tonbnrg American. STJNBUBY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1872. Railroad Time Table. P. ft E. R. R Gomo Northward. Krle Mall, leaves at - 0:05 a m Niagara Express, " " 1SS:80 p m Mail, " " 4:80 pra Xrle Express, " " 6:50 p m N. C. R. W Gomo Southward. Erie Mall, leaves at 13:45 a m Krle Express, ' 7:40 a m Mail, .. ll:P5am Niagara Express, " 6:30 p m The Erie Express train remains here about 80 ailuutes for breakfast. Sckmjrt ft Lkwistowh R. R. Mall train leaves at T.80 a. m., and arrives nt 7.50 p. m. Fast Line leaves at 8.40 p. ra., and arrives at 1.60 p. m. BnAMORiN Valley R. R. Mall leaves nt 12.85 p. m.. for Bhamokln and arrives nt 8.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Carmel at 4.40 p. in., and arrives at 9.25 a. in. D. n. A W. R. R. Trains leave for Now York, via Ilazleton at 6.80 a. m., and arrives at 8.85 p. m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J. Shlpman, Ticket Agent at the Depot. Iiot-al Affairs. Bbwino Machines. -Miss Caroline Dalius is tho tigent for tho sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, viz i "Tho Improved 8ingcr," "Grover ft Baker," "Howe," end "Dotni'stlc," which are constantly on hand and sole' a. rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frnntz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and sco them. O'flco on Market street, east of the railroad. Thb highest prices are paid for Grey Squirrels, Frogs, Turtles, tec, by Win. Reese, of the St. Elmo Eating Saloon, In Pleasant' buildings, Sunbury, Pa. Fob Sale a young Cow, part Aldcrncy. En- qulre nt this office. TniRD year of Miss Hogarth's English and French school, Sunbury, Penn'n. The Full term will commence Monday, September ICtb, 1072. Monet Sent to Europe. Drafts at sight on the Rojal Bank of England, City Bank, London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Pails, Berlin, and all parts of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Sweeden, Denmark and Jtily. Also, passage tickets to and from Liverpool, Quecnstonu, Lon donderry, Glasgow, tc, &c. for sale by Jacob Shlpman, ticket agent nt this place. Tub peach crop In our county is the largest grown for many years. A Susdat School pic nie will bo held In the grove near Seven Points, In Lower Augusta twp., on Saturday, September 21st. Ministers of the Gospel nnd others nre Invited to participate. We regret to learn that Division No. 257, Sons of Temperuti", of this place, was compelled to suspend operation) for the want of encourge incut nnd support, us the Order is a good one, nud was a great benefit to t lie community. A Grant, Wii.sox nnd Hahtrasft club was organized ut Sliamokiu ou Thursday evening Inst. Judge Helfemtlne delivered the opening address, Upwards of 250 names v. ere enrolled. Tub contract for the building of the car shops nt Northumberland, has been uwnrded to Mr. James Bachelor, for the sum of twelve thousand dollars. The work Is to be completed by the lbt of January next. We arc Indebted to A. Rodrlguc, Esq., for spe cial favors, which we give our subscribers the bcneUt of with this issue. Tub "Clement House," ou Third street, this place, which ha become very popular with the traveling community, through Its proprietor, Mr. Jus. Tufts, Is being painted nnd sanded on the ( outsli'e. This Improvement will still add mole to the appearance of the house and tho comfort of its guests. Accident in hie EvtscorAL Ciiuiicn. Mrs. Jane Graham, of Northumberland, met with quite a serious uccldent In the Episcopal church, lu this place, on Sunday last. She had been to the alter partaking of the sacrament, und on re taining to her scat made n uiUlep, and being quite feeble, fell against tho corner of a pew, breaking her left arm below the shoulder. She was taken to the residence of Dr. Martin, on Front street, where she was visiting, who ren dered the necessary suiglcul aid. We are happy to learu that she is dolus ns well as could be ex pected. The Ht. Elmo. This first-class eating saloon is having a large share of custom. It Is a neat, cozy, comfortable place, nnd meals nro served up in the best style at all hours. Uncle Bill Reese und lady superintend the establishment, who are acknowledged as having but few supe riors. Foot M ashed. Mr. Gideon Brosclous an em ployee at the P. & E. shops at the upper cud of town, In pushiug a truck ou the railroad, on Monday last, accidentally got his foot under the wheel and had It mashed. Dr. A. C. Clark was called on w ho dressed the wound, which Is con sidered not dangerous but extremely paiuful. Fresu Sai-sage. The first sausage of the sear sou were sold in market on Tuesday last by Mr. II. Ncuer, butcher of this place. As Mr. Neucr is noted for making the best of sausage and pudding, bis lot was sold out in a short space of time. Hereafter every market morning he will be found on tbe north-east corner of Market Square with a full supply of beef, pork, suusago and pudding. Suicide. Mrs. Hutchinson, residing on East Market street, lu this borough, committed suicide ou Tuesday night, September 8, by taking luuda num. Desertlou by her husband, slander and remorse was tbe cause. Her body wee taken to Luzerne county on Thursday by her father. Ex-Governor Pollock has consented to ad dress his uutucrous friends In Northumberland county on the Issues of our Nutloual affairs, at three different places iu the county. At Milton, on Saturday. Sept. 14th ; Sunbury, on Thursday, Sept. 26th and nt bhamokln, on Friday, October 4th. As ex-Goveruor Pollock Is well known throughout the county. It Is hoped that voters of all parties will attend tbe meetings above stated, and hear their friend aud fellow-citizen on the Issues now before the people. The Hon. J. B. Pucker will also be present to address ttie ubove meetings. A cordial Invitation Is exteuded to all political parties to attend. Death of a Prominent Citizen. We regret to learu of the death of Jesse Yocutu, Fsq., a highly respected and much esteemed citizen of of Northumberland, on Tuesday last. Mr. Yo onm hud been afflicted for several years past with parulysis. In his death this commuuity bus lost a good citizen; the church a devoted christian, aud his family a kind and affectionate father. Thb Re.r. A. D. Hawa, now pastor of the Third street Presbyterian church of Williamsport, and formerly of Sbamokln, has received a unanimous call to tbe pastorate of tbe Second Presbyterian eh inch of Zanesvllle, Ohio. This city contains some 25,000 iuhuhitauts, and the charge to which Mr. II. is called comprises S00 members, and is . VU leading Presbyterian charge of tbe city. A RgMARKABt.i AcoitiBHT. A few days ago Mr. William F. Eckbert, of this place, drove up to tbe Main saw mill In a buggy, accompanied by a little daughter. When returning, about the middle of Mr. Bchnure's peach orchard the wind blew off tbe little girls hat, nnd Mr. Eckbert got out to pick It op. At he was doing so, the horse started with the little girl In the buggy. Mr. Eckbert got hold on tho rear of the buggy, but fell. He held on to tho hind axle suspended by his arms, and whilst the horse was running quite fast he mauuged to crawl forward along the coupling pole till he got hold with both hands on tho frpnt axle. He did this In the hope that the Hue would full down and drag and tbnt he could secure It and stop the horse. But the line had fallen over the (lather and did not reach the ground. At tho willows above Schoch's ware house Mr. L. R. Hummel encountered the runa way and attempted to stop him, but he threaten ed to go over the bank, and so ho let him pass and then suddenly jumped Into the rear of the buggy, seized the line and stoppc' the horse. Up to this time he was not aware there was really a man under tbe baggy, as Mr. Eckbert had very much changed oppenrnnce, and didn't just then look like a man. The road Is rough and stony. His shoos nnd stockings were torn off) tho clothes were rent Into shreds on his back, and his panta loon legs were entirely gone, and bo was covered from head to foot with mnd and blood and many sore cuts and bruises. He drove homo himself, but has since been confined to bed, and tbe Doc tor thinks It will require a week to enable him to be out again. Sclimgrovi Timet. Tns Simplest Known Cikk for Diarrhcea or Summer Complaint. Take about one gill of rice and place In a spider over tho Ore, stirring It constantly until thoroughly brown. Do not burn It. As soon as it is thoroughly brown, All tho spider with boiling water and let it boll until the mass is of tho consistency of thin paste. If the rice Is not cooked perfectly soft, add a little more water and let it boil away again. Bo careful at the last moment that it docs not burn on the bottom. When cooked soft, turn Into a bowl, sweeten with loaf or crushed sugar aud salt to suit the taste. Eat in milk. The editor of this paper Iiub made use of the ubove remedy for nearly twenty years t has in duced hundreds of others to use it, and never knew of Its failure to cure in a few hours. A remedy so simple, so harmless and so readily ac cessible, should be published In every paper In the land. Wenonah Advance. Northern Pacific Railroad Bonds. We refer our readers who desire to make a safe and profitable Investment to the advertisement of Jny Cooke & Co., whose Bonds bear an annual Interest of 7 3-10 in gold, payable every six months. Holders are exempt from Govern ment tax, and being secured by a first and only mortgage on the entire road und all Its equip ments, and also on a tract of 500 acres of land for every Thousand Bond Issued. They nre in fact, a real estate security, and may be ranked among tho safest and best Investments to be made. Bonds for sale nt the First National Bank of Sunbury, nnd the First Nutloual Bunk of Nor thumberland. Grant, Wilson and llAUTRAsrT. The large bunting displayed from the rooms of the Grant nnd Wilson club now bears tho names of the standard bearers of the Republican party. Tbe uumcs of Grant, Wilson and llartrnult were painted by John C. Miller, of this place, and in execution w e consider it the best specimen of let tering done In Sunbury. A gentleman residing not a hundred miles from this place, "confidentially" Informed us, yesterday, that he had lots of "Sunday visitors," ns long ns his choice old rye whiskey lasted. Since he has laid lu an ample supply of fmll oil, ,iiraUuca . - ln llgurC, (Warranted tO Kill ut forty yards, If tho rodents get the smell of it,) his Sundnv calls lire few nnd far between. Pettt PiL?EitiNO. Soma of onr denies in fruit Justly complain that many Inconsiderate persons who would scorn the Idea of being thought dishonest, who do not hesitate in passing along, to pick up fruit from tho stauds und eat it or carry it away. At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Soldiers' Monument Association of Northum berland county, the following persons were ap pointed to canvass Sunbury und I'urdytown for subscription to the f und : N. W. Ward A. N. Briee nnd Heber Painter. S. W. " Jno. K. Clement, E. M. Hueher. N. E. " G. B. Cndwallarter, J. .1. Smith. S. E. " P. 11. Moore and L. M. Yoder. Furdj town Thud. 8. Shannon. It is hoped that the above cauvussers will meet with a liberal response from the citizens of this place aud Purdytown. A Fine Military Clothing Hoi-se. George Evans ft Co., No. 014 Market street, Philadel phia, have now one of the most complete one price clothing storts in that city. Their special ty in manufacturing military clothing is widely known throughout the country. We were shown some specimens a few days ago that will not be excelled anywhere. They are now engaged in making suits for whole regiments, and orders are sent in from every State in the Union. The famous Wutkins Glen, located nt tho head of Seneca Lake, Wutkins, Schuyler county, N. Y., has become one of the most popular summer resorts iu America. LaFl year the Lumber of visitors reached 50,000, and an increase of 10,000 ot 20,000 is anticipated during the sensou of HVJ, List of Letters remaining in the Post Office, at Sunbury, Pa., September 28, 1S"2: Edwin L. Bergetrcsser, Mrs. Mary Bennett, Mrs. Elon Candling, William Eyster, Q. 8. Hoi leiibueh, Art Juqiiins, Mrs. Vastie Oruer, Michael Kelly, Daniel Latsha, r rauklin Lark, Mr. Kerner, (Agent Spriug Bed Bottom), Rev. C. II. Suvidge, Kooerl etepuens, Mrs. Carrie Scott. J. J. SMITH, f. M Fob the American, by Request. Am Obti se Concmuh'm. If a man plants a watermlllion seed next to his fence and that ere watermilllnn seed sprouts and grows up Into a watermilllnn vine, and that ere wutermlllion vine grows and meanders thro that ere fence Into an other man's lot adjacent, aud in that other man's lot so adjacent tbut ere watermillion viuu that so sprouted from that ere watermillion seed, nnd so meandered through that ere fence into this ere other man's lot adjacent therein consolidates and homologates into a watermillion, then the question is to which of these ere two men did this ere watermillion so homologated belong 1 to tne man that planted that ere watermillion seed that so spmuted and growed up Into that ere watermillion vine that so meuudered lliron this era fence Into this ere other man's lot adja cent where so promulgated the wutermlllion that so exerggitated from that ero watermillion vine that meandered thro this ere fence and so sprout ed from that ere waterniilllcu seed that that ere mau that plunted. J. Fihe I Fire ! lusurance ou any kind of pro perty should never be neglected. All property wants to be insured in good and reliable coinpa Dies, so when losses occur that tbe money is at once paid over. Among the most popular aud punctual lusurance Companies Is tbe People's Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Thou sands Insure In this company ou account of safe, ty, reliability and prompt payment of losses, Life insurances are taken ut the lowest rates con. sisteut with security. For further particulars ypij u inuian o. uossier, agent, Buubury, fa, Onb rent pays postage on tho American. Bend a copy to your friend, and a.k him to subscribe. Tui political campaign Is waxing hot. Street aiseuMions on political matters are getting live- 'J. are of frequent Proceedings of I he tocntoeratie Count jr Con vet Ion. The Democratic Convention of Northumber land County assembled In the Court House, In Sunbnry, at 11 o'clock, a. m., on Monday, Sep. tember 8. The following were elected officers, Till President, W. D. Follmer, of Turbot town ship. Vice Presidents, D. L. Sherwood, of Point, and Jarorl Hartleln, of Shnmokla township. Secretaries, W. K. Erdman, Blmrr.okln boro., C. M. Lesher, Point, and John MeEllece, Mt. Carmel township. A committee of five was appointed to draft re solutions, Tls i Geo. W. Ryon, S. D. Jordan, M. E. Bueher, James Mowrer and J. P. Hllkert. The Secretaries proceeded lo make a roll of Delegates, as the latter presented their proper credentials. Whole number of delegates-clghly-flve, repre senting every District In tho county fully. Adjourned to meet at 1 o'clock, p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Convention convoned agreeably to adjnurn metit, Rt 1 o'clock, p. m. A committee of nine was appointed to hold conference with a like committee, appointed by tho Liberal Republicans of Sunbury. The com mittee, upon Its return, reported that the Inter view resulted In an agreement tu co-operate for the success of the Demeerntlo National, State and County tickets. 8. P. Wolverton, Esq., of Sunbury, was then nominated by acclamation ns candidate for Dele gate to tho Constitutional Convention, with the privilege to select his own conferees. Hon. W. L. Dewui t was nominated as candi date for Congress. Candidates fur the Assembly nomination were then presented, and balloting commenced. First ballot. A. T. Dewlu,3 j D. C. Disslng er, 24 J. E. Eichholts, 18 Geo. W. Zelgler, 1 1 J. B. Newbaker, 2 Jeremiah Snyder, 6.-85. Second ballot. A. T. Dcwitt, 89 i I). C. Dis elngcr, 28 t J. E. Elchholtz, l!j Geo. W. Zelg ler, 1 1 J. B. Newbaker, 2 Jeremiah Snyder, 8. 85. G. W. Shlglcrwns withdrawn under the rules. Third ballot. A. T. Dcw itt, 41 ( D. C. Dis slnger, 85 ; J. E. Elchholtz, 9.-85. J. E. Elchholtz whs withdrawn under the rules. Fourth bullot. A. T. Dewltt, 4i ; D. D. Dis slnger, 41. Dr. Dcwitt having received a majority wus de clared nominated, and the nomiuutiou was made unanimous. Mr. Weaver, through G. W. Ron, informed the Convention that be had withdrawn as a can didate for the nomination. First ballot. Charles Haas, 5 Wm Hoover, 13; Isaac D Raker, 8; John R Kuutltnnn, 7 John C Morgan, 37 1 John Albert, 6; Ed T Drumheller, IS ; Bnstian Stepp, 1 85. Second liallol. Charles Haas, 5 j Wm Hoov er, 14 ; I I) Raker, 3 t J R Kaufiman, 7 i J C Morgan, 40) Jno Albert, 5: E T Drumheller, 1185. Third ballot. Chas Hansj 4 Wm Hoover, U; I D Raker, 2 ; J R Knuirmnn, 5 j J C .Morgan, 40 i Jno Albert, 6 j E T Drumheller, 985 Johu C. Morgan having received a majority of all the votes was declared nominated for Sheriff, and the nomination was made unanimous. Candidates for the Pmihonotory nomination were then made, nnd balloting ordered. First ballot. w H r Weimer. 15: Wes cv Auten, 16; W D Haupt, 20 ; J II MeCormiek, 7; G W Armstrong, 11 ; Wm B Irwin, 7--85. Second ballot. W K r Weimer. 2 s W Auten. 7; W Haupt, 31 ; J MeCormiek, 13 ; G W Arm strong, 21 ; W Irvin, 1 85. Third ballot. W 11 r Weimer, 15; W Auten, ; W Haunt, 81 ; J MeCormiek, 7 i G W Arm- trong, 23 ; W Irwin, 185. Mr. Irwin was withdrawn under the rules. Fourth ballot. W R F Weimer, (I ; W Auten, ; W Haupt, 31 ; J MeCormiek, 3 ; G W Arm strong, 44 85. G. W. Armstrong having received a maloritv of all the votes was declared nominated for Pro thonotary, aud the nomination was then made unanimous. Candidates for the Commissioner nomination were then named, and balloting ordered. rlrst ballot. Simon uouncr,20; Isaac Reitz. 24 ; Tims Snyder, 3 ; D 8 Reilz, 28 ; J J Bhov- lln, 185. Second ballot. Simon Bohncr. 24 1 Isaac Rcitz, 14; D S Rcltz, 4785. D. h. Keltz having received a mi'.Witv of all the votes was declared nomluated for County Commissioner, and the nomination was made unanimous. Candidates for Coroner were next named nnd balloted for. On the first ballot W. J. Gasklns received 22 votes, J. W. Taylor 33, and Michael Wilvert 13. The second ballot resulted us lol- r,,r i, ' Tivlnr 45. Mr. Tavlor was lien declared me nominee. ----. Wellington Hummel was nominated for Audi tor by ueciaination. Ueorge W. liyon was nominate by ncclumn- lon ns benutoilul Delegate to the next Ucmo. cratic State Convention. Lemuel Shlpman was nominated by acclama tion ns Representative delegate to the same con vention. The committee on resolutions reported the fol lowing, which wero adopted unanimously : We. the. representatives ot tne Democratic nnd Conservative citizens of Northumberland County n convention iiseemblcd, bellevimrtliat the Demo cratic and Libera! pa i tie is fell the right und duty to re-establish the principles of the faithful and eci noinical administration of the utluirs of our Government, both National aud State, pub is!) the lolloHiug resolutions : J'ctolvcJ, Thai we heartily approve and endorse the platform of principles us enunciated by the lute Liberal Republican Convention at Cincin nati, and re-iitlirmed and endorsed by the Na tional Democratic Convention which assembled In the city of Baltimore, July 9th, 1872, and re cognize iu it n platform pledged to reform nnd the maintenance or the power and rights of the people of the several States nud a guarantee to each und every State the privileges belonging to Iter tinner the Constitution, a platform pledged to secure the rights of the people against legisla tive corruption unci usurpation, nnd to maintain inviolate the Constitution of the united States. Ittxiih'Cil, Thai we cordially approve of the resolution by ho National Democratic Conven tion, of Hon. Horace Greelev, of New York, und Hon. B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri, ua the Na tional standard bearers of the party, and we will aid the people of the United States in electing them lo the ouices ol l'resldeul aud Vice frest dent. Jlenulved, That the late Democratic State Con vention, in presenting the honored name of Chas. R. Buekalew lor Governor of the houe-t and In corruptible citizens of our State, wo feel nssured that they done so with full confidence that they appealed to the best judgment of a large majori ty oi tne people ami ine sound patriotism of our Commonwealth, und in the candidates associated with him wo feel nssured that worthy representa tives of the people aud tbeir best Interests have been selected. Uttolied, That we recognize and believe that there is great need of reform iu both the Natiounl aud State administration, and that the only way to put a stop to the squandering of the hard eurniugs of the people by coiruptioj and fraud. Is to make a thorough and radical change iu the administration of our affairs by driving tbo ro- nominatlonisis Horn power. Jietulftd, That, In conclusion, we appeal to all lovers of Liberty and Union to unite with ui lu ridding the Government of these unfaithful men and pulling iu power men who will administer the Government In the spirit of reconciliation, nouesiy aua aouity. BLE83IN03 brighten as they take their Sight. The cliieT of blessings is good health, without which nothing is worth tbe having ; it is ulways appreciated nl Its true value after it is lost, but, too often, uol before. Live properly, and cor- reei minimus Dctore lucy oeeome seuieu. ror diseases of tbo liver, kidneys, skin, stomach, and ttll nrlellliv l.-nm l.r..... ..J 1. 1,. .... ......... iui).uig Bllu imui. I1,UUU U I . Walker's Cullfornia Vinegar Bitters area sure and speedy remedy. It has never yet fulled lu a single intluuce. a'Jt,4w. Business Notices. We wish lo impress all onr readers that Thos. G. Nott continues to furnish the most excellent clothing. All suits are made to order and war ranted to fit. . He is uow selling off to make room for full goods. Now is the time to make bar gains. Tbi great remedy to keep fever away is to keep the feet dry. During the lute rainy seasou It eould scarce be avoided, but we learn that W. II. Miller of tbe Excelsior, keeps boots aud shoes that are warranted, aud the feet are kept perfect ly dry during any ralu. He also keeps oa hand variety unequaled In this part of the State to select from for any kind of wear. A mew and splendid assortment of Furniture has just been opened at B. L. Raudenbush's store, Id Masonic buildings. Great bargains are had dully by buyiug at that establishment. There Is a largor variety to select from than auy of the city stores. Every article of furniture for family ', use can be purchased there, and at more reasona ble prices than many of tbe Philadelphia eslab i Hebments. ' iMniMas.jum. StVtiSH 8pr:no A!f,i StiMintn tut; A largo supply of sty ).h Bpiltig iin,l Sumniei v-ts lo' suit all fanci-i and ta-les has Just been reeclV. nt 8. Faust's sWe, Market Square. Aspclu!ly In straw hats ; aii tho lightest; coolest n?i,1 feit cst lint lu use Is tiu ventilated casslmcrc lint. A large stook to solec irom, stylish ponds : nd rca-, sonnblo prices. Cal and examine before p" charing elsewhere. Dsr.l.r VAiMWNSTit Welmcr's. Irish Poti.iss nt Wrlmer's. Plaiw I'oM.issiit Weimar's. Plain I'ori.iNsnt Welmer's. Chintzes ut WtimofV SrniNU Biawi.s it Welmcr's. An endless variety of Goods fif Ladles'j Gent's and Children wearl . , Cam. nnd su for yomxolves. No trouble to show Goods. Special Notices. TH1T C0NFEScol0NS0F AN INVALID. LUBLia'lEn as a warntmiand for tho benefit of fcrnj mm i"J vtfort who suffer from Nervous Lebliily, Loss or Manhood, etc., sup plying THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by one who cured himself, after under going consldcnitiie qtincKery.una sent rree on re. ceivlng a post-paid dircct-d envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June 8, '72. tlmos. Brooklyn. N. Y. o s .1 e . a - . j o f In Z s K 5 ! S a ; o 5; . - H t 1 - a iu y .2 r. Ps Ui 0 o O o .5, a bo a c M 1 4 "5 4! a h M 5 .!u & 7 3i GO j s : 5 : a i .S - S u t s i." E 'r r o - 2 r o u .t: v ,: On Marriage. Essays for Young Men, ou Great Social Evils nnd Aliases, which interfere with Marriage, ond ruin the hnppluese of thou sands with sure means of relief for the Erring nnd Unfortunate, deceased nnd debilitated. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, frco of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO Till: Kl'FFERISCi. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing In Brazil as a missionary, discovered In that land of medicines a remedy for Consumption, KnitOFi'LA, Sour Tiikoat, Coruns. Colps, Asthma, anp Nkuvoi s Weakness. This rein edv hui cured myself after ull other mediclues had failed. Wishing to benefit tho suffering. I will send the recipe for preparing nnd using this remedy to all who desire it f HER OF CHARGE. Please send an envelope, with your name and address on it. Address, Rev. WILLIAM II. NORTON, C7t HitnAitWAT, Oct. 141871. ly. Sew Youk Citt, Senilis. In this place, on the 11th nit., J JI1N KEL LER, sou of Samuel and Katharine Keller, uged S years, 10 months und 28 days. Sl.MllKV 71 AUlik.TN. riour and (.ralu .Market. Extra Family 13.00'Ued Wheat, p. bn.,f Buckwheat, p. et., 5.00 Rye, " Corn Meal, " 3.5;i Com, " .00 80 70 1.00 50 Wheat Bran, p. bit. 1.50 Buckwheat Shorts, ".GO Oats. Ha lbs.. Corn & Oat-i Chop, 2.0J Flaxseed, Timothy Seed, p. b. U.00' Vrotltire TOnrktt. r . v.. . - Eggs, per don., ?0 Hams, Butter, per lb., . 35 'onilWj Lard, " Vi lrl;d Applet, Sides, " lllj " Peaches, Shoulders, dfirU) bbcrliamcnts. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, Respectfully informs the clllzcns nf Sunbury and vicinitv, I lull lie has opened a TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, In the" Mullen building, and that lie is prepared to make up ull kinds of til'-XT?' AXD IIOYVV hi ITS, in the latest stylus. Having bad much exper ience in the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will bo Hindu up In the latest Pails nnd American Fashions iu the most satisfactory manner. Aug.l7,'T2.-tf. CHARLES MAIIIL. Iroiuitrl Amendment TO Till! Constitution of Pennsylvania Joiut Itcsiolutioii Proposing an Amendment to tho Constitution ol Pennsylvania. Be it resohril by tin Semite and Jfoute of Hcprt tentative of the Commonwealth of rentaylvania in General Ateeinbly met, '1 hat the lollowini: amend ment of tlie Constitution of tills Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the teulh urticle thereof, to wit : AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth section of the sixth article of tho Constitution, and Insert In lieu thereof the following: "A State Treusurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times ami for such term of service us shall be prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES 8. RUT AN, Speaker of Senute. Approved The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred und seventy-two. JNO. W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Teulh Article of the Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Ofllce Secretary of the Commonwealth, i Harrlsbiirg, June 20th, lUT'J. June 29, 1872. 3m. - f(( 1U.UUU ' Agents Wanted for our great I PlklitirMtl fulfil 1111 It'll fllliirf,. . ..... . The most attractive and salable thing out. It Is Indispensable to men of ail parties, furnishing Just the facts and figures needed, for every day reference) by every intelligent voter. Agents are selling from 19 to 30 a Hay. The most liberal terms. Bend fur descriptive circulars. Address, DUEEIELD A8I1MEAD, Publisher, 4. 711 Suusoni rit., Philadelphia. lKIFTt:i LOUN. NOTICE Is hereby given tliut I have taken up In the jJuii'iuchanna river, la Jackson town ship, Northumberland conutv. Pa., on the day of August, 187J, NlNETY-SlX LOCJs, with the mark of 'N. C Freck t Co." upon them. Tbe owner or owners ure requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges und take them away, or ! they will be disposed of according to law. Z. T. DOOVER. Jackson twp. Ang. 81, 187i -3. Pay Up. All persons Indebted lo the undersigned, on Note or IV. cU account, wid please call and Settle or their accounts will tin given tu a Justice of the Peace for cuiiaollou. J. B. MA&kER. Bunbury, July 90, 1872. ' -jSJST APPEAL To lK'bilitnttil l'ersons, 1'u Dvajte.ptir.s, TV f 'llurcis IVom T.lver Complaint, lo tl"ti Imvliifr m A.niM!tite. To those wih Uiokfti Dorm Uonslitu- tons, To Nervous PeO. To Child n n Wnstin tu wnv. Ofinv with Pubiliutuil Lfty, Mivo OrsrntiS, Or ;i;eTt mj tc ith any of iht fn'hnnincj pS mjAortti. which indicate JJisotsUred Liver btomacli, such i Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to tbo Head, Acid ' Ity of the Stomach, Nanea, Heartburn, Disgnft for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stom ach, SonrErnclations.Slnklngor Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing at the Hen rt, Clinking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain lu the Head, Deficien cy or Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin ami Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning in tlm Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, nnd Grent De pression of Spirits. MooflaiuVs German Hitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is different from all others. It Is composed ot the pure Juices, or Vital Phincipi.r of Roots, Uriins and Bakks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) tho worthless or Inert portions of the in gredients not being used. Therefore in one bot tle of this Bitters there Is contained nsmueli me dical virtue ns will be found In several gallons of ordinary mixtures. The Roots, itec., used In this Hitters are grown In Germany, their vital princi ples extracted ir. that country by a scientific Che mist, nnd forwarded to the manufactory In this citv, where they are coniponntea anil cornea. Containing no spir.tuous ingredients, this Biltcrs 1 free from the objections urged against nil oth ers i no desire for stimulants can be Induced from their use) they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, have uny but a benellclal effect. N 1'S GERMAN TOXIC, Was compounded fot those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, and Is intended for use In cases when some alcoholic stimulant Is required in CO ncetlon with the tonic properties of tho Bitters. Each bottle of tho Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ RUM, and flavored in such u manner that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a preparation highly ngreeable and pleasant to tho palate, und containing the medicinal vir tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic is 1. 50 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take Into consideration that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished nt n cheaper price, but is It not better to pay a little more and have n good orticlel A medicinal pre paration should contain uone but the best Ingre dients! nnd they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and be benefitted by It will most car tninly be cheated. Iloonaiilsi Scrmaii Bittern, or IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with IlOOF- land's roioiiijinn nil, will cure you. They are the Greatest BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, and w ill eradicate diseases arising from Immire blood. Debility of the Disgestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, lu a shorter time than any other kuown remedies. THE WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA tSPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Wuo woti.n ask Fon moiie Pionifif.d and STiioxonii Testimonv I ilon. Gf.okur W. Wo idwaiid, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, ut present Member of Congress from Peuusyl vanin writes : PiiiLAOELPiliA, March 10th, 1807. I find "Hoolland's German Hitters" Is n good tonic, useful lu diseases of the digestive organs, and of groat benefit in cases of debility, and wu'-t of nervous action In tho system. Yours, truly, GEO. W. WOODWAtvD. lion. Jamf.b Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. X3 - - . - r - . I consider "iloollaud's German Bitters" a val uable medicine In case of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I cuu certify this from my expe rience or it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. Gkokok Shaiiswooo, Justice of the Su- preme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, June 1, 1S08. I have found by experience t hat 'Hoofland's German Bitters" is u very good tonic, relieving dvspcptlc stinptouis almost directly. GEORGE SUARSWOOD. Hon. Wm. F. J!vjert, Mayor of the City of Buf falo, N. V. Mayor's Ofllce, Butralo, June 22, ISf.C. I have used "Hnotlaiiifs German Bitters and Tonic" in mv family during the tast year, and can recommend them ns an excellent tonic, im parting tone, and vigor to the system. Their ue has been productive of dc. 1 ledly beneficial ef fects. WM. F, ROGERS. Hon. Jamet .V. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Wllliams- Iiort, Pa. lake great pleasure in recommending "Hoof land's Geimun Tonic" to any one who may be ntllicted with Dyspepsia. 1 bad the Dyspepsia so badly it was impossible to keep Hny food on my stomach, nnd I became so weak us not to be able to walk half a mile. Two hottles effectod a perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD. REMEMBER THAT IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, aud IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Will Cure every Case of MARASMUS, or Wasting away of tho Body. REMEMBER that IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medicines yon require to puriry the Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, and to enujle you to puss safely through auy hardships or exposure. DR. IIOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN, or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a Dose. The most Powerful, yet Iuuoecut Cathar tic known. It Is not necessary to take a handful of these Pills to produce the desired effect t two of tliein net quickly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver, rtomach and Bowels of all Impurities. The principal Ingredient is Podophyllin, or tho Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which Is by many limes more powerful, ucling und searching than the Mandrake iiselt. Its peculiar action is upon tho Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc tions, with all the power of Mercury, yel free from the injurious results attached lo tho use of that mineral. For all diseases, lu which the use of a cathar tic is indicated, these pills will give entire eutis facliou lu every case. They never fail. In cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia aud ex tieino costlveness, Dr. llootlaud's Gerinuu Bit ters or Toni should be used iu connection with the Pill. The tonic elfeet of the Bitters or To nic builds up the system. The bitters or Tonic purities tbe Blood, strengthens the Nerves, regu lates the Liver, and gives slfrugtb, energy and vigor. Keep your Bowels active with tbe Pills, and tone up the system wilb Billers or Tonic, and no disease can retain the hold, or even assail joti. Recollect that 11 is DR. IIOOFLAND'S GER MAN hornedles that are so universally used and highly recommended t and do not allow the Dri-Hgist to induce you to take anything else that he may say Is Just as good, because be manes a larger profit ou it. These Remedies will be sent by Express to any locality, umh appliea tioutothe PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GER MAN MEDICINE 8TORE, 031 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jackson fe Co. These Reme dies are for Sale by Druggists, Storekeepers, and Medlr tew Dealon fveryrbsra. Uito fcbcrifetnrttts. Tvells' Carbolic Tablets Fon CoroHS, Cm.ns fe H.imisfnbss. Thr Tablets present the Acid lu Combination Wl 11 Ot liel" CUIi-ienv lenie.ire-, in u iuni umiii, . . .11 vminiT .i I I'.Vfl 1!- 1 !S Tor tile uure or uu iimvi mm iv.-.. tp.mrn. Ilonrsi'iief s and U.ceiation nf thoTlirnat . . i I1.....I.. V..11..VU.I null t Li'miti-nl fli'f !-..,- ! are nmiie'-miiij iw. i stnt'.tly being sent to the proprietor of redef In I enses of Throat diflienlti'-s of years standing. . UAI'TIO. Don 'f be deceived by worthless l,r.ti.,ilons. Get only Wells' CnrhoMe Tablets.! I t...i. on r,0r hox. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. bow: for Circular. in t " sireei, ii. i. s7,w Solo Apr.nt for United Btates. Q" fJ n dy to Agents, s!ilug Campaign Bad Cjp J..tlges, for Ladies und Gents as breast and scarf pins, gold otutcd with photographs of Presi dential Cuudldntes. Samples mailed free for .10 cents. McKAY A CO., 93dnr St., N. Y. HORACE G REELEY & FAMILY. An etegnr.t F.ngr.ivln?, perfect likenesses. 22x C8 Inches, sent by mall f 1, also. Campaign Goods, 1 silk Grant Badge aud 1 plated S5c. Sample latest styles Wedding cards. Notes. Ac, 85c. A. DE.MAREST, Engraver, s7,4w. 183 Broadway, N. Y. 1 JOLLY IRIMS SECRET. DIO LEWIS' New and Grealcst Work Is an Im mense success. 13th thousand In press. Agents delighted and coining monev. Agents Wanted everywhere. GEO. MACLEAN. Puhllshcr, 7",4w 7!J3 Snnsoin street, Phlla. AGENTS! S Send for circulars and cciul terms for "Mc- Clcllan's Republican ism In America." The fastest selling book out. J. M. STODDART A Co., Publishers, s7,4w. Philadelphia. i A M O IM D & RUBY FURNACES Powerful nnd Economical Heaters. Juincs A. Lawsou, Patentee. FULLER, WARREN & CO., s?,12w 230 Water St., New York j FREE TO BOOK "XG'ENTST An Elegantly Bound Cnnvnssing Book for tho j best and cheapest Family Bible ever published, , will be sent free of charge to any book agent. It j contains nearly 500 fine Scripture illustrations, nnd agents nre meeting Willi unprecedented suc cess. Address, stating experience, etc., and wo will show vou what our agents are doing, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. sT,4w. Philadelphia, i'a. AG EN TSTOTHE R ES C U E ! Scatter the truths among the people. RICH ARDSON'S PERSNNAL HISTORY of GRLNT tells more truth about the man than ull the pa pers iu tho world. If you want to know if Grunt is a thief, liar or drunkard read this hook. Agents can make large wages for the next few months selling it, ns it is wanted, and we give overwhelm ing commissions. Address. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Ct. AGENTS Campaign HAND BOOK Wanted. ) CITIZENS MANUAL. A Political Compcnd, for voters of nil parties. Lives of the Presidents, nud the the present Can didates. Constitution of the U. S., nnd Declara tion of Independence. Conxentlons nnd Plat forms. Election returns, the lust Census, Ac. 2.V) Pages i 30 Engravings j Price $1.2;. Sells at sight i $l0to?20 per daveasllv made. For Circulars, address DUFFIEL!) ASH.MEAD, s7,4w Publishers, mil 'a. Agents! Look Here! j There Is a Great Rush for the New Splendidly Illustrated Edition of ROBINSON CRUSO Bec.iiiF? it Is the most fascinating nnd popular book In print, ond excels ull in real elegance aud and low prices. Just out. pages, tinted pa- I lcr, only ti.M, easy worth 5.50. Is a Great j Hit, sells quick and fast. Terms of this and our , new Bibles, also, Agents' Pocket Companion free. I Write to liUBUAUU Hltos., t'uniisncrs. s7,4w U is uol a pn . fie. inen may give temporary relief to the sufferer for the first few doses, hut which, from continued use brings Piles nnd kiu- dred diseases to aid in weakening the Invalid, nor j is it a doctored liipioc, which, under the popular ! name of "Bitters" Is so extensively palmed off cm the public as sovereign remedies, but It Is a ' most powerful Tonic nnd alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of London ' and Paris, and lias been long used by the regular ' physicians of e ther Co. ;ut lies with wonderful re medial results. lU fillllM'lll C3b., k UU (1. I DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA!a7.V,biM, retains nil the medic 1 virtues peculiar to tho plant and must be taken us a permanent curative ngent. I Is there w ant of nclion In your Liver it Spleen I Unless relieved at once, tliu blood becomes Im pure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofu- ' lous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Ac, Se. Take Jtirubeha to cleanse, purify und restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you a Dyspeptic Stonineh 1 Unless di gestion is promptly aided the system Is debilita ted with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Tendency, General Weakuess or Lassi tude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, It will impart youthful igor to the weary sufferer. Have you weakness of the Intestines I You are iu danger of C hronic Diarrhoea or the dread ful Inflammation of the Bowels. Take It to allay ii i llation and ward off tendcu cy to Intlatnmatlons. Have you weakness of the Uterine oi Uilnary Organs I You must procure instant relief or you are liable to sulfering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or llfo becomes u burden. Finally 11 should be. frequently taken to keep the system In perfect health or you nre otherwise in great d inger of malarial, miasmatic or coula glous diseases, JOHN y. KFLLOGO, IS Piatt Ft.. N. Y. &olc Agent for the United States. Price, $1 per Bottle. Send for Circular. 4w GKXTJ WASTIvl) iu every county to sell a new work on our glorious country. ll is the result of three vears labor, bv James I). McCalie, Jr., the celebrated writer and Is entitled THE GREAT REPUBLIC. It contains more Information than a dozen cyclopedias Illustrated with over iOU superb en gravings. Is adapted for the coming political campaign, and ehould be owned by every voter. It sells belter than any other book, and pays bet ter to handle. For terms and territory, apply at once to WILLIAM B. EVANS iV CO., s7,4w Publishers, l'l.llad'n. pirfeederTj) A S E iewartiJurn&r Improved, Unrivaled Uneqcaleb. Bui ns ii 1 1 v size Coal. FULLER, WARREN & CO., 7,p2w Sllti Wuler St., New York. T O THE WORKING CLASS, male or femal. tOO a week guaranteed. Respectable em ployment nl home, day or evening t no capita! required full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent free by mail. Ad dress, with 6 cent returu slump. M. YOUNG A CO.. aC4,4w. 16 CourtlaniU H., New York. AGENTS WAHTrtt-fw th. u 4 Grant Greeley WILSON BR0W1J sfe aMaalsiliMiUcs. Ower 40 Btoel Portrait, worth iwhk llio cost of the hook. Wanted every where. Ageuts have wonderful success. rnd for circular. Address, Z1EGLER at MctTRDY, 619 Arch Street, Philadelphia, I s. aSi-w. &hsrcl(utuous. rtnrn A MONTIT easily muJe with Sten jsJVcll mi.l Kcj-Cl; lenk Dies Secure clr- cuinr nnd buinples, Vm. S. M. SPENCER, . Biutlleb'-iro, Vt. ,4w. Agents) M'antel for thn Autobiography ot The b.' nnd only edition written by himself (and for l?t . nmpwJii Manual, a book of the times for ail pnnies. Illustrated. One agent sold 80 In tvree days. , Also, for ncndiey's Llf of President Grant, and t plendld Portraits of Candidates. 300 a monlb Kinds.. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, K. Y, rust Premina aJl.IllSI.1871 Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closei, Broil ing Door, lender Oiiard, Dumping and Slinking (irate, Mrevt Draft. FULLER, WARKES CO., HBO Water Street, New York. a24-4w. . .i jiiij.iin i j.i.qj Don't Read This ! ! Good morning, Mrs. A., where are you bound for so early? - -. Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, i ou't yotl know Mr. Byerlv has bought out the Grocery and Confec tionery Store of Unas A Weaver, and is selling" nice fresh Grocei les, Canned Fruit, and In fact, everything in the Grocery line, cheaper than the chen pest, and I have got tired paying high prices, so I have made up my mind after this to patron ize Mr. Byerly. So good morning, Mrs. C. I must go. . Mrs. C., to herself. Well I am bound to And out for myself, and will go to Byerly's new cheap cash Grocery, the next time I want any Groceries!, t'oiifettionerleiior I'rlni Oystter. I will Just s.iy to all come and give nie a trial, nnd satisfy yourselves that there la one cheap cash Grocery in Sunbury. Remember Hie place, No. 11, South Third St., lu Clement House Building, Sunbury, Pn. 8. BYERLY. Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1M2. Bakery for Sale. The well known Bakery or W. II. Han?, on Fourth street, Sunbury, Including a good dwell ing house nnd ifood stabling uttachi d, Is offered for sule on reasonable terms. The Bakery is new nnd of good capacity, capable of baking 20 barrels of flour per week. Apply to Win. II. or ALBERT IUAS, July 20, lS72.-tf. Sunhury, Pa. OEXTISTKY. GEORGE M. RENN, In ilim2)n-jn,s Building, Market Square; Scnbukv, Ta., "I prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistrv. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which he will be able to select, and met", me wants of his customers. All worn warranted to give satisfaction, or else the monev refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on hand. His references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for the last twelve years. Suubury, April 21, 1S72. aTi'meixell, PEALEK IM American nnl Europenu WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE; Perfected NooturIc and Eye Glasses. GOLD HEADED CANES; Watches and Jewelry neatly repalr-d nnd war ranted. Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. Feb. 3, 1872,-tf. (.RAM) S'i:i.t; of the lnrgcst and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, nnd ; Gentlemen's Furnishing Good;?, at Til OK. Li. XOTT'S MERCHANT TAILOR STORE. In Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market. SUNBURY, PEXVA. The most fashionable cloihiuj; made to order from every variety of goo-1, ;. Suits of'all sizes made np at fie shortest no- i tice, from the best selected stock in New York; convinced. THOS. G. NOTT. April 0, 1ST2. Spring and Summer Opeuiug or mLI.IXEKY GOODS. Huts and Bonnets, Trimmed and! Untrimmed, RIRRONS, FLOWERS. WREATHS, LACES, &c, all new siylei. 'r;ipe Veils of all Grades. CRATE HATS AND T.ONNETS, and everything usually kept ii a Ml'.liuerv Store. Call at M. L. GOSSLEK'S Store, 45 South Fouith Street, below the 8. V. R. R., SUNBURY, PA. April 20, 1SVJ. Manhood tIIow Lost, How Iteatdr cd I WVBfcJust published, a new edition of Dr. iiSi CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED Ea.SAY on the radical cure (without medicine) j of SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, i Itivoluntary Seiuinul Losses, I .VI POTENCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; alto, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by telf-iudulgvnuu or sexual ; extravagance. I I-?" Price, In a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. ! The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrate, from H thirty years successful practice, that tho alarming conse ! quenccs of self-ubuse may bo radically cureii ' without Hie dyi'gsrous use of internal nie.liciiia ; or the application of the knife ; poliitlug out a I mode of cure ut oncn simple, cerlalii, and enec tual, by means of which every sutlercr, no mat : ter what hte condition may be, may cure himself j cheaply, privately and radicalls. i -4r'Thi Lc.g uro should be in tUe hands of ' every youth ttii.l evory man In the land. I Scut, under seal, lii a plain envelope, tu any. I address, postpaid, ou rceulpt of six cents, or tw pofhige stamps. Also, Dr. CUlvwwcli's "M..niago GuldV urice 50 cents. Addiess the Publishers, U1A8. J. C. KLINE CO., P. O. Box, 4,M. K7 Uo(.i , New York.' April 27, 17:J. !UII.LIi:KY. STRING KT V LES at the CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OF Ml KM 1.. MIIVM.tR. Every kind of Millinery Uourts, embracing ITatN, onii-t, Keliool Iinta, ( rape llsttstMisd Meuu-ls, Ribbons nud Flowors, Trimmings of every de scription, au4 svenr kind of goods usually kept In a mliliucry establishment, ran be hud at her store at tbe lowest pi li es. The very best iu the Philadelphia market has been selected, to which the ladies are invited to examine and be eonvin eed. MltSL. blllSSLER, MnIH rJqusr, Sunbury, Ta. IrrR 20, tws. mm