Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 21, 1872, Image 3

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    iimbnvn mcmnm
SUNBUUYrSEi'TKMnEn 2i,"i872T
ltnllrond Time Tables.
P. & E. R. R Ooino NoRTiiWAnn.
T.rVi Mall, leaves at 0:05 a m
Nlairini Express, " ' . 12:30 p m
Mail. " " 4:20 pm
Erie Express " " 0:60 p m
N. C. R. W Goiso Southward.
Eric Mnil, leaves at 13:45 ft m
Erie Express, " " 7:40 m
Mall, " ll:05m
Niagara Express, " " 0:30 p m
The Erie Express train remains liero atout
20 minutes for breakfast.
Sfsm-RT Lkwistows R. R.
Mall train leaves nt 7.!10a. m., and arrives at
7.50 p. m. Fast Line leaves nt 3.40 p. in., and
arrives at 1.50 p. in.
Hall leaves at 13.85 p. in., for Shnmokln and
arrives at 8.55 p. m. Leaves Tor Mt. Carmel at
4.40 p. m., and arrives nt 0.25 a. in.
T. II. A Vf. R. R.
Trains leave for New York, via Hazlctou at
6.20 a. in., and arrives at 8.85 p. m.
Accident Insurance Tickets can he had jf J.
Shipmnn, Ticket Agent ntthe Depot.
focal Sffairs.
Sewino MAxniNes.-Miss Caroline Dallusls the
ngcut for the sale of the best Sewing Machines
In existence, viz i "Tile Improved Singer,"
"Grovcr A Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic,''
which nrc constantly on hand nnd sold a', rea
sonable prices. She is nlso agent for the cele
brated Frantz and Tope Knitting Machine. Call
and sco them. O'lke on Market street, cast of
the railroad.
Buy your Groceries of P. Clark, and save 15
percent. sl4,3t.
Buy yoir Black Alpacas nnd Mohare Lusters
from P. Clark, nnd save 25 per cent. sl4,3t.
Ixstiiuctions ix Music. Miss Anna M.
Schneider Informs the citizens of Runbury that
she will give instructions on the Piano nnd Or
gan to pupils nt her residence, at the corner of
Walnut (erect and Centre alley. Terms reason
ubls. s21.'73.-fit.
Coming Randolph the Rosicruciau ; go hear
Snnvic-ES will be held in the Baptist church at
7' .; o'clock, on Sunday evening next, by the Rev.
J. H. Cressingor, of Ashluud, Ohio, formerly of
ihls place.
Like Insurance In the best companies, any
amount effect on tin best paying plans by L. M.
Yoder, agent.
1)i:ii(.ation of ax Dim Fellows Ham..
Stone Valley Lodge, No. f.C4, I. O. of O. P., will
dedicate their new hall at Georgetown, on Satur
day, the. 2Sth Inst. The ceremonies take place
nt 2 o'c lock, p. in., and will lie open to the pub
lic. Members of the Order and citizens general
ly arc invited to attend.
The proceedings of the Borough Council, pub
lished In tills issue, were not handed over to our
neighbors for publication through inadvertance
on our part, until too late. We shall endeavor
to avoid a similar occurrence, in the future.
Giiaxt Badges, Greeley Badges, Chinee Lnn
t ii-n's and all the (Kings for the campaign nt
A GliAMi rush for the most elegant goods just j
opened nt V. R. F. Wcimer's cash store, was
made dining the past w.-ck. All the latest styles
of Fall Goods can be seen nnd purchased at the
lowest prices at Weitner's store The selection
i grand, nnd for brilliancy nnd good quality, is
not excelled. Call and be convinced.
'Lam e ash Siiiei.h" Conclave, No. 1 1, Or
der of Sovereign Patriotic Knights, held a grand
pie nic on Bird's island, on Thursday last. Bc
for.; proceeding to the Island, they paraded
through several of our streets, and being fully
quipped, presented a Hue appearance. The pic
nio passed oil' very pleasantly.
Just received, a full line of Blank Books, Of
fice and School Stationery, .Vie., tic, Ac., nl Ha
zletiue's. Ix another column will be found the ndveiil.-e-ineiit
of Dr. A. X. Savl Ige oflVing n very valua
ble farm for sale. This Is an excellent opportu
nity for young burners to secure a good farm on
easy terms. The faun is n desirable one, ns it is
located within three-nnd-a-half miles or Suubury
one of the best markets in the State.
Ccu.i), Sparkling Soda Water Is dealt out utthc
Acmariuiu Drug Store on Third Street.
- . .
A Fine Law Oitice. The hauilsomest law of
fice that we have seen for a long time, is that of
S. B. Buyer, v!q.. of this place. Gas fixtures
have lately been introduced, nnd the walls newly
papered, which have vastly improved the interim.
jn appearance. It has been lilted up in good
style, nnd is now one of the most pleasant ofll
ces in tills place. Mr. Boyer has also added n
large number ot volumes of law books to his al
ready extensive library, and Home of the rarest
law books can now be found among his collec
tion. AsxivEiisAii y I Ei.nniiATiox. Mahnntongo
Tribe, Xo. 150, I. O. of It. M., at Mt. Carmel,
will hold their tlrsl anniversary celebration at
that place, on Thursday, the Sd of October next.
The exercises will consist of a grand parade, din
ner, lecture, and a concert or vocal and instru
mental music All the neighboring sister tribes
nrc expected to participate. The public are cor
dially invited to attend. We have no doubt but
that this celebration will be & grand affair, and
will be creditable to the members of that noble
older, us well as to the citizens of that thriving I
town Mt. Carmel.
Opening, elegant walnut wall-socket View
Cases, and n fine assortment of Wall Brackets lu
new nud beautiful designs, at Hazeltlne's.
The American Mechanics are making exten
sive preparations for their grand parude during
the holding of the county fair at this place.
Councils from different parts of the State arc ex
pected to participate. The parade will take place
on Thursday the 2Cth. A commodious tcut will
bo erected, where the wives of the mechanics will
furnish warm meals during the fair. The parade
of the members of this Crdor will probably cx
cesd in grandeur, all former efforts In Bunbury.
A Gkkki.ey meeting, composed of Democrats
nnd flic committee of three Liberal Republicans,
was held in the Court House on Thursday even
ing lust, which was to be addressed by Gen. Kil Pat
rick, a sorehead. The parties who got up the
bills evidently did not like to announce the Gen
crnl by his proper name, so they invited all to
come nud hear "Kill-the-Slasher," which Is con
sidered very appropriate. Gen. Kilpatiick stump
ed Vermont lor Greeley, nud the Green Mouu
talu State gave twenty-six thousand majority on
the other side. The Generul Is now stumping
this State with similar effect. The people take
all he says as Rory O'More did hi sweetheart's
Through somo cause or other the General fail
ed to appear at this meeting, and It Is supposed
that maUers have reversed, and "Slasher" was
killed before lie could reach here. A little talk
to the "boys," was delivered by
from Eaxtou.
Tnit Grkki.kt Meeting. The mooting lu the
Coutt Ttonse, assembled to hear Mr. O. P. Pcrrln
In behalf of the Greeley Democracy, took place
according to announcement, on Tnesday evening.
The room was hardly half filled, and nenrly half
of those present were Republicans. Mr. Perrln's
speech wns simply a rehash, mndc up of the
charges and arguments prepared, rendy cut mid
dry, by the lenders of the party charges that
bnve been exploded, nnd many of them not true
hi fact. As the speaker took occasion to let his
hearers know that ho had long been a lender
among the Democracy, he seemed to feel that It
wns necessary to explain the sudden conversion
of his party from the heathenism and darkness
of modern democracy, unto the marvellous light
of Republicanism ns reflected by Greeley. The
reasons assumed for selling out the principles of
the party were of the snme stereotyped clnss giv
en by all theso bread and butter pntrlots. The
devil himself wns rendy to glvo n reason for re
belling ngnlnst high henven, nnd Mr. Pcrrln
thought he could do quite ns much In this whole
sale transfer of principles nnd pnrty. The spea
ker wns extremely anxious to mnke the audience
believe that the Democrats had done even more
to carry on the war nnd suppress tho rebellion
than the Republicans. If he meant the Fishing
creek rebellion, In which Mr. Bucknlew played a
prominent part, the argument would lmvo been
correct, otherwise It was simply absurd. To
prove that the Democracy wns the war party he
might have referred to tho dcclaratlou or the ed
itor of a Democratic paper, tho organ of nn nd
jolulng county, who proclaimed In his columns
that ho "hoped there would bo no peace until the
Southern Confederacy wns acknowledged."
His argument to prove tho Democracy the war
party was still more remarkable. He stated that
according to Secretary Stnntnn, there had been
over three millions of soldiers In tho service,
nnd nfter deducting from these tho vote which
Lincoln received, the balance ho claimed were of
course, democrats. Thus, according to the ns
tonnding argument of this abstruse philosopher,
every non voter In the army, whether negro, mi
nor, foreigner, Ac, were nil democrats. He for
got however to mention the fact, that tho rebel
voters, amounting to a million or more, w ho sup
ported Breckcnri Ige, Bell, Ac, were all Demo
crats, nnd constituted the back bone of the Dem
cralie party.
We copy the following farther particulars of
the suicide In Lewis township, lu this county,
from the Muney Luminary :
Was it Mi iiDKit cm Suicide. On Sunday
morning last, the lifeless body of Mrs. Schell,
wife of Jacob Schell, residing ill Lewis township,
Northumberland county, about three miles below
this borough, was found suspended to the limb of
a tree lu the woods not far from her residence.
There are a great many reports in circulation In
regard to tho affair, but t lie facts seem to be
about as follows : Mrs. Schell left home on Fri
day afternoon to go to the house of n neighbor
about two miles distant, to assist in boiling ap
ple butter. She started on her return home about
8 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, carrying a bucket
of lard and n crock of apple butter. She stopped
on the way, at the hotel kept by Mr. Snyder, on
the Milton road, and left there by a path through
the woods, for her home about 5 o'clock. This
was the last seen of her until her body was found
on Sunday moining, suspended from the tree, the
drawers she wore having been made to answer the
purpose ol a rope. They were torn In two nnd
tied together, the cloth being simply wrapped
once around tlic limb and the cud tucked under,
nnd the other end arranged in the same manner
around her neck. No knots were tied cither ut
the limb or around the neck. Her feet rested on
the ground. Abraham Wagner, Esq., of Tur
butville, selected n Jury and held nu Inquest.
After viewing the body, (there was no jwtt mor
tem examination, although n physician was pre
sent,) the Jury rendered a verdict of suicide.
Subsequently suspicion were nroused of foul
play. There was a scratch above one of her eyes,
nnd it is stated that blood was found on the
ground and on the leaves in the vicinity of the
tree upon which she hung ; that when found
, leaves were sticking to the side of her face and to
i her hair, ns If she had been upon the ground ;
that her hair was matted with bloolj and that
I w hen women came to prepare the body for burial,
! bruises were found upon her person, and blood
j on her under garment. It Is the opinion of many
I that she was killed on Saturday evening, and
hung up by the person who did the deed, early on
' Sunday morning It is also stated that the two
j children of Mrs. Schell, who found her body, saw
a man with n gun on his shoulder, on Sunday
morning, leaving the spot where the was found,
I as tli"' approached it, but whether there i any
i truth in this story we are not prepared to say.
j Had n thorough examination of thn body been
i made on Sunday, us there should have been, the
j question could have been easily decided, whether
I she died by her own act, or at the hands of nno
i ther. It is now probably too late, an 1 the case
: must remain n mystery for all time to come.
The AGHlcri.TuitAI. Faiii. We nrc happy to
learu that the agricultural fair nt this place,
commencing on Wednesday next, is destined to
be more successful even than last year. A much
larger number of articles w ill be placed on exhi
bition nnd strangers from different parts of the
country are expected to visit tho fair grounds.
The Mechanics parade on Thursday will be a
grand ullair, and thousands of people will pay
our ti wn a visit.
The trotting course is In the finest condition
and some of tho best horses In flic country may
be expected to test their speed. The otlicers nnd
stockholders, w ill, no doubt, feel much indebted
to some of our enterprising men lu this place for
taking hold of the matter and making it n per
fect success.
Tub Police. For some lime past the citizens
on Market nnd Third streets have been annoyed
by a set of rowdies w ho delight in making night
l'ldeous nnd keep up quarrels and Using all kinds
of profauo language, yet wo have not the first
Instance of nn attempt ou tho part of thn hi11co
to arrest this grow lug evil. Only a few evenings
since, we uotlced a young man, well kuowu for
his quarrelsome habits, blandishing a dirk knife
lu front of ourolllcc, maklug all kinds of threats
while ladles and gentlemen were passing by, yet
Lot a policeman was to be found. If our borough
fathers Intended the police force to protect the
peaceable citizens from insults by these low
rowdies, it time they taught them their duty,
nud if they are too cowardly to make arrests,
have men appoluted who will attend to It, or
abandon the force uud save the expenses.
Tue Pakk. Workmen nre now engaged lu
grading the Park, iu Market Square prepartaory
to putting up the iron fence. The Purk will be
80 feet wide aud will extend from Secoud to
Third street, or rather to within 50 feet of Third
street, upou which the X. C. Railway Is located.
This, some think, is rather close to the road, but
if the comers aro rouuded ns they should be,
there may be space cuough. The foundation for
the Soldiers' Monument is already dug, nt the
upper eud of the Purk.
New Mii.linehy Goods. A large stock of the
latest fall styles of Millinery Goods, are now be
ing opened at the Millinery aud Trimming Store
of Miss L. Shissler, on Market square. The la
dles are Invited to call aud examine the splendid
assort uieut.
F. W. Poixock, Esq., Presldeut of the Nor
thumberlaud County National Bank, started ou
Tuesday ou u trip to Canada aud the lakes. He
Intends stopping at several of the popular retorts
on the route aud will be gono some leu days.
Council Proceeding).
Sunmiht, September 8, 1873.
Council met Chief Burgess Mallck being ab
sent, J. M. Cndwallnder wns called to Oil the
Chair) members present, Onrlngor, Cnke, Dis
slnger, Rohrbach, Smith, Irwin, U. R. Cndwalln
der, and W. L. Dcwnrt. Minutes of Inst, meet
ing read and approved. On motion of W. L.
Dewart, Itetolred, Tnat the Chief Burgess bo au
thorized to employ an engineer to mnke n flnnl
estimate of the work done by Gaiinger nnd Rick
ey, on Cbcsnut nnd Fifth street t adopted. On
motion, that the committee nn river bank be '.aid
over until next meeting adopted .
Benjamin Everct t t Charles Rhlnchait f 11
88 IriiT. Clement t4l 40 j Charles Uhlnehart
J13 50 William LyonfOt William llclnei7
Charles Brown 19 1 John Shissler 7K 60 Georgo
Ilnupt $80 75 1 John Knno f2148f Siinbuiy
Ons Company Tor June 4l 40 Samuel Grlner
87 cents) Hoi. Bhlpe H8 50) Volnntlne Diet ti
60) John Smith DM A. Logan f:tft 81 1 Sebas
tian Honglmer f5 09! F. A.LeichfS 50) James
Furrow 17 t Benjamin F. Dlehl f35 ( Stenm Fire
Compnny for August t? 80) Flora Thompson 29 )
Mrs. tip Do Urair 2 50; David Slilpc ?2 C.
Slough (50 87) James Whcelan M 5(1) David
Har;zf?3 50) Charles Oarlnger tl 12 07) S. Seig
f 5 08 J. G. Markle for J. F. Kcrby 23 03 )
Samuel Everct ? 1'3 ) E. C, Elslcy t?05 25.
On motion of W. L. Dewart, liemhed, That
tho bills of Isaac l.rcscr b laid over. Yeas nnd
nays called for. Yeas i George B. Cndwallnder,
Clark, Smith. Gariugcr, Rohrbneh, Irwin, Dew
art, Cuke nud Dlssinger ) Xnys, none.
On motion or G. A. Cadwnllader, Itenolred,
That thu clerk notify I-tiac Leeser to appear be
fore the council on next Tuesday night j adopted.
Resignation of C. J. Fox read and accepted.
On motion, llemlitd, That the Chief Burgess
take out the earth for the foundation of the sol
diers' monument, nud use the snme on the square ;
On motion, council adjourned.
P. W. GRAY, Clerk.
Sunbuky, September 10, 1873. .
Council met, Chief Burgess Mullck ill the chair.
Members present, J. M. Cac'wallader, Duwarl,
Clark, Dlssinger, Rohrbach, Ourimrer, and Cake.
.Minutes of last meeting read nnd approved. W.
L. Dewart was appointed chairman on the Square,
and Charles Gaiinger In place of C. 8. Fox, re
signed. On motion of John Clark, It was by the Bur
gess and Council of the borough of Suubury, lit
iutenl, That the Chief Burgess is hereby Instruct
ed to appoint n committee of three, whose duty
it shall be to sink n well nt the expense of the
borough, of sufficient depth, nnd eight feet across
at a point to be selected by the committee, in 4th
street, between the school house nnd Race street,
having the said well lined with stone, and cover
ed will: n flat stone with a trap door in it, to be
used for the protection of that part of the towu
ill case of tire. Chief Burgess appointed Win. L.
Dev.nrt, Joint Clark, and Charles (iaringer, on
Committee. On motion of Win. L. Dewart, it
was by t lie Burgess and Council of Suubury, lie
mired, That from and after the loth of Septem
ber, Inst., the market days for the borough of
Suubury shall be on Tuesday afternoon ot each
week, from 1 p. m.. to 9 o'clock nl night, and
Wednesday morning of each week, from 0 to 10
o'clock ol 'eaeh week, on Friday afternoon f rom
1 o'clock, p. m., to 9 o'clock ut night, and on
Saturday mornings from 0 o'clock till 10 o'clock,
nnc. this is to last till the ltith of March next, i
unless otherwise ordered j motion lost. j
Isaac Leeser says he is willing to swear that he '
has not returned any time to council tint w hat !
has been made, and that ail bis lulls arc correct.
On motion or Win. L. Dewart, AV.ri, That the
bills of I. Leeser be paid ; adopted. j
Isaac Leeser $101 25. Alleu Hopper $30. !
Charles F. Martin $31 5:1. J. O. Beek $15. Free- 1
man Ilaupt $10 50. Samuei Paine $35. S. Shie ;
$-J7. ('has. (iaringer $35. E. C. Ilieley $05 8i. i
John Hopper $12 25. S. Seig $5 25. Oliver '
Houghton $8 75. Joseph Petery $1 50. Levi
Seasholtz $117 5(1. C. Reinluirt 17 25. C. Guring- j
crs SliO 7.-. David llattz $.'1 IK). ;
On motion of .1. M. Cudwalladcr, 7,YitW, i
That the Street Commissioners of tho West .
Ward be stopped working on the roads until fur- !
ther orders. Yeas an. I nays called for by Cad-j
wallader and Cake. Yeas: Cadwaliader, Gal-!
inger nnd Rohrbach. Xays : Clark, Dewart, I
Cake and Mallek s motion lost. On motion, !
council being without a quorum, tho meeting ad
journed. P. W. GRAY, CVri.
Mooting oftlie Republican Kl unci lug 1
A meeting of the Republican County Standing )
Committee will be held in the Grant and Wilson :
Club Boom, ill Suubury, on Wednesday. Scptein-
her 2.")lh, 1872, at K o'clock, I. M. Punctual ,
attendance Is requested.
EM'L WILVF.UT, Chairman. ;
The following is a list of members :
Sunburv, E W J K Davis
' W W P. M. Sbli'del.
Northumberland Joseph Bird
Miltoi, N W L M Mortou i
S W W Marsh
Walsontown W M Wagner !
McEwensville James Rotlinriiiel
Turbutviilo Thomas Barr
Tiirbut twp Adam Botdorf
Delaware J II lleiny
Lewis Levi It Glaze
Chillisqnuque W L Xesbit
Point 1) W Sanipsel
I'pper Augusta Thad S Shannon
Lower Augusta W R ikvr
Iiii.-h O P Palton
Shaniokiii twp Dr L D Bobbins
Coal Adam Keinbcl
Snydcrtown John Moore
Jackson W H Lamb
Cameron George II Mover
Jordan David T Troiitman
Upper Mahanoy Daniel Snyder
Washington D E Kehrcs
Lower Mahanoy Andrew Ditty
Little Mahanoy John llei.syl
Zerbe J E Rati: burn
Riverside E. Crompton
Mt Carmel Boro W E lluntzlnger
Shaniokiii, K W John 1. Hammer
W V It D Bower
! The Lotei:y Sw ixdi.e. The growing disposi
tion to encourage gambling, and set nt defiance
j nil laws for the suppression of such practices,
j was fully Illustrated by nil Individual who open
j cd a room hero last week, ul'd disposed of n lot
j of pictures, watches, plated ware, Jewelry, and
j other trlnk'-U, by what he called In his ndver
1 tlsemeiit, a fair but novel system of selling goo:ls.
The room was crowded with boys, women nud
men, trying their luck, nnd spending money, lu
, some cases badly wanted ut homo for necessaries.
' To call this anything but a gambling establish
ment, is to call things by a w rong nume. The
laws Impose severe penalties on our citizens for
j gambling, but those itiucrent gamblers are suf
fered to carry ou their immoral traflic publicly,
and in broad day light, without let or hindrance.
Miss Anna Sciineiiieii give, notice in another
part of tills paper that she w ill give Instructions
on the piano uud organ. Miss Schneider has
had some five years, experience as an lu struetor
In music, and comes highly recommended ns n
teacher from prominent persons lu other parts of
this State and tho Press. Those who have chil
dren to cdueuto In music call rely ou nn excellent
instructor by giving their scholars In her charge.
The large Book A Periodical Store of ('. S.
Ilazcltloc, bus all the appearance of a first class
city establishment. It Is tilled with the most inter
esting books, periodicals, stationery, toys, Ac,
Ac, with a floe department for boots and shoes.
A full assortment is constantly kept on hand,
and purchaser aro supplied ut rates as low as In
the city. A fresh supply has Just becu opened.
We ask fair rates aud pay all loans promptly.
Insurance against damage by lightning, wheth
er fire ensues or not, without extra charge.
Farmers aud others will find it lo their advan
tage to get their Insurance with L. M. Yoder ;
otllee uenr the Court House.
List of letters remaluiug in the Post Office iu
Bunbury, Pu., September 18, 187:3.
Thomas Archy, Charles Arnold, E. F. Bartho
lomew, Mrs. lluttle M. Bums, D. W. Rush, Miss
Maize Castet lo, William Cooper, Cowden, Wil
cox & Co., John 8. Di twcller, 3 ; Edward R. Ev
ans 2 i U. N. Eller, Harriet Fullmer, Mrs. Mary
Jackson, Howard Lewis, Miss Annie K. Ludwlg,
Mrs. E. M. Pofster, Lsyfelt Savage 'i Silas
Wright, Nathnu Williams, O. W. If eager, Esq.
J. J. SMITH, r. m.
Tui highest prices are paid (or Grey Squirrels,
Frogs, Turtles, He, by Wm. Reese, of the St,
Elmo Ealing .Saloon, In Pleasant' buildings,
Suubury, 'a.
Tnit greatest want of the pronent ngo is men
and women, healthy nnd vigorous In mind and
body. Tho continued heartaches, weaknesses,
ncrvousnei-s, nnd varying nllments which nflllel
women aro generally the result of Imperfect no
tion of tho stomach nud other vital organ. Dr.
Walrrk's CAMt-nnxiA ViNEoAn BirrEits, being
Composed entirely of vegetable substances Indi
genous to California, may be tiiken with perfect
safety by the most delicate, nnd nrc n sure reme
dy, correcting nil wrong action and giving new
vigor to tho whole system.
OrExixo, Bird Cages, plain nnd ornnmciiial,
In bronze, brass and white metal new and hand
some, nt HaKcltine's.
llnslnrsg Notices.
Tun great remedy to keep fever nwny is to
keep the feet dry. During the late rainy season
it could senrco bo nvoided, but wo learn that W.
II. Miller of the Excelsior, keeps boots nnd shoes
Hint nrc warranted, mid the feet nre kept perfict
ly dry during nny rain. Ho also keeps on hand
a variety unequuled In this part of the Stato to
select from lor nny kind of wear.
Stymsii Spiiixo ani Summeu Hat. A largo
supply of stylish Spring nnd Summer Hats to
suit nil fancies and tastes hus just been received
nt 8. Faust's store, Market Square. A specialty
In straw hats j and tho lightest, coolest nnd neat
est hat in use is the ventilated casslmcre hat. A
large stock to select from, stylish goods and rea
sonable prices. Call aud examine before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Special Notices.
On Marriage. Essay Tor Young Men, on
Great Social Evils nnd Abuses, which interfere,
will. Marringe, nnd ruin the happlnese of thou
sands, with Dure means of relief for tho Erring
nnd Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.
Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
TO Till: Sl l't l.UI.XG.
The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing
in Brazil us n missionary, discovered In that
land of medicine n remedy for Coxsumi-tiox,
SciioFUl.A, Soke Tiiiioat, Corons,,
Asthma, AXD Neiivcius Weakness. This rein
ed v has cured myself after nil other medicines
had failed.
Wishiiiit to benefit the (tillering. I will send
the recipe for preparing and using this reined v to
all who desire it FREE OF CHARGE.
Please send an envelope, with your name and
address on it. Address,
Oct. H1STI. ly. New Yokk City,
r) v
7 1.
? -r, O 9 & -
Jh gig
2 .
TS f C
ft. C -3
1. W - - w
1 t
v 3
1U1!LISHED as a warning nnd for the benefit
of youmi men and othm who suirer from
Nervous Debility, Lots of Manhood, etc., sup-
Written by one who cured himself, nfter under
going considerable quackery, nnd sent free on re
ceiving a post-paid directed envelope.
June S, '72. (linos. llrooklyn. N. Y.
I'lour mill 4ruln Hurlift.
Extra Family $12.00 Red Wheat , p. bit., Si.OO
Buckwheat, p. t-t., 5.0U Rvc,
Com Meal, " 3..rt Com,
Wheat llran, p. bit. 1..VI lluekw heat
Shorts, lUM) Oats, 33 lbs.,
Corn A Oaf Chop, 2. Oil Flaxseed,
Timothy Seed, p. b. D.0U
l'rodut-c .Market.
f0 Hams,
18 Tallow,
115 Country Snap,
13 Dried Apples,
10 " Peaches,
Eggs, per doz.,
Hotter, per lb.,
Lard, "
Sides, "
II lO Wr'TCPTTt? tV n
A. 11. rltAiNLlot UO CC LU.,
No. 15 Market Street,
We have opened for the Fall Trade, the largest
aud best nssorted stock of
PI 1 1 LA DE LPI 1 1 A C A K PETS,
Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, '
Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain,
Cotton, Yarn, Hatting, Wadding, Twines,
Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets,
iirooms, Baskets, Buckets, Brushes,
Clothes Wringers, Wo ulen and
Willow Ware,
IX TUT. t'NITKO stah:i.
Our large Increase in business enables us to
sell at low prices, and furnish the best quality of
ER, Trick, $5.50.
The most Perfect and Successful Washer ever
Agents Wanted for tho American Washer 111
nil pan of the Stato. Sept. 7, 3m.
Geo. Evans & Co.,
014 .Market Street, I'liilauVliiliiii,
Military, Bund &. Fire Organizations
promptly uniformed.
Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent
free on application,
Ours being the leading house ou Military work,
we feel that wo can offer Inducement which can
not be attained any w hero else.
Aug. 24, 1S73.
in SiuquunVt LuiLUng, Market Square,
Si NULiir, Pa.,
1 prepared to do nil kinds of work pcrtuiiitng
to Dentistry, lie keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental
material, from which he will be able lo select,
and met, ine wuuts of his customers.
All worn wurmuted to givtulilacliou,or else
the mouey refunded.
The very uu.l Mouth Wash audTouth-Powdurs
kepi ou hand.
His references are the numerous patrons for
whom he has worked for the lubt twelve years,
fcaubury, April -1, 17:.'.
dfrlu bbciiUmcnts.
AiimiiilNt rutor'n Notice.
""OTICE Is hereby given, Hint letters of nd
mliiist rat hm having been granted tothn nn
clcrslgncd on the tstato of Mrs. Mary C. Wlth
Ingtou, Into of the borough of Suubury, Xorth'd
county, l'a., dec. All those knowing themselves
Indebted to said estate nre requested to mnke Im
mediate payment, nnd persons having claim
wHl rrcseut thciii for settlement.
Piinbary, Sept. 11, 1873. Ot.
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
Respectfully Informs the citizens of Suubury nnd
vielnitv, tbut he has opened a
on Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mullen
building, nnd that he Is prepared to mnke up nil
kinds of
In the latest styles. Having had much exper
ience In the business he desires the public to give
him a trial.
Clothing will hn mndc up In the latest Palis
nnd American Fashions lu the most satisfactory
Aug.l7,'73.-lf. CHARLES MAIIIL.
Irooft)ril Amendment
Constitution of Pennsylvania
Joint ItCMOlutioil
Proposing nn Amendment to the Constitution ot
i il rewired by the Semite and Hintre nf Hrpre.
MHtutiren of the Coniminni'enith of l-nnylrania in
G'eoici iif AhmihIiIij kiii, '1 hat the following amend
ment of the Constit ullon of this Commonwealth
be proposed to the people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth
article thereof, to w it :
Strike nut the sixth section of the sixth nrtielc
of the Constit ntlon, and insert In lien thereof the
following: "A State Treasurer shall b; chosen
by the qualified electors of the Stale, nt such
times nnd for such term of sciviee ns shall he
prescribed bv law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of Senate.
Ai'I'hoved The twenty-second day of March,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and
Prepared iiiu'i certified for publication pursuant
to the Tenth Aitiele of the ( oustilutiin.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Office Secretary of the Coniinonweaith,
llarrlsburg, June 2iitn, 1S72,
June 211, 172. '.hn.
" lor our great
Campaign Chart.
I The most attractive nnd salable thing out. II
i Is indispensable to men of all parlies, furnishing
I lust the facts anil Ib'-nrcA needed, fur everv ilav
reference; by every intelligent voter. Agents are
selling from
IS to no n Day.
The most liberal terms. Send for descriptive
circular. Address,
a'U. 711 Saiisom St., Philadelphia.
Bakery for Sale.
The well known Hakery of W. II. Haas, on
Fourth street, S'liibury, including n good dwell
ing house nnd good stabling attached, Is offered
for sale on reasonable terms. The Hakery is
new and of good capacity, capable of baking '.'0
barrels ol Hour per week. Applv to Win. 11. or
July 20, 187-i.-tf. Suubury, Pa.
Presidential Campaign.
Send for Ii.i.rsTHATEn Cm
C I I. All AMI I'll i K List.
No. 301, Ciirncii Stui-kt,
. 4 mo-.
ISlack Dress Silks from SI CO to 2 00.
Japanese Silks, Silk Pongeis, Plaid Poplins,
Mixed Poplins, llarnul from 30 cents to il 00.
Chintqes, Detains, fzc. French Muslins, Mar
seilles (Juilts. Kii (iloves, with single
ami double buttons.
I, u c c H h a w I m .
A general assortment of White (ioods.
J . A l A 1 1 I .M 1 1 1 A J1.M1I1U fit Jl, t,
yri-iiuv icuuceu i-rices.
Sunbuiy, May IS, 1873.
C. W. KKEFl'll
It. A. G ASS,
ISTow Goods!
Dry (incids, Xotions, Furnishing
(ioods, (Jriiceriis, Oil Clot lis,
(Jlass and Xnils
of every variety, at one low price,
orner or t-ourth and Market Streets,
All kinds of (irain taken iu exchange snme ns
cash. Call and see us.
Suubury, April 27, 1ST2.
1'1'ICTA 1 X 51 I A I.S.
N OTT1 N G 1 1 A M CU RT A 1 NS,
Special Interior DKixntAiiCttia,
To Oiilur nt Muileralo Pt ices.
Miuonic Hall, 710 Chestnut Street, Phil'a.
Juno 22, 1S72. 4:n.
' Jane o. !-,-'
5Ienris. KEl'FEH' A 1IOWEK,
Third Street, opposite Central Hotel,
KEEP constautly ou huud the very choicest
or fresh
IttKF, 511'TTUX AMI Vi:.l.,
which is sold ut the lowest prices. Meat cau bs
had at all hours duiing the day.
Suubury, Pa., June , IH'ii.
nt tho
Every kind of Millinery Goods, embracing
llttttt, lluniirlM, N-1mw1 llMttt, Crape
Hat uud liouurtM.
Ribbons aud Flowers, Triinmini: of every de
scription, uud every kind of goods usually kept
lu u millinery establishment, cut. be had at her
store ut thu lowest pi ices. The very best ill the
Philadelphia market has been selected, to which
(he ladies are Invited to ciamtne and be convin
ced. Mies 1., SHISSLER,
Market Square, Suubury, Pa,
Apill 30, 187'!.
Sleto bbcrtUmcnts.
lAt IIY A ( O ft C OM'.Tl.
Q l f made from ROcts. Call and examine
VlV or i sample sent (posinge free) for
5(1 cts. thnt retail quick for t in. R. L. WOL
COTT, DU Chatham Square, N. Y. s31-4w.
Tp'RTn'r'lA prospectus of the People's Stand
x AAJAJ,iri Bible, 650 Illustrations, will be
nn:no nnl mMrod to ZIK.(il,Kll A
Mc tCRllY, iM Aieh St. Phlla. Pa.
X- How cither sex may fascinate nnd irain Hie
love nnt! affections of nny person they choose, In
stantly Tnl.1 simple mental ncqulreincnt nil
can possess, free, by mall, for 25 cts. together
with a marriage guld , Egyptian Oracle, Dreams,
Hints to Ladies, Ac. A queer, exciting biiok.
100,1100 sold. Address, T. WILLIAM A CO.,
s21-4w Publishers, Phlla.
tiTWit II J
first Premium
Double. Elevated Oven, Warmim: Cb.ct, llroil.
Ing Door, Vender (iiiard. Dumping mi l Sinking
Orate, Dir-1 Draft. FL LI.EK, WARREN A
CO., 'J:;0 Water Street, New York. s'jl-lw.
Extra IiiJucriiicnls for Club.
Which contains full explanations of Premium,
Persons living at a distance from New Yoik.
can club together, and get them at the same price
ns we sell them to our Warehouses In New York,
lu order to get up a club, let each person w lolling
to join say bow much Ten he wani, and select
the kind nnd price from our Price List, as Pub
lished in our circulars. Write the mums. Kinds
nod amounts plainly on n list, nud when Ur (.nb
is complete send It to us by mail, and we w ill
put each paity's goods in separate package, nnd
maik the mime upon them, wiih Hie co-t. so
there need be no confusion in distribution each
party petting cxm-Hy what he orders, and no
more. The funds to pay for goods ordered can
be sent by drafss on New York, Post-Olllcp mou' V
ordeis, or by express. Or, we w ill, if desire i,
send the goo Is by Express, to "coHecX on do-
ill nii1 S3 Veej- St rod,
sCl-4w. P. (. liox r..,4:j. New York City.
Glove-Fitting Corset.
jf&&fr3&&&, N- Corset has ever enjoyed
VSMllTMSy 'Tl'" f"1' them Is
: ..trj ciin-inui v increasing, ne-
T!i::v c.rvr.
I'.MVriiSAl. f;AT:s-A-TI!N.
Are Handsome, Durable,
Ec-o-io-nica'. nu I a
FITTINli. every Corset being stamped with the
name Thompson, ami the trade-mark a Crown.
Sold by all Frst-Clns.s Dealers. s314w.
" Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Foil Curous, Cm. ii ,v. HoAitsi'Ni:.-s.
These Tablets pieseul the Acid in Combination
with other ctlh ieut remedies, in a popular form,
for the Cure of all THROAT aim Ll'NG Di
seases. Iloarscnets and I'lceralion of the Throat
are Immediately relieved and statements arc con
stantly being sent to the proprietor of relief In
cases of Throat (liUier.ll h't- of years standing.
l"l'IO. Don't be deceived by worthless
imitation, (iet only Wells' ( urbolie Tablets.
Price .'.- cts. per box.' JOHN (J. KF.LLOOi;,
Senc'. for Circular. 1 I'l nt street, N. Y.
f c,lw Sole Agent for L'uitc.l States.
i QOTTf 1 A MONTH easily made with Sl.-n- I
! ivcil ami Key-Check Dies. Secure cir
cular and Samples, fr
liraltli boro, Yt.
Q1 a day to Agents, selling Campaign Had
'J' 1 Jges, for Ladies and Gents as breast and
scarf pins, gold plate. 1 v. it h photographs of I'l evi
dential Candidates. Samples mailed free for i'O
cents. M KAY A: Co.. .i:i Cedar St., N. Y.
An elegant Engraving, perfect likenesses. 23,
3S inches, sent by mail 1, .il.n. Campaign ioO'ls,
1 silk (Irani Hadge and 1 p'ated 'Sk: Sample
latest styles Wedding cards. Xoics. .Ve., 3.1e.
A. DF.M AREST. Engraver,
st,4w. ls3 Rroadwav, N. Y.
DIO LEWIS' New and Greatest Wmk is an im
mense success, lotb thousand in press. Agents
delighted and coining money. Agents Wanted
everywhere. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
s7,4w 7;i;; Sausom street, l'nila.
1 I ' I 'L 1 I "l "r cocuia.s ai
j jVvJj j 1 I O t'!''''"11 ,,or,n f,)r '.'M
-W W A m Z 1 f . - ..I V
i ..n.,., .u..i,. .,
ism in America." The fastc.-t selling l-onk out.
J. M. STODDART V Co., Publisliers.
s7,4w. Philadelphia.
M & ft
Powerful and Economical Heaters. .I.uncs A.
Law son, Patentee.
FlT.l.E!!, WARREN & CO.,
s,12w 2i:ti Water St., New Vork.
An Elegantly Bound Canva'slng Book for the
best and cheapest Family Bible ever puhlihcd,
, will be sent free or charge to any bonk iiL'ciit. It
contains nearly 500 line Scripture illustrations,
uud agents are uncling with unprecedented suc
cess. Ad Ire, stating experience, etc., uud uo
will show vou what our nircnts are doing,
1 NATIONAL lTM.IMIiNi; ( ()..
s7,tw. Philadelphia, l'a.
.; kxts to tjii: i;i:scri:!
Scatter the t mt h an.r.::-r the pi o!c. R1C1I
tells more trutli about the man than all ll.ep.i
peis iu the world, it you want to know if IJraut
is a thief, liar or drunkard i"ad this book. Agents
can make large wages for the next few mouths
selling it, as it is wanted, nnd we give overwhelm
ing cotnuil-siotis. Address.
AMERICAN ITRI.ISIllMi CO.. Hartford, Ct.
V; l.XTS IVW I I II In every county lo
sell a new work on our glorious country.
It is the result of three years labor, bv James 11.
McCain-, Jr., the celebmted writer and Is entilhd
It contains more information than n doz.'ti
cyclojiedias j illustrated witb over 2011 superb en
gravings. Is adapted for the coming political
campaign, uud should lie ow ned by every voter.
Il sells better lluiii any other book, "uud pays bet
tor to handle. For terms and territory, apply at
ouce to Wll.UAM B. EVANS .v CO..
s7,4w Publishers, Phllud'a.
Improved, Unrivaled a Unko.i ai.i:d.
Burns any size Coal.
s7,12w 2;ili Water St., New Vork.
Agents! Look Here!
There Is u Great Rush for the New Splendidly
Illustrated Edition of
Because it is tho most faselnatiug nnd popular
book iu print, uud excels ull lu real elegance and
and low prices. Just out. IWS pages, linte l pa
per, only 2.50, eay worth fa.5ci. Is u (
lilt, sells quick and fast. Terms of thi and our
new Bibles, also. Agent.' Pocket Companion I roe.
Write to HUBBARD BROS., Publishers,
7,4v 7211 rsinsoui Si , Phil'a.
fthsccl! ar.cous.
wanted. ) citizens manual.
A Political Compend, lor veters of nil parties.
Lives of tin- Presidents, and the Hie pr-si nt Cnn
didutes. Coii-titufiou of lln- I'. S., and I Vc'.n ra
tion of Independence. Convention nnd I'lat
riirm. Kleithni return, the last C-nsus, A:e.
25;) Pages) ;10 Ensjiimngs i Price fM.U-V Sell
it sight ( ffl'lto'!! per d:ivea!!v mndc. For
Circulars, address HLKFiKLD ASHMEAD.
s7.t Publisher. Phil'n.
Il is not a phvsic which may give temporary
re'icf lo the. suff rc-r for the first few dose, ut
which, fiom continued use brings Pile nnd kin
Ircd diseases to nid in weakening the invalid, nor
is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular
iiaiiir nl --Hitters'' is so extensively palmed otl
on the public a sovereign remedies, but it is a,
mnt powerful Tonic- and alterative, picnoune.-i,
so by I he lending medie.-.l nuihnrities of Loudon,
and Paris, ami he been long used by the regular
physicians ol i ther co. nitric with wonderful lit
medial result.
retains nil the medical viitues peculiar lo lbs
phint and must bo taken as u permanent curative
1 there want of netlon In your Liver iV Spleen I
I I nle-s relived nt, once, t lie Idood becomes iin
I pun; by delct tIoiis secretions, producing scrof'u
I ion? or skin diseases. Iliotches, Felons, Pin-lutes,
I Canker. Pimples, iV.c., tec
j Take .liiiulielia to clean--!', purify nnd reslon
, the v i! i:i I oil blood lo healthy action.
Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach f 1'ule-s ill
I gestion i- promptly aided the system is clel-iiila-i
le with lo-s of vital force, poveity nf the Klood,
DropMcal Tendency, General Weakness or Lntsi
1 tilde.
i Take it to as'lst Digestion without reaction, it
i will impart youthful vigor to the weary sullen r.
Have you weakness of the Intestines! You
j nn- in danger nf Chronic Diarrhoea or the dread
I fal I ii fit m mnt ion of the It.iwels.
Take il to nlhiy irritation and ward oil tenden-
ey to inflammations.
! Have you weakness nf the I't-eriiic ot I'linaty
Org ms f You inut procure instant relief or you
, are liable to sntlering worse than death.
! Take it to strengthen organic weakness or lifu
, becomes a burden.
: Finally It should be frequent ly taken to keep
: the system in perfect health or you are otherwise,
i In great danger of malarial, miasmatic or evnla
. giolis diseases,
JOHN (. KELLOGG. IS Piatt St., N. Y.
Sole Agent for the Culled Male?.
' Price, SI per Bottle. Send for Circular. 4w
7. D. ME LOCK,
Druggist and Apothecary,
(Successor to Dr. Y . W. Myody.)
I At the old e.-tab!i-bed stand on
Market Square, MMIl ltY, KM.
: Keeps constantly ou baud n fall stock of well
j Druggists Fancy Goods,
COM 1!S,
I 1I1U:S!!ES,
j V.tltMSlI, OYI'.STI FI'S,
i In fact everything usually kept In it well con
j Particular nltention paid lo compounding I'hy
i sici.'iu.- pre-cript ions and family receipts by the
Propriator him-eif.
Sniiluiry. Pa., Jane s, 17'J.
of Hie largist uud iiioi-t fashionable stock of
Cloths and Cassimeres
of every grade, and
( iriit li-uu-ii's Ktiniiliiiiir (jotitls. nf.
TI5ri. .OTTS
in Miller's li.oel,-, Third street, two doors below
The nnst la-hiotiab'c clothing made to order
fi-niu every variety of goods.
Suits of nil sixes made up nt the shortcut no
tice, from the bet selected stuck iu New York
1 and Philadelphia.
t.'all ami be convinced.
; T1K'3. G. NOTT.
! April .'(1. 1ST.'.
Sjiriiii; it lid Siiiiimcr Opciiiiii;
5I1I.I.9.M.KV (iOOlM.
, 1 1 ut s and 1 Son nets, Triiiiniecl and
' lnt rimmed,
I ull new stylos.
CrH( 1 oJIsi cfull ;raI's.
mid cvt rvlhing usually kept in a Millinery Store.
Call at
I M. L. (iOSSI.F.R'S Store,
j 4") South 1'oiirtli Street, below the S. Y. R. R.,
! SCMil'llY, PA.
April 2i, lsV.'.
lH'll.tll IS
Aiiit-ricail uud ".nroiK'iiit
UATC lii.S.
EVrlVciciI fipocf iK-It-N and Tjo
Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired nnd war
ranted. Market Square,
CNI1I. RY, Pa.
Feb. ;
Uuiihooil tIlotv l.oI, t!ovt Itostor
od !
Peta Just p'ib'ish- I, a new e ll, ion of Dr.
Vr-n-i ( I I.VEEWE1.1. S lH.l.HI;ATEl
EssAV on the radical eaio (uiihoul medicine)
of SPERMATORRHEA, or Semin il Wo.ikncs-,
Involuulary Siininal, I M POTENCY,
Mental mid Physical Incapacity, Impediments
to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy,
nnd Fits, induced by scll'-in.lulgcnce or sixuiil
i i) Price, In n sealed envelope, only 6 cents.
The celebrated author, in this admirable es
say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years'
successful practice, that the alarming conse
quences of self-abuse may be radically cured
without the dvi gcrous use of internal medicine,
or the application of the knife pointing out it
mode of cure at one simple, t-rruiiu, and ctrcc
lual, by means of w hich every sutlcivr, no mut
ter w hat his condition may he, may cure himself
cheaply, privately and radical!.
Iv',-" This Leal lire .hoiild belli the bauds of
every youib and i vory man iu the land.
Scut, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any
addrc.s, postpaid, ou receipt of six ceuls, or two,
postage stamps.
Also, Dr. Culverwell's ''Marriage Guide,"
price .10 cents. Ail licss the Publishers,
CHAS. .1. ('. KI.INE iV CO.,
P. O. Box, ..'.si',. l .'7 Bowcrv, New York.
April 2i, W.'.