Samuul Wert, L Maba S Ma'uck, Washington Insthuctios jm Mi sic Miss Anqa M. Schneider Informs (he citizens of Suubury that sha will give instructions on lbs Piano and Or gan to pupils at their resldeucee. Terms reason bU. s'H.'p.-Bl. Tit I. 4 1. LINT ton week knoino mondat, nov. 18, '72. Mary E Burr vs George Burns Boyd & tJlayuergurvs me niinisiucuoui ana iron Companv Com vs Simon Sides eouductor nnd engineer on PAH RR James Sanders vs Henry Frlck F H Keller vs George Iroxel E D Satterfleld & Co vs Geo V 8avidco Joseph P Kennedy vs the U II s W R II Compa ny George Miller vs John II Conrad Wicst & Zcrplng vs Christian Snyder Dr. James S Doiticul vs J A J Cnminlnirs Thonios McGow vs J M Bartholomew Valcntlne W Fisher vs Schulti, Bechtel & Cnlp John Dorn vs Ellas Bush Beulamln B Leltzel vs Henry T Bowman Samuel Harrison vs Jefferson John John A J Cummliigs vs Duvid D Davis ct Wm II Lcrch James F Bhultr. vs Jas Walton and wlfo John Hnitlioloinew, Sr., vs .las II 'cCormlck Hc'.iJ Williamson vs J 11 MctwrmlcK i K Kulp vs Christian Gunsett George Bower vs Jus H McCormlck George Wills vs Jas H McCormlck Samuel II Rothermcl vsRcuhcu S Oarmnn John R Seller vs John II Foromun John F Wollingor vs John Porter, adm'r of Mar tin Blllmycr, dee'd Adam Lowcry vs John McMunus Weand Zii! Ac Co vs J J Ranch Eva Bchlichty vs Anthony Hummel Catharine Knrcbel vs John M Fry Louisa J Emcrlck vs Peter C'rcslngcr JAM Saunders vs Frederick & Krebs Elisha Elliott vs Henry B Weaver Jacob E 8trieklcrvs John Wicst Jonathan Garrett vs II B Masser Gaorge Miller vs Johu 8 Snyder and Wm B Deal fob week commencing mondat, Nov. 25, '73. Henry Snylor et al vs Andrew M Eustwkk ct al Henry Suyler vs Sumo Reuben Kline and wife vs John B Douty Alice E Brown, Admiuislrutri.f vs Jos W Cuke I M Cake vs J W Oake Mngdutcnu Grant et al vs tho Big Mountain Im provement u ct al Samo vs Sumo L J Wrlghtetal vs Amelia Kielil John Fahiieslock vs Thaddeus Shannon Same vs Sleeinun & Shannon John A Lloyd vs John Benjamin S John A Sous Vs Henry Suylor Frederick Scully vs Nuthun Chnmberlln Elizabeth Smith vs Daniel Voder George W Seller vs Jacob Critzor George P Frederick vs Elcholtz A Day State Bunk vs Abraham Kissliri-T Thos L Fry ml re A Co vs J J Weik Samuel Shade vs Lewis township Lazarus Moyer vs William Startzel S John A Sons vs Davison A McCubu John B Price vs Samuel Long S John A Sons vs J B Weiser Johu F Bartch vs Josph Nicely, Adm'r Isaac Bruncr. Ir.. vs Ilirmn Dewnld Charles Class vs Peter Baldy und I. lias Romig, Contractor Dater A Relish vs Wm A Fisher Business Notices. House and Lot foh Sai.b. A new cottage house, with nil the modern Improvements, locat ed iu Purdytowu, ou the Cutluwissu road, is of fered for sale at a reasonable price. Apply toC. P. Seaslioltz, Sunbury, Pa. For Sale a young Cow, part Alderncy. In quire at this otllce. When you want to get a first class boot, go see W. H. Miller, as he lias Just received the llnest assortment of Boots and Shoes, such as French Culf, Scotch hoi torn i French Cilf, double soled nnd single soled,- nil stitched by baud. Also, fudged boots o the best brands. Ho don't pre tend to sell a muchlno-scwcd boot. For a first class boot go nnd seo his stock if you don't buy. Always the latest styles on hand. Evans' Ame rican Putent Gaiters "for hoys, the nicest shoe ev er made. Sizes run from 4 to 10l. Iu fuct a full lino of all the best make of Boots and Shoes. The man who hoards his money is a miser. Tho man who spends his mom y injudiciously is a spendthrift, nnd comes to ruin. Tho man w ho invests his money carefully provides for his pre sent wants, and the wants of his family in tiiuu to come, can enjoy his work,lls meals, his sleep, and be surrounded by bright and smiling faces. Moot of tho latter mnke their purchases at Wel nier's popnlnr casTi store, No. 0.1, Haupts block, w here busincse is done strictly on cash principles, ills motto being "Quick Sales and Small Prolits." You need no co-operative store why ? because your cash protects you credit ruins you. Good men, w here credit is glveu, pay the profits ou lost uccouuts. Bitkaixw's defeat was not surprising to any one that knew of his record. Had ho rem lined at home instead of going to Canada to look after the Indians Ills chances would havo'been better. Thos. G. Nott, the merchant tailor or this place ndoptcd a diHVreiit plan ; bi ing a Democrat in principle, he staid ut home, aud wrote to New York and Philadelphia trunacted his busluesa by letter uot with the Indians, but with the lar gest Cloth estublii-hmcuts in the country. The I result Is that he received the linr.-t and best goods in the city Markets. He is now engaged 1 in making np some forty suits for his customers, and we venture to say feels much happier than Buckulew does over his Indian expedition. MoitB Boots asdiIiktj. W. II. Miller is now opening his Full Stock of Soots und Shoes ut tho Excelsior. His assortment is not surpassed any where, nud being constantly In receipt of new styles, no one can go uiniss lu getting, uot only the best, but the lntest styles. Oi'H paper to-day on the outside is on the filh instead or 12th. In the hurry or making up, it was iiog'ccted to be changed. Stoves. -Several good second hand stoves for tle cheap. Enquire nt this otllce. The greatest want of the present age is men and women, healthy u'i.J vimiroiis iu mind and bodv. Tho continued he.'d.iches, weakness.-s, nervousnc.s, aud varying ull.;"'iHs whieli i.llliet women are generally the resui't iinpeilecl ac tion of the stomach und oilier vlli.'l organs. Dr. Walkeu' Cai.ifoknia Vinkoau Hl.TBKS, heiuit comiKjsed entirely of vegetublo subtai'i''" Indi genous to California, may he taken with ;i'.r!ccl sufely by the most delic.ue, aud ure a sure n n-'' dy, correcling ull wrong action und giving new vigor to the whole system. Special Sotices. Oil Marriage. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils uud Abuses, which interfere will. Murrpige, and ruin the happiucse of thou sands, with sure means of relief for ihe Erring and Unfortunate, dcceucd und debilitated. Sent lu sealed letter eiivelocs, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pu. a 6 t " -s & "5 I .2 2 i 5 o a" S .a s x Cod . s .i z J - C C v. t , r '5 Si t C L. 1$ 2 S CO o V. S .1 15 0,1 0 o 5 e c t O U J t " is : -III o -a a O o H 2 ! SJtiS. i o - s c a m fi V v i S o e ' o -2 U S tf S u THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUBLISHED as a warning nnd for the oenetit of yovHij uun wul olhen who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup plying THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by one who cured himself, after under going considerable quackery, and scut flee on re ceiving a post-paid directed envelop. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFA1K, June 8, 'ti. uinos. Brooklyn, N. Y. In Edemont lownshln. Delaware county, JO SEPH HENRY McCARTY.aged about 40 years. Mr. Mctnrty was n son of Win. McCnrty, for merly of this place. He wns Adjutant of the 46tU Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers during tho lute rebellion. Ho was one of the first to enlist from this place, nt tho breaking out of the rebel lion, nnd served during the whole of thn wnr. Ho proved n bravo soldier. lie wns n man of noble and generous Impulses. Ills do.itli will be re gretted by a largo circle of friends and acquain tances In this place. At BurlliiL'toti. New Jersey, on the 24th of Oc tober, FRANCES EDITH, Infant daughter or James und Anna M. bhaw. hxkst !.tfi.ctits. Nl'XHl'HY MARKETS. flour und Grain Market. Extra Family tl2.00 Red Wheat, p. bu., $2.00 Buckwheat, p. ct., 6.00 Ryo, " 80 Corn Meal, " 8.50 Corn, 70 Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.501 Buckwheat ' 1.00 Shorts, 2.00 Oats. 33 lbs., 50 Corn A Onts Chop, 2.00 Flaxseed, 2.25 Timothy Seed, p. b. 8.001 Produce Market. Potatoes, Eggs, per doz., Butter, per lb., Lard, " Sides, 50 Hums, 18 Tallow, 85 : Country 8nap, 12 Dried Apples, 10 " Peaches, 'Shoulders. r 8 8 13 10 It 4j$eto bbcrltsmcnts. SUNBURY PROPERTY. 13 Houses For Sale. EXECUTOR'S SATE. WILL be exposed to public sale, on Tnes day, the 10th day of December next, (1872) nt 10 o'clock A. M., nt the. COURT nOUSE, In the Uorongh of SUNBURY, Thirteen and Lots, lalu the CBtute of Edward 1. dee'd. Houses Bright, Five of said houses, being n block of flue two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSES Muateon! the south side of Chesnut street In the Borough i of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Penusylva- I nia, bounded and fronting on said Chestnut ' street on the north, n lot of Mrs. Fisher on the cast, the Shaniokin Valley and Pottsville Rail- : roud on ihe south, nnd lots of the estate of the Into George Weiser, deeeused, on tho west, each ! lot containing 22 feet in widlh.or therenliouts,and : two hundred and thirty in depth. These houses will be sold lu a block or separate to suit pur- j chasers. j Four I'irt-'lsM Frame Dwellings. Also, Four contiguous lots oT ground situate, t on the south sido of Walnut street In said bo rough, bounded on the north by said alnut ! street, on the cast nnd south by an alley, and on the west by a lot ofthec-tate of M rs. Laura An- i gle, dee'd. Each of raid lots containint: in front 21) feet und in depth two hundred nud thir- ; tv feet, w hereon ure erected four lirst-o!us fruiuo dwelling houses with oilier outbuildings. Each house is sepcrato. No. 1 is occupied hy J. K. Clement, No. 2 is occupied by Thomas Hamilton. ! No. 3 is occupied by (. I Simpson. j No. 4 is occupied by U ias Schneider. j Three Frame Dwelling Houses, j Ai:-o, three coutilious lots of ground situate on the south side of Vine street iu said Boroiieh. , I bounded on the north by said Vine street, on the va;-i ii, .i nn in ii. i. .iius.mt, on mo soma uy property of Iru T. Clement, or an ulh-y, nud on the west hy a lot of Mrs. Ann N. Blight each of said lots containing In front left or there- ; ubouts, and in depth one hundred and fifty feet j or thereabouts, whereon are erected three good, j nearly new, two story FRAME DWELLING ' j HOUSES and other out-houses. No. 1 is occupied by John Irwin. No. 2 Is occupied by E. 11. Mitchell. I No. li is oceupsed by John Spuce. -I One t no-sfory Frame Dwelling House, j situate on the west side of Fourth street, front ing on said Fourth street on the east, n lot of Ja- ' I cob Fetter on tiio south, an alley on t lio west, . and n lot of Hurry Dictfeuhach on the north. 1 The lot contains In front on said Fourth street ! lis feet, or thereabouts, and one hundred and ten feet iu depth, now occupied by liev. A Wheat. 1 I.iniCNtouc Fropcrty. I .t--o, the one fall undivided third part of all I that certain tract or piece of land situate in Point township, Northumberland county, adjoining I lauds lute of Hie ei-tate of Charles C. Kay. dcy', ! now Kui-sel, Charles Gullck und' others, I containing FIFTY-THREE acres more or los, j whereon are erected n LAliGli FRAME DWF.L : LING HOUSE ami Kitchen, a Frame Burn, two good new LIMEKILNS, Ac. A Young Orchard ' und nearly all ot which l in n good state of cut- i i valion. On this tract of land is uu inexhaui-tu- , ' ble betl of verv ! i SUPERIOR LIMKSTOXE ; suitable for fluxing, nud for nil purposes for which limestone is used. Tne quarries ure now fully opened und are being worked. They are ; situated about two and a half miles from Ihe Borough of Northumberland. A branch lateral riiilroud, about three quarters of a lnlle iu length ' connects them with the Philadelphia aud Kilo Railroad at Kapp's station, from which lime stone is shipped daily lo Sioituny and other points , und can be shipped by railroad or rami! to Nor tiiiimberlauil, Iianvilic, Miamokln, Ac., us cheup- j ly as any other linictone in flic region. i The liuie.-tone and railroad will be sold sepa- i rate from the land if purchasers desire it. I At tin- same lime and place the undivided one , third ol the eighteen Railroad far and a -. t cf Blacksmith and Qnuri v Tools will be sold. I T E K M S E A S Y . I The above properties will be sold on long time, ; so as to enable purchasers to tuake their pay ments easy. The terms and conditions will be made known I ou the d.iv of Mile bv j WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. Ex.cutor I of Edward V. Bright, dee'd. ! Sunbury, October li'th, 1S72. lttort oi'"Tlic I'irNt Xulioual llnuk of Suubury, l'u." I Iteport or the condition ot I he r Irst Nnti.f ml Bank of Sunbury," in the Borough of feuubiiry, Ol I lie Plate ol I'eiiusyivania, al tne close ot bu siness, on tile 3d day of October, A. 1)., 1SJ. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in SitlO.iKH) Oil Sur,.'ls' Fund iS.K'.i u-.' l)icoui,.. Etcbange, Interest, und Prolit un,.' i-oss 2l!,7'.i'. Ul , t'ii'ciibitln-r VoJ" outstanding 1 T.". -':! Oil i State It oik ciieiila.,,"U outstuuiiing... ti, litis (111 I Dividends Unpaid 1,"-'I US ' Individual Dcposiis .'...I.isi'.l ; United Mates Diposits 'M.'Mi M Deposits of U. S. Dibursing Olnccrs, l.-'viU yo , flue to National Banks J.'iT'.l 4'J Due to Slate Bunks uud Bunkers 50.'.' SI j 7llj,UU 77 KESOUKCES. Loans and Discounts U. S. Bonds lo secure Circulation U.S. Bonds to secure Deposits 60.000 00 V. S. BoiuU on hand 71k) 00 Other Slocks. Bonds und Mortgages . 1,S.j0 00 Due from ltedeeiniug aud Heserve Agents 81,8:1, CO Due from N.itioual Banks l'J,77'J S'.l Due from tute Banks uud Bankers... '.'l.lilt .ist Current Expenses and taxes puid 4,ti7S 44 Cash Iicins, Including ttanin and Protest Account 2,705 22 Bills of National Banks U,U12 00 Fmelionul Currency, including Nick els, v. 1,Q0.1 00 U. 8. Legal Tender Notes 67,000 00 t 705,011 77 STATE OK PENNSYLVANI A i Col KTV OK NollTlU'MUKKI.ANn, SC'T. I, Pumncl J. Packer, (.'ashler of "Tint First National Bank of Bunbury," do solemnly sweur thut the above stulcmciil is Una to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed, 6. J. PACKF.ll, Cashier. fsworn to and suhscrilicd before me, this loth day of October. A. D-, 1S7 J. Signed, l. HOC K EF E LL E K, Notary Publllc. (iseal.) Correct Attfst t WM. 11. WAPLF.S, ) J. C. lloKTON, SlHreetort. JOHN HAAS, J Btinbuiy, October V, 18T2. bcrlismenls. VV. D. ME LICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Market Nqnarc, SIIMII ltV, IVt. Keens constantly on band a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Dmsglsts Fancy Goods, COMBS. BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, rATENTMKWCINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAKMH5I, IDYKKTl'FFK-, lu fact everything usually kept lu a well con . ducted r33,TTGr STOEE. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions und family receipts by tho Proprlator himself. tSiinhiiry, Pa., June 8, 1H73. AdtninitrntorM N'oiicc. "VTOTICE Is hereby glvon, that Utters of ad LN ministration linvlngheen grunted totbiMin derslgncd on the cstato of Mrs. Mary C. With ington, Into of tho borough of Sunbury, Noi th'd j county, I'u., dec. All those knowing themselves i:Uciled to said csinto are requested to mane im mediate paymcut.. and persons having claims will present tbcm for settlement. GEO. W. SMITH. Administrator. Sunbury, Sept. H, 1S72.--CI. Administrator's Notice. "VfOTICE is hereby given that Letters of ,d-' ministration have been granted to the ur-j d.irslgned upon the estate of John DcIuy, de- j ceased, Into of Upper Augusta township, Noith'd j connty. All knowlug themselves Indebted to j said estate, and thoso who have claims ngaliift I the same, will present them for settlement. N. Bit ICE, -, Administrator. Sunbury, 8ept. 2, 1873. Ct. A Farm for 8al. fTMIE undersigned offers nt private sale, his X. Farm, containing about Si) Acres, situa ted in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, on the Plum Creek roud about li' j miles cast of Sunbury, bounded by lands of Daniel P. Conrad, Henry Savidge, Joseph Guss, and others. The Improvements' consist oi'a good well-arranged f rame ltouse, a large c.mu Darn, witn Wagon House nnd Corn (.'rib attached. Si ring House over a never-falling Spring, ond all other necessary out door buildings, Ap ple Orchard of choice fruit in good bearing order. About 0 acres of good O ik Timber, a runnin stream of water through the farm. Part of the purchase money cun remain in the farm. For further particulars, call on or address, A. li. SAVIDGE, Sept. 7th, l573.-:jm. Sunbury, Pa. A. II. l'JlANOlSCUS & C0.,;yl,,"W8c"VsS!mJbr,"Kh"11 imM' Ub0 Xo. lo Markut Street, l'lIILADELriUA. We have opened for the Full Trade, the largest nud best assorted stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Sliudes and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Bulling, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets, liroonis. Baskets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wringers. Wo ulen uud Willow Wine, is Tin: t'MTF.n bta ii:d. Our large increase in business enables us to soil at low prices, uud fiirnl-h the best quality of Goods. soix '.oknts ron Tin: CELEBRATED AMERICAN" WASH-' EH. Price, S3.50. j The most Perfect and Successful Washer ever i Made. Agents Wanted for the American Wash?r la I nil parts of the State. ipt. 7, am. Ninriuj; ami Summer iOii2u' or MII.MXEP.Y aiOS. Hats :uid Bonnets, Triimueil ami L'litriiniiic'd, lunr.oxs, rLowi:ns. WREATHS, LACES, &c. all uuv styles. t'rao Veiln oi'nll GriMleN. CRAPE 1 1 ATS AND HOXXETS, and everything usuully kept in a Millinery Store. Call u t GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans &, Co., j l14 Market Street, l'l.ila.lelplna, ; TAILORS I and j MILITARY CLOTHIERS,; Military, Uaiul A- Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples or Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Ours being the leading house ou Military work, we feel that we can offer inducements which can not be attuluciLuiiywhi ro else. Aug. 21, 1S7-L lAl ( liV V t O'S Ol.l M . AGENTS ) SOMETHING NEW.Csalc " . able nrriclcs, sell at sight.. WCincCCla I Catalogues and one sample free. N. V. M'f'g Co., SI Courtlandl St. N. Y.-lw "HAND SI AMPS" nil varieties, Circulars free Agls Wanted. W. II. II. Davis i Co.. Mfrs. 7'j Nassue M., N. Y. 4W, rpiIIS IS NO HUMBUG ! " -I- By seniliug ) CENTS with age, heighth, color of eyes A; hair, you will re- ccive by rcliup mail, a correct picture of jour Take it lo allav in'f. itlou and ward oil teti-.len.-future husband or wife, wiih name und dale of i cv to iullaiuniut'.oi'.s. Maiiiagc. Aib ress W. VOX, P. O. Drawer, No III. I'll I'liiville. CHI AI lAltJIS! Mtl i: IIOMI S!! Oil the line ofthe Union Pacific Railroad, 12, fl'OI.Sll 74 - OOO.OvH) ucri s or the best Funning and Miuciul gtMi.lHut 00 i lands in .Mn.'ilc.i. o.OOO.OOU Acn-s iu Nibratku, lu the Platte Val ley now for sale. Mild Climate, fertile Soil, for Grain growing nnd Stock liaising uusurp.issed by any in the United States. Chcupcr in Price, more favorable term given, anil more convenient to market than can bu found elsewhere. Five Homesteads for Actual Settlers. The best locution for Ooloulcs Soldiers ctitl th'll to a Homestead of 100 Acres. Send for Hie new Dt-nciipiivc Pamphlet, with new maps, published In English, German, Swe dish and Danish, mailed free tvei vwbere. Address. O. F. DAVIS, 4w. Lund Com'r U. P. II. R- Co., Omaha, Neb. WASHINGTON' I M K It MI T V Italtiiuuro, Jltl. The next Aniiiial Uesslou of this Institution will beglu October 1st, lSV'J, and continue five months. The Clinical ndvuulugesof Ihe School are unsur passed. Fees including Disscctiou & Hospital Tickets t d3 For Catalogues containing lull particulars ap ply lo Prof. CHA8. W. CA ANCKLLOK, Deau. i. Balltniorc, Md. i-very w her: male and !( main. tr liilrodncx thn Gcatmie Iir.nnveT Common K-nse Fainl'v Helving !.! u').l--c.Th: SeSmaelilne will stitch, hem, fe.l. t- ri, i ii i. rord. bind, braid nnd unibro'-l'T It' o i.i' -i rsuperlor manner. Price only i? 1" i iy ii JU censed nnd warranted fnrflvn j.hy WVwi!: i pay 1,000 for any machine t!i-t vi" . s slronger.lnon-tn;autlfiil, oi iivirv c)a. t ;i ... i. SO than cnirn. It makes the lClastic I !. P (Stitch." Kvi-iv se cond stlvh can f,- ;! rf: l j.ti'.l the cloth cannot be pu'.lcl nfri witlmu' T; tearing It. Wo pay agents from t' to f .;'i i Ss3mr month nnd i-xp"iifc- or n conimi Cwfrotn which twice that amount chii I- ;ra.. f Address SliCO.MB A CO., lto-t j.i Ma:., rllu'''-s5i Va., Chlcigo, III., orSt.Lo'i!-,Mo l AGENTS WASl'i -I) i.O HI V.VV.T. 1 ! The r.cw Kn'.inrtidly llMftrnii-l Edition of KOi:lNh(.X 0!XtOE jtlt out, U the mo-1 p.-pnlar book iu print. B:.'H jhi !., t.iitud ; :i; ', o.y : -.", rasy wr-ilii :i,50. Fi'.!' .p-i-'.; i:id fuM. l'njing t's) to H. 'it) a week. Teims of t'lS -Mi l our ni .v Bibles, sent fici-, all ", SlOA'.-!.,-.' PV; Ci-mo-ia-lon. 4w Hubb.ir Bro?. publisher, .".iirroni St., I'i.i;.'.. .PmifiliTS Warren St, Send stamp Bnili'.injj. A. , N. Y. for lll'd Cului!?lc O'l J. lJi.!.r..'.i A: Co., 8J Ivr. WANTED I'.vpcrl-nccd It., dc AinnM nnd Canvassers, in all parts of thu U - S. to sc'l tiio Memoir of lloger Brooke Tunny, Chi'-f .lust lee of llio Supreme Court of the V. 8. irSn bo-.'.t heretofore pub!lhed In Ibis country, thn.wri much light upon nur Constitutional nii I Political Hlstorv. It Is a work of extrnor ti'iai v int .i-."l aud of permanent value to the lii-t riaii, tho Lawyer, Ih'i tf-tntctmun, tho Pulit ir'ut.s, u,ij every tsiK of into'-lint render. I -i'"' told hy r'-uhscilpllon only Exclusive Tlniioiy rm::i.4w tf For Terms, for this and otUtr l'ojjulu; Works. i Kildrnss nt oj.ee. M-jrr.hv & Co. Pulili&Lors . Lj:i1- timore. . Aoi."T WANiF.n Fon LIFE IN UTAH Heinr; Hn expose of the secret rites and Mysteries ot nioi -monism. With a full and uiuli jn'iii: lii.-t irv of Polyirumy, by J. H. Deadly Editor of the. ;' a.i Lake Reporter. Agents are meiling villi unprceedi nil-1 cess, one reports lbl subscribers in fo-ir day, another 71 in tno days. Send for Circulars and see what the press says of tho work. A:Mre-e, National Publishing Co. Philadelphia Pu. 4w "God giant that this prec'ous bo-d may fin.-! its way to every family in the land," nays a. prominent reformer, off. S. Arthur's last peal "THREE YEARS IN A MAX-TIIAP. Not withstanding lis immense sale, we desire to ex tend Its lnHiieuce still further, and call for more; aid to introduce it to every corner of our land. It is highly endorsed ly Judge black, F. II. Orhe, Neal Dow and others. Will do more good than any prohibition law ever framed. It sells hey.iud parallel. Agists have done and inclining spli-n-ilid'y with it. One hs sold over JWO copies. Owing to its great success we are enabled lo of fer especially large discounts. Senrl for illus trated circulars and terms, an 1 enter into this great work al oi.e?. J. M. bto.t lurt iV: Co. Phal udclpliia. 4w DON'T be deceived, but tor coughs, colds, sore WELLS' CAKRGLIC TABLETS. ! Worthless imitations are on the market, bat the only scientitic preparation of ( srtiolic Aeht for Lung diseases is when chemically combined i with oilier well known remedies, ns in these Tab j lets, and nil panics lire cautioned agaiut u-'mi; j uny other. i Iu uli cases of irritation of the inncous tncm ! brpficc tlicse Tablets should be freely used, their cleansing and healing properties nre astonishing. ! Be warned, never neglect n cold, it is easily 1 cured In its Incipient state, when It become i chronic thn cure is exceedingly ilililcult, tuc wells' I Carbolic Tablets as a Sp'-cirtc. ! JOHN Q. KELLUGG, 1-1 I'.att St., New York, I 4w Sole Agent for United States ! Price 2." cents a bok. Send for Circular. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET, a remarka ble Hook and great success. 1Mb Edition now ready for Agents. Nothing pays like it.. 4v. Geo. Maclean, Publisher, Toll Sunsom St,, Pila. AiVuG N D 8c RUBY Ml FURNACES. Powerful an 1 Ecounmlcul Heater . Jam-.; .. Luwsou, Patentee. FL 1.1. Kit. W A UK EN .'c CO. s7,Uw "lit! Water St., "New Yoik. iMIi'.UVED, L'NBIVALEI) .4 L'Nl'.QUAI.r.D. Burns anv size f'.jal. FL'LI.Li:. W.!I!E & CO.. s7,l iw '.'cC Wafer St.. New Yo'd- It. is tell a puie Hiiiea may give leiii'Oraiv relief to the sullerer for ihe first ft-w doses, but I whieli, fioin continued use brings piles und kin . lived diseases lo aid In weakening Ihe invalid, not : is il a doctored li.iMoc, which, under the popular . name nt "Bitt"-.-, ' is so cxtcn-dvidy palmed oil ' on the puh'.ic as sovereign ri i.;edies, but il U a ' most pueif-il Tonic and aiter itive. prince.;. iieii s j ny the leading me IickI iiiith o li of l.oudui. nnd Pails, and has been loni; u .1 by lher::nlai physlcluiis of i-lhcr countries with wndcii '.i. u ; nied'.al results. ! DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA ! retains all the medical virtue peculiar to tlit I plant and iniisl be takenis a j erniaiictit c.irutiv i agent. ' Is I here want or action In your Liver A Spleen t i Unless relieved nt once, the hi-nul become.. In., j pure by dc'et -rious seerelious. producing sciol'n : lous or skin diseases, B otches, 1 clous, P.ulii'., -. . Canker, l'imi'lcs, ,:e., iVc. Take duruli-. ha to elean-e, purify and r -elwt. the vitiated blood to healthy action. ; Have you n Dyspeptic Stomach I Unless di j gestion i promptly nidid the system JlIiIIIi i : fed with loss of vital force, poverty ,.r tfic tilo.ul, Diiipaical Tciiileiicy, General Wetness or LumI- tade. Take it to iifsist Digestion witliont react i m, it will luiiart youthful vigor lo the weary sullen r. H ive you weakness of the lnteMiues I You are In danger of i Inonic Diarrhoea or '.lie dread- i ful Inllauiiuat ion of the Bowels. ! Have you weakiicsr of the Uterine ot Uiioai v Organs f You must procure instant n. !:-!' or yi a I ure liable to siilli rk g Morse than death. I Take II to strengthen oiguuio weaktuss or life K' u'lii s r, biirdeii. Finally It should be frcpicaily taken to keep the system iu 1 ei feel beali h or yuli ale otherw :sj iu (jr-.-at l.n.s(.-r of inalauul, iiia-tiiuiic or onta- gio'.lS llieMS-s, JUIIN Ij. KELLOGG. IS riult ?t., N. Y. s i L-ole Agent for the United Mates. I Piicc, 1 per Bottle. t'vuJ for Circular. 4v' BLATC'IILKY'S I istch.ss, Diimti'e, 1.1' oU-nt nml N Cheap. The best Pi nip for the lean uioncr. ah -nt ton U es pecially luvit.d ,o H.atcbliv-!. Pi.tenl Iinprovt., ltnirki t un l New Drop C.ltvk Valre. tthich can lm vit'.lr.in wilhojt re liiovlnnl'je pinup or distiiiblug the joints. Al.o, the Copper Clinu .cer. w hich uevcr cracks or cues, aud will oull j,t uuy otber. For sale bv Dealer everywhere 6cud jnr Catling an nud Pricu List. C'iIAS. G. BLATCHLEY, M iuu. fa turer, 40J Conimerce bl., Philad'a. Pa. f!4,ly 4) 00n per day I Agents Wui.U l! Al r2 $7!j lo jnr moruiY V ' to I,hU classes of working people, of cithel sex, youug or old, make more mouey ut wnk for us In their spare moments, or all the lime' than ut snythiug else. Particulars free. Address, G. STINSON A-CO., Sll-ly. Portltind, M r.