Urn QUtiAmtt .... .mfM'irMm 8. MUSSF.R, WflVERT. Editors, i ,. , sOnrurv, ocronur. 10, ss-a.. Kntional Republican Ticket. -" For President. . ' Vi:.. l'i N. UltASTi . . .... - OF ILLINOIS. Tor Vice I'rowWlciil, IIOX. IIKXIIV WII.NOX, I ' OF MASSACHUSETTS. PRKMDEJCTIAI. ELECTORS, j Anorrit K. Bnnir, Plillartvlpiila, .Ion M. Thompson, Butter, ' W. D. Points, Philadelphia. ! ... Mir. ! : lht. 1. .Tns-.prt A. Hoiu4. 14. John Passmohi:. !!. Marcih A. Davis. 15. W. J. ( OLKOKOVE. .'I. O.MoHlIISONCOjlTES.10. -TESSl! MrBll!I.I 4. Husky Hhomm. 17. JIenuy Om.Anr, fi. Tnno. M. WiMir.n. IS. Rodkut Bki.i.. I. Jons M. Buoomaix 1!. .Iasp. M. Thomtsos T. S. ".). 10. 11. 12. 13. FllARd!" PltnOPKIl. .20. MAHK II. RlCtlAIIIiB 2t. KnwAun H. (Inr.p.N. iJS. Pat. K. Suokmakkk ISAAC FrAZIKR. (Ino. W. ANhncws. IIENIIV l.t.OYO. JolIN J. OlU.EMMB. Danilt, R. MH.I.KII. ,-4. Jambs Pattkumvn. I.nANn. I. Mouths 2.1. John W. Wallack. TiiRonounSTiiONO. 20. CiiaiiI.k 0. Boti.e. Go osand Keup it Up. Our Repub lican friends should hear in mind that their duty is but half performed. The triumph "oT Tuesday of Inst week must be maintain ed on the ."th or November next. The op position papers give up nil hopes of Penn sylvania. It will not do to place the Jeast reliance on these deceitful - pretensions. ' "We know that they are terribly discourag ed, but that is no reason why they may not H make a heavy secret effort in the coming " ' Presidential conflict, relying upon your ap athy, generally tho result of n great politi cal victory, for their success. You have most nobly rcbukod the slanderers of your chosen candidates at the late election, now lot every Republican be on his guard against surprise nt the approaching elec tion for President. The district organiza tions should be kept up, and prepared for .emergencies. The verdict in November is . of great importance to the nation, nnd none :ave wore inlerssted than the farmers, mc- rttKioLiiuieg and laborers, who arc depend ent on thdr toil. 'The (Presidential contest embraces the .Uil frantic cflbrt of the Democratic parly. Jlt is jicouKar, but true, that in its closing . days H'drow 4 Stself a considerable show- ing of Republicans, and wa.. inflated with : Jiigh hopes of-fiuoeess, iu the Statc'and Na tional elections. It has worked with a . . . .i . . . . .. ......a AUI111 III ' 4riiiuti' unci py, juyvfi bui puna.;. , .... its palmieet.dayj. it confidently expected Pennsylvania Dhiflitnd Indiana, and with these, the PrceSUency. It was Inflated with the idea of repairing its fortunes, of restoring so much of tic old-timo policy ns . could be safely brought forward, aud par ticularly, it aims to Iwwflt exceptionally the chief of tlic cx-rcbe' clement South. ;Jt hnS liad gloomy cxpcri'.tions of restor- 'Ing ths.fgnnization to Us pristine vigor and glory. .vAH depended n the elections Just over. Yliit die is cat,, Mil it is against Ahem. It now becomes Republicans to maintain their position, and not permit -.jc'neral ap athy to enter tUeir lines. JCecpiii Hue for , the grand cluirge ia Xovenibcr, aid assist i, all honeut men of other psztics d,a fc.it the corrupt iooists, . and 4 lie t-.ouuiHtis of the Free Trade J.eagueof iTew 7nrk. .iirousc, . armor yourse lf to ueot the foe, on tl:e 5th of November. 3) your -duty .iwir.Jiuil and ... don't les,ve it to yir tiaighboii.to fiiil it out, but aiicfid .the ejection andilev9lj an other day to cutnjilulo the .victory, .and maintain your tights as an Aiiicalca.riii- zen, in sustaining your.counury, and.ycur interests. Nornixw cntrtribntetl so tuueb. to -ti e largo majority of the Republican Alekat, in this Slate, on Tueeda y of lAbl week as the . disaCectiou of tte JJciuocracy. iTic S'lniny Dipa.b:1i. in a careful eumiuary.f the returns, ays: "The IXjiuix-rats who etaycduy ro.i lito polls in this, city must have numbered several thousand. Tho Republicans had every iiiduccinusnt. to come forward,' Mid the extra, exciieuiont ' brougUt out, ns it generally 6oes iu . Prbi- lmitifil Vfnrfi tin inr.ronftp lwvrvMtf ihft Vfitn of last year,' r-'en tbe majority w 11.04. .Add to that 5,070, tlie Kepublicau kicrease trRi 1,070, tho Democratic decrease, and .the amount is 19,328, which is about 1,100 bhort of Ilartraufi's majority. Tliextra- ordinary change is to be attributed, there- r - fore, to tho fact that some of the Democrats .were disaffected, and refused to beliaggcd ;lx;liind the Greeley car. Tho same causes prevailed 'throughout tlte State, aud the Republican majority which last year was no more, upou the Auditor General, limn 14,90 was ruu up during the present year to more than 35,0 (0." Xo experiment is more dangerous than for a party to aban don its ideas, and the disintegration of the Democracy is only a itrpo&iiton of history, . McCLirufe'ri Exit. As cou -aa it was evident Hint the ship of which McC'lurc .was commander was on fire lie made off .".villi the ulroug box, and the Liberal Head quarters on Waluut street, above Xiulli, Philadelphia, were stripped, sacked and darkened. An hour after the result of the cltciion wns made known, the large fltiuing portraits of Greeley and Brown which adorned the big glass windows were ",'emoycd, aud tbo plutn where Aleck issued I'uoAC UigU-Miuudjag gJJrcsics which were to revolutionise the country, became tle- 't-ertod ntid abandoned, U'hile McCluto is perambulatlagiUo streets of riiiladcluhia, sui'diiij kcaM&a he outdo kia pik, his fol lowers aro to bo pilicd. t'bey are without party aud without beadquartcrs. - Official Vote fo -IsfcUMjiiVY. The following 1 the oUicial vote cast in the dis trict composed of Northumberland and lluntonr countiee j - n j, , . j - Kojjthy (iloutour fsc,ir Foust. ...... ....; .Q6,.V. ..1S68 Dennis Hrlglii ,., .".V. ..,., 112 a. v. ik-witt w.v ' J. C. AwcrmaD 4Ubl ,.., ViM 1 Tub Democrat publisluie llto portrait a . Its fifalstant editor. 'Hots represented with it long pair of ears, lind a cigar in his fipjiitli. An iKPKrF.NDF.NT EoiTott, on A Pre tended M AI4 R. The garbled Rpd un truthful statement of F A. Ilowcr," editor of tho Gudrd, in his lasl issue, in relation to what he falls an assault on himikilf bf Hon. J. H Packer, compels ns to stalo the facts As they rioJlypccurred in. our prcBt, ence, and which can be provod by twenty diainlercstcd witnesses. Mr. llower says : "On. Saturday evening last we had occa sion t iKWAi Sliamokin, lo attend a public meeting. An cxtta train carrying Jiepub limn free' over tho N. C. 11. R., with torches 'to 'Attend the .' Republican torch light procession nt Slinmokin, left this place, on that evening. A number of per sons not claiming to bo of that party, by proposing to pay their fare, were permitted to ride on the train. Reluming about mid night, we were passing the seat occupied by Mr. Packer and another gentleman, when Mr. Packer demanded In rather an imperttivo manner if wo had in our last issue editorially made certain charges against him." , ' ' Now tho truth is, that Mr. Ilowcr and his friends surreptitiously got into the cars against the protestations of a uumbe of Re publicans who had chartered tho cars for their own exclusive use, nnd no goutleman Would have forced himself Into company uninvited, and where he was not wanted. On the return from Sliamokin, Mr. Ilowcr and somo of his friends again managed to get iuto tho only papsonger car which was attached to tho train, some of them by creeping through the windows. On seeing Mr. Ilowcr in the car Mr. Packer prompt ly asked him who was the author of a slan derous article in his list paper in regard to himself, When Mr. Ilowcr handed him the paper, referring to his name nt the head. Mr. Packer replied that ho wanted the name of the author, hiid wns well aware that he (Mr. IIower,)xlid not write the ar ticle, aud further stated that "it ill becomes you, a.-young man : aud a stranger, who has just come into the county to slandor its citizens, especially when you had ofTered only a week ago to sell out to me for a con sideration. " Mr. Ilowcr said, "you can't prove that fact." Mr. Packer then replied "Yes I can,' as I have your letter to that effect." Mr. Ilowcr then ' attempted to shirk tho responsibility of his acts, by pre tending that the writer of that letter was not his partner, but only an associate edi tor. Mr. Packer promptly" shut him up by staling that they both acted together on that occasion. The above is substantially the conversa tion as it occurred, and which this new fangled political martyr, who was ready to sell out to the highest bidder, attempts to pervert, by calling it an wssmdt upon an indfpeiuleiit editor. Heaven save us from such independence 1 Mr. Packer's increased majority of 1C31 over his former elcoliou, is of itself a suffi cient refutation aud rebuke to skulking slanderers. Ax iNsvrr to Democrats. The edi tor of the Democrat, iu his last issue, ap pears to be somewhat sour at his fellow Democrats, and abuses them in the follow ing Htyle : "But the great cause for our defeat was the unlimited use of money by tho Radi cal.7. They had a large Bharc of the funds collided from the Federal office-holders, witk ickich leading Democrats trere bought up to tcork for this or that candidate on the Radical ticket, and rotes icerc bouijht up xcitli unparalleled shanuhfisncss." Our expriencc has been that Democrats in this county were just ns honest as men of auy ether party, aud in a general sense, fully the equal of the editor of the Demo crat. To perpetrate ,a slander like the above is entirely uncalled for. It is true that there are a large number of Democrats who refused to bo sold out year after year by such men ns the editor of tho Democrat njid his ring, for the reason that their con science will not sanction fraud, corruption and general political chicanery. If the ed itor of tho Democrat expects to keep non Oi3t men in the ranks of the democratic p&rfy by slandering them, he mistakes hu man nature to a most fatal degree, nnd lie will tind that a slander will not pay politi cally or otherwise. It was the slanders per petrated against Gen. Ilartrauft that pro- diced liis immense majority. That perse- o.'.liou and slander availeth nothing was fully proven in our late election I ITjie editor of the Dimocrut asserts that tic -"electioii of llartranft is a stain upon tiiclltouor of the Stale which can never bo wash-ad out." That must bo a good color. V.'c-fikould not vouder if there was consid eislblo black in it. Under these circum- e - ' - iicei, it woulil not Do surprising to Bnd Mt cur neighbor had resolved to Jeave the United States, and migrato forthwith to Notv fleriey, where naughty Democrats don't u'I themselves except to corpora ttoua. aiUKUAia toit Gkoiioia. Our neighbor of the JJorMscrat reminds us much of tho boywho n jjassing a grave yard whistled to kep.ltieouragu up. Last week the on ly coueolatnon lie could give was to "btjr mhffor fceorgia." Ho says that the Detn ocntlic cr.r.itdate in that Stale was elected by upwards f 50,000 majority. What a whoppori! , . . ,. . , 1w;i ata w safe for Grant aud Wilson by a good majority. Whether Hendricks escapes by the skin of his teeth or not, the Rcpublicnts have'a clear majority ou the rest of tlto State ticket aud on the Congres sional voto. This fuel, with the assured certainty of Grant's electiou by a largo ma jority of the electoral vote, will give tho Republicans tho State in November. , The Mils CouicroitkioMwl f)itri-C. UNPRECEDENTED MAJOIUTV. ,. The majority for John Jl.J'acker, ' our preseut Congressman, iu this district, is uupreciiueateu. ine vote is as follows PiU.'kr4 uiuioritY in Dauphin. ...,331 ... CW5 ... 637 .... 611 . 4 lib1 .... U76 ,.. 4081 ,,..8450 ,...1031 " " Northuuiberlaud . Snyder ' . L'uloa Jitlorliura' vaofUf in JuuUw-j Packer's mnjorUy'ln U4rU-t.......', Mr. Packor' ninjorWy ii liro,,,...,., ' flsisj hi iwa....;.'., ,........ V Thb tatc election 4u 6oatl Carofio on Wednesday last resulted in tho cltctiou of the eutir Itepublicau ticktU Tiib Virdict. Twelve Slates havo vot ed thi year : Jfew llamidiirc, Connecticut, Oregon, 2fortf Carolina, Vermont, Maine, Geita,'. Pennsylvania, 'OhiA, Indiana, Ncbrflskn nnd Hfu(h Carolina,' and every onc.ot uicc nave endorsed IImj naminiitra tioii Avithj.be inception of Georgia, and in tliis latter they showed that "grasping hands over the bloody chasm" means when Democrats are a power Republicans must be murdered if lllc'y Uttfcnlpt- lo' ViA-itd keep fresh blood in tho chasm, wa suppose. The crushing defeats on Tuesday of, last week scaled the doom of Greeley & RrOwn. Their nomination by the IK'inoerary was a bitter , rpistako, which the latter now see. Tho Liberals who descried the Republican ranks to follow tho lead of Mr. Greeley are proven td have been a mere hnudful, not equalling tho number of Dembcrats who were disgusted. AVith all these facts before us it it plain that Mr Greeley will be cue of tho worst ' whipped men in November that ever ran for President. The following tablo shows the clectorinl vote of the vari ous States : . STATER FOR GRANT. Alabama 10 New Hampshire. Arkansas. ft California, 0 Illinois. 21 Iowa. 11 Kansas. 5 Maine. . 7 Massachusetts. 18 Michigan. . 11 Minnesota. " 5 . Nebraska:' 3 Indiana. 1" New Jersey. ! Nevada. . ,3 Total.' New York. North Caroliua.' Ohia. - " Oregon; '" ' Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Caroliua. Vermont. W isconsin. Connecticut; West Virginia Vifglnin.' , STATES FOR OREKLET. DornTFUE. IKslaware. Florida. : Georgia. Maryland. -Kentucky. Tennessee. Texas. - Total. 3 4 U 8 13 12 8 Mississippi. Louisiana. Missouri, i Total. 8 8 15 31 It may be seen from the list of States count ed for Grant, nnd morally sure to go for him, wo can nll'ord to lose Alabama, Ar kansas, California, Illinois, New Jersey nnd j New York, in all eighty-seven votes ; or carrying Illinois can share tho remainder of the last named States and Connecticut aud the two Virginias ; or carrying New York and Illinois as we shall can give up Alabama, Arkansas, California, Indiana, New Jersey, Nevada,New Hamp shire, North Carolina, Connecticut, West Virginia and Virginia. This is a good margin, making the election of (Jen. Graut morally certain. The Triat. of Emanuel Sii ai fneii.--At a special Oyer and Terminer Court iu Dauphin county on Monday last, the caso of Emanuel Shafl'ucr, charged with the murder of his wife Nancy Shalfner by ar senical poison, was brought to trial. This case had been tried in March last, aud tho prisoner was found guilty of murder in the first degree. The caso was then carried to ! the Supreme Court where judgment wns j reversed nnd a new trial ordered. On j Monday the second trial wns commenced ! when Emanual Sliaffncr put in a plea of j guilty of murder in the second degree on j three indictments. For tho murder of; Nancy Shatfner, John Shailo k and Sarah Shafl'ucr. His sentence of the Court was twelve years in the Eastern Penilentinry I on each indictment, making thirty-six years altogether. J It is now evident that Greeley will not j get the electoral vote of a single State out- side of the old slaveholding group. Of the latter, nlso, Mississippi. Louisiana, North j n.,,i u...,(K r n r.. fi-t and several others, if a full aud fair vote! , , ., . ,. , f. can be secured. In Kihef. "YVnit until the tide turns, aud turn it will, nnd the day is not far dis tant, when the sun will shine upon you a free, independent and sovereign State." .:. . ... ( , , 'V! know our rights, and know they are invaded,' and then wait patiently until we 1 1 a mi viaii in ?iiiii I u tinv n . nn see mem uivmeu, anu ui issue wuu ineiii- selves anu jo n me party, nnu support ino canuiuate nun 1110 puuioim tnat promises a restoration of constitutional libeity. It is then you will hold tho balance of politi - cal power in your ovyn hands, nnd it is then tnat ail your rignis win once more 00 . restored and Guaranteed. " Jeff. Davis' Speech at Atlanta, Ga., May 27, 1871. "I demaud that there shall be a fair, op en free discussion before that Southern people, and nu honest, uutcrritied, uncon strained vote, and if they approved, 1 the people of the SouUi naid (tr ivanted disun ion, I WOULD COXSEJiT TO IT. And now, to-day, if the nation was to be im perilled, and there w ere just two modes of saving it, to trust to the chances of civil war, or lo the chauecs of a free vote of tho Southern people, 1 would very grcaily pre fer to take the latter chance rather tliau the former." Mr. Greeley' Speech uU'itts hura, Sept. ll, 1872. (2Vi6)ie Report.) "1 was, iu the days of slavery, an enemy of slavery, because 1 thought slavery incon sistent with the rights, thediguity the high est well beiug of freu labor, 'I'hut luiyht hare been a mistake t"-Mr. GreeUi't Speech at Jejj'trsonvUle, lad.., ejt.23,187i!. Tuaukftgitlug 1'roelaiuatlou by the 'rcsldeut. Washusoton, Oct. 11, 1872. By Vie PrtiUUnt of the United Statci of .America : A PROCLAMATION. WnErtKAS, The revolution of anotlier year has again brought the time when it is usual to look back upon the past, aud pub licly to thank tho Almighty lor His mer cies aud His blessings; andichcreas, if any one cople has mure occasion than auollter for such thankfulness, it is the citizens of the United Stales, whose government Is their creature, subject to their behests ; who have reserved to themselves ample civil and religious freedom and equality before the law ; who during the last twelve mouths have enjoyed exemption from any grievous or general calamity and to whom prosperity lu agriculture, manufactures and commerce has been vouchsafed. . Now, therefore, by these considerations, I recommend that on Thursday, the 28ih day of November next, the people to inoet in their reHective places of worship, and there make their acknowledgement to God for his kindness and bounty. .-. , In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused tbe seal of the United States to be affixed. L. s.J Doue at the city of Washington, this eleveuth day of October, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ' and seventy-two, and ol the Indepen dence of the United States the niuety-sev-;'"enth. v ' '1' 1 " " i ' '''(Signed.P "" IT.S: GRANT. )ty tho 1'rcsident. Pennylvanl Eleetlon. REPUBLICAN MAJORITY 35,771. , . . . The follow i ng n re the offlclalrctn rns from the State except Pottor count' : J . .. --- Jlnrtrnnfu ' Huekalew Adams , -Allegheny Armstrong Reaver - . ' . 273 25771 . .. 10490 flft - - 3085 2883 im i Ti .' 18947 1019 ; ' 7443 . 4434 7279 7658 ' i 468 2823 3530 :; . 42. ( , 2441 2533 ' 8292 3712 278 2730 3583 1437 2018 2032 2110 3820 558 4170 4614 7450 5113 433!) 2038 (.28 1193 2197 3954 4031 418 340 373 . 997 1125 1795 3450 3249 ' 2090 2282 2413 2247 1352 1733 13774 !I04 3420 1705 4287 2824 5355 0895 1923 4G48 5050 1025 950 975 1780 1705 2101 33 1378 1023 4980 8131 4314 4303 2782 2514 09278 48841 240 1124 450 PO'.IO 9378 504 3430 1802 313 001 3123 2009 1374 5071 4415 3170 2333 5294 4940 911 5581 0475 230 Red ford ! Rlalr Bradford - Rucks Rutler !; 1 Cambria Cameron i : Carbon Centre Chester Clariou Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford . Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie. . i. Fayette Forest Franklin Fulton Greene Huntingdon Indiana Jctlerson Juniata , iAticestcr Ijiwrcncc Iy;banou lhlgh Luzurne Lyeiming M'Kean Mercer Mifflin Monroe Montgomery Montour NotthTimpton Northumberland Peiry Philadelphia Pike Potter, reported, Schuylkill Slider Somerset Sullivan 1 I SiiRO'iehanna liogii Union Venango Warrvn Washington Wayne Westmorland Wyoming York - i G400 t 8378 Ilartranft's majority 35,771. THE LEGISLATURE. THE SENATE Is composed of thirty-thtcc members, eleven of whom are elected annually. Ijist winter the Democrats 4nd a majority of one by the admission of M'Clure, but from the returns received the next Senate will stand : Tfi.niililipnnfi. - - - 1ft Democrats - - - - - 15 Republican majority - - 3 run jicHSE is composed of one hundred members who are elected annually. As far as ns ascer tained it will stand ns follows : llepublicani), - - fiO Democrats, - - - 40 Ik-publican majority l!0 I.I)IAA. Oflfcial Return! of the Election. IndiANAI'OLIS, Oct. 14. The official : seven tv-se ven counties received nt tho ollien of the Secretar - I- . I. k.' l .. ,. ; . a - , ry ofMate. with semi-ofiicml I returns from tlin other eighteen counties. . Cvi give T. A. Nendiicks, Dent., for Governor, j 894 mai.; Lcomdas Sexton, Rep., for Lieu tenaut-tiovcrnor, 1313 niaj.; W. W.Curry, Rep., Secretary ol State IKKJ ; .1. A. Wied man. 1'ep., Auditor, 1224 ; J. R. Glover, Ken., Xreasurer, l-i20 ; G. is. Orth, for Congress nt 1-nrge, 1147 ; lVilliai I j.linSt JJep., for Congress at Large, I The haiwc0 of tll0 sutc ticket , exce i . . , . n v . . . v. pcrinieno.cn oi ruouc instruction, is jte- pubiican, ror tho luUor 0it.p Mi!ton i. lv,-kins, Dim., is elected. The I-gisla- ...rn rrnm m,.il ,-,.tiirn will vi...,,l ic,)ai,ij(.an8 to 49 IVmocrnU in the House. nml 27 Republicans to 23 Democrats iuthc St-nnto 1 ' T')e afflcinl vot0 In tl)e xinlll Conrcs. sional District elects Xell over Shanks? Re- publican, bv 23 votes, but iu one tov nshin (11 Adams county (Shanks' district) forty seven Republican votes were thrown out on account of the words "Republican ticket" being printed nt the head of the ticket. If! tliese votes are allowed, Shanks will bo ciecteu oy nineteen votes, isotn parties nre preparing to renew the contest for tho Presidential election The Philadelphia Prr., w hich has fought Hartr.vnft a thousand limes more effective ly, and quite as virulently as the Tribune, 1 bears testimony ns to the result, nnd tho meaus by which it wns reached : 'It would bo folly to allege that tho great malority for llartranft is tho oflkpring of fraud. We believe it to lie a legitimate majority tho growth of several causes that Ho so plainly on the surface of the coutest that nil may understand and study. Gcnctal Grant pullod this ticket through. In any ordinary contest it-would havo been beat en out of sight ; but his numo and tho feac that Us defeat would damago him in No vember rallied to it thousands who closed their eyes to the proofs wo daily spread befbre them, and oonstralned many to cer- tify to the detorvings of candidates of questionable record." The statements of tho Press are reliable, front the fact that it could have no motive to misrepresent in behalf of llartranft, while the TVibune had. Au Order in llour ofW, II. (toward. Washington', Oct. 11. The following; was issued this afternoon j ," . Department or Stat-, ) JWtiMtoi, October 11. 187 4. J The undersigned is charged by the Pres ident with the painful duty of announcing to the people or the United Kiates the death of an illustrious citizen, William Henry Seward, distinguished for faithful and emi nent service in varied publio trusts during a long series of years, died at Auburn,' iu the State of New York, yesterday, October 10, charged with the administration of the Department of State at a most critioal pe riod in the history ot the nation. Mr. Seward brought to the duties of that olllce exaluid 1 patriotism, unwearied industry aud consummate ability. A grateful na tion will churibh bis name, bis fame and ids memory. The several executive de partments will cause appropriate honors to be rendered to the memory of the de ceased statesman at hotno and ft broad, Signed r'''" H Hamilton rin,' Secretary of State. CO IKESrONDENCE. r ltiflattlnlili l.otter. S"Tt. fliiLAptLNfiA, October 14, 12. tYitntl inhurt iVTho batt has Tmcnj fnuchtf the victort'won. and at the srfioka clcari hwoy w scojts great am) gratid re ullSjiJrho usitjfl ptjojiortiofi of slain, amonij whiMii wo recognize a few Whom wo llriVo been accustomed to recognize as lenders in our party, who, in a- moment or tempta tion, fell, Tbe result shows one peculiari ty, hpwavfcr; iimonjt "many more, and that is tho quick desertion of political idola by their followers, when once thoso they've been acoustomed to 4mlf up to dencrt to the cause of the enemy, and array themselves against the right lor fancied wrongs (lone them, or personal feeling against thobdeho ten as leaders. To-day there exists not in these United States a person more dead politically than lie who for so many years upheld our banner with so much honor to it and to himself ton. Sorrv siuht 1 Andv Curt in met and escorted by the Keystone J club I and the old J:mocraUe stagers he'd been so long used to opposing 1 What a change from by-gone days when cheering crowds met him now our city hardly knew of his prcschc?. I spenk but. the thought of every one whon I say I am sor ry for him. Had he taken the advice of true and tried friends instead of that of For ney and McCltire, hu never would have been in his present trying "position. The result was the severest rebuke a set of men could possibly receive, relying ns they did upon slander and forgery to blacken the character of one whose name stands high among the honored brave. It is certainly a Just retribution. It proves tbe fact that no one whose wnr record is not clear and bright, or onb whose views are opposed to the protection, nt American industry, need expect endorsement by the sylvainn in any content ot 1 will try .to give you, somo idea of the intense excitement of elec tion night. 'All day greater than Sabbath stillness reigned, for; every beer saloon and tavern was closed 'r no back doors open as on the Lord's day. , When the polls closed at 0 o'clock in the evening thev opened and the thirsty ones began to make nmends for ! their abstinence. In every street, alley i and com l bon tires were built, and gave the I city Uie apiearauceof a vnstcbntlagratiwn. ChunLiiiir. r'.rnet wnn Ihronired. some L'niin"' 7 towards the league, others (far less jn nLrnLort ,,.. J , I ' W , , . , 1,. number) tonrds the Merchants Hotel, the two places where the returns were to be received. About 7.30 they began lo Come, nnd wilhiu two hours it was readily to bo seen the "disaffection" was on the wrong foot, and that tho hero of Fort j rSteadmnn had lieen once more victorious, j Then began the iolities of the occasiou. j IH-.l.rceley sliakltlg liandsncross lliccliasm, represented bv the picket fence of a rebel prison, nnd many other witticisms inter spersed, made the lime fly, ami put cvry one in a good humor when added to the good news. About eleven o'clock the clubs began to pass, and bands lo arrive, and still more enliveaf the scene. Fine Fire works were put ofF, and still the crowd re mained, seemingly unsatisfied. Soon the cry went forth, Hartrajifl 1 llartranft. on every side. Such applause aud wild cheer ing I never heard. For some time it was impossible for him to be heard. He spoke ! briefly nnd pointedly as he always docs, j and wu followed by Congressman Myers, CapU. Curry and others. At last Ohio, iU.UOO Republican majority Pennsylva nia, estimated at 25,000 Republican majo rity, nnd tho crowd seemed satisfied, and Kxcelleut pictures of llartranft nnd Mer-1 tonnsnip, nrtiiiinibrriniiii eountv,-ndjoinini; CUr were thrown Upon the surface of the lands lateoflh estate of Charles C . hay. dcc4d, , r , . , now Uusscli ( luir cs Ou ick nnd others, instrument, and were received With great ! containing Elf TV ttQREB acres more or less applause. "Carrv the news to Aleck !" 1 W11.r,111 r erected a i.ARfirf fiume tavKi- in ino "wee smnu uours" oicperBeu imiipy ip jj y j 3 y and contented. . " j The nbove properties will be sold mi longtime, Friday evening last a number of CUIUS, j so as to enable purchasers to make their pay consisting of the Veteran, the German Ve- i incuts easy. tcran, llartranft nnd Myers, and the Alex- I- The terms and conditions will be made known anJer, went to Xorristown to screnndo the Governor elect. Our traiu consisted of ; fourteen well tilled cars. Xorristown was , gaily decorated aud brilliantly illuminated : I in honor of her honored sou. After march ! ing through the streets we took the route i i to the Generals house, somo half a mile ! above town. The political Clubs passed in r soldier organizations-the i review, but ou n..i .....a .T It,.. rrrn oi .... l,, I l.i.l I .1 T run f of his residence, nnd after forciug a passage way in the crowd by our Corps Flags, tiled iuto the yard, nnd nt the steps were met nnd welcomed by the Gallant llartranft, who spoke as follows : "Jly mentis nnu U-llow-cltizens, your you for the hearty welcome you havo giveu me, on Ueliait 01 uie great ltepuoiicau par ty, wluifco standard was given into my I hands. 1 am glad that I belong to that ' party, for it has nobly vindicated its prin-1 ciples, and has shown that it cannot be SC' duccd from its Integrity by either newspa tiers or politicians, wo nave lougnt gooa llglil, ana nave won a great victory; 1 It now becomes mv dulv to see that tbe' true men who so ettllantlv stood bv our co- lors shall have no reason to regret that they 1 supported me. I fully expected to meet the fair and open opposition of. my oppo- j nents, uui 1 was surpnsea tnat their clner weai oiis Simula be lalstliooUsaud forgeries nnd their chief witnesses bad uieu whom it had become my duty to prosecute. During the canvass my lijm were sealed, but, but now that I am nt liberty I promise thatns 1 have already incurred their en mity, I will a'H rest uu'.il the money that they confess has been tuitcu from the trea sury shall be restored. ICries, "Uo for Pot'iiey." This victory has given us ft. united party, . A few men who assumed to be leaders deserted to the enemy iu tho heat of the battle, but uo uite followed thorn, ana tlicir going lias giveu us peace nnu liar- mouv. Uuu ot them uow pretends to be for ilreeley, another pretends to be for Grant, and another pretends .that he don't kuow whether he is for Grant or Greeley. Rut one thing is sure, theso men stepped outside of the Republican party iu urder to dpfeitt it, nnd, so fur ns 1 am concerned, they shall stay out, or, if they repent, they tuuit co to the rear, and not nsnine qr try iu nu leuucrn. ... nl 1 nave iricu lor several years to uo mv duly while in an otlicc lo which 1 was twieo elected by tho people with large ma- I jortties, ana as tnese enpie ny a sun larger majority, have said that I shall go up higher, I still iutend to da ruy duty, aud thereby continue to deserve your 6011 fi dence and good wishes. Gentlemen. I agnin thank you for the honor you hav'ej conierreo upon mo," Gen. Iiolton. Ilartranft's successor & Colonel of the Cist Pennsylvania, was the Marshal of the occasion. The fact of car rying the old Democratic county of Montr ginnery a great compliment to out leader, added greatly to the pleasure of the occa sion. It had never before been done since it was a county, in view of which fact some wags early the morning after it was known, druptd the court house in mourning out of respect to its Dvmoctutic occupants. Af ter the welcome, we partook of a hearty collation, and at a late hour took the traiu back to the city.' 1 So ends our State Cam paign, which virtually settles that of No vember. , Occasional.- The Cherokee Indians number 16,000, and own, iu fee simple, 4,000,000 acres of (be best land on the continqnt, and have in the bandl tf Um ViUtcU iitAUs Gvverojjiutjt, on which they are anmiaUTivfeWspg the iuterest, 3,000,000. Ren., presence auti your Kitiunessoverwiienn me. 1 iiiurui, i.iiiu n Will. 1 The answer ol mv friends and neighbors. , Jn"inai 'l'"" 1474. who have known me aU my life, ha, ibeen ' P!0 nt Su- the highest reward ol my career. 1 thauk , u,,1, fo Nnormi i,iDk 7. 4 r USUNDURY PROPER 13 ;Ho uesfFotf - Sale. f nXF.Cl)TOBSSAf,IW WILL l)f fxponed to puWIe lc, on fns lay, the lnth Any of Dect-mbcr next, (1872) nt 10 o'clock A M., nt the. - -- coukt no(jei'. In th BonWK StfNflDltyi f Ur tTrfitfcs and totsyt. tb ntats pf 4war(LkVlJriliv4 dee'd if: Fire of nld lionscs, beluj A hloek "tr fine two yBUICK UWEI.LlNO M6U8FJ 'Munto on the eolith ltd of Cbennt strert In the Bornuih of Smlnirj, Northumberland county, PcmiRylrti nln. bounded nnd fronting on unlet Chestnut riitrtct on the north, a lot of Mr. Flsliw fprt the east, trie BimmoKin vmiey nnn rottsviutf itnti rond nn the south, nnd Iota of the retnte of tho low tltnnr WrlsaPj'dreodsect, on the wast, ench lot pontninlng 33 fett In width.ortherfabontnnd two hundred nnd thirty In deplb. TIicm house will tie sold In a block or separate to suit 'pur chasers. .. .. Four Firatclii Frame nwrlllngt. 1 Also, Fcrar roiilitnnn lots of eronnd sltunte on the south sldo of Walnut street in snld Bo- ronilli. bounded on tho north by snld Walnut street, on the cast and south by nn nllcy, nnd on the west by n lot of the estate of Mrs. Lanru An' cle. dee'd. Kach t said lots containing In front 39 feet nnd in depth two hundred nnd thir ty feet, whereon arc erected onrflrst-clnM frame dwelling lionses with other outbuildings. Ench bouse 1 sepernta. No. 1 is occupied by 3. K, Clement, t , No. 2 Is occupied by Thomas Hamilton. No. il is occupied by fi. I.. Simpson. No. 4 is occupied by E las Schneider. Three Frastae Dwelling llounen. property or jrn 1. Clement, or nn nllcy, mid on the wel "bv a Vt of Mr. Ann N. Brlirht each of said lutt.outaiulnK In front I cut or tberc nbouta, and iu depth one hundred nnd (lflv feet or tliercahniits, whereon nre erected three irood nearly iiJhf,' two" story FRAME DWELLING 1IOCSES and other oiit-l:onse?. ' No. 1 is occupied by John Irwin. No. U is occupied by R. B. Mitchell. '' ' No. 8 Is oooupned by John ?ptice.. One two-Htory Frame Iwelllng 4 . .. ...,)! llontte. 4 """"' " ""-. ' illff OH U 1' Oil Tt h t rJCt OU t llC CllSt, tt lt Ot J;l- JF ,h, h J, ,c wert . . ,,,, u .f nn v uieirenteul. on tbo nortli. , tu lot contain in front on Fomtti ntm-t 28 feet, nr tlieiciiboiitK. and one liinxlrvd and ten : feet In depth, now oeenpied by Key. A Wheat. LlmcNoae 1'roperfj. ' ' ', Also, the one full undivided third part of nit that certain tract or piece ofland situalcln I'oint ; LINO HOl'SR and Kitchen, a Frame Barn, two 1 good new LIMEKILNS, -c. A Vonns On-hard and nearlr all of which is in n irood Mate ot eul- vatlnn. Onthistrnct of land Is nn Inexhaui-ta. 1 ble bed orcrr ' i SUPERIOR LIMESTONE t suitable for fluxing, nnd for nil purposes fur ! which limestone Is used. The quanta ai now fully opened nn d lire being worked. They lire , situated about two nnd n half miles from the j Borough of Northumberland. A branch lateral railroad, nbnet three quarters ot n mile iu lent:! li . connects them with the Philadelphia and Erie i Railroad at Kapp's station, from w hich litne j stone is shipped daily to Sunlniry and other points and can lie shipped by railroad or canal to Nor j tlitiiulierlaud, Danvilic, Shaniokin, Ac, ns chcap ' ly as any other linutone iu the region, j The limestone and railroad will be sold scpa , rate from the land if purchasers desin-it. i At the same time and place the undivided one third of the vightr.cn Kail mad Cars nnd a set f i uiacksmith and Quarry Tools will be s;d ! tneoay ot sale ny WM. M. hOC KEFELLER. Fxecnlor of Edward Y. Dright, ilrc'J. Suutmry, October !'.th, IS"'.'. Itrport of"Tlie Flrnt Xntlonul Iltiuk fN.uubur) , Ph." Itcpoit of the condition of "The First National i Ji,,llk orMmbury," in llm Ilorongh or Mmlinry, j f ivniihyivania ,,t n.e ei...; ..t bu- r-imrrj tut. tta tin ii vi ttii;i, .1, 1 4 ' ' ' ' LIABILltfES. ' rnplfal Ptnck paid In.. fioi.noo 00 I Mu pIUM t und j Discount, Exchange, Jntcrot, and 1 Profit nnd Loss : ClrcillMhi! Notes oittstanditig.i.. ,'.:...' HM.IJ'J U: 20,:'.io ai j State Dank circulation outstanding I'i.Iii'.S ou 1,li-.'li s 2!;.tlti0 '.'4 4,1 T'.t 4'i jOil 61 Due to Slate Dunks nnd Hankers r?o.r,oii Loans nnd Dlsennnts tSOi.Ml U 300,000 00 90.000 00 TOO 00 1 1T. f. Bonds to secure t'ircnlntlon.... 1 t. t. Bonds fo secure Deposits V. 8. Bonds nn hand a ; Ollii'r Ht.iekll. Knnds niirl Unrlimn . 1,150 00 ptte from Hetkemin;' and A"cni Kescite-' ai,srru no S1.S14 118 '. oneTrom National Ranks Due from Plate Banks nud Bankers... Current Expeusi-s and taxes paid Cash Itrins, Including Ptamps and " Protest Aeeonnt . :. Bltts of National Banks Fractional Currency, Including Nick els V. K. l-'Mt Tender Notes 4, CIS 44 8, TO JfiVJ 00 1.005 00 B7,000 00 " '' ' ' fTOS.Oll 77 STATE OF 1'KVNSYLVAXIA f Crrt-nr or NonTiit Miu:i:.tNti, sct. 1. Samuel J. Packer. Cashier of "The First National Itsnk. of Sunbury,'' ilo.Voleinnly swear ; that the :itioo stntenient i true to the best of t my kanFlsdifo uuil bullcf. ... . ., j Signed, 6. J. PACKEH, Cashier, j benu ti and sulisei-lbcd befor mo, this lOlb i ilay if Oetobur, A. !.. STi. ' I Signed, 1. KULKt-tt-t-l-ti;, oiury rublile. lauai.) t'orrcot Attest : WM. II. WAPLE8, ) ., J. 0. HOKTON, iJMrtetori. JOHN HAAS, ) Suuhiiry, Octuber 19. 1672. . , KKW UOOIsat f''MrUOUUNII Just 0ud. T. J. BYROD, Informi'-ih eitiseot of BuqUury und Ttclnlty, Ui:.lho ha received hi Inrc nortmi-nt of ! fioduud ftt-Ulns them eheiip fVr r' J- . ... 1.1. Tl.i.J . . v-161 Ui lwrr riJia, uurHi IM-i-4 ' .'tfiUSUVBV, PA., H Is st.xik cbm prists Pry it.ooda end drororlra. the Dry tioodi department Is complete, having s.:ncrul assortment of Cloth, Cfcssimcrcs, Calicos, DeLains, nn tvwrythlns' huhs-I)' Goods Hue. Tbe CWiiUA t-KoT,li re nil fresh, and eon. 1st of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Iolls,es, Sph-cs, Meat. Fl.h, Ac. W illow-Ware hor ' 'GlWrf a geVeral uSsortinent. In fact everythlnr kept iu s first-class store, cnu be bad at the n,A.t rMnntilfi iiHms for euhh. f Hnvine located in Bunbury for the purpose ol bergniiug one or its cltiseus, 1 nope inui oy loir dealing nd strict atieutlon to business to merit a tUure of the public putrouagtv- -My motto ls - 'Small Profits and yuick tsales." ; All are cordially Invited to Call and Mtsmlne my L'oods, as no charge will be piade for show. Inclbtii), ' V- F. J. BTROD. Bqiibqry, Oct. 19, 1873. " - putFs College. Tke oldest and most lalrable Institution for ob taining a Meicaulila Eduoatiou. - tf Prantical bullosas lueu as instructors. or Information, writ fo clrcuiar to P. ovrr 4c boss, fittsbsu.fs,., .t i Pept. ','0, 1873.-3111. $elu bbcdiscntfiits J it'jl t.'. . t. 2 Z.. I : ii . l . r . uie oauoi oox. i 0ollll(Bd 0I1 tnc north uy fM yllic strcet on the aS WCll aS I Can, - I... nr n. n. Mnsser. nn tlm unlit ht frn ta .rr i-'; .. - v: Of the itnd !!, f VI hB Nortliilmbffrland Conn y, NtUi.n Bwukt" fNo- 68, la ShatuoWIn, In the. State of Pennsylvania, nt the close of busl " Bess on tho 81 ot Ootober, ISTi t ,r,. . ,- RESOURCES. Iioans and Discounts....... j) 87,4Bl 85 U. 8. Bonds to secure Circulation..,. h. ,(17,000 00 Oilier Stocks. Bonds and 1ortcrKos ' (tt per schedule) 4 .. J) 270 00 Dli! fmln "'doming nd Reoerve Ag'ts fas Mr schednlel... 1,081 J7 Dun from kntional Bank (fti per bccdule),...2;.,' , 059 41 Duo from Btate Ranks nnd Banker (a JieY schedule) Tlankliiff Ilonse.... .-. ; Other Real Estate ; Furniture and fixtures 8,000 45 18,230 87 1,850 00 8.100 75 Current Expenses. 8,409 no Tnxc Pnid 1,147 70 Checks nnd other Gun Itsms, (ns per schcrtnlM 273 75 ?1 of Mhel- National Banks ractional Cnr'cy (lurlnding nickels) Specie Le?ul Tender Notes . l,8fi5 00 D73 818 68 54,!i70 00 , t33'.l,771 13 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In 807,000 00 Surplus Fund 4,25 Discount, Exchanges and Interest.. .. O.iiSIl 4s Amount Circulation outstanding 69,4110 00 Dividends nnps id 714 7;; IndlTMnnl Deposits 188,087 43 Dus to National Banks (ns perscned- 'e) 8,021 C8 Due to Plate Banks and Bankers (ns , . per schedule) r,,2S0 60 . . 5839,771 3a I, F. 8. Hans, Cashier of "The Northumber land County Natloml Bank of Sliamokin," do solemnly swear tlint the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. . F. S. HAAS, Cashier. Correct. Attest, F. W. POLLOCK, ISAAC MAY, . . ., .. ANDREW ROBERTSON. Stats of Pennsylvania, County of Northum berland, Sworn to nnd subscribed before nic, this 8th dnv of October, 1S72. O. M. FOWLER, Notary Public. Shamokln, June S3, 18?J. AdminlNtrators Nolle'. f OTICE Is hereby given thnn Letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned on Hie estate of William Lawrence, late of I'pper Augusta township. Noi thumher lano county, deceacd. All having claims against the estate will pr"ent lor settlement, and them knowing themselves Indebted lo said estate will make payment to MOItDACAI LAWRENCE. Snnpury, Oct. 19, '7. lit. Adininislrator. j.LCALDWELL&C- 902 Cliestiiut Street, "...PHILADELPHIA- (A few doors west of the Continental Ilotel. ) Jewellers anfl. Silversmctlis, Importers of .Fina Vatcliss, Bronzes & Fancv Goods. Moderate Prices ron first-cuss noons, Marked in Plain. Figarcs, WITHOUT DKVIATIOX. Prompt attention given to orders and hi' bv mail. JUIIiCS l i.sioit Fi n r.Mi'stir. I . ISA A C S . 1 Successor to JOHN FA HEIR. I, 71S Arch street. I MUd'u of the block, between 7th and Mil Mi'cts, I South side, Philadelphia. 1 Importer ami .tiim til'iict itrer oi j FAXCY Fl'US I For Ladies' and Children's Wear, wYjiesu'.e and retail. I Having imported n very lnrg-and p:en.li,I c. ; .-tortnient of nil tho dillereut kind-, rl' Furs Irwm 1 tlrt bands in Europe, would resi-ei tfnllv invite 0 1 the. readers of this paper lo call and examine tl Mill nient of Fancy Furs. I am determined to sell at the lowest Cali prices. All Furs war ranted. No luisrepreH-iitalious toctleet sales. Furs altered nfi l repaired. t-efltemcnilK.r the Store, T1S Arch street, riiil ndelphla. oet 5, :ini. IK. HAN. n. NAltTIX. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hunlmrj', Peiin'u. Office on Front Street, next door to Haas .cc Fni-'eiv. Offlce Hours. t"iitil Sara. From 12 to 1 p tn. From S to lip in., ami after 9 o'clork p 111. At all other hours when not professionally en gaged, can be found at Drug Store, on Third st.. next lo Clement House. nugS,T'-'.-ly NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, s ! dement House Bulloi, Snnlury, Pa DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO "1T"E tire now opening an entirely new stoc' M or DRUGS AND MEDICINE nml are prepared to supply any article in our tin that mav be called for, we liavea!sa full sine of all tne leading Patent Medlciues. Fine Peril mery and Toilet Article a speciality, a full ni sortmeot of Hair, Tooth, Nail, bhoe. and otbi Brushes, Dresslug aud other Combs in grc; variuty. FI X E TO I LET SO VH, a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustan CholeeBpiees, Pepper wlwilt. oe ground, Casti aud Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimneys aud Lam Goods generally. Bird Seed In lurge or suia quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, full stock Fluid nnd Solid Extm'ets.' Ellxcrs or Pills of U. S- P., Pngnr Coated, Strengthen!!! Arnica, Parous, Poor Sinn's and other Plastei Ayor's, Wright's, Schcnk's Maudrukc, McLnnt l.lvcr uud other Pills, our stock ciiihrnces ever thing found In a well conducted . Drug Ploi Country Physlciuns will rind our stock full n complete, and we guarantecto sell as low as I same artiolcs can be bought in Pbiladelphi choice Wlnos, Whiskey aud Brandy for Medic ul purpose. ' j .1 . i OotoUr5, 1&72. W. D. ME LICK, Druggist and Aiiotliccar; (Sucuar to Dr. . V. Moody,) At lbs old established stand on Uarbrt M4pars KTXKVKVt Keeps eoiistantlj on tinnd full slock of w suleeic4 DRUGS & CHEMIOAXil . Drugglsu fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHK. ' PERFUME! PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAIN ..; GLASS, PUTTY. YAItSIN". DYENTIFFN, lu fact everj thing osually kept In a well c ducted DRUG STORE. Particular attention paid to compounding F ticlaut prescriptions and family receipts W Proprlator himself. Sutibury, Fa, June 8, l4rj.