mm Smtkv'r'fnuricait.' SUNMJBYs tKJTOHKH 1M872. ! nllrool Time. Table. ''I' ' r.' A f- B. RUoiwi l;nTn . ! N. C. R. W Going 8oc,Tjiwnr -1 Erie Mull. ' b ' .,r l' a m Mngaru Express, ' i' 10:80 p m Th Crl Kxnreai train remalM here about SO oluutoa far breukfaet. flnwBCBT & i.r.wivtvna R. n. ' Mall train lea res nt T.SOn. m., one" arrives at 1 50 p. m. F.l Line leave. S.40 p. in., and arrives at 150 p.m. ' . "V ' SrtAVOKrs Vai.tx R. V.. ' 1 , r Mallleuvesnt l3.3op.m.. for Shnmoklri mid arrives Rt 3 S5 p. in. ' Leaves for Mt.,tnnncl nt 4.40 p. m., anil arrive nt 0.25 n. m. , , ,,. ( D. II. W. R. R. : i Train leave for Mow York, via Tlaaleton nt 0.20 a. in., and arrives nt 8.35 p. m. Acr-Mctit lnrtTnnre Ticket ran be had . sf J. Shlpmau, Ticket Agent ntlhe Depot. 1 focal Iffairs. Sr.wiG M acb iw M.-M is iCa rol i nc Dallus Is tho agent for the sale of Hie best Sewing Machine in existence, Mr. t "Tire Improved 8mter," "Grover & Baker," "Ilowe," and "Domestic," which nre constantly on h.nd and soli n. rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Franti and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. 0'C:e on Market street, cast of t he railroad. ; ' , 1 Issthuctiox im Mralc.-t Miss Anna M. Schneider Inform the cltiwns of Sunbury that she will give lustructluns on the riunn nnd Or irnn to pupils at their residences. Terms reason able. . 21.'72.-nt. Ton Sale a young Cow, part Aldeniey. In quire at this office. Miss Kate Black Is now in the city buying In her Fall 'Stork if Fancy Good'. Look out for ft line display the first of tho weak. I.ndlcs will find the I tot styles at her store. Ai.r. who have torches, enpsjind capes in their possession belonging to tho Invlnclblcs of tho .Sunbury Grant and Wilson club are requested to return them to tho club room Immediately. Nt'.w noons. F. J. Byrod has J list opened n magnificent nsortinctil of Goods at his new store near tho Lutheran church, on Third street. His stock is largo and he sells cheap. Seo ad'vt. Tim Steamboat will leave Mnrhcl wharf this 'Frlday)" afternoon at 5 o'clock, for Lewlsburg. I Ml Republicans wishing to nltend the large 1 meet in? at that place, arc requested to he pune tual in being at tliclandlirg nt the above hour.'8 defeat wus not surprising to any one that knew of li record. Had ho renin ined a home Instead of going to Canada to look after tlie Indiaus Lis clmnces would hava been better. Thos. (i. Nott, the mcn haiit tailor of this place Adopted a different plan ; bidng n Democrat In pilnclplc, he staid at home, nnd wrote to New York and Philadelphia tranucted h'a buslneta by leter not with tliclndlans, but with thclar- j est Cloth establishments In the country. The r?suU Is that he received the fin 'st and best fe'noda in the city Markets. He is tmw engaged jji tnukliiu up some forty suits for his customers, nnd wc venture to say feels much happier than Uuekalew docs over his Indian expedition. A Max named John I'slnc, from Danville, Ya., was run over by an rnginq nnd killed near the ;as wuika at Ilurrisburg, Ho was lying upon the track an 1 is supposed to have been asleep. Gnon It;.nt Finn Compant. The members of this, rompany have mndo nrrangements with Mr. F. I.ereli to iiinkc them a hook and lud.Icr truck, with ladder?, and ull the necessary appa ratus. They have also determined to build an engine house nti Fourth street, Wo nre pleased to notice tlii-i fact, nnd congratulate the "Goody"' boys for their detel iiiiiiatlon, nul hope th '.v may succeed. Tltcir locating in the Eat "Ward should Induce our citizens to encourage them In llalr eiiiei prl.e. Tnr. New Commissioneu. Mr. Joseph G. Durham, the newly elected County Commissioner was sworn In, on Wednesday latt, and entered upon the duties of his olllce. Mr. Durham) ns vc have stated previous to his clectiou is un ex cellent man for that position. We feel confident that with two such men ns Messrs. Durham nnd Yastiuc in that olllce, that the affairs of our eonnty will soon assume a different shape and tho taxpayers will be greatly relieved of the henvy burden impo-cd upon them by former boards of Commissi mors. We are informed that ttteji were immediately taken nfler Mr. Durham took his sent to muke the delinquent tax collectors i ay np. Wo may soou jxpecl to see a squirming umong the dllluqucnts of collectors and the ex-Treasurer, as both Mr. Vnetlno nnd Mr. Durham are determined to proceed and col lect the outstanding taxes regardless of friend or foe. Uy such a course they will certainly have the hearty endorsement of every honest man in the couiitv. Rally "once Auain." The Republicans of this county propose holding a grand barbucue nnd ratitleation meeting on tho island between this place und the borough of Northumberland, on Wcdm slay next, ( celebrate our lute Stato and county victories. Among the. speckers in vited we notice the names of General Gruut, Hod. Simou Oineron, Gov. Geary, Gen. Hartranft, Gen. Allen, Ex-Governor 1'ollock, Hon. Frank Jordan and others who are expected to be pre sent; severul of who'j have already given their asscut, nnd will participate. The order of exer cises will commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., when ad dresses will be delivered by proiuincut speakers, after which n free dinner will be served. A torch-light procession will form on the island at 6 p. in., aud march through the principal stretits of Northumberland, after which the delegations will be conveyed to Sunbury, where they will pu rade .through, '(l'fyinl streets 'to ' Market sqAiare, and dismiss. The citizens ol both places arc expected to lllumhialo tholr dwellings along the route of the procession, This grand gather ing will no doubt be the largest that has ever ta ken place ju (culrul IVunsylvania, and we are in orincd by the commutes of arrangements, which is cousiinued of tba diqH active fcasiueU men of both tow nsf that provjsloi; has already bson made to muke a!J ciyfuitiib'.u who may altend. A geu .cral invitation Is extended to all, regardless of party to participate In the festivities, Jet (here be a full turn o;it from every part of fhe county to celebrate the grujjd Icloj j-, and la ratify the voice of the people of '.Ua fctaie. Tun out und spend one day lu awjrrntplatjoo wjlh your polgh- bors. I Ikon Ork . A Tela of iron ore has lately been opened ou the farm of Geo. Adams, near the weigh sculcs ou the 8. V. R. R., about three miles west of Shumoktu. The vein is about three fee In thickness at ike open lug and the ore proves or a tine qeallty. Ii )s supposed that ," f large quanUty Js( imbedded Ifl tfco noonUI, od it is improving uiucbis the Teln Is opened. A large quantity isboiag hauled to railroad for shipment, which hit been Durcuused by tle . Kdiug Railroad CurapaBj. Taa -or, .we are ' ti.fraiid, ulrcaily yields about 61 per thit. new tower clock for the Crmtt llonse Vnow bolngpul npby the agent of Messrs. E. Howard Co., of Bos tnl' -OaeWHe WlhioaltssWaM fret In 41 amcter, was lTftriaMt tmt received. This mis linpcauefl uy sroU sioii a In Its yauspoilntlon frorh New Tork, was proiiiply remedied by Messrs. HrfwiJraCnfr-MloiHmcdlatcly. on tho fccelpf rof nf ''ielcftram Rnnouncliift the jTact, font anQllu'i rllali The dials are plate glass a naif Inch thick, ground on duo aid and polished on the Mlier, and wel abont 100 pottndl each. TliefUrUrcs and jiifntito. dots hre glided glass un-. derlafd with tin foil, the figures, (Roman numer als,) heinfc elKht Inches Innir.' Tt clock rani eight days, and ts a sph-udld piece of workman ship front lie ptIt looted clock nod watch estab lishment qC , Ilovard & Co., of Boston.' The dials will be llhimlnnted at night with reflected light of MS btihiers." i'.Thekofi, w4rllh wvlglA oror' 1000 pounda, will in tho future be made stationary, nnd thus pre vent tho '"RfcitA-fbtnllon Ihnt would eventually wYnkert ir hM destroy the tower..' Instead of swinging the bell the tolling; hammer will be used when required, as Is now done In nlmost all cases where large bells nre used. DlXMOSIC'O HotSL at SiiamokiS. This hotel, fcapt by Mr, 0tvFttcr;ts,f4st growing Into fa vor with tho trnvcHrt!; public. Being located In the business part of .thclown', and Convenient to to the railroad, It U a desirable phiee for the traveling community. The house 1 quiet nnd orderly. .The rooms nre neatly furnished with t ie most improved Snrulture, while the tables abonnd with plenty. The dining rooms under the supervision of Mrs. Fisher receive the strict est attention, arid as n caterer she Is t.6t surpass el. Wo would advlso all visiting Sliamokln to noviorgct the JJclmonipo. AN Attkmpt at Munnrit. A. II. Fitch, bag gnu? master of the Philadelphia nnd Erie Rail road depot nt Lock Haven, was full upon on ou Monday last and fatally Injured. He was cutiu livo plaocs on the head, and bad his throat cut. When found he was unconscious. He has rallied enough to give a desciptlon of the nsas sln. A stranger who was seen prowling about the building (lining the night Is suspected ns be ing the assassin." MST of Premiums awarded by The Northum berland Couiitv Agricultural Socletv, held alfun bury, (September S5th, i!lith and a7th, IhTl. cuass 1st. I G Kill)!, white wheat, premium ! Isninh Johnson, red 6 Abraham Slernar, oats i Edward Orady, rye 3 Isaac J Sober, timothy seed !t Isaiah Johnson, yellow corn 4 Isaac lionsar, gourd seed corn 4 John II Kuse do 'M U class 2d. I'.nticrt Ratesman, blooded stallion ?20 John Moure, do 2d ID John W Murray, marc nnd coll 10 Ueiulel Wliltnicr, blooded rult 1 year, 10 class 3d. Byerly & Brother, stallion .Diploma Isnnc Campbell, marc and roll ' ' ' ' in Edwnrd (irady, 2 year old colt H llenrv Arnold, 3 do 2d 4 It F B;irnhart. 1 do ' Diploma Lemuel Uampbrtl, patr mules 5 Silas Chambcrlin, double team, Diploma James Boyd, family horse Diploma class 4th. Isaac Campbell, bull cnlf t , to J 11 McCoi uiick i heifer ti class .1th. Gcnnro Hirrison ; milk cow 1 A J Stroll, 2 cattle Diploma ft.VfsCth. John Moore j Chester whiter boar f s Benjamin Hoover j shonts Cliester whlto 4 1 J ( ihcrdnrf sow nnd pigs 10 Diploma 5 H Diploma 4 U '' . it r roaicy t tai nog George Uunl ; 4 Clicker wiiitu shoals Thomas Johnson j rotswald buck Thomas Johuetm ; 4 couwnld ewes (LASS Tth. Isaiah Johnson; pair of turkeys Beiijamiu Hoover ; pair ducks J K llousel ; game chickens C W Matliias; variety of clilckcns John tvilver j collection of chickens W K Mniick r pair golden bantams .1 Cherry ; while rabbit W II Maiick ; ring doves CLASS Sill. Mrs Rachel Campbell ; home carpet, wool Win B Sehlve ; 5 yards H.-iuncl George Harrison; lag carpet Oscar 8 Kasc i bed spread Mis Samuel (Jbtrdorf ; wool yarn Mrs John F Kline ; knit hose Mrs John F Kline ; do half hose John ii Snyder ; linen homo made rt.ASS Uth. Jacob Seiiscnbacb j best peaches M Eckuian : fall apples no ao 80 f3 ;t :t 1 1 j ti I a Diploma do do Diploma do do do Diploma J H MeCormiek s variety npples 11 B Masscr, Concord grapes do Klsuuber grapes do Cutawba grapes (LASS 10th. A 1 Stroh ; set single harness .., . Ira T Clement; newel post Win II Miller; caso boots and shoes 3 II Fry ; buggies James K Miller &, Co. ; wash board class Uth. Gri tilth Mtchenthaler; corn plow Isaiah Johuaon ; Joint Imrroiv do do do 1 nomas Johnson ; corn plow Isaiah Johnson ; revolving mould board, joim o i.awson ; corn plow 8 John S I.awson ; grain drill Valley Chlaf Reaper Diploma do class 12th. I Mrs David Ileimcr ; painting water color f .1 ! Davis tc OpIingiT, pen draw jugs, Diploma m .vi Duugnerty ; neudund lout stone CLASS lltth. Isaiah Johnson ; rosu potutoes John F Kiiue ; peach blow potatoes John B Horning ; peerless potatoes W B Seliivc ; tomatoes W B Schive ; onions 8ol Weaver ; celery W B Schive ; beets Sam! Kaufman ; sweet pumpkiu 11 II Conrad ; Held pumpkin S.nnl Oberdorf ; turnips class 14th. Miscellaneous. do 50 Mrs Rer. Hcmperly t pyramid bouquet ?1 J W Washlnglon flowers it plants ' 'J Emma Ross ; uir castle I class 15th. 3d Division. Mrs Johu U Horning ; apple butter Mrs Johu ii Homing peach butler Mrs Ruchel Campbell ; butter Mrs Dr John Raker butter 2d prem Goorgo A Bluder louf tireud class DUh. 3d Division. Oscar 8 Rase spiced peaches M L Hendricks ; pears canned James Harrison, peaches cauued A E James t dewberry wine Charles Collins ; Concord wiue Mary Miller ; cherry wiuu 11 li Masser Oporlo wiuo I J Renn ; grape Jelly Mary Miller; jiickuls ci.Asa lllth, ith Division. Maze Fox ; toilet mat ' ' Mrs Henry Uyerly door mat Miss Emily Qeuliier tidy Maze Fox Cuuvsa Tidy Ella Seusholis aepyr cushion Eminii J Bartholomew wax tiovrera Mrs U W Giiringer sofa suction Miss Sullis lloi ton letliujj Miss bailie Morton toilet mats Miss Lizzie Kasomau icphyr flowers Sewing machine Miss if C Waldron plain needle worl( (1 1 ii 1 5u 1 50 1 1 1 plploaa 1 6U Mrs John F a. due Kuit mittens Cyrus Geuscy shell box class 13. 1st Pay's T ruling, Fannie Wald entered by A. Wald Ana Nelf entered by V K'ctt 2d TKOTTINU. 1) H Driasbach Lady Wyman James Vandyke Bliud Tom - . in mnimo anew. . Johu II Faresiuan Keutucky George . SO I 75 23 40 20 ?5 1 be Treat u rer, J. H. MeCormiek, wU) Pay pre miuuis ai the Clement House, on Tuwdy and Saturday the 18m aud Utib lust. Then wil be a mectiug of the Kcacutiva Cqnt Biitue al lb hou.o of C. Nelf, lu (Sunbury, on Wednaaday, November the 6tb. A full ausud aoe Ut KHuiU'd. i' , . .., - 1 ' ' .T VirJOS. BrRtT, iprestdeat, Trie CorRt Horn4;9K, T'i .1, For inek fomfnHifntf Htmrfii. Qctnbtr 28, 1' Anron neber rs John Krock ( Naglo Owen vs Z F Dover t ' Jeremiah Wllh-r v R(d)cri D.ftesmiin Mloliiill Daltrm Ji W M HoagehtBd .! GCnrM Fmerick hse Vs Cornelius Trnntman 1 J 11 MaSscrve Benjamin Hendricks, Executor ! tl t9 Row vi Mlchnet Hnhn nnd wlfo- i W Cndo V Owrir Hirrlsort H ' Bnmnoi II ttnsh, C J Miller and James M. Trox- ler ri John M Bartholomew A T Stroh va InnM Drnekemlller ct al Ira T ClomcBt ys Jacob Reiner Joseph Long va' ti D Hunter , . ' Kilns Blekel vs laane Housel Ellas Blekel vs IsaaC'Housel Clark B Zimmerman vi North'd county dohu Harris y North'd Oounty " , Joseph H McKco, Robuit McKoc, Jr., vs George :v,"'f(. 1: I) atlerlleld A (Jo vs i wn liciirrr Tho llcnrv Cluv Coal Comnnnv vs Grant & Bro Cnthnrlne Pand vs the Eutvrprise Coal Co and Robert Aniinorinan Cnthnrlne Ueed ctij VS the Catawlssd R R Corn puny. . , ". ! . leo Troxel M al Dan'l Beck ley, Sh'fT l'etcr Dunkle vs K EShellcnherger Win I Greenouah 's tho Fulton Coal Co, tho Ex, rclslorCoal M ining Co, the Enterprise Coal Co John B Doiily nnd John II liable George C Wclkcr vs the N C It W Co William M Calm vs Win nnd Samuel Rilssul Win Rote vs Edward Kllno ' 8amuoi C Hyson vs the School Directors of Dela ware tp Charles Hoover vs Albert it Bower Peter Goiirbart ct al vs D II ii W K R company Thomas ft Hull vs Jnhn P Suinnuirs Levi Balllett's use vs B K Hang ; John Trcsslcr vs John Rumpel : Benjamin Wulsel vs Nathan Hans Jacob Roup vs John .ciby !PoH itra rnrso fiONnATNpVi IS, '72. ary k B:rrr ra Georgo Burnt - - Boyd & Clnyborgervs the Burusidc Coal and Iron Company Com vs Simon Sides conductor nnd engineer on PAKRK . c. r ; James Sanders vs flenry Frlck " ""0 V II Kf llor vs Geortte Troxel ' . ' E D Sallortleld & Co vs Goo V Bavldge Joseph f Kennedy vs the D II A W K R Compa ny ' George Miller xs John II C Son rod Wlet i Kcrplng vi Christian Snjder Dr. James S Donital vs J A J Cummings Tliomus Metiow s i M Bartholomew Valentine W Fisher vs Suliulu, Beclitel fc Culp John Dom vs Ellas Bush . . Benjamin B Leiirel vs llonry T Bowman Samuel Harrison vs Jefferson John John A J Cummings va David D Davis et Win II terch James F Shullx vs Jas Walton and wife John Bartholomew, Sr., vs Jus H McConnick Benj WUIiumsou vs J II MeCormiek J K Kulp vs Christian Giinsett George Bower vs Jas II Mt-Corinlck George Will vs Jus II McConnick Samuel II Rothci mcl vs lteuben S Uarman John It Seiler vs Johu II Forusinau j John F Wollloger vs John Porter, adm'r of Mar tin till till rer, dec d -Adam Lmviry vs John McManus Weiiud ii: iv. Co V J 4 JLiucli Eva Si hllchty vs Authniif tlnmtnel Catharine Kiiieliel vs John M Fry 'Louisa J EliierU'k vs Peter Cressiiigcr J V M Saunders vs Frederick it: Krcbs Elisha Elliott vs Henry B Weuver Jacob E Strieklcrvs John Wlcsl Jonathan Garrett vs II B Masscr George Miller vs John 8 Snyder and Wm B Deal Foil WBCK COMMKXCISG MOSI1AV, NOV. 2.i, '72. Henry Say lor ct al vs Andrew M Kaftwklj ct ul Henry Baylcr Vs Same Reuben Kline und wile vs John U Prutv Alice K Brown, Admlnistrutr'S, Vs Jos V Cake I M Cku vs J W Oako Magdalena Graot ct nt vs th.0 Dig Mountain Im. piuvcmcut Co ct nl Btim? Vs P I I- i Wright ct nl vs Amelia Kiclil John Faliiicslock vs Thaddeiis Shannou Sains vs Sleenmn A Shannon . ' ; , John A Lloyd -v Juhu Beujaiulii. . . 8 John it Sons vs Henry Baylor ' Frederick Scully vs Nathan Cliambcrtlu Elisabeth Smith vs Daniel Voder George W Seller Vs Jacob Critacr George P Frederick v Eielioltx tfc Day State Bank vs Abntham Klssiger Thos h Frymire & Co vs J J Wcik Samuel Shade vs Lewis township Lnisarus Mover vs William Startzel b John A Sons vs Davison it MeC'abe. John B Price vs Samuel Long 8 John it Sons vs J B Weiser John K Bartch vs Jos'-ph Nicely, Adin'r Isaac Bruiier. jr., vs Iliruin Dewald Charles Class vs Peter Baldy und t.hns Roml, Cont meter Datcr it Eelsh vs Wm A Fisher KOIl THE AVKKH'ax 4rent Ox ICoiiNt. I urn credibly informed thnt the Democracy of Sunbury got butcher Steel to purchase a largo White Ox which they Intend to roast lit their eel oblation ol the election of Ch:vrle K. Uuekalew, and their, Democratic candidate, vencrally, in Northumberland county. Tho arrunsromcnts we Uarn are as follows; The Ox to e dressed by bulehcr Steel, imd the skill to bo stolfoil nnd car ried high up In I he air, lu front of (0 torch -lights, the Iniiips tor which wero stolen frotu the Rcpub Jicn. C 1C. Buekalevf is to beniimntcd nsuido the stuffed skin M (bu Ox, ith Horace i rcely be hind him tho vr t)n to curry both Uuekalew ueluhlng about S'.OuO, pouuds and Greelv about WI.OOO. The Ox is to be lud by Eitihhoitz, editor j of two Demoernt, the poA jiounr hieing give n ' to him lu puideruliou of the iHjivriuU services 1 he readeicd during the eampsftw. The jiall bea- reis am v be John W. Forney, A. K. MeClurc, A..G. Ciirtiii, nnd Eli Sllt'cr, luto Seretary of Skuto, braving General Cuineron out lu the cold. , .' I team thnfTihe roast will bo deferred till Pat : ITuster la piiQloued, Who will lilperlulend I he : wlioto affair. Tim eurcuse of tho Ox will bo do-! vourcd nt n pioininuai salonn in to-n. . j A LlBKKAL. Tut: losses sustained ky Individuals Who nc Icct to iusure lu reliable compjiii.'., Is immense, nnd many families who nre In comfortable cir cumstances could olieu he suved from total ruin ' If they would attend to Insurance In (Imc nguiust that monster destroyer llro. We are happy, however, to uotlec that man lire iising the pre caution of bite by getting Insured In the People I Fire Insurance Company, rhiludvlphia, which Is considered afe and reliable. Tliiv also Insure life ut the lowot rales. Mr. Gossler, their agent at this plaee, Is doing a handsome business In making at policies in ibis part of the State. Kdilor'n Tablfj, ScHiBxrVa Montiii.v. This evcellcpt pcrlodl cal is rapidly gaining in popularity over most of our monthlies. By Judicioas cdiloiiu! manage ment, nnd a corps of the ablest writers and ar tists lu the country, uow, aftr n- two years' c4 reer, the prosperity and popularity ol Seribntft' ilmdhly Is u fixed lact. Its lour h!f yearly vol nmcs (Novcmticr, IS70, to Octotirr. lx'si, both In cl;is(vf) fonuty luiirly ".'.OOO pug.-i Lopcrbil 8ro., and hundreds of engravings, very rrcditiible to our artists, pr. J. fl. Holland has had editorial charge from tho beginning. He has properly availed himself of the recogulzed talents of many established writers as contributors. The result is a gruut dent of risskiiMi of t bought and of ex pression. The first two year of fkribiitr't MonUtlu lave exhibited a ereulcr vurictr j j U.y,dr ability, of authors and artists, than, w ith- u uir nuuwien(B ana recoijecuou, n us ever De fore been presented In the same tlmo and way. The Novemtor nniber,-tglnuing the fifth vol ume, pr aWKbleoppArtualty for intend ing subsci laiers. Ttej 1H do well to obtain the worK Irom the Uegjuijlng. fublisbed .by bcrib- nS AfBiSfcruiig t tio., He York. -11 ! ; i A Gkamo rssb for the niosi lgant goods just opeued at W. R. F. Weiaier'a cash store, was made during the past week. All the latest style of Fall Goods can be sctuflgd Qunchased at the lowest prices at Welmar'a store 7'he selection is greu4, and, for brilliancy and good qualify, Is not excelled. Call and be convinced. Mom Boot audSho. W. II. Miller is now opening bit Fail Block of Boots and oboes al tba Kxoelaior, Hit assortment is aot surpassed any where, aud being constant! In receipt of uew styles, nd oqe can' go amiss in jjcttln, uot only he best; out the latest styles, , ;,-, TltlAI. MKT Tnr cr'e't,'t wuit of tj;c.present nr" i men nnd wftlM&MlftllaMlLrniia lie fc Ind and bodv. 'the cftntitnied hepflK 1.(m weit;ne'-Aj, nervonimvs, nnd T.yjylptt Mlmrntu wtieh ntiliet women nre :enrflly tfie result of lrr.pprfeet ae. lion ol the stomach nnd other vital orirans. Dr. Wjsj.kijii's ("ALtPouNi a ViNPiun UiTimw, being (K)inj'. jl j'ifiJtj iVf vcLreUhlc V iltaiires Indi Criiniu" of.'liPwlii, inuj 1 ?ken with perfect fifety'j tt ViV'"T deticaliu In'turea sure reme ay1, torrfrtVn'it all wrong nellorl nnd giving new vigor to the whole svstem. , t hpmtlal .Aun'Bs On Mnrrinjre. Essays for Vonng Msn, on Orent j Soelut F.vlls nnd Abuwii, which ImerViro witl. Murriago, nnd ryin t-be bnimincso of thou sands, -whii uro means of relief for the Erring and UliAwttiMate, derenscd and debilitated. Sent In sealed Jotter envelopes, fven of .charge., Address, Howard An-oolutlon, No. U,.' South Ninth St., Phlladclphln, V. . , , ; , ; Sit 8 5 2 ' a k - i.. ; : ."2 c V, 3 "5. A O CO I V. C V -2 & g s P I x .Pi S3 to n o 9 JZ d S, r. n W T a " B i bti c 3 g t 9 t V V ri f - a '-. UK - TO THE NirFFERIXG. Tho-Rev. William II. XuVlnn, while residing In ns a missionary, discovered In that land of medicines n remedy for Conscmhtion, Scbofpla, . Souk Tiiu(at, Corctis, Coi.ns, Asthma, ano Np.hvocs Weakness. Tills rem edy has cured myself after all other medicines had failed. ''Wishlnt, In benefit the snffcHnjr. I will send the recipe for preparing nnd nstmr this remedy to nil who desire It MIKE OF CHARGE. Please send an envelope, with your name nnd address ou It. Address. Rev. WILLIAM II. NORTON, 070 Buoatvyav, H1S71. 1y. Nkw York CtTV, THE CO N F ESS IONS OF A N lv AUdT PUBLISHED ns n warning nnd for the benefit j of yoiivi) men ami vthmt who sutler I'roirT : Nervoa.H Dehf.ity, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup- i '"V,,'RTHE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. i Written by one who cured himself, after under going considerable quackery, and sent free on re- I eeiving n post-mid directed envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MATFAIR. 1 I June 8, '72. Cimos. Brooklvn. N. V. I . j ! MMIIHY MAIfjns. : riottr nnd Umln .Uarket. , Extra Fr.mily fHOO Red Wheat, p. bu., $2.00 ITracKwnsttt, p. ct., 6.00; Rw; ; CoiU Meal, " 2. .Ml Corn. ' 1 Wheat Brin, p. bu. 1.511 Buckwheat ' Shorts, 2.00 Oats, 112 lbs., Corn .t Oats Chop, 2.00 Flaxseed, Timothy Seed, p. b. :t.00! I I'roilucc Iitrkrt. l.oo 50 O nr. j Potatoes, , Egirs, per iloi., I Butler, Jicr lb., Lard, 1 Sides, 50, Hams, JS Tallow, !5 Counti v S rap, 12 Dried Apples. 10 " Peaches, iShoulders, 15 S s 12 111 14 Jttchi bbcrtismcitiS. Sprluc mikI Nil mm or Opening op IIM.IM.KY GOODS. Hats atul Bonnets, Trimmed nnd Untrimineii, itinnoxs, flow eus, WREATHS, LACES, &;., nil new styles. 'riiio VpIN or nil iniI'M. CHAFE 1 1 ATS AND 110XXETS, and everything usuallv kept In a Milliuerv Store. Call ut , . ' f. L. GOSStKR'S Store, 45 South Fourth Street, below the S. V. 1!. R., Sl'NBVRY, TA. 1 April 20, 1ST2. 10.000 Agents Wanted: V,Vvr J3 for our great J Political Campaign Chart, j The moht attractive ami salable thing out. It is Indispensable to men of all parties, furnishing Just the facts and llgures needed, for every day reference; by every intelligent voter. Agent's are selling from 15 to 3 Inj. - The most liberal terms. Send for descriptive clrculurs. Address, Dl'FHELD ASIIMEAD, Fub'isher. n14. 71 1 Saiisolu St., Philadelphia. A Farm for Sale, i TflE undi niened oilers t private sale, his I Farm, containing ubout HU Acres, titun- I ted in Lower AiiL'iisla township, Nortliumlierlanil county, nn the Plum Creek road about 11' i miles I east of Suubiiry, hounded by lands of Daniel I', Con in cl, Henry Savidge, Joseph (iass, ami others. The Improvements consist of a good well-nrriinired I ML Framu House, a largo Itank Hani, with ( llifl Wngon House and Corn Crib att:iclicd. . Spring House over u never-failing Spring, and nil other necessary out door buildings, Ai- j pie Orchard of choice fruit in good bearing order. I niiini u hitc or iroo'i imk iimuer. ti minim stream of water through tho farm. I'm of tho pun-huso money can remain in the farm. For further particulars, call on or address. A. R. SAVIDGE, Sept. Till, 1S72.-3ui. Sunbury, l'.i. A. II. FRAIWISCUS & C0.I No. 15 Market Street, j PHILADELPHIA. ! We have opened for tlm Fall Trade, the largest ; aud bil aitsui lod sloi li of . PIIILADELPIirA' CARPETS, Tati'.e, Stair nnd Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades nnd Paper. Cm pet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, H'lttiiitr, Wiuldiog, Twines, Wicks; Clocks, Look lug lilassrs, ITiiiicy li.,kets Uiooms, BaskuAs, Xik kets, brushes, Clothe ers. Wo xlcD ulU Willow Ware, IS TIIK t'KITEll STATED. Our largo ini naiie In luslms i-nablrs us to sell nt low prices, and furnish the best quality of Goods. WU.E 'CENTS KOIl THE CELEHHATED AMERICAN "WASH- UK. Price, S5.50. The most Perfect and Succeasful Washer ever i f . Made. , . Agents Wanted for the American Washer In all parts or the Slate. Sept. 7, 3iu. MlI.Ll.NKItV. SPRING STYLES nl the CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OF VilHH 1.. NIIINMI.F.IC. Every kind of Mlllluery Goods, rmhrarltig IImIm, Hon nVt, School llittM, C'rif llsvtis stud ItonurtM, Ribbons and Viewers, Trlinuiluus or every de scrllii'D, aud every kind or goods usuully kept in a millinery esluhlUhmaut, cut. bu bad at her stoiatti tbe lowest pi ices. The very best lu the PUuaUlphU market baa beeu seleotcd, lu which tba ladles are luvUed to examlue and be conviui aed. . , , i; Miss L. SIIISsLEU, ,;'- - ' t Market twiuaie, Sunbury, F. AprH 30. 18T5. . '- -,..L:i M Ajliiiiiilsitfiilor'is IMolire.' VJ).T4CK Is hereby u-Kea,.that letters of n I Af ''ftihiistrathih'llllna Uoen granted totlie un drrVfsrie l on lli. rstaW of MVs. Mary, C. With Ingtou, iato of the bufwilrh nl'Hnnhary, North'd eoiinly, Pa., Are. All those knowlna: theniselves Indebted to snld wtas nie requested to make itn triedlHtft "pnymuC.,iuiil perantiS Smvhig claims will present them (or settlcniir, - ' s GEO. W. SMUTT. V ' ' ' Athniuiktulor, .. Sunbury, Seld. 11, 1720'. v." i , Tailoring t Tailoring !1 ' '.' ' CHAlltiES MAnTL, Reaped fully Informs the cllir.em of Sunbury and . . vielnltv, that he has nH.ned it TAILOR SHOP, on Fonrth Street, below Market, In the Mnllen building, and that ho U prepared to make up all kinds of WEXT.V AXD ItOY'.V NriTN, 111 the latot styles. Having had much cxer lence In tho business he desires I lip public to give him a trial. Clothing will he made up In tho late.-t 1'ails and American 1 ushlous tu the most sale-l.ielory manner. Aug.l7,72.-tf. CIIAULFS MAIIIL. AilmiiiiMf rntor'n tlcc. NOTICE Is hereby given thai Letters of Ad ministration have been g: anted to tho un dersigned upon tho estate 'of John Deshny, de ceased, late of Upper Augusta township, North'd comity. All knowing themselves Indebted to said estate, nnd thoso who have clniihs nxainst tho same, will present them for settlement'. A. N. BRICK, Administrator. Sunbury, Sept. 21, 1S72. Ct. Presidential Campaign. CAPS, CAPES it TORCHES Send for Ii,i,rSTiiATi:r Cm i f-rl.Ait AMD Puice List. CUNNINGHAM & HILL, : MANrFACTTIlKIIS, I No. 2(, Cnt iicit Sti-.kkt, i p;iILADELVliIA. I 4mos. NEW SUMMEIl GOODS! kati: r.r.Atrf, MARKET SQUARE, SVNUURY, I'EN'N'A. Black Press Silks from i?l .10 to g-2 00. Jaiianeso Sill;, Silk Pongels, Plaid I'npllns, Mixed l'lijillns, Ilarnnl from 20 cents to 1 1 01). IIOMY VAi:iK.W Chlntip's, Delalns, itc. French Muslin., Mar seilles liailts. Ki.l Gloves, wilh t Ur'n ami double buttons. I.nrc S Ii a u I . A general af.sort:nen. of Wnite floods. LAWNS. ClN'GllAMSnn.l I'JtlJES, '"f,.'i:; TRIMMINGS, LACES, Ac., told ;.t greatly reduced prices. Sunbury, May IS, 1S52. O. W. K FEVER. It. A. (IAf. lN"ew Goods! , Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing ijoous, uroccrios, t;u vioui.--, Glass nnd Xiiils of every Variety, nt ono low J rice, KEEFEll & GASS' STORE, Comer of Fonith nnd Market Streets, SUNBURY, PA. All kinds of Grain taken in exchange fame as cash. (.'.ill and see us. REEFER .t GAS8. Sunbury, April 27, 1ST2. A. M. MEIXELL, is Amrricnii itud European WATC'UIIS. i"ixr.Tr.wi:r,nv una siLVKitwAnE. IVrtVt't'! KjuM-laoloH uiul t'.ye (illlNNOSI. GOLD HEADED' CAXE.1 Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired ar. l wai runted. Market Square, SUNBURY, V. Feb. . t872.-tf. The New North-West AXD ITS 7-GO GOLD LOTsT OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC BA1LR0AD. SAFK AND riJOFItAV.LK IXVKST- mkot, HKcuiMii uy rirrv MILLION' ACRES OF LAND! REGISTERED : S100. S500. S1.000. So.dOO SI 0.000. ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' coupiixs, $100, S.jOO and 'i? 1,000. Holders nrcoxompt from I' ' ' States Tax. nihil Tho Fli-st Mortinige L:nd Giant Gold Bonds of the Northern Paciiic Itiilrrtad Company arc now selling til PAIi ami uccrued lutitresl. 'i In'j have thirty years to run, and hear Interest tit the rate of 7-Ut per rent., iu gold, and lire unhesi tatingly recommended to all classes us an invest ment that combines a protituhlo late of interest with absolute security. JAY (OOIIE Jk CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS, PHI LA I)' A. " BomU for Snle nt tho riRST NATIONAL BANK OF Sl'Sni'RY, nutl FIRST NATIONAL BANK or XorlhuiulKrlaiiJ. September 7, 1ST3. 4w. . -. I KTAIX It I.N. LACE CURTAINsT WIN1HJW SHADES. CORNICE DKCORATIOXS, LAMKREQUINN LACE i)RAPERIES. PIANO COVERS, FURNITl'RE COVERINGS, TASSKUS AND LOOPS, N O'lTl N I 1 1 A M CURTA1 X S, CRETONNES, SUMMER CURTAINS, HROCATELLE. SPBt.lAt ISTF.HlOir DECOItATIO, To Order at Moder.ttc Price. W ALRAVE IT, Mon1c Hall, 710 Chtstuut Street, IMill'a. June 55, IST'L Jiu. l. s I June . lsi a' GEO. EVANS. E. (i. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 014 Market Street, l'liiladelpltia, TAILORS i i . MILITARY GLOTHIKnS, Militnry, I'lind & Fire OrgiinizationB s - promptly uulfovmcd, , Samples of Clotli, with Plictograplis, sent freo(on application. ( Ours being the lending house on Military work, we feel that we Can offer inducements which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. 21, 1872. n.mllVY PRH LINT. . H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, i 'j . un. alar, iiir.iu. ii i i. " 1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Prices Chaini'ane, (In Currency.) ' r.imsl Irroy, t'nrtc Ulatiehe. I " ' Special Extra Drv, Piper IMdslck. ' G. II. Muiiini's Dry Verzenay ) D. pot In 10 M) 211 25 . UH 25 I 2H 75 1 'Si tr Wt M j 23 9J I Extra Drv, I'hi ad'u L. Roedercr, Dry Schrclder, " Dry Sillery, " Imperial, " Carte Blanche, I'omnicjoy Sec, Dry Monopole, Napoleon's Cabinet, Veuvt- Clieiiint, Price? adVitiicr or dee! " I 20 r.t i i ) i 4 8 CO CASH MCST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS. Very Fine Old Eve Whisker Our "Yellow Seal" Sherrv," liiue Seal Hrandy, "lSIO,' Sept. 21, Isri. 4m. 511 0.1 pordoj!. 11 Oil per doz, 14 00 per das:. n::,Ti'Tniv. GKOTiO E M. HE.X Li Simpson's Jhi.iliKii'i, Mnrkrt XICIl'C, Prsm nv, Pa., I prepared to do all kinds of woik pertal'iing . to Dentistry. lie keej.s constantly on hand n large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which he will be able to soled, nnd ineei. i lie wants of his customers. All won; warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refandeJ. The T'-.-y l st Jlouth Wash and Tootli-I'ow.lers kept i n hand. His ret'ereuces ore the numerous patrons for who'll he hns wort;.;.! for the last twelve vcurs. Sunbury, April 21, 1h;. 1' r,? 1 1 v . it. tjiiuruic. KOXJEE, SIGH, AND OHNAAiIHlTAX PAnTTSP., SCNiilliY, l'ENN'A. Decorating and Eujier llar.giLg done In the Liti-t improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Resilience in V S ii'l'iirv, Mav iiilvtov.ii. I'uierh ii.'i;2.-tr. Imlldl'ig .TIttii!io-:I :--:io-.v !.,(, Ilo -.v Ui-sitcr-. .1 ! , ff43n- pnbti-l.-d, a new i-lhlon of Dr. i miT Cfl.VERWELIS t.'ELEHlt ATED ESSAY o:i the radical cure (without medicine) of Si'ER.MATORRIHXA. or Seminal We:;i,ess, Involuntary Si-miual Losses, 1 M PO'i KStY , Mental und I'liy-iea', Lie i acity, Iinpoiiiiuent i to Mairiagc, etc : also, ( 'on-iiui; ! lo:i, r.pi'n-py. nii-l Fits, indievd hy s, :' i:a'u';:e.;e,- or xual exiravataiicc. I-;,'" i'riee, in a s-.-aleil envelope, only C cents. 'I he celel'i..t.'d author, in this ad iiirali'c c s.iy, clearly i!e:i;o:istrat! s, linui nthiity e..i&' suecessl'ul pnoiiee, lliHt the iilarining eousc iiuenees of self-al'iise may ho radically cured the dyrevrous use of internal medicine nr tho application of tin; knife ; pointim; out a mode o! erre ;;t irA.-c fclinplc. crrl-ilo, nnd ( T.'C tual. by means of which every suileixr. no ma' ter what his condition may be, may cure binl-e'f cheaply, privately aud ra lioalls. J This J.ioture shoild t .: in the hands of, every youth and cvovy man lu I he land. S ait, under seal, ii: a plain envelope, to any addic-s, postpaid, on iveelj't of six cant", or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. C'.i'.v 'i wel'i's '"Miirrlaga fluidi'," price fn) cents. Addie-s the I'ulili-her, CilAS. .1. C. KLINE A: CO.. P. O. l!ov, 4.r.i U'T Uowcry, New April i'T, 1.LTCIIE H V ! I5UTC1IEKY ! .Utvssrs. UK :' EOWIil!, Tll'.nl Street, opposite Central ILtel. ' St'Niil'RY, I., KEEP coustant'y ui haul ti.e very choicest of fresh ?i j iths .v : vii.t r.. whl di Is sol at the !owe-t prices. Meat cm be a. I ;!l nil Hours Sui.htirv, l'.i., Jaae s tin' l:i is.-;. IAl'C IIY A S CfM'.n.' A . TS WANTED LOOIC HERE! The new ' Ft !i i'v Illi-tr.iteil Edition of UolUNMjN i (.Ul'MJi'l jll-t Oilt, Is the lllnst po lllar ti.lo'irl i print. l'.S paes, tinted paper, only ' .'..V. ri.y i WOltll ;i,rj'J. Sells ipliel, it :i.i last. ' Pa) ing id lorlM.i wefK. Tii:r- o'' tlii and onr new Bibles, ben! f.-.'c, I -, '".'. ; iils' p'k't Compan ion. ' l.v lluli'iar Li.v. T'.iblisher. T'.'U t aeso'il l'hi'a. - ' U' VT!';i Pviiih'li,, I lloi l( A'" nts an I Caniiisers. in aii i aits of the!', r-. to sell the Memoir i iioej- I'look.' T.n ey. ( Id ".Visile... of the MM i'e'iki" touit ot tin C. S. No lutok heretofore ; uhli-h-vl in Ih's coyntr;-, throws m mi. eh ii.lit n iin onr Cvi-tdidi ii al anil I' lli-toi v. Ii ii. a uoikol eta ii-lin- iy lnier.'-i mi 1 of p iiiianeiit Value tola.. Iii-i.n i ia, the l.e.wjcr, the i-taleui:in, tlui Polit ola is, every of latelligeiit readers. C rf"iold by Mllwcri t ion only Exclusive f Irrltoi y g' I?"hor Teiius. for this an I iilu r 1'opuiar Wiuks. address at once, Murphy i': Co. Pahll heis, R.i'.. limine. ,W'kT. Wimi ii i'us Ut'K IN I'TAil lleing nil epo.-.e of the seeii-t nl.-s an. I Misteries ot' inornionlsm. Willi lull mi l authentic history of Polvgaiiiyby J. II. Deadly Editor of the tail Luke Reporter. Agents are iir-etlng with Viiiproco lenl.'l suc cess, one reports 1 Mi suh.,-1 Hiers It four days, n nut hi i 1J iu ln days, tend lor Circ.ii.iis ami sewUatOie press kiix i nf tat woik. Address, Niitiimxl Publisliliig Co. I'hilHile'i hi a l'.i. 4w God giant tluit this ptecions bixil.' may find ' Its way to every f.un'.y in the la'.ii,"' sav n ' prominent reformer, of T. iS. ArtbM'a lart great work. TI1RF.E YEARS IN A MAN -TRAP. Not withstanding its inmiense snle, we de-ire to ex tend its intl ieiiec still further, nnd call for mine aid to introduce it to ev ry corner vf our laud- It Is li mil ly olid, und by Judge Id.icl;, F. It. uri.e. ler esiwei.illy huge discounts, fend for ill it. tratea" cjrculrs auV trni, and liter Into f its irrrat work at once. J. M. todduil ,V. Co. I'lisl a.lelplfla. 4W MY "JOLLY1 FRIENDS SECRET. DIO LEWIS' New nnd Gieatct W(.ik U an lin mense sncciss. ISth Iboaiaiid In puss. A.'enta delighted und coining uiouuy. Aienls nnlt-d everywhere. fcE". MA -LEAN", Publisher, 7.tW iu i.uioen sliei I phila. S .eai uow iiiiu iwners. v in o mora ui.oo.niuu : A .- p,..,, t e.-k Val re, which n.T prohibition Is ever fr.une.1. It sells beyond . i b M ,rt i. w iilnliawn witi,:.t lc. parallel. Aveuts have done and nie doing splen- r J Ji-'J moving the Pump oi i!i tmbiii" dully with it. Una has sold over IkaJ copies. 1 ?ys5 ,i. ,i!lU. y,, ,e (.,,,. Owing to its gn at success we ure rnubied In of- ZviA r- t'li-in tn-r w li eli i,. i i-.,.' 1 ... ' )N'T be deci h ed, but lor eon 'lis, cold-., sorn throat, hoisciiesa and bronchial rtllflc'ilties, uu only V'ELLS" CAftnOLIC TABLKTis. Worthless Imitations nre onll.e luurkit, but toe only Fdnniilie preparation of Carliolic Act I fir Liiiik diseases Is when chemically combined Willi iher wull !;iujWU leniedie-. n In these Tab Ii ts, nnd' all'iot ai eantioni ng;ih'.td u-rag any other. In all rase, of in Italian of tLc marou iti"tn hrliiu c Iheso Tah'i-ls nboiibf fc'i freely nser!, fheir tennsiBc and beiilltig propesjl.-s rea.stonlKl.tnt'. '; warned, fteter pegltct iv cold, it U fnsHv cured in Its Inelpint sfac, whelt bcef.tnes chronic the cure is exccedluuly dillleuit , use wells' Carbolic T.ili'ets ns n Kwrl'l's. JOHN i. KELLOGG, H I'laK New York, Iw Sole Ai.nt for Cuilcd States. Price S5 cents n, bok. " Srttd for Circular. MY JOLLWI'RIF.NDY, SECRET, n remarka ble Book nnd irreat suec-s. lwh Edition now rendy for Aitents. Nothina-puys like It. 4w. Geo. Mttclenu, I'uhlUlidf, 73:1 S.inso:n Si.. Til;., $10 made from fiO cts. Call and examine or 12 samples sent f post n ire free) lor oOcts. Unit retail ijiilck for $10. )!. L. WOL COTT, 1i Chatham S iaiv, N. V. tS-4v. TPT? T p A of the People's Slum! a nri I''i,!'c 850 "'- r'tln, will be J,,m llcr to l'Pk iicetits. Sell I n ti H PI I'x inamc and nddres to ZfEGt.FI! iiUMlIO. Mcrt llDY.f.'ll Arnhrd. l'hlla, I'.. ''P"y,in'"i'nirhrmin'r'." L How cither itx may rabclnnle ami L'nin love and afTeelions nfiiol' ttpi-amt tlw,v li,.cA l. staiitiy 'l his slmiile mental ."Ccrn'remeiii can possess, free, by mail, for :.'." els, tnirrtl: with a murriiiirc guid -, r.iryidian (iiiu 'e, )rnii. Hints to Ladies, ,V:c. A iineer, cNcitimr bi-.. KW.tsm sold. Address, T. WILLIAM .c CO., "21-dw Publishers, Phi DUTY OFF .TEA S! Exlra Iiiihti'rnipnts fur Cltibs. SEND TOP. XEWCLUB CITIC'ULA! Which contains full explanations or I'remhri. Ac. THE WAY TO OBTAIN OUR CCODr'.. I'er-ons living I;( n.d!.-tai:ec from New Yi ' can club together, and tit il.eai nt the same : 'c ns we sell them to our Warehouses In New Yo:! In ord ir to L'el lip a eluW, lut each p- r. on wisl. e to Join sny how much Ton lie wnds, mil sc.. the kind and prie from nr Price List, ns Pa' , lishcil in our eircnl ir,'. Write the names, kin ' ' and amounts plainly mi n list, ai I wiien the cli. , is complete send Ii to us by inni!, nnd we j put each party's goods in sepurn'e packnges, nn mark the naim: upon tln-m, with the cost, r tin re 'need be no confusiou in distribution e.u 'party getting exact'- .wlinl he orders, and i. I more. Tho fundi to pay for goods crlered ci: I be sent by drafts on New Tork, I'ost-Olllec inniie or.tei, or ny otpri-. or. dc-lic send the goo:'.; 1 iy Express, to "colloct on de liv. THE GrtEAT AMERICAN TEA CO., I "1 nntj nr. Vt'ry h'frort. : 4w I". ). Ilo:; Miio. New Yolk Cltr. . THOMPSON'S W 0 1 1 L l )- ! E X O W X E I FATE X T Glove-FiUing Corset. No Corset hits ever enjoyed uc!i a woi lil-wldc popahiri- -y- The di'in ir.d for them U coust nit 1 v increasing, hu c.uisi: Tiirv otvi: l"x:vn;sAi. Satisf action. Are Handsome, Durable, Economical, nnd a PERFECT tit. A-k for THOMPSON'S (JENL'INE CM.OVF. Ti'lTI N'(i, cvitv Cor-et heini.' stamped with ll:u name 'I miivi, and the trade-iualk a Crown. Soi l tiv all Frt -Class Dealers. s21-4w. 'Ws O- I A na thn JLP Cx, RUBY FURNACES. Powerful end Ecnuomicil IUat rs. Jatnu: A. I.awson, i'.itenlee. l'L'LLER. WMIIII'N .V CO.. V.'-'w Wilier New York. Qelffeoaer'l'-A A S S PfewartJDiiiw Im t'lioYKii, r.NHIVAl.MI) . I': lturns iiiiv siz-- 'o ;1. Fl i.i.r.i:. wai::: i d'or.M.U). :.N CO.. ., Ni-iv Yoi V . :.. U V. aii l It is aid a pliisn? which lnny !e temporary r'"' " tho u'tlci'iT for the II..-I f-w do.-.-s, but Who 'I. ' till eoi;t!'ined hi he: - Piles ;ind kin- ir."l diseasi to aid in n .'ak.-uii; the invalid, for is It a it. i. -lore li'iuoi-, which, tinder t! c popn r name of "Hitter-" U so loiti-u.-lvelv t aim d oil on toe pnVie as sov -n hrti rcmi-lles, but it is a m--t I'o.v. l t'ul T 'l ie and a t. : ., t ive. pmuotlllCeii mi he the leading ined'c-.l t!tiihii'ili. of Londor nnd Paris. a.;d has ticcn lom; u-i d l.y the resruhn ji'iyslciann !' i Iher eo'.inti les with wonderful ie riedh'l n'i'l. D3. WE I i oi EXTRACT CF J'JRUBEF.A LL J LA I oilu i I ei -i'iis ::'! t he tin .':'.' .. I ii 1 1:, pluiit und 1st it s ( he t .Vm as a . t the . tliu;.et. cei.itii ;ii;i't. Is tli.-rc Wiint of fli tlon In y,,n r Liver A Sj.'een I I'n'e-s re"e.-d ;it one', t lie I V.-! t,.-co:i!i- l:ii pare l.y d.-li I -ilmis se.-rel ion-, pio liaius' fioin Ions i i t-kin d'ea-cs, I'.lotehc-. i'.loa , 1 '.i-ta'ei,. Ciiiiker. Pimples, ir.. .oc. 1 .. e .1 urn ' '.: .:i to t-lt-aiiso, putlfv nnj re 1 the iti lll-d I'lood to healthy ill 1 1..;,". Have yici a Jy,p.- ill- ;: t . .1 !' . i i : .' Cnle. i irestio'i i promptly aid. I the sv-tjai i del. stoi d'. ::ll..- , V-l With losj f it ., I f,.ee. -,,V:-Drof:.!e,.l Vilideni-v, I,, W, she 1'. , fade. ' Take it toflssi-t I.ifs.linn .viilmut i. re). j will Impart youthlul i igor to lie- weary ni.i'.'i.i. ; Ilive yoii wiai'tu ss of the Intculiii k Yon are in d met r ol i hi...,:.. I'l.n rh i ;. j dread s' il I ii il.i ui i ii at ion ot I he It..'-, i 's. Take it to f 1 1 ii y i, i it.ilion a nd Wi.i -1 c- .e:i 'i i:- i cy to hiilamniiii io;,. llavx ynu win I, in-4 of tile lu-rinc T'r: iarv Organ- I You must pro itirc Inst.i jm- '-i ,.: .o i I ar-'n ,tiic to ".ill". . V wor-c t Ti ,:, I 'i !m- it to H:.".gtVi. n.-a'i.e we.ikn.-is it 1!:"o ' h.eooios n hiiideii. I Finally it Bhniil. I be l'ie,tieid'y tak-n to V '.'p the syteai in .eil'.e fealih ory.'.n ai e etlni vv Mi I in if re.a Uni.ger t. mala i hi!, ini.isinii! ic or eoala-Cloa- ,11., ,,.., John q. Krr.Locn, is p'.m ft., n. y. Keif Ag-'l.l forth'" I nlli Mates. t V:!ec, ff per . fen.l lor ( 'irciilai. 4w liLATc'llLKTS I2i'.JJ,TD 1 OJTSL'5 V n i'l'lT. T.i-t. '.-..s. ),ir ,, ,.. r'tPeient and Cli. up. 'il'el"-t l'iniip lor tlm leu-t inoTi"!'. Attention Is cs. pccial y l' ViH',1 to lehli y's Patent l.iiorotel I'.iiick t end scale, and will nlitlasl nay other. For sale by IValeis rverya hi ni, Fend f( r Cat ilm ie ai i I'liCiiUst- y bl.A't Hl.i:V, Mann-fiictuu-r, OHO Comment-&t.,'ii. Pi. .!4.1y ! $5 uMrJrJ, A-." Wi-idc l ! All working peoi'li., of cither six, yo'iiig or id, nmke more 100 u yet v,.ik for lain ll.'ir sinie looin. or eh the time,' Ihsti nt nnvlliins; eli-. i'.irt -nlai s 'n.", !. "TIKNiV .i- fV . 511 lv. If nuiin. I t 1