Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 26, 1872, Image 3

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    unlmrjj American.
' lttlroal Time Tfole.
P. & K. R. R oimt Northward.
Rrle Mall. loaves at ":05 m, 'jSSS
Vail 4:X0pm
2rl. Express, " " P
KrlaMall, leaves at 19:45 am
Erie Express, " " 7:40 m
34,(1 lliOSftm
Niagara Express, " 6:80 pm
The Erie Express train remain here about
0 oiioatea for breakfast.
Scnnunr & Lbwistowh R. R.
Mall train leaves at 7.80 a. m., and arrives at
7.80 p. m. Fast Line loave. nt 8.40 p. n., anil
arrlrea at 1.50 p. m.
Mail leave, at 12.35 p. ni.. for Bhamokln and
arrives nt 8.85 p. m. Leave, for Mt. Carmel at
4.40 p. iu., and arrive, at 0.85 a. m.
D. H. AVT. R. R.
Train, leave fftr NovrYork, via Hailcton at
6.U0 a. in., and arrive, at 8.85 p. m.
Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J.
Shlpman, Ticket Atrcnt at the Depot-
Suiting Macihni!-M1ss Caroline Daliusls the
agent for the .alo or the bent Sewlnff Machine.
In existence, vhti "The Improved Btngcr,"
"Orover A Baker," "Howe," ond "Domestic,"
which are con.taiitly on hand and .old a', rea
sonable prices. She 1. also agent for the cele
brated Fronts and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
and eo them. OH:e on Market street, east of
the rallrond. " '.'
Instruction ix Music Miss Anna M.
Schneider Inform, the citlxen. of fluubnry that
.he will give Instrnctlun. on the Piano ond Or
Kan to pupil, at their residences. Term, retmon
able. X. .21,'73.-fit.
For Sale a young Cow, part Alderney. In
quire at tlils office.
A Txit of Court will commence hero on
Monday next, ami continue during the week for
the trial of civil cases.
Stove for Sai.k. Several good stoves for
Kale, nearly new on a base burner. Inquire nt
this office.
A Fink Office. S. B. Boyer, Esq., has lately
added another large book case to his office which
is filled with some of the best legal works pub.,
lished. Boycr's office Is neatly furnished, and
with the fine collection pf books In handsome
cases makes it a very attractive place.
Mr.asHS Kkkfkh Gabs & Co., have opeued a
largo uml select assortment of Goods, nt their
More on the comer of Fourth and Market 9trccts,
Suubury. Their Goods comprises everything
usually "kept In store. Their new Stock makes
ii splendid display, which wi')j sold cheorcr
than ever.
Two light lingered young men stopped at the
house of J. It. Osmon of this place Inst week,
nud stole a watch on leaving the house. Both
the thieves and watch sere found on n potato
car on the N. C. railroad, ready to leave for
Harrisburg. They were brought before Esq.
Brlco who committed them in default of bail.
They gave-their names as Charles McXiurray aud j
Mr. Lewis.
Wiu Ducks arc reported as "thleU as hops"
lu the North Branch of the Susquehanna.
Mm L. Wkisrii has been to Philadelphia nud
New Voik buying In a large stock of Fall and
Winter Millinery goods which will be npeued at
her store on Markit street, this place, in the
course of a Tew days. Dining her absence she
has veiled the principal establishments In New
York and Philadelphia, and secured the most
fashionable goods hi market. Everyhody should
call and sec her magnificent selection.
Mil. W. P.. F. WeiMEii flailed for New York
city n few days ago, to purchase his fall stock of
dry gnn.1, which will be opened next week. 'As
Mr. Welmer will buy nt the head of market. It
may be reasonably expected that his slock will
txccl In beauty, quality nnd low prices.
Jous Bnosciovs, sou of Elias Broseious of this
place, died at his father's residence on Monday of
last week, from the efl'ucls ol the loss of a leg on
the. P. & E. railroad, scvoral weeks ago. Mr.
liroscious was nn cxamplnry young man, and his
loss will fall heavily upon his nlllictcd parents.
Mary O'Bkies, of Big Mountain Colliery,
near Shninokln, having became a terror to her
neighbors, was arrested by constable Kissinger
on Tuesday last for rioting, and put to jail in this
place ou Wednesday morning.
Hoi-si and Lot for sale. Terms easy,
be sold. Apply to P. II. Moore.
New Mii i.iM'.uv Goous. MissL. Shlsslcr has
just returned from New York city aud Philadel
phia, where she purchased a large and handsome
assortment of lullllnary goods, which are now
offered at very low prices, at her stare ou Market
Square. Ladies desiring the latest style., are In
vited to call and examine her stock.
EAcnAiLhTo Salmon. Col. Worrall, Fish
Commissioner, lias secured the deposit of 15,000
ova of the Sacramento 8almou, now being
rirunsported by the United States across the con
tlueut for the Susquehanna river. We hope that
the people along the river will not disturb these
tine fish for some years to come, a. the Impor
tance of the success of this enterprise can scarce
ly be overestimated.
Tub Presbyterian Synod met at Milton ou
Thursday evening of lust week, nnd continued In
session until Monday last. There were a large
number of ministers and delegates present from
the different districts.
Ins following is.tbovote lathi, county for
Constitutional Amendment, Labor Reform and
Temperance Candidates :
For Coustilutionul Amendment 8,191
Against , 80
Labor Reform 1
For ProthonoUry, John Jones 151
Con.titutlosal Delegate, J. A. Cake 188
"Commissioner, John Bhissler... 170
Coroner, Peter Rueh, Ifrl
Auditor 159
Temperance Caudldate. for State OQlceie ; for
Supreme Judge, Henderson received 3 voles.
The following is the vote for Delegates to the
Constitutional Conveulloo in this county t
Levi RooUe, R. of Colon 4,130
Joseph Bally, B. of Uoiry 4,147
John P. Csonmlller, of 8nydtr........ 4,084
Wuekx is Yea&ss 1 Aoioug ths lucldents of
the meeting on Weduesday was ths following 1
As the procession of carriage were pasdng the
Court House, the editor of the Democrat wua fly.
lug about in an excited maimer, askiug everyhody
he met "where Is Yerkes I" "Whete is Yerkes J"
Some one inquired, why be was so much Interest
ed in Yerkes. The reply was they had both ooraa
to grief. One bad lost Uls chaructoc, audi tha
other bad lost, what Is to him worse, the county
printing aud the Sheriff's advertising. Ueuae
(heir mutual sympathy,.
Grand Jom.imcatiok. Immens Crowds At
Enthusiastic Mhtinos. An Imposing Tohoh-,
light Phoceskion. The Jollification meeting an
nounced for Wednesday last, by the cltlscns of
Suubury, Northumberland and vicinity, was quite
a success, not withstanding the Inclemency of the
weather. It commenced raining early la the
morning, and continued to do .0 all day and
throughout the night, yet crowds of people
thronged the streets from early morning until
late at night. Owing to the rain, that part of
programme giving a free dinner on the "Island"
bad to be omitted, and the dinner was given In
both towns nndor shelter. As the first part of the
programme wns to be carried out nt Northumber
land, a large crowd of people had gatheied at the
depot to await tho arrival of the speakers by the
Niagara Express train north. About 1 o'clock,
the train arrived with Gen. J. F. Hartranft, and
Col. F. Jordan, accompanied by part of the com
mittee of arrangement from tsuubury, and tho
Scllnsgrove Cornet bond, and were met by the
Danville Cornet band, and the cithrcns of that
place. The gnests having been placed In car
riages, the procession passed through the princi
pal streets. Gen. Hartranft,- Governor elect, oc
cupied a handsome bnroncho drawn by four hor
ses, which wns followed by some twelve carriages
nnd a number of horsemen mounted. All along
tho streets the General wns the recipient of voci
ferous cheers. Many of the houses, hotels nnd
stores along the route wero handsomely decorat
ed with flags and wreaths, and a number of
handsome flags were placed across the streets.
The procession proceeded to the residence of Amos
E. KHpp, Esq., whero parlors were thrown open,
and a private reception was glveu by tho Gover
nor elect. Hundreds crowded In to take by the
hand the gallunt soldier and much abused can
didate. Refreshments wore' served by the Misses
Kapp, to tho speakers, and a number of Invited
gnests. While the reception took place, the
strangers and cltliscns repaired to Johnson's Hull
whero a free dinner wns served. ' We canuot pass
this part of the programme without compliment
ing the Indies of Northnmberlund for -their pro
ficiency In getting up such a grai.d dinner ut so
short a uoticc. The arrangements were complete
and nude tho management of the committee of
nrrnngenieut from that town, gave general satis
faction. Want of room prevents us from giving
a more extended notice.
After refreshments the procession was reform
ed by J. C. Kapp, marshal of the day, nnd pro
ceeded to the large nail factory of Messrs. Van
Allen c Co., who generously stopped their works
to give shelter to the large throng of people who
came to henr the speakers: A meeting was orga
nized by calling J. K. Davis, Jr., Esq., of Sunbu.
ry, to the chair, 1th A. E. Kapp, Thos. John
son. D. G. Vol is, T. O. Van Allen, dipt. P. Shay,
Jos. Bostly, D. W. Sampsel, J. S. Snyder, Col.
George Wagonseller, nenry Shoop, Thaddrus S.
Shannon nud L. O. Van Allen, ns Vlco Presi
dents, and M. B. Priestley, nnd Richard Bostly
as Secretaries.
Mr. Eavis made a few brief remarks on taking
the chair, and then introduced Col. F. Jordan,
Seeretnry of the Commouwcalth, who made one
of the eloquent nnd argumentative speeches for
which he is noted, and congratulated tho people
on the great victory in Pennsylvania lately
achieved. ITc appealed to them to stand by their
color?, nnd roll up 11 jJiinJoNty of one hundred
thousand, ou the 5th of November next.
General ITartratift made ft forcible speech
1 which was like his speeches during the late re
bellion-short and decisive. He urged the people to
turn out nnd give General Grant a rousing majo
rity ou the 5th of November, and congratulated
them on their great v'.ctory. As the nail factory
was un appropriate place for such a meeting, he
referred to the tariffaud I he laboring classcs,aud
guaranteed them that as fur as he was concern
ed, ho would use his iufiuence to protect the la
boring classes In this State. - ,
. The Hon. J. B. Parker, followed In on able
speech replete with facts, and urged nil to turn
out on the 5th of November, and vote fur Grant
and Wilson, the meu who arc known as staunch
advocates or the lutercsts of the luborers aud me
chanics by protecting our coal and iron interests
in this Commonwealth.
After t he meeting the Hue of procession re
formed and proceeded to Sunbury lu carriages.
At this place the procession passed through sev
eral of the principal streets to the Couit House.
Tho Governor elect, nnd the speakers, stopped nt
the residence of the Hon. J. B. Packer where re
freshments were furnished, and where a number
of our citizcus called upon and congratulated
the Governor elect. A line collation was spread
in the large hall of the Court House for the visi
tors from other places. This part of tho pro
gramme, as at Northumberland, wns performed
by the ladles of Sunbury, wfTo arc ever ready and
willing to lend their nid to a good cause. The
collation was excellent, nnd very creditable to all
parties concerned lu getting It up, nnd we feel
sure was properly appreciated by the guests.
A magnificent torch-light parade took place in
the early part of the evening by the Grant nnd
Wilson clubs of this pluco nnd Shauiokin, ami
other towns. The Shuinokln delegation number
ed between two aud three hundred, who were
under the tnnrshalthip of dipt. A. Caldwell,
headed by a Comet Baud. Many of tho private
residences were beautifully Illuminated, among
which we noticed on Market street the resldeuces
of Hon. J. B. Packer. Miss L. SMssler, S. J.
Packer. Washington House, kept by Col. Neff,
Central Hotel, kept by II. Haas, the residence
of T. D. Grant, on Arch street, and others
which hav escaped our memory. E. T. Drum
heller, proprietor of the "City Hotel," though a
Democrat, kindly permitted hi. Republican
boarders to illumiuuto their rooms lu his hotel,
which made a flue appoarauce. The late victory
having aroused our own enthusiasm, we could
not help but leave our light shine. The Ameri
can office was, we believe, the only printing estab
lishment illuminated. As the procession moved
down Maiket street to the Court House, Dr.
Crcssiuger gave a grand exhibition of Ore works,
adding greatly to the brillkuiL lights of the torch
es, presenting a scene selgB equalled lu this
PlaoV .
After the parade the meeting was organized lu
the Court 4Iouiay tho appointment of Joseph
Bird, Esq4YresideitK'JoRn Haas.C'apt. A. Cald
well, J. L. Hammer, A. Dinius, A. Blasser, Juo.
Biugamau, P. H. Moore, Col. C. Neff and Chas.
B. Boyer as Vice Presidents, and Wm. A. Sober,
and Samuel Raudull, as Secretaries.
Tho Court House was Oiled, to overflowing and j
many were uuuble to secure scats. Col. F. Jor
dan was introduced whose speech was replete
with facts. Ho was followed by Gcu. Hartrauft,
A. C. Simpson, Esq., of Northumberland, aud
Professor Bruce of Piltston. All of the speakers
urged the importance of the voters to turn out
on tho 5th of November ueit. Tho audience
showed their great earnestness for the Republi
can cause by their attention to the speakers uutil
after 10 o'clock, when the meeting adjourned by
giving three hearty chejrs for Grant, Wilson and
the Republican cause.
The committees composed of men from both
towns who arranged matters to carry out tbe
above programmo ,are deserting of credit for the
faithful discbarge of the duties imposed upon
taero. Hud the day been clear, there is no doubt,
from what we have since learued, that at least
ton thousand poisons more would have been add
ed to tke'uiceliag. Delegations from all the
towns on the North and west branches were pre
ftPlcd from participating in couseq-ience of the
htt&meut weather. Notwithstanding Ibis draw.
.Melt, tha whole affair was a succeaa, and a eond
account may be expected from this and neighbor
ing rounties for Grant an4 Wilaoa OU Tuesday
(Published by Request.)
Itlblo Riddle.
There Is a perfect key to tho following riddle
In each of tho stanzas. Some knowledge of ths
Old Tcstnmcnt Is nocessnry In order to solve It 1
The Lord made Adam out of dust.
But thought It best to make ino first 1
Po I was made before the man,
To answer God's most holy plan. '
My body no did make complcto, y '
Bnt without legs, or arms, or feet
My ways and action did control,
And In me put a living soul.
A living being I become
Twas Adam who gn me my namo
Thence from bis presence I withdrew,
No more of Adam ever knew.
t did my Maker's laws obey,
From them I never weut astray
Thousands of miles I go with fear,
And seldom ou tho earth appear.
But God did something In me see,
And put a living soul In me
A soul which soon my God did claim,
And took from me that soul again.
And when from me that soul hnd fled,
I was the same as when first made
And, without hands, or feet, or soul,
I travel uow from polo to pole.
I labor hard both day and nlirltt
To fallen man I. give greut light
Thousands of people, yonnir and old
Will, by death, great light behold.
No fear of death doth troublo me,
Trua happiness I can ucver see,
To heaven I can ucver go,
Nor sluk In death to hell below.
Tho Scripture I cannot believe,
If right or wrorg, I can't conceive
Although my tiumo therein is found,
They are to me nn empty sound.
And now, my friends, these lines you'll rend,
And search llio Scriptures with all speed,
And, If my name yon don't dud tliero,
1 11 tuiuk It strange I do declare.
' Council s?roeediiiK.
ScNiil'RT, Oct. 15, 1872.
Council met. Chief Burgess In the Chair mem
bers present, Charles Gaiingcr, J. M. Cadwaila
der, . W. Smith, W. I.. IJewnr, John Clurk,
Jacob Ilohrhnch and G. B. Cadwallader.
Minutes of lust meeting read and approved.
Bill presented ni:d Orders granted t Sainnel
Pniu17 57; Win Pnrscl 1 75: Geo W Klehl 7 00
Charles Garlnger 8 4; Jerc. Kenn So SO; Henry
Arnold 84 20; Chas. tiaringcr 28 r0; C Rinehnrt
45 45; John Hopper 4 80; Luther Gurtnger 17 71
Chas Hans 87 cts; Rd C F.islcy 0 75; W T Rickey
8 02; John Geist 7 87; Jero Renn 87 cts; Sam'l
Arnold 0 70; Chas Musselinnn 1 75; Isaac Lee
ser 42 75; Simon Kramer 5 25; Jacob (I Beck
13 00"; Chas Martin 87 cts; Samuel Mnnta 0 12;
Frank Miller 4 37; 11 F Diehl S (H!; I' W Gray,
Mai ket Clerk, 1-15 00; Charles Rinchart 40 50;
James F Wheeland (small pox) 25 00; John
Shi-taler 41 87; . Charles F Martin 15 75; Isaac
Leeser fill 00; P W Gray (making tax dup) 25 00
Steam Fire Co. Tor Sept 110 00; J M Bartholo
mew IC 50; C W Gutelius S 00; Ira T Clement
87 9S; Samuel Pain 10 50; Win Malick 3 80; J
H Conlcy A Co, 1(1 00; B F Diehl for Sent 35 00
J O P.cck 27 00; Chas Kineliarl 14 8H; P WGray
second qnr'g salary 1;7 50; Sunbury Gas Co, for
-Tlllv FA flfi. Ilin nnw f.,r Atnrtit 71 111. Il.n i.nnn
for' September 04 !:!; the same for lamp posts 1
nnd rep 46 1)5; B F Diehl forexlra services 8 00. I
Un motion olt, u Cadwallader, jeaolil. That i
tho Chief Burgess be instructed to Inform the Gas
Company that they are to light the street lamps
as per contract ut tit 00 pel post per mouth
adopted. . j
Un motion or Ci. U. Cadwallader, JletolrcJ, '
That Council take action on the w.,.k .lone by :
Garinger aud Kickty, on tliesnut street alone,
and the balance of work ou Fifth street, at some
future uieetim; ; adopted.
David Rockefeller made nn estimate of work
On motion of W 1. Dcwart. V'HoUeu. That
Council tfrant an order to Garlnger nnd ICIekcy j
for the sum of $45 00 iu fall for Chestnut street
from curb to curb, from Third street to the Gut ; !
ndoptcd. .
Ou motion of 0 11 Calwallader, HetuiUeiL That
the tax collector be authorized to make such de
ductions upon tho duplicate a she knows are not,
iu conformity w ith the law, nnd report a record
of tbe same to the auditing committee ; adopted.
On motion of G K Cadwallader, Jictolitil, That
the committee on square be instructed to aar-er-tuin
the expenses of paving and guttering around
the square, pavement t.v be llvn Ux-t wi.M; also :
the comparative cost between flag and brick lor!
the same, and report nt the licit meeting;'
adopted. j
On motion of W L Dowart, Imulreil, That the
town Council be a committee with the Chief Bur- i
gess ns Chairman, whose duty it shall be to pre- j
sent the slaughter houses of "the borough to the
Grand Jury ns nuisances. ;
On motion, Council adjourned until next Tues- !
day night lu rcfercuce to tbe slaughter homes
ana uui'ksiers.
P. W. GRAY, Clerk
St snfiiv, October 22, 1S72.
Mil. Eihtoh Dear Sir: The numerous Im
provements made iu our borough by tho present
council, notwithstanding they met with conside
rable opposition nt first, urc seemingly approved
by everybody now. The only thiiiif we hnve lo re
lrct is that a few mercenary individuals, no
doubt lor sellish ends, have lieen emratri'd In cir
culaliiitr various stories atl'eciinir ourcredit iluan
clally; but as we have been able to 1 uu alon.nnd
fret siillicieut laborers (who, in these, days of
schools, could not bu duped) to do the work, I
did not think it necessary to refer to it, but as it
appears they still continue, to say the orders
could not be paid, I propose to maku the follow
ing statement, which information I received from
the report of tile I'iiuiure Committee through Its
chairman. Major Dcwart. anil the clerk of the !
council, P. V. Gray, to wit: The fund ou which I
we draw for this year, so far as it runic to our j
knowledge, is for road and borough 011 duplicate
in hands of collector for tho year 171, tS,tSi)
Amount of duplicate for the year 1S72, j
iu hands of collector ' O.'.WJ ;
Whole amount
To which niU'l be added the amount
$13,873 I
In I. anils ol collector lor tho year 1
1K70, which has not yd been uscer- I
t lined. Amount of Orders granted j
during our whole term tu date is $S,32'J 26 I
f7M:i 74
leaving a balance In hands nnevpended of 7,543 I
ii. Ill lliese. orders we include all tbat Is due lor
labor and material to October 1. 1S7'.', also two
bounty bonds amounting to nearly fc.SOU, except
ing n few small bills not yet bunded In. Tbe au
diting committee are still at work, and will short
ly report a full statement. We therefore give no
tice to the laboring man not to sell his Orders lo
these men unless he gets lull value forthem.
We iuteud to have the w hole amount of tho
duplicates collected forthwith, and most respect
fully request that all those who have nut yet paid
their taxes to prepare promptly to do so, for the
collector will call ou you any day, as we are com
pelled to call ou him very shortly for tho whole
amount of his duplicate.
Very Rsspsctfullv,
Arni'STA, Oct Ji :r 24, 1S72.
Mb. Editoh : I do not. wish to go Into cor
respondence with any editor in the county, but
when I read such lies, low aud vulgai slang, us
was published iu the North'd County J)4iitocial,
ot lust week, I could uot refrain from saying a
word. Now we all know that the present editor
has beeu imported or transported to Northum
berland county to ruu the Democratic machine,
aud if nothing happens we wftt have the pleasure
of exporting him buck tothe shades from whenco
be cuuio, after the November election, providing
he does not ruu the machine better than he did
on the 8th of October. According to Fowler's
Pfrreuology aud tbe Pblsiognomy of tbe man's
face, we think be will fall far short of his calcu
lations iu November. It Is reported that he will
letiru soon that the Democrats will not vote as he
directs. Poor fellow we are sorry for him. All
of us who live to see tbe uext Presidential elec
tion in November, will see a Republican majority
of seveu hundred votes iu Northumberland coun
ty. If the preseut editor of the Democrat Is left
alone, be will bring it certain. Now 1 say tothe
to the Gazette and American "lay low keep sha
dy, say nothiug," I am sure the brilliant Intel-'
lect of tbe editor of the Northumberland County
Democrat will briug It all right.
The editor of the Democrat seems to feel very
sore over the vast amount of money that be alle
ges was expended to secure the election of Hart
ranft. Would be be kind enough to tell bow
much of that money be received, I And as we re
ceived no share of It In our part of ths county,
will be be kind euougb to meet us Democrats of
Augusta, briugiug his Buckalew change down to
tbe cross roads, and disgorge tbe sum t Now,
Mr. Eichboltx, you know what constitutes the
noblest work of Ood t An houcst man. Come,
without faH we'll all be there."
Jit Avufsta Democrat.
Tnn Kisses siutnlnnd by Individuals who nej
leet to Injure In Kilobit) companies, Is Immense,
nnd many families' who br In comfortablo cir
cumstances coirld often be saved from total ruin
If they would Attend t.Ksurunce In time against
that monster destroyer fire. We ore happy,
however, to notice that many aro nlng the pre
cnatlon of late by getting Insured lu tbo People'
Fire Insurance Couip.nyf Philadelphia, which Is
consldored safe and 'reliable. They also Insdro
llfo at the lowest rates. Mr. Gossler, their agent
at this placo, Is doing a handsome business In
making out policies In this part of tho State.
Business Kotlcs.
Tun man who hoards. Ids money Is a miser.
The man who spends his . money Injudiciously Is
a spendthrift, and comes To ruin. The man who
invests his money earefullj provides for his pre
sent wants, and the wants of his family lu time
to come, Can enjoy his worlT, his meals, his sleep,
nnd be surrounded by bright nnd smiling fncos.
Most of tho latter make their purchases at Wel
mer's popular cash store, i'o. 93, Ilaupts block,
where business is done strictly ou cash principle,
his motto being "Quick Sulci nnd Small Profits."
You nocd no co-operative -store why t because
your cash protects yon credit ruins you. Good
men, w hero credit Is given, pay the profits on lost
BlXKAi.r.w's defeat was Vt surprising to any
one that knew of bis record. Had he remained
at homo Instead of going to Canada to look after
tho Indians his chances wonl' have been belter.
Thos. G. Nott, the merrliaiiAailor of this place
adopted a different plan ( being a Democrat in
principle, ho staid at home, md wrote'to New
York and Philadelphia trsnactcd his business
by letter not with tbe Indie u, but with the lar
gest' Cloth establishments In the country. The
result Is that ho received finest nud best
goods lu the city Markets., Is now engaged
in making up some forty suits uir his customers,
aud we venture to say fuel much happier than
Buckalew does ovor his Indian-expedition.
Morn Boots and Shops, W. II. Miller is now
opening his Fall Stock of Bouls and Shoes nt tho
Excelsior. His assortment is ti A surpassed any
where, aud being constantly In receipt of new
styles, no one can go amiss lu getting, not only
the best, but the latest stylus.
Ot.u paper to-day on the ontiUe is on the 5th
Instead of 12th. In the hurry of making up, it
A'ns neglected to be changed.
Stovks. Several good second-band stoves for
;.-.le cheap. Enquire nt this oifico.
The greatest want of tho present age is men
and women, healthy and vigorous In in id nnd
body. Tho continued headaches, weaknesses,
nei votisnees, nud varying ailments which nlllict
women arc generally tho rcsoTTof imperfect ac
tion of the stomach and other vital organs. Dr.
Walker's California Vineoar Bitteus, being
composed entirely of vegetable substances indi
genous to California, inliy be taken with perfect
inf,,- l,T '!'B "i0"1 dd'cale. and are a sure remc-
a-v' correcting nil wrong nciuin aim giing new
"o"' " -J
.. .
. ipeclllt SotlCCS.
Marriuec-. Essavs for Young Men. on
f;r( Kocirt, Evi,8 aU(, A,;,., H-lU.l, Interfere
wili Ma , rull, UlB bapplucse of thou-
.amis. with s ure means of rel-e.l for iho Errinir
nnd Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated
In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge,
Address, Howard Association,
No." 'i South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
- o
- c. a
'S a & E
S a
.2 - -4
p. t 0
5"J g.
a 5 a
a a
J -3
p - 1 a
The llcv. William II. Norton, while residing
In llrazil as a missionary, discovered in that
land of medicines a remedy for Cossi'mption,
ttrnorri.A, Sour Tintovr, Collins.,
Asthma, am Nkiivoi k Weakness. This rem
edy hns cured myself after all other medicines
had failed.
Wi-hin" to benefit tho sufferiiii;. I will send
1 the recipe for preparing and using this remedy to
; all who desire it Hi EE OK Cil AHdE.
Please send an envelope, with your nanio and
address on It. Address,
GT0 BiiovDWAV,
1-mri. ly. New Yoiik Citv,
PUBLISHED as a warning and for the bencllt
of young men usd uturt who sutler from
Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup
Written by onu who cured himself, after under
going considerable ipiackery, nnd sent free on re
ceiving a post-paid directed envelope.
June R, '72. 1'inios. Brooklyn. N. Y.
At tho M.
K. parsonage, on the 25th Sept.,
Peuepacker, Mr. Josiaii Eassoi.d
by Kev. O. D.
to MUs Flohink M. tiHiNDKi, both ofgunbury.
Ou the 0th Inst ., nt the residence of the bride's
parent, by the Rev. Charles H. Yanilyne, Chas.
(i. Davis, iif Lewisburg, nnd F.mii.V 1. daughter
of Win. Elliot of Northumberland.
In Sunbury, on the 19th Inst., nt the residence
of Dr. Crcssiuger, by Rev J U Crcssiuger, of Ash
land, Ohio, Mr Jamkh Common and 11 Aiiletta
Mf-ini.ek, both of Danville. Pa.
At Welsh Run, Penirtt, October 18, 1H7
ELEANOKA ANtil.E, mother of Dr J 8
!, Mrs
formerly of this place, in lier list year.
At deoretown, ou the 10th Inst., WM. HEN
RY, son of JW and Elizabeth Drclbeibis, gej
4 mouths.
I'loiir Hiiil Gruiu Market.
F.xt ra Family tlS.OO Red Wheat, p. bu., 2.00
IJiicKwtieat, p. cl., o.uu itye,
Corn Meul, " Corn, "
Wheal Bren, p. bu. 1.5U Buckwheat '
Shorts, 2.00 Oats, 32 lbs.,
Corn At Outs Chop, 2.00 Flaxseed,
Timothy Seed, p. b. 8.00:
lrolute Market.
Potatoes, 50 Hums,
Eggs, per dos., 18 Tallow,
Butter, per lb., 85 Country Soap,
, 12 Urled Apples,
lOj " Peaches,
! Shoulders.
Adaiultrator'si N'uiire.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad
ministration having beeu granted tothe un
dersigned ou the estate of Mrs. Mary C. With
ingtou, late of tho borough of Buubur;, North'd
county, Pa., dee. Ail those knowlug themselves
indebted to said estate art requested to make im
mediate payment, aud persons having claims
will present them for settlement.
Hunbnrv, Sept. 14, 1U79. Ot.
(iti bbcrlismcnts.
A Farm for Sale.
THE undersigned ofloin nt prlvato sale, his
Farm, containing about SO Acres, situa
ted In Lower Auirusta township. Northumberland
county, ou the Plum Creek road about 8; miles i
oast of Sunbury, hounded by lanes of Dnnlnl r.
Conrad, Henry tiavldgc, Joseph Gass, nnd others.
The Improvements consist of a good well-arranged
rrninn House, n large rlnnK liarn, witn
Wagon House and Coin Crib attached.
Srrinir House over a never-falllng Spring,
and all other necessary out door building,-Apple
Orchard of choice fruit In good bearing order.
About 8 acres of good Oak Timber, u riinnin
stream of water through the farm. Part of the
purchase money can remain In the farm. For
further particulars, call on or address,
Sept. 7lh, l?72.-3m. Suubury, Pn.
N. 15 Market Street,
V II I L, A D E L T II I A .
Wo have opened for tho Fall Trade, the largest
and best assorted stock of
Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths,
Window Shades and Pn-r, Carpet Chain,
Cotton. Ynrn, Batting, Wadding, Twines,
Wleks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets,
Uronins, Baskets, Buckets, Brushes,
Clothes Wringers, Wo dcn and
Willow Ware,
Our largo Increase in business-enables us to
sell nt low prices, and furnish the best quality of .
SOI.R '.OUSTS Fon Till!
PnitK, 83.50.
Tho most PaYfcct and Successful Washer cvor
Agents Wanted for tho American Washer in
all parts of the State. Sept. 7, ;!ni.
hpriug n:id Summer Opening
Ilata ami lionnctn, Trimmed and
nil new styles.
'rijt Veil cf nil UrnIcN.
and everything usually kept In a Millinery Store.
Cull ut .
M. L. GOSSLF.R'S Store,
45 South Fourth Street, below the S. V. K. It.,
April 20, 1872.
(i E O 11 G E M. It E N N ,
7n Simpson' Hirthliwj, Mirkfjf Sji'mv,
Srsnruv, Pa.,
1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining
to Dentistry. He keeps constantly ou hand
a largo assortment of Teeth, utid other Dental
material, from which he will be able to select,
nnd iih'ia. me wants of his customers.
AH worK warranted to give satisfaction, or else
tin money refunded.
The very MoutbAYash and Tooth-Pow ders
kept on hand.
His references arc tho numerous patrons for
1 rioni he has worked for the last twulvu years.
CIIIIOIIIV, Ui 1, lllv.
: 'I'KT A 1 - 1 ATI: It I A lis.
To Order nt Moderate. Prices.
Masonic Hall, 719 Clicstntit Street, Phil'a.
June 22, IST'i. im.
ivui.y I'Riti: i.ivr.
H. & A. O. VAN BEIL,
1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Prices Champagne, (Iu Currency.)
Ernest Irroy, Carte Blanche, 1! f0
" ' Special Extra Dry, S- 25
Piper Heidsick, 21! 25
(j. II. Mumin's Dry Yerzunay Depot lu 2J1 75
" Extra Dry, ) Pbilud'a 24 f.5
L. Rocdcrcr, Dry Sehreider, 23 25
" Dry Sillerv, 211 f i
' Imperial, ' 25 75
" Carte Blauche, 20 75
Pomni"roy Sec, 27 75
Dry .Monopole, 24. 55
Napoleon's Cabinet, 24 25
Veuve Clicquot, 23 l.'O
Prices advance or decline with Cold.
Very Fine Old live Whiskey,
Our "Yellow Seal" Sherry,
Blue Seal Brandy, 4iU10,"
Sept. 21, 1871. 1111.
til 00 ptr dz.
11 00 per doz.
lio (JO per doz.
W. H. Clanks,
Decorating and Paper Han;;irg done iu the
latet-t improved style.
Orders-oollcited, which will receive prompt nt
tention. Residence ill Purdytown, Enieriek"s buililiiig.
buubuiyf May ll,'l8PJ.-tf. .
M AI. El! IS
American it ml Kuroptuiu
lerIVrtet Neetaclesi uu.I I'ye
Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and war
ranted. Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa.
Feb. 8, 18T3.-tf.
Third Street, opposite Ceutral Hotel,
KEEP constantly on hand tbe very choicest
of fresh
which is sold at tbe lowest prices. Meat can be
bad st all hours during tbe day,
gi'bbtuy. Pa , Juus 4.
Geo. Evans & Co.,
914 Market street, riiilndolDiVin,
Military, Band t Firo Organization!!
promptly uniformed.
Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent
free on application.
Ours being the leading houco 011 Military work,
wo feel that wo can ofS-r Inducements which can
not bo nttnlned nnywhero else.
Aug. 24, 1873.
itlunliood 1 How l.ostt, How ItcMlor
cd !
pfsjfce-Jiist piibllxhed, a new edition of Dr.
EWSAY 011 the riwlieal cure (without medicine)
nr SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Wcakii'-ss,
1 11 vol until iv Seminal Losses. I M l'OT !V .
Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment
to Marriajre, dc. , also, nniiniptlon, Kpiu-psy,
nnd Fits, induced by self-iuduljeiicu or sexual
cxlravHirance. 1
l if Price, iu n scaled envelope, only fi ccntr.
The celebrated author, in this admirable es- j
say, clearly demonstrates, from n thirty . ai' ',
cuteossful pra'tlec, that the alarminc; rim
qmaices of self-abase may hn radically c-ir.-1
without the (Ijrm'ious use of internal uic.l!ci:.:
or the appliiation of tile knife i poiutintt out a;
mode of euro nt oneit simple, ccrlain, nnd cll'.-c- '
til ll, by ineaus of which every suHtier. 110 mat- 1
tcr what his condition iiiay be, may cure himself
cheaply, privately nud radicalis. !
ir This L eat are" should Im in the liamis of
every youth and cvory man in the laud. !
Seut, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any .
iid.lrcis, postpaid, ou receipt of six cent-, or two
postage stamps. '
Also, Dr. Culverwsli's ''.VLirriaito (inili,"
price 50 cents. Address the I'ublnln v,
P. O. Rot, 4,5"i!. 'J7 Bowery, New Voik. '
April V,, 1X72. 1
A, t "ble nrticlfs, sell at si ;lil.
VDntGCj. ) Catalogues and o-ic sample
free. N'. Y. MT g Co., SI Coiirtiaudt St. X. Y. liv
llAS'D" ST AM PS" all varieties, Ciicnlars fur
Ats Wanted. W. II. II. Davis & Co.. Mfrj. 7y
Naisuc bt., N. Y. Iw.
S.-ii.t 0I ...1..
for Ill'd Cnli'locn".
J. tlickii'.li Co.,
ITS UuiliUui;. A.
Warruu fsl., N. Y.
y scudiiiu t'Jt) CENTS with
arc, hcilith, color of eyes & hair, you will le
ceive by return mail, 11 correct picture of Jour
future husband it wifu, with name and dal of
Marriaie. Address W. VOX. P. U. Drawer, No
SO, l'ultouvlllc, X. Y, 4.v.
cur.ti F.inns! rii:i:
13 . Hi:? !!
Ou the line of th I'nloa Pac
die l..u.road, 1C,-
OjO.iVOucri 3 of the best r.uiii:' and Miu
londs in Ami'iicn.
U,U),0lJ Acns in Nebraska, iu the Piatte Val
ly now for sale.
.tliltl Ciiiitalf, Fertile Kail,
for drain rowius aivl Stock K-iisiuj; ims.:! pr-s.: I
by any iu the L'nited t'.tat.-s.
Cheaper in Price-, iivne favorable i,.,.s Li''ii.
and inore 1 ouvniiirnt to 111:11 ii-.t i!ian t an be found
Free lloincstcacls for Actual St-Ulvis.
The be.'t location for Colonies
tied to a iioi.ieaiead of 100 Acres
IS lid for U.e in v ..VTcrlpliT.- Pain; lim, wit'u!
new maps, pubii-hcU in English, Ccrmuu, Fwo-i
disli ami Danish, niuiicti free evei vwliere. 1
Address, 0. K. DAVIS,
i v. Lund Conr C. i'. K. R. ;,.., Oiualm, Neb.
first Preniuia H H Aal::;.lS71
Double Elevated Ovi 11, Warming Closet. Broil
ing Door l eu It r fiuanl, Dumping and shaklcn
irate. Id ret Drall.
11 LLEli, W All KEN &
CO., 2D'i Water Street,
New York. S'Jl-4w.
Ilultimorr, M3. j
The next Annual Session of this Inrtit ulion will
I begin 1 cl iiber 1st, 1 S7-, and eomiuue live month-.. !
: The Clinical udvuutagesof I he School arc uuur- !
I p asset'.. j
1-ces Ineluiliiig Hi-sei tlon iV Hi iso tal Tickets ?i 5 i
For Caialogaes cmtaiaing lull paitieiilars a - j
It!,' It. I'' I'1IA ir I'LUll': im? 1 . - I
lii'. Baltimore,' Md.
B&i) io 3)0 per mciiifl.nX'ne-
inale, to Inlroduc tbft (ienulne Imp ovul
Tl.'iimimm Sense Family Sewjng Maeliiue.TIrs
machine v. ill Flitch, hem. fi :l. tuck, ip.i't,
eoid. bind, lirnltl and eu'.liroMer iu a in f-t
'"superior manner. Price 011'y 15. Ful y li
jSccnserl nud warranted for live years. We will
1 p iv ci,U'iLMor any machine that wills a
I siionr"r,!iiore beautiful, or more elastic neaiu
! nuiii ours. it mal;es tli '"tlastie Lock
I t'liii'ii." Evei v st co. nl slieh cau he er.t.nnil
stl!l tile cloi.'i caiiuot be pu'.lcd apart without
JjJ tearing it. We pay agent from tJ3 to i'.'5J
; " per Itiontli and expense, or a connni.-s';'i,i
ZJZ t'roin wbieli tu;.'.- tl,:,i 111. 1, mnt t'.ln bu 111 ide.
I Address SE' O.MIS CO., Boston .!;...,
; i'ittnburgli, Pa., CUb-ago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. lv
I A'.ENTi) WANTED LOOK II"KE ! ! Tl.ri.ew
I Si'b'iiilitlly lllistrated E lui.'ii of ROBINSON'
) ,I;CStiE ju-l out, i the Ii.o.-t p, . u'.:.r lol; in
print. .V.'s pages. Unit . I paper, only v. .50, ea-y
woith S;;,5i). Sells iiiiek ttii.l l'a-t. Paying ihO
totl.'iOu ween. Tiiiiis of this and m.r new
Bibles, sent free, uU.i, 1 10A;,'eiHs' P'k't (.' nip.ui
I011. lw
Hutbar Bros, pi.b'ti.-ber, S.i'iMiiu St., l'lii'a.
WANTED Expeil.uccl Hook Agents nn I
Cauvas-cis, iu ull pails of the I'. S. to se'l t!ic
Memoir ot Roger Brooke Tancv. C bief Jili'-e o!
I the Supreme Court of tliel . S. J -,;""N'o book
j lieieltilore published In Ibis country, throws so
I iiiueh light upon mil Con.-til ut it.nal ami political
Hl.-tory. It is a work uf uu.v interest
and of permanent value tothe lli.-toriitii, the
Lawyer, the Statesman, the. I'olil iei ins, and
every class of intelligent renders. Irt?So!d by
Subrcription only I'.xcliuhc 'lirritory given. f .v
t-yFor Terms, for this and other lVpular
address at once, Murphy tt Co. Publishers, Bal
timore. Aoents Wasii:d Fon LIKE ) UTAH Being
an expose of the secict lites and Mysteries ol
inormouism. With a full and nut hemic history
of Polygamy, by J. 11. Deadly Editor of the S:i 'l
Lake hVporicr.
Agents are meetlii',' il'.i unpieef li uted suc
cess, one ret orts l-.ri subscribers In four days.
another 71 iu two days. Send for Circulars and I
see what the pros says of the uoik. Addioss, i
National rub.tsbiug (. o. I'blluilelpbi.i l a. 4w
"God giant that this precious book may find
Its way to every family In the bind," i:ni 1
pioiniiieiil refo-mvr, ol T. S. Arthur's last grejtt
witlisiniiding Us linineitsc sale, we desire to ex
tend Its Influence stlil further, and call for none
nid t J Introduce ll to every comer of our laud,
ll Is highly endorsed by .Tutijje black, P. H. Orne.
Neal Dow "and others. Will do muie good lliuu
any prohibition lawever framed. It isili beyond
p irullcl. Ageuts have done and aiedoin splen
didly with It. One has sold over 6e)0 copies.
Owing to its great success we are enablsd to of
fer especially larfre discounts. Send for Lias
trilled circulars aud terms, and enter Into this
great oil at dice. J. M. SluJu't 4 Co. Pha'.
de!ohii. iw
til m Wm
DON'T bo docoiw.l, but for c"iihs colds. ' o
throat, lioisiMU fS and liroii'ui.-il diilicuah "a. o
only '
Woithlrss Imitations r; nn iln market, lint
the only sclentiHe pn p.irnl a.n ot ,m ' o!'." Aral
for Lung diseases Is when chi-mlcnlly f-iinbli.e.i
with other well kn n remedies n- iii kr? Tub
lets, nud nil parties are cai.l.oiMu i u.ii.'.-l u-h'i;
any other.
Ill all cases of irritation of tlrinarpu? lnrni
branre these Tabid sliould bi freely ti.ed, tin ir
Cleansing nnd healing propi ill s arc at-tonlr-l dug.-
li warned, never ticglutn mid, it Is easily
cured In its Incipient state, w lien ill. I.ri'nnx-
chronic the care is eXFi'i'diiig'y ditlicull , ll: 0 wells'
Carbolic TabtrH ns n t ,--' iMi'.
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Plait PI.. Now Virlf,
4w ..!c VigiMil lor Unit" I M iles.
Price 25 cents a link. Send for Circular.
i ble Bonk anil gnat success. 1Mb Kdition now
j ready for Agent. Nothing payb 1.1; 2 It. 4w.
veo. .iHt.-u'!iii, 1 iiua-ucr, iu.i transom r?t., run.
O 1 A made from f;0rts. Call and examine"
f 1X1 or 1! samples sent t r,:.-!;.-,:r.. rr.r 1 fm-
I 50 cts. that retail quick for l. H. I.. WOi,-
COTT, U?l Chatham Square, N. y. :J1-Jw.
yP, P.F, A prosptctus of the IVopic's Stand
"JAJlnH Bible, MO Illustrations, will be
TO !U....t f..... tr ..II linnk , I
ttf.Trrin 1 ..i.i.. .. 1 yiiv.'t 1. o ..
0. Mi CUiiDY, S'll Arch St. Pliila. Pa.
TJxj clunnmir.v.oi Sor.I Intriuliig."
JL llow cilhcr wx may rusciualc. r.nd ain ihd
love and nT 'lions of any person they clriosc, in
stantly This simpler Tin nlal ac'ii.irciiii it 1 1 1
j rn." l"Jscss, free, by mail, lor
'-'." d:i. toL'.-thisr
Willi a niHniairr guij.,, Kuyj tlju (TBrlc, Li.-mis,
Hint tu La'.lics. ko. A iii-i.t, cX'.-i' Iniuk.
Hiij.lKKl sold. Adiic-s T. WILLIAM .V CO..
fJl-4w 1'liili.
I)U T Y O F F T E A S !
Extra lmiut-riucpU for Citiiw.
Wiii.di Loidains fall i'N!'''ii::.t:ol of i'l t. ;'ii,i:r,s,
V c.
IIIK WAY It) oUTAlX cri;
l''.-i'.-oii. II i-,i;t at a ditauve fio-n i: Yoik,
c mi club ti-ii'. tin 1, and ft thvm at 1 .11: .-alo" ,.t :c
a-i v.' -.r'l ta'u to iMir i .tit l.t:ti-t r; :ii INVa Voili.
In oitl r lo ;-:t i, i ...lL ii j , rtJ j:i -.vislnu;;
I. 0 join ray I.O'V miu ii IV a I: ''--, an 1 .-e'ect
the find .nid pr.' Iran: ftiir i'ri-. 1: j.i.-l, ar- I'ult-
II. lit-! in oar :!:..-. I n .. V, 1 it a tl,t. niuu.., liind.t
anti nuitj.tiit i.ti.ilv tin ;i i;t . n:i'l 1 1 - -: i tiK' cia'i
is lomplitj ihikI it to i. j bv in.ii:. ;.r. .1
put each p.'iity'- in fc; .1. .:!. p;.i'l.j
marl; tbe inline upon llto.ii, '.:h ll".'
llttro need im 110 co.ifnM.jn in ili-lr'.l. itiv
party (r-ttint exactly ii-at hs i.rdiT-..
more. 'I he fund to pay for liood
be sfnl by ilr.lfrSoli N '. York, i'o.-l-i .,'n
ordiis, or l-y ispio.-s. O:', i e : it'
scud Ibe jjoo.U by I.q n.-.s to
(:! iw. p. ( L.-x ' ';.
ive wi I
.-. , an i
1. .-1, r 1
Mill lit
''I ran
e inoiiev
t Oil
w ok l o-1 : 1: x 0 v x r. n pat k x t
Glove-Fitting Corbet.
fi&&HZ3t&&v Corset bas uvcr t uioved
''-'.4irv" --.-r-V'iS ueli a world-wiie porulail-
1 11 ior laei is
.'..nutiv iiicreastns, bo-
t:::.v give
C ST;;
A.. Haud-r.:..', D'.iruble,
i'.cOiio'.nieai, and a
lyil'l.CJVLD, U.MilN AI.LL.
Im'.i'I". .'ttv .-'.I-
i: I i.l.l1:
'V .mm;;
'aler 5-t.
iv V.'i
ll ir, not a j b .-le wlueli may u've l'-m;-.':ii:v
relief to the sulVcn r t r the lirst ft d but
which, lioni coi.Iiiiin -d l'.sO brini; t I'i 1 - ami l-.ii;-tired
disease-, tfi nid 111 Weakening la.- in .a'i I, ih'
is it .1 iloetoie 1 li
, which, iiielt
so extensile
rt-iga reun f.
ami ii
1 Ih
! I'
po; 11';'
u.e I u
name of !'.:'.! 1 -"
ou th" p. lb. it us so
most power! 'il 'i'olil
, I'M 11 is
'' l.uat!..
mi by lb" ieading l ied
mill i'i. l is. and I'as. bee
p'.ij'si'.ians ol ilhcr .
inidial ivvilts.
atillit.i '
ag I."-1
- i'i 1
1. 1.
I e
retains all the i.n-.lic-il viif.a
plant aud l.u: l be ,.s ;
Is 1 lu nt want of .U'l'.i.n i-i 1"
1 e'
a T
L"u!e-s re'lcvt 1 :-t
pure by delel' i ions
11 liult:--. 11
io-.;; or skin tli-e.i--'.-. 1
Canker. Pl-op e-, ,Ve.. .
Tak" Jin iilt. L-i t
the" l b!' t I 10 In
line vol. a Dyspe;
il.V .
tic Slo
I.mI the
gi siit.n i- pr..:ii; 1
I' d vitli lo-D-op-ieal
I f .1-ee, p.
, iene:a!
V, .,1
Take it to at
Will imparl vie
Have voii w
-,-t Dii.i-rliou v.
1 bl ol igor to t
akners of lb
Int. si.
:x 11- in !
:-.T ot Cll-o-.'.e Di;.:-i'
nation of the Bowel.-
fill I nil
Take It lo allay Irii'.aCo.i :n..l "
cy to iiii'.auiniuliuiis.
Have yi. a e.:!.u. -s cf I.e.- t'i' ,
Organs f You must procure Pi :
are liable to sull'i :ii.' ivt 1 -e 1 a.tii
Take it to &ti'i'iigt';:en 01 lai-' t
beeniiies a ii'.ndeii.
Kiiiaii.v ii should 1.:- ft 111' v
the sjstt'iu iu pi-rl'i t-t'ili .i y
lu urea! danger f, I'..'... .-:
gions tlisi as,--,
JOHN y. Uf l.l.illlO. 1 5 PI:
S'tie .se,.it '.. 1 th:
Piie., m vt IM;:, . S.-nl f-r t
,1 t '
. r a : e
t i Tll.l-
V. Y.
.! S'l UH
s l!uaV'. ill
ir Tiislel-s.
fZ Cheap.
, iiur.ib.-.
ibe u-.
If. 1st ll,' I
l'.iter.i' 1
New IV.
il lo
nn !
1; ';
1 it 1 be v.
moving 1
the Join!
' il:
. :.-.i, tl:--!i
nt e Vol
iT C.'.l .'
. T-"itl.I.Y
1 :..i'a. 1'a.
sa.ea, tin t . ili tt.i! : 1 I a
Dealers twivv. ,eie. !v 1
Price List. ' lli.VS. O
fuel Iter, 50C Coinuieroe tt.
tl I
i U". 1 per day! Averts Waiite.l ! A
pj 10 Q-.i c! iHi-5 t f working coiile, of c'.l!..
I sex, yonn? or o'.J, innke more trunicy nt wr:
for us iu tin ir spam nionieniK, or all the tin
, than at anything else. Puitieiilms fice.
AdJrvis, 0. STINSOM & CO.,
, Sil ly. Portland, Malt
. TiT't I NU. 1 v'.-iy O. im t hi i::g staii.pi-d with the
; in-uin Tlii'Mi-s'.N, i'i! I the trade-inai I; a Crowu.
, fo'.d !. all I-i-t-CIa: : !) :i!. ;'.. r2t-4w.
! m si D! ir
Pow.-ifnl mil rci:-;mii;l'lo. Jairics A.
Lau.uii, Pat j:.te:'.
1 1 1.1 1.1;. yai:i:i:
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