Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 31, 1872, Image 3

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    ihinlnmj American.
Rnllrond Time Tables.
P. A E. R. R Ooino NontiiWAnD.
Erie Mall, leaves at 0:05 a m
Niagara Express, " " isn p in
Mail, 4:30 p m
Erie Express, " " 6:50 p m
N. C. R. W Ootrta SouinwAitn.
Erie Mall, leaves at 12:45 a m
Erie Express, 7:4o a m
;;" " " 11:05 am
Niatrnra Express, " fl;80 p m
The Erie Express train remains here about
20 inluutes for breakfast.
Mali train leaves at 7.30 a. m., and arrives at
7.SJ p. m. Past Line leaves at 3.40 p. in., and
arrives HI l.oo p. IU.
Mull leaves at 12.85 p.m.. for Hhnmokln and
arrives at 3.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Carmel nt
4.4U p. in., and arrives at 9.25 a. m.
D. It. AW. R. R. r
Trains Icrvo for New York, via Tlazlcton nt
6.20 a. in., nnd arrives at 3.35 p. tn.
AceMent Insurance Tickets pan be had of 3.
8hlpinan, Ticket Ajrcnt nttho Depot.
STocal Iffuirs.
SBWiso SIaciiinks.-.MIss Caroline Duliusis the
agent for the sale of the best Sewiug Machines
In existence, viz.: "The Improved Singer,"
"(rover A Baker," "Howe," ond Domestic,"
which are conUantly on hand and sold ai rea
sonable prices. She is also aent for the cele-
"brated Frantz ami Pope Kuittlug Machine. Call
and see them. O'lko on Market street, cast of
the railroad.
Tub highest prices are paid for Grey Squirrels,
Frojrs, Turtles, &c., by Win. Reese, of the St.
Elmo Eutinjr Saloon, in Pleasaut's buildings,
Suubury, Pa.
foil Sulo a young Cow,
quire at this otllee.
part Alderuey. En-
Tiiiiii) year or Miss Hogarth's English nnd
French school, Sunhury, Penu'a. The Fall term
will cumtiieuce Monday, September 10th, 1872.
Atiol.i'it Newman, who had his leg dreadfully
fractured by the Niagara Express train last
weeh, is rapidly improving under the care of Dr.
Clark, railroad physician.
Fine Comi'anv Mketiso. The members of
the Steam Fire Ent'iin; Company, No. 1, nrc rc
l nested to meet ill their Hall on this (Friday)
fVi-nimr, at 8 o'clock. A full nttenduneo is re
quested, as business of importunce will he trans
acted. Injihkii. On Situiday, a young man named
John Trutt, hud h!s lelt arm injured by otitis:
caught in the inachineiy 111 Messrs. Filling,
Unwen &, Easel's steam saw mill at this place.
Dr. Ilaupt dressed the wound.
Pkissonai.. Brother llecklcy, of the Blooms
burg I'epvbUean, and Luntbard, of the Sclius
jtrovo Tribune, gave us a friendly call in our
sanctum on Monday last. Both these knights of
th'! quill are doing noble service in the. Republi
can cait-c. Mr. Iieckly, who resides In the same
town with C. R. Iluckulevv, fully endorses what
we have frequently stated, that Uuekalvw is Very
unpopular at home, and w ill uot carry his party
vote by several hundred.
Tisb Shnniokln people arc making an earnest
effort for Water Works. Over $114,000 worth of
stock has b'.'cn taken, and the indications are
that the town will toon have a bountiful supply
.f water.
A Si'UJKCT. On Saturday afternoon last, a
abject for the police was seen lying upon the
Court l!oasc sleps for several hoars. It was a
g' auiae John Drunk of tho filthiest order, ex
posed t the view of all passers-by, both ladles
and gentlemen, it was supposed that it was
considered by the police too warm a job to re
move the nuisance on a wheelbarrow, so Drunk
was li ft ble.iehing on the steps until he was able
to remove himself.
Giiant and Wu.sos C'l.rn. A (Irant and Wil
son club was organized at. Wutsonlown. on Mon
day evening lat, by the selection of the follow
ing ollleers :
Presi lentPhilip Shay.
Vice Presidents A. Stall an 1 Oscar Foust.
Treasurer A. 1!. Lt.tshaw.
Secretary W. W. Clayton.
An executive committee was appointed, of
which J. M. Fullmer is the chainnaii. A large
number sigtr.d the cruis'.it'.ition, and much cn
Ihusuisui prevailed.
Tin: in "ki t-, on Saturday last, were well at
tended. Tile eleik of the market Informs us
thai ninety-six wagons were lu uttendance with
fr.iit, vegetables, meat and other provision.
Tim streets in the borough are now being re
paired under the supervision of Chas. Garingcr.
His work shows that he understands his business.
Second street, from the fclmniokiu Valley Rail
road to the noithern side of Market, is hand
somely graded. Chestnut street Is also graded.
These improvements are the Hist efforts lu the
tight direction that have beeu made siuce the
borough was Incorporated.
Imi'iiovev.i'.nts. Ira T. Clement, Esq., Is
about completing a large frame building, adjoin
ing his planing mill, for a cabinet making shop,
mid intends manufacturing all kinds of furni
ture. A large frame building Is being erected
on Arch street, near the depot, by Mr. John
youngmun. The building will be handsomely
lini.-hed with nil the modern improvements.
Tun Pi ni.ic Schools. The following teachers
have been selected for the public schools in Sun
bury :
High School Prof. Elias Schneider.
N. W. W. (irammsr School Sharon Straus. '
" ' Primary Miss Heeca Brice.
N. E. W. Secondary Daniel Harulmrt.
" " piimary Miss Christy.
8. E. W. Grammar School Mr. Weaver.
" Primary Mi-s Gosslcr.
S. W. W. Secondary Mr. Black.
" " Pninury MUs Painter.
Cakttowu Mr. Wuldrou.
The schools open on Monday next, and con
tinue for seven months.
Peaches. Our maikets are now supplied with
peaches grown ut home. The crop this year is a
lureru oue, und a number of oui fanners, we arc
pleased to see, are now engaged in growing flue
fruit. Some of I hem have crops averaging from
one hundred to live huudred bushels. The prices
at present range from fl to $1 50 per bushel,
according to quality. A car load of Delaware
peaches were in inaiket on Saturday lust lu a
perinhuble couuiliou, und were sold ut fl per
Pat Hestek. The .Vii' utirual corrects
.he statement going the rounds that Pat. Hester
aus u resident of Pottsville, and says i
"lie was, before trausfer'.ng his place of abode
o the E isteiu penitentiary, u resident of Nor
liumlierland county, and li' them is uny glory in
laviug Kin h u cliuiacter for u roldcnt, we do uot
ivuut to rob our sister county of it."
We have never known of much houor being
itlached to Pat except by the members of the
Court House Ring in this county, who were con
stantly courting Pal's iuflueuee to secure the vote
f the Molly McGulres. How our neighbor of
.he Uemoerat, nnd a few others, candidates for
itiieu, will do without Put at tin coining Primary
lection, time will develop.
I A "Liberal Mehting' wbb AcotisTA,.
During Inst Week full shccodbllls were put
up all over the couutry annong that a Liber
al Republican-Democratic m g would be held
at Renn's school house, In It Angusta twp.,
on Frldny evening last. Tliokcrs announced
were Dr. C. E. Up De GraffLleut. William
Magcc, of the U. 8. Infar Tho meeting
caino otf, however, regurdles titles, and we
are Informed that tho full shrills had Induced
at least thirty persons (ull Ilcrats) to attend
and hear the eminent spceO The meeting
was ono of those quiet affairs ten often occurs
where people expect to ruin inflation and meet
with disappointment. The mei; was addressed
by E. C. Up Dc Graft", E. C. Gl, Jere. Suyder,
and Lieut. Mngce. Of courseclr hearers sur
vived the eloquence of Mr. Snrand E. C. Go-
bin. The Doctor's nrgumciitshlcu had been
taken from Sumner's speech, died silent ap
plause from the audience. TUentennnt's ef
fort nt speech making wnsonsidercd very
logical, and tho profanity us by him on the
occasion disgusted a iiumbcrlio camo to the
conclusion that he had obtains thorough edu
cation on some canal, nud tha few more such
speeches would certainly cio that strong
Democratic township to go Repllcan.
Committed. On Monday Ir. Mr. Harrison
C. Kasc, of Point township tne to this place
nnd gave information to dpi Roach, that a
young man In his employ laiDeft him on the
day before and stolen ubout f3do money. In n
short time the young man rat deeded nt the
corner of Market and Thlit streets, when the
Captain brought hi in before F-squiro Pursel,
when he was searched and tit) in currency,
50 ccuts In silver, a plmlogrn, and a silver
watch and chain Were found ion his person.
The young man ncknowlcdgccthe theft, nnd
stuted that he had purchased a pr of boots, and
the silver Watch, and hud spenthe balauce of
the money. He gave his name s Miner Ucan,
nnd snjs that he had a father ling In the State
of New York. He had been cployed by Mr.
Kasc for about three weeks. Iluvas committed
la default of ball.
Srni-CK iiy Lightning. Thcstable of Mr.
Samuel K. Gilgcr, of Elysburg.vas struck by
lightning on last Saturday a wc, and entirely
destroyed. The stable containedibout two tons
of hny nud a tine hog which wusdso burned up.
Uti lust Thursday, In the tarn village, the
house of Mr. Joseph Reeder wasstruck, damag
ing the cornice and roof consicratily, but for
tunately none of the inmates wee Injured.
On the same day, the hous-j r Mr. Ely, on
the Shauiokin hills, was struck, hiUictlng some
damage to the building, but Inning none of the
nimby. Sliamokin Herald.
FrsTivAi.. Thcicwill be an ici cream festival
held lu the M. E. Church, nt Kliies Grove, com
mencing on Thursday evening, September 12th,
and continuing during Friday cvming. Saturday
afternoon ami evening. Dinnc will be served
on Saturday afternoon from oie o'clock until
evening. The proceeds of tl.a festival go to
ward liquidating the church debt. The object of
the enterprise is worthy, und the public should
heartily respond to the cordial invitation given it
to be present and participate in the festivities.
Tun man with the White Hat and White Coat
is on his way to the White House. Wtitsontuteii
The rebel army, several years ago, was also
uu i ue uay 10 ine n lute Jiouse, tint were prevent
ed from leaching there by Gen. Grant. Recol
lect, John !
TnitHE niore arrests were made at Slianiokln
ou Saturday and Monday last, for rioting and
threatening to burn houses. On Monday, Con
stable Kissinger brought three he re to board with
Sheritr Heller tit the expense of the county. They
are named John Drennan, Win. Pursel and Jos.
Morrisirey. A woman named Ilrowu was also
arrested for participating in the ilot, but obtain
ed bail for her appearance at Court.
The Democratic Guard pi luting ofllce was sold
dicing the week to Messrs. F. A. llovver it Co.,
from Lancaster county. The paper will hereaf
ter pursue an independent course, and will not be
published in the Interest of any political parly.
By this change Mr. C. W. Giitclius, who has
been tlie sole publisher for several years past,
retires from the establishment. We regret this,
as Mr. G. is ou excellent printer, wields a ready
pen, and has been a pleasant and most agreeable
neighbor. Should he cuter into business again,
we wish him abundant success.
Money Sjcnt to Ei'iiotk. Drafts nt sight on
tho Royal Bank of England, City Bank, Loudon,
Liverpool, Glasgow, Paris, Berlin, and all palls
of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Norway,
Sweeden, Denmark and Ilily. Also, passage
tickets to and from Liverpool, yucensloivn, Lon
donderry, Glasgow, for sale by Jacob
Shipmau ticket agent ut tills place.
We learn that the malingers of the Eastern
Division of the Philadelphia and Eric railroad
are offering prizes ranging from t.VJ to $100 to
their kitb-c'ivision forcinuu ns inducements to
do their level best to re-lay the track in the most
complete manner. This is a most Judicious uud
commendable movement ; for it will uot only be
au udvantage uud credit to the company, but
passengers will experience a greater degree of
safety thau ever before while racing over the ad
mirable road at thu usual highspeed. Lcu.ibmj
The editor of tho Danville Intelligencer has
beeu attending camp meeting at Mountain Grove.
We hope he has beeu benefitted, uud that he will
now give his leaders the history of Buckalew's
Fishing Creek camp meeting. '
How to Destkoy Flies. To get rid of tiles
nothing is more effectual thau the wild chamo
mile, kuviwu also as cotula or May wei'd. The
odor of this plant Is not ut ull disugreeablc, and
branches of this weed, w lieu lu flower, or even
some of the dried flower scattered ubout the
room, will 6ou rid It of dies. Another method,
easily restored to, is to throw some powdered
black pepper ou a hot shovel aud curry it about
the room.
The bank burn of Abraham Brubukcr, iu Union
township, wus struck by lightning during the
thunder shower ou Monday ufleruoon, aud en
tirely destroyed together with three wagons, and
the hay and grain crop of tills year. Seliutijrovt
What Is wrong with the editor of the Watson
town Jlecord t We notice of lute thut he comes
ull the way from Watsoutown to atteud our
markets, uud the way he pitehes into fruit Is a
cuutiou. Ou Saturday last be wus seen going
towards the depot swinging a black chicken lu
his bunds. Is Greeley stock uuder pur at Wul-
sontown, Johu t
List of Letters remuiulug iu the Post Office,
at Sunbury, Pa., August 26, 1K72:
II. A. Etler, S. A. Gibson, Ellen Gross, George
Hile, P. V. Ludwig, Overseer of the Poor of Up
per Augusta, Pa., Mrs. 8. Sievens, Mrs. H. F.
blearus, Robert hicphens, Du ilel Hmeleer, Miss
Mary M. Wise, Win. Weaver, Miss Auuie VVuu
der, Alfred Youtz, ).
J. 3. SMITH, P. M.
Fhuit Cawiko Time. Frut caning time 1
here, uud the wouieu ar biay. IV'aitomt
Tbe above is uot orlgiual with the editor of tbe
Jiscurd, at be has beet reading. "Greeley's book
Of what bo kuows about farrohg."
Tub LAnon RsronM Convehtios. The coun
ty Convention of the I.nbor party met In Mar
ket Street Hall. Northumberland onrough, on
Monday last, nnd was called to order by C. A.
Itclincnsnyder, Esq., when tho following officers
were chosen i
Chairman John B. Francis, of Excelsior.
Vice Presidents John N. Evans, of Mt. Car
mel and Wm. Fisher, of Milton.
Secretaries E. D. Kidllun and John M. Fox,
of Sunbury.
A committee on credentials was appointed
consisting of tho following I B. F. Ressler, Jew
ries McGrath nud Richnrd T. Price.
The following committee of five were appoint
ed on resolutions t F. A. Hower, C. A. Ilelinen
snydcr, B. F. Ressler, Jns. Mcllugh and Jus.
C. Sylvia.
The committee retired for ntmut half an hour
when they returned und reported the following
preamble nnd resolutions i
Wiikhras, The Labor Reform Party from Its
very Inclpiency was opposed to nil class legisla
tion favoring the few, at tho expense of thu
mnuy, nnd Wiieiikas, the growing evil, of both
the so-called Democratic nnd Republican parties
is their tendency to centralization or power, by
their constant submission nud consent to the in
tolerant nnd tyrannical demands of wealth and
power as concentrated lu huge monopolies, cor
porations, nud our present burthensomc, obnox
ious banking system until both parties have for
feited ull claim to principle aad are but combin
ed organizations of olllcc seekers. Therefore
Jiriolvetl, That wo ns Labor Reformers declare
our Independence, and In doing so, Invite the aid
and co-operntiou of all thinking men of both the
so-called pat ties, In our determined action to res.
cue the liberties of our beloved country from the
combined attacks made upon them by corruption
fraud and plunder in high places.
Jietolveil, That we recognize and accept, ns
the tried exponent of our piinciplcs, the Nation
al and State Platforms of tho Labor Reform Par
ly, and hereby declare our linn attachment to
the same.
Jtenolveit, That we endorse the nomination of
the Slate Labor Reform Ticket, nnd that we pledge
our hearty nnd undivided snpport to the same.
Httvlned, That in the nomination of a seperate
ticket we declare our devotion to principle irre
spective of any effect our action may have upon
the lecol politics of our county. Wc declare It
to be the solemn duty of every believer In our
principles to support tho same, and that wo here
by pledge our determined and united support to
the whole ticket as such which uiay be placed in
nomination here to-day.
Adopted uuuultuously.
F. A. Ilownn,
C. A. Rkimknsntdkii,
Hs.nj. F.,
Jam. C. Silvim,
Jas. Mcllfon,
The Convention then went into nominal ion of
candidates fur county ollleers, which le.-iuled as
follows :
Constitutional Delegate J. A. Cake, of Sun
burv. Assembly Jeremiah Snyder, of Sur.bury.
Slierill Dr. David Wald'rou, of Milton.
Commissioner John !;hisslcr, of Sunbury.
Auditor Thomas T. Seott, of Ml. Caiuiel.
Cormier Peter Rucli, of Northumberland.
An Executive commilt"! v. aa ain'oinl-d who
were empowered to till all vacancies on the ticket.
. The following resolution was unanimously
passed :
Hfieilred, That this convention tender a vote of
thanks to such papers of NoilhumU 'rlaiul coun
ty nud others, who had the manly independence
to print even as an advertisement, nt n ! v itlalag
rates, the call of liee Am"ean citizen', for a
convention to lie held ill the Interest of the "La
bor Reform Parly." And lor such us refused to
publish our call, we can but express surprise und
regret at their slavery to pariiz tn feeling and
Watkins Hi:ad op Si:.kca Lakk, Scmi
Co., N. Y. The Watkins Glen, and Southern
Glen Mountain House, connected with this popu
lar summer resort, united by a beautiful new
I Iron mis-pension bridge, which spans ti e gorge
l ate now opeu for the season of ISV.', and throng
ed with visitors horn all sections t f the count rv.
ti1l, pathways, railim
bridges, staircases und
j resting stations arc all in excellent and safe con
dition ; and the two Mountain Houses, one of
I which is new, under the persona! supervision of
the proprietor, John J. Lytic, lato of Philadel
phia, having been attraetivciy lurnkhed, are
unvv in t'omuU'tc order for the reception am J uo.
commodation of guests, and the supplying of
unlimited refreshments' to large as weil as small
parties. The principal violation mouths are
July, August, Jeptcinber and October.
A lli.ooMsiu ua girl recently declare! that n
kl.-s without n moustache is like ta!:n an egg
without salt horribly sipid.
Foil the Ami:hk as.
From Lower Atigus,(ii.
Hol.l.ovviNfi P.l N, Au. -7, IS"','.
Mil. Eiutou :
If you think the following lines
will b? of interest to your leaders, plea-e insert
them in the Amliiican. I am very gia.i to see
the bold and out-spoken course you are persuing
both in polities ami iu local eoiii.l v m alters. We
generally tind the Aii:itK'AN thu advance guard
of reform and improvement, the editor it pureut
!y having a very small amount of concern as to
who ii p, eased or displeased, if he can only get
the latest and most reliable news. The day 'lor
a mi.k and water sheet is pus-cd in my opinion.
We waul an open, enemy and a fair light, and
are wi ling to ri-k the result in all c.iSes. The
political sanation lias been vciy quiet, so fal as
Greeley slock Is concerned, until August i'DI, at
which time we weru visited by a delegation from
your town, cunsi.-iing of E. C. Gobla, C. E. Up
Dc (.ll a ll, J. Suyder, Lieut. Mellee, and others.
They made several telling speeches; taking lliu
whole speaking together, it was somewhat le
dieulous and very amusing for the boys ; but ha I
a very dampening ellect upon our honest Greeley
Democrats. The speakers established the solemn
faett th it Grant is n tealkimi aireuul, a continued
I drunkard, and a fearful .Xepotitt, that the public
ilclil Is now -'H.IS7S.;i7,s7ii,.'iTu,,.iS7. -INI 7., ami
still increasing at the rapid rate of f '.Hi7,7v.t,7ii,
W.i DO per day or thereabouts. Such statements
and results as above staled was the order of the
meeting. Lieut. McGee, of the yoth l'. S. In
fantry, is probably an older man than lie appears
to be, as there is no record of his commission
hav ing been issued during the last seventy years.
But that document wus probably issued before
the levolution, aud that would account for his
not being on the idlieial roster of the I. S. A.
ollleers j but notwithstanding all they have said
or done in trying to strengthen the Democracy iu
Ibis section of country, by actions or statements
like these, will place llieiu In obscurity, and where
the smiles of honest Democrats wul never stoop
so low us to see their doletu! condition. The
general consequence is that wc will give Grant
and Wilson u solid vote, and a much linger
one than we gave In 1SUS for Grant and Colfax.
Many honest Democrats will go quietly to the
polls nud vote Grant and ll ihiun in this section
(in order to have an approving conscience in after
days). As to our county ollleers I will say noth
ing at this time. We Intend to put a good ticket
111 the field, headed by Hon. J. II. Pucker, on the
loth day of September next, and I'M elect the
whole ticket, the same us last fall. Deuiocrtilic
candidates swiirtu through here lile Egyptiau
locusts. From what 1 can hear oui side, 1 think,
perhaps, J. R. Kaulfmau, l. C. Dis.-inger uud G.
W. Armstrong huve a fair chance of getting the
nominations, uud then a fur better chance, of
being defeated i'.t the October election. But I
must uow close. Yours,
Fiuk! Fiiie ! Insurance ou any kind of pro
perty should ucver be neglected. All property
wants to be insured lu good uud reliable compa
nies, so wheu losses occur that thu money Is at
once paid over. Among the most popular aud
punctual Insurance Companies is the People's
Fire In.urauce Company of Philadelphia. Thou
sands Insure iu this company on account of safe
ly, reliability uud prompt payment of losses.
Life insurauccsaro taken at thu lowest rules con
sistent Willi security. For further particulars
upply to Isaiah 8. Gossler, agent, Suubury, J'a.
Blessings brighten as they take their (light.
The chief of blessings Is good health, without
which nothing is worth the having ; it is always
appreciated ut its true vuluu ufter it is lost, but,
too olten, not before. Live properly, and cor
rect aliments before they become seated. For
discuses of the liver, kidneys, skin, stomach, und
all urisiug from impure and feeble blood, Dr.
Wulker's California Vinegar Bitters are a sure
uud speedy remedy. It has never yet fulled in a
slugle liistuuce. u-l,4w.
Busiut'sa Notices.
We wish lo Impress all our readers that Thus.
G. Nolt coutiuues to furnish the most excellent
clothing. All suits are made to order aud war
ranted to fit. lis is uow selling off to make room
for fall goods. Now Is the time to make bar.
I gains,
Tim great rcmsdy to keep fever nwny Is to
keep the feet dry. During the Into rainy season
it could tea reo be. avoided, but. we letirn that W.
H. Miller of the Excelsior, keeps boots and shoes
that are warranted, and the feet are kept perfect
ly dry during any rain. He nlso keeps on hand
a Variety tineqnalcd In litis part of lliu btato to
select from lor any Mud of wear.
Anew and splendid nswtmcnt of Furniture
litis J list been opened nt 11. L. Raiidonbnsh's
store, In Masonic buildings. Great bargains are
had dally by buying at thai establishment. There
Is n larger variety to select from than any of tho
city stores. Every article of furniture for family
use can be purchased there, and at tunro reasona
ble prices than many of tlio Philadelphia estab
lishments. Stylish Srnixo Axn Simmer Hats. A large
supply of stylish Spring nnd Summer Hats to
suit nil fancies nnd tastes has Just been received
at S. Faust's store. Market bquarc. A specialty
in straw hats mid the lightest, coolest and neat
est hat In use Is the ventilated cassinierc hat. A
large stock to select Irom, stylish goods and rea
souablo prices. Call and exumiuo before; prr
chasliig elsewhere.
Doixy Vakutnb nt Wcimcr's.
Imsii Pom.tNM at Weiiuer's.
Pi.Ain Poi'MNS at Weiiner's.
Plain PoI'I.ins at Welmer's.
CiiiNTzr.s at Weiiner's.
SruiNti Shawls at Weiiner's.
An endless variety of Goods for Ladles', Gent's
ond Chiklrcns wear.
Call and see for yourselves.
No trouble to show Goods.
Special Notices.
PUBLISHED ns a warning and for the tienetlt
of yottn-i men and utheri who sutler from
Nervous Debiiity, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup-
Written by one who cured himself, after under
going considerable quackery, and sent free on re
ceiving n post-paid directed envelope.
Address. IN A 1 Jti. ai A l r A i is
June 8, '
Brooklyn. N. Y.
s s
C 5
m -
J 72
E c 2
(J -
a I
C a. s-' . 'fl 'i el
On Marriage. Essays for Young Men, on
Great Social Evils and' Abuses, which Interfere
will. Marriage, ami ruin the happinesc of thou
sand". with sure means of relief for the Erring
and I'lifort unntc, deceased and debilitated. Sent
iu scaled letter envelope, free of i barge.
Address, Howard Association, No. South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
TO thi: Si ITi:i!l(i.
The Rev. Willi am II. Norton, whl'm residing
iu Brazil ns a missionary, dise., v. r, in tl,ni
hind of mcdi'diics n lameiy for Cons! mimion,
SritOt't'l.A, Solfl: TllKKAT, CotlillS, Ceil. lis,
Asthma, and Nlu or. Wr.AKNSss. This retii
cdv has cured nivself ufter all other medicines
had failed.
Wishing to benefit the s id'erlng. I will send
the recipe for preparing and using this remedy to
all win) desire it f KI"K OK CHAKGE.
Please, send uu envelope, with your name cud
address on it. Address,
CT'i I'.ionmv ay,
Oct. 141i7l. ly. Ni.vv Y..i:k City,
lu Upper S .ndnskv. Ohio, on the l"tli Inst.,
Dr. 1). !i. ( ltESSIXoER, brother of Dr. J. 11.
Crtssinger, of this place.
At Trevorton, Ang.l"lh. NELSON FOCI.DS.
sou of 'I bos. l'oulds, tr., :ig. .l 1 year, 11 mouths
and IU days.
Nelson's death was a fearful one. Hot coffee
was thrown over him by accident, lie died ill a
few hours.
At Lower Angu-ta. Aug. lllth, JENNIE A. j
SE MIOl.T, aged 0 liionllis and 11 days.
At Trevorton, Aug. PJih, EMMA Sl'ATZEii, I
aged U months and -ll days.
In Ouketovvn, on t he :.M-,ih inst., CL AK M A I'D '
PLllKY. child of W. F. aud Marry J. Perry, aged I
11 months. !
The deceased will lie buried in C.irnnt, Maine. I
l'tour anl raii .tlarlit't.
Extra Family fl'.OD lied Wheat , p. b.i.,
1 .on
'-!.'-.' 5
Iliickwiieat, p.
, ct.
5.0 I live,
Corn Meal, ''i Corn.
heal liran, p. bil. l.od Kiickwheat
Shorts, Saw Oals, h'J lbs
Com .v; Oats Chop, 'J.IM Flaxseed,
Timothy Seed, p. b. o.lK)
Produce .Market.
.VI ila.ns,
l." Tallow,
lid Counti v S.iap,
VI Dried Apples,
ll) " Peaches,
Eggs, per doz.,
Duller, per lb.,
Sides, "
iiciv bbcriismcnts.
Political Campniu Chart.
Tlie most nitracllvu an I salable thing out. It
Is indispensable lo men of all parties, famishing
Just the facts uud figures needed, for everyday
rclcreiice; bv every intelligent voter. Ajjcuis are
selling from
15 lo ao u inj .
Tlie most liberal terms. Send for descriptive
circulars. Address,
u--4. ? 1 1 Sausoni St., Philadelphia.
LA M L! ill-Xi U I N S
Special Intkuioii Dki okations,
To Order ut Moderate l'liccs.
"W J. Xj IR. J "V E 1ST,
Musnniu Hall, 710 Chestnut .Street, l'hil'a.
Juue lsTj. tin.
Npriu uud Kiiiuiuer Oituiii
Hatu uttd liotiuets, Trimnieil and
Uu trimmed,
all uew styles.
Crape Veils) of all ;rnlen.
and cv, rylbiug usually kept in t Millinery Store.
Cull ut
M. L. GOSM EB'S Store,
4j South Fourth Street, below the li. V. It. It.,
fei;NBl'KY,.PA. ,
April 80, 18TJ.
To Dcbilitiiltal Persons,
To Dyspeptics,
To Nilh.TcTs from Liver Complaint,
To tliosi! Imvin; no Appetite,
To tliosu with Jkokun Down Conslitu
tons, To Nervous People,
To Children Wasting Awity,
oany with Debilitated Digi'Rtivo Orgntis,
Or sufferintj tetti aii.y ''' tie following
li tfonis, which indicate Disordered Liver
such ns Con
stipation. Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to the Head, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight tn tho Slom
nch, Sour Emctations.Sinking or
Fluttering at the Pit of tho btom
hcIi, Swimming of tho Head, Hur
ried nnd Difficult Breathing, Flutter
ing at the Heart, Choking or Suffocat
ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture.
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before tho
Sight, Fever nnd Dull Puin In the Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellnwne" of the Skin
imd Eves, Pain In the Side, Back. Chest,
Limbs, Ac, Sudden Hushes of Heat,
Burning in the Flesh Constant Im
aginings of Evil, and Great De
pression of Spirits.
lloollaiuVs (jerinan Hitters.
A Bitters w ithout Alcohol or Spirits of any kind.
Is different from nil others, ll Is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vital Pitlxcll'i.K ok Hoots,
lli:iins nnd Kaiiks. (or us lnedieiiiully termed Ex
tracts,) the worthless or Inert portions of the In
gredients not being used. Therefore In one bot
tle of this Bitters there is contained us much me
dical viiliie ns w ill ln found in several gallons ol
ordinary mixture. The Hoots, .'sc.. used in this
Hitters are grown iu Germany, their vital princi
ples extracted If. that country by a scientific Che
mist, nnd ranvaided to the manufactory in this
city, where they are compounded and bottled.
Containing no spir.tuous Ingredients, this Bitters
i free from the objections urged ugulnst ull oth
ers : no desire for stimulants can bo induced
from their use j they cannot make drunkards,
und cannot, under any circumstances, have any
but a beneficial ellect.
Was compounded fot those not Inclined to ex
treme bitters, and is intended for use in cases
when f.onie alcoholic stimulant is required in eo i
nection with the tonic properties of the Bitters.
Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle (if
j the Hitlers, combined with puree SANTA CIIUZ
UL-.n, and ttavoreii insuen a manner untune ex
treme bltternes- of the hitlers is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly agreenb'c and pleasant
lo the palate, and containing the medicinal vir
tues of the liitters. The price of the Tonic is $1.
50 per Buttle, which many persons think too
h'gh. They must take Into consideration that
the stimulant usid is guaranteed to he of a pure
quality. A poor article could he furnished at a
cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little
more and have u good article ( A pre
paration should contain none hut the best ingre
dients j and they wlio expect to obtain a cheap
conipnun I. und be beuelitted by it will mo.-t cer
talulv be cheated.
KooliuiMl's ; rm an Jtlltcr. cr
I.AND'S ro:oi!.jUin EMU,
will cure you. They are the Greatest
BLOOD PCIUFIEIIS known to the Medical
world, und will eradicate diseases arising from
impure blood. Debility of tin- Disgeslive Organs,
or Disea-ea Liver, lu a shor'er lime than any j
other known remedies.
Who wnii.ti ask roit voun DniN:rii:u and
Mui'Niir.i! Ti:mimonv !
Hon. Crnum: W. Wounv vi::!, formerly Chief
Justice of the ."Supreme ('.cut of Pennsylvania,
at present Member of Congress from Pennsyl
vania writes :
l'Hii.AiirLi'HfA, March Ulth, InVT.
I lln I 'lloe-tland's Gerinaii Bitters'' is a good
tonic, lieefu! in diseases of the dige. tive organs,
au-1 of great Ijenelit in cases of ilcl-Uily, an I
want of Hernias action "... the svstem. Yours,
tw:';., GEO. W. WuODWAi.'J.
lion. J.vMi v TnciMi' ios, Chief Justice of the Su
preme Couitof Pennsylvania.
1'Hii.Ain.i r:ti v, April -S, 107.
I consider 'llonl! nut's German Bitter," a val
uable mi : Heine in case of iitt.icks oi Indigestion
or IHspep-iu. I can certify this from my expe
rience of it .
Hon. Groinii! Siiahsv.'ooI), Ju.
of the S.i-
preme Court ol Peiin .ylvauia.
I'HILAIO.U.I'IIIA, June 1, lS'.s.
I l'.ave found by cxpi lieuee that 'llootland's
German Hitters" is a very good tonic, relieving
ll'st'eptie svlui lotus allllort .lirectlv.
Hon. Tl'in. '. JtC'ij' Mav.ii of tho City of I'.ul-
falo, N. Y.
Mayor's Ofllce, llutlalo, June ISnO. j
I have used "HooUaud's Gerniaii liilteis anil
Tonic"' In my family during the pu-t year, and ;
can recommend them us an excellent tonic, ini- :
parting lone and vigor to the system. Their use
lias been productive of deei ledlv b -nelieial cf- '
feds. WM. F, KOGEUS. i
Hon. James -V. )t'ood, Ex-Mayor of Williams
port. Pa.
I lake great pleasure in rccomincmling ''Ilouf-
land's Gei man Tonic' to any one who may be!
aillicted with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia
so badly it was Impossible to l.eep any food on
inv stomach, and 1 became so weak us not to be
able to walk half a mile.
Two hollies etl'ecto 1 ;
pel feet cure.
IH 1
Will Cttfu every Case, of
or Wasting away of tlie liody.
Are the medicines you reiiiirc to purify the
Uloo.l, excite tlie torpid Liver to huiillliy iielion,
and to cuajle you lo pass safely through any
hardships or expusttru.
i o d o r u r j, l i iV ,
or subsiitute for Mereurv Pills. Two Pills
Dose. Tlie most Powerful, Jt lunoceiil Cathar
tic kuowu.
It is not necessary to take a ban t fill of these
Pills to produce tile desired ellect ; two of theiii
ad ti tlickly and powerfully, cleaiisinjr the Liver,
Stomach aud Bowels of all impui itli s. The
principal ingredient is Po lopliyllin, or the Alco
liolic Extract of Mandrake, u hlch is bv many
limes more powerful, acting and tearchiut; ihau
the Mamlrake itsell. Its peculiar action is upon
the Liver, cleanins it speedily from ull obstruc
tions, Willi all the power of Mercury, yel free
from the Injurious results attached lo the tuo of
that mineral.
For all diseases, in which the use of a calhar
lic is Indicated, these pills will -.ive entire satis
faction iu every case. Tin y never fail.
In cases of Liver Complaint, Dvsj.i psl.i and ck
ireme coslivcness. Dr. llooiluud's ticimuu Hit
lers or Tunic should be used in connection wii h
the Pills. The touie ellect of the Pilters or To
nic builds up the system. Th hilters or Tonic
purities the lllood, strengthens the Nerves, regu
lates the Liver, uud fives strength, eucia:y und
Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, aud
tone up the system Willi Hitters or Tonic, and uo
disease can r-"ain the hold, or eve i suil you.
Keenllcet that ll is Hit. HOOFi-AND S (.EK
M AN' Uemeuies that are so univerrally used and
liiubly recommended ; and da not allow the
Dtryeisl to induce you to take uu.Mliln else
that he may say is Just us irood, because he
makes u larger pro lit on It. These Ueiuedn t will
he scut by Express to any localilv, upon applica
tion to llio PU1NOIPAL OFFH V, at the tiKlt
C1IAS. M. EV.VNS, Ptninictor.
Formerly C. M. Jackson tV. C. These Heme,
dies are for Sale by Druists, Storekeepers, aud
M41rioe IKsleri eveiVAtKic.
Pay Up.
All persons Indebted to the undersigned, on
Note or Book account, will please call nnd settle
or their accounts will bo given to a Justice of
the Peace for collection.
Sunbury, July 20, 1872.
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
Respectfully Informs the clllr.cns of Rimbury nnd
vi'clnitv, that ho lets opened a
on Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mullen
building, nnd thut ho is prepared to make np nil
kinds of
In the latest styles. Having Imd much exper
ience In the business he desires the public to jjlve
him a trial.
Clothing will be made up hi the latest Tails
and American Fashions lu the most satisfactory
Aug.l7,'72.-tf. CTIA11LF3 MAIIIL.
It) THE WOHKING CLASS, male or female.
.1. ?U'l a week guaranteed. Ilespcctable em
ployment at, home, day or evening j uo capital
required i full Instructions nnd Valuable package
of goods to start with sent free by mail. Ad
dress, with 0 cent return slump.
M. YOUNG .v CO..
n24,4w. 10 Courthindt St., New York.
AQEITTS WAITTT"D-f rtl.eLl-.of
Grant Greeley
mini of sit pur uc. Over 49 Stool Portraits,
worth twice the cost of th" hook. Wanted every
when'. Agents have; wonderful success. Send
for circular. Address, ZIEGLF.K .v. McCVIlDY,
MS Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. u'.M-lvv.
Agents Wttutcd for the Autobiography of
The bet. nnd only cditlnn written by hhnsolf ; tin 1
for 1S? nnipulgti IHaitunl, a hook of
tne times for nil parties. Illustrated. One tijretil
sold S'J In tvrec days. Also, for lleadiey's Life
of President Grant, and ! plcndi J Portraits of
Cuii'li lates. f:i(iil a nuaith made. 1
E. 1'. THE AT, Publisher, t.i:. Broadway, N. Y.
r-L -tt" "ti't
Is rust riesiiia
Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broil,
lug Door, Vender Guard. Dumping mid Shaking
Grate, Diicvt Dial!. I'll I.I. Ill, WAIiKEN ee.
CO., '.I'.O Water Street, New Yolk. i2-Mw.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Foil Coroits, Coi.ds it HuMisrsnsS.
These T.ibVts picscnt the Acid in Combiui'tion
with oilier illieient remedies. In a popular form,
for the Cure of all TllUOAT uti.i LUNG Di
seases, lloarsene-s and Clei-ratiou of the Throat
are immediately relieved uud statements are con
stantly being sent to tlte propi ietor of lelief in
case nf Throat '!if!icnlti"S of vcars state. lit. g.
! 'Al"l'Et.. Don't lie deceived by woithless
I imitations. Get onlv Wells' Carbolic Tablets.
! I'r'ce eis. p,.r box. JuilN . KELLOGG.
I Sen.l for Circular. IS Piatt street, N. Y.
j i-'ole Agent for I'nite 1 ei,itc.
Oi) yrf A MONTH eu-!lv mad
with Sten-
Ji.- and Kcy-Checl.
I lies. Secure cir
liratia b.iro, Vt. j
cuiar uud
sample.-, j, e.
1 'V'Pn Semi f.r eircn'ars nnd
Tl1il I ill s e"ial terms for Me
1 C'eilun's lLpublicii-
rcn'ars and I
America." '1 be fas'e-t sellln
J. M.TODOAIIT cc ( ,,.. p
' b.'uk out.
i.i. a
Prof- Pooler's CJreat Work
On Manhood, Worn nhool and their Mutual
It 'i r-ie, itions : Love, lis Lus. Power, c
Stunl tor specimen payes and
terms. Address,
ul0,4vv. Phll.iilciph'a
i s. Power, i te.
DIO LEWIS' New and Grealt- Woik is nn im- 1
nieii-c success. lUih tlio'j.and iu pie-s. Agents j
delighted nn. I coining inonev. Agents W.inle 1
everywhere. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
uli'.Iw T.i.l S.iiisoni stteet, l'liila.
AGENTS, we will pay you Jp) per week iu '
cash, if you will engage w ith u at oni i. Every
thing furnished nnd expenses p iid. Address, I
aUi.4w. F. A. ELLS eV. CO., Chaili.tte, Midi. ;
Live Agents Wanted
for Two l.ivi; Hooks : Dr. Coimll's Lives of
till EE LEY and III1HWN, the late-t and h.-s: j
ni-o. Judge !:u,-crs -Lite of 1 1 EN K Y W I L
M )N','" only correct ctlitl -n p'iblislied. Popular
prices ! Shievvd agents vi ill see the a Ivnntnge of
having a I'Ook for ei.eli party. Sv-cure leriiloty
at once, and coin ii.onev. Address,
Jl. C. Jii!IN.-ON', Publisher,
a10.4w. 701 Area fctrcct. PhiTa.
Afrents! Look Here!
I tS by not s
i will buv at
11 n book that cverv family want and
-lelll f SUell is 'i'i!L NlVV IlXt STHATr.l)
j Fmr.i
tii: lliu i ion ir
just out. An elegant octavo, paes ; overdi)
superb ihn-traiioiis, time. I paper, superior bin I
ii''. only i..atl. Tbe el;eaiest and most papular
bonk in pr.nt. Is a (rival ir.T. NVill sell every
where like Hot Cakes. Posu rs, circulars, terms,
atel onr Poeki-t Co. ntvniioa, mailed t'lte.
address, Hl't'.UAllD 111S., Pab.islnrs. 7':i Sa n M , Phil'u.
It is iiol a pti i -ie wtiieii tuny ;ive tempor.irv
le.ief to tl-.n siitl'eivr for the lirst lew doses, tint
which. II.-IHI cotilinu.'d use brings Piles and kiu
ilre I disease- lo al I in wi aki nine I lie invalid, nor
is it a doetoie f li inoe, whielit uii'.hr the popular
name of Hitters" is so cMen.-lve:y palmed oil"
on the pill" i' as MivereiL'ii remedies, but it is a
mosl poweif a1 i'onie and ailerative, prono'iuecd
so by tlie 1 "udntss medical uiiihoiiiies of Lou Ion
nii'l P.iri. and 1: is l een lout; Use I by the rciuiar
physicians of taker couuliii's, with wonderful it
medial results.
retains all lbs medicul virtues peculiar to the
pi. ml and must betaken as a permanent dilutive
Is there want of action in your Liver & Spleen I
I'liless re ieved nt once, the blood becomes im
pure bv delel.'i'ious secretions producinir scrofu-
iou or skin diseases, H'otehes, Felons, Pustules, I
I anker, rmiplcs, Ac, iVc.
Take Jai nliilia to e. cause, purify and restoie
the vilialed biiuiil to beallbv action.
Have you h 4pcpiic Stonincli I I'uless di
gestion is promptly aided the system I- debilita
ted with loss id'vital force, poverty of the lllood, Tendeucy, (leueiul Weakucts or Lassi
tude. Take It to assist Digestion without r. acllon, it
ni l imparl youthful vi'nr to the weary sutlcier.
Have you weakness of the Intestines f You
are iu daiiucr of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dread
ful Iiitl.immalioii ol the Howels.
Take It lo allay Irritation uud ward oh" tenden
cy to Infla iiiinat inns.
Have yon weakness of the I'lerine or I'llnary
Organs j You must procure Instant lelief urjou
an- liable to sullerini; worse than death.
Take it to urenitllun org'aule weakness or life
becomes a burden.
Finally It should be fieiiienl'y taken to keep
the sjsteiii in perfect hcu'.th or you areotberwise
In trcat dai.'er of uiuiatiiil, ni'utuiuiie or colli. i
glous disii.-.vs,
JOHN ii- KELLOCO, 18 Piutt St.. N. Y.
hole Aucnl lor tbe I'liile.i States,
riic, f' ItsItU". tiud for t ticular. 4w
11 anon iange
H m nrstriesiiia U U
Don't Read This 1 1
Good morning, Mis. A., Where are you bounJ
for so early I
Mrc. A. Why Mrs. C, nn't yrm know Mr.
Byerly has bought out the Grocery and Confec
tionery Store, of Unas it Weaver, and Is selling
nice f'reh Groccilcs, Canned Fruit, imd in fuel,
everything In the Grocery line, cheiiprr than the
cheapest, und I have got tired paying high prices,
so I huvemnde up my mliidulter this to pntron
Ir.u Mr. Byerly. to good morning, Mn. C. 1
Ulll-t go.
Mrs. C, to herself. Well I ntil bottnd tj lnd
out for myself, nnd will go to Hyerly's new cheap
cash Grocery, the ncM lime I waul any
Groceries, I'oiifc't tioiivriPHor l'rlni
I will just say lonll conic and ghe mo a trial,
nnd satisfy yourselves that there is one cheap
cash Grocery in Sunbury.
Ib member the place. No. 1 1, South Third St.,
In Clcmenl llo.i.-e building, huuhurv. V".
li. 'BYERLY.
Stinhurv, Jan. 20, 1S72.
I'rojioMctl Amciitluicut
Constitution of Pennsylvania
Joint Kt'HoIulIosi
ing an Amendment to the LoiitUlii'lon ot
lie, it reculi'cTt by the Senate and Jf mfe. of Iiepre
seittatires of the I'omnioii'.iratti of I'eonnjlvnnia in
General AxsernVy nu t, 1 hat the following amend
ment nf the Constitution of this Cotiiii.onvveultli
i be proposed to tb people fur their a lopliou or
, rejection, pursuant to the provi-.iuus ol L,e:Wu'. U
j articie thereof, to wit :
j Strike out the sixth sect ion of the sixth article
; of the Constitution, nnd insert In lien theieof tho
i following: "A Stale. Treasurer stiall be. chose n
J by the iia!ifle.l electors of the Stale, at such
1 times and for such term of service us shall bo
prescribed by law."
I Speaker of the House of Itcprcsctit atlVcs.
i Speaker of Senate,
j Afrnovrn The twenty-second day oT March,
; Anno Domini one thoti' aud eight hundred nui
' seven! v-t wo.
Prejaied anil certified for publication pursuant
to tile Tenth Ailicie of the Constitatlon.
FilANClrt JOltD.VN,
j Secretary rd t lie Commonwealth,
i Office Secretary of the ( oiiitiioiiivca'.th,
llarrisbarg, JtmC :.'lllh, 1STJ. i
; June '.), IST'J. lim.
1 Bakeryjor Sale.
! Tl.c Well known li.ikerv of W. If. Haas r,u
Fourth stre t, SiiLbury, Including a good dwell
ing house and good stabling attached, i ollered
for sale on reasonable terms. T,e liaki ty is
new and of good cu ac'ty, capable of baking SO
barrels of flour pr '.v.eli. Applv to Win. H. or
ALlii.Il'1 HAAS.
July 'JO, lSTg.-tr. isunbury, Pa.
(; EOUG E M. 11 EXX,
la .ViiiiMid's Duillimj. Miirlct S-juaret
Si:mh uv, Pa.,
1 prepare 1 to do n'l !.i:n"N of work pertaining
to Denti-liy. ! kei ps eon-tantly 'j'j hard
H large assortment of Teeth, nud oilier Dental
niatciia!, from w h'.eli h- will be able to select,
and meet, liie wants of his customers.
All worn warranted lo give satisfaction, or else
tie- money refunded.
The very lie-t Mo'.uh Wash and Tooth-Powders
kept on band.
His references e.v- the numerous patrons for
whom he has worked for the hut twelve yeuro.
Sunbury, April -1, ISl'J.
aT mTmeixell,
America;! uitt! llurojean
h.ik isnr..
lcrreete;I Njieetaele.s tsml Fjo
ilcLcs tid J - e dry
."ire! and war-
vt Svi lai-e, fjUNHL'KY, Pa.
V tf
Driiivuist and Apothecary,
(suceesaot to Dr. . W. Moody,)
At the old established stand on
Muriiet v"iiare, SI MII ItY, V.
Keeps eu:isl:;Mly on hand a full stock of well
Sell i led
Dniststisls Fancy tioo'.s,
l'l.iirr m ery ,
1 AT E N T M J : 1I CI N ES, O i I.S, l'AIN TS
YAUMSH, DYiisrnis,
ill fact everything tisnallv kept ia a well con
Particular attention pal I to conipnundin Phy
sicians prescription uud family nc-ipts by tho
Proprialor himself.
Sniibary, Pa., June 8, 1T'I.
, 1J;iuhoo:l iEIun, lion Itestor-
ftt I
EJust p'ibll-li.'d. a new cdhtcn of Dr.
K."AY on the radical cute (witho-it ine.lieine)
of M'l-.IIMA TollKIUEA, oi toin in.-i 1 W.aUncs,,
I Involuntary Si initial Losses. IVPOTENtY,
Menial and l'hv-icil Incapacity. lu:a,liiiu nts
to Marriage, etc. ; ul-o, Cousuini't ion , Epilepsy,
and Fits, induce 1 by scif-iudulijcucc or sexual
, l'X t I'u v a i.'a li cc
Pii.-e, in a Seal.-1 erve'.ojie, only C cents.
The Cell hr.ite.l author, in this admirable cs
s.iy, clearly .'eiuoMstiati-s, fioiu it thirty Jcais
sucosfii! pr.otiee, lln.t the alarming cense
i rpiciiccs of f'-ll abuse may be radically cured
j v .1 boul the d U'uiioiis use .of medicine
! or the a; pliealion of the knife ; pointinir oat o
u.n le of cure at once simple, certain, ami clfec
tual, l y me ins ot W loi'h every sad. ia r. no mut
ter what his condition may be, may cure himself
; elieno'y, piivale y nnd lad'e.tlls.
i ";" I'hls Leetiirc should be iu the Lands of
j every voi.ih nn .l evoiy loan in the land,
j belli, under seal, 111 u' plain inveloj.e, to any
address, postpaid, ou rcccitt il six e nis, or t wo
I poslnnc ft imps.
Also. Dr. Culverw
's M ,r. i it'ii tiuide,"'
-- tbe Put. i-heis,
.1. t . KI.1XF CO.,
1.1 Hovvelj, New Y'olli.
i price iu cents. Addn
i C1IA.
I P. O. K'.x. 4. ';.
j Aprii VT, 1-s?.
M I I.I.I in: v.
nt thu
91 1 KM I.. MIIHSI.riC.
Eveiy kind of Millinery (ioi..l, em).raciii
HatM, Itomtctk, fs :ool Ilulit, ( ratio
lint Ulltl Itouut'tH,
Ulbboiii nnd Flowers, Triiiini'mus of ivei v ic
sciipliou. and every kind of piods usually kept
iu a millinery establishment, can lie bad lit her
store si the lowest pi ices. The very he-l iu Ihe
Ptiharieli liiii t.i. n 'mi i i beiai selected, lo which
the ludics ulu invited lo exaiiiiue nnd U- lonviu
ctd. MISs L. SHlSSl.l.i;,
Maiktt S' piuic, uubu'v. F
Apt 11 t' 11T-).