Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 31, 1872, Image 4
r BARGAINS! SELLING Greatly Reduced Prices, the whole of the remaining stock of READY-MADE r o ii ZZATS JLMLP C?J.FS, el., in order to make room for the enormous stock of now being made CALL AT ONCE AND AT S. HEKZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, Embury, March 2'.',, 1S72. ly. GO w x jar m Q 'Si NEW Centfi'al Variety Store! of all kinds, DIIESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMIXCS, SHAWLS, ALVAC S I t-4 ( - OAS, CORDED MOLLY VAMJDEJYS. iX'huit's, Tiekiiiii'S, Not H O s I H FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. 's "Wood and Willow Ware. Floor, Tahle, anil Stair Oil Cloths. 5 CAEPKrS. JOTS 9fc in gri'at varii'ty, lower Wall Paper and rr. 'I: Go to iFIjSrjSTElY'S for the (1! mi test Variety of Goods! Prices the Lowest! Goods arriving J aily. 1 VICTOR ! VICTOR 1 Agent for the Victor .MVIHiLT JiTKKET, one door of Suubury, May 4, 1872. ly. IJUTCIIEIIV! 1SUTC1IMIY ! MoMNrN. UI'I'I'EW A- I.O.YLK, Third Street, opposite Central Ilctel, SUNBURY, PA., P"EEP constantly on hand the very choicest V. of fresh Kr.r.l', Ml'TTOX AXIt VEAL, willed is fold at the lowest prices. Meat cau be had hi nil hours daring the day. Suubury, l'u., June 8, 1872. Presidential Campaign. CAPS, CAPES A TOUCHES Beu.1 fur I i.i.i STiUTm Cm i'i i.ak ami I'iik'e List. CUNNINGHAM HILL, MANtFat'TTllFIlS, No. 201, Cm Hen Stkkft. PHILADELPHIA. Juno a, loi2. Imos. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIQInT, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBCRY, PENN'A. Decorating and Paper Hanjjlt g done m tho latest Improved style. Order solicited, which will reeeiv prompt at tention. Residence in Purdvtown, Eioeiick'i building, tjuubury, May ll,"l873.-tf.. Mi3 BARGAIIS!! OUT AT to order for me. SECURE BARGAINS TO a es ir.s 4 - H ALPAC'CAS, 9 ions in grt'itt Variety. V. O "A than tlic lowest in price. Window Shades. ! VICTORIOUS I c Sewing Machine. 2 (;urharr CotiiW'tloiirrj- More, XIAV SUMMER CiOODS ! MISS KATi: It I. At K, MAKKKT StjUAKE, SUNBl'RY, l'ENN'A. Ula k Dki:ss Silks from 81 50 to ?2 00. Jujuinese Silks, Silk Ponfreis, Plaid Poplins, Mixed Poplins, llariml I'roin cents to tl UU. IOI.I.V VAK1KS, Chiulqes, Delains, Ac. French Muslins, Mar seilles (guilts, Kid moves, with single nnd double buttons. luce NIihwU, A cenerul assortment of White (Joods. LAWNS, GINGHAMS nud PIQUES. DKKSS TUlMMIVliS, LACES, Ac, sold ul greatly ielueeu prices. tiaui)tu-y, May 18, 1S73. O. W. KKEFKlt. Jt.' A. GASS. New Goods I Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass and Xitils of every variety, fit one low price, KEEFEll & ASS STOItE, Corutr of Fourth nnd Market BtreeU SUNBL UY, I'A. AH kinds of Grain taken lu exchange same as cash. Cull and se lis. KEl.FER .V GAS8. Suojawy, April 27, 18. tisffllattfons. j& MT.EXT.on, CURES DIS EASES Of Tflr, THRDlff.UINC5,UYER & BLOOD Iu the wonrtorni! mulleins to which the afflicted are above painted for relief, llo discoverer bc licvca ho h:u ctiulduod in harmony more if Na ture's m."t pnv.'relu curative properties, wlilcll Ood ha intillej into t!in vcelaliln kingdom for healing tlm fl-k, th:in were ever before comhincd In one medicine. TI13 cvifli-nee of this fftot is found In lit t great variety of most obMUiatc dis eases which it. Ii h been fonnd to conquer. In lha cure of llroiicUitl, Severe CourIis, and the early sin re. of !iiiihu inptlon, it has alonlhed Ihe m-.'tlU'nl fat-ully, and eminent phy sicians pnmoune(f it the irrcitrat medical dlfcov ry of the n?e. Wiille It. cures Ihe severest (.'onehs, It (Ircnth'Mis I!ij svteiu and purlllea llio blood. Ily its grent and tlrirnui'h blood purify in? properties. It cures nil II 11 mora, from tho wost Scrofii lu to a common lllotrli, Plm Ji I e, or Dtlruptioil. Mecurial disease, Mine ral Poisons, nnd tledr effect, nrc eradicated, and vigorous health ami a sound constitution estab lish":!. I',r l pel". Suit Illieiuu, lever Sorea, Scaly or l.oiijl'( Skin, lit short, all the imuierom diseasi-s euused by bad blood, aro roiniuered by tills powerful purifying apd in vizorallnj inedleine. If jou feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish lirown spots on face or, frequent heatlacho or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with hot 4tushcs, low spirits, and (jloomy forebodings. Ir regular appetite, and toii::uo coated, you are sufTer Iuk from Torpid l.lver or "ltllloi neaa." In manv cases of E,lvcr Coni" plaint" only part of these symptoms arc expu rienced. As a remedy for all such cases J)r. Tierce's Oolden Medical Discovers' has 110 equal, as It effects perfsct cures, leaviii!; the liver strength ened and heitthv. l'or tho ciirc of llabiliinl Coii(iiMloit or the liowcls it is a never fail ing remedy, and tliose who have used it for this purpose are loud iu its praise. The proprietor oiler SI.UOO reward for a medi cine that will canal it for the euro of all the dis eases for whieii it is recommended. Sold by drti!L'ists at 1 per bottle. Prepared by II. V. Pierce. M. I).. Sole Proprietor, at his Cheml al Lahorutorv. 11 Seneca street. Huflalo, N. Y. Send your address fur a pamphlet. May 4, 1S72- yiAY AKitlVAl. SPUING GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, In tlie new Clement Building, Market Niiitirc, Simbiii'j, r Wc take pleasure in announcing that wc have Just opened a new assortment of SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil styles tit the lowest prices. DOLLY VARDEN, still raging in new and beautiful designs. DRESS GOODS, Ml'KNlNG GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESTING, Ac, See. Readj.JIadc . iotliiii-;, n full Assortment, which will be sold lower than elsewhere. C'nriM'ts, Oil t lotliM and floor Ih( GROCE1UES of ull kinds, which nte t;uarnntec, nil flesh. QUEENS WARE, WILLOW WARE, &c, Sec, &c. TEIMMIXdS, GLOVES, nnd In fart Lvcmhinj; tlint can be mentioned In n first-class store. Call and examine our stock. HariiiLrour siore lilited with Gas, i;cods fan be selected in Ihe eveiiin"; as well ns iu the day time. No charges for rUowinif uoods. CLEMENT it IlISSINGER. April 2n, ls7-'. si s.wsidk ih:aii:i:. 8rxNVsnK at Makyi.anu State Fair, 11a1. 'I'lMnitK. First premium for Fire-place Healers uwnrdc.l tin Sunnyside. Advautnires of tlie Snnnyside : 1. It is so coiistrueted that one-lhird more of the radiatinir surface extends Into the room, div ine; that much more additional heat without ex tra fite!. i. It is the only 1 lot-Air Fire-place Heater in tlie market. Like the regular built cellar heuter, it loses no beat, but coiiliucs it ull to Its legiti pnrposes. The fuel imigaxlnc is double the usual size, extendi!!!! from the lire-box to the top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four liuurs' kiip ply of coal. 1. '1 lie patent double cover for coal lnaijaiilnu c Jiisiiines the lias, prevents escape of gas Into tlie room, and makes it impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This is an advant age possessed by uo other Hte-pUce stove iu the market. 5. There are three nir cc.mibers, wherein, brisk circulation is kept up, drawing the coid n'ir in the room through heated Hues into a large hot-air reservoir, nt the back ot the Btove. 0 No side pipes are used, as the uir Is heated in it reservoir having double radiating Hues and double buck, supplying large quantities of hot uirwiihoiit waste of bent or fuel. The SrssYsiiiB utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently beat an adjoining room on the first, besides lieuting the rooms In second and third stories. S. A damper on top of tho stove, connected with the hot air Hues, controls tbu quantity of hot air required for the use of cither the upper or lower rooms. All other fire-place stoves are very inconvenient in this respect. 11 The Grate is self-sealing, and uo dust cuu escape while slinking it. M LK.V1, Vt. Jt-KSD.-N it Philadelphia. II. B. MASSLit, Ageut. Nov. 11. 1S71. to the e.iuies: grand opening of Millinery anil I'aury Gondii. Spring styles of HATS and BONNETS, trimmed mid uiitrimiiied. All the latest styles lu STRAW, CHIP, LEG-HORN, CACTUS, Ileapolilan, Waterproof, &c. School Hats and Sun Hals. Trimmings Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Ac. Cloven, Collier de Grace, Crupe, s. CURES DIS EASES Of TBr"- Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, War uer & Co.'s Patterns, uud all the Spring styles of Millinery Goods. Call aud see my choice assortment. MISS L. WEISElt. Market Street, one door west of Gcnibart's con fectionery store. April20tli7a. ;itAM OI'KMXU of the largest aud most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, uud Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at THUS. Ci. KV1TN MEUCHANT TAILOR STORE, lu Miller's Block, Third street, tw daoc belaw BUNBl'RY", PEXN'A. The most tusliionable clothing mads to order from every vurlety of goods. Suits of all sizes uiude up al the shortest uo Hie, from the best selected stuck iu New York and VhPadelphia. Call aud be convinced. TITOS. O. N'OTT. April 30, Hit. Uio Abbcrtbmcnls. V A It I. . No. 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL A CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PARTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE 8PE CIATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY I'D EM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, IK'n-lfMlOTiis FINE, TDK. QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO Til E UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE VfRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM TF FIXED PRICE8, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTF-D BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. E. CALDWELL V CO. Feb. 10, 1872. HORSE AND CATTLE IXSCKAIVCE COM ASW INSURE YOUR lioRSES ! INSURE YOUR CATTLE 1 INSURE with a responsible and perfectly reli able Company. Insure where your losses This In a Mntuul Protective Co. Hence, ynu arc sure of being paid promptly for nil losses, If insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS TJIAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Wc pay losses accruing through theft, death by Hie, accident, or natural causes, (excepting epedemie diseases). Wo pay prompt. No red tapo proceedings to get your nioucy, In ense of " OIDII S600O paid on horses nnd cattle Bincc organization. DR. D. WALDRON, President. C. A. KEIMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury, Pa. Director i F.x-Gov. James Pollock, Solomon StroTi, Wm. Hrindie, Solomon Shipe, John A. Sliissler, Dr. I). T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. Julyl3'72. JJARDWARE FOR ALL AT THE IIAliDWAllE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. .Market Street, Suuhurj, l'u. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article lu his Store, but among tlie leading items may be set down the following: Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Neils of ull kinds aud sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes-, Braes and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes. Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Unites, Drawing Knives, Stone Wedges. Plasterers' Trowels Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Diuner Bells, nnd large Vast iron Bcths for School Houses and Farmer' Dinner Hells, Carpenters Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging lotatoes. Looking Glasses Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule aud Horse Shoes and Nulls, Hammers, Augurs, Chisel Lanterns, W Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits and Brace. Carriage Bolls of nil kinds, paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oils, Ynrnlshvs, Japans,, Soda Ash, Wrtshinc fodiu l'AIVr.S ill' ALL KIIS iii CHI or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kind; CEDAR-WARE and other Wooden-Wurc of nil kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, File, Hinges, Coul Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, Cti and Powder, nnd a great Variety of other articles. Any thing wanted und not on hand, will be ordered at once. Sunbury, Aug. 1'J, 1871. CEVI'Ell Of ATTKACTIOX. Everybody is Invited to come aud buy of Ihe haitdsoiuo assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore A Dissinger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, l'A. Jusldpened a fresh supply of Con feet lone lies of every description. TOYS OF ALL KINDS constantly on hand. The best RAISIN'S, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICKS, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every uioruiug. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OY ST KRS 1 OY ST KRS ! OYSTKRS ! Having filled up a room expressly for serving up Oystcr3 In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves iu market, at all hours during tile day and evening. Families will be supplied nt their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as Is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Cull and see my excellent assortment of goods aud uscertaln tlie prices. B. F. NEVIN. Dec. 10, 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THMD AND MARKET SQUARE, IIus in stock and constautly recelvinp; Novelties lu liis lino, conslhtlui; in part of a full line of A.m.HI.'AN M ATCH EN, Elijlii, Illinois, Ilowanl A Co., Wultliam, Maa sacliiisctts, und Hoy'a AMERICAN WATCHES ; Also, a tun si't oi i.nane, una ocm s iioiu aud Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELEY. Roman Gold sets, jiluk coval aud (iold sets, Ear-RiiiL's, Ncclilaces and Pendants. Ouvx mid Jut Jewel rv. SILVER-WAEE, Solid Bilver-ware of Sterling purity, made Is er der. liiiilul und t'rcsenlutlon Pieces, Knives, Kfirks und Spoons lu cases, also, a full line of Silver Plated Uoods, Tea Bel, lee Water Sel Erliit Siunils, Cake Baskets, Coffee I'rna, Fork, aud Spoons treble pluted, tlie best in tUe uuitkets Sl'ECTACLXS. If you Tulue your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lcusas, preuud from iniiiuie Crlalle Pebbles mel ted together, uud derive there nume 'Uimond" u account of tliera burdoesa and brUliuttey. They will lust many years without cliaage, aud wan anted Superior to all others in uae. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal bundle h eases sup plied (o order. CLOCKS, A full aasartinutit of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, ulso Culeuder Clocks ol ull dlscrip I tions. EugraviiiK done at the shortest notice. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired and Sutisfuctiou wurauuted. All ifoods will be sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is eordiully luvilod to.'ail and Examine for theiuselves. Dou't forget the place. T. 8. BUANN0V. 1 Sunbury, Dee. 18 tf. $cto Atottrtlsemcnlsi . R. R, R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CtlCRst TIIK WO HOT PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR bfU-r rctvliiic t'tU n(.voitltni(iit need any ona HUFFEK WITH FAIN. ttAIWAY'8 KEAitY RF.LIEP Is CTJBC FOR KVKUV PATN. Tt raithf flrrtattd Tli Only 1'aln Homody itint iiiftiniitl? stop thM tnont rxcniolntlng patm, ulttyn In (Vtin million, mid ctirra ('oiireKtlotm, vrhcincr of th Lutiic Moinnch, tiuffvlA, or oilier gUuds or orcaitt, ujr on itpUcv tlou, 1?l FROM OUT. TO TWENTY MINUTES. No nviiti-r liuw vlolrnt or otmirlMirif tlie pnln the KfllCtT W AT1(!, Btd-rl(Iilcn, Inftrm, Crinpleil, lN'ervoui, J4uuriUxlo ur tro.sthtted wltb diMAM niuy iuntr( RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wll.fc AFFOTtll INHTANT EAbK. INFLAMMATION OK THE KIDNETS. INKhAMMATION OF THE BLADDKR. 1.VFLAMUAT1UN OK TUB IIOWEI.S. C'ONUESTION OK TT11I! LUNQS. POIlS THROAT, riKKH'I'Ir IIREATIIINO, PALPITATION OK Till! llEART. IIVSTERII'9, CROUP, lIUMrrilEKIA. CATAHKH, lUFLUKStA. liKAUArllK, TOOTHACTTE. NKl' It AT.OIA, KnF.UMATISM. fot.n rntT.i.n, aoitb cmi.i.f). Tli nppllcuiiuii r tlie Knatlv Hellrf Ia the psrt at pttrtj vhen tits pulu vr UlOlculty caUle will afford ease sad timiftirt. Twmtr itrops H btf a tumWsr of wnter will In a few nmipnts euro CUAMI'S, hPAKMM, SoUH HTOMAOll, IIKAIlTllllliN, HICK IIKADA;IIK, IjlAltltnKA 1'VsKNTKIty. I'' WIND -IN TUB DOWELS, euid all INTEIt.NAt, PAInJ. Travi-itfr. slinuH nlwavs enrrv a bottle of Radwav's Kraily Itellef with thni, A few drops la wicr will ,rt-v.ii ulckiiiis or pains from chanps of wster. It la belter ihun Fruuuli Ilraialy ur Ulttvrs iu a sliinulant. FEVHIt AND ACII12. I KVER AM) AdL'K curvil fur fifty cwite. There la not h rriiiedliil aKint In tltlft world tlint will cure Ft-ver and Aptie, and all other Malarious, lllllous. Bcarlct, Tvphohl, Yellow .and other Kovera (alilril by UAIIWAV'S TILLS) a) uolck iu RADWAY'S llKADlf IIKUEF. FiRy auits l.erbotllc. eiolil by, HEALTH TBEAUTY IK RTRONO AXI) rVUR Kirn IlLOOI-lNf.'HEA!E OF ri.KSH ANI WF.KIItT-f I.FAR SKIS AND ELAlI Tlr'L'L UUMI'LtXION bECLUED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HA MADE THH MOST ASTONiSIUNa (TRK3 : PO yriCK, SO.HAT'Ili AUK THE CIIAMJEH TIIK liODY I'NDKIKiOES, VNIlKU THE INEIATEN K OF THUS 'J'HL'LV VOMEUFLLt MliUIClNB, THAT Cvory Dy an Increaso in Flesh nnd Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. F.vcry droij r tlie RAUSAI'AUIl.Ll.W KKSOI.VKNT fiiniuriliaM tlirtnixlt tin! lilod, fewc;it rilm-, and olluf fluids and juUp of nvstciu tlie viur T lifo, fur It rcpAhs tlie asti.-ti i-f tlm lriv v.ith n.-w yn-l S'jur d niatTial. Kcroful. SvphllU, Cm.-'iini(ition, '.l-indtt-ar di-c:.i, L'lct-tn In the, MmitU, Til'iiitrn, 1 t tl.u (ibntN rti.-l ether mrt- i f Uh svMioni, Son Kvw, Str'inKMii JMsitirirtfi from tlie E:ir, mid tlitf wnrrt for run of H-in clSfuscft, Eiut' tioiis. Fvur S'lrcn, Seal 1 1 lli'ii-.l. Kin Wi.rin, Suit IUit-inr, KrvMpcIa Actio. UUck Wonna In the FU-aIi. Tuiunr-, ':itiCTT hi Uir Wuiiila, nnd till w:ikcilna nml i-ainfu! did. i ti;irjn', Nklit SwvK ,4i uf hperm, ami nil w Ktc cif li e liU: j.rlticl;iU, hra within tho, vc mucc f Uila T.-jiidt-r i.f Modern ('liemlntiv, iitxl a ffv d:vj' ui; will provj to tmv i'im Iiik It f--r cither v( lime fount of diacMhc iu .ott-nt pfivvfr to cm tluMn. If tlm tiationt. dnlly bccomtMj: rcflucM y tli wtt7i fuid iictoinpofition tlmt Ia cniiltuKilly irii:rei:ii:jr. rticcrrdn In arn-st Iritf tlit-w: uftMt-l, nml rf.:i!r l!iu tMine w'.th nw untrr I il mri U- fiom lu'Althy blood ulU this tlm AKSAKAK1L LIAN will nnd dors secure, , Not onlV du4 tliO KAH.SAriTtll.MAV Tll.T.VnKT ICi'l nil ):mwh rnr.cili.l a;ftitii in tii.i tnio of rhi-inii', Si-rotuldus, I ountitutionu', uml ;-kln; t.ut ItUiliu only positive tvro for EiUIni' Ac llUuict CotiipluinU, lr nfrv, n-'l V"n.. flii. (ImvoI, IH:ImHm, propy I-t.'ii.:iK tt W titer, lin-'iniiiu-Ki'ft of I'rhio, llrinht' IlBfaP , li'Uinlti'irt.i, nnd In nwii win ro tlu-ro nre hrlr-Vdn-t da i "-Hi. or llif w;it.T i-IhU-li, rl,id', t-iUvd nltli mihit.mct-n lute tli whit- i if nn i k1!', or thread lis..- white mile, ur therj 11 ttmrhhl, dark. Hiloii appi'iranc', and whit bm-fdiist drpuxif. nnd when thrre t a prd-klns, l.tirnitipr fju-ation v iii !i ptn-iuc wutrr. aiut puin In tho Small of tlie llutst nnd l.'.'.lliT t 'M- I I'l.Ci., eJl.OO. WORMS, Tho only known and sure Remedy for II tit iumt tH, i'uJ, tiC. Tumor or 13 Years ioutli C'lirrd Iy Itudivnv'fl ICoMolvent. 'BivtKiv, M.M., July 13, 1$6. Dr. r.4i'Wir: I btv Iii4 Otrln Tiimur In thi ovarii, ftuil liimrli, All ih iMi'i.T unl " tlierj wsu no hty fr ll." 1 tnvd vrv till tie (hat iu r"min-tit1rd ; Itv.t!liK h.lin-H rtiC. 1 atv vtnr l-l"iil. Rfxl lh...i-hl 1 t.iii.1.1 Uy It ; tnl In. I n faiih In it, l?tit.o I HiiTrr. t f -r Ivrlif r. I tonl iir bol'.lc. of IS l;ri1vi--il, mH uii li-t of Ki Uay Tilli, fil l t'i bbtllel f ro'ir li.a-lY Urli'-f; ftiol t!itr It n-l .'dtni f to I. won or 'Ml, Mul ( fr-1 t i'tir, etiitarirr, tir itAf"r tliti I hive fiti' ImvIv VmtKTU Tit .vir.t 1 14 1 iti-r rn In ili K-fl tij. of ih bfivtlif nvtr lh srrnltt. I writ lM U vwu tut la. Iciiefiluf Otbtr. Veil ran mil. I Mi It tf tht.'it. IIAN.NAll f. KNAI'I. DR. RADWAY'S PSBFEOT FOHGATIVE FILLS, i f h t i't-1. i. t7-.ut'y co:it,"l with wct rum, purpt?. r. U'i! .1.'. Mirif, . ivtoi-i. nn I ftllelivtlit-ll. f,,r;l,k v i: , ,f nil ili-.tuUT.t of the Sloiirirh. l.lver," llowi'U. jiatiu.) n i iiii h ;v, U:..,1T, .iM,.,ii lllH'A.eii, lleailarli, C'oiiBlH,a- ti-iit, Owllvi-tn-a-. Iioliiri fll"n. llvi'r-p.U, l!t:iounesa. R.. o:m Keeer, l,irl:imniHt! ',n ol the tluwel'. I'ile., mill all llo-imie-piTiiitfi if tli.t Intennl Vi,'n. lynrmlileil to effect n p-itlve onri'. I'un ly Vetretaijl'.', eclitahilLjr no mercury, i. i.'ii-i .i!.. or ilaletei too. ilnij., K r l !..... v.-4!, i. r,.!!.,;. .vn-llotl-. rM.lli.R IVm. Vim .it-rsof t!iu liii.ti.e r,,ttpi,tliii, lwv.l I,li.. Tiiltr,.,. r,f lh. n.- In" lb. II.ik!" A,-I4,t i, ll.e S.ii.uli, Nmioim, liirl!.ni, t VM. Inll r, ,.r Wi i-!it Iii itit m .ij. Ii, S-iir Km, Ullm.. Mnkit.B r Hillt.r inr tt ih fit ,-f llii S ,,,,'h. f, io.rti ' o w t'. H.o.1, llnrrlcd and 1 iiti.-olt tr...-Hiiti?, V !u i. iiu .. tli. Il-vri, ( bokiar ir NufriHatlne 'i.ltiutrt Mliftl . 1 Vr.f l...lir., li.lllr Ll Vi.i.,11, lvll OT Uurr t'l. Mtfl.l. .'V,rrr.,i,i I ...It l'n in I ImJ. Ucll.l.a.'V rf I'rT.t-ir.ii-i,. V.ll,.wiir. .r !!, r'.,a pb,I Ho. Tain In lb. 1. rl,..:. l;i,.t,,, .1.1 t id.-a l :.,o.i-, tf Hi.!. LurnUie tu Ui A re v r! rr- oi all I'm ' P. MiVVAY'S P1M 3 will five tttvrt 'I.:-: v! v.!.oiiitl.-. l'rltr. 2i eelit. Iter boa. Hll I- t,Y Mil i:tl!-lV I! K O llK Mi'llM'K." Send one Viler o,l to IIAUWAY .V Mi,: leu l.ttir, M-i,rl.. lirraiiiotllini i.orlli ll. ,ii.:;ti,l4 ti. I l,eai titoj. !:i rch 30, 1ST Mo Person can take ihese Ulttera accord ing 10 directiooi, and remaiu Iouk unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or otliet means, and the vilal organs asled beyond die point of 'epir- Dyspepsia or IndlKcstloU. Headache, Pain In Ihe Sliouldera. Coughs, Tighlnesa of ihe Clieal, Dull nesa, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad l'aste in ihe Moull), Bilious Atlai.ks, Palpilation of the Heart, In Hainmalion of the Lunes, Pain in die regions of Ihe Kid neys, and s hundred oilier painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. In Ihese complaints it has no equal, and one bottle IU prove a Letter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Por Female Couiplalnlar in young or old. mar ried or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or ihe turn of life, ihese Tonic Bitten display so decided an iutluence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Htleu tuatlsui and Gout, Bilious. Remittent and lmeiinit. tent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Ihese Bitters have no equal. Such Diseaus are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of ihe Digestive Organs. They are Gentle Purgative a well a a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting at a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflanimauon Of ihe Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseasea. For Skin D!easee, Eruptions, Tetter, Sail Rheum, Blotches, bpolc. Pimples, Pustules Boils, Car buncles. Ring-worms, Siald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloriiona of the Skiu, Humors aud Dis eases of tlie Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit erally dug up and carried out of the eystcra in a short lime by the use of thee Hitters. The properties of Da. Walksk's Vinkga Bittsss are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxanve, Diuretic, Sedative, Couuter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Oraleful Thousands proclaim Vinioa Bit Teas th moat wundertul luvigorant that ever sustained the sinkiug system. J. WALKER, Propr. R.H. MeDOMALD a CO., Druggists and Gen. Agta, Saa Francisco, Cal., and comer ot Washington and C'harltou site., New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June 29, 1872. 3m. WM. ML'KKAT. . (LAYMAKEH. Vt'af. U. M.aCK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllce nnd School Stationery, Frlntiug, Wrapping aud Manilla PAPERS, PA PL It UAaN, ., Ac. The Culebrated orry Kerosene IJurningOil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YAED, we are prepared to supply at short uollce, and at the lowest rate, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT ant PEA COAL Co all who may be pleased to give u a call. Order left at our olllce No. 35 South Third St., will be promptly filled. MU lilt AY & CO. No. 85 South Third Btrett, Sunbury, Pa. Ant;. 31, 1871. J.-ly. titttfartrs. ...y nACIIINE 81 A Kit lilOfc loinir. GEO. Roimm & S0N9, Nunliur.'enn'a, INFORM 'the public they are prepared lb do all kinds of CASGS, and having; added a new Machine Shop onnection with the(r Found ry, nnd have snpl themselves with New Lathes, Planing ant' lag Machines,, with the lutcst Improvement!, th the aid of skillful mechanics, they arcened to execute all order NEW WOIT rt REPAIRING, that niny be given 04 in a satisfactory man ner. Cai-aOn ton It mnr Ntove. IRON COLUMNtir churches or other hulld- Inpf nil sizes. BRAKA8T1NGS, &c. Ornamcnti Iron Fencing FOR ORE YARD LOTS VERNDAHS, FOR YARDS AIES1DENCE9, AC, &C. The PLOWS, nlfly celebrated for their su periority, have becitill further Improved, and will alwiivs be kep hand. Also, TIIRHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20871. I.I'M It EH Alri.AM MILLS. Third Street, adjoins; Thiln. & Eric R. U., two oquurcs Nortbf tie Central Hotel, SUNCPY-, PA. 1HA t."ciemeXt, IS prepared to ft rpgh eery description of lum ber required by tin iunanfis of the public. Having all the lntst inproved machinery for niiinulnctiirlng Lunuv keis now ready to till or ders of nil kinds of FLOOKINK, 8IOI. POORS, SIITTTERS, SASH, RL1ND MOCLDING'S, VE RANDAt BRACKETS, nnd nil kinds of Orultentnl BerowlNVorTi. Turn ing of every dccrlpth promptly exectneft. A1K0, A LAnOKfSORTMKST OP' BILL .MJMiJEll. HEMLOCK and PIN. AlKo, Shingles, flActH, L.he, 'Src. Orders promptly Hid, and shipped bv Rallvoafl or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dcclll-li8:ly KTOVG V TIX I'fT A R LI K it 91 fe T. MARKET STUF.T, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KlAtJSE, rroiwk-tiVr. "fCCESSOll TiSMITII 4 OENTIlClt.J n A VINO purchnsd the above well known cs tuhlihhmeut, M. Kriiuse would res-liee-tfril-ly inform the, public hut he now has on hand a large usnortmi'iit of COOklNR STOVES, Specr's CiKik Anti-DM, Rcgnliitor or llcvolviiig Top, Combination, SusUi'huiinii nnd ffihevs, which are so arrangel us to be used lor Coal or Wood, und arc wai raitcil to perform siitinfactorl lv or no sale. IIEA1ERS of all kinds put rip to liont one or more rouns-. HEATING ST() of (litl'i rcnt kinds at vry low prices. Tinwnrc of Ho- iJCcviiIIora kept cimstantly on limd. Ronflng and Sponling witli t lie best materia, dune at short notice. REPAIRING nttenu'.l to with illr-p.itcli. Coal Oil ni.d Lamps constantly on hnnA. -.Tn-pan ware of a ..nd.. Store oiposltC CMv.le.y's hardware store, (iive mc a rail. A. KKAl'SE. nplU4-ly CARRIAtat:" MAXl rACT'ORV, SUXBUItY, rEXN'A. i J. S. SBASHOLTZ, . 7'OULl) respect fully announce t the cfil- I T V cus of Sunbury and stimitnidlug country, I that lie Is prepared to manufacture nil styles of CiirriHr'!i tSriiH;t,si. 1.', I at his ne'v shop on east Market street. Ho will ! fariiifli every desViiplVjil Of Wagons, bo'tH X3LAIX AND lANCY. In fV.ort, will make evei ytliing in his line from a j urfi-ciaEs carriage 10 a wneeinai row, w;'.iiiinu:u to bo 111. ,il f fco.-t and rwAo .1 ( I'flV.lil liiatCl"!- nls, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from hi establishment will be I found reliable in eVery particulav. The patronage ul the public Is solloiti'il. I .. f. KASllOLT.-. SunbarV, Nov. 4, vTl.-ly. -. NCW (lOOUS! iXcw Store! T. J. BYROD, i Having Inkuft the store room lately occupied by j H. Peters, corner of Third and Church streets, i nt:x nut v, r.,i ' h is J iie-V opt Mil new store, with an entire new j stotk t f goods, comprising of l)rj ;! nitil UrrtrrirM. ' The Dry tiootli department Is complete, having a (.jtieval assort incut of ! Cltitlisi C&.wiiiiV'ivs, C.tlivofl, IX-Lains, i and everything In llm Dry Goods line. The ;i:o i;i:ii.s ! are all frenh, and consists of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, I Molhisscs, Spices, Meat, Fish, Ve. 1 MIllovi lVni'i' Hiitl lusH-tVaro, i a gci.eriil assortment. In fact everything kept iu a first-class stoic, can be had ut the. most reasonable pi ices for cash, i Having located in Sunbury for the purpose ol becoming one of its ciliielis, 1 hope that by fair 't dealing and strict utieiiliou to business to merit : a shave tf the public patronage. My motto is ''Small Prolits and Quick Sales." All are cordially invited In call aud examine my goods, as uo charges will be luude for show ' iug lliciii, ! F. J. I1YROD. ! Sunbury, April 20, 1872. LuckHMHiina Mini ItioouiKburg Ituil roii.r. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER T.AISS. Monday, Julv 17.MS71. SOUTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. j Scrantou, 6 45 6 50, 6 57 7 05 7 14 7 19 7 27 1 45 10 05 10 17 10 211 ! 3 11 10 35 10 40 3 21 10 47 ;10 52( ii 33 'l 00 uciiei ue, Tuylorvlllc, Luckawauuu, Pitlston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Maltbv, 36; 4 47 Kingston, A W.-llarre t I 7 40 st. 7 SI 4 55 8 00 5 00 8 05 5 05 8 20; " 8 30 8 45, c rs i Plymouth June t t'lymouth, N'antieoke, HunliM'k's, Shlekshluny, Hick's Ferry, Beach Huvcu, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Blooiiiabiirg, Uu pert, Cntuwlssa, Danville, Chulasky, i 7 ! 8 ! 8 : 8 50' 8 40 (XI i 07, 08 I 8 36. 8 43 ! 8 50 I 8 57, j 9 07' ! 9 u; ! 9 20 I 31 ! 0 M j 9 59' 10 03! 8 87' 3 34 l auieron, Norlk'd, (arrive.) 10 201 4 58j NORTHWARD. Leave. ; A.M. P.M.' Northumberland, 10 25 Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Calawlssa, Rupert, Bloouisbvrg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Crock, ' Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shlckshlnuy, Huulock's, Nanticoke, Plymouth, Plymmittr June., Kingston, & t si. W..Barre c'r Mallby, Wyoming, Wert Pulsion, Piitstou, Lackuwunna, Taylorville, Bellevue, Scrantou, (arrive) DAY, D T. Ww-1'.Nla, tsuj.'l. b 10 5 81 10 50, 5 40 6 Or1 i o; 11 14 6 13 osm! I I 6 34" tl 86- 41 11 43 6 4 A.M. I 6 55' 13 00' 7 09' 7 80- T 24, 7 45'! ,rSI. P.M. 7 31 j 8 00, 113 26 ! T 41 8 15 P.M. 5 10 8 20 j S 15 3 84 7 51 8 SO1 8uj 5 2$ j I 8 40' 9 43 5 85 13 3 8 06 ; 8 45 3 48 5 40 I 8 13' 8 53 3 54 ft 47 IS 52 8 18 9 04; 3 59 ft 63 8 28 9 14 8 07 6 00 I - 8 36! V 35j 8 16, 6 10 I 8 42 82 1 8 88 6 17 1 14 48: 9 46 8 30 6 25 Heading Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 27trtt(ti, August 1st, 1872. Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York, a fol lows i At 5.00, 8.10, a. m. and S.UU p. m., con necting with train on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and arriving at new xorn at i-i.iu, i w and 9.40 p m. respectively. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.. H2.05 noon und 0.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8.30 a. m. ana o.iw p. m. . , . Xeave Tlafrlsburg for Koaamg, rousvme, ra- maqua, Minersvuie, . asuuhiii, euniuuim, Allentown and Philadelphia at 6.00, 8.10 a. m., 2.00 and 4.05 p. nr., stopping at Lebanon and principal way slulion t ine .uo p. m., irain connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leavo Harrisburg at 8.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Enston and New York at 7.00, 10.40 a. 111., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. in., 12.05 noon and 6.00 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7..i a. m. noon, 2.15, 4 35 and 9.35 p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m.. connecting with train on East Penn sylvanla Railroad, returning from Rending at 6.20 p. m., stopping nt all stations. Leave Pottsville at 5.30, 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. Hcrndon nt 10.00 a. in., Shnmokin ut 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. 1 Ashland ut 7.05 n. ni., nnd 12.43 nooni Mahanov City nt 7.51 a. 111. und 1.20 P. m. Tiiniuqun nt 8.35 a. m. nnd 8.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York,Kcnding, Harrisburg,&e. Leave Pottsvillo via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for l ino Grove and iremont. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville ut 5.S0 a. m., passes Reading ut 7.05 a. nr. arriving at Philadelphia at 9.3o a. m., returning leave Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Read ing at 7.40 p.m. arriving at Pottsville at 9.20 rottstown Accommodation Train lenves Putts town nt 0.45 a. ni., returning leaves Philadelphia. (Ninth nnd Green,) at 4.30 p. 111. Columbin Railroad Trains IvifVe Reading at 7.20 a. m., and 0.15 p. m. for Ephrutu, Litiz, Lancaster. Columbia, etc. 1 returning leave Lau enster ut 8.S0 a. 111. and 3.25 p. m., and Column liia at 8.15 ft. m. and 3.15 p. 111. Pcrkiomcn Rail Road Trains leave Perkioincn Jintrtion nt 7.35, 2.55 and 6.40 p. ni. Kctnrninc,lenvc Green Luuciit 6.15, a.m., 12.li5 anil 4.20 tp. 111. connecting with trains on Read ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phue nlWille n't 9.10a. m., 3.111 and 5.50 p.m.; re tOTuing, lcnVo byers nt 6.35 a. m., 12.45 noon, and 4.20 p. tn.-, 'coiinei ting with trains 011 Read-Ins- Ivailfoad. t. olebrooKn.lie Italiroaii trains leave ruunoan at 9.40 a-, nr., LSOuiid 0.25 and 7.15p. 111., return Irr? leave Mt. Pleasant at 6.0H), 8.J0 and 11.25 a. mv, nnfl 8.25 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Brldire ftJrrt atH.SO ft-. m.( 2. 10 and 5.33 p. 111. returning, leave bowiungtun nt 0.55a. m., 12.H0 ami 5.10 p. in. cWnc'cting with trains 011 Reading Railroad. On f nndays : Leave New York nt 0.00 p. 111., rhirtdvlpln.i at 8.00 a. 111. nml 3.15 p. 111.. (ihu 8.U0 a. m.VvnTfi rmitiini: only to Reading;) leave I Pottsville at 8.00 a.m., leave Itnrrisluirg, 5.00a. m., and 2.00 p. m.; leave Allentown nt 4.35, 9.35 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15a. m. ami 10.55 p.m. ! lor HalTl-ilnTir, at 7.00 a. m. lor New "iU. ' at 7.20 a-, m. Tor Allentown and at U.40 a. in. nml ( 4.15 V- tn- lr Philadel'u. ! Comniul.Ttlon, Mileage, Season, School ucl i F.'eirrslon Tickets, to and from all points at rc- flucvd Tatcs. ' Ilafrgagc checked through : 100 Pounds Ra;,' . gage allowed each Passenger. ! J. E. WOOTTFN", 1 Asst. Supt. it Eng. Mueh'ry. m-llirru Ci'utral Itailvvaj. bV M M ER ARIi A N( i EM ENT. as follows t NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury nt 12.30 p. in., for Niagara Falls Mail arrives at Sunbury at 4.10 p. in., arrive ut Wiiliainspoit 11.15 and Elmira M.;;0 p. in. Fast Line arrives nt Sunbury ut 0.50 p. m., arrive at Williamsporl 8.15 p. m. Ei ic Mail leaves Sunbury at 6.00 a in ; Wil liaiiisport at 8.05 a in, and arrives al Klniira at'J a in. SOUTH WARD. Mall leaves Sunbiirv at 11.05 u. tn., arrive al I Harrisburg 1.45 p. in. Erie Express leaves Sunbury at 7.40 a. m., ar rive nt Harrisburg 9.25 a. in., Ha. ;i nunc 1.15 ' p. m. Erie Mail leave Sunbury nt 12.45 n. in., arrive l'-1 1 1 islitiiir 1.30 a. in., Balliuioie CM a. In. .liiuiii r.xiiisn ii'uii'B cniiiuiu ut u.oo i in, Harrisburg ul 4.1 j p ut, arrives al lialtiiuurc 11. 50 p Ul. SlIAMOKIN IrlVISION. K.VSIWAUU. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. in., arrive at Shanio kin 5.50 p. m., Mt. Cartuel 6.40 p. in. Leave Siiiibnry ( Afcommoiliitiou,) at 12.S5n. m., ariive ut Shaiiiokln 2.35 p. in. wi:siv.i;u. Leave Mt. Carnu l ut 7.00 a. in., Shamokln 7.40 a. in., arrive ut Sunbury 9. 55 a. in. Leuve S'l imokln ( Accommodation,) ut 2.45 p. in., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. in. Express leaves daily. Ail other trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskp. ' Ei. S. YofNo', Gcn'l. Sup't., Geu'l l'assen'r Ag't., Harrisburg, 1'a. Paliinorc, Md. I'liilsidolphlu uud l.rlf Itaili oail. SUMJ1 EH TIME TAIU.E. On and after Monday, Jane 3d. 1872, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Kail Road w ill run a follows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " arr at Erie, Eric Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbnrv, " nn at Erie, F.lmliu Mail leaves Philadelphia, " Suubury, " " nrr lit Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " arr at Renovo," EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " nrrut Phlludelphlu, Erie Express leaves Eric, " Sunbury, si ( arr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " Suubury, ' " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Renovo, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadcitliia. 11.30 p in 0.10 a ir 7.30 p Hi 12.30 p in 6.55 p in 7.40 a m 7.50 a IU 4.-5 p in 7.45 p in 7.20 a in 12. '.15 p in 4.15 u in 11.25 a ui 12.40 a ni 6.40 a to 7.50 p m 7.40 a m 1.20 p in 7.35 a in 10.50 a ui 5.50 p in 2.25 p m 6.25 p in 12.01 a in Mull East connects east and west at Erie with L. 8. M. S. R. W. und ut Corry and Irvinelou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Cuttuwlssa passenger trains will be run east from Willinmsporl on Erie Express, uud west, to Willlamsport ou Elmira Mall. IV M. A. BALDWIN, Gcn'l Sup't. Dttiitille, Ilazlrtou A- ilkfatltarro R. R. I'fHia. R. R. Co. Li'nmve. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger trains ou the P., H. A W. R. K. will run as follow s i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LKAVI. A. U.' LEAVE. A.M. New York, 6:00'8uuburv, 6:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Dauville, 7:03 Euston, 0 :'-'. Caltawissa, 7:28 Bethlehem, 10:05 Hazlctou, 9:08 P.M.: P.M. Haxletoir, 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 Caltawissa, 9:40 Fasten, 12:35 Danville, 8:90 Philadelphia, 2:15 Sunbury, arrive 8:57. New York, arr. 8:50 Traill West arriving al Sunbury 3:57 p. ni., makes close connections with trains on Philadel phia & Erie R. R. for Milton, Williuuisport, Lock Haven and all points Weal, Elmira und all points North, also with Northern Ceutiul Roll Wiit, for llurrleburg und Baltimore. fif-Ncw aud elegant coaches rttu throiajjh be Iweeu Smioury and Easton. FRANK THOMPSON, Supl. D. II. A: W. It. R. Si pt' Orpirs, WiaUAMM-OKT, Pa. i May 1, 1873. S COAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shipper aud Wholesale aud Retail Dealers lu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA (lowkk wiunr.) 1-2T Sole Ageut, wiwtwurd, al the celebrated' nenrj t'uty Cil. Janlfl-fVi