BlEGAfflS! " SELLING Greatly Reduced Prices, the whole of the remaining stock of READY-MADE r o n 3-csis5 Furnishing? &ood HATS in order to make room no'v beiii made CALL AT ONCE AND AT 4 HEKZFELDEirS Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SXJlSrJ3TJIY, 1J A. Stmhur)-, March Si, 1S72. ly. GO TO KM' NEW h Cenafaal Variety of all kiuds, 5 DK11SS GOOD.n L'lilXS TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, ALPAC O CAS, COHDED ALPACCAS, Dt-lanc?, Ticking, 'Notions in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wtod ami Willow Waiv. Floor, TaMc, mid Stair Oil Clotli. CARPETS. 5 QQTS ii) grctt viti-ii'ty, lower Wall Pajer and CrO to for tho (lU'atest Variety of ( Jood.s arnvinsr VICTOR ! VICTOR Agent for the "Victor MARK KT fI ni.l"!', ono duor rant or Sunburv, May 4, 117-. ly. JiUTCUElt V I nUTCHEUY ! MfMbrs. KKI I I.H A IKMVLIt, Third Street, opposite Central Hctel, FUNBURV, PA., KEEP coiietantly on UauJ ihe vry choicest of fresh BKF, MITTO.V AXI VIM I.. which U solj at the lowest prices. Meat enn be had at nil holm iluiii i; 1 1 if day. Suuuury, Pi., Jam- 8, lSVij. " Presidential Campaign. CAPS, CAPES A TORCHES bend for Ii.i.rTiuTFi Cut h i.ak and Pkick List. CUNNINGHAM .v HILL, mi:aiTiiii.KJ, No. 204, Clll KI ll 8TKF.FT, PHILADELPHIA. June a, loi. lino. V. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, bCN'BURY, PEN N'A. Decorating and Paper Hunlt'ir done tu the lateit improved atyle. UrJer3 t'jllcitej, whicU will receive juouipl at teutlou. Retldeuce in Pardytown. EiiieilV biill.liuif. Sflobary, W.iy llls.-tt. BARGAINS!! OUT AT the enormous to order for me. SECURE BARGAINS 9 V. SHOES g tluin tho lowtt in iriei". Window Shades. 01 JL V FIILSnSTEY'S '. lr Prict-s the Lowest '. ( loods ilv. I VICTORIOUS I Sewing Machine. lienrhurt'M ConAM'tionery Store. NEW SUMMER GOODS! niSH K ATI: Itl.ACK, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PENN'A. liLACK Dress Silks from J 1 50 to .?2 00. Japanese Silks, Silk Ponjrcis, Plaid Poplius, Mixed Popliiu, Harnul from 0 cents to tl UJ. IIOM.Y VAUIKS, Chiutqcs, Delalns, Ve. French Muslins, Mar Keillea Quilts, Kid Gloves, with fcinjjlc and doublo buttons. I. a c e NliuwU, A Kcnerul nssortmcnt of White (foods. LAWNS, (JINUIIAMS and PI(UES, DERSS TRIMMINGS. LACES. Ae.. .ol.l ,.i , greatly reduced prices. fcuntmry, .May is, 17:.. New Grocery Stoic. Sit, St1 South Fourth Street, between Market and Chestnut Street, SUNJU'KV, PKXN'A. liarlug opeued a new atora at Ihe above place, where he will keep constantly on hand, a freth aupply of all kinda of Groceries, Vegetables and Confectioneries, at the lowett market prieen. Good delivered to auy pail of the towu. Pleaae call and examine, my stoek. . JOHN B. MULLEN, Suuuury, jaae 82, 1873. tiscellanttms. Size or ooo1 o o o Or Bag arContcl, Concentrated, Root and Herbal Juice, Antl-Blllon CI ran ii lei. Tilt: "tlTTLE GIANT" CATHARTIC, or ltlultnm la Pnrvo Physic. The novelty of modem Medical. Chemical and Php.' mnreuticnl Scicnco. No use of any longer tnkinr tlm lare, rcpnlslvo find nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredient, when wo can br n careful application of chemical science, extract nil the ealliaruc and other medicinal properties from the most valuable mot and hcrba, nod concentrate! Ihcm into a minute Uranulc, cnrcoly larger limn a in until rl soot, that can lo readily swallowed lijr those of the most Hcitditive stomach and rnslUlioita taste. Eaohlittle IurKntive cllctrprorcnt, lu ft iiinH concentrated rnrin.n Much calhanic power n Is einh'idic I in any of tho lare pill found fur sola in tiiu .nun rii")'. r iu.ii mull wumierilll I'HIIiariSG puwer, In tirnuoi tlnii to their size, tieonlo who havo havo I, JfT VI lint tried them me apt to suppose time they ate harsh, or untune in eucei, inn pucn it not ni nil mo esse, different active tnctlicirml principle of which they. cninposen iieiiif so Harmonized unci moilinril, mfi, the others, no to produce n mut KcnrclLVir and thoroiivli, yet gently and kliiifepi-rn- $.,00 Rcvrnrd U hereby afofal, iM propnc- '?'.? tSfiiViS'1 1-1 V ""' Vi-t who. upon an alysis, will find Li them pfVlllmv r other forms 01 mercury or any oiuerffo,,,,,, ,i8on Being C"lrrff vcgctnblo, no particn.a? cure is rcqnlri'dHo wim ,.,. T11(,v epemtc Wiinout un'iijnce o the coniiintion. dirt, it oc C'.'P .".ni- uf Juundtcp. McaunclM', t'm vtii, Iinimro IMooii, I'liui In t:m "!Vy4lder, TIhiiciio I he ! , liz 5 iicit!. Sour Krucialiuim f lio ;n 'arh, Mal taste lu mouili, i;;ii.ns Hitnrka. Pnlii In ri'Blou K Cvid ', Interim! tvrf Rloutrd I'ccliiiii fli.tiit ne It, Hit fit ol lllouilto BSi'iuljIliV.!! t'oloii'd l liiic, I iiftoclabilily mid filooiny Forrtxirttnsjs, tUo a'iciTi 'w Plcuvnilt I':;raMtivo Pel I .'( In cxplitnn lion of tho reindiiil p wer of toy l'lirpativo i elle's over po r?riftt a variety of di-mire. I wit h to my tiuit (licir iiciiori npo'i ttio iitiimal eeomi. my is, not a Kluiitl or tiiio cwcnplna tliclr mutative iiuprcan. A.;e iloe? not impftir them: their Fiiar-rculiiifTand licir.;; enclosed in irlia itoftlea pi-eservo their virtues unim paired for any lennth of time, in nny climate, ao that tUeyare nlirayn fresh and reliable, which l nottliu case with the pilla found in tho drag c tores, put up in cheap wood or paole-lward bote?. Itecollert that for all diseases where a l.axntivr, Allrrntl vc or Pnrantlre ia indicated, theno lilllo I'elleK will Siva the iuo&t perfect eatielaction to all wUj utu them. Tber Ere nold bv all rtitorirlltig Drugglut at 26 cents n bottle. Do rot allow any dmpcist to induce you lo lake anything elso that ko n ay fay i just ni pood iuy Pelleta beentifc ho muUc a larger profit cn that v. liii h he recommend!". If your dru?cift cannot upply them, enclose S5 centa and receive them by return wail from it. K I'XEKCE, jr. ., l'rop'v, bCFFALO, N. Y. May 4, l!7i- M-:W ARRIVAL Of SRIWQ GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, in the new Clement Buildinir, .llitrkrt Nqimre, Sunbtirj, I'll. JVe take pleasure in announcing that we have iuct opened a new assortment of SPRING DRY GOODS, of all etvlea nt the lowest price. DOLLY VAKDKX, still raging iu new ami beautiful designs. OUESS GOODS, MOCUXING GOODS, C J.OTI1S, CASSIMEHF.S, VESTIXGS, etc., &c. I(cul)-.llale CloliiiiiK, a full assortment, which will be fold lower than elsewhere. Carpet Oil C lot list uuil tiK. Floor Mat- GROCERIES of nil kinds, which are guaranteed all fresh. QUEKNSWARE, "WILLOW WARE, &c, ovc, &c. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, an 1 in fact everything Hint can be ineulioiicd in a firt-t-clahs store. Call and exnmino our stock. Ilavlnitmir store liulitt'd with Gas, eoods can lie selected iu the i cvcniui; as well n in the day time. No charges lor Miow ill!; (roods. CLEMENT A DISMNGEK. April "0, 1STJ. s I ' x x v x 1 1 k 1 1 1 : a t r. K . SlNNiltiU at Maiivi.anmi Statb Faiii, B.M. TiMoitK. First .premium for Fire-place lleatcia awarded the Suiiny.-ide. Advantatfcs of the Siinnysiilc : 1. H is so constructed that one-third more of the radiating surface exton.'s into the room, jriv iur that tnucli mole additional heat without ex tin fuel. 2. It ! the only Hot-Air Fire-place Heater in (lie market. Like the tvulur ltii!t cellar heater, it lo-es no heat, but comities it all to Its legiti purposes. ". Hie fuel tnatrazine Is double I lie usual size, extendiii!; from the tire-box to the top of the novo, with capacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of conl. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine I consumes tho jras, prevents escape of tras into tin: room, and makes it impossible for any puf I tilled or explosions to occur. This is nn advant i a'e possessed by no other lire-place stove in tho J in n Let. T. There are three air ce.imhcrs, wherein a I hrisk circulation is kept up, drawinj; the cold air in the room through heated Hues into a larjie j hot-air reservoir, at the back of the stove. I fi No side pipe are used, as the uir is heated i a reservoir having double radiatintr Hues and I double back, supplying laiiio iiuitnlitics of hot ah without waste of bent or fuel, i 7. The Si NXTumR utilizes the waste hi nt 60 thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining loom or. the first, besides heatius; the rooms in second and third stories. K. A damper on top of the fctove, connected with tho hot nlr lines, controls tho quantity of hot nlr required for the use of either tho upper or lower rooms. All other lire-place stoves uro very Inconvenient iu this respect. P. The (irate is aclf-scaling, and no dust can escape while sliiikiliir it. ST U RAT, PETERSON & CO., Philadelphia. H. U. MASSElt, A-etit. Nov. 11, 171. TO THE l.Aim.N! GRAND OPENING OF Milliucry inid I'uik-j- Cools. Sprint; styles or HATS and BONNETS, trimmed and uuliimiued. All the latest styles in STRAW, C11II, LEti-lIORN, CACTUS, IJeapolltan, Waterproof, &e. School Huta and Sun Huts. Trimmings Ribbons, Flowers, Lttees, &c. Clotew, Collier tie Ciraee, Crape, Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, War ner it Co.'s Patterns, and nil the Spring styles of Millinery Goods. Cull and sec tny choice assortment. MISS L. WEISER. Market Street, one door West of Geurharl'i con fectionery store. April 20, Wi. ;KAXI OTEXIXtt of the largest and most f.isUionulle stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, and Gentlemen'i Furnishing Goods, at TIIO.N. ti. XOTT'N MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, In Miller's Block, Third street, two doon below Market, SUNBURY, PENN'A. The most fhshionuble clothing made to order from every variety of good. Suit of all iae made up at the shortest no tice, from the butt selected dock la New Yoik and Philadelphia. Call aud be convinced, TIIOS. G. NOTT. AptUirO, l?2, CARD. JJwa No. 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. ME8SH8. CALDWELL A CO.. DEPIUE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PARTMENT OK SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL HE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS. IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PAUl'lcULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN WTHE SPE PIATIKS OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY THEM I8 THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, USri-UKlOTna- FINE, THE QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT- M) T E UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY O-VTIIIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS. FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. K. 1'AMMVI-M, A- C O. Fib. 10, 1873. , STxnsriBTj-iersrr HORSE AND CATTLE I.VSlIIWI i; tOMIAXY. INSURE YOUR HORSES ! INSURE YOUR CATTLE! INSURE with n responsible nntl perfectly reli A able Company. Insure where your losses TIi in Itit Mutual Protective Co. Hence, you arc sure of beiini paid promptly for nil losses, If insured in thin Coinpauv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay losses accruinjrtlironfrh theft, death by fire, accident, or natural cause!', (excepting cpedeinic diseni-c?). We pay prompt. No red tape proceedings to get your money, in case of lot.a. OATKR SSOOO paid uu horses and cattle since organization. DR. D. WALDRON, President. C. A. RE1MENSXYDER, Sec'y, Sutibuiy, Pa. DirtTtors t Ex-Gov. .lames Pollock, Solomon Strcdi. Win. Itiindle, Solomon Shit.", John A. Shissler, Dr. I I). T. Kreb, Dr. David WnUliuti. julyi: JJARDWARE FOR ALL AT THE ILVIlDWAllE STOliE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Marltet Street, Nunbiirj, la. It is useless to enumerate every kind of article j in his Store, but among the leading items may be scl down the following: Iron. Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, I Nails of all kinds and sizes, J Vices, Saws, Pianos, : Sieves, Chains, Axe, I Brass and Iron Kettles, , Shovels, Hoes, Torks, Spades, Rakes, Hateheti, Carpenter end Blacksmith Boring Machine.", I Cellar Grates. Drau'im; Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, j Masons' Hummers ami Trowels, i Hand Dinner Bells, and large cast iron Hells ftr School Houses and Farmers' Dinner ! Beiis, ; Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Folks for digging potatoes, j Looking Glasses. Twine, Ropes, j Knives and Forks, Spoons, Taeks, I Mule aud Horse Shoes und Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chisel.-, Lanterns, t'il Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits ami Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Duckets, Oils, Varnishes, Japan, Soda Ash, Washing Soda, I'AI.M .S OF A 1.1. ItlMIN in Oil or Dry, PartM olors of all kinds, CEDAR-WAKE and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very j clieap. iiay-forli J'ullevs, Picks, Mil! Picks," Levels, Level Glasses, Fib s, Hinges. Coal Oil, I Hems, Comb, Screws, j Saddlery and Shoe Findings, I Btig v Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. ; I Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Khot, Caps mid 1'ontler, i and a great variety of otlrr articles. Any thing ) wanted and not on hand, will be ordered at once. 1 Sunburv, Aug. lit, 1ST1. CI.XTF.K OP ATTKACTIOX. j Everybody is invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of j TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at I SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, j lu frame building, adjoining Moore A: Dissinger's i buildinj, THIRD STREET, SUXBUKY, PA. j Just opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries of j every description. j toys or am. Kixns constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, ' CURRANTS .t DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, i fresli Bread, Bung ife Cakes, every morning. ! FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having titled up a room expressly for serving up iiystcrs in every style, l.mlies and Gentlemen will be aceoiiiinoduled with the best bivalves in market, tit all linim during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Cuuucd Oysters, as is desituble, at the very lowest prices. Call and see tny excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. ! S. K. NEVIS. I Dec. 16, 1871. ' THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, i Has In stock and constantly lecelvlng Novelties I In Ins Hue, consisting iu part of a lull line ot Am:iticAx iVAT hi:s, Elgin, Illinois, Howard A Co., Walthatn, Mas sachusetts, uud Boy'a AMERICAN WATCHES; Also, n full set of Ladies, und Cent's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. Roman Gold sets, pink coral uud Gold set, Eur-Riugs, Necklaces aud Pendau'.s, Ouyx aud Jet Jew elry. SILVER-WABE, Solid Silver-wareof Sterllngptlrit, made to or der. Bridal ami Presentation Pieces, Knives, Fork and Spoons in cases, also, a full liuo of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, lee Water Sets, Erblt Stands, Cake Baskets, Coffee Urus, Fork, and Spoons treble plated, the best in the market SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, use tho Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Crlstle Pebble mel ted together, und derive there name "Dlamoud" nn account of there hardness aud brilliancy. They will last many year without change, aud warrauled Superior to all others In use.. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl aud Metal bandies in oases sup plied to order. CI.OCKN. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol all dlscrlp tions. Engraving done at the shortest notice. Wulches, Clock and Jewelry, Repaired and Satisfaction warranted. All goods will be sold nt the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body I cordially Iaviled loCall aud Examine for themselves. Don't forget the place. T. 8. rHANKON. unbrj, Dp. llJ-if. tbbcriiscmcnts R. R. R. RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF CTKKH TflE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR r.ftor rcatlmt tiW jnii-pi(iioi(., m,,.j - , ST'I I VIT'I 1'AIN. r.r.Aiiy i:lukp js a cukr tdr It W'lxtltc flntt Rnd U Tl.o Only loln Itpmcdy Hint In-mmily Mipt ilto mn-t r-xcniclailnff i nn. nllars In tl iiuiiiniion-s 'mil cure CoiiKCHloiiA, wlu'incT of the Lungft, ht(ttiicl4iiWol, or utiicr giaiidi or organ, l.y ouo ajjulic lion, . ,. - in rnon one to twfnty minutes. ??n ir.ntttT how violent or rxcrvirintlisn the unlh Hie KITRtT MATH;, Ilt'tt-rirluVn, Intlnit, Olpjikil, Mervoua, iNeurmltf.c, ir jrot r.iU-tl witii (Jim-usk tii.iv RuiiVr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF VIM, AFFOItl) INSTANT KASK. INFLAMMATION (IF THE KIDNKVS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF TIIH HOWKLs. CONtlKSTlON UF THE LUN08. ROUE TIIItOAT, MI'FII'lllr llltEATlllNO, I'ALI'ITAIION OF TUB llEART. ItVSTKRJC'P, CnOL'l', UlI'llTIIEIilA. CATAKKH, INFLUENZA. I:!:.M)ACHF, TOOTItAfltK. NKt'ltAl.fJIA, RHEUMATISM. cold fiiii.Ls, Aon-: ciin.i.s. 't'lie ppi.i.i Mtiwn r I he ltendv Relief tn the fitrt or f trti win-re lhti I'lilu at illoit-ully ciUi w iU atfont uas soil inliirnrt. Twpnt itrnss in lii'f ft InniMrr sf trstsr trill In a fftr rimn'iils rim. CHAMJ'9, SPASMS. SuL'lt STOMACH, IIRAKTItrilN, SICK IIICAIiACHF.. DlAltltllKA, iivm:ntf.i!Y, roue, wlnu in the howuls, i.a nil INTKItNAb TAINS. Tr.tvii ts siii.ulil alwiivs enrrr n tiottlo of Ttnriwnv' Itenily Kelief with tlicm. A few (trope la uiavr w lit .i v.-ii sl.-Kii or ii;im: fniiii cliioire vt water. It la bcltur ilian French llnimly it UilliT, ns it stlinulniit. 1'EVril AND AGl'E. rr.vnrt ami ah k cn-.i rr fifty cwits. niwe is a icmoiliiil nif.'Ht in tlii, wKi-hl llmt wll rnre Fever ni.d Acne, riii't nil ether Msluil'-ns. ltlHous, PcnrUt, Tv lihnlil, Yillmv, mill littler Fevers (ulile.l l.v ItAIlWAY'S PILLS) si Qiilt't iu liADWAY S liAD HHLIEF. Finy ciuU Jiruulllc. Byl.l by DrugpislB. HEALTH TBEAUTY!! STHOVO AND rrrtK r.ICir I:!.001-tXfrtICAS1C OF ) I.LSSI AMI WKIllllT-CLKAIl SKIN AND EKAU llFl l. CO.IPLJiION feECUHEU TO ALL. D17. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT U AM MADR TIfK HSi ATON!sl!INO Wl KS ; PO iJIMc-K, SO It AIM l AUK THE I'UAX'JfcS TIIK I!DY rNUr.lUJnK!, VNTH'll TIT R IN h'LL'KM 'K Till 3 TKL'LY VO.MIEUFI L MEDlClNL. THAT Cvory Dny on Incroass in Flesh and Weight Is Soon and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvory d:r-;i of t!i) B.Mi A 1' A It J 1,1,1 A N K K.SOTA" KNT n IH!1UMtr:ltf t'ir.;l!l 111.! IHo,i, SiVtilt l'i i ,;C, lltltl t tilt T 11 litis ami jnl"' -f tin- svn.'i'i llie vior .j I f.', I",.r It, n iaii t tie wastes ol t!ij Ixulv vi'li lic-v tii) noii'nl;,!, Svjililln, " m, til-iu.liil.'r ti..rn, t'lcf In llio Tlimiii. M..'itli. Tittoo;-, ...,-m lit.; (j ifcS iitl f'thT r:irt-"f tlK nv-''m, S Mr.itm'iis 1 " a from tlio K ir. it'l l (! v.irt f .irii f h iiiscutf'), -ju;k t.oi!, Ft-Vi.T S Ti-, Ht':i! I Ik-m!. ll.ntz Yiui. S.lit liliviitii, Krvr.(,o!.i Ac;tt lt.w!s Si 'is. Wornn !-i Ilia l-'Uh, T'ltum , i'mrtr In !h" Womb, :nul iii WLVtki'i.lnit nn-l j n'.-ifiil t'r r,Miw, Nnriit Sw.-nU, L"iof S;n nn, mill nil w;iu f f t!,c 1il lirtnrijjii, ht' uiiliin I!ij firative I'ltiiTC of IM v.itiiili-r ir !'itl.'ni liicinltry, ul .a l. v il -.V use will iiruvo to ii-iv in'" -n ii-ln if. "fir c ith-T ( f liuh-j uf ilisvuba lt j,..'"nt powt r to cnif ilieni, Jf tlu D4i lent, tlilly itivoiitlorf r.,,l,i"l l.v tlie rmttcn nt d d-co'n''is':fi''ii tlcit Ii roi.iioiril:'ic-:ne, fnccci'tln lu :t: icsM.i: t ';.-nt' w (-tt -t, mi l r-j t'c ni'nc w new i: .ior I tl !;rvU fnmi l'c.ltltv J.;...iti . u.l Ihit tjit; r-AKiA I'AIilL M AN -viil stmt siiti .-iit N.'. oiilv tl.i.n 11. SMtsfM1.T.lN Is!Hi!,VKVT OX'l fttl Viw-"ti r'-'nt'.i; tl itfi'iif h) il.e fine of i 'iiniitic, Scr'tftil.m, i oii-t ii'it.', .i M.ui rlisL'i.jiLrv ; but H la Uic only tuiti c fin- r r Klilnry i;!:;:1cr Complaints Tr tirirv, AVcrn'i .is. s't (Jr-avf-t, Iil iSitr, JVnjisy St .!.p:i. of W'.-u t. -ir,,i::i.,.H.-i r.f rt i'i", liriL'ht'n Di-cn-Ci Al '.iiiittiu-ia, :iti'l in :t'l r -t vm ro t tu i Vu Li li';!nt dc ).f..its, or tin .-.itcr l-t tlii k., m'twA villi RiiljUtnooM I'.nu t!iv v !:'.! cf :m i ll-, ir 1!ir. :nU II. .i wU'iln cilk. or Ihrri i :i liit'r'.'l'l, 1 : r k. li;intn (i:i;tcar:iitt :t!nl wdili; bnur'iti."t ili'l -.itt, jf!..l u In ii ttiTi fs ;i I'tiilvittj, Ihiih.-i in:ttitiii v. In n lM-ii:.r v:.t. r. i ii n in ihe Si.;til of Hit) Ulicit 6ii4 ; ' t 1 '- t., I'rict", fi.OO. WOHMS.-Tlifl o:-Iy known nnd sure rcincyf.-r Wot i'mt Jnie, tie. 'FmiMn of 12 Years' Growth Ourctl by ESalwnya XZosoHcn?. rt.-i rni.v. M im., J.tiy t, 1mA T". tl nvtv !-I l'l OvitrLm Tiiisi. r In tli ovftriti ami i-.v.l.. All Co l"-t.ri ,ii ' i r ; vra irt;i f-T it." I tn.-.l f i-r !'iic llnl tria r.'.irtti;i. i.l -.1 ; 1 .tl Ii-lliitu; 1;. tn-. it. 1 f.inr ,ttr I: ' l-iit, itn.l t'ft'p'it 1 . M irv It ; ,t-t in fiith In If, 1 -.-Tl I 1. i,t trUcr"! f T t.t , t. 1 t-..k x It ttU of i!t !: :t r:A U-i .-f !(i.wiv l'V.. ntui ij In ttles if v,t r I!m!i INi'ff; 411,1 ll.-r- i i...t n t.-i.T l 1-e -.'i or 'ft It, nt I .- l'-tti. .i t'ir. rtn.l hi rr I'nn I hwr f. r ttl jrifi. 'f MiT-t tiiMir v. in lh Is-ft i-f lf' Lot.' I', ctt-f (lis jr. in. 1 writ t..ii it y,.i Ut liiu UuUit ;i.r'. V -t ra: re' li-lt H M -. .: tl. vto. HANNAH l.Al'. DR. RADWAY'S PSBFECT FUnOATiVS FILLS, , ' V(Tl: ff! vvth tn-f-t rum. rwri il i i-nrifV. mi - :rt'i,!T'ii n. j, t :T;i-. in s, , r.-i f tSj M'.n, .li l.ivtr. II-iui Ih, m Ii- lli- .ls. ;.f, I'.-nst'i - lif't. I1' -! f"i.i, I,i!iU'iif, H;! t el tV l'v.i-.-. I Mf-.nril nil lie i it Vif.-ni. t:-rr.Ttf(( n nU-tt V.'i'i t.l,l t cu:uluii.( iio nivrcnry, f..r tti;- i,f :,') 1.-t.i K ! , l: ..l.t', N- r.. I '., r, if-. n.!i;'.' i-'i Piv.-, li lt:.', lit. r.'tr.-i'-tt. 1'i't ti i'.'itn t-1 nr.-. I';ti. hr , : -it or .li-l.-'i-r. :-. 1 f 1 1 si'i-vi- U r..!i" . it.t: vn.; lor.Li rotilt'.rj; from 1:1 of the iJlsTciv.' (.irn ,: r..i i f.-.-vi, i . . , t ;., i .itri r.f U f r:.-.i i- ih it,-,-.! rf r.."t. I-'iir . nUrrcr l li.tlfT- kin.- - r S. r. .al i- hunting In tui I f-i p tlif '.fn. 2 tv-i.ta i-tr Lux. iTim I.NGIU'Dir.NTS Tl AT COMrOSl". HOSADAi 1:5 are pnblilied' on every pai'ii:-!;;., t' cre i'ore it ia tin a writ p i o raiwii., jconseii'icntly physicians PKhsnm::: it litis a certain tnro lor Serofula, Syinli in all iU furins, lllieinn.i lisin, hiiin lisease, Liver Com- plaint and ull d'Mvisis id' ti e lilood. will do more pood tiian ten Lotties of tho Sirups of fvir.ip u i!U. THE UNQCrtSIQNEO PHYSICIAM3 lliavt used IioaaHaliain tlieirpraetii o jfor tlio p.ut three years and 1 i elv cndorKe it as a reliable. Alleiativo und Llood Purifier. Inn. T. C. PL' Ciliimcie. I II It. T. J. DO Y KIN, Inn. is. w.fAitii. " !l)lt. '. O. DANNKI.I.Y. ' lilt. J. S. Sl'AKKS, of Nieln.liisvlUe, ;r)tt.KjVl.. .McCAKTlIA, (i.'.iiial.ia, S. ('. im. A. II. NORLKS, lMgrcomb, N. C. iUSED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall llivcr, :F. W. SMITH. .Lu ksnn, .Mii h. !.. V. V lli- I.LV if, Lima, oluo. II. It A I I., I. nun. It'll... CRAVF.N it I 0.,ii.iil(.r.3ille, Va. SAM'L. O. MeJAUDL.N, .Mnrlreea boro, Tenn. Our space will not allow of any ex. ln led remarki in relati'iu to the irtneof Hoadali. Tutl.e Medical Protesion we guarantee a Fluid F.v tract superior tu any they ha,e ever used in the treatment of diseased blood; and to theatllirted wo say try liiisailalis, and you will le restored to health Kosailali is sold by all PrupgUts, I... A I 11 U ...1- . 1 !.. .. ijiriva 9w euiuv. ni:un' Miinufatturivg Chtmiitt, Ual rixoiia, Mo July lSJl. ly. WM. illKlUY. i. SLAYMAKEK. WM. It. IU.AIK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Denier in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Otllce aud School Stationery, Printing, Hrappiug and Manilla PAPERS, PATKlt llACiN, Ac, ate. The Colebratt'd orry Kerosene liuming Oil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short uollce.aud at the lowest rates, KGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT I'EA COAL to all who may be pleased tn give us a call. Orders left at onr offlc No. 85 South Third tit., ill b promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 85 Pout's Third Street, Sun bury, Pa. An. W, lm. 1 A-..;". ..f T.ii.i.'it NiufM, II. r.r:t.;-T", I r. . rHrl-f'.t in Sn uh, j-'. ttr f-m l..t .- i-C '' tin I'll ff l. a S n.r.tli. S-;.tnt.i- .,i l! ' I' -S .:i t.rr! -, ! In : -r. r.t U rl. ! . I. -I. '.., T Uil.r t s'-.r.', I f.l.f V. I.,' .,., . ' I, .Vtrf ;.. .! i.,,T I t. 'i i-t 0. ; -f tVr..,irt: . .. ii r ! t' - it n -I I i S 1. t'U I, I. i.iii.i, . fw.I !e.i 1 Itt-ln. ff Ilst I f.-.n. -ill l - :.' ..-..', .-I 1'i.t .-, ' ). - A I !' .M 'i'lirr." oe I. trfa.' f !:MY. av it.. :.. i-.',;i !..!:, N.r.y.r , Ma roll 1ST2.-1V. !R.nSAHAT.TS rattttfaclnrfrs. v , , MACIII.NK SHOP A.D IIIO. FOI'MHIY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Nnubiirj, Penn'a, INFORM tho pnWe that they ara preimren to do nil klnrta of CASTINOS, nnd hnvine ndded n new Mnehlno Blmp In connection with their Foundry, nnd havo anpplied themelves with New Lnthcs, Planing nnd Borlntf Machines, with the lntcst Improvements. With the tild of skllirtil mechnnies, they are enabled to execute nil orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be jrlven them, in a satisfactory man ner. (mien to milt any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other htilld Inirs, of all sizes. HRA83 CAST1NUS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD I.OT8 VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celclirnted for their sn periority, have been still further improved, nnd win niwnvs oe Kept on inrin. Also, TIIHF.PIIINH MACHINES. Sitnbttiy, May 'JO, 1871. I.I MIU.ll AXI I'LAXIXt; MILLS. Third Street, ndloinlnjr Phlln. .t Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. 1 in vim; all the latet Improved machinery for niamifuetunni: I.unbcr, he is now ready to till or ders fall kinds of FLOORING, SiniNG, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, I1LINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn im; of every description promptly executed. Also, A t.AKOR ASHOKTMF.NT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders prompt It filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. ' IRA T. CLEMENT. decltt-tiSsly KTOYt: A TIX r.STAIlI.ISHJIEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED Kit A USE, Proprietor. srCCMSOlt TO SMITH & tiRNTIIKIt.J X T AVINfi purehnsed the above well known cs- XI ttiblisliment, Mr. Kric.tse would respect ful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large assortment of ! COUKl.Ni; STOVE!, j Speer's Conk Anti-DuM, Regulator or Revnlvitig j T-i', Combination, Siiipi'lmiiiia and others, . w hic h nre so arraime.l as to be used for Coal or i Wood, anil arc e;irr:mted to perl'oi in satislaetoi i ' ly or no sale. II EATEItS of all kinds put up to j lieal one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dillerent kiln's at Very low prices. ! Tiitvt an-of l'.vory DcNcripl io:t i kept const nut ly on haiul. Rnollnt; and Spouting , with the beit material, dune at -hurt notice, j REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal ; Oil enl Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware I of a X. ml... Store opposite ConU y's hardware 'store. Give me a call. A.'KRAUSE. j npP.'4-ly 4'AItitl l;i: MAM FAC TOI5Y. SUNIU'itV, I'ENX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, f ITtlUI.D ivspectlit'lv anii'Uiiiec tu the Hi- rv, y T ietia of Snnli.iiy nnd siiniiuiiiliii cniintr that he is prepared to inaiinliiet nre till styles of Citrriagps. IliiK;ic!. Ac, at his new shop on e it Market street. He w ill furnish every description of, boili Plain and X1 ancy. In short, will make everything in bis Mm from a 1 tirst-cla'S carriage to a wheelbarrow, watiunted j to be made of the best and most durable inateri i ills, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from bis e-tablislimeiit will he ' found reliable in every particular, j The patronage ol the public i solicited. I .1. S. SEASHOLTZ. i Simbuiy, Nov. 4, '71. -ly. New Store! New lioods! ! r. J. BYROD, i Having taken the store room lately oec.ipie.l by ' II. i'etcis, corner oi'Tliii'd and Church sir-.-its. SUXIU'KV, PA., Ins ja.-t opened a new store, with mi ciiliie new stock of goods, cuiupi isiug ,.f lrj- (aootlt ntnl iirooerlt'H. The Diy Goods depai tnieiit Is i ninplete, having a : general ns.soitiiient of : Clot lis, Citssinu'ri s, Calicos:, BoLaiiis, i and evervtbing in the Di V Goods line. The ; (atotiitii.s i ! are all fiv.-h, and colpitis of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, i Mullasscs, Spices, Mel, Firh, Ac. ! Yiliovv-Vart' mill laMM-Vuror j a get'.eral assottmeut. In fact everything Kept I in a first-class store, can be had at the most reasonable prices for cash. 1 Having located in Mmbiiry f'r tin? purpose ol i '. becoming one of its citizen.., 1 hope that by lair : ; dealitir' and ,trict nllcntion to business to merit ; a share of the public palrouagi. My motto is 'Small Prolits and (Jun k Sales. i All arc cordially invited to call and examine j my goods, us no charges will lie made for show- j iuglhciu. F. J. BYROD. j Sunbury, April 20, 1872. i I.iirkuwaunu nntl ltfooiiislui-R Kitil ro i . SUMMER ARRANG I '.'ilNT OF PASSENGER J', .ilNS. Moadnv, Jiilv 171871. SOUTHWARD. Leave. i..M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. Serantou, 1 0 45 1 45 10 05 (1 50 4 00 I Bellcvuc, , 0 5o 0 55 4 05 Tayloivillc, 0 57 10 17 7 02 4 12 . Lackawanna, ' 7 05 10 2(i 7 11 4 22 i Pittston, i 7 14 2 11 10 35 7 10 4 30 I West Pittston, I 7 10 10 40 7 21 4 35 ' Wyoming, , 7 27 2 21 10 47 7 31 4 42 I Maltbv, j ! 10 52 7 30 4 47 ' WBar,&icfr.i'W 3 'l , 7 61 65 i Plymouth June., j 8 00 5 00 Plvinouth, i 7 50 2 40 8 05 5 05 , Nanticoke, 1 8 00 8 20 Ilunloek's, 8 07 j 8 30 Slilckshiuuy, I 8 22 3 08 .8 45, Hick's Ferrv, 8 30 Beach Haven, i 8 43' 8 27 Berwick, 1 8 50 3 84 ! 1 Briar Creek, i 8 57 Lime Ridge, i 07 Espv, t) 14 UlooiUiiburfT, : 9 19 j Rupert, 0 20 3 57 ( iilnwisaa, 1 9 31 : , Danville, 51 ! l Chulasky, U 59 I i Cameron, 10 03 i ' ' 1 Nortb'd, (arrive.) 10 20 4 52, ' i ; NORTHWARD. , Leave. :A.M. P.M.: Northumberland, Cameron, Chulnskv, Danville. 10 25 j Catawissa, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Epy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Kerry, Sblckshlnuy, Hunlock's, Nanliooke, Plymouth, Plymouth June, Kingston, A I si. W.-Jtarre J c'rs Maltby, Wyoming, Wsrt Plllslwa, PiUsion, Lackawanna, Taylorvllle, Bullevue. Bern Dt on, (arrive) DAVJD T. HOUND, Sop't 5 10; j 5 27 i : 5 31 10 50, 5 40. ( a oo I 6 05 11 14 6 121 i ' 6 17: ! 6 24 ! i 84 1 11 86 6 41 I ; It 48, 6 48 A.M., i a 55 i 12 00; T 09 7 80, I I 7 24 7 45 PM. P.M.I 7 ill 8 00 12 2d 7 41 H 13 P.M. 5 10 j 8 20 S 15 13 34 7 51 8 30 9 33 5 23 j ! 8 40 9 43 5 83 13 43 8 OA H 45 2 48 5 40 8 13 8 52 8 54 5 47 it 53 8 18 9 04 59 5 U2 8 28 9 14 8 07 6 00 8 8U, d 25 8 18 0 10 8 43: U 82 8 28 6 17 I 1 14 8 48 9 40 8 80 8 25 ItrndliiK Kallrond. SUMMER ARRASOEMENT. Thursday, August 1st, 1872. Trains leave Iiarrlsbiirff for New YorX, ns fol lows i At 5.00, 8.10, n. tn. nnd 2.00 p. m., con nertititr with trains on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and nrrivinn nt New York nt 13.10, 8.00 and 9.40 p in. respectively. Returnlinr t Leave New York at 9 00 r. m., u in n" ""i1100 P- m., Philadelphia nt 1.S 8.30 n. m. nnd p, m. Leave Hnrrlsbtirjr for Rcadlntr, Pottsvllle. Ta maqitn, Mlncrsvillc, Ashland, Shamokln Allcntown nnd Philndelpliin nt 5.00, 8.10 a m 2.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lbanon nt.'d principnl way stations j the 4.05 p.m.. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Bcl.uvlkill Haven mid Auburn, via Schuylkill nn.l oitsfiuelinuna Railroad, leave Harrlsbnrjr nt 0.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read mit for Allcntown, Enston und New York at 7 00 10.40 n. in., nnd 4.05 p. in. Rcturnlntr, leave New lork nt 0.00 n. in., 12.05 noon nnd 8.00 p. m. nnd Allcntown at 7.25 n. in. 12.25 noou. 2.15, 4 35 nnd U.B5 p. m. ' Wny Passenj-cr Trnin leaves Philadelphia at 7..M) a. m.. conuectint! with train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, retuinliiir from Rcndiiis nt 0.20 p. in., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 5.H0, il.OO a. m. nnd 2 30 p m. Herndon at 10.00 a. m., Shatuokin tit 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. Ashland nt 7.05 a. m., nnd 12.4S iioont Mahnnny City nt 7.51 it. tn. and 1.20 p. -n. Tiiniaqun nt .!!r a. in. and 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia. New York, Reading, Ilan ishurg.&c Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. in. for lliirrisburg, und 11.45 ti.m., for Pine Grove nnd Tremont. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Potts villcnt S.HOn.m., passes Reiding nt 7.05 n. ru. nrriviiiir at Philadelphia nt 0.35 a. ni., ri tnriiitig Icavcs l'liiladclphiaat 5.15 p. m., pnsximr Rend ing nt 7.40 p.m. nrriving at Pottsville at Pottstown Aceoinniodation Train leaves Potts town al 0.45 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green.) ut 4.110 p. m. Coluo'.bia Rallinnd Trains leave Reading nl 7.20 a. m., and (1.15 p. m. for Epbintii, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia. Ac. s returniiiL' leave Lnn- j caster at 8.20 a. in. and 3.25 p. m., and Coltim i bin nt 8.15 a. in. and 3.15 p. m. i PcrUiouieii Rail Road Triiins leave Perkiomcn : iTuiietioii at 7.35. 8.55 a. in.. 2.55 and 5.40 p. m. ! Retni iiiinr.leavc Green Lane at 0.15, a. tn., 12.35 and 4.20 p. in. connecting with trains on Read ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phre-' Inixvllleiit 0.10a. in., 3.10 and 5.50 p.m.; re ' turning, leave livers at 0.35 a. m., ij. j;, noon, j and 4.20 p. m., couiieeting with trains on Ria 1 j lug Railroad. ! Co'.elirookdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstown ' at 0.40a. in., 1.20and 0.25 am! 7.1"p. in., return , lug leave Mt. Pie.isant at ti.tK), s. )(J and 11.25 a. : in., and 3.25 p. in., concec ting with trains on ; Reading Railroad. i Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave j port at 8.30 u. m., 2.40 and 5.33 p. m. roMiiiir..T, i leave Dowuiiigtowii at ti.55a. in., 12.30 :mil o.t'l p. m. connecting with trains on Reading C liiro.i I. f)n Sundays : Leave New York at ti.lkl p. in., j Philadelphia at S.00 a. tn. and 3.15 p. ni.. (tlm S.tiO a. in. train riinning only to ;::iiI!ii:) le.c 1 i'ott.-'.ineal 8. lain, in., leave" Harrisbiir-. 5.i0 '. : in., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allcnlowu nt 4.3.". u.3." 1 p. in. ; leave Reading nt 7.15a. in. and 10.55 p.m. for IbiriKbiirg, nt 7.00 n. in. for New Yurli. ' at 7.20a. in. foi Allrr.towii and at '.'.-Id a. in. an 1 ; 1.15 p. m. for l'hi'.aiiel'a. Commutation. Mileau-, f-.ason, Si-hool mil . Excursion Tickets, to and iVom ull points at re duce! rates. Baggage checked through : 10O Pounds I!a.; g:ige allowed each Passenger. ! J. E. WOOTTEN, , Wi. Pin t. A- Eng. M.ieli'ry. Xorthrrn Central Kail vt ay. '.! M F.R ARIlANti EM EN T. : "Y and after 1 V. as follows : r June 10, 1.S71. iniins w ill ni t NORiHWA KD. Niagara Eprcs leaves Sunburv nt 12. 3J p. in., for Mag na Fall" Mail arrives at Snnbiiry at 4.10 p.m., univo at Wiliiamspoit 0.45 and Elniir.i 1...;;) p. in. Fast Line arrives nt Sun'.i'.iiy at li.50 p. in., arrive at 8.15 p. in. Ei ie Mail leaves Sunbiny at 0.00 a m : W. liamspnit at S.05 a tu, uud arrives at Elmira .it, 1.3 J a m. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Sunbury at 11.05 Hiil'visburg 1.43 p. tu.. :i. m., Ariive nt. Erie Express h aves Sunbury at 7.40 a. in., live at llarrisburg 9.25 a. in., Baltimore p. m. Erie Mail leave Sunbury nt 12.15 a. in., ar at llarrislnirg 2.30 a. in., I'eilt'i'.uoi'e '''I'1 a. In Niagara Express leaves Sunburv tit ii 30 l 1.15 llariisb p m. irg at 8.15 p in, arrive-, at Haiti more 11. SHAMOK1N riVlolON. i i:'.s:ivau!i. Leave Sii'.ibary nt 4.40 i. m.. ai i'Ae al S'leni.-, kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Caruivl (l.4o p. in. c Sitiibtiry t, Aeeoniniiiilatiiiii,) at 11 a. I m., nnive at Shaiiti'kin 2.1.5 y. in. wrsrw.Wiii. j Leave Mt. Canuel ut 7.00 a. m., SI: mat kin 7.40 a. in., nrrhe at Sunbury 0.55 a. m. I Leave Sliauioklu (Acconi modal ion,) at 2.15 p. ' in., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 j. m. j Express leaves daiiv. i Ail other trains leave dally, except S iadays. I A. R. Fiskk. ' Ii. S. Vol mi. I Gen'l. Sttp't., (ieu'l Passen'r Ag"l., Ilarrbbnrg, Pa. Baiimoie, !,. I'iiilitili'lliliia mid lii io Iluiii'oatl. SUMMER TIME TABLE, On and alter Monday, June 3d. 1872. the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Kail Road wiil run us follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves I'liiladelphU, " " " Sunbury, " " urr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philndel; bin, " ' " Sunbury, " " art nt Erie, E'.mlra Mail leaves, " ' " Sunbury, " " nrr at Lock Haven, 11.30 p in 0.10 a ii 7.3.1 p it 12.30 p m I". 55 p m 7.40 a m 7.50 a iu 4.25 p m 7.45 ji iu 7.'s0 a ni Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, suuiiury, " " nrr nt Henovo, EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Eric, " ' " Sunbury, " " air at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " urr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunburv, ' " nrr ut Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Reiiovo, " " Sunburv, " " an- at Philadelphia, 12.L5 p m 4.15 a 1.1 11.23 a in 12.40 a m (i 40 a m 7.50 p m 7.40 a tu 1 .20 p tn 7.35 a ia 10.50 a m 5.50 p m 2.25 p m fi.25 p m 12.01 a m Mail East connects east and west nt Erie with L. 8. A M. S. R. W. und ut Corry ami li vincton with till Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Ciittawissa passenger trains will be run east, from Wiliiamspoit ou Erie Express, and west, t6 Williamsport on Elmira Mail. tVM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Suyj't. Irani Uic, lluxlelou A- it ilkfs'.onrrc It. II. I't unu. II. It. ( o. I.en,.,.. BU M M ER A RR A NGEM, V.N T. On and after this dale Passenger train, ou the D., H. A W. R. R. will ruu as lollows i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. I.IAVE. A.M.- LEAVK. A.M. A.M.' LEAVK. 6:X) Sunburv, 8:00 Danville, V;25 Cnttawissa, 10:03 llazletnn, r. m. 1:00 Bethlehem, 3:40 Enston, 8:20 Philadelphia. New lork, 6:O0 Sunburv, 6:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Danville, 7:02 Euston, W;25 Cnttawissa, 7:2S Bethleheui, 10:03 llazlelnn, W.uS r. m. 12:10 12:35 2:15 8:5) i Hatlcton, . Caltuwlssa, : Danville, Sunbury, arrive ew toils, hit. I rain west arriving ut Minoury 3.57 p. in., makes close connections with trains on Philadel phia Erie R. R. for Milton, Willinni.-port, Lock llavn nud all point West, Elir.'o.i uud nil points North, also with Northern Cciitial Rail way, for llairi.burg and Baltimore. I-if"New and elegant coaches rnu through be tweeu huubury and Has ion. FRANK THOMPSON, 6upt. D. II. A W. R. R. St rt' Okkh'e, Wii.liamsi-oht, Pa. ) May 1, 1873. CO All COA I.I C'OAI.tTuNTBKOsTi Shippersand Wholesale and Retail Dealors lu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, BUNUURY, P.V. (lower wuakf.) t" Sole Agents, westward, at the ceiehrntel Hmiry Clay Coal, t.inl'J itii I