!, FALL, GRAND OPENING OF PALL AID WINTER GOODS AT . HEEZFBLIDBR'S Popular Clothing Store, Just, opened, on enormous Stock of READY-MADE Clothing5 The litrgrst vwv tuTiTi-d in lliis town, ('lotliinir to suit, nit t;mtrs. Clothing f'"' "U oc casions, from the nlninist Wurkiiiii (.'lot In s to tho finest and most fashionable DltKS.S SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This department is well stocked with a largo variety ofnoods of all colors, qualities and styles. All I'lolliing is made to my own order, by the best mechanics, mid combine, durability mid strength with neatness and style. Hats id Caps for Men and Boys. An c.rmous assortment in this lino, including the very latest in Xcw York and Phila delphia siyles. 3-eit(i9 FuiniIiing oils. The most magnificent stock to be found outside of the large cities. The very latest in everything. Xcckwat'p, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Haudkcrchiefs, and especially a full liuc of the best makes in Shirts and Gents' Undcrwarc. UK, and numerous Doing by far the largest business in my lino in the county, and buvini; larcc quanti ties for cash, lam able to oiler superior inducements and sell at LOW U II 1'KICKS than any of my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and examine, the largest stock ever seen in this place. . Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Sept. 11, 1S72. Boot, Stationery, k TOYS, ALBUMS, AXD PAN CI' AIITTCI.ES. Clement Block, - - Sunbury, Pa. N"ow Ready, lull Supplies of School iJooks, Ollice Stationery, School Stationery, &c, &c, &c. KCWB Depot., WALL TAPER at Ilo.lnccd JYicos to Make Koom for XKW STOCK. OFFICE OF THE ADAMS ATKSTKAL EMTiKSS CP'S. (10 TO H r1 W XEW g Central Variety Store! of all 3 DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMTXC.S, SHAWLS, ALI'AC- h OAS, CORDED ALl'ACCAS, DflaiK"!, Tickings, Notions in "Teat Vanity. E-H O FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. s Wood una Willow Ware. Floor, Table, and Stair Oil Clotlis. carpets. ?! in grout variety, lower than tlio lowest in jiv'uv. Wall Paper and Window Sbades. g Go to FrN'ISTJi.Y'S ! n J- for the (Ireatest Variety of (Jooils! 1 'rices t ho Lowest ! (iooria rr arriving J)aily. 5 t, r3 .2 p 1 VlfTOR ! VICTOR 4 4. i I. 1T!i ivum iur uiu icior sewing maculae. MAItKFT M HKKT, ouo door euxt Suubury, May 1. 167'. 1 y. VALISES. UMBRELLA '5 other articles. EIcK'zfcldci'. 9 fall P v. O kinds, 3 tg??: yw fr ar 2 iJ I VirrrminiK 1 O d -- l n of (st'arhart'a C'oiitVrttoiicry Kforc, inn -fSftiscell uncons. jcj: .... J.Thli Cut lUuitntM tli miniwrsf Uilnf if J'l'B.. PIEROE'8 Fountain Nasal Injector, OR DOUCHE. Thlt Inntniment li wpecially designed for the por feet application of f V DR. SACK'S CATARRH REMEDY. i Tt Is tho only form of lustrnincnt yet Invented with which fluid morticlno can ho carried high up and ptrfeclly applied to all parts of the affected naral pas anca, and tlio chambers or cavities commnnlcatlnc therewith, in which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which tho catarrhal discharge generally pro ceeds. Tho wantofsiiccess in treating Catarrh here tofore his arisen largely from tho Impossibility of applying remedies to thoeo cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle in tho way of cfftctlni cures is entirely overcome by the Invention of tho Doncho. In nsine this Instrument, the Fluid li carried by its own weight) no snuffing, forc ing or pumping being required,) up one nostril in a full L'i'utly 'lowing stream to tho highest portion of tlio femiil passages, passes Into and thoroughly cleanses pllthotiibonnd chambers connected therewith, and flows out of tho opposite nostril. Itsnsols pleasantaml so simple that a child can understand it. Fall and explicit directions accompany each. Instrument. When used with this instrument, Dr. Sno'8 Calarrb Itcmedy cures recent attacks of ,'t'old lu tho Head" hy few application. Symptom of Catarrh. Frequent head ache, discharge fulling into throat, sometimes pro fuse watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, &c. In others a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed eyes, stoppini? up or obstruction of nasal passages, rinirinir in ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs 1'rom ulcers, volco altered, nasal twan-, offensive breath. Impaired or total deprivation of senso of smell and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, loss of appetite, Indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cnugn, Ac. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to bo present iu any case at ono timo. Dr. Sasro's Catarrh nmelT. when nscd with Dr. Pierce's NaHnl Hour he, and accom panied with tho constitutional treatment which Is recommended In the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of tho Remcdv, Is a perfect specific for this loath some disease, and the proprietor offers. In good faith, 500 reward for ft caso ho can not cure. Tho Itcmedy Is mild and pleasant to nse, containing no strong or caustic drugs or poisons. Tho Catarrh Remedy la sold at 60 cents, Doncho at 60 cents, by all Dritfnrlsta, or cither will be mailed by pro prietor on receipt of 60 cents. it. v. pieuce, w. n.. Solo Proprietor. BtTFALO. ?". Y. May 4, 187'J- .I1V A St SUVA I, Of SPRING GOODS AT Clement & Bissinger's, in tlio m w CU'iui'iit Huildiii', .lisirltct Square, Ktinbiiry, I "a. We take pleasure in ihnoimclng Unit we li;ivc just opi ned u new assortment of SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil stvles nt Hie lowest prlecs. DULLY VAKDKN, still ia;iri!,' in new miJ beautiful tlccltrns. nunss (ioons, .moit.xixc noons, CLOTHS, CASSIMKUES, VKSTIXGS, c, Ac. 1! i'tk ! j -."! a I o 'I o t li i it k, it full aesoitment, wlikli will be toM lower than uiscw lieu. t':i;t'ts, Oil ( ioiiiiM ami I'loor Mat ting. C.UOCKHIKS of till kinds, wliieli life iruaiaiiteed nil fresh.' ( UKEN ,S WA It K, AV I LLC) W WAK K, Ac, &.C., &c. 'HUM MINGS, CLOVES, nml in fad everything that can be mentioned in u ttrst-vliiss store. , Call ami exatiiim! our stm k. Having nur Siore lii.lite.1 with Gas. noods can be. selecle.l in the evi iiiiiir as well as in the day time. Nu eliarges for s!ioi iii! ;ooJs. CLEMENT .t P1SSINGEI1. April 'JO, is??. Kl'WYNIUi: IICATI'.t:. SrNNVsmr. at Mahyi..im SrvTr. l'.vin, Ht. timiiiii:. Eii si premium for Virc-i'laee Healers awarded tin; StiniiVsiile. Advantages of the Siinnvsiile : 1. It i so eoiistrueteil tiiat one-tliinl more of tlio radiatim; siirl'aee extemU into tin- room, 'iv ini; that imieli more additional heat without ex tra fuel. J. It is the only Hot-Air Fire-place Healer lu tlio market. Like the regular built cellar beater, it loses no heat, but confines it all to its legiti jiurposes. ;. The fuel m iL'a.'.ne is double the usual size, extending from the fire-box to the top of the stove, with capacity lor lwcnty-1'our hours' sup ply of coal. 4. 'I lie patent double cover for coal magazine on-'l'.nes the. pis, prevents escape of fins into the room, and makes it impossible for any puf fings or cxplo-lons lu occur. This is nn advant age possessed by uo other lire-place stove in the market. .'i. Tlan: are three air ccambers, wherein n brik circulation is kept up, draw in:; the cold air in the loom tliroM'.'h hc.iteil flues into a lari;e liil-air reservoir, at the back of the. stove. t No side pipes are used, as the air is healed in a re-ervoir having double radiating; Hues and double, back, supplying, large iniaiitilics of hot ail w ithout waste of heat or fuel. 7. The St nxvsiiik utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we I're.imintly bent an adjoining; room on the first, besides beatliif; tbc rooms in second and third stories. H. A d.impir on top of tho stove, connected Willi the hot air (lues, controls tlio quantity of hot air require I for the uso of cither the upper or lower rooms. All other lire-place stoves are very inconvenient in this respect. '.. The Crate is sell-sealing, mid uo dust can escape while shaking it. MTU AT, l'KTEKSOX ,t CO., Philadelphia. II. U. MASSEtt, AKent. Nov. 11, 1ST1. TO 'I IIK l.AIUr.S! CliAXD Ol'EXIXG OF .tlilliner)' anl l'Hiiey ;ooiIn. jprlug styles of HATS and UONNETS, trimmed and uutiiinmeil. All the latest styles in laTKAV, Cllir, LliCi-UOUX, U ACTUS, Ueapolilan, Waterproof, &c. School Hats and Sua Hats. Trimmhis Itibbons, Flowers, Lnecs, e. Cluvt-N, Collier tie Grut'e, t'iato, Crnpo Veils, Tissues, Xeckties. Ramsey, Wur- lier tV Co.'s l'atterns, auu mi i lie spring; styles of Millinery Goods. Cull and see my choico assortment. MISS L. WEISEU. Market Street, one door west of GeaibaiVt con fectionery storo. April 20, lsr.'. Don't Read This!! (iood inoniiug, Mrs. A., where are you bound for so early f Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, nou't you know Mr. Byerly has bought out the Grocery ami Confec tionery Store of Haas oi Weaver, and is selling nice fresh Groceries, Cuuned Fruit, and iu fuel, everything in tho Grocery line, cheaper than the cheapest, and I have got tired paying high prices, so 1 have made up my mind alter this to patron ize Mr. Byerly. So food morning, Mrs. C. 1 must go. Mrs. C, to herself. Well I am bound to flud out for myself, uud will go to Byerly'suew cheup cash Grocery, the licit timo I want any (rocerit'M, ConlV tiouerU'ttor l'riuie OjKtrra. I will just Bay to all coiuo and give mo a trial, and satisfy yourselves that there is oue cheap cash Grocery iu Buubury. liciueiuber the place, Xo. 11, South Third St., in Clement House Uiilldiug. Suubury, l'a. S. bVEKLY. Sunbury, Juu. 'M, 157 .', 'AM mvi' Mr m im m ' A It l . No. 002 ChCBtnut Street, Philadelphia, nilLADELPHIA. MESSIlit. CALmVF.LL it CO.. PESIUE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TOTI1EIU OK PA HTM EXT OK SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING PUPE1UOII FACILITIES THEY WILL HE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, is ADVANCE OK THE GENE RAL MARKET. ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PKODt CED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SPE C1ATIF.S OF BRIDAL AXD OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS?. HIE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY 111 EM IS THAT OK ENGLISH STFRI.ING.UJ.-. KHIOtiis FINE, THE O.UAL1TY OK EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OK THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICKS, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AXD EQUALITY IX EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. I!. I'.ILDHEM. A ( O. Feb. 10, 1ST-.'. HORSE AND CATTLE IVS! lti(i: t o .11 1 AW. IXSUHK YOUK 1IOKSKS ! LNSUHK VOUll CATTLK! iNSURE with n rrsponsible and perfectly rcli- nli'.e Company. Insure where your losses Tlii is it -Hul mil I"rot'f it c '. Hence, you are sure ol being paid promptly for j nil losses, if insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS I THAN THOSE OK ANY OTHER j COMPANY. We pay losses accruing through theft, death by tire, ncfilenl, or natural causes, (excepting j epedctnic disease). u 1" prompt. No red tape proceedings lo gel your money, in case oi ! loss. OVER SoOOO ! paid on horses and cattle since organization. DR. D. WALDROX, President. : C. A. 1! I" I M E N SNYDER, Scc'y, Sunbury, Pa. j IMroHors t Ex-Gov. .lames Pollock, Solomon Stroll, Win. Brindle, Solomon Shipc. John A. Sliissler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Wa'.dron. julyi:i-7:.'. JpRI)WARE FOR ALL AT Till: HARDWARE STORE i OF J. U. CONNELLY & CO. i .Mar lift Slrt'ol, Kuitltury, t'ti. It is useless lo enumerate every kind of article hi his Store, hut among the leading, items may be set down tho following: Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, ''arpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, PlasicrciV Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Bulls, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes. Locking Classes. Twine, Hopes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Male and Horse Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, Coll'ee Mills, Bits and Braces, Can: Bo'.ts of all kin Is, Paint and Wall Blushes, Buckets, Oils, VnruisiiOM, .l:iaiiN, I. vo. So.i.i Ash, W:ilihnr Piiila, l'Al.V t .H OF AI.I. UlMtS in Oil or Drv, ( lV.rti t'oloiit of 'all kin.Is, j CKDAll-WAItK j ami oilier Wooili n-Wan; of all kinds ami very clicaji, llay-Fork 1'iilliys, . I'iiks, Mill l'ii li, Levels, Level ilasis, Files, llinu'es, Coal Oil, Hems, C'onilis, tSerexvs, ; PaiMU'ry ami ! lioc Fiiii!im;s, j Iliiu'L'.v Triiiiiniiis, Kxeelsior tJlass Cutters. j PoeUel Knives, r"eissnri, rluai, I Miol, Cuius iiikI l'owilcr, ami a art-at variety of other artielcs. Any thini; 1 wanleil ami not 011 hand, will be orilered at ouee. ! r'nnliiiry, Am;. 11', ls71. ( i:m i:k or a i nt vi no. ' Kverylioily is inviteil to conic ami buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIOXK.KIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame biilhiintr, lulioiiiiiii Moore ,S; r)issinrr"K ! l.iiil.Hi.', Till Ml t-TliKKT, StXIItltY, l'A. Just opened 11 tre.-li wiil l'iy of (.'oufeelluiieri.-d of ; every description. j TOYS OF AM. UIMIS constautlv on hand. The best UAIMNg, FltlS, ( L KIiA.NTS .c DUIF.O FliriT. l'UIJK ltIO COFFKK, TEA & SPICES, fresh Hread, Uuus A; L'uke.1, every uiornhi. ' FANCY C'AKF.S, UIStT'ITS, t'HAt'KEKS, .;e. ' OVSTEUS ! O VST KltS ! OVSTEKS ! Havini; titled up :i room expressly for servinit t il Clysters iu every style, Ladies and tientleinen ! will bo accommodated with t lie best bivalves in I market, at all hoars during the day and eveniuir. ' Fauiiliis w ill bu supplied at their reshleuee w ilii the best Shell or Caiiued Oysters, as is desirable, at tlio very lowest prices. Cull and seciny excellent assortment of (joodi and asceilain the prices. S. F. SFA'IX. Dee. If.. 1871. THADD'S S SHANNON, i T111HU AND MAKKKT SQUAHE, Has hi stock nml constantly reeeivins Novelties , lu his line, consisting in part of u full lino of j A.lll'UU A tV A TCI I F.N, F-lgln, Illinois, Howard A: Co., Waltliain, Mas- . sachusetts, and Hoy's AMKKICAN WATl llF.S; i Also, n full set of Ladies, and Gent a Gold and Silver Swbs Watches. Iloimiii Gold sets, pink coral ami Gold ti-U, Kar-Hings, Xeeklaees and l'emlauts, Onyx uud Jet Jew elrv. SILVER--WARI1, Solid Bilver-warc of StL-rllii-jr puritt, iimde to or der, llridal uud l'resentatioii Fieces, Knives. Forks and Spoons iu eases, also, n full line of I Silver I'lated tioods, Tea Sets, Ico Water Sets, Erbit Stauds, Cake baskets, Colli 0 I' rus, Fork, and Spoons treble plated, the best iu the markets SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, uso the Perfect Lenses, trrouud from minute Cri.-tle Pebbles mel ted together, and derive there inline "Diamond" on account of there hardness uud brilliancy. They w ill last many years w ithout chauge, uud warranted Superior lo all others in use. TA111.K CUTI.EUY. Ivory, Pearl uud Metal baudlea in cases sup plied to order. I.O(liS. A full assortment of Eight day nml Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocka ot ull diserip tlons. Engraving done at tin shortest notice. Walc'nes, Clocks und Jewelry, ltcpaircd and Satisfaction wurrauted. All goods w ill be sold at the very lowest Oish Prices. Every body Is cordially Invited loCttll and Examine for themselves. Dou'l forget the place. T. . 81IAXXOX. Suubury, Dec. It If. '" RAD WAY'S READY "RELIEF. t lltKH THE Vlt!4'F PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR lift it rcinlnttr tti1 tulvtrtl'fniciit nrwl any 0n S I'l l Kit WITH I'.MN, nATWAY'S UKAI'Y IlKLIKK lrt A CURE TOR KVKUY I'AIN. tt WiWlh-f flntl iftiid h Tlio Only lnln Itctnocly tli.it Inmiily ntoi!( Hut Itiurt pcniclntlPif -jiain, nllavn In 11 itnnuitltttf, iiimI t-nvf roiiKi-iitlohn, whrtiirr uf Itiu LutiKA Hti'inncti, IJWLl!, or uthcr kWIs or brsuim, by on appllca t'0"' w rnoM oxr to twenty minctes. T'om iHcr liow vloU-nl or t'XcrncltilliiK the puln tlie KHKtT WAI'M', l-tiil rl'lilcti, lurlmt, t'rliipkd, crvoua, KeuruJglc, vr iirnMniiitl Willi tliwuiHi nmv Buflir, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wlf.l. Arroftll INSTANT KA5K. INFLAMMATION OK THE KlliNEYS. IXKf.AMMATION OK THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OK TIIK HOW KI.S. rONllKHTllIN OK THE LUNGS. POUR TllltOAT, PIKKU'l'l.T IIKKATIMNU. fALI'ITATION OK TUB llEAUT. HYXTF.RICis, CltOUl', UirilTIIKKIA. ( ATAU1UI, lJJFtCENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTIIACttE, NKl llAT.filA, EnEL'MATISM. t ilt.!) Cflll.I.S, AOHB t llll.l.S. 'I'hu nvflit-'ill.Mi i.f lhi ICl-mlv IlPllrf to ttis psrtor I'lttwlivrc lliu i:ilu or Ullliculty v&lils ill afford com ftlitl l.'t-iriirt. Twi'uty itr"M It, liTft timit.tsr of wntrr will tn frw ruMimtits n.c CltAMI'SI, M'ASMM. Mlflt NTOMACII, UK Ml TliritV, SII'K ItK.AH.M HK, DIAKHI1KA, DYsKM lillV, COI.IC, IN TUB DOWELS, nml 1. 1 1 INTKIt.NAI, I'AINl. 'I'r:iv..i-r ..il.l hIivv mrry ti lottte of Rniln-av' Iteoily Kfllff wild IIisiii. A few dtops In wuut will irv-vi-?i' si, i;tii. or i;iins rn.iii rlinnirr of water, ll Is belter lauti rielicli Itintnlv or ltllleni ns a Rlhnulsiit. IT ICIl AM Afil'K. FF.VEIX AMI Alii K niml fur fifty ernta. Tlisre Is not ft i-.-iiieiliiil nifftil In tliii Mnrlil Unit will cure Fever ntul Atfne. unit nil other MnlurloiH, ItHlmis. Retirlet, Trtitiotil, Vi Niiie, uud oilier Kevirs oi'.h il l.v ISA DW A V Pfl.l.K ri ielre u ISAlnVAY'N ItKADV KLL1EK. Fifty cent jtrbotlle. h'iJ t'V Dnife'git. --, HEALTH llEAUTY!! r rnnNo and im-i:k lttrif m.ooD-fNcftEASE op 1 I.KSH ANIi WKDillT CI.KAlt SKIN AN1 EKAC lift L COMI'LEXIO.N bKCLKKD TO ALL, DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT - KA MADR TUr. MtrSr AsTONISIUN-Jr Cl'ltKfl: Pi oi'i' K. so itAi'ii ai;i; run i'iiancks thk it-iv rNoruiiiiKs, vM.i'ti tiik ixkmex-k K Tlli-i 'lilLI.Y WU.UK!Sn.L MLOlClMi, I HAT Cvory Day an Incroaso In Fleeh oncl Wolght Is Seen and Folt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvtrv ,? 1 1 tita RAi:sAi'Ai::i.T,r iu-oiak.nt rri-tinmn :( throiiirli the tl"-l, Sr,it. l'i in-, ttu.l oilier ll.innsainl julf -s of Hi- fvt.'in Hie nj-.r i r '.U. f.-r it n-p-iltn lliu vaMt i of tliti l.-ntv wi'li iit-w tiii'l B.-ut il iii.'tli ri;:l. SciOftlliL SvillItS, f'nllMtMiJ'lr-Ml, t i I'll. . I tllitr lll'l'.lf', I'tl'fU In tho T!ii":'t, M"ntli, Tmimrs, N..l'-t In fin liiaii'U iu,l ritlu.r r.ar(iif tin ny-U'iii, S-.n K !. Htririniit I il-rhnrt;. -i frm tliti K ir. iriil Hit wnrtt ft.rim uf Si; in tl :, Kim- lifin-t K'vrr S to., Fc:iM llia.l. Wux Wi.rni, t.ilt IDi'-hiii, l;rvijf:i4. Ami, lll.io'i Jji"t!, Worms In tin Kl5h. Tntitoi (itv'.r-l I 'I 111-.1 WoiliN, tintl till Wi-nkchlllt' Jul :iliifill -tlirs c'i:irtrv4, NL'lit Swc:itH, i,t-M if SpiTm, fin.l nil wtiMi-it f Ihc lite iiriiK-kpU. itrrt wHliin lln) cirntivu runptf of tlill WuiiiUt f MmiIitii Cln'Militry, uti'l i ff'v (IlivV uo will vrnvi' t ihiv pi'i'ii'i n-iti- It fr fitlit.r if llu'!c iuruii of illsvus; I- tii:t imiWiT ! fttrt' tin-in. If tin; tutifiit. iln'iiv luT-miln? rct!m-pi! W llic wn-ir .ntul ili-t- HMp-iHilloii tli:tt i.-t 1'inliitu.ill i i.ri-ssin-. iuc ctlB in :irrt'.t inn thfw w fill 'I rrit-Mfrs tin (sinn- w 'U n-w in-itrr- l .1 in ..I-fn..,i l.i' illliv l.....il uml tl.M tl.e SAKSAI'AKIL 1.1 A N will .iii-l d.n:- -n iir.', Nut KlitV (lM-4 Hut S AKHAI'AUTTJ.IAf T! M if.VKKT PXffl all Vtioivn rcmt-il inl ti'.-ftit-i In t)i t-mn of ( tir-'iilr, ScriifulinH, 1 oiii ittiiiuii;t uiui .km tlUciui' ; but It li Uu only jiosltivo T'ritiarv, H" I V"iiiS ll:ifc JirnvM, IM-il'-ttrt, Impiv Si n'!"V.-V of Wittrr. liicf tillLinu'-? of Triiii, r.rirlit'n j)!'i';i-' All'Uiiiliinni, nii.l In it'l i n.-tt w hen1 llu tv uro I.rirki1u--t j it Hit w-iiti-r i. tlilt k, cl.niih-, tuiti-fl with mlmliinrrs liUtL- ilii while of an nr.", or llir-:iJ'4 like white mIW. it Iticra It :i liinrhl.l, tlnric. Miim'S npl'i'araiiCi, ml wliitt Imiu" tlipn-im, tiimI when llirr li a Tii'kiti, l.uniii-jt -.iiNili"n v lici M--i)if water, nn.l j- un i:i the tiuail of llic ll:ick nuj I.;.".!' II..- I. ..in. I'ikv, kt.uo. WORMS. Tho onU known ami sere RcinaTy f.-r II VI '.Ml i ''(, JUjif, t(C. TcniHor of 12 Ycurs -Ciirowtlj Cm rod Iy Ikiulwnj's Kcftolvent. n r. M July 1. W. Tr, nrirny:-t liiv fc.t Otnri.111 Tuitior in tit ntnrlrt mnl . .vrrlt. All Ilia D .rl .r ini.l llit-rc lii-lp f-r It." I trl-I Mrrv tlihiK tlirtt wm r-witmtfii.ini; t"it m.-tliinr lifttfil iit-f. I -iir l;.'""lrfiit, nn.) f hntiLTf 1 i I wmi I-1 Iry tt ; I ml li.i.l nn fnitti In II, lKti- I lifi'l nill.r.-l f..r iMfflvc Vt-Kr-t. I l.nik kix t. ttlfi cf thj i:ttiiil. nii-l on ln of lt.l,i fill, Mi-1 t.i In-ttle of vir II- tlv ll'lirf ; Rti'l thrr l n-l kltrn i.f iiifr lu I arm or f!'t i-'l f fn-l Utlrr, iiimrtrr, Ati.l hafpur ih-in 1 hvf f r lurlvt yiinri. tin nf tumor mI:i tli ..) ,f tim U rl, ovrr lh ijr.-'ln. I wr.K itiU it Vtftl (vr tL tcuulilvf Otltrn, V"n ran ttitlib it if j.-ti 1I1 hub, HANNAH I. KNA1T. DR. RADWAY'S ! PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, .orf. rtly ln.t-l-n., pVirniitK ro:itil ti lth swrrt K'im. puree I r u'"l.l.'. l-uiifv. cli-mi..-. snt tn-tiL'1l" n. l::i.1wav'i fill, 1 f'Tlln- cur-i.f nil ilKimli-is i.f tlie Sli.mrirli, l.lvcr. llnwi'K j KiiIih-m-., Iil:id.lr, N.tv.iii. DIm-iih'., Ili'mla-'lie. roti.tlpu. t::t, I'li.-llvi'lu-i. lli.lltliMliiti, ItM-l'spsia, Ililiim.lK'.p. 11:1 I l-in. Ki-v..r, It.fl.iiiiiiuiti.ni il ti"' ll"H'i-N. I'ilt. mill all 111" 1 riiiici-nii'iit. ..f lb.- Iiilrmul Vi-on. Witrniiiti-il to eflVi-t ' s i-i-illvu furs, l-on-ly V.-iil:.t'K', euulbluilii; liO lucrtury, l r.il"..r:iN, or iK-li ' .tu 'i i ilnic. I ;f in..,.ivr Mi- f.-M-'ivinrf n'tntlonis rcsultlrs from DIs- I' rj-.U-m i.f ilm liii.tive 1)i:ik.-: . rrtn,1!TiM.n, ti.wi.,1 I'llf,, FiiMii.i. i.f Ills Tlon.1 In In, Ilsil.li A. l.lilv -f C... S'...tn. h. Ntt.i..n. Il.rll.nm. Iliirii.t r.f Kiwsl. Kiill-r.-. or Wi-IM in tia s .iiiKi-ti, S.tir Krui lationi. Sinl.iii; r I lutlrf i luc xt tl- I'.t uf III Sf nir.. h, Snimn iMC i-f tin II....I. MiirrlAl Uid I'.'li' nil Urr-il.'iij, Kin I' rinc ni lli IIptI, Choking t Sull"ttnr S. vli-11 In 1 I vl.ir l'..lnr. I'Mi'-n... it Vifi..n. Wit W. S ll..rr ll, S.yl-I, .V.rr.irl Oult I 'mil 111 llir ll.a.1. IKti.l.n.-y 1 ..f i'.f.;.ir.ii...,, .u.iic'- "f iii- si.n M..i k... r.nin 111 is. ! i l, CII...I, l..!iib., Hii.l 11..I.U1I 1 lit, he if llml, I'urniiig In th I 1 K-.h. j A f- ilo."i 'f r.Anv.'AY'S riLf.S will ru e the jv-lrm fr..'niill 11... i.i...v. -t.:,i. .1 iii-i.riin.'. rrU., ?5 i-ii.l. l'T U.1. 1 tinl.li ll V lil'lifiiV' liKMi "1'M.sK .l' TIMT " S'-tr! t.no Mlsr mtmp ! IIAI'WAV A i.. N . j M.W.ii fjium cw-lcik. li.l'dlMii.li..u i-illi l!f.'l-.i!..: 1.1 Li; Ik'lit Jiii. March o0, 1ST:;. No Person can take these Bitters accord ing lo directions, and remain Ions unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or oilier means, and the vital orpn, wasted bevond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Imlliceetioil. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, 1 mlilnesj of the Chest, ness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had 'l ane in the Mouth, liilious Attacks, Palpitation of die Heart, In ti.mmatinti nf the I.unss. l'ain in the rccions of die Kid- revs, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are die ott springs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one Uott'e will prove a Letter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Keinnle Complaints, in young or old, mar ried or single, at tlie dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. Fur liineiniiinlory anil tlirouic Hlien niMtlsm and Gout, lhlious. Remittent and Intermit tent Fevers, Diseases of the Illood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitlers have no eipisl. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Illood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Oigans. They ore m tirntle FurRiitive well a a Tonle, ksseuing also die peculiar mem of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inrlammatiou of the Liver and Vurra! Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For feikill Di&se, Kriiplions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spot.-, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles Ring worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eves, Erysipelas Itch, Scurfs, Discolorutions of the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of lite Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit erally dug up and cinicd out of the system in a short time by the use of theie Diners. The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinsgai Bittsbi are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Lasarive, Diuretic, Sedative, Couiuer-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Oratefful Thousands proclaim Vihigab Bit Ties the most woniici-ful lnvigoraul dial ever sustained the sinking system. J. WALKER, Prop r. II. II. McDONALD A. CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., aud corner of Washing ton and Charltou Sis, New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June 2'.l, 1H72. 3m. WM. Ml' II It AY. J. Hl.AVMA KKll. WM. II. 1I1.A1 K. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers lu MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Ollice and School Stationery, Trliiting, tVrupi"X ttuil Mauilla PAPERS, l.ri:K lt.UN, Ac, Ar. The Ctilcbrntod orry Kerosene llurnli.gOil always on hand. H iving also opened u COAL YARD, we arc prepared to supply at short noHee.aud at the lowest rates, EtJO, ISTOVK, cm:sTNUT ftiul I'EA COAL to ull who may be pleased lo ulve us a call. Order left at our Ollice No. H Houtli Third Bl., will Lie promptly tilled. MUK11AY & CO. No. S3 Bout a Third btrett, Sunbury, Pa. Auu. , 1871. -! fitamtfitcfurfrs. 1UA( IIIF NIIOI AMI IKO. l'OI'.l)ItY GEO. KOIUvDACII & HON 8, Nunbiirj', Itiiiia( TXFOUM tlio public that they are prepared to JL do all kinds of CASTINGS, ami linvimr nddeil n new Mncliino BUop In connection with their Foundry, and liuvo supplied thcmselYes Willi New-' Lathes, Plnnlnir nnd llorlni Maelilnes, wlfli tho ! latest iinprovemems. huii tno alii of skillful ! iiucliiiiiics, they tire enabled lo execute nil orders of NEW WOMK OR REPAIRING, that limy be given tliein, lu a satisfactory man uer. (rntrn lo fault any Move. IRON COLUMN'S, for churches or other build lugs, of all sixes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS) VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDF.NCKS, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will ulways he kept on lui'id. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May '-'O, 1871. MMItt.K AMI l'I.AM .Ml M.S. Third Street, adjoining .Phlln. A Erie R. R., two Sipiares Xorth of the Central Hotel, SCXBURY, PA. Ill A T. TJlEMEXT, IS prepared lo furnish every description of lum ber rc'iiired by the demands of the public. Having all the latest improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is uow ready to 1111 or ders ml' all kinds of FLOORIXG, PID1NG, DOORS, SHUTTERS, 8ASII, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nml all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Woilc. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AIUiF. ASSOUTMKNT OP U I L L I. U M H E U ; HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Sliingles, Pickets, Lathe, A:c. Orders promiitly tilled, und shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEM EXT. i (lei rj-KSMy STOl V TIN K-SIAIll. lHtll. T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. AI.F1IED KIlAl'SE, l'lopri.-tor. slCC KSSOU TO SMITH ft (iKNTllKll. J "f T AVING purchased the itlmvr well known es- L 1 talilishfucnt. Mr. Krausc would I peet ful ly inform the public that lie now lias oil hand n large assort nieiit of COOK1XU STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nml others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or I "Wood, and are w arranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. 11 1 El!s id all kinds put up to heat one or mure rooms. HEATING STOVES of dilli lent kinds at very low prices. Tin iv arc of Kvry JH-sei'Sf'liou kept constantly on hand. Rimllng and Spouting w ith the bc-t material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil m.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a s.nd.i. Store opposite Conlcy's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAl'SE. upl'.'4-ly V K It I a; i: SI A X l FA TOK V, SL'XllUItV, l'ENX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "ITfOULD respectfully aniioiince to the citi- V .ens of Sunbury and surrounding count ry, that he is prepared to" manufacture all styles of 4:tri'i:iu'S, It iijrgio. tic, at his new simp on cast Mail. i t street. He will furnish every description of Wagons, both 1LAIN AND ITaXCY.. In short, will make cvciytliing iu his line from a lirst-class carriage ton wheelbarrow, waiianted to be made of the b.'.-t and tuo- t duralile niateri als. and by the mo-t expciii iiced workmen. All work sent out from his c-taliiislinieiil will lie found reliable iu every f piciilar. The patronage of th"fibHc is solicited. .1. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbnry, Nov. 4, '71. -ly. 'Xew Store! Xew CJootls! I F. J. BYROD. j llavim; talu i the store room lately occupied hy i 11. IMcrs, ci.i ncr of Third and Church streets, j SUNUL'UV, l'A., Ins JtistoptKii new store, with an entire new j steak : f nods, cuiupriMii of I Ir 4otxlH nml lirocorif. ; The Dry tioe.d. d. paitmcnt is loniplcte, U;i vinj; a i t,.ncral assiirtinent of j Cli t lis, (.'assiiiRTi's, Ciilit-os, Dcl.aiiis, I and everythinir In the Pry Hoods line. Tlie 4.K04 F.KIl'.N are nil frc.-li, and cousi.-ts of Tea, Coll'ce, Suj;ar, Mollasses, apices, Meat, Fii-h, Ac. "slillow-sVart' untl taasrs-Wuro, a general assortment. In fact everythinir kept ill a llri-t-elass store, can lie had at the most reasonalilc prices for cash, llavins; located iu Siiiihiiry for the purpose of In com ilii; one of its eiti.ens, 1 hope that hy fail dcalim; and strict attention to husincss to merit a share of the public patroiuiL')'. My motto is I 'Small I'roliis and guicli Sales." All are cordially invited to cull and examine I my piods, as no ehai'trcs w ill he made for show I in'' them. I F. J. BVKOU. I Suuhury, April Sit, 1S7I. I.iK'kavvaiiua mill llfooiiisburj; Itail- i r '. Sl'MMKU AlUlAXtil-Mi'.NT 1F I'ASSLMiEll 1 . ,INS. M'i .i'.av. Julv 17.'1S71. SOLTIlVVAlU). Leave. (A.M. I'.M. A.M. P. M. 1' M. : Scranton, . 0 4a 1 4" 10 OS ti M 4 tHI Hellevue, ' 0 .'u 0 o.' 4 l." Tayiorville, 0 10 17 7 US 4 IS Lackawanna, 7 nii 10 Sli 7 11 4 SS I l'ittston, 7 14 s ll io ;;r 7 in 4 :;o West I'llli-tuii, 7 111 10 40 7 S4 4 35 ; Wvomiuir, 7 S7 3 21 10 47 7 ill 4 4S I Maltby, ' I ; 1 0 ,'iS 7 u'ti 4 47 ' Kingston, & st. I T ... o .... i, m 7 , i W.-Harre Jc'in 1 , ! l'lviiiouth June., j : ! 8 00 5 00 1'lyinouth, 7 50 2 40 '8 05 5 05 N'anticoke, 8 00 8 SO 1 1 Hillock's, IS 117 8 30 I Shickshinuy, j S SS 3 08 8 45 I Hick's Kerry, i 8 iiti 1 I Heaeli ilavcii, 8 4il 3 27 ! ' llerwiek, j 8 50 3 ul j ! i Uriar Creek, 1 8 57 1 i Lime Kidije, : 07 , ! K.spy, : V 14 j j Hlooiniibiirir, ; 0 It) I i llupert, ' U SO 3 57 j ' Catawissa, ; 0 111 i Danville, ' U 51 i I ! Chulasky, ! U 5n ! I I Cameron, 10 03 ' , ' I North'd, (arrive.) 10 So; 4 M. i I I NOKTIIWAUD. A.M. P.M. Leave. Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Dauvllle, Catawissa, KlllKTt, rlloouisburg, Espy, Li mo liiilt'e, Briar Cresk, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Kerry, Sliickshliiuy, HunloiVs, Naiilieoko, Plynioiit h, Plymouth June., Kluitsion, iV I st. W.-Harre Jc'ru Maltby, Wvotninif, Wert PUlston. Piitstnn, l.aekawaniia, Tayiorville, Hellevue, Scranton, (arrive) tt 40 8 45 8 53 9 04 U 14 t 25 9 43 5 13 43 1"! 53 8 0G 8 13 8 18 8 88 : 8 3o: 8 43 3 48 5 40 3 54 5 47 i 50 5 C3 3 07 0 00 8 1H tt 10 V 32 3 23 tt 17 ti 40 8 80 tt 25 1 14 8 48 DAV1U T. BOl'M Hip't. 10 25 5 10' j 5 27. I I 5 ail I 10 50 5 40 i j 0 00 II 14 tt 12 1 i i 1 It S4 I 1 1 '111 ll 1 1 I ' 11 43 0 4H A.M. 0 55 13 00 7 0U 7 30 I i 7 24 7 45 I'M. P.M. T 31 8 00 .13 211 T 41 8 15 P.M.1 6 10 KrndiiiK ItailroiMl. BfJMMfill ARUANOEMENT. ThurmViy, Avyuft 1st, 1872. Trains leave ITnrrlsburK for New Tork, ni t-.-i' lows 1 At ft.00, 8.10, n. tn. and 2.00 p. m., core fleeting with trains on Ihe l'cntisvlvnnhi KnlU roncl, nnl arriving nt New York at 13.10, U.5U "'i" p m- respectively. , "'"'' ii( lcavo Xcw York nt 0.00 a. m., ,J;,,m noon P- m-, l'hlhidelphia at 7.U0, "". r. Leave Harrlshurg for Rending, Pottsvllle, Tn- mmpia, .Mlnersnlle, Ashland, Slmmokiu, AllenloWn and Philadelphia at 6.00, 8.10 a. m., 2.00 and 4.0S p. ni., stopping at Lebanon anil principal Way stations t the 4.05 p. nt., train connecting Tor Philadelphia, Pottsvillc and Co lunibln only. For Pottsvillc, Schuylkill Ilnveti and Auburn, via Schuylkill ami Susquehanna Railroad, lea re Harrlsburg at 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend ing for Ailcutown, Easton and Xcw York at 7.00. i 10.40 a. in., ami 4.05 p. in. Returning, lenvo Xew York at 0.00 n. in., 12.05 noon and 0.00 I p. m. and Allentown nt 7.S5 n. in. 13.25 noon, I 2.1. ", 4 35 and 9.35 p. in. ! Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt j 7.30 a. iu.. eoiinectinir with train on East Penn i sylvaiila Railroad, returning from Reading nt i 0.20 p. in., stopping at all stations. I Leave Pottsvillc at 5.30, 0.00 a. ni. and 2.30 p. j in. Hurndon at 10.00 a. in., Shaiuokiii nt 5.40 nml I 11.15 a. m. j Ashlaml at 7.05 a. m., and 12.4V noon; Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. in. and 1.20 p. ni. Tainaiiun nt 8.35 a. in. and 2.10 n. in. for Philadelphia, Xew York. Rending, Harrisburg,A:c. Leave Pottsvillc via Schuylkill and Susipiu hauua Railroad at 8.15 a. in. for Hurrisburg, ami 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Treinont. j Pottsvillc Accommodation Train leaves Potts ; Villeat 5.30 a. tn., passes Reading at 7.05 a. in. arriving at Philadelphia (it 0.35 a. in., returning leaver Philadelphia at 5.15 p. in., passing Rcad- nig at 7.4(1 p.m. arriving at Pottsvillc at 0.20 p.m. Pott-down Accommodation Train leaves Potts ! town at 0.45 a. m., returning leaves PhiliHlclphia. ; (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p. in. ! Colup'.bia Railroad Trains leave Reading at ! 7.20 a. in., and 0.15 p. in. for Ephrata, l.itiz, ; Lancaster. Columbia. A:e. ; returning leave Lan- caster at 8.20 a. m. and 3.25 p. in., and Colum bia at 8.15 n. in. nnd 3.15 p. m. j Perkionien Rail Road Trains leave Perkioincn ' Junction at 7.35, 8.55 a. in.. 2.55 and 5.10 p. m. ! Rctuining,lcaic Green Lane at fi.15, a.m., 12.35 and 4.20 p. in. connecting witli trains on licad ! ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Plnc ! Ills villi; at II. 10a. m., 3.10 and 5.50 p. m. j re i turning, leave ltyi rs at 0.35 a. in., 12.45 noon, ; and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains on Rcad 1 iug Railroad. ! Colcbrookil.ile Raiiroad Trains leave Pnttstown : at 0.40 a. in., l.'JOaud 0.25 am! 7.15p. in., retiiru 1 lug leave Mt. Pleasant at 0.00, 8. 10 and 11.25 a. in., and .1.2.1 p. in,, coiinciling with trains on Reading Railroad, i Chester Valley Railroad Trains h ave Brldge ! port nt S.30 a. m., 2.40 and 5.33 p. in. rctiirnit.j-, ; leave Dixvnlngton n at (i..;5a. in., 12.30 and 5.40 j p. tn. connecting w i; h Irainson Reading Railroad. (in Sundays: Leave New York at 0.00 p. in., 1 Philadelphia nt 8.oo a. m. and 3.15 p. in., (lli'j 8.00 a. m. train running only to Ri ading:) leave : Potlsiilieat S tiila. in., h ave' llarrisbiir. 5.(sia. in., ami 2.00 p. in.; leave Allentown at 4.35, '.1.35 p. in. ; leave Reading at 7.15a. in. and 10.55 p.m. lor Ilarii-iiiirg, at 7.00 a. in. Iur New York, , at 7.20a. m. for Ailcutown and at 0.40 a. m. and 4.15 p. in. fur Philadi l'a. Comminution, Milcar, S-ason, se!niul r.nd Excui'sio.i Tickets, Id and fioin all points at ; il need rates. Baggage checks I through i 100 Pound:, Bag gage aliowc 1 cadi Piisseuger. j J. E. MdOTTEN, 1 Asl. Siipt. i'c Eng. V.ach'ry. .orllioru fiiiritl Itnilvv a y. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. and niter June 10, lTI, liaiiis ii! run is follows : NOillllWAllI). Ni ii.".ra Kxpress leaves Sunbury at IS. 30 p. in.. Iur Niagara Kails Mail anives at Snuliury at 4.10 p. tu., arrive at. Wiiliuutsport ll.-H and Klniiia M.oll p. in. r.i.-t l.iiie arrives at Sunlniry at li.jo p. ti.., arrive at Wiliiaiusporl S. 1.", p. l.. Krie Mail li-aves Sanlniiy at li.t'O a til ; Wil liamspoit at M.U." a in, ami arrives at I'lmira ;.t Loll a til. IjtllTIlWAl'l). Mail leaves Stinlitirr at ll.l.'5 a. in., arrive at ll:ii rishuru 1 .4.1 p. m. I Krie Kprc-s leaves Siniliury at 7.40 a. in., nr i rive at liairi.-liiir u.'-'i a. m., Baiii'iiiuc. 1.15 ! p. in. Krie Mail leave Snnlitiry at 1J.4.1 a. m.. arrive at Ilarii-iiiirg S.IIO a. in., H.iHiinnre ti4D a. in. Niagara l-Apre-s leaves Sunbury at ti.llo p iu '. Han 'isbur at .l."i p m, anives at llailiuiore 11. aj p m. SIIAMOKIX DIVISION. j i IllMWAlll). I. cave Suiiliury at 4.4H p. m., arrive at SIk iuo i kin ."i.."iU p. in., Mt. I ai inel 0.40 p. in. ! l,ca c Suiiliui v ( A'-einninodatiiiii, I at IS. 55 a. m., an he at Sliainukin S.'Ja p. ill. uisrwMiii. Leave Mt. Carniel at 7. I'll .1. m., SliaiiioKiii 7.411 a. in., arrive at Sunluny !l..Vi a. in. Leave Shamnkin ( Accnamioilalion, ) at S. l."i p. tn.. arrive at Snuliury 4.1SJ p. lit. I'.xpiTss leaves daiiv. All other trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. K. Kim;k. 1'.i. S. Viu nh, Uen'l. Sup't., (i. u'l 1'assen'r Ait"-, llarrislmrir, l'a. Halimnre. MJ. lliilasliia iiml Uric ECaiiroail. Sl'M.MKU TIM K TAIU.i:. On ami after Monday, June lid. 1S7S, the Trains on tlie Philadelphia A; Krie Hail Uoad w ill run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Pliiladclphia, " " ' Sunbury, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunlniry, " " an at Erie, Elinira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " sunhurv, " 44 arr at Lock Haven, 1 1.30 p lu il. 1 a. tr 7.30 )i tr. IS. 30 p in tt.55 p in 7.40 a in 7.5H a m 4. S i p in 7.45 p in ;. a ill Xiujrura Express leaves Pliiladclpliia, " " " hunliary, 44 44 arr at ISemiv o, EAsTWAKD. Maii Traill leaves Krie, " , 14 Suubury, 44 44 arr at I'liiladc'lpliia, Erie Express leaves Krie, 44 " " Sunbury, 44 44 arr at Philadelphia, Eliuiru Mail leaves Lock Haven, 14 " Suubury, ' 44 ill r at Philadelphia, Xi.ijrara Express leaves Kenovo, 4" " 4- suabiirv, 4 44 arr at Philadi Iphla 12.35 p ni 4.15 a ni 11.25 a in 12.40 a nt 11.40 a ut 7..rsi p m 7.40 a in 1.20 p m 7.35 a in 10.50 a iu 5.50 p in 2.25 p in 0.25 p m 12.01 a m Mail East couuccls east and west at Krie witlt L. S. A M. S. K. V. and at Curry and lrviueton. with Oil Creek and Allegheny U. H. W. Cattawi-sa passenger trains will he run east from WlUiaiiispiiil on Erie Express, and west, to. Wiliiaiust'oit on Elinira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, tien'l Sup't. Inalllt. Ilaxlotoii sV 11 ilkfhbarre It, It. IVuna. It. It. Co. l.fsmt't'. SIMM Ell AKli A NGEM EXT. Oil and after this date Passenger trains tni tho I)., 11. A W. li. H. will ruu us follows : WESTWARD, EASTWAHI1. LEAVE. New York, Philadelphia, Kuston, Bethlehem, A.M.' LKkYE. 11:00 Sunburv, 8:00 Danville, A. M. 6:20 7:03 U:25.Cutlawi.-i.a, 7:'.'S 10:05 llailclou, 0:08 r. m, i'. m. 1:00 Heth'ehelU, 12:1(1 '4:40 Kaslon, 12:35 3:20 Philadclphiil, li.15 3:51 New York, urr. 3:50 llanlelon, Cattuwissii, Danville, I Sunbury, arrive I rain We.-1 arriving at Sunbury 3:5i p.m., makes close connections with trains on Philadel- Idiia iV: Erie It. H. for Milton, Williamsport, -nek Haven and all points West, Elmira and all I points North, also with Northeru Ceiitial Kall ! way, for llunisburg ami iliUiinoro. i Jt'-.Xcw and eletAiil eoaelieJ (Ull through be.. tweeu Sunbury aud kastou. FltANK THOMPSON. S5 I Supt. D. II. A W. 11. R. i I SrrT'ii Okkh-k, WtLUAMsroiiT, Pa. May 1, 1873. COAL! t'O II.1 4 !.! (IRAN T HllOS., Shipersand Wholesale and ltetail Dealers iu WHITE AND KED ASH COAL, SL'Nlil'RY, PA. (LOWKII WllAhf.) tifSole Aleuts, westward, at tlio celehmtej Hciias Clay Ceal. Jan lll-ub