Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 14, 1872, Image 3

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    unburn mcncan.
SUNUUy7sEFTEMDElt i4,"i872T
Unllroad Time Tablets.
P. & E. R. K OolNO NOHTUWAltt).
Kile Mall. leaves at 0:0r a m
Niagara ExproM, " " l'-SiHO p m
Mail, " " 4:20 pm
Erie KipreM, " " 6:50 p m
N. C. R. W Gono Bouthwaiw.
Erie Mull, leave lit 12:45 am
F.rie Express, " " m
Mall, " " "'"S1"
Niuiruru Express, " " 6:B0 p m
The Erlo Express train remain here about
MO minutes for brcukfiut.
Mall train leaves at 7.30 o. m., ami arrives at
7.50 p. in. Fast LliU leaves at 3.40 p. m., nud
arrives at 1.50 p. ro. "
Suamok:s Vam-et R. R.
Mall leaves at 13S5P. m.. for Shamokln and
arrives at 3.55 p. ir. I.ciivps for Mt. tarmel at
4.40 p. m., and ar-lves at 9.25 a. in.
I H. W. R. R.
Trains leave. or New York, via Hualetou at
0.20 a. m., am arrives at 3.35 p. in.'
Accident ftsuranco Tickets enn bo bad jf J.
Shipuian, Ticket Agent at tlie Depot.
focal Affairs.
ewinq Machines. Miss Caroline Dulius is the
,h'eut for tlio snlo of tlie best Sewing Machines
In cxlsteuce, vlzt "The Improved ginger,"
"Urover & Baker," "Howe," and 'Domestic,'"
which are constantly on liand and sold al rea
sonable prices. She is also ncent for the cele
brated Frantz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
and sco them. Ollko on Mnrket street, caBt of
the railroad.
Tue highest prices are paid for Grey Squirrel?,
Frogs, Turtles, &c., by Win. Reese, or the St.
Elmo Eating Saloon, In Pleasant buildings,
Sudbury, Pa.
Foil Sale a young Cow, part Aldcrncy.
quire at this olllcc.
Tiiino year of Miss Hogarth's English and
French school, Sunbury, Penn'a. The Full term
will coinuience Monday, September 16th, 1ST2.
Bcr your Groceries of P. Clark, and save 15
lier cent. bl4,ut.
Fiuk. On S.iturd.iy evening last about 11
o'clock, flic was discovered hi the loft of the old
depot building, on Third street, tills place. The
steamer was promptly on hand and the firemen
worked faithfully to subdue the flames. Pait of
the roof and the upper flours were considerably
damage .1 before the lire was extinguished. The
building belongs to the X. C. Railway Company,
uud U uuoecupied. Thu lire Is supposed to have
been the work of an incendiary.
OrEitA Hoist:, Friday night, September I3lh.
Suicide. On Friday evening last, the wife of
Jacob Scheil, residing in Delaware township,
tlits county, committed suicide by hanging her
self to the limb of u tree, using her drawers to
suspend herself. She hung from Friday evening
until Saturday at 10 o'clock, a. in.
Brv your Black Alpacas and Mohare Lusters
from P. Clark, and save - per cent. sl4,:U.
OrniA Hoi ck, Friday night, September K!th,
for comedy.
Vt'i: heartily recommend to our readers the 11
liitittcd CheM'MH Weekly as a beautiful, good
and cheap family paper the only one of its kind
in this country.
Tlios. C. Haekett, Its agent, is now furnishing
it to our people.
Alice, Louie aud Clara.
Waltz & Blight's restaurant, on Third street,
has got to be a place of great resort for refresh
ments. Oysters, chickens and game are served
up al all hours. The celebrated Lancaster beer
Is oa tap constantly.
Go to the Opera House September 13th.
The losses sustained by individuals who neg
lect to insure in reliable companies, is immense,
and many families who are in comfortable cir
cumstance could often be saved from total ruin
if they would attend to insurance in lime against
that monster destroyer fire. We lire happy,
however, to notice that many are using the pre
caution of late by gelling insured iilie Peoples'
Fire Insurance Company, Pliiladelp.( which ii
considered safe and reliable. They .' . insure
lite at the lowest rales. Mr. (dossier, their
agent r.t tills place, is doing a handsome busi
ness lu making out policies in this pait of the
BliST Juvenile Amerieau performers on the
load, at tlie Opera House, September 13th aud
W. It. F. Weiuuit is now lu the city buying
Ills stock of fall goods. Lookout for the tiist
styles in our market. He will procure a general
uisoitment. Ashe Is well known for making
phndid selections a call ul his btore will repay
auy lor tue trouble.
Sisteu to the horns to-night, Sept. 13th.
Mass at Miltos. A Republican
mass meeting will be held at Milton ou this
Saturday evening. Ex.Gov. Pollock and others
will uddress the uiceliug. Let the Republicans
of thi,s place turn out. The. train will leave at
0:45 p. in. uud return at 13:30.
W. 11. BiiAiNEim, Esj., late editor of tlie Ty
rone VtTuM, has abandoned the newspaper bu-rsm-ss,
nud is uow travelling as agent for the
Coleman Family. We hop that hie present new
calling will prove more lucrative. We can con
gratulate Mr. Coleman ou his selection of Mr.
Uraiuerd as his agent, as we feel coutldeut that
lie could not have tilled that position with a bet
ter mau.
The Election Laws of Pennsylvania. The
The Eleetiou Laws of Pennsylvania, digested and
arranged Willi notes and Judicial decisions, com
V:led by F. Jordan, Secretary of the Commou
Vtallh, and published by the State Priuler under
authority of a resolution of the Senate and House
i'f K'picseiitutivcs, U au Importaut work which
shoulube In the hands everj election officer, that
he may c guided intelligently lu the performance
of his duiy. Every citizen will find It to his ad
vantage to posse a copy that he may iustruct
himself in lu right uuder the privileges or the
elective franchise. The object of the work has
bee to iuclude all existing laws on elcctlous,
and to exclude all which have becu repealed,
sup lied oi become obsolete) and el the same
lime to arrauge every thins; uucer such appropri
ate divisions dad sub-divlslou as to be easily
fouud. The terms of the work arei Twelve
fop: lu cloth, 10 00. Single eupies, $1 00.
forward your orders early, u oi,ly a limited
edition will be published. Address, 0. gingerly,
State Piiuter, Harrlsburg, Pa.
Thhee "lads," Floreuco Johnson IIeleuJlr.
Gee aud liddy Lee, alUmdcd a dance at Roger
Muuday's, u Cakotov.u, ou Saturday night lust,
with a lot ot our handsome young SuniMiry boys.
The dauce wore into Suuday mornlegaudbroko
up In a street trawl. The 'glrls" were arrest-
J, aud brought In on Mondny morning, lined,
and held under ball in 3J0 for pood behaviour.
Tnn SuNBUHY Faih. Tho Agricultural Fair
to be bald at this place on ths 85th, 2Glu and 87th
of this month, promise to far exceed that of
Inst year. The trotting course Is being fitted up
in the best mamior, and no e (Torts are spared to
make It the largest and best course la central
Pennsylvania. We are happy to see that our
prominent citizens bnvo taken thu matter In
hand, and will, we are certain, meet with their
usual good success la getting up a fair that will
surpass every thing heretofore witnessed In this
county. The premiums offered aro most liberal,
and our agricultural friends will bo amply To
warded by bringing all kinds of products for ex
hibition. The fruit crop being abundant this
season, will give a Sue opportunity to show the
great improvement In the lower end of the coun
ty lu all kinds of fruit, and that tho citizens
have not becu neglecting Horticultural pursuits.
The mechanical department, we aro Informed,
will bo fully represented, while the other depart
ments will be made to excel any former efforts
lu tho county. We have long been satisfied that
this end of the county can produce as good stock
as can bo found any whero In the State, aud ns
the officers of this fair are oferlng such liberal
premiums, we hope to see every farmer nnd me
chnnlc place upon exhibition specimens of their
genius and labor. Some beautiful specimens of
handiwork by ladies from Rush, Shumokin vnl
lcy, nud tho Mahanoys, which wo havo not seen
sui passed by any ut other fairs, are expected to
be brought here on exhibition, which will make It
an.lnducctncnt for Indies to visit and mark tho
great Ingenuity displayed by their own sex'.
With the exertions made ou tho part of our citi
zens to make exhibitors and visitors comforta
blewe deslro our friends in tho country to bring
every thing worthy of exhibiting, and let us see
what progress has been mudo lu every branch ol
agriculture nnd trade.
The New Colkt Hoise Clock. As tho new
tower clock, ordered for the court nonse, will be
hero In the course of a week, u description of its
character will, no doubt, be Interesting to many
of our readers. The dials w ill be of beuvy plate
glass, ground on both sides, nnd figured with n
hole lu the centre, for Illumination at night. The
clock was made by E. Howard, & Co., of Bostou,
celebrated for their superior American watches
and clocks. The wheels arc of hard hammered
brass, arbors mid pinions of cast steel, uml the
frame entirely of Iron. Tlie escapement is u
Graham dead beat, (the very best for a tower
clock,) automatic retaining power, pendulum
hung with double spring, regulates at the top,
and h is a joint Willi taugeut screws to put til
beat. Each set of dial works has two sets of
universal joints, and an automatic arrangement
to prevent any binding or pinching by expansion,
coulraciion or settling of the wood work of tlie i
Tho striking pait is a repealer, to
that the time nud the striking will always keep ;
together. Tlie hummer lever is operated from I
tlie main wheel Willi hardened steel friction rol- J
lers. The striking part lias a double linked 1
chain tested ten times tlie weight required tor
the clock ; time pail lias a w ire cord of tlie best
make. The pulllcs have a hollow axle to con
tain sullicicnt oil to last some time, a good point, I
as they are usually so situated as to be hard to
get at.
SitAUr Lasdlouiis taki:s in. On Monday j
last, a sharper who gave hi name us J, L. Cad- I
wallader, was arrested at Georgetown, this coun
ty, by I. S. Oossler, L S. Detective, on a War-
rant if sued by U. S. Commissioner, L. T. Rohr-
' i
bach, for passing himself otfas a U. S. Rev. Col
lector, and defrauding tlie public. Cadwallader,
it appears, was operating iu Snyder cpunty, but
crossed tlie river on tlie approach of tlie Detec
Several Individuals were made his victims i
by hU showing bogus papers that he was a regu- '
larly appointed otlieer, authorized to collect Hie .
, .. .. ... 1 .! 1
" 1 ,
lie managed to get Jl." out or Ira Sayres, at Port 1
Trevorton, and !7 from Peter M'Cullouli, for I
r,.v,.i l.v oil nnor. 1 e Willi,-;! In Co ..el
from the lalter ?i U0 per barrel on six barrels of
ciiler, having ordered .six cm; ty barrels for that
purpose, but as the tax was rather ttecp lie con
eluded to take and pay for three barrels only. He
Used an ordinary glass syringe to test tlie proof
of the liquor, and iu several instances insisted
upon tlie owner reducing it with water as it was I
contrary to law to sell liquor above proof. This,
the liquor men did not so mucli object to, as his j
fee fur attempting toleatiilhem a trick which
they Lml come faint idea of before. This aud j
other suspicious ciicumstauces, led to his arrest, j
He win; lodged in jail in this place, aud ou Tues
day las' wa taken to Pittsburg for trial. j
Si xni'iiY tii AKiis met ou Monday evening hist, !
and elected Ileber Painter C'nptuiu, A. N. Briee i
1st Lielitcuant, Norman Haas -d Lieutenant. I
The Packer Guards have becu disb.ii;ded,and the
present organization is lapidly tilliug up. The!
licxt meeting of tlie compauy will take place on '
Monday evcuing next.
REMOVAL 0 A CaNCEUOI'S Tl Milll. Wc wit- I
nessed a surgical operation, on Saturday last, i
performed by Dr. C. M. Martin residing on
Front street ill this place, assisted by Dr. R. B. i
McCoy, of Northumberland. It was the retiio- :
val of a large cancerous tumor from the person
of Mr. Win. Horn,' residing iu the lower part of
this borough, who has been disabled for more 1
than six mouths. The operation was skillfully
performed, and we are happy to state that Mr. i
Horn is doing well, and will, iu a short time, be
able to resume work. Dr. Marlin has located in
this place but a short tune, and has already es- '
tublishcd a reputation us u skillful practitioner, ;
uud is fast getting into a large practice. j
Tub Soldiers' uud Sailors' Convention, to bo ,
held ut Pittsburg ou the 17th instant, will be
largely atteuded by the veterans of this county. ;
Quite a number will ultend from this place und !
Shaiuoklu. Wc notice, too, that the "Go West" j
Club, of Washington, D. C, ure going to swell
the number. This club is composed entirely of
soldiers, who did the ''State some service" iu her :
time of trouble. It pleases us to learu that our
young friend nud graduate of this office, Edward
W. Oyster, accompanies them us their second
lieuteuaul. 1
Pennsylvania Heihulican AssoeuvioN.
Wc are pleased to learu that our geuUI frieud,
A. A. Shissler, Esq., has been re-elected Picsl
deut of the Pcuiisylvuuia Hepuhlicau Association
of Washjucton, D. C. The Dnibj Chronicle of
that city, says ;
"The election of ofUcen for the ensuiuL' six
mouths beini; in order, Mr. Sliisslcr was unaul-
inouly re-elected amidst much eiithusiasin. This
i...;,... Al- ui.i.i...' .i.i.. i i ..
W.M ..... .'UieaiLI Cllll, UIIU lllllt IU U
unanimous vote lroin the largest uiceliug ilia
Association has ever held, was u coiuiilimciit
w hich tho uresidlllL' nfflci.r nun null I....I i.r.,a
of, uud a recognition of merit upprsuialed by thu
members ofthe lou."
,,., r , s . , , . ,
Mil. Giueos Beaveu, of i.ewfs towushlp, thi
county, hud two horses stolen ou Saturday uight
last. One a dark sorrel horse uud the other uu
irou gray mare. A reward of$U'5 Is otfered for
the recovery of the horses uud capture of the thief,
or (100 for the horses alone. .VJioninw.
Isaac IIoi sel died at Northuinberlaud on tho
2Sih of August, aged 55 years. Mr. Housed was
boru la and was for many year a resident of
Miltoa. Jle will be remembered by many of our
older citizens as on ad lanced reformer uu ad
vocate of leuipvruuce lu the early days, when its
advocacy wai unpopular in thu soeliou, and
when be Hood ulujust alone iu his coudciunutkm
of the evils of the rum truOle. He liv4 a con
sistent life and died respected and mourned by a
large circle of friends and relative throughout
the country. Miltonian,
Republican County Crnvcntlon.
The delegates elected on Saturday tho 7th -to 1
represent tho several townships, wards" and
boroughs In the KepublluiT County Convention
on Tuesday Sept. 10th, 1872, mot lu tbe Court
House at Sunbury at 10 o'clock a.m., for the
purpose of placing lu nomination a county ticket.
The convention was called to order by Mr. Em'l.
Wilvert, Chairman of the County Standing Com
mittee. The credentials of delegatus were theti
received as follows i
Sunbury, E. W. Charles J. Bruner, John B.
Leuker and George Harrison.
" W. W. Alex. Muntz, P. M. Bhlndlo
and Oeorgo Bright.
Northumberland Borough A. C. Simpson,
Simon Randal add Jno. T. Colt.
Milton, W. W. P. L. Huckcuburg, R. M.
Frick and John B. Reed.
" 8 W D R Cawly and Lenas Stout.
Wntsontown Ofcnr Foust nnd Geo. Burns.
McEwcnsvlilc J Parker nnd Jus Rothcrncl.
Turbutvillo Simon Opp and Anderson Denlus.
Turbut twp Jnn L. Watson and Uen. C C Mc
Cormick. Delaware Andrew Nye nnd J II Ilclny.
Lewis Oliver Montgomery nnd J L Hill.
Chillisquaquo Wm N JJcsbit aud Samuel Me
Ninch. Point D W Sumpsel nnd Josiah Newberry.
Upper Augusta Thad S Shannon aud Philip
M Forrester.
Lower Auemln J J Beck nnd Peter II Snyder.
Rush Alvin Hughes nnd Win Reppard.
Shnmokiu DrLD Rubbins, Alfred Fisher and
Jacob K Miicncli.
Coal Frederick Hesser nnd Adnm Kcmbel.
MtCnrmcl Matthew Wnrd and Clins Kline.
Snvdertown Jackson lJerircr and John Moore.
Jackson J E Strlekler uud J H N Luudcn
slugcr. Cameron Clias B Boycr nnd Geo II Moyer.
Jordan David T Troutumn uud Gabriel
Upper Miihanoy Daniel Snyder nnd Samuel
Washington C F Fisher nnd Daniel E Kehres.
Lower Malianoy Frauk Sarge, David Seller
nnd Martin K Buchman.
Little Malianoy Simon F Reed and 8 II
Zcrbc J E Rathbun and H J Renn.
Riverside Wm Faux and E Cromptnii.
Mt Cnrmcl Boro 8 A Beigstresscr, A M Mou
teliU8 and W C Huutzlnirer.
Suamokm, E W Capt A Caldwell, F S Haas
nud John 1. Hummer.
" W W W R Lake, R D Bower and
David S Hallabach.
- Alter tho credentials were received nnd the
delegates acknowledged the convention then or
ganized by thu election of the following ollicers :.
fwliW-R. A. Frick, of Milton.
Vice Y'lVniifrtN, Jacob Muench, Shamokln
twp., Frederick licsscr, Coal twp.
Sccreturic. A. M. Montcllus, Mt. Cartncl
borough, Simon Randall, Norlhiimbcrlaiid boro.
Tlie roll of delegates was called, and the fol
lowing gentlemfti presented their credentials:
A committee of three, consisting of AC Simp
son, 8. A. Hergstresscr and F. S. Haas, was up
painted ou contested seats.
On motion E Cronipton, was admitted as
a substitute for B. G. Welsh, of Riverside boro.,
nud Jan. A. Sliipp for Win. II. Douty, of Sha
iiiokiu borough.
On motion, the chair appointed I). n.Sunip-
pel, A. ( adwell, John I.. Hammer, J. E. Kutlt
buu and W.I. Nei-liit, a coiuuiitlce on resolution.
On motion, the convention adjourned to meet
ut l.'.J o'clock p. 111.
aft;:iinoon SKSSION.
Convention re-asscnibli d ul appointed time.
The committee on coutc.-ted seat repotted on
the case of the double set of delegates from Ml.
Carmel township, lecoiuiucudiiii; lliat both sets
be admitted to seats, but Hint each set ouly have
one Vole.
On motion, tlie report was accepted.
The Chairman of the committee on Resolutions
read tlie follow ini;, the tuhiptioii of which, ou
motion, was po.-tpcAied until after making the
We, Hie deleiratcs of the Republican party in
Northumberland county, in Convention assem
bled, declare and resolve :
J'irxt, That we accept and hereby re-allli tn the
platform promulgated by the National Couven-
llUtl III rllll I'l.ttllllll,..!!! ll.Hltf ..
,i..Iulliil iu j , c l,,,t. , eoi.siiiutiior a true and
faithful expression of Republican principles.
Nfeuml, That we hereby endorse and ullirin tlie
declarations of the Republican State Convention
lit I In l'rit,llrir in Anril lur fifi.tii nil n n.-t t.,1.
oi-ki..,,. ,,ii,.v. ,,a Pinbo.lvi,i 1. il, im,. r ,',,.v
the llcpubliciiu parly.
. '"il 1 "at tlie interests of Labor and Capital
sliounl never conlliit : tliat
whatever measures I
, , ,,,.. i. 1, 1 r.,,. . ,,, 1, j
Labor will tie best advanced and secured by and
through the help of the Uepuhlican parly, which
.'-. .. " i,in 1 1 le no 01 on- iiiiiu
trial interests of the country and of the laboring :
J'vuiiJi, That tlie Republican parly demand i
and hereby pledges itself to mi cliieicut mid econ-
omieial administration of our county atlaii s.
Fifth, That we liaii the nomination of I'. S.liran) ,
for'l'resideiit, und Henry Wilson lor Vice Pre-i- ,
dent both essentially noted Americans, with pride
and pleasure, and pledge them our earnest, faith
ful support. '
Sisth, That our candidate for Governor, Gcu.
John F. Haitian!!, the brave soldier and pun'
cili7.eli, is endorsed by u In his political record,
uud by our Votes we will vindicate him against ;
slander aud vile falsehoods. " j
SrrtHth, That Hon. L'lysscs Muroiir !-, by
his ciiiineut mental and iiioral qualillcalions and learning, entitle, I to, and will receive our
cordial support for the Supreme ISciich. I
Eighth, That we earnestly endorse the nomi
nation of ( Harrison Allen and the entire
Stale ticket ; the delegates at largo for the Con- .
stitutional Convention, and the candidates at 1
large for Congress. Their proved latriotisiii,
l heir linearity aud their intelligence commend
them to the support of a thinking people.
A'i, 'Thai the public und ntlieial course of
our esteemed i.:cuators, in the Senate of the. lulled
States, uni ts our entire approval.
Tinth, That the Hon. John li. Packer, our re- ;
preventative In Congress, by his great industry,
ids consistency; his abilities and his urbanity,
commends himself more uud more to our confi
dence, esteem and regard. We pledge for him a 1
majority iu this county heretofore without prece
dent. Eltniith, That we submit the nominations
niaile here to-day, anil the entire work of this
Convention, lo our fellow citizens of Northum-i
bciiund county, coiilldcntly looking for their
verdict of approval on the second Tuesday of Oc
tober. All Hie candidates presented for the suf
frage of i lie pcopleare well and favorably known
tor capability, honesty uud integrity i and the
people, every where aroused alive to their ow u
substantial and true interests, will certainly
elect t lie' in . !
JUnulml, That this Convention rceoguizo the
claims made by tlie Labor Reform party iu its !
demands for honest government too sacred to be I
ignored by us. j
A resolution from the Labor Reform party was
here presented, uud ou motion, action on tile
same postponed for the , resent.
Ou motion, ii committee of live, consisting of
A. Caldwell, Dr. L. D. Robins. C. J. limner. N.
Simpson und John J. Parker was appointed
to coaler Willi a similar coiimiiitcc nf 1 1. l.-ilmt- i
Kefi riu parly.
Tho Convention then proceeded lo ballot for
nominees for the various oiliees, with tlie follow-
ing result.
Hon. Jno. H. Packer was noininalej by accla
M. Oram, SI W. A. Sober,
W. II.
Elift llu'.liit.
L. M. Morton, li4 I Dr. W. J. Haas, lo
Oscar Foust, u'.' U. Hill, 1
i l. i Mn,tmi
" -""ll""
Sei-oiul JialUit,
P3 Oscar Foust, a'j
On motion the uouiiuatiou of Oscar Fousl was
made unanimous.
' J'10- A- Taylor, IS L. T. Itobruack,
I Jno. Jones, H.
On motion the iiomiuatlou of
Wa made uuuuimous.
L. T. Kohrhach
S. II. Hotlu rmel, 41 J. H. Adams, Vi
Ueo. Uuul, V j J. M. Joliu, li
On moliou S. II. Kolheruiel's uoiuluiilioii was
mude uuuuimous.
Firtt tiallot.
Jl I K. Kmerlck, 13
li J. (i. Durham, '."J
Juo. Suyder, 5.
Steoml BMut,
o'J J. U. Durham, S3
D. Seal,
C. Fisher,
D. Beal,
t. Kiucrlek, 4.
Third BulliA.
D. Seal, SO J. G. Durham, 37
Ou motion the nomination of J. G. Durham
was made uuauluious.
J. E. MuencU waspomlnated by acclamation.
J ooriONKU.
Frederick Hessor wa uonilunted by acclama
tion. On motion Einanncl Wilvert was appointed
Chairman of the Standing Coiniulttco appolutcd
for the ensuing your.
. J. K. Davis was nominated ns Senntorlal Dcl-
.cgate, nnd John K. Rathbun Representative Del-
citato to tho next KepuDltcuu Bluto Cuuvcntlbii,
by acclamation.
Ou motion the nominee for Congress and dele
gates to Constitutional nnd State Conventions
were authorized to appoint tholr own conferees.
The resolutions ottered were then considered,
amended, and unanimously udrtptod.
Ou motion adjourned.
A. M. MONTEL1 1'8,
The following partial list of names were hand
ed lu us members of thu Standing Committee for
tho ensuing rear.
Sunbury, E W J K Davis.
Milton. N W I. M Morton.
Watsontown W M Wanner.
McEwciisvilleA-Jas Rot ham el.
Turbot twp -Adam Bolder f.
' Point D W Siuiipsel.
Upper Amriistn Thud 8 Slmnnon.
Rush O P Pultun.
Slminokln twp I)r L D Robblns.
Lower Augusta W R ikcr.
MtCarmel Boro W E Huntzingcr.
Jordan David T Troiitmnn.
Little Malianoy John llensyl.
Jackson W H Lamb.
Lower Malianoy Andrew Ditty.
Upper Malianoy Daniel Snyder.
TurbutvPle Thni Barr.
Lewis Levi B Glaze.
Tho districts who have not reported the names
of members of the standing committee, are re
quested to send then to Mr. E. Wilvert Sunbury
Pa., ut once to complete the list.
The following order received by Maj. Geo. B.
Cadwallader, was directed to bo handed to us
last week for publication, but for some cause or
other did not reach us.
llEAnijt AiiTr.ns Eiiiimi Division,
National Gcaiid of Pa.
Milton, Pa., August 'M, 1S72. )
Majoh : In accordance with special orders
No. 8(1, Headquarters N. G. of Pa., dated at
Harrisburi;, Pa., August 2"ilh, 1S7J, the company
of infantry known as Packer Guards," of
Nortli'd county, 8th Dlv. N. G. of l'a , having
practically ceased to exist, is therefore hereby
disbanded, mid the commissioned ollicers and
enlisted men honor:, lily discharged, from tlie
date olithis order. By order of
Maj. Gkn. C. C. M CoiiMn k,
L. M. MollTON, Lieut. Col. and A. A. G.
We call the attention of our readers to tlie ad- I
vcitiseincnt ofS. llersfelder to be found lu alio- j
tlier column. His stock is large uml all new, :
which ho oilers for sale at greatly reduced prices.
The latest and newest styles are ki'itin his es
tablishment; nil of which aro warranted, and J
sure to give satisfaction. 1
List of Letters remaining lu the Post otlice at !
j Sunbury, Ha., Sept. 11. 1 ST.'. ,
I li. T. liamleiibach, Emma MeCloaii", Lizzie
J Clenientz, R. A. McCoy, Esip, Albert F.vel hurt,
t Fulton, John P. Katii;, llemeins S.
I Long, N. T. Mutter, J. R. March, P. W. Miller,
I Frank If. Rase, Aaron M. !wcigard. Nan San
ders, J. N. Siiue, William Stcveni, Emma Jane '
Lay, James Sihris, Moses Weiser, (ieo. C.
! Welsh, Mis. Elizabeth Wcvscr. ( lial les White,
Richard Worrall, Ezra II. Vueum.
! J. J. SMITH, P. M.
JFor the Amerieuu.
At imneeting of the Sunbury Steam Fire Com
pany, No. 1, held al their room on Friday even
ing, August Until, the card of acknowledgment
aud thank, from the Mt. Vei uon Hook ami I. i 1
derCompany, No, l,ol rturrishurg, being receiv
ed, ou motion ol Mr. J. K. Davis, it wa
Jlimulrcil, That the Sunbury Steam Fire Com
pany, No. 1, received the kind communication
from Mt. Vernou Hook aud Ladder Company No.
1, of Harrisburi;, in the same fraternal spit it in
which it was conceived. We are conscious that
we do not merit the Very Haltering and coinpii
mcntary terms employed. We did our duly ;.s
we were able, acl in. ted by a feeling of brother
hood, which should pervade and control our owu
uud all kindred organizations. We are ui.feign
cd'v glad that we were able, to make the Slav
among us of our frieu Is coniturlahle and idea-ant.
lo us Itieir visit, uas a soiucc ol sincere graliti
cation; and will be always cherished Willi grate
ful rc.mcinheraiifc. Personal friendship.-, were
then and thereby formed which we bope will
coiiliiiue through lite, and we truthfully afliriu
that our own hearts are Willi our brothers of
Mt. Vernon No. 1.
J,'enilirl, That th' card of Mt. Vernon Hook
ami Ladder Company, No. L, is not only li. ttei
ing iu expression, but most elegantly ami ela
borately engrossed, nud proves as valuable ns
coiiipliuiciitaiy gill. ll shall be suspeu le I iu
our hull, and cared for witii and pleasure.
ViVukJivi, That Messrs. Gen. li. Cud iv.tlluilcr,
J. K. Davis, Jr., W. C. Packer, G. 11. nib-on
and H. K. Goodrich be appointed a Committee
to convey a copy of t!iee proceedings to Mt.
Vernon t ouipauy, No. 1.
Di.r.ssiM.- brighten as they take their fti'ht.
The etiief of blessintrs is jjood health, wiLbout
wliii-h nothimc is uorih the liavin; ; il is ahvays.
appreciated at its true value after il is lost, but,
tooolteu, not before. Live properly, ami er
red ailments: before they become seated, l'or
diseases of tin; liver. Kidneys, skin, stomach, and
all ari-iiiL' troni inipuie nud fc4ilc blood, Dr.
Waiker's California Vinegar Uiltcrs arc a sure
and speedy remedy, ll has never yet failed iu a
tingle instance. a-l.l.v.
litisincss Notices.
Tin: great remedy to keep fever away is to
keep tlie feet dry. Durim; the late rainy scaion ;
it could scarce be avoided, but we learn that V.
II. Miller of the 1'xcelsior, keeps boots and .-hoes !
that are warranted, and the feet are kept perfect
ly dry dur'ne,' any rain. lie also keeps on hand
a variety uiieipialcd In Ibis part of the State to
select from for any kind of wear. i
Stvi.isii Si'iiiNO and Si MMiat Hats. A laro j
supply of stylish Spring and Sunnucr Hats to '
Bull all fancies aud tastes has Just been received j
at S. Vaust'a store, Market Square. A specialty ;
in straw hats ; uud the lililest, coolest und neat-c.-t
hat iu use is the ventilated cassiniere hat. A !
large stock to select lroin, styli.-li goods and rea-
sonable prices. Call uud examine before pur-
chaslnir clscv. here. ,
Special 'otii'es.
Murriil;. Kssayn for Yotine; Men. on
Grcul Social Kvils and Abuses, which interfere
' win. .mui i uil'c, ami ruin I lie nappine.-e ol inou-
I sands, w ills sure means of relief for tho Krring
; Cufoi lunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent
I in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.
.Aiiiness, nowaru .ssoeiaiiou, .mi. ;, rouiu
Ninth St., Philadelphia, l'a.
to Tin: m ri i:itiu.
Tlie Hev. William II. Norton, while residing
in l! us u missionary, discovered in thut
land id' medicines a remedy for Coxsi mi-iion,
Siihiii'i.a, Soup. Tiiuoat, Cornns, Cm.iis,
Asthma, ami Niuivor Weakness. This rein
edv has cured myself alter all other medicine
had failed.
Wishing to hem-fit the sutferlng. 1 will send
the recipe for preparing nnd lisine: this remedy to
all who desire il t UKK Ol' CHAlUiK.
Please send uu envelope, Willi your name und
address on it. Address,
Oct. H1S7L ly.
Xew Yokk Citv,
5 B M
6 -3 i&
i- i 5
a i:
S t
F t
Z J3
E -
S u
" t-
it e
U -s
S 10
-; -a
t- Z.
S- k-
t" 2
L PUBLISHED as a wnrnlng and for the benefit-.-
Of ymmii tmn and MAtri, wato-suUur from
Nervous Debility, Loss of Mnuhood, etc., sup-
Written by one who cured himself, after under
going couuidernble quackery, nnd scut free on re
ceiving a post-paid directed envelope.
June R, '72. Omos. Brooklyn, N. Y.
At Montnndon, Sept., Otli, of Typhoid fever,
HERBERT LEE, son of Wesley and Annie C.
Auien, aged 4 years and 23 days.
At llcrndon, North'd county Pa., by Ooo. W.
Coble, J. P., Pitii.ii Siiaffkk, of Snyder co., Pa.,
uud MissbAKAU Komx, of Schuylkill co. Pa.
I'loiir iiiiil CI nil Mnrket.
Extra Family $13.00 Red Wheat, p. bu.,SJ. 00
Huekwticat, p. ct., ft.Oi) live,
Coru Meal, " .5i) Cyrn, 1
Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.5U, Buckwheat 1
Short", a. DO Oats, lltf lbs.,
Com . Oats Chop, 'J.nti Flaxseed,
n -.
liuiothy Seed, p. b. i.w
t'roiliicc Jlurlict.
Potatoes, 50 Hams, 15
Fires, per doss., 18 Tallow, rt
Butter, per lb., !15 Country Snap, 8
Lard, " 1U Diicd Apples, 13
Sides, " 10 " Peaches, 111
Shoulders. 14
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
Respectfully Informs the ciilzcns of Sunbury anil
v ic l ii it v , l liot lie lias opcum a
on Fourth Street, below Market. In tlie Mullen
I buililinir, and that he is prepared to make up all
kin.l.i of
Inthelatc-t style. Havimr had much exper
ience in tlie business ho desires the public to give
him a trial.
Clothimr vtill be made up In the lutci-t Palis
: and American Fashions lu the most satisfactory
j Aug.lT.'W.-tf. CHARLES MAIIIL.
EV;io.sol A in cikI ii: rut
to hii:
Constitution ot Pennsylvania
Joint ICfMOliiiioii
Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution ol
A'.' i7 ivvidv'f hi the Si Hilti: unit House i.l' ,Vnv-tt'-ntut
i-'t'x th Ctiimutiuii't 'lith i'f i'ltiiisyli ahitl in
(i mi-iil AwihUi uft. 'I hat tbe followingaiiieiid
ineiii of the Con-tit ution of thi- Commouwvillh
be proposed to tin- people fur their adoption or
reject ion. pursuant to the provisions of the
article thereof, to wit :
AMK.')Mi:XT :
Strike the sixth i-tioti of the sixth article
of Ihc Con-til ution, and ii;-.-il iu lieu thereof the
billowing: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen
bv the oiialllied eleetois of the State, at such
times and for such term of service as shall be
prescribed bv law."' j
S"euker of th i House ol llcpre-ciit itives. i
Speaker of Senate.
Armnivni The twenty-second day of March,
Anno Domini one Ihu-usuhd cbht htiiulre.1 and
scvciil v-two. i
Pr.-pured am', e.-rtilied for publication pursuant
to tlie Tenth Aiticle of I In- Constilntiou. .
Secretary of the Common" eallh. i
fJlllee Seei-Ltary of tlie Commonwealth, t
Harrisbiirg, June J'ith, 1"T-J. i i
June "., 1-
. ,i!ll.
tor our grcal
Til,- iiio-t aitraetive and y.-ilablc thin." out. ll
i-- indi-peiisable to men. of all pcn'ic-, farni.-hin'.'
ju-t the fu '-is an I lie...' s needed, lor every day
referenei ; by every i.ue'.iL'ei.t voter. A,'ei;ts are
.selliai; I'lolil
15 ( .to u Stay.
The me. si liberal term Send for descriptive
circulars. Ad lie-s
Di i firi.D
a'.M. 711
ASHMKAD. Publislier,
iiisom St., I'liiladelphia.
Dnii iTii) i.o;s.
.(ITH I". is hereby niven that I have taken up
in tin Susouehaiina river, in Jackson
sliip, Noi l 'hi in Sethi ii d countv, l'a.. on thel.ilh
day of Au-n-t. IsT.', NlNKTV-SlX l.oi. with
tlie mark of "N. C. Kreck V Co."' upon them.
The owner or owners are reiiuested to come for
ward, prove propeitv, pay churnes and take lliein
away, or else they will be disposed of according
to law.
.. T. HOOVE!?.
Jaekfou twp. Ale;. "1, lsf.'.-Ut.
Seu.l for Il.M STUATro Cut
ei i.ii ami Pun k l.i-r. I
( L NNINtillAM .V Hll.l., ;
No. !.''J1, Clll lil'll STKKKr. 1
June s,
W. H. Blanks,
Decorating and Paper Haugii g done In the
latest Improved style.
Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at
tention. Residence in Purdytown, Emerick's building.
Sunbury, May- ll,'is;j.-tf.
.MISS K ATI: It I. At K,
1i.Ack Silks from Si 50 to i'2 00.
Japanese Silks, Silk l', I'lai I Poplins,
Mixed Poplins, II mini from i'o cents toil 00.
itoi.i.v VAitii:.s.
Ch!ntp-s, Deluins, ,Vc. I'reueli Muslins, Mar
seilles tjuilts. Kid tiloves, illi hillelo ,
uud double buttons. i
I. ii f t S li ii nit, j
A general assoilinent of White floods.
LAWXS, (aNtillAMSnnil l'HiLI-,
Dl-.llSS TKlMMlNliS, LACKS, Ac, sold t.l
great lv reduced prices. i
Siinbury, May is, ls73.
ll. W. KKKFKIt, It. A. ClAss.
i Dry (iooils, Xotious, Funiisliinsf
j (iooils, (inn-crii's. Oil C'lollts, i
CJlass ami Mails. I
i of every variety, at one low price,
Corner of 1'oliith and Market Streets,
All kinds of drain taken in exchange same as
cash. Call and see us. .
Sunbury, April 27, 1ST"). :
.lli'Nsrs. iiiin r.H A It(VI I(,
Third Street, opposite Central Hotel,
KEEP constaully on Land llie very Hidccst
of fresh
whieli is sold at the luwe-t prices. Meal lau bo
had ut all hours during the day,
Sunbury, Pa., Juae b, lsTJ. "
Popular Clothing Store.
Jusl opened, an
The largest ever ofl'.'vei in tliis town. Clolhina to ruU nil tastes. Clntliin fur till uc-
cumoub, lroin the i!aiii'jst orktntx (
Boys' and Youths' Clothing
This (c):irlnicnt W well stocked with a ltirgo vnricly of goods ofall colors, rjunliliis and
styles. All cloUiiiiK w made to my own order, by tho best iiiccliiinies, and
conibino durability aud stixtislli with neatness and style.
Hals ail a Cans for Men ail Boys.
An enormous nssortincnt in this line, inchulin the very latest in Xew York autl l'liila-
del)liia styles.
The most ina'.'iiilteent stoek to he found ouIk'kIo of the large cities. The vcrv latest in
everything. Xeekware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and tr-pveitiUy :t
full line of the best makes in
Khii't.s and Gents' Undcrware.
find numerous other articles.
Dii'mg by fur tho largest business in my line in tho county, and Inivtii;
lies for cash, 1 tun able to oiler superior inducements and sell at LOW Lit
any of my competitors.
Lverybody is respectfully invited to call and examine the largest stock ever seen iu
this place.
Comer Market and Tliird Streets, Sunbury, Pa.
Sunbury, S jit. U. !S7.'.
J ?
Ml S
Clement ISlock,
Now Heady,
Seliool Hooks,
School Stationery,
WA I.I. I'AIT.!: at Keaikv.l l'l-K-oa
a a
CAS, CUUDi:!) ALl'Al'l'AS,
f ft 77" W W
Ill-lain.-, T'K-kinjrP, Motions in iivut 'ario!y.
ooll ami "Willow Waro.
! r
p", rr-s. -tk, nri
: 'f ...
ivtit varirtv, lowir
Wall Paper and
S Q-oto JIISriN EY'S
J Tor tint (Jivatost Variety ii' ( iool ! I'ricf.s tlio I.ovc-sr '
" arrivinur l)ai!v,
Aire nt for the Victor Sewing 3Fnchine.
JtlAUKIlT fcTItr.I'.T, oin- tlooi-u.
Suuliury, May 4,
1ST'. !.
enormous Stock of
IdIIics to tlie linubt aim most iusluotiiiiJlo
; Ittrse qtinnti
l'H ICE'S than
?; ' ' tr-
k Ml Fntr 1
Sunbury, Pa.
Xull Supjjlies of
Oisiee Stationery,
&e., &e 5cc.
toMako Uoom forNKW STUCK.
C5- O
vl'M liitnU,
Floor Tal
ami Stair il Cloi Ls. r,
than the 1
Wl'St 111 I'l'llV.
Window Shades.
of t.f.irlitirtN onU i t loiu rj More,