Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 17, 1872, Image 3

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    ittwburg American;
Railroad Time Table.
p. A E. R. R Ootito NoRTnwARD.
Rrl Moll. leaves at 0:05 a m
Niagara ExpreM, " " 180 p m
Mail, " " 4:80 pm
Erie Eiprens, " " 6:60 p ra
N. C. R. W Oomo South wabd.
Erie Mnil, leaves at 18:45 ft m
F.rle ExpreM, " " 7:40 m
Mall, " " 11:05 m
Nlairnra Express, " " 6:80 pm
The Erie Express train remains here abotit
80 ailuutes for breakfast.
Mali train leaves at 7.80 a. m., and arrives at
7.W p. m. Fast Line leaves at 8.40 p. m., and
arrives at 1.50 p. m.
Shamorik Vallbt R. R."
Mall loaves at 19.85 p.m., for Shamokin and
arrives at 8.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Carmel at
4.40 p. in., and arrives at 0.25 a. m.
D. H. & W. R. R.
Trains leave for New York, via Haileton at
6.80 a. m., and arrives at 8.85 p. ra.
Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J.
8lilpman, Ticket Agent at the Depot.
'local Affairs.
Sewinq Machines. -MIbs Caroline Dallus Is the
tigent for the sale, of the best Sewing Machlucs
In existence, vt i "The Improved 8lnger,"
"Orover fc Buker," "Howe," und 'Domestic,1'
which are constantly on hand and sold ai. rea
sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele
brated Frants and Popo Knitting Machine. Call
nil see them. Office on Market street, east of
the railroad;
A Nvf TxiLOKiNO Establishment. We refer
gentlemen to the advertisement of Mr. Charles
Mailil, who has opened a new tailoring establish
ment on Fourth street below Market. Mr.
Mnlhl has had much experience In the business,
and guarantees general muisfnctlon to all who
favor him ntinllicir patronnge.
A Votb taken by the Grand Jurynt August
Turin, after they had been discharged, Blood 15
for Grant, 4 for Greeley. Healthy that for Nor
thumberland county.
Festival. A festival will bo held at the Mt.
Pleasant, M. E. Church, In Upper Augusta tp.,
on the public road to Klinesgrovc, near Samuel
Oberdoi fs, on the evenings of the 22d nnd 24th
of August. The proceeds arc to be applied to re.
pplmg tbo church. The public are Invited to
call and aid In the worthy enterprise.
The very finest carriages and buggies arc man
ufactured at J. F. Kerch's sbop on Chestnut
street uenr the railroad. Work Is guaranteed
to be equal to nif city make, and at less rates.
(.':!! and see samples at the shop before purchas
ing elsewhere.
Entfutaismkst. The Hiawatha boat club
gave a scries of entertainments In Fry's Hall
during last week in this place, composed of dra
mas, farces, &c, but ns we were without know
ledge of reporters being welcome, we ore unable
to furnieh any parculurs concerning the perform
ances. A Vote taken upon the train, August 12, 1872,
between Wntsontown and Sunbury, stood Grant
.9, Greeley 15. Straws show the direction of the
Mt sic Levins. Our music loving readers will
be pleased to learn that Amy Stone, who gave
such a pleasing entertainment in Fry's Hall
about a year since, will again appear In the same
place on Wednesday evening, the 21st in.-t. Amy
Stone's dramatic alliance can be relied on ns
worthy of a vii-ll, as In addition to her former ex
cellent entertainments she has socurod Hie servi
ces of Herr S. Weitheini, and live of his associ
ates, who were recently engaged by Prof. Gil
uiorc, uud brought to this country for the Uoston
jubilee. Those who will go to hear Herr S.
Weitheiin's elegant touches on the violin may
look for something moru than ordinary.
Fine. On Wednesday afternoon nbout 2 o'
clock, an alarm of lire was given caused by the
burning of an out house on the lot of Mr. George
Gariuger, on Walnut street, between 'M and 4th.
The Suubury stcnin lire company was promptly !
on the spot, und ready for service, but was j
deemed unnecessary. The tire was readily ex
tinguished with buckets. It is supposed to have
originated from children playing with matches
In tho building.
Stiutk nY Lightning. On Tuesday after
noon last, during a heavy thunder-storm, Drum
heller's City Hotel, of this place, was struck by
lightning, but fortunately without doing any
niatcriil damage. The liglituiug struck the
south-east corner of tho building, and passed
down the water-spout to the bell-wire, which
conducted it through the hall, knocking off tho
wall In its course. Mr. Drumbeller and one of
his children were In the hall at the time, and
wero considerably stuuued by the shock. The
bell-wire was completely melted by tho electric
fluid. During the same shower, a horse belong
ing to Mr. Allen Hopper, hitched in a wagon
with nuother horse belonging to Mr. Charles Ga
riuger, was killed instantly by lightning, on tho
road towards the dam. Mr. Garingcr's horse
was knocked down, and the driver considerably
shocked. '
Personal. During the past week we had tho
pleasure of welcoming to our sauctum Prof.
Bruce, of Piltston, who is doing noble work for
Grant and Wilsou, uud the republican cause. L.
M. Morton, editor of the Miltoniuii, who is Elec
tor for this district. He gave us cheering news
from the upper end of the county. Also, J. R.
Cornelius, editor of the Lcwisburg Chronicle,
who publishes a lively und spicy Republican
newspaper, und, as it should be, one that Is high
ly appreciate by the people of that couuty. Mr.
C. reports three flourishing Grant and Wilson
clubs in full blast in his towu. Greely men are
very scarce in that locality.
Sheriff Heller proceeded to the Eastern Pen.
itciitiary ou Saturday lust, with ten convicts,
one of whom was eousigned to the House of Re
fuge, they having received their scnteuccs last ,
week. Among then, was the Quondum Trleud of j
our neighbor of the Democrat Mr. Pat Hester.
Put was scutcuced for two years uud seven
months, aud from present Indications no hopes '
uro ciiterlalnM that he will tuko any part in the '
election or tho editor of tbo Democrat to tho Leg- j
U.uturc. 1 his will certainly he a great loss to
several Democratic leaders lu this county who are
now looking for office. Put's services will no
doubt be greatly missed when these candidates
come to make out the returns which are to elect
Mu. Cuarles Gauinuer, the proprietor of
Fry's Opera House, bus beeu for some time past
eugsged In remodeiiugthe stage and the Inside of
the building, aud erecting new sceuery and drop j
curtaius. Tho grand openiug of this hall will
take place to-night (S.iturduy) by the New York !
and Western Theatre Company performing two '
beautiful dramas entitled "Black-Eyed Susan,"
and "Ten Nights lu a Bur-Room." This compa
ny Is well known to most of our citizens, as they
gave general satisfaction,but a short time ago, at
the same place. Our fun loving people will no
doubt be glad to hear of their return, and wl'l
give them a crowded bouse.
Tna trial of Pat Hester and Michael Qallaebet
ln our Court during last week, created consids J
hl Mr!t.mnnl In tht. nl.M from ih fact thai?
rable excitement in this plat from tha fact that
the suit had been brought against them by Fa
ther Koch, pastor of the Roman Catholic Church
of Shamokin. The trial was closely Watched as
well as the movements of the Catholics, as It
has been generally believed that that church
countenanced many of the outrages committed In
the coal regions for some years past. The lute
rest taken by Father Koch and the Bishop In this
trial, has not only removed this suspicion from
the public mind, but It has elevated them lu tho
estimation of all peaceable and order loving citi
zen Inasmuch as through their agency these
criminals have been brought to justice, and the
community rid of a few of the lenders of a mur
derous gang. The course pursued by the gentle
men referred to In this case, shows the fact that
the Catholics are as much disposed to break up
these gangs of ruffians as any other class of ci
tizens, and will leave nothing undone to bring
them to punlshmeut whenever they violate the
laws of the land. These notorious characters
who have just received their sentence,, have long
been a dread to the community, nnd their contin
ued outrages bad Intimidated their uclghbors to
such an extent that they were afraid to Inform on
them, as their lives were Imperiled by doing so.
The community at lnige to-day thank Father
Koch for his Indomitable perseverance In reliev
ing the conl region, at least for a while, of char
acters who were worse than tho devil himself,
and giving tho Molly McGwires to understand
that they must cease their nefarious operations,
or they will be condemned to an utmost doom.
Attempted Assassination in tub Coal Re
gion. Outrages In the coal region continue to
be committed by the Molly McGulrcs. On Wed
nesday morning last aooul 0 o'clock, as six men
employed at Gorrell nnd Audenrled mines, near
Centrulla, to do some repairing were returning
from work, they were fired upon by a party of
the "Molly Mcgulrcs." w ho were secreted In tho
woods, half way between the nilues and Centra-
lin. Three of the workmen named George W.
rtnvls. John P. Webster nnd Alfred Burge, were'
badly wounded. Davis, it Is thought, cannot re
cover, the ball taking effect in the body uenr the
right shoulder. Webster was riddled with bird
shot nnd sheet nails, and Uurgu badly wounded
4u the leg.
The causo of the murderous assault, it Is
thought, Is on account of the men going to work
against the wishes of tho ".Molly Men ulrcs,"
who are a terror to the Inhabitants of that re
gion. The assassins fire still at large.
Contract Awarded. The contract for grad
ing a road for tbo P. & E. R. It. Co., from Vine
street in the upper part of this borough, passing
on the cast side of the machine shops of the com
pany to the Northumberland bridge for a passen
ger track, has been nwarded to our esteemed
friends Jacob Scasholtz uud John Bowcn. These
gentlemen nre old and experienced contractors,
nnd will uot only build n good road, but will
push tho work on vigorously. This track is In
tended for passenger trains exclusively, nnd will
be more direct than the track now in use. The
embankment to be built Is a heavy one, requiring
nbout 75.000 yards of earth, and will take proba
bly a year to complete It. Messrs. Scasholtz and
Bowcn will commence the work as soon as labo
rers can be procured. They are advertising for
100 men to whom good wages will be paid.
A Giieelet Cu n was organized In this place
last week, which was claimed ns being composed
exclusively of Liberal Republicans, but on look
ing over the list wc Uud that but three who have
been considered ns Republicans for several years
past were among the number, nnd that the orga
nization was almost entirely controlled by stran
gers who came here but a short time since, and
whose political antecedents nre uot known. We
arc Informed that there were just enough present
Including Democrat, to till the olUccs, and that
after the positions were filled they adjourned to
a lager beer saloon where considerable enthusiasm
W;s gotten up, ami the meeting adjourned at a late
Oik venerable friend Hurry Masser occupied n
prominent seat near the speakers at the Demo
cratic meeting In the Court House on Monday
evening last. Truly the world moves. Demo
crat. We presume that our Senior associate expected
to receive some information from the "big guns"
of the mongrel party, but like many others he
was disappointed, and discovered that it is a bad
school to attend if the object Is to acquire know
ledge. We refer our readers to the advcitisemcnt of
the Sunbury Academy which will open ou Wed
nesday, September 4th, 1872. One hundred nnd
twenty-six pupils have received instruction dur
ing during the last term, nnd wo nre glad to
learn In the most satisfactory manner to the pu
pils. This institution is one of the best conduct
ed lu the central part of the State. The princi
pals rank among the foremost, and scholars nre
readily prepared for practical business ns well as
for entering college. The present term will open
under the most favorable auspices.
Fire in Delaware Township. On last Thurs
day evening bctwecu tho hours of 9 und 10 o'
clock, the barn ou the farm of Mr. Chailcs Shell,
of McEwcnsville, situated in Delaware township,
above tho stone tavern, ou the old Stale road
leading to Muucy, was struck by lightning nnd
burned to the ground with i'.s contents, consist
ing of about 400 bushels of wheat, 40 tons of hay,
nnd many farming utensils, harness, etc., in nnd
about the burn. There were also one horse and
two calves burned. Tho former, it is supposed,
was killed by the lightning when the building
was first struck. The dwelling near by was in
great danger, and was only saved by a heavy
ruin which followed the lightning. The loss
will probably reach It ,000, with an insurance of
only t000 in tho Farmers' Mutual of Danville.
This is really ou unfortunate occurrence, nnd a
loss that at this time is more keenly felt tliau
perhaps at any other. Mr. John Shell, the bro
ther of and farmer for, Mr. Charles Shell, last
year lost almost all his crops by the great
hail storm, and now that he had this ycur's har
vest gathered, a loss is met which is far greuter
thau the previous one. Wattontoan Jtecord.
Tub new three story brick building of George
W. Smith, on Market street is so fur udvanced as
to already make quite an Imposing appearance.
The building when completed will be one of the
finest In that part of the town.
Mr. Win. T. Eugleman, we notice, is engaged
in erecting nine line frame houses on Church
street, near Frout, for tenement houses. Mr.
Englemau is full of enterprise, and will make a
vast Improvement iu thut part of tho town.
Mr. Wm, T. Graut, we learn, is prepuriug to
remodel hie residence on Arch street. He in
tends putting a French roof on it.
Wm. Kenan, who was arrested at Hurrlsburg lust
week charged with an assault und buttery on Ro
bert Bell, really turns out to be an accomplice of
youug Whlto iu the Eineilch robbery, as is ex
plained la the following paragraph which we ex
tract from the Harrisburg Telegraph t
Win. Kenian, alias King, who is uow iu prison
charged with the assault on Robert Bell, recent
ly, was brought before Bell ou Saturday, and
was recognized by him a one of his assailants.
;J r.'i ITa" VVli' of Kenllemeu from Suubu
.i K""411 lo P'lson.und identified him as
Emerick, of that place, during lust winter for the
purpose of rubbiig ,ra. Keruan. we under
stand, dnilted having been concerned In tb f
rulr. He will probably have to stand a trial
here on the Bell case, and then be taken to Ban
bury to answer the other charge.
Urakt. Wilson ad Hautranft Ci.ud of Stm-
P""- n Saturday evenm-, the 10th Inst., an
VVp't f theKopubllcans of Banbury,
was ucifl ac tna ouice oi iaeot niiinman, esq., lit
Clement's building, to arrange preliminaries for
tho formation of a Grant, Wilson and Hartranit
Club. Dr. D. W. Shindel was called to the chair,
nnd suggestions weie made and action taken per
tinent to the object In view. This Informal
meeting adjourned with the resolution to
meet on Tuesday evening, In Clement's Hall,
for the permanent organization of the Club.
Ti'ksTjat Evening, August 13th, 1873.
A large concourse of Republicans met In Cle
ment's Hall to enrry out the object expressed by
the above mentioned meeting. Dr. Shindel, tcni-
fiorary President, stated the object of the meet
ng, viz: to organize permanently for the cam
paign a Grant. Wilson and Ilnrtranft Club. That
for tho accomplishment of this object permanent
officers wcro to be elected, nnd a Constitution
and By-Laws for the government of the Club,
were to be adopted, Ac.
On motion, Ben). Hendricks, Eenr., was elect
ed President, unanimously, nnd a committee of
three appointed to wnlt upon Mr. Hendricks and
inform him of his election.
On motion, John M. Cndwaltader and John
Unas were elected Vice Presidents. Mr. Hans
made a few spirited remarks to the Club, which
were enthusiastically received.
On motion, John Toungmnn was elected Re
cording Secretary, unanimously.
On motion, Wm. A. Sober was elected Corres
ponding Secretary, unanimously.
On motion, Philip H. Moore was unanimously
elected Treasurer.
The Constitution being rend, was unanimously
adopted. Tim By-Laws were read, nnd on mo
tion of A. N. Hrice, a committee of three was ap
pointed to revise and add to said By-Laws. The
following gentlemen were appointed said com
mittee, A. N. Brice, W. A. Sober nnd E. Wllvcrt.
On motion an executive committee was ap
pointed, consisting of the following gentlemen i
Dr. 1) W Shindel, A N Brice, George W Smith,
John Delia ven, Philip Moore, John Bourne, P II
Fox, Norman Haas, George Harrison, Johu Bell,
John K Clement, T S Shnnnon, N 8 Gnyinuii,
William Rohrbach, Jured Irvln, George Rcnn,
Wm Bright, Andrew Hoover, John W Bucher,
John Bowcn, Christian Neff. Geo Wugenseller,
Thomas D Grant, II Y Frlllng, Alexander Mantz,
Henry Clement, H F Menges, Chas Sensciibnch,
James Kerslmur, Ell.u Diusclotis, Aquuin Bar
tholomew. On motion of J K Clement, it wus resolved that
the Club room be opened for members and visitors
every evening of the week except 8uuday.
On motion resolved that a Janitor be appoint
ed to take charge of tho Club room.
On motion of F. Wllvert- resolved that the Ex
ecutive Committee furnish the Club with a list of
documents for distribution during the enmpuign.
The signing of the Constitution by tho mem
bers being next in order, iiinely-tlvc names were
On motion the Club adjourned to meet ou next
We noticed n fine piece of machinery in Dr. J.
R. Crcssl'igcr's ofllce in this place, called Morri
son's Burr engine, which Is used for drilling
decayed teeth preparatory to filling them. The
machine Is truly n novelty. It Is worked by a
treadle, and is so constructed us to reach any
part of the mouth w hen In operation. The ad
vantage iu this machine Is that It gives no pulu,
und consumes but onc-cightli of the time requir
ed by the old method of cleansing decayed teeth.
List of Letters remaining In the P. O. nt Sun
bury, Pa., August 14, 1S7J.
John liartho'oincw, Cnpt. Thomas Brlmmel,
N F Birownc, l)r K E llurlau, Mrs Ellen O'Bry
nn, A E Child, John Dcniig, Win Denny. Oils
Eckbeurdt, Elizabeth J Gass, Simon Guss," Lizzie
(iass, Win Huininaker, Geo liile, 2 j llaiiuah H
Jordan, Henry P Kimbalt, Chita L Lushell, John
Lase, E R Miller, Kate A Martin, Maggie J
Moore, M B Northrup, Howard I'earsall, J Bile
lea, Silas Keiin, D Robinson, Sarah A Ryan,
Jessie Stutnleys, Cnpt John f Ingle, Miss Slater,
Carrie Scott, W R Weiss, Mrs Georgannu Wea
ver. J. J. SMITH, i m.
Tim largest stock of marble ever in this part
of the State, is uow being sold by W. M. Daugli
crty, ut wholesale and retail. Having bought at
low figures, he is able to sell u better gradeof
stone, for less money than has beeu done here
tofore. Parties are Invited to cull at his shop op
posite tho Court house.
Fire ! Fire ! Insurance on any kind of pro
perty aiinniii never bo neglected. All property
wants to be insured in good nnd reliable compa
nies, so when losses occur that the money is at
once paid over. Among the most popular and
punctual Insurance Companies is the People's
Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Thou
sands Insure In this company on account of safe
ty, reliability nnd prompt payment of losses.
Life insurances urc taken at the lowest rates con
sistent with security. For fuither partieuliirs
apply to Isaiah 8. dossier, ugent, Suubury, Pa.
Law, Order, Peace." The of the Code
grind slow but sure.' 'Murder will out.' '.4 Jlm's
tint are ture to find him out." The above famil
iar paragraphs, iu udagc form, express the uni
versal experience of mankind lu nil ages or the
world. A remarkable verification of tills univer
sal truth was witnessed inn sceue of sad but
thrilling Interest in the court room nt Sunbury,
ou Saturday Inst. Three couvicts stood before
the court to receive sentence, on charge of Incit
ing a riot, iu breaking into a grave yard. Two
of them, Put Hester und Michael Gaflagher, had
within the last few years been tried for murder,
uud had beeu ncquitted by the testimony of ner-
jurcd witnesses. Of their guilt, no one in this
populous community had any doubt. Fraud,
crime, murder, was their profession, and as des
perate rulllaus they were the terror of the com
munity shunued und dreaded by all. At last,
unexpectedly, they nre urrcetcd In their career,
nud seutcneed to a term of years in the Slate's
The courage and firmness of Judge Rockefel
ler is worthy of all praise. With no false und
sentimental mercy, he conducted tho trial uud
charged the Jury with great fairness and u ten
der regard for all the lawful rights of 1 lie prison
ers ; uud in their sentence he met that dutv iu a
maimer that meets the hearty upproval, nnd lias
won the gratitude or the whole community.
Mild und unliable and quiet as is Judge Rocke
feller, when occasion requires be rises to the
highest und sternest duty with a courage thut
gives a sure guarantee to nil against the crimes
and violence of rullians. The value of such un
officer iu that high position Is beyond nil expres
sion. Shamokin Jlerald ofttin tceek.
Uphold Yoiu Own. One of the principal
papers of our State, ufler au experience extend
ing almost a hundred years, says most seuslbly :
Does it ever for au instant occur to the business
man that It is a solemn duty to support the local
paper of his neighborhood t What is it but tbo
well conducted newspaper that makes his c'.ty or
towu I What constantly and gratuitously ad
vertises It to the world us a place of interest aud
importance 1 What daily or weekly makes
kuowu to the whole earth the simple fact that
such a pluee us where he strives to galu a liveli
hood has exlstenco in the alius ? It is the local
puper. Now, we veuturc to say thut uot one
tenth part of the business people of any city lu
the country spend uny mouey in the wuy of judi
cious advertising. True, they tuke the paper,
but It is not because they feci any duty devolving
upon there to afford it support. Their subscrip
tions are measurably of no accouut. If adver
tisements were not given by others, the papers
would ccaso to live despite the prompt payment
of subscribers. 6how us a local pupcr well filled
with live advertisements and we will at once take
stock in the enterprise and business tuet of the
people who live where tbe Journal is published.
The outsldo world judget more of the pluce by
the newspnper It publishes than from any other
sign. It Is therefore a mutter of great moment
that the local journal of the city, town and vil
lage should be well supported, for it above all
other things, contributes to the general prospe
rity. A Camp meeting 'under tbe auspices of the
Uuitsd Brethren denomination is now in progress
Id Washington township, this county. It is large
ly attended.
Oi'M Markets are abuuduntly supplied with
vegetbble, fruits and melons, and prices have a
downward tendencv,
Reported by A. N. Brice.
BuNBtmr, Aiust 15, 1878.
The following Is a portion rth criminal pro
ceedings of the Quarter Sessions oT Inst week i
Com. vs. Patrick Hester, Mlchail Gallagher,
and others. Riot. True bill. This Is a case of
considerable Importaure, and for tht Common
wealth were employed the District Attorney,
Gen. Clement, J. W. Comley, Wm. Lnwsou and
W. II. Oram, Ksqs., nnd for the Dchndauts
Messrs. Boycr, 8impson, Lnvell, Davis ntH Rel
mensnyder. Tho alleged riot occurred In SUmo
kin, on Sunday, the 20th of May Inst. A mem
ber of tho Molly McGulres, or of the Ancient
Order of Illberulu, as they aro now culled, diei
nt Locust Gap. Let It be remeiubercd that the
Catholic Cnnrch, by their rites and laws, forbid
the burial of any oiio outsldo the pale of their
church in their graveyard, uor will they allow
anv one belonging to a secret organization to bo
buried In their burying grounds. Father Koch,
the pastor of St. Edward's Catholic Church, of
Shamokin, on toe aforesaid Sunday morning told
his congregation that he was told that a member
of tho Molly McGulrcs was about to be forcibly
buried In their graveyard, and that It was con
trary to their riles, and ho further warned his
peoplo from goln to the ground Tor fear of a
riot. But, after servico ho said ho would go
himself nnd wnrn them not to go in. lie did go,
nnd after ho arrived at the graveyard gate, tho
Molly McGulrcs, with the body came up. Tlmy
did not heed him, but broke open the gate, forci
bly entered, and forcibly buried the dead body in
tho graveyard. They carried out their object,
and to all Intents nnd purposes, It was carried
out in a riotous manner, i'at. Hester, one Kelly
nnd Michael Gallagher tore open the gate, and
they marched in, notwithstanding the protest of
Father Koch, who hud, and now has, by the
rites of his church, tho solo control of their bury
Ins ground. The presence of tills pastor of St.
Edward's on that Sniiday morning, prevented
one of the greatest riots, perhaps which ever oc
curred In the coal region. He counselled peace,
nnd quiet, nnd remonstrated kindly, bi't while he
kept the crowd at bay, they still entered the
ground. Their entry, and the forcible way it
was done, was as much a riot, perhaps as If it
had been done in seas of blood. In this case
several priests were present, nnd the bishop of
Harrisburg, unci a large immbcr of very respeeta
hln i'i4u (cniliolics nud protestauls) from
Shamokin, were in attendance.
Gallagher above named was tried about a year
ago, iu our Court, for the murder of the Douly
House porter, (colored,) nnd ncqutttcd by the de
fendant's friends swearing an aiilii. Hester wus
nlso tri"d for the murder of Rcy nbout two years
ugo In Columbia county, and acquitted in the
samewny. Both of these men wero considered
guilty of murder, and. It is said, thut Hester has
since admitted his guilt.
On Saturday morning the reasons which the
defendant's counsel hud filed for a new trial,
were overruled by the Court, nud the prisoners
wire brought lu nnd sentenced. The sentences
were ns follows, in the Eastern Penitentiary:
Patrick Smith, two years, Michael Gallagher,
two years and three inriiiths, and Patrick Hester
two i. ears anil seven mouths. Thus have three
very bad men been sent out of the community
which they have jor years overawed and defied,
nnd now receive u just portion ol the merits of
their clinics which they so richly deserve. It
may be true that the bad reputation ol these men
hud not n little to do with their conviction ofllu
crime of riot for which they were tried, but the.
Jury after being out several hours brought lu a
verdict of guilty of uggruvaled riot, of conspira
cy to riot, and of common riot. The charge, of
Judge Rockefeller was considered by all, and es
pecially the defendant's counsel, to hn very fair
and impartial. The had character of the meu
only aggravated t heir a hues. Their counsel
were vigulctit and faithful.
On Saturday morning tbo Sheriff started to
Philadelphia, assisted by Win. M. Hendricks,
John Hung, William Waldron, Wellington Hum
mel, J. F. Kirby an l Martin Gass with the ten
convicted candidates for the E istern Penitentiary
uud the House of Refuge. The prisoueis are as
follows :
Win. Horn, for breaking jail, one year.
Pat Smith for riot, two jears
Michael Gallagher, for rli t, two years nud
three mouths.
Pat Hester, for i lot , two years uud seven
John Devany, lor riot, three years.
Henry Welker, for riot, one year.
Win. Delbougb, for riot, one yiar.
John Day, for larceny, oue year.
Alex. Rinelr, for larceny, one year.
James Carter, u colorad boy from Milton, for
larceny, to the house of refuge.
In tbe following eases the Court ordered Bench
Warrants to issue ng.iiiisl the defendants, and
have them brought in lor trial.
Com. vs Lewis Marqnctt selling liquor to mi
nors. Bound over to November Sessions.
LOUl. , Uwla H'.'mincl S.t''tf liquorto jnl
nors. lion ml over to November Sessions.
Com. vs George Heck Sidling liquor to mi
nors. Bound over to November Se-sions.
Com. vs Joseph G. Arnold Keeping a disor
derly house. Bound over to November Sessions.
Com. vs Thomas A. llall Selling liquor to mi
nors. Bound over to November Sessions.
Com. vs Samuel liirsh Keeping a disorderly
house. Bound over to November Sessions.
Com. vs Wm. Base Selling liquor ou Sunday.
Bound over to November Sessions.
Coin. v Patrick Burke and Edward Brennan
Nuisance lor uot repairing public road. Plead
guilty, uud held in their own recognizance to
next term fur sentence, uud to give timolol de
fendants to repair road.
Com. vs Wm. Delbougb, Henry Welker et al
Assault and battery witli intent to kill. The de
fendants Wero convicted lor having assaulted a
German lu Shamokin ill an aggravated manner.
They were sentenced to a year in the penitentia
ry. These same young nicu were iuoiir Quarter
Sessions ill March last as witnesses to prove they
had been the minors who bought and paid for li
quor iu the saloons of Shamokin, to prevent the
applicant from obtaining liceuse. This W there
suit of their drinking und of their violation of t lie
liquor law. The vendors thereof are. as guilty
morally us they.
Com. vs Harrison Helm Selling liquor on Sun
day. Kccoguizuuccs forfeited, defendant not ap
pearing. Com. vs Cornelius Cannon. Forcible entry
aud Detainer. Recognizance forfeited, dcteud
unt uot appearing.
Com. vs Mary Finney Selling liquor without
liccusc. Bound over to November Sessious.
Com. vs Bridget Burns Infanticide. Mrs.
Martha Stephenson, prosecutor. Verd. not guilty.
This woman is the wife ot tin- man whom Smith
killed by stabbing, lu the coal regions, about two
years ago. Smith was scut tu the Penitentiary
for inuiiolaughter, for nine years and six months.
Mrs. Burns, to cover her shame, hid the child lor
which she was charged with infanticide, but it
could not bo proved at least tbe jury thought it
could uot.
The Commonwealth's Attorney performed his
duty well in the position he occupies, serving ail
with due courtesy nnd faithfulness.
Uruml Jury ltrport t
The Grand Inquest oi Northumberland county
after having acted upon the bills, and discharg
ed the public business brought before them, pro
ceeded to examine the public buildings, and olU
ccs, and foui.d them in tho following condition,
and suggest Improvements and repairs us fol
lows :
Upon examination of the Jail wo recommcnl
thut tho wall of the yard be repaired, and that six
Iron bedsteads be purchased; ulsothat twelve beds
be purchased lor the use of the Jail. We tind
that some of the old bedsteads need rcairin
which should be done. We find that the
south room lu second story needs wa'l repairing,
and that severul new sash are required, uud that
others should bo repaired. Several locks uro re
quired which must be suppliod. The largo en
trance gale needs complete overhauling, us let
ters and tools can be passed from prisoners in
side to accomplices outside. Tbe privy anil coal
house wit bin tbo yard need repairs, and they
must be of such u nature that prisoners cauuot
use the parts to assist in their escape.
The Register and Recorder's olllee requires In
dex Book to transfer old vendue list.
The Treasurer's otUcc requires an owning cur
tuin, and a set of books,
Tho Arbitration room requires a repairing of
Tbe court houso privy requires a general re
pairing. The tiu rooting or the dome of the
steeple of the court house requires panning j aud
we ask the commissioners to see thut the
first coat be pure French yellow ochre, und that
all the cou'.s be mixed with raw linseed oil that
has beeu exposed some time In open vessels. We
also direct your attention to tho filthy condition
of the vestibule, and front steps of the court
house, caused by eatiug tables being allowed
there, and recommend to tho Court to have them
removed. We also recommend that tbe court
honse room be ventilated, as wo consider It uot
consistent with the taws of health to occupy it in
Us present condition. We also recommend the
back window in the witness room to ba cut dowu
to tbe floor, so that members of the Court can
privately puss to a privy to be erected iu the buck
yard, and couuectcd with the window by a raised
We also recommend that a room be fitted np
for the accommodation of Attorneys from a dis
tance. We also recommend that no coal be hauled for
court house during sessions, as the noise from
shovelling often prevonts witnesses, and those
having charge of cases, from being heard.
We also recommend the building of a raised
platform for the jury, ns it is often Impossible
for Jurymen to hear tho remarks of witnesses
nud lawyers, by which, perhaps, the ends of jus
tice is often defeated.
Having tlulshod nil tho business u-slgncd ns,
we respectfully nsk to be dlsehnrged.
J. W. YOUNG, Foreman. .
It is a mark of the unsuccessful man, that ho
Invuriably locks his stable door when the horse
has been stolen. This sort of wisdom never
thinks nbout bodily health until it Is gone. But
Just ns much ns nny diseaso has become seated,
mo power ot tiio system to resist nud throw it
off is weakened I hence time is n4l important.
For dyspepsia, nil diseases of the liver, stomach,
skin and kidneys, and nil that begin in vitiated
blood, do not wail until the trouble Is contlrmed,
hut attack It bv n timely use of Dr. Walker's
California Vluegar Bitters. J1J7-4W.
Business No1lro.
It is a noted fact that Bools nnd Shoes procur
ed at W. 11. Miller's Excelsior store will give
twice the satisfaction of other work. The rea
son of this is that he has his stock made, up to
order nnd will uot tolerate any poor work in his
establishment. Everything In thu boot uml shoe
line can be hud at his stoic.
Tiikre appears to bo no end to the orders
which are constantly coming In for uew suits of
clothes from J. F. Schaffer, opposite the Central
Hotel. Tho very best of material are kept on
hand to suit all customers, nnd lltsaic guaran
tee 1. SelmfTcr's reputation for making hiind
somo suits is nut surpassed. Call und see them.
Stylish Spiiiso and Si mmhr Hats. A large
supply of stylish Spring and Summer Hats to
suit nil fancies and tnstes has just been received
at S. Fuiisl's store, Market Square. A specialty
in straw hats ; uud the Pghtcst, coolest uud neat
est hat In use Is the ventilated ens. I mere hat. A
large stock to select Iroin, stylish goods nnd rea
sonable prices. Call and examine before pur
chasing elsewhere. VARDiNSnt Welmer's.
Irish Poplins at Wchncr's.
Pl.AiD Poplins at Wi imer's.
Plain Poplin at Weiuier's.
Chintzes nt Weiuier's.
Spkimi Shawls at Welmcr's.
An endless variety of Goods for Ladies', Gent's
and Childrens wear.
('all and sec for yourselves.
No trouble to show Goods.
Special Notice.
IJL'BLISIUCD us a warning and for the henelit
of ymiuti turn ai-d vllom who sutler from
Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup-
Written by one who cured himself, oiler under
going considerable quackery, and sent free on re
ceiving n post-paid directed envelope.
Address. NATHANIEL M AY FA ill.
June S, '?'.'. Omos. l!.(,ok'.yn. N. Y.
Oil Mtirriaspp. Essnys for Young Men, on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which interfere
will. Marriage, and ruin the happ'oiesc of thou
sands. Willi sure means of relict for the Erring
and Unfortunate, deceased and debilitate;'.. Sent
iu sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.
A,, Un.,..,r,i Association, No. g, South
Ninth s-t., Philadelphia. pa.
TO T1IK NI FI kuinc;.
The Hev. William II. Norton, while residing
In lirazil as a missionary, discovered in that
laud of medicines u remedy for Conscmption,
N kofi la, Soiii: Tintovr, Col oils, Col.ns,
Asthma, and Skiivoi s Wkakm ss. This rem
edy has cured myseif utter all other medicines
had failed.
Wi-hing to benefit tho suffering. I will send
the recipe for preparing and u-ing this icuiedvlo
oil who desire it H1EE OF CM A lit; K.
Please send au envelope, with your name and
address on it. Address,
tiTli l'.l!iilWtV.
(M. 14liTI. Iv. St w Yqp.k i t V .
;i"(brluvt Kc.i.icr!.5.
S?' j.' 4
" NIMH It V Ji A It K KTS.
Flour iiikI Cirulii .tlui'lict.
Extra Family $12.00 lied Wheat, p. bu.,fg.(!0
Huekwhei.t, p. ct., f.00 live, h.)
Corn Meal, ' '.:VI in n, ;.)
Wheat llran, p. bu. l.f.o Buckwheat l.tio
Shorts, 'J. nil Oats. Kg lbs., .SO
Corn A: Oats Chop, S.irl Flaxseed, S.".
Timothy Seed, p. b. 3.00
l'r oil lice Murht-t.
Potatoes, SO Hams, 15
Eggs, per do?.., 15 Tallow, H
Mutter, per lb., oil Count i v Soup,
Lard, " V. Dried Apples, U
Sides, " lu " peaches, lii
Shoulders, Id
ihlv bbcrlismcnls.
Vi tc taYxYi ai i i.m.
win now siiahls.
cohxh; i: dkc hi atioxs,
To Ortlor ut Moderate Prices.
Masonic Hull, 7Kt"$icisiuut .street, l'hii'a.
June 1S7J. 4in.
t! E O It (i K M. It K X X ,
hi Simpson's Uuiuliwj, Mirktt Square,
Si'NiifiiY, Pa.,
1 prepared to do nil kinds of work pertaining
. to Dentistry. He keeps continuity on baud
a large assortment of Teeth, und other Dental
material, from which he will be able to select,
uud meet, ino wants of bis customers.
All worn warranted to glvesalisfaction, or else
the money refunded.
Tbe very best Mouth Wush uud Tooth-Powdcrs
kept on hand.
His references arc the numerous patrons for
whom he has worked for the last twelve ycurs.
Sunbury, April ai, U;a.
Spriiiy; uml Nuiuiurr 0euiii
Huts und Boimots, Trimmed and
all uuw itylen.
rap Veil orull Criidt-H.
and cverytUlug uuuully kept lu u Jtllliiieiy Store.
Cull at
M. L. GOSSI.F.R'S Store,
4b Boutta Fourth Btreot, below tlie 8. V. K. K.,
SI'NBl'Ky. I'A.
Al'iil 20, 1673.
. i' e 5 "1 JIT Ti
; I Z Mis c V'
w 1 ! "3 si H j z j
g s 1 1 i : s ; j-.
O t -2 : ? - u
I Z i- u ' .ZZ iJa w T. j
Pay Up.
All persons Indebted to the undersigned, on
Note or Book account, will please Oall nnd settle
or their accounts will be given to a Justice of
the Pcuce for collection.
Sunbury, Jillv 20, 172.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Foh Coi:oits, Colds ft Hoarseness.
These Tablets present the Acid In Combination
with other efficient remedies. In a popular form,
for tho Cure of nil THROAT ami LUNG Di
seases. Hoiirscncts and Ulceration of the Throat
are immediately relieved and statements nro con
stantly being sent to the proprietor of relief In
ease of Throat dillicnlties of years standing.
1;TH'. Don't be deceived by worthless
imitutloiis. Get only Wells Carbolic Tablets.
Prico 'Jo ct. per box. JOHN VJ. Kl.U.Odii,
Send for Circular. is PIMtt street, N. y. Solo Agent for United States.
QO'r' A MONTH easily made with Sten
TfJ'Aeil and Kev-Cheek Dies. Mcnre cir
cular and Samples, free. S. M. Si'KNC'MR, BrattUbioo. Vt.
lurs and :
for "Me-
ism In America." The fastest selling book out. '
J. M. STODDART ft Co., Pi.b.lm rs. I
nl0,4v. Phi;inleiihia. I
Ag-i-iitM Wanted for !
Prof Fowler's Great Workj
On Manhood, Wool nho.i !, uud their Mutual I
j Inter-ieliiilons : l.ovc, Its Laws. Power, etc.
oemi lor sieii!ieu -ui;eo uu'i eueu.ais, will! i
terms. Addiess,
u!0,JUv. Philadelphia, Va. '
DIf) LLWIS New and Greatest Work Is an lin- .
niinse success. l:lili thou-und Inpie.-s. Agents
delighted and coining liionev. Agents Wanted
evcrywhcie. . GKl', MACLEAN, Publisher, j
nUMw 7U; Se.nom stint, l'hila. j
11 A V. K C I I A X (3 K FO I A 0 EX j
AGENTS, we will pay you IJ per week in
cash, if you will engage, with us at iim l'. i.cry- i
thing furnished and expenses paid. Address, 1
ttll),4w. F. A. ELLS A: CO., Charlotte, Mich, j
Live Agents Wanted
for Two Liu: Hooks ; Dr. Cornell's Lives of j
GKEEI.KY and IIKtiWX,-the late-t nnd best j
! -ilso, Judge Kussoll's "Life of IIENIIV WIL- ;
SuN," only correct edition published. Popular
j prices ! Mire w,l agents will sec the advantage, oi"
having a book for each party. Secure ter.iiuiy
: at once, mid coin money. Address, ;
II. C. JOHNSON, Publisher. 1
alO. I v. 70 ) Arch Hr-wt, l'hii'a.
Agents ! Look Here ! i
by not sell a book that every family want uud :
will buy nt sight t such is Tub New Illi stiiatkh ;
FiiiKsinK F.iotion or ;
just nut. An elegant octavo, .V pages; over 40
superb illustration, linle I paper, superior bin I
ing. only ( i.M. The c heapest urn! most popular
book in print. Is a great hit. Will sell every
where like Hot Calies. Posters, circulars, terms,
nnd our Agents Pocket Companion, mailed free,
address, IIUIiliAllI) M'.OS., Publishers.
nlu.4w TJll buu-oin St , Phll'ii.
It is not a pln-n: which may give temporary
relief to the. suileier fur the first lew d.i-es. but '
whic h. Iioiii continued use hiings Piles and Lin
nred diseases to aid ill Weakening the invalid, nor i
is it a do"tored liiiioe, which, under the popular :
n unc of "Hitters' is so extensively palmed oil '
ou trie pi. ioi,. snvcrciira rvnimiie'i,, but it is a '
most powerful Tonic ami alterant,, ; .,im c.l
so by the leading medical authorities of London
and Paris, and has been long u-eO by the regular
phy-ieiaiis of ether coaiitries with Honderlul le- !
medial results. I
retains all the medical viitaes peculiar to the
plant and must be taken as a permanent curative
agent. I
Is there want of action in your Liver & Spleen J j
I'nless relieved at once, tho blood becomes i:n- j
pure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofii- j
loiis or skin diseases. Itlotehes, Felons, Pustules, :
Canker, Pimples, ,:c., Arc. I
Take .luruln lia In cleanse, pniify and restore
the vitiated blood to healthy action.
Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach' Unless di
gestion is promptly aided the system is dehilila- '
ted with loss ofvitu! force, poverty of the Hiood,
Dropsical Tendencv, General Weakue-.s or La--i-
tilde. !
Take It to asrist Digestion without reaction, it ;
will Impart youthful vigor to the weary sut'.erer.
Have you weakness of the Intestines You'
are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dnad-1
fill Inflammation of the l'oaels.
Take it to allay irritation uud ward oll'4enden
cy to inllaiiiuiatioiis.
Have Vim Weakness of the I'teriiie ot I'linary
Organs f Yon must procure instant relief or you
arc liable to stuff ring worse than death.
Take it to st lengthen organic weakness or life
becomes a bnrdeu.
Finally it should be frequently taken to keep
the system in perfect health or you arc otherwise
in great danger of malarial, miasmatic or conta
gious diseases,
JOHN O.. KELLOGG, IS Plutt St.. N. Y.
Solo Agent for the I'niled Steles.
Price. SI per Motile. Send for Circular. 4w
for lMnmlu-r",
Knuineein '
! Ma.-!:S:iit. I
j Cooper, Jones &Cadbury,j
I -No. la North Seventh Street,
Manufaetiiieis of Kvery 1 escrii tion of
Brass Work for Mouse, Factory and Engine
Sole Maiiufaetiirers of t lie C'eK liratei
Ooiiblt'-.tcf i:ccKior I'liinp,
I'lieqilalleJ for House, Farm or Mining pin uos.
Dealer in Sinks Until Tubs, Water Closets,
nnil every ilecri tiou of I'luinhers' Materia;. i
I'ount iiiii Jtt a .Sjxm-IiiII j . u'.i-Jt
OI f niaile from 50cts. (ail mil examine,
O AA " or I J samples sent (ios!m.' free) tori
Met", that retail ijniek for 10. It. L. W(ll.- !
COTT, Ihl ( halliani SiiHare, X. V. -Jw. I
r,flfl AtiKXTS WANTED for our mot atrur- I
tUHU t!vu ;rr'ly V Nrowai." uml j
ruu( A Vi Cainpaiuu C harts. The :
be-t mas out. Semi for Circular. Iniuieiisu
sales. l.:ir;c proiils. II A ASIS .V l.UUK K( H i',
Kinpire Map and Chart tab. Aliment, lu7 I. in- I
nty Street, Sew Yolk. J-J7 4w,
I J'J riioiiiuiirj .or no ii 1 1 mi run n g.
A How either ex may faoeinale an l t'alu the
lou und a Hi cllons of uny person they choose, in
ttanlly. This bimpitt mental nciiiircuicul nil
can possess, free, by mull, fur '-'."i ill. tnu'ether
with a inarrtaiic guide, Knvptlaii Oracle, Ilieaiiis,
Hints to Ladies, tie. A queer, exeiiiiiij book.
1OU.IKI0 void. Address,
J-.'T-4wJ T. WIU.IAM AVn, IMiblisher, l'hila.
l or ;ooitii:i:o's
Presidential Campaign Hook.
I' very 4 itiru it nnl II.
Also, for CAMPAIGN GtlODS. Addresn
jU7-4w. 107 Liberty Street, New York.
Am. Iiri. 71.
V V F iit.1 1'ic
Double Klevated Ovcu, Warn:lnjf t'loset, liroil
lug Door, Fender fiunrd, Diiiiiplnt; mid hhakinc
(.irtte, Diren Draft. FtLI FK, WAKRr N .V
CO., "0 Woter Ptre.t, New Yoik. J-7 4.
r881 r k
' ' ''' 'rTTTTV '-. - Vt-'V
No PorRon can Uko thra ISUfr ncm,l.
tn to directions, m,J runain long imiwrII, provided their
bone nr ft ot Hestroyrd by mineral poison or ntlier men--,
mrt the viial nrgatts w.ied beyond ilie point of repair.
r) spcpMtM ot Ifldlcsitlfiiis Headiclie, Paiii
in the Shoulder. Coughs l ifihuic of tie? ('hest, I tidi
ness, Suur Eructation of tht Stomach, lUd T.v.tu in the
Mouth, Bilioud Attacks, Palpitation of the He.nt, In of the I.umts P'n in the regions of the Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are the off
springs of iJyspepsia. In thee complaints it han iiv
equai. aud one bottle will prove a heller giMrar.tct: of its
hirtirs than a lrncthy advprtisemcnt.
For Femnlt) C oiitplfilntu, in voting or old, m.irJ
Tied or single, at th? iliws of wotuanhni- l. or iha turn
of lite, these ionic Hitlers display so deciilrtl an in:!u:;co
that a marked improvement i so.-u iH'rcrphhie.
For Iitfluiiimntoiy and hionic Ithru
tii n1 Ism and Omit, L.,i'un. Remittent nnd li.'.cnnit
fent Fevprs, DiMes of the Riood, Liver, Kidneys and
ll'iadder, thens Hitter have no Lit"S
are caused by Vitiated H'ood, which is iteneitu pi educed
by derangement of the liKeiitve Onj.ins.
They nre n Cinitle ltirKittivt) ni well -i
a Tonlfff iMisHcssirg aiso the peculiar merit ni' aciii jt as
a powailul MfEent in rt lLvmi; Coiij?- von r Iii'
of the Liver and V; 0;.in. and in bilious Iisms.
For Kklll DiHlTiVrn, Eruptions Tetter, Salt
Kheum, Hunches, Si--t--, Pimples Pu'tcr, Hoi!:-, Car
huncles, Uinj;-wonri, S.aMHead, Sore Kves,
Itch, Scurfs, Dicofo..titinsof the okiu, H nmotn dud Dis
eases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit
erally due up and cmud out of the sysleni in a she it
tinit; by the use of th? je Hitters,
Tho ronertl of Dr. Vai.kitb's V t n a it
Hitth; are Aperient, Diaphoretic ami Canninanve,
Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sed.itive, Cuunter lui
tant, Sudorific, Alterative, aud iti-Bmoiiv
Cirateful Tlkonntl proclaim V info aw Hit
tp. its the most wuiidoUd luvijnnt that wver sustained
the sinking system.
J. WALKER, Prop r. n.H. Mc-DOXALD & CO.,
Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, ("al
and corner of Washington and Charlton St., New York.
Juiu; L;t, 1K7:.1. -3:n.
o. v. k kit ;;. r.. A. ain!
jSTew " C oocls !
I ) i y -1 w j tl Notions, K i ut i i a 1 1 i n
(inods, Groctrits, Oil Cluliis,
(jtlass and Xails
of tru-ry variety, nt one low ptice,
1'iiriirr of Ktiurtli aii'l M:.i!;.l Strut,
M'NlilT.V. l'A.
Ail of liniiii l:ik'Mi in ixt'liuni' tau'.k
imi-Ii. ''.ill autl hi1 ns.
Suii'.iiirv, A ljri t 'JT, lTJ.
A. M. MEIXELL, " 1
Amri-iraii iciid I'.uropcnn
lorlVclcl SiMTturSt'N nul liii
V.'.iikiicd Juv. iiv'.t'.iy ivjiiiJ an .1 uar.
Market t iiiaio, N'liVIIY Vn
Ii. :!, nvS.-if. '
VV. D. fiSL'.CK,
Druggist and Auothecary,
(.ac. i'Hsoi- to Dr. . W.,;
At tin? oiil tMli'iUlii'il i-tai.i! on.
JIiirUf Mjiinro, fl X!H itv, V.
K . I f i'ii:iM.mtly on lian.l a fail i-toik of wi'll
l'nii;ita Fan. y (iu.. is,
r.i.A?;.', vi'TTV.
V.ll'.MSIl, OVKSTlriS,
lii fact cvcrilliin iisiiallv K'l-t In a v.v!l c.m
rarticnlur iillfiiliiin.iil to ciiiimiiiiillui,' l'!i
mUmuiii. 'reMT:l inns iiml family ivtciH l-v ths
l'iniiialiir liiin.-i'lf.
rUinbary, i'a., Jun' 1ST-?.
.llanhoiMl i--!hiv I.okI, How i:oslor-
,,1111 fllili-llnl. a
i riVKKWK.J.I.
new edilion of TV.
f.f-SA on tlie r alien I cine ( wit limit medicine)
ol Sl'KllMATOlillKKA. or Seiuinal Weakness,
Invoitiutai y S. umal Losses, 1 M I'D TKNl Y
Menial and I'l.uii il liiea aeity. Impediments
to Marriage, ite.; also, Ci.'jMimpi t, ti , F.pilepsv,.
an.l Fits, inilueed by i:lf-iiidu'jjcucL' or rexultl
t '" l'i ie(, iu a leaie.l eiivelnpe, only 0 eeuta, -Tiie
celeati , iiuthor, in this udm'irabiu en
say, clcarli!cinoiiit rates, from a Hurt v years'
siueesslui nailiie, that thu alarmiui consi
il'ienees of self-iihuse may lio radically cured
without Ihejlyi ueiotis use"of internal liieilieiiie
or the n pli;iilon ol the knife j piiiiitinif out ;i
mode ot curiat one.i diniple, rrrlaiii, uud cll'ee
tual, by iiieis of which every niih icr. no mat
ter what liU'iniditioii may be, may cure liiniM lf
cheaply, prtately and radically.
I -T TliU.e.'ture tdiould be in the hands of
every yoiulund ivory nmii iu the laud.
S. nt, undr seal, in a plain envelope, to any
address, i-i i .-il.i, oa receipt of six c;'uts, or two
poMatfii stiiips.
Aiso. Dn Cu'.verweli'a Marriage Guide,'
price i SO ceus. Addiess the I'liliii-hciH,
i C HAS. J. C. KL1NK iV CO., .
P. (. llox, If.Mt. 127 Lowerv, New York.
Apiil -.T.-SCJ.
.1:1 I.I.I lilt V.
at tho
yss 1.. miijs3.i:i.
Kvcrv klm of Millinery Goods, riuhrucinj;
IIutM, KoiuIm, Nrhool IImIn, rae
IhtMMIlU Itoiiut'lk,
ltihboni; uud tlowers, '1 1 ilinniiiL' of every ue.
script ion, and ivery kind of ).'ood inally kept
In a liiiilinciy fflahlisiiuieul. can be had at bet
line at the lotel pilces. The Very best in the
1' Iphi i 1:1,1 ki t has been selected, to which,
the ladiei ui'c. ir.viled to , . inline nnd be ronviu.
ccd. Miss L. MI1SS1.FU.
Market Square, Siinhuiy, Fa.
April 20, 187'.'.
Is ready for CiHVativ. Ills h .njinpuii'
umc to "1N(:xt Abiuht,"oI' whir
copiub have been aold. Don't was'
book uo one wants, but take iir
stop you in Hie Mm U to suiiscri1
Is u lime to luiiirb," 11 ml all v
see clearly that time has cir
for teirilorv or eireuUu.
Dl iriFI D AM'