Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 26, 1872, Image 1

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is rrm,isnED bveut Saturday bt
EM'L "WTLVERT, Proprietor,
Mooro A Dlsiliiifer'a Building, Market Pqtmro,
At l.BO In Advnnce.
II not pnld within 6 Month $3.
RHbicrlptioni taken for Utt than te Month.
Covxr-cmn with this establishment Is an cxtcn
slveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a vnrtcty of
plain and fancy type tnn to any establishment
n the Interior of the State, for which the patron
nge. of the public It respectfully solicited.
IK. CIl.tS. M. MAttTIX,
Snijluiry, Pcnn'a.
OlTlee pu Front Street, next door t Hans &
Cilice Honrs. Until Sam. From 13 to 1 p m.
From 5 to 6 p m.,nnd after 9 o'clock p m.
At nil other hours when not professionally en
(rased, can be found at Drug More, on Third St.,
next to Clement House. . Mig3,'73.-ly
SH. ISO YEW. Attorney and Counsellor
nt Law. It'io ns No. 3 8 Second Floor,
Biishl's Uulldlns, SUSDURV, PA. Profession
business attended to, In tlio courts of Northum
boiland and adjoining counties. Also, In the
Virntit and DlntrietiCourts for tho Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect
ed. Particular attention paid to easel In Bank-'
rnptf!. Coi' can bo hud in the Ger
man' Inngnau'n. mar2o,'71.
LX. UASE, Attorney nt Law, PUN
BURY, PA., oillce in Master's Building
near the Court House, l'ront Boom up stairs
aho.e the Pro Ptore: Collections made lii Nor
thumberland ami ad.ioiniiiir counties.
Sanbury, Pa., June lSI'J.
rp SI. H. K ASK. Attorney nt Law, 9UV
JLs HUKY.PA. Otll:o In the Clement Bnlld
(linL's, second floor. Entrance on Market street.
Professional business iu this auil adjoining coun
ties prompt I v attended to.
Sunbury, March 111, 1 873.-1 y. '
J;. JIAKHI.F. .V CO. Market Street,
IV.ilcrn la Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
'5'ii-m. Varnishe". "Llouors, Tobacco, Cigars.
Pocket I! Kiks, Dairies, ,v.c. j
"t I. WOI.VEHTON, Attorney nt Law.
!5. Market S.piare, SUNBURY, PA. Profesflon- ,
al biiflnes'i in this and adjoining counties prompt-
y iitteiidtid to. , . I
f A. KI'.I?IEXSXY1ER. Attorney at!
I l.nw. SUNBURY. PA. All business en- I
ti ii it.l to hU cai-j attended topromi'tly and with i
,, npia"-7 I
- i.--,-. -..-.-i,i,;.7r-. t- ttT.
lU'RY, PA Collections attended to in
ih r.v.iutics of Northumberland. Union, fnyder,
Montour. Columbia and Lycominif. npllO-ti''
V. i:i5K i:, Attorney at Law,,
Pu. Otllee in Masonic Hall lliilldiug. I
folleetlons of claims, writlajs, and all kind of )
buslncs ttttende I to carefully and with;
.lipaich. H April H, 1S71- ly. ;
eL'.':5?: ?:ai.icm,
atto?.n ny at lwv,
Ofdec at his residence on Arch street, one square j
north of the Court House, near the 'j-iil, SUN- ,
HURT, PA. t.'olleetlon. and all professional ;
Imsiness iTonijn ly ettendcl to in this ami adjoin- ;
ing x-ounlies. Consultations can be had in the j
t Ionian laiigunge. JabyS7-lK72.
j. w. zir.m.r.i!. 1. T. itoiutnACtt. j
y.iE.oi.r.R .v itoiiKnACii,
Or.l.c in'ii BiiildliiS, lately occupied by j
J11 V;i: Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbaeh, j
Collections and all professional business I
pr-mptly ntttinlel to In t!y.i Conrts of Northum- I
berhiud and adjoining counties.
Dee. 2.1 S71. !
'vrao.vis. iioi'Ki.,
w. v. Krrr::r.y.
Noutii'd CnrsTV,
M r. 'A!::4?.t.
fcn'Ml'v locate 1 in t'i" town, nnd nnip'n ne
c.i ,i.Mo l;ftion. f.i'-ii'.-'i-d t'i the travelinc p ibiic.
A convey Jaee runs to an I froia every passenger i
train fre' "f clen j;e. . i
Ja'v 27, 1-..7.'.
iaM!iTxX IKU'Si;, .'. NEKF !
l'roorl'-tor, f'ori'.er of Market ,v fceeo'nl .
Ft reels, oiJi-ofile the Coil 1 1 House, Suuhliry,
1 MaViS.'Vil.
A I.I.r.tJIIKXY SIOi-l A. BF.rK,
l'ro)irietor, Nos.Sl J and Ki t Market Street. ;
above, eighth, 1'IUI.A DEI.PIl I A. Terms, $2
per d iy. lie respectfully solicit.! your pat ron-
N'ATlOXAli !JTl''.l.. AUGl'-STUS ;
VAl.l, Proprietor, tieorgetown North'.l '
County, Pa., at the Station ofthe N. C. U. V.
Choice wines and cigars at the bar.
The table la supplied, with the best tan marke t
niliiids. Jood Bl.ililine and attentive ostlers.
lIMiijSTs kSta it a st7
I.OU IS 111' MM Kb, Proprietor,
Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. i
Having just relltted tho above Saloon for tlie ,
accomodation of the public, is now prepared to
serve jis friends with the best tefieshments, and '
fresh Lager liecr, Ale, Porter, and ail other malt ;
ijuors. i
'T.r liio riiii xn u'TKio j
JOSEPH BACIIKK, Proprietor, !
Third Street, near tho Drpot,
This hotel is conducted on the Kuropean plan.
Meals, at all hours day and night. A Ladies' ;
Saloon ntt leln-d. The hot of Liquors kept at i
1 lie lei i'. Charges moderate. IniaylS.'T'J.
ttvi.i:i.v s iiaiii.. '
J D8IA11 liYl.ltl.V, Proprietor, Lower Maha- !
noy township, NoithuinbcrlHiid county. Pa., ;
on the road leading from Georgetown to Union
town, Smith Inn, Trevorton Pottsville, Ac. j
The ehoiee-t Liipiors and 8cgar at tlie bar. '.
The tables are provided with the best of the ic.i
f on. Stabling large aud well suited for drovers, j
with god o.-tlcrs.
Kvcry atteutloa paid to make guests eomfoila
tile. Nov. 11, l.S7l.-ly.
bating l3ouse.
Valtz &TBright,
Third Street, opposite the Mooie & l)l.-singer
have opened an F.atlug House, nnd furnish
.lleulsj nt Hll Honrs.
All kinds of (ianio in season, Fish, Turtle, Oys
ters, Ac, ure served up In the best style.
Families supplied w ill Turtle Soup, i&e., nt
trie idiorteft notice.
The bet ol Malt Llipiorj at the Bar.
Juno L'J, 1S7-J. tf.
W. . KIlOAllS. i. r.kt'K Bit HAAS
-r-tr S. RIIOAOK tV CO.,
T KETAIt. llKAl.tHi OF
OrfirB with Haas, Faoei.v & Co.,
Orders left at Seasholtz & lfro's., oltlcc Market
4 iect, will receive prompt attention. Country
ustoin respectlully solkiied.
Feb. 4, 1S71. It'.
rTAI.EXTIXE IHKTZ, Wholesale and
V Iietnll dealer In every variety of
Alt kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal.
Orders solicited and nllert promptly. Orders left
nt H. F. Nevin's Confectionery Store, on Third
Street, will reeieve prompt iiltcntion, aud money
re.-eiptfd for. Ihe sump a at the olHee.
m:w oae yakii.
rilllE undersigned having connected the Coal
X business with hiseittciive FLOUR4GKAIN
trade, is prepared to supply families with the
Fgg, Stove nnd Nut, constantly on hand. Grain
taken la exchange lor Coal.
Piinhnry, Jan. IS. 1S70. tf.
I?nfrn1?11ilied. In
opposite tho Court nonse,
THE undersigned hns returned from tho Ver
mont Marble Quarries with 50 Tons or
Marble for
irtounniciitft, Cirnvf-Stoue,
&c, &c.
Ho has bought nt snch flgnres that
will allow him to sell better stone, for
less money, than heretofore. The best
Sutherland Falls Marble,
which Is better than Italian. Rutland Is now
sold as low ns the Manchester.
Those who need anything iu tho Marble line,
for Monuments, 0 rave-Stones, or other purposes,
will flud H to their Interest to call and examine
this Inruo stock, as better bargains can be secur
ed thnn buying from parties 'huckstering' rouud
the country.
All lettering will bo done In llio neatest and
most Improved style.
"Sunbury, June 9, 1X73.
Flour, M, Fruit ani Ve&etaMe Store,
Spruce- Street, between Front and Second,
having Just opened a Store at tho abovo place,
where all kinds of of the best brands of
11 our immI Feed
will bs sold nt creatly reduced prices. The cele
brated Buck's Mills Flour will be kept conttuntly
on hind. Also, all kinds of
Feed, Grain, Corn, Oats and Rye, chrppc.l or
Potatoes, Apples), Cabbage & I'rtiii
generally, nt a cheaper rale thus can be bought
elsewhere. All iroods delivered Free of Chaw.
Call and examine mv stoc, and ascertain t lie
prices before purch.isini; elsewhere.
s'''y, Pee. 2, irti.-ic
Up De Graff's
rilHIS institution is now open for the rcecptl
JL of Patients for the treatment of IKseu-e of !
Ac, &c.
j il ; I ii i in Lin;, in 1 1 r... i .i,. ij 1'L.HUj.u I . 'i.i
collection of INSTRUMENTS U very l.iree. com-
prising all tho latest iMrnovrMEsir, enah'.ing us 1
I to meet !
! .t i : - i.. T-v T T? ,t cenrnv
in all forms. Physicians arc Invitid to neecin-
pany Patients to our Institution for opei -at
llv request of mauv Citinen". we Villi alt "lid to
calls iu GF.NFHAL' pp.acth :c.
Infirmary, ClomeulTi Ilnihlin;,-,
pfMurr.v, pa.
'. E. t l Si: i5t.i'J',
Plivsieian a n.l S'irfcoii.
Sinihaiy, Feb. lttT'i.-tf.
J. W. WASH ff i TON 'T
;IMM HAItlil'll sno;.
Tha old permincnt shop of the town
Wo decline the boast, but at the same tune
consider that the mighty truth mayjhe fca-nia-bly
spoken without manifest ing an uncomforta
ble amount of vanity nnd ambition.
Just twenty years ago I began my hu?.lneis
career In this' place half my lifetime limn far
spent, have I tood upon the floor of our shop
day after day, and night after night, nnd applied
the (harp bliio gleaming steel, and within that
elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of
that eventful period have I shaved nearly every
body in the country (In common parlance) nnd
to oblige the public interest we herein publicly
announce to our patrous old nnd new that we
arc ready to shavu them all again three huti !:cd
thousand times or more.
Conic when you please, jivf '" 'li is the max
im wears always ready t o woik, forenoon or
nf'tcrnoon, to shave you, liair cm vou, shampoo
you, whisker dye you, or perfume, comb au.l ar
range the half with artblie skill, in tho "water
fall" or water raise itylu to ?u!t the cin-tomcr.
We work to please, not please to work.
Stop, don't (to past our shop to eet s-havr 1 on
the basis of ability becau-e we do it as e.l ;.s
it can be dono or ever could be.
A chance is nil that we rtin.?ri-l
To glvo tho proof wo hold in band.
A few door above Depot, near Market i treet.
Oct. 1, 1S70.
i. kh'or h r t: i: :
Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN
Kespectfully Invites the attention of Retailers
and ollicru, that he hns on hand, and will con
stantly keep nil kinds of
Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry,
Ginger, Kocliellc and Oturd.
Whiskies: Pure Kye Copper-'istillcd, Mo"ii
gahcla, Apple and Nectar.
"iVines: Champagne Wine, Sheirv, Port and
Crab Cider, Chatnpngno Cider, N. K. Kinn,
Brown Stout and Scot eh Ale.
And all others Liquors which can be found in
the city markets, which will be sold nt Wholu-
nln nnil Heiiill. Everv nrtlcln o-uaranteed as
Also, a larL-elot of DEMUOlINtj
and BOTTLES, alwavs on hand.
i-t? Orders proinptlj ntteuded o, olid public
patronage respectfully solicited
r, VF.FK.
Sunbury, July 8, 18Ca. ly.
Fire, I.ll antl Aerldut
PillllVtlAX A Dl'Ult,
American, Philadelphia, As-els, l-,7S3,.1S0
Manhattan, New York,
N. American "
Lorlllard, "
YoukersAN. York
Hanover, "
Iinperlal, London,
Lycoming, Muncy,
Fraukliu' Philadelphia,
Home, New York,
Hartford, Hartford.,
Phrculx, M
Travelers, '
Farmer Ins. Co.. York,
N. British Mercantile
Nomnierce, New York,
Corwieh, Norwich,
New England Mntual Life,
1 Ul'd lllll
ko-J 'v-il
1 kui l'
,M u,o(!ll
i . . . .
Physician of this' celebrated Institution, hns
discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and
effectual remedy In the world for all
Weakness of the Bark or Limbs, Strictures,
Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun
tary Discharges, Impntcney, General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Lnnsnor, Low
Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of
tho Heart, Timidity, Treinbliims, Dimness
of S'urbt or Giddiness, Disease of tho Head,
Throat, Nose or Skin, A fleet ions of Liver, Lumrs,
Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders
arising from the Bolltory Habits of Youth thoso
secret nnd solitary practices more fatal to their
victims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
of anticipations, rendering marriage, fcc., Impos
sible. I OUNG MEN
especially, who have become the victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit,
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave
thousands of younir men of tho most exalted
talents nnd brilliant Intellect, who niiirht other
wise have entranced listening Senates with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstaey the.
living lyro, may call with full confidence.
Married Persons or Young Men contemplating
marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss
of Pioerentive Power Impotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or auy other Disqualification,
Bl'eedily relieved.
lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J.
may religiously confide In Ids honor ns a gentle
man, and confidently rely unon his si. ill nsa Pliv
tdck'.ll. I) lit 5 A NIC WE A K N ES3.
Impotency. Loss of Power, Immediately Cured
and full Vliror Restored.
This Distressing Affection which renders Life
miserable nnd marriage impossible is the penalty
pnM by the victims of improper indulgences.
Young personsnro too apt to excesses
from not being aware of the dreadful con'cvneus
that may ensue. Now, who that undeoitaiiils
tho sum
iect will prctcnJ to deny that tho power ,
reation is loot sooner l.y those falling Iuto
r hahits than hy the prudent I Hc-Ues
privertthe pleaMircsoV healthy oIlVp.i -In-
t serious nnd dest ructlvesyniptoniMoho::, !
pf procreation
being de
the most
body at:d mind nrise. The system becomes ilc
runccd, the Physical and Mental Fundi. uh
Weakened, Loss of Proereutlve Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wa.ti:i:;
of the Frame, Conu'h, Consumption, Decay and
Persons mined in health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month after month,
taking poisonous ami injurious
compounds, i
should iipplv Iminediat
Ml. JOIlNST.'iX,
Mrnihi'r of the lioyal ColU'g" ol' Surireon , Lon
don. Graduated from one of the inoi-t c nineiit
Colleges in the Unite.! flutes,
and the greater !
i..n t of whose Ifc has hecn spent in the hospitals
' of London, Fris, t'liihulelpliia mill el-ewlicre,
j lias etlectcd some of the most itftoiiUhinir cures
' that were ercr known ; many trouhlcd vtlthriug
j Ing In the head and ears when asleep, groat
i n rviiiisncFs, beinu alarmed at sudden ioh:i Is.
haslilulness, Willi fre iiienl blushing, alien led
i f oinctimes with dcranyemciil of mind, were eared
I immedii't'.lv.
Dr. ,1. nddic.-fcu all tl!oo who have Injurrd
themselves by Improper ftiilulifenee and soiilary
i hahits. which ruin b th body and luiuil, ualiliing
! them lor ihhrr liuciiieos, ttia'y, noeietv r ai.n--
Tui'.-r. rre some of the sad and
effects produced by early habits of youth, viai
I Weak'.Kr's of the Back und Limbs, Pains in the
I Pack i.i d Head, Dimncaa of Si;ht, Loss of Mus
, e ilar Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep-y,
Ncrvoua Irritability, Der.iiigciiicnt of Dige.Ui:
j i unc'.ioes, flcncral Debility, Symptom of Con
i siimplion, Ac.
I Mr.NTAii.T The fearful effect on the min i
! arc much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Coti
; fi.sion of Ideas, Depression of Si'iril-i, Evil
i Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Sdf-Di-ti u-t,
! Love of Solitude, Timidity, ,Vc., ar; some of the
evils produced.
Tlini'HAMift of persons of all ages can now
! judge what is the ca.ii.e of llicir declining health,
lnhing their vigor, beeoniiiig, weak, pule, nervous
and emaciated, having a (lingular appearance
' about the eyes, cough and Fyuiptoinn of eoai-unip-
! tioti. ,
I Who have injured themselves by a euCaiu prac-
tice Indulged iu when ulouc, a habit frequently ,
' learned from evil companions, or at school, the
; ell :its of which are niglitly felt, even when !
j ii-If. p, ii ii-.I if not cured, renders marriage iinp.u-
I sllilc, and dc.lroys b-jtli mill I an I body, should j
apply I'.nm.diately.
What a j ity that a young man, thn hope of bis
country, tlie ihirling "of his panuts, hlioiild be i
ciiiitelic;', fioni all prospects and enjoyments of
life, by llio conseqaeiico of deviating from the I
pstli of nature and indulging In a certain secret
l.aliit. iSaeh persons mit, before contemplating I
relleet that a sound iniud and bo ly arc tliei most
necessary reiiuisiles pronmte connubial happi- ;
j iicss. Indeed without these, the journey througli j
I life becomes a weary pilgrimage i tlie prospect
; hourly darkens to the view; the mind Lceoni.s j
: shadowed with dr.-;. air und It lit-. 1 w it It the iiielau- '
I choly retlection, that tlie liappiuesi ol aaoiiier
becomes blighted with eiii iiuii.
a CEUT'A I N DltiE.Vf.E.
When the lnbguidcd an 1 iiiipra.l-ut votary of
pleasure tind that be has Iml ibed the see n of
, Ibis painful Uifeai-e. it too ot'lcn happens that an
iil-tinic t scne of Ehunr, or dread of dl:;'-ovry,
d tcrs him from applying to liiu'O wlio, from
education nnd respectability, can alone lielVien."
him, ileleying till Ihe eonM it utional symptoms ol
1 1 i horrid i!.-vute i-rike their appearance, such
::b ulcerated eore throat, dbea--i- l uo-e,
1 pains ill the head ail'! limbs, diinne-o of r'yiit,
I (l.-ufiiess, nodes o:i the shin bones and arms,
blotches on the head, face and exircmilie.-, pio
I g retain;; villi frightful rapidity, till at hut tlie
palate of the mouth or the bones of i lie noe fall
! in, and the victim of this awl'ul di.--as- becomes
. a horrid object of commiseration, till d-.itii puts
la pel ioi to his dreadful sullering, by Bending
I him to ' that Undiscovered Country fuai wh nee
; no traveller returus."
j It is n melancholy fad that llioii.-au.N DIE
' vii tints to this terrible disease, through falling
1 into the hamN of Jgnor.iul or unskillful PUE-
! I ENDEliS, who, by tlio use of that deadly Pol- I
son, Meicury, ie., destroy ihe cm rtitu', and
i incapable of enring, keep the i...: .ppv sullcrer I
ino;,ili niter month taking tl: -i :.oioiu or in- I
juiious compounds, ami Instead of In. ing restored I
to a renewal of LI I'm Vigor and Happiness iu des
pair leave him with ruine 1 lb-alt b to .-iU over I
iiis galling disappoint meal. 1
To such, therefore. Dr. Jodsston pledges Mm- j
"en lo preserve ina most invioiunie ceciecv, ami
rom Ills exicnsive piacuce au.l on.-eriauoi
ills ill
Ihe great llosiiitals of Europe, and the first li:
this country, via :. England, France, Philadelphia
and elsewhere, is enabled to oiler llio most cer
taiu, tpi-edy aud ctleetual remedy in the world
for all Uiieases of Imprudence.
1Iai.ti.mouk, M. D.
Left hand side going from lialtiiuore street, a few
doors from the corner. Fall not to observe name
und number.
17" No letters received unless postpaid and
containing a stamp lo be used on the reply. Per
sons writing should state age, and scud a portion
of ndvirtiseiiieut describing symptom.
There are so many Paltry, Designing and i Iiuim-tiTi mlveitisiior themselves as
1 Fbyieluns. trilling wlth-aud ruining the LealtU
Ullli-IHIIt, ,1111111 1. ..-- .... ......,
' "f U" wuo unlorlunale.i- fall Into
I ll,ul I)r Johnston deem it ueeessu
I iieeiiillv lo thoso unaeiiualiited wilU
uicir power,
ueeessury to say es
pecially lo thoso uiiucuualnted with his reputa
tion that bU Credentials or Diplomas always
hauu in his olliec.
The many thousands cured ut this Establish- ;
uient, year after year, and the uunierous liu- ,
Jiortaut be.rijiettl (qieratioiis performed hy Dr.
ohuslou, wiluesscd by the representatives of the
less and iiiuny other pupers, notices of which ;
iave appeared niralu and ugaln before tho public,
besides bis standing as a geutleman of character
and responsibility, Is a suukicut guarautee tolho
atlbeled. ghia disease speedily cured. I
Fhruary IS, 17J. ly
"One of I he Thrilling Tnles)
' : 'Twas evening on llio batiks of beautiful
llock Crock. The silver beam) or Lunn,
which struggled down through the brandies
of trees, reVL'iiluJ a stent! of traiiseemli-iWal
beauty. Upou nn ancient stump, which
bad braved the tempest of a hundred win
ters, siltiujj; in an nttitode of graceful re
pose, was nn nngeliii rotis maiden just
bloomed out into sunny womanhood. !Shc
was radiantly nnd peerlessly beautiful.
Webster hides his inglorious head in the
dust in the vain itllempt to furtiitdi words
descripti vo of her lovelinus. Graceful ns a
duck, wild as a hawk, pensive as it setting
hen, with her rich curls of tow-colored gold
streaming over her shoulders to the ground,
like some bright swamp nnglefth sat, while
the moonbeams rested like a halo upon ber
elegant head, borrow, nuI the million
stocks which grew up nyrfund, cast deep
shadows over her unrivaled countenance,
utid the night ns it kissed her magnificent
cheek, bore to her olfactories the fragrant
breath of elder 1 lows. Iler knitting work
lay idle in her lap. Hercyes, which sham
ed the liohtniii!! bUiis. were bedazzled with
diamond tears. Mho was listening with an !
nir of sorrowful dintration to the sorrowful
pleadings ol a noble youth at her leet.
I Never moonlight fell on a more glorious in
-Never mil on a more glorious in-
leiieciuat counienanee man mat upturneu
to the maiden's euanvued gaze. Xevet
yielded Mother Earth to a liner form than
that which pressed the dandelion -bank at j
.Vrap una s leet. His feaf.ires were such
as or Apollo might have
envied. His dark, piercing ryes were liko
the waters of his ow n Rock Creek for depth
and clearness, find were Uiliiant mirrors
in which the truth and voiaeily ol his tJotl-
Lko soul was rellecled. From his brow of!
-,ust ponderous proportions the Rympathiz-
in., b wzo .,1 hk locks,
....', i..,., h, ,',. ,,..,,. .i...... I
lhK' ""0 111 t.10 Sll.t Id W .IS a l. ( p, l.tvttl
I'lackiless, ljut w lien t,i l.ght .ell upon it,
it reseuiblid a deep muddy pool when tho
Miubt-ams stike it aslant.
1 1 its hands were clasped in nn attitude of
despair. lie spoke, and his tones wero
deep and mournful as the chant at the fu
neral ol a marl) red bull frog at Rock Creek
(. f.iirv nneoii of heaven! Pure dove
..Pi! !-.. 'IV.iiu1ii....mI ILr' t of I
,y benighted eyes ! Chcrislicd'and beloved
ol toy heart's core 1 How ckna't thou doubt
that the cahbagu loves tl" genial ram :
lost thou doubt that the chicken loves the
dough dish f 1 hen doubt my lovu lor thee.
All ! love is but a feeble woni toexntess the
pus.-ioti that uousjiiiiies my vitals. lie mine,
adorahle oie, else 1 tlie."
"Jimlolilrjs," she inumared, "It cannot
he. The niaiulale of my vi uegfnl father anil
the degree of fate must be obeyed." And
her voice was so melodious, ns the tinkle of
a fractured cowbell far a way down the road,
und low and sad as the last moan of a dy
ing liollywog.
"i aik not of obedient e, thou beautiful,
but cruel one "he veiled in a voice of uneecii-
j less agony. "O cans't tliou bit in thy cold
j majesty like a frozen sausage, and see mine
i aeliing lictirl going to tmiah bcf-'io thiiw
eyes lot a mistaken sense of duty 'i ree."
s iid he. ns his voice, died itwny to a sad
wad like the howl of a broken backed mas
till', and he dashed IVoin Uie uiulleti leaves
near a drop of jienrly dew. "See! night
herself weens with me and mourns thy
The maiden was appalled at the sight of
his anguish. The crimson tide that dyed
her cheeks like a read hollyhock, cut stick,
and left it whiter than a cotton pillowcase.
Hie arose Iroui her seal, dazzling in her re
splendent beauty as a bright tin milk pan
when the midday beams of the glorious sun
are poured fully upon it, and captivating iu
her shadowy grace as a yellow lilly, floating
upon the limpid waters of u diy goose
pond. .She spoke, und the stars of the
night flood still, the wind ceased lo moan
ninoug the leaves, and frogs wero silent to
Uudolphua, beloved of my soul," she said
iu a voice s.vei.-ler than .'ew Orleans mo
lasses, "thou knowest that 1 love thee. My
h.'art clings to the us the bean toils pole.
My ear knows no music save thy voice, and
my lips no vituals but thy kisses. With
out thee I liimish 1 die. lint the picket
fence of duly surrounds me. It is BiucM
full of cruel bpikea and I cannot hurinoiinl
it. A last embrace, my heaven'y one, and
we part forever."
"Hid me not depart 1" ho roared, as he
clasped her lo his breast. "I will never
leave thee. Forty-cloven Savage loeoiuo-
lives have not power lo tear us from each i
other's arms, i tell lliee, mine angel love,
UiC thought of leaving; thee rends my soul
it maidens me it makes me rip and
rave like a IK-uxicd shanghai it makes me
bellow like a dintraeted lied bug it makes
mo feel had ! Ill my desperation I would
tear up creation by the roots 1 I would Hog
the earthquake ! 1 would eat red hot pokers!
I would ilriiik up the ocean and then cast
myself into the black and singing billows
that roll at my leet !"
Seraphina burst intia flood of tears.
Their excessive emotion oveieatnu thein
and they both swooned away.
Again it was evening when Rock Creek
again the cold moon looked down upou
a sei no of excruciating woe. Ir, n dark,
ilsnnil, damp, gloomy, ghostly castle, built
ol the unhewn monarchs ofthe forest, upon
a pile of hay lay the angelical .xTaphina,
the victim of a fathers' tyranny. Her lin
fccywolsey robes were, torn und disarranged,
her lovely face soiled and dirty, her silvery
curls disheveled, her cerulean eyes red us
cranberries, aid swelled with weeping; bill
for all this shcilo-'ked uj u'e beautiful than
ever. 1'y her side stood a llagon of ucid
uatcd buttermilk nnd a platter of llap jacks.
"No, no," she faintly muttered, pushing
the food away, "let them not seek to pro
long my misery by oll'ering mo templing
viands." I will never eat more. Never."
Just then a low, doleful Bound was borne
to her car.
"Was it thou, 'D.ilphus " sho cried.
"All I no, 1 will not flatter myself with
vain hopes; 'twas but the calf bleating to
its mother ;" and she sank exhausted upou
the straw again, to court death.
Again was tho sound lepeated. .Sho
spraug to her feet nnd peeped out through
iv chink n tho logs. It was indeed her
i lover, looking up to her dungeon window.
while tlio hot tears trickled uowti ins
"O, save mi, 'Dolphus," she screeched.
' 1 would smash down those massive ; iuo
doors," lie answered, "with ouo blow of my
stalwart list, nnd snatch thee from Ihy
cruel cantois, but I nut afraid thy father's
darned ukcii will hook ma." And ho sank
unon the ground iu the impotence of his
ra.'H mid desnair. und hidiiiL' his bead in.
tlio burdock leaves ho howled aloud. Better thau money is a good disposition ;
"Weepuot, my Rudolphus," said sho, ' aud that innn is rich who has generous lui
"I will come to thee." So say iug, the lie- ; pulses, a noble soul, and who is hopoiul
roic girl dec-ended to tho sUblo, nuU while and ohceiful, und who Jjjts tho moral cour-
tho knats and mosquitoes thundered about ago' lo keep tho even tenor of his way,
herfair, head, tearing up with her tiny whatever may betide him. Such a man "i
hands nn oaken plank from th'i floor, gho riclv, though not accounted so when mea
soon emerged iuto tho cow yard. In nn , sured by a money standard ; but he stands
instant the lovers were, clasp iu each other's i immeasurably higher in point of true worth
nrms. The dunkcy of Kudolphus stood j to tho sordid, avaricious cormorant whose
near, nnd foldii j his burden to his breast, only clnim to consideration consists in his
the youth sprang into the saddle, nnd mur
muring of love in a foreign clime, they
galloptd nway liko a streak of greased
Alisccil ancous
The i'olittrnl Jokeol'lhc l'niiniilgii. !
On .'.:aturday night last Dr. Ilutchiiisou
! nnd Thomas V. Cooper were down on the
bills for Republican speeches nt l'ha"iix
ville, nnd both went by tlui way of tho.
Heading railroad. Mr. iieid, Chtiirman of (
the Clii.hler coiinly commiltoo, had provid- j
c(l transportation at WoBt Cluster, nnd !
linditig them not on hand sent Oliver Side- j
well and William AVindle, Ksqrs., of West i
Chester to fill their places tit tho meeting, j
Tho hall nt I'liu-uixviilc had been engaged j
by llio Republicans, and Cooper was busy j
talking while a Delnocrntic mootini wuq
uuder way a siiuaro below at the riuvtiix j
hotel. A'ller H, Sidewell and Wiiulel rap
idly drove up to the meeting nt the hotel,
were reec ived on the sidewalk bv the chair- '
man, asked if they had been sent as addi
U( , B.K,akL.r!ti n,ul wll(.u inorlllL.,i tl:ll
,i,., ........ ..;,i .i,.,. iin r i 1 1.,.
had .just closed and he would introduce ono
i.C lit. nt, u-li.m llw. lnfiil tilnvilifT
Wimlu w.,s il,.t.(.lliI1!!y h.t.'o.lueed aiid
Wt,,.t ,lis p.i, w,i!o .sidewell en-
bar to wait his turn. While
he asked one of the local politicians
would best soil the lWnisvillians.
and was reir.u
.I...1 i, .,!. .ft.- .1.
to show "that the interests of the South i
, i " - - ,
and f the laboring men of the North
...,. ,..;,...i vl,iV ti,l,.vi-ll wv
, ' ' ,,,,.,7 J A votuU ,! I J h
seta telling li.s head and wotiileiing How li
i1r, Wl.ul t.,m(1 Wl)1.k out SUl.U ,v ,.,ib
jL,m j ,.U(..lj n excited man from l!u
in i
platform. "Who's that man talking out
there V" lie inquired of Sid .well. "Why,
that's Windel of West Chester. "Who are
von'.-' "Why, I'm Sidewoll." Who sent
you'." "Rcid of course." (By tho way
A. 1. lleid is chairman of the regular aud
Wm. . lo id of tho Republican commit
tees.) "lint what's your politics Demo
crats, Liberals or SUuij.Lt Republicans."
Why, we're straight Republicans." The
d 1 you are ! Just look Here, this is a De
mocratic meeting, and get that friend of
yours oil" the stand this ininule or he will
be killed. The Republican meeting is a
square above 1"' W indlc, for lifted! min
utes had been discussing general principles
from a Republican standpoint, had spoken
of rebel pensions, compensation for slaves,
Niagara conferences, ami was just about
to reach sonic of the climaxes by mention
ing the names of the candidates when Sid
well slipped quietly up and whispered :
"For (lod's sake, get out of hero, this is n
Democratic meeting !" Windle reached
for his hat and sloped, tho audience won
dering what was wrong, looked sort o'con
fused, but up to that lime were tiaablo to
see what Windelwas driving at, wnether
he was n Liberal Republican, Straight out
Democrat, or was only in u sarcastic vein.
The details of this joke were given at tho
immense Republican meeting above, the
audience shouting with laughter. Here
Cooper was billowed by llutchingsou, Win
die and Siiiwcll, the meeting being one of
the hist known to rbo nixville. lh
(.'utility -l))icncc!H.
Joku o Cov. Hoffman. "K.i Fir
kins," at Saratoga, gives the following dia
logue :
Air. 15. F. lleekinan, the hanker, busi
ness aud tailroad millionaire, and thectvat
I Christian who raised SoOd.UUU to buy Mor-
nssy's club-house last summer, tor the
Young Men's Christian Association, had
a talk with the Governor yesterday.
Air. Reekiiiau said he had voted the 1.
mocratic ticket, and Unit ho had followed
tho party over pretty rough roads, but ho
didn't see how ho could vote for Greeley.
"Why, Governor," said Air. Rcckmau,
"the "old fool dou't know enough to attend
to his own business, ho is eternally letting
some unprincipled fool swindle him ; aud
with such a big, overgrown child at the
head, why, business men wouldn't feel
safe ; he'd want to do some outlandish stu
pid thing every 'day -"
"Rut," interrupted the Governor, "I
think Air. Greeley is a pretty good judge of
men. I think ho can pick out an honest
man or a knave as quick as any one. 1 "
"Why there is just where ho is always
the bigg'-st fool,' continued Air. llcekman.
"Never mind," said the Governor, "1
would take his opinion on a man lo be
true quicker thau I would take any man's
in the country."
"Vou would V" llsked Mr. Uec knian feel- j
i:ig in a side pocket.
"Yes, 1 would," said tho Governor, I
"Well, here is a Utile slip where ho calls '
you a mountebank nnd corrupt, dislu nest
and swindling Democratic villain." said ;
Air. Reekman, as he handed an old Trib
line editorial lo the Governor. ;
Tho Governor read it over twice, Ineti
looked ns if he was trying to s;e straight
through Air. licckman, a row of carriages,
and a two loot partition -then he slammed
on his hat and went up etairs.
A 1'ali: Idka. A mistaken idea is
that entertained by many that riches are
necessary to perfect happiness. It is
scarcely necessary to state a fact so well un
derstood, that many men and women, pos
sessed of great wealth, are exceeding
ly unhappy. A thousand things occur iu
the fluctuations iuid busy scenes of life to
bring b i row and discontent to tho homes
of tlio rich as well as those ofthe poor. It
is in tho homes of people of moderate
nieaiis, ns a rule, that happiness is found.
"Ful money in thy purse," said tho mer
cenary and selfish lago. lit his estima
tion lucre was tho magic key lo happiness,
lo position nnd power to all that is desi
rable on earth. Get lichen. Il is falsi
that fatal sentiment ; a delusion nnd a
snare. Sueli teachings have" been tho ruin
of thousands of young meu of tho highest
A good namo is to beferred to great rich
es. So runs tho nrovcrb. nnd tho history
i of tho huiuHii race is tho verification of its
' truth.
Tho highest riches do not consist in a
nriiiociY income : there is a grenter wealth
I ban this. It consists ina good constitu
tion, good digestion, a
lit nbs .a sound mind, and
irnn.1 Ktnnl
Soma ono says gorxl bones are better than
gold, toui'h muscles tiuui silver, mm nerves :
tlmt Hash lire, nnd carry energy to every ,
function, are
better than houses and lands.
w Kcrir-n, Vol. -I. ' BO.
1 Old Ncrle, Vol. 33, Mo. -1.
money bags.
A Hit A K KM AN" H 1)RF.AM. "Kd" is 0
lirakeinan employed on the Chicago, Alton
and Sjt. Louis railnnd. lie was married
only a a few weeks ngo. II is wife bus
been wearing a piece of red flannel round
her neck for tho last ten days nnd com
plaining of awry neck.' This is how it
came to pass : "Kd" had Inst been doing
extra duty, taking a sick friend's trains in
addition to his own, and so had not been in
bed for forty-eight hours. As a matter of
course ho was nearly worn out, and ns
soon as bis supper had been eaten he. xii;t
to bed to sleep, perchanco to dream. JIc
was soon locked in the arms of Morpheus,
nnd dreaming. Again his foot was on his
native platform, find lie heard llio warning
fool of the whistle for brake. The tsliadow
train b ire him swiltiy on ; the telegraph
posts lleeted past anicker !'' i-- -
wiio'.e countiy fled by like n panorama
mounted on Bhe t lightning rollers. In his
dream ho heard far oil' another roar, and
swinging out by tho railings bo saw anolb
er train coming nt ligtuin
speed around j
we curve. Jiolii trains were ctowae.i yun
passengers ; in nuotner niomeut iney
would rush together, nnd from I he ruins
a cry of agony would shiver to the tingling
star from the lips of tho maimed nnd dying.
The engineer had seen his danger, for nt
thnt moment, in his dream, he heard the
. -!!.. - 1 1 1 , I 1
" " ,ll;l"!5' " "
tineiirthly. . W ltd the strength ol despera-
lion he prigged the brake nnd turned it
down. There was a yell of paiu and 'Kd'
woke to li i id himself sitting up In bed and
holding his wife by th: cars, having almost
twisted off her head.
That's how "F.-.1V wife came lo wear a
piece of red llannel around her throat and
complain of a wry neck. Missouri
crut. A Prriri L Stoky. .Sid'i.-o'e tin --lnic-riVrtn
f.'irJ in I.onihm. It wan slated a (lay
or two ago that the body of a young wo
man who drowned lierse.ll' at Waterloo
bridge a few evenings since had been iden
lilieil. iler name, it nppenrs was Alice
lilauche Oswold, nnd she was within n few
days of completing her iillth year. At the
inquest last n.gbl before Mr. Langlintn, the
following letter was put in and read :
No. 1T.S High Street, Shad well, London,
Sept. .'!, 1S7. The crime that I am about
to commit, aud what I must stiller for here-
is nothing compared to my present I
.; i l l .. '..' I
mini,,. .iioiii; lit j.wiiit'Jii, llOL il penny n
a friend to advise or lend a helping hand.
tired and weary with looking for souie.
thing to do, failing in every way, footflro
i and heart weary , I preler death to the dawn
ing ol anoili r wretched morning.
"I have only been in .Britain nine weeks.
I came as nurse governess with a lady
from America to Wick, iu Scotland, where
she discharged me, refusing to pay my pas
sago back, giving me my wages f;J 10s.
After my expenses to London 1 found iwy
self in this pn-at city with only oe. Wit,
will I do '( I sold my watch. The paltry
sum I obtained for (hat soon went in pay
ing my board and in looking for a situation.
"Now I am destitute, every day is a mi
sct'3' to me. No friend, no hope, no mo-
Uoy; what is lilt.'' Oh, Imd ol heaven,
i have mercy on a pour helpless tinner ; thou
I knowest how 1 sirived agajnst this, but
f.ite is ngainn me. I cannot (read the path
of sin, for my dead mother will bo watch
ing me. Fatherless, motherless, lionm I
have none. Oil, for the rarity of C'hiislian
"I am now mad
would be the end
I have seen that this
Ml v nil who bear nt
mv death forgive me, nnd may God Al
niiohty do so, before whose bar I must
s-ioiuappear. Fareweil to all, to this beau-
i tiful and yet wretched world. Alie
Blanche Oswald. I am 'JOyeais of ago tliu
Hih i. f this month."
The jury rendered a verdict of "Suicide
while in a state of temporary insanity."
l'.dl M i'.l (iuzttte, Sept. 10.
The St. Louis (Vfo'if tells a good dog
story, and here it is: A small darkey,
with an armful of eight-day-old pups, ac
costed a gentleman on Fine, street a few
days ago, with the query, "Want any pups
dis moriiin '." "What mo they, Grant or
Greeley pups Y" At a venture the young
fancier responded, "Greeley. "1 don't
want, Ihcm." A day or two later the boy
made another attempt, and was risked
the same question, to which ho replied,
"Grant pups." " Why, you littlo rascal,
didn't you oiler tho s.iine pti s to me a few
days aeo ns Greeley 1'ups Y" "Dai's so,
but dey's done got their eyes open since."
Stop run Isti-:hit. Daniel Webster
oneo dined wit h an oi l Boston merchant
and when they came to tho win", a 'lusty
old bottle was can fully decanted by Feter
aud passed to lh host. Taking the bottle
be pained out Mr. WchMer's glass and
handed it to him' Then puiiriug out ano
ther for himself, lie held it to the light and
said :
'Uow d you i:i:s if. Mr. W.-bsU-r ?''
"I think it n line Fpoeiuien of old Fort ?"
"Now, you cun.t guess what that cost
me Y" siii.l the host.
Sure'y no!," said Air. iVebster. "I
know i hat il is excellent."
"Weil, now 1 can tell you, for I made a
careful Cflitnato th" other day. When I
add the interest to first in ice, 1 find that it
cost me llio sum of jitsi one dollar
twenty eints per glass."
"Good g. neious ! yon don't say so," said
Mr. Webster ; and tho dinining his slass ho
hastily presented it ogaiu With remark.
"Fill up au'iiin as quick as you can, for I
want to stop that ceiifjundce idwrest."
Wnrrr.-iVAr'-H. Take half a bushel of tin
slacked lime and slack it with boiling water .
Cover il during the process. Strain it and
add a peck of salt dissolved iu warm water,
three pounds of rice boiled lo a thin paste,
put In boiling hot, half a pound of Spanish
whiting, and a pound of clean glue dissolv
ed iu warm water. Mix il and let it stand
for Several days. Keep it in a kettle and
put on hot ns possible with a brush. It is
said to look as well, and last nearly as long
ns oil paint on won,), brick or sioue.
A very simple wash niny be made in the
i lonow Ills; llllllllici . omi rv us nuinii ,,,...-...,.....-.....
! aU to tatl1 l,:,il,ul half a l''"1 "f -'V1'1' aml j 1)EL" A?'K CAKH.-Wbile.sof three cgs.
following manner : Slack ns above, nnd
IIIU Stllliv IJtlilUltlj JI " V7m iiaiiL, piiimi ii.
Ibis makes a thick-hko cream mul covers
sinoKe in lien netier; use uoi. luiciriuu
mutter may boused if desired.
The nowlv erected nortion ol tho North
ern Ceutral railway bridgo nt Dauphin
will hardly DC wcatucrOonidca trns year
10 Miles, or nhont 100 Words, make n Snunrt
One w eek 1.00
Two weeks 1.50:
2 S..: Z P.' S'l Vcol S'col'l col
v.oo; 8.oo b.oo; s.ooie.oo
3.00j B.50! 4.00 8.0011.00 18.00
8.W) 4. Ml! COO. 9.0O13.0OS0.0O
4..r,0i .Wlt 8.00 10.00 15.OO2S.60
5.IW 8.fi0' T.00 13.00 17.00,Si5.0(
C.75i 7.50 8.00 13.00 1K.00 87.50
7.5(1: 8.501 9.00 lS.OO&O.OO itO.eO
8.tKi: u.r.o io.oo.o.oo'-;5.oo,4o.oe
.l0!l 1 .(siiiS.OO an.oo l.OO.oO.OO
I O.Ub' t a.Oui 1 5.00 3f.O0!r,.OO!75.00
12. (Hi 15.01;. 'O.tXiiW.OOloO.OOl lvU
Three "
Tivo mo's
Three "
Six "
Nino "
One Vear
An Irish woman appeared in the Court
of Louisville to be oppoiuted guardian for
her child, and tho following colloquy oc
curred :
"What es'uto hua you child ?"
"l'lnso yor honor. 1 doit undctstaud
"What hns ho got ?''
"Chills and raver, plaso yor hotior I"
'Can you change a S'2 bill 5"' said an
impecunious (linker to the bar tender.
"Yts." Driuki. "Well, wheu 1 get a g-J
bill I'll bring it iu."
llcciucs. &c
Various Ways i Cooking Aile.
There is uo article of food which can be
prepared with such varied ways, nnd in
jMJcli '"Jo' illies, ns nppleT). Pota
toes can r,nY forms, but they
cannot equal ,(.
., n.". "oiu
. .i i'
"I'men, lllllier
.. - . ..
liiato ;i vMmtlir eaten raw or cookou.
this frii't is generally popular, ami irciiuiu
lv desirable and nutritious for young and
"i.i. Aiples that arc to be used for sauco
Hhotild bo paro l, cored, and put in cold
water unless cooked, directly, to keep llieni
from discoloring. Add a little water to tho
porcelain, kettle or stewnan : cover closely
1 . , ,. ,
nnd cook gently, not slii ring them until the
wlioie are solteiied, rir you will cool them
in lumps : when soft, stir and mush, add a
little butler, sweeten and strain through a
AriT.rc SoiTi't.K. .Stow npplcs as directed
for sauce, adding a little grated lemon peel
and juice, and omitting the butter ; line tho
sides and bottom of a baking dish with
them. Make a boiled custard with ono
pint of milk nnd two eggs, llavoring with
lemon and swecteu it to taste. Let it cool
and then pour into the centre of the dish,
Heat the ivhiles of two eos lo a stiH froth
(they can be left out of the custard), spread
them over top ; sprinkle white sugar all
all over them, and brown in the over- Thn
slewed apple sliould be about half nn inch,
thick on tlio bottom and sides of tho pud
ding dish,
Apple and Tapioca rcimi. -Soak
over night a qua- ler of a pound of tapioca ;
u the morning pour olfl.ho water, and add
one quart and n giil of boiling water,
sweeten, and llavor with grated lemon peel
and tin: juic-i of one letnoii. Take six or
eight but apples, pare:, core, and placo in
a pudding dish ; 1:1! the centre of each ap
pie with sugar : then pour tho liquid tapioct
over tho apples, tilling the dish and bako in
a hot oven until the apples
are nsrlecuv
soft. Serve colli with cream. If preferred,
the ar.p'cs can be sliced into tho tapioca;
If desires to prepare it in haste, turn cold
water on tlio tapioca, let it soak loriiuccn
minutes, then pour boiling water on, and
i stir it until it looks like thin starch.
I Ai'i'i.i: MnRtNGUK. Eare, core, ami
stew ten good apples in ns littlo water as
possible : sweeten and add a small piece of
butter ; put into t pudding dish ; cover tho
top with the beaten whites of four eggs;
sprinkle them thickly with powdered white
sugar, and brown in the oven, " ' DoiiT.ixo. Make nice crust with
sour creani,8aleratusand Hour, line a quart if, buttering it well ; fill up tho
bowl with sliced apples, sugar, grated lemon
peel and jWe. Cover with the crust' pinch
ing the eioo closo together ; (lour a thick
cot ion cloth, nnd tio it closlely over the top
ofthe bowl, 'and set it into boiling watort
but not enough to cover tho top of tho bowl.
Roil two hours, not. letting tiic water go
below tho, boiling point, and keeping it well
tilled in 'as it evaporates. Servo with a
sugar and butter sauce, or with sugar and
Afff.K Coiiiii.F.'.t. Fare c .ire and slice
j twelve large tart apples, nl to them tho
Uliee of t WH leillollS grillVll pool (if O110
sweeti-n to taste ; stew very slowly lor two
hourr! torn juto a mould. Ween cold,
serve with cream.
Apple Vloat. Take una pint of stow
ed apples ; sweeten and llavor to taste.
When cohl, and just before you desire to
servo, add the beulcn whites of four eggs ;
stir thoroughly into tho apple ; servo with
cream and sponge cake.
Apple" and Rp'i:. Core nnd pare ns
many nppk-s as will fill a pudding dish;
stew" tiiein s th it they are nearly soft.
Roil half a Is-aeup of rice ; when nearly soft,
add sngtr, s ilt and a pint of miik. l'laeo
the apples in tlirt pudding Uisli, turn tlu
rice over ihcm, filling up the core of caeli
apple with stigiit before putting in tho rice.
Rake, until it is i nice brown. Serve with
civani, or without nnv sauce.
Anothlu Kick and Appi.k Fi'ddi-no.
Roil two large spoonsful of well washed
rieo in a pint of new milk ; slice into it
! whilo boiling two or three apples, pared,
j and a few currants or raisins. Simmer
j slowly until the rice is very so!t, then add
one well-beaten egg ; stir lor a tew minutes
and serve with cream nnd sugar, or a but
ter and sugar sauce.
three pounds of very hard tipples, take two
pounds of loaf sugar, aud a qu.uterof a
pound of best white ginger. Ful these in
layers (having lirst sliced the apples in eight
pieces and cored them) alternately iu n
wide-:nouthed jar. Next day iufuso an
ounce of while ginger, well-bruised, iu
about a pint of boiling water ; let it stance
until next day. Then put the npplcs, that
have Wen two days in tho ginger, into a
preserving kettle, and turn over them tho
water from the bruised ginger. Simmer
slowly until the apples look clear. Tako
great not to break ihe pieces. Ifclnso
ly covert d, over a slow tire, half an hour
will cook them en v.igli, without needing to
1 stir them. Fut into jars, and cover lightly
while boiling hot. Ixrt the bits of glutei'
remain iu the syrup until it is served.
Rll'K AND Al'PLF. SotTFLK. Roil two
tablespooiisfull of rieo in halfa pint of milk ;
add when soli, llio yolks of two eggs, nnif
sugar lo taste. Mako a wall with it around
the sides of the dish ; stew some pared nnd
cored nppltswith candied sweet meets of
jelly, aud cover the whole with the whites
i of the eggs, beaten t a still' froth, and
! sprinkled thick with while powdered sugar.
! Uriwn in the oven, snd strvo with cream'
I (.'on ii-y (ren(.
Mot'Tit Gi.n:. Dissolve one-half pouixl
of gelatine or lino glue in water, and add
ono quarter of a pound of brown sugar;
boil I in; whole until sulliiently thick to be
come s did on cooling ; pour it on a slab-
slightly greased, and when cool
cut into
I hi, r..n ni i nil film
IIHC CUJI U, nilifl, I S U'lllinill Ol H Clip Ol
. butter, one-hull a cup of milk, two cups of
llour, one leaspoonful of cream tartar, und
one tcaspoouful of soda.
Washington Fie. Throe cups of Hour.
two cups of sugar, ouo cop of butter, one- '
half cup of milk, one tonspounful of salera-