Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 03, 1872, Image 4
l?ch bbfrtUtmcttt. 1 Vji " TO WOK AGENTS. tl.VHK TtYAlVW Xi:V ltOOK, 99 .A-V V 11 AJL l 11 jr, I 5 Is ready for His n companion Tol lime (11 'lssm'WtS Abhcut," of which 100,000 copies have been sold. Don't waste t'me on book no one wntits, but take one people, will stop you in the street to subscribe for. "There Is n time, to luuirh," nod nil who rend this book si-e clearly thnt time lit) come. Apply nt oucc for territory or circulars. Address, ASlIMEAI), Publisher. fll Sriusom Street. Philadelphia. ' nTlTHY . COS COMMIX. 0" v mndn from SO cts. Cull and examine, JL J or 13 samples sent (poslnirc flee) for nrl. thnt retail quick for in. It. L. WOL COTT, 1S1 Chnthnm Stin re, N. V. J27-4w. !'fAa AGENTS WANTED for nnr most ntrnc iUUU tivc "Urvclcy A- Brown." nnd "CJraut Wtlaoti" Campaign Charts. Thu best ones out. Bend for Cireuliir. Immense sulcs. t irirc profit. II AASIS & I.UBRECMT, Empire Mnpnnd ('hurt Establishment, 107 Lib erty fcireet, New York. J'" 4w. " TJJ t-hoin n iicj-, or Son I Cliar m I 11 g." .L liow either sex may rasclunle and irnin the 1'ive nnd 11 licet loin of any person llie.v choose, In stantly. This simple inciilut acquirement all enn possess, (Ve, by, fur 1:5 ets. together with a mnrriuirc guid , Eiryptlnn Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. iVe. A queer, exciting book. 1l0.'K', sold. Address. J'!7 4v T. WILLIAM CO., Publishers, Vhlln. A lVli x T S IV A N T KD Tor (;oorSPEKI"S 1 Presidential Campaign Hook, j Kvery Ctllzcit UhiiIm It. Ain. dr CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address (iWrlifM'KED'sEMI'inElH'IU.IslIINa IIOLSK J27-4w. 107 Liberty Street, New York. arrci First Premium R Am. Just. 71. Double Elevated Oven, Warmlns: Closet, Broil lnj; Door, render Guard, Dumping and Shitkini; f.rate, Dire-t. Draft. FULLER, WAWKLN & CO., Wuter Street, New i oik. J-i7-4w. Wells' Carbolic Tablets j Fon Coioiii", C'oi.ds & IIonKNri. i These Tabb-ts present theAe'.d In Combination Willi other clhVici.t remedies, in a popular form. for the Cure of nil THROAT ami 1,1'Sli 1)1- senses. Hoarseness nud Ulceration of the Throat ' are Immediately relieved and tdn'.cmcnts nreeon- Htfttitly belnjf sent to the uoprictor of lelief in ; eases of Throat di(Henlth:s of years ftanJiiitf. , CAl'TIOX. Doirt be deceived by worthless . Imitntions. fiet onlv Wells' Carbolic Tablets. 1 l'r!ce W ets. per box. JOHN i- KELLOCti, rienrt for Cireuliir. 13 Piatt street, N. Y Jia,4w Sole Agent for United States. A MONTH easily made : with Stcn- ?4MtJJc an I and Kev-Check Dies. Seeurc eir- Jlar aud Samples, fett. 8. M. SPENCEU, jl3,4w. llruttleboro, Vt. " FJ? EE"TO BOOK AGEXTSl Wc will send 11 handsome Prospectus of our New Ii.M'fTitATr.n Family l!int.E contalnini; Tieurly 6IX) tine herlpture lllustiatious to any liook Agent, free of chanre. Address, .VATIONAL PUBI.ISlIINii CO.. Jl3,4w. l,hi:.'..!.:l-hia, l'a. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET.1 DIO LEWIS' New nnd Greatest Work Is an Im mense success, ltfth thousand in press. Acents delighted and coining monev. Aleuts Wauled everywher. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, JUI,4v 7oo Sansom street, Pliila. RAKE CHANCE FOl! AGENTS. ! AGENTS, we will pay you tiO per week In rarh, If Jou will enLjasre with us AT osrn. Every thing fnrnished e..:d expenses paid. Address, JlK,4w. F. A. ELLS & CO., Charlotte, Mich. rphi.t Is no Humbug! .i. By seudinu S Cents w iih njre, height, color of cyea uud huir, yott will teecivt by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name uud dale of Mnr Addict. W. FOX. Ji:s,4w. P. O. Hrnwcr, No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. A jl'.. TS WA.TKI for the Antoblo. I jLX. prnphy of Iloracp ircclo'. A new illustrated edition now ready. Oct this the only edition written by himself and endorsed by the 'fritter.?. Also, the Life und Time of I fci. rtuit, '. y Hon. J. T. Heatllcy ; and our 17 CHRipaign Itlumiol for" nil parties, just out, prise tl.TiO. One Atretit sold SO in three dnys. Splendid Ste.d l'ortiaits of Greeley, also of Grant, f SOO i mouth made selling the above. V.. It. TREAT, Pubiisher, J13,4w. t'.r) Uroadway N. Y. Agents! Agfnts ! Agents! ! Feud for doerlptivc cireuliir und fpccial terms ; for the (.'''eiitest cainjiaigii bouk published : j McClellan's Republicanism in America. ' O'.vWj: to the prt-ncnt uliticil exeiteinent, will eil for the next six uiom'-t, like wild tiro. Is the ' inoet reliable hook In the market. J. M. 8TO!D. HQ X Co., f1;blishers, J 13,4w. 7o3 S .nsoui Street, Vhilo. T. N nut a pn liicli may jrivc luiniornrv rultt'f to Ili4 Miil' icr for tin' llist few doses, hut ..!.!.. I. r..... I...1. .... no .a 1 l.t... . drcd diseases tu aid ill weaUeiiini! tlie invalid, nor is It a doctored liqnoc, which, tinder the popular mt.neor '-Bitters" is so extensively palmed oil ..nun. it, in i iii 1 1 ii u'-ii ui-i. in iii.- i ii, o i.ii.i urn- most powerful Tonic and uHeiativc, pronounced ko bv tlie leudini; medical authorities f Loudon nnd l'aris. and lots heeu lrn ued be the regular ! physleiuiis of Ulier co.uitiies w ith wonderful le luedinl results. DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA j retains all the. inc.1ic;il virtues ieeuliar to th" I plant nnd must be taken as u permanent dilative j ii ''cut. I Is there want of action In your Liver & Spleen I Uulei-s relieved at mice, thu blond becomes im pure by deleterious secretions, prnducluir scrofu lous or skin discuses, Illutclies, Ft ions, Pustule., Cai.kei, l'iniples, ice., ite. Take iftirubeba to clciui'c, pv.rlfv and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. 1 In v o ) mi it l)vsH ptic Momach I Unless dl ECtion li promptly uided tlie system I dcbilita ted with loss of vital force, poverty of the Illood, Tiropsical Tcl.deucy, General Weuliucss or Lutssi tttde. Take it to fissWt Diiestlon without reaction, It ylll impart youllilul vlor to the weary stillercr. llave you' weakness of the Inlcstiiies? Yon re iu dancer of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dread ful Inllamtniklloii of the llowels. Take It tu allay ii ritatiou und ward c(T tenden cy to iulhiinmiitioris. Have you weakness of the flcrlne Ot I'rinaty Organs? You must procure instant relief or you lire liable to worse than death. Take il to strengthen orgauic w eakness or life becomes u burden. Finally It should feu frequently taken to keep the system Iu perfect health or you lire otherwise In ;rcat danger of inulariul, miasmatic or conta gious diseases, JOHN y. KELLOGG, lit Hut' St., X. Y. Pole A'rnt for the l ulled btates. fiice, 91 per UotUc bend for Circular. 4w A KOYAL CUAXCK! An .rm of Lire Agents wauled to sell a uew beautilully illustrated subscription edition of one of the ritheit gems in literature, of world-wide fame aud surpassing excellence. Kobinsou Crusoe, A tpleuelld tv'jiTo, orer 500 pnees, creittn tint id paper elegant binding, oult JAM. A marvel of trieapuess I A mluo of wealth I It is the most rare, uotiulsr. hand tome and cheap book ixtcnt, uud w'-ll outsell nil others. For term, I Bidrsr HVl'li.KP PROS., Publishers, j -j-jxio.'v iioTni., S13 nnd 81 1 Hack Stup.ft. PHILADELPHIA. Accotnmodntlons first-class. Prices (3 00 per duv. np20,8m. FRANK DEITHRIDGE, I'rop'r. NOTICE Is hereby (riven thnt on the nine teenth day of March Inst past, tho petition of tho Northumberland County Agricultural Society wns presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, praying the Court to add certain amendments to Its t on stitntion, which said amendments were nnd re main tiled In the Frolhmiotury's olllre of the said comity, anil unless milliclent reasons be shown to the contrary 011 or before the tlrst day of next term, the prayer of the petitioners will bo rrunted agreeably to the Art ol Assem bly In such Cases made and pmvlded. VM. D. HAUPT, Proth'y. Piinbuiy, May 24th, 1872. O. W. KEKFEU. It, A. GASS. Now Goods ! Dry Gootla, Notions, Fnrnifhirrg Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass nnd Xails of every variety, at one low price, KliEFEll & GASS' STORE, Comer of Fourth nnd Maiket Streets, PUN BURY, T.V. Alt kinds of Grnln taken In exchange same r.s I cash. Call nnd see us. KEEFnn A GASS. Sunbury, April 27, 1ST2. A. M. MEIXELL, DLAl.Ell IX Arucricnti unci European WATCH KH. I'INE JEWELRY and SILVEUWAKE! PcrVetol SpeetncIt'M and Eye GlaKs. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watehes und Jewelry neatly repaired nnd war ranted. Market Sijmire, SUNBURY, l'a. Feb. U, lS72.-tf. N;irlug nnd Siiiiniicr Ojioniiig i OP j MIM.INE.I5Y ;OOI)S, ! 1 hits and Bonnets, Trimnicd nnd j Untriinnied, i IUBKOXS5, FLOYVEKS. I AYIIEATIIS, LACES, &c, all new styles. I Cruise Voilsi of nil Griwlcsi. CRAPE HATS AND DON NETS, and everything usually kept In u Milllnerv Store. Callnt M. L. liOSSLER'S Store, 45 South Fourth Street, below the fi. V. R. R., SI.-NDURY, PA. April 20, 1S72. Eatiiio: House. I Waltz & Bright, 1 Third Street, opposite the Monro & blhsinevr I buildinss, ! SUNBURY, PENN'A., have opened un Eating Tlousc, and furnish j .MouIh at all IIourH. j All kinds of Game in season, Fish, Turtle, Oys- ters, Ae., are served up in the best style. 1 Families sumilicd w.'lli Turtle S01111. &c at the shortest liotiee. The best ot Malt Liquor at the Bar. Juno 22, l!72. if. ;UAM 01'F..I(1 of the largest and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, and Gentlemen's Furnisliin;; Goods', at tiios. oirs MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, In Millet's Dloet, Third street, two d-.w.s b"low Market, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Tut tnot fashionable clothinif made to order from ccry vailety of coods. Suits of all sizes tnndc up ut tVc shortest no tice, from the best selected Hock iu New York and Philadelphia. Cull uud be convinced. THOS. G. NOTT. April 2U, 172. W. D. tVSEL.CK, Druggist and Apothecary (.Sueeusor to Pr. . W. Moody, ) At the old ttiiblhert stand on .IXurkrl fiquaro, (1MII KV, 1M. ! IC'eps conetant!y o:i hand n full ftoc'ii of wc'.I biicclcu DRUGS & CHEMICALS, i COM IIS, ! Bla'-I"" : PERFUMERY, , LATENT M EDICIN E.S, OILS, l'AINTti ........ GLASS, PUTTY. V A M S II , I V l.ST I I' I S, lu fact everything usuallT kept in u well con duclcj STORE Particular intention pnid to eompoundinir Phv- slcians prescriptions nud family receipts Iiy the Proprlutor himself. Sunbury, P:t., June 8, 1S72. THADDS. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has iu stor k und constantly leccivlnj; Novelties in his line, ronsisiini; iu part of a full line of AJIEKK AX WATCIIEN, Elgin, Illinois, Howard irWo., Walthnni, Mas. sachuseits. and lioy's AMERICAN WATCHES ; Also, ii full set of Ladies, und tieul's Gold uud Silver Swiss Wulelics. JEWELEY. . Roman Gold sets, pink coral uud Gold sets,'ums, Ncekluce uud Peudi'nts, Onvx uud Jet Jew el rv. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware of Sterling ptiritt, made to or der, bridal und Presentation Pieces, Knives, Folks and Simons in eases, ulso. a full line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sels, Ice Water Sets, Erhit Stands, Cuke Uaskels, CotTee Urns, Fork, uud Spoons treble plated, the host lu the market Sl'KUTACI.ES. If you value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, irrotiud from minute Crlslle Pebbles mel ted toiretlier, nud derive tliero iiiinio "l)ianiond" on account of tbeic Imrduess nnd brllliuucy. They will lust many years without change, Olid wui runted Su)n-rior to nil others in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl und Metal tiuudle iu eases sup plied to order. CXOt UN. A full assortment of Elfht day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol dll di.crip lions. Enicmvlui; done at llieslioi test notice. Watehes, Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired and Sulisfactiou warranted. All goods will be sold at the very Lowest Cush Trices. Every body Is cordially Invited toCulland cauuuue tor inemseives. Dou'l forget the place. I. f. HAKNON. asmtwirt, iCP. ittf. J This Cut HlmtntM IS mtmwr tt Uttsf 1 PIBROBB Pi ft ri Fountain Nasal Injector. OR This Instrument Is espeeltUy designed for the pf feet application of I DR. CAQE'O OATARRH RtMCOY. It Is the only form of Instrument yet Invented with which Itnid nietlichio csn bo earricil high vp tod perfestti applied to all parts of the affected iismI pas sages, and tlio cliamlier or cavities commnnlcatinir tlierewUli, in which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and ft-oai wlilcli tue catarrhal discharge tener,v pro ceeds. T113 wantofsucceesln tri'Btine C'ainn cre tofjro hi arisen largely from tho laiposrihiuty of applrin re nedles to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle in tho way of effecting cures is entirely overcome bytha Invention of tue Douche. Iu usinir this Instrument, t ie Fiu'4 Is cirrleil by its own weight) no tnutf ng. lore In or pimping being required,) 11 11 one nostril in a full t'ontly llotviiii; slru.i 11 tu tlio lushest portion of the -iatal pa.saires, passes into and Ihorouehly rlesests pit tlie tuben:iil chambers couneclul therewith, aed Uowsoutolt ieoppositenostril. Itsnsels pleasantsnd so h-implo tlmt n child can nndcitnt It. t all anil explicit directions) accompany each Instrument. When used with this Instrument, Dr. Kaio's Catarrh Hemedy cures recent attacks ol t"t!olI lit the llen1"br few applicailons. , Symptoms of Catarrh. Frequent head ncho, disihare falling Into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watcrv, thick runciis, purulent, offensive, c. In others a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed eves, stopping up or obstruction of nasal passages, riujlng In ears, denl'ncss, hawkins and eonshinjt to clear ttiroat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twan, offensivo breath, Impaired or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, dizzi ness, mental d;-preslon, loss of appetite, indices tioa, enlarged tonsils, tlcklins rouph, ic. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to be present lu any case atono time. Dr. Safe's Catarrh Ilaicdy, when nsed with Dr. Plerce'a NasiMl Douche, and seeom panlcd with the constitutional treatment which la reconvnended In tlio pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Homcdr, Is a perfect specific for tills Inatli-so-n'T disease, and the proprietor offers, in pood faith, 8 JO'S rntvnrd for acao lie can rot cure. Tho Iteinedyls mild nnd pleasant to nse. contalninj vo strorni or caustic dru-s or poisons. The Catarrh Hone Iv Is sold at 60 cents, lloncho at 60 cents, by all Dmo-trlale, or either will be mailed by pro prietor on receipt of 60 cents. it. v. riEnoF. in. n., 80I0 Proprietor. TiCTFALO. K. V. Miiv 4, lt.72- m:w a it SPRHSTGr GOODS AT ! Clement & Dissinger's, In the tirw Clutin'iit Buililintr, Jflnrket Niiurrt Stitibttrj, We t;ikp ik'asmv In ni.noiim'iin; that wc 1i:iv j Uf-t opeucd a new at-mt t tuvnt uf SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil stvles nt the lowi'sl prloos. DOLLY VAUDICX, still raging in new ami liv-.iulil'ul drsiifiiK. DRKS3 GOODS, MOURNING tiOOHS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEKKS, VESTING8, Ac, A:c. ltoHilj-Mutlc Clotliiii);. n full r.rsoittucul, wliiuh will be sold lower than elsewhere. Cai'ielt, OIK Iotlis onrl rioit-r nl I liUOCElilKS of nil kinds, which nrc Bunmntei-'l nl! fresh. QU E EN S V A HE, AV I LI.O V W A RE, &c, itc, TRIM MINtiS, GLOVES, ntul in fact i-veryt hing that can be infiitionel in il llit-cias store. t all mid cMiinine nnr ttucU. ll.ivlni: our siore lighted with tins, (roods can lie selivfd in the exciiititf ns well as in toe day time. No iharcs for showing (roods. I I.EM ENT it DISSINGER. April 2rt, 1!T2. SlAMSIIIi: HIMTKlt. St NNVsIliE at Makyi.ami Statr Faiii, timoue. First premium for Fire place 11. Iiu.- uw anled the SmmyMde. Advantage of the Suuny-idc : 1. Il Is so constructed that oue-lhir.l mine of the radiation surtace eMenils iuto the room, pv- Inj; tlic.t much more udditioual heat w'uhoiil ex- I Ira fuel. It is the only IIot-Alr Fire-place Heater Iu : the market. Likc lhc rcafular buiit cellar hi aicr, it loses no heat, but eon lines It nil to its lcyili imrnoscs. ! 3. The fuel magazine is double the usual size, estetidinc from the lire-box to the top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' sup- ; plv of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal mairaziue i consumes the tas, prevents escape ot uas into the room, arid makes it Impossible for any puf- lliii; or explo-lons to occur. Tills is mi aikant- ; aire possessed by no other llre-piace sluve iu the I tni'i."t. j 5. There are three ceamlterf, wherin a j brisk circulation la kept up, iia tnir the co'd air I in tlie room throuerli healed llu. s into u large hoi -air reset voir, at the back of the stove. i No lide pip.'s tue used, us the nir is heated , In i reservoir liavinir doulile radiatinir Hues and j double back, siipplyim; lunre iUni:titics uf hot i nirwiinoin .o:ie in iic.i ..r ...Vi. 7. The SrssVsuiK ullli.cs the wustc beat so, thorouirh.y that wc rt'Z ' room on the I ,st, besides healing tLe rooms lu , second nnd third sloius. . Si. A damper on top of tlie stove, connected with the hot nir Hues, controls thu (iiautity of hot air required for the use ol cither the upper or lower rooms. All other lire-place stoves are very Inconvenient in tills resccl. 11. The Unite, is self-sealing, uud uo dust cau escape w hile sbakinir it. ST I'll AT, PETERSON & CO., Philadelphia. II. B. M ASSEn, Ageut. Nov. 11, 1S1. TO Tin: l.AlMi:! GRAND OPENING OF Milliner)' unl l'ttiiry -ool. Spring styles of HATS und BONNETS, trimmed und uniriininud. All the latest styles in STRAW, CHIP, LEU-HORN, CACTUS, .Cettpolltuu, Wulurproof, Arc. School Hals nnd San Huts. Trlninilns ltibbons. Flowers, Laces, Arc. Cloven, Collier de Urnee, Crape, Crupe Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, Wur ovr rt Co.' Patterns, aud till the Spring styles ot Millinery Goods. Call aud sec my choice assortment. MISS L. WEISER. Market Street, one door west of Geai hart's eon- lecllonery store. April B0, 187S. mm. .MII.LI.VEUT, SPRING STYLES at the CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OF MISS I.. Every kind of Millinery Goods, euibrucltig llalis, Ilwiniels), Nehool llala. Crap Hula unit llouuela. Ribbon nnd Flowers, Trliuuiiue of errr de, serlptlou, und every kind of goods usually kept iu a millinery establishment, cuu be had at her store nt the lowest pi Ices. lh very best iu the Philadelphia market has been te'ectcd, to which the ladies are invited to examine and be ennviu. ced. MISS L. SHISSLER, Maiket Square, Buubury. P, Apill SO, 1ST3. Utto Sitbttihssmtttts. J5cto bbediscmcnts phmttfitdtircrs. i r if v ..rrrr.ri.rf No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL CO., DfeSlltF. TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO TIIEIH DE PAHTM EN T OK HO LID tILVF.K WATCHES. I'OHBESSINO 8UFERIOH FACILITIES THEY WILL HE ENAIlI.Ef) TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS. IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER tiOODS A8 RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION IIEINO GIVEN TO THE 6PE CIATIF.S OF RRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED HY THEMIS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, O'.WllKiOTits FINE, TH K QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF TIMS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OK FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL LE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS. FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY RE EXPECTED j HY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES MY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. I'.. ( AI.DHFLL A . Feb. 10, 1572. s-crcxnBTTursr HORSE AND CATTLE j I.VNl It i: CO 911 AXY. INSURE YOUR llORSKS ! ! INSURE YOUR CATTLK I ;. INSURE with a rcsjionslblc and perfectly rcli- nble Company. Insure where your losses 1 This U11 Mnluul I'roirctlvv ( n. Henee, yon are sure of belli) paid jnoinptly for ', till losses, if insured in this Coiiipauv. J OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LFSS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER i COMPANY. I We pay losses arcruinjjthroujrb theft, dciuh by ' lire, iiec'ident, or iiiiIiiimI causes, (cMi'pt ini I epedemie disoHses). We pay prompt. No red ; tape proceedings tu get your money, hi case ot ; loss. OVER S5O0O paid, on horses and cattle f luce organization. DR. D. WALDUON, I'rcM.I.t.t. i C. A. REIMENSN YDEIt, Sec'y, Suubuty, Pa. ' Ilreflorsi Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Solomon Mroh. Win. ' Uriiidle, foloinon Sbipe. John A. ShiMier, Dr. 1 l. T. Krebs, Dr. David W.ihlron. inly lu".?. , f-y AS FI.Tl KEN. TIIACKAUA, DUCK & CO., Kl-CClMJlt8 TO MISKEV, MKRIULI. & TIIACKAHA, MAXUFAtTLRlCUS OK as fixturks, mwxzEs, &c, &c. j Chuiidrllcra, I'oimIiiiiIk, Rrut-kftN. j At.. A v., i would respectfully invite the uiienticm f pur- j elmsers to our clejjuut ushortmont. j VIIOLr.SAI.r AND KKTAII. SALESROOMS, ! 71 C liONlniit Mrcol. : M.NVFACTOKV,403. 4O1.40C AND 40 KAVK i STKF.ET. ' An-. 10. 1T1. II ARDWAKE FOR AI L AT TliK HA It I) W All E STORE tu J. H. CONNELLY & CO. .Ixrlict Slrt't't, fctmbiirj, la. It is useless to ciiuuieratu every kind of uitielc In his Store, luit amon the leading items nmy be set down the follow injrt Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, hteelyurds, (irindstones, Nails of ail kinds and sizes. Vices, Saws, Planes, ;-!C.vcs, Chain", Axes, Hrass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes,- Forks, Spade, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter und Blacksmith llorintr Machines, Cellar Unites, Drawing Knives, triune SIed)fes, Plasterers' 1 rowels, Masons' Hammer and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and larpc cast iron Uells for School Houses and Farmers' IHnner Hells, Carpenters' Hcncli Screws, Potato Forks for (Uniting potatoes, Looking (.lasses. Twine, Ropes. Knives and Forks, Spoons, 'lacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, ; Hammers, Augurs, ('Ills-!.-. I Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Itiooins, Locks of ail descriptions, Lohre Mills, Kits nnd llraces. I Carriage Bolts of nil kinds. Paint nnr! Wall Brushes, Buckets, OUh, VarnUlifN, Jupaiiw, i, Soda A-h, Wasbliiir Soda, : 1AITM 4F A 1.1. KIMINiu 'll or Di v, ! I'urtl-t'olors of ail kinds, ' CE1AR-VARE uud other Wooden-Ware of nil kluds nnd Very cheai llnv-Fork Pnllcvs. Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Vil,- tliu.r..a T-l sil .' K.-rewa SaddlerT und Shoe Flndincs, ' T. i...tUi., Excelsior Gins. Cntters. .,..,., , k-,v. " Kir. si,....r - , Ftltot, t iN uiisi Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted und not on hand, w ill be ordered itt once, huubury, Aug. l'.l, 1ST1, 41 TKK OF AT'IKAt"H. Everybody Is invited to eomo and buy of tlio handsome, tissoitiiieut of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVI1TS STORE, lu frame building, adjoinlnr Moore & Dissinger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened u fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF HIS MS constaullv on hand. The best RAISlS'S, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. I'LRE HIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &o. OYSTERS! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS t Having fitted up a room expressly for serving tip Oyster in every style, Ladies aud tlentleineu will be accommodated with the best bivalve in market, nt ull hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oyster, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of good aud uscertuln the price. B.T. XEVIN. Dec. 16. 1871. A 1'KOFITAUL.E UlSIXKSS. LIGHT EQUAL TO C.A8, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COST I Cuuuot be exploded. No chimney or wlek used. Meu dcirlur a Profitable Business, enn secure the exclusive light for the sale of Dyott' Patent Carbon Co LU'lit Burner and Oil, for Counlie and Stales, Write for luformntlon or call on M. B. DYOTT, Ko. 114 South Second Street, Phila., Pa. X, B. Churches furnished, with Chandeliers and Lamp of every description, 25 per cent, cheaper than at any other catubllsbtoeut In the rountry. March Si, l97"3.-3ra. Ra 6? R RAD WAY' 8 HEADY "BELIEF CURES THE WOttST PAINS) In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOf ONE HOUR nftcr rtadinit tfcli mivi-rt IwtiHtit ipvJ nny cti t VTVKH WITH VMS. r.ADTrAV8 IIKA0Y KEMKK la A CUUK TOR KVEl.T I'AtV. It vniA tlis? flmt uud I Tlio Only lnln Itcmotty 1Itat n-1ntiitjr ftnfi Hid trv-rt rxcntclnttiiK nf, nlly In fl iiintiutltiii4, nml curin t'i'rftl(iii whfthr of lh Knni Htotmuh, Itowtflfy or Mi.t glantla ir urijt., by vim applica- UU" H mot OXl? TO TWENTY MTNrTKS. nmittT ltw vlolrntnrcxcnicitiihiK thu puin tli ItEIRIT 1AT1C, IW.I li'M.-D, irlnn, ITlpplinl, vivoua, eurJ;ic, wr pivrtrttMl with difk'uw uuy utri-r. RAOWAY'S HEADY RELIEF V'll.t. AFFORD 1XHTANT F.AsE. INFLAMMATION OK THE K1HNKVM. .INFLAMMATION OF THE CLADfjEH. INFLAMMATION. OF THK IIOWLs. COMlEtlTION OF Tnt? Ll'NOS. EOKE TIIP.O.VT, MKKICULT HKRATIIIMI. PALPITATION OF 1'llai ilKAIlT. ItVSTEKIC'9, tT.OUf, UlfllTIIF.ItlA. GATAUItUi INTLCKSZA. IlEADACIin, TOOTItArlltt . . cot.n rntt.t.s, Afirs Tin nrt'licntlun if t!ia Itrariy Itellerln tlie trtor p-ul. wIkiu Uiu pnlu or iIUu:ult hUI afTurd taM anil lumfort. Twentr wt In M a tinnUsr r,t tssW will In a fow rv.m.iit. niw CHAMPS, M'ABMS. PoUlt ttl'OMAfll, HUVHTlllKV, hICK IIKADACIIK, THARItllKA, msKNTI-.ltV. fill, II', Wi.Ni IS Tilt DOWELS, ami Ul IXTKItNAL PAINS. Tr:iv(-u.r iii..itM nlwuvs enrry a bonis cf Kn'twav Ttcaity llcttef itli tlirni. A few dms In utur wlU iiv-ii .jn-!.4 or pnln. fn.iu cliunr of w&lbr. ll I. iM'.tvr Freuc!, lini;ilv or Dlllcr. iw h itlnitiUiit. FEVEB ANI AGt'Ei rnVTO ANIl AULK cun-.l ror ttnv cents. ll not a rumcSi;il nKcut in iii wtrld I wl.l curs Ftiver and Ae'.p. nml 1.11 ctlicr M:aitnii. Ilillou.. Kctirlrt, Tvpholri, 1iiop,iui(i itiit'T r cvri (:mn-ii iy i,Ait Al n J ri qikk u ItAIIWAY'S tlKAUX UliLltK. Fifty UiK rWll(, buU bv lruifelts. HEftLTII !BEAUTY1 1 STRoMt AVi) rrttn r.trn tn.xniNfnEA!R or ) I.KSII ASH 'WKIiillT-rl.F.AIl SKIN AM) SEAL' TU LL COMPLEXION hKCUUEl) TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAH M DK THK MiSl' astoVihhixo i;re3. (JUK'K, MO li.PII AUK TI1K rilAN'tlKS TH I r.;iiV r'NUKUii'iKS, I N ItKH THK INFLUENCE , mV TUi.-i il;tl.V WuMlLItyt'Ii Ml)lClNC T U AT Every Dny nrt Irtctoada In Flesh rncJ Wolg'it Ij Soon nnd Felt. TMK GliAr DtOOD PURIFIER. Kvi-ry Hi u' ll: HA Its A .'A I' 1 1,1,1 A S ltKSHI.VKNT (iS.vl, S "lii:-, 'lithanil .I'll'' : I'f I lie n1 i 1 lie vm ! ut I f . f- r it rcimiti if v, iM.f .."r tl hint (ti-Mi.lii'::. ili.i ft.. VlCv:. fn tliO rtticr rrt f Hk- nvtitii S r lv"v Str:ii!i'.M I .-cl.irfc s fri)ii the K ir, J.rvrlpW;'.'., Afiir". iitac '!.. n nri:i 11 Hiu t- li-nn. inirtt.t-, t'.i'D'i-M in Hit) Wuiuli, amt i-.ik-;).lnat l.inl J-:iinfiil tlti-r;n-j;, NU'iit S'-:iti, ,.t jf rm, :nM n!l v-itci f it. lif.i t'rtiii'ilct ro itli!n tNn tuiutlve r.ui:i (f Mil wi-mlt f i'f M'tilvru t'lu-iil-lr, ftit'l : f -v i':ivV u yvvn to ; ti'.'u piM-1' fur'? tii-'M. If tlio r it lent.. liiV.y Ificot'ilt,? rilncf! lv t!e wncfii"1 iiihii11.:i t'i-it it :iiilliHi;illy i nipri'liiK, mu-crrds iu l'rrt,'Hlt'tf 1 a ', Mill tvf'Mir t'"- kiihC :1i Tuw lii:i'rr U: imK fmm Iic.ItIiv W..a.U .n.U ihl tlij SAUSArAUli. Ll N w.H an I .!.Mi uvuf, wt v i'i'" iht S.itAr.rt:i.M' T'.iji n.vrvr rv.' n'l ti it fill' H-tl hi:i-Ii'h i I lut n: t-f t '.tri'ii;, ):,r'fil!oilr( 1 uri-tiii.ti(.iMl, f.ri .'-i.iii t.j'.;.t- J i. it it i; llic vuy pu-itivi; fir? f r TVit'if, n'"i V,'':i'i i!i-i'-.i , ;,!t',,t I -,. tr. prni.y ;-T.M-,'-tr -f VV,it, r. ..r 1 ir' .f- I'in-x-ct M.t.iii'tMM'i, ;ii.l i! h ! C -'- . 1: ic !'. rj S'llcV-i'i-t if li.i-flat, ft' t lit . i'.Uf H l!l!.'K, C!"lli:.', Illilt I V- it ll Vi' -tlttlC- likH tii' !!! f.f :ci ij;( . r thr. it t Y .t- wiv p:;, cr tlirt Is -V liUi, L!. tlr.rk, l.lltin.1.'iir.', vlii, b nt-'tn-t '.-j.'.rlt, flli'1 wilt-a tliTf in r. j rl.-wii'. lmrni' g r,:ili.ii V l,v-lt ti.iKtiliX W.;UT. Mni J'.fi'l I i Wis t tt.c L'.l'.'.t m A l.I'.M llin l.i.'tH, JVItc, vi.'o. WORMS. -TM W.y U'jv.i. jtui tare K -.ncJy iVr 1 -V'.fl, Jtfjtf. ttl Tinner of 10 Vcur' Wroat'i Crr! !y Hiu!ny.s SSmolvctaf. R. i t r.i r, Vs.i., -f -iTy 1", 13. T .. r : T lii O-iri iti T-u n-r i-t tiif cv:.r.- k:.-! : ihI. All IWi .ri tii " ih-t ivs. t -t l.l tf -r ll." I tri l i rf t'll'ttf lr 1 rwninTiiti.!ri1 ; 1 t. -Ili'-tJ Ik ria. t ir lU-vIirnt, ai.-l tn...tM I v.m.M ir- If ; I -.t tiid If in it, !1-3 I Ll uttr..-;. .r lr' rrt. I 1 v k ,' t l'-.U '( 1i f-.U- l. -i.t a)ti Il.-Wv, ' IMN, ti.l l4 I-ill.i f vwr l' Ul'"f: tni tin n -t ' -f . f l-i l vr itt I l I lftt-f, ein.rtr. n-i-l 1 ( t'nin I i tp ( r I t- e vrirt. T'if w..t tii'd -r i. I.t Iri s'.lr to( I'n t-ji-i-l-, uwf th r-ilv. I riir joa fr tl-lt.t 4 t.'.it.rt. m-.t rt.l.hiilf i kU'n, HANNAH . KN AIT. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT FURGATiVE FILLS, V'f'Ttlv l.t-i'U", rt.'C'ti.lIv c-'iti-l v Mh K'T.-t Fim. ffiirre. rMf'i! i!'-, l.urifv. t;t,Tl"--, :tii ' ttrvtirTix n. I.':i'I.UJ Vii'f f'-rtlif ni- 'i.f"U .llH.HU'r.r Hi. Men. '.-li I. h er, iieX Ki'liu'vsi, II ii-'.-ii r, Nrv.n.iH 1 !.- . 1 lu-.iUur.f. rtilist-ru-tiim, ' 'toihfiti littliir lii'it. l kt-t.T'ki's IMi-Jii-turr. I .1. K. .lieu I'. III- ..I .11 l,c- .1 ti er,.ct ti-- irv. I iriU V-t,taM, i il-, ir ti.-i. i r 1 1 ;-. C7" O .f.-iv i n- f -a it -vir! 1 n, I iwa'J ! t!., f"r.i .:.! St-tivk. , It. in i' -YW'T?it 'n lh s- .;i',.-ti. - r Yr: it it i- fit :li.- J ,i,a. S. V-itsj.mii '.vntll ti. l.i) mercury, i.ri.s reiTLii'.tr K f'(n I1'5 rt tV. I Wrf !n t:. lt4. .1..:.. I .,( F-M. I nir . I ill .1,., S,!,l.l: (r or r liillrr ,-r It. llr.,J, llnrricd ti I tnl I , 1 iu k-rtH ) h.ikli.j ,ir Si.KiiCnf !;. .. l 1.1,-1.. I tl or ii ill C I ivni. Ii.l., MC.) mi. i I t , f,in tu . 1 1 1'.: I, LurLii. Ill I1IIE l.MJIlEUIl.N T 5 I 1 1 A I rCOMPOSF. KOSADAI 13 piihlishcd on every evek.i?e, lin -jforo it is f a mcnl p ,i ra'i'.u, consequently ruTSi(iAs rscsmcr. it Itii a rerlain cure iur Pi-r.if'il i, .Syplulii in nil its l'urms Elicoui t Usui, Skin lis"iies, Liver 'wui plalnt und rrll iliseasis of I e illood. will do more food than ten bottle ol thu Syrups of .Sursapirilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosndiiiisintlicirpraclieo for t!iu pi.-t three years and I ily endorse it us a reliable Alterative and Elood Pander. 'DIl. T. C. l'fiill,. f Pulumits. Ilill.T.J. IV.iVKl.V, Hill. P. M . i:aU1I. " un. i . o. DAwai.y. tut. J. S. SPARKS, ol Sirhol.m I'.le, R y. nit. J. I.. MeCARTHA, Columbia, S. C. !WI. A. 1. NOBLES, r.clgecomb, N. C. JUSED AND ENDORSED BY 1. B. VIIKXI H 4 SONS, Pull Kivir, l .ia... F. W. SMITH, Jacksnn, Mich. A. I'. Lima, uluo. It. It Al l., J.iliiJ.OIuo. CHAVKN l'().,i;i.nlnnsville, Va. SA.M L. (i. MrtAUUKN, Murfrecs. boro, Teun. Our space will not allnw of sny ex tended remarks in ri'lation to the virtuesol HosaUalis. Tulhe Medical Profession we guarantee ii Fluid K.x. tract superior tu sny they havo ever used in tlie treatment of diseased niood i and to theatnirtcd we say try Hoait;ills, and you will be restored to health Ilosadalls is sold by all Pnif Rlsts, price per buttle. AJilrcs S3. CL2MEKT3 & C3. .sfaau'acfuriN CkemUU, Daitiuocl, Mo- 1 I aiihr ittit iu is I iioi 1". (nr.. I 'V.', ,J .-r tlu S..-I I, .'. f in .i I ill IV ! M 1 , .M. t,M' III" 'f .' "! 1- Ml a f r r. w"- rn.Tiii r.- tin-vun f i.' il' t' . ; ; . v -i ' . i i.f.. : . !'.:., K t U u S' ny itit siiK'S. ut ' i m m i , i:i r; iwt-A t.v.t v tirf .i,.p '''.VA . . ('.. v Ijii, N.A-V.ik. i ti . . v- -i -1(. t.: - .-.-nt j -ji., MnrHi HO, 172.-1 v. ROSAMLIS i i i o D .Jib jLj July 23, 181- ly. W M. Ml IIUAV. 1, SLAYUaKEH. . WM, U. VbACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllee and Sohool Stationery, FrlutluK, WrHpiuK nl 9IanlII PAPERS, IMPElt UAUN, Ae., tc. Tlie Colebmttd Corry Kerosene Vurning Oil alwuys on band. Having also opened a COAL YAED, we ure prepared to upply at short notice, and at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT uud TEA COAL to all who may be pleased to glv us a rail. Order left at our olllre No. 85 South Third St., will be promptly filled. M Uli RAY & CO. No. S5 Souto Third rkreet, Suubury, Pa. Amr. w, mi. machine mioi Ann tlto Fouarimtfs GEO. ROIIRBACII SONS, Nunbnfy, l'eiin'ft. INFORM thn public thnt they nrc prepArcfl to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, und hnvlhir added n new Machine Blinb lr) cnnneftinn with their Foundry, and have, supplied themselves wllh New Lathes, Pinning nnd Burins Machines, with the lutcst Improvements. With the aid or hillfitl mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, thnt mny be given them, lu a satisfactory man tier. Curtate to unit any Nlove. IRON COLUMNS, for churcheor other build ings, of nil sixes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAH 3 , FOR YAilDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, nlready celebrated for their su periority, have been still f-irthcr improved, nnd will nlwnvs be kept on hand-. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May SO, 1871. M'NIIER AM) PI,.1M(J MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Phllu. Eric R. R., two v ..... i, nr , rwi,.! 1 1 ..... i SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description, of lum ber required by the demands of tho public Having all the latest Improved machinery for tunnufaeturlmr Limber, he is now ready to till or ders hT all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS. SIIUTTER8, SASH, BLINDS MOULDIN08, Vt RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil kluds of Ornamental Scrowt Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, X l.AIirm ASSOI'.TVHNT OF KILL LUM15ER. HEMLOCK nud PINK. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe. Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shifted by Railroad ' or otherwise. IKA T. CLEMENT. dcclll-tiSrly STOVF. V TIX F.STAlll.ISIIMi:T. j MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ! ALFRED KrTusE, Proprietor. ! st'CCKsSOIl TO K.MITtt 4 OKXritEtt.J HAVING purchased the above well Itiiown es tiiblishment, Mr. Knuise would respectful. t iv inform the pulillc that he now has on hand a I huge asMirtnienl of coo k is a stu v Kn, ! Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Retrlllutor or Revolving : Top, Com'iiiuitioii, SusiUehanna nnd others, 1 which are so af ranireil a to be used for Coal or WikkI, and are warranleil toperfnrtn satUfactoii !v or lui sale. II EATEKS of all kinds put up to . lit-nt one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of (lill'crcnt kinds at very hnv ri fp, Tiiiwiirc of F.verj- llenei'ipiittn Kept constantly on hand. Roofintt and Spouting with the best material, done ut siu'rt iiolit'c REPAIRING attcn.ied to with dispatch. Coal , I'll ct d Letups constantly ou bund, .lapan ware t of a A.nd.. Store opposite Conlcy's lianhiaru 'store. Give me u call. AKHAl'fcE. npWl-ly CAiti:iA;r. mamfactoky, SsUXm'RY, PEXX'A. I J. S. SEASHOLTZ, j "11 T ULD lesperlfully aniionnce t the citi- V ens oT Sunbury and surrounding country, I that he is prepared to uiamil.iclui'f all styles of ! Ciirriuxet. HusgU s., Ae., i at bis no'V sho on cast Maiktl street, lie will j furnish every description of W.i'.'ous, botli i 1ain and L ancv. I In sin ii t. will make eveiwhinu' in his line fr j IlrM-class carilage t a wheelbarrow, waiianti-d i to be made of the be t and misi l iialj'e inateri aN. and by Hie uio.-t epti i,-iieei woilrtiien. All , work scut out from bis c-talir.hiuei.t will be loiind reliable iu every jwrtictilur. i Tlie patronage ol tile public i solli fte.-l. .1. S. SEASHOLTZ. j Siiubitrr, Nov. 1, I . 1 y . "Sew Store! New (Joods! F. J. EYROD, H i , ni taken the -tore r, ru-eupicd bv H. I'.ters, enriier of Third nud Chun Ii : M'N UL'ItY, PA., j hiF Jii-t opi ne I a new store, with mi entire new j stock of U'io.1.-, cuiiipi inm; of Dry toxxS and ;ro''rIvs. The llrytioods di-paitruenl is tompletr, havint; a : iis.-ortuient of ; Cloths, CussiuifiX'S, Calictvi, DoLuins, : i und .vcryiliinir In tin.. Dry fioiMls line. The j 4.IMX l.ltll K are all fic-li, nnd coiisi.ts of Tea. Cullc, s'uar, i Mol'a-scr, Spice., Meat, Fi-ii. Ve. ' j Willow-Wis re and ;itsi-Wurc. j a jrei.i r .l as-ort.ucnt. In fact cwrytiiinit Kept ; in a firM-cla.-s ,ioie, can be bad al the j tu. i-t lea'i'ii.iMe piie,- for cash. ! Ila i:i' bleated lu Sunbury fir the purpose ol liecoroiiii; one of it. c'ui.ens, I hope that by lair ; deiiiii.;: and tiiet ullciilioa to biiHiio. to ineiil ' ' a sliaie of the public puti'iuiui!!-. Mv motto is ' I "Small Prolii and tiuiek Sales.' , Ail ale cordially invited o call inn! examine ! ; my trooils, us no ciiai;;c will be made lor show- I 1 inr; them. ' : " F. J. 13YROH. Sunbury, April 20, 172. ' I.ncliatvuuuii ami Ulooiiisbiirt; ICuil r hl M MER ARRAN'i NT OK PASSENtiER i . a INS. M'.,.i:av, .lut v 17, 1S71 SOlTHWAltt). Li I A.M. P.M P.M. A.M. P. M. P M i Serantoii, ! HcoCVtle, i Taylorville, I Lackawanna, ' Pltuton, I ! West Pittston, ! 0 45 0 5U 0 57 7 05 7 14 7 10 7 27 i 7 40 7 50 8 00 8 07 8 22 8 110 8 43 8 50 8 57 07 U 14 10 V 20 0 UI tt 51 U 511 1 45 10 05 ft 50 t; 55 7 t'2 10 17 10 2(1 2 11 10 35 , 10 40 2 21 10 47 10 52 11 10 24 31 30 vvyonnu, Mullby, : Kini;sion, Si ) st. W.-liarre ic'rsi Plymouth June, Plymouth, Nanticoke, HunliK'k's, ! Shickshiniiv, i Hick's Ferry, lieucli Haven, i 2 US ll 00 7 51 4 55 ! j 8 00 5 00 8 40 8 05 5 05 I 8 20 ' i I 8 30 3 08 8 45, 3 27 j 3 34 ! Item irk, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Esy, Itlooiu.bur, Rupert, Culuwissa, Danville, Chulusky, 3 57 l umerou, 10 03 I 4 68, XortU'd, (arrive.) 10 20 NORTHWARD. Leave. , A.M. P.M. Nortbumberluud, Cumerou, Cbulasky, Danville, Culuwissa, Rupert, hloouisburg, Espy, Lime Ridire, llriur Crock, Uerwlck, Bench llaveu, Hick's Ferry, Shickshinuy, Hunlock's, Nunllnoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June., Klnesion, A I st. W.-llarre c'n Multby, Wvominp, Weri l'lllsliw. Plilston, Lackawanna, Taylorville, Hellevue, Setsulou, (arrive) 10 25 ; s 10; I 6 27 I I 5 81 1 10 50, 5 40 A (JO1 0 05, 11 14 0 12) fl 17 24' 0 34 11 36 0 41 11 43 6 48 A.M. ! tt 55 13 00 7 W 7 30j I ! T U 1 451 PM. P.M.I 7 81 8 Oil jlJ 20i 7 41, 8 15 P.M.; 5 10 I L. 82V i415! 13 84 T 61 8 SO 3 33 5 25 ill1' j B 40 3 43 a lio ; 13 43 8 06 8 45 9 48 S 40 I 8 13 8 53 ? 54 5 47 ' 13 63 8 18 tt 04 3 5tf 5 t)2 : i 8 8S 0 14 8 07 B 00 I 8 80 9 25 8 18 6 10 , I 8 4-' 83 8 28 6 17 I I 11 R in, 40 8 80 O vo ! PAVID T. HOVND, ,'' neadlms Ilnllroad. SUMMER AltRANOEMENT. MnruUg, MaJ tth, 1872. GREAT TRtjfcK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y.,nead lint, Pottsville, Tamnrittn, Ashlnnd, Sbntni klni Lelmnon, AllclilriVrn, Easton, Ephmtiu Lille. Lnnraster, Crllupibln, Ac., Ao. Trains IcnVe Ilurrisburg for New York, ns fol lows i At SI.4S, g.lo, a. . B11(l 2,oo p. in con ncctinfc with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving nt New York at io.07 a. m., 8.53, aud 9.46 p in. respectively. Returning t Leave New ork at 9.00 a. m., 12.S0 noon and 5.45 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80. B.30 a. m. nnd 8.30 p. m. v ' Leave Ilurrisburg for Rending, Pottsvlllo, Ta maqua, Mlneravllle, Ashland, Shamokln. Allentowu nnd Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m. 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.05 p. m trnln connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, Via Schuylkill und Susquehanna Railroad, leavo Harrisbtirg ut 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Rail loud trains leave Read ing fur Allcutuwn, Easton and New York at 4.84, 10.40 n. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returniug, lenve New York nt 9.00 a. in., 13.30 noon and ft.45 p. m. nnd Allcntown at 7.30 a. m. 13.25 noon., 4 5 and 9.15 p. in. ' Way Passenger Trnln leave Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., conneetlni! with similar train on East Pcnua. Railroad, returning from Readme nt .0 p. in., stopping at all stations. Leavo Pottsville at 9.00 a. m. and 2.80 p. m. Heradon ut 10.00 a. m., Shumokln nt 5.40 nnd 11.15 a. m. t Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and llj.43 noouj Muhauoy City at 7.51 n. in. nnd 1.20 p. -n. Tamaqua nt S.35 n. in. und a.10 p. ni. for Philadelphia. New York, Reading, Hnrrisbnrg,-. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill und Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 ai m. for Ilurrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Piuc Grove and Tremout. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville nt 5.50 a. m., passes Rending nt 7.U5 a. m. arriving ut Philadelphia at 9.50 a. in., retnrniii" leave? Philadelphia nt 0.15 p.m., pnsslng Read' ing at 7.40 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville ut 9.i0 p.m; Pottstown Accommodation Tinin leaves Potts tnwu at 0.45 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) ut 4.U0 p. in. Cuiui'.btu Uuilioad Tlaiiu leave ReiulluL' at 7.20 a. in., nnd 0.15 p. in. for Ephratn. Ll'i, Lancaster. Columbia. Ac. returning leave l.:iu caster ut H.'JO a. in. and y.iis p. m., and Coluui- Ilia ut S.15 a. in. an 1 11.15 p. ut. Pcrkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomeii ! Junction ni 7.15, '.'.00 a. 3.U0 and 5.4.1 p. in. i Ileimiilinf,ieine Schwenksvilleut 0.3P,s.0O.i. in., : 1.05 and 4.45 p. in. cuuhcctiug with trains ou ' Reading Rail Road. j Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Plior- nisville nt 9.10 u. in., 3.10 and 5.5J p.m.; re- turning, leave Byers at 0.1)5 a. m., lrj.4.1 noon; : and 4.'-'0 n. m., conucctins; with similar trains on i Rending Railroad. Colebruokdule Railroad Trains leave Potlstown at II.40U. in., I.SJainl li.rir,and 7.15p. in., lvlurn ( lug leave Mt. Pleasant at B.on, S. o and ll.'Ji n. ; in., nnd 3.S5 p. in., cOufeilliig with trams on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroa.I Tvalus leave 'irl port at S.IIU a. in., .-10 nr.J fl.Ni; p.- m. reforiiLiy leave- Dotnniirloli at O.nn.i. m.,' 12.30 no.i'i an t 5.40 p. in. tonnceiin.; with similar trains on Rrad- i Rai!ro:i'l. ' On Sundays : Leal . New York nt p. l.V. ; Philudelpln.i at S.UH a. in. ami "..15 ). in.. ( I:.: S.00 a. 111. train running ou!v to;:) !--.-.t Puttstlllcat S (Him i:t., Ic.ii.' Harilsl.nrg. '!. ! m., nud '-'.nop. in.; leave Alleiitown at 4.S5. 'i ' p. in. t leave Reading at T.l-'u. m. an:l l."i"i p.m. ; for HaiTN'mrs, nl a. n. firr New Virrlt. ! lit 7.'J0h. in. for Alleiitonti and at I'.t'J it; m: and ' 4.15 p. m. for Phiiaibd'a. ' Commutation, MileaL'-', Exf tirsinn Tielu-ts, to and duced lal-.i.- Season, Seaooi m;. from uli points at re- ! Baggage ebcck-, through g.'igc aliotteil each Passenger 10N' round. L'.i; i .1. E. WOOTTEN, i Aspt. Siid. A Eng. Maeh'iy ot't lioru Crulral Railuaj. SU M M ER A RRANl I EM F.N'T. nnd alici June 10, 1571, trains will ruu ns follow s : .Nu:anw.Ri. Express b-nves Sunbar;. at 12.33 p. m.. lor Ni.ic.ira Falls Mail nrrive at Suubury at 4.10 p. m., tirii-.e at Willi. unspoit 11.45 anil Eliuira lu.r.o p. ui. l ast Line arrives t Suiibuiy at il..V) p. m., arrive lit 'il!lam ort S.15 p. in. Erie Mail leaves Siinbiiry at il.Oil u in ; Wil t':.r,npoii at S.05 a in, and arrives ui Elii.ira n I 'M a in. soc'iHw.vnn. Mali leaies S'lntcny at ll.bS u. tta., arrive uc HaiTisbun; 1.45 p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunbury tit 7.-11 a. tn., ar rive at ll.iiri-b.-.r jt.25 u- tu-, iialtiiunre l.U p. in. Erie Mail leave Sc.nrxiry at 12. i a. in., arrlvu at Hat ri-biiru 2.W a. m.. Lnllimoie B40 a. in. Nie.L'ar.i Epres leases Sunfcury a) tl.Itii p in, Hal rl.-tai j; at "S.15 p ui, ai tines at Ua'.liuioic 11.5V p in. SHAMORIX MVISIVN. KAS'lVf AKD. Leave Suuburi nl .4!) p-. K., arii : il Sti.ilioi kin 5.50 p. m.. Mr-Cui'inei tS.40 p. m. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) al I2.S5 a. in., arrive ut Sluiiuokin 2.1,5 p. m. isr-.iAUi). Leave Mt. tunnel ut L0' . ni-, Shaiunhiii 7.4i a. tu., nrrire ..t SiinViiiy .Un. in. Levi- Sbaiuoliiu ' Arconiiiioiiation, ) at .'. l'i p. m., arrive rtt Min'mry p. ni. Exprt-s ir.nes ilailv. Ail oilier train., leave daily, re pt Sundays. A. R. Fikk. ' I"t. S. VotM; Cieti'l. Sttp't., (leu'i Pusseir Ari't., iUirt-imS!.', Pa. lialimoie, M.l. fbllnftrlphla auti r.rie Itnllroad SrMMEU TIME TABLE. On .tnd after Monday, Trains on the Philadelphia June 3d. 1S72, ths Eric IUil R.uJ wl.l i ruu as follow ! WESTWARD. Mail Tralu leaves Hiiludelphia, ' " Sunbury, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Suubury, " " an ut Erie, Eimira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, ' ' nrr nt Lock Haven, ii.::n p m fi.10 a u 7.30 p lr 12.30 p m 0.55 p in 7.40 a lit 7.50 a in 4.25 p m 7.15 p in 7.20 a 111 Niiifiaru Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr nl Renovo," EASTWARD. Mali Trnln leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr at Philadelphia, Eric Expres leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " Sunbury, " arr at Philnde'lphln, N intra ra Expit-s leave Renovo, " " Sunhiirv, 12. S5 p in 4.15 a m 11.25 a ill 12.40 a m 0.40 a m 7.50 p m 7.40 a m 1.20 p m 7.35 a m 10.50 a iu 5.50 p m 2.25 p m 6.25 p in 13.01 a m ' arr at Philadelphia, Mail East connects eusl and west at Erie with L. S. A M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and lrvlueton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. K. W. CiitluwUsa passenger trains will be run east from Wllllumsport ou Erie Express, uud west, to Wllllauisporl on Elmira Mall, WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Duiivillc. Ilazli-lou A Mllkesbarre It. 1C. Peuua, It. It. 4 t, I.vMstve. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ou aud after this date Puetctijrer tralu on the D., 11. & W. R. R. will run a follow i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. New York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Hazleton, Caltawlssa, Danville, Sunbury, arrive A.M.! LEAVE. A.M. 8:00 Suubury. 6:20 8:00 Danville, 0:25 Cattnwissa, 10:05 Ilarleton, r. m. 1:00 Bethlehem, 3:40 Easton. 7:03 7i28 9:08 P. M, 12.10 12:85 2:15 850 8:20 Philadelphia, 8:57 New York. arr. Ti..,in U'nai urrlvlmr at SunburT 8:57 p. Ol., makes close ronuectinu with train on Philadel. i phia A Erie K. H. for MHton, iinamspon, I ... . ,. 1...- 11,. . . ISI, lr. -..a nil Lock tiav-n ana an poim - - - point North, also with Northern Ceutial Rail, way. for lliirrlsburif and Ualliinora. IfNew and eleirant coaches ruu Ihrough be, tweeu Suubury aud Easton. FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. D. U. A W. H. R, 6t t' Orrict, Wtu-UMsroKt, Pa. May 1, 187.. S 15,4 T3 rausom rt., rnira