ADVERTISING SCHEDU1 THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS rUIkttSHED EVERY SATURDAY BY EM'L "WILVERT, Proprietor, Moors A Dlsslngcr's Building, Markot Square, At (il.RO In Advance. It not pnid within 6 Month $2. Snbtcription taken for Un than tlx Month: Oo-RCTF.rt with this establishment Is an cxtcn elvcNKYV JOB OFFICE, containing a Variety of plain and fancy type equal to any establishment n the lntrlor of the State, for which the patron ogo of the public Is respectfully solicited. JX 10 Lines, or nhont 100 Words, ninko a Square I Sq 2 8q: S 8q7 Sq t'col Jcoll coi Ono week 1.00 S.00 8.50: 8.00 5.00. 8.00 1 5.0(1 Two weeks 1.50 3.00 8.50i J.OO 8.0011.0019.00 Three " 2.00 8.50 4.50 5.00 0.00 1 3.00 iiO.OO Four " '3.50' 4.50 6.50. 0.00 10.00 15.0022.50 Five- " 8. To 5.00 6.50 7.00 13.00 17.00 iu.00 Six " 3.00, 6.7.1 7.50 8.00 13.00 1 8.00,27.50 TffOtti.i'k 3-25 7.5l; 8.50! 9.00 15.00 -"0.00 ItO.OO Three" i8.50: 8.00. 0.50 10.00 20.00 '-'5.OO4O.0C Six S.Otlj 9.WI 11.00,i2.00 200 85.00 .iO.OO Nine " O.OU10.00ia.Oo'15.00;i5.0l)45.0075.00 One Ycur :8.lH):12.(X),15.0(;20.0O,IO.O0 OlU'Oi flOO I3s)ta1llaHel In 1N40. ( PRICE 91 SO IN ADVANCE. S SUNBURY, PA SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1872. ! Old Merirn,, No. 13. SUNBURY AMERICAS professional. Seta I bbcrtiscmcnts. Sit., Attorney and Counsello nt Law. Rooms Nos. 33 Second Floo r Bright' Building, SUNBURY, PA. Profession a bnslnesn attended to, in the courts of Northum borland and ndlolnlnj cnnr.llcs. Also, In the Vircnt and Dvttrict Courts for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect ed. Particular attention paid to catet In Jinnk miJey. Consultation can bo had In the Ger man language. niar25,'71. lTlt. CHAN. M. MAKTIsT rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON", Smibiir), Penu'a. Offlco on Front Street, next door to Unas & Fagely. ang3,'73-ly. Lll. KANE, Attorney at Lnw, SUN BUR Y, PA., ofllce in Manser's Building near the Court House. Front Room up stairs nnove the Drue Store. Collections made in Nor thumberland and adjoining counties. Biiiiliury, Pa., June 8, 1872. II. II. KANE, Attorney nt Law, 8UN- BURY.PA. Oftlcc lu the Clement Bulld tlings, second lloor. Entrance on Market street. Professional business in this and adjoining coun ties promptly uttended to. Stinbury, Ma rcb 1.1 W lh . j7 JlTlKKI.E CO. Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Hooks, Dairies, Ac. 8p. WOLYEKTOJr, Attorney at Law. Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Profession al business In this and adjoining counties prompt y uttended to. C1 A. IIEIMEXNXVWEK, Attorney nt .' Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en- ! tni.-ted to his care attended to promptly and with diligence. np!27-07 j T I . MASSE1S. Attorney nt Law, SUN- ; J.I.. BURY, PA Collections ntfrnUM to in the comities of Northumberland, Uiiloi , Snyder, , Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. npllO-lill j VX. I1UK I'., Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, ' l'a. Ollico in Masonic Hall Building. : Collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of , iegul business attended to carefully and with' lisp:iteh. II April S, 1S71. ly. j IJOI.OJIOS MAIiICK, MUM. m NCMllltY KIAKULK YAllO, opposite the. Court Itonsc, SUNBURY, PENN'A. THE nndcrslencd has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 50 Tons of Marble for Monuments), Gravc-Ntoncsi, Ho has bought nt such figures that will allow him to sell bettor stone, for X less money, tbnu heretofore. The best iSurherland Falls Marble, which Is better than Italian. Rutland Is now old as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything In the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will find It to their Interest to call and exnmino this Inrgo stock, as better bargains can bo secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will bo done. In tlio neatest and most Improved style. W. M. DAUGIIERTY. Sunbnry, June SO, 187H. " NEW Flonr, Feel, Fruit ani VeetaMe Store, Spruce Street, between Front and Second, SUNBURY, PA. JOHN WILVER having just opened a Store nt tlio a bora place, where all kinds of of the best brands of Hour tmd I'eort will be sold at greatly reduced prices. The ccle- i hinted Buck's Mills Flonr will be kept constantly ' on hand. Also, all kinds of I Feed, Grain, Corn, Oats and Rye, chopped or ' whole, . I'olutoes, Apple., Cabbugc A Fruit ! generally, nt n cheaper rate than can be bought '. elsewhere. All goods delivered Free of Charge. Call and examine my stock and ascertain the i prices before purchasing elsewhere, j JOHN WILVER. I Simbuiy, Dec. 2, !S71.-lf. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofilec at bis residence on Arch street, one square j north of the Court House, near the J ill, SUN lU'UY, PA. Collections and all professional , business promptly attended to in ibis and adjoin- ' ing counties. Consultations can bo had In tlio German language. .iniji-iai-. j tll0 " "" i v. w. zir.iM.Rii. I.. T. nouun,uii. 7.ii:;i.r.n a- koiikiiacii, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office in llaupt's Buildinsr, lately occupied by Judge Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbach, Esq. Collections and all professional business pr-mptly attended to hi the Courts of Xorlhuin- lierlaud and adjoining counties. Dee. 2. 171. H Up De Graft 's HETE JTsTID INFI1UIAUY, S U N 11 U II Y, P E N N ' A. rillllS Institution is now open for the reception -L of Patients for the treatment of Disease of EYE, $otcl3 itittr tcstiinnmis. -rational hotel, V. F. KITCKEX, Piioi'iur.Tim, Mi. C.mimfi., Noiitu'h Cointy, Pa. , Centrally located in the town, and ample ne- I iitiimo.t:iit.i j fimiUlie.l tn !" ' "" nnl.lW. I A convcydnce runs to and from every passenger j train ('? of charge. j July 27, 1S72. i ritiiivinov IIOISE. C. NEl'F ; W ' Profrletor, Corner of Market .t Second Streets, opiosite the Court Pa. House, Sunbury, j Mav2S, 70. ALLEGHENY IIOl'NE. A. BECK, Pronrletor,N.S12 and S14 Market Street. Above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, fi vcr dav. He respectfully solicits yourpatron ' , JanO'72. XTTIOXAI. HOTEL. AUGUSTUS lN WAI.D, Proprietor, (Jcorgetown Nortli'd Count v, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. It. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. The tabids supplied with the best the market ;UVords. tiood stabling and attentive ostlers. CMTIEI.N It EST A I'll ANT, LOU 18 HUM M EL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOK1N, PENN'A. Having lust relltted the above Saloou for the nceomodatlonof the public, is now prepared to EAIJ, TII1J0AT, LUNUS, CATAKKII, j &c, &c, &c, t j and operations In GENERAL SURGERY. Our I collection of INSTRUM ENTS is very large, com i all the latest Iiii'iiovKMiiSTS, enabling us I SURGERY lu all form.'. Physicians are invited to accom pany Patients to our Institution for operations. Bv request of many Citizens, we will attend to calls in GENERAL' PRACTICE. Iiifiriiini'j, Clement lliiilding, CORN Elt THIRD AND MARKET STS., .SUN15UHY, PA. C. E. IT IE (UtAFI', Pbvsiclau and Surgeon. Stinbuiy, Feb. lS72.-tf. J. W. WASHINGTON'S (.H IM) KAKItEK NIIOI'. The old permanent shop of the town. We decline the boast, but ut the same limo consider that the mighty truth mayibe seasona bly spoken without manifesting an uncomforta ble amount of vanity and ambition. Just twenty years ago I began my business career In this place half my lifetime thus far spent, have I stood upon tne noor oi our sioq HAETIMOUE LOCK HOSPITAL JR. JOHNSTON, - Physlclnn of this celebrated Institution, has discovered the most certain, spocdy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Iiiipotcncy, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth thoso secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., Impos sible. IOUNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, nwaro of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procrentive Power Itnpotencv), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. Ho who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously conllde lu his honor ns a gentle man, and confidently rely ivwn his skill us a Pliv. eicliiu. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncy, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persousnre too apt to commit excesses from not being nwaro of the dreadful conseqenccs that may ensue. Now, who vhat understands the subject will pretend to deny tbst tho power of procreation is lost sooner by those rilling into improper habits than by the prudent I Besides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procrentive Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of t lie Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trifling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of tho most eminent Colleges in the United States, nnd the greater part of whoso ife has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that- were ever known ; many troubled w ith ring ing in tho head and cars when asleep, great nervousness, being nlarined at sudden sounds, bnshfiilncss, with frequent blushing, nt tended sometimes with derangement of mlud, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have lujurrd themselves by improper Indulgence nnd soiitary habits, wjiich ruin both body mid mind, untitling them for litlier business, etudy, society or mar riage. '1 iii:si: arc some of the sad and melancholy SMitoicsV'lIi'Villj BKiV ti.i'xmor; 'rmnfcSii rin. Back n ml llonrt, iumflons of Sight", Loss or Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart , Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms or Con sumption, Ac. , Mf.staij.t-The fcarfut effects on tho mlud arc much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, S:e., are Bonus of the evils produced. TttoisAsns of persons of nil ages can tiow judge what is the eiiuscof their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous niDNVJincR, BT R. W. F.MRHSON. Around this lovely valley rise Tho purple bills of paradise. Oh, softly on your banks of har.e Her rosy faco for summer lays. Bscalmed along the azure eky. The argosies of clnudland lie, Whose shore, with many a shining rift, Far off their pearl white peaks uplift. Through all the long midsummer day The meadow sides aio sweet with hay, I seek the coolest sheltered sent, Just where tho field and forest meet Where grow the pine trees tall nuil bland, The ancient oaks austere and grand, And frlngy roots and pebbles fret The ripple of the rivulet. I watch the mowers as they go Through the tall grass a white-sleeved row-; With even strokes their scythes they swing, In tune tho merry whetstones ring Behind the nlmhfc youngsters run And they toss thick swaths in the sun j The cattle graze, while warm and still, Slopes the broad pasture, basks the hill. And bright, w hen summer breezes break, And green wheat crinkles like a lake. The butterfly and humble bee Come to tho pleasant wood with me Quickly before me runs the quail, The chickens skulk behind I ho rail, High up tlio lono wood pigeon sits, And the. woodpecker pecks and flits ; Sweet woodland music sinks and swells, The brooklet rings its tingling hells, The swarming insects drone and hum, The partridge beats his thioblng drum, The squirrel leaps among tho boughs, And chatters in his leafy house, The oriole flashes by, and look ! Into the mirror of the brook. Where the blue bird turns Ids coat, Two tiny feathers fall and float. As silently, ns tenderly, The dawn of peace descends on me. Oh, this is peace ! I have no need Of friends to walk, or bonk to read, A dear companion hc.irc abides ; Close, to my thrilling heart ho hides. The holy silence In his voice : I lie ami listen, and rejoice. fEliSttHajttDMS. lilies & hettbes. THE IKON .MAN. serve '.lis friends with the best rerreslunenis, nnu ..... . , . .., mie,l fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, nnd all other malt , J lctin7int rtci.,f ttlll, witlim ulllt 'l""is. ! elapse of time embraced by tlio mighty folds of .'riii:t tfst-rri ! that eventful period have I shaved nearly cvery- t.l ..." " I lmily ,n ,1)(5 t.oull,rv (, common parlance) and JOSEPH BACHER, Proprietor, I to oblige tho public interest wo herein publicly Third Street, near tho Depot, : ,,, 100 to our nitrons old and new that we SUNBURY, PENN'A. ! lire ready to shave them all again three hundred ti.u i. t .,.i,,iiieTi'il on the European plan, iiionsand times or more. Meals at all hours day and uiglit. A Ladies' ; Come when you please, jtmt in tiiu U the max Saloon attached. The best ot Liquors kept ut : tbe bar. Charges moderate. niuylS,72. A convict pressing liis check Against tlio iron bars of his cell did you ever Bee that sight ? Did you ever hear tho dismal clank, clank of rusty iron against moldcring wood, or the regular tramp of six hundred men, all of tlicin wearing the bandages of sin aud disgrace ? Did you ever feel the cold, damp touch of the great Hag stones ; look up to the dim roof through tho inters tices of damp stairs ; feel thai all that great space throbbed with human hearts, trem bled with human woe, and were not ready to weep at tlio thought of tho bitter tears that had been shed besido the hard pallets? Some say that the most of such a congrega tion are given over to hardness of heart. Yes if one reads that stolid face aud the Jiut tlira prisoner ,;vtin ins intitrn jaws, his tierce, hollow, denth-bright eye, his wide, while-seamed forehead, the gray hair standing back as if the hand had often pressed it with burning, feverish impulse what do you thiuk his ago was '( "!Scveuty." A poor guess ; not yet forty-three. Oh, what a hard, stony faco it was. "Tlio man has no feeling," said the jail or ; "neither shame nor grief. He dares any glance ; ho sneers at sympathy ; his heart is flint itself. Monsters arc sotuc- und emaciated, huving a singular appearance , limcg i, tliink 10 is 0110. about tne eyes, eouguanu mhi'iuivii.i- KYEKLY'S HOTEL, JOSfAH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Malni noy township, Northumberland county. Pa., on the road lending 1'roiii Georgetown to Uuion town, Smith Inn. Trevorton Poltsvllle, ice. Tho choicest Liquors and Seg.irs at the bar. Tbe tables arc provided with the best of the sea son, tabling large aud well suited for drovers, with gooil ostlers. Every attention paid to make guests comforta ble. Nov. 11, lS71.-ly. Eating House. Waltz & Bright, Third Street, opposite the Moure & Dissinger buildings, SUNBURY, PENN'A., lmvo opened un Eating House, und furnish .Meat Ht all Hour. All kinds of Game in season, Fish, Turtle, Oys . ..... ...... c......l In Mm lie! stvle. Families supplied with Turtle Soup, &c, at Claret the shortest notice. The best of Malt Liquors nt the Bar. June 22, 1S72. If. tin we are always ready to. work, torcnoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cut von, shampoo you, whisker dye von, or perfume, comb nnd ar range the hair with artistic skill, in tlio "water fall" or water raise !ylo to suit tho customer. We work to please, not "please to work. Stop, don t go past our suop in gel siiai-n uu the basis of ability because we do It as well us It can be done or ever could be. A chance is nil that we demand To give the proof we hold in baud. A few door above Depot, near Market street. Oct. 1, 1S70. " LIU CO It ST O It E ! " 1 CHRISTIAN NEFF, Seeoud Street, opposito tho Court House, SUV ; BURY, PA., , ! Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers 1 aud others, that bo has on hand, and will cou- I .......,.. L-...... ..11 nf i BtUIIllV m tl ml ni....... Inshtcss fcurtis. FOKK1GN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniuc, Cherry, Ginger, Roehellc und Otord. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-iistllled, Monnn gahela, Apple nnd Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Cuuinpaguo Wine, Sherry, Port and Hum, W. S. KIIOADS. , l'ACKF.K HAAS WS. ItllOAliS V CO., HKTAtl. IIKAI.KKS OP ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. OrricE with Haas, Fagki.y & Co., Orders left at Seasholti! it Bro's., otllce Market treet, will receive prompt attention. Country ustuni respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, l& Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Brown Stout and Bcoten Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found lu the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a largo lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. 1-0' Orders promptlj uttended to, and public patrouago respectfully soticiicu t ion . YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a ccrtirin prac tice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or nt school, the elloets of which arc nightly felt, even when asleep, und If not cured, renders marriage iiuiios sible, ami destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopcor his country, the darling of bis parents, should be snatched from all prospects und enjoyments ol life, by the consequence of deviating from tlio path of nature und indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons MfsT, before contemplating MAURlAGK, reflect that a sound mind und body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes u way pilgrimage t the prospeia hourly darkens to the view ; tho mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with themelau choly reflection, t hut the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure linds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often unpiens that an ill-llineil sense oi snaine, or ureuu ui uwjiji deters him from uppl)lng to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend 1,'mi ,i,.n viii'' till I he constitutional syrsqitoins ot tills horrid disease make their uppearunce, such ns ulcerated soro throat, diseased uosu, uocturul imins lu the head and llnibs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on tlio shin bones und arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the public of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall In, and tho victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful siitlering, by seudiug him to " that Undiscovered Country from whence uu traveller returns." It is a melancholy fuel that thousands Dir. victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into tho hauds of Ignorant or unskilliul rtlfc, TENDERS, who, by tho use of that deadly Pol sou, Mercury, Vc., destroy the constitution, aud incapable of curing, Keep inu um ., month fter month taking theli noxious or In jurious eouifiounds, and lusleail ol iielng rcsioiea to a renewal ol Llle igorann uu(i,iuc, uo- alr leave him with ruiued lleailii io njii ucr his galling disiipiMjliiinienl. T such, therefore, Dr. Joiisstos pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, and from his exteusive practice und observations lu the till: aud "Hut his crime "t"' "Wife murder; at least he caused her death. !Sho was a terrible womati, and neglected a little child, 1 think, so that it died, 1 believe ; and ho hated and liually killed lr." A history to make ono shudder. lie has never expressed remorse, tiud our chaplain sees him only for form's sake ; it is impossible to keep up uu iulerest iu him." And yet there wero some remnants of nobility noout turn. J'.vcu tuts man nau been young aud innocent at his mother's knee ; no nau Known sorrow ; no uiu icei remorse, perhaps. Who can tell '( "Let her have it," said tho jailor, ns my little Minnie picked a beautiful flower from the forbidden ground. "I.illle Minnie is naughty to-day," said the child, with a subdued look. Mamma, put Minnie iu prison !" Such a horrible revulsion passed over me at these words. Had not children as beau tiful grown into tt t Aiy very sout shuddered. It was with an eil'urt that I entered the gloomy halls with some friends, the child still prattling. And yet 1 thank (iod for that day of my exisiesvx. The stony faco was there ; the great hol low eyes looked eagerly. Seldom was a child soeu in tint deathly gloom. "Man do you want a pretty flower ?" cried little Minuic, holdiug it up. She was lifted to his level. To my astonishment he took it ; his lip quivered. "Man you waut a kiss " chirruped the little bird-voice. A sob that was almost terrilio was tho answer. Ho withdrew from sii'ht us if ho had been shot. We A cliiUr8 voice nau GOVERNOR CCRTAIN. HE DEFINESmS POSITION. A Letter to HI Friends. From the Bellefontc Republican, Sept. It. Tho following letter addressed to Gen. James A. Beaver and others named below, and handed to us by tho first named gen tleman for publication, so clearly and em phatically defies tho positiou of our esteem ed fellow-townsman, Gov. Curtiu, as to silence tho guns of the Liberal Democracy, and close the mouths of his cnemys fote evcr. It is to be regretted that tho pre carious state of Gov. Curtin's health pre vents him frotu accepting tho nomination, as ho was the unanimous choice of the people of this county, and as wo are assur ed, of tho entire district for this oflicc. To Jamks A. Bfaveii, C. C. Htmes, J. Blanch aki, Jamrs Mii.likf.s, John Johnson, John Ikwin, Jh., A. O., H. N. .M'Au-ihteii, Wm. P. Wilson, Gkd. M. Yoccm. Gk.vtlemex : I have been so prostrat ed by illuess, since my return, that I have not attempted correspondence, and letters received reniaiu unanswered. My physician has peremptorily forbid den me to confer with my friends upon any subject at present, and 1 am now compelled to write by an ninauuensis. Your letter advising me of the unanimous action of the Republicans of my native county, present ing me as a candidate for Congress, was received several days since, and I have re ceived letters and telegrams from tho other counties of tho district, assuring mo of the i general desire to present my name as a j candidate for that ollioe. .Such an ' expression of confidence and devotion ; coming from the people who know me best, i i r ' ...i T ..I ;..l. .1.- -..-i -C alio ior w iioni a cuei isu mo euuimest in lection, inovea me with profoundest grati tude, and will be cherished among the most grateful memories of my life. When the conflicts of ambition and the exacting cares of ofiicial life have given place to the supremo desire for the rest and tmiet of homo and neighbors, your kind welcome on my return calls for the since- test expression of my thanks, liut inde pendent of my indisposition to enter the po litical canvas as a candidate and the cen tre of a fierce political struggle of the issues involved in the contest, it is impossible for me to accept tho honor you propose to con fer upon me. My broken health forbids it, and its adinoiiilions 1 must respect. Jo pleased, therefore, to convey to my friends in Centre county, and the other counties of the Congressional district, who iu their kind-partiality have thought of me as a candidate, my many thanks and declination. I herewith present a note from Dr. AVillard Parker to Mrs. Curtin. You notice his opinion is very decided, and vou know quite well how eminent ho is i liis profession. 1 am encouraged by Dr. Parker to hope that after a little while of absolute rest, skillful medical treatment, and freedom from care ami excitement, I mav become Mjoii" iui,,,'h V -- convictions nre well settled and will be frankly und fully expressed when I am able to do so with justice to niyseu. Yours truly, A. (I. Currix. The following is the letter of Dr. Wil'.ard Parker, an eminent Pliysiciau of N. York city, to Mrs. Gov. Curtiu : Nkw York, Sept. 0, 1S72. To .Vr.L 7 or. Curtin : My Dear Madam : In answer to your inquiry, I would say that the Governor is 111 SUCH a COUUlllou oi mum uuu uuuj, that without absolute rest and freedom from excitement, ho can never recover. Dr. Throop, of Scrauton, Pennsylvania, who saw Ciov. Curtin with me, in consul tation, on Wednesday, fully concurred in this opinion. Very truly yours, WiLLAttD Parker. Curiosities of Animal Life. There can bo no doubt, writes Mr. Darwin, that dogs feel slm mo ns distinct from fear, and something very liko modesty, when beg ging for food. A great dog scorns the snarling of a utile dog, and this mav on called magnanimity. Several observers had stated that monkeys certainly disliked being laughed at, as they sometimes in vent imaginary offences. In the Zoologi cal Gardens I saw a baboon that always got into a furious rage when his keeper took out a letter or book and read it aloud to him, and his rago was so violont that, ns I witnessed on otic occasion, he bit his own leg till tlio blood flowed. All animals feel wonder ; and many ex hibit curiosity, the latter affording oppor tunity for hunters, in ninny parts of the world, to decoy tho game into their power. The faculty of' imitation, so strongly deve loped in man, especially in a babarous slate, is present in monkeys. A certain bull terrier of our acquaintance, when ho wish es to go out of tho room, jumps at tho han dle of tho door, and grasps it with his paws, nltbougu lie cannot turn the linndle. Parrots also reproduce with wonderful fidelity tho lours of different speakers, and puppies reared by cats have been known to lick their feet and wash their faces after the manner of their foster mothers. Attention and memory are also present in the lower animals, and it is impossible I to deny that the dreams ot dogs and horses show presence of imagination or a certain show of reason is present. Animals like wise profit by experience, as any man real izes who sels traps. The young arc much more easily caught than the old, and the adults gain caution by seeing the fate of those who nre caught. Tools are also used by some of tho higher apes. Tho chim panzee uses a stone to crack a nut resem bling a walnut, and the Abyssinian bab oons fight troops of another species, and roll down stones iu tho attack before they finally close iu hand-to-hand encounter. The idea of common property Is common also to every dog with a hone, to all birds with their nests, and notably in the case of rooks. Nor can a certain kind of language be denied to the brute. The dog commu nicates his feelings by barks of different tones, which undoubtedly raise in his fel low dogs ideas similar to those passing in his own mind. Edinbuni Jlcvute. C. NF.FF. Sunbury, July S, 1869. ly. ANTHRACITE COAL! VAI.EXTIXE 1)1 ETZ, Wholesale uud Retail dealer lu every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, I'PPER WHARF, SL'NBLKV, PENN'A. All kinds of flraln taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicited und tilled promptly. Orders left at S. F. Neviu's Confectionery Btorc, ou Third Street, will reeieve prompt ulleutlon, uud niouey receipted for, tho same us ut the ollico. .NEW 4 OAE YAltlt. rpiIE undersigned having conncoted the Coal XbuMincss wiLh bis extensive FLOUR & (iRAIN trail.'. Is pn pared to supplv families with the VERY BEST Ol' 4 E, 4 II E ll' FOR 4 ASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on baud. Uruu tttkuu lu exchange for Coal. r J. M. CADWALLADEIt, fj'.mbury, Jan. 15, 1870. -tf. JACOU UirMAi. TIIOMfSSJll DKKU. Eire, lilfe uud Aecldeut INSURANCE AGENCY or MIIFVAX A HERR. MAKKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA, rnxtPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American. Philadelphia, Assets, f2,783,5() KnterDrisc. MuBhultan, New York, N. American " l.orlllard, " Youkers&N. York " lluuovcr, " Imperial, Loudon, Lycoming, Muncy, Franklin1 Philadelphia, Home, New York, Hartford, Hartford, PhCBIliX, " Travelers, ' Farmers Ins. Co., York, N. British & Mercantile Nomuierce, New York, ("orwieh, Norwich, New Eujjlaud Mutual Life, 523,1105 1,868,091 802,570 1,650,130 882,180 750,000 8,000,003 5,501,000 8,825,731 4,516,308 8.544,210 1,027,010 1,851,007 929.100 14,865,824 253,100 868,201 T.SOO.OOO Xovv, Let iih huvc the Truth. There is a slight reticence on the part of the sorehead uud copperheaded journals in coming to an explanation anil defence of the vilo and venal record of Mr. Charles K. Puekalew. It is charged, and wo challenge success ful contradiction, thatChas. H. liuckalcw, as a legislator, in open antagonism to old established und clearly Democratic princi ple, has advocated and unstained "special l.-fi&hition" in the interests of nionied mo nopolies and corrupt corporal which and through which bribery has been en couraged and venality prospered at tne Capital of this Common wealth. It is charged, and we challenge success ful contradiction, that Charles liuckalcw, favored and was ready to support Alexan der K. McClure's pet project to steal Nine Millions of Stale lionds from the Statu Treasury in tlio interest of the Pennsylva nia llailroad King, the same to bo replaced Lu worthless rubbish to tho same amouul. consisting of bonds of unbuilt and bogus roads, destttuto alike ot eiiner capital or character tho project failing through the exposures begun and continued by the Siatilai) Tiainu-riji. It is' charged, and we challenge success ful contradiction, that Charles K. liuckalew feathered Alexander K. McClure's rascally mount, nt nublic robbery, known as the IiKAitDED Wheat Straw Dangerous TO Stole. A l'ruine Farmir corres pondent writes: It has been discovered that when stock has had free access to bearded wheat straw, the beards have work ed around the lips and gums, causing swelling, ulceration nnd looseness of the teeth. A neighbor informed me that he discovered in the fore part of the winter that his sheep were not doing well, and upon examination found their mouths so much injured from this catiso that he was unable to brim; thorn up to good condition Another neighbor iost a valuable colt from the same cause. A farmer was called in, in this instance, as soon aa any difficulty was discovered, but too late, lie saiil he had i appearance of being chok L"t.o miu.i ,.,.iftm that the cult had and ho did not cmeider clioiv.,viieil corn, IT twin ooeiiimr tho coll after death ni'iiu. trulv found tliat beards hail collected, form ing quite a massive ball, near tin entrance t to the body, and beards had worked off' into j the throat'pipe, causing inflammation and , ulceration to such an extent as to cause j death. I'pon comparing notes, wo are ; satisfied that this has been the source of much damage to stock, heretofore uiiae-1 countable. Hefereneo is made to several j cases where stock has died ot been dam- aged, and which now seems plainly to Have been caused by wheat beards. . Pact in Grape Culture. We would mention a fact which has come within our observation and experience, which, if gen erally true, is of some importance. It is this. That the fruit bud from the base of the last year's cane throws out larger and better developed grapes than cither the first or second. Tho grapes from these buds seem also better flavored, and gener ally superior to those ou the first and sec ond. I n accordance with this hiut we have adopted the plan of rutting the cane at such length ns to leave the thirtl hud, generally, and sometimes the fourth, when a good strong one, ami then rubbing off tho first and second buds, and leaving the third and fourth for fruit. If the vines are strong and vigorous at three years, from two to llir'e bunches of grapes may be allowed to Swappino Houses. A Kcntockiatt and a Ynnkeu wero once riding through tho woods, tho former on a fine black horse, and the Yankee on an inferior animal. Tho latter wanted to ninko a "swop," but lid did not see how ho wns to do it. At last he thought of a plan. His horso had been taught to sit down like a dog whenever ho was touched by tho spurs. Seeing a wild turkey, the Yankee made his horse per form tlio trick, and asserted that ho was pointing his game, ns was his custom.' Tho Kcntuckian rode in the direction indicated by the horse's nose, aud up rose a turkey. That settled tho matter; tho frado was made, and saddles and horses Were chang ed. After a lime Ihoy came lo a deep and ra pid stream, over which the black horsd carried the rider with case, liut the Kcn tuckian, on the Yankee's old bcust, found great difficulty in getting over, aud whett he had reached the middle of tho stream, he whs afraid the horso would allow him self to bo carried away, and so endeavored lo spur him up lo more vigorous action; Down sal the horso on his haunches, "Look a here 1" shoiiUxl tho enraged anil partially submerged Keutuckian to tho Yankee on tho other side of tho stream, "what does this mean ?'' "I want you to know, stranger," cried the Vaukee. preparing to ride away, "that there boss will pint lish just as Well as lid will fowl." Most country neighbotiloods are afflict ed with a family of detrimentals, the mem bers of which aro a pest and a nuisance to everybody in tlio vicinity ; and when peo ple of this sort affect excessivo piety, onil practice their knavery under cover of re ligion, tho infelicity of the situation is grea'Jy exasperated. In a small Connecti cut viilago there resided a few years since a family of the name of Perry, tho mora bcrs of which wera marked by all the tlia ngreable characteristics above indicated; They were artful, adroit, and while perpe trating all sorts of small rogueries, and making themselves generally offensive, hail the address to avoid coming in direct con flict with tlie penal statues. On one occa sion the neighborhood aforesaid was visit ed with a religious awakening, a peripate tic revivalist having succeeded in arousing the sleepy inhabitants lo a sense of tho in curity oi' their spiritual condition. Pre sently the news got bruited about that tho spirit of grace had visited tho the Perrys. "Father, father," cried a lad to his pa rent "they say old Perry litis caught tho revival." "I shouldn't wonder." he replied, "ami I presume it will go through the family ; but they will have it light." And they did. A New use kou Hum. The seizure of liquor by the Stale constables in Massachu setts furnishes many refreshing little inci dents which help to make life tolerable in a dry and thirsty land. At North Adams, the other dav. a resolute officer seized n of something and took it before a magis trate, when the following interesting ex amination took place, .s'tabio "if "lie knew it was ..-a. a ','.. t-8' !"r . -t drank some of it." 1 ,e prisoner woJ" d in. i yo. . t u ny . ,10US0 when the St ile ci.utabw . "Yes, I had some in ajar. lau( "How long have you had il ?" "About six months." "Did you have it for sale ?" ' t )h, no ; I don't sell liquor." "What did you keep this rum for?" "1 kept il to wash the baby." "Had vou ever washed the baby in this "Oil, yes, often, I used to turn tho rum out in a dish, wash the baby in it, and then turn it back into the jar." There was laughter in the court, and tho State constable declared that he would seize no more liquor kept in a jar. "Doctor," exclaimed a waggish Son of Tempi ranee to a well known doctor, "how ! Ion" will it take hanging to produce death." "Twenty, or at most thirty minutes," ' replied tho doctor, "but why do you ask." -oh, because last uighl I saw a man I hanging for two hours, and he is nol dead ! yet." I "You did," exclaimed the doctor em I phatically. "I haven't heard a word of this I yet. Where was the man hanging " h-iimm" nround an ale shon Oil mature on each without injury. i.ent. , y,tnt st," replied tho wag. i'lcii'e '( (. j The doctor gave utteranco to BOinethiug . thats.mudcd like a blasphemous expression A young author reading a tragedy, per- . anil passed on. ceive'd his auditor very often pull oil his bat ' at the end of a line, and asked him tlio rea- Hot.u Ox. Hold ou to your tonguo son. "1 cannot pass a very old acquaiti- , wm.n you aro just ready to swear, or speak tanee," replied tho critic, "without that i harshly or use an improper word, civility." I Hold on to your hand when you are about .- I to Rtrike or do anything wrong. "To obtain sweet milk," said the veteran ! Hold on to your feet when you arc on fanner (irecley, lying down his pen, and ! the point of kicking, or running away from gazed the face of the iuquiier, ; duty or pursuing tho path of error, shamo "feed vour cows twice a dav on sugarcane, ' or crime. and bi ,. e lo keep the call from the moth- Hold on to your temper when you aro er while tccthin"." 1 ""SO' excited or imposed upon, or others " ' nnnrv ollOUl VOU. ! Hold on to" your good name at all times, I for il is much more valuable lo you than I gold, high places or fashionable attire. Hole on to tf.e irutn, ior it win scivu j tumorous. nil uroiul transfixed. stined tho locked-up waters of his soul, and 1 ., f..,i,'rsbur.' Three Million Steal, by "I Takes the llou.-E." n honest, j u alul d y()U good throughout eternity. t. ;l....i l.. iiniiiuviou.f, ti , .. .1 t ' n ,, I- .ibti.rn . . wo cuueu our viniv ooeuiiv. wliieb that sum ill dollars was to ue uraggeu i iiiruiy, wi-ii-hj-uw "tuini., , . , , Thouext day the warden came to iy bv ill:8lllivo act from tho State Treasury : city applied to a wealthy un.iio u u.j A lH.Tt.,IMAX uic other day, reading an f.Tr ,1 stiibuliou between needy aud seedy rents a great many nouses : a uui hi exteusive practice anil ooscrvuuoiis ii , ,Ma1 jol o great Hospitals of Europe, uud the rst u , V" ' . . ,1. country, vis i England, V ranee, 1'hlladelpula cried leiyenlly , I id elsewhere, is enabled to offer the most eer- my heart was dead , lion "Jeuner hasnt been oil Ins bed since yes terday," he said ; "ho begs you will see him." lu less than lifteeu minutes I stood in tho cell. The mau'a face, no longer de limit, bad Drown death-like. V. ? . . .. , I.. Oh I thaiilc uuu liiatiK uon i- no 11 yesterday, I tnougni but tuat ciniu child" ho choked again. "Would you liko to seo her ?" Ho passed his hand over his face. No let mo die with thoso sweet words UAI.TIMOHE, ai. u. i riulU!j m my cars. Oh I my own Ultie Left hand side golug from Baltimore street, a few , ' i,ui0 darlinfj vour wicked .. . . . i it. .ti not ia firinrvH.n.'Liiiu - j - - tain, siieedy uud tlfeelual remedy lu tho world lor all diseases oi unpruueuec. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFICE. NO. 7, 8. FREDERICK STREET IIai.timohk, M. D iiiuore street, a few doors from tho corner. Full uol to ooservc name uud nuinher. . . , , t-if No letters received unless posipaia aim coulalulug a slainp to be used ou tne reply, i er- sons writing suoum siavo age, uuu muu iii of advlrtlsciuent describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing and Worthless Impnsters ttdvertUUis themselves us Vhysielaus. trilllug with and ruiiilug the Leallh of ull who uufortunutely fall lulo their power, that Dr. Jiiinslon deems it uectwsary to say es pecially to those unucu,uuiutcd with hi reputa tion that hi Credential or Diploma always hung lu hi otllce. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The uiauy thousands cured ut this Establish ment, year after your, aud the numerous Im portant Surgical Operatious performed by r. Johnston, witnessed by tbe representatives of the press and many otner paper, - have apiwared attain and again before the public, besides hi standiutt as a eutluiiiau of tracter and rpousibllity,l a sulUeieut guarantee to the jilllicted. Biiiu diseases speedily cured. February J8, 1873 ly my own uiiio uarnng your lather will never seo you uever never. U'lwn tho BtroiiL' anguish had passed ho told mo tho history ol his life, aud such a history I Deep pity was ou my heart long ermnunJt nlt Uve fur distribution bctwecu needy t n-bel sympathizers in t raiiKiin couuiy, Charles U. liuckalew being tho chairman of the committee having it in charge, and voting to include the disloyal with the loyal in this distribution of pluuder the iufanious scheme only failing by one sterling Demo cratic vote uud that vote not his, it being a part oftho scheme that tho measure was to be botu'ht through liko any act of vulgar merchandise. , It is charged, and wo challenge success ful contradiction, that Charles It. liucka lew was not true to his country iu her time of trial and that he never uttered ouo word for the Union of the Fathers, or in behalf of tho sterling men of Pennsylvania who wero laying down their lives mat too uoy .,1' n in, ...t m. csinie to t io words. to let?" "Certainly," sai.t mo owner, ..T;10 uu.L.lin., lueu dissolved." lie could "and if on inquiry I find you to be a re- i) t tKi(lnu t,(! m,..ulin;; 0f tic last word, so sponsible nnd suitable man for a I'"'"11; j .ft.,.,vd to his dictionary and felt satisfied. you shall have it." "Vary goot, Mr. 11 jn u ft.w miuutca a friend came in, when , you makes just ns many questions as ; ihc 1JuU.i,m.lM Baiu : lvy must haf very you mind. I takes de house when you gets : . .ve,ij,... aiiero ; I ret an ngount of u retulV. two uuys aiiei n .iiiis in.-- ""ii-'- linfiirn I in titlifcllld The iron man was flesh again. Ho only lived three months alter tho defiant will was broken. Deeply did he repent, humbly pray for mercy, and when his wasted faco shone with her devino light of forgiveness, ho said to mo, "i ou may bring Her ouiy ouco." So my darlin Lour, nnd ou Vi fell sofUv tho last lifo-throb that touched him as. his soul went out, leaving a smilo behind. An excellent cure for dyspepsia is to give a hungry dog a piece of meat, and chaso him till bo drops it. It ia .l,nr.r,..l. and W0 chlllll'lliM success ful contradiction, thatChas. H. liuckalew. in tho most critical period of that feartul time, did couuteuanco aud fail to oppose the Fishiug Creek conspiracy to deter eu listments, und that an order for his arrest for disloyalty was prepared oy ueu. cuucu ...iulv " Two dava nuim.r cnlli'd iinon the tierman. "Well. ho said, "1 have inquired pretty generally respecting your character and means, and as everybody speaks of you as an honest, respectable man of abundant property, you can have tho house." " Veil den said," Hans, "I takes tho house. And I vants to tell you I've asked all about you among the peoples, and dey all say dat you is d.) meanest landlord in do town, liut I takes do house allde same." A MiciuoAV paper tells nn amusing sto- nieeting whcie all de peoples melted away.' Ax old black man expressed to a wild youn" Virginian tlio half unconscious creed" of many a white sinner. "Massa liichiird,"said this hoary evil-dot r,solcmn ly lifting up his hand to emphasize the ad monition, "if there is a hereafter, don't carry on but," and sudduiily broke into enthusiasm and a broad grin, "if them ain't no hereafter, carry on powerful." Two Hibernians wero passing a stablo which had a rooster on it tor a weauier rv of a minister of that Slate who look nn . . ...dressed tho other thus : old-fashioned sweat, and was wrapped up : ,..,ut wuUg Ul0 r.,so they didn't ut a III U II iilil.fsl shinned natch-uuilt of many co lor. In duo courso of liino ho waked up to find himself all over spotted, uuu-, uiac. t"a "". ". ' . . 1 . I i IU IIIIH Millie" v "I ' ... ,,' and only withheld from execution by the I j , liolieving that inoriilicntion arhng brightened tho dieary . , lJuJ imnorlucoof tho tlienStalo au-: 1 lrJlldy 8tt lu began, to settle up u his dynijj hps tho flutter lug Ulufi,lcfcjum(J, Tmrij.t. ,ta earthly accounts and prepare for final "Would yoi take tlio last cent a person has for a glass of soda water V" asked a Kankakee youth. "Yes," replied the un thinking proprietor; .vheroiipon hopeful pulled out the cent aud got tho drink. dissolution, while tho members of the flock gave themselves up to uncoiurouauie guci. The uriival of a physician and an exami nation of tho faded quilt gavo another ex planation oftho spots, and turned tlm house of mourning iulo ouo of laughter. hin there instead ot a rooster r --u sure," replied Pat, "that's asy enough ; you sec it would Ins uneonvntiicut to go for tho c?g '." A VOUXO MAN out in search of liis fa ther's lost pig, tiearScrunton. Pa., accosted an Irishman aloug the road with "Have; you aeeu a stray pig about here.'" "Faith," s.Ul I'M, "and how could 1 tell Klray pi from auy other"