Iatnifitctitrtrs. ancotts. (ailroiiVs. GO TO ALT. EXT.l k 3-Nu-. .-iwr rv-'V.v-wrwii-ai.u t. CUBES DISEASES Of TUP i THROAT, IUNQ,UVER & BLOOD i Iu the wonderflil medicine to which the afflicted nro above pointed for relief, tho discoverer be lieves ho Ins combined f.i hirmony more of Na ture's mo't sovereign cnrs'.tva properties, which ).d has Instilled Into tho vegetable kingdom fur healing tiie siok, llrtn were ever before combined in nno ui.icllclm. Tho evidence of this fnet ii found 1.1 tlio cre.-it variety of not obstinate ctiff-ea-ei w'lich it hn het-ii f'lund to conquer. In th. euro of SSroilcJilt l, Severe Coll trim, the cirly sta r.. t.f Coiikii niptlon, It hns aatoitinc.l the melieal faculty, and eminent pliy sieH'n proaounee it tlie reat..t medical discove ry of the While it cares the severest Coiichs, it strengthens tho system n:id purifies tlio bloatl. By lis sre.it ll'id tlioroni'u blood purify ing properties, it cures nil 1 III morn, from the ivost NcroJn la to a common Itlolcb, Pint pie, or l.uru ntion. Meciirinl dlsent.e. Mine ral Poisons, nntl ilieir c.Toel., arc eradicated, and vigorous health and A sr.tind rmistittilion cstnb llshsi. Ervlpelas, Knit Illicmii. Fever Sores, Scaly or llouzU Skin, In short, all tho numerous ill-eaes cancel by nnd Mood, ar CDnnuercd by this powerful purifying mid iu vigorauii',' medicine. " If yon fuel dull, drowy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish brown spot on face or body, frequent lir.id.ieho or dizziness bad taste iu inoiith, Intertill h Ml or chil! alternated with hot llashes, low spirits, nnd gloomy forebodintrs. Ir regular appstlto, and tongue coated, yon are suffer in fro:n Torpid Liver or "liillou lies"." In many caes of "Liver Com plaint only part of these svmptoms are expe rienced. A a remedy fw all Mich ca.-cs Dr. Pierce's Golden Jfcdicnl liiscovory lias no equal, as it effe;!) perfect cures, leaving the live rstrencth ened and healthy. For the cure of Habitual SJoiiatlpatloil of tho bowels It is a never fail ing reniedv, nnd tlinso who have used it for thit purpose aro loud (n its praise. The pronriotor offers fl.noo reward for a medi cine t'"t will eaual it fur the cure of all the dia ea'es for which it Is recommended. Sold by dnnMl-ts .it ?1 per bottle. Prepared by R. V. Pierce, M. I . Sole Proprietor, at his Cheml al Laboratory. 113 Seneca street, Buffalo, Is. Y. Send j our address f r a pamphlet. Mny 4, lsW- .EW ARRIVAL Bnisro GOOX5S AT Clement & Dissinger's, in the new Cement BuiMini:, .Mnrhol Sqtuirr, Nunburj', I'u. We tnkc pleasure In iii.uo'.iticing t but ve, have Juet opened a now assortment uf SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil frtvles nt the lowest prices. JOLLY A'AUDKX, still nixing in ncw titid buaiiti fill designs. DKESS GOODS, JIOUKXINt-J (iOODy, C1.0TII8, CASSIMEKKS, VESTIXGS, Ac., Ac. ?nily-1I:iiIo f'Joi !tlns, A full ntMjrtnieiit, wliieh will be fold lower than c'ifcvvhciT. Carprtsi, Oil t lot lis anil Floor .lint linjr. (riOCKlUES of nil kinds, which are guaranteed ul! fietli. QUEKN'SWAKE, AVILLOWWAin:, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, nnd In fact everything that inn lie mentioned in ii lirKt -class stole. Cull nnd examine nut- slock, llavinsour s.orc lighted with Gas, jroods can be selected In the evening as well as In the day time. No charges tor showing goods. CLEMENT & DISSINGEU. April '0, 1S72. M .WYSIOE HEATER. SrNKYiSMin at Makvlm Stati: Faik, Bal TiMOKt. Vlrst i reiiiiuin for I'lic-rliice Jleuters nwnrded the Suiinycide. Advuulaes of the Snnnysiilc : 1. It Is so constructed (bat one-third more of the radiating surface extends into the room, giv ing that much wore additional heal without ex tra fuel. ii. Il is tlie only Hot-Air Firc-plncc Heater in the market. Like'the regular built eellur heater, it loses no heat, but conllucs it all to its legitl purposes. H. The fuel magazine Is double the usuul size, txtending from the fire-box to the top of the stove, with CHpae'iy for twenty-four hours' bttn jly of eoal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the gas, prevents escape of gas Into the room, and makes it imiKissiblc for any puf ftngs urcxplosious to occur. This is an advaut. nge possessed by no oilier lire-place stove iu ihe market. S. There are three nlr eeatnbers, wherein brisk circulation Is kept up, drawing t tic cold i.ir in the room through heated flues into a large uol-:ilr reservoir, at the buck of the stove. 0 No side pipes arc used, as Ihe air is heated in a reservoir havin double radiating flues nnd double back, supplying large q'laiit'aics of hot an without wasie of heat or fuel. 7. ihe M'NSVsinr. utilizes the watte heat so thoroughly thai, we freiiuently heat an ndjolnin room ou the first, besides heating the rooms lu second and third stories. 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with the hot air Hues, controls tho (jtiautily of Lot ulr required lor the use of either the upper or lower rooms. All oilier fire-plaee stoves urc verv inconvenient In this respect. U. The (irate is sclf-scaliug, and no dust cuu escape while shaking it. fclTK.VT, I'ETERBON & CO., 1'hllndelphU. II. B. MASS Erl, Ageut Nov. 11.1671. TO TUX LAIULMt GKAND OPENIVr, or Millinery Hiid t'uucy sLioodsj. f prlng styles of HATS and BONNETS, trimmed nnd "'iinnuneu. ah tue laicst styles in STRAW, CHIP, LEG-IIOKX, CACTUS, lieapoUtiin, Waterproof, &e. Peliool Hats nnd Sun Huts. Triinmlufjs Mibuons, Flowers, Lnccs, Ac, iilovpsi. Collier de Urate, (rapr, Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, Wur iter A Co.'s Vat terns, aud all the Spring styles of Milliuery Goods. Cull and see my choice assortment. MISS L. AVKIiSElt. Market btreet, one door west of Geailuu t's cuu feetlouerj store. April 20, 187J. Eating 3HTou.se. Waltz & Bright, 'lull J Street, opposite the Moore ii Dissiuger buildings, BUNBURY, PENN'A., have opcued an Eating House, aud furnish Mestls ttt nil Hour. All kluds of Game lu ieasou, Fish, Turtle, Oys ters, e., aro served up in the best style. la in i lies supplied w.lh lurtle tkiup, &c, at the shortest notice. Tbe best of Malt Liijuors at the Bur. June '1. 17'.'. it. NEW Central Variety Store! B BS "ST filOBg of all kinds, a m a DKESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, ALPAC- CAS, CORDED Di'laiK-s, Tiokings, Notions in grout Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood find Willow Ware. Floor, TaUo, and Stair Oil. Cloths. OAEPETS. H O in grenl variety, lower Wall Paper and Go to FIlSTISrjDY'S for the Greatest iiiioty of Good arriving I VICTOR! VICTOR! VICTORIOUS I Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine. .12 A ti li r.T Snti;r.T, one door cavlprGi nrliiirrs CoiiiVrtioiiri'j Store, Siiiibii. Mav 4. 1S7J am pricsg AT s. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streetn SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on hand and receiving an enormous ussortmcut of SPUING GOODS. 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants 500 Business and Working Suits, lloyg Suits HATS ii CAPS fir MI oft BOYS grand assortment in this Hue, Inoltid'ne nil the verv latent Spiing Stvles. I JOYS HATS AND CAPS. Cents' F'unisliing trO& The Largest Assortment iu this Hue Calico from 75c up. White Dress Shirts from CITY and ECLIPSE FINE DRESS SHIRTS, overv one of which is guaranteed a perfect lit. SHIKT BOSOMS, &c. Gents' Spring and oOO Overalls and Oversliirts made, to order. Only tbo best material used nud wdl sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, nud uutnerous other articles. All tho above goods will be offered at Uuvintr oulv of the larcest nnd most reliable Houob, and for CASH only, nnd doinpr bv far tlin liirgot bitsintss in my Hue iu this UETI Jill AJMICXES nt Lower than any of my competitors hero or else where. Call at the Large and Beautiful Store llootn, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbui)-, fareh 23, 1S72. ly. Mprliig auI Summer Opening or MII.MXKKY GOOKS. Hats nnd l'onnets, Trhnmotl nnd Untriinincd, RIBBONS, FIX)VEHS, WREATHS, LACES, &c., all now styles. Crane Veils) of all tirades). CHARE HATS AND BONNETS, nnd everything usually kept iu u Millinery Store. cull ul M. L. GOSSLER'S Store, 45 South Fourth Etrcet, below the 6. V. R. R., 6UNBURV, PA. April 80, 1873. MII.LI.EKY. SPRING STYLES at tbe CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OF I.. KlIlfcSLtlt. Every Wind of Milliuery Goods, embraciug Halts, Konuela, Sehool Ilstlsj, (ap IIhIs) isuil llouuelsi, Ribbons and Flowers, Trltnuiint of every de scrlption, and every kind of goods usually kuit in a millinery establishment, cau be bud at ber store at tbe lowest piices. Tbe very best in the Philadelphia market bus beeu selected, to which the ladle ar iuvited to eiainlue and be couviu eed. MISS L. SHIS8LER, Mmkct Square, Uunbury, Pa. A'iil 0, 1872. W w o W w a CD ALPACCAS, o o B3 rr. M f CO H Q M O r r" o CO c -3 than the lowest in price. Window Shades. ! Priees the IawcjI '. Daily. Goodn o I I FElSTlSr'-A.. TV & and Vests, A large variety of 21 to be found outside the large cities $1.00 up. Agency for the Celebrated QUAKER Summer Underware. part of tho couutry, I am enabled to sell Prices . A. M. MEIXELL, DEAl.tll IS Anierlruu aud Kuroprau FINE JEWELRY aud SILVERWARE! Perftrled Speclttrle. ttnd Eye UlusHes). GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry ueatly repaired and war rauted. Market equare, SUNBURY, Fa Feb. 8, 1873.-tf. 1J-K10N "OTEt., SIS aud 811 Rack Bthebt, PHILADELPHIA, Aceommouutious flrst-class. Prices i fX pr auv. 1 ap30,3m. FRANK DEITHR1DOJC, I'ropV, V A It I . No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESPH8. CALmVF.LT. & CO.. DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIK DE PAHTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SU PEKIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL HE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOM ERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET. ALL THE NOVELTIES AND 1M PROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA. PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE 8PE CIATIES OF RR1DAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED MY THEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, IWri-KKKlTHS FINE, THK QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD 11EING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HE RED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. I". ( AM) t;i,I, sV C O. Feb. 10, 1872. KORSE AND CATTLE IXl K com AW. INSURE Y'OUR HORSES 1 INSURE YOUR CATTLE ! INSURE with n responsible nnd perfectly rcll uMc t.'ompnny. Insure where your losses This Ih 31 ul mil Protective Co. Ilcnec, ynu ore sure ol being pnld promptly for all losses, If insured in this Compnnv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay losses accruing through theft, death by fire, ueeidenl, or natural causes, (excepting cpedemlu disises). Wc pay prompt. No red tajiu proceedings to get jour money, in case of loss. oiiin soooo paid ou horses and cattle since organization. DK. I) C ALDRON, President. C. A. REIMENSN YUK.R, See'y, Sunbury, Pa. Direetorn i Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Solomon Stroh, Win. Hrlndle, Solomon Sliipe. John A. Slilssler. Or. U. T. Kreb, Dr. David Wnldron. ' Jnlyl3-7-. ja fixti ui:s. : TUAKAIIA, DUCK & CO., SIX'C EHSOItS TO MISKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, ' MANUFACTURERS OK I C!AS FIXTURES, RRONZES, &c, &c, CliRiMlelierN, IVndantN, IlrneketH, ! Ve.. iVc., j would respectfully invite the ntlcnlion of pur- ! chasers to our elegant assortment. j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 71 Clu'Ntniit Street. MANUFACTORY, 4v. 4IU.100 AND 40S RACE ' STREET. i Aug. 10, 1S71. J JAUDWAHE FOK ALL AT THK II All!) WAKE STOKE OF U ArlMMRI I V O. A C. 1 1 . WI'ellVk.s.iUI CX. jJ m .tlHrkct Ktrrel, NiiulMtrj, I'm. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of nrticle In liis Store, but ntuong the liyiillng items may j be set down tlie fullowhiir: j I run, Steel, I.eail, feules, Steelyards, Grinilftoiies, Nails of all kinds und sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes, Braes nnd iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Sondes, ltakes, Hatchets, '.'arpenter uud Blacksmith Borlnn Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledires, l'lasterers' Trowels, Masons' llaininers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Hells, and lar;c cast iron Bells for School Houses and Fanners' Dinner Hells, Carpenters' Hcucli Screws, Potato Folks for dire:iiiir potatoes. I.ookinir Glasses. Twine, Koiog, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails. Hauinu-is, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, tlil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of nil descriptions, Coffee Mills, Bits nud Braces, Carriage Bolts of nil kinds, Paint and Wall llrurlies, Buckets, OUn, YnriiiftlirM, JupHiiN, I.ve, Sodn Ash. Wushinir Soda. r.lIXT.S OK ALL HIMIN in Oil or Dry, rarit-t oiors 01 all Kinds, and other Wooden-Wure of nil kinds nnd very cnenp, nay-rorK ruiieys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels. Level Glasses. Files, llinires, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Btijriry Trimmings, Kxeelslor GIubs Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, t'npN uuti l'owdrr, and a great variety of other articles. Any thlug wanted and not ou hand, will be ordered at once. Sunbury, Aug. Ill, I81I. EXTKU OF ATTWACTIOX. Everybody Is Iuvited to como aud buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVI1TS STORE, in frame bulMlntr, adjolnlm; Moore A Disslnger'i liullUintr, TII1KU blHhfcT, blSlsLKI, r A. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYN OF ALL KkWDS co'istautly on hand. Tho best RAISINS, FIGS, ITKKANT8 A: DKIEU t KL1T. l'URE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buna & Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, c. OYSTERS I OYSTERS ! OYSTERS 1 Having Sited up a room expressly for serving up Oysters In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves iu market, at all hoars duriug the day and eveulng. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Cuuucl Oysters, a Is desirable, at tne very lowest prices. Call and see my exceiieut assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. 8. F. NEVIN. Dec. 18, 1871. A ritOI ITAULE III MI EMS. LIGHT EQUAL TO OAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COST I Cunuui U exploded. No chimney or wick used. Men desiring a ProQuble Busluess, can secure the exclusive right Tor Ue tule of Dyott's Patent Carbou Gal Light Buimrs aud Oil, for Counties and btalea. Write fur luforuintlou or call on M. B. DYOTT, No. 114 Sou lb Second btreet, Phlla., Pa., N. B. Churches isiulslied with Cbaudellur and Lampa of every description, 25 par cent, cheaper than at any olifr elabliohineut la the couutry. " Mareb 23. JTS.-8m, R. R R RADWAY S READY "RELIEF CTKES THE WUHI4T PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes). PtU I ONE null H nfler rcnftiiiB tht mlvrrtlfntcnt iippu sny ons rr i-.n i in j'Al HADWAV3 r.LAHV IlKI-IKK 111 1H:R WITH l'AIS. iv iiKi.n r is a tins ron liVKHV 1'AIN. It wsstho first mid 4 Tho Only Inli nomcily th:t t!it!lltly Mnl1 1"" "Cniclfttttls pB'lif. slisys In tlnnutistldtiA, nnd rures Oiee(tii, wtiHhtrnr tht LiingA, Stniuuch, Uowel, or oilier planus or orgnut, bj on. sppllcs. 11VU. IS PROM ONE Tf TtVrTTT VINI7TES Xnmnttvr lutw vlolpnt nr oxcrnflatiiiic tti .:i1n t)i KHKtT MATIt:, ItiHl rlildpn, Inarm, t'rti pled, Nurvuus, 'sunU(lc, or jmistmu-d with dmciiRtt muy stifler, RAOWAY'S READY RELIEF WIIX AFFOItl) INSTANT F.A&B. ISFLAMMATION OK THE KIllKRYA. INFLAMMATION OK TBK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THK DOWELS. CONUF.STION OF Tni! LUNGS. BOnE TI1KOAT, ntFFlCt'LT HltEATlIING, I-ALPITATION OK TUB ilEART. llYSTtnlCS, CROl l1, Dll'IITIIKHIA. CATAKKH, INFLUENZA. 1IKAUACIIE, TOOTIIArttK. . NEVItALOU, nilKUMATISJI. cot.n t nii.i.si, AorE rmi.i.H. Tlie ntilU.ttlun r tlic Itenriy Rpllrf to ths psrt or r'irtn whvrc tlio pals or UlUiculty cxias wul afford snss suit luniforl. Twvnty drop In lintf a titmltjrr ftf writer will In s fw r.imii.u euro CUAMI'3, M'AHMH. gul'lt BTOMACII, IIKAHTIiritN, SICK IIKAIIAI'IIR. DIAKRilKA HVsFNTliltY. fOl.li:, WlNi) IN TUE VOWELS, nnd nil INTEIt.NAI, PAINS. Trawler ulioiild slwavs carry a I'ottls f RAr1wn's Renily Itrllcf Willi llipm. A few drops In wider wiu ITWen: l,-kiir.n! or pln fi im clinnpp r.f water. It Is belter hiiu Frsuoii Hi amly or lhltvra rw sttmulKiit. I FVnit AMD AGUE. FEVETl ANI Alil'K cured Tor fifty rriils. There Is tot s, rL-invilial iiKvut ill Oils world Hint wi.l enre Fvvor sn4 Aciii1, nnd nil other Mntsrtnufi, tililonn, Scurlrt, Tvnhnlit, Yellow, Mid ,th,r Koveni (iildcil I. It A PW AY'S PILLS) so quirk u IlADtVAY'S UK AD Y llliLIKF. Fifty Geuts Hr b jlllc. Bold Ly Drust'lst.. HEALTH ."BEAUTY!!. fTrtoNn and itre nirn iii.ooD-tNrnKASE of FLESH AN1 WFlcllT-rl.KAIt SKIN AND EEAU TlFl'L COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT II A MADB THK MOST ASTONISHING CURES, BO qt'lCK, SO t.1'l AUK THK l-HA(iF.S THK ItlY I NUF.iH.oKH, l'NUKIt THK lNKI.UENCK t'K Tllld TKL'LV Wu.NDKIlTl'I, MEDICINE, Til AT Evov Dny nn Incroasa In Flesh nnd Weight l Seon and Felt. THE GRCAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every cln.p i.f the RAUSAI'A U1IX1 AN IIRSOI.VENT fnnmill,:ils!l tlir ni'li Ifif li! I, Sr:it, ('rilif. liinl Mltcf fltiltiaunil Juif - f t J nviieni Ihe vlor ft ;f fur it rt'iiuirs IhO waMtfH df I'm li.nlv with in'v nt. -I f'Hii-tl matt-rhil. Pcrofula, SviihilU, 'uii.-:iinjiil .Tl, ''l;utiliil:ir lUrnu, I'Icp: In the Tlint;it, M.uitii, Tinit'trn, N.Mlo-t 1 i t io (;!:ins tih otliur rmrUnf tht nytti-in. Sore I've.-, Mnitiiniifl 1 "i-clinrtr. s frt'm tlo E ir-, nntl tUc wurH fui mt nf S ;lti Oisi'iiHCH. Ki tip timiB, IVvt-r S .r.-s, Bc.il.l ll;.i.l, t,rm, S:i!t IttH-un-, Krylpfl:is Achp. i'. Licit St n. Worm In Urn Firth, Tutuitrn, (.'.incfi'i l-i th. AViMiilt, tint) h! VL':ikci.ln iiml ;titiftil clmtfS Nljut Swi-nti. c-f Si'i-rni, ntnl nil wnilcmfthe l.fi- priMfijiitj, hre wttiiln tn-i cir:i!ivo raiigc uf tlili wt.mlrr of Mt-lrru rlietiiUtrr, ntnl :v ft v ViVs iiso will i-rova ti imv Mrs..ii It f..r citlur if tli'.-jc ft:ini of,ilwuae Ul n'tt'tit pjwor to cure the m. If liitf psilfiii, daily .fcinii",t ro'lurfi. l.v ihe w:.tran4 d.'ininpOMlli'Hi lirit lj cutini: V.y vni:u-haiig:. (tiicrcctls In nrirstim; Hkvo wtt nti.l r.-sli-' tlm nmnv w'.'.U vw in:itcr i ) ni i'1.1 fnun lie .lttiv hl..i uia U. the hAUSAl'AlUL L. S wilt ti. iUix-A mc- ur . N.t onty the Sn-Ariiii.i,tAN llrt.vcT cert nil l;tm-ti tt'!iii ili;ti n.-"'-- hi llit hi" if 1 iiidtili.'. Scrofulous, ( tiiitiiniiitj;iitl, ;uiU ..i.u it'.K'.i?vs ; Itut it i.i tlio only rtoittvu curt1 f.-r Eilt!nt y Tc 12 hinder "oniaints, Vrinnrv, a1-! M'"t-(ti rifrf-, (i-tvol, 11:''tm, lrnpy St't)Mt: i-r V filer. liM-'iMtiiti-rn-e T I'rlnp, lirifilit's DlMU'd A I s-.initii, it:, m:t In u 1 cants Klirro ttiirt nn lrlrttdusl lie i ur t!i.- wnit-v Is Kiii-k, ilnti.iv, tulxi-l with inliMatirrs litif the whitp i-f ;n i jrc, ttiri'ii'ls li .r white nIU. or Ihrro i- tmirUtl, l:irk, ll,i.it npiaur;itirLa, nntl whlto hfr.ie' i1;-t l"tMnit!i, ninl when tlre in n Vkhi, Intrt.h.ji; ciiatl..n viii ii p.iinr wittrr, j.n.l puin In tUc fciiiall of tiiu Xl idS uuti i.l..n fi.- l.-.-t.-. J'ikv, 4i.oo, WOR MS.-TIip oi.ly tnowu ami luro IUmwy for II vrint-i n, J'ipf, etc. Ttiuuir of 12 Years' Cirowlh Cured by Had way's RcfioHciit. Hkirri v, Mi J ilr H, !e6?. Tr. Ttivrvi T liv tiifl Otnrinn Tiiiimr til lb ovrll nrnl t.i.os-I'. All llifl.ti nU tlirr? ww no hripf r tl." I Irixt i-.rrv ihWir tli.it i(t riOi'iiupni!d ; I tit M-lliitiR ht ll-iil trie?. isiw 'nir K'' I' "it, nJ tlinicM 1 u.ntl I irv It ; t it l:ml in fi.th tn it, tt-ftti'tt I inl luflfrr.! I t lvrv -nri. 1 t.k ilx btl!i of tfi U .,U.-.t. ttti.t (if t- . f ltMr.i J'iIH, ntnl lo m Itlr rf yi.ur :s.Iv K-hi-f; ii J t'i-r U it t h ilpn of lon'-r to le irn or ft It, I fr bi tier, miartrr, ntnl ltnt'ur tHn I .t4 tr tvIv ysnru 1 1i w.irt liint.r lit tlit lfi 'il uf tli Kcl, tvr ti "rr.iin. I nrlit tliift tw vvtt for lb UuLt of Dtbt-rt. V.it rin T-nMi.li It II 3 .udiA.ie. i I. S.N All 1'. KNAl'i". RADWAY'S PSHFECT PUFiOATiVE PILLS, p- ir. ttlv I it"i-K4t oV:mii!ly citi-1 with iwert pim, pttrjre. r.-tll.t. l.llir,- , f.li I ttr.Mrll.ll. frthf ctir -of till tU-onhT i-f Ha- Mum h. l.lver, Ilowt lit, Ki'ltirvK, Waililcr, Nfrvnii I) I? ci Ilciulache, Coiii!a. It.i-i. cu-fl'.-i-ii. Lti lii tio;i. Iv.rli;i. Hillmfiirf. n;l- j ins t'niJi I-Vvcr, If't-itiiirrtt .n:i nt t'tf liowil. fill n, ninl all lie- I lHi'IlnMlIt i-t l.ileiii.il Vtnteni. M'r.rranted to tffect ur.':v .'Ki'tiiiio, cuuuii.iiis i.o mercury, i.tn, itnli;.. t'...lt'M ;ii icviim.Ioii.s ir.4L!tlrir from Pis- l .1- -Ti'-.t-rtS-'ft Of tho lli,'.hi;.e DruiK.: -m '...I l-iw,. I .illi,.., rf It.. Tli-d III tV tin i- .(!!,' ;.--,t i tit- t n . f !t I. -n't: lout it -.n.h. N.iii.. -. llr.-ithiirn. hiiKH l rf K...l. ri.ll I1... i- .h,-. fi. S. itr 1 Mi hili.-n. ii.kiii? or Hwlirr l1 e M tnn.h. .. imti.iri' -f tL. , l-'tvl. Itiirri.S nd r, l'i'i i-r'nk nt t. r lli--ii. li,.kin or Siiff.-lins ' i s I ilnjr I' i... l.itt.iie.. ot Vl.t.Mi. Iifli rir s,.: t, rr fi. -l I' .ill l-i.n hi ihr 1 l-m.l . IMirieo:. V.tl ivi.r.. .1 I'. 1 k.'i ri..l I'-in In lit ' 1.1 ikil.'.i'i I iu. . el ILei, ltintii.g In till Y n.Ml'.V.WS rU.I.S v.i;i free Ikivlml A f t r- " i . 1 i l-wl..e I'r:o , ?5 e.l.t.- i f l S l.'t I;V I lil I;E.r r I'M. M l AI'VAV . !.,f...,-,;i'uf 1 T-l. -t: ami Ti;r: S l. l ..tie M'rrHiur) I I.. S... t; I..II.V, you. March SO, lSTi.-ly. TlIE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADAUS are published on every package, there fore it is "( n sue ret p eji.irn'.ioii, consequently rilTSKI VXS I'liESCKinK IT It is a certain cure lor Srruful.i, Syphilis in all its forms, lllieuni.t tism, Skin Discuses, Liver Com plaint and ull diseases of tlic Blood. CWS E0TTL2 CF BCSASALIS will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of .S-irsapirilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosndalis in their practice tor the past three years and f it ly endorse it as a ri littlilu Alterative and Blood Puritier. DIl. T. C. Pl'O II, if rultimoio. DK. T. .. noYKl.V, !iiii'i'n nivi-iiv .. Ml! J . S. S P A lllv S, o f Nirlii'.asville, D&.'h. MrCAUTIIA, Columbia, S. I'. DR. A. B. NODLKS, Kdgeconih, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH SONS, Fall Uivcr, V. W ."SMITH, J.irks.,n, Mirh. A. V. M liK.KI.Llt. Lima, Ohio. B. HAI. I., l.i.nn.Ohle. CltAVKN A l O.,;ordr.nsvll!c, Vi. SAM'L. U. Mcl ADDKN, Murlrres- boru, Tenn. Our space will not allow of any ex. tended remarks in relation to tho virlueaot Moaadalis. Tuthe Jllediral Profession we guarantee a Fluid Kx tract superior to any they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Mlood; and to thealHirted we say try Kosailalia, and you will be restored to health Hosadalis is sold bv all Dniceiiu. Iprice $1.50 per bottle. Address 53. CLSMSNTS & CD. Manufacturing I Htmisft, Baltimore, Mo- July23, 1671.--ly WM. Wl'ltKAV. J. bl.AYMAKEK. WM. U. BLACK. MURRAY & CO.. Wholesale Dealer in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, I'rlnllng, UruppluK and Manilla PAPERS, PAPER UAUM, Ac., Ac. Tbe Colebrated Corry Kerosene liurning Oil always on hand. Haviug also opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short notice, and at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may be pleased to give us a call. Orders lea at our office No. 85 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 85 South Third Birt, Sunbury, Pa. Anf. W, 1971. KOSADALIB ttAl'IIIXE SliOP AKD IRO. FOtXDliV. GEO. ROIIRBAClt & 80NS, Nunhnry, rrnn'M, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and havlntr added a new Machine Shop In connection with tlinlr Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing nnd Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the nhl nf skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING. that may be given them, in a sntlsfuctory man ner. Ornfrs to unit anr Ktnvo. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bulld- inirs, or nil sl7.es. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and win always oe Kepi on nana. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Snnlmry, Mny 20, 1871. LL'MIIER AMI FLAIX MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. & Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. llavitiR all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now ready to till or ders fall kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SAbll, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAROR ASSORTMENT OP RILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, nud hhlpprd bv Railroad or otherwise. lit A T. CLEMENT. deciy-G:ly KTOYI3 TIX I'STAHI.ISIIIIEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, rroinktor. stCC'ESSOlt TO SMITH ft OrNTHBR.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krausc would respectful ly inlorm the public that he now lias on baud a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spcers Cook Anti-Diii-t, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which urc so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, nntl are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. Jli.A I hKS- of nil kinds put up to lieut one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'erent kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every OeNeriptioii kept constants on hand. Roofing and Spouting with Hie be,t material, done at short notice. b REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil i' lid Lanios constautlv ou linnd. Jnr.nn ware f)il nud Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware of a .nd.s. Store opposite Couley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. npl24-ly 1'A It It I AVE n A X I' FACTO It V, SUNBURY, PENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, T170ULD respect fully aunnunce t the citl- reus of Sunbury and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manufacture all styles of Carriages, Huskies, Ac, nt his new shop on east Market street. He will furnish every description of Wagous, both Plain and Fancy. In short, will make everything iu his line from a flrst-clusH carriage to a wheelbarrow, wniiauted to be made of the best and nioU durable materi als, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from his establishment will be found reliable lu every particular. The patronage of the public U solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Siinlmry, Nov. 4, 'Tl. ly. Xw Store! Xcw Hoods! F. ,T. BYROD. Having taken the stoic room lately occupied by II. Piters, corner of Third nnd Church streets, SUNBURY, FA., lias jut opened a new store, with an cntiro new stock of goods, rotupi Islng of Dry Goods and Groceries. The Dry Goods department Is complete, having a general assortment ot Cloths, Cussiineres, Calicos, DoLains, I and everything In the Dry Goods line. Tlio I GROCERIES arc all fresh, and consists of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molluscs, Spices, Meat, Fish, Ac. XVillow-IVnro and llits-Wure, ! a general assortment. In fact everything kept i in a lirst-elass store, can be had at the most reasonable prices for cash. Having located in Suubury for the purpose ol becoming one of its cili.eus", 1 hope that by fair dealing uud strict attention to business to me i it a share of the public patronage. Mv motto is 'Small Prolils and Quick Sales." All are cordially invited to call and examine my goods, as no charges will be made for show lug them. F. J. BYROD. Sunbury, April 20, 1872. Lnekawauua and lllooiusburg Rail rot . SUMMER ARRANOI MKNT OF PASSENGER T. AlNS. Moi.dnv, Julv 17,'1871. SOUTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. Scranton, Bellevue, Tuylorville, 0 45 6 50 0 57 7 05 7 14 1 45 10 05 1 '10 17 10 2 2 11 10 85 10 40 2 21 10 47 10 52 2 S3 ll 00 I i 2 40 I Lackawanna, Plltston, West Piltsten, Wyoming, Mullby, KiiiL'ston, A i st. W.-Burre c'rs Plymouth June., Plymouth, Nunticoke, II unlock "s, Shleksliiuuy, Hick'u Ferry, Beach Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Kidge, Espy, Bloomuburg, Kii)iert, Cutuwissa, Dauvllle, Chulasky, 7 40 7 50' 8 00 8 07, 8 22 8 06 8 4 '3 8 50 8 57 9 07 9 14 9 10 9 20 9 SI 9 51 9 50 51 4 3 OS 8 27! S 34 8 57 l ainerou, 10 03 North'd, (arrive.) 10 20. 4 53, NOKTH WARD. Leave. .A.M. P.M.1 Northumberland, Cumorou, Chulasky, Danville, Catawissa, Kuiert, Bloouibburg, Espy, Lime Rldj.'e, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Bhlcksbliiny, Huuloek's, Nnuliooke, Plvmoutii. 10 25 Plymouth Juno. Kingston, J .t. W.-b.irre Maltby, Wyouiinff, Werl l-'liulua, Piitsion, Lackawanna, Taylorvillo, 1 Bellevue, Serautou, (arrive) DAVID T. BOUND, Bup'l. , 5 10 ! I 5 Ull 10 60, 5 40, I I 0 00 I S 05 !11 14' 0 12; 6 24! ! 11 86 6 41 ! II 48, 8 48 A.M. I I 6 5.- 12 00 7 09 7 80 ! I I 7 24 7 45 P M. IP.M.i 7 81 8 00 I 12 WO T 41, 8 15 P.M. 5 10 I I j 8 20 5 15 13 S4 7 61, 8 So' 8 33' 5 25 8 401 9 48' 5 85 12 43 8 06 8 45 2 48 6 40 8 13' 8 52 8 54 5 4 7 12 53 , 8 18 9 04 8 59 5 62 8 28 9 14! 8 97, 0 00 8 86, 9 25, 18 6 10 8 421 9 82, 8 23 6 17 1 14 ft 48 9 40 8 80 6 25 . Rending Railroad. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May Glh, 1872. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North atitt North-Wcsl Tor Philadelphia, N. Y., Rend ing, Poltsvlllri, Tamuqun, Ashland, Shainoklni Lebanon, Allentown, Kaston, Ephruta, LitiH, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac., Ac. Trains leave Hnrrisburgor New York, as fol low i At 8.4ft, 8.10, a. m. nnd 8.00 p. in., con necting with similar trains on the Ponnsvlvanla Railroad, and arriving at New York nt 10.07 a. m., 8.63, nnd 9.45 p m. respectively. Returning i Leave New York at 9.00 a. in.. 13.110 noon and B.4S p. m., Phlladelphio at 7.80. 8.80 a. m. nnd 3.30 p. m. v ' Leave Ilarrlstnirg for Rending, Pottsvlllc, Ta maqun, Mincrsville, Ashland, Shnmokln, Allentown nnd Philadelphia nt 8.10 a. in. 2.00 nud 4.05 p. m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations tho 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Railroad, lenve Hurrisburg at 8.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leuve Read ing for Allentown, Easton nnd New York at 4.84, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York nt 9.00 a. m., 12.30 noon 'and 6.45 p. m. and Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 13.25 noon. 2.1ft, 4 25 and 9.15 p. in. Way Pusscnger Trnin leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., connecting with similar trnin on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading nt 6.20 p. m., stopping nt nil stations. Leuve Pottsville nt 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. Herndon at 10.00 n. m., Shamokln at 6.40 and 11.15 a. m. Ashland nt 7.05 a. m., and 12.43 noon; Mahaiioy City nt 7.51 n. in. nud 1.20 p. -n. Tnmaqun nt 8.35 n. m. nnd 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York.Keatling, Harrlsburg.Ae. Leave Pottsville via Schuvlkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad nt 8.15 a. m. for Hurrisburg, nnd 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove ii d Trcmout. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville al 6.50 a. m., passes Rending nt 7.25 a. ni. arriving at Philadelphia at 9.50 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Read ing nt 7.40 p.m. arriving ut Pottsville nt 9.20 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts towu ul 0.43 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at I 7.20 n. in., nnd 6.15 p. m. for Ephrntn, l.hiz, Lancaster. Columbia. Ac. j returning leave Lan 1 caster nt 8.20 a. in. and 3.25 p. iu., und Colutu I bia nt 8.15 n. in. and 3.15 p. m. I Pcrkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Prrklomen I Junctional 7.15, 9.00 a. in.. at 3.00 nnd5.45p. m. Returninir.leuvc Schwenksv ille at fi.30,8.00 a. m., 1.05 uud 4.45 p. m. connecting with trains ou Heading Rail Road. I Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Ph- nlxvlllu nt 0.10 n. m., 3.10 nnd 5.5'J p. in. re ! turning, leave Byers ut fi.35 a. m., 12.4.". noon, and 4.20 p. in., conuccting with similar trains on Rending Railroad. I Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstown ' at 9.40 n. in., l.aoand 0.25 and 7.15p. m., ictuiii i lug leave Mt. Picasautat 0.00. 8. )0 and 11.23 a. m., uud 3.25 p. in., connecting with trains ou : Reading Railroad. Cluster Valley Railroad Trains leave Bildire I pot t lit 8.o0 u. m., 2.40 nud 5.33 p. in. ret uiiiii.s leave Dowmngton at 0.55 a. m., 12.80 norni inn j 5.40 p. in. connecting with similar trains ou Read ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York nt .'.15 p. in. Philadelphia ut 8.00 n. m. and 3.15 p. in., (ih, u, . 1 ' , r" u, 1 '"f 0 "' '; Headni,::) leav. I '. ,,n' II;'rsh,,t,.,r4(i;', ' "' ' ,',c "JS AJll'u'" :,.. i '": lci '"''"'i.' m. and IU..,.. ;..m for Harii'burg, nt 4.31 u. in. for New York I nt 7.20 u. in. for Allentown and at 9.40 a. m. tin j 4.15 p. in. for Philadcl'n. Comminution, Mileage, Season, Sehool an 1 Excui'Moti Tickets, to and from all . points at rt I Uueed rates. ' Baggage checked through : 100 Pound B.r. i cage aiiowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. A Eng. Mac li'ry. .orlIiern Ceittrnl Ituilwnj. i SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd after June 10, 1S71, trains will rr as follows . NORTHWARD, i Niagara Express leaves Sunbury nt 12.3.1 iu., for Niagara Falls ; Mail arrives ul Sunbury nt 4.10 p. tn., nni at WiiliumsiKirt 0.45 uud Klmiru 10.30 p. in. I Fast Line nrrives nt Sunbury ut ti.o.i p. n arrive nt Wllliainsport 8.15 p. in. i Eric Mai! leaves Sunbury nt 0.00 a in ; W . liaui.-Hiii at 8.U5 a in, uud arrives nt Eliulia 1.30 a m. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Sunbury nt 11.05 a. in., nriivt Harri.-t.iirg 1.45 p. in. E:ie Express leaves Sunbury ut T.40 n. in., i rive at HarrUburg D.25 a. m., ikiltinn ic 1 : 1'- '" i Erie Mull leave Sinilitiry nt 12.45 a. in., air ! at Harrirbuig 2.30 a. Ul., liaitiinotc f.4'1 a. in. Niagara Exp less leaves Suulmry nt ti.30 p ! Hai ri.-burg at $.15 p in, arrives at H.i'.tiiuorc 11 ! P m. ; S1IAMOKIN DIVISION. i EASTWAllD. j Leave Sut.burv nt 4.40 p. tn.. arrive al Sliai ! kin 5.50 i. in., Mt. Carmel C.40 p. in. I Leave Suubury ( Accommodation,) ut 12.3.' in., unive at Shainokiu 2.35 p. m. WKSTWAKU. j Leave Mt. Carmel ut 7.00 a. ni., Shamo j 7.40 a. m., nrrive at Suubury 9.55 n. in. j Leave Shamokln (Accommodation,) at 2.1 i m., nrrive ut Suubury 4.00 p. in. Express lenve daily. I Ail other trains leave daily, except Sunday ! A. R. Fiske. " En. S. Yorsoj Gen'l. Supt., Geu'l Pussen'r Ag't : Harrisbiirg, Pa. Bniituorc, Phlladelplila and Erie Railroat SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, June SJ, 1972, Trains ou the Philadelphia & Erie Kail Ko.id ruu as follows : WESTWARD. Mull Traiu leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunburv, " " urr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunburv, " " nn at Erie, Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " air nt Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunburv, lt.110 fi.10 7.30 12.30 0.55 7.40 7. Ml 4.25 7.45 7.20 12.35 4.1.. 11.2: 12.41 0.41 7.5i 7.41 1.2i 7.3. 10.51 5.5( '-2. 6.2, 12.0 1 " ' nrr nt Renovo, i EASTWAlil). ! Mall Tralu leaves Erie, " " " Suubtirv, " " nrr at Philadelphia, I Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr ut Philadelphia, Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " Sunbury, " " arr nt Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves P.euovo, " " " Sunbury, " arr at Philadelphia, Mall East connects cast and west ut Erit L. S. A M. S. U. W. and nt Corrv and Irvi with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R R. W. Cuttawissa passenger trains will be rut from ViHiani6port on Erie Express, and wi Willlaiusport on Elmira Mail. W.M. A. BALDWIN Gen'l Sn Danville, llaalelon A VilUes.b R. R. Peuua. R. R. Co. Le tse BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ou and after this date Passenger traius D., II. & W. K. K. will ruu us follows : WESTWARD. EASTWAK LEAVE. A.M.! LEAVE. New York, 6:00 Sunburv, Philadelphia, 8:00 Danville, Eustou, 9:25 Cuttawissa, Bethlehem, 10:05 Hax'.clou, r. m. Hatleton, 1:00 Bethlehem, Caltawlssa, 9:40 Easton, Dauvllle, 8:20! Philadelphia, Suubury, arrive 8:57:Ncw Ymk, bit. Tralu West arriving al Sunbury 3:5 makes close couuections with trains 011 P phi it Erie K. K. for Milton, Williai Lock Haven and all points Wist, Elmira points North, also with Northern Ceutr way, for Hurrisburg and Baltimore. I if Sew and elegant couches ruu thro tweeu Suubury aud Kaston. FRANK THOMPSON Snpt. D. II. & W. HrfT's Orrux, Wiluumspokt, Pa. Ma I 1872. S